"The sons of Josh and Kinshi"


By Boys in the hood.




Leave now if you are not 18 and over.


All the characters, places names and anything else said here is not real. Most of the Japanese names are real. I watch a few Japanese shows.


This story first started as the adventures of Josh and Kinshi.


This is a fictional story. It never happened.


Copyright 2015: Boys in the hood.


Do not copy, change or repost without first contacting the owner.


This is my story so it can't be placed on another site.


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The last chapter ended with:


In the morning the newspapers arrived and we checked the rating on our opening and the show. Loads of people wanted tickets to the show and we were booked out for the next four months.


The internet was filled with reports of our opening and what was seen in the arena and a lot of people from other countries wanted booking to see our show when they arrived in Tokyo.

"It looks like we are going to be busy for the next twelve months so you better check your bank accounts as it sure will grow with the wages you all will receive." Dad Josh grinned as he checked out the newspapers.

Chapter 4 Fun times for all.



In the morning we woke up feeling a little sore. It was like all of our muscles were tight after our first performance. So I decided to get all the guys to head to the hot tub and relax a bit before breakfast.



"Oh god, I feel so stiff." Kikio moaned as he crawled out of his bed. "I feel the same Kikio." Chuo replied. I never knew jumping all over the stage would have us so sore." I replied. "Right then, let's go to the hot tub and relax in the hot water." Kikio said and we all walked to our hot tub and sat down and waited for our muscles to soften up.



"I see that the boys are moving slowly today." Josh said to Kinshi. "Yeah, they will get over it real quick, it's just that the boys have not done much exercise and they need to do some training." Kinshi announced.


"They will need to get some training as they are getting a little flabby now." Josh said to Kinshi. "Hai, we have to get them to cut back on junk food as well and make them eat more fish." Kinshi stated.


"I think that cousin Wang needs to get them doing some work outs as he now do a lot of training to keep his stamina topped up. Josh said and walked to us boys and told us to listen to him. "Now boys, I know you had a long night but as of today you will be doing some light training as you boys are getting a bit chubby around your tummies." Dad Josh said as he got us to stand up as he checked our bodies to see how fat we were getting.

"Oh gee dad, it's not like we are sumo wrestlers now, are we' I said. "I know Heiro, but seeing you with a little bulge on your tummy is telling us that we need to sort out your food and have your Uncle Wang to give you some training sessions." Dad Kinshi told us.

"For real dad!" Kikio moaned. "Yes son it's for real." Dad Josh remarked. Just then Tanaka and Mikio giggled seeing us being told off that we were now going to have to do some exercises with Uncle Wang.

"Um boys, you better stop laughing as you two will be joining them." Our Uncle Craig said as he entered the back yard. He was next door and over heard what was said and heard his sons laughing their heads off. `Oh come on dad, as if we were little fat pigs." Tanaka moaned.

`You are both heading to see uncle Wang and sit in with some training with your cousins." Uncle Craig replied. Uncle Wang who was now living just a few houses away from ours soon arrived and had a white plastic bag with him.

"Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?" Kikio muttered. "Oh I am here as I heard that there is four fat little fuckers that need to have some fat removed." Uncle Wang said as he really didn't swear much but to call us little fat fuckers surely hit us in the face.

"Oh wow Wang' hit them with a stick." Uncle Craig sniggered. `I see that your boys need to eat more rice and less donut!" Uncle Wang stated. "Oh and you will be eating more fish and less ribs and eating more salads." Dad Kinshi grinned.

"Oh god, what have we done to receive this crap." Tanaka said. `Seeing how you were moving around just an hour ago said that you were out of shape and yes you did a splendid job last night but I say to you all that you need to have more energy and stamina as you will be busy every weekend now." Uncle Craig remarked.

So while we sat in the nude as we had to get out of the hot tub, Uncle Wang as now holding up a pair of fundoshi's. They were like a jock strap but a Japanese version. A white soft cloth that just covered our boy bits and had a bit of thin cloth that fitted between our butt cheeks.

`Are you getting us to wear that thing?" Kikio gasped. "Yes son, its part of your new uniforms for the ninja special you will be doing on the weekends now." Dad Josh said as Uncle Wang handed us the fundoshi's and told us to put them on.

After we were dressed in our jock strap thing Uncle Wang pulled his track pants off and showed us his gold stripped shorts and said we had a mile run to do. "Oh man, we have not eaten yet." Tanaka groaned. "You will get some breakfast after your training session." Dad Kinshi said as Uncle Wang took us outside and started to run down our street just wearing our straps.

"I feel like a dick in this thing." Mikio stated as we passed some old people walking down the side walk. "We will be wearing them in the stadium for some reason so we have to get used to wearing them." I said as we ran down our road and headed towards the ninja stadium.

