Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 10:21:36 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Experiment (Young Friends) Another short one chapter story. Inspired by the photo link at the end of this story that a friend sent me. Hope you enjoy and please do donate to Nifty here: "Science saved you!" Mum always used to say to me when I was young. "Science made you!" my partner would say when I was older. So it's no surprise that I eventually became a scientist. That was many years of hard work and study but as Mum said my journey to that started years before. I had one of those childhood diseases that if I'd been born fifty, even maybe thirty years earlier it probably would have killed me. However by the time of my birth in 1950 things had moved on. So rather than an untimely death awaiting me it was just very regular trips to the hospital for treatment. Without the scientific advances in those previous years I would likely have been dead before I was ten so Mum was right that science had saved me. As for "Science made you!", well that story began in the hospital but went to a place I could never have expected... As part of my regular check ups at the hospital I had to stand there completely naked while Dr Wild (my doctor) had photos taken of me. This was from my first visit age four onwards. I had appointments every few months so it quickly became part of the routine. Initially being naked in front of adults wasn't something that bothered me but by the time I got to age ten I started to feel a bit awkward about photos being taken of my naked body! My Mum or Dad was always with me which at first was reassuring but by the time I was eleven it began to be a bit mortifying. My dick and balls hadn't grown at all which wasn't a surprise as I knew from our primary school changing room that nobody else's had either. However standing there naked in front of adults including one of my parents was not something any eleven year old would want to do! It was when I turned twelve in September of my first year at the Grammar School I'd been admitted to that things started to change for me. Though I didn't know it yet the initial building blocks of the scientific experiment I would eventually be involved in were starting to fall into place. I guess it began at my doctor's appointment a couple of days after my birthday. I'd just had my examination and my photo taken as usual. As I got dressed Dr Wild spoke to me and my Dad. "I'm delighted to say I think William has a clean bill of health and it appears he is clear of his condition. So usually it would be just an annual appointment from now on to check on his progress." "Usually?" My Dad asked. We'd been through a few false dawns over the years and like me he wanted to be totally sure I was better. "Yes William seems fine and I feel confident there won't be problems in the future. However I have been approached by a reputable scientific body wanting our help with some tests and experiments they are doing. I think William would be perfect for this. He won't be the only boy that we see here participating." "Tests? Experiments? I'm not so sure about this Dr Wild. William has been through a lot." "Yes he has but to parrot what your wife has said before, "it was science that saved him," and me of course but thanks to medical research scientists have done. This is an opportunity for William to give something back. Also.....I believe there is a small financial contribution on offer for participating families." As Dr Wild said this I knew I would be signed up whether I wanted to be or not. We were short of money and any cash on offer would be something Dad wouldn't turn down. I suppose it was the perfect storm, appealing to the benefit of science to Mum, appealing with money to Dad. As for me, I was definitely grateful for what science had done for me. I guess I'd go along with it unless they were going to go down the Frankenstein route or pull some other insane experiment on me. "Well of course we'd love to support the scientific community as thanks for saving William," Dad said, instantly shifting into signing me up once money was on offer!. "Um, what do I have to do?" I asked nervously. Dad flashed me a look, I know I was supposed to keep quiet unless questions were asked of me but I wanted to know. "Nothing too onerous young William," Dr Wild said slightly patronisingly. Young?! I was twelve not five! "They are investigating the onset of puberty amongst adolescent males. Some boys develop early, a number by your age already. Others have delayed puberty onset which can cause mental and physical issues further down the line. I believe they are working on potential theories on how to address delayed puberty. For now what they want is to compare prepubescent boys like yourself with pubescent boys the same age as you all grow older and develop. Luckily we have one of those pubescent boys here so the two of you would make an excellent case study." Thanks Dr Wild. Thanks for reminding me that I haven't started puberty yet. Not that any of my friends have from what I know. Even so the whole thing sounded suspiciously like I might have to be naked again and have more photos taken. Great. "That all sounds fine Dr Wild, William will be more than happy to assist!" Dad said enthusiastically before I could say anything. "Wonderful! I'll notify them and then they will be in touch with next steps in the next few weeks I imagine. I understand they'll want a one to one appointment with William first to confirm his developmental stage. Then assuming he meets the criteria he'll attend sessions every two months." "Is that for one year? Two years? And how does the money side of things work?" My Dad was like a dog with a bone about the money. "My understanding is that it's for an indeterminate amount of time for now. Clearly at some point the differences between boys become indistinct and at that stage it would likely halt. Be assured though William will be paid for each session he attends plus expenses. Here's further information on the payments assuming he is accepted." Dr Wild handed Dad a letter, he looked at it and smiled, "Well that all sounds fine. We'll wait to hear further details." With that we were done. On our way back to the train station Dad told me he was proud of me for what I was doing for science and the family. Whether I wanted to do it or not was clearly a moot point! "I understand it might be embarrassing for you but you're doing a good thing William. Don't worry, your mother and I will not ask any awkward questions about all of this. If selected, just do your best and do as you're told." So that was that. The letter came through inviting me to my assessment appointment. There was a fixed amount to turn up and a fixed amount for expenses. Dad being Dad decided that as it was near Euston station I could go on my own after school to save on travel. So three months from the day of my 12th birthday, on a cold December afternoon I was standing naked in front of two men at a lab in central London as they did various tests on me. Professor Laws was clearly in charge, assisted by the amusingly and probably appropriate Mr Balls. To my horror Professor Laws started measuring my dick and balls, speaking out loud for Mr Balls to write information down. "Testicular volume 5ml, scrotum skin red and slightly thin. No penis growth. Definitely prepubescent" They took photos of me naked before asking some very personal questions that I blushed at . So I had to confirm to them that no I had never masturbated and a bit of me died as I did. Despite the mortifying experience for me my parents were both delighted when I was accepted as a subject. So on a wet late February day I was back at the lab. This time as I walked into the waiting room there was a handsome dark haired boy already waiting. He looked up when he saw me and smiled. "I got here early but they said we couldn't start until William arrived. I guess you might be William? I'm John," he said standing up to offer me his hand. He didn't tower over me but he was certainly taller by probably five or six inches. I shook his hand and sat down next to him. "You twelve as well?" I asked. "Yeah, birthday 23rd September, you?" "17th September so I guess I'm 6 days older than you!" I said with a smile. "True but I'm six inches taller!" John said and we both smiled at each other. John was an easy going boy and we instantly hit it off. Which was a good job at what was about to come as I don't think either of us felt easy going ten minutes later. We'd been invited into the lab and talked through the process. We'd strip off, be measured and then stand next to each other for photos to be taken for comparison. It was bad enough being naked in front of the men but a boy I'd only just met? That wasn't ideal. We stripped off together in the corner of the room as the Professor and his assistant fiddled about with the camera. I glanced over as John pulled down his pants. Yes he definitely had started puberty. While my dick hadn't grown at all and was barely an inch and smaller than my little finger, his was definitely a bit bigger than mine. He also had the lightest dusting of pubic hair. "Don't worry, we all hit puberty at different times," he said as he glanced over to me. "Yeah well you aren't exactly hung like a horse are you!" I said back slightly snarkily. I was being defensive and I realised it. "Sorry, that was uncalled for. It's just....I'm not really comfortable being photographed naked with someone I've just met.' "Hey don't worry William, we'll be seeing a lot of each other over the coming months so I guess we'll get used to it. Just because I've started puberty doesn't mean I want to be photographed and measured by strange pervy men! At least you're less likely to get an erection than I am! Right, let's go and see what those two perves want to do to us!" He said and we both giggled. "Call me Will, that's what my friends do and as you say we're going to get to see a lot of each other from now on," I said smiling at him. He patted me on the back, "Thanks Will, I think we're already friends!" So we went over and got measured again, with our heights being shouted out in metric measurements which I wasn't familiar with. "1650mm" Professor Laws shouted out for Jon, "1504mm" for me. They also checked our dick and balls again where I had to listen to Professor Laws shout to Mr Balls that at 49mm John was pretty much twice the size of my 25mm. They then had us stand next to each other against the wall and took a photo. This was always the last thing they did over the coming months so once we did that I knew the humiliation was over. Over the next year we had these sessions every two months, by the time the year was up measurements were changing for John but not for me. Things had sped up by now so that we just stood side by side for them to measure and photograph us. We were in and out in a few minutes. It didn't stop it being morifying though as Professor Laws shouted out our measurements: "William, age 13.6. Height 1559mm. Testicular volume 6ml. Penis size: 30mm. No change to length or girth. No pubic hair growth." "John age 13.6, height 1770m. Testicular volume 13ml. Penis size: 75mm. Significant length and girth increase of Penis. Pubic Hair: More coarse and curly, extends laterally." In one year my height had increased 5cm while John had grown 12cm. And dick wise, welI I still looked the same as I did when we started while John looked like he was growing into a man. His dick flopped around as we got changed together, he saw me looking at him wistfully. "What's wrong Will?" "Nothing...well....I just wish I had a dick like that, or at least one that had grown! I still look like I'm 10 years old! All the boys at school seem to be starting puberty and I've not grown at all!" He looked sympathetically at me, "As I said right at the start of this, we all develop at different rates," he pulled his pants up as he said this. I knew I wouldn't see his dick for another couple of months but presumed it would have grown even bigger. I liked looking at his dick, I liked looking at dicks in the changing room. I liked spending time with John. I might not have started puberty but feelings and emotions were starting to swirl around me. "Thanks, I know, I guess this time next year I'll hopefully be as big as you are now and people will think I look as good as you do naked!" I said optimistically before wondering if I'd said too much about him looking good naked. It was true he did though, he was handsome with an athletic body and of course a dick and balls much bigger than mine. John sighed, "You don't need to start puberty to look good naked Will. You're handsome with a great body. Puberty isn't all it's cracked up to be. You stink of B.O half the time, you get zits, you get fucking erections all the time went you don't want them and you get urges you can't control!" "I know but I want to be like everyone else and experience that. My friends say masturbating feels really good when you do it," I said as we finished dressing. John giggled, "That's a fair point. It really does feel amazing! Don't worry, one day soon you'll start. Dry ones first which are the best of all, no cleaning up afterwards!" I felt much better about things as we walked out the building together to the train station. After that first appointment we always got the train home together. It turned out we might go to different schools but we didn't live a million miles from each other. Certainly close enough for us to cycle over to meet up if we were feeling energetic so we started to become friends outside of our appointments. Our parents had even met each other for tea and biscuits once we started this road together. As I got home that night I closed my eyes and pictured John's nice big dick. I wondered what it would feel like to touch one that big? I guess I'd find out soon enough as surely puberty was just around the corner for me! Surely? But however much I wished it, it seemed that that corner never quite came. It was three years and one month since I'd been in Dr Wild's office where he'd suggested signing up for this project and for what felt like the hundredth time I stood naked with John in the lab. Now at fifteen years old I almost crumpled as we were measured and photographed with still no change. "William, age 15.1. Height 1620mm. Testicular volume 6ml. Penis size: 31mm. No change to length or girth. No pubic hair growth." "John age 15.1, height 1860m. Testicular volume 20ml. Penis size: 100mm. Adult sized penis. Pubic Hair: Adult hair quality across pubis, no spreading to medial thighs I was fifteen! Fucking fifteen and still hadn't started puberty! John was now 24 cm taller than me. An "adult sized" dick. Adult! While I was still a child. I was mortified and was just pleased it was John with me. We'd become even closer friends over the past year and I knew unlike some boys at school he wouldn't take the piss out of my "mini maggot" dick. I marvelled at the size of his as I looked at it. The lucky bastard, I bet he strutted around the school changing rooms naked showing it off while I had to keep mine hidden as often as possible to stop the piss taking. We got dressed before Professor Laws said he wanted to talk to us both. "Boys, we've hit gold dust more than expected with you two. Now don't be embarrassed William but the majority of the prepubescent boys in this project have now started puberty. However, you not having done so is advantageous!" he said with a smile. Not for me it isn't you smug old bastard I thought. "Our research has piqued the interest of other scientists and pharmaceutical companies. My colleagues have been given a grant to run an additional experiment over two weeks starting on Monday. To participate you would need to attend every day after school for two weeks including weekends. Now given that a lot of the prepubescent boys are now pubescent the number of boys to be entered into the experiment is fairly low so we really need every possible participant to sign up. I've already contacted both sets of parents and they have agreed that the additional financial contribution to your family as well as the scientific interest means you will participate." John and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. My parents hadn't mentioned this and I assumed John's also hadn't because of his reaction. Over the past three years Professor Laws had talked alot about science to us. The aims of this current experiment we were doing (just collecting data on puberty ages) and the general processes behind experiments. As I never got to see any of the money I 'earned" for the sessions I attended this was the real reward for me. Apart from making friends with John (and if I was really honest with myself the excitement I got when I saw him naked). So I knew all about the way experiments worked which meant I understood what Professor Laws meant when he said this new experiment would have a "control" group and an "experimental" one. "You are a pair for this experiment so you both will either be in the control group or the experimental group. I don't have a say in who is chosen for which and as I will be assessing the results I won't be involved in the actual experiment. In fact the experiment will be unsupervised for reasons that will become clear. It will take place in this room and it will just be the two of you. You will be given instructions to read and you must follow the, to the letter." "What's the experiment for?" John asked the question on both of our lips. "I'm afraid John you won't discover until the first day. William, please stay behind after John leaves so I can brief you. I'm afraid you aren't allowed to tell John as it's important for the experiment he comes in with no knowledge. Do you both agree? What choice did we have? Our parents had agreed for us. We nodded and john left, I knew he'd wait for me outside anyway so i could tell him them "So William, the reason I am telling you is that you need to mentally prepare yourself if you end up in the experimental group rather than the control group." As Professor Laws said this I felt a bit of a nervous flutter in my stomach, what preparation? Professor Laws continued but I was still none the wiser at his description of the experiment. "So the experiment is to test a hypothesis which as you know has to be proved or disproved. The hypothesis is titled: "Imbibing semen from a pubescent boy speeds up the onset of puberty in prepubescent boys categorised as late developers"" "Er, what does this mean?" I asked in confusion. I knew what semen was not that I obviously ever shot any. I bet John shot a bucketful though. I focused back on the present rather than John and his semen. I didn't know the word imbibe though and was still confused as to my part in all this. "In plain layman's terms the hypothesis is to prove or disprove that a prepubescent boy drinking the semen of a pubescent boy of the same age will kick start puberty in that boy due to the high testosterone content of the semen. By doing this we test as to whether testosterone may be used in future for boys with delayed puberty." This didn't sound great. "So, um, I have to drink someone's umm..semen? I guess John doesn't as he is pubescent?" "Exactly! That's why you and John are the perfect couple for this, he will be providing the semen. We have other boys taking part here and across the country so you won't be alone. If you end up in the control group of course you won't have to drink anything, you'll just sit there until the time is up and then have the measurements and tests at the end of the two weeks like everybody else." "Right," I said, still unsure about all of this. "So what happens at each session? John um....masturbates into a glass and I have to drink it? Can I dilute it with water?" I didn't know much about semen, or spunk as the boys called it but I imagined it might not be that tasty The professor sighed, "I'm afraid not William. The semen degrades from the moment it is ejaculated. In order for the experiment to be consistent and provide accurate data we can compare and assess then all the boys taking part need to imbibe it at the same time. By that I don't mean at 4.35 on a friday afternoon! No, I mean that we have to know that the timing from ejaculation from the penis of the pubescent boy to the prepubescent boy imbibing it is the same." "I don't understand," I said simply. "Each prepubescent boy in the experimental group has to orally pleasure the pubescent boy until they orgasm and shoot semen in the mouth of that boy. Basically if you're in the experimental group you would have to suck John's penis and swallow all the semen from it directly. That way we will know that the timing is the same. WHAT?!?! My parents won't agree to this!!!" I said outraged. I'd heard jokes about sucking dicks, well cock sucking as they said at school but I wasn't quite aware it was a thing. No way would my parents agree though! They already have William as have John's. For financial and scientific reasons. They see the benefit of it although like me I'm sure they would rather you didn't need to go through it. However it may end up kickstarting your own puberty which would I'm sure be something you would like. In any case think of the benefits to your family of the extra money which is considerable given the nature of what you may have to do. Also your actions could help thousands of boys like you in the future! That is why you need to mentally prepare yourself that you may have to perfom oral sex on John. We couldn't just spring that surprise on the day of the first session. Now there is a 50-50 chance you will be in the control group so don't stress too much, just be prepared that you may end up having to imbibe John's semen." "imbibe" John's semen. He made it sound so simple! But I was going to have to take the hard dick of my friend in my mouth and suck it until he spunked in my mouth. It sounded fucking disgusting as well as humiliatiing! Professor Laws then gave me some indepth descriptions of the actual process of giving oral sex which really didn't help me feel better about it at all. Then I was dismissed, once I was outside and John saw me he asked if I was alright. "You look white as a sheet Will!" "Yeah it was a bit of a shock what he told me. I promised I wouldn't tell you and honestly it's not something you'll need to stress as much as me about. All I'll say is let's really really hope to be in the control group!" Even as I said that I felt a flutter of excitement at being in the experimental group but I put that to one side. My emotions and stress levels were clearly just out of control. A one in two chance of being in the experimental group. A one in two chance of the control group. The odds weren't in my favour nor were they not. it was very much a coin toss.... Monday at 4.15pm John and I were together in the lab. An envelope had been left on the table next to a medical bed with our names on it. John opened the envelope and read aloud from a small piece of paper: "Experiment DF456225A: "Imbibing semen from a pubescent boy speeds up the onset of puberty in prepubescent boys categorised as late developers"" Participants: William Bailey, John Anderson Group: Experimental" Shit. Fucking shit. Experimental. We were in the experimental group. I was going to have suck that adult sized dick of John's. "Er what does this all mean?" John said as he picked up a smaller envelope inside the bigger one marked "Instructions for Experiment" "It means I have to suck your dick," I said bitterly, trying to ignore the heart that was pumping at a fast rate. Surely that wasn't because I was excited and I wanted to do it? "What?!" John said before I explained what Professor Laws had said. I expected John to be outraged or refuse but he actually looked excited. I could see a glean in his eye and he looked a bit flushed. "Fuck well I'm really sorry about this Will," he said as he started to strip off. He hadn't been told to as we hadn't read the instructions but clearly he wasn't going to have any second thoughts. As he pulled his trousers down to show his pants tenting out those words felt slightly false. He was definitely excited by what was coming. "Um, so how do we do this? " I asked as John finished taking his clothes off, his six inch hard dick sticking straight up. I'd never seen one hard apart from my own and that didn't happen very often. I looked like a big firm saveloy sausage so I knew I could fit it in my mouth. Lucky me eh. "I've got instructions written down for us that we need to follow," John said before he started reading aloud from the instructions envelope. "Instructions for experiment: Imbibing semen from a pubescent boy speeds up the onset of puberty in prepubescent boys categorised as late developers. Participants: pubescent boy (provider), prepubescent boy (imbiber) semen imbibing by prepubescent boy 1. The pubescent boy is to strip off and thoroughly wash his penis with soap and hot water including peeling back the foreskin to clean under that. 2. The pubescent boy is to lie on or sit on the edge of the bed. 3. The pubescent boy may masturbate his penis to reach an erect state but once erect the prepubescent boy must get between the pubescent boy's legs and take the penis in his mouth. 4. The prepubescent boy is then to bring the pubescent boy to orgasm using his mouth. He must swallow all the semen." John finished reading and went off to wash himself with the soap by the sink provided. He then came back and asked "Would you prefer me to lie or sit?" "I don't care," I said slightly tersely, "looks like you can't wait to get started," I said pointing accusingly at his rock hard dick. He blushed and looked awkward before he turned to look at me, "I'm not going to lie to you Will. I am looking forward to this but only because it's you. I really really like you. As much as anyone can like anybody else and not just a friend. I always wanted to do something like this with you but I wish it wasn't in these circumstances. Look we have to do this, our parents agreed to it and we need the money. But I promise that for every time you suck my dick over these two weeks I will suck yours once you've started puberty. If you like me like I like you then we can do all sorts of things together. I know people say its wrong for boys to have sex together but you're the only person I've ever met who I want to do those things to." "What!? Wow really?" I was not really sure what to say. John loved me, I didn't feel the same way though did I? "As I said I really like you...I guess actually it's more that I love you," he said, moving in to kiss me. I was shocked although given what he said I should have been. I let him kiss me then I kissed him back and suddenly things seemed to fall into place. I really did like him. I loved spending time with him. I loved seeing him naked. Maybe if I had started puberty I'd have loved it even more but all I knew was that kissing him felt great. As we kissed on the bed I felt better about what I had to do. So I broke the kiss and let him sit on the edge of the bed while I got off and got between his legs. His six inch dick was dripping with what I thought was semen already but I later learned was just precum. So I opened wide and took him in my mouth. It didn't taste that bad at all, in fact the whole experience was not as bad as I expected. I did the best job I could sucking him. Taking that hard piece of boy meat in and out of my mouth again and again. John made really appreciative noises as I sucked him which helped me feel good about what I was doing. I liked John so making him feel good made me feel good. These noises got louder and more heated until his hard dick pulsed and fired what felt like ropes of semen into my mouth. I choked on it and spluttered as I swallowed it down. After I'd stopped choking to death he apologised, "Sorry, I should have warned you when it was about to happen, I just got caught up in the moment." "Well your semen did almost choke me!" I said with a slight smile "Semen, sounds so scientific! Don't use that semen, or spunk word that your friends say. Let's just say I shot cum in your mouth. sounds nicer. How was it?" I shrugged, "I guess it was fine, not as bad as expected but you clearly enjoyed it more than me!" John looked a bit embarrassed before smiling broadly at me, "Honestly it was the best thing that had ever happened to me! Don't worry one day you'll feel what I felt when I do it to you. Now can I kiss you again?" I smiled and nodded, I'd sucked his dick after all, what was a bit of kissing as well! So we kissed until a knock on the door told us to hurry up. John got dressed and we headed home. I lay in bed that night thinking of what had happened. I'd sucked John's dick and swallowed his cum. There was no coming back from that particularly as I had to do it again tomorrow and for almost two weeks after that. But not only that, John had kissed me and told me he loved me. I didn't even know what love was, was what I felt for John love as well? When I thought about him it made me smile, it made me feel happy, it made me want to suck his dick again and one day have him suck me. Maybe love was as simple as that? So the next day we kissed a lot and then I sucked John off again. I sucked him every day for the rest of the week and started to really get the hang of it. Then on the 8th day of the experiment, as I sucked him my dick got hard and I started to feel something down there. So I pulled my pants down and started to masturbate to see if anything happened. John came in my mouth again and noticed me masturbating. He stopped my hand and smiled at me, "Let me see if I can give you an orgasm!" He then picked me up with his strong arms and lifted me onto the bed. He had me lie down and then he took my hard dick in his mouth and sucked it. Oh. My. Fucking. God. No wonder he loved me doing it to him, it felt amazing! Like nothing else I'd ever felt. As he sucked me I thought this must be the best feeling in the world! I was wrong about that though. I soon discovered what the best feeling in the world really was a couple of minutes later when I had my first dry orgasm. My body wracked as if I was being electrocuted as wave after wave of intense pleasure swept over me. I might have had to wait until I was fifteen for my first orgasm but it was worth it; it was like my body had been saving it all up for years and it all came out in one go! At that moment I knew I loved John like he loved me. So what if people said it was wrong? They didn't need to know. I mean bloody hell they literally made me suck John for science so I can't see why it should be a problem if I did it for love! We kissed before it was time for us to leave, feeling on cloud nine we walked to the train station like we were both floating on air. For the remaining few days of the experiment we sucked each other off at each session. Fuck the experiment, the only rules said I had to suck John, it didn't say he couldnt suck me too! We did it separately at first then one time together with our dicks in each other's mouths at the same time. I think it's fair to say we loved it and to say we were both hooked was an understatement. At the end of the experiment we were measured again and asked about our experiences which was very embarrassing. We only told them what we'd been told to do though. After all, some things were nobody's business but ours! Under their questioning I confirmed I had my first dry orgasm that week which they were excited to hear. It gave them a datapoint but without all the other data from other boys I guess it didn't prove anything. We were thanked for our help and Professor Laws came in to say to come back in two months time as usual. Well during those next two months we sucked and kissed whenever we could. meeting up in the park to do it in the toilets or round at one of the others houses. We were definitely in love and I couldn't believe how much my life had changed. Now puberty had hit me, I masturbated as often as possible! Many times a day if I could! After all, I had a lot of lost time to make up for! So when my dick wasn't in John's mouth or his wasn't in mine well let's just say my hand almost lived in my pants. When we went back to be measured and photographed again after those two months I heard the news I wanted to hear "William, age 15.3. Height 1720mm. Testicular volume 12ml. Penis size: 48mm. Length and girth increased. Light pubic hair growth." Finally! Finally I was growing everywhere although I knew that really anyway. Not only was John telling me that I was getting bigger but as I kept growing I could see the changes in my body almost transforming in front of my eyes. At the time I was convinced it was because I'd been swallowing John's cum and I made sure to do lots of that over the coming months! Now I'm an adult myself and a scientist to boot, I'm slightly sceptical about the experiment I was involved in. Part of me wonders if it was just an excuse for the scientists to look at naked teenage boys! Then again, the only way to prove or disprove a hypothesis is to test it. Which we certainly did although I'd be suspicious of conclusions that said it made a difference. I was just as likely ready to start puberty anyway and I don't think sucking John's dick changed that. Either way it changed my life! John and I progressed from oral to anal sex after a year and eventually my dick was the same size as his. Despite such strange beginnings we knew we were right for each other and we've stayed together ever since. Here we are thirty years later and I'm still sucking John's dick, although not every day like during the experiment! He still sucks mine too and most days I love him as much as that first day he told me he loved me and I had the revelation I did too. We both couldn't be happier and it really is thanks to the experiment we were both in and of course thanks to science! After all Science saved me and Science made me. Check out my longer form stories at my author page: