Pony Club Days - Part 3

Ben Dawson

Authors Note:  This story is loosely based on events that occured while I was growing up.  Some events depicted did actually happen to me, other events may have happened to other people I knew, while some events may have related to me by other parties and have been included for the sake of providing an overall picture of the times.  What category the events depicted in this story actually fall into will remain known only to me. You can make up your own mind about them and where you think they belong.

All names have been changed to protect the guilty, or innocent, or whoever.

I would like to express my thanks to my friend Mark 'Ponyboy' Peters for his friendship, encouragement, suggestions and edits to prepare this story for publishing. You're the best!  (Please check out his website... www.ponyboysplace.com

Thank you very much also to those who wrote following the first two chapters being posted. Your comments were very much appreciated and your encouragement also means a great deal to me!



Part Two - First Jamboree

At the end of my first Pony Camp I felt as if I was a changed person. My eyes had been opened up to so many possibilities that could lie ahead of me, not only in terms of horse riding, but in many other things as well.

When I left camp after that last day, the gymkhana day, I felt a little down, or a little sad, as I knew that I wouldn't see Christopher or any of the other friends I had made there for ages. I had of course managed to get his telephone number and we had spoken several times, but that was always difficult as well, as I couldn't always talk to him about the things I wanted to talk about as there always seemed to be someone else around within earshot when we were on the phone to each other.

About ten days after the camp finished, however, I received a surprise when I was told by my father that we would be going into town to watch the team that had been selected to represent the club at the upcoming Pony Club Jamboree go through their practice sessions.

Christopher had been one of the twenty-two riders selected for the team following his being named as the Champion Boy Rider and I was truly excited at the prospect of seeing him, and also some of the other guys, again. 

When we pulled in to the car park at the showground that afternoon we could see horses and riders already out in the main ring going through their paces in teams of four. My father had explained to me that how they selected the teams was so that they had a number of teams of four riders for the teams competition. There were two junior teams, two senior teams, one Associate (Junior Instructors) team, plus two extra riders who were reserves, just in case someone had to pull out or a horse was injured or something like that. 

When we pulled up I jumped out of the car and ran over to the fence around the ring and climbed up onto it, sitting on the top rail so I could watch what they were doing. To my untrained eye the teams all looked great going around together like that, all very neat and precise, but judging by the yelling going on out in the middle I don't think the instructors were at all happy with how they were going.

I quickly spotted Christopher riding in his team of four and also recognised Colin and 'Trigger' riding in their Associate team. Both of them gave me a broad grin and a wave as they came trotting past where I was sitting on the fence, as did some of the others, including Damien, one of my co-conspirators the night we marked the walls in the shower.

'They're looking good, aren't they?' I heard my father say when he came across and joined me, leaning across the fence beside me.

'They sure are,' I said, although what I was actually thinking was that they were looking hot, especially both Christopher and Colin.

The competitions for the teams of four were one of the main parts of the Jamboree apparently, as these events earned the biggest number of points that were available, so having a team that all looked similar and could work well together was vital. Of course it wasn't always possible to have a matched team, but it definitely helped.

When the teams came around past me the next time I took careful note of them. Christopher's team were all chestnut coloured horses, with each having a white mark on their face, like a star or a blaze or something. There was another team, the one Damien was in, that had four lovely dappled grey horses, while Colin's team of Associate riders who had all been instructing us through camp, well, to be honest they looked a bit like a patchwork quilt, with all four horses being different colours and even different sizes, having Colin's palomino, along with a grey horse, a pretty pinto and a plain old brown one.

The next time Colin came around past us he called out and said, 'Hey there Shooter . . . how are we lookin?'

'Damn fine,' I called back to him, which resulted in him laughing all the way around to the other side of the ring.

'So,' my father said after Colin had passed by, 'you haven't told me yet just how you did get that new nickname of yours?'

'I . . . ummm . . . errr . . .' I started to stammer. It was a moment I had been dreading, but I had come up with a story that I reckoned would help me bluff my way through it. 'We were just shooting some hoops one night after dinner and . . . and I got the highest score.'

'Is that right?'

'Yes, sir,' I replied.

'So it wasn't anything to do with what happened in the showers then?' he asked casually.

'W-what?' I stammered. Inside my body I felt my blood run cold.

'It's okay Ben,' he said, placing a hand on my knee. 'It's just a sign that you are growing up, mate. We all do that. Even grown ups, from time to time.'

I looked at him sideways.

'All grown ups?' I asked incredulously.

'Well, most of them do. The guys anyhow, up until when they get too old I suppose.'

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. The thought that my dad, who I had always thought was pretty good looking himself, could be doing that was enough to completely send my head into a spin.

'H-how could you know about what happened?' I asked.

'Colin told me all about it,' he said. 'He wasn't there was he?'

I shook my head. 'No way!'

'Okay, that's good then. It's okay for friends to fool around and show off like that, but it's a bit strange if older people are involved. Do you understand what I'm saying?'

'I . . . I think so,' I replied.

'That's good son.'

We sat there in silence for a while just watching the teams going through their paces. They had to learn a complicated sort of pattern off by heart and some of the teams were having some difficulty in getting it right. The Chief Instructor for the camp was out in the middle barking orders at them all and waving his arms about, getting more and more frustrated with each time they got it wrong.

I wasn't concentrating all that well though, as I was still thinking about what my father had said, as well as being a bit cranky with Colin for talking to my father about that, and I thought I would have to tell him that as soon as I had the chance to talk to him.

'Listen Ben, I'll be back in a minute. I'm just going to go out there and talk to the Chief, all right?'

'Sure,' I replied.

He climbed up and over the fence, then set off toward the middle of the ring. When he got there he started talking to the Chief Instructor, then moments later all the teams were called into the centre.

'Go take a break for fifteen minutes,' he said to them, 'then we'll come back and have another go.'

Most of the kids rode out of the ring, but Christopher and Colin trotted straight over to where I was sitting on the fence.

'Hi, guys,' I said to them. 'What's happening out there?'

'We keep fucking it up!' Colin replied. 'You would think that after doing this for six years I would know how to do it by now, wouldn't you?'

'I just think you're being distracted,' Christopher said. They both just looked at me and grinned.

'Yeah buddy. Maybe you're right,' Colin answered, slapping me on the knee as he did so.

'Yeah, whatever!' I said.

'What's wrong with you?' Colin asked.

'I'm pissed with you,' I replied. 'Why the hell did you tell my dad about the Shooter thing?'

'Oh, that. Sorry, it just slipped out. It's no biggy . . . all guys do it you know. I bet he still does it too?'

'But . . . but how did YOU find out?'

He looked across at Christopher, who suddenly had a sheepish look on his face.

'You!' I exclaimed.

'Well, it was a great story . . . and besides he's pretty keen on you.'

I looked back at Colin who was grinning at me.

'Christopher says you're a great kisser,' he said to me, giving me a wink as he did so.

'Am I?' I asked.

'The best,' Christopher answered.

'Ummm . . . Dad said I shouldn't ever do anything with anyone older . . .'

'Fuck! You don't go telling your Dad everything you do, do you?' Christopher interjected. 'Are you fucking crazy?'


'Well, what he doesn't know about won't hurt him.'

'I . . . dunno . . .'

'It's okay Ben,' Colin said. 'Your dad is right. You shouldn't do anything with anyone unless first of all you are friends with them . . . that means no strangers . . . and also you shouldn't let anyone ever make you do anything that you don't want to do. Do you understand what I'm saying?'

For the second time that day I answered that question with, 'I . . . I think so.'

'That's good,' Colin added. 'But just remember if you ever want to know anything, or if there's anything you're not sure about, and you're not sure who to talk to, you can ask me anytime. All right? I know when I was your age it could be pretty embarrassing at times.'

'All right,' I replied. 'And thank you.'

'You're welcome,' he responded.

'So . . . are you coming to the Jamboree?' Christopher asked excitedly.

'What? To watch you guys go around and fuck it up like you were out there?' I teased.

'Ha! He's got a point there,' Colin laughed.

It was then that I was struck with a thought. 'Hey, how much have you two been talking about me? Have you two been playing around together or something?'

The two of them looked at each other a grinned.

'You dirty buggers,' I laughed. 'Why wasn't I invited?'

'You can be if you like,' Christopher said quietly. 'Wanna come and camp with us at the Jamboree? I'll ask mum and dad if you can.'

Suddenly I felt myself going hard inside my jeans.

'Fuck yeah! I'd love to. I'll just have to ask the folks first!'

*   *   *

Thankfully our parents all said yes to my going to the Jamboree with Christopher's family for the weekend, so on the following Friday morning we met Christopher and his family on the highway as they came past the turn off on to our road.

Our parents chatted while Christopher and I threw my swag, which was basically a foam mattress and some blankets and my sleeping bag all wrapped up in a canvas wrap, and my carry bag with clothes and other essentials up into their horse truck. It was the first time that I had got to have a look at it and I was completely blown away.

They had a horse truck with a closed in float on the back of it, at the front of which were some living quarters with a small kitchen, some cupboards, a table and a bed. I had never seen anything like it. The horse compartment was at the back of the truck and in that I soon found were Christopher's and Colin's horses as well as one belonging to one of the girls in the team.

We said goodbye to my parents and as they climbed back into their car Christopher's dad, Keith, asked us, 'Do you boys want to ride up in the back?'

'Hell yeah,' Christopher said, so he opened the door and we clambered back up inside.

I gave my folks one last wave while I was half hanging out of the door, then Christopher dragged me inside.

'Hold on, and behave yourselves!' Keith said to us as he shut the door behind us.

'So, it's just us then,' I said to Christopher.

'Yeah, but don't get any ideas, there's a slot at the front there where you can see into here from the cabin,' he said, while pointing to a spot in the wall.

'Damn,' I replied, as we both sat down on the bed. 'So, how long does it take to get to where the Jamboree is at?'

'Over an hour, I think. I haven't been there before, so it'll be interesting.'

'Do you know anyone else that's going? I mean from other towns or whatever?'

'Could do. We'll just have to see who got picked for the other teams.'


We felt the truck start up and a vibration go through the whole vehicle as it did so. One of the horses gave a bit of a kick at the wall or something and made a loud bang, then moments later we pulled out. The feeling of movement in the back of a truck was different to anything I had experienced before but I quickly got used to it.

Chris lay back on the bed and I lay down beside him. We chatted about what would be there and Chris told me what he hoped to do there. His main aim, apart from trying to help our town win the Jamboree, was that he wanted to beat a kid called Andrew from one of the other towns who he hadn't been able to beat yet in a riding class.

'He's a fucking good rider,' he said to me, then whispered, 'and he's fucking hot too!'

'Don't you ever think about anything else?' I laughed.

'Don't you?' he replied. He had me there. I had to laugh at that. 

After half an hour or so we both grew quiet. I was starting to feel a bit tired, and it looked like Chris was too. I think it must have been the rocking motion of the truck and the sound of the wheels on the road that started it, somehow gentle and almost hypnotizing.

We both ended up nodding off to sleep and when we were woken up, I think by the motion of the truck slowing, braking and turning into the showground, we found ourselves laying on our sides with Chris' front firmly against my back, his arm reaching over me and cuddling me close to him. There was also something hard prodding into my butt. 

I smiled to myself when I realised what it was and I realised what had happened, then I suddenly remembered the little window that allowed a view of the living area from the cabin of the truck. I glanced at it, but thankfully couldn't see any faces leering back at us.

'Are you awake?' I asked him.

'Hmmppff . . .'

'Chris. Wake up!' I said a little louder.

He removed his arm from where it was draped across me and sat up, rubbing his face and running his hands back through his hair.

'The window!' I hissed at him. 'What if they saw us like that?'

'Keep your knickers on,' he yawned. 'All they would have seen... IF they had seen anything... was the two of us lying down.'

'I hope that's all then!'

We looked at the window again and still there was no sign of anyone looking back through it, so we started breathing a little easier. Just then the truck came to a stop and Chris got up and opened the door.

'Looks like we're here,' he said, then jumped down out of the truck. I got up off the bed and jumped down to join him, just as his parents also stepped down from the cabin as well.

'Well here it is Chris... your field of dreams! You going to kick that Andrew's butt this time I hope?' his father said to him.

'I sure hope so,' he replied.

'Come on... let's get these ponies put away and the camp set up, then you can get some practice in. How about you Ben, can you handle Colin's horse 'til he gets here? He had to work today but will leave straight after work and will get here before dark.'

'Sure,' I replied. 'Where are the stables?'

He fished a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. Apparently it was a copy of a map of the grounds that had been sent to them so that everyone knew the layout of the grounds, where all the teams were being stabled and where their allocated camping places were.

'Looks like we're over there,' he said, pointing to a long, low building. 'Yeah, that's it. There's the Petersons truck. We'll go over and park next to them.'

Even as we were speaking there were other vehicles coming in the gates. Trucks of all sizes. Cars towing horse floats and all types of trailers. I was started to get excited just at the thought of what the weekend was going to bring.

Keith climbed back up into the truck and started it again, then put it in gear and started toward the area where we would be camped and stabled, while Chris, his mum and I walked along, with the two of us on either side of her.

'So, did you boys have a good trip down here? You must have been tired, it looked like you were both having a sleep.'

'Yeah, that's 'cause Ben is so boring to talk to,' Chris said.

'Me? Boring? I couldn't get any sleep from your snoring all the way,' I spat back at him.

He reached around behind his mum and thumped me on the arm, which I then returned with interest.

*   *   *

After the horses were unloaded and put away we set about setting up the camp, which meant cleaning the truck out and washing it out, then setting up a canvas annexe on the side, similar to what I have seen attached to the side of a caravan when people camped in one of those.

Chris' mum and dad would be sleeping in the truck, while the annexe would be home for Chris and Colin and me, which suited us just fine, as it was private, with the entrances to both areas being separate.

While we were setting things up a few other trucks with members of our team arrived and so we pitched in and helped some of those. When most of the team were present the Chief Instructor asked them to saddle up as he wanted one last practice session, and despite a few moans and groans everyone that was there from our team soon presented themselves and were taken out into the ring where they were put through their paces once more.

The rest of us watched from the sidelines as they practiced their drills, and when they were done Keith gave a nod of satisfaction and said, 'They're looking sharp. I think we're going to do well this year,' while giving me a slap on the back as he did so.

I had to confess that I still didn't know enough to be able to pass judgement, but to me they all looked like they were going well.

When training was finished and the horses washed and put away we finally got some free time. There was still no sign of Colin so Christopher asked if I wanted to go down to the river, which apparently ran just behind the showground.

'Sure,' I replied. 'It's still hot enough for a swim.'

'I wasn't thinking entirely about swimming,' he replied, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'Oh,' I said, realising what it was that he was meaning.

We went back to the camp to change into our shorts and grab our towels, then headed off in the direction of the river. Chris said he had been here before and knew the way, so I followed him blindly, heading down behind the last of the stable buildings to where we found a gateway that led out of the ground.

There were lots of trees around and the grass was quite long but after battling through that we found ourselves at the top of the bank of a river.

'Nice,' I said as I took in the sight of it all.

We weren't the first to have the idea of getting in for a swim, as we found there were a few other kids also splashing about when we got there.

'This way,' Christopher said as he headed downstream toward where there were some willow trees crowded along the bank.

I followed him and after quite a walk we came to a sheltered spot beneath the trees where we found a spot to sit down on a grassy bank, but slightly off the main track that ran along the bank and sheltered behind some other trees and bushes. We were quite a long way away from where any of the other kids were, so I figured we would be safe enough.

'We should be okay here. We'll still be able to hear anyone coming along the path and still be out of the way.'

'Aren't you worried someone might find us here?' 

'Nah, it'll be cool. If they come down here they're probably wanting to do the same as us anyhow . . . just get away and have a bit of fun.'

'I hope you're right.'

We lay on the grass beside each other, on our sides and facing each other, just talking in hushed tones, not doing much but both of us clearly excited. I don't know if it was the sense of danger, of possibly doing the forbidden in a place where we could be caught, but for some reason, despite our obvious excitement neither, of us seemed keen to initiate proceedings.

A couple of time Chris reached out and touched me, firstly running the back of his hand along my cheek before then letting his fingers trace the outline of my small, but erect nipples, then running down and just resting on my waist, but that was about as far as it went. I did the same for him, but neither of us went any further.

After a while we heard a noise, which sounded like people coming our way, so we sat up and peered out from our little secluded spot, to see a group of about six or seven kids walking down the path, following the river.

They passed almost directly in front of us and we saw that they were mostly older kids, about sixteen or seventeen, some girls and some boys, and were all wearing their swimming outfits and had towels draped over their shoulders. As it was the middle of January and we were still in the middle of summer nobody would have thought twice about seeing a group of kids heading off down to the river to go swimming.

Amongst them we recognised at least two of the older guys from our own team, Steve and Danny, so we decided to follow them (at a safe distance) to see what they were going to get up to. It wasn't difficult of course, as there were quite a lot of bushes growing along both sides of the river bank, as well as numerous quite large willow trees, drooping their long, weeping branches down to the river banks or into the water in some cases, providing many sheltered spots where prying eyes could stay hidden.

Once or twice as we followed them downstream they looked back, appearing nervous, as if they had possibly heard us, or were perhaps just anxious about being followed, which only reinforced the feelings we had that they were going to be getting up to no good.

As stealthily as we could we trailed the little group of teens along the river bank, moving from clumps of bushes to the shelter offered by trees, even crouching down behind a fallen log at one stage as to stay hidden when they looked back to make sure they weren't being followed.

We counted seven kids in total. Three girls and four boys. Chris and I both wondered what would happen if they ended up doing more than just swimming, as even our young minds could figure out that four wouldn't go into three.

When they finally came to a stop we found it was where the river narrowed and cascaded down over some rocks, creating some neat, although not spectacular, rapids which led to another large water hole, which was quiet and still. Along the bank on our side of the river there looked to be a sandy beach and it was here that the group stopped, spreading their towels out in the late afternoon sun, before all of them waded out into the water and began to splash around, swimming, dunking each other under the water and laughing loudly.

'Looks like fun,' Christopher whispered to me as we hid in some bushes and watched, sheltered also by some bushes and also the long and flowing branches of a willow tree.

'Yeah,' I replied, my mouth already going dry just at the sight of these hot looking kids. Both of us were already sprouting wood and it wasn't long before we had our hands down our own shorts.

After a little while we heard one of the girls scream in delight and when we found what it was that had delighted her we both gasped in delight ourselves when we saw one of the boys had thrown his swimmers up onto the bank and was now floating on his back, his erection standing up for all to see.

'Oh my God. Will you look at that!' Christopher exclaimed. 'It's enormous.'

'Looks like the girls like it,' I said.

'And I don't think it's just the girls who like it. That blonde guy can't take his eyes off it either.'

'Well, can you blame him?' I giggled.

'Not at all, mate.'

It didn't take long for the others to get in on the action as well and pretty soon there was a growing pile of swimming costumes on the bank, not far from where we were both hiding.

'Bloody hell. They're ALL stripping off! The girls too!' I excitedly said to Christopher, while grabbing his arm as I did so.

'Haven't you ever seen a girl naked before?' he asked me.

'N-n-no,' I replied.

'Well then, you're going to be in for a show then, aren't you!'

'Have you?'

'Oh yeah, heaps of times. I even got to feel the tits of one girl once.'

'W-w-what was it like?' I asked, my eyes on his face.

'Okay I guess,' he said, while shrugging his shoulders. 'But not as good as feeling a guys . . . well you know . . .'

'Wow,' I whispered, gazing at him totally in awe of the things he had done already at his tender age.

He gave me a wink, then returned his own gaze to what was happening in the water.

'Holy shit, will you look at that,' he whispered to me, while giving me an elbow in the ribs at the same time.

I looked back out at the river and found that two of the kids, a girl and a boy, were standing half out of the water and wrapped up in each others arms, their faces locked together in a passionate kiss. I could see the girls tits pressed flat up against the boys chest and I could see his erection pressed up against her belly.

Some of their friends started giving them wolf whistles and laughing, but they were so wrapped up in each other they were totally oblivious to anything that was said or done.

I saw another pair of kids come out of the water, hand in hand, and start to wander off downstream some place, disappearing beneath the welcoming fronds of willow. When they finally came up for air the first pair of kids did the same.

That left three kids standing in the water, a girl, who I didn't know, and the two boys from our team, Steve and Danny.

'One of these guys looks like he's going to miss out!' Chris said to me.

But then something happened that surprised both of us, the girl, a black haired girl with a nice figure but only small boobs, raised both her hands and beckoned the boys to her at the same time, her fingers on both hands moving in a motion indicating she wanted them to follow her.

'What the hell. She wants both of them!' Christopher exclaimed.

Slowly they followed her, both looking a little unsure, though their cocks certainly betrayed them. I had seen both boys at Pony Camp and had spoken to them a few times. They were okay sorts of guys. 

When she was satisfied they were both following her the girl turned around and looked up and down the bank. Then I swear she looked straight at us, but I was sure she wouldn't have been able to see us where we were sitting. 

With hand still up, fingers calling the boys to her, she walked straight toward us, brushing aside some willow branches and coming into the shadows of the large tree right near us.

Steve and Danny, still looking nervous and unsure of themselves, followed her into the shadows. They wouldn't have been any more than twenty feet away from where Chris and I sat, totally mesmerised.

Looking from one of them to the other she said, 'I couldn't leave one of you out there on your own . . . you're both kind of cute, so you can both get to have some fun. Is that all right with you guys?'

'Y-y-yess,' they both stuttered.

Chris and I almost laughed, but managed to stay silent.

They were standing so that we could both see what was going on. The girl was turned slightly side on to us, while Steve and Danny were in front of her and still at an angle where we could see both of their cocks.

'Now, how do we do this?'' the girl said. 'Oh, I know, how about we do this . . .' then reached down with both hands and took one of them in each hand.

I thought Steve was going to faint when she touched him. His face went white and he let out a low moan. Danny wasn't much better. 

Slowly she started working both cocks, running her hands back and forth on each of them. As she pulled on them her body kind of rocked backwards slightly, then when she released her body rocked forward again. She did this for a few minutes and pretty soon I saw the boys put their arms around each others shoulders, as if they were trying to brace each other to stop them from falling over.

'You boys are liking that, aren't you?' she said in a low, almost seductive voice.

'Y-y-yess,' they both answered again.

'Okay then, let's see how you like this then?' she said, while dropping to her knees.

She was now face to face with both cocks, both of which were of decent size and both with purple heads, fully engorged and looking as if they were ready to blow at any minute. One cock, Steve's, was sticking out of a nest of bright red hair, while Danny's hair was brown. Their bodies were faultless, like many guys in their late teens, without an ounce of any fat and quite well defined.

'Move in closer, my darlings,' the girl said to them, while placing her hands on their hips and pushing them until they were touching. 'Now, just twist your bodies a fraction,' she asked.

They obliged and we saw the heads of their cocks rub together.

'That's perfect,' the girl said, then opened her mouth wide and took both of them in her mouth at the same time.

'Oh my God,' I heard Danny whimper. 'That's amazing!'

Steve could only drop his head toward Danny and they came to rest with their foreheads together, gazing into each others eyes.

'Go on! Kiss!' I heard Christopher whisper beside me.

I looked across at him and saw his arm moving. He had pushed down his shorts and was beating on his cock furiously!

'Fuck, why didn't I think of that?' I thought to myself, and quickly did the same. Both of us were kneeling in the grass, shaded by some bushes and flogging ourselves.

Just when I was about to give up on the hope of either of them kissing I saw them both shudder slightly and grab hold of each other even tighter. Steve reached his head forward and planted his lips over Danny's. I thought for a second that Danny was going to pull his head back, but he didn't, and the two of them opened their mouths as if they were going to devour each other.

With the girl still working away furiously down below, first sucking one, then the other, then together, alternating between using her hands while she then sucked on their nuts, it was only going to be a matter of time.

Danny was the first one to look like blowing, when he uttered a deep, 'Uuuhhh.'

Her mouth went back over both cocks and as Danny moaned even louder that was when Steve started doing the same.

I was totally enthralled by what was happening. Never before had I seen anything that hot.

'I'm coming!' Danny suddenly cried out through gritted teeth.

'Me too!' Steve added.

We saw their bodies both convulse at the same time. It was like a shock went through each of them as they shot each glob of cum from the end of their dicks.

To her credit though, the girl didn't flinch. Not once did her mouth leave those cocks, taking in every last drop and swallowing it. We could see a little bit escape and run down her chin, but when she finally took her mouth away from the two of them she quickly scooped that up and swallowed it as well.

When she was finished with that she then turned her attention back to the cocks in front of her, cleaning each of them up, sucking the very last drop from each of them, before finally, exhausted, she fell backwards onto the grass.

'Oh, boys. You were magnificent,' she whispered to them. I don't think they heard her though, as they were still too busy kissing each other. I had a feeling that the showers at next years Pony Camp were going to be even more fun than this years had been.

When the boys finally left her she was still laying on her back, but when she heard them walk away she rolled over on her belly and raised her feet up in the air behind her. She looked beautiful, but she also looked dangerous, like one of those ladies you see in movies who are standing on street corners waiting for men to come by. I reckoned that when she grew up that's exactly what she would end up doing. 

At this stage Chris and I were both still pulling on ourselves, working on getting ourselves off.

'So? Did you two little boys like the show?' she said directly to us.

That was all we needed. In the same instant our hard cocks erupted, spewing our juice all over the grass in front of us.

'Fucking hell!' Chris said as he tucked his cock away without even bothering to wait for the last of his cum to drip away.

I did the same, and in seconds we had picked up our towels and were off up the path at a million miles an hour. We could hear the girl laughing behind us.

'Holy shit! That was amazing. I've never seen anything like that before!' he said to me when we finally slowed down. We were almost back at the first water hole where kids were still swimming.

'Me neither,' I said, breathless. 'How did she fit two in her mouth?'

'I have no idea. But we'll have to try it,' he replied. 'Maybe Colin will do it for us?'

'Oh yeah. That'd be fun!'

'Now. you feel like a swim? If we don't go back looking like we've got wet they'll wonder what we were up to. Besides, it might wash away the last of the cum on my shorts!'

'All right then. Good idea,' I answered. 'Last one in is a rotten egg!'

OK, so that's it for part three. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear your feedback and comments. You can email me at thedawsonboy@gmail.com

Thank you.