The Art of Seduction

by Pink Panther

I just disclaimed again, yeah? You know the score!

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Finally, thanks to everyone who commented on chapter one! More feedback is always welcome, so please send your comments to, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Now read on, and enjoy!


December 2006

The Autumn term is finally over. It's been a turning-point for me. I'm doing better in class than I ever have, and almost by accident, I've found myself part of a great group of friends, which means a lot. But best of all, I've hooked up with Aidy. That is so special! It's taken my life to a whole different level.

Today's Boxing Day. After a light lunch, Dad drives us to Wallington, where Alex's family lives. Alex's mum, my Auntie Cath, is Dad's sister, but they're obviously not close. According to Mum, she let's Alex and his sister Samantha act like the world revolves around them. I know what she means. Alex and Sam always expect to get what they want, and most of the time, they do. Mum would go bananas if I acted like that.

Uncle Mike and Auntie Cath both work for one of the big City of London law firms, so they're like seriously loaded. Their house is much bigger than ours; they each have a very nice car, and they've bought Samantha and Alex the latest top of the range mobile phones, all that sort of thing.

When I was younger, like six or seven, I used to envy Alex being able to have pretty much anything he wanted. Mum and Dad were very firm with me about that, though not in an unpleasant way. They explained that you should never judge people by the money and material possessions that they have. What's important is how you treat other people.

I sort of got it. At the time, Alex used to regard me as a sort of `poor relation', I guess, because I didn't have all the latest toys the way that he did. He was actually quite snotty about it, which made me feel bad.

Mum told me to take no notice. She said that Alex was a spoiled brat. Because his parents gave him whatever he asked for, he had no idea how fortunate he was. She said she wouldn't give me everything I wanted, even if we could afford it, and she'd be really disappointed if I ever acted like Alex did.

Over the years that followed, I began to realise that if I wanted something important, Mum and Dad would make sure I got it, like when I began to show an interest in music. Of course, I wanted to be a viola player like Dad. He explained that I needed to start on the violin, like he did, because my hands weren't big enough for a viola.

Because he was a musician himself, Dad knew where to go to get me the sort of instrument I needed. Although the one he picked out for me wasn't very expensive, it was a nice `beginner's violin'. A little over two years on, when I'd shown that I was conscientious about practising, they traded it in for the better, and much more expensive one that I play now.

When I was in my last year at junior school, Alex's attitude towards me changed totally. Instead of putting me down like he had before, he started being really nice to me, like he started to come over during the school holidays so that we could hang out.

It was such a big change, at first, I was quite suspicious, but he apologised for the way he'd treated me before, and said that he was trying to do better. At the time, although I got on pretty well with the other kids while we were at school, I didn't have any friends that I could hang out with when we were on holiday.

Alex more than filled that gap. Being two years older, very good-looking, and much more self-confident than I was, he drew me right in. I was captivated! Of course, Mum didn't like it. More than once, she warned me to be careful around him. Not seeing an issue, I assured her that I would be.

To be fair, Alex was smart. Concerned that I might say something, he waited until the summer holidays before making his move. By that time, I was well under his spell; I'd have done anything he wanted.

As it goes, I really didn't need any persuading. When he started teaching me about sex and the sort of things boys can do together, I totally went for it. It was like stepping into a new, exciting world that I never knew existed. The rest, as they say, is history.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

We arrive just after three. As usual, we're ushered into their large lounge where we're offered drinks. Mum and dad ask for tea, I have a glass of coke. Once we're settled, the parents begin `catching up with each other's news', as Auntie Cath calls it.

Usually, this is her opportunity to go on to Mum and Dad about how well Samantha and Alex are doing; this year, not so much. I remember two years ago, after Sam had done her GCSEs, Auntie Cath went on about how they were hoping she'd get into Oxford or Cambridge.

This time, there's no mention of it. The talk now is of Surrey or Bournemouth, which is fine, but even I know that as universities go, they're well down the pecking order. To add to Auntie Cath's problems, it seems that Alex didn't do as well as expected in his GCSE mock exams. He didn't do that badly, but his performance certainly wasn't anything to write home about.

For the past two years, Mum and Dad haven't had much to say about me. I was settling in okay at grammar school; that was about it. This year, it's a bit different.

"Well, Chris has made real progress over the past few months," Mum says. "He did very well in his school exams in the summer, and backed it up by doing just as well in the ones they did a few weeks ago, so we're very pleased. He's not the absolute top, but he's up there with the best boys in his year, which is a very good standard."

"His music's been going well too," Dad says. "Earlier in the term, he teamed up with the younger brother of one of his classmates who plays piano. They began working together at the beginning of October. Well, the two of them were selected to play at the school's end of term concert. They played beautifully."

"Yes," Mum gushes. "Chris was the youngest soloist to be selected. We were so proud of him!"

"He's made a big step forward," Dad says thoughtfully. "For me, the most pleasing aspect is that he's put the work in, and he's starting to reap the rewards."

I guess I might have found listening to that a bit embarrassing, but actually, I don't. Mum and Dad haven't bigged it up at all; they never do. They just told it the way it is. The funny part is that Auntie Cath looks like she's chewing a wasp. For once, I've outshone her kids, and it's obvious she doesn't like it.

The conversation moves on. Uncle Mike reckons that there's a financial crisis on the horizon, because many of the banks are being pretty reckless, and the regulators are too weak to rein them in. I don't understand the details, but Dad clearly does. I listen because it sounds like it could be important. I just hope that Uncle Mike's wrong.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

At six o'clock, we're called through to the dining room. Auntie Cath considers herself to be a `domestic goddess' -- think Nigella Lawson -- and to be fair, she is very good. The food she serves is superb. It's the one aspect of coming here that I always enjoy.

For the meal, we've been joined by Sam's boyfriend Will. It's clear from the outset that Auntie Cath doesn't like him. That's a surprise. Samantha has always been Auntie Cath's princess who could do no wrong. This is the first time that I'm aware of that she's done something that `Mummy' doesn't approve of. I'm guessing that Auntie Cath thinks that Will's `not good enough' for her daughter.

Uncle Mike doesn't seem bothered one way or the other, but he's like that. To be honest, I can't see the problem either, but it's not my business and I'm staying out of it.

At the end of each course, it's Alex's job to take any leftover food to the kitchen, and to clear away the plates and cutlery we've used, and take them to the utility room. I help him. It's what I always do.

With the meal at an end, we set about our final clear-up. Because he knows where everything goes, I leave Alex to put things away in the kitchen before helping him load the dishwasher.

"Okay!" Alex says, grinning. "I think we've cracked it. D'you want to come up to my room?"

"Sure!" I agree.

We make our way upstairs. Alex's room is like a teenage boy's dream. At one time, I'd have envied him, but I've gone past that. I mean, he's got like three different games consoles. With all the homework and violin practice I need to do, I wouldn't have time to use any of them.

We park ourselves on the bed.

"So, tell me about this younger kid you've been working with?" he says, eyeing me intently.

"Well, just after the start of term, the Head of Music told me that he was considering me for one of the solo spots at the end of term concert, but that if I wanted to play, I'd have to find someone to accompany me, yeah? To be honest, I didn't think I had much chance. It was unlikely that any of the older boys would be willing to do it, and none of the pianists my age or younger were good enough.

Anyway, at the end of September, Vaughan, one of my classmates, invited me to his birthday party, along with three other lads from our form. Well, when I got to the party, Vaughan's younger brother Aidy was there. He's eleven, and has just started at our place. It turns out that he's a pretty useful pianist, so we decided to try playing together, just to see how things went.

We just clicked. Aidy's not flash when he plays, but he's really solid and reliable, which is what you need in an accompanist. So that was it. A couple of weeks after half term, we auditioned for the concert, and they gave us a slot."

"Nice one!" Alex says quietly, still looking right at me. "And how old is this kid?"


"And cute?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I'm trying to sound nonchalant. In reality, I'm becoming alarmed by the direction that this conversation's taking.

"Well, you're not going to tell me that playing music is all you're doing," Alex says, giving me a knowing grin.

"I don't know what give you that idea!" I retort.

"I know you too well," he says, smirking. "In any case, it's written all over your face. You're getting into his pants!"

"D'you ever think about anything but sex?"

"Yeah, occasionally. But you know I'm right. Why don't you just admit it?"

He's backed me into a corner. I'm irritated, but there's not much I can do. I've never been any good at lying my way out of trouble.

"Well, yeah. Maybe."

"Now that wasn't too hard, was it?" he taunts, like he knows he's got one over on me. "So how far have you gone?"

"I think that's between Aidy and me, don't you?" I object, digging my heels in.

"Oh, come on!"

"No! Last year, you told me that you'd hooked up with two boys who'd just started at your school. And that was it. You've never told me any more than that. And I didn't ask because it isn't actually my business!"

"I don't know what the big deal is," Alex says, looking offended. "If you'd asked, I'd have told you. But you didn't. Anyway, when will I get to meet him?"

"I don't know. You've never suggested that I could meet up with these kids that you've been going with."

"That's because I can't invite you to someone else's house. We don't meet here; Sam's around too much. You've got it easy! Most of the time during the school holidays you have your place to yourself. You can do as you like! Fortunately, Simon's an only child too, so we meet at his place."

"Well, if you want to meet Aidy, I guess I'll have to explain the situation to him, and ask him if he's okay with you coming over. And you can forget about these holidays. Mum and Dad are off work all week. They go back to work next Tuesday, the same day that we go back to school."

"We could meet during half term," Alex suggests.

"Aren't you going skiing?"

"Nah! They were thinking about it, but when Sam and I got our mock exam results, Dad ditched the idea. He's told us we'll have to stay here and get some work done."

I'm caught in two minds. Alex has pretty much ignored me for over a year. He's never even mentioned coming to mine. He's only interested now because I've got something he wants a piece of. As far as I'm concerned, he can fuck off.

On the other hand, I don't want to get into a confrontation with him. That won't do either of us any good. And for all I know, Aidy might fancy meeting him.

"Give me a call at the start of half term and I'll see what I can arrange," I suggest, moderating my tone a bit. "But it'll be Aidy's decision. I can't guarantee he'll agree to meet you."

"Okay, I guess," Alex says ungraciously, scowling at me, like he thinks I should twist Aidy's arm or something. Well, he can forget that idea!

Without saying a word, Alex reaches across and runs his hand up my leg and onto the front of my jeans.

"Are you mad?!" I protest, swatting it away. "Our parents are downstairs!"

"Keep your hair on," he says, sounding exasperated. "They won't come in here."

"I've never had sex when Mum or Dad was in the house," I insist. "And I'm not about to do it now."

"Sometimes you're such a wuss!" he complains.

I don't care. I actually don't want sex right now. The old Alex is back, the one who always wants his own way, and somehow, he's manipulated me into a situation I really don't want to be in. I suddenly realise that Mum's been right about him all along.

Just after ten we say our goodbyes and head out to the car.

"Chris," Dad instructs. "Sit in the front next to me please."

That's a surprise. Mum usually sits in the front passenger seat. I'm not complaining though. My legs are so much longer than they were, sitting in the front is much more comfortable. Moments later, we're on our way home.

"Well, that was interesting," Dad says, glancing across at me. "It seems that while you're doing much better than you were, Samantha and Alex aren't doing quite so well. Why d'you think that is?"

"Well, I know I've been working pretty hard. I'm guessing they haven't."