"Why are we heading this way." Kikio yelled as we continued our running to our ninja stadium. `You will see when we get there." Uncle Wang said as he waved us into the stadium and then we headed to the arena. "You go boys." One of the work crew yelled as we began to circle the staging area.

`Right boys, stop here and breathe in." Uncle Wang said as he grabbed a cooler that was on the stage and handed us a cold bottle of water and told us to sip some of the water and then walk off the stiffness in our legs.

As we drank our water a group of ninjas arrived and began to yell at us saying we were fat little pigs and needed to be sorted out. `What the fuck is going on here.' Chuo swore seeing the ten black ninja's running around us with sticks in their hands.

"You better do as they say or you might get hit." Uncle Wang said as he had set us up and had the ninja's doing some ninja moves. Their heads were covered in a black hood so we didn't know who they were. Yes they were our ninja's in training and soon were did a few judo rolls on the mats that were placed in a line.

Then our ninja's had us jumping over the sticks they held in their hands. Us guys were starting to do some of the moves the ninja's did in their show and that is when it hit me. It was our newest training for the next show we would be preforming on the weekend.

It was a ten minute training session that we would be doing on Saturday and Sunday and my brother and cousins asked if we were doing this on the weekend. "Hai, you need to learn who to be ninja boys and you will be showing the guests how boys were trained to be ninja's" Sakami said. He was the leading ninja who was the main star in our show and pulled off his mask and said we did an awesome job with our training session.

"So why are we wearing these things then." Mikio asked. "Oh you mean your fundoshi's', all boys who learned how to become ninja's had to wear them so that they could run and jump and show their masters that they could show obedience and loyalty to all the ninjas." Sakami said.

`I see, so when we learned how to be a ninja they could then wear what you are wearing." Chuo asked. "Hai, you had to earn the right to wear our clothing." Sakami grinned as the penny dropped. "So this is part of a new act that our Dad's want us to learn then." I questioned.

"Yes and that your Dad's and Uncles say that you are getting fat like little porky pigs and we had to show you how to be great little ninja boys and be able to show the guests that you are well trained and fit." Sakami replied.

"Now you stinky pigs, go to the staff bathroom and take a shower, you will find some clothing there for you to wear and bring your sexy jock straps so they can be washed later on." Uncle Wang told us. Then after we washed up and dressed in normal clothing our Uncle Wang took us to the large kitchen and told us to sit at the table in the staff mess room.

`Right boys, I am going to show you what food you can eat for now until you lose that tummy fat of yours so here is some mixed fruit and a special breakfast cereal you will eat every morning and then I will be showing your parents what food can you can eat as it will be a body building diet you will be on for a few weeks." Uncle Wang said as he poured some cereal into the bowels and said we only could use brown sugar on our bran flakes.

"This is not that too bad you guys." Tanaka remarked as he placed some bananas on his cereal. I grabbed some strawberries and the others grabbed some slices of peaches and pineapples and added it to their cereal.

"I see you have grabbed some fruit, I bet that is the first time you have added fruit to your cereal." Uncle Wang said. `I have put bananas on my cornflakes a few times but not pineapple and grapes and stuff like what you have here." Kikio announced.

`You will be eating this type of food for a while so you better get used to it." Sakami said as he entered the kitchen and grabbed some mixed fruit and placed it into his cereal bowl. The other guys arrived in their normal clothing and began to make their breakfast.

Some had pancakes and they smelt different to what our dads made and we were told they used buckwheat flour and had sweet fruit syrup that was poured over the pancakes. "Can we try one of those?" Kikio said seeing one of the ninja staff cooking a batch of pancakes.

"You can make it yourself, just pour enough to cover the pan and flip it over when you see bubbles on one side." Uncle Wang grinned as we took turns to make some pancakes. We grabbed some frying pans and poured the mixture into the pan and waited for the pancakes to cook.

After we had eaten our breakfast we returned to our house and we walked back and it was a full mile to our house. Our Dad's said we would be doing the training session two times a week to learn the ninja moves and the other days we would be learning a few exercises and reading up on some yummy recipes that Uncle Wang would show us how to cook less fattening food.

By the time we had our first official show we had lost about 500 grams of fat and would lose more as time went on. It was now time for us to get ready for our ten minute stint on the arena grounds.

"Boys, get ready, you're next on the stage." Oshiro said as he spoke into his two ay radio. "This is going to be fun Chuo, you look so sexy in your fundoshi'.' I said as I pulled the flap over my boy pole and made sure I had a tight knot in my back so that my fundoshi' would not fall down.

The music started and a few ninjas were on the main arena doing some training sessions with an old master who was holding a big stick and would hit a ninja telling him to jump higher. Then we ran out onto the stage and we could be seen on the huge white screen.

Just wearing our fundoshi's we were told to bow in front of the master and then start to jump over a long stick that one of our older ninjas was holding. We were running all over the stage and then 50 ninjas stared to do the same in the big arena. The old masters wearing golden samurai kimonos began to scream orders to the ninjas and they had on hidden belts that attached to wires that made them jump high up to the top of the roof.

It looked so magical to see them flying around like it was real. On the stage our master was telling us one day we could jump onto the roofs of buildings like the ninjas were doing on the stage.

"You see boys, when you have been shown the magical way to be a ninja you will one day be able to jump high into the sky." Our master said as we jumped and rolled onto the floor as we did our training to become ninjas.

The crowds clapped as we finished our act and then the next part of the show started. Ninjas started to fight and use their weapons as they chopped watermelons off stakes and yelled out in Japanese that they were the best ninjas in the city.

The guests were eating their main meal now and us boys were now holding the horses that the main stars would ride in the main event. We had on black ninja suits on and had a small sword in our hands as we lead the horses to the center of the arena where Sakami and the other ninja stars would ride around the arena and fight the enemy ninjas that were attacking our village.

Then after another 30 minutes the show ended and all the guests clapped and cheered as we all took our turns to bow in front of the visitors. We then returned to the change rooms and changed into our normal clothing.

`Oh man, that was one hell of a show you guys." Oshiro said as we sat around the table eating our dinner. `It was fun." My love Chuo grinned as he ate his steak and salad roll. Sushi was now served and we had some tuna rolls that Uncle Wang had made us. Our dads came in after seeing the guests out as we always had a few special guests attend our shows and our Dads had to welcome them and then see them off at the end of the show.

"You boys should be proud of yourselves as you all did a great job tonight as all the guests said you did well and showed that you could be ninjas when you grow up. "My butt hurts." Chuo moaned. "He accidently got smacked harder by the master as he tripped over the stick and ended up getting his butt smacked a lot more as he got in the way of me." I sniggered.

I thought it was part of the show." Tanaka giggled. "We could add it to the show if you want.' Dad Kinshi grinned. "On no, I wouldn't want to be smacked on my butt with that thick bamboo pole." Chuo replied as he rubbed his left butt cheek.

Then the man who was playing our ninja master came in and apologized for smacking my lover's butt a little harder than he should have." Its ok Seiko, it was just an accident." I said and gave my love a kiss on the lips.

"It was a miss timing and I was going to smack the air not your butt but somehow it ended on Chuo's butt." Seiko said and then bowed and apologized again. Dad told him not to worry about it and handed Seiko a can of beer. We then left the stadium and headed home.

"Oh man, all I want to do is sleep." Tanaka said as we got out of the mini bus. `See you all in the morning." Uncle Harry said as they all headed to their house. "I am worn out, I bet the kids are the in the same boat." Kinshi said to Josh as they both went to bed.

`They did a great job tonight, thanks to Wang and his support the boys are getting a lot fitter and I could see their chubby bodies getting thinner as well." Josh responded.

Everyone fell asleep and had a good night's sleep. In the morning we woke up and felt a little stiff but other than that we felt in great shape. The weeks went by and our theme restaurant was doing well.

Then it was time to head back to school. Yes, we had to return to school, it was the end of our holidays and I was not looking forward to going to school. Our new school was just a short bike ride and we all had new bikes now since we had made enough money at our ninja stadium.

"Boys, get your uniforms on." Dad Josh said as we finished eating our breakfast. "I wonder who we will see in our new school." Kikio said as he put his undies on. "I would like to see lots of naked boys there when we have gym." Chuo grinned.

`Oh gee Chuo, you get to see lots of naked boys in the lodge.' I told him. "That's true Heiro, but we will see lots of new boys there and we can check them out and see what they have there." Chuo replied. I knew what Chuo was on about.

We did see a lot of naked boys in the lodge but seeing the same faces or peckers every week was getting a little thin on our eyeballs. Now dressed in our white dress shirts and black shorts and white socks with black shoes we all waited for our cousins to arrive as we all would ride together in the mini bus Dad Josh had bought us.

We would be riding our bikes the next day but for now our Dads had to come with us to sign us in. We are all now 13 and in high school. Dad Josh parked in the huge parking lot and we all grabbed our bags and headed to the large hall.

"Good morning everyone, please find a table with your forms and please wait as we sort your places." The head teacher said as he had all of his staff checking our paperwork. It was a new high school that we were now attending and we spotted quite a few of our love brothers in the hall.

Then out by the big table was a boy who surely stood out. He was not Japanese but looked like an American boy. Travis is coming to our school tomorrow as he is out of town for a few days due to his father were in Kyoto.

"Hey look over there, see that kid, he's not Japanese must be a new kid like us lot." Kikio said as the teen boy stood by a tall man who had a face that you could kiss. I mean the boy not the man. We all were given our list of classes we would attend and I spotted that all of us were in the same classes.

I read a list of names on our class members and saw that Travis and Dashi was also with us so they would not be left out of our group. Then after our dads had left we started our first class and it was math. Then we had science and History. Soon it was lunch time and we had food served in our high school. No one brought their lunches as it was supplied.

Boiled rice with cooked sweet fish was served that day. We had milk or juice to drink. "This fish is nice but they need to learn how to cook rice." Tanaka moaned. "It's not like the rice Uncle Wang cooks but its ok." I said. We ate our lunch and then went outside to play on the grassed fields.

Soccer was the activity that day and we all kicked a ball around taking care not to dirty our school clothes. Then we had our first sex Ed class and that was making us all hard as in this high school it was all boys. All the girls attended their own high school in our area.

All the 13 year old boys were now waiting for our teacher to arrive and boy was he young. About 25 years old and had a tanned body. `Good afternoon boys, my name is Tommy Yamane and once lived in the U.S.A where I was born but I moved back to Japan 10 years ago so now that you know me I will be teaching you boys all about your body and how puberty works.´ Our teacher said as he handed us blue folders that we had to check out when told to.

"Now as you all know you all have a penis and balls." Mr. Yamane said. A few giggles could be heard in the class. "Yes I will be using real words and some slang as I know you all use words to explain your bits so I will use the words cum and dick plus a few other words that you boys use." Our teacher grinned.

`Mr. Yamane, can we also use those words." One boy asked. "You sure can as long as you use it in a sentence." Mr. Yamane replied. "Cool." The boy replied. "I would say that most of you boys have a foreskin and that no one is circumcised here, am I right." The teacher remarked.

One hand went up and it was the American boy who was not in any of our classes and it looked like he was circumcised as we all knew that most boys in Northern America were cut. "I see we have a hand up, you must be Billy Trenton." The teacher said seeing the boy's name on his list.

"I am sir and yes I am circumcised." Billy replied. "Ok, well most of what I am about to say will not affect you but you might want to listen in and see what non circumcised boys have to deal with having a foreskin." Tommy, our teacher said to call him.

Billy waited for the lesson to start and a large white screen was being lowered down and then Tommy our teacher told us to watch the video he was going to show us. The video started and we were told how boys with foreskins had to wash their penis every day and how to do it.

"Oh man, I am going to blow my wad if we see any sexy stuff in the video." Chuo whispered into my ear. "Just calm down Chuo, it might just be someone talking about the way we wash our peckers." I remarked.

It was but we also watched as a doctor had to pull a boys foreskin back and his helmet was covered in yellow smegma and he sure had a lot under his foreskin. "Oh shit, that is so grouse." One boy moaned as the doctor explained why this boy had a lot of smegma under his foreskin and explained why it was important to keep our skins clean.

Then we watched how a doctor had to use some medical tool to pull another boys foreskin back and the doctor said he had a tight foreskin and would need to use some cream and would have to learn how to stretch his foreskin to make it slide back over his helmet.

The video ended and our teacher asked us questions about our foreskins. `Now do any of you boys have problems sliding your foreskins back to wash it?" Tommy asked us. Only two boys put their hands up and said their skins were a little tight.

"I am going to ask if any of you boys masturbate.' Tommy said and we heard a few giggles as we waited for the two boys to answer our teacher. "Sir, I do try but sometimes it gets stuck behind my helmet when I have a boner." One boy muttered.

"Ok, listen, as you know all boys masturbate, even if they say they don't I know all boys play with their penis at your age so nothing new there." Tommy chuckled. Our teacher told us that masturbation keeps our foreskins loose and that we should masturbate once a day to keep our skins loose.

"Now boys I want you all to undress and get ready for an examination as the school doctors will be here to see how your puberty is going." Our teacher quoted. In a flash we all had our clothes off, now that we were nudists and love brothers we didn't care who saw us nude.

"Billy happily undressed and showed off his 5 inch circumcised penis for all to see. The doctors then walked in and one by one we were checked out and all the uncut boys had their foreskins pulled back to see if we had any problems there. You could see that all the boys had to show the doctor an erection to see if they could get erect and all the boys were now hard.

Billy was checked over and said his circumcised penis was nicely cut and had a tight skin on his helmet. "I want to feel that pecker of his' I would love to dock with him." Tanaka moaned as he was now hard and ready to be checked out. The doctor told him to slide his foreskin back and it went all the way back over his glans.

"You are clean and have a loose foreskin Tanaka, keep it clean and always pee with your foreskin pulled back." The doctor said as he moved on to Kikio and did the same thing to him. Then the doctor checked me out." Your royal prince, it is my pleasure to check you out as I have been waiting to meet you." The doctor said as he slid my foreskin back and forth while he said a quick love brother's prayer.

"You were a love brother sir." I asked him while I waited for my boner to calm down. "I was my prince, my son attends your lodge, he's 14 and has a lovely partner he adores.' The doctor replied as he thanked me for allowing him to fiddle with my pecker.

Chuo was next and also had the special love brother foreskin movement that all love brothers learned. It was like the left hand handshake that the boy scouts do to one another. We had a special wank that only love brothers used to welcome one another the doctor used it on me and I was happy that I was in safe hands. We found out he was the male doctor for this school.

`Now boys, after the doctors have checked you out you can then leave and get ready to head home." Our teacher said as we all started to dress and head out to the main hall to say our good byes to all of our teachers. We did this every day before we left school. It was traditional to say good bye to our teachers as a sign of friendship and respect between us and the teachers.

`It was so funny to see a few boys squirting their teen cum when the doctors fiddled with their peckers." Mikio sniggered while we drove home. "They might have what is called a trigger pecker, they shoot in seconds as they can't control their orgasms like you lot can." Uncle Harry said as he was there to pick us up.

`Why do some males get to shoot so quick and some shoot only after a few quick fucks and some take like forever to cum?" Chuo asked. "Its hard to say Chuo, it depends if you have learned how to stave off your orgasm, I know the ancestors have been training you all on how to stave your orgasms until you have given your partner a lot off pleasure before squirting." Uncle Harry said as he tried to explain how we could hold our orgasms a bit longer than normal boys could.

We arrived home and after we had done our homework we then could strip off and have some fun together. I was hard all afternoon after we had our first health class. The pool was quickly filled with naked boys and yes ass grab was one of the first things we did together.

Our Dads returned from the stadium and asked how our first time in school was. We told him about our health class and what happened there and we also told them about the food and how it could do with some improvements.

Tomorrow we would have our first gym class and we would be showing after the lesson. `You guys would not be shy about showing off your bodies when you all showered together.' Dad Kinshi asked us. `We don't mind boys seeing our naked bodies, but a few boys did feel a little embarrassed when the doctors asked them all to bone up so that the doctor could check to see if we could have an erection." Chuo sniggered.

"Well, I hope you all showed those good doctors your awesome boners." Uncle Wang said as he walked into the house. "Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?" Kikio asked. "Oh you all have forgotten that today is your training session." Uncle Wang announced.

"No that's tomorrow Uncle Wang." Chuo said. "Oh then I must be here to show your uncles how to make some awesome tempura using large shrimp and Chinese cabbage." Our uncle said as he walked into the kitchen and began to make us dinner. Our cousins also arrived and Uncle Harry and Uncle Craig arrived with some bags of food.

"We are having a nice dinner with our family and Bill and Travis from next door are coming over to visit." Dad Josh announced. Travis' love brother was out learning how to do some judo so he was unable to be with Travis that night.

The evening newspapers had arrived and on the front were all of us boys all wearing our fundoshi's. We had been photographed as we did our routine on the stage and it looked so funny seeing a bunch of 13 year olds running around in our special jock straps. "I bet all the girls around the town would love to get into your fundoshi's" Uncle Harry stated.

"There is no way any girl is going to get her hands on this." I said as I wiggled my pecker in front of everyone. "Then you better make sure you look out for sex starved boys hounding you for your signature." Uncle Wang replied as he stood by the pool and said dinner would be ready in 10 minutes.

The smell of garlic shrimp soon filled the den and we all quickly got dressed and ate our meal. `So did my brothers learn how to cook?" Josh said as he held his tempura shrimp in his hand. `They did, I had to show them how to make the batter and then how to heat the oil to the right temp so now they can cool tempura." Wang said and poured some Australian wine to all the adults.

"You boys were great on the weekend and we have heard a lot of people saying our ninja dinner show is one of the best in the whole world." Dad Kinshi said as we all toasted our newest adventures.

"I would have loved to have seen the Golden Samurai theme park; I know we have seen a lot of videos from the visitors who have uploaded videos on YouTube and face book but to have been there where our dads worked would have been great to see." I said as I hugged my Dad Kinshi.

"I know son, our Dads keep saying that we should have tried to get you all there but we didn't want to offend the ancestors as they did worn us that we could never leave Japan." Dad Kinshi said as he gave us a hug and a kiss on our cheeks.

"You would have loved it you guys, I had really enjoyed working there and I sure met a lot of great people and a lot of boys who will remember us for a long time." Uncle Wang grinned. "You were light a light of life when you and your dad arrived to cook for us and your face turned red when you found me and Kinshi kissing the next morning as you came into our room to let us know breakfast was ready." Josh sniggered.

`I knew you all were gay, more so your Dads but I had never seen two boys kissing like you two were doing and I almost popped my undies that morning." Wang replied. "Gee Uncle Wang, I bet you wanted to join in with them and see how it felt to be kissed by a boy." Chuo giggled.

"You know I was straight when I arrived at your grandparent's house but I left knowing I was gay and I have loved every minute of it." Wang smiled. "So boys just remember the first night we opened and when you have boys living with you always remember how you had fun being a little ninja and loving it." Dad Josh told us.

We finished the night with a group hug and then our cousins returned home for the night. Chuo and I returned to our villa and Kikio went to his bedroom and we all quickly fell asleep. In the morning we took off for a mile run before school. Then after a quick shower and breakfast we rode our bikes to our high school. Travis was with us and rode his bike and said it was nice to ride the bike to school.

`I like the bikes we bought, they sure zip us around." Kikio said. Tanaka and Mikio also were riding with us as they too bought new bikes. We arrived in 15 minutes and locked up our bikes in the bike lockers.

We had a man who looked after our bikes and made sure that no one other than the owner could take it out of the lockers. He also would maintain the bikes and would check them and do repair work if he asked us if he could fix it and we would pay a small fee for the repairs and to maintain them.

`Ok, we all have cooking first and then English and after that we have math and after lunch we have P.E and that is when we can see all the boys naked again." Chuo grinned. `Get your brain out of the gutter Chuo, all you think about is cocks." Mikio stated. `He loves cocks, he loves mine and I love his." I said as I hit my cousin's arm.

`Boys, head to class please." Our school monitor said as we stood by our lockers. "Hai, we are going now." Mikio said and we all grabbed our cooking aprons and cook books and headed to the kitchen room. `Good morning boys, today we will be making sushi rolls and making the sticky rice that we will be using today." Our cooking teacher said. "He was once a chef like Uncle Wang but had enough of the pressures of cooking for thousands of people and settled in as a teacher and relaxed giving us his skills as a chef would.

We grabbed our rice cookers and started to cook our rice while we cut up slices of thin salmon and green peppers ready to place it onto our sushi rice. After the rice was cooked our teacher showed us how to roll the sushi into a nice circle.

`Now boys, enjoy your sushi rolls." The teacher said as we dug into our mini snacks. After we had English history and math we had lunch. Today we ate fresh tuna and a side salad. It was ok, I didn't mind it much but seeing Travis eating his ham and cheese platter with slices of bread was too much for me and I snagged a slice of ham.

"Hey, stick to your fish dude' you know I can't eat fish." Travis moaned. The American boy Billy also had an American dish as he too was unable to eat fish. He too got a ribbing for not being able to eat fish but he knew that was going to happen as all Japanese people loved eating fresh fish raw and cooked.

Then after lunch Billy came to us and asked if he could hang out as he saw that Travis was with us. `Hi Billy, how's it hanging." Travis said in his American accent. "Not bad, just hanging nicely in my boxers." Billy replied.

"So Billy we have not gotten to know each other so tell us why you are in Japan." I asked Billy. `Um, well my dad is or was a big wig in New York and brought his company to Japan, he's a now owns all the rights to repairing aircraft that needs fixing in Japan." Billy quoted.

"Oh, like if a plane needs new parts or something like that." Chuo said. `Yeah, all planes that land here in Tokyo have to have clearance to say that their planes are up to date with all the latest technical equipment and have to prove that their planes have this stuff and my Dad's company has to check the planes and advise the plane companies to make changes if they want to fly to Japan." Billy tried to explain.

"Oh wow, that sounds so cool to do." Kikio remarked. `It is, Dad had to do the same in North America but it was too much for him and a posting came up here in Japan so it's a lot smaller than the U.S.A so he grabbed the posting so now we are here I didn't want to go to the international school as its 2 hours' drive from my house so Dad got me in this high school." Billy told us.

So we told Billy all about our lives and said that all of us boys were gay and had lovers and said if he didn't want to be a part of our group then he could then leave and find some other guys to hang out with.

"I "m cool that you are gay, I had a few gay friends in Brooklyn and I didn't care that I was straight as my friends didn't try anything in that way." Billy grinned.

"Ok, so if you want how about you come over to our house for a sleepover sometime and you can come and visit our ninja stadium to see where we work." I asked Billy. "Oh man, you are the ninja boys." Billy grinned. "Yeah, I bet you saw us in the newspaper yesterday." Mikio muttered.

"My dad said you all looked so sexy in your jock strap things and that all the girls were going to finger their holes seeing us almost nude." Billy sniggered. "For real, your dad said that girls would be playing with their holes and said that in front of you." Chuo gasped.

`Oh yes, Dad and I are the only ones living together, mom died when I was 8 so it's just Dad and me, Dad was the one who gave me the birds and bees talk and told and showed me how to jerk off when I started puberty." Billy grinned.

"Cool, so here is our cell numbers so when you want to come around just give us a call and we can sort out a weekend together and we won't fuck you but hey you can jerk off though." Kikio exclaimed. "I would like that." Billy replied as he stored our cell numbers and we took his and added it to our list of numbers.

