Chapter 20 – Changes

Written by Charles Well <> and Sarge AKA Aldric <> and Nick <>

(C) 2020)

The original Kids of Indian Spring (KOIS) story by Jonas Henley can be found here:

and if you wish to read Jonas Henley's account of the 1968 Mackey Choosing Ceremony, look here:

Also see map.pdf and Springer Families.pdf in the Sandy Jacobs folder on Nifty. There is also an extensive family tree of the Mackey family available in this folder as well.

This story is about sex between boys and is therefore a total fantasy. It was written by an adult for the entertainment of other adults. No children or animals were either involved or harmed in the writing of this story. Please leave now if you are not supposed to be here.

Writing the continuing saga of the Kids of Indian Spring has become a real community effort. My original intention was to conclude the Sandy Jacobs Story after Chapter 10. But my primary co-author and invaluable assistant, Pietar, convinced me that the many loose ends left open by the original author, Jonas Henley, needed to be resolved. As a result, he became the principal author of Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Thank you Pietar for your original ideas, brilliant writing and your continued dedication and commitment to this project. Now a third author, Nick, has volunteered to take on the role of crafting the future long-term direction of the story. You may recall that Nick was first involved in Chapter 12C. Please ensure you make Nick welcome by dropping him a line.

Comments or suggestions may be directed to any of the authors mentioned above. We welcome feedback from readers. It's the only payment we receive for many hours of hard work.

Please consider a donation to Nifty for allowing us to have this resource to share our stories. To donate go here:

Tuesday July 16th. 1996 - The Jacobs House

Stevie was the first to wake up. It was just a little before 9 o'clock. Cecil, Cole, Chase, Brad and Sandy were all still asleep and the house was quiet. Normally Stevie's mom would wake them before she left for work to give them their instructions for the day. However, she knew they had all had a big day Monday so she had put her thoughts in a note and left it on the kitchen table instead.

Stevie made his way to the kitchen and found the note and a box of donuts that had been left for them. He poured himself a glass of milk and started enjoying his first donut. The note said they were each allowed 2. He was looking forward to this morning. He was going to meet Tyler Hardin in the park. Just seeing Tyler was exciting to Stevie. As he was thinking about what he wanted to do at the park, Chase came into the room.

"Morning," the younger boy mumbled.

"Good morning to you," Stevie replied cheerily. "Mom left us donuts. We get 2 apiece."

"Cool," replied Chase as he grabbed a glass and sat down at the table with his brother. "We're going out to the new kids place today, right?" he asked as he picked out a donut.

"Yeah, but not till after lunch. I'm going to the park this morning to meet Tyler but I'll be home for lunch. Mom left us sandwiches in the frig," Stevie answered as he pushed the note to Chase. "There's some other stuff in there too. She wants us home by 6 for dinner."

Chase skimmed over the note and then asked, "So we're gonna have lunch here and then we're all going to the new kid's place together, right?"

"His name is Rory. Don't keep calling him the new kid. And yes, we can all go together."

"Is it okay if I get Ethan?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. See if he's allowed to come."

"I'll go check when I get awake."

"I'm going to head over to the park so I'll see you around lunch time," said Stevie as he finished his donut and headed for the door.

Chase just waved. His mouth was full.

The Park – 10:00 AM

Stevie had picked a bench near the ballfield and was watching the trail he expected his friend to be coming from. He didn't have to wait long before a figure emerged from the woods and waved. Tyler came over to the bench and sat down next to him.

"Sorry I couldn't come over yesterday but my Dad wanted the family to celebrate together," said Tyler.

"That's okay. Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, it was fun till my brothers started fighting. They were really going at it in the backyard and my Dad had to break it up."

"Oh man. I hope it didn't ruin your night."

"No, Tim left and things quieted down. My mama served a great dinner and then when the table was cleared Daddy brought out a jar of moonshine. He poured a glass for me and one for Paul and he kept the jar himself. He held out his jar and we clinked our glasses against it and we drank a toast to me. Daddy called me the newest member of our clan."

"You drank moonshine. What did it taste like?" asked Stevie.

"It burned like crazy. Daddy wanted to pour me another glass, but I was afraid I was gonna throw up. It did make me feel all warm inside though."

"That's cool," said Stevie. "I never tried it."

"You ain't missing a whole lot. Paul said I'd get a taste for it when I get older."

"So you want to go swimming?" asked Stevie. "It's warm enough already."

"Sure," answered Tyler. "I don't have to be home till 2 o'clock."

"Let's go then," said Stevie as got up and headed to the swimming hole. He was hoping nobody else was there yet because skinny dipping with Tyler was something he wanted to enjoy in private.

When they arrived, Stevie was pleased to see nobody else was around. They stripped quickly and stood by the rope swing admiring each other's bodies. Both of them were starting to feel a bit of tingling in their dicks and Tyler's little head was starting to poke out of his foreskin. The boys had been attracted to one another for almost a year but were unable to really get close because of bad blood between their families. Stevie's older brother had warned him that being friends with a Hardin could lead to big trouble and Tyler's brothers told him the Jacobs were not to be trusted. Neither boy believed the warnings but the pressure kept them from seeing each other except at school. Stevie was excited when he heard Tyler would be attending the sleepover and after the events at yesterday's Choosing it looked like they might be able to have the relationship they both wanted.

Tyler broke the silence. "I really owe you for what you did yesterday. I almost got bottomed."

"I didn't do it," Stevie replied. "Judge did."

"Yeah, but he said he saved me because you asked him to."

"That's true. I didn't want to see you bottomed."

"Well, like I said before, I owe you for that."

