The Sandy Jacobs Story

Chapter 30 - A Deal is a Deal

Written by Charles Well <> and Sarge AKA Aldric <> and Nick <>

(C) 2020)

The original Kids of Indian Spring (KOIS) story by Jonas Henley can be found here:

and if you wish to read Jonas Henley's account of the 1968 Mackey Choosing Ceremony, look here:

Also see map.pdf and Springer Families.pdf in the Sandy Jacobs folder on Nifty. There is also an extensive family tree of the Mackey family available in this folder as well.

This story is about sex between boys and is therefore a total fantasy. It was written by an adult for the entertainment of other adults. No children or animals were either involved or harmed in the writing of this story. Please leave now if you are not supposed to be here.

Writing the continuing saga of the Kids of Indian Spring has become a real community effort. My original intention was to conclude the Sandy Jacobs Story after Chapter 10. But my primary co-author and invaluable assistant, Pietar, convinced me that the many loose ends left open by the original author, Jonas Henley, needed to be resolved. As a result, he became the principal author of Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Thank you Pietar for your original ideas, brilliant writing and your continued dedication and commitment to this project. Now a third author, Nick, has volunteered to take on the role of crafting the future long-term direction of the story. You may recall that Nick was first involved in Chapter 12C. Please ensure you make Nick welcome by dropping him a line.

Comments or suggestions may be directed to any of the authors mentioned above. We welcome feedback from readers. It's the only payment we receive for many hours of hard work.

Please consider a donation to Nifty for allowing us to have this resource to share our stories. To donate go here:

Friday May 23rd – Rory Mackey's House

Rory was straightening up his room at his mother's request. Chase was coming over to stay the night and although Chase wouldn't care what the room looked like he knew his mom would be coming in to check. He was also happy to leave the dinner table and escape the conversation his mom had started. She had finally brought up the Choosing. She opened by telling him she had a visitor from the Mackey Senior Council who told her about the tradition. She said that as a Mackey 12-year-old he was eligible and might be placed on the infamous list that would be coming out in June. She started to tell him he would be required to strip naked and be bent over a log for everyone to see when he cut her off.

"Mom, I already know all about it. You don't have to tell me."

"Oh, I didn't know you knew."

"The guys told me all about it. I know what they do and what happens. I know about being bottomed and everything."

"Well what do you think? Do you want to go through it and become a Mackey? You don't have to you know. Whatever you decide I'll support you."

"I don't really want to do it, but I want to stay here with my friends. I never liked L.A. as much as I like it here. If I don't go through it I won't fit in anymore and I like being part of this place. I heard Dad did it so I think I should too."

He couldn't tell if his Mom looked relieved or disappointed. She seemed to be thinking about it and he really didn't want to talk about it anymore so he excused himself so he could clean his room.

When Chase arrived the two boys retreated to the bedroom. Rory told his friend about his mom telling him about the Choosing.

"Wow, did she talk about getting lubed up and blow jobs and stuff?" asked Chase curiously.

"Heck no! She just said that I was eligible to be in it and a list of the boys to be in it was coming out soon. You think I'll be on it?"

"I'm pretty sure we're all gonna be on it. I can't think of any reason we wouldn't be."

"She said I didn't have to be in it if I didn't want to."

"She might have said that, but it's not that easy. If they put you on the list and you don't show up you're automatically bottomed. If you try and get out of that they can make life pretty miserable for you."

"I told her I was gonna do it. I want to be with you guys. I like the idea of getting to visit bottoms whenever we want. That part sounds wild."

"Yeah, it will be great just as long as none of us gets bottomed."

"You don't think that will happen, do you?"

"You never can tell what's gonna happen at the Choosing. I promise you that I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."

"What can you do?"

"My brother Sandy is in charge of the bottoms and they can give you protection votes. I'll ask him to help if you need it. We gotta get you a sponsor too. That gives you a minus 2 points."

"Man, this is complicated," moaned Rory. "Scooter said his mom told him not to fool around with anybody before the Choosing because guys try to trick you so they can claim your butt or your mouth. How does that work?"

"Well, if you let somebody fuck you and shoot inside you I think they can claim your ass at the Choosing. Same with a blowjob."

"Well what about you and me? Are you gonna try to claim my ass?"

"Oh I would love to because you have such a beautiful butt, but I won't. I like you too much. If anybody asks if you've ever done it with anybody just say no. Otherwise they'll want to know who you did it with and did they shoot in you and it could get complicated."

You think they'll ask that?"

"I'm sure they will. You'll learn all about it at the sleepover."

"Does this mean you and I shouldn't do it anymore?"

"We should probably cool it before the Choosing, but I think tonight would be okay," said Chase with a smile.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Chase didn't really like getting fucked but he was willing to endure it for a chance at Rory's ass. He hated that pinch when the head first slipped in. It hurt. And sometimes his friend pounded pretty hard as he got ready to cum, but it was worth putting up with for his turn. He loved the feeling of sliding his dick in and out of Rory's smooth white behind. He liked the sound of the ooohs and aaahs his friend made when they were doing it and he loved just laying together when he was spent. It was funny. He didn't feel this way about Gordon. He loved fucking the older boy but it wasn't the same as with Rory. It was just a good cum that was better than jerking off. It puzzled him why one butt was so much better than the other.

The boys had a fun night together. Rory's mom served ice cream for a late night snack and then they shared a shower. Once in bed they cuddled and rubbed and tickled till they couldn't stand it anymore and then they fucked. It was a great night.

Saturday May 24th – Gordon Mackey's house

It was almost 2 o'clock when Chase arrived at Gordon's place. He had planned on arriving by noon but Rory begged him to stay for lunch so he did. Tomorrow was his birthday so today was the last day he had rights with the bottom. He was even thinking of coming back tonight.

Gordon had seen him coming up the road and knew what he wanted. Chase was approaching with a big smile on his face and it made Gordon chuckle. Even if the kid was annoying he was kind of funny.

"Hey Chase. What brings you out this way?" he asked as if he didn't know.

"Just the usual. Tomorrow's my birthday so today is the last day I can use you."

"That just breaks my heart," Gordon said mockingly.

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad."

"No I guess not. You are pretty pushy sometimes though. You should think about other kid's feelings a little more," said Gordon seriously.

Chase was thinking about what Gordon said but he had trouble acknowledging criticism so he just said, "Well, you ready?"

Gordon led the way to the shed and Chase had his last fuck with the bottom. After thanking the older boy Chase started for home. He couldn't help thinking about what Gordon had said about thinking of others feelings. He thought he was always a nice guy, or at least he tried to be. He'd have to think about it some more.

Monday May 26th – Memorial Day – Oak Mackey's House

Like most of the kids around Indian Spring, Oak Mackey and his brothers and cousins were hanging around the yard after enjoying a great cook-out. Although he was a bit on the thin side Oak could be an eating machine when good food was around and today was one of those days. As the 12-year-old kicked back in a lawn chair his older brother Bryce and his cousin Joey emerged from the woods. Oak knew they had been smoking a joint and was slightly annoyed that they hadn't invited him. The older boys came over and sat next to him.

"So little man. Are you ready for the Choosing? It's coming up quick you know," said Joey.

"I'm looking forward to it. I want to get my privileges. I wasn't lucky like Chase Jacobs and I'm really looking forward to fucking whenever I want," replied Oak.

"Oh, you think Chase was lucky. Well you might not think so after the Choosing."

"What do you mean?"

"That Jacobs boy used Gordon a lot and he bragged about it. Don't think you think you'd want a little revenge if somebody did that to you?"

"You think he's gonna try to get Chase bottomed?" asked Oak.

"I heard he's not going after Chase because of his big brother being on the Council," Bryce interjected as he winked at Joey. "I heard he's going after his friends and he's gonna tell them it's because of Chase. You'd better be careful little bro. You're friends with him, right?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"You're probably safe Oak. I think he's getting guys to vote for the two new comers. Chase is tight with both of them."

"Damn," said Oak, buying the story hook, line and sinker. "Do you think Chase knows?"

"I don't think so. Gordon is a quiet guy. He don't brag about what he's doing," said Joey.

"I'm probably gonna see Chase later on. I think I should tell him," said Oak.

"You do what you want little bro but I don't think you're gonna stop it."

The two older boys smiled at one another as they looked at Oak who was now deep in thought.

The Jacobs House

Brad, Stevie and Chase Jacobs were impatiently hanging out in their backyard along with Ben Brewer and Ethan and Ashton Tucker. They were waiting on their parents to get ready to go out to Rory Mackey's place for an afternoon of swimming. They were all complaining about how long it was taking when Oak Mackey appeared at the side gate.

"Hi guys. Can I join you?"

"Come on in Oak. We're getting ready to go out to Rory's place and swim. Want to join us?" asked Chase.

"Sure. I was just over at Ethan's place looking for you guys to see what you were doing."

"You missed a good lunch," said Ashton.

"I didn't miss it. Your mom gave me a hot dog and some chicken when I was over there. It was good too."

"We're going over to Rory's for swimming and dessert next. Scooter and Rory are already out there. We can't use our pool yet cause my dad has been so busy with Cal that he didn't have time to clean it up. It's kind of green actually," said Ben making everyone laugh.

"We're just waiting on my parents to get ready and Sandy to get off the phone," added Brad.

Oak laughed. "Is he on the phone with a girl?"

"No, I think it's Jason Mackey."

Oak looked pensive. "I bet they're talking about the list. Do you think he'll tell us if we're on it?"

"No chance," said Chase. "My brother goes by the rules and he won't say anything till it comes out next week. I'm sure we're all gonna be on it though."

"Yeah, your right. I guess I was just hoping for a miracle," replied Oak.

"We'd all like that," said Ethan. "But I don't think it's gonna happen."

Their thoughts were interrupted by Sam Jacobs calling, "Let's go boys."

It took two cars to carry the group but within minutes they were on their way to their friend's house and an afternoon of swimming.

Rory Mackey's house

Rory and Scooter were splashing around in the pool when the gang arrived. Chase led the charge through the house to the pool are and the others followed. As the boys pulled of their shoes and shirts Rory climbed out of the water to greet his guests.

"Hi guys. There's ice tea and lemonade over there," he said pointing to the drink table his mom had set up. "Towels are over there," he added pointing at a chair piled with towels, "and the water is great."

Within 2 minutes everyone was in the pool. The adults remained inside in the air conditioning as they enjoyed the beer and wine Suzanne offered. The main topic of discussion was Cal Brewers condition. He was going to be flown to Cleveland Children's Hospital later in the week to be fitted for a prosthetic leg. If things went well he could be home by the middle of June. Jonathan Brewer was going to Cleveland to be with his son for a couple weeks and Ben would be staying with the Tuckers. The noise from the pool suddenly got very loud and Sam Jacobs went to have a look.

"Relay races have started," Sam announced when he returned a moment later and the parents all nodded their understanding. As the afternoon progressed Hal and Silvie Tucker arrived with Kelly and Malcolm followed by Carlton and Susan Jacobs with their boys. The adults remained inside discussing neighborhood issues and the kids hung out at the pool.

After several races Chase decided to take a break and sat down on the deck. As he sipped a cold glass of lemonade Oak came over and sat next to him.

"Hey buddy, I gotta tell you something I heard," said Oak.

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"I heard Gordon is pissed off about you using him all year and he's talking to a lot of guys about how to vote at the Choosing."

Chase was surprised. "I just saw him two days ago and he didn't seem pissed off. You think he's going to try to get me bottomed?"

"No, not you. He's getting guys to vote for Scooter and Rory and to tell them it's because of you. He's not going after you because of Sandy, but he's after your friends."

"Shit! I never thought he'd do something like that."

"Hey, watch your language," said Rory playfully as he joined the group.

"Well I heard it from two different kids so I think it's true. I think you oughta go talk to him and maybe apologize or something. I thought you should know. I'm in the next race so I gotta go," said Oak as he stood up.

"Yeah, Thanks. I'm glad you told me. I'll go see him this Saturday."

"Good because I'm your friend too and I wouldn't want to be included in that."

As Oak went back to the pool Rory asked what was going on and Chase told him. Rory was upset to hear he might be a target because of something he didn't even know about. Chase assured him he was going to take care of it.

"I promise you I'll do everything I can to keep you and Scooter from getting bottomed. I'm even going to ask Sandy for help."

"Thanks Chase. I trust you." Then the two of them bumped fists before rejoining the group in the water.

Oak Mackey's House

Oak was hanging out on the front porch with his older brother Bryce. They were just killing time till before going to bed. Since there was school tomorrow it wouldn't be long before they were called in. Oak told Bryce about his conversation with Chase and the boy's plan to go and apologize to Gordon.

"I just hope Gordon accepts his apology. You know he's been used for almost a year."

"Oh, I think he will."

"Well I hope so," said Bryce pretending deep concern. He was already planning to speak with Gordon at school and get him in on the prank. "For Chase's sake and yours."

Saturday May 31st – Gordon Mackey's House

Gordon had finished his lunch and was sitting in the sun relaxing. He saw a kid on a bike coming up the road. When the rider got close enough he recognized Chase Jacobs. He was expecting the kid. Bryce Mackey had told him in school about the story he and his cousin told Oak. Chase was coming to ask him not to have all the boys he'd been talking to put their votes on his friends because of his behavior. At first Gordon was just going to let him off the hook and tell him the truth. He hadn't rounded up any votes. However, the older boy convinced him he should let the kid sweat a little. It didn't take much to change his mind when Bryce reminded him that the kid has used and abused him for almost a year. Gordon decided that making the 12-year-old beg was fair payback.

Chase dropped his bike on the grass and walked over to where Gordon was sitting. "Hi Gordon. How's it going?"

"It's going good with me. How about you?"

"I'm doing okay, but I need to talk to you about something," Chase said nervously.

"We can talk if you want but you know you don't have any rights with me anymore."

"Yeah, I know. I have to talk to you about the Choosing. I heard...I mean somebody told me that you were mad at me for using you so much and you were trying to get votes to bottom my friends. Is that true?"

"What if it is? I'm not breaking any rules," said Gordon. He found himself enjoying watching the kid squirm. It was a lot different from the cocky attitude he always had when he visited before.

"No, I know you're not, but I don't think it's fair for you to go after my friends when you're mad at me. Why don't you tell them to vote for me instead?"

"Oh sure, and have your big brother mad at me. I still have a year left to serve and Sandy could make that year miserable if he thought I got you bottomed."

"He wouldn't. Sandy's not like that."

"Maybe not, but I'm not going to take that chance."

Things were not going as easily as Chase expected. "Look, I apologize for using you so much. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I mean I had the right."

"It wasn't how much you used me; it was your attitude. You never thought about how I felt. You only cared about yourself." Gordon had a brother Chase's age and he had learned that sometimes you had to pound an idea into his head to make it sink in. He wanted to be sure Chase understood so he was hammering away at the younger kid.

"But I always thanked you and I waited my turn. I don't know what you mean."

"What about when you came over at Christmas break and all my cousins were here. You made me come out with you for a fuck anyway. They all knew what we were doing. How do you think I felt?"

"I guess....I mean I never thought about it."

"You are the only kid that ever used me at the swimming hole. Sure, we moved away from the crowd, but you told the guys how good I was when we got back. Remember that?"

"I guess I do," said Chase hanging his head and thinking about what he had done to Gordon.

The older boy could see he was getting through and he decided it might be time to lighten up a little.

"Look Chase, I don't think you meant to be mean or anything, but you were really thoughtless. When you get bottomed you really have to swallow your pride and give yourself up to the brotherhood. You made that extra hard on me. You gotta learn to think about......"

"Okay, okay! I get it," interrupted Chase. He was starting to panic now. Gordon was madder than he realized and he had promised Rory he'd do whatever it took to stop this. He made a desperate offer. "How about if I let you fuck me."

Gordon was startled. He was also tempted. Chase had a lean athletic body and was probably a virgin. He would be a great fuck, but he just couldn't do it. It was too risky. His big brother was a powerful Council member and might be the next President. He wasn't going to mess with that. At least he knew the boy was truly sorry now.

"Do you think one fuck will make up for all the times you used me?" asked Gordon.

"No, I guess not. How many do you want?"

"I don't want any. I want you to think about how a bottom feels."

Chase was now near total panic. He couldn't let his new friends be bottomed because of his actions. He had promised and he would keep his word. "Alright. How about if I surrender at the Choosing. Then I'd be a bottom for a year. Would that be enough for you?"

Gordon instantly stopped arguing. He never expected the kid to go this far. He couldn't believe Chase was willing to do this to protect his friends. "Are you sure you know what you're saying?"

"Yes. If that's what it takes, I'll do it, but you gotta call your friends off. I want your word they won't gang up on Rory or Scooter."

Gordon stared at the younger boy for a moment. He had to admit the kid had guts. He was willing to bottom himself to protect his friends. However, he wasn't going to let him do it. This was supposed to be a joke to scare him, not a trick to get him bottomed. It would really drive the lesson home, however, if he let the kid sweat a few weeks. He had been used for almost a year so it didn't seem unfair to let Chase feel the pressure for a month. He'd let him off the hook before the Choosing. Yeah, he liked this idea. "Okay, you've got a deal."

"You'll tell your friends to lay off the new kids then?"

"I promise," replied Gordon.

"Then it's a deal. I'll surrender at the introductions."

"You know, once you do that there's no backing out."

"I know. I'm not gonna back out. Just make sure you keep your word. I gotta go now," said Chase feeling a little sick. As he headed home he couldn't believe what he had done.

As he watched the boy ride away, Gordon felt good. He had really underestimated Chase. Any boy that was willing to bottom himself to save his friends deserved respect. He might have been a little rude and thoughtless sometimes, but deep down he was okay.

Jason Mackey's House

The entire Jr. Council was crowded around Jason's dining room table. Since the clubhouse was destroyed they were meeting wherever they could. Most of the Council member's parents were cooperative and made an effort to accommodate the boys so that their work could be done. Today they completed the 1997 Choosing List. There were 17 boys on the list.

"Where are we going to post this now that the Clubhouse is gone?" asked Sandy.

"Mr. Corbin mounted a glass enclosed bulletin board next to the stage at Old Knot. I'll go out there in the morning and post it. Word will spread real quick and everybody will know who's on it."

"Sounds good. I'll start making the rounds soon and inviting them all to the sleepover," said Sandy.

"What's the date for that event?" asked Jason.

"It's going to be July 5th this year."

"I'll make a note. Maybe some of us will drop by again."

"I'll join you if they have food," joked James Cormack.

Since their work was done the boys headed for home. Jason would post the list tomorrow and the Choosing preparations would be underway.

Saturday June 14th – The Brewers House

The Brewer home, which had been more or less empty for the past 10 weeks, was the center of activity today. Twelve-year-old Ben had been staying with the Tuckers. Jonathan Brewer spent most of his time at the hospital with his older son and stopped by only to change clothes or sleep. But all that was changing now because Cal was coming home next week.

Everyone in the neighborhood was pitching in. The ladies were scrubbing floors, dusting and vacuuming. The house smelled of pine cleaner and bleach as they disinfected everything. Outside the men were cleaning up the pool and overseeing the boys mowing the lawn. There was a group cleaning windows and hosing off the patio furniture.

Hal Tucker and Sam Jacobs were supervising a furniture swap as Cal's bedroom was moved downstairs to the guest room. By late afternoon everything was done.

Ben Brewer made no attempt to hide his excitement. He had a good time staying with Ethan and Ashton but he was ready to move back to his own home. He wanted to be back together with Cal and his dad. Life would be returning to normal.

Monday June 16th – The Sanders House

The List had been out for over two weeks now. Joey Sanders knew he would be on it, but seeing his name there added to his anxiety. The Choosing was coming and there was nothing he could do about it. He'd already talked to his oldest brother Toby about protection and the 15-year-old promised him his brother votes. Now it was time to ask his brother Shawn for his protection as well. He didn't get along with Shawn as well as he did with Toby, but he was going to ask anyway. After all, they were brothers. If Shawn would help he could be starting with a -4 and that was pretty good.

Joey found his brother in his bedroom getting ready to go to the swimming hole. "Hey Shawn, I gotta ask you something important."

"What's on your mind little brother?"

"Are you going to give me your brother votes at the Choosing?"

"Well, I hadn't really thought about it yet," replied Shawn sensing an opportunity.

"Ah, would you give em to me? I could really use your -2 votes. I'm sort of getting scared."

"What are you willing to give me for them?"

The question surprised Joey. He hadn't planned on bartering. "I don't know. I guess I could do some chores for you. What do you want?"

"I can do my own chores. For two votes I want two fucks."

"Come on! Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious. You want my votes. That's the price."

Joey was stunned. He didn't expect this from his own brother, but he needed the protection. He stared at the older boy as he tried to think of a counter offer.

"Look if you get bottomed you get fucked four times up on the stage. I'm only asking for half of that," said Shawn.

Joey knew his brother wouldn't give in so he agreed. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Cool. You're a smart boy. You wouldn't like being a bottom."

"When do you want to do it?"

"I want them both before the Choosing. If you want, we could take care of the first one right now," said Shawn with a smile.

"Alright," answered Joey as he unsnapped his jeans.

Shawn pointed to the bed. "Why don't you just bend over right there and I'll get you ready."

Joey dropped his pants and laid across the bed as his brother pulled a jar of Vaseline out of his dresser. Shawn greased up his finger and gently inserted it into his brother's anus. Joey didn't think it was gentle at all and sucked in a breath through gritted teeth.

"Ahhh. Take it easy Shawn," he complained.

Sean laughed and said, "I am taking it easy. You've never been fucked before have you?"

"No, so please go easy."

"This is great. I get to take my little brothers cherry. I hope you can handle this big dick," the older boy said as he greased up his boner.

Joey was going to say that it wasn't any bigger than his own dick, but he didn't think it was a good time to anger his brother so he stayed quiet and prepared himself.

Shawn pressed the head of his dick against the lubed-up hole and pushed until it popped in.

"OHH! Ow. Please go slow."

"Just relax and you'll get used to it in a minute."

Joey tried to relax but the burning sensation was almost too much for him. He buried his face in his arms as Shawn started fucking away. He just kept telling himself that he needed the protection votes. After about 5 minutes his big brother announced that he was going to cum and buried his dick deep in his little brothers behind. Joey's mid-section was lifted up off the bed by the pressure as Shawn shot his load inside. Then, he slowly pulled out.

"Damn, that was great bro. I can't wait till next time. I'm gonna last longer then."

"Okay. You get one more before the Choosing," agreed Joey as he rubbed his ass. "That really hurts."

"Don't worry, next time will be easier because you're broke in now."

Joey didn't reply. He just pulled up his pants and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

Wednesday June 18th – The Jacobs House

It had been one heck of a week for Sandy. In between Jason's frequent request for help at Old Knot and his regular work with the bottoms he was trying to plan this year's sleepover. He had all the notes from last year, but being the meticulous planner he was, he was reviewing every detail to see what he could improve.

Chase had been sitting in his room for over an hour thinking about what he had done. Yesterday he cried when he thought about it. He was going to bottom himself. He could get out of it, but that would mean sacrificing his friends and he didn't want to do that. He kept telling himself that it wouldn't be so bad. Kevin Mackey used to be a bottom and he was one of the most popular kids around. Bert and Judge were bottoms and all the guys thought they were cool. If they could do it, so could he. At least that's what he was trying to convince himself.

Trying to forget his own feelings for the moment, he focused on the other stuff he had to do. He needed sponsors for Rory and Scooter. He wanted to pick guys that were respected and liked by everybody. He also had to ask Sandy for help. He didn't really want to because Sandy would probably lecture him on his behavior or attitude or something, but he might be able to round up some extra protection. He was willing to listen to his big brother's BS if it helped his friends.

He found Sandy sitting at the dining room table looking over papers. He looked like he was thinking but Chase interrupted anyway.

"Can I talk to you a minute?"

"Hey little brother. Sure, have a seat and tell me what's on your mind." Sandy had been planning on having a little talk with Chase before the Choosing and this looked like a good opportunity.

"I wanna talk about the Choosing," Chase began.

Perfect, thought Sandy. "Good. Are you ready for it?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"You know it's okay to be nervous. Everybody is."

"I'm not nervous. I just hate the whole idea. But I didn't want to talk about me. I wanted to talk about Rory and Scooter."

"You should try to think of it a little differently. A bad attitude on Choosing day can get you in trouble."

"Don't worry about me Sandy. I said I want to talk about Rory and Scooter. I need to pick good sponsors for them and I wanted to ask if you would help protect them."

"I can suggest some good sponsors but I'm more worried about protecting you than them. You aggravated some kids this year and I don't know if your aware of it or not, but you got a bad reputation because of the way you treated Gordon." Sandy stopped here and looked at Chase to see if he was listening.

"Look Sandy. You don't have to worry about me and Gordon. I already took care of that. Will you help me take care of my friends?"

Sandy was surprised and a little confused. Chase was being evasive about himself and Gordon hadn't said anything about talking with his brother. He tried again to feel the kid out.

"So you think everything is alright between you and Gordon?"

"I already said it was." Chase was getting annoyed at his big brother. He didn't want to even think about the deal he made with Gordon, much less talk about it.

"What about Gordon's friends? You know some of them were not happy about how you used him."

Chase had had enough. This was getting too close to the subject he didn't want to talk about. "Just forget I asked. Stevie or Brad will help me," the younger boy said angrily as he turned and stormed out of the room.

"Chase wait!" yelled Sandy, but it was too late. He was gone. Why couldn't he communicate with his own little brother?

The Brewer House

Cal arrived exhausted, but really happy to be home. It had been almost 3 months since he'd slept in his own bed and he was looking forward to it. He liked having his room downstairs. He had become pretty proficient with crutches and if he didn't have to navigate stairs he felt free. Several of the neighbors waved to him when he got home and there was a pile of "Welcome Home" cards from folks all over Indian Spring on the front steps. Jonathan Brewer had asked that his friends give him a little privacy when he first got home. Cal was still very self-conscious about his leg and his dad wanted to protect him from the curiosity seekers. Cal agreed to family only the first night, but he wanted to see Brad, Sean and Judge the next day. Jonathan gave in to Cal's request and the boys were invited over.

Cal loved being able to sit in chairs instead of a hospital bed. He walked the entire first floor of the house twice just because he could. Then he ventured outside to the pool deck. Ben followed him everywhere and enjoyed his company. It was good to be home.

Thursday June 19th – The woods behind Bryce Mackey's house

Bryce Mackey, along with his cousins Boyd and Joey were sitting around the campfire enjoying a joint and talking about their plans for the summer. The sound of footsteps and voices approaching stopped the conversation. Fourteen-year-old Jeff Garvin entered the clearing followed by Shawn Sanders, Michael Mackey and Andrew Carrigan. As everyone exchanged greetings and found a seat Bryce spoke up.

"Man, you light up one joint and the moochers come out of the bushes."

"I ain't no moocher. I brought a joint to share," Jeff Garvin said quickly. "I think these three might be looking to bum a hit though." This caused the younger boys to blush a little as the older ones laughed.

"I got two dollars I'll kick in but I don't have any smoke," said Michael who didn't want to look like a moocher.

"Don't worry about it boys. I think we got enough for everybody to get a little buzz," said Boyd. He remembered what it was like when he was younger and money was scarce.

"We don't usually see you out this way Andrew. What are you doing hanging out with these bums?" asked Bryce as he passed a joint around.

"Oak said you guys were having a campfire tonight and there was nothing else to do so I thought I'd stop by," Andrew explained. He had only started hanging out with Shawn and Michael recently. Andrew was regarded as one of the good kids. He was an athlete and got good grades in school. His interests shifted a bit however when he attended one of the bonfires Tim Hardin held to campaign for Joshua Mackey. He smoked a little pot there and he found he liked it. The first night he went home high he experienced an orgasm like none he had ever felt before during his bedtime jerk-off session. The next week he returned and smoked again only this time he didn't go straight home. He stopped by Finney's house and enjoyed a fantastic fuck. He was starting to look forward to getting high each week at the campaign bonfires but then the election was postponed and Tim wasn't holding any more parties. Shawn and Michael were known as wild boys who smoked pot so he started hanging out with them. He had never enjoyed sex as much as he did when he was high so he went where the smoke was. He told himself that he'd stop before football season in the fall, but he was going to enjoy this summer.

"You boys decided who you want to see bottomed at the Choosing?" Joey asked the younger boys.

"No, not really," answered Michael.

"I like to see the merchandise before I decide," said Shawn.

"I think you boys should vote for my little brother. He has a great little ass," stated Bryce.

"Nah, go for the new kid. You know the rich boy who's always running around the park. He's got a nice tight little butt and he stays in shape so he could probably handle 10 fucks a day," said Boyd, making them all laugh.

"You got a favorite Andrew?" Michael asked his friend.

"No, not really."

"Take my advice boys. Go for the rich kid. Just think about being able to stop him in the park while he's doing his running. You could just slip those little shorts down, bend him over and have a great fuck before you go swimming. It would be great," said Boyd. He liked teasing the younger boys.

As everyone laughed and made comments about boys on the list, Andrew was thinking about Rory. He couldn't wait until the Choosing.

Cal Brewer's house

Brad and Sean arrived right at noon. Judge was already there. Mr. Brewer let them in and told them Cal was out back at the pool and lunch would be served in about 15 minutes. The boys headed out back. They found Cal sitting in a lounge chair with a towel covering his leg. Brad knelt down beside his friend and gave him a hug. Sean did the same on the other side.

"Man, we missed you," said Brad.

"I'll bet you did. You two are probably horny as hell," Cal joked as Judge rolled his eyes.

"No, that's not what I meant. We missed YOU. Our friend."

"Yeah dumbass. You're more than just a great fuck you know," added Sean.

Cal knew the guys really meant it and it felt great to have real friends. He was going to tease them more when his Dad came out carrying a tray full of sandwiches.

As the boys all moved over to the table with the food, Brad couldn't help looking at Cal's leg. It ended about 6 inches or so below the knee and the stump was wrapped in a bandage. The reality of what had happened hit him hard. Cal had paid a heavy price for protecting others.

As they sat and talked Mr. Brewer invited the boys to come over Saturday. They were going to have a pool party and an official Welcome Home Day for Cal.

"You'll get to see my artificial leg. I can only use it for short periods right now but I'm learning to walk with it."

"Cool," said Sean not knowing what else to say.

During lunch they filled Cal in on the damage the storm had done and how everybody pitched in to help clean up. They talked about school and final exams and all the gossip they could think of. When they were done eating, Mr. Brewer went into the house to get some ice cream cones for dessert.

"You don't think any kids will come by to use me, do you?" Cal asked.

"No. Sandy put the word out that you are relieved of your duties until further notice," Judge replied.

"Good. I'm not ready for that yet. Where is Sandy? I thought he'd be here already."

Brad looked over at his friend. "My parents said we should all leave you alone until you were ready for company. Sandy's just following that advice."

"I did say that, but I didn't mean him. Tell him he can come over anytime."

"Will do," said Brad.

"In case any of you were wondering," Judge started off with a silly smile on his face. "In spite of our friend's injuries and the damage to his body, his dick still works and it needs occasional attention."

The remark made Sean laugh so hard that the soda he was drinking squirted out his nose. Cal blushed and Brad cracked up. "Well it's the truth," Judge added.

"I'm glad you pointed that out," said Sean. Then, turning to Brad and elbowing him in his ribs he added, "I think we finally found a way we can do our share to help this boy get well." His remark led to another round of laughter.

"You wouldn't believe how little privacy you have in a hospital. When you can't walk they don't even let you go to the bathroom by yourself and they keep the door open while you're in there in case you fall. It was terrible," Cal said as he regained his composure. "When my buddy here offered me a blow job this morning I just couldn't say no. After 3 months of waiting, it was fantastic."

When Mr. Brewer returned to the table with the ice cream cones in hand, the boys were all smiles. It was great to see his son happy again.

To be continued...