"Exactly that!" Dad says firmly. "Over the past few months, you've developed a really strong work ethic. As a result, your work's improved right across the board, and as long as you keeping working like that, you will continue to improve. Sam and Alex have cruised through to this point. They're bright enough to have done well without having to overexert themselves. Well, they've now reached the point where that's not enough. D'you understand?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Unfortunately, your Auntie Cath thinks they should be able to do well without putting the effort in. She's going to be disappointed, because it doesn't work like that."

"Of course, she'll blame everyone else," Mum adds acidly. "It won't be because her kids have always had it too easy, and don't work hard enough."

I don't reply, but I get the picture. If I want to achieve anything, I'll have to work for it.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

January 2007

Following the Christmas and New Year break, we're finally back at school. I'm looking forward to it, eager to pick up where we left off, and after more than a week without sex, I can hardly wait to get back into the routine.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

It's Thursday afternoon. We've been back at school for just over a week. I'm in my bedroom with Aidy and Dominic, having a threesome, which we do every couple of weeks. I don't mind, and they both love it!

We're building towards the main event. I'm assuming we'll do a chain-fuck like we have before, but Aidy has other ideas.

"Why don't you guys spit-roast me," he asks, grinning, "so Dom can fuck me from behind?"

"You know how much spunk I make," I counter. "Are you going to be okay with that?"

"Sure! I'll be fine!"

"Okay, then!"

Using one of the pillows as a backrest, I sit at the top end of the bed, my knees up and apart so my feet are resting flat on the bed. Kneeling between my legs, Aidy lowers his head and shoulders, his lips closing over my cock.

Moving in behind, Dominic thrusts his well-lubed dick into Aidy's bum-hole. As he begins to fuck, Aidy starts to suck me, gradually working his way down until his nose is pushing into my pubes.

The sensations are extraordinary! After barely two minutes, my prick's tingling like crazy! Without even thinking about it, I run my fingers through the tween boy's thick wavy hair, trying desperately to prolong the experience. With Aidy's lips and tongue working wonders on me, I stand no chance.

"Oh, fuck!" I groan. "I'm going to cum!"

To my amazement, Aidy keeps right on sucking, slurping and swallowing as my teen spunk spurts over and over into his mouth. Okay, he does lose a little, which runs down his chin and trickles into my pubic hair, but I don't care. He's just given me the best blow-job ever!

Dominic's cum too, pumping his boy-juice into Aidy's bum. As the red-haired boy withdraws, Aidy releases my cock. Immediately, I roll the younger lad onto his back. Plunging down, I suck him hungrily until his hard little spike starts swelling and pulsing against my palate. Fuck! That was wild!

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

February 2007

Since we've been back at school, I've been busier than ever. One of the things I've had to do is to find another concert piece to play at the school's summer concert. Mr Bennett said that although he liked both pieces that we played at the end of last term, they were too similar. He encouraged me to look for something that would present me with a different challenge.

The piece I've gone for is the Allegro from Handel's sonata in D, which is one of the pieces for the grade six exam. As I've not actually done grade five yet, I'm finding it quite tough, and with it being `allegro' (quite fast), it's a challenge for Aidy too. But we're not worried. We've got plenty of time. As long as we put the work in, we're confident that we'll be able to play it to a good standard.

Right now, it's Tuesday afternoon and I'm pottering around at home, waiting for Aidy to arrive. Having sex with him just gets better and better. He's got such a beautiful bum; fucking him is one the greatest experiences possible. The fact that he loves it as much as I do is simply the icing on the cake.

At the end of this week, we'll break up for half term. As soon as that happens, I'm expecting Alex to call me, wanting to know when he can come over to meet my preteen friend. The thing is, I haven't mentioned it to Aidy yet, but I really can't put it off any longer.

Moments later, the doorbell rings. I open the front door, and there he is! I know it's only been a few days, but it's so good to have him here again. Ushering him inside, I draw him into a passionate kiss.

Without bothering with a drink or anything, we head up to my bedroom and set about undressing each other. Within a couple of minutes, we're both naked. We snuggle up on my bed, our dicks grinding against each other.

"There's something I need to ask you," I say quietly. "You know I told you about my cousin Alex?"

"Sure! Isn't he the guy who took your cherry?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Cool! What about him?"

Over the next few minutes, I tell him what happened on Boxing Day.

"The thing is," I conclude. "He wants to come and meet you during half term. I said I'd talk to you about it."

"So, what's he like?"

"Well, he's about the same height as me, but a bit heavier. He's sixteen though, so he's more than four years older than you. How d'you feel about that?"

"Is he nice looking?"

"Oh, definitely!"

"Well, that's a good start! Will he want to fuck me?"

"I'll say `Yes' to that too. That was always what he wanted to do with me."

"So how big is his cock?"

"I'm not sure to be honest. I'd guess it's at least as big as mine, but I haven't seen it for well over a year."

"Really? Why's that?"

"Well, when I was in Year Seven, during every school holiday, he'd come here two or three times a week. So when I started Year Eight, I was expecting him to come over during the October half term, but when I asked him about it, he told me he'd hooked up with two of the new Year Seven boys at the school he goes to, so he'd be `busy'. He hasn't been here since."

"Oh, I see! You didn't mess around on Boxing Day then?"

"No way! Our parents were downstairs. The thing is, once we got started, we wouldn't have stopped at messing about. You know what it's like!"

"Sure! So I guess he likes boys my age?"

"Yeah, especially ones as cute as you! The thing is, he can be quite pushy, and he could charm the birds out of the air, so you'd need to be careful not to let him talk you into doing anything you're not okay with."

"Well, I'm up for meeting him, as long as it's okay with you," he says, grinning mischievously.

"Okay. When he calls, I'll arrange it," I say, despite not being one hundred per cent happy about the situation.

Having dealt with that problem, we settle down to what we're here for. Over the next twenty minutes, we kiss, fondle and suck each other, and tweak each other's nipples. Finally, it's time for the main event.

"D'you want to play horsey?" Aidy asks, grinning.

"Sure, if that's what you want."

He gets into position, lying face-down with the two pillows lengthways under his upper body. Kneeling astride his legs, I lower myself onto him, guiding my well-lubed cock onto his cute little bum-hole.

Holding my dick between thumb and index finger, I carefully push it in, making sure to give him no more than a couple of inches. As he begins to relax, I steadily push in deeper, until my pubic bone is pressed tight against his bottom.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

"Oh, yeah!" he breathes. "Go on, Chris; fuck your spunk into me!"

As usual, I start quite slowly, gradually increasing the length and pace of my thrusts until I hit that perfect rhythm. Beneath me, Aidy is emitting quiet moans and whimpers.

"Oh, this feels so good!" he squeaks, turning me on more than ever.

After a couple of minutes, his breathing begins to shorten. A few seconds later, his anal ring starts to spasm around my cock.

"Oh, fuck!" I gasp. "I'm going to cum!"

"Oh, yes!" Aidy moans. "Do it, Chris! Fill me up!"

Instinctively, I push in as deep as I can. My cock jerks powerfully, rope after rope of my creamy teen spunk spurting deep into Aidy's tight little tunnel. It's the best feeling possible!

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

It's Friday evening when Alex calls.

"Hi!" he says brightly. "You know what we were talking about when you were here at Christmas. Will it be okay for me to come to yours next week?"

"I spoke to Aidy a few days ago," I say casually. "He's quite happy to meet you if you want to come over."

"Cool! Just so I know the score, how far have you guys gone?"

"All the way. He's well into it!"

"What else does he do?"

"Everything, pretty much: kissing, sucking, nipple-play. He sucks beautifully!"

"Nice! I can't wait to meet him! How would Tuesday work?"


"Would the morning be okay?"

"Sure! Can you get here about quarter past ten?"

"No problem! It'll only take me just over forty minutes on the bike."

"Okay, we'll see you then!"

We end the call. I'm still not happy. After ignoring me for well over a year, he suddenly wants to come over so he can fuck my cute preteen boyfriend. To be honest, I wish Aidy had said that he didn't want to meet him.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Finally, it's Tuesday morning. Aidy shows up just before ten, even more excited than usual. I lead him into the music room.

"I'm expecting Alex about quarter past," I say casually, "so we might as well work on the Handel Allegro till he gets here."

Handel was composing in the Baroque period, which occurred during the first half of the eighteenth century, roughly three hundred years ago. The thing about music from this period is that you have to play it very precisely. To make it sound right, everything has to be spot-on. We set to work on the opening section. We've been going for ten minutes or so when I hear the doorbell. Putting down my violin, I go to answer it.

"Hi!" Alex greets, smiling. "Good to see you!"

"Come in!" I urge, welcoming him inside. "Aidy and I were just killing a few minutes. Come through!"

He follows me to the music room. As we enter, Aidy stands up from the piano stool. As I expected, it's pretty clear that both he and Alex like what they see!

"Are we going upstairs now?" Aidy asks, smiling.

"Sure, if you're ready," I tell him.

We head up to my bedroom. As I knew we'd be coming up here, the curtains are already closed.

"Why don't you guys get to know each other?" I suggest.

After discarding their shoes and socks, they start to undress each other, while I sit and watch. They don't waste time. I thought Aidy might be a bit nervous with a boy so much older than he is, but he isn't, going for it like he's unwrapping an eagerly awaited present.

After barely a minute, they're down to their underwear. Even with his boxer briefs still on, I can tell that Alex's prick is bigger than I remember it. A moment later, Aidy pulls them down. I do a double-take. Alex's cock is more than an inch longer than mine, and quite a bit thicker. Fuck! I'd expected him to have grown a bit, but not by that much!

"Wow!" Aidy says, clearly impressed. "You've got a beauty!"

Without waiting to be asked, he kneels down. Holding the base of Alex's prong between thumb and index finger, he takes it into his mouth, steadily sucking his way down until he's burying his nose in my cousin's pubic hair.

I can hardly believe it. I knew Aidy was pretty much a natural at sucking cock, but this is extraordinary. After a minute or so, he lets Alex go and stands up again.

"Thanks! That was amazing!" Alex says appreciatively. "Okay, my turn now!" he adds, quickly skinning Aidy's underpants down the tween boy's legs.

"Come on, Chris!" Aidy says, grinning. "You need to join us!"

Within a few seconds, I'm naked too.

"Let's play piggy in the middle!" Aidy urges, getting onto the bed. "I'll be the pig!"

Before joining him, I pull Alex to one side.

"If you want to fuck him, you'll need to take it really slow," I warn him. "He's not used to taking one your size."

"Cool!" he responds quietly, smiling at me.

"Even after you've got it in, give him time to get used to it, yeah?"


After joining Aidy on the bed, we begin with me sucking him while he sucks Alex. As I'm doing it, I find myself kneading my younger friend's beautifully supple thighs and bum-cheeks, before homing in on his cute little hole. At the other end of the bed, Alex is moaning quietly while gently stroking Aidy's hair, clearly loving the sensations the tween boy is giving him.

A few minutes later, Alex and I swap over, so Aidy's sucking me, while Alex sucks him. We begin building things up to the serious part. I'm still a little apprehensive, but Alex is keeping things relaxed, and Aidy seems to be in his element.

After another couple of minutes, Alex manoeuvres Aidy onto all fours. In response, I change my position too. Placing a pillow behind me, I sit at the top of the bed with my legs apart and my knees up.

Aidy, now kneeling between my feet, once again wraps his mouth around my cock, sucking me right down to the root. I gently run my fingers through his thick, wavy hair, basking in the incredible sensations he's giving me.

Having finished his preparations, Alex shuffles into position. Facing me, he guides his dick onto Aidy's bum-hole.

