Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:37:41 +0100 From: Cwissy Subject: Shadows in the Curtains Chapter 5 Sorry it's been so long - I've been really caught up in exam finals. Here is the fifth chapter and as usual if you don't like this kind of stuff then don't read it. My other story chris and jamie is also available on Nifty. Have a good time guys (and gals). Jamie ---------------------------- 'For shit's sake, Alex, wake up will ya.' Jay cuffed me on the side of the head and I turned back from the window. We were still in homeroom, but the bell had begun to ring. Seems as though I had been daydreaming again. Jay was staring at me in that cute way. His bottom lip was tucked under his teeth and his lips were curled at the edges. He looked so beautiful. A sharp tingle went through my body. What the hell was I doing? I was staring at my best friend and that. It was too much for me; I grabbed my books and fled the room. Why did I keep doing that? Jay was going to figure this out sooner or later. Eventually I arrived at my literature class and slunk to a desk at the back of the room. There were thirty of us in this class and so it was easy not to be noticed by anyone. From my vantage point that the back of the room I could stare out of the window to the school playing fields. They had become damp with the overnight rain. However, it had seemed that the weather last night was just to prepare for today; it was turning out to be a scorcher. I could usually daydream, at this seat for hours, undisturbed whilst my teacher jumped about the class. Miss Abercomb was a new teacher to the school, straight out of teaching college and taking her first assignment. Our class consisted entirely of freshmen and she seemed to have been lulled into the false sense that we all loved Shakespeare, because she was always dodging between the desks quoting long speeches and soliloquies that we could have all done without. Some would think that this would depress the normal high school student, but we were used to it. After 6 months it had become apparent that she wasn't going to shut up without a fight, and so I tended to switch off in her class. The bell again woke me as it reached a crescendo and echoed down the empty halls. Pulling my bag over my shoulder, I started to move towards the door. There was something that I had forgotten; I was sure of it. The doubt travelled with me down the hallways and corridors. I passed the double doors to the auditorium and continued down the spiral stairs to the next floor. It was stepping onto the lower level of the school that I finally knew what it was. My next class was physics and I hadn't finished the homework we were set over the weekend. Damn! Mum was constantly reminding me to do her homework and I was constantly forgetting. However, this time was different. She had threatened to slap me in detention the next time I forgot it. I mean come on, my own Mother was gonna embarrass me in front of the whole class. This was gonna be fucking great. Shit! I drifted through the halls and ignored anyone that approached to say "hi" to me. Dammit, I was becoming a recluse. I forced myself to look up and show at least a smile to those who acknowledged my existence. Thankfully, though, not many people did that to me in this place. A year younger than the rest of my class was not a good thing. But it was made worse by taking classes with sophomores and juniors. People seemed to resent me and I could understand why. There is no way that someone takes advanced physics, a class usually reserved for seniors, and not get noticed. However, Jay never seemed to be on the receiving end of this and he was in the advanced classes for both Spanish and French. Maybe he was just more popular than I - his people skills were definitely more suited to high school life. Now, though, the walls of the corridors seemed somehow colder than they had been before. Maybe it was just me and my thoughts that were creating the impression. Or was it something more? Arriving at the door to my impending doom was like the last rites of a kamikaze pilot. Only a few more minutes now, until the inevitable cry of "homework on my desk, now" from my Mum, and a cascade of excuses that would place the sorry deliverers into an hour of hard labour after school. I stared up at the sign that was plastered before me. It was a scary sign: Dr. Rebecca Williams, BA, MSc, MJur, DSc, PhD Director of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 'Shit!' I almost jumped a foot into the air as a hand brushed against my bare arm. Jay looked surprised and began to back away from me. There was a surprised look on his face. I didn't blame him for feeling like that. It had been totally on edge all morning, it was beginning to get worse. 'Hey, sorry, man. I didn't mean...I'm just tired, that's all.' I regretted that the minute I'd said it. 'You've been having those dreams again, haven't you?' Jay looked concerned. Why had I ever told him about those? It was a small moment of weakness a month ago. I didn't ever mean to tell him, but it seemed to just slip out. However, what he didn't know was that he was usually the centre of attention in them. He reached out and took my arm. 'It's okay, Alex. Don't worry about it.' He said in a light tone. I could have killed for the smile he flashed at me. Just then the door creaked open and the class began to slide in. I could see my Mum sitting at her desk. Her reading glasses were poised on the edge of her nose and she looked like the devil incarnate. This harbinger of doom would soon wave a magic wand and I wouldn't be able to see Jay after school today like I had planned. We were going to go to the mall and hang out; fat chance of that now. I remembered my problem and turned to face Jay. He saw my horrified expression and burst out into giggles. I could have hit him. A great support my best friend was being when my Mum was gonna have me publicly crucified. But before I could say anything he pushed a sheet of paper into my hand and vanished through the doorway. Looking down at the paper, my mouth fell open. I was staring at my own handwriting copied exactly and all four parts to the physics homework. Jay knew me too well. He knew that I would forget and had made a replica of his own homework for me to hand in. I couldn't believe it. 'Alexander!' I hadn't seen that I was the last to come into the class, and hurriedly slouched in. Moving inside the class I closed the door behind me and made my way to my seat next to Jay. Punching him on the arm as I sat down. 'Sorry Mum.' She glared at me once again. '.Miss.' A nod of approval from the direction of her desk. Well, I suppose that is a sorta good sign. Turning to Jay, I began to mutter profuse thanks for copying the homework for me. What the hell was I ever gonna do without this kid? He simply shrugged at smiled at me. There it was again: that abject urge to just lean over and kiss him. To do it was strange enough, but to want to do it here, with my Mother watching; there must be something wrong with me. Pulling way from the feeling I began to talk to him, trying to make the lesson go by as quickly as possible so I could get some fresh air. 'I thought you'd given up trying to forge my handwriting.' I whispered quietly. 'You must be joking.' he retorted. 'With your reputation for handing in work. You'd have detention everyday and then I'd never be able to see you.' He smiled and his knee brushed my own. That sent an electric shock through me large enough to power the city's Christmas lights. Did Jay just hit on me? No, I was being ridiculous. There was no way Jay was gay. He was too...well he was...he wasn't gay anyway. So what do I do now? Every time I see my best friend I need to crush my own lips against his. This was becoming too weird for me. Homosexuality was something that I had never considered before. It was a scary thought though. The dreams; it had begun with the dreams. Those were the first time that I thought about Jay in that way and acted on it. Maybe it's my sub-conscious trying to tell me something. Maybe I am gay and just don't know it. Do you know it? Does it come in a blinding flash of realisation? 'Alexander!' Oh shit; my Mum had caught me daydreaming yet again. My head snapped around so fast that it almost broke away from my shoulders. As I did it my fringe fell forward and into my eyes. I brushed it back up with my hand and stared at my Mother. Turning a bright red, there were a few giggles from the girls and all the guys turned their heads to face me; they were waiting for something. Was it the answer to a problem? Well, there was one on the board. My mind started to turn it over fast in my brain, but just before I could give the answer Jay pushed a slip of paper onto the top of my desk. 'The resistivity of the metal is 0.7, Miss.' I bluffed, reading from Jay's scrawled answer. He had saved my neck again. I had been working out the wrong problem. He was probably one of the best friends that anyone could ever have, and yet if I told him how I felt, I feared that I would lose him forever. His knee brushed mine again. When I looked at his face, he was staring straight ahead, but there was an unmistakeable grin on his face. He had done that on purpose. This, unfortunately, was too much for me and as the bell rang I stumbled out of the class, laid Jay's neatly copied homework on the desk, and ran. Hell, I was never in so much of a hurry to catch gym as I had been today. Mainly I hated it for the reason that I was completely rubbish at it. I couldn't play football, I had never learned baseball, Basketball was a mystery and Soccer was out of the question. I flopped at everything that I couldn't use a calculator for. Life's a bitch sometimes. But this was not the reason I ran today. I needed time to think. Although, I still heard Jay call after me as I took off, he shouted something about meeting me at lunch. I didn't know if I could face that right now. This was all so confusing. Maybe it was meant to be like this, or maybe not. Am I gay? I wish there was just a simple answer to questions like that. There never is, though. Pulling off my shorts and replacing it with some gym shorts, I was still lost in Jay's thoughts. A hand fell across my shoulders. It had a strong grip and I didn't like the touch of it. Turning, I found that I was staring in a tall guy from the 10th grade. He was not smiling. 'Sissy boy's daydreaming again.' His voice was gravely and unkind. There was no life to it. 'You know, faggot, we've all been out on the pitches for the last ten minutes. Now get your little queer butt outside.' He grabbed my arm and threw me towards the door. My body slammed against the cold door and slid down it. My thoughts were dancing and I was becoming dizzy. The floor was ever colder than the door was. He standing over me: his eyes were blank. He looked like he wanted to kill me from where I was lying. Then he stepped over me and joined the rest of the guys on the pitches. Getting to my feet was painful. There was a bruise on my left side, under my ribcage that hurt like hell. Staggering out into the sunlight, the pain began to fade. After much pleading, coach let me off the match and I took a seat by the side of the stadium. The sun was still beating down on the grass, but there was a cool breeze to accompany it. For this reason the guys on the sideline had stripped to the waist. Their chests were well defined from years of practise and working out. I realised that I had begun to stare. As I sat on the side of the soccer pitch in my shorts and t-shirt the sunlight glinted off of the legs of the guys actually playing. The captain of our soccer team was well built. He looked so hot in those tight shorts.shit. I interrupted myself. What the hell was I thinking about? So I guess that I am gay them. This was something that you didn't just comprehend lightly - this was gonna change my life, I just didn't know how. When I turned my head, Sarah was staring at me. Her long blond hair was falling to her shoulders and she had a smirking grin on her face. Sarah had been one of my only friends, besides Jay, who I felt really at ease with. Usually guys only made friends with me to either hurt me or to crib my homework. However, Sarah was different. I am sure that she thought that I was hitting on her, but I swear I wasn't. Suddenly realising that my mouth was open from staring at the guys playing football, I quickly close it. She resumed her view of the pitch and said no more. A little voice at the back of my mind told me that she knew. It was totally obvious that I was staring at those guys. Who wouldn't have noticed it? The voice began to push me to tell Jay what I was thinking about. I could never tell him, it could ruin our friendship. But the voice persisted and after an hour of wrestling with it, I gave in. I would tell Jay everything. But when? --------------------------- IM: jam0015 E-mail: