Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:31:06 +0000 From: Xenophon . Subject: Silver lining, part 1 Silver Lining by Xenophon Disclaimer: This story involves homosexual acts between two under-age boys. If this offends you, or is illegal for you to view, or you are too young to read it, leave now and do not return. This story is entirely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead, or to actual events is entirely coincidental. So there. If you like this story, please check out my other story "They reach the sky" in the nifty/gay/young-friends section. Chapter 1 "I'm a bad word, a wink, a nod, a shiver, an untold story, sex without fury, a creeping grey memory. I am incomplete." -GG It was New Year's Eve eve, December 30th, when they came to tell me. I was out in the back garden, having a cheeky smoke while my parents were out. I heard the doorbell ring, followed by a loud knock. I quickly dropped my cigarette, treading on it and kicking it down the drain, and shoved a stick of gum in my mouth before going to answer the door. I could see blue flashing lights through the frosted glass windows of the front door. This didn't look good. It wasn't. I opened the door to find two coppers, one woman, one man. The woman asked me my name, checking I was who they expected to find. What the hell could I have done to warrant a visit from the fuzz? They asked if they could come inside. I asked what it was about, saying I shouldn't let strangers into the house, and asked for ID like I'd seen people do on TV. They produced warrant cards, and I let them in. They sat me down in the living room and told me their news. Both my parents were dead. Hit head on as they drove home from shopping by some drunk teenagers who thought they'd celebrate New Year's a day early. Those bastards had orphaned me. I had just turned 15 years old. I felt numb. I couldn't believe it. I have a vague memory of collapsing to the floor in tears, and someone (I guess the WPC) putting an arm around me. Apparently a crowd of rubbernecking neighbours had formed in the street, and I seem to remember my next door neighbour, a kind man in his forties, firmly telling everyone to "fuck off and mind their own business", before coming in to see what was going on. The police explained to him what had happened. They then asked me if I wanted to see my parents. I apparently agreed, and my neighbour offered to come with me. I don't remember that, but the next thing I knew I was in a mortuary looking at my parents' bodies, bringing the whole thing crashing into the world of reality from the nightmare I had prayed it was. The next twenty four hours are a bit of a blur. I think I stayed at home under the neighbour's supervision- him sleeping on the couch- before my maternal grandparents pitched up first thing in the morning. The day was spent in mutual grief, and discussing funerals. There was no discussion of what would happen to me- I don't think anyone was prepared to raise it yet, least of all me. Two days later, the joint funeral was held. I wanted to do something at the funeral but I didn't feel up to giving a eulogy. That was beyond me- I knew I wouldn't get through it. Both my parents were Welsh, although we had lived in north London all my life, and I decided that I would sing 'Hen Wlad fy Nhadau' (Land of My Fathers) to honour them. After a eulogy I don't remember from a couple of my parents' friends and my grandfather- we had no other living relatives, so it was them and a few of my closest friends- I got up to sing as the curtain began to close around their coffins for their cremation. I sang a capella- and, God alone knows how, managed to do a fair job. I felt my voice cracking at one or two points, as I fought back tears. My grandmother was weeping openly, my grandfather had tears running down his face as he mouthed along to the song. As I finished, I sat back down, and hunched over and wept softly. I remember little else of the funeral, other than vague faces coming up to tell me how sorry they were, and how well I sang. Yeah, because praise for singing at your parents' funeral was great comfort. That afternoon, we had to go to my parents' solicitor's office for the reading of their will. In the office, other than myself, were my grandparents, the social worker who was responsible for trying to work out what the bloody hell to do with me, and a couple I knew were good friends with my parents. I barely knew them, but vaguely recalled their names as John and Stephanie. They had apparently been friends with my folks since they all came to university in London, twenty-five years ago. John had given my father's eulogy. I assumed that some items from my parents' estate had been left to them. The will was read, and although I understood little of the jargon, it was later explained to me that everything bar a couple of small sentimental items was left to me. I was to receive a personal allowance, birthday and Christmas money, and the rest was to be held in trust, some until I was 18, to finance my education, and the full estate would be released to me at 21. My parents had not been rich, but the full estate was worth a few bob, and they didn't fancy me becoming an independently wealthy teenager. A life insurance policy would pay an allowance for my upkeep to whoever became my guardian, with any remaining funds being released to me on my 21st birthday. The issue of my guardianship had been heavily in question. My grandparents were not young, and still lived in south Wales, all of which my parents had decided meant that, although they would still be part of my life, they would not get the responsibility of corralling a rebellious adolescent. My parents had formed an agreement with John and Stephanie- should anything happen to them, they would become my guardians, and should anything have befouled John and Stephanie, they would have taken on their kids. So I was to be sent to live with two virtual strangers and their brood of brats. I seemed to remember they lived somewhere outside of London, so I'd be moving away from all my friends and my school- which I liked a great deal, as schools went- and this was all "for the best". Best my arse. At any rate, the social worker seemed satisfied with this arrangement to a certain extent, but explained that she couldn't just allow me to go and live with two non-relatives immediately- they had to do a check on them first, to check they weren't murderers or kiddy fiddlers or the like, and to make sure they were in a position to house me and care for me. That would take a week or so, meaning I would miss the start of school term come what may (not that I was really feeling up to school anyway). My grandparents would stay at my house (mine until it was sold, as soon as I was relocated) and look after me (poor them) until checks could be made on my potential guardians. A trial period would follow for three months, at the end of which they would either be made my legal guardians, or I would go into foster care. As bad as option 1 sounded, option 2 sounded worse. A couple of weeks later, in the freezing cold of a January Saturday, my new parents, as I suppose they were, came to take me to my new home. I was sorely distressed by the whole thing. I resented leaving what had been my home for my whole life, leaving my friends and school, but mostly leaving all the memories of my parents. My grandparents had spent a few days helping me work out which of the house contents could be sold, which put into storage and which would go with me to John and Stephanie's. Strangely, I resented the two nice people who had agreed to take me into their lives. It felt like they were trying to take my parents' place, even though they were to be my guardians rather than adoptive parents. I said practically nothing on the car journey to their house outside north London. As the area became more rural, I remembered the will had implied they had kids of their own. "How many kids have you got?" I asked. "I beg your pardon?" John said politely. I had barely spoken on the hour-long drive, and now spoke very softly. "The will said Mum and Dad would look after your kids if anything..." I stopped, the thought of my parents' death nearly pushing me into tears of grief again. "So you have kids. How many?" "Well David, we have two. Anna is seven, and Ben is twelve. They're at friends' houses until later, so you can settle in without them bothering you, and you can meet them later. I'm afraid our house only has three bedrooms, so you'll be sharing with Ben," said Stephanie. Oh, the joy. Not only am I orphaned, ripped from my home, forced to live with virtual strangers, change school, leave all my friends and live in a strange house with two bratty kids, I had to share a room with one. They say every cloud has a silver lining. Does it bollocks. We pitched up at my new home. It hurt to think of it that way, but I felt like I needed something to latch on to, something stable, and this may be it. It seemed a nice house, comfortable and a decent size, if not large- much like my own parents' home. I got the tour of the place- usual stuff, kitchen, living room, a small study (off limits to their kids but I was welcome to use it when John wasn't), garden, bathroom and finally the room I would share with the boy three years my junior. John and Stephanie left me to settle in, and went to cook lunch. It was, I suppose, a typical twelve-year-old's room- somewhere between a young boy and an adolescent. There were three posters on the wall, one of Joe Cole, the footballer (oh God, a Chelsea fan. I had followed my Dad into a lifetime of misery supporting Cardiff City), one of Johnny Wilkinson, the rugby player, and one of Linkin Park. Well, at least he liked rugby- something else I had inherited from my Dad. While I generally considered myself English and supported England at football, cricket and any other sport you care to name, when it came to rugby, it was Cymru am byth- Wales forever. I played it too- I was flanker for my school side- or had been, anyway. He liked metal music too- I hated Linkin Park, thinking them pop with the volume up, but I hoped I could persuade him to come around to more serious head-banging tunes. The two beds were on opposite sides of the room, one looking well-used and unmade, with Chelsea bed linen, the other looked shiny and new, with plain red bedclothes. There was what looked like a new bedside cabinet, wardrobe and desk. My computer was in the car, and that could go there. Another computer sat on a desk next to Ben's bed. So this was home. A room which was big for one but may be cramped for two adolescent boys, in a house in a small town outside of London. My parents were dead, my friends left behind and I was sharing a house with two strangers, a little girl I'd never met and a Chelsea and England rugby supporting boy to share a room with. Life sucked. Just when you thought it was as bad as it could get, it got worse. Never rains but it fucking pours, eh? I sat on my new bed, and had a little cry- I had cried little since the funeral, and now the enormity of it all had sunk in, I felt the need to have a good weep. I had recovered and begun to unpack the stuff I had brought in from the car when Stephanie knocked on the door to tell me lunch was ready. John and Stephanie talked over lunch, trying to involve me in the conversation, but I was not feeling chatty. The radio was on- I recognised the piece. It was Faure's Cantique de Jean Racine. Another part of my Welsh heritage was a fine singing voice, and I had been in choirs since I was eight, and while my teenage rebellion led me into angry punk and metal, I still listened to classical music a fair bit. I had sung Cantique de Jean Racine three times- once as a treble, once as an alto as my voice began to change and again last term as a fully-fledged bass. It's a heart-breakingly beautiful piece. I had been in tears when we sang it last term- it was just so exquisite- and had go no end of ribbing for that at the time. Now, with everything that had happened, it was more than I could take to hear it again. I found myself sobbing into my chilli con carne. Stephanie got up and came around the table, putting her arm around me, hugging me. I leaned into her- I just wanted to be held. I wanted my mother, but she was dead, so I had to take whatever was left. Stephanie held my gently, rocking me gently, like you would an infant, rubbing my back and talking softly to me. "I know, David, I know," she said. "Let it out, I'm here, it's OK, you're alright, sweetheart." My crying storm lasted maybe half an hour. When I was all cried out, I sat up, pulling away from Stephanie. "I'm sorry," I said, suddenly embarrassed about bawling like a baby in front of virtual strangers. I sniffed, wiped my nose and dried my eyes and cheeks. "It's just..." "It's OK, David, don't worry about it," said John kindly, tears standing in his eyes. "I know it's probably the last thing you want, but if you want to talk, we're always here. OK?" I nodded. Stephanie had to go and pick up their rugrats, so John and I cleared away lunch. Afterwards, he went outside for a smoke. I plucked up my courage and followed him. "Sorry- disgusting habit, I know," he said. I smiled, pulling a pack from my pocket and lighting one up. "I know," I said. "Shit, David, for God's sake what are you doing? You're too young to smoke!" he said. "Oh come on, I pass for 16 easy- I could pass for 18 if I needed to, just need to dress right. And you smoke!" I accused. "Alright, but for crying out loud don't do it when the missus is around, and don't tell her I let you smoke!" he said. I nodded in agreement. "One thing, David- do you prefer David or Dave?" "David." "Sure. David, to be clear, we have rules in the house, most of which are small, but the big ones are- no drugs of ANY kind, and no alcohol without our expressed permission- is that completely clear?" "Yes sir- I don't do any of that stuff anyway. I had stoner mates from school, and they were morons when they used it. I tried it once and hated it- it made me feel sick and scared. I don't get drunk either- Mum and Dad...." I nearly started crying again. "They let me have a glass of wine with dinner or a beer now and again, but I won't drink without your permission- not yet, anyway, and not in the house. I promise, sir." "Call me John, David, I'm not your teacher, for crying out loud. We hope that you can be a part of our family- we're not replacing your folks, and we wouldn't try and wouldn't want to- but we want you in our lives as much as Ben and Anna. That does of course mean you have to follow the family rules, but I'll trust you- don't let me down, David," he said seriously. I nodded, slightly choked with his kindness, but missing my parents again. "Oh, and absolutely no smoking in the house. Ever. If we insist on poisoning our own lungs, there's no reason to inflict it on the others. And put your fags where Ben won't find them- if I catch him smoking I'll tan his arse, but I'll hold you responsible if it turns out he took them from you. I won't tan your arse, but I won't let you smoke anymore. Clear?" "Yes sir... John." I smiled a wan little smile at him. We finished our cigarettes and went inside. John offered me some gum to hide the smell. So he used that trick too, did he? The car pulled up outside. The high pitched voice of a small child came through the door as it opened, a little girl bounding in. She stopped dead when she saw me, and pulled back to her mother slightly, who had come in behind her. I suppose I cut an imposing figure for a 15 year old to a 7 year old girl. I stood 5'11'' tall and was still growing. My regular rugby and weight training (I was dire at all other sports, so avoided them) had me in good shape- I was broad shouldered and had some good musculature developing. My hair was dark brown, but I kept it very short- almost shaved. I had piercing blue eyes and girls told me I was ruggedly handsome. I was wearing baggy jeans, skate shoes and a black Bad Religion t-shirt. If you don't know their symbol, it's like a "No Smoking" sign, just with the cigarette replaced by a crucifix. And yes, I did wear it as much to shock as for the band. The little girl was quite sweet- brown hair that flowed in curls down to her shoulders, big brown eyes that looked a bit scared just now, and she was wearing a pink t-shirt and denim skirt. I knelt down to avoid scaring her- if I planned to stay here (and with the alternative being foster care, that sounded the best option) it would make life easier if I made friends with the brats. "You must be Anna- I'm David," I said, holding out my hand. "I won't bite- honest. I know I might look a bit scary but I'm not, I promise. Thank you for letting me stay in your lovely house." The girl took my hand timidly. "Mummy said you have to stay her cos your Mummy and Daddy died. Are you sad?" The question shocked me, and I had to blink back tears. A large lump formed in my throat. "Yes, sweetheart, very sad. But it might make me less sad if we could be friends." She looked up at Stephanie. "You're right Mummy, he is nice. He's my friend now!" she said, and hugged me. I gave a little squeeze, fighting off tears. Kids can be so sweet. She promptly ran off to play. Behind Stephanie, a boy came in the door, dressed remarkably like myself- baggy jeans, skate shoes and black Slipknot t-shirt. If Anna was sweet, he was stunning. Glossy black hair, still in a very 'little boy' style, dark brown eyes and clear, pale white skin. I felt my pulse quicken slightly at his appearance. He was maybe 5'2'', and looked in good shape, like he must play sport. He had the longest eyelashes I had ever seen on a boy. "Ben, this is David. David, Ben," said John. "Awright," he said nodding. "Hi," I said. I held out my hand. He took it, shaking it awkwardly. His hand felt soft and warm. I felt a stirring in my loins. "Nice room." "Thanks. It's yours now too. I'm... I'm sorry about... y'know..." he stuttered. "Thanks," I said, not wanting to get back into that. "Why don't you show me your stuff- I didn't want to touch it when you weren't here." "OK, sure," he said. We went upstairs into his- should that be our?- bedroom. Perhaps it would be appropriate at this point to reveal my biggest secret. When I started puberty at 11, when all my friends were starting to notice girls and talk about tits and pussy, I had begun to think about them- my first wanks were all thinking about my male friends, and as I grew more, I began to realise I was probably gay. About a year ago I had finally accepted it. I hadn't come out to anyone, not even to my parents or my closest friends. I had experimented a little bit with a friend when I was 12 and 13- mainly just tossing each other off, but we sucked each other a few times as well. I was more interested in that than he was. He decided he wanted to stop doing it, that it was gay, and he was interested in girls. Since then, it had just been me and my right hand- and the marker pen I used to stimulate my arse. I hadn't had a boyfriend or asked anyone out- I'd never even been kissed. I had to admit, despite being younger than me by three years, I found Ben very attractive. This could get very awkward. Oh well, just one more thing to make my life crap. At least sharing a room, I might have the opportunity to see him in underwear, or preferably less. That would have to satisfy me. I sure as hell wasn't prepared to come out to the family that had let me into their lives only today. Once inside the bedroom, I felt like a bit of an intruder. A boy's room is his castle, and he had been forced to lower his drawbridge and raise his portcullis to a total stranger- probably permanently. I felt I needed to ingratiate myself. "Look, Ben," I began, "I'm sorry about this- none of this is my idea. This is your room, so your rules. I won't touch any of your stuff, and any time you want to kick me out, do. It's bad enough that I'm in your house and life, but... well, you didn't ask to have to put up with me. I'm sorry." "Hey, forget it!" he said, smiling at me, exposing perfect white teeth. "I'm OK with this- this is your room too now. I always wanted a big brother- all I got was an annoying little sister. You seem safe, this could be cool. It's not like you asked know, what happened. You have to put up with losing your parents AND living with a little kid. It's me that's sorry." I felt tears welling up. That was probably the kindest thing anyone had said to me- it might not sound it, but I knew what it meant, and it meant far more than you can imagine to me. "Thanks, Ben. I kinda wanted a little brother too. And you're not really a little kid, either. I'll try and be a good room-mate. But it's still your room, your rules. We'll work stuff out as we go along if we have to." I took a deep breath, fighting back the tears. I pointed at the poster on his wall. "So, you're a Chelsea fan are you?" He grinned, a truly gorgeous sight. "How did you guess?" he said. I laughed. "You?" "Cardiff City- Mum and Dad were from Cardiff." "Oh... they're..." he hesitated. "I think 'bollocks' is the word you're looking for. Yeah, we're no Chelsea- but we're still the best team in Wales, and the only team outside England to win the FA Cup." "Really? When was that?" he looked incredulous. "1927." He laughed, loudly. He had a hearty laugh, but still unaffected by adolescence, like his voice. "Rugby fan too, I see. Bloody Wilko on the wall." "He's a legend! How can you say that? That drop goal in the last seconds of the World Cup final..." he said. "Cymru am byth!" I interrupted him. "What?" "Wales forever- I'm English born, but Welsh bred, so I support England at football (and Wales when not playing England), England and Wales at cricket- the team's joint remember- and Wales at rugby." "Oh. That's cool, I guess. I didn't know the cricket team was joint," he said. "Didn't you guess from 'Geraint Jones' and 'Simon Jones' being good solid Welsh names?" "No. Do you speak Welsh?" he asked. "A few words. I can understand more than I can speak, and I can sing more than I can understand. I sing, by the way. Like, choir. That probably sounds a bit gay, but it's not, I promise." "That's cool! I sing in the choir at school too!" he said, sounding excited. I believed him. His voice was sweet and clear. "I'm still a treble, but I can't wait to sing lower parts. I want to be a tenor." "You don't get to choose, I'm afraid mate. I did, too, but my voice dropped way down. I'm a bass." "Cool. I suppose bass would be OK." "I've still got some stuff to bring up from the car. Would you help me?" "Sure," he said, and we went downstairs. With help from him and John, we brought up the last of my stuff- my computer, my stereo, my CD collection, my books, a couple of posters and my last suitcase of clothes. I let him look through my CDs while I put up my posters- one of the cover of Metallica's 'Master of Puppets' album and one of the Welsh centre Gavin Henson. He was a good player, but I got the poster mainly because he's flat gorgeous, even if he is going out with that tart Charlotte Church. "Cool. I've got this one," said Ben, showing me Green Day's album 'Dookie'. "Yeah, it's OK. I tend to listen to more hardcore and less commercial punk now." "I've never heard of half of these," he said, rooting through the punk box. "Bad Religion, Sick of it All, Poison the Well- can I listen to some of these, some time?" "Any time, mate- I'll put them into the rack in a bit, and feel free to borrow any of them at any time. Just put them back when you've finished." I was slightly anal about my CDs- they had to be on the right shelves, in alphabetical order by band, and in order of release for CDs by the same artist. Just weird like that, I guess. "Who are these? I've never heard of this. Who's Devorrak?" he said, trying to decipher the strange name. "Dvorak," I said, pronouncing it correctly. "He's a composer. I like classical music too- blame Mum." Once again, the thought of my parents made me sad, but I didn't well up with tears again this time, at least. "Oh. That's cool I guess." "Let's put some music on," I said, fixing up my stereo and putting Bad Religion's 'All Ages' in. "This is cool! I like it!" he said, bobbing his head, like he was mini-head-banging. His straight black hair flapped around. He was very cute indeed. When he frowned, trying to work out some of the lyrics, I caught a glimpse in his face of the man he would become. He was going to be absolutely stunning. We spent the afternoon talking about various things- football, rugby, music, school and the like. He had gone back to school a week ago like I should have, and I would be enrolling in his school on Monday. He told me about it- which teachers were nice, which were nasty, what extra-curricular stuff there was to do. It turned out that he played rugby as well, but wasn't very enthusiastic- football was his first love. He said year 10 boys (my year) could choose between rugby and football, while he had to do both. He had only been at the school since September, in his first year after primary school. He was a serious, thoughtful boy, it seemed to me. He would laugh at funny things, but thought before speaking, and seemed not to try and make jokes to fill in silences in the conversation. He would just wait until he had something to say, and listen to whatever music we had on. We took it in turns- I said he could choose, but he insisted that, it being my stereo, we alternate. I went easy on him- my Fear Factory and Shadows Fall albums, much heavier stuff than he was used to, stayed in the rack. We all had dinner together. That felt a bit strange- some good- having these new people who had been so nice to me- some sad- it was like dinner with my parents, only they were gone now. After dinner, we watched TV together, before John took Anna upstairs to get her ready for bed. She came back down in her pyjamas to get kissed goodnight by Stephanie and Ben, and insisted on getting one from me too. She was a sweet-hearted little girl. Ben and I went back to our room. I noticed something on the door. A newly-printed sign (obviously quickly word processed) had been stuck to the door. 'David and Ben's room- Keep Out' it read. "Like it?" Ben asked, straight faced. "Did you do that?" I asked. "Yeah, when I pretended to go to the loo before. I wanted to make you feel at home. Do you like it?" I couldn't answer him. I went inside, sat on my bed, and began to sob. Ben came in and shut the door. "What's up? Is it the sign? I'm sorry David, I'll take it down." "NO!" I said. "Don't. It's great. It's just... thank you. You've all been so kind to me. I's all a bit much to take in." I began to cry again, shaking, feeling a bit embarrassed about letting this younger kid see me bawling. Ben sat next to me, and put his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it slightly awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." "You didn't- it's just, I was expecting to hate it here, but you've all been so nice to me, and..." I paused, as a sob stopped me speaking. "I... I was expecting you and your sister to be annoying little kids. But you're cool, you've been really nice to me, letting me share your room. I guess I'm a bit all over the place at the moment. Thank you for trying to cheer me up- I'm sorry to be a misery guts." "HEY!" Ben said, hugging me properly. "You're not- if my parents had died I'd be all over the shop. You're so strong. I think you're amazing." I stopped crying, and looked into his dark brown eyes. "Really? You don't think I'm a great big sissy?" "No!" he said. "I'd be proud to have you as a big brother." "Thanks- we're not brothers, but I'd like to be friends. Friends?" "Friends!" he said. I hugged him back. We listened to more music and chatted a bit. John made up an excuse to take me outside for a discrete ciggy. We talked a bit, him checking me and Ben were getting on OK. I assured him we were. He followed me up the stairs, saying it was bedtime for me, and that Ben was way past his normal bedtime. He shut the door to let us get ready for bed. I always showered before bed- mainly because I hated to sleep sweaty, and with a practically shaved head, going to bed with wet hair wasn't a concern. I began to undress. I pulled a towel out of my wardrobe. Stripped down to just my boxers, I turned to Ben. He jerked his eyes towards my face. He hadn't even begun to get undressed. I may be wrong, but I had a feeling he may have been checking me out. Well, I did have a good body for a boy my age. It must be my wishful thinking. "I'm gonna take a shower. You want to go use the bathroom first?" I offered. "Uh, yeah. Thanks." He went into the bathroom- his room had a small bathroom en suite, which was only for us two. It only had a toilet, shower and sink, but as I hated baths, that was fine by me. As I sat waiting on my bed, I heard the tinkle of him pissing and the briefest running of water as he washed and brushed his teeth as perfunctorily as only a 12-year-old boy can. He came back in. "All done." I went into the bathroom, did my teeth and stepped out of my boxers and into the shower. Is was a proper power shower, and the hot water cascading forcefully down my body felt great. It also gave me the opportunity to have a quick, discrete wank. I ran through some of my usual favourite mental images- mainly men on TV or boys in my rugby team- but found my mind repeatedly drawn back to the thought of what Ben might look like undressed. My six and a half inch uncut cock spasmed and spurted its cream as I imagined peeling down his underwear. I cleaned up, got out and dried myself. I walked back into the bedroom stark bollock naked- I was used to being seen undressed, and had never been shy when it was just guys. The door to the bathroom was immediately behind the bedstead of Ben's bed, so he couldn't see me come out of the room. He was already in bed. His eyes bulged on stalks as he caught a sight of my adult sized cock, heavy balls and ample black bush. "Wow! That's a big one! And you've got loads of hair!" he blurted out. The bedroom door was locked, I had checked, and Anna's and his parents' bedrooms were the other side of the house, so we were very unlikely to be overheard. He seemed to realise what he'd said and blushed. "Sorry." "No problem, Ben, I was just as curious myself a few years ago. Sorry if I shocked you- it's just I've never been shy when it's just us guys. I'll cover up in future, if it embarrasses you." "NO!" he said, perhaps a bit too forcefully. Maybe he WAS checking me out. No, that was too much to hope for. "I mean, no, it's OK. I guess I should be less shy. We are going to be living here for a while, after all." I smiled at him, put on a clean pair of boxers and got into bed. He turned out the light. "Goodnight David. Welcome to our home." "Goodnight Ben. Thank you for having me." I lay back and tried to sleep. I'd not slept well since it happened, but the adolescent capacity for sleep had usually pulled me into slumber eventually. Tonight it was different. I couldn't get out of my head how I'd lost everything- this wasn't my home, this wasn't my room, this wasn't my bed, that wasn't my brother over there, they weren't my parents- my parents were dead. My parents were dead. I remembered how my mother used to sing to me when I couldn't sleep when I was little- she would sing a folk song called 'Ar Hyd y Nos' ('All through the night'), and I would drift away. At this, I felt tears return to my eyes and the lump rise to my throat again. I began weeping silently in the dark. I felt myself shake and a sob escaped my mouth. I rolled onto my side, facing the wall, and pulled my knees up to my chest, covering my face with my hands. I kept as quiet as I could, not wanting to wake Ben. Suddenly I felt someone climb in bed behind me, and arms slid around me, hugging me and stroking me. I felt a kiss on my shoulder. "It's OK David, you're OK." It was Ben. The little sweetheart had climbed in with me, trying to comfort me like I was a tiny child. He soothed me, hugging me gently. I felt the tears slacken, and the racking sobs fade to a few sniffles. I turned to face him. "Thank you. I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" "No, I couldn't sleep. Do you want me to stay like this?" he asked. "I can't ask you to do that." "You didn't- I offered. I can't sleep knowing you're so upset. If we both can't sleep, it's better that we can keep each other company. You're not alone, David. As long as I can, I'll never let you be alone." He sounded so sincere, so serious, not like a boy of twelve. He was an old soul in a boy's body. I turned to face him. "You're so kind, Ben, I'm sorry to keep you up. If you want to stay here, that'd be really nice, but you don't have to." "I want to!" he insisted. "You being upset makes me sad, so staying here stops me being sad too." I welled up again, he was so sweet. I hugged him to me and cried into his shoulder some more. I began to calm down, his warmth and closeness soothing my aching heart. Soon, I began to feel that warmth and closeness affecting more than my heart. He was only wearing boxers, and we were skin to bare skin across most of our front sides. I was worried he would feel me start to get hard. "We should sleep," I said. "Will you stay with me?" I said, a bit scared, like a toddler in a thunderstorm. He kissed my cheek quickly. "All night." he said. I felt him smile in the dark. I rolled onto my other side, facing the wall again, and he hugged me close. I was truly stiff now. I had turned just in time. I clasped his arms, not wanting him to release me. I slowly drifted into sleep, emotionally exhausted, and confused by this beautiful boy pressing into me. Chapter 2 "Things not what they used to be, missing one inside of me. Deathly lost, this can't be real- cannot stand this hell I feel"- JH I awoke and opened my eyes. Where the hell was I? I didn't have blue wallpaper in my room, I had white paint. And the wall should be on the other side of the bed. Then it hit me all over again. My home wasn't my home anymore, my parents were dead and I was in a strange house in a strange town with strange people. I felt tears welling up, but blinked them back. I had to start dealing with my grief, or it would consume me. I had to adapt to my new home- and that is what this house had to become. It was a strong sentiment, but I still felt like someone had cut out a part of me. As sleep drifted from my mind, I became aware of two things. The first was a very full bladder, and a morning erection keeping it in check. The second was an arm around me, accompanied by the sound of soft breathing. The hand on the end of the arm was small and delicate, but with long fingers. I felt the warmth of another body behind me. I remembered Ben slipping in with me last night, trying to soothe my distress. I owed him for that. I promised myself to do something nice for him, to make up for the disruption I had sowed in his life and to thank him for his selflessness. From the steady, slow sound of his breathing, he was still fast asleep. This presented two problems. The first was that I was, by nature, an early riser, and tended to exercise first thing to work the sleep out of my mind, and that this would wake him up. The second, more urgent problem was that I was bursting for a pee, and that his arm was still around me and he lay between me and the edge of the bed. Sod it, he'd rather I chanced waking him up than piss on him, I suspected. I gently raised his arm off me, and slipped out from under it, resting the arm gently on the bed when I was free. Phase one appeared not to have awoken him. Phase two was to be more tricky. As gently as I could, I slid down the bed and climbed over his feet. I managed it without even brushing him. He stirred slightly, and at first I feared I had woken him, but he simply drew his knees up a little and settled back down. He looked so peaceful, it would have been a travesty to wake him. I slipped into our bathroom and, after my piss boner went down, managed to relieve myself. Once finished peeing, I thought I could try and do some exercises in the bathroom instead of the bedroom to avoid waking him. It was a bit cramped, but I managed to do some sit-ups and squat thrusts. There wasn't really room for press-ups, but I guessed I could do those later. I contemplated doing some chin-ups on the door frame, but decided the chances of me banging the door and waking Ben were too high. I did a few extra sit-ups to try and make up for it. The exercise felt good- pure, uncomplicated and with no reminders of the ills in my life. That, and the rush I got when I finished made me feel a little better. Once I was satisfied I was properly awake, I was glistening in a thin sheen of sweat. I slipped back into the bedroom to grab a towel for a shower. Ben was still fast asleep. I checked his clock- it was only just gone 8 in the morning. The shower pleasantly washed all traces of slumber from my mind, and stripped the sweat from my body. I contemplated masturbating again, but remembered I hadn't locked the door, and didn't really feel like it anyway. I know, a 15 year old who doesn't want to jack off at any opportune moment is a rarity, but this was out of character for me, and the emotional wringer I had been through in the past two weeks or so had everything out of kilter. Once washed, I slipped out of the shower and dried. I hung up my towel in the bedroom. I pulled on some clean boxers and jeans, foregoing t-shirt for now. Being careful not to wake Ben, I slipped out of the room and padded softly downstairs. My bottomless appetite was calling to me,and I planned to find some breakfast. I heard the sound of the television on softly in the living room. It sounded like Sunday morning cartoons. I looked in to find Anna, still in pyjamas, watching the TV. "Morning," I said softly. She looked up suddenly at me, looking fearful of the big boy invading her space, but then she relaxed. "Morning," she said, turning her attention back to the telly. "Did you sleep well, Anna?" I asked, wanting to try and form some kind of bond with the mite. "Yes thank you," she said. "Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked. "No." "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded. "What do you like for breakfast normally?" "I like Frosties, or Coco Pops, but Mummy only lets me have them once a week," she said earnestly. "Normally I have Rice Krispies." "Have you had Frosties or Coco Pops this week?" I asked. She shook her head. "Would you like me to make some for us?" She nodded, smiling at me. "What's the magic word?" "Please." "OK, you show me where they are and I'll make them for us- which do you want, Coco Pops or Frosties?" "Coco Pops!" she exclaimed happily, bouncing up and turning off the TV before leading me to the kitchen. She pointed out where I could find bowls and the prized sugary cereal. I poured her a bowl of Coco Pops, and asked her to tell me when to stop while pouring the milk into the bowl. At first she didn't eat. "Something wrong?" I asked, worried I had screwed up my first attempt to be a good member of the family. "No- I just want to wait for the milk to go chocolatey." I smiled. "Yeah, that's the best bit isn't it?" I helped myself to a bowl, but lacked her patience and was suddenly ravenous, and wolfed down the whole bowl. "You have big muscles!" she proclaimed. "Thank you. I need to keep fit if I want to play rugby well." She wrinkled her nose. "Doesn't that mean getting all muddy and bruised? And doesn't that mean your ears will go funny?" "The mud I don't mind- it's not like I wear my best clothes, and it washes off my skin in the shower. The bruises don't hurt much- when you're playing you don't even feel them. And only certain players get funny ears- I don't play in those positions." She seemed to be relaxing around me a bit. She didn't seem scared of me anymore, which was good. I didn't mind scaring off bullies or troublemakers, but I didn't like scaring small children. Funny that. I cleared up our bowls, and she went back to her cartoons. I sneaked outside for a quick smoke before anyone woke up. I had worked out that the door John normally stood outside was under our bathroom, so no one would see suspicious clouds or smell the odour. Once done, I went back upstairs to finish dressing, chewing gum. Ben was sitting on my bed as I came in. His eyes shot up at me as I walked in. "Where were you? You were gone when I woke up, I was worried." He looked so serious I felt guilty. I had tried to avoid waking him only to neglect that he might wonder what was going on if I wasn't there. I was screwing up already. My efforts with Anna, who I had barely spoken to yesterday, had made me let down Ben, who had shown me such kindness. I had to be more considerate in future. "Sorry. I woke up and had to pee. Then I was really hungry, so got some breakfast- and some for Anna too. Then I came back up. I'm really sorry, Ben. Why were you worried?" " were so upset yesterday... I thought you might have run away or something." He looked genuinely concerned, dear lad. "Where would I go?" I said smiling. "I can't even remember the name of the town, let alone where anything is. I wouldn't do that, anyway. I'm gonna try and make things work here." He smiled, looking relieved. He jumped up and hugged my waist. "Good! I like you, you're cool." "Thanks, mate, you're cool too." He yawned, stretched and headed for the bathroom, grabbing his towel. I put a CD on. I wasn't in the mood for angst, so went for some Beethoven- string quartet no.14 in C sharp minor. The slow movement will rip your heart out. I lay back on my bed to read- one of the 'Sharpe' novels. I heard Ben piss, brush his teeth and shower. He came back in wrapped in a towel, still a little damp, with his hair all over the place from trying to dry it. I pretended to be engrossed in my book, while actually I was checking him out. He had small brown nipples, the size of a five pence coin, on a pale chest that was just showing the begins of muscle development. His armpits were still hairless. His hands and feet, while still fairly small and boyish, were big in proportion to the rest of him. His calves were smooth and slender. I was hoping he would drop his towel and let me see more. He turned to face me. "David, can I ask you something?" he said, sounding hesitant. "Yeah sure- what's up?" I said, resting the book on my chest. "Well, when you came out of the shower yesterday... not that I was looking or's just... I noticed your dick looked different to mine. I mean, I know it's bigger and hairy and all, but the end looked different to mine. Why is that?" I wondered what he meant. I had seen my fair share of dicks, both in school showers and on the internet, and considered myself to be quite normal. "How do you mean, different?" "Well..." he paused, searching for the right words. He took a deep breath. "I suppose I've seen you, we're both boys and we'll be sharing a room for ages, so it's OK if you see me." He pulled his towel off, exposing himself fully. He was exquisite. Long, slim legs with the hint of power in his thighs, not a tan line in sight. His abdomen was flat and looked firm, with a navel that was neither innie nor outie really- just flat like the rest of his stomach. His genitals were exquisite- his scrotum hung fairly loose, obviously in the first flushes of puberty. I couldn't see any hairs. He looked about average size for his age- maybe three inches soft. I quickly spotted what he meant- he was circumcised. "You mean the tip? Where I have the extra skin and you don't?" I asked. He nodded. "Yours used to look like mine- the extra skin was probably removed when you were a baby. Haven't you ever seen a dick with a foreskin before.?" "No, yours is the only penis I've ever seen, except for my friend Zach when we were younger, and his looked like mine. I've never even seen Dad's." "Is Zach Jewish by any chance?" I asked. "Yeah, how did you know that?" he said, surprised. "All Jewish boys have to have it done- it's a really important part of their religion. You must have had sex ed classes and stuff though?" I said. "Yeah, of course, but they never said anything about that." I was appalled. That kind of omission could really screw a kid up- thinking there was something wrong with his most precious organ. "It's nothing to worry about mate- they both work the same. You might have a different technique to me, but nothing major." "Technique?" "You wank, right?" I said. "No, that's dirty, and it makes you go blind." He was blushing and blatantly lying through his teeth. Note to self- Ben cannot lie to save his soul, don't ever put him in a position where your arse depends on his dishonesty, or you'll need a new one. I laughed. "Bollocks! Who the hell told you that? All boys and most men who aren't getting regular sex- and even many that do- wank. It's not dirty, it's healthy, and it will never, ever make you blind. Not if you do it for a hundred years. Are you seriously telling me you don't? I do." He blushed again. "Really? You do it too?" he said, then blushed when he realised he'd given me my answer. "Relax Ben- I'm not gonna tell your parents, am I- what kind of friend would that make me?" He seemed to accept my promise. "Listen, if you've got questions- and I sure as hell did when I was 12, and I've still got plenty now- don't worry about them. You can ask me anything. What you did for me last night was really kind, and I owe you big time." "No you don't. But thank you." He paused. "How do you do it?" "Well, I slide the loose skin up and down over the head with my fist. How do you do it?" "I spit on my fingers and sort of hump my fist." I was getting slightly horny, talking about wanking in front of a boy I found very attractive. A boy who was still stark bollock naked and standing less than four feet away from me. A boy I could swear was getting a semi on. I found myself licking my lips, and quickly stopped myself. "Did you have any other questions?" I asked, filling the awkward silence which had cropped up. One part of my brain was screaming at me to end the conversation or at the very least change the subject before I embarrassed myself. Another part was telling me to keep this going, to see how long I could keep him standing naked in front of me, or perhaps even demonstrate his technique. "Well... it's just... I haven't started getting hair yet. And I'm twelve. I thought most people started growing it around that age. Do you think there might be something wrong with me?" he said, blushing. He looked scared, and seemed smaller somehow than he had before he said it. Like he was the awkward child rather than the old soul he had displayed since I met him. "I doubt it- everything works as it should, right?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you shoot when you wank?" He blushed furiously and nodded again. He was redder than the Wales shirt of Gavin Henson in the poster on the wall. "Then I think you have nothing to worry about. You look normal to me- some people start different changes at different points. I'm sure you'll get all the right stuff in the right places soon enough." He looked relieved. "Did you have hair at 12?" he asked. "Yeah, but I couldn't shoot until I was 13, so you're ahead of me on that front. Don't worry about it Ben, it looks and sounds to me like you're absolutely and totally normal. And if anything else worries you, ask me or your dad- don't fret it in silence, that'll only make you feel rubbish. OK?" He nodded. He was indeed getting a semi-on, his cock pointing much more horizontally than when he had first opened his towel. He pulled a pair of tartan boxers out of his chest of draws and pulled them on, hiding his wonderful package from me. Not before he had given me a perfect view of his pale bubble butt. It was a glorious sight. I managed to yank my tongue back into my mouth before he turned around. "Thanks David," he said. "Now you know why I wanted a big brother. I couldn't ask Dad something like that, I'd die of embarrassment!" I smiled. "I know exactly what you mean! I could never ask my Dad something like that either, not that he's not cool and everything- it's just that he's..." My voice fell away, realising what I had just said. I had spoken like he was still alive. I couldn't ask him anything- ever again. I found tears forming in my eyes again. I managed to avoid a full blown weeping attack, but the lump rose in my throat and I stared at the floor, blinking hard. The bed moved under me, and an arm went around my shoulder, a warm, smaller hand slipping into mine. As much as I tried to fight it, a tear rolled down each cheek, and a sniff escaped my nose. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," said Ben, rubbing my shoulder and squeezing my hand. "No," I sniffed, "it's not your fault- I've got to stop doing this. I can't go to school tomorrow and burst into floods of tears anyone mentions parents or asks me what mine do, or why I'm moving in January a week after term started." I looked up, the tears fading. His presence didn't feel like the patronising sympathy I had gotten at the funeral from virtual strangers, more a near-empathic understanding of my need to feel like there were still people I could be close to, since all the ones I used to be close to were dead or miles away, and I was unlikely to see them in the near future. I looked into his eyes and squeezed his hand gently. "I'm sorry, this must be rotten for you. And don't say you don't mind, because at some level you must. I'm really grateful for you being so nice to me. Anything I can do to return the favour, ask any time- I'll feel bad unless I do, so you'd be helping me letting me help you." He smiled, warm and with genuine amusement. "OK, I think- that last bit didn't actually make much sense, but if I think of anything, I'll tell you." Something beeped and vibrated in my pocket. I hadn't remembered turning my mobile phone on- but then again, I didn't remember turning it off the night before, so probably it had been on all night. I pulled it out to find I had got a text message from one of my best friends at my old school. It read: Mist u las week. Soz bout ur folks. U ok? Wen u startin at nu skool? Cant b worse dan here- nu rugby coach scottish n evl. Wud b gd 2 tlk 2 u- call if u can. Steve. (In English- I missed you last week. I'm sorry about your parents. Are you OK? When are you starting at your new school? It can't be worse than here- the new rugby coach is Scottish and evil. It would be good to talk to you- call me if you can. Steve) I smiled. Steve was a funny character- wiry, red haired and smarter than a Saville Row suit. He had that kind of cleverness which meant his brain was one step behind his mind, and he tended to blurt out his thoughts in a jumble as they struck him. That hid the fact that he was actually quite a considerate and kind boy, as when he sometimes spoke without thinking his words offended unintentionally. He was a genius, though- top of the year in every subject bar French (and that was only because there was a French girl in the year), played about four instruments to post-grade 8 standard and he did this without being remotely conceited, geeky or pompous. He played out on the wing for the rugby team, using his wiry frame and ample pace to run into space and score. I liked him a great deal, although in an entirely platonic way- I just never saw him that way. I checked him out in the showers like I did all the others, of course, but that was just politeness for the horny gay teen. He was the only person I had considered coming out to seriously, until the thought of his runaway tongue silenced the idea. "Do you mind if I call this guy back? It's just- well, I haven't seen any of my friends since... since it happened. I don't want to lose touch," I asked. "Of course. I'm gonna get some breakfast," said Ben, pulling on some jeans and an England rugby shirt. He winked at me, kissing the red rose on the chest of the top. He walked slowly towards the door, whistling 'We are the champions' in reference to England being world cup winners last time out. I threw a pillow at him with practised accuracy, catching him squarely on the arse. He jumped. "Sorry! Couldn't resist!" he said. He walked downstairs whistling 'Swing low sweet chariot'. I guess he had earned the right to wind me up a bit in the past day. If it got too much, I could just start singing 'Cwm Rhondda' at him in return. I chatted to Steve for about half an hour, taking a big chunk out of my credit. I say chatted- he chatted, I listened, mainly. It felt good to hear a familiar voice in the unfamiliar surroundings. Just as I was finishing the conversation, Ben came back in, his hands behind his back, obviously holding something he didn't want me to see. "I've had an idea of what you can do as a favour to me." "Name it," I said, wondering what he was hiding. He pulled his hands from behind his back, a rugby ball clasped in them. "Help me get better at rugby- I have to play it every week, and I hate being totally useless. I smiled. That was hardly a request that was a chore to carry out. We went out into the back garden, and I helped him improve his handling skills (which were admittedly not great) by showing him a few basic things he could change straight away to help his catching and passing. He grasped them quickly, and improved rapidly as he adopted the techniques I showed him and cut his bad habits- the worst of which was not watching the ball or where he was aiming his passes. When we first started lobbing the ball around, he would drop most of my passes, and only about half of his came near enough to me for to claim. By the time we finished, he wasn't dropping more than one in twenty, and his passes were all within catching distance of me, and were on a flatter trajectory and at a higher speed. "Better?" I asked. "Loads! Thanks David! That's awesome! I was actually enjoying that by the end- normally I hate rugby all the time," he beamed at me. He threw his arms around my neck and hugged me- not firmly, just friendly, and adopting the traditional male posture of making it abundantly clear his crotch was nowhere near me by sticking his arse out. "You're welcome!" I said, glad I could make him happy, and to have some physical contact with the gorgeous creature that didn't involve me sobbing all over the bedsheets. "There's a fair bit more than that to the sport, but if you've got those basics, you've got the foundations of the game. Well done! You learnt loads quickly!" He smiled radiantly at me, overjoyed with the praise. We had been out for a few hours, and both of us were a bit sweaty and smelly from the exertions, even though it was freezing cold. I probably smelt rancid to Ben, but his scent- musky boyness with a dose of the manly fragrance that I found so intoxicating in the school changing room- was almost perfume to my nostrils. John called us from the back door to tell us lunch would be ready soon, and to come in. As we walked past, he said: "Phew! I think a shower might be in order before going near other people with a sense of smell, boys! The pair of you!" When a smoker tells you you stink, you stink. We headed upstairs, laughing at his only partly simulated disgust. As we passed the kitchen, the smell of roasting lamb and gravy assaulted us. Ben and I looked at each other and ran up the stairs, not wanting to be late for the food the smell promised. We locked the door once in the bedroom, peeling off sweaty clothes and discussing who should go first- and naturally get lunch first. "I had breakfast first so I'm hungrier, and I smell worse than you, so it'll take me longer to get clean, so we'll get to the table closer together if I go first," I said, not feeling too charitable as my growling stomach demanded satisfaction. "Yeah, but I'll be quicker than you, so I should go first," he came back. "Yeah, but I'm bigger than you, so I'm more likely to starve to death first," I said. I had briefly considered threatening him, but immediately dismissed the thought- I liked Ben too much to screw things up inside 24 hours in such a horrible way over who got lunch first. "Look, this is silly- we've both seen each other in the buff, and the shower's big enough for both- let's shower together," he suggested. Now THAT was an interesting thought, and not one I'd considered even in fantasy. One part of my mind was screaming at me that this was a terrible plan, that all it would take would be an unwelcome stiffy and I was outed. That part of my mind was outnumbered by the parts screaming for food RIGHT NOW and wanting to be in a confined space with Ben's wet, soapy and most importantly stark bollock naked body. I rapidly agreed, and dropped my underwear and grabbed a towel, trying to think of maths lessons and German vocab lists to avoid the erection that the mere thought of the shared shower was inspiring. Ben dropped his boxers too, exposing his splendid body totally to my eyes- he had a semi on again- and turned to the bathroom, giving me a perfect view of the pale moons of his bottom. He was a fit, lean boy, showing the signs of maturation and adult musculature developing, but still had a round bubble butt. I longed to drop to my knees and worship that behind, pushing the buttocks together to make one juicy, giant peach, before diving my whole face into the crevice and licking his crack and hole in adoration. We slipped into the shower, a little snug but not awkwardly so. Under the warm spray, it was nigh on impossible to avoid bumping each other. I tried to keep my eyes and thoughts to myself, but his closeness and visual beauty were affecting me, and the threatened erection rose despite all efforts to the contrary, extending to its full length of six and a half inches. I turned myself so that Ben could not see. I nearly came spontaneously when we accidentally bumped our bottoms together as we both bent over to pick up shower gel bottles. He giggled, and I smiled, automatically turning to apologise before I could stop myself. I found him facing me, glistening and equally aroused as myself. His four inch cut cock stood straight up, and as I saw his purple head that barely flared wider than his shaft, and I had the image of it sliding easily into my virgin arsehole. I realised I was staring at his cock, and hadn't yet apologised, and jerked my eyes into his face, only to find him staring at my own appendage. He looked up at me quickly, blushing dark crimson. "Sorry," he said, "it's just- it's HUGE! I didn't know they got that big! Do you think mine will grow that size?" "Probably bigger- I'm still growing, but I doubt it'll get much bigger. You've got a good sized one for your age- probably bigger than mine was at 12. I might be embarrassed to shower with you one day." He laughed, blushing again. "Sorry, I don't know why I got hard- it just seems to get that way all the time." "Hey, no problem," I said. "I'm hard too, after all. Nothing to be embarrassed about." A wicked thought formed in my mind. This might ruin our blossoming friendship, forced as it might be, but the off-chance he might go for it was too much to resist. "You wanna see how I do it? Y'know, what we were talking about before." "You wouldn't think that's weird?" he asked, probably worried there was something wrong with him for wanting to see another boy jack off. "No, course not. Do you?" He nodded, his eyes fixed on my hard prick. My foreskin had retracted on its own till only the flared rim of the helmet was still covered. A drop of precum formed on the tip and was quickly washed away. The warm water hitting my dick felt amazing. "OK, but fair's fair, right? You show me too- that way we both enjoy it. Can't let me have all the fun and you have to look at my ugly mug having fun." "I don't think you're ugly, I think you look really good," he blurted out, then went from his previous blush to a fearful pallor. "I mean... I..." I smiled reassuringly at him. "Thanks mate, you look good too. Shall we get on with it? Before the oldies get sus." He nodded, and dropped his right hand to his cock. He made a tube out of his hand, and slipped his wet cock into his hand, gripping it loosely, and beginning to move his hips back and forth, as if fucking his hand. The sight turned me on more than I had been in two years- since the last time my friend sucked me off. This was different though- I think I fancied Ben, my friend had simply been a method of getting off and the first exploration of my sexuality. I slowly began to jack myself off, grasping my foreskin and sliding it up over the knob of my dick and all the way back down again, exposing the whole head. With my other hand, I started fondling my testicles and massaging my perineum, adding to the pleasure coming from my cock. I never took my eyes from Ben's cock thrusting into his hand, and from the corner of my eye it looked like his gaze was fixed on my own ministrations. He began to copy what I was doing with my testicles and perineum, and from the moan which escaped his lips and the quicker pace he started shagging his fist at, I guess he found he liked it as much as I did. The sound of him moaning and the sight of his pistoning hips rapidly pushed me up to and over the edge, and before I knew what was happening, I came powerfully, three spurts of white cream hitting his pale chest and flat stomach. As soon as my first shot hit him, he too reached his orgasm, standing on tiptoes and thrusting one final time hard into his hand, his spurts watery and nearly clear, and without enough power to hit me. I had to fight the urge to drop to my knees and catch the final jets in my mouth. I began to come back to the real world. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you like that, it took me by surprise," I said, worried I would freak him out. His grin silenced that fear. "Awesome! You make a lot!" he said smiling broadly. He grabbed the shower gel and soaped himself up, washing my cream away. He seemed unusually calm for the first time he had someone else cum over him. Maybe my gaydar was working right- maybe he did like me. No, that was my wishful thinking, almost for certain. I quickly finished showering, and we both got out and dried. As we pulled on clothes, urgent to get to the food that was calling to the bottomless pits adolescent boys call stomachs, he said: "Thank, David- that was cool. I couldn't imagine how you could wank with the skin getting in the way." "Thank you for showing me too- did you enjoy it?" I asked, hoping for a revelation I was sure wouldn't arrive. "Yeah! It's loads better when there's two of you, isn't it? More exciting." He blushed. "I mean..." "I know what you mean," I said. I paused, then said, "You wanna do it together again some time?" Oh bugger, now I've gone too far and freaked him. He'll spot me for the raving queer I am. "You wanna?" he said, trying to sound neutral but unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. Maybe he was just like my friend was at his age- exploring his newly emerged sexuality and just wanting a better way to get off. "Yeah, it's fun," I said, trying to sound neutral too- and failing equally. He grinned. "Cool! Maybe later tonight?" he said, all pretence gone, obviously eager to try out this new, fun way of wanking as soon as he could. "It's a date!" I said, then inwardly cursed for the way I said it. How gay did I want to sound? He didn't seem to notice, just smiled and finished pulling his clothes on to hide his immaculate, blossoming body from my lustful eyes. He was wearing a Chelsea shirt with 'Zola 25' on the back- it was an out of date one, and a bit small for him- tight and alluring to my besotted eyes. A call from downstairs jerked us back to our ravenous hunger, announcing the serving of Sunday lunch. Lunch was superb- Stephanie was an excellent cook, it seemed, and the roast lamb, roast potatoes, two veg and Yorkshire pudding all swimming in thick gravy was manna from heaven to my practically endless appetite. Ben and I shovelled food into our mouths, rather than eating properly. John and Stephanie ate more slowly, while Anna played with her food as much as she ate it. "So, are you settling OK David? Any problems? Anything we can help you with?" John asked slightly awkwardly. Of course there were bloody problems, I was still something of an outsider and my parents were still dead. "No, it's OK. Ben's been great, really making me feel welcome, and Anna's been good as gold," I said, not wanting to sound ungrateful- largely because I wasn't. The situation was bloody awful, but Dad had been an eternal optimist, and always tried to teach me to make the best of a bad deal, and the family had welcomed me as well as they could, and I felt Dad would be more proud of me trying to follow his advice by trying to look on the bright side- as much as I could, anyway. I noticed Ben smiling and blushing at the praise and Anna grinning broadly at me as she chewed her food. "We're glad, David," said Stephanie. "This must be very hard for you, and we know this will take a long time. But we really want you to feel at home here, so if there's anything we can do, tell us." "I will," I said, feeling a lump forming in my throat again. I swallowed hard, trying to dislodge it like it was a bit of stuck spud. "I guess school tomorrow is the big test." "Are you sure you're ready for it?" asked Stephanie, looking concerned. "I mean, we could probably put it off for another week, if you really need to." "No, thanks anyway- it won't be any easier in a week, so better to get it over with," I said. I was absolutely dreading tomorrow. Changing schools was hard enough under good circumstances- the fitting in with the crowd, the catching up of work, learning how to avoid the troublemakers, making new friends and trying to learn the ways and layout of the new school. The added feeling of being rudely ripped from my old, good school was still very strong and would be even more so tomorrow. That, and the questions that would inevitably follow- why are you moving a week after the start of spring term, why have you moved here, what do your parents do and the like, immediately followed by the questions the answers sparked- how did they die, are you alright, do you miss them- and the sympathy (genuine, patronising or polite). If I got through tomorrow without having to disappear for an embarrassing cry in the boys' toilets it would be a special kind of miracle. "Good attitude," said John, snapping me from my worrying. "You should be proud of yourself, David. We've got all your uniform and sports kits sorted out," he said, changing the subject as quickly as possible, "except swimming trunks, but the school pools being renovated at the moment, so that can wait for a bit. Your grandparents got your sizes out of your old clothes, so I hope everything fits OK." I nodded, mumbling a thanks. "Good boy, Ben, for making David feel at home. But