Then after lunch and our last period in social studies it was time for gym class. We all had the same gym gear. It was a red T-shirt with the school logo on the breast pocket and we had yellow shorts with the school logo on the hip pocket.

We had on white sneakers that didn't slip on the wooden floors. So after we changed into our sports gear we all headed to the green field and began to run around on the track. It was not too hot outside and we ran around for 5 minutes before our coach blew his whistle and told us to grab a soccer ball and start dribbling between the plastic cones.

We were in a group of 8 boys so we had to pass the ball to each other while running around the cones. After an hours' worth of gym we returned to the locker room and stripped off our clothes and walked naked to the open showers. Our coach told us to use the soap and make sure we washed our peckers as we would have a lot of sweat between our legs.

The coach left us after we were naked as he could not be around us while we were naked. `Man, look at all the hoods." Travis gasped while he soaped his circumcised helmet. Billy was enjoying his real first time seeing over 40 naked uncut Japanese boys in the same room as he was in.

Yes he showered in his old school and mainly saw cut boys there as there were a few boys with foreskins but not the amount of boys he saw in the shower room right now.

"Hey Billy, are all the boys in your country like you down there." Mushaira asked while he stood next to Billy. "Yes, we do have boys with hoods like yours but all of my friends have a pecker like mine." Billy replied as he soaped his now low hanging ball sack. Mushaira was busy skinning his hood back and using the soap to wash his uncut boy pole.

A few of the other boys were checking out Travis as it was his first time naked with all the Japanese boys as he was not there when we had our physical. "I like your pecker, your helmet is so pink." Kamari grinned as he showed Travis his dark red helmet that was poking out of his foreskin.

"I have a special friend that has a hood like yours and he is always saying he wants a pecker like mine but I tell him he has to keep his foreskin as it's so nice to play with it." Travis replied as he finished washing his body.

Most of the boys in the showers had boners and quickly washed and dried off before the coach returned to see if we had finished washing. Then it was time to head to the main hall to say good bye to our teachers and we all bowed and said goodbye to our teachers.

Travis and Billy could not understand the reason for it but as for us Japanese boys we knew it was to show respect to our elders. Then we all took off to our bikes or to cars that waited to pick up their kids. Most of the boys took the subway back to their homes.

"See you tomorrow." We all said to Billy as a large black car arrived and picked up Billy and took off down the road. "He's got a nice looking pecker." Chuo said as we rode home. "Are you wishing to play with it?" I asked him. "Maybe one day, I do like to feel Travis's pecker when we have him over and we are in the pool as my fingers just slide down his cut pole." Chuo sniggered.

"You dirty little fucker." Tanaka said as he peddled faster towards our house. We all rode faster until we arrived at our house and waved as Travis rode to his house next door to us. Mikio and Tanaka left us and took their bikes to their house and the three of us quickly entered the garage and placed our bikes there and then took our shoes off and headed into the main house.

"Good afternoon boys, have fun at school today." Dad Josh asked as he placed his New York Times paper down and gave us all a hug and a kiss on the lips. "Hai, we had our first Gym class and boy was there a lot of eyes checking out Travis and Billy." Kikio said. "Why was that son?" Dad replied. "Cos' they were both cut like you Dad." Chuo said and gave his goofy grin.

"I see, well I do think that a lot of Japanese boys have not seen a circumcised boy that way." Dad stated as he began to undress and told us to get out of our school clothes and get ready for a swim. "Ok Dad." we all replied and as Kikio went to his room Chuo and I returned to our villa and undressed and placed our uniforms away and then walked out to the pool and in seconds we were in the pool swimming in the nude.

"You boys are going to the lodge tonight?" Dad Josh asked us. "Hai, we have some business to do tonight, we have a few new boys who have been accepted to be love brothers and we have to anoint them so they can be filled by the ancient ones." I replied. "Ok, just make sure your limo comes to pick you up as Kinshi and I will be at the stadium doing the books." Dad Josh told us all.

"We have dad, it's all sorted out to pick us up at 6pm." I announced. "Right then, have fun there." Dad Kinshi grinned. The limo arrived at 6pm on the dot and took us to the lodge. Our high priest was there to welcome us and after a quick chat we all bowed and entered the royal chambers and waited for the new boys to arrive.

There were 6 new brothers wanting to join our lodge. They got the calling from one of our ancient ones as they so seam to pass through boys who they think might be worthy to be a part of our group.

We asked each boy how they found out about our lodge and all said they had a dream and they said it was so weird seeing naked boys having sex with other boys. "Now, it might be a little weird that we all are gay boys and we have been in touch with your parents and we have found out that all of your fathers were once love bothers but were unable to tell you about our lodge until now." I told each boy.

`You will need to be accepted by an ancestor and he will enter your body and see how you cope being a love brother." Chuo said. Then we all went to the outer chambers where we washed and prepared our peckers ready to have our ancestors join us.

