
by Blake Dawson* <>

From the Preface to Chapter 1:

If you like to read this kind of story but are concerned about possible legal implications, work to change the law! If you don’t, why are you here?

*Blake Dawson is the person the otherwise anonymous author would be if “trading places” became magically possible.

Chapter 17: Indoors

The level of interest in cricket can ebb and flow a bit, sometimes not in perfect time with the coming and going of the seasons. In my younger days, my interest rarely ebbed at all but I was still aware that such a pattern often affected our club collectively. The 1991-92 season had started very slowly, but had built steadily to the point where nobody really wanted it to end. So a group of senior players, who I by then had come to know quite well, started talking about having their own team in the competition at a nearby indoor cricket centre during the winter, at the very mention of which I immediately volunteered to be their scorer. Not all the players were going to be from the top grade side, so I took on the challenge of persuading Garth to play without letting on that my main motivation was to try to make sure a few people with influence around the club came to know the side of Garth he showed the kids.

While Graham Andrews would have been the obvious choice to take over our club captaincy if their had been any need, the few games he had back with us before the season ended had made him a strong advocate for reappointing the current captain. That reappointment was announced at the club’s senior presentation night, to which mum and I were asked to attend—she being told that it was so that I could be given recognition for scoring, and me being told so that they could thank her for the behind the scenes work she did with preparing news bulletins and improving what we had for sale around the club from food to badged apparel. Both the reappointed captain and Graham committed to being regulars with the indoor team which guaranteed that the whole club would be right behind it.

Despite there being more than enough players wanting at least a turn with the indoor team, I did not forget Mr Harris’s golden rule and always put my cricket bag in Garth’s boot, or whoever else I was getting a lift with. The excess of potential players soon meant that a roster was worked out so those who were going to miss a game did not have to bother with turning up. So it only took until game four for a ‘no show’ with nobody else there at starting time for me to get my first game. Garth also brought Brice a couple of times to fill in but Hayden would not even consider asking to be allowed to go to what were often quite late weeknight games, so I was the only real junior to get a game, Brice having been captain of the Under 16s as well as a regular senior player. I also finished up playing in nearly half and after I had held my own I had to insist that they made sure they had enough seniors that I could get back to scoring for the finals.

At thirteen and a half, my beloved Hayden was getting more and more self conscious about the effects of puberty. Corey French kept me up to date about how frustrated Felicity was getting at his increasing reluctance with the physical side of their relationship even as all other aspects of their attachment looked more and more solid. And I had exactly the same problem which I finally addressed head on by demanding he stay over at my place a couple of Saturdays before my birthday seeing as I had decided not to have a party as I had some other odd things to do with the other nights when I might have had one. Having happily become the main shopper for our household as mum found more and more outside work, I had managed to lay in a reasonable supply of condoms and KY and in the process I am sure convinced the local supermarket that mum was having a rather torrid affair. Hades was worse than reluctant to even try on a condom, let alone think about doing anything with it on, but I persisted and we eventually discovered that it was still a rather loose fit even while my hand managed to make him squirt a few drops into the end of it. We both inspected the contents until I horrified him by drinking them, but he eventually recovered enough to be a lot happier to give my safely small but so hard it was hurting dick some relief with his mouth. But he totally refused to take even one condom with him for emergencies.

I told Corey, that I really should get over to his place for a catch up with his sister and he came back the next day with an invitation to stay over on the following Saturday night as their parents were going to be out late and that me staying would obviate the need to get a baby sitter which they all agreed they were just about past. Hayden agreed that we would not let Garth know in advance of my other arrangements and the two of them would go out so he could arrange that I would be the only one going with Garth the following week. Mum got around to asking what I wanted to do for my birthday and I explained that we had an early indoor game on the night itself so the team were going to go out for a hamburger and milkshake afterwards, and that I was keen to invite both Robbie Vander and David Scott over to stay on separate nights, and that I knew we were going to have plenty of more permanent things on which to spend our improving cash flow so I really only wanted her to shout the two of us out for dinner somewhere nice.

Mum was more than pleased that I was fitting a night at Felicity’s in in the middle of all those boys and I knew she would never make mention of a packet of condoms and tube of Ky disappearing that very same night, so that I could be sure Lickety would be fully prepared when Hades finally relented. Mum also did not bother herself with such details as keeping up appearances to their parents by me sleeping in Corey’s room, but that was of course long after we had spent a long evening talking about everything from the numbers games used to keep Felicity uninvited two years earlier to Hayden’s recent ejaculate, the thought of which even got me aroused enough to fuck her twice before turning in with Corey for something a bit more affectionate.

It finished up being the night with David that demanded the most difficult negotiations at his end because his parents were becoming sensitive to the hysteria and I finished up having to bluntly point out that seeing as they would all be disappearing from my life within weeks that even if I decided down the track to manufacture some allegations the authorities would not want to be bothered with dealing with interstate jurisdictions for what could only ever be a juvenile case, so all they needed to believe was that I was stable enough not to decide to ruin my own life in the intervening weeks. Robbie’s stay over provided him the perfect opportunity to fully convey his little sister’s frustrations with respect to me and for me to fully accept that that is what real friends are for.

One thing Garth never lacked was style and preparation. So on the last of my seven private celebrations of turning eleven, I opened the passenger door to find a large and elaborately wrapped parcel sitting on my seat. I was allowed to open it in transit and was even more amazed to find a long haired wig and a lace top with padded breasts than I would have been if he had finally broken our rule about not offering me anything illicit. By then I was completely comfortable that my sexuality was on the gay side of bi, with a preference for more mature males, but I had never envisaged taking a feminine role and, no, neither had Garth developed any such fantasies for me. This was purely practical for that night only and I had to put them on unobserved while we were driving a quiet stretch which eventually led us to what was obviously a popular parking area with cars spread out at discrete intervals. Our hands, lips and tongues were soon actively at play, at first with each other and soon with other parts until he got me and I got him and he got me again where we wanted to go, and he felt we had risked enough. As I struggled to find where I had dumped my own top, I at least extracted a promise that I could finally get what I really wanted at his ‘holiday house’ in the winter vacation.

Garth played on the excuses that I and Hayden had found the two previous Saturday nights to opt out of the next one, and although that night did not mark the complete end, our nights out cruising became more and more irregular and finally expired a couple of weeks after the holidays. Garth also became a less regular member of the indoor team, partly because the coach in him felt that our line up for the finals should not include him, but he was there at the finals sitting beside the scorers and encouraging the team. Deep down I was happy that the main thing taking him slowly out of my life was his increasing infatuation with his life at university and I had no doubt that that would keep him on track a while longer. At the start of the holidays, I was both high and sad from my goodbye to David Scott and Garth had no objections to me feebly screwing him on his very first morning at his temporary residence, nor on a few more occasions while we both strung out him reciprocating. I brought the necessaries with me each time I visited, but we also each found enough reasons that those visits were not too numerous, but led naturally into me using the rear entry so I could stay over unnoticed on the second Friday in secret from the neighbours. I should have known that he would also be equipped for all contingencies, and deep into what really was a beautifully affectionate night, he finally allowed himself to make his own promised rear entry, but so gently and without pressure that it almost seemed like he was trying to keep it secret from me.