"Just take it nice and slow, yeah?" Aidy requests, momentarily letting me go.

A moment later, he's back to working his magic on my prong. Kneeling at the other end of the bed, Alex pushes the head of his dick insistently against Aidy's rear entrance.

For a couple of seconds, he gets nowhere. Then suddenly, it pops inside. Aidy winces sharply. I guess it was just about inevitable.

"Just relax!" I whisper, gently stroking his hair. "You'll be fine!"

At this point, I'm expecting Alex to wait, giving Aidy time to get used to him being there, but he doesn't. After no more than ten seconds, he pulls back a short distance then begins to push in deeper.

"We said to take it slow!" I remind him.

Looking at me scornfully, he completely ignores what I've said, and carries on with what he's doing. The frustrating thing is that positioned as we are, there's bugger all I can do about it.

Within a couple of minutes, Alex is balls-deep in Aidy's arse. After another short pause, he gets to work. I can't claim it's violent or anything; he's fucking with nice even thrusts, no harder than I would. It's no good though. Aidy's bum-hole has been stretched way more than he's used to, and Alex simply never gave him time to get used to it. Shit!

With Alex fucking him from behind, Aidy's lips are running up and down my cock, pretty much sending me into orbit. Unsurprisingly, neither I nor Alex lasts very long. All too soon, I feel my orgasm begin to sweep over me.

"Oh fuck!" I gasp, instinctively holding onto Aidy's head. "I'm going to cum!"

"Oh yeah!" Alex adds triumphantly. "Now take my spunk, you little slut!"

The next few seconds are a total blur. I'm aware of my teen cum shooting over and over into Aidy's mouth, and that's about it. As I begin to recover my composure, Alex slowly withdraws.

As soon as he's free, Aidy pulls off my cock, a little spunk trickling from the corner of his mouth. He collapses onto the bed like a rag doll. It's obvious that he hasn't enjoyed the experience. He hasn't even got a hard-on. Fuck! Somehow, I'll need to deal with it. Gently moving him to one side, I get off the bed and go over to Alex.

"I took it as slowly as I could," he says defensively.

"I told you," I snap back. "Once you got it in, you should have waited, to let him get used to you being there."

"I did!"

"Bollocks! You waited about ten seconds! That's no good! You're not new to this. You should have known!"

"You two need to get over yourselves!" Alex says dismissively. "I just gave him a proper fucking, nothing more than that!"

"Whatever," I respond, trying to hide my irritation. "Come on; get your clothes on. I'll show you out."

Alex doesn't look too pleased, but I'm not giving him the choice. After pulling on shorts and a tee-shirt, I show him to the front door.

"When can I come over again?" he demands, unlocking his bike.

"Well, definitely not this week. Aidy's going to need to a few days to recover. You can call me at Easter if you want."

Looking daggers at me, he pedals away. Heading back into the house, I make my way up to my bedroom. Aidy's still where he was.

"I'm so sorry," I say. "Alex's cock's way bigger than it was the last time I saw it. If I'd known how big he was, I wouldn't have invited him over. Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess," he responds quietly. "It hurt like hell when he shoved it in, and now my bum's really sore!"

"May I have a look?"

He turns onto his side, his back to me. His bum-hole's all puffy and the area to either side is badly chafed. However, there's no sign of blood, so I'm guessing there'll be no lasting damage.

"It doesn't look too bad," I tell him. "Would you like me to run a bath for you? We'll put lots of bubble-bath in. It well help, honestly."

"Thanks!" he says, giving me a weak smile. "It wasn't just the way he fucked me," he goes on. "He called me a slut! That's horrible! And all the shit he said afterwards; he totally pissed me off! Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"I'm afraid Alex is far too accustomed to getting his own way," I respond quietly. "Sometimes, he doesn't do himself any favours."

"Well, I think he's a dickhead!" Aidy says vehemently. "I don't care who he is! I don't want him to touch me again, like not ever!"