The Boys of East Harbor: Michael
Chapter 58: SoCal BaseBrawl (Day 1)

(b/b, phone)

DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, or sex between minors, do not continue. If reading this type of material is illegal in your location, proceed at your own risk. This work is the sole property of the author and may not be reposted or reproduce without the author's written permission. This is a work of fiction. If any characters resemble the living or dead, or events are similar to actual events, it is purely coincidental.

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The clock read 9:07 and Alejandro was nervous. His interview was in about an hour, 10:00 am to be exact. That meant right now it was around 1:00 am in East Harbor, too early to call Michael for support. Instead, he looked in the mirror for the hundredth time and adjusted his tie once again.

"How long will it take to get here?" he asked loudly before turning off the bathroom light and grabbing his jacket.

From the Holland Park home's kitchen, Jacob called back to Alejandro who was upstairs, "It's only a bloody 40 minutes, Alejandro." He chuckled to himself about his charge's nervousness. Previous admission interviews, Alejandro hadn't allowed himself to feel any pressure. He didn't feel any particular school was a better fit for him than any of the others, nor did he care which he would attend in the fall. This interview was different.

Jacob locked the backdoor and set the security system before they headed out the side gate. He and Alejandro climbed into the Petrolix Blue Range Rover with black appointments and privacy tinted windows. Of all the family's vehicles, the new SUV in London was by far Alejandro's favorite.

The vehicle's passengers were quiet until Jacob guided the Range Rover onto the M4. "What has you all uptight today?" he asked Alejandro.

"Abuela told me that Her Majesty personally wrote a letter of recommendation for me. That's going to be a lot to live up to."

"Wow," was all Jacob could respond immediately. After a few kilometers, he added, "You must have really made an impression on the Queen. But I don't think you should stress yourself out about trying to be someone you aren't."

"What do you mean?"

"You're stressing yourself out because you think you need to impress those stuffy Eton academics by being the perfect candidate," explained Jacob. "That's where you are wrong."

"But why would they admit me with my academic record being such a mess. I've got holes from when I ran away, and when I've been in school, I wasn't a top student."

"Alejandro, I don't think anyone is telling the Eton administration that is who they should expect when they meet you. They are expecting to see the boy your tutors, your abuela, and the Queen met. That's all. If they see you are eager to learn, to grow, and to live up to the Diaz family name, then you've done your job. If those stuffy-ass bastards don't admit you, then Eton isn't the right place for you. Besides, it's not like every Eton student is a model student. Far from it. So don't worry yourself."

Alejandro nodded in understanding then turned his attention to the passing scenery. It was a bit more than that, but he didn't want to get into it with Jacob right now. The Diaz family didn't have a long tradition with sending their young to any particular academic institution. The different branches of the family seemed to choose schools on their own individual criteria, and some didn't even send their own children to the same place. Eton College was the alma mater of one Diaz as far as Alejandro knew. It was his father's school.

The other thing that intimidated Alejandro was simply the setting. Eton College's campus was in Windsor, across the river from Windsor Castle. The majestic buildings, the school of royalty and prime ministers, the history...Alejandro couldn't comprehend how he could possibly fit in.

They arrived in Eton. Its narrow streets lined by brick buildings, some over 500 years old. It made Alejandro's heart race and his anxiety soar. That's when it occurred to him. He wanted to earn admission because of his father. It was one of the few connections he had to his father and deep in his heart, he wanted to attend Eton College to experience what his father experienced. It was why the voices in his head were so determined to point out why it was unlikely to happen.

He felt a hand on his knee. Alejandro reached his hand out and clutched Jacob's fingers as they drove through the school's gates.


*ding dong*

Jaden rolled his eyes and headed to the front door. Yelling, he scolded, "Alex, I told you you can just walk in when you come over...WHOA!" He held the door open to allow Alex in. "What the hell?"

"I had mom stop at the store on the way so I could buy ingredients," Alex explained as he carried several bags of groceries in each hand.

"Dude," he said, grabbing some of the bags to help, "I thought that was what all those bags you brought over yesterday were for."

"It was, but I changed my mind." They placed the bags on the island before Alex began sorting out the ingredients.

"Changed your mind about what? We have all the ingredients for the oatmeal raisin cookies and those delicious peanut butter cookies with Reese's Pieces and Mini M&Ms." Jaden loved Alex's peanut butter cookie recipe and his disappointment that Alex wasn't going to make them was very apparent.

"I know. I know." Alex was flustered. He wanted this to go perfectly and was putting unnecessary pressure on himself. "I talked to Grant last night and he said that Aiden's favorite is Chocolate Chip. So, I'm going to make a bunch of Chocolate Chip and then I think I'm going to take my super special secret recipe cookies."

"Yum!" Those were Jaden's second most favorite of Alex's cookies, so his disappointment was quickly forgotten. "But you totally need a better name than that. How 'bout 'Alex's Super Special Secret Recipe Cookies'?" They laughed at Jaden's joke.

"Okay...okay...seriously though," said Jaden. "How about 'Alex's Sweet & Salty Surprise'! Huh? Not bad, eh!"

"I do kinda like it," said Alex. "I'll put that on my list of possible names. But I need to see how the Yard Goats like these before I bother coming up with a name."

"They are totally gonna love'em!" Jaden was partial and wanted to ensure Alex didn't scrap the recipe. He walked around the island and put his arm around Alex's shoulders. "Alex, stop worrying about Aiden. Remember, I know Aiden too. Not as well as you and Grant, well..." he giggled, "maybe I do know Aiden better in some ways..." Alex laughed and playfully punched Jaden in the arm. "But if he is the great guy that I met and that you and Grant and the other guys say he is, then just making amends should be enough."

