Disclaimer: This is just a story. No more, no less. If any of the events here seem true, trust me that it's not the case. No quickie here (there's soooo many on the web already :P), but the chapters will be short and sort of fast-paced. I do not own anything which has a copyright of its own quoted in here. I only own my life and what goes along with it.

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© MFTH 2014

Press Play
Chapter 12 - Leap

To say I was speechless would be an understatement. What goes beyond speechless however? Felix had punched me and it hurt like hell. It wasn't so much because of the hard fist that landed on my right eye. Instead, it was how he had been crying when he aimed that fist right at me, hit me hard like a freaking bullet train and left me...beyond speechless.

Though, I couldn't be sure if he was crying. For all I know, he had tears in his eyes from that bruise he got on his left eye.

"Fucking shut up!" I yelled, frustrated with myself and that damn dog that couldn't keep his barking madness to himself. I glared around at everyone before kicking some non-existent pebble on the pavement and just stomping wildly.

It took me a long while to calm down, but at least the dog found his own silence. Eventually, I had to walk home.

A few blocks down toward our house, I noticed someone walking behind. He didn't care to keep his footsteps light. Instead, he made it sound like he was coming closer, but kept his distance from me.

"What do you want?" I asked, stopping but not even turning around to look at him.

"Boy, you screwed up," he said after a few seconds, perhaps noticing how I wouldn't walk further with him tailing me around.

I sighed and said, "Just leave me alone, okay?"

"But I thought you agreed to meet me?"

It was then that I turned around and saw who I was talking to. It was the same boy who splashed OJ at my face and who managed to read Felix's mind with just a fleeting glance between the two of them.

"Stop following me," I told him, not bothering with whatever agreement I had earlier with Felix to meet the boy.

"Chase, right? Chase Logan."

I eyed him suspiciously as he approached.

"William," he said, offering a handshake. "William Harrington. Friend to Felix Corbel."

I looked at his hand with...astonishment, maybe. He just sounded so...formal with everything despite how informal his OJ aggression was toward me during lunch hour.

"Nice to meet you, Chase."

"How do you even know me? And what makes you think you're Felix's friend?"

He sighed when I refused to shake his hand, withdrawing it completely and stuffing both hands in his pocket.

"What makes you think I'm not his friend?" he asked back. "And you're not that hard to miss around school. With all the bullshit you and your friends give almost everyone."

"I'm not friends with them anymore," I whispered mostly to myself. "I don't even think I have any more friends."

"You have Felix, don't you?"

I just stared at him and he kept this sort of expression as if he was stating the obvious.

"You saw how I screwed up," I almost yelled. "For all I know, I lost all my chances of being friends with Felix again!"

"God, Chase," he exasperatedly said. "What the fuck is your problem? Why give up so easily? Is that all you can do? C'mon man, you know you're so much better than that."

"Don't talk to me like you know me."

"I don't need to know you very well to understand that much. You're a freaking coward."

`I'm just holding back, you moron,' I thought to myself, failing to put it in words.

"What do they usually say?" he asked, sounding pretty much rhetorical. "It takes courage to give up? Well fuck that. Everyone knows it's easy to quit."

"Easy for you to say," I argued. "You don't know how I feel."

He kept silent, looking at me. I didn't want to keep staring at him so I turned around once more and started walking home.

"Do you mind if I follow you?"


With William trailing indiscreetly behind me, I soon found myself turning the last corner to our house. A few houses down, I made it to our front yard and saw just who was waiting for me on our porch with his head resting on his arms, face completely hidden from anyone who saw his sulking figure.

"See?" William spoke up from behind me. "Even Felix doesn't want to give up yet. And I doubt you know exactly how he feels."

Felix may have heard our approaching footsteps long before we got to the front yard, but he didn't seem bothered. However, when William spoke up, he lifted his head and looked at both of us. I confirmed one thing at that instant.

Felix had been crying and still was.

I slowly made my way to him, his eyes glued to mine as I approached. When, finally, I stood in front of him, I was reminded of how almost exactly the same our position was when I found him at the school's playground on that same day I gave my playlist to him. The only difference was the look in our eyes. We both had bruises on each eye and we both surely looked miserable.

"Hey," I mumbled.

"Hi," he sniffled.

"Want to come inside and..."

"Sure," he answered, wiped some tears and smiled. Like I said before, no matter how Felix looked at me, he was adorable.

I looked over to William and he just shrugged. I sighed and also gestured for him to come inside. Besides, it felt like he knew something about Felix that I didn't know.

Once inside, we were greeted by my mom who always had a habit of fussing over worrisome things. I guess, to her, two boys who had large black eyes needed some medical attention before anything else. We made up some excuse, more like how we fought with each other and eventually made up just to avoid her prying about anything that might have happened in school. With some ice pressed to our cheeks, we were finally ready to sit down and talk.

We stayed outside since I didn't want William to see the grid I had on my bedroom wall and Felix didn't appear to be comfortable enough to go up to my room.

"Good going guys," William said, nudging both of our shoulders. "Keep up the silence. It isn't awkward at all. Honest."

I glared at him. He sat on the highest step leading to our porch while Felix and I sat at the bottom. There was almost a foot of distance between us and, as William pointed out, silence.

"Did I do well?" Felix finally spoke.


"You think...I did great back there? I looked like an id--..."

"I'm sorry," I blurted out. "I shouldn't have let you do that. I just...I'm..."

"Hn," Felix grunted. "So you think your plan worked? You just dumped your friends, basically told them you were gay...over me and..."

"And?" I asked. "And...do you like me back now?"

Felix pressed the ice harder on the side of his face, biting his bottom lip in the process. I, on the other hand, was making my own ice harder with how cold my hands were feeling. Even my sweat felt awfully cold.

"No," Felix said conclusively. He looked at me intently and added, "I didn't ask for you to be a hero, Chase. I didn't want you to just go shouting at them and even spilling juice on my shirt. I just wanted you to..."

"To what?" I asked seeing how he trailed off.

He closed his eyes tightly and I couldn't be sure if it was the dripping cold ice or his tears that wet his cheeks.

"I can't do this anymore," he mumbled and slowly got up. "I'm not going back there. Not again."

"Back where?" I hurriedly asked.

He gulped and he sort of looked pale. I wanted so much to put some colour on his cheeks and lips.

"See ya, Chase," he said. "Good luck with those three. And thanks to you, I have to put up with more shit from them."

"I said I was sorry!" I argued as I stood up. "I'm going to make it up to you. I promise!"

"God you're so dense! Don't you see I don't like you? Stop all of this, okay? You're just being stupid."


"Not buts. Not this time," he told me. "I don't like you. Period."

With that, Felix stormed off and walked toward their house. As always with him, he left me with more questions than answers.

"Okaaaay," William chanted and I once again glared at him. "That went well."

"Will you just leave?"

"Listen, Chase," he said as he stood up and sounded more serious. "I don't know exactly how messed up you are, but I know how fucked up Felix is. I may not seem like someone you should listen to, but I hate seeing Felix so...confused."

"What do you mean?"

"You caused all this, you know. Felix was waaaay better before you started doing shit. He keeps to himself, yeah, but he wasn't confused. He knew who he was till you messed up with his freaking head."

"I don't get it. Hell, I don't even know you so why should I be listening to you?"

He stepped down, placed both hands on my shoulders and inched his face closer to mine. Then, in a whisper, he said, "I was there when he got himself cured, Chase. I was there with him."

"Cured? Of what?"

"He didn't believe he was gay. Got himself into reparative therapy and now, well...he ends up not liking you anymore."

"You...you knew about all this?"

"Yep. We were best buds in the city. Just moved here last week and found out where he went to school. So yeah, we're best buds again."


"Oh don't get the wrong idea man," he said and giggled. "I'm not gay and I didn't go into therapy. I just...you know, gave him moral support?"

"To be cured of being gay?"

"He wanted to. I was all behind him."

"But still...that's fucked up."

William sighed and released his grip on my shoulders. "The only fucked up thing now is you messing with his head. So please..."

"You want me to stop bothering him, don't you?"

He slightly shook his head and answered, "I want you to bring him back, Chase. The old Felix I met in the city. The one who couldn't stop talking about you and all the awesome shit you both did. I want that Felix. Not this one who doesn't even know who he is. I want you to knock some sense into that head of his and make him see just how much he means to you. You get what I'm saying."

"Uhh...yeah...I think."

"Cool," he uttered and smiled. "Let's do this again," he continued and offered his hand once more, "William Harrington. Friend to Felix Corbel. Your new wingman."

I couldn't hold back my smile so I just had to curve my lips a little when I took his hand and shook it.

"Chase Logan. Obviously messed up, but not gonna give up on Felix Corbel. Ever."

And there it was, my own wingman and some light on what Felix went through.

"Oh just one advice," William said, "Stop taking baby steps. If I were you, I'd take the leap but don't be a hero."

`Noted,' said my mind. Being a hero sucked, from what I learned earlier. And I knew full well what William meant. If I had to risk it all for Felix, I should take the leap and get there.

~ End of Chapter ~

Some of you have asked if I'm the same person as this guy kkrimson / Krispy Krimson. Some wondered why I shared the same template as that guy's stories or if I had other stories posted. Well, I confessed to a couple of people, save for my personal advisor and best mate. Yes. I am him. Simple as that

See, I had to stop writing for some time. I just...lost my inspiration or that drive to write something. Add to that, I had to deal with so many deadlines and exams. It was really hard...leaving some stories unfinished under krispykrimson. And sometimes, I'd stare blankly at my laptop, wanting so much to write something or lock myself in my room or just lie on the floor and look for spiders on our ceiling. My mom got worried and wanted me to go out more. So I did. I tried finding my inspiration out there and I sometimes ended up doing things I regret. My grandma started worrying when she got wind that I went home at 2 or 3am having gone out with some friends doing...stupid stuff. >.< So yeah, I was trying to deal with what I lost...I was really trying to bring it back. I was on an indefinite pause. Then...it just hit me...a new idea...I needed a new idea...I needed to press play once again. And so, this story was born. But I had to write it under a different alias for some other reasons. It was douchebag move, leaving unfinished stories, but I couldn't think of any other way. I had to write Press Play.

Now, though, I'm very sorry for what I did...and for how terribly distant I have been these past few months. I just needed some time to myself and some time to think if I was actually headed for graduation. Thankfully, I passed my subjects and well, it's not a long way till I get my diploma. I had to say all this to also get it off my chest. However, I'm still very, very sorry that I may not be able to finish one other story and an update for the other would probably take some time. I still can't find the inspiration I lost. For Press Play, I have a different inspiration and I'm trying really hard to hold onto that till I finish this story. There's so much to tell you about Felix and Chase. In one way or another, their story may sum up what happened during the months I've had nothing to write about. Now that I pressed play again, I hope to continue writing while still finding enough time for my studies. I'll try really hard for all of you. You've all been great and have sent me such wonderful messages that I should keep going and should never give up. Thank you for all that.

Nifty has been such a great avenue to express what I couldn't fully express in RL. My personal advisor and best mate know very well what I'm still going through. Oh gosh, this is getting heavy for me. Sorry, I just need to get this off my chest...really sorry. Anyway, thank you so much for all your wonderful questions, wishes and feelings. I've met lots of wonderful people through nifty. You're all differently awesome.

So, yes, I am krispykrimson disguised as MFTH. I may not have said much to make you understand why I had to assume a different alias, but please know that I didn't mean to disappoint anyone. I am really very sorry :(

Okaaaaaaay. Now that's off my chest, please continue to send me your awesome reviews and maybe just say hi once in a while. I love to keep hearing from you! Really, very much!

Say hi to me here :D: minutesfortheheart@yahoo.com