Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 00:50:49 -0500 From: joseph green Subject: Snowflakes Ablaze 8 It was a week later and Don found himself in his bedroom alone. He took down his red note book that read "Book of Secrets" and opened to the next blank page. He lay it on his bed and opened his fly. He masturbated fully clothed and spilt his potion on the white pages. Then he took his favorite pen and wrote, "Dear friends. You have kept me company for these long years. But now I have a real friend. He is not make believe. And I love him. This deposit of my love on this page is a sign that I have appreciated your company but now I move on in life and give the rest of my liquid love to Clark. I hope we will be together forever." He closed the book for the last time and replaced it in the shoe box on the top shelf of his closet. That was a year ago and still today one can see two boys in the park on River Front street passing a football. It is summer so they are bear chested and the dark haired boy is thickening up in his chest and in his private parts. The blond haired boy had a hair cut that makes him look like any other athlete and his chest has gotten trim and hard. They both are on the Seventh grade basketball teem and are constantly out under the summer sky. There are times though that they need a break. These times are spent behind the large rocks near the monument in the park. Where the moss makes a soft bed to lay in and a bottle of KY message oil is hidden in a plastic bag. If you are ever in their town look for the bear chested boys tackling each other and offer them a fruit flavored cigar. Because March snowflakes are born with a special urgency and March is nearly over. The end.