story codes: B/B, oral
This story is completely fictional; I made the whole thing up! The story you're about to read contains descriptions of a sexual nature that involve minors. If this subject matter is not for you then please don't read it! All characters and situations are fictional, and any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental. Any comments, criticisms, or flames are to be sent to:

Please do not publish this story anywhere else without the authors consent.

Oblivious Endeavours

By TurtleBoy

Sam Evans, stood in front of the mirror, inside his bathroom. It was seven-thirty in the morning, and he had overslept. Knowing that the bus would be out front to pick him up at any minute, Sam continued his slow, morning pace, as he, still half-asleep, brushed his teeth. The thought of combing his hair, a tangled array of golden-blond-knots, was almost nauseating. At times, he really hated his family's gene-pool. It was their fault after all. His hair was soft and fine on his father's side, and cursed with cowlicks from his mother's. The combination of the two was a complete disaster.

"Samuel!" screamed Sam's mother, from down the stairs. "You're going to miss the bus!"

Sam merely rolled his eyes, he hated it when people used his full name; it didn't suit him at all. Maybe if he was sixty, then yeah, sure. However, at fourteen it sounded dorky and, often, even humiliating.

Quickly spitting and rinsing, Sam dropped his toothbrush in a cup and ran toward the stairs. "Mom! Have you seen my hat?!" he bellowed, as he thumped his way downstairs, into the front hall.

"In your bag, with your lunch," she replied, as if she had known what Sam was going to ask before he knew himself.

Forcing his feet into his shoes, Sam grabbed his bag and tossed it over his shoulder and ran out the front door to the bus. "Bye Mom!" he screamed, slamming the door.

Not more than thirty seconds after the bell rang, the teacher, Ms. Kimble, turned from the white-board, holding a dry-erase marker in her hand. "Hat off, Sam," she warned, noticing the boy trying to hide from her view.

"But Ms. Kimble, I'm leaving early remember? I've got rehearsal!" explained Sam, hoping to distract the woman from the issue at hand.

"Nice try, Sam. You don't leave until ten, so take off that hat and put it in your desk until you leave."

"Well, Miss, how about this," Sam tried to bargain. "Can I go to the washroom and fix my hair? I didn't comb it this morning," he explained, as he took off his hat.

Hearing the entire class start to laugh at Sam's outrageous mop-of-hair, Ms. Kimble gave in. "All right, Sam. Straight there and back, though!" she warned. Sam dropped his hat on the desk and ran for the door - "Walking!" - he heard his teacher plead as he bolted out the door.

Several minutes later, as Ms. Kimble was assigning partners for a math project, Sam re-entered the room. His entire head was soaked, hair dripping onto his shoulders, and his t-shirt was so wet that the white fabric was nearing transparency. "Does anyone got a comb?" chuckled Sam, shaking his head as he walked back to his desk.

"Sam! What did you do in there?" queried Ms. Kimble. "Stop wetting everyone!"

"Sam gave himself a swirly!" exclaimed one of the boys from the back of the class.

The entire room flooded with an uproar of laughter and giggles as Sam's friend, Cole, handed his dripping pal a comb. "Thanks," beamed Sam, proudly, shaking his head one last time.

"Okay Sam, that's enough!" shouted Ms. Kimble, eyeing up the clock to see how much longer she had to bear with Sam that morning. "Hold it together for another half-hour, okay?"

Sam shook his head, in more of a head-bang, and agreed. "Sorry Ms. Kimble," he apologized, casually combing his hair.

Ms. Kimble sighed, rubbing her palms against her sides to rid herself of her stress-induced clammy hands, as she gathered her bearings. "All right, everyone. Partner up and complete the assigned project, quietly," she requested, sitting down at her desk.

Sam paired himself up with Cole, and the two slowly worked through their project. "Hey Cole," whispered Sam. "You're coming to rehearsal, right?"

"Yeah, why?" asked Cole, erasing Sam's doodles from their assignment.

"Just checking ... Hey! Don't erase Sargent Dungford!" he begged, pushing Cole's eraser away from the page.

"We gotta hand this in right away, though," Cole reminded Sam, pointing to the clock. "We only got ten minutes to go."

Reluctantly, Sam allowed Cole to erase Sargent Dungford from the paper and settled into a rush of trying to finish the assignment before they had to go.

"Sam, Cole and Elizabeth ... pack up and hand in your work," said Ms. Kimble. "Time for you lot to go see Mr. Dunn."

Sam grabbed his things and ran for the door, faster than Cole could sign their names on their paper. "Sam, wait up!" yelped Cole, trying to avoid having to walk with Eliza-'belch', as everyone called her, due to her disgusting breath and frequent burping.

"Boys! No running!" was the last thing that Sam and Cole heard from Ms. Kimble, before they were out of sight.

When they arrived in the theatre, Mr. Dunn and a few students were already running through their lines, while waiting for the rest of the crew to show up. Unlike Cole, Sam had no desire to make a fool of himself in front of the entire school, so he had volunteered to help with costumes and props in order to get out of class. Cole, however, had won the lead role as Arthur, in The Sword in the Stone, and was incredibly proud of himself for achieving the most envied character in the play.

"Boys, you're late!" bellowed Mr. Dunn, dropping his script on the stage. "Cole get up on stage, we're running through scene five, again, and Sam, go see if you can find the janitor, Mr. Edwards, to let you into the basement for some supplies."

Both boys nodded and complied without hesitation. Cole jumped up onto the stage, and Sam whipped right back around and headed for the door, accidentally bumping into Eliza-belch in the process.

"Hey!" she protested, opening her big, stinky mouth as she moved away from Sam as if just being infected with the lurgy.

Sam jumped back, away from her. His face scrunched in revulsion as his hands quickly slapped themselves over his nose. "Back off fowl beast!" he teased, in a high-pitched, nasally voice.

"Shut up, Swirly," returned Elizabeth, stomping her way towards the stage.

"Swirly?!" giggled Sam. "That's the best you got, crotch-rot?"

Elizabeth sighed in frustration, stomped her foot and turned back to face Sam. "Fuck you, you son of a bitch! Go stick your raunchy fucken head back inside the can! Shit streaks really compliment your fucken ugly freckles!"

The entire theatre fell completely silent. Elizabeth could feel all eyes staring at her, as if she had become the lurgy itself. "Elizabeth!" yelled Mr. Dunn, angrier than anyone had ever seen him. Jumping off of the stage, he stomped over to the infuriated teen and marched her to the door. "Get to the principal's office and wait for me there!"

"Dude!" screamed Cole from up on the stage. "What did you say to her?!"

"Nothing," shrugged Sam, tensely, nodding his head toward Mr. Dunn. Then mouthed 'I'll tell you later', before quickly running out the doors to find Mr. Edwards.

Spending the next ten minutes looking for the janitor, Sam stopped across the hall from the principal's office to take a peek at Elizabeth, who should have been sitting in front of the secretary s desk, but was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Sam," blurted a random voice from behind him. "Mr. Dunn sent me to help."

Looking behind himself, Sam saw a scrawny little guy, who looked to be maybe twelve if that  smiling from ear-to-ear and wearing a dull, yellow t-shirt and red, shiny shorts. "Who are you?"

The boy looked hurt and shyly dropped his head. "I'm Danny. We've been working together for like two weeks," explained the boy, scratching his fingers against his short, dark brown hair at the very top of his head.

"Oh right, I remember," lied Sam. "You seen Mr. Edwards?"

"Nope," replied Danny. "But the basement door's open. I just passed it."


"Yeah, maybe Mr. Edwards is already down there?"

"Cool, then let's go," decided Sam, walking towards the stairs to the lower gym.

Both boys hopped down the stairs and whipped around the corner, which led them to the basement's entrance. Danny stopped to peer into Mr. Edwards 'headquarters', as he called it, to see if the man had returned. "Nope, he's gotta be down there," said Danny. "We've looked everywhere else."

Sam nodded and waved for Danny to follow as he approached the basement stairs. Danny showed a hint of reluctance, but he quickly accepted when Sam, absentmindedly offered his hand. "It's so dark down here," commented Sam. "Can you see a light switch?"

"I can't see anything," replied Danny, squeezing Sam's hand to make sure they wouldn't be separated.

"Wait a sec," said Sam, shaking Danny's grip from his hand. "I need a boost. Get down on your hands and knees."

"What?" replied Danny in a whine.

"Just do it. I think I found the switch."

With a sigh, Danny lowered onto his knees and crouched against the ground as Sam guided him to where he wanted. "Now hold still, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," moaned Danny, as he felt Sam's shoes digging into his back. "Just hurry up, though. Your feet hurt."

"Don't be a baby ... and quit moving!" cried Sam, in frustration.

Danny held as still as he could manage, as Sam reached as high as he could. Suddenly, a loud 'click' echoed throughout their surroundings and the room lit-up. "There we go," announced Sam, proudly.

Climbing back up to his feet, Danny looked around. "It's spooky down here," he observed.

"Yeah, and it smells like Eliza-belch's breath, too," commented Sam, waving his hand in front of his nose.

Danny forced a giggle, as he cautiously followed Sam down the deep, dark corridor. "Geeze, how far does this thing go?" he asked, staring down the hall into the never-ending darkness.

"I dunno. Never been down here before, but I hear that it goes down two more floors or something," replied Sam. "I heard, once, that these kids got lost down here for an entire week. They had to call the FBI to come and get them out."

"Really?" gasped Danny, nearly too petrified to move.

"Yeah, but when they found them it was too late."

"Too late?"

"Yeah. They found them in one of the storage rooms, on the lower level, locked inside. They say, when they found them, they were already skeletons and hugging together to keep warm."

"No way," whispered Danny, in disbelief, just as they approached another set of stairs. "We're not going down there, are we?" he gulped, glaring at the blackened pit.

"Yup," teased Sam. "Why, are you scared?"

"No!" replied Danny, defensively. "Are you?"

"Pfft, me? I'm never scared," lied Sam. "You go first."

Danny peered back down the stairs, and then looked back up at Sam. "I thought you said you weren't scared?"

"I'm not ... I'm, uh, trying to help you get over your fears," he answered, shoving Danny forward.

Feeling his entire body become tense, Danny lunged forward and, luckily, managed to grasp his hands against the railing. "Watch it! I almost fell!"

"No you didn't ... I've got you, see?" replied Sam, tugging on the back of Danny's shirt.

Danny's face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "Oh," he squeaked, suppressing his feelings.

Both boys stayed close together until they reached the bottom of the stairs, stopping only once when they thought they heard someone laughing. "Sam, did you hear that?"

"Yeah creepy, huh? Sounded like someone laughing," replied Sam, looking for another light.

"I don't like it down here. Let's turn back," suggested Danny, following in behind Sam, and holding tightly against his shirt.

Sam finally found a light switch. Fortunately, this time the chain was low enough to reach without a boost, and, when the light turned on, they found themselves surrounded by several racks of old costumes. "Bingo!" yelled Sam, happily. "We found them!"

Danny gasped and ran towards an opened door and disappeared inside. "Sam! Come check this out!" he screamed, excitedly.

"Coming!" chimed Sam, practically skipping into the room. "What is it?"

Danny was rummaging through a long, old looking rack of clothes. "Look at this stuff! These things must be more than a hundred years old!"

Suddenly, the faint sound of laughter that they had heard before, returned; only this time it was ten times louder. "What the hell is that?" whispered Sam, crouching to the ground and crawling in behind an old trunk.

"I dunno," replied Danny, suddenly huddled beside him. "Do you think it's the ghosts of those boys?"

Sam shook his head. "No way," he said with certainty. "If it was them, they wouldn't be laughing, would they? I mean, they died all scared and alone. I don't think they'd be laughing. Besides, it sounds like a girls voice."

Just at the moment, a loud, eery creek, seemingly, crawled across the room. Followed by a loud, echoing thud. Danny buried his head underneath Sam and screamed louder than even the littlest of schoolgirls. "Sam," whimpered Danny. "What was that?"

"I dunno," replied Sam's shaky voice. "I think it was the door."

Danny poked his head out, over the trunk. "You mean ... the one we just went through?"

"Well there's no other door in here, dummy!" snapped Sam, more afraid than angry. "Go check it out."

"No way! You go check it out," hissed Danny, crouching back down behind the trunk.

"What, you scared?" teased Sam, trying to provoke Danny into checking.

"Yes," admitted the younger boy.

"Fine. I'll go check ... but if I don't come back, you're on your own." Sam slowly climbed over the trunk and through a rack of clothes, toward the door, on his hands and knees. As he neared the door, he cautiously reached out his hand, for the handle. "Shoot! It's locked!" cried Sam, in a panic.

"Don't lie!" Danny whimpered, slowly following in behind Sam. "Let me try."

Getting out of Danny's way, Sam watched as the boy tried to open the door. "I thought you were scared," reminded Sam, trying to catch Danny in a lie.

"I am, but being stuck in here is scarier ... don't you remember those boys? What if this is what happened to them."

"Shoot!" realized Sam, recalling his story. "That means there's more than two ghosts down here."

Just as Sam was about to start pounding his fists against the door, the echoing laughter returned. "Samuel Evans ... Maybe next time you'll think before calling me names, again," sang a familiar voice.

"Liz? Elizabeth, is that you?" asked Sam, as his heartbeat sped up, and his breathing became laboured. "Let us out!"

"No," replied Elisabeth, smugly. "You can rot in there for all I care. Because of you, I'm probably gonna get suspended, and when my parents find out I'm probably gonna get grounded, too. So, until they let me back in school, you can just sit there and think about how you're going to treat me when you get out."

"Open the door!" cried Danny, pounding his fists against the heavy wood. "I didn't do anything to you! I'm innocent!"

"Maybe you should of thought about that before you went anywhere with that stupid raunchy-headed, freckly-faggot of a toilet bowl head! Besides, I saw you laughing, too, Danny-little-dick!"

"Shut up!" screamed Danny, infuriated. "Go sit on some mouth wash and rotate!"

Sam turned his head to Danny, wanting to smack him for making matters worse, but couldn't help himself but to laugh. Elizabeth grumbled and shrieked as she stomped her feet against the concrete floor. "Fine! I was just about to let you ass-holes out! But now you can forget it!" she bellowed in a tantrum and stomped off.

"Liz?! Elizabeth, come back!" begged Sam. "Elizabeth! Come on, we're sorry!" he apologized, but by the time he stopped to listen, all he heard was Elizabeth's footsteps climbing the metal stairs.

At that moment, both boys became panicked and began thumping at the door as hard as they could manage, while screaming at the top of their lungs. All too soon, however, they found themselves becoming tired, and quickly realized that their efforts were of no use. "No one's ever gonna hear us, are they?" moaned Danny, dropping to the floor in exhaustion.

"It's all right. When Mr. Dunn realizes we're still gone he'll come looking for us. I'm sure he'll remember that he sent us down here soon."

"What did he even send us down here for?"

Sam thought for a moment, trying to recall what Mr. Dunn had asked. "I dunno, actually. He just said to come down here for some supplies."

"What does that mean?"

"Damn, I don't even know."

"Well that sucks," realized Danny.


"Because if we don't know what we came down here for, how will Mr. Dunn know where to look for us?"

Sam felt a surge of dread flood throughout his body. "Crap, now why did you have to go and be all smart? Now we're definitely gonna end up like those other boys."

Danny looked at Sam, and Sam looked at Danny, thinking of what it must have been like to be trapped inside basement, alone, for all that time ... then, what they must have looked like after.. As if they had read the other's mind, both boys turned and screamed then began to pound on the door even louder than before.

"It's no use," complained Sam, thumping his back against the door and sliding down to the floor. "No one's coming for us."

"Yes they are!" cried Danny, now more scared than ever. "Just keep trying. Someone will hear!"

Sam dropped his face into his hands, pushing back his hair as he sniffled, quietly, through a sob. Hearing the familiar sound of pain, Danny stared down at Sam and sat beside him. "Everything's gonna be okay, Sam," he tried to comfort him, while wrapping his arm over Sam's shoulder and patting his back.

Through a sloppy sniffle, Sam wiped a tear from his blurred eyes. "You better not tell anyone about this," he said, half threatening him.

"About what? Getting locked down here by a girl?" asked Danny, removing his arm from trying to make Sam feel better.

"No ... well, the girl part, yeah, but I meant me crying like one, too," explained Sam.

Danny let his thoughts simmer in his mind for a few seconds, making sure to think over his words before he spoke, mainly to avoid a beating. "How come you're always so mean to people?" he asked, nearly ducking away from Sam as the words escaped his lips.

"Me? I'm not mean," replied Sam, apparently convinced of his words.

"Yeah you are. Why do you think Elizabeth locked us in here?"

"Because, dummy, you had to open your big mouth, remember? She was gonna let us out," recalled Sam as he picked up and threw a small stone across the room.

"Yeah right. That was just her excuse, I bet. She wouldn't even have followed us down here if you didn't get her all mad. I've never seen her like that before. Usually she just goes in the back and cries after you tease her."

Sam turned his head to face Danny, still sitting beside him. "For real?"

"Yeah. Except for lately, though. Last week she was crying so hard that she freaked out and broke that big, fake rock for the play."

"No way! That was her? Really?" asked Sam, in disbelief.

"Yeah," nodded Danny. "And yesterday she threw a paint can against the wall and it busted all over the castle painting."

"Damn, that thing took me ages to make," Sam frowned, recalling the mess he had to clean up.

Danny looked up at Sam, obviously not getting the point. "For an eighth-grader you can be pretty dumb."

"Hey, what the hell?" asked Sam, offensively.

"You made that girl snap, I bet. Now she's all crazy, and its probably all your fault," continued Danny, feeling braver than ever.

"I'm not the only one who teases her!" Sam pointed out, suddenly climbing to his feet.

"Yeah, but you're the one that started 'Eliza-belch', and your the one that's always putting gum on her chair and pouring soap in her pencil case and telling everyone that she eats crap for breakfast."

Sam giggled for a second, reminiscing about all of his wonderful pranks. "How do you know that was me, anyway?"

Danny rolled his eyes, just as good as the adults do. "Everyone knows, dummy."

"Really? I've never gotten in trouble for it before."

"That's because Elizabeth never told on you ... and everyone else thinks you're cool," explained Danny, noticing Sam's grin of pride. "I don't anymore though. Your a jerk, and if you want to beat me up 'cause I said that, fine. It doesn't matter. We're just gonna die down here anyways."

"I'm not gonna beat you up. I'm not that mean," thought Sam. "Besides, it'd be pretty boring down here by myself."

"Gee, thanks," replied Danny, sarcastically.

Watching Danny scratching at his knees, with his legs spread and his shorts loosely hanging from his thighs, Sam noticed that he could see a good portion on Danny's underpants. "Are you wearing dinosaur underwear?"

Danny quickly snapped his legs shuts and immediately turned red. "No," he replied, curling his knees up and against his chest.

"Yeah you are, liar," teased Sam, approaching Danny.

"Am not!" Danny tried again, watching Sam move closer. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna prove it," explained Sam with a grin on his face and hands stretched out towards the other boy.

"Forget it!" screamed Danny, rolling onto his side. "Get outta here!"

Sam dropped onto his knees and sprawled himself over Danny's shaking body. "Get off of me!" he pleaded, trying to push Sam off of him. "What are you doing?!"

Smiling deviously, while pushing the bottom of Danny's shirt upward, Sam thrust his face forward, right up against the boy's, now exposed, belly and blew the loudest, sloppiest sounding raspberries that anyone has ever blown; two levels below the school, anyway.

Danny burst-out in screams and giggles, begging for Sam to stop. "Those were dinosaurs weren't they," nagged Sam, threatening to raspberry him again. "And they were pink, too!"

"No they aren't!" shrieked Danny, rolling onto his back. "They're white!"

"Yeah, but the dinosaurs are pink!"

"Nuh-uh! They aren't!" blurted Danny, still wiggling to get out from under Sam.

Sam grinned, smugly, and rolled off of Danny. "So, you admit you're wearing dino-undies, huh?"

Danny frowned, realizing that he had just been tricked and shyly nodded in defeat, while avoiding eye contact with Sam as he sat up again. "You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?" he begged, fearing that he would be Sam's next, new victim.

"Nah, I like you," said Sam, giving Danny a playful nudge against the shoulder. "So long as you don't tell anyone I was crying."

Danny nodded again. "I won't," he promised, while watching as Sam leaned his head sideways, at an awkward angle.

"Ah, so they're not pink," he teased with a giggle, causing Danny to blush again and whip his knees back together.

"Stop that!" he chuckled as his face reddened once again.

"I can't help it," Sam admitted. "They, like, I dunno ... they're funny to look at."

"Shut up," blushed Danny, climbing to his feet and walking across the room.

Curious, Sam followed in behind the boy. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked, as Danny disappeared behind a rack of clothes.

"Just wait there a minute," requested Danny, shuffling around behind the rack.

Sam backed away, standing on the tips of his toes to try and see what Danny was up to, but, just as curiosity was becoming too much to bear, Danny jumped out from behind the rack, wearing a Shepard s costume. "Dude, what are you doing?" asked Sam, amused but still curious.

Danny merely shrugged and whipped around, diving back through the rack. "I figure, since we're already stuck down here, might as well do something."

"So... you're gonna put on old, dirty clothes that haven't been washed since your grandparents came here?" asked Sam.

"Yup," Danny simply replied, and tossed the Shepard costume over the rack. "Guess what I am now!" he shouted, jumping back out from the rack.

Sam thought carefully, staring at the old rags that were draped over Danny's body. "Ummm, seaweed?"

Shaking his head, Danny then twirled around, hoping that would give Sam a clue as to who he was. However, Sam remained silent. In slight exasperation, Danny rose his arms and slapped them at his sides. "I'm the wicked witch!" he explained. "How could you not get that?"

Staring blankly at Danny's random assortment of clothes, Sam shrugged his shoulders. "I still don't see it. I'm gonna stick with seaweed," he grinned, mockingly.

"Whatever-then. Why don't you give it a try?" suggested Danny, starting to tear off the rags.

"Okay," Sam agreed, dashing behind the rack without a second's thought.

Moments later, Sam walked out from behind the costumes wearing a long, pink dress, a dusty-old, blond wig with a white, frilly-lace bonnet on his head. Danny couldn't find it in him to take a guess and, instead, fell to the floor in a fit of giggles. "What?" chuckled Sam. "Haven't you ever seen Little-Red-Riding-Hood before?"

Immediately, Danny stopped laughing and glared up at Sam, looking him over with a raised eyebrow. "You mean, Little-Bo-Peep, right?"

"Uh," thought Sam. "Yeah, her," he chuckled.

"Wait there," demanded Danny, running behind the rack. "I'll dress up as Little-Boy-Blue, then you can come and 'blow my horn'," he giggled.

"Screw that!" screamed Sam, tossing his wig to the floor.

"Um, Sam?"


"Are these your clothes over here?" asked Danny, dangling a pair of shorts and a shirt above the rack.

"Yeah, why?"

"You took your clothes off!?" Danny teased, jumping out from behind the costumes.

"Yeah, didn't you?"

Nearly falling to floor in a giggle fit, Danny braced himself with his hands on his knees. "No! I just put everything over top!"

"Oh," replied Sam, suddenly feeling strangely foolish. "Oops."

Danny lunged forward, grabbing Sam's puffy dress by the lace. "Lemme see!" he teased, tugging the fabric upward.

"Screw that, pervert!" screamed Sam, jumping backwards onto the pile of costumes. "Get away!"

Ignoring Sam's plea, Danny jumped at Sam, grabbing onto his dress, and causing them both to fall to the floor. Thankfully, Danny's previous costumes had broken their fall, preventing Sam from splitting open his head on the concrete below.

Wrestling frantically to get Danny off of him, Sam wiggled his body while clutching the boy's wrists in his hands. Eventually, he managed to roll themselves over, so that Danny was now on the bottom, and, after a few minutes of struggling, the two lay still, both peering back at the other's gaze. Suddenly, Danny's head thrust forward, and before Sam could realize what he was doing, Danny had placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

Staring down at Danny, feeling confused, alarmed and even disgusted, Sam found himself at a loss for words. Danny just gazed up at Sam, waiting for him to say something, or even beat him up, but, even if prompted, Danny knew he couldn't explain himself ... it, sorta, just happened.

"Are you gay?" was all that Sam could think to say, after several minutes of silence.

"No, I don't think so anyway" replied Danny. "Are you gonna beat me up?"

"No," said Sam, loosening his grip on the boy's wrists.

"Are you gonna tell everyone?"

"Geeze, no, what do you think I am, some kinda jerk who only wants to make fun of people?"

"Well," thought Danny. "Yeah, sorta."

"Is that what everyone thinks?" asked Sam, unsure if he really wanted to hear it out loud.

"I dunno, probably," Danny answered, as they shared a lengthy silence. "Are you gay?" he blurted randomly.

"No!" Sam replied defensively.

"Then how come you didn't beat me up when I did 'that'?"

"Because I'm not like that. Besides, you're kinda cool ... even if you are kinda weird."

"Are you sure you're not gay?" asked Danny with a smile on his face.

"I already said, no, didn't I?"

"So ... why are you still on me, then?" teased Danny, wiggling slightly as if to prove that he was still under his new friend.

Sam's expression didn't change. Instead, he just stared, blankly, down at Danny, trying to come up with some form of reason. Until, suddenly, surprising even himself, he leaned down and placed a quick peck on Danny's cheek. "There," he said. "Now we're even."

Rolling off of Danny's body, Sam sat up and leaned against the wall. Danny just rolled onto his side to face Sam and stared at him curiously. "Even for what?"

"You were afraid I was gonna tell everyone you kissed me, so I kissed you so that you had something on me, too," offered Sam.

"But ... I already had something on you, remember? The dress and the crying," he pointed out.

"Yeah, but I had the dinosaurs and the kiss."

"But I'm still one ahead of you, then. You only got two things on me," explained Danny, standing up.

"What are you doing?" asked Sam, watching Danny as he approached him.

Smiling, Danny lifted his shirt and leaned forward, wobbling his hips from side-to-side, revealing to Sam a slight lump in his shorts. Confused, Sam just stared up at the boy, trying to work out what he was doing. He had his shirt pulled half-way up his belly, as if to show off his navel, but Sam found himself more interested in the white elastic, peeking out from the boy's shorts, with the blue "OshKosh" emblem printed across the waist. "What exactly are you doing?" asked Sam, staring up at the boy.

"I got a boner," Danny chuckled, dropping back down to the floor. "Now we're even," he added.

"How did Elizabeth know?" smirked Sam, curiously.

"That we were down here? She was right there when Mr. Dunn..."

"No, that you got a small wiener," explained Sam, suddenly realizing that his words might offend Danny.


"Before she left, she called you 'Danny-little-dick', remember? How did she know?"

"It's not little!" exclaimed Danny.

"Whatever, that doesn't matter," dismissed Sam. "She's seen it, hasn't she?"

Danny frowned, "Yeah. She's my sisters friend, and, one day, she walked in on me when I was peeing."

"Aw-man, sorry dude. You gotta put up with her all the time then, hey?"

"She's not that bad, actually. She taught me how play monopoly and build a fort with just about anything. She's pretty cool, most of the time. Better than my sister, anyway."

"Oh," said Sam, for the first time realizing that Elizabeth was a real person, too. "Damn, guess I should have been a little nicer to her, huh?"

Danny chuckled and looked around the room. "Uh, yeah! If you'd been nice to her, we wouldn't be stuck down here!" he pointed out.

"True," agreed Sam. "But then we wouldn't be talking now. Which means, we wouldn't be friends right now, either."

"We're friends?" smiled Danny, studying Sam carefully for sarcasm.

"Yeah, of course."

"So... even after we get out of here, you'll still be my friend and talk to me?"


"Even in front of your friends?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Danny didn't answer. Instead, he just smiled happily at his new friend, no longer caring or worrying if Sam would think he's being weird or dorky. "Hey Danny?"


"How old are you, anyway? No offence, but you look too young to be in this school."

"You don't look all that old, either," returned Danny, still smiling. "Thirteen," he then answered.

"Really?" asked Sam, baffled. "You look like you're eleven, when's your birthday?"

Danny chuckled. "Last Wednesday."

"Oh, wow, hehe. Well, happy belated birthday."

"Thanks," accepted Danny. "Do I get a belated birthday present, too?"

"Haha, well, I dunno. I did already kiss you ... that's more than any girl has ever gotten from me," admitted Sam.

"Really? I figured with you being 'Mr. Popular', the girls would be all over you," assumed Danny, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Nah, I've never even had a girlfriend."

"Me neither," said Danny. "Don't much want one really."

"Yeah, I guess I don't either. None of the girls here are very hot," explained Sam, sliding himself away from the wall and lying next to Danny to look up at the ceiling.

"Yeah..." Danny turned his head to look at Sam, only to find that Sam had turned onto his side and was staring right at him. "What?" Sam didn't reply. Instead, he just stared back at him, appearing as if he were about to fall asleep. "Hey, why are you still wearing that dress?" chuckled Danny, in an attempt to force a reaction out of his friend.

As if out of randomness, Sam's hand brushed against Danny's stomach, just barely touching the skin where his shirt had lifted away. Normally Danny wouldn't think anything of such an occurrence; however, when he felt Sam's palm press against his abdomen and fingers spread-out in all directions, he knew that something peculiar was happening.

At first, Danny didn't know how to react or what to say, but then Sam's fingers gently skipped across his silky shorts, right above the same lump that he had displayed earlier. "What are you doing?" asked Danny, in a faint, slightly panicked tone. Sam, again, didn't reply. Instead, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Danny's. This time, however, he refused to leave at just a 'peck'.

Danny's first reaction was to back away, fearing Sam's actions to be a trick, but then, when his lips remained atop his own, he allowed his nerves to ease. Feeling Sam's hand trace up and down in a slow, circular motion, from his navel to waistband, caused Danny to involuntarily gasp, due to a surge of the shivers that had spread across his body in a single breath.

Allowing his hand its freedom, Sam trailed his fingertips down Danny's stomach and across his waistband, until they slowly circled his groin. Resting his palm directly over the boy's soft, warm centre, Sam's fingers curled forward and grasped Danny's hardened penis. It didn't feel huge, though Sam had already known that it wasn't, but it was still firm and inviting, just the same. Especially so, as it twitched in synchronization to his heartbeat.

Feeling his body inventing new emotions with every passing moment, Danny broke free of his thoughts and watched as his hand reached for Sam's leg, just above the knee. He chuckled, slightly, at Sam for still wearing that ugly dress, but lost interest in the humour as his fingertips felt the smooth, warm skin of Sam's thigh. He slid his hand up and under the dress, until his thumb made contact with the leg of his friend's underwear. Taking a moment to absorb the sensations he was experiencing from the mere contact of touching such a private fabric, Danny forced his hand upward, until sliding back down to spread his fingers across Sam's buttock.

Sam, becoming impatient and curious, released Danny's centre and clawed his fingers around the boy's waistband of his shorts. With a nervous smirk, he then pulled them down to Danny's knees to stare at his cute, little dino-briefs. "It's an orange T-Rex," he giggled, while examining the dinosaur's protruding head as he reached for it, causing Danny to gasp in surprise as he felt his erection become consumed by the hands of another.

"Wait ... Sam? Can we take off this stupid dress?" asked Danny, worried that he may have just ruined the moment.

Thankfully, Sam nodded and sat up, all too happy to rid himself of his short-lived life as a nursery rhyme's dirty fantasy, and pulled the nasty-looking pink dress off. Danny stared at Sam's near-naked body, only covered by a pair of light-blue, Fruit of the Loom, boxer-briefs, with dark-blue shark prints on them. "Sharks?" Danny pointed out. "And you were making fun of my dinosaur?"

"No I wasn't. I was, uh, admiring," giggled Sam, leaning forward and kissing Danny's stomach as he pulled off his shirt.

Through a sigh, Danny stretched out his thin, pale body, causing his bulging crotch to stiffen even harder than it already was with a single twitch. Sam then pressed the side of his body against Danny's, while running his hand along the boy's abdomen until it reached his groin. Cradling Danny's erection with his left hand, Sam then pulled it back gently, allowing the fabric of dino-undies to stretch against his friends erection.

Danny moaned, as if by mistake, and reached for Sam's hip, pulling him closer, so that he could explore the older boy's body comfortably. His hand slid down Sam's thigh, then circled down between his knees and back up again. Nearing the leg of Sam's cotton underwear, Danny's fingers slid underneath until brushing against the smooth, silky skin of his friends tightened pouch.

Sam's entire body shivered as goose-bumps consumed every inch of his skin. Leaning forward, he placed a kiss upon Danny's chest and slowly trailed his lips downward. Soon, Sam's lips made contact with the waistband of Danny's briefs, and his cheek could feel the very tip of the boy's excited, little protrusion pressing against him. Turning his head to face it, Sam pressed his lips to the boy's length, above the fabric, instantly causing the boy's erection to spasm and shake with surprise.

Feeling Sam's fingers massaging against his groin, on either side of his penis, Danny heard himself gasp as his friend's fingers suddenly slid underneath the elastic of his waistband then slowly glide downward. Wanting to be the first to touch the other's bare length, Danny reached up with his hand, that was still caressing Sam's scrotum, and wrapped his fingers around his friend's erection.

Although still excited and far from disappointed, Danny couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he realized how much bigger Sam's penis was compared to his own. His fingers, though not very long, could barely reach all the way around his friend's erection, making its circumference minimally four inches. However, his thoughts quickly diminished as he felt his underwear slowly begin to slide downward.

Sam observed attentively as he carefully lowered Danny's dino-briefs. While the pale skin of the boy's groin was slowly revealed, a sudden resistance frustratingly halted the moment's perfection. Realizing that Danny's arousal had become snagged in the fabric, preventing the once smooth decent from progression, Sam felt himself smile and pulled up on the waistband. At last, he managed to free Danny's erection, which then slapped against his abdomen upon release. In turn, allowing Sam to remove the garment from the boy's body.

Discarding the fabric beside them on the floor, Sam returned his attention to Danny's, now exposed, groin. The boy's erection, at full mast, was probably no bigger than three-and-a-half inches long, and quite thin, too. Nonetheless, its flared, circumcised head with the tiniest collection of several fine, little hairs, that had gathered near the very base of the boy's length, were more than enough to excite Sam; especially when he noticed how red Danny's face had become.

Looking into Danny's eyes, Sam smiled and kissed the tip of Danny's penis, feeling Danny's hand squeeze his own erection. "I know, it's tiny," said Danny, afraid that what he had, would not be enough to please his friend.

"It's perfect," Sam assured him. "It's my Danny's-perfect-dick, now."

Danny felt himself blush even harder, while Sam's hand explored his excitement. Struggling to remove his own hand from Sam's boxer-briefs, he then attempted to pull them off. Sam lifted his hips without releasing Danny's erection once, and helped his friend remove the clothing. At that point, Danny realized that they both still had on their shoes, and, reluctantly, had to stop Sam from what he was doing. "Our shoes," he explained, hurrying to kick them off.

Sam kicked off his runners faster than Danny could even reach his first shoe. Helping Danny out, Sam pulled them off and laid him back down before he could start fussing about their socks. Trailing his lips along Danny's stomach, Sam slowly inhaled the boy's intoxicating scent as he made his way closer to his centre. Kissing Danny's pelvic area, feeling the head of his erection pressed against his cheek once again, the warmth of his stiffness, and the slight moisture of impatient lubricant, slid towards his chin. Sam instinctively turned his head and pressed his lips around the boy's tip and gently applied pressure with his lips, as his tongue circled its girth.

In a shiver, Danny's hips rose from floor, pushing his entire length into the warmth of Sam's mouth as he heard himself groan, accidentally. Sam paid no attention, and, instead, slid his hands up Danny's torso then back down to his waist. The silky, smooth texture of his friend's unblemished skin was just as enticing as what he was doing with the boy's penis.

Suddenly, Danny jumped up, forcing Sam roll off of him. "What was that?" he whispered, in a moment of guilt and paranoia.

"What was what?" asked Sam, trying to push Danny back down. "I didn't hear anything."

Listening carefully for a moment, Danny laid back down where he was, as Sam resumed what he was doing. Closing his eyes, Danny's fingers ran through Sam's hair as his friends' mouth and tongue caressed his excitement. Feeling his insides begin the familiar glowing sensation, just before reaching the point of no return, the door creaked open and a flashlight shone inside the room.

In a panic, Danny shoved Sam off of him and scurried to cover himself up. Sam, still attempting to catch up with what was happening, merely rolled over and peered towards the door, using his hand as a shield over his eyes. "Mr. Edwards? Is that you?" he asked, squinting to see who was at the door.

Mr. Edwards eyed up the two boys and turned back to the hallway. "It's all right, I found them!" he announced, and then glanced back at the boys, his face without expression. "You boys better get dressed."

Danny, who was already halfway there, nodded as he tossed Sam his underwear. "Yes Mr. Edwards," he said, letting the waistband of his underpants snap against his abdomen.

"Uh ... Mr. E?" started Danny, "Can, um, this be between us?"

Mr. Edwards just smiled and slowly closed the door. "Hurry up," he advised as Danny ran behind the costume rack to fetch Sam's clothes.

Sam slid on his underwear and climbed to his feet. "Hey Danny?"

"What?" he replied, obviously in a fluster of dread.

"Wanna come over later?"