Alex sighed and his shoulders slumped. "I know."

"What does Dr. Meijer always tell you?"

Alex looked at Jaden. "That I'm enough."

"You're more than enough. But that doesn't get you off of making cookies today. You promised me I could help and fill up my cookie jar so let's get moving!" Jaden tossed Alex his father's apron and donned his mother's. "We don't want to be a mess when we head over to San Marcos." Alex agreed and tied the apron in place.

Jaden surveyed the ingredients. "You know, you bought a lot of these ingredients yesterday...flour, butter..."

Alex laughed. "Cool it or no cookies for you!" Jaden playfully zipped his lips shut and threw away the key.

"Let's make the chocolate chip cookies last so they are still gooey when we get to the ball field." Alex looked around. "All the ingredients we need at this end and the others let's stack at the end of the counter for later."

As Alex called out the ingredients, Jaden helped him locate and sort. "Flour...butter...sugar...brown sugar...Demerara sugar...caramel...chocolate chunks...pretzels...pretzel salt..."


"Yo, Kingston!" greeted Matthew, giving his friend a bro hug. "I haven't seen you since the draft! How's the life of a pro baseball player?" Matthew also greeted their friend and Force teammate Dylan Delvecchio.

"Yeah, fuck you too," joked Kingston Liniak. He knew Matthew had heard about how little minor league players can make. "I was planning to come see you guys when you were in Mesa, but I got called up to the Single A team."

"Awesome, dude," said Matthew. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks," said Kingston, "it was worth 500 bucks a week!"

"A $500 a week pay raise isn't bad," reasoned Matthew.

"No," laughed Kingston, "with my pay raise getting called up to Single A, I now make $500 a week."

"Damn," said Dylan, "I may rethink the idea of ever going pro."

"Ya gotta play for the love of the game," said Matthew.

"Well, you sure as hell can't do it for the love of the money," bemoaned Kingston. The three boys laughed.

"Who's the Single A affiliate for the Rockies?" asked Matthew.

"Fresno," replied Kingston. "I'm up in Fresno playing for the Grizzlies."

"Isn't April coming?" asked Dylan.

"Dude," admonished Kingston giving Dylan a playful shove. "You need to get over it. She only has eyes for the singer boy."

Matthew rolled his eyes. "I told her we'd pick her up on the way."

They piled into Lars' SUV and picked up April on their way to Universal Studios. All the way to Los Angeles the boys talked baseball and April listened, amused by the "jock-side" of Matthew. It wasn't something he showed around her, but it was obvious when he was with his baseball buddies.


Alex picked up his phone and tapped a few times. Facetime rang a couple of times before the call was answered. "Hey Josh!"

"Hey Alex. How are the cookies coming?"

"The last of the first batch are cooking and the chocolate chip are in the fridge waiting to be baked," answered Alex. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Josh didn't sound convincing.

"Is it because I'm going to see Grant today?"

Josh's silence was enough of an answer. This seemed to be where they left off the previous night's conversation. "I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I need to find resolution with Grant and mend that friendship. It's really important to me."

"More important than me?" sniped Josh.

That hurt. Alex got quiet before saying softly, "That's not fair."

"I thought I was your boyfriend, not Grant. You told me that you and Grant were never boyfriends but now you want go hang out with him instead of me."

Josh was yelling in his phone so loudly Jaden could hear both sides of the conversation from the next room. He wanted to jump in and tell Josh off, but knew it wasn't his business unless Alex asked. It didn't preclude him from supporting Alex after the call. He just listened in so he would be informed later.

"Look Josh, I'm only going to say this one more time and then you can do what you like. You are my boyfriend. No matter what happens between me and Grant, Grant lives over a thousand miles away and there is no way we would be boyfriends."

"I see guys dating online all the time and they live all over the place," retorted Josh.

"Yeah, but those guys also never meet in person. We actually go out on dates and do things together."

Josh lashed out in all directions. "But if Grant lived closer you guys would be boyfriends. I don't think Grant's boyfriend would like that one bit."

Jaden had had enough. He joined Alex on the screen and butted in. "Josh, I think there is something you need to understand. Grant is my cousin, so I know a lot about what's going on. Grant and his boyfriend Lance are pretty committed to each other. I met Lance when I visited Grant, and they are a great couple. Lance has been there for Grant when he's hit some really tough patches. It's really made their relationship solid. Lance is in the same situation as you, but he's not worried about his relationship with Grant. As a matter of fact, he's hoping Grant and Alex can put to rest some of the unfinished things between them so Grant can be happier. I think it will be the same for you and Alex. Alex's unresolved feelings keep him from being available to you completely. And you know Dr. Meijer and Alex's sponsor support him making amends."

Jaden and Alex watched Josh process all that information. Deep down he knew they were right. He even knew it the night before when he and Alex argued about it. But he finally had a boyfriend, a really terrific boyfriend, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing him. He was finally happy with his life and a big part of that was Alex.

"You're right," he mumbled. "I'm sorry for being stupid about this."

The timer for the cookies went off.

"I'll get the cookies," said Jaden. He got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Turn the oven up to 375 and I'll be in to spoon out the next batch," called out Alex after Jaden. Turning his attention back to Josh, he said, "You're not being stupid. I think I would feel the same way if I thought you found someone else. I know I can't make you feel differently, but I do think I've done enough to earn your trust when I say that you are my boyfriend today and will be my boyfriend tomorrow, not Grant."

Josh gave a half smile. "I know that. I just keep talking without thinking. Save some cookies for me?"

"Which ones do you want? Chocolate chip or what Jaden calls 'Alex's Sweet & Salty Surprise'?"

Josh's eyes lit up. "OMG! Are those the cookies with the caramel and pretzels?"


"Save me some of those!"

"Done." Now Alex wondered if he was going to have enough to take to the Yard Goats. 'Maybe a dozen will be enough,' he thought, 'as long as I take ALL the chocolate chip cookies.'


The Voice audition process was fast. They had people scheduled by the hour and would run through all those auditions before letting the next group enter the hall. The show scheduled two days of auditions in July, August, and September then the next season would begin at the end of September. Matthew's friends managed to get him signed up for the first day.

Matthew did some vocal warmups that Zach taught him while they waited. Dylan and Kingston goofed off, but they too felt the tension rise as the minutes passed. One by one they saw singers come out of the audition room with their hopes crushed. Some were encouraged to try out again next month. Others were flatly told, "No."

"Matthew Meijer!" called out the coordinator.

"Good luck!" wished April.

The guys shouted their confidence in Matthew as he walked to the audition room. Stepping in, four of the show's producers or runners were there to select who would get a live blind audition in the upcoming season.

They looked like they'd sat through too many auditions already that day. It seemed to Matthew their bad mood wasn't going to benefit him in any way.

"We're not here to listen to an entire song. Pick the best thing you have for us today and let's hear it," said one of the men behind the table evaluating talent.

Matthew gave it a thought and decided to sing the second verse of the song he'd prepared, "Sorry" by Nothing but Thieves.

And on the T-shirt that I wear
Pick the thorns out of my hair
I broke your heart so carelessly
But made the pieces part of me

And how it hurts what we've become
'Cause you taught me how to love
It's me who taught you how to stop
And you just say, I drink too much.

Maybe I'm defective
Or maybe I'm dumb
I'm sorry, so sorry
For what I've done
Maybe I'm bad natured
Or maybe I'm young
I'm sorry, so sorry
For what I've done.

"Alright," the man said. "That's enough."

"I think he's a go," said the older woman.

"I do too," said the younger lady.

"What about you" asked the man that was the fourth judge. The man gave a nod.

They handed Matthew a packet and said they'd be in touch. "Make sure you have a lawyer review everything in your packet, so you understand everything."

Matthew exited the room before the four members of the panel broke out into smiles.

"Damn, his looks and voice? He's going to be a favorite this season," spoke the man at the end of the table.

The younger judge added, "Can you imagine how jealous Blake will get if he ends up on Gwen's team?" Laughter broke out before they sent the coordinator to get the next audition.

Matthew kept a straight face on his way back to his friends, but the packet gave it away. Everyone in the room knew he earned a blind audition, and they were jealous."

April stood and welcomed Matthew with a hug. "Congratulations," she said giving Matthew a long, passionate kiss. The jealousy of the others in the room grew.


Elena arrived in Eton to celebrate her grandson's day. When Alejandro and Jacob arrived at The Watermans Arms for dinner, Alejandro was surprised. He gave his grandmother a big hug. "I did it," he said. "I made it through all the interviews and I'm happy with how I did."

"Well done, Alejandro," she said, holding him tightly. She'd heard that from Jacob who'd been feeding her updates all day. Elena chose not to escort Alejandro to his interview, because she wanted her grandson to rely on himself. She wanted Alejandro to start trusting his intuition and judgement as she'd found it to be more advanced than the other boys in the family at thirteen. It seemed things had gone well, but it would be up to the admissions committee to decide.

The Watermans Arms was not a place Elena would typically dine, but it was a student favorite in an area better known for touristy restaurants than fine dining. Unlike her friends and family, she knew how to "let her hair down," so to speak, and enjoy pub food. They ordered a Seafood Basket and a Butcher's Basket as appetizers.

Elena enjoyed listening to Alejandro telling her about the interviews, the school tours, the "beaks" he met (Eton student's term for the teachers), and the houses he might stay in. The students and school had obviously made an impression on Alejandro. It also seemed he had made an impression on some of faculty and administration. A couple Eton employees stopped in to get some carryout and greeted Alejandro from across the restaurant.

After the Diaz party ordered their meals, they were approached by an older gentleman. "Excuse me, Master Diaz, Ms. Diaz. May I join you for a moment?"

"With whom do we have the pleasure of meeting?" asked Elena.

"Barstow, Madame, Jeremy Barstow. I'm on the Admissions Committee here at Eton."

Elena motioned for him to have the remaining seat. "What brings you to The Watermans Arms, Mr. Barstow?"

"Master Alejandro, of course," replied Barstow. "I've heard wonderful things about your interviews today. You impressed a lot of people, especially our Spanish Department. They still can't believe you haven't been studying Spanish longer than you have. Don't be surprised if they come after your tutor to offer her a faculty position."

Barstow was boisterous, gregarious, and personable. Though he had invaded their dinner, he quickly won over Jacob, Alejandro, and Elena.

"Thank you," said Alejandro grinning ear-to-ear. The boy appreciated the complements, but the adults were still waiting to hear why a committee member would go out of his way to find and engage with an applicant's family.

"Let me get to the point," continued Barstow, "your acceptance at tomorrow's meeting is not going to be easy. As a matter of fact, I expect it to be quite a fight. You see, Alejandro, where many will celebrate your overcoming your...ummm...experiences back in the States, many of the elite families are calling for those to disqualify you from admission. There are some faculty and administrators who feel the same."

Alejandro melted into his seat and a look of defeat fell upon his face. He crossed his arms and sat with the disappointment.

"It's hasn't happened yet, Master Alejandro. There are many who fully support your admission. It seems your application and arrival on campus has been very polarizing. It seems many people are either fully supportive or fully against your admission."

"Why have you sought us out to tell us this?" asked Elena.

"I wanted to tell you because I don't think a decision will be made tomorrow and I thought you should know why."

"We appreciate your insights," said Elena.

"Your order of scampi, madame," said the server, placing Elena's meal on the table. Alejandro's Angus burger and Jacob's beef pie also arrived.

Barstow rose from his chair. "Ah, well, I shall not keep you any longer. Be well Master Alejandro. I shall do what I can in committee. Madame. Sir." He bowed slightly then walked away.

The food wasn't bad, but the quality wasn't noticed as the three occupants at the table mulled over Barstow's news as they ate.


Frances heard a knock at the door and hurried to answer it. "Oh, hello dear," she said greeting the little blond that was "dating" her son, "Jack's not here."

"He's not?" Derek was surprised since Jack seemed to stay around the house when they weren't together. He had a suspicion that Jack was with the twins.

"No," answered Mrs. Vance, "he left on his bike a while ago."

That was unexpected. The Kendall residence was too far away for either of them to have permission to ride their bikes. "Do you know where he was going?"

"He just said he was going for a bike ride. I thought he was going to your house."

Derek shook his head 'no.' The disappointment sounded in his voice. "I had swim practice this morning. I came over as soon as I got home."

"I hope you find him, dear. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

"Thank you..." Derek didn't finish. Frances had already closed the door. It made his heart drop. He knew Jack's mother loved him like a son. Her far-off look and distraction were the same as the treatment Jack received these days. He wished Jack would get his parents back. It's like Jack's new 'rents were zombies or possessed or something else from a bad black and white horror film.

He slowly clomped down the porch steps and climbed back on his bike. The first place he'd look for Jack would be their favorite shade tree at the park.


Southern California, especially inland from the Pacific, can be humid in the summer. East Harbor sat on the junction of the coastal plain and the hilly rim of the desert basin to the east. That afforded the residents the humidity coming from the body of water to the west, and a progressively hilly terrain the farther east you travel in town to the tall, rocky hills where the Kendalls new home sat. A small boy riding around East Harbor would get very hot and thirsty.

Jack had come prepared. The pocket of his cargo shorts held a of slip of paper with the addresses and directions for the homes he was trying to find as well as money from the stash he kept in a box in the back of his closet. He didn't often need to dig into that stash, most of which was gifted to him from his Uncle John. His parents were happy to give him a few dollars here and there so he could buy snacks or ice cream when he and Derek went out to play. But today he thought his parents would find it suspicious if he were to ask for some money and they might ask questions. Instead, he grabbed enough that he could get snacks, drinks and even buy lunch if he needed to, and it was getting to be time for that.

At the birthdays party, Jack enjoyed sleeping with Lewis. He especially enjoyed waking early in the morning to feel Lewis' morning wood pressing into his butt. He didn't wake Lewis and the two didn't do anything, but he was able to confirm that Lewis was substantially larger than Curtis. The possibilities had been floating through Jack's imagination since.

That had been Jack's first destination. His parents had taken away his phone after the incident with Uncle John. It wasn't a punishment. Jack's phone number had gotten leaked to social media somehow and Jack had been receiving inappropriate texts and photos. But they failed to realize that even with his phone off and in a drawer in their bedroom, the boy's contacts and Messages were linked to his MacBook.

It's amazing what a young boy can achieve when he is determined. Between online searches, Messages to friends, and Google Maps, Jack was able to find the addresses he wanted, figure out how to get there. He even tracked the routes on Google Maps Street View so he could "see" how to get there and what the houses looked like. When he left this morning, he used all this work to find the Rear Admiral's house.

It was a long ride north towards Vista to find Lewis. He wasn't sure if he could succeed in getting Lewis naked, but the reward would be worth making an attempt. Alas, Jack was very disappointed that no one was home. It occurred to Jack that Lewis might be at Curtis' house. His little boner made pedaling his bicycle very uncomfortable, but his imagination kept his little soldier stiff all the way to Curtis'. He was certain he would be able to get a repeat performance from Curtis if they could find some privacy. He was equally disappointed that Curtis wasn't home either. The boys were at lacrosse practice. Jack made a mental note to find some lacrosse gear so he could play too.

Before deciding his next move, Jack rode down to a small convenience store he'd passed a block or two back. Locking his bike, he went inside to find something to drink and a small snack. He'd need the energy to continue his ride.

The air conditioning felt good and the cool air from the freezers felt even better. He heard another customer enter and the cashier asked him to close the freezer door and leave if he wasn't buying something. Jack headed for the snack aisle. He grabbed a bag of Bugles then went to the drinks.

He wanted a can of Sprite and finally located it on the top shelf. Stepping on the door frame he reached for the can but couldn't quite reach the shelf. With a huff, Jack stepped down and shut the door to look for something else to drink.

"Problems little man?"

The man surprised Jack. He jumped, stepping on the man's foot and fell into him. Jack pulled away quickly when his hand landed on the man's privates.

"Sorry!" apologized Jack, embarrassed by the accident.

"No apologize necessary, little man," smiled the tall, dark man with a European accent different from Dr. Meijer's. "May I help you with something?"

The handsome man's sweaty tank top and runner's shorts told the story of the man's recent exercise. His run had plastered his longish black hair to his head, framing his chiseled features and dark brown eyes. Jack couldn't find his words.