With our bodies washed I dripped some blessed rose water over the boy's exposed helmets and waited for each boy to have an ancestor enter him. We did this six times and all the boys had a sprit enter them and had some fun with them. Every boy squirted their cum and had an enjoyable orgasm.

"Oh man, they sure had a ball's worth of cum squirting out." Chuo said as we watched each boy relax after they returned from their blissful orgasm. I then told the boys on Saturday morning that they would be visited again to find a live brother partner.

After we gad had finished business we all had a late dinner that our head chef had made for us and he is a great chef. Being 16 years old and has a great skill with food, he sure knew what boys loved to eat.

Then we returned to our home and relaxed in front of the T.V. "So boys, how was the newbies." Dad Kinshi asked. "Oh the boys are so cute, we had a great night with them all and the ancestors said they all would find an awesome love brother to be with." I replied.

"That's good son, so tomorrow all of you will have a training session with the head ninja coach as he has a few new moves for you all to try out." Dad Josh said. "What type of moves?' Kikio asked. `Oh nothing much son, just tweaking a few of the jumps and rolls he wants you to try out." Dad Josh said.

`Oh, well we better go dad, we sure have had a long day." I remarked as both me and Chuo kissed our Dads and then returned to our villa. Sine we had some sex at the lodge we decided to have an early night. In the morning Uncle Wang showed up and we had some exercises to do before we had breakfast.

We soon left the lodge and arrived back home where we found our dads and Kikio sitting at the table ready to have their dinner. "So how were the newbies?" Kikio asked. "They were awesome Kikio, they all have Dads who were love brothers and were happy to find out that their sons were accepted as love brothers." I replied.

"I bet those boys had a wonderful night having the ancestors enter them and enjoyed being fiddled with by an old one." Dad Kinshi grinned. "Hai, I heard the ancient ones telling me that the boys were all accepted and they were looking forward to have some fun with them all." I quipped.

"Dirty old men." Kikio sniggered. So Chuo and I ate our dinner and then relaxed before heading to our villa. "Oh man, I thought I was going to be cumming all night long, we sure had fun tonight.' Chuo stated.

`I knew that our new pledges were willing partners and that their Dads would be happy to see their sons being accepted as love brother." I remarked. You are thinking why some love brothers marry and not end up together for life. Well after they turn 18 they are no longer required to keep their love brother partners.

Some do and some don't. Like our dads and our uncles. We do need to have new recruits and having dads who were love brothers understand more so than normal dads about their sons being accepted as love brothers.

"I love you Heiro." Chuo said as he kissed my lips. `I love you to my baby boy." I replied as we cuddled under our sheets and fell asleep in minutes. In the morning we got dressed in our uniforms ready for school.

We had breakfast and then biked to school with our cousins and Travis from next door. Today we would be heading to the indoor pool after lunch for our required swimming lessons and all the boys had to be naked as the pool we used didn't allow us to wear clothing so all nude in the pool.

"It looks like the teachers are not getting undressed." Mikio said as we all lined up ready to enter the pool. "I think because they are not going into the pool so they won't get undressed." Chuo replied. "Why would you want to see the teachers naked anyway?" Kikio asked.

"Cos we are naked so they should be." I quipped. `Anyway we are going to feel a few gropes in the pool so get ready my brothers." I grinned as the teachers got us to jump into the pool and start doing laps.

After half an hour doing laps we had 15 minutes free time in the pool. The teachers left us and we had older boys watching us and they were nude. `See him over there' he sure has a nice bush above his pecker.' Tanaka said as we swam to see the 15 year old teen standing by the edge of the pool.

`His foreskin looks a little rough' I bet he's been banging a few butts." Kikio sniggered while we swam around checking the boys that were on the pool edge. Then we watched Travis and Billy playing with some of our school friends and they were having a ball.

"Travis, are you getting groped?" I asked him as a few boys swam past us and we felt a few hands rub our naked butts. "Dam, these guy are sex mad, I have had 6 boys asking to dock with them and allow me to cream into their foreskins." Travis muttered.

"I have never seen this docking process before and I am hoping to see what the fuss is all about." Billy quoted. "All you have to do is ask a boy with a loose foreskin that can cover your helmet and then you will feel how a foreskin feels on your knob." Chuo said.

`If you want to try it out Billy we sure can give you a feel and see if you like it?" I said giving a cheesy grin to Billy. `You would do that for me." Billy gasped. `Sure dude, just name a day and we can do the deed.' I replied. "I'm not gay just to let you know." Billy mumbled.

`Billy, I'm gay and have a loyal boyfriend, my friends here are all gay and most of the boys in our school know that my friends are gay and don't bother them about it, but just seeing how a foreskin feels on your helmet doesn't make you gay." Travