The Sandy Jacobs Story

Chapter 40 – Building Bridges – Mending Fences

Written by Charles Well <> and Sarge AKA Aldric <> and Nick <>

(C) 2020)

The original Kids of Indian Spring (KOIS) story by Jonas Henley can be found here:

and if you wish to read Jonas Henley's account of the 1968 Mackey Choosing Ceremony, look here:

Also see map.pdf and Springer Families.pdf in the Sandy Jacobs folder on Nifty. There is also an extensive family tree of the Mackey family available in this folder as well.

This story is about sex between boys and is therefore a total fantasy. It was written by an adult for the entertainment of other adults. No children or animals were either involved or harmed in the writing of this story. Please leave now if you are not supposed to be here.

Writing the continuing saga of the Kids of Indian Spring has become a real community effort. My original intention was to conclude the Sandy Jacobs Story after Chapter 10. But my primary co-author and invaluable assistant, Pietar, convinced me that the many loose ends left open by the original author, Jonas Henley, needed to be resolved. As a result, he became the principal author of Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Thank you Pietar for your original ideas, brilliant writing and your continued dedication and commitment to this project. Now a third author, Nick, has volunteered to take on the role of crafting the future long-term direction of the story. You may recall that Nick was first involved in Chapter 12C. Please ensure you make Nick welcome by dropping him a line.

Comments or suggestions may be directed to any of the authors mentioned above. We welcome feedback from readers. It's the only payment we receive for many hours of hard work.

Please consider a donation to Nifty for allowing us to have this resource to share our stories. To donate go here:

The Town of Indian Spring - July 15, 1997

Matthew Corbin, Judge Mackey and the Brewer brothers were the first to arrive at the house. Ben excitedly ran inside to tell his dad that he had not been bottomed. Judge helped Cal out of the trailer and Matthew took off to return the four-wheeler to the Hagen's. Cal hobbled quickly toward the door so he could share his news with his father and show off the certificate he was awarded. Judge followed behind telling his friend that he had to get seated as soon as they were inside as he was approaching his time limit for walking on the artificial limb.

Matthew arrived at the Hagen's house and was immediately pounced on by Scooter's Mom who wanted to know how her son made out in the Choosing. Once she heard he was not bottomed she relaxed and asked about the other boys. After helping Matthew unhitch the trailer and putting it in the garage, she went inside to call her best friend Suzanne Mackey and tell her Rory was safe. The unofficial Indian Spring Mom's grapevine would spread the news quickly.

When Matthew arrived back at the Brewer's the boys had moved outside to the pool deck. The caterer had arrived and was setting up and a few more kids had shown up. Matthew joined Judge, Cal, Carter and Henry at their table as carts of food were being wheeled in and arranged.

Shawn, Joey and Corey Sanders walked home together. Corey had to stop at his house to get permission to go to the party and told Joey he would meet him in a few minutes. When they arrived at the house the boy's dad was waiting on the porch. Shawn just walked by him and went to his room and slammed the door.

"So how did it go?" Mr. Sanders asked Joey.

"I didn't get bottomed so I guess it was good," the boy replied.

Joey's dad wanted to know who the new bottoms were and if anybody made fools of themselves. Joey told him what he remembered and asked permission to go to the party at the Brewers. Just as his dad said yes Corey showed up and told his Uncle about his role as a coordinator for Koby. He was really excited that he had rights for a month. When the story was over the boys took off for the party.

Merrick walked home with his brothers Brandon and Alex. It seemed like a long quiet walk. The older boys told their little brother how sorry they were that he got bottomed and didn't tease him at all, but Merrick still gave them the silent treatment. He just couldn't talk about it. All he could think about was what his life was going to be for the next 18 months and he couldn't bear the thought of it. When they arrived at the house their dad was standing in the front yard. Merrick did something he probably hadn't done since he was four or five. He ran to his dad, wrapped his arms around him and cried his eyes out.

Mr. Mackey had already learned Merrick had gotten bottomed through the grapevine. He turned to the older boys and asked, "Did you give him your protection?"

"Yes sir," both boys replied at once.

Then he jerked his head toward the house signaling the boys to go inside and leave him alone with Merrick. Mr. Mackey wrapped his arms tightly around his son. "It's gonna be alright boy," was all he said. He thought it might be best to let the boy cry it out today. Tomorrow they would talk about the importance of community obligations, tradition and family honor.

Andrew Carrigan saw his dad working in the garage as he got home so he went over to talk to him.

"You okay?" Mr. Carrigan asked.

"Yes sir. A little sore to be honest," he replied as he rubbed the seat of his shorts.

"You'll be fine. You need to think of this as a second chance. You screwed up but if you face your punishment and take it like a man it'll all be forgotten."

"I know. I'm kind of scared, but I'm gonna do the best I can." Andrew then went on to tell his dad who got bottomed and Koby's problems and he mentioned getting invited to the Brewer's celebration.

"Are you going to go?" his dad asked.

"I wasn't planning to. I don't know most of those guys very well. But I guess I'm gonna get to know them a hell of a lot more very soon," he replied making a little joke.

"You know son, I hear those bottom boys are a pretty good bunch. After the big storm they were out helping folks clean up and cutting trees and doing all sorts of stuff. Nobody asked them to. They just wanted to help. I think you might be better off hanging out with their kind instead of the Sanders boy and that Garvin kid. If you went to the party, you'd have a chance to get to know them a little better before, uhh, well, you know." Both of them laughed at the awkward subject.

"It might be fun and I heard they're having really good food, but I think Mom is already making dinner."

"I'll explain things to your mother. Go ahead and have some fun."

"I think I'll call Michael and see if he'll come with me. He's a bottom now too." It took a lot of talking but Andrew managed to convinced Michael to come with him. Michael didn't want to face his cousin Carter but he would have to sooner or later anyway. It might be easier in a crowd.

All of the older bottoms and a lot of the 12-year-olds were gathered in Cal's backyard when Joey and Corey arrived. Everyone was amazed at the food set-up. As usual Suzanne Mackey had gone way overboard on what was needed to keep a group of kids happy. There was a grill chef cooking steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs. There was fried chicken and pizza and every kind of side dish you could imagine. The biggest hit of the party, however was a self-serve soft ice cream machine where the kids could fill their bowls or cones as high and as often as they wanted.

The older bottoms seemed to gather in one group and the younger boys in another. They did intermingle some, but the boys who went through the Choosing together wanted to talk about what they felt about the experience and the older ones were talking about how they might help the new bottoms adjust.

Ashton and Corey talked about how they would manage Koby's appointments and who would be good to use him. They also discussed in whispers what they thought about their first fuck. They giggled as they tried to describe the feelings. Oak, the first new bottom to show up, just wanted to talk about how much he hated his brother and what plans for revenge he had.

The most popular subject among the boys who didn't get bottomed was their new privileges. They were comparing ideas on who they wanted to use first. The older boys were talking about who might need help adjusting to their new roles. They all agreed Merrick and Shawn might have problems. As they talked Andrew and Michael arrived.

After making the rounds of the entire deck and saying hello to everyone they sat down with the older boys. "Is Shawn coming?" Judge asked.

"I don't think so. He's not talking to anybody right now," replied Andrew.

"It's kind of a shock when you get bottomed and it takes some time to get used to the idea. Let him be for now and he'll get over it," Cal commented. "I'm glad you guys came though. We got some great food over there if you're hungry."

"I am hungry. I think I'll go check it out," said Michael.

"I'll join you. I want to look at the desserts," said Carter. He thought it might be a good opportunity to talk with his cousin alone. Michael was nervous and wondered what Carter wanted from him.

When they got to the buffet table Carter broke the silence. "Look Michael. I know how you feel right now and I'll be glad to help you get used to this if you want."

Michael was stunned. He expected to be ridiculed at very least and possibly even threatened. He expected his cousin to be laughing at his situation and instead he was offering help. He didn't know what to say.

"I remember how I felt when I got bottomed and I know it's not easy. If you give it a chance I think you'll find it's not so bad. The other guys are pretty cool and they'll all help you too."

Michael finally found his voice. "Thanks Carter. To be honest, I am really scared. I don't know how I'm gonna do this."

"Look, if you want, I'll come over on your first day and help you out."

"I can't believe you're helping me like this when I treated you like shit when you got bottomed."

"Everybody screws up sometime. We just have to get over it and move on. I messed up big time shortly after I became a bottom and I got caught. I paid for it too but afterward the guys forgave me and we're all friends again. If you pissed any of these guys off it's probably already forgotten. If you feel like you owe any apologies go ahead and make them."

"The only person I need to apologize to is you. I'm sorry for the way I treated you cuz."

"Forget it. We're buds again and that's all that matters. Now let's get some food."

Michael didn't feel so ashamed and alone anymore.

Over at the table Cal had been observing the cousins talking. "It looks like Michael has got somebody to help him get started."

"I'm glad. They always made me laugh when they were friends. They just fit together," added Trevor.

Andrew was fascinated by the way the boys looked upon the new bottoms. He never realized that they cared for one another and looked for ways to help the new kids. He never thought of them as a team.

"Who's gonna help me?" he asked.

"Oh don't worry. We're all gonna help you," said Judge with a sly laugh.

"Oh yeah," added Bert. "I plan on helping you regularly," added Bert. The whole table laughed and several boys patted the new bottoms bottom on the back.

Andrew just shook his head. "Sorry I asked." At least the laughter had taken his mind off of his sore butt.

"Oh wow!" blurted out Henry as he stared across the yard. "My boy's here. I didn't think he was gonna come. This is good." Everyone turned to look and saw Koby standing by the back gate. The 12-year-olds were calling him to come and join them but he just stood and stared. Chase jumped up from his seat and walked over to greet the new arrival.

"Hey Koby. Glad you could make it."

"Are you guys gonna fuck me?" Koby asked.

"Not today. This is a celebration, not an orgy," replied Chase trying to make a joke of the question. He could tell Koby was pretty upset.

"I don't have anything to celebrate."

"Yes you do Koby. We all made it through our Choosing."

"I didn't make it. I got bottomed." Koby was starting to sound a little mad.

"I know buddy but that's only for 18 months. You got some extra protection on you to so the big guys can't use you. You made it through the Choosing and you'll never have to do it again. You're a Mackey now."

"I ran into some deep boys on the way over here and they didn't seem to care about my protection. They said their big dicks would fix my ass up real quick. "You ain't gonna ask us for our birth certificates, are you?" That's what they asked me. They said they'd be coming to use me next week. "I'm doomed Chase."

"No, you're not Koby. Look around this yard. Every kid here is a friend of yours and they'll all stand up for you. You see those big guys over there?" he asked pointing to the table where the bottoms were sitting. "Well they're like your big brothers now. They won't let anybody hurt you. Even those deep boys don't want to mess with Gordon or Finney or especially Bert. Besides that, you have Sandy and the Council on your side. After what just happened to Shawn and the others, they are not going to fool with the Council rules. Trust me, they were just teasing you."

Everyone at the tables was watching intently. They could tell this was a serious conversation even if they couldn't hear.

Chase put his hands on Koby's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "I can't tell you that none of these guys are gonna fuck you because, uhm, well, you're a bottom. I can tell you that all of them think you're a good friend and they'd never want to hurt you." Chase was running out of things to say but he thought he was getting through to his friend. Just then Rory came over to join them.

"Is everything okay here?" Rory asked.

"Yes. Some older deep boys were hassling Koby on the way over and it kind of pissed him off," replied Chase.

"Shake it off Koby. You're at a party now. I'm sorry you got bottomed but you're still one of my best friends and I really mean that," said Rory. Koby managed a half-smile at that remark.

"Thank you guys. I'm still really scared but I feel better being here with everybody."

"Are you hungry Koby? We got some real good food. How about a steak or a cheeseburger?"

"I am kind of hungry I guess."

"Come on then," said Rory as he pulled his friend over to the grill. Rory did think of Koby as a best friend but he also wanted to fuck Koby since the first time they went skinny dipping together and he saw the boy naked. He thought Koby had the most perfect butt he had ever seen and soon he was going to be able to slide his dick into it. Until that time though he was going to take good care of his buddy.

As they approached the grill area the chef asked what they would like. Both boys asked for a cheeseburger.

"And how would you like that?" asked the man as he picked up a hamburger patty from the pile in front of him.

Koby looked a bit confused. "I want it cooked," he replied.

Rory burst out laughing and jumped in the conversation. "We both want them well done."

Koby looked a bit embarrassed. "I didn't know what he meant," he whispered.

"Don't worry about it," said Rory. "Let's go look at the dessert table while the burgers are cooking." Koby thought the table full of cakes and pies was just amazing. It was fancier than the big spreads he had seen at family reunions. As they looked everything over, a voice called to them from behind.

"Is that Koby Mackey over there?" Jill Hagen, Scooter's Mom asked.

"Hi Mrs. Hagen," said Koby as she came over. His mom was close friends with the lady and Koby thought she was really nice.

Jill knew Koby wouldn't want to talk about getting bottomed but she thought he could use a hug about now so she wrapped her arms around him and gave him one.

As she released him from her grip she asked, "Where have you been boy? You haven't been over to the house in a long time."

"I guess I've been busy."

"Well you better get unbusy and stop by and visit. I'm making that chocolate cake you like this weekend."

"That sounds good. I'll stop by. I promise."

"You better or I'll call your momma and tell her you lied to me and ask her to give you a good whipping." Both Rory and Koby laughed at her comment.

"Oh, please don't do that. I'll stop by," replied Koby pretending to be afraid.

"Okay then. You boys have fun. I gotta get back inside." She noticed Koby was smiling as she left.

Kevin Mackey joined the party. After greeting all the younger boys and observing their attitudes, as Sandy had asked him to, he sat down with the older boys. He had been at the Council Party at his house but after a great meal all the talk turned to politics and he was bored. He really enjoyed the company of this group of current bottoms and they loved his stories so he decided to join them.

"Another Choosing has passed and I think the new bottoms will fit into our group just fine." Kevin said.

"What do you mean, Our Group. You're not a bottom anymore," teased Cal.

"Neither are you, so shut up," Kevin said. Everyone in the group laughed. "Anyway, once you're part of this exclusive club you're a member for life." Judge, Cal, Bert and some of the others nodded in agreement.

Kevin noticed Andrew and Michael sitting toward the back. "Hi guys. Glad you decided to come. I know you don't think so right now, but I think you'll find out that being part of this group isn't so bad. Except for Judge, they're all pretty good guys." Judge playfully punched Kevin's arm after that remark.

Both Michael and Andrew found themselves laughing at Kevin's jokes and it made them forget about their fears for the moment.

Jared Tilton arrived and sat with the younger boys. Chase, Joey and Ethan gathered around him and told him how sorry they were that he got bottomed and promised to help him in any way they could. However, 15 minutes later the three boys wanted to make appointments with him for his first day as a bottom. At first Jared was annoyed at them for bringing up the subject, but then he remembered that they were always there for him when he needed them. These were the same friends who wouldn't let him join their secret club unless he sucked them all off. Sex had always been high on their priority list. Why would he expect them to act any differently now? He was also flattered that three of the coolest kids around wanted to use him on his first day so he agreed. He was still saving a slot for Colt.

Oak had been observing their conversation. "You guys are making appointments, already aren't you?"

"Why not," answered Chase.

"The boy just got bottomed today. Can't you give him a little time to breathe?"

"You know how busy your first day is gonna be Oak? Every 12-year-old that didn't get bottomed is going to be wanting to use his new privileges. If you were smart, you'd make some appointments too. You know that if Tilton Garvin shows up at your door you can't say no. Do you want his big dick fucking you?" said Joey.

"I never thought about that," replied Oak.

"If you have appointments already made you can tell the guys sorry but you're booked. You should think about it," Chase added.

"I guess you're right. It would be the smart thing to do."

"Talk to Rory and Scooter. I don't think they made any appointments and they have normal size dicks. Vince and Tom are good guys too and you like all of them, right?" said Chase.

"You guys are pretty smart. I think I'll do that. Thanks for the idea. Now if I could just figure out a way to deal with Bryce, I'd be in good shape," said Oak.

"What do you mean?" Chase asked.

"Well I ain't supposed to know about it, but he's gonna invite me out to the bonfire at Tim Hardin's place next Saturday. Then they wanna fuck me in front of everybody."

"Well shoot! Just don't go," said Ethan.

"It ain't that easy. You guys don't know Bryce."

"I overheard Jeff Garvin talking after the Choosing. He's supposed to get Shawn to come so the 14 and 15-year-olds can fuck him. He was planning on inviting some 12-and 13-year-olds for you too Oak. They think it'll be real funny to fuck you guys in public like that," Joey Sanders added.

"I'm screwed," said Oak and he buried his face in his hands.

"No, you're not. We could stop this the same way you're gonna handle the first day. If four of us fuck you Saturday morning you will be allowed to say no. It's the rules," said Chase.

"So you're giving me a choice of getting fucked by you guys or those guys," said Oak as he looked up from his hands.

"Well, I didn't mean it like that, but I guess so. Look, we are gonna treat you a lot better than those older guys and it won't be in public. It'll be like old times except we'll be fucking instead of giving blow jobs. We might even be able to get Jared to join us. Has Bryce made any appointments with you yet?" Chase asked.

"No, he hasn't told me anything about it yet. Tyler Hardin told me what he's planning."

"Good. Then make an appointment with us. Don't tell Bryce anything about it. When he asks you to come to the bonfire with him go ahead and go. The fun part will be when he tells you somebody wants to fuck you. You'll be able to say you can't because you already did you're limit for the day. Then all the guys your brother invited to fuck you will be mad at him."

"You know that would work," said Joey thoughtfully.

"No it wouldn't. Bryce would pound me," snapped Oak.

"I bet he won't. He just saw what happened to Shawn and those guys for trying to force Rory to do stuff. I don't think he'll do a thing. You've got the rules, Sandy and the whole Council on your side. Bryce won't be able to do anything," argued Chase.

"I never thought about it like that. You might be right."

"I am right. You've got to stand up to Bryce now. If you don't, he'll be doing stuff like this to you for the whole 18 months that you serve."

"He's right Oak," added Joey.

"Are you gonna tell Shawn?" Oak asked.

"I wasn't gonna."

"But he's your brother Joey. Even if he's a creep sometimes," said Chase.

"You guys don't know how he treated me before the Choosing. He made me..... He just treated me like crap." Joey didn't really feel like telling his friends his brother fucked him.

"I think I'm gonna do it. I hate being Bryce's slave and this might get him off my back. I still gotta get fucked by you guys but at least it won't be in public putting on a show for those jerks to laugh at."

"I think you're being smart Oak." said Chase. As they talked about which 4 boys would get to use Oak and where they would meet, Kevin moved over to where the 12-year-olds were gathered. When Kevin joined a group it usually meant fun so they decided to go see what was going on. They could work out the details later.

Kevin was telling stories about his first days as a bottom. He told them about the time he was getting fucked on his hands and knees and the kid's puppy crawled under him and started licking his dick. It tickled like crazy which made Kevin wiggle and the boy fucking him liked it so he pounded away harder and Kevin finally shot his load on the puppy. He remembered the time another boy was doing him and suddenly the boy's 5-year-old sister appeared in the room asking "What are you guys doin?"

Kevin was an excellent storyteller. He made faces and sounds that had the whole group rolling with laughter. Both Koby and Michael, two boys who were very upset over getting bottomed, were smiling and laughing with the others.

Sandy arrived just after dark. The Council party had great food but more important a lot of the community leaders were there. Several members of the Senior Council congratulated Sandy on the successful Choosing and thanked him for helping to preserve the tradition. It made him feel important. After everyone ate, Raymond Mackey approached Sandy about the upcoming election for Jr. Council President. He not only offered his support but he wanted to help Sandy fine tune his talking points for speeches. Sandy accepted his offer and they agreed to meet later in the week. Talk of the election had gotten Sandy's competitive spirit cranking but he had to take care of other things first. He had seven new bottoms he needed to prepare to fill their roles.

He greeted all the kids as he walked around the deck. He welcomed the new bottoms and congratulated everyone for going through their Choosing. Finally, he made his way to the older boy's area. As soon as he sat down he asked for volunteers. "I need everyone that can to help me out Saturday night at the new bottoms meeting."

"Do you believe this guy. He's been here two minutes and he's already asking us to do more work for him. Unbelievable!" said Bert with a smile.

"I know. I know," replied Sandy. "It's just been such a busy day I'm trying to get all the little stuff done so I don't forget anything. Would you help me out Bert? Please?" asked Sandy.

"Of course I would. So will every guy here. You should know that already," Bert teased.

"Okay, thanks guys. I'll call you all and let you know what time and what we'll be doing."

"Where's the meeting going to be?" Cal asked.

"Probably in my basement," Sandy answered.

"Why don't you have it in the backyard or even here in my backyard," Cal asked.

"Why?" wondered Sandy.

"So that I can help. I'm not real good at steps yet and I don't think I could make it down to your basement."

"You're not a bottom anymore. You don't have to do this buddy."

"I know. I want to help. I know all these kids and I want to make this as easy as possible for them."

"Okay then. The meetings going to be right here in Cals backyard them. Thanks Cal."

With that settled Sandy moved on to asking their opinions of the new bottoms. He was disappointed that neither Shawn or Merrick came. He had already assumed they would be his most challenging cases this year. Shawn had a terrible attitude and now he was full of anger. Merrick was scared and had not accepted his new role yet. They would both require special handling.

He was happy to hear that Koby was relaxing some and everyone agreed that Henry was the best choice to work with him. Sandy was surprised when Carter volunteered to work with Michael until Carter explained that they had buried the hatchet and he wanted to help his cousin. Everyone agreed that Oak didn't seem to need a mentor but Sandy wasn't comfortable with that. He assigned Gordon to keep an eye on him. Trevor Havers volunteered to work with Merrick. He said he remembered his fear in the beginning and he felt intimidated by some of the deep boys' threats. He felt he understood how Merrick felt and thought he could help. Sandy agreed. Shawn was the biggest challenge. It was decided that Bert and Finney would keep an eye on him. It might take two to deal with his attitude. That left only Andrew to worry about and everyone said he would probably not have any real problems. Sandy wanted everyone to have a partner so Judge was assigned to Andrew.

"Anyone who has any problems or concerns I want you to let Cal know right away. He will be our information base. I'll be checking with him regularly, and if it's important, I'll get back to you quickly." Sandy wanted Cal to have a role in things. Besides being bright and level headed, he was trustworthy and Sandy knew he could count on him. He also didn't want him to think that because he was no longer a bottom he was forgotten. In his mind Cal was a potential future Jr. Council member.

With that business covered Sandy went around and informed all the new bottoms of the mandatory meeting coming up on Saturday. Then he spent some time socializing with the 12-year-olds. As the night wore on boys started to say their good-byes and head off for home. It had been a long day for everyone.

As the crowd thinned out Sandy found himself sitting alone with his younger brother. "Did you have a good day Chase?"

"Not really. Going through the Choosing is not fun."

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad was it?"

"Yes. It was. You don't realize it but it's really hell on us 12 -year-olds."

"It is your initiation into the Brotherhood. It's supposed to be a challenge for you."

"Well I didn't think it was a challenge. I thought a lot of it was just plain mean and you laughing about it and embarrassing the boys just made it worse."

Sandy did not like the way this conversation was going. He was tired and he thought he would sit down with his little bro and laugh about the Choosing he went through. He didn't want to argue, but it sort of hurt him when Chase said he made things hard on the boys. He thought he was improving them. He didn't want this to turn into their usual arguments however, so he asked for more details.

"How do you think I made things worse for the guys?"

"When Oak got fucked and he came you didn't have to point it out to the audience like you did."

"Come on Chase. That was just a little teasing. Nobody got hurt. It was all in fun."

"Oak's feelings got hurt."

Seeing that he was not going to change Chase's mind right now, Sandy decided to propose a sort of compromise. "Alright, I have an idea. The next Choosing is a whole year away. During that time I'll think about how I treat the boys on the line. Maybe I could do some stuff differently. Your part will be to look at the Choosing as a 13-year-old and see if you don't see some fun in what we do. Afterward we'll get together and talk again."

Chase was thrilled. Sandy was actually listening to what he said and agreed to think about it. "Deal!" he replied. "Right now I'm really tired so I think I'm gonna say goodnight to the guys and head home. Thanks for listening Sandy."

No problem Chase. Since I learned what a cool little brother I have I'm gonna really try to be a better listener. You could help me by talking to me more and giving me a chance to help with stuff."

"I will. I promise," said Chase as he headed out of the yard. Walking home Chase felt good. He and his brother had a disagreement and nobody got mad. Neither of them told the other to Fuck Off or stormed out. Maybe what the guys say is true. Once you go through your Choosing you're somehow changed.

As Sandy looked around the yard he realized, that besides himself, the only ones left were Cal, Judge and Kevin. He was going to go over and say good night to the others when Kevin got up and came over to join him.

"I was just going to come over visit you guys," Sandy said.

"I'm glad you didn't. I think those two would like a little privacy," said Kevin as he pointed to Cal and Judge.

As Sandy looked he realized that Judge was stroking Cal's crotch through his shorts. "It looks like you're right," he replied with a little laugh.

"Are you getting ready to head home?"

"Yeah, I think I will. It's been a long day and I've got a lot of work to do this week. I could use your help if you're not busy."

"What have you got cooking?"

"Tomorrow I've got to go see Shawn and Merrick to tell them about the bottoms meeting on Saturday. Then I have to prepare for the bottoms meeting. I'd love it if you could come. You're really good at talking with the new guys and putting them at ease. Somewhere in between there I need to make up an outline of what I want to say about being the council president. Raymond wants to see what I've got and offered to help me polish up my campaign ideas."

"Raymond!" said Kevin rather surprised. "What's he got to do with it. He's on the Sr. Council."

"Well he offered to help me develop what I'm gonna stand for and avoid saying things that might hurt me. When we get it right, he'll talk it up with the dads on the council and any other parents he knows. What dads say to their kids can have a big influence on how they vote and he knows a lot more folks than I do. He's gonna be a big help behind the scenes."

"That's cool. I'm surprised he's helping out like that. He usually is so busy with his own stuff that he doesn't even think about the Junior Council anymore."

"The way I see it, he thinks I'll do a good job and if the Jr. council runs smoothly, we won't create any problems for the Sr. council."

"I guess you could be right."

"I've also got to get the welcome bags ready for the new guys and on the first day I'll be out checking on everybody. You never know what's going to happen then."

"You are a busy boy. I'll tell you what, I'll help you with all your stuff if you'll help me with a little problem."

"I'll always help you Kevin. What do you need?"

"I have had a raging hard-on since the Choosing and it just won't go away. I also have a tremendous urge to suck a friend's cock until his toes curl and his ears wiggle. Do you think you could help out with that?"

Sandy burst out laughing. "You know what, I bet I could. Actually, that might be just what I need tonight. Do you want to come over to my place?"

"Sounds good to me."

Kevin and Sandy said good bye to Judge and Cal and headed to the Jacob's home. As they walked Sandy made the comment, "You know every time we do this now I wonder if it'll be the last time."

"Oh God, I hope not," said Kevin.

"Well, you know, we're getting older and all."

"Maybe so, but that's one of the great things about Indian Spring. Things change very slowly."

"Very true," said Sandy. "And tonight, I'm glad it's like that."

Not quite the end