"Well, I'm getting a Gatorade and a water. Which soda were you reaching for?"


The man grabbed all three drinks then took the bag of Bugles from Jack. Jack followed as the man paid for them. The cashier put everything in a bag and handed it to the man. The man headed outside and Jack followed. "Why don't you grab your bike and join me? I'm heading to the park to cool off and stretch before heading home. I can carry these, and you can push or ride your bike."

Jack already planned to find some shade to rest and refresh, so he unlocked his bike. Pushing his bike, the sidewalk wasn't quite wide enough to walk beside the man, so he followed behind. He hadn't been to this park before, but it had a shelter with picnic tables and shade. The man jogged ahead and placed the Sprite and Bugles on one table, then adjusted himself and sat on top of the table across from Jack's snacks.

Resting his bike against the table's bench, Jack followed the man's lead and sat on the table next to the snacks. "Thank you," he said as he opened his Bugles. "You didn't need to buy them for me. I have my own money."

"I know," smiled the man, "but I'm new to East Harbor and thought it would be a great way to make a friend."

Jack smiled and the handsome man. "I'm Jack."

The man smiled again. "Nice to meet you, Jack. You can call me Johann." He reached over and shook hands with Jack.

They conversed for a while as they rested. Johann asked questions about East Harbor and school before changing the subject to Jack's friends. He watched carefully as the boy checked out his body before returning his eyes to meet his own. Testing the waters further, he spread his legs to offer the show he'd prepared for his little friend. Turning to his left, Johann straightened his left leg on the table and leaned forward to stretch his hamstring. Moving his left leg, he planted his right foot on the bench and pointed his right knee as far to the right as possible "to stretch his groin muscle" too. But having freed himself from his jock before sitting down, everything was fully visible from Jack's position.

Jack emptied the last crumbs from his Bugle bag directly into his mouth and chugged the last of his Sprite. Emptied, he lowered the can and his chin and was greeted by the not unwelcome sight of Johann's manly goodies. Jack tried to pretend he wasn't looking, uncertain if Johann was showing them off on purpose, or if it was an accident.

Watching from the corner of his eye, Johann watched Jack ogle his junk. Convinced the boy would be up for more than just looking. Johann returned to his previous position facing Jack, this time with his knees further apart to entice Jack with a bit of a view of his cock hanging out the side of his shorts. "You should join me on one my runs sometime."

"I can't run as far as you," answered Jack, hardly removing his eyes from the man's cock. Was it thickening? Jack kept watching to see if it were true, or if his eyes were deceiving him.

"You could ride your bike with me. Maybe show me around East Harbor a bit?" Johann looked to see if the park was still empty before spreading his legs and shaking his snake loose. It wasn't rising to attention yet, but it had started to fill out and now hung straight down low enough that it could be seen below the tabletop from behind. Jack's eyes grew to take in the sight better.

"What time is it?" asked Jack.

Johann tried to read Jack's mind to understand the intentions behind the question. Looking at his Apple Watch. "It's almost noon."

"Really?" asked Jack. He couldn't believe it was that late. Without his phone to check the time, he really didn't have any expectations for how long his ride would take or what time it was now. "I need to go."

"Do you have a phone?" asked Johann.

"Yes," answered Jack, "but my parents have it for now."

Johann was disappointed. He didn't want to leave seeing Jack again to chance. "That's too bad. I thought you could call me so we could meet up again."

"You have an iPhone?" asked Jack.


"You can message me. I can get those on my laptop."

"Great idea." Johann was convinced he'd be in those snug fitting cargo shorts the next time he saw Jack. He activated his watch and dictated Jack's phone number into his contacts before sending the boy a simple text so Jack would have his number.

Johann stood and slipped his man parts back into his jock. Jack couldn't help but stare. When Johann tugged the hem of his shorts back into place Jack's eyes darted to Johann's face and their eyes met immediately. The boy's face flushed. Johann stood and helped Jack to his feet. Giving the boy a hug, he made sure to press the full basket of his jock against Jack's young body.

Stepping back from the hug, Johann patted Jack on the ass. "Hope you have more time next time we meet. Text me and let me know when you're available." The squeeze Johann gave Jack's bottom was the same as the squeeze he used to receive from his uncle. Now Jack was pretty sure he knew what he was in store for the next time he met up with Johann. Johann suspected that he'd left Jack with a boner, but the canvas material was too thick, and the zipper too pronounced for Johann to make out with any certainty that Jack was sporting a boner.

Before they parted ways, Johann wanted to plant one more image in the boy's head. "I'm heading home to take a nice, long, hot shower." The way he said it was very suggestive. "Where are you heading?"

"I'm meeting my friends at the theater. Their brother tried out for The Voice today and we're meeting there to celebrate his getting on the show."

"You sound confident in your friend's brother. Wait, are you going to the Majestic Theater? You are friends with At the Majestic?"

That was something Jack was proud of, and he let Johann know it. "Yes, I even get invited to their sleepover parties."

"That's great," said Johann. Johann knew Jack didn't suspect how pleased he was with this news. "Have fun, Jack."

The two new friends parted ways and Jack headed towards home with a lot on his mind.


The SUV rolled to a stop and Matthew turned off the engine. It was a whirlwind of a trip to LA. Even with stopping for lunch, they were only in the City of Angels for two hours. The trips up and back were each longer. Despite their achy legs from sitting in the car so long, the trip back seemed much quicker than the trip there.

"See you at practice tomorrow?" asked Matthew.

