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This story, and the characters in it, are purely fantasy works of fiction. But be aware: Sexually active adolescents are explicitly portrayed here. It is NOT intended to be read by underage minors.

The Pages of Chateau d'Autignac

By Dominick St James

Chapters in this issue:

His Lyrics So Telling, L'Hirondelle en Vol, A Troubadour Did So Chance


His Lyrics So Telling

"Good day Sire," said Pascal, and they exchanged greetings. Then Jocelyn looked towards Roland, quizzically.

"Sire, we beg to introduce you to Roland of..." There Pascal paused and looked to Roland.

"Gevaudan, Sire," supplied Roland, "my father is a land commissioner to King Philippe Augustus, Sire."

"Good day to you Roland of Gevaudan. A land commissioner to the King, you say, well I hope the King's delineation of my territory will be a peaceable affair, for his sake.

How may we be of service to you this fine day, Sire Roland?" said Jocelyn, cheerfully."

"Sire, whilst about my business in Autignac village, I chanced upon your Pages here present, one of whom was suffering an illness and collapsed, which I was witness to." Roland was about to continue, when Jocelyn interjected and asked which page, and he indicated Gabriel, placing his hand briefly around the boy's shoulder. Jocelyn looked wide eyed at Gabriel in some consternation, then asked Roland to continue. Roland went on, as best as he could, about what had transpired, and Jocelyn appeared a little nonplussed, but from the way he questioned them, it appeared to the boys, that the Chamberlain had'nt mentioned anything about their apparel to Jocelyn. The boys quietly breathed a sigh of relief that he seemed unaware of this, yet dare not dissemble as to their reason for being in the village. Jocelyn's first concern, it seemed, was for the health of Gabriel.

"Do you ail now with an affliction, Gabriel?"

"Nay Sire, it has passed, I am presently fit and well, Sire."

"That is good news, but what was the nature of its circumstance?"

"I must have fainted Sire."

"Ah, you only fainted, that is a relief," said Jocelyn, then flashed his eyes askance at Roland.

"But you were concerned Roland, yes?"

"Yes Sire, I was somewhat concerned, and so returned with them to your court, for their safety."

"Ah," said Jocelyn, his jaw a little lax, then studying Gabriel, firming it again.

"Why were the both of you in the village, today. Were you given permission, what was your business there?"

"Sire, we beseech your forgiveness. Indeed we had leave from the Chamberlain to go there, yet we had no true business in the same. We merely betook ourselves for a jaunt and a change of air whilst we had free time to do so. He expressly instructed us to return well before sunset, and in pursuit of our loyal and trustworthy natures, we have so obeyed, Sire," said Gabriel. Pascal could feel mirth beginning to creep up from his diaphragm to his face and turned aside to smother his mouth in a most unusually high pitched cough. Count Jocelyn looked at each one of them in turn. There looked to be a smidgen of something else here, thought Jocelyn, but did'nt know what.

"Very well, this sounds acceptable. Thank you kindly Roland for your care and attention in this matter. I treat my Pages well I think, I have great affection for them and I am very careful for their well being. Are these two, not two of the prettiest sweetlings you have ever met. I have presently sixteen, between the ages of 12 and 15, and they are all exquisite, Roland." The boys felt exquisite and blushed and their cocks felt exquisite too, though Gabriel thought they had somewhat further travails, still to deal with.

"Oh yes, indeed Sire, they honour you most assuredly. They are beautiful, though I suspect mischievous and naughty sometimes," smiled Roland, glancing at the naughty and mischievous pair.

"Oh indeed Roland, yet much of their attraction lies in the same, do you not agree?"

"Yes Sire, of course, naturally." Then Roland thought it now opportune to broach the subject of his primary business.

"Sire, your Pages here told me how splendid is Château d'Autignac and suggested I see for myself as I returned with them. Now present here, in a small capacity, I can see how true was their description. May I therefore further compliment you, by remarking on how grand your court is, Sire, though I have but seen little of it. It is beautiful, and I would greatly relish having a position in it to serve you, Sire, which I am free to do so, if something to that end were presently available.

Something latched and fell into place in Count Jocelyn's mind, though he pushed it aside. This young gentleman was being very complimentary, and flattery was much a susceptibility of Jocelyn's

"Thank you, yes indeed it has its own magnificence, though there are grander castles in the Languedoc, yet Château d'Autignac is sufficient for me. As to a position...I had thought for some while to appoint a steward for my Pages. They have a Chaplain but his responsibility is most importantly to fill their heads with knowledge, not to shepherd them hither and thither, nor discipline them. My Chamberlain has more responsibility in that area, yet he has many other more pressing ones too. It would be of significant help to him indeed, I think, if the charge of the Pages welfare could be separated from his commission."

"Yes indeed, Sire, it may be an irksome responsibility for him with so many other more important areas necessary for his service to you."

The boys were listening to the every word of this charmer and flatterer, and nearly floating away from the sound of the smooth tongued lad. Gabriel was buzzing inside himself and felt that if Roland kissed him again or merely touched him, his cock would explode with spunk again.

"What is your age," asked Jocelyn.

"I am presently of 17 years, but soon 18, Sire."

"Oh, you are still quite young, I took you for being perhaps 19. How are you with boys such as my Pages. They can be a handful of trouble on occasions, as you have pointed out." Jocelyn looked pointedly at the Pages and smirked, and they blushed.

"I have a great affection for them, Sire, for their happiness and good welfare. I make it my business where I can to seek them out and converse with them, be they Pages, nobility, or merely the sons of squires and the like. I feel I have great affinity with boys, Sire.

"Do you have a liking for their bodies?"

"My Lord, I would admit that I am often susceptible to their charms, but I am very respectful of them, Sire."

"I too, Roland." Roland then addressed the boys.

"So Pages, what thinkest thou, would you like to have this young man, as a steward over you?"

"I like him very much, Sire, he will be a good master for us and organize our lives well, Sire." said Pascal.

"He's adorable Sire, I would give my life to him to arrange." said Gabriel, and wanted to effuse much more about Roland, but held his tongue. Jocelyn tittered at him.

"It is settled then," announced Jocelyn, "I offer you the appointment, Court Steward to the Pages. You will be directly responsible to my Chamberlain and your duties will be to look after their well being, health, cleanliness, presentation and appearance, and their duties and appointments schedule. You will be strict with all their affairs, but you will also be their friend and counsellor, when needs arise. You shall have small quarters next theirs. I have two Pages Corporeal, one of whom, lately a novice, is Pascal here." Jocelyn touched him, then continued. "And eight Pages Ordinaire. I will direct my Chamberlain in the matter of your pay, and he will advise you. Do you have any questions?"

Roland crouched down and kneeled on one knee and swore fealty to him, then kissed his hand.

"Thank you m'lord, I do indeed accept your appointment, and I will honour your requirements of the position most assiduously. Sire, m'lord, I am free to take up my duties immediately, if you please, and can send for my accoutrements."

Jocelyn smiled and begged him rise.

"Yes by all means, start now. I shall instruct my Chamberlain to have your chamber made ready, you shall now in fact accompany me, and I will introduce you to him." Count Jocelyn, then addressing the Pages, said, "Attend with us, one or both of you. I shall then afterwards discharge Roland into your care for the moment." Addressing Roland, he added that Pascal and Gabriel would conduct him around, for introductions afterwards. The boys followed on behind, whispering into their hands, Gabriel's head floating away.


Whilst Count Jocelyn and Roland were in conference with Vathek, the Pages waited in an ante chamber. They sat closely with one another intertwined, and hatched a little ruse. Gabriel wanted to have Roland to himself a little while, after his chamber was got ready, so that he could privately give his body to Roland, and then later, when all the Pages retired to their chamber, then he would bring Roland in for introductions. That of course barring any absences that might arise.

"So you want to keep him a secret, until we retire" said Pascal.

"Yes...he is mine, and I shall make it quite plain that he is mine only. So that is best done in one session, for all of us, at the same time, don't you think?"

"Ah, yes I see, yes it is a good plan, and by chance it seems, Roland has not been seen yet by any of our fellows. I for one shall be very respectful of your wish, Gabriel. Even if he should flirt with me, I would not entertain him, but chastely steer him back in your direction. Not that he will I'm sure, nor with any of us, having you for his adoring lover."

"You may flirt with him Pascal, in any way you please, as may our fellows. He likes boys bodies, did he not tell us so...we Pages ought not disdain him. Yet flirt does not mean touch or kiss...well it may a little, perhaps. I suppose that if I discovered more than that, I would blame myself."

"You are such a sweetling, are'nt you" returned Pascal.

"If you say so."

"I do, and thinkest that soon, you will drowning in his adoring compliments, that is of course when his tongue is not jousting with yours as his hands rove over your naked body." Gabriel laughed and they kissed.

The Chamberlain was somewhat surprised by what, he seemed to think was Jocelyn's hasty appointment. Yet he conceded that it would be a load of his hands, or at least delegated. The welcomed Roland and advised him on numerous do's and dont's. Roland's remuneration was settled, with which he was very pleased, then the immediately instructed some servants to remove and carry down, from certain other sleeping quarters, its whole contents, which were all well appointed items, with a large comfortable bed.

When the meeting was over, the boys took Roland down a little used passageway to the servants hall and had repast with him there. He queried that they seemed to be being secretive with him and made the boys divulge their little ruse, but accepted their congratulations first.

"Are you still my boyfriend, Steward, Sire," asked Gabriel, chomping on his bread and fish, then smiling sweetly, sat on Roland's lap.

"Why else would I be here, allowing myself to be scurried about in such a surreptitious manner," said Roland, smirking whimsically.

"I'm sorry...I just wanted to keep you away from the other Pages, until I introduce you to them when we're all assembled for retiring in our dormitory...and we delay here, whilst your bed is being installed. Am I being naughty...I much so wanted to have you to myself, for just a little while your own quarters."

Pascal tittered and placed his hand on one of Gabriel's.

"Then I'm so blessed that such a pretty one is fretting and fritting to keep me to himself, fearing lest I engage in orgy with any half dozen or more of his fellows. As soon as I held you and kissed you, I felt a blessing. I hope you really do want me for your boyfriend."

Gabriel would have swooned again had he not been ensconced on Roland's lap. He made murmuring cooing sounds, whilst caressing his lover's face.

"I've wanted you forever," was all Gabriel said, now a little overcome. Pascal cheered them to high spirits now and spoke of how even more wonderful, Château d'Autignac would be, with their own personal older friend looking after them, and how happy he was for them both. After a little while he made a suggestion.

"I will go and see how the coast doth now lie, and report to you both shortly." With that Pascal left them and skipped off to the Steward's chamber. It was locked, but the key was in the door and Pascal opened it.

"Oh goodness in heaven," he exclaimed, and wandered into the now well appointed chamber. The floor was covered with new rush mats. There was a large, well made up bed, with a stand by it; there were two large storage chests, a large stand, with two tablets on it for scribing with, and the stands had oil lamps on them. In one corner stood a tub with water in it, set upon another stand, and by it stood a water pitcher on the floor.

Pascal withdrew, closed and locked the door, taking the key, and looked in on his dormitory. Pascal lay on his bed day dreaming, with his tunic discarded. Pascal tripped over to him, sat down and kissed his mouth.

"Where have you been?" was the first thing Pascal said. Pascal answered, feeling uneasy, "I went off for a little jaunt with Gabriel, whilst you were in the woods...who's been gossiping?" asked Pascal looking away, then at Pascal.

"No one's gossiped to me about you. Are you on an errand or something, else let me undress you. Oh, and also, that empty chamber next us, has been furnished. I heard quite a commotion a little while ago, then looked in, it's quite elegant, I wonder who it's for, not you and I, surely."

"I know, I looked in too, and know who it's for, and I sought of am on an errand about it."

Pascal waited. "And..."

"Hush now, be patient, all will be revealed a little later, wait and see."

"What is this silly secret, Pascal?"

"Wait and see...I must go now. Don't press me and then later, I'll let you kiss me." Pascal retreated laughing, and Pascal threw a cushion at him and made to go after him, but he darted swiftly away. Pascal tried the Steward's door again and scratched his head, frowning. He dressed properly and then went off to seek some repast.


In his Steward's chamber, Roland undressed and paid attention to his hygiene. He had his personal roll with him, and with his open razor, he clean shaved his beard, and with scissors and razor, carefully attended to his pubic area, as he always did from time to time. Boys, he knew, were often impressed by their elders body hair, especially pubic. He did'nt want to see himself as an elder though, a little maturer, yes, and very virile, but hairy balls and cock seemed to Roland to evince a kind of separation from hairless adolescent boys. He could'nt remember how he felt about hairiness at their age, but certainly for him now, the hairless or downy crotches of 12 and 13 year old boys hugely aroused him. In any case, he had'nt so much, and found that keeping it at bay gave more sensitivity. He bathed thoroughly, especially his nether region and pudenda, and then applied an aromatic balm preparation to his face and shaven areas.

Lying naked, propped up on his bed, he was in a reverie over his new good fortune. He fondled himself and stroked his cock up lovingly, with a lascivious smile; this will shortly be handled and played with in the sexy fingers of a 13 year old, and no doubt, be in his carmine mouth, and then it will fornicate in his sexy arse, thought Roland. The door quietly opened and Gabriel flitted in, then locked it, discreetly holding a small flask of almond oil. He was now dressed in a clean white silk night gown which wafted as he alighted up onto the bed and stood astride Roland's legs and cast his hand about.

"Do you like it goodly Steward?" said Gabriel, surveying the chamber. Roland eyed him slowly with a lascivious grin. "Yes, very much. I liked it from first I saw it wittingly or not, offered me its sexy young cock." Gabriel burst into shrill shaking giggles.

"Oh, you mean the chamber, don't you...oh I'm so sorry, please forgive my impertinence," said Roland, grinning and also shook in quiet mirth. Gabriel threw his head back and laughed the more. He collapsed down on Roland and stretched out, splaying his legs out either side of him, and now quietly grinned down at Roland, eye locked with him.

"You make dreams real, don't you," murmured Roland.

"It's my cock, Sire, anything can happen." They began to deep french, and Gabriel squirmed on top of him, feeling the youth's hard erect cock under his groin, and the youth feeling the sexy delicious sensation of hard young boycock squirming next to his. Murmuring sounds, of sensual love satisfaction rose between them, as Roland's hands roamed over him, and slid his gown up, off the backs of his thighs, and his palms slid over the soft firm cheeks of his pertly rounded bottom. Gabriel arched and squirmed his arse into Roland's ministrations as they frenched; Roland's finger tips deftly divided his cleft and ran to and fro along its dampness. They stayed like that a while and as Gabriel caressed his face, Roland's hands journeyed over his body, and wherever Roland wanted to have them, Gabriel lifted himself or splayed his legs the wider in prostration. As they went down his thighs, he brought his legs up behind him so that Roland could even have his ankles and feet.

Gabriel rose up onto his knees, and raised an arm up through his gown, and caressed himself lasciviously at Roland, then stood up on the bed and pulled his gown off over his head, purposefully standing over him. As he did so, Roland eased down the bed, then yanked him down over his face. Gabriel saw what he wanted, and carefully squatted his naked crotch down over Roland's mouth, with his thighs past Roland's head, and closed his eyes, smiling vacantly. Now he had his perineum, scrotum and groin and inner thighs kissed and eaten, whilst Roland's hands caressed along his smooth slender thighs to his knees and back along them to his hips and bottom, and back and forth they went. Gabriel eased himself this way and that, mewling and simpering, and giving Roland every access for were he wanted to have his mouth, and now positively rubbed himself over Roland's mouth and nose.

'This is so sexy,' thought Gabriel, 'phew, but he loves his mouth on my bare crotch, and my thighs. Ho, what perfect adoration this is...he's so frikking sexy with me,' mused Gabriel. 'I will show him with my body, when his cock is in me, how I feel about him.'

Roland eased him up a little, to speak. "This...this is what I've wanted, more than half the day."

The boy simpered bemusedly with a little murmuring chuckle and continued squirming his crotch over Roland's mouth and nose, with deliberation, murmuring through a grin, and looked down under himself, as Roland clasped his hips. He tongued the boy's balls and flicked his tongue at his cock, then slid lips and tongue back over his balls, pushing them with his nose and sucked and kissed his perineum, pushing his nose up at it, as he flicked and licked at the boy's rosebud. The boy moaned loudly and quivered, head held high, his body undulating. As Roland savoured him, the musky exotic fragrance of damp boycrotch intoxicated him.

A young adolescent boy's fragrant sexy crotch, such as his, pressing over one's face, voluntarily bequeathing itself for enjoyment, with the smooth sexy young thighs and arse supplicating themselves in prostration by one's head...was'nt this the centre of the firmament, that, and cock penetrating through his rosebud, thought Roland.

Roland reversed him around and nosed and tongued into his cleft again and now pushed his tongue directly up through his boy's rosebud, and frenched his hole; Gabriel threw his head back, and screeched and wailed in bliss, like a maiden in anguish. His fingers seemed of their own volition to take up his cock, and he masturbated himself fervidly, whilst Roland was further stimulating him, pulling and fondling his young scrotum.

Gabriel cried out in bliss, and Roland felt the boy's orgasm spasm and jerk through his perineum, his balls and his cock, erupted with spunk.

He fell forward, open mouthed, panting and put his fingers to Roland's cock, and slid his lips down over Roland's bell, slowly engulfing half his shaft, gurgling and slurping. Roland made love to his thighs with his mouth, then hoisted him by his hips and nuzzled into his cleft again, giving it his tongued kisses, and the cheeks of his bottom, then his thighs and legs, and then releasing him, reclined back, and attended to his toes.

Gabriel's head bobbed up and down slowly and methodically, enthralled in blissful enjoyment, and simpered from happy peaceful satisfaction, sucking Roland's cock, as Roland's breath hissed and gasped. He looked down along Gabriel's sexy legs and drank in the sight, as Gabriel languorously waved them to and fro, knowing his body was adored. Gabriel's court manner was expert; he was in control.

That sense infiltrated itself to Roland and he suddenly wrenched the boy off himself, and flung him aside, on the bed, then attacked his supine body with his mouth. Gabriel squealed and giggled, with arms and legs in motion. Roland's mouth roved over him; his naval, thighs, nipples, neck, toes, his crotch again, arms and arm pits and his wagging willy, which was tumescing again. Little was being spoken, but there were the sounds of the youth in paradise, overcome with sexual joy; and the boy in utter sensual rapture.

Roland crouched to his knees and gathered him to his lap, with one arm around him and the other through his legs with the crook of his arm against the boy's perineum, and his hand to his back, and lifted him. Gabriel embraced Roland's neck and their mouths latched into deep french kissing.

Roland abruptly discarded him again, and Gabriel fell down supine onto the bed again, and whined and simpered in excitation, arching his crotch at Roland in lewd offering. When Roland was about to take him again, Gabriel flung himself at him, kissing his mouth, and pushed him down flat, and straddled his thighs across Roland's. Having the almond oil to hand, he dribbled it onto Roland's cock, gently smoothing it, then felt behind himself for his rosebud. As he did so, Roland took his wrist and pulled him down again, grinning, and engulfed his cock, and goosed him through his rosebud; minutes later another intense orgasm racked Gabriel's body.

The boy lay supine again, prostrate and heaving; Roland ravished him with kisses and caresses and nuzzled down his body again with mouth and tongue, lifting each leg in turn to savour each thigh, and sucked his toes, and then his fingers, and his ears, and stroked his hair and kissed his cheeks.

After some little rest, Gabriel then sat up, and almost solemnly crouched his hole down over Roland's cock and steadily shafted him into ecstasy.


Roland lay back hugging the boy and listened to his love murmurings and returned them, then heard some little tittering from him.

"Now what has you in mirth, pretty little darling?"

"You like so much my nether crotch to your face, don't you."

"Why yes of course...should I not so engage you, is it improper?"

"Nay it is so proper Rolly. It is so exquisite to feel your mouth eating me there. It's so sexy. I love everything you do with me, Rolly.

"I can't imagine eating any other boy that way."

"Your cock is beautiful, Rolly. It fills me up to Paradise, I would never want my twat off it if I could stay in bed with you day and night.

"You like to call it twat don't you."

"It's sexy, don't you like me saying it?"

"It's perfect, angel. You're a sexy little twat." Gabriel giggled his head off.

"Rolly, do you like my voice and the way I laugh. I try to keep it high because I know it's sexy, 'specially when I'm being impregnated.

"It's perfect, darling angel."

"But I am better for you than a young maid are'nt I, because you did say you like them too.

Roland squeezed the young lamb tightly, and found a fresh place on his neck to implant a love bite, of which this boy seemed to have many, and not only from Roland's ministrations upon him. He then answered him.

"With a boy it is very special, but for me you are exquisite. A maiden is soft and her responses gentle, at least to begin with, but for me, she cannot match a boy, and she is not so as a boy is in bed. A boy is...ah...they are so more arousing. Young cock is exquisite.

Gabriel had impaled himself down on Roland's cock again, but sat still there, having the toes of one foot sucked, while lewdly and provocatively toying with himself and grinning at Roland. Then they heard a soft and cautious knock on the door, and Pascal announce himself, and Gabriel called to enter.

Pascal tripped in very discreetly and closed the door, then smiled broadly at them, and saw how their situation was. Gabriel grinned at him and motioned for him to sit on the bed.

"I'm waiting to be tupped again, but he just lies there sucking my toes."

"They're sexy," drawled Roland, and Gabriel rolled his eyes heavenwards at Pascal and they grinned.

"Roland, Sire Steward," he began politely, "I merely enquire whether you can come to our dormitory presently...we are ready to meet you."

"Rolly come, we promised," said Gabriel, withdrawing himself from Roland's erect cock, which bounced as he got up to dress and Pascal eyed with a smile. Gabriel yawned and slipped his gown back on. Pascal had promised there was a surprise awaiting the Pages, and had begged their attention to await it. Roland had a momentary word with his lamb, who was brushing his hair, then followed Pascal.

A chair had been drawn up close by two beds, which had been pushed together, side by side. On the beds were variously reposed or seated the fourteen other Pages, all in their night gowns. As usual in the Pages dormitory, there was a musky aroma of pubertal adolescent sex, mixed with the raunchy odour of soiled hosiery. Some Pages were kissing while masturbating one another, or copulating together, or sat astride another, shafting his hole on him.

Then Pascal tripped in, a little ahead of Roland, and clapped his hands smartly, with a wide beaming smile, and made a sweeping gesture with his hand, as in walked Roland, smiling and nodding courteously. Pascal then introduced him to them all and explained who he was, then wormed himself between Gabriel and Aurèle who were sat up, their mouths, hands, and limbs intertwined with each other, and slapped them playfully to get their attention, as Roland seated himself.

They stared at him agog, smiling pretty smiles, and little fussy murmurings arose. Roland seated himself, and began to chat with them, and had their undivided attention; but where was Gabriel?

Gabriel ambled into the chamber, smiling a little sleepily, idly preening at his hair, and the assembly's attention wandered to him. From his gait and deportment of himself, the others could instantly tell that he had lately been much engaged in lots of sex, a feast of it, by the look of him; they all new the symptoms, and quietly tittered and smirked. Roland eyed his boyfriend very briefly as he approached, but undistracted, carried on his discourse. The assembly blinked at him and eyed Gabriel again. Pascal, with cocked eyebrows, beamed widely in mirth at his manner, and scanned his companions expressions. Gabriel, nonchalantly, as though it were his rightful and usual place, casually seated himself, nay draped himself on Roland's lap without a word, still preening at his hair, and Roland's arm enfolded him. Gabriel eyed them all with a casual little smile of triumph, then gazed at Roland, and rested into him, as he continued.

The Pages mouths fell open in confusion and disbelief. What was this gross impertinence they wondered, and glanced at Pascal for his reaction and saw it in his face. Pascal was also highly amused and gazed at the pair in wonder, then turned his look of bemused amazement on Pascal. He briefly took it in and put his arm to Pascal's neck, and leaned into him, wanting to explode in giggles.

On Roland's lap, Gabriel brought one ankle up to rest on Roland's thigh and splayed open his legs in the volume of his gown and tugged at Roland's hand, about his waist, for it to be in the folds of his crotch. Roland now paused in explaining to his assembly of Pages, what his duties with them would be. He kissed the side of Gabriel's head, then announced that Gabriel was in fact his boyfriend. He then went on to briefly explain how and when they had met, embroidering the story to suit their situation, but left out every detail that would be of embarrassment to his new darling and indeed Pascal. Gabriel, with his hand over Roland's hand fondling his aroused crotch, added his version, or rather iterated it a little plainer, and from the way he spoke, about Roland, conveyed to his companions his enrapturement.

Jaws fell open anew at this news, but there was appreciation in their faces. As Roland continued with his introduction to them, Gabriel casually raised a knee up, and let fall his gown down his thigh for Roland's benefit, to play with his erect cock, if he wanted to, whilst he addressed them. Roland drew his gown back over the boy's knee and squeezed him, making him squeak; the assembly tittered and sniggered.

Gabriel's relationship with the new Steward would now quickly become public knowledge throughout the court, so why make to conceal being sexually on offer to him, his gorgeous hunky lad, that he had seduced and brought to court. In any case, no page at court hid either his sexuality nor his relationships from anyone, let alone his fellow Pages, nor even considered doing so; yet in that last degree, how was he to impart this intimacy with their newly appointed 'Pages Steward' to Count Jocelyn, without dissembling that it had just come about after Roland's arrival. Gabriel quietly mused upon it.

Seeing how the pair were with one another, the atmosphere in the dormitory chamber relaxed, and a babble arose amongst the other Pages. They drew up to the pair, and effused at them happily, making little jokes, and there was much joyful mirth.

Roland broke into his troubadour song again, and then recited some verse, enthralling them all. Gabriel glowed and simpered on his lap with his arms around his Roland. Simon had Pascal on his lap and Léandre had Aurèle sat between his legs, eating his neck, whilst playing with his cock under his gown. Gabriel, it appeared, did'nt need to assert his propriety, everything appeared to have fallen into place.

Eventually Roland called bedtime, and as the assembly started to disperse to their beds, Orvelle, one of the other older Pages, whispered something into Léandre's ear who was sat beside him. As Gabriel was about to trip along after Roland, out of the dormitory, Orvelle and Léandre grabbed him, and hauled him back. Gabriel screeched at the top of his voice and called out to Roland, but was dropped on the nearest bed and held him down.

"We'll let him go presently, Roland, Sire, we are only having a little fun with him," called out Orvelle, as Gabriel squealed and writhed about. Roland thought it not his place to be involved in the Pages bedtime games and sidled off, chuckling.

"You little pansy tart," said Orvelle, feeling up Gabriel's gown.

"Off me," screeched Gabriel, wriggling.

"The little tart's still wet," declared Orvelle, removing his hand.

"You know he belongs to Roland now, Orvelle," cut in, Simon, "so let him go."

"Yes...let me go, I belong in my boyfriend's bed now...and I like feeling his wet spunk on me.

"So our beds you do now disdain," Léandre asked, but then Aurèle got their attention.

"Let him go you two," said Aurèle, lifting up his gown and climbing onto Orvelle and Léandre, making sure he pushed his young naked crotch into one of their faces. With the attention of his inquisitors suddenly engaged with Aurèle's body, Gabriel jumped off the bed, and dashed out.

Gabriel flitted into Roland's chamber and seeing that he was apparently asleep, quickly and quietly, pulled off his gown, and climbed into his bed. Roland affected to be disturbed by the intrusion and momentarily made to turn away from him, but did'nt and made a sudden grab at Gabriel and spooned into him with roving hands over his body, with Gabriel squealing with delight. He pulled Gabriel to lie flat on top of him and have his hard cock nestle comfortably in the boy's crease, with Gabriel politely splaying open his thighs, and they chatted and kissed and squirmed a little.

"Rolly, what do you like best about me," Gabriel began, "and do not say shagging and kissing me," he laughed.

"Nay, nay, two other things about is your darling boyish laugh in my ears and the other, the way you walk in your livery."

"How so my walk?"

"Your pert pretty arse in motion with the impish gait of your long sexy legs in your hosiery. I can foresee that I shall be hard put to in my duties daily, keeping my hands off you."

Simon pulled Pascal into his bed, and ravished him too, and called him his sexy princess and they frenched breathlessly, then Simon rogered him.


L'Hirondelle en Vol

One of the Pages favourite games, that they took turns at, which they called L'hirondelle en vol, [The Flying Swallow], was to hoist up and support a naked page, prone horizontally, face down, with splayed open legs. He was held up at a sufficient height, by a number of Pages, such that each of them could attend to an erogenous part of his body by hand and mouth. They then lavished on his body, kisses, and fondling caresses. One would hold his head, frenching him; another might suck and toy with his nipples; another, suck his cock; a taller one standing between his splayed thighs, tongued in his rosebud, with roaming hands; whilst yet another might be handling his dangling balls. If there were more than nine involved with him, others would suck his toes also, and all the while stroke and caress him. The page would quickly be rendered delirious, from sensual and sexual overload, and empty his balls in a gasping screeching orgasm, from which he either passed out, or wept from.


A Troubadour Did So Chance

Then did troubadour players pass through these lands by circuit. They played the lute and sang lyrically of love and romance and valour; or recited poems. In verse, they also propagated news, or merely salacious gossip, from one court to the next and betwixt town and village alike. They could render their art in a jocular vein, or in fervent lament or simpering plainsong, dependant on mood and circumstance.

They were colourful characters and often skilled lovers and frequently urbane and handsome.

Such were found at tourneys, fairs, and feasts. They told of the news and current affairs, local and far and wide, sometimes by way of poetry and in song. And they were frequently accompanied by jongleurs, (jugglers who also performed other tricks amd feits.)

One such troubadour was Tousaint a nineteen year old, well schooled in his art.

We find him now calling at the Château d'Autignac, the fortified domain set upon a high mount -- now the court of Count Jocelyn of Toulouse, in the sun drenched Languedoc of high summer.

Tousaint stands by the doorway and sings and plays an ad hoc ballade in praise of the Château and its beautiful setting to no one in particular listening, receiving the nods, winks and grins of Court Pages and boys. But a few are listening and the Steward thinking him worthy to be passed inside, ushers him into is the servants hall, is given refreshment and told to await whether the Chamberlain will engage him. He is hired and requested to play and sing in court, after his Lordship's meal.

Tousaint is indeed a comely young man, and travelling in all weathers his body lithe and hardened. He causes a flutter amongst the Pages who begin to jostle one another in the little melee and disturbance., passing remarks and gossip. Will he take some mulled wine, a posset , wonder the maidens, a pretty pansy's thigh of 13 summers wonder the Pages. They giggle and chitter-chatter gaily, scampering about hither and thither in their duties, and gossip. Is he to perform, to stay, who will he take for the night. What does he like on the bed.

In their twitterings, the main subject is prick. They wonder what Tousaint;s got there.

"I'd let him have me 'een it be but 4 inches, says Valentin, feeling those arms strong around me"

"Aye, and with no looks to you, Valentin, you'll get the less, be sure," says Etienne of 12½, scornfully. "No indeed though, he'll have more than that, observe how comely and virile he is."

"Aye," says Aurèle, look at my blacksmith's lad, oh the beauty, he's of over 7 inches." The others, not in the know about Aurèle's lad, twitter and giggle profusely.

"Aye, but it's what he does with it that counts," says Valery, 13.

"Mine does as he's told," came back Aurèle, to high laughter.

"Then he has to like boys, that way -- our pussy holes." said Etienne, to many 'ayes'.

"I like having my prick in your pussy, Etienne, that way," chirped up 14 year old Blaise to much laughter.

"I'll wager he likes boy pussy hole well enough, what fellow does'nt? We'll tell tonight at table. I'll try him out," says Etienne.


In the cooks gallery Tousaint sat down to his ale and pie brought him by a kitchen boy, not privy to the twittering gossip of the Pages. A plain face, yet not without its merits, and comely of frame was he -- 13 year old Anton by name. Anton was indifferent to teen lads, with him, they were usually surly and full of themselves. As to cock, Anton did'nt mind its gender either way and the young scullery damsels gave him pleasure enough. But if it was with another boy he'd sooner be fucked than do the fucking.

Tousaint eyed the boy waiting on him and pursed up his mouth, emitting a kissy, kissy sound, then ran his hand down the inside of one leg. Anton seemed to freeze and relax all in one instant, and smirked, stirring up into space.

"Eat your pie Sire Troubadour 'eer it gets cold, fresh out the oven they is.

"I'd rather have a kiss on that mouth, and a stroke of something else warm."

Anton was'nt the flighty type, nor huffy with favours He merely bent down and gave Tousaint his mouth, staring at the troubadour's crotch as he felt his prick start to unfurl and stiffen. He saw, what inside the troubadour's hosiery, looked like a large curved sausage and as the kiss progressed its curve became fatter and the head lifted. Tousaint broke the kiss, getting uncomfortable with his crotch. Anton grinned and sniggered.

"Take it out if you want."

"Its yours I want to see. I love boyprick."

"Aye alright," said Anton and let out his goodsome 4¾ inches. Anton bobbed for it and immediately had all of it in his mouth. Anton was electrified. He was'nt sucked much and went rigid for the occasion. At Tousaint's fumblings, Anton pulled his hosiery off his bottom.

"Phwaar," he said, and resumed sucking the boy, but treating it like a smoking pipe, spoke between sucks.

"Used to being sucked?"

"Not so much. The maidens of 11 and 12 like being fucked well enough, but won't go astray to other ways, pages I ne'er get a look in, 'cept Christmas maybe, but otherwise lads likes me if I fancy to be fucked, like you, 16 to 19 summers."

"D'ya get the maidens with belly?"

"Aye, oft as not, e'en the younger ones. They likes being catched of their bellies. And you aint come here for the likes of me, but pages, I'll warrant?"

"Aye, tis true. I have a fancy for them." Whist saying this, the troubadour quietly brought out his cock, freeing it from his hose. It lolled to the side, then as soon as Anton gave it attention to stiffened up, rigid.

"Ho oh yes, ho ho yes, nice. Oh my, goodsome, Sire," said Anton tentatively stroking on it. "I've never seen one bigger than this," he said, paying it attention as though it were a pet. They laughed and joked about cock a while, until it was time for him to perform for Jocelyn.

The troubadour performed his arts of poetry, song and rhymes, telling news too as ditties. No dignitaries were at dinner today and so he had the attention of all the pages assigned there for the evening. And as they say, first come, first served and it was Etienne bearing the wine.

The cute page found himself quickly on Tousaint's lap and as the wine flowed, so did the troubadours hands over Etienne. A cup full later and he was being fapped and kissed, sat between Tousaint's legs at the table. Jocelyn already well pleased by his performance, clapped at the speed of his seduction. By bedtime Etienne was naked at the table, engaged in mutual wanking, surrounded by the other pages. As a favour he was allowed to take four of them to his chamber, too. Every act of sex was performed there and no one got left out in the reverie. He fucked them as they fucked each other, treating Etienne with speciality and the morning brought sore anuses to some. And the troubadour rose early and went on his way to his next venue.

I hope you've enjoyed this tale of long ago from the medieval courts of my mind! Perhaps you'll meet them again. Demand it, and I will oblige.

Bye Boys and those 'others'.
Uncle Dominick.