Disclaimer: This is just a story. No more, no less. If any of the events here seem true, trust me that it's not the case. No quickie here (there's soooo many on the web already :P), but the chapters will be short and sort of fast-paced. I do not own anything which has a copyright of its own quoted in here. I only own my life and what goes along with it.

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© MFTH 2014

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Chapter 14 - Track 02

Back in school, Felix still went out of his way to avoid me. As such, it had been very difficult for me to even sneak a glance at him or even just...to give that telepathic wink we so often shared back in the days. This time though, I wanted to wordlessly ask him to meet me after school somewhere no one could bother the both of us. Except, maybe, for William.

If anything, that weekend with him only brought us closer.

"Wingman reporting for duty," William said as he snuck up behind me after I took some stuff out of my locker. I didn't have any classes with him, nor did Felix. He was in a grade below us.

"You've seen how Felix looked at me?" I asked him.

"Uh...no," he answered.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "He doesn't even look at me!"

William giggled at my frustrated tone, but did not dare to comment. Instead, we walked together to his first class before I made my way to mine. Felix wasn't on the bus earlier so I figured he must have walked to school. Still, clearly avoiding me.

When I got to my first class, I didn't see any sign of Felix. His desk was pretty much empty, but it could really have been that way ever since. Perhaps, no one ever felt his presence. He didn't waste much of his time talking to anyone, and everyone just didn't care. Or if they did, they just couldn't be bothered. My three former friends, however, quickly gave me a mocking glance, but I ignored them. It took all I had not to listen in to what they were talking since my desk was right in between Patrick's and Gregory's.

Halfway through the lesson, I noticed how the two of them kept passing a piece of paper behind my back. I sighed, remembering the times when the paper first got to me before I handed it to either of them. Of course, I read what they wrote back then and it was mostly about how hot the substitute teacher was or how boring the old geezer who taught us math was. Often, we'd communicate to each other about our school crushes or how we'd meet up after school in a covert sort of way.

This time, the paper just went past behind me and I didn't pay much attention...until it apparently and intentionally landed on my desk. I looked at Patrick confusedly and he just shrugged. My eyes went to Gregory and he looked bored to death while scribbling all sorts of stuff.

Without thinking much about it, I unfolded the paper and read the single line which said: Sorry Chase. We don't care if you're gay. Friends?

I looked back to Gregory again and he actually smiled at me. Innocent, it was. And clearly sincere. Something wasn't right. It all smelled fishy, but it only got me more curious and desperate as to what they were up to. And since Felix wasn't in first period, I had a bad feeling that he was in trouble and my ex-friends had something to do with it.

Okay, I wrote back and passed it to Patrick before our beautiful teacher had the chance to see the exchange among us. Sitting in the back row had its perks.

At lunch hour, they invited me to their table though I wanted so much to sit together with Felix or William. Felix, however, was nowhere around and William looked to be enjoying his time with his new friends. So I had no choice or excuse other than to sit with my ex-friends...or my friends-once-again.

Something still didn't feel right in my gut so I excused myself from them and headed to the restroom. Maybe Felix was hiding there. Fat chance though. I didn't see him around school the whole morning so he must've skipped it altogether.

I stayed in the restroom for much longer than necessary. At this hour, it was almost always vacant. When I heard several footsteps heading this way, I moved to head out of there, but soon came face to face with Dennis, Patrick and Gregory.

"Hey, man," they greeted like there was nothing unusual.

"Jerking off?" asked Patrick. "Mind if we...come with you?"

They laughed, but I didn't.

"Sorry," Gregory said. "Couldn't resist, but we're good friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. I stepped to one side in hopes of getting out of there as fast as possible. Patrick blocked my way and it was then that all their goody-acts betrayed their intentions. I couldn't read it on their blank faces, but I could feel it twisting my gut.

Dennis nodded to Gregory and he quickly punched my gut and shut me up. Patrick went back to the door and somehow locked it. I was forced to stand against the sink, my back to the mirror and my eyes squinting painfully at the three of them.

"I thought...," I sputtered. "...we're friends."

"We are," Dennis said. "Just tyrin' to help you out here."

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled at them, but it sounded helpless.

Dennis gestured once again to Gregory and the boy handed him a duct tape. This wasn't good. Patrick and Gregory moved to both my sides and held my arms in place. Dennis moved forward and pulled a duct tape over my mouth before I could protest or think of kicking him in the balls. My gut still felt awfully painful.

"Stay here. Give us a warning if someone comes in," he told Gregory.

Dennis and Patrick dragged me to the closest stall. I tried struggling, but they forced me to bend my knees and had my gut shattering in pain once again. Once inside the stall, they pulled my arms to my back and duct taped them. Next were my legs. Both in a secure hold and I couldn't shout at them.

They sat me on the toilet and just stood there, eyeing me down like I was the sole pollutant this planet has ever known.

"I don't get you, Chase," Dennis said. "We've been really good friends to you."

I wanted so much to shout, to tell them to fuck off and how, regardless of treating me nicely when they befriended me, they constantly shit on other people's lives.

"We took you in when no one else would," he continued. "And you pay us back by telling us that you're gay? What the fuck, dude!"

"You know what we do to kids like you," Patrick said.

I knew all too well what he meant. It was either they beat the crap out of someone or...

"Piss on them," Dennis said with a wry smile on his face.

I couldn't understand why they seemed to hate everyone who fell out of conformity. Or...even those who didn't. It was their joy to have someone asking for their kindness and to be laughing at everyone's misfortune.

No one liked them because of that. But they didn't care. And knowing that I went around school with them, no one also liked me.

"We're setting you straight, man," said Dennis. "For your own good. And don't ever think we'll be friends again."

Like I cared anyway.

Without any hesitation, they both opened their zippers and took out their ugly dicks. They aimed right at me, smiled so evilly that the devil would have been proud, before gunning me down with their piss.

They laughed hard as I tried to struggle. They held my shoulders down with each of their arm while their other hand held onto their angry dicks which looked so disgusting with that yellow stream hitting my shirt, my pants and, when Dennis lifted it higher, my face and hair.

They literally just pissed on me.

When they finished, I was soaked to the bone and it didn't feel good at all, regardless of the warmth. One thing about piss was that it turned so cold once it touched my skin and clothes. Then they both zipped up simultaneously.

Patrick took out some scissors from his pocket and, careful as to not touch any part of me, cut the duct taped that wrapped around my wrists. He moved back and I wanted so much to soak them, to rub my whole body on theirs so they'd feel their own piss, but I was so busy glaring at them to ever do any of that.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Dennis mockingly said. "Good luck with sunshine."

They all left me there, soaking wet and smelling of piss. How was I supposed to get to my classes or even just out of this restroom?

I took the duct tape off my mouth and tried not to get any piss dripping to my lips. I cut the one wrapped around my ankles. For the rest of the day, I figured I'd just let myself dry in here. I'd think of something to do with the smell later.

I took off my shirt and pants. Even my underwear was as wet as the rest of my clothes, but I couldn't take that off. I tried texting William for some help, but goddamn restroom blocked out all signal to my phone.

Great. Just fucking great.

Five minutes till the first period for this afternoon and I still reeked of piss. My clothes were far from being dry and my ego was soaked to the bone. I felt like nothing more than just scum on this earth.

I didn't cry. I really tried not to. Instead, I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. What else to do inside this stall anyway?


At first, it all sounded like someone from my dreams.

"Chase? Answer me."

Then I knew for sure that I wasn't daydreaming or drifting off to sleep. Felix was standing outside of the stall, his voice mumbling and calling out to me.

"Felix?" I asked miserably.

"Open up," he said. "Please."

I reached for the latch and Felix opened the door to see the defeated expression on my face. I looked up to him and noticed the cut on his bottom lip.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

He shook his head and knelt in front of me after locking the door once more.

"Doesn't matter," he said. "Are you okay?"

`Hell, I'm not,' I wanted to yell. Instead, I breathed out, "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"They beat you up coz of what I did."

My face was dry by now after I wiped some tissue on it so when I looked down to the floor, Felix didn't hesitate to reach under my chin and lock eyes with me. The look on his face broke my heart. He was on the verge of crying, but he held back his emotions and appeared to be strong enough for me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"It's not your fault," I insisted. "None of it."

He shook his head once more and said, "I was in the last stall. I heard everything and...and...I didn't do anything to stop them. I just...locked myself up in there."

No matter how I wanted to be angry at him, I couldn't find it in me to yell accusingly at him and be faced with his teary green eyes. He may have been as scared as I was earlier. And, to be fair, he had every right to ignore what happened after how many times I watched him fall to the ground, courtesy of my ex-friends. He could just walk out on me here and I wouldn't blame him.

Instead, his hand found my cheeks and he started rubbing on them so gently that I could feel it tremble. He was more vulnerable than I was. Never mind that I was just in my underwear.

"I'm gonna get you cleaned up," he said and stood up. "Wait here."

"It's not like I'm going anywhere," I said and immediately regretted it.

He just stared at me before going out. He went back a while later with more tissue that he soaked with water to help me wipe the piss off my body. When I reached for a tissue to wipe my face with, he pushed my hand away and insisted that he wipe my face instead.

So I sat there, wide-eyed looking at him, as he worked his hands from my cheeks, tracing down my neck and stopping before continuing down my chest and gut. Though I was mortally embarrassed by now, the feeling of his hand going over my chest sent shockwaves down to my crotch and put a tent in my undies. I didn't blame him when his eyes found my clothed erection.

"Sorry," I mumbled, blushing and looking away.

He giggled shyly and said, "Normal to get hard."

As he sat there in front of me, I stole a few glances to his crotch. Sadly, I couldn't tell if he was hard or not. There was just too much pants.

"I'll go get some clothes, okay?" he said.



"How `bout my gym clothes?" I suggested.

He dismissed it, saying, "I just wiped the piss off you. Don't want to start smelling like gym socks, do you?"

"Guess not," I mumbled as he went to the nurse.

It was halfway through first period by now. A couple of kids went in to take a piss, but they didn't bother with checking if there was a kid who got soaked in it in one of the stalls. Thankfully.

When Felix got back, he handed me the shirt and pants and stood waiting outside as I changed into some piss-free clothes.

"Take off your underwear, too," he said from outside.

"But you didn't get me any clear pair," I said.

"Unless you want your briefs to soak through your pants, take `em off," he argued. "No one will get into your pants anyway."

I glared at him from behind the door. If he could feel that, I wasn't sure. So, figuring out that he was right, I took off my undies and slid into some pants. The cold zipper almost bit my foreskin, but luckily I was careful enough not to cause any more trouble and pain. And thank god Felix didn't give me some skinny jeans. Last thing I wanted was to have the outline of my dick pushing through my pants.

When I was all dressed up, I went out of the stall to see him waiting patiently for me by the sink. In my one hand were my soaked clothes.

"What do you suggest I do with these?"

He looked to me and told me to just throw them into a trash bin.

"But my mom will kill me!" I argued.

He paused for a moment before taking the clothes from me. He washed it in the sink and, going to the farthest stall, hung them on some hook and locked himself inside.

"We'll just come and get these later," he said.

I heard some noise from inside the stall and soon found him climbing up the wall and over to the next stall. I smiled at what he did and when he saw me smiling at him, he winked at me and smiled as well.

Walking back to my side and standing in front of the mirror, my attention was brought back to the visible bruise on his bottom lip.

"I'm really sorry, Felix," I told him. "And thanks for helping me out."

"You mean this?" he said as he brushed a finger to his lip. "It's no big deal. I got worse crap from all of you anyway."

Ouch. That stung.

"I'll get back at them for this. I promise."

He shook his head at me and said, "I know revenge is sweet, but it won't make anything else better."

"I know," I mumbled. "But if they won't leave you alone, I'll just have to make them. Besides, I didn't like it when they pissed on me."

He sighed and said, "Suit yourself."

We stood there for a while. While he washed his hands to take the piss off it, I washed my arms, face and hair just to make sure I didn't smell like urine.

"It's my mom's birthday," he said all of sudden. "Wanna come over for dinner?"

It didn't take me long to say, "Yes. If it's okay."

He smiled at the mirror, at me, and added, "I don't think we have any homework. Wanna sleep over?"

My heart and mind were racing by now. On one lane, my heart kept pace with the anxiety and excitement of it all. On the other lane, my brain was already forming images of what would soon take place inside Felix's bedroom if I were to spend the night there. Our would-be second sleep over.

"William's coming, too," he said. "Just the three of us."

And all my heart and mind could do was to pull to a sudden stop. With William spending the night with us, I couldn't be sure to which my eyes would settle. On a dusty blue eyed boy or on a distant looking green-eyed Felix Corbel.

~ End of Chapter ~

I'll be spending the next week with my family. A little get together really. So I may not be able to post something up till next week. Hope you guys are patient enough and uhm still keep track of this story. I know, I know, there isn't much sexual stuff besides the frequent brush of their erections. I'm still getting to that part. It's not lie they'd just take off their pants and deal with the problems simultaneously. Perhaps, but not in this story. There still isn't enough fire. But...there will be in the next parts of the story when we finally approach the chorus.

Say hi to me here :D: minutesfortheheart@yahoo.com
Lots of Love!