"I'll think of some way you can pay me back," said Stevie slyly. He couldn't believe that he was standing next to the boy he really liked, naked and horny, and he was hesitating. What he wanted to say was let me fuck you, but instead he said, "Let's swim." Normally he was not shy about sex but he didn't want to blow this one. He took hold of the rope, swung out over the water and let go. Tyler followed.

The cool spring water felt good and after a short swim they started to wrestle. This meant their bodies were rubbing up against one another. They laughed out loud as they pretended to resist the attacks and groping until they ended up face to face holding on to one another. Tyler looked at his friend and suggested, "Let's dry off and take a walk." Stevie quickly agreed.

As soon as the sun had dried them a bit they pulled on their shorts and Tyler led the way out of the clearing. He turned down a side trail that led to a thicket with the center hollowed out. Once they crawled through the tunnel entrance they were alone and unseen.

Inside the hideout they had to drop to their knees as the space wasn't very high. Tyler spoke first. "I don't want you to get mad at me but I really want to do something. What you did for me yesterday was so cool and that I really have to pay you back. I want to give you the best blow job you ever had."

Stevie was in heaven. This was the start of the kind of friendship he wanted with Tyler. "Okay, if you really want to," he replied.

"I've wanted to for a long time," said Tyler.

"Me too," responded Stevie. "I wanted to do stuff with you since we first met."

"Take off your pants and lay down."

Stevie did as he was told. He was laying on his back with his dick pointing up toward his chest. His friend leaned over him and slowly stroked the pulsing penis. Then he wrapped his lips around it.

Tyler may not have been the most experienced or skilled cocksucker in Indian Spring, but he was doing this out of gratitude. He wanted Stevie to know how grateful he was so he put his heart into it. His tongue rolled around the shaft and teased the head. He pumped up and down causing Stevie to lift his hips off the ground and moan. He went fast and then he slowed. He gently played with his friend's balls and ran a finger down to tease his butt crack. He did everything he thought would feel good and Stevie loved it. In less than 5 minutes he shot his watery load into his buddy's mouth and fell back exhausted. But Tyler didn't stop. He kept sucking until Stevie finally said, "That's enough. I can't take anymore," and pulled his penis out of the boy's mouth.

"Mackey rules," said Tyler with a smile. "I had to be sure I got it all."

"Oh, you got it all and then some," he laughed. "That was awesome."

"Good. I wanted it to be special."

Their thoughts were interrupted by voices outside. Stevie quickly scrambled into his pants. He was pretty sure he recognized Oak's voice but there were others too. The voices got quieter as if they were leaving but the two 12-year-olds decided to see for sure so they left the hideout to investigate.

Henry Mackey's House – 11 AM

Henry had been sitting on his front porch watching the comings and goings in the park as he often did. Today was a little different though. He had to build up his nerve to step out on his own porch. Now that he was officially a Community Bottom he wasn't sure if he could face people. He wondered if kids would treat him differently. Would they even want to talk to him at all or would they just want to fuck his ass. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle this and he was really getting stressed out. His dad gave him a little speech about how he was an important part of the community now and he would make a lot of new friends and be highly respected, but he wasn't feeling that way right now. As he thought about the future, he noticed 3 boys on bikes heading his way. He thought about going back inside so that he wouldn't have to talk to them, but he recognized Ethan Tucker and Chase Jacobs. They weren't the kind who would give him a hard time. He wasn't sure who the third boy was.

As they got closer Chase waved. "Hey Henry. How are you doing this morning?" he asked

"As well as can be expected I guess."

"You know Ethan and this is my cousin Cole. He was in the Choosing with you," said Chase.

"Oh yeah. I remember. You got, uhh."

"Yep, he got fucked," said Chase as Cole and Henry both blushed. "Stevie and him both got their butts poked."

"Don't feel bad," said Henry. "I got it 4 times and I'm still a little sore."

"Sandy said we should wish you new bottoms good luck," said Cole awkwardly. "If I can do anything to help just let me know. I guess that sounds really stupid coming from the newest kid in town but I do mean it."

"Thanks Cole. I appreciate the thought. What are you guys doing?"

"We're looking for my brother Stevie. Have you seen him around this morning?" asked Chase.

"I haven't seen him but I just came out a little while ago."

"Alright. We gotta keep looking so we'll see you later Henry," said Chase

"Bye Henry," said Ethan. "Uhm , I'm like Cole. If you need anything you know where I live."

"Thanks. I'll remember that."

Henry watched the boys ride away back toward the ball field. Maybe his dad was right. Maybe he would be respected more. Or, did they just feel sorry for him.

The Park - 11:15AM

After leaving the thicket, Stevie and Tyler discovered the voices they had heard belonged to a large group of kids consisting of Oak Mackey and his brother Bryce, their cousins Joey and Boyd, and Koby and Kirk Mackey. They didn't feel comfortable, not even in the hideout, with so many kids around so they decided to head back to the ballfield to decide where to go. Stevie was irritated. He had just had one of the best blowjobs of his life and he wanted to return the favor to a boy he wanted badly, but then they were interrupted. As they approached the bleachers Tyler pointed at three boys sitting there.

"Isn't that your brother?"

"Yeah," answered Stevie. "And my cousin and Ethan. Wonder what they want." When they got closer to the group he called out, "What's up guys?"

"We came to get you to have lunch. We wanna head out to Rory's place," answered Chase.

"Who's Rory?" Tyler asked.

"He's a new kid. I'll introduce you to him," Stevie answered.

All the boys greeted Tyler and Cole and asked if they had gone swimming.

"We did earlier. Then more kids came and we decided to leave," Tyler answered.

"So can we go eat and then head out to Rory's?" asked Chase impatiently.

"Chase, I told them we'd be there in the afternoon. I don't want to get there to early," said his brother.

"By the time we have lunch and ride out there it'll be afternoon," Chase complained. "Come on! I'm getting bored just hanging around."

"Okay, Okay," said Stevie. "Let's go have lunch."

As they got up to leave, Tyler turned and whispered, "If you're gonna eat and then go to this kid's house, maybe I'll head home."

"No. I want you to come with us," demanded Stevie. "You said you didn't have to be home till 2. You've got time to come with us and have another swim before you go home."

"Where does he live?"

"You know the old farm where they were making that log cabin?"

"Yep," said Tyler. "I checked it out when they were building it."

"Well that's where we're going."

"If you're sure they won't mind me tagging along, I'll come. I can just cut through the woods from there and I'll make it home on time."

"Cool," said Stevie happily. "Now let's go have lunch before those guys eat it all," he said pointing to the group on bicycles heading away.

Reeve Mackey's House - 1:00 PM

Cooper knew he was early when he arrived at Reeve's place. Ball practice didn't start till 2:30, but he wanted some time to talk to his best friend. It really bothered him when Reeve wouldn't speak to him yesterday. He knocked on the door and waited. He was confident that whatever was bugging his buddy they could work it out. When no one answered the door he knocked again. He glanced over at the garage and saw that the cars were gone. Maybe Reeve went somewhere with his mom. There was still no answer so he decided he'd go to the ball field. He knew he'd meet him there. Reeve never missed practice.

Rory Mackey's House -1:00 PM

Suzanne Mackey looked out her window when she heard kids voices and was surprised to see 7 boys getting off their bikes in her driveway and looking toward the house. They were rather noisy but she thought of it as happy noise. Her own son had said he was bored and wanted to meet some kids and it looked like he was successful. She called up the stairs and told Rory he had company. He came flying down the steps and opened the front door to greet his guests. As he stood on the porch, the boys gathered in a half circle around him. Brad took the lead and started introducing everyone.

"Hey Rory. I hope you don't mind that we brought some other guys along."

"No, not at all."

"Good. This is my best friend Sean and this is my brother Chase. He's the same age as you," Brad said as he went down the line of kids. "You already know Stevie and next to him is his friend Tyler." After each intro Rory nodded and said hi. "Last but not least that's my cousin Cole and a good friend of ours Ethan."

"This is cool. We've got enough guys to play pool volleyball if you want. We got a net," said Rory.

"I can't stay long," said Tyler. "I gotta be home by 2."

"Well at least come in for a swim," said Rory and he waved the group into the house. Stevie led the way to the backdoor that opened to the pool. The boys all started pulling off the t-shirts and removing their sneakers. Mrs. Mackey came out on the pool deck and was introduced to everyone. She was impressed with their manners as they all thanked her for allowing them to swim.

Rory was the first to jump in and the others followed. Stevie stayed by Tyler's side and Chase attached himself to Rory. Brad, Sean, Cole and Ethan started playing catch with a Frisbee and soon everyone joined in. Rory moved about the group, with Chase by his side, and talked with everyone. He loved making so many new friends. He wasn't going to be lonely anymore.

Around 1:30 Tyler announced that he had to leave. Stevie offered to walk him out hoping to get a moment alone but Rory joined them. As they stood by the drive, Rory thanked him for coming and told him he was welcome anytime.

"I'm usually out here by the pool all afternoon so if you feel like going for a swim come on by."

"Thanks Rory. I'll remember that. I got to go now so I'm not late. I'll see you guys later," said Tyler. As he started off toward the woods Stevie gave him a playful smack on the rear. Tyler just turned and smiled. Rory found that interesting.

"Is that where he lives?" Rory asked. "Back in the woods?"

"Yeah, he lives pretty far back there."

"I never went back that way yet. I'll have to explore it later."

"Uhm, I wouldn't go exploring back there alone," cautioned Stevie. "There are folks back there that don't like strangers roaming around."

"Are you serious?"

"Very serious." answered Stevie. "Don't go back there unless one of us can go with you."

"Okay," agreed Rory sensing that his friend meant the warning. Then they went back to the group at the pool.

The next 2 hours were filled with some rowdy wrestling. Lots of dunking. A couple of races and finally a pool volleyball game. Sean, Brad and Stevie challenged Rory, Cole, Chase and Ethan. Every time one of the teams scored a point they celebrated by mooning their opponents. This practice ended abruptly when Rory's mom made an appearance on the pool deck in the middle of one of these celebrations carrying a pitcher of lemonade and a tray of cookies. She saw exactly what was going on but chose to ignore it. These boys were a bit wilder than the neighborhood kids in their gated community back in L.A., but she liked them. They seemed fun and respectful and her son looked very happy. As the boys climbed out of the pool to enjoy the snack she couldn't help noticing that Brad, Sean and Stevie were trying to stifle their giggles while her own son, along with the 3 other boys were blushing deeply. All of them, however, were smiling. She left the snack and headed back inside. She didn't want to interrupt their fun anymore.

After just a few minutes of sitting they all realized they were tired. Two hours of non-stop action had worn them down a bit. As they guzzled the cold drink and attacked the tray of cookies, the conversation turned to plans for tomorrow.

"Why don't you guys come over again tomorrow afternoon," asked Rory. "If you don't want to swim we can play video games."

"I got a better idea," said Chase. "How about if you come into town and we'll introduce you to some more kids. We can go to the Brewers. They got a pool too and Ben is the same age as you and me."

"That's not a bad idea," said Brad. "I could call Cal tonight and make sure it's okay." He looked at Sean who nodded his agreement.

"I have 2 brothers you haven't met yet," added Ethan.

"Sounds good to me," said Rory. "I gotta check with my mom first but I think it'll be okay. How will I find you?"

"How about if we meet at the park. We'll be at that table by the ball field where we first met you," suggested Stevie.

"Okay, I'll check with my mom right now," said Rory and he ran into the house.

Chase was excited about this idea. If they went swimming at the Brewer's they would probably end up skinny dipping and he found Rory really hot looking. He had seen his cute little butt already but seeing him totally naked would be great. He didn't know Stevie was having the same thoughts.

Rory came back and announced it was okay with his mom so they agreed on a time to meet and then finished off the remaining cookies before the boys had to leave. Rory stood in the drive and waved as they rode away. It had been a fun afternoon.

The Ball Field - 1:30 PM

Cooper arrived at the field and saw Coach McKey sitting in the dugout so he went over and spoke to him.

"Hi Coach. Have you seen Reeve yet?"

"He left about 10 minutes ago," he replied as he pointed to a neatly folded uniform sitting on the bench next to him. Cooper recognized his pal's number 11 on the jersey.

"Is he getting a new uniform?" Cooper asked.

"No. He turned his in. He quit the team."

"What! Why?" stammered the boy somewhat in shock.

"I don't know. He just said he couldn't play on this team anymore."

"That's crazy! I'll find him and talk to him Coach."

"You do that Cooper. This is real bad for the team. We're heading into the playoffs and my star hitter quits. Something is real wrong. I think he was crying when he left."

Cooper was stunned as he walked away. His friend loved baseball. What the hell was going on. He headed back to Reeve's house to get some answers.

Sandy Jacob's House – 7:00 PM

Sandy, Brad and Stevie sat in their backyard talking about the day. The older brother was a little disappointed that he hadn't gone to Rory's, but he had a ton of prep work to do for the Council meeting tomorrow. As they talked Chase bounded out of the kitchen door and joined the group. It had been his turn to dry dishes so he was delayed.

"Cole, Connor and Cecil are coming over in a couple minutes. We could play hide and seek when it gets dark if you want," Chase said.

Maybe," said Stevie. "Flashlight tag could be cool too."

"What did you do all day?" Brad asked Sandy as the younger boys talked about games.

"I went to see Mr. Tucker to find out about Rory's family."

"What did you learn?" Brad asked.

"Well, they are definitely Mackeys, but neither of them has ever been in Ohio before now, so they don't know a thing about the family traditions. I don't think it will be a problem though because they're only here for the summer. We will just treat them like they're non-Mackey."

Chase heard their conversation and interrupted. "Rory is only here for the summer? I didn't know that. I thought we'd be going to school together," he said rather disappointed.

"Afraid not," said Sandy. "They'll be heading back to California at the end of summer. You guys can still have fun now though, and there is another family moving into the empty house by Connor. They have an 11-year-old kid."

"That's cool," said Chase, still disappointed by the news about Rory. "When is the other family moving in?"

"Sometime in August."

"I like getting new kids in the neighborhood," commented Stevie.

"I like it too," said Sandy. "Mr. Tucker told me that a lot of the deep Mackey's don't though. They're afraid of new families changing things or learning Mackey secrets. It's important for us to make any new kids welcome but remember they aren't Mackeys."

"You don't have to lecture us," complained Chase. "I know how to keep my mouth shut."

"You're the one I worry about most," said Sandy seriously, making Brad and Stevie laugh. He knew his youngest brother sometimes talked too much.

The arrival of Connor, Cole and Cecil cut off any response from Chase.

"Come on over guys," Sandy called.

"How are things at this end of the street?" asked Connor as he sat down.

"Pretty good I think," replied Sandy. "How was your day?"

"Boring really. I just hung out most of the time."

"You were gone all afternoon with Kevin," Cecil piped in.

"Yeah, well we were just walking around and hanging out," answered Connor.

Now Sandy knew why he hadn't seen Kevin all day. He had missed his right-hand man but he was happy that Connor had made friends with him. He knew it sucks to have only little brothers around all the time.

"Have you guys decided who your gonna visit on Sunday?" Brad asked Stevie and Cole.

Cole looked to Stevie who replied, "We aren't sure yet. Maybe Carter or Finney."

"Why don't you go to Gordon's then I could go with you," Chase said. "I got rights there."

"What do you mean you've got rights?" asked Connor.

"Since Chase was the first one to fuck Gordon at the Choosing, he got the right of unlimited use. Usually 11-year-olds can't use the bottoms but Chase won the rights to Gordon until his 12th birthday," explained Brad.

"Yep," said Chase, "and I'm gonna use him."

Cole broke into the conversation. "Since Koby fucked me, does he have rights to my butt?" he asked.

"No," answered Sandy. "You don't have to worry about that. You're not a Bottom."

"That's good. You had me worried for a moment."

Brad and Stevie laughed. "Don't worry Cole. Nobody gets to use your butt unless you want them to," said Brad.

"You know Chase, Sunday is going to be a busy day for the new bottoms. Maybe you should wait till Monday to go see Gordon," Sandy suggested.

"It doesn't matter if he's busy or not," Chase said. "I can use him and I don't count as part of his quota."

"That's true," Sandy said. "But, you know if you're a nice guy and treat him with respect and give him a break when he needs one, he might remember that at next year's Choosing. He'll have 10 votes then. If you piss him off, he might use them against you. It's something to think about."

"I'll think about it, but I'm gonna fuck him Sunday. I'm horny," the 11-year-old said making everyone laugh. Sandy was disappointed that his message didn't get across. He would have to have a private talk with the boy later.

Tuesday July 16th - 8:00 PM - Cooper Mackey's House

Cooper was laying on his bed thinking about the day's events. He was confused and worried and maybe even a little pissed off. He had run all the way from the ball field to Reeve's place to find out what was going on, but when he got there, nobody answered the door. He was pretty sure Reeve was home and he even thought he saw him peek out of his bedroom window. But after knocking for 5 minutes he gave up and left. When his mom got home from work he told her what had happened and she said she would call Reeve's mom and find out what was going on. So now he was sitting and waiting for any word about what was wrong with his best friend.

When his mom knocked and asked permission to come in he jumped up and opened the door.

"Did you talk to her?" he asked.

"Yes, I did. It seems Reeve has been quite upset since Monday. She said you shouldn't feel bad because he's hardly talking to his parents either. Reeve's dad said you should give him a couple of days to calm down. You know how he is when he's upset honey."

"Yes, I know. But I feel like this is my fault. I wish he would talk to me and maybe we could work it out."

"Well Mr. Mackey said you could drop by on Saturday if you have the time. He'll be home all day and he promised he would answer the door. Maybe things will be better by then."

"Okay. Thanks Mom. At least I'll get to see him then. I really appreciate the help," he said as he gave his mother a hug.

Wednesday July 17th - Sandy Jacob's House - 1:30 PM

Chase heard the knock at the front door and opened it to let Ethan in. He had seen him ride his bike up the drive.

"Come on in Ethan. Stevie's upstairs if you wanna go up."

"Are you leaving?" asked Ethan.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go to the park and get Rory then we'll meet you guys at Cal's."

"Okay, I'll see you there," he said as Chase went out the door.

Ethan went upstairs to Stevie's room and found his friend changing his shorts.

"Come on in," said Stevie. "I'm just getting clean shorts to go swimming in."

"Is Cole coming?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. He and Cecil should be over any minute."

"Can I ask you something?" Ethan said as he sat on the bed.

"Sure," replied Stevie. He could tell by his friend's tone that he was bothered by something.

"Would you spend some time with me today?"

"What do you mean," asked Stevie. "I spent all afternoon yesterday with you."

"No you didn't," said Ethan. "I was there with you but you hardly even talked to me. First you hung out with Tyler and then when he left you only paid attention to Rory. We're supposed to be best friends."

Stevie was going to argue, but then he thought about it. Ethan was right. They hardly even talked yesterday. He wondered if that was why he hadn't come over last night. He suddenly felt bad. He had hurt his best friend's feelings.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you, but it was exciting having Tyler to play with, and Rory is new and I wanted to get to know him, and I guess I did ignore you. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Just don't forget I'm with you today."

"If I do, you can fuck me again," said Stevie giving his butt a little wiggle and smiling.

"I really want to do that, but not if it means you're gonna forget I'm your friend too."

"I won't. I promise."

"Okay. Then let's go have some fun together."

The two boys headed out to the Brewer's house.

Wednesday July 17th - Cal Brewers House - 2:15 PM

Cal, Brad and Sean were sitting around the pool recovering from their earlier fuck session. Over the past year not only had their friendship grown but also their knowledge of sex. Even though Cal was a Bottom, it was quite common for these 3 boys to enjoy a rotating threesome. Needless to say, they all enjoyed a great cum.

Stevie, Ethan, Connor, Cole and Cecil had arrived promptly at 2 PM. Connor joined the older boys on the deck and the younger ones, along with Ben, jumped in the pool. Chase was late bringing the newcomer but just when Stevie was starting to worry, he appeared in the yard leading not only Rory, but Luke and Koby as well. "Look who else I found in the park," Chase said.

Watching the fun the boys in the pool were having Cal finally said, "Why don't we join them. It's getting hot out here." So they did.

There were underwater races, cockfights (Connor and Cole were undefeated) and a cannonball contest. Chase got his wish when Ben announced that he was going skinny dipping and the rest soon joined in. Rory was hesitant at first. He wasn't accustomed to this kind of freedom. Not wanting to be the odd man out he went along with the crowd. Since he was new to the group his muscular, compact butt and very respectable hairless package drew glances from everyone, discreetly of course.

Cole was sitting on the edge of the pool dangling his feet in the water when Koby came over and sat next to him. This made him a bit uncomfortable, not because they were both naked, but because he really didn't want to talk about what happened at the Choosing. Koby, however, never brought the subject up. He talked about them going to school together, he talked about going to the swimming hole and he wanted to know how Cole liked Indian Spring. He just wanted to get to know the newcomer. As they talked Cole relaxed and found he liked the younger boy. He was friendly and funny.

Stevie was true to his word and stayed by Ethan's side the entire afternoon. Luke and Koby got to know Rory some and everyone agreed it was a fun day.

When it was time for Rory to head home Luke and Koby offered to walk him back to the park. It had been a good day for the kid from California. He wanted to meet friends and he had done that today. Before they parted ways he extended an invitation to both boys to come out to his place and they both said they would.

Wednesday July 17th - The Clubhouse - 6:45PM

As Sandy walked up to the Clubhouse door, he was surprised to see Paul Hardin waiting outside. He was usually hanging out inside with Billy, Bert, Ernie and the rest of the crew. When he got closer he couldn't help but notice a good size bruise on Paul's cheek.

"Hey Paul. What happened to you?" he asked pointing to his cheek.

"Oh," said Paul with a laugh. "Tim and I had a little disagreement. I think we settled it though."

"I hope so," said Sandy. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was waiting for you actually. I wanted to thank you for saving my little brother at the Choosing. I'm not sure why you did it, but thanks."

"It was my brother Stevie's doing. He's friends with Tyler and he didn't want to see him bottomed so he asked Judge to help."

"Well then thank your brother for me. I know you and I don't always agree on things but that was real important to me. I owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything Paul." Sandy started to say before Paul cut him off.

"Jacobs, don't try to turn me down, damn it. I'm offering you a favor that you might need sometime. I'm not doing it to be nice. I don't want to be beholding to you."

"Okay. You can owe me one."

"Good," said Paul. "Now we better get inside. It's almost 7."

No sooner had they sat down then Jason arrived and called the meeting to order.

"For the first order of business I want to congratulate you all for the super job you did at the Choosing. I've heard nothing but good comments and I thank everyone for the hard work you put in."

While everyone around the table felt it was a successful event, it was nice to hear the President of the Council acknowledge it.

"With that said," Jason continued," I have an assignment for all of you. This is my last year on the Council and the same goes for several of you seated here tonight. I want to do something special with it. I don't want to just pass the Council on to the next team in good order, I want to pass things on better than they were when we took over." After saying that he paused and looked around the table. He saw faces that were confused, but interested.

"I can see your all wondering how I'm going to do that," he continued with a smile. "That is where you come in. I want each of you to put those brains to work and come up with some ideas to improve the Choosing."

"We can't change anything in the Ceremony or the Senior Council will go nuts on us," exclaimed Ernie.

"Not true," responded Jason. "We might have to get their okay on some items, but I've never known them to be against improving things. That will be the key. The changes I will support will improve the show, or make things better for the boys on the line, or make the selection process fairer. Now I don't know how we are going to do that, so I'm turning to all of you. I want you all to go home and see if you can't come up with some ideas. You have a month until the next meeting. Share your plans with each other. Work together and see if you can't bring something to the table in August. Any questions?"

"That's quite a challenge," said James thoughtfully. "I always enjoyed a challenge though."

"This is a smart group. Just give me the best you can. If we don't try we'll never know what we might come up with," said Jason.

"The next order of business is an exemption for Connor Jacobs. This was requested by your fellow Councilman Sandy. Connor is 15 years old and has 2 younger brothers. The 12-year-old was in this year's Choosing. I support a full exemption. What do the rest of you say?" Jason asked.

James, Sandy, Hayden, Joe, and Hank all agreed, but Billy hesitated when they came to him.

"Becoming a Mackey is a big deal. It seems like it should cost him something. Couldn't we make him the Bottom's bottom or something?"

Paul looked at Sandy and then spoke. "I think he's too old for that Billy. His little brother put himself on the line. He wasn't on the list if you remember. I think the family's proven themselves."

"I guess you're right," agreed Billy who really didn't want to disagree with Paul. Then the remaining members approved the exemption.

"Anyone else have anything?" Jason asked.

"I do," said James. "Everybody knows the Olympics start in 2 days. I have some bad news for those of you who were planning on watching Chris compete. He was injured at practice last week and he won't be able to perform."

"What happened?" asked Jason.

"He pulled a tendon or a ligament in his leg and it's going to take months to heal."

"So is he coming back?" asked Sandy wondering if he was going to have to deal with Chris' anger again.

"I really don't know for sure. Even though he can't perform, he's allowed to sit on the bench with the team so we won't see him at least until the games are over. I'll let you know if I hear any more."

"Thanks," said Sandy.

"Anybody else have anything?" Jason asked. When no one responded he added, "Okay. Go home and put on your thinking caps and see what you can come up with for next month. If there's nothing else, this meeting is adjourned."

As everyone got up to leave, Sandy stopped Paul and thanked him for his support on the exemption for Connor. "You don't owe me anymore now," he said.

"That wasn't a favor Jacobs. That was just doing the right thing."

"Well thanks. I appreciate it. I'll see you around," he said as Paul headed out.

As Sandy turned to leave, James called to him. "Hold up. I'll give you a lift home."

"Cool," said Sandy. "I've got the first meeting with the new bottoms tomorrow and I have to get things ready."

"Is that brain of yours already working on ideas for Jason?"

"Not really. I never thought about it much before. We always just followed the usual plan."

"You're always talking about wanting to make things better for the guys, so I thought this would be right up your alley."

"Well, I'm always thinking about the bottoms. I never thought much about the ceremony though."

"Well the two things are pretty closely related," said James with a little smirk. "Seriously, I find the idea of being allowed to suggest changes kind of exciting."

"I guess you're right. I'll have to think on it."

"Why don't we try to get together next week and see what we can come up with. Since you'll be busy with the new group, I'll talk to some of the 13-year-olds and see what bothered them the most. Maybe they'll have some ideas we can use."

Sounds great. I'll ask the bottoms at the meeting if they have any ideas," said Sandy. He liked the idea of working with James. Maybe together they'd come up with something.

He was also pleased that he could go home and tell Connor about the exemption.

Wednesday July 17th - Sandy Jacobs House – 11:00 PM

Chase couldn't sleep. He had one hand laying across his chest and the other under the sheet that covered him rubbing the bulge in the front of his underpants. It used to be that he thought about sex when he got a boner. Now he got boners from thinking about sex. Ever since the Choosing his brain seemed to be focused on sex. Fucking Gordon had been an amazing experience and he couldn't wait to do it again. His brain remembered all the feelings and even replayed pictures in his mind. He remembered how white the 12-year-olds ass looked as he approached it. He remembered exactly what his wrinkled little hole looked like when he spread those cheeks to see his target. Best of all he remembered the feeling just after he pushed his dick in and Gordon's asshole seemed to wrap around it. It was unbelievable and in 4 more days he was going to have that feeling again. He didn't care what Sandy said. He had rights and he was going to use them. He fell asleep thinking about his visit to Gordon on Sunday.

Thursday July 18th - The Clubhouse – 7:00 PM

Sandy was getting ready to call the meeting to order. He was well organized. In front of him was the agenda of items he wanted to cover. On a table at the back of the room were the starter kits for the new bottoms. Seated on either side of him were Cal, Judge and Bert whom he had invited to share tips with the new kids. He was ready, but he was still nervous.

He had been casually observing the newest members of his group for the past 20 minutes and what he saw made him realize that he didn't really know these kids yet. Henry Finney, whom he expected to be a problem, was quiet but friendly with the others. Maybe he was beginning to accept things. Gordon on the other hand looked angry and made only sarcastic comments when spoken to. Henry Mackey, the boy who had cried at the Choosing, was quiet, but in control. He chatted a bit with the others and then wandered around the room by himself. Trevor Havers looked very nervous and Carter never said a word to anyone when he arrived. He just sat down and glared at everyone. This was going to be a lot different from the group he was used to.

Just as Sandy was about to ask for quiet, he was surprised to see Kevin Mackey enter the room.

"What are you doing here?" asked Sandy as Kevin took a seat.

"I thought I might be able to help. You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all," replied Sandy. He smiled as he realized Kevin was having a hard time stepping out as a bottom. He wanted to be a part of things.

"Okay, let's get started guys. I thank you all for coming and I want to welcome our new Community Bottoms. Your first day of service is just 3 days away and I want to make sure everyone knows what to expect. Getting started is tough but I'm going to help you get prepared and answer any questions you might have. Our current bottoms are also here to share their experience and offer you some tips."

Sandy saw he had their attention so he continued. "This year is a little different as your first day is a Sunday. That makes things a little harder because your families are home. I've already spoken with your parents and they know what to expect and all of them seemed willing to help. My first question for you is do you all have a place to use?"

"I didn't know you talked to my parents," said Henry Mackey without looking up from the table. "That's kind of embarrassing but it explains a few things. My dad is taking my brothers fishing and my mom's going over to my Aunts so I've got the house to myself."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed Henry. They knew before I talked to them," Sandy said. "How about you Carter?"

"I'll be using the garage. It's all set."

"Trevor, are you set?"

"Yes, I have a place cleaned up in the shed."

"Finney. What about you?"

"My Dad helped me set up a room in the barn. I won't have to go in the house. It's funny. My Dad was kind of excited about it. He even got me some cushions to use."

"Cool," said Sandy. "Gordon, are you ready to go?"

"I'm using my bedroom. My little brother will be home, but he'll stay out of the way."

"It sounds like you're all prepared," said Sandy. "I want to go over a few of the rules to make sure you understand. First, you're all expected to serve at least 3 boys a day. If you want to handle more you can, but at least 3. You're only available to kids no more than 1 year older than you. That means if you're 12 years and 3 months old nobody older than 13 years and 3 months can use you. Everybody got that?" The kids around the table nodded.

"At the back of the room are bags with your names on them. Inside is some lube, a log book, a card with my phone number on it and some other fun stuff. I want each of you to take one when you leave. Now, who has questions?" No one spoke.

"I don't have a question, but I have some advice," said Kevin. "I've been in your position and I know how you feel. One of the first things you have to do to get through this is to change how you look at things. Don't think of yourself as being forced to do this. Think of it as freedom. You now have the freedom to have sex with any kid who comes to your door and you don't have to play games to get it. Let's be honest. Sex is fun. Right?"

This comment drew some nervous laughter and nods from the previously somber group.

"You not only get to have sex but you learn a lot of kid's secrets. I knew kids that wanted to suck my dick before they fucked me. I found out that some guys just like to watch others fuck but they're afraid to do it themselves. I can also tell you who has the biggest and the smallest dicks in town." Again the boys at the table laughed.

"What I'm saying is it's a new experience and it's not as bad as you might think. It's all in how you look at it."

Then Cal Brewer spoke. "I want to add a little to what Kevin said. I hated being bottomed and I was scared shitless. I thought it meant that kids had the right to hurt me. There were a few creeps at first but Sandy and Kevin took care of them. Then, I discovered something I never expected. I made friends. Real friends. When guys fuck you and you make them feel great, they appreciate it. They want to do you favors and they start to think of you as a person, not just an ass to fuck."

After listening to the others express themselves Judge offered his thoughts. "It's no secret that I like being a bottom. What Cal said about making friends is true. As a matter of fact, that's one of the hardest parts for me. You wouldn't believe how many secrets I have to keep or how much advice I get asked for every week. Sometimes I feel like Dear Abby." The group laughed out loud and the atmosphere was more relaxed. "I guess that's all I have to say. If any of you need any advice just call me, or any of us."

Sandy looked around the table and decided to ask for questions again. This time Trevor Havers spoke.

"I'm kinda nervous about Sunday. Since the Choosing when somebody said that Havers think their better than everybody else I been getting some real bad feelings from some kids. They're saying stuff like I can't wait to see how far a Havers asshole can stretch and there's nothing like a good ass pounding to cut a boy down to size. I think they might be planning to gang up on me."

"Who's saying this stuff?" Sandy asked.

"I don't really want to say," said Trevor. "I mean it might just be talk."

"I'd be willing to bet that Shawn Hardin and his brother Kyle are part of it. Probably Jeff Garvin too," said Finney. "I hear talk around town about it."

"Those boys are probably too old to use you anyway Trevor, but we won't take a chance. Bert, what are you doing Sunday morning?" asked Sandy.

"Not a thing. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to spend the morning at Trevor's place. Keep an eye on things and make sure everybody minds their manners. Is that okay with you Trevor?"

"Sure. I wouldn't mind the company."

"Good. Now I want to talk about something different. All of you have just been through the Choosing. What do you think we could change to make it easier for the guys going through it?"

"I'd make it shorter," said Finney. "I hated being naked and bent over those beams for hours." Several other boys nodded their agreement.

"I hated the blow jobs," said Carter. "you know guys mess with you just to see you get a check mark and there's nothing you can do about it."

"I'll make a note of that. Thanks Carter. What else?"

"Do they have to write on our backs?" asked Gordon. "I still got the names on me." This comment also brought some laughs from around the table.

"Is that it?" asked Sandy. He was a little disappointed that he didn't get more comments but he wrote down what they said.

"Okay. I'll be dropping in on all of you on Sunday to see how the day is going and make sure there are no problems. Don't forget to take your bags and fill in the log books like the instructions show. I will be looking at them. That's all I have. Thanks, and good luck."

Most of the boys left their seats and started heading out the door.

Bert came over to Sandy and asked, "Do you think there might be trouble at Trevor's place?"

"No, I don't think so. With you there, I'm sure there won't be."

"Did you tell him not to punch anybody in the nose?" Kevin asked sarcastically.

"I don't think that will be necessary," answered Sandy looking at Bert.

"So I can punch guys in the nose?" Bert asked looking excited.

"No!" said Sandy. "The reason I asked you to be there is because kids believe you might punch them in the nose. Since they believe that they'll probably behave. Please don't punch anybody in the nose."

"Okay, since you said please," said Bert sounding disappointed.

Judge and Trevor were standing behind Bert listening to the conversation and Trevor couldn't stifle his laughter. "You guys are funny," he said.

"What can I do for you guys?" Sandy asked looking at Judge and Trevor.

Judge pointed to Trevor's starter bag and said, "I want to know why they get better stuff than I got."

Sandy looked confused for a moment and then he laughed. "Oh, you mean the candy."

"Yes. They got a candy bar and a joke book. I never got that," said Judge sticking out his lower lip and pretending to pout.

"It was my mom's idea and I liked it. She said nothing is better to deal with stress than laughing and chocolate."

"Shoot, I never got a bag at all," said Kevin. "Sheldon just handed me a jar of Vaseline and told me to get ready."

Everyone laughed at Kevin's comment. Bert, Judge and Trevor headed for the door and Bert said loud enough for Sandy to hear," You gotta help me remember, Trevor. No nose punches. I can only punch them in the gut."

Sandy just rolled his eyes and looked at Kevin.

"You're going to have to learn to be clearer with instructions," Kevin smirked.

"I can see that. I'm glad you stopped by. I haven't seen you all week."

"Did you miss me?"

"Yes. It's kind of strange not seeing you at my side. What have you been doing?"

"Oh, not much. Just hanging around mostly."

"I heard you spent some time with my cousin."

"Yeah, I like Connor. He's cool. I kind of showed him around a bit."

"Thanks. I guess I haven't been around for him too much this week."

"Don't worry. I took good care of him. You ready to go home?" Kevin asked.

"Yes. I'm tired. Are you gonna come over to the house?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes, I missed having your smiling face around."

"Cool," said Kevin. "Let's go."

Saturday July 19th - Reeve Mackey's House

Mr. Reed Mackey answered the knock at his door and saw Cooper standing there. "Morning Mr. Mackey. Is Reeve coming out today?"

"Uhmm, no Cooper. He's not ready yet. Let's sit over here a minute and talk," he said pointing at the 2 porch chairs.

Mr. Mackey could see the disappointment on Cooper's face and he felt terrible about it. When they sat down Cooper looked over at him and asked, "What did I do? Why is he mad at me?"

"First off Cooper, he's not mad at you. He's mad at the world. You need to know that you didn't do anything wrong. If this is anybody's fault, it's mine. I wanted him put on the List so he'd be a full-fledged Mackey and I asked you to be his sponsor. Right now I feel terrible that you're getting hurt by this."

"Well what's he mad about?" asked Cooper.

"It was the blow job," said Reed quietly.

"That wasn't my fault. You know the rules Mr. Mackey," said Cooper starting to tear up a bit.

"I do know that Cooper and I don't blame you at all, but you know how he is. When he gets an idea in his head it takes him a long time to get over it. He thinks that since the other kids saw him with your penis in his mouth he can never face them again. He's too embarrassed and he's convinced everyone's gonna make fun of him. That's why he quit the ball team. He doesn't think he can face anyone."

"You know nobody talks about what happens at the Choosing. Nobody is ever gonna bring that up."

"I know that and you know that, but Reeve doesn't. Right now he's just consumed by the idea that all the kids are gonna laugh at him and he can never show his face around town again."

"If he would just talk to me maybe I could convince him he's wrong."

"I wish he would talk to you but right now he's barely talking to me. It took all week for him to tell me what was bugging him. You're gonna have to be patient until he's ready."

"Okay. I'm real sorry about this."

"You have nothing to be sorry for Cooper. Like I said before, it's my fault."

"Will you call me if he decides to talk to me?"

"I will son. I promise."

Mr. Mackey told him it wasn't his fault, but as he walked home, he couldn't help thinking he should have done something different. He really wanted his friend back.

To be continued...