The Next Avengers: James Rogers' Night Problem

A Fanfic Diaper Tale - © 2013 by JD



James Rogers


Warning: The story you are about to read contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. The following is evil, illegal, should be banned, and all that other blah, blah, blah. If reading a coming of age story of self-discovery about pre-adolescent and adolescent boys that wet their beds, wear diapers, and explore their awakening sexuality with each other does not tickle your pickle (or if the law in your area says that pickle tickling is illegal) then don't read it.



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Authors Note: This is a fan fiction tale based on the movie "The Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow". This story takes place in an alternate timeline from the movie. In this timeline Tony still hides the children after he is asked to do so by the rest of the Avengers. In this timeline like the other, it is assumed that all the Avengers perished when Ultron takes over Earth. In this timeline though, Tony ends up taking them through an unstable wormhole that he manages to create. This ends up hurtling them across the Universe to a desolate planet very similar to Earth. Because of this Tony has to raise the children as his own, though he does (like he does in the movie.) tell the children about their real parents and the sacrifice they made. He does not tell them though that they have been hurtled to an unknown location in the Universe and he does not know how to get them back to Earth. Instead he trains them for the day that they will be ready to take their parents places as Heroes of Earth. While training them, Tony is also actively trying to find a way back to Earth with the help of Vision. This Story takes place almost 10 years after Tony and the children escape. Please email me and let me know what you think of my story –



Tony Stark ... The Invincible Iron Man, now in his late 50's

Vision ... The Synthezoid built by Ultron but later became an Avenger

Torunn ... The 13 year old Daughter of Thor and Sif

James Rogers ... The 12 year old son of Captain America and Black Widow

Azari T'Challa ... The 11 year old son of Black Panther and Storm

Henry Pym Jr ... The 10 year son of Ant-man and Wasp





Chapter 1


I was suddenly and rudely awakened from a good dream, one where I was with my parents and living a normal family life. It was a dream I had been having quite a lot, lately. Sometimes the dream feels so real that I could almost swear that it was my real life and the other life was the dream. Of course every time I awaken from this dream, I am instantly pulled back to reality. This of course did nothing to brighten my mood, so most mornings, I could and was, especially cranky! Especially mornings like this, when I was awaken by one of my siblings.

"What the hell!" I screamed in fury as I was jolted awake by a sudden stinging sensation.

I could see in those first few Nano seconds that Pym, who had zapped me with one of his stingers, suddenly regretted doing so. Before he even saw it coming, my hand smacked the flying bug sized Pym across the room and into the opposite wall.

"Sorry James, I have been trying to wake you for 10 minutes now. I guess I shouldn't have zapped you." Pym quickly apologized all while still trying to get over the stun of my slapping him across the room.

"Why did you have to wake me now?" I grumpily asked, in an almost whiny voice.

"James, it's after 10am, you missed breakfast again and you're late for training!" Pym announced as he returned to my bedside, growing back into his normal child size as he got closer.

"10am? It's still too early!" I answered and buried myself back under the blankets. "Besides, I'm not hungry!" My muffled voice announced under my blankets.

All I cared about at that moment was trying to go back to my dream. All I wanted in the world was to be with my parents right now and this unfortunately was the only way that I found that I could be. Unfortunately though, I could tell that Pym was not about to let me go back to sleep and I was right.

"Come on James, you need to get up! Tony said that if you don't then he will be forced to get you up! And you know what that means!" Pym warned.

I of course did know what it meant; Tony would drag my ass out of bed and dump me into the cold pond outside our quarters. This was definitely something I didn't want to happen.

"Okay! Okay!" I groaned and shifted in my bed. When I felt a familiar feeling, I couldn't help cussing. "Damn!"

"What's wrong James" Pym asked though I am sure he had a pretty good idea what it was due to the smell emanating from the bed.

"Pym, I swear if you don't get out of my room right now, I am going to rip your little body apart!" I yelled at Pym as I flung the blankets off of myself in shame and disgust.

Pym knew all too well that I was in one of those moods I tend to get in, especially after discovering that I once again wet my bed. Deep down I knew that Pym felt sorry for me as he too knew how embarrassing it was too wet the bed. Pym, like myself, had wet the bed regularly up until recently, now he only wets a few times a month. In my case though, I still wet the bed almost every night and usually more than once. About a year ago I had all but stopped but then all of a sudden, it got worse once again. I saw Pym quickly make his exit but I knew by the look on his face, Pym had seen the evidence of how badly I had once again wet myself during the night.

Once Pym had shut my door, I couldn't help sighing in defeat as I sat up and took in my very wet condition.

A thought shot through my mind. "How in the world could I, a bedwetting baby, ever be expected to lead this group of future Avengers?"

I knew better to waste any more time as I knew Tony would, as he threatened, be in soon to make sure I was actually getting up and ready for training. Reluctantly I got out of bed and stripped myself of my wet PJ's and then stripped the wet bedding from my bed. Then, naked as the day I was born, I streaked to the laundry room where I shoved my pee smelling bedding into the washing machine. Making sure to add soap and starting it up before heading to the bathroom where I took a quick shower. Finally, now cleaned of my pee, I quickly dried myself and ran back to my room, where I proceeded to get myself dressed. Finally ready, I set off towards the training grounds.

As I made my way to meet up with the others, my mind slipped back to my dream and I couldn't help feeling a warmth flow through my body for a fraction of a minute. Then as soon as that moment of happiness came, it was gone. What I was left with was the thought and disgust of being almost 13 years old and still a bed wetter! I also knew that I was in for a butt chewing from Tony about being late again and I was not really looking forward to it.






Chapter 2


Just like I thought, no sooner had I walked into the training grounds, Tony started his lecture on tardiness and how it only hurts me and my team when I don't show up on time. This time though, Tony let the matter drop only after a few minutes of lecturing; which was totally unexpected! All I could come up with for a reason this was the case, was that Pym had already blabbed to everyone that I, the son of Captain America, the future leader of the new Avengers, once again wet my bed like the little baby bedwetting boy I was. I could also tell that Tony seemed to be lost in concentration, which was probably another reason he dropped it so quickly.

Tony spaced out for several seconds and when he did come back from wherever he was in his head, he noticed that all of us kids were staring at him; Torunn even looked a bit concerned.

"Tony, do thee feel okay?" Torunn asked in concern.

"Oh... ah... I am fine. Sorry class, I was just lost in a few thoughts. Anyway we are running behind with your training this morning. So let's get to it. Please pay more attention on your hand to hand combat today as it looks like some of you still can use some more training in that area."

"You heard Tony Pymhead!" And as Azari said this he gave Pym a slight shove and almost knocking him to the ground. Pym, who was at his normal size, was taken by surprised by the sudden push and if it hadn't been for me catching him, he would have surely fallen to the ground.

"Hey Azari, that's not fair!" Pym whined

"Boys! Humph! Why do thee always have to fight? I have half of a mind to give thee each a few whacks from the flat of my sword on your small butts!" Torunn threatened.

I was still trying to wake up; I guess that was why I was finding this all amusing. This of course was nothing new as we all tended to fight and argue with each other over the silliest of things. Even though Tony gets frustrated with us kids at times when we fight, he has also assured us that it is only natural that we do so. Of course according to him, this didn't give us the excuse to do it all the time. Sometimes Tony just confuses me!

"Will you please stop arguing and start your training!" Tony ordered and then started to leave but before walking out the door, he turned back towards me. "James, after you are done training, please come to my workshop. There are a few things I would like to talk to you about. Okay son?"


Not knowing for sure what this was all about, I just nodded my head. "Will do Tony." I replied and with that he left us to train.


We had been training for quite a while when once again I had to go back over some of the hand to hand combat skills I was trying to teach Pym. "Pym, I don't get it, you're the smartest 9 year old there is! Why can't you grasp these simple hand to hand combat moves?" I asked in exasperation. I mean, I had been going over the same moves with him for quite some time and he was actually worse the last time than he was the first!


"10 years old!" Pym huffed in frustration. "Besides, brains have nothing to do with hand to hand combat. Why do I even need to know this, when all I have to do is fly faster than someone can hit me?"


"Sorry squirt, I keep forgetting you had a birthday last week!" I smiled and joked, trying to relieve some of the pressure we were feeling. Thinking back I wished though that I had chosen my words more carefully!


"Hey! That's not fair. I'm not the one who squirts in his sleep every night!" Pym said a little angrily. In fact Pym was proud that he hadn't wet the bed now for almost 4 weeks, which was a personal best for him.


Of course Pym's reply only made me feel worse about the whole thing. "I am sorry Pym; I didn't mean it like that. I don't know why but I just can't stop it! I feel like a big baby!" I announced loudly almost in tears.


I hadn't noticed but Azari and Torunn had overheard me and Pym and realized at that moment that I had wet my bed again last night. Where Pym had gone almost 4 weeks dry, I had wet my bed so much lately, I couldn't remember the last time I was dry.


"James, I am truly sorry for thee. I know how much it pains thee for having this night time difficulty." Torunn said softly as she hugged me. I guess it was then that I realized I had started to cry.


"Yeah buddy, I would hate to be in your place but I know, we all know for that matter, that you are not doing it on purpose." Azari said with assurance in his voice.


For some reason Pym found what Azari said extremely funny.


"What are you laughing so hard about bug brain?" Azari asked, a little annoyed.


Still laughing Pym tried his best to explain. "If you wet the bed during the night, wouldn't you electrocute yourself?" Pym howled with laughter.


For some reason, Azari did not find this amusing one bit but it did the trick for me as I felt a smile form on my lips. At the thought of Azari's electricity producing power mixing with a possible growing wet spot, caused me to start laughing as well and soon Torunn and even Azari himself started to laugh.


I am not sure what got into me or made me say what I did but with all the laughter I found what I said next slip between my lips. "Yeah, remind me never to sleep with you!" For a split second I couldn't believe I just made a joke like that about my problem but in the end, laughter won out and I forgot about it.


Knowing we weren't going to accomplish much more, we decided that Training was done for the morning. When you come to think of it, the morning was pretty much gone as noon was not too far off and because I missed breakfast, I was surely getting hungry for lunch.


"Hey guys, I have to go and see what Tony wants. I will see you all at lunch, okay?" I announced to them. I really was wondering what Tony wanted, but at the same time I was worried at what he might say to me.


"What does Tony want with Thee?" Torunn asked before I could get up and leave. We had been sitting and resting for a few minutes, and of course shooting the breeze.


"I am not really sure." I answered worriedly.


"Don't worry, you know Tony, it's probably nothing big." Azari slapped me on my back as he told me this.


"I am still worried about what was wrong with Tony this morning, thee seemed a little distracted and maybe a little worried." Torunn reminded all of us about this morning weirdness with Tony.


I hadn't thought of it since it happened this morning, but I too was worried as I never remember seeing Tony look the way he did this morning. Something was up and I was sure of it. "Maybe that is what Tony wants to see me about?" I thought out loud.


"What do you mean James?" Pym asked.


"Nothing, I was just thinking out loud to myself is all." I assured him.


"I think the reason why Tony was distracted this morning was that he got a communiqué, I mean, didn't anyone find it strange that he didn't stick around very long this morning or even train with us?" Pym announced to us and probably shocked us all.


"Huh?" I asked stunned that Pym seemed to know something that I or the other two didn't know. Well Pym knew quite a bit for being only 10. In fairness, he was smarter than us all, outside of Tony that is.


"Didn't you see?" Pym asked, shocked that we didn't seem to notice what he did. "Tony had a small device hidden behind his earlobe; it's his new communication device he has been working on."


At first I was amazed with Pym's sight of the obvious. For some reason, none of us others had noticed the small device, but now thinking about it, I did remember seeing it behind Tony's earlobe after all. The second thing that amazed me and made me even more curious as to why Tony wanted to see me, was that, if he did get a communiqué, where did it come from? With this thought I excused myself from the others and rushed off to find Tony!








Authors Note: This next part is info on who the Avengers were and is here mainly for those readers who don't have a clue as to who they were.


·        The Soldier - Captain America, leader of the mighty Avengers. Captain America, a relic from World War II, found himself in the 21st century. Before he was Captain America he was Steve Rogers, a weak and sickly man. Through a secret military program, Steve Rogers was given a specialized weaponized serum, which turned him into a Super Soldier. Since then, no one has been able to reproduce all the variables that turned Steve into Captain America. Captain America possesses superior strength and combat skills.


·        The God - Thor, comes not from Earth, but instead from another realm called Asgard. He is immortal and almost indestructible. He carries a formidable weapon, a hammer called Mjollnir, which commands the mighty power of nature itself. Add in the abilities of flight and you have the Avengers' most powerful member (Note that I said most powerful, not strongest).


·        The Knight - The Invincible Iron Man. A very skilled human combatant clad in an almost indestructible suit of technologically advanced armor. Through skill and technology, the Knight was a regular and formidable member of the Avengers.


·        The Spy - Black Widow is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu, and boxing), marksman, and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training. She has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate.


·        The Giant - (AKA Giant-Man, AKA Ant-Man, AKA Henry Pym Sr.) is a scientific genius with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, along with expertise in the fields of quantum physics; robotics/cybernetics; artificial intelligence, and entomology. He discovered the subatomic "Pym particles" that enable mass to be shunted or gained from an alternate dimension, thereby changing the size of himself or other beings or objects. After constant experimentation with size-changing via ingested capsules and particle-filled gas, Pym is eventually able to change size at will, and mentally generate Pym particles to change the sizes of other living beings or inanimate objects. Pym retains his normal strength when "ant" size, and possesses greatly increased strength and stamina when in "giant" form, courtesy of the increased mass. Pym's costume is synthetic stretch fabric composed of unstable molecules and automatically adapts to his shifting sizes. He also uses a cybernetic helmet for achieving rudimentary communication with ants and other higher order insects.


·        The King - The Black Panther, was a true king. As King of the `Wakanda' people, he has superhumanly acute senses and increased strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and agility. He wears a specially designed suit that protects him from radiation and physical attack; it is also resistant to magic. He has access to a vast collection of magical artifacts, advanced Wakandan technological and military hardware. He is a skilled hunter, tracker, strategist, politician, inventor, and scientist. He has a Ph.D. in Physics. He also has been granted the knowledge of every past Black Panther. The King is a rigorously trained gymnast and acrobat, showing mastery in various African martial arts as well as contemporary ones and fighting styles that belong to no known disciplines.


·        The Pixie - or better known as the Wasp, had several abilities. Making use of the cellular implantation of sub-atomic Pym particles, she possessed the power to alter her physical size, causing her body's mass to be shunted to or gained from an alternate dimension known as Kosmos. She was able to shrink to a minimum of several centimeters or grow to a maximum of several hundred feet. Smaller or larger sizes were possible but the exertion strained on her body. Initially, these abilities stemmed from use of a Pym particle gas released from special capsules. Over time, however, her body absorbed enough particles to cause cellular mutation due to repeated exposure and allowed her to alter her size at will. At miniature size, her strength level increased as her body's mass was compacted. At giant size, her strength and endurance increased with her height, reaching superhuman levels. Despite the advantages of giant size, she usually preferred to remain the diminutive Wasp, calling on her growth power only in times of extreme emergency. At miniature size, the Wasp grew a pair of translucent insect wings from her back, a result of genetic modifications provided by Hank Pym. These granted her the power of flight, at speeds up to 40 mph. The Wasp was also able to harness and augment her body's natural bio-electric energy, releasing it from her hands in powerful electrical force bursts, which she called her "stinger blasts", "stingers", or "wasp's stings". Originally, she required special wrist devices to produce these but again, Pym particle absorption allowed her to create the ability unaided.

·        The Ghost - Vision who was a Synthezoid originally built by Ultron but later allied himself with the Avengers. With a Jewell placed in his forehead, he is able to absorb all the energy he needs to operate. That same Jewel can be used to shoot out energy beams as well. Being an artificial life-form/android of sorts, the Vision possesses multiple superhuman senses as well as superhuman stamina, reflexes, speed, agility, and strength. The Vision also possesses the ability to manipulate his density, which at its lowest allows flight and a ghostly, phasing intangibility, and at its heaviest provides superhuman strength, immovability, and a diamond-hard near invulnerability. The Vision often uses his ability to alter his density against foes, by phasing an intangible hand through them and then partially re-materializing it - a process he describes as "physical disruption." This effect typically causes great pain and results in incapacitation.


·        The Archer - Hawkeye has no superhuman powers but he is at the very peak of human conditioning; he is an exceptional fencer, acrobat and a grandmaster marksman, having been trained from childhood (Especially with a bow and arrow). This includes considerable strength. He has also been thoroughly trained by Captain America in tactics, martial arts, and hand-to-hand combat. He excels in the use of ranged weapons, especially the bow and arrow, and carries a quiver containing a number of customized "trick arrows". Hawkeye is also known to use a "Sky-Cycle" as his mode of transportation. The Sky-Cycle is modeled after a commercial snowmobile and is fitted with anti-gravitational technology. It is voice operated and has an auto-pilot steering system.








Chapter 3

I could barely contain my excitement and curiosity as I hurried towards Tony's workshop. For 10 years now, we have been totally alone; cut off from Earth and its people. In fact, the planet we were on, had no other advanced life at all. Tony had explained that it was for our safety that we were in a desolate part of the Galaxy, far from Ultron's grasp. So the question was, who could it be? Well that is if Pym was right about Tony being contacted.


As I was thinking of this another thought went through my head. "Wow, 10 years we have been here with no one else except for Tony and my sibs."


I have been away from Earth since I was 2 years old, long before I could even have a chance of remembering anything from my time there. Out of all of us kids, Torunn is the only one who could remember Earth. She also has memories of her own father. Saying that I was extremely jealous of her for that, would be an understatement. All I have are the stories that Tony told us and it will never make up for the real thing.


Not a day goes by where I wish that Ultron had never existed or that my dad had killed him instead of the other way around. If it wasn't for him (Well it is not really `a him' but `an it'.) I would still be on Earth with my parents. One thing's for sure, I can't wait for the day I am ready to lead the new Avengers back to Earth to take my revenge on Ultron. It is the only thing that keeps me going, thinking about my revenge.


As my thoughts ran through my head, I couldn't help thinking about the story that Tony told us kids.




And there came a day unlike any other, when the Earth's Mightiest Heroes were united against a common threat – The Soldier, the God, the Knight, the Spy, the Giant, the King, the Pixie, the Ghost, and the Archer! On that day, the Avengers were born; to fight foes that no single hero could withstand. Over time they added more heroes to their ranks.


Together, the Avengers battled against Time Traveling Conquerors, Alien Invaders, Mutant Commanders, and Masters of Evil – the Avengers vanquished them all and when the world was finally at peace, the heroes built lives of their own.


The Soldier and Spy fell in love, as did the Giant and the Pixie. The King found his Queen. And the God returned home, far away from the world of men. And soon, the children of the Avengers came to be, children who would become a new generation of heroes.


But in time evil returned, an evil known as Ultron. Ultron wanted nothing less than total dominion over the world. But the Avengers stood in its way. Sadly, their defeat was inevitable. But before they fell, the Avengers hid their children in a faraway place where they would grow up safe from Ultron's grasp, because the Avengers knew that as long as the children were alive, there was still hope, hope for the future.




Remembering the story once again, for some reason, sent a shiver down my spine. For a moment I felt a stab of fear pierce my soul, but it was quickly replaced once again for my hatred of Ultron and the need for vengeance.


I had been so caught up in my own thoughts, that I had actually passed the door to Tony's workshop. I sighed to myself and proceeded to double back.


"What is wrong with me?" I asked out loud, out of irritation.


Reaching my destination I pushed the door chime to let Tony know that I was there. I knew better than to just walk into his workshop; that was one of the rules that Tony asked us kids to follow. He stated that it was his one place that he can be alone to himself and because of this, this room was generally off limits unless summoned to it. Besides, the only one who was interested in this room was Pym as it was generally full of a bunch of technological and scientific junk, that Tony was working on. Then again, one of those turned out to be my cool shield!


I waited several minutes for Tony to answer the door. It was a known fact that when Tony was in this room that a herd of elephants could pass him and he wouldn't have even noticed. Because of this I had to push the chime a couple more times before the door finally opened.


"James, come in but please don't touch anything!" I heard Tony's voice come from the other side of the workshop.


As I got closer, I could see that Tony was busy with something on his work desk. I tried to figure out what it was but for the life of me I hadn't a clue! Tony looked up at me and noticed my confused look.


"Interesting, isn't it?" Tony asked smiling. I was sure he knew that I had no clue what it was.


"What is it?" I asked still not sure.


"It is a new miniature probe?" Tony announced like I would know what a probe was.


More interested in the reason why Tony wanted to see me and the possible communication he received, I decided to drop my questions about the probe and get right down to business.


"You asked me to come by after practice." I reminded Tony.


"Yes James. I really think it is time we had a little talk." Tony said in what I took as a fatherly tone. "Here take a seat." Tony pointed towards another chair.


I quickly sat down and pondered what it was that Tony wanted to discuss. I was starting to get an uneasy feeling and I was almost positive that it was not about the possible communication after all.


"What do you want to talk about?" I asked nervously as I sat down.


"Well James, I am starting to worry about you. Lately you don't seem to be your normal energetic self. On top of always being late to practice, you also seem to have withdrawn from your family here as well. I was hoping that you could tell me what is going on and see if we can possibly get the old James back."


I sighed and thought about what Tony had just said. I really didn't know what to tell him. Lately I always feel angry and useless and the only thing I could think of, that could link this, was possibly my constant dream or maybe in actuality it was a nightmare. I decided to keep my dream to myself, after all I was almost 13 and no longer a little kid, even if I did still wet my bed every night. Instead I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at him blankly.


"James, you know you can tell me anything." Tony tried to reassure me and when I didn't respond he continued, though with a little bit of hesitancy in his voice. "I notice that you have been wetting your bed more than normal lately."


As the words `wetting your bed' came out of Tony's mouth, I cringed in self-loathing. Tony noticed right away and reached out and put a firm hand on my small knee and squeezed it slightly. This small act of reassurement did make me feel slightly better.


I don't know why for sure, but suddenly, I found myself opening up to Tony and telling him everything. I even changed my mind and told him about my nightly dream. I also talked to him about my increased bedwetting and my longing for my parents and a normal life. I ended with telling him about how I felt being the only one without powers and my feelings about leading the new group of Avengers someday. After I was done exposing my soul to Tony, I felt deep sobs take over me. Like a little baby I sat there and cried in front of Tony and didn't start to feel better until Tony picked me up and held me in his strong hands.


"There, there, little one; let it all out. It is okay to cry, so let it all out and you will feel a lot better." Tony massaged my back soothingly the whole time I was crying.


Tony was right, once I had recomposed myself and was once again seated in my chair, I really did feel a lot better. Now able to carry on a conversation again, Tony started to help me to control and put in order all these emotions I was having.


"First, I want to reassure you that even though I am not your father, nor could I ever replace him, I will always still love and care for you James. I am always here for you no matter what; so I want you from now on to let me know when things are bothering you." Tony paused for a moment to let what he said sink in.


"Now I want you to stop worrying about leading your brothers and sister in future battles. For now you are way too young to worry about the pressures of the responsibility of leading. I know that you feel that just because your father led the Avengers, that you have to live up to his memory. Your father was your father; you are James and not your father. Understand?" Tony gave me a look like he was expecting me to answer his question.


"I guess you're right." I admitted while at the same time shrugging my shoulders and sending a mixed signal to Tony.


"Are you confused there little guy?" Tony laughed.


"I am sorry, I understand. But Tony..." at this I tried to put on an adult face. "...can you please not call me little guy anymore?"


"James, I promise from now on to not refer to you as little or young anymore, but please if I do it by mistake, know that it was just a slip of the tongue. I know that you and your brothers and sister are not little kids anymore, but it is hard for me to recognize that you are growing up. I look at the 4 of you as my own children." Tony said affectionately.


"I know, and we love you too Tony!" I replied.


Tony smiled with loving acknowledgment and continued our discussion. "I know you're worried about not having your father's abilities but I want to reassure you that super powers don't make a superhero. I also want to point out that you have superior fighting skills and could easily take down a grown man." Tony seemed real proud about this fact. "Even though you haven't been on time to training lately, you are still the best hand to hand fighter out of your brothers and sister. I have seen you hold your own with them even though they have powers."


"I guess I never thought about it that way." I admitted.


Tony was right; I could hold my own, even against Torunn and her superior strength.


"I guess I always compared myself to other villains like Ultron." I said out loud.


"That's the next thing; I don't want you worried about Ultron. I know you feel that it is your duty to avenge your parents. Just know for now that you are safe from Ultron; and whether it is your destiny to one day defeat him, that for now, all you need to worry about is growing up and trying to be as happy as you can be."


I nodded my head in understanding when Tony looked at me for confirmation that I was following and understanding him.


Then as if he remembered something, Tony asked, "Did I ever tell you that there were a couple times that your father had his super soldier strength and other abilities, taken from him?"


"No." I answered while at the same time shaking my head no. "I didn't know he had his powers taken from him!" I stated in amazement.


"I don't know if you would call your father's abilities, powers; but yes he did." Tony answered. "Anyway, even though your father didn't have his abilities; it didn't stop him from doing what he always did best, be a Superhero. He still did his best to lead and fight alongside the other Avengers."


I am not sure why Tony never told me about this before but knowing it now, made me feel a little better about not having powers.


"I also want you to know that there is no telling that maybe, as you get older, that you may eventually inherit your father's super soldier abilities. In fact, you might not remember this, but your brother, Pym, didn't show any sign of his powers until he was around 4."


Tony was right, I hadn't remembered that. Then again, I was only like 6 years old at the time.


"So don't you worry about the powers, just keep practicing your fighting skills, and one day you will be as good or even better of a fighter then your father was." Tony assured me.


"Now, let's talk about your dreams. How long have you been having this dream now?" Tony asked.


"I don't know, a few months maybe?" I answered, but not really sure.


"I see." Tony replied. "I wish I had a degree in psychology so that I could help you better with this problem. I guess the only thing I can think of is helping you cope better with the stress you have been feeling. Maybe talking to me about your dream will help. I do want you to know though, no matter what, you can't live in your dreams, so please don't use it as a means of escape."


The last thing that Tony brought up was the topic that made me feel the most uncomfortable; my increased bedwetting! It was just that every time it was brought up, it made me feel like a baby and even though everyone here knew about it; I still didn't like talking about it.


"Now, about your bedwetting; I know that you don't like talking about it, but I think it was about time that we did something about this." Tony let his words sink in for a second or two before continuing. "As you have already admitted, you're not only wetting every night now, but your also wetting multiple times each night. I cannot see how this can be helping you get a good night's sleep. I think it is time that we talk about protection..."


At this, I interrupted Tony. "I won't wear diapers!" I shouted abruptly, shattering the peacefulness around us.


"Hey little gu... I mean James; wearing diapers will not make you a baby. In fact, I really think it will show maturity that you are doing something to deal with the problem.


"I just don't know?" I answered truthfully.


Tony nodded his head. "Okay, but can you at least think about it for a while. I really think that it will not only make life easier for yourself, but I think that you will sleep better and even with wearing diapers, feel better about yourself."


I considered Tony's proposal and with a sigh, agreed to think about it. "Okay, I will think about it but I don't see me changing my mind." I answered truthfully.


Again Tony smiled. "Well that's a start kiddo." He then looked at his watch, "Well, where has the time gone." He then looked back at me. "It looks like were late for lunch. I am sure that since you missed breakfast that you must be starving by now. Why don't you go get something to eat?"


I nodded my head and got up but before I left I asked Tony if he was coming too, as his attention was now returned back to the device he was working on when I first came into his workshop. "Are you not coming too?"


Tony looked up at me and consulted his watch again. "I think I will grab something a little later, right now I want to finish this first."


So with one last look at Tony, I turned and left him to his new invention. As I walked towards the dining area, I started to realize how hungry I actually was. My stomach suddenly grumbled with agreement. It wasn't until I was walking into the dining room that I realized that with all the stuff Tony and I had talked about, I had completely forgot to ask about that mysterious possible transmission he received. Then again, maybe Pym was wrong. I mean, there really was no one near enough to us to even transmit a message. And with that, I put the thought out of my head and didn't think about it again until the next day.






Chapter 4


"Hawkeye, Panther, Wasp, Widow, Giant Man, and I; will keep his drones busy! Thor, you and Hulk hit him with everything you got! Tony, I need you to take our children away from here! Get them to safety, please!"


Tony hesitated and I gave him a pleading look. "Captain, you need me to help you fight!" he exclaimed.


"Tony, I know you want to fight, but you know as well as I do, that we may lose. It is more important than ever, that you get our children to safety." I was truly concerned for the safety of our children and knew that Tony would be the best protector for them. "Take them to where we decided upon and if we win, we will send word for you to return with them; otherwise, please teach them and keep them safe!


I watched as Tony nodded in agreement then picked up my son who was holding onto my pant leg and trying his best to understand why all the adults in his world were so worried! As Tony was about to leave, Widow stopped him.


"Just a moment Tony, I want to say goodbye to my son."


As I watched the woman I loved, kiss our son goodbye, maybe even for the last time; I too was drawn to say my own goodbye.


"James, I know you are too young to understand this but your mother and I love you dearly; so much so that we would lay our lives down in order to protect you. Hopefully someday we will be together, if not always know we love you! With that, I handed my toddler son his favorite stuffed animal and kissed him on his forehead. Then I patted the stuffed tiger on its head and said, "Tony, whatever you do, make sure he never loses this as it is a memory and testament of his parents love!" And with that, I watched Tony leave with my son; on his way to gather the other children.


I looked around to everyone and gave them a knowing look before grabbing my shield and kissing my beautiful wife one last time before we began our battle with Ultron. Something deep inside of me knew I would never see James again and I just hoped that one day he would forgive me for sending him away with the others. With this last thought in the front of my mind, I went to face Ultron and his drones for the last time!




...I awoke with a start! "What...? What was that about?" I asked myself out loud. I felt sweat drip from me in rivulets.


It took me a few minutes to wake up enough to realize that I had been dreaming. "Strange," I thought to myself. "I never had a dream where I was my father before." I continued to think out loud to my empty room. Well empty except for myself.


The dream was weird; I couldn't understand why I was seeing this dream through my father's eyes. Then it hit me, could this be an actual memory that I was having of my father, right before he went off to fight Ultron and I was taken here to this planet? I realized there was only one person who could tell me whether or not if this was a real memory or not. I looked at my clock to see what time it was and noticed that it was way too early to wake Tony.


I laid back down and tried to see about going back to sleep but then I realized another familiar wetness. Once again, I had wet my bed! Also, from the feel of it, I soaked it!


"Damn!" I swore out loud.


I was now debating on getting up and getting cleaned up or just allowing myself to go back to sleep as I was and deal with me and my wet bed in the morning. Again I gave a look at my clock. It was barely after 3am in the morning and I figured that it would take about an hour for me to get the bed changed and cleaned up.


"God, why does this have to keep happening to me?" I asked my empty room.


I knew I could easily go back to sleep in my wet bed as I was still quite tired, but I also knew that my sleep would not be as good and I would probably once again wake up late and grumpy if I did this. I also knew that if I got up and took care of everything, that I would probably end up waking myself up to the point of not being able to go back to sleep.


As I laid there in my bed debating this, I felt myself starting to fall back to sleep. "No!" I shook my head to clear it. "I need to get up! Only a baby would lie in his own pissy bed and not care!" I angrily told myself.


Still, my mind was tired and so I tried to search my tired mind for a compromise. That is when it hit me, "That's right, I can go sleep with Pym and take care of all of this in the morning." I thought happily to myself.


I knew that because Pym still wet his bed that it, like mine, was still protected. Also, I knew Pym would never get mad at me if I peed on him and his bed.


With my mind made up, I got out of my bed and stripped out of my wet things and grabbed a towel to try and dry all the sweat and pee from my body. Then quietly, I made my way down to Pym's room. Suddenly I found myself hoping that Pym hadn't wet his bed as well!


Since I hadn't bothered to put on any clothes, I made my way down the hallway stark naked. You know, I was weird about some things. I would absolutely die if any of the others were to see me in a diaper, but I didn't care if they saw me nude. Us brothers saw each other nude quite a bit, there has also been a few times when Torunn has saw me naked as well.


When I made it to Pym's room; I quietly opened his door. I did this as I didn't want to wake him. Just as quietly as I opened it, I shut it and then made my way over to Pym's bed.


Since my eyes had adjusted, I was able to see Pym sleeping on his side. He looked so cute and peaceful sucking on his thumb which out of habit, he still did.


Carefully I pulled back his covers and checked Pym's bed for wetness. As my hand made it over the dry bedding I became more relaxed, than just as careful as I was with pulling back his covers, I climbed into bed with him. I too laid on my side, choosing to lay so that I was looking right into his sleeping face. I couldn't help smiling as I once again realized how cute Pym was sleeping with his thumb in his mouth.


As I was starting to fall back to sleep it hit me that I should have stopped at the bathroom before getting into bed with Pym. By now though, I was almost asleep and comfortable and I just didn't care, besides my bladder seemed fine I thought, as I fell asleep and back to the my nightmare of the last minutes of my parents life!






Chapter 5


"James, wake up!" I heard a voice filter through the blackness of my mind. "Come on James, wake up will you!" The voice demanded again.


A part of me thought I recognized the voice but I was too tired to place it. All I wanted was to sleep and forget about the voice. The trouble was, whoever was trying to get me to wake up, wasn't about to let me do so.


"James, please wake up!"


This time I opened 1 eye a slight crack and saw Pym lying under the covers next to me and staring at me hesitantly. My mind was still asleep and so I wasn't able to understand why Pym was laying in my bed and trying to wake me up.


"Pym, please leave me alone and go back to your own bed." I said and immediately reclosed my eye and started to once again fall back to sleep.


"But this is my bed!" Pym replied.


I opened both eyes this time and studied Pym in the almost complete darkness. I was trying to understand what was going on. As I became more awake and aware of the things around me, I remembered waking up earlier that night and then going to sleep with Pym. Still, I was confused as to why Pym was waking me up.


"I am sorry Pym; I forgot that I got in bed with you." I apologized. "What is wrong?"


"I had an accident."


"Oh!" I said as I reached a hand out to see how wet he was.


My hand brushed over the front of his pajama bottoms and his hard willy. For a moment I felt something stir in my own when I had momentarily touch that hard willy of Pym's. I then moved my hand to the area of the bed underneath and around his butt.


It turned out that he wasn't too wet and only had a small wet spot underneath him. I sighed then looked towards the alarm clock and saw that I had only been asleep for about an hour, since I crawled into bed with Pym. I really didn't want to have to get up and deal with bedding now as I was sure it would wake me up and I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.


"Hey Pym, it really isn't that bad, do you think you could go back to sleep or do you want to get up and change the bedding?" Now I know I should have tried not to convince him to just sleep in his wet spot, but still, I was too tired and therefore selfish.


"I guess I can sleep, but I still have to pee! I woke up peeing and stopped myself before I was done." Pym explained, which by the way did explain why he wasn't too wet.


"Well get up and go finish in the toilet?" I suggested as I once again closed my eyes.


"But I can't get up!" Pym whined. "You are lying on my arm!"


My eyes popped back open and once again I took inventory of my senses and realized that I was indeed lying on top of Pym's arm.


"Sorry Pym." I said apologetically. "I didn't realize it." I said as I got off his arm.


"Dang, it's dead!" Pym joked, as I watched him flop his limp rubbery arm around, trying to wake it up.


I couldn't help myself and started to laugh at Pym's antics.


Pym covered his mouth with his limp arm, holding it in place with his other one, and stifled his giggles.


"Uh oh!" Pym said suddenly. He dropped his limp arm and shot his good arm underneath the blankets.


It didn't take long for me to find out what had happened, as I felt a trickle, then a stream of wetness, make its way down to me. Because I was heavier than Pym, his pee that was escaping through his clamped hand was making its way down to me and puddling underneath me.


All the laughter now out of Pym, he started to quietly sob as his bladder emptied itself uncontrollably in his bed. Trying to make him feel better I pulled him closer to me; pressing our bodies tightly together. Because of our closeness, I was able to feel his pee flow through his soggy pajamas and over my naked groin. For some reason beyond my understanding, I felt a thrill, as I felt Pym empty his bladder all over me. I didn't understand it, but I felt my own willy get hard and start to feel better than it has ever before. Enjoying the incredible feeling I was having, I also tried to comfort Pym and make him feel better.


"Hey buddy, don't worry! You know, I soaked my bed earlier. So don't feel bad." I said trying to comfort him.


"But I got my pee all over you." Pym hiccupped, while trying to rub the tears away from his eyes.


"Well I can fix that!" I whispered devilishly.


I could tell that my bladder also needed to be emptied and probably would have done so, if Pym hadn't awakened me. So without any warning to him, I emptied my own bladder while our bodies were still tightly pressed together, making sure my bladder emptied itself all over Pym's crotch area. I was also hoping to return the good feeling that Pym had given me when he had peed on me.


"You... you are peeing on me!" Pym announced in shock.


I laughed, "Well you peed on me first; I figured I would just return the favor!"


And like that, Pym was once again laughing and for the next few minutes we just quietly hugged each other tightly and laughed at our stupid bathroom jokes. Eventually though, we started to come back to our reality. Both of us and Pym's bed, was soaked and needed to be changed.


"I guess we should get up and change the bed." I announced regretfully.


To be honest, I was having a thrill that I never had before. The idea of me lying there in Pym's and my own pee, thrilled me like nothing else. Now this wasn't the first time I had ever been peed on, but it was the first time I ever had the feelings I was experiencing now. I also had a strong urge to touch my willy and play with it! It was so stiff though, I was afraid it might break!


Even though I knew we had to get up, I hesitated. Instead I waited for Pym to make the first move but when he too hesitated, I couldn't help wondering if he was experiencing the same feelings I was. So, we both laid there quietly; neither one of us speaking.


Finally, starting to go nuts, I broke the silence between us. "A penny for your thoughts?"


Pym looked at me for a second (By the way, for those who are wondering; Pym has a nightlight in his room, which is why we were able to see each other so good. This of course doesn't make sense as Pym could glow and become his own nightlight.) before saying anything. "Hey James..." He started to ask. "...would you think me strange if I told you something weird?"


"Hell no! You can tell me anything. Besides, you're my brother and I already think you're weird." I smiled at him as I said this.


Pym returned my smile, with a big toothy grin of his own. "Well, I don't know how to explain it but..."


At this, I couldn't help feeling that he had indeed had the same feeling I had when we peed on each other. Still, I wanted to make sure, so I didn't interrupt him.


"You know, when you peed on me?"


I just stared at him as he asked this and nodded my head slightly.


"Well, I got this really good feeling in my wiener when you peed on me."


Again I nodded my head.


"Did you get that feeling when I peed on you?" He asked looking a little worried that I might change my mind and think him weird after all.


I thought about how to answer this before finally deciding it was best to be as open and honest about it as I could. "Yeah, it felt real good and funny, didn't it?" I answered.


"Yeah, it did. Why did my wiener have this feeling?"


I wasn't sure how to answer Pym on this as I truly didn't know the answer myself. In the end, I kept with the honesty thing. "Pym, I wish I knew! I just know it felt real good and made me want to touch my wiener and play with it. I used the name that Pym used for his willy in order not to confuse him. Did it make you want to do that?" I asked Pym.


Pym grinned again before saying, "Yeah, that is exactly how I felt!"


For the next several minutes we laid there in silence, each reliving the awesome feeling we had just experienced. At some point, we must have fallen back to sleep as we didn't wake again, until the next morning.








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