Kingston replied, "Yeah, but we were thinking of hanging out with you two this afternoon if that's cool."

"Cool!" said Matthew. He'd hung out before and after practice with some of the guys from the team, but this was the first time he'd hung out with teammates when it didn't revolve around baseball. "I don't know how exciting it will be. I'm supposed to meet my brothers down at the theater to go over some stuff for tomorrow's show."

Dylan laughed as they started walking towards the Mallway. "We're going to get to see At the Majestic behind the scenes and you're worried we'll be bored?" Matthew could tell there was a bit of teasing but also a bit of truth to what Dylan said.

Matthew laughed it off. "Yeah...Whatever..."

"You laugh, but before practice yesterday someone put 'Lost and Found' on repeat and had the entire team singing along."

Matthew looked at Dylan trying to judge if he was teasing or not. When he couldn't find any reason to think Dylan was lying, he just asked, "Really?"

"Matthew," said Dylan, "you don't chart a single if only kids like your music."

Matthew didn't know what to say. April grabbed his arm with both hands and gave him a huge smile. He knew she agreed with Dylan and Kingston voiced his agreement too. Perhaps the door in Matthew's mind was finally opening to allow him to believe them. Maybe he was beginning to accept that At the Majestic was more than a novelty act; more than a bunch of talented kids that put on an show that no one would care about if they were all over 18.

Entering the theater, there was a buzz from Alvin's architecture office and the offices of Majestic Enterprises. Kingston expressed what he and Dylan were both thinking. "What's all this?"

They stopped in the lobby and Matthew explained Majestic Enterprise and all the activity going on around the Mallway besides the SoCal BaseBrawl Festival and concert. Entering the auditorium, Matthew was surprised to only find Michael on stage playing his acoustic guitar. The teens approached the stage.

"April!" chirped Michael. He loved everything about his brother's girlfriend. It didn't hurt that she absolutely adored Michael. He put his guitar down before jumping off the stage to greet her with a big hug. "Hi Kingston." The pitcher only got a fist bump from Michael as did Dylan, though Michael had never met the older boy.

"Hey, little dude," said Dylan.

"Dylan, this is my little brother, Michael."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just surprised," replied Dylan.

"That I have a brother?" joked Matthew.

"No, that Michael is so young. I've heard 'Lost and Found' so many times and I knew he wrote the song, but I thought he... you were older."

"I'm 12!" Michael stated defensively. Then he got down to business. "So, did you make the blind auditions?"

Matthew held up the envelop with all the legal and logistical documents and said, "Yep!" Immediately, Matthew practically jumped out of his skin.

His lacrosse teammates, Coach Davidson and the other Force players, friends, and the rest of the band and family had been hiding in the balcony waiting to hear the good news. Some stayed and cheered while others raced from the balcony to the auditorium floor.

Congratulations led to requests for Matthew to sing. The boys took the stage and played "Live Like Animals". It may have been the most joy he ever felt performing because it was strictly for his friends and teammates. When the song ended, Lukas took it upon himself to start "Ban All the Music" and Matthew didn't mind at all. Everyone there to celebrate Matthew danced or jumped around banging into each other.

Michael saw his friend and architect, Alvin, come in and wave. He nodded to let Alvin know he saw him. After a couple more songs, the boys put their instruments down and Michael went to Matthew. "Get April and meet me in the lobby. We won't be long."

Matthew looked at his little bro with a smile. He was so happy and in the moment the request didn't seem out of the ordinary. He stepped off stage and accepted the praise and best wishes from everyone. He found April and excused himself asking Simon and Lukas to play a few more songs.

In the lobby, Michael hurried over to Alvin's office. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Alvin tossed Michael two sets of keys. "I should be thanking you. You're allowing me to live my dream."

"And you make mine happen." Michael ran over and gave Alvin a quick hug before heading to the lobby to greet his brother. He didn't have to wait long.

"Com'on!" Michael headed out into the Mallway, and April and Matthew followed. They knew, as much as everyone else, that following Michael usually led to something amazing. In this case, the last vacant space in the Mallway had been converted to an art gallery and studio. Until Matthew and April were ready to show their pieces, a curator would bring in artists and sell their works. But behind the gallery was now a fully stocked art studio for sculpting and painting as well as Michael's surprise. Where Carol and Lars were told would be a changing area to get in and out of dirty clothes and clean up, Michael had Alvin make it into more of an efficiency apartment so his big bro could have the privacy he sometimes needed.

The trio headed back to the Majestic and found Jack wandering around outside. "Hey Jack!" greeted Michael. "Where's Derek?"

"Umm...I don't know." He felt a twinge of guilt for not meeting up with Derek as planned.

"You could have just gone inside," Michael told the younger boy as he opened the door and held it for Jack, Matthew, and April. "You're welcome here any time."

"Thanks," said Jack shyly. This was his first foray into the group of older boys without Derek and he was feeling out of place.

Before they entered the auditorium, Matthew heard his name called and turned to see what Carol needed.

"Would you grab your brothers and come see me? It's rather urgent."

"Sure, mom."

Michael heard the request and hung back waiting for Matthew to grab Simon and Lukas who were playing some Royal Blood covers for their friends.

When the four arrived in Carol's office, she looked up from her laptop to see some apprehensive faces. "It's nothing bad," she consoled. "It's just the BaseBrawl is in a bind, and I volunteered you boys to help out."

"Sure," said Matthew. He wouldn't mind helping with the baseball tournament. He loved everything about the sport. The other boys nodded their willingness to support the BaseBrawl however they could. They knew the baseball tournament was in partnership with Majestic Enterprises.

Carol wasn't so sure their eagerness to help would survive the request. "They need someone to sing the national anthem Thursday morning." As expected, her request was met with groans and sour faces.

"Not me," stated Simon. "I mean, I'm not opposed to helping, but I can't sing the national anthem. I don't have that range."

Lukas nodded his support of Simon's statement. "I think Michael would struggle with it too. That leaves you and me, Matthew."

"If it is of any consequence, Mr. Perez thought it would be nice if Matthew performed the song. He thought your being part of the San Diego Force baseball program would be a great connection since they have a team in the tournament. They also thought it would be interesting since one of the players in the tournament would also be singing this week."

"They asked Mason to sing?" asked Michael.

"Yes, they did," confirmed Carol. She smiled seeing Michael's excitement.

"Well," said Lukas, "if Matthew's singing the national anthem on Thursday, we need to figure this out and cut a backing track."

"And we've got the show tomorrow to prepare for," reminded Simon. "What time are Kevin and Asa going to be here?"

"In about an hour," said Matthew, resigned to his fate. "Let's go get started."


The boys didn't tell anyone they had to leave. Matthew showed his friends around and explained the request while the rest of the band headed to StudioTwo, the band's private studio, and started browsing social media for inspiration. Eventually, Lukas picked up a guitar to experiment.

Jack wandered around and watched what the older boys were doing. He knew some of them, but most he'd never seen before. The thing that distinguished the local boys from Matthew's Force teammates was which boys were sweaty and dirty from lacrosse practice, and which were not.

The younger boy approached Lewis and the boys Lewis was talking to. When all Jack got was a simple greeting, he headed over to see what Curtis was up too. It took a bit for him to find Curtis but spotted the blond heading to the backstage restrooms. Jack hurried to join Curtis.

With his mind focused, Jack hadn't heard his name called or the footsteps running his way. It was a total surprise when Derek grabbed him from behind and swung him around causing his feet to fly into the air.

"I finally found you!" exclaimed Derek. "What have you been up to?"

Jack smiled and gave Derek a hug. "I went for a bike ride and then came here looking for you."

"Well, I would have been here except when you weren't home, I went out looking for you. So did he get on the show?" asked Derek.

"I don't know, I just got here a bit ago."

"Wow. That was a long ride. Did you eat lunch already?"

"No, that's why I came looking for you." Jack saw Curtis returning from the bathroom and returning to his friends. "I'm hungry," he admitted watching the teen visiting with his friends.

"Wanna get burgers at the Café or pizza at Big Daddy's?" asked Derek.



Christian scooped another bite of lasagna. "Mmmmm..." he groaned with his mouth full. As etiquette would have it, he waited until he swallowed to speak. "Mom, this is the best lasagna you've ever made."

Michael, sitting next to Christian, simply nodded his head in agreement and shoveled another fork full into his mouth. Rinsing his mouth with some Coke, he added, "This is really delicious. Thank you for having me over tonight."

Anna and Kristoffer laughed at Michael's politeness. Since the boys became "a couple," their three households had become one as far as the boys were concerned. The two moved fluidly between the Novak, Meijer, and Olsen residences. Since those early days, Anna and Kristoffer had become great friends with Carol and Lars and even Zach. In the beginning, they were nervous about giving the boys so much freedom. For Christian and Michael, it turned out to be the right thing to do. The boys took on the added responsibilities of being part of three households and worked together to complete chores and even take care of their own laundry since by this point, each boy had clothes and a set of toiletries at the other's home. Lately, with Michael's latest growth spurt, he and Christian were nearly the same height and they'd begun sharing clothing.

The only rule that their parents added to the mix was around dinner. It was mostly for Anna and Kristoffer's sake. There was a big difference cooking for two or four, so they needed to know which days the boys would be at the Olsen's for dinner so Anna could be prepared. Lars and Carol, on the other hand, cooked for an army anyway, so the presence, or lack thereof, of the two boys only meant Lars or Carol would have something to pack for lunch the next day or not.

By their second helping, the boys slowed down their speed eating and were able to participate in some conversation.

"There's a show tomorrow at the theater?" asked Kris.

"Yes," answered Christian with his mouth full. He quickly chewed and swallowed before finishing his answer. "That baseball tournament I was telling you about is this week. Tomorrow there is a festival and baseball clinic over at the high school. The guys are going to put on a concert for the baseball teams in the evening."

"That sounds exciting," added Anna. "How many boys are coming to the tournament? It doesn't sound like there will be many people for the concert."

Christian explained, "Well, since we got back from Europe, we decided that this would kinda be a 'welcome home' show too. The balcony is reserved for East Harbor students and we're selling tickets to fill the rest of the floor behind where the baseball players will be."

Then Michael added, "We're also live streaming the show. Kevin and Asa and their team are down at the theater setting up."

"Sounds like a big production," commented Anna.

"It is," confirmed her son, "this is as big a show as any show they've played. With the lights and stuff, it will be as cool as the shows at The Forum."

"That's amazing," said Kristoffer. "So, what do you two have planned for this evening."

"Not much." Christian furrowed his brow and looked at Michael. "I think we were just going to watch a movie or play video games." Lars and Carol thought it best for the band to take the evening off for some rest and relaxation.

Michael took another bite of lasagna and nodded in agreement. Christian talking gave him more time to enjoy his dinner.

Kristoffer offered, "We were planning to watch a movie tonight too, in case the two of you want to join us."

The gesture surprised the boys. As much as Anna and Kristoffer had not interfered with their relationship, the Olsen parents hadn't really considered the boys truly boyfriends, despite all the conversations they'd had with Lars. It was common knowledge within the family that Anna and Kristoffer used their time watching a movie to cuddle and connect with one another, very much the same way Michael and Christian liked to watch movies together. The boys weren't sure what this invitation meant, but it seemed like an opportunity to test the waters of being a couple in front of Christian's 'rents.

"Okay," said Christian, accepting the invitation.


Alex: I'm home
Alex: I know you are out with your mom and won't see this
Alex: My mom wants a no phone night so I won't see if you respond
Alex: Just wanted to let you know that I think I'm lucky to have you for a boyfriend
Alex: Thank you for letting me see Grant today
Alex: I feel so much better
Alex: I'm excited for you to meet Grant and everyone tomorrow
Alex: It's going to be so much fun
Alex: But it is also going to be special for me because I'll be with you
Alex: Goodnight Josh


"I wish we lived closer to each other like Michael and Christian," whined Sam into his phone.

"I'm not sure that if we lived as close and Simon and Lukas your mom would let us sleep over as often as we want," griped Gregory. "Thank gawd for Facetime."

"Yeah," agreed Sam. "But I miss you so much when I have to go to bed by myself."

"I miss you too. You remember what Dr. Meijer said, don't you?"

"I do," sighed Sam. Dr. Meijer had told them that they should be happy with the time they get considering how opposed to their relationship Sam's mother was when Sam first came out. It was true, especially after her catching Sam giving Gregory a blowjob. Despite the shock, they hadn't incurred any additional restrictions. "But it's summer. We should at least be able to sleep over more since we don't have school."

"Well, I'm not sure my parents would allow us to sleepover like Christian and Michael. I can't believe how lucky they are."

Sam added, "And I'm so horny tonight. We haven't gotten to do it in like two days!"

"I know," agreed Gregory.

"I can only see your face," noted Sam. "What are you wearing?"

Gregory checked the time on his alarm and recalled that he told his parents he was going to bed. They never bothered him after that. "Well, let's see." He found a way to prop his phone up on his pillows then stood on the floor next to his bed so Sam could see him from the thighs up. "I'm wearing my white Waterdogs Lacrosse t-shirt." He took it off and tossed it in the vicinity of his clothes hamper. "My black gym shorts." He slipped them off and flicked them with his toe towards the hamper. "White ankle socks." He slipped them off one-by-one and threw them too. "And my black and blue striped boxer briefs." The severely tented underwear was removed and kicked aside. Climbing back on his bed, the phone was repositioned before Gregory sat back on his heels giving Sam a full view from his spread knees to the top of his head.

Sam didn't need an invitation to take his turn. Placing the phone in the phone stand on his desk, Sam adjusted it so Gregory could see him. "I'm wearing my white lacrosse jersey." He slipped it over his head and dropped it to the floor. "My gray school shorts." He dropped them to his feet and stepped out of them. "And my white CK boxer briefs." He turned around so he could slowly reveal his ass to Gregory before adding them to the pile on the floor. Turning back to his phone he could see Gregory was already fisting his hard cock.

"Fuck Sam," he hissed, "you keep getting sexier."

Sam turned and sat on his desk chair. "Your dick keeps growing bigger," he said wishing he could lick up the string of precum running from the tip of Gregory's boner to the bedspread.

"Let me see that ass again."

Moving the phone stand closer to the edge of the desk, he balanced himself on his knees, leaning over the back of the chair. Using a foot against the desk to swivel the chair to align his ass with the phone's camera. Wetting two fingers, he pushed his ass towards the phone and slipped his fingers home. A dozen or so fast pumps of his wrist, he took both hands and pried his cheeks apart. He pushed out dilating his hole.

"Oh fuck," cried out Gregory.

Sam looked over his shoulder and watched Gregory fire his young teen cum towards the camera. He giggled thinking some of those shots had to have splattered on Gregory's phone. Then he saw Gregory's head jerk to the right.

"What is it?" asked Sam.

Gregory leaned in towards the phone and whispered. "I think someone was watching. I saw my door close and you know how careful I am about making sure my door is closed."


Anna was snuggled up to Kristoffer. The lights were down, and the boys were lying together on the other sofa. She hadn't cared what the males in the household chose to watch, she was more interested in watching Michael and Christian interact.

Kristoffer was sitting at the end of the sofa with Anna stretched out, head in his lap, blanket pulled up to stay warm. It gave her the perfect position to watch the movie, or to turn her gaze to the boys across the room. They were cuddled up, Michael on his back while Christian was on his side with his back against the back of the sofa. A fleece blanket covered them from the waist down. Christian had one arm under Michael's shoulder and Michael held Christian's other arm across his chest.

Throughout the movie she watched the little touches and caresses between the boys, particularly Christian. She recognized them. Her son, consciously or not, was imitating his father's expressions of affection. During a particularly emotional scene in the movie, Christian wiped away Michael's tears then kissed his cheek and whispered something in his ear. The younger boy held Christian's arm more tightly.

Despite what Lars had said, she really had trouble believing her son was old enough to be in love. The display of love and devotion she was witnessing began to dispel her beliefs that they were just best friends and horny boys. Her son was growing up faster than she'd like. But if her son was going to be in love, he sure picked someone special to love, and it was clear that her son was loved back just as much.

She took Kristoffer's hand and kissed it. He looked down and saw tears on his wife's cheek. He gently wiped the tears away before leaning down and kissing her cheek. "I love you, Anna," he whispered in her ear. "I need you like I need oxygen. I couldn't imagine having a better wife, or better mother to our son. You're incredible."


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