Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 18:40:38 -0800 From: tague michaels Subject: Opposites Attract Another story of teenage boys doing each other. The usual platitudes apply. The first time I saw Cole was in the eighth grade boy's bathroom at school. Having finished my business at the trough, our name for the style of long metal urinal and no privacy dividers typically found in older schools, I was headed toward the door as he came through it. My very first thought was, "What is she doing in here?" My second thought was "Why is she dressed like a boy." So, being a nice guy I said, "I think you're in the wrong restroom." "I'm not a girl ya dork," he said in a pissy, high pitched voice and kept on going. I turned my head and watched as he went into a stall and slammed the door shut then locked it. "Huh," I said out loud, the statement made to the empty room. Apparently he'd had to deal with that sort of mistake before. It hadn't been so much that I thought he was a girl, although with longish blond hair he did sort of look like one, but that he was in the eighth grade boys bathroom and he looked like a fifth or maybe a sixth grader. In our school the eighth grade boys had restrooms all their own that the younger grades weren't allowed into. I don't know why that is although I'd heard there were two reasons. One was so the older boys wouldn't pick on the younger ones behind closed doors. The other was that physically, we were more developed than the younger ones, if you get my drift. I guess some parents didn't want their little boys looking at the big ones pissing at the trough and either feel insignificant or stare in wonder and what they, the little guys, would eventually grow to look like. Regardless of the reason I appreciated not having to use the same bathrooms as the pipsqueaks; fuck they could be annoying. My second encounter with Cole was a little more serious. It was a few days later and I was headed to the gym for PE, my favorite class. I heard some raised voices off to the side of the building on the other side of some large bushes that had originally been planted there to keep kids off the grass. "Lay off, ya Neanderthal," I heard someone say. "Shut yer yap ya little girl," I heard back. I recognized the voice of the second person; Harold McKinney, known simply as McKinney, one of the school bullies. I say, one of, because undoubtedly he had his two cronies with him. One would be Samuel Stenson, aka Butch, who was called Chitlins behind his back because he loved fried pork rinds and he was a fat fuck, probably due in part to his favorite snack. The other person would have been Beanie, a reed thin, string bean of a kid with long stringy black hair that seemed to go unwashed for days at a time. He also sported the most crooked teeth I'd ever seen and had a horrible acne problem. With his narrow face and the crooked teeth he looked sort of like a rat. I'd had a few run ins with the trio but for the most part they left me alone and I left them alone. Curious, and always one to root for the underdog, I headed around the huge thick bushes and saw the three assholes surrounding someone. As I got closer I saw that it was the kid I'd seen in the bathroom and they had him backed up against the brick wall of the school building, out of sight from everyone. School books were strewn on the grass and the boy was getting up from the ground. He looked straight at me which caused the other three to look over their shoulders to see what the boy was looking at. Right off the bat the three moved away from each other, rather like Hyenas getting ready to go after prey. "Get out of here; mind your own business JoJo," McKinney said although there wasn't a whole lot of conviction in his voice. My name was Josiah but I'd been called JoJo since I could remember. "Why don't you lay off the kid McKinney," I told him. "Any why would I do that?" he retorted. "Because I'm asking you to," I said. Chitlins laughed at that and Beanie got a smirk on his rat like face. "That's not a good enough reason," McKinney replied. I nodded my head as though in agreement then smiled at him. "Well, okay then, how about if I just pound your face into mud... again," then turning my head slightly added, "maybe straighten those teeth out for ya Beanie." Rat face backed off a step. That boy knew well enough not to fuck with me. The last time that he fucked with me he sported a black eye for almost two weeks. "That was last year JoJo; I put on some muscle since then," McKinney said, but again, his voice lacked conviction. "Yeah, well then it all went to your brain dick head," the boy victim piped up in his high pitched voice. "Shut the fuck up pussy boy," Chitlins said, looking over his shoulder at the little boy. "If I'm a pussy then eat me ya fat fuck," the much smaller boy retorted without batting an eyelash. I had to hand it to the kid. He seemed to have some balls, the size of marbles perhaps, but balls none the less. Either that or he was just plain stupid and I would learn soon enough that wasn't the case at all. Chitlins started to turn toward the boy and I spoke up. "I said back off Butch," the tone of my voice clearly indicating that I meant it. "What's going on down there boys?" a voice interrupted and we all looked up to the second floor to see Miss Hawkins, the sixth grade English teacher looking down at us from an open window. She didn't wait for an answer but directed us to get to get back to class. McKinney turned to the kid and told him he'd see him later. "Sure thing Moe," the kid said, referring to McKinney's haircut which did sort of resemble Moe of the three stooges. McKinney started to turn. "Now, boys," Miss Hawkins said in a stern voice above us. As the three walked past me McKinney said, "It ain't over, Jo-siah," emphasizing my name in a sarcastic tone of voice. I laughed, "Anytime, any place." I watched them until they were a good ten feet away then turned back to the boy. As I stepped a little closer to him I noticed that as he stared after his retreating antagonists he was shaking a little. "You okay," I asked. He looked at me, not quite glaring but almost. "Yeah, I'm okay what's it to you?" I was more than a little taken aback and gave him a questioning look, a raised eyebrow. "What, you think you're my white knight or something? You want a medal?" He bent over and started to gather his books so I bent to help him. "Leave it. I don't need your help." I dropped the book, stood up and started to walk away. "What an ungrateful little prick," I muttered under my breath but loud enough for the little twerp to hear me. "A prick's the better part of a man," he said without looking up but I thought I heard a certain amount of sad resignation in his voice. I returned to my trek up the hill to our gymnasium, which stood separately from the school, and although I was a few minutes late the coach didn't say anything. I was the best overall athlete in the school and always gave 110% at everything I did. For the next two weeks we were doing weight training and once I was finished with my reps I would always help out the other boys, often times spotting for them. The coach had to spot for me cuz I was benching around 235 and none of them had the ability to handle that kind of weight. I got a lot of respect from my classmates for my abilities in all sports but it didn't end there. I also got a lot of respect in the showers, although none but a few of my close teammates said much about my stuff. They did have a tendency to stare however. I don't tend to brag, it's not in my nature, but I'm a realist and the fact was that I'd developed earlier than any of my classmates. I was, if not the biggest boy in my class for the past five years, then one of the biggest. I was tall for my age and stocky, but not fat. At fourteen, I had a small smattering of dark hair starting to sprout on my upper lip and a fairly thick patch of pitch black curly fuzz at the base of a fat, seven and a three quarter inch cock. I'd started growing hair down there before I was twelve and was coaxing sperm from my large but smooth balls shortly after that. Overall, I'd taken after my father. Dad had been a large but gentle man and had instilled his gentleness in me. A Golden Gloves champion in high school and a semi-professional boxer in his late teens and early twenties, he had me wearing gloves as soon as I could walk. He taught me well which included restricting my boxing to the ring unless a fight on the street was unavoidable. He taught me that every effort had to be made to avoid fighting outside the ring but if it had to happen a man needed only exert enough force to get the job done, to neutralize the threat. That was pretty much what had happened with McKinney the year before. I had been new to the school, and the town of about twenty thousand people. My mom and I had moved back to the town that she had grown up in shortly after my dad had died from an aneurism at the ripe age of 35. He'd just dropped over during his shift as a longshoreman at a large port on the Eastern Seaboard, dead before he hit the ground. The doctors said it was most likely a delayed effect as the result of a head injury during his boxing days. Mom had never worked much and while my father had great life insurance, retirement and a ton of vacation time coming, it would be some time before my mother received what was owed her. An only child, her parents invited us to come live with them until she got her money and sorted out what she was going to do with her life. She was only 32. I'd come into school in late February and by March 5th practically everybody in the school knew who I was thanks to McKinney and his two friends. It had started in the main hallway right after lunch on day three at my new school. McKinney had pushed Chitlins into me; the boy having had his hand extended and intentionally knocking my books from under my arm and onto the floor. While it had been done entirely on purpose, they could easily claim it was an accident. Chitlins backed away saying he was sorry but the look on his face said the complete opposite. "Sorry dufus," McKinney said to me then pushed off of the lockers he had leaned against. "Here, let me help you." He came over and bent down to pick up one of my books then kicked it further away in a Buster Keaton style move. "Sorry," he said with a smile and did the same thing to another book. "I guess I'm just clumsy," he said sarcastically. I managed to pick up my books while some students stopped to watch and others kept right on moving, not wanting to present themselves as a target. As I started to walk away McKinney called after me in a loud voice, "Sorry again Dufus." I could hear the three of them laughing loudly until I rounded a corner. I wasn't really bothered by the incident. I had figured the three of them out a few days before. Every school has its bullies and they were it. From low income families and, in Butch's case a single parent home, in the bad part of town; that was about all they knew. I knew that if push came to shove I could shove faster and harder than all three of them. I had been a Silver gloves champion at state level during the last 2 years of my father's life and had gone against some tough fighters. I didn't want to fight those 3 boys but I knew in my heart that was what it was going to come down to. McKinney and his crew figured that because I was big, I was most likely a dummy and a slow moving one at that. Besides, it was 3 against 1, they couldn't lose. It came to a head after school a few days later as I was walking to catch my bus for the thirty minute ride home. I was in kind of a hurry and not paying close attention and as I started to go past McKinney he put his foot out and tripped me. Although I didn't fall I stumbled and again lost my books as I worked to gain my balance. "Oopps, sorry Dufus," McKinney said, "that was an accident." I stood upright and turned to face him. "No, it wasn't an accident." "Are you calling me a liar Dufus?" "My name isn't Dufus and I said it wasn't an accident," I told him in a calm voice. He moved toward me and as he did, the other two fanned out to both sides of me. Students began to stop to see what was going to happen but did so in a wide circle. They'd seen these 3 work before. "It sounds like you called me a liar Dufus. Did it sound like that to you Beanie?" he asked the skinny kid on my right. "Yeah it did. You should say you're sorry Dufus," the skinny kid said to me then pushed my shoulder. "I don't want to fight you," I said to McKinney then looked at the kid who pushed me. "Don't touch me again," I said to him. He got a look of mock fear on his pock marked face. "I'd say it's a little late for that," McKinney said as he stepped closer, "Wouldn't you say so Beanie, Butch?" he asked looking at each of his friends. I wasn't paying attention to them but watched the boy in front of me intently. I saw him set his back foot and his right shoulder dropped slightly, setting himself up but telegraphing his move at the same time. He gave an almost unperceivable nod to the kid he called Beanie then shot his right arm out toward my face. I leaned ever so slightly to my right and at the same time felt a half hearted punch on the back of my right shoulder. McKinney's fist barely missed me but before he could pull it back or follow up with his left hand I gave him a quick left and then a right jab smack in the middle of his face, turned and left jabbed Beanie high on the right cheek knocking the skinny kid on his ass. I turned to my left and saw the fat kid just staring slack jawed at what had happened. I dropped my fists and stared at McKinney who was standing there stunned at what had happened. He then exploded and came at me, swinging his fists. I put my arms up, ducked or blocked four or five punches with my forearms then returned two quick jabs, one to his face and one to his chest. I followed with a right cross to his face and he went down, the whole thing was over. I did a quick check of my environment; two on the ground and fat boy still staring along with a hundred or so students. No one said a word. I picked up a couple of my books, someone handed me another one along with my notebook which I thanked them for, and headed toward my bus. Along the way I heard some comments but they were directed toward other students and none of them derogatory. Mostly "what happened" or "who is that kid." As I got on the bus the driver, an older guy, said "Good job Josiah. If you have any trouble with the school let me know, I saw it all." I nodded, surprised that he knew my name, and headed toward a seat, all of the students staring quietly. The next day at school everybody seemed to want to know me, said hello, asked my name and all that stuff. I became the boy of the hour and not surprisingly my 3 antagonists were conspicuously absent. Not long after the fight an older kid came up to me, said he was McKinney's older brother and asked if I was the one who kicked his little brother's ass along with his friends. I shrugged my shoulders and he didn't say anything for a good ten seconds then said, "Good job, he needed to get his ass kicked," and walked off. Over the next year I had few problems with them although there were plenty of glares. I intervened a couple of times when they were picking on smaller kids but mostly I ignored them. Anyhow, the day after I saved his life, the little kid showed up in my algebra class. Ours was one of the schools in the state that was experimenting with teaching algebra in the 8th grade and it was kicking my ass. After glancing over his class schedule the teacher said, "Class, this is Cole, please welcome him." Everybody said "Welcome Cole" mostly in unison, except me. I was too stunned thinking the kid had to be a fucking genius to be so young and be in that class. Only about half the seats in the room were filled so she told Cole to sit wherever he liked. He looked right at me, walked down the aisle between two rows of desks and plopped his little ass in the desk behind me. The teacher started the lecture, working examples on the board as she went. At the half way point she told us to partner up by putting two desks side by side. Before I could look around to see who to partner up with Cole told me to move over and began sliding his desk along side mine. The only thing that went through my mind was "shit." The teacher started handing out a sheet with 10 problems on it and directing us to work together until the end of the class. Cole looked up at me then said, "Hey Dufus." I was shocked that he knew that name from a year ago and got a little pissed. But I noticed a slight curve at the corner's of his mouth and a sort of twinkle in his deep blue eyes. "Hey pussy boy," I retorted quietly. Cole laughed out loud then caught himself and apologized to everyone, the whole class having turned to look at him. The teacher dropped our sheet of problems on the crack where our desks met and Cole immediately pulled the sheet onto his desk, glanced at it then turned his head back to me and leaned over in a conspiritory manner. "So, thanks for saving my life yesterday," he said quietly so that no one could really hear us. Seriously I'm sorry I didn't thank you but it sort of scared me. I nodded my head. "How about the day before?" He gave me a questioning look so I reminded him about the bathroom incident. A light bulb went off. "Shit that was you," then put the palm of his left hand against his eye and forehead in a classic, "I'm a dumb shit" move. "Fuck I'm sorry. It's just that people mistake me for a girl all the time." "Well I kinda thought that but it was more like thinking you shouldn't be in the 8th grade boy's bathroom." He got a shocked look on his face. "What? I don't look like an 8th grader?" "No and I really have to get this stuff done," I said, nodding to the assignment that lay on Cole's desk unattended to. He glanced at it then told me not to worry about it. "Look, I have to worry about it. Algebra is my hardest class. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said I'll take care of it." Our heads had been close together up until that point but I backed away and gave him a look. Mrs. Hansen, our math teacher, was on the other side of the room but just happened to be glancing around. "Is there a problem JoJo?" she asked and started in our direction. She knew that algebra was not my strongest subject. "Shit," I mumbled under my breath. Cole flipped the paper over and in the blink of an eye wrote out the answers to the first four problems without having to use an eraser even once. He slid the paper over to me and began whispering what I needed to write down for the next problem. Mrs. Hansen reached us as I'd finished my problem, looked over our paper, praised us and moved on to another pair of students who had raised their hands. As she walked away I stared at Cole. He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm a genius. So sue me." I smiled and we finished the paper with me doing the writing and Cole explaining to me how to do it so that by the end of the class I actually had a better understanding of algebra than when I'd walked through the door 45 minutes earlier. Mrs. Hansen gave us our reading assignment for the next day and class was over. That night, after my shower, I put on a fresh pair of briefs and looked at myself in the full length mirror that stood in my room. I hung a towel over the top so that my face didn't show then my eyes roamed over the body reflected back at me as though it was someone else. I admired the boy's body in the mirror, the slightly tanned and firm flesh. I liked how his chest was so defined, the muscles sort of bulging and enhanced by the creases below each pec and the one in the center that separated the two sides all the way down to his flat belly button. His belly was flat and taut and sloped downward to the waistband of his white cotton briefs. I admired how the crease of his hips and lower belly were so prominent, enhancing his pubic bone. I turned around and looked over my shoulder and my eyes moved down to his calves, the bulging muscles with a slight coating of black hair. My eyes slid upward and admired his slender muscled ass, the crack between his firm cheeks barely visible under the white cloth. I felt myself stir and turned around to face the mirror and the boy, my eyes assessing the bulge in the front. I liked looking at my crotch in fresh clean briefs before my stuff pulled the cloth and stretched it out. I liked looking at it before I got hard, admiring the curve, sometimes seeing the separate tube of my cock and the outline of my cock head. I liked looking at my body like that, with the face covered because that way I could pretend that it was another boy I was looking at. And when I finally got stone hard and I finally started to slowly pull my underwear down I could pretend that it was Bill, or Robbie, or Dillon, or even Cole although I doubted that little boy would look very much like the boy in the mirror. I was a conflicted 14 year old. I looked at girls, and about half the time I jacked off thinking about them, their soft tits and what it would be like to suck on them. I thought about their naked pussies and what I'd like to do down there, in what was uncharted territory for me. Well, except for the few skin books I'd looked at. I wondered what it would be like to bury my rock hard cock in that warm and hidden place. But I also thought about boys. If I was honest with myself I had to admit that one of the things I liked about PE was seeing other boys and being with them. I loved the camaraderie of boys, the rough housing and bodily contact but I also loved seeing them naked. I loved their muscled bodies, not that boys my age were all that muscled, I loved watching boys move about in their nakedness, loved seeing their cocks moving about, loved looking at all of their boys stuff and wishing that I could see some of them as rock hard as I got sometimes. I loved looking at their narrow asses and the secrets that were hidden between the muscled cheeks. I loved watching other boys shower, some of them quite tender and gentle with their cocks and balls, and other somewhat rough. I wondered what they looked like jacking off, their hands wrapped lovingly around their stiff shafts. I wondered if other boys loved pulling on their balls, I wondered if they put socks on their hard cocks sometimes and fucked into their mattresses or pillows like I did. I spent a fair amount of time jacking off while I thought about those things and if I jacked off in front of the mirror I could pretend it was another boy who was shooting thick strands of his sperm out for me. Some of those thoughts ran through my brain as I stood in front of the mirror that night and watched the changes that took place beneath the fabric of my briefs, the large bulge changing into a thick fat tube that stretched up and sideways. I rubbed and squeezed myself, slipped a couple of fingers inside the leg hole to poke at and rub my balls. I saw the other telltale sign of my arousal, the dampening of the white cotton fabric where my precum leaked out. I hooked my thumbs in the blue lined waistband and pulled outward so that my cock could move to an upright position then let go so that the elastic trapped my dick. I looked at the boy in the mirror and admired the curves that defined the underside of his cock head. I squeezed at the pouch where his balls pushed against the fabric while I stared at the mirror. Then I slowly and purposely pulled the underwear down until the pressure made my cock stick straight out from my body and turned sideways to the mirror to see how that looked. I finally shoved my briefs all the way down and kicked them off then stood before the mirror. I admired my thick hard cock as it stood tall, strong and proud in front of me. I looked at my balls hanging low and heavy, their weight pulling out the wrinkles at the bottom of my sac and making the flesh smooth. I put both hands down there encircling my bag and rubbing them roughly, then transferred one hand upward to grasp onto the shaft and squeezed tightly. I turned off the overhead light and went to my bed, my hard dick leading the way, and lay down. There was enough light coming in from outside for me to watch as I played with myself then started to slowly stroke my cock. At first I used my right hand, for I was left handed, and pretended that it was another boy jacking me off, another boy who held me, stroked me, and admired my body. I closed my eyes in order to heighten that effect and the boy that was loving me turned into Cole in my mind. For a brief moment I wondered at that, wondered at what had brought the small boy whom I barely knew into my fantasy. I opened my eyes and watched my left hand take over and begin to pick up speed, my other hand cupping and tugging on my balls. I felt my breathing become more rapid, felt the tingling as it started in my belly and started downward. Before I knew it I felt my cock harden against my hand then the exquisite feeling of sperm roaring up through my shaft and I raised my head slightly to witness the first squirt. As always I was amazed at the mechanics of my body and watched the first ropey strand of sperm as it shot out onto my belly accompanied by a low moan deep in my throat. I let my head fall back onto my pillow and continued stroking my dick and encouraged another five squirts of white goo that left streaks of the stuff all over my heaving stomach and as it slowed, dropping down into my pubic hair. I stopped actually stroking and resorted to squeezing my dick about mid way on the shaft then moving it upward to coax out the droplets that I knew were somewhere in transit, watching the stuff slowly ooze out of the slit in my swollen cock head. Once the tube seemed to be cleared of any but the smallest amount of liquid I let my hand fall to the bed along side of my hip while the fingers on my right hand continued to gently poke and rub against my now drained balls. As my breathing returned to normal my thoughts went to the presence of Cole in my little fantasy. I spent a little more time wondering about the why's of that. Part of it was the fact that he was cute. He wasn't much taller than my nipples which probably made him around five feet tall. His blonde hair had a slight curl to it and was over grown, the bangs almost ready to fall into his seemingly large blue eyes, the sides somewhat raggedy and covering his ears, while the back touched the collar of the last shirt I saw him in. Maybe part of it was Cole's size. He was small and cuddly and I kind of liked that. I'd had a teddy bear once that wasn't much smaller than my new friend and I loved snuggling up with it, enveloping it with my arms. Part of it was his personality too. Cole seemed to be pretty quick with his mouth and I laughed remembering his referencing McKinney to Moe of the three stooges. I wondered what he looked like under his jeans and I suspected he was still pretty small but one can never tell. I made a promise to myself to get to know him better and judging from the way he was during algebra I guessed that he might be open to that. My cum, cooling on my belly, brought me back to reality so I got up and grabbed a shirt in my laundry basket, cleaned myself off and went to bed. Over the next few weeks or so Cole and I spent more and more time together. Although I'd been at the school for a year and made plenty of friends, I didn't have any that I would call close friends. Cole seemed to have singled me out to be his buddy, his friend, his what-ever. He was in four of my classes and in two of them sat beside or in front of me. Along with the fact that he was without a doubt the smartest kid I'd ever known I discovered that he was also an incredible artist. During our art class he slipped a piece of paper back to me and when I opened it up it was a pencil drawing of a boy standing, looking over his shoulder and downward. The boy's pants were down and clearly it looked like he had his thumb up his ass. It was very apparent that the boy was McKinney, even though he'd also written Moe right under the boy's feet. It was all I could do to stifle a laugh. I found myself looking forward to seeing Cole in my classes, at lunch, or even just in passing during the day. We'd taken to having lunch together during which Cole would keep up an ongoing conversation, directing my attention to various people and how they looked or were dressed and even sometimes speculating about their personality and often times his comments were just plain rude. But it was hard not to laugh and sometimes I couldn't help it but just burst out laughing which caused people to look at us and wonder what was so funny; if they only knew. It was during one of his lunchtime commentaries that he brought sex up for the first time commenting on what one of the girls was going to do with the banana on her lunch tray. "They do that ya know, stuff things up their cunt, especially bananas," he whispered. I raised an eyebrow. "It's true. That way they can't get pregnant." I shot him a skeptical smile. "Yup," he went on then got rather thoughtful for a moment then said even more quietly, "I even know a boy who did that once." That really got my attention but he didn't elaborate, just got sort of quiet. I didn't ask for clarification. After that Cole's sexual comments became more frequent. About Jennifer Standard, who had long wavy red hair he mused, "I wonder if the tail is the same color as the mane." When I looked at him with a raised eyebrow he said, "Her snatch, her beaver, her pussy, her twat. I wonder if it's the same color. Oh man JoJo I really gotta teach you some stuff." He said the last with a smile. About Beanie he said, "I bet his dick is as skinny like he is. Needle dick the bug fucker." I almost choked on my milk when he added, "I bet he and McKinney both fuck Chitlins up his fat ass. More cushion for the pushin they say." When Mary Louise Davis, the girl in our school with the biggest tits, went by he said, "Can you imagine having your big ole' hard cock sliding back and forth between those golden globes and blasting her chin with your cum." I could only shake my head and wonder where in the hell he came up with that stuff. About the fifth or sixth week of our friendship Cole asked if I'd like to spend the night at his house some weekend, maybe come over after school on Friday and have dinner with his family. I'd not spent the night with anyone since I'd moved, hadn't been particularly interested. I nodded my head and told him I'd like that. Friday came and off to Cole's I went after school. He had some minor things to do, one of which was to practice the piano. He said I could wait in his room and read comics if I wanted to or I could sit and watch him practice. I opted for the latter and was again surprised by my friend's talent. He went through a half dozen songs seemingly without effort then ended with something that required one hand to run up and down the keyboard rather fast. When it was finished he said that it was called "The Flight of The Bumblebee". "I like this version better," Cole told me and with that he tore into a song that sounded somewhat like the one he had played before but was faster and more like rock and roll. Man that kid could tear a piano up. When he finished he said it was called "The Bumble Boogie." I really like boogie woogie and blues," he said then launched into yet another rapid paced tune that, like the song before, had his left hand carrying out a rapid and steady rhythm while his right hand was busier than a bird dog. I decided that I liked boogie woogie too. Cole slid off of the bench and told me to follow him. He opened a door and went up a narrow and steep set of stairs with me right behind him. I couldn't help but notice how narrow Cole's butt was, amazed again that we were the same age but our bodies were so different. At the top I was presented with a wide open space that light was streaming into from a set of very large windows on two walls. The area had easels with various stages of artwork on them and there were a few finished painting on the walls while others were leaning against another wall. "My studio," he said with a fake French accent and his arm waving around the area as if in emphasis, adding "Come on." Cole walked back along the edge of a short wall that prevented someone from falling down the stair hole. The area we were in made up about a third of the entire upstairs space was separated from the rest by almost a full wall of glass windows, the kind that were about a 10 to 12 inches square with wood frames around each one and for the most part were covered on the inside with what looked like white curtains. The bottom part, about seven feet high, was framed in a gradual arch that stretched from side to side, the wall above it solid. In the center was a slider that Cole used to open up into his bedroom proper and when I stepped through, it was into another world. The floor of the 30 by 20 foot room was covered in a deep thick maroon carpet except one corner where a work bench or desk that nestled in the right side as we stepped into the room. It had bits and pieces electronic type of parts that in 15 years probably would have been a computer. I couldn't identify the stuff but it took up a small part of the otherwise empty bench and a desk lamp in the middle would have provided the light needed to do any work. On the opposite side I could see a door opened to a bathroom sink and assumed that the room had a toilet and possibly a shower in it. Along one side what appeared to be cupboards or storage had been built about four feet out from the outside wall and rose to meet the roofline of the house. Sliding doors, similar to the one at the entry to the room but solid wood, fronted the cupboards. One was open half way to reveal clothes on hangers and shoes on the floor. The part that was the front of the house had what I thought was called a dormer, a part that protruded out from the front wall. Sort of like a bay window. It had to be a good six feet across the very front and the sides, going back toward the front wall at an angle, created a gap that had to ten feet across. Two rows of shelves covered all the three of the dormer walls and those were filled with books. Curtains hung in the corners. A couple of beanbag chairs and low side table sat just about in the middle to create a reading room with plenty of outside light coming in. The most cool part of the room however was the ceiling. The entire ceiling was covered in a billowing white material. It started at the center where a light fixture could be made out underneath and flowed out to the walls and cascaded down the wall at the head of a large bed, at least bigger than mine, so it was sort of like being under a large tent. The fabric, which turned out to be parachute material, would have cascaded down over the cupboard on the far wall but was held up at five foot intervals with what looked like old fashioned coat hooks. It also billowed down over the windows and the door we had come through but like the cupboards, the center was held up out of the way in order to get back and forth through the door. "Oh man Cole, this is about the coolest bedroom I've ever seen," I told him as I turned in place. "Thanks, I like it, but wait till it gets dark out." I gave him a questioning look but he only smiled. "I gotta change clothes, do you mind?" I shook my head and asked him if he wanted me to leave and shook his head and said with sort of a sigh. "Naaah, I got nothing to hide, believe me." Pointing to the beanbag chairs he said, "Go ahead and have a seat," He kicked his shoes off then undid his pants and slid them off. Cole was wearing white cotton jockey's but his button down shirt pretty much hung down to cover him up as he went about hanging his pants on a hanger and put them in the closet. That was one of the things about Cole; he always wore nice pants and button up shirts to school. His shirt came off next, each button undone first, and as he went about getting a hanger out and putting the shirt on it I got my first real glimpse of his body. He really did look like a ten or eleven year old boy. His entire body was narrow, almost to a point of being skinny. When he turned toward me I saw that he didn't fill out his underwear very much at all. He did have a nice, compact butt though. He pulled a shirt from somewhere in there and put it. A pullover with three button neck, it was long enough to barely cover his crotch. The style was a little on the dorky side but I didn't say anything. He walked over to his desk and turned on a small oscillating fan then came over and cracked open a small window behind us then plopped down in the other bean bag chair. "It gets kinda hot up here and I can't open that window any more than it is and I can't open a window at the other end cuz dust gets all over my painting area. Normally I'd only wear underwear, or even just go naked but..." he trailed leaving the expression on his smooth face indicating that he didn't need to state the obvious reason. I had to admit that it was warm up there. The fan was helping some, but still. "You can take some clothes off if you need to JoJo," he said. "No one is allowed up here and besides, it's just us guys." I nodded my head, caught betwixt and between. I didn't want to look like a prude but felt a little bit strange just dropping my clothes even though I wouldn't have minded undressing a little. I sort of glanced at Cole, legs stretched out in front of him and hands clasped at his waist. His shirt had pulled up some so his crotch was more exposed and given that I'd sort of wondered what he looked like under there and given that I'd had some other curious thoughts about him when I jacked off over the past few weeks, I figured "screw it." I kicked my shoes off then unsnapped my jeans, lifted my butt up and got them down enough to sit back down then shoved them all the way down and off then leaned back pretty much like Cole was. The movement pulled my t-shirt up so, like Cole, my underwear was pretty much showing which meant that my stuff was as well. Cole all but started for just a moment then looked back at me and said, "Better huh?" I nodded my head. It was definitely better. We proceeded to talk about all kinds of things and I totally relaxed. I was beginning to like Cole a lot. He was smart, clever, quick witted and funny. He was cute too and I'd thought about that quite a bit when I was lost in my own thoughts, which was difficult to do when I was around him. A little buzzer went off and Cole glanced at the clock next to his bed. "Parents are home," said but didn't seem inclined to move. "My mom will buzz us when it's time for dinner." I thought that a little strange then he went on to explain that he'd wired the front and back doors so that he could tell when someone came in the house. The same buzzer was also wired to the kitchen so when his parents wanted him for something that was how they let him know. "I hate them calling up the stairs and shit," he said, "Irritates me when I'm painting or in the middle of something, like beating off." I was looking at him as he talked and raised an eyebrow at his statement. "Don't even tell me you don't beat off JoJo," he said as though challenging me to deny it. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess," He rolled his eyes. "You guess? You mean you don't know? I know about wet dreams but nocturnal jack off would be something for the science books." I had to laugh. "Okay, yes, I jack off. Are you happy?" I said it all with a smile. "Not quite; how often?" It was my turn to roll my eyes. I paused and he took it as avoiding the issue an asked the question again. "I dunno, a couple times a week." "Men between the ages of 18 and 20 do it a couple times a week." Then he went off on a litany of statistics that sounded like a sex education class. "Once entering puberty the teenage male masturbates on the average of 4 times per week with spurts, you should pardon the expression, of daily masturbation. This will tend to change in mid to late teens with most boys slowing down to once or twice weekly. Masturbation usually continues into a male's 40's and beyond. It is not uncommon for teenage boys to masturbate together, either in pairs or groups, the latter often being performed in a contest like atmosphere. The average male begins producing sperm by age 13 and can continue into and beyond his 60's." He had been looking up in the air as if trying to recall the information as he spoke. "Of course that last statistic doesn't apply to me you understand," he said as he looked me in the eye and I raised an eyebrow again. "You don't...uhm, you know, cum?" I asked, not a little curious. Cole shook his head. "Oh no, I cum, I get incredible feelings I just don't squirt anything out. My balls are like mothballs, dry." I still had a look of, I don't know, shock or surprise on my face. "I am what is called a late bloomer, as if you couldn't tell by my size. I'm in the lower 1-2 percentile in terms of weight and height for boys my age, which as you know is 14 and that includes my stuff. I've seen eleven year olds who were bigger than me and more developed." He pointed at his crotch when he said that last bit. "I just started getting hair down there, like an hour ago. In fact you got more hair on your lip that I do on my dick." It wasn't that I didn't believe him, just that I'd never known a boy who didn't have fuzz by our age and I'd never known a boy that was so free to talk about his stuff like that. "I'm serious," he said, "look." With that he came over and stood in front of me and pulled the front of his briefs down enough for me to see what he was talking about and he wasn't kidding. Not only were the hairs barely popping out of his skin, I could count them, there were six. "You, on the other hand, probably have a veritable bush going on down there," he said as he let the waistband snap back into place. "And, judging from the bulge, your dick probably hangs half way to your knees and when you cum you probably make puddles of the stuff." He sat back down, crossed his arms and said, "It's frustrating and embarrassing. Fortunately I have a medical excuse for not talking PE or I'd be the talk of the school for something other than my brains although nobody knows I'm a genius except you. I guess there's some satisfaction in that, being a genius I mean." The buzzer went off again which caused Cole to raise an eyebrow. He wondered out loud how the fuck his mother had managed to get dinner ready so quick then suggested that we get dressed and go downstairs and get that part of the evening over. "My parents are nice and everything, just don't expect too much out of them." Meeting another kid's parents is almost always a pain in the ass. Mothers are all smiles and ask all kinds of questions and fathers have a noncommittal expression and just sort of grunt at the answers. Cole's parents were pretty much like that except his father talked more. I understood where Cole got his clothing styles as the dad wore slacks and a white shirt without a tie and his mother was in a rather plain looking dress. My mom hadn't worn a dress since my dad's funeral. So they did the "nice to meet you, what do your parents do," sort of shit and put on sad expressions when I said my dad was dead. The mom decided to cheery things up and said we were going out to dinner which ended up being an old place called The Poodle Dog Café where the waitresses were all 100 years old, wore aprons with a big pink poodle on the front, had big hair that was either dyed blond or had a bluish tint to it, and called everyone "honey or hon, dear, or sweetie". "What can I get you dear? How would you like that meatloaf cooked sweetie?" I never got to eat out much so it was okay. Both Cole and I would rather have had pizza. Overall it wasn't too painful and an hour and a half later we were back in Cole's room. It had started to get dark but there was still enough light to see by. Cole proceeded to take his pants off and hang them in the closet and this time he took his shirt off as well so I peeled my t-shirt off, dropped my jeans and socks and piled it all against the closet area. I was a little more comfortable about the whole thing and besides, I was sort of hoping that Cole might want to do some stuff. As I said before, I was conflicted in my sexual orientation and in fact when I'd jacked off the day before my entire fantasy had been about Cole. It had involved us sucking each other's cocks and ending with me cumming in his mouth. I really didn't know if Cole would be open to doing stuff but as snippy and sarcastic as he could get I was real leery of approaching the topic. We sat in the bean bag chairs, legs stretching out in front of us and I wasn't sure but it seemed like Cole was sort, well, looking at my crotch. "You know, I wonder..." he started to say then stopped. "What?" He shook his head and waved a hand in that way that says "forget it". "Hey, it's getting dark." He stood up and pulled black curtains across the windows making it much darker then walked behind me and went to his bed and fumbled around then all of a sudden the room was bathed in a red glow. It was coming from underneath the cloth that shrouded the room giving it a really eerie look. "Cool huh? He asked. I smiled and nodded my head, looking around and not watching Cole, and the room changed to a blue cast then got a little brighter before dimming. I looked over at Cole who had a remote controller in his hand and was pointing it at a spot above his closet door and then the room changed to a deep green then back to red. He explained that he'd rewired the remote and put a couple of "eyes", or receivers on the cabinets so that he could work the lights from anywhere in his room. "It has a regular light too but I hardly ever use it. Come on," he said then flopped down on his back on the shag carpet with his legs and arms spread slightly. I followed his lead and next to him on the soft shag. "Sometimes I pretend I'm in different worlds or traveling through time or stuff," he told me. Then he started telling a story about how we were time travelers going into the future. He reached out and took my hand as he explained that we had to stay connected or we'd get lost from each other. He went on telling our story and I followed him through it, my hand holding firmly on to his. Then we were being attacked by some flesh eating mutants and before I knew it Cole did a full role toward me ending up with his back against me and lying on my arm so my reaction was to wrap my arm up and hold him. "Hold on tight JoJo or they'll take us away," he said. I rolled onto my side and threw my other arm around his waist and held him somewhat tightly. Crazy as it sounds I was sort of caught up in the drama of the make believe story. As I held him, Cole backed up tighter to my body which caused my crotch to be up against his slender little boy's butt. He extended one of his legs outward, pretending that the mutants had gotten hold of him. While his voice was still kept somewhat low, he added tones of excitement and terror to it and I held him tighter to me. While still caught up in the story, I became aware of the warmth of his compact body against mine, the firmness of his butt against my crotch. His wiggling leg made his butt move against me and I felt myself begin get hard and I couldn't imagine that Cole couldn't feel it, especially since I pushed against him in response. "Aggghhhh," he finally cried out in mock pain. "They got my foot JoJo." He maneuvered his body so that he was facing me, our bodies still in almost full contact. I wasn't sure but it felt like Cole was hard too. "I'll die JoJo," he said in the low, faltering voice of an actor on the verge of death. "If I don't get a transfusion of energy I'll die." Our faces were only inches apart, looking into each other's eyes. I could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. "You have to help me JoJo." "What can I do?" I said, playing my part. He slowly moved his face closer. I knew what was coming and just before his lips touched mine I closed my eyes. His lips were soft and warm, softer than I would ever had imagined. He kissed me for a good five seconds, moving his lips against mine with mine responding then pulled his head back slightly and I opened my eyes. "It's not enough to save me JoJo," he said as though he really were dying. "I need more; I need you to help me." I nodded my head, afraid to speak for fear of saying the wrong thing but I did. "Do what you need to do," I whispered. Cole moved his butt back and put his hand between us and took hold of my fully hardened cock and squeezed. "I need this JoJo," he said and I only nodded my head. Cole gently pushed his arm against me and I rolled onto my back. He started to pull at the front of my briefs so I put both hands to my waist, lifted my butt off the carpet and slid my underwear down over my butt cheeks. I raised my head enough to watch him move his body down then raise his upper body. He held my nail hard cock upright then lowered his head and a second later I felt the warmth of his mouth as it closed down over my swollen cock head then flooded my body. I thought I was going to die on the spot. I'd never had my cock sucked before and whatever fantasies I had about it, they sure as hell didn't compare to how it felt. Cole bobbed his head up and down while his hand moved in tandem, jacking me off. I couldn't resist touching him so reached out and put my hand on his back then moved it down onto his narrow butt. I fondled the fleshy orbs, wishing that his underwear was off so I could feel his skin. The feeling of his lips on my cock and his tongue swirling on my cock head were incredible and it didn't take long before I felt my balls start to tingle. "You better be careful Cole," I told him in a husky whisper. He continued to suck my cock and I began to breathe much faster then he took my cock from his mouth and concentrated on jacking me off. "Ohhh fuck," I finally gasped and a second later my cock head erupted. Cole moved his hand a little faster and held me a little tighter as my cock spurted out six jets of gooey white cream all over my lower chest and my belly. He continued to slowly stroke me as my dick stopped shooting and my sperm oozed and down over his thumb. He finally let go of me, gently letting my cock down until it rested on my belly. "That's a hell of a lot of energy," he said quietly. "Hell of a nozzle too." I didn't say anything but just lay there for a moment with my eyes closed catching my breath. I heard rustling and opened my eyes to see Cole tugging his underwear off then taking hold of his cock and jacking off. He didn't appear to be more than three inches long, his thumb and forefinger moving rapidly on the stiff little shaft. I couldn't see his balls because his other hand was between his legs and playing with them. It wasn't long before his breathing was ragged then a groan escaped his lips followed by the sounds of a boy cumming. The expressions on his smooth soft face reflected the same kind of feelings that I'd had whenever I squirted my cum so I knew the boy was caught up in a fog of hotness. Cole finally slowed down then stopped stroking but his hands continued to play with his stuff. He stopped then rolled over to face me again, resting a hand on my chest just at the edge of a puddle of cooling sperm. "Thanks for saving me JoJo," he whispered then leaned forward and kissed me again. This time I put my hand on the back of his head and gently held him while I kissed him back. When we broke away he had a strange look in his eyes then scooted down a little bit and rested his head on my shoulder. He wasn't there very long when he sat up abruptly. "Gosh your sperms must be getting cold JoJo." He rolled away then went over to his bed then came back with a small hand towel and gently cleaned me off. I asked him why he kept a towel by his bed if he didn't make cum yet and he said, "Lube," then went on to explain that sometimes he used some slippery stuff when he beat off the added, "And other things." He tossed the towel across the room where it landed in basket with what I assumed were dirty clothes. "Can I take your underwear off JoJo?" he asked. I'd all but forgotten that my briefs were still around my upper thighs. "Yeah, go ahead," I said so he pulled them off and tossed them with the rest of my clothes than lay back down along side of me, propped up on a elbow. "I love lying around naked," he said and I had to agree with him. He then reached out and took hold of my cock which was still almost as hard as when I'd cummed. I sighed as he wrapped his fingers around me. "Fuck your dick is so huge JoJo. I never seen a dick as big as yours." Needless to say I was proud at his attention. "Did you like it when I sucked you?" "Yeah," I whispered. "It was great. I never had anybody suck me before." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, an expression of disbelief on his face. "Seriously," I said. He asked if I'd ever done stuff with another boy or even a girl and again, I shook my head. "Oh man, the vestal virgin," he said. I didn't know what the first word meant but I sure as hell knew the second one. His hand left my cock and moved down over balls then came up underneath them. He hefted them in his hand then said it was no wonder that I made as much sperm as I did cuz they were so big. The warmth of his hand on my nuts made me sigh again. I was in heaven having my stuff touched and played with like that. "Can I suck on your cock again JoJo?" Cole asked and of course I told him he could. Once again he turned his body and this time he draped himself across my belly so I could really see him actually sucking on me but I sure felt the warmth of his mouth when he closed it over the head. As Cole sucked me I wondered briefly where he'd learned how to do it. I mean, sure, this was the first, well actually the second, time that I'd been sucked but still it was clear to me that he knew what he was doing. I could tell that he was taking a good three inches of my fat cock into his mouth and he kept his tongue moving the whole time too. I reached out and touched his back and rubbed him gently then moved my hand lower to rub on his butt. Cole surprised me by moving his lower body back toward my head the putting his top foot flat on the carpet and opening himself up for my exploring hand. Virgin or not I knew what to do. Reaching out, I slipped my hand between his legs and found his balls. Like the rest of his body, Cole's balls were small, not much bigger than large marbles. His bag, while crinkled, was still soft and pliable. I moved a little further and found the base of his cock then put my fingers around the whole shaft and gently squeezed. "Fuck that feels good," Cole said then went back to sucking on my cock. I wanted to suck on Cole's cock too, wanted feel his rigid dick with my lips, wanted to see what another boy tasted like. "Oh man Cole, can you turn so I can suck you too?" Cole rolled away from me then turned so that his head was up along side of mine. "My mouth's getting sore JoJo cuz your cock is so fucking big." I didn't need any more information than that. I leaned over him and lowered my head. "Make sure you put your lips over your teeth JoJo," he said. I looked him over, seeing how his balls hung, the tiny blond hairs poking out of his pubic bone and of course his stone hard cock. I held it upright and looking it over as well. There were small blue veins running up and down it. His cock head was slightly red and swollen. I put my head down then closed my mouth over it. He was warm, the skin seemingly soft but the shaft hard. I swirled my tongue all around the head, exploring the slit as well as the ridge. I lowered my head, taking every bit of him inside my mouth then backing off of it only to return. I detected an odor, a rather pleasant fragrance that was a little sweet but musky too. I recognized it from when I'd played with my balls then sniffed my fingers. Cole's hand was on the back of my head and his fingers rustled through my hair. I could feel his hips move gently as if he were fucking my mouth, pushing up as I went down on him, and relaxing back into the carpet when I moved my head up. I finally took him out of my mouth and began licking all over the head then concentrating on the underside of it. "Fuck JoJo don't stop," he moaned. I put my mouth back over his cock, my free hand felt on and tugged gently on his balls. It seemed like only a minute passed before both of his hands were on my head, pressing against the sides as he pushed his hips faster and his body started shaking slightly. "Oh shit, oh fuck JoJo," he groaned out and I knew that I was making Cole cum. His breathing was very ragged as though he couldn't get enough air into his lungs and like the last time, his body shook every so slightly. Knowing how sensitive my dick is after I cum, I finally stopped and moved back up along side of him, watching his face in the red glow of the light and slowly stroking my cock. Cole continued to lay there with his eyes closed, his torso rising and falling, and I just looked at him. He was cute, no doubt about that. Despite a generally acerbic attitude, which in turn drove his mouth, I found myself really liking him a lot. Now that we had crossed the barrier into the sexual realm, he seemed to have at least a fair interest in exploring that world with me. I mean, that story he told to get things started wasn't accidental. Cole finally opened his eyes, turned his head toward me and smiled. He had a really cute smile. "What ya thinking," he asked with that lazy after cum type of tone in his voice. "Nothing really." "Want me to make you cum again," he asked. "If you want to I wouldn't argue." He smiled again and rolled over to face me and again, he kissed me on the lips. "Have you ever used a lube or something slippery when you beat off?" I shook my head because in fact, I never had. He got up and went to his nightstand and returned with a bottle, had a second thought and retrieved a t-shirt from the laundry. He stepped between my legs and began to kneel so I spread them wide to make room for him and once down, he spread the t-shirt over my belly and chest. "You're gonna love this JoJo," he said as he poured some of the liquid in his hand then took hold of my balls in his left hand, wrapped his right hand around my cock and stroked up over the head. I thought I was gonna fucking die. How in the hell I'd missed the boat on this little trick, I have no idea. Cole held my balls down which caused the skin on my dick to pull tighter, that trick I already knew, and began to jack me off. it took less than thirty seconds before I was moaning out loud, the feeling in my ultra sensitive swollen head almost more than I could bear. In less than another minute I felt the tingling start, told Cole what was happening, and the boy stroked faster and held me tighter. "Ohhh fuck," I groaned out and my cock erupted for the second time in thirty minutes. It wasn't record, but pretty close. I shoved my hips up off the carpet which probably helped the first jet hit the top part of the t-shirt, a small bit of my sperm hitting me in the neck. Thankfully Cole had moved his hand off my cock head but continued to stroke me through another five squirts of cum. They didn't go as far as the first one, and there wasn't as much liquid but still it would have made a mess if not for the shirt that was covering me. "Man JoJo I can't believe how much cum you make. It's more than I've ever seen." My cock had slowed to a dribble and Cole continued to work it and milk it, coaxing out every last drop that was to be had. Because of being caught up in cum feelings I didn't really think about what Cole had said and it wasn't until later as we snuggled naked together in his bed that I thought to ask. He tossed the shirt back into the laundry basket after using a part of it to clean the small bit of cum from my neck then warmed a wash cloth and used it to clean the lube stuff off of my cock. I loved the warmth of it against my softening flesh and just lay there sighing as he tenderly cleaned me off. "Gosh I'm sleepy," I said after he rinsed the washcloth off and came back to lie with me on the carpet. "Me too kinds. Two cums sorta do that I think. We can go to bed if you want to JoJo." I yawned again, stretched and said that sounded like a good idea. We climbed in under the covers and Cole asked if we could huggle a little bit and I had no problem with that. He moved in close and rested his head in the crook of my shoulder and we each wrapped an arm around the other's waist. "I really being with you JoJo," he said. "It was fun what we did tonight, I hope you liked it." I told him that I really did like it then remembered some of the questions that I had. "You said I had the biggest dick you ever saw and you never saw so much of cum before. Have you done stuff with other boys Cole?" I asked him. He nodded his head and told me that he'd messed around with a couple of other boys before he moved to town. He told me a little bit about jacking off and sucking cocks and stuff. Then said there was plenty of other stuff that we could do if I wanted to. "Like what?" I asked. He yawned again and said, "Well that's a surprise. I'll have to show you tomorrow." With that he rolled away from me and got out of bed. He opened one of the curtains to let some light in from the street then climbed back into bed. He leaned over and kissed me and I responded in kind, loving the feel of his lips against mine. "G'nite JoJo I'm really glad we're friends." He rolled away from me, clicked the room into darkness then back up into me. I wrapped my arm around his chest and held him, reveling in the feeling of his compact body against mine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For over 100 other Tag_m stories click on the prolific author link and look for Tag Michaels. I'm about ¾ of the way down the page, or there abouts.