give him some space if he needs it, OK mate?" "No, it's fine- we've been getting on OK, it's good to have the company. It's me that should be giving him some space," I insisted. "Nah, you're alright David- I like having you around. You're OK- for a Wales fan," Ben grinned at me, his dark eyes flashing with mischief. "Mum, the lamb's really good- where's it from?" "New Zealand, I think- why?" Stephanie answered. "Oh, that's OK then- just if it had been Welsh, we might be eating one of David's relatives!" he grinned, making a reference to the common jibe levelled at the Welsh as being sheep-shaggers. "Ben!" Stephanie gasped. "Watch your mouth, boy!" John barked. "What does that mean, Mummy?" Anna asked, tugging at Stephanie's sleeve. I laughed, used to it by now- when you've been hearing an insult as long as you can remember, it loses its sting- particularly if it isn't true. I sang "stick your chariot up your arse" under my breath only loud enough for Ben and I to hear. He giggled at me. "Sorry Mum, sorry Dad," he said. "Apologise to David!" said John. "Sorry David," he said to me, giving me his best shit-eating grin. "Forget it- I earned that for getting in your way for two days," I said, grinning at him right back. "No, that's not true- this is your home now, and Ben shouldn't be unkind like that," Stephanie insisted. "I hope you can forgive him." I nodded magnanimously. I had done quite well out of that little exchange- I sounded mature and forgiving, and had strengthened my relationship with Ben by not taking offence at his poor attempt at humour. It was a shame he had got in his parents' black books in the process, but that was his fault. He'd learn how to keep his nose clean soon enough. Dinner was concluded, and Ben was punished with doing all the washing up. John and I went out for a discrete smoke while Stephanie helped Anna with some reading practice. I spent the afternoon checking my new uniform fitted- turning up for my first day looking like I dressed in the dark would be a bad start, after all. My new rugby kit brought a smile to my face- it was red, the colour of the Welsh kit. I read for a bit on my bed when I was done. I went downstairs after to watch some TV with the family. Anna was taken off to bed after a little while. Around 10, Ben and I were sent to bed too. This was a bit early for me, but I was tired and didn't want to disturb Ben's sleep by waking him getting myself ready for bed later. I smiled inwardly as I followed him up the stairs, my eyes at the level of his round buttocks. This was the perfect opportunity for another wank together. The first time I could use the phrase 'early night' as a euphemism. Once we had both undressed down to boxers, brushed our teeth and washed, I sat on my bed, the room lit only by our bedside lamps. "You OK about what I said at lunch? I don't know why I said that- it just kind of came out before I could stop it," said Ben. I laughed. "Don't worry about it mate, I've had much worse, and I could tell you were just taking the piss not being nasty. Forget it." He smiled, looking relieved. "Thanks. Feel free to take a couple of free shots at me." "You're on!" My smile faded. I could feel my expanding cock pressing against my boxers. I was slightly nervous, but wanted to jack off together again. I plucked up my courage. "You wanna do it again? Y'know, what we did before." "Yeah!" he said straight away. "You don't think it's weird or anything?" "No! It's just better than doing it on our own in the dark- we're both blatantly gonna do it anyway, so why not together?" That seemed to make sense to him. In unison, we both rose to our feet and pushed our boxers down to our knees. He lay on his back on the bed, and spat in his hand. I sat up against the wall on my bed, and stroked my now-fully hard cock gently, spreading some precum over my head. I started sliding my foreskin up and down my cock, pulling it up so it covered the whole head before pulling right back to expose the whole helmet. Ben started off by thrusting his narrow hips up and down, his penis clasped loosely in his hand. It looked like he'd worked his technique out from sex ed classes- simulating shagging. He changed his method, sliding his spit-slick hand up and down his beautiful dick. He seemed to like that better, as he could do it quicker and increase the pleasure. His eyes were fixed on my cock as I began to press on and massage my perineum. He began to fondle his loose scrotum, tugging and stroking it and pushing the two grape sized balls around inside. The sight of his magnificent body pleasuring itself only ten feet away was arousing me fiercely. I wished I was closer, that I could take over his ministrations and that he would take over mine. I imagined swallowing that proud erection right to the hilt, licking at his balls and hairless pubis before rising up and swirling my tongue around his circumcised head and tonguing his piss slit. At the thought of him spurting his watery load in my mouth, I lost control and came, the first shots nearly reaching to my nipples. He moaned softly and came himself, not strongly but enough to spill a couple of small, clear loads around his navel. We both reached for tissues to clear up. "Thanks mate, that was fun!" I said, smiling at him. "Yeah- let's do this often!" he grinned back. We pulled our boxers back up. I went in the bathroom for a quick shower. When I came back, we turned the lights off and lay down to try and sleep. As darkness blanketed the room, I found my earlier good mood evaporate. Once again, the thoughts of the impending horror of tomorrow took hold. How would I cope with the questions? Would I make any friends? How would I cope at an all-boys school? That was perhaps the most concerning one. My last school had been co-ed, but my new establishment was boys only. Knowing what boys can be like when it's just them- the baiting, the snide comments, the one-upmanship and the absolute loathing of all things gay- brought me to the edge of despair. And my parents were still dead, and I was still in a strange house, albeit one which was more welcoming than I had hoped for. To my shame, I felt the tears well up again, and the lump settled firmly in my throat. No amount of swallowing or blinking could remove them, and I began to cry- properly crying, sobbing as quietly as I could manage into my pillow. I felt myself shaking with the grief, as if it was still fresh and brand new. Everything looked completely bleak in my mind. The storm of my weeping continued. I felt the bed move slightly, and Ben slid in behind me again. I was curled up in the foetal position. He hugged my shoulders and pulled up against me, gently stroking my hair with one hand and whispering comforts in my ear. I hugged his arm to me, clinging on for dear life, almost. I was still sobbing, but turned to face him. "Oh, Ben! I'm sorry! It's just that it hurts! It still hurts so much!" I said, the sobs racking my body. I hugged him tight, nestling against him like he was an adult and me the child. He held me tight, still stroking my near-shaven hair. "I know it, does, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," he whispered. His voice was quavering. I pulled back and looked at him. Tears stood in his eyes, and his bottom lip was wobbling a little. "I'm sorry, I don't want to upset you," I said, tears still rolling down my cheeks. "I'm not upset, I just hate seeing you like this. I'll stay here again tonight, I won't leave you." I was still shaking, but the convulsing sobs had passed. His eyes looked so big and warm in the gloom. He was so kind to me. Such a tender soul, such a beautiful heart, such a wonderful boy. Before I could stop myself, I had leaned forward and kissed him full on the lips. I jerked my head back, realising what I had done. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't...I didn't mean..." I stuttered, horrified at my weakness- I had showed my true colours, I had kissed a boy- a twelve year-old boy. I tried to roll away, but he pulled me back surprisingly strongly. "No, don't apologise. No one's ever kissed me before. Thank you." He shocked me totally by leaning in and kissing me briefly on the lips himself. My crying had stopped completely now, but I was still sniffing and shaking a little. I held him close to me, looking in his dark eyes. In the gloom they looked pitch black. I suddenly felt absolutely exhausted. "If you want to go back to your bed you can now," I sniffed. "I think I'm gonna be OK for now. I'm really tired. I think I need some sleep." "I'd rather stay," he said, sounding at insistent, then said more hesitantly, "un-unless you want me to go..." I smiled weakly at him. "I'd love it if you stayed. I really like you, Ben, you make me feel better just by being near." He smiled. "I like you too, David. I feel safe sleeping near you." He hugged my tight one last time, before we both drifted off to sleep, our arms still wrapped around each other. To be continued... David has some interesting times ahead. Part two is virtually done, and I'll try to post it in a couple of days time. Find out how David gets on at his new school, meet the interesting characters he finds there, what happens between him and Ben, and the new tragedy waiting just around the corner for him. If you liked this story, I would like to once again nudge you in the direction of my other story, 'They reach the sky' in the gay/young-friends directory of nifty. It's a generally more cheerful read than this. Feedback is welcome and appreciated. I can be emailed at Flames cheerfully deleted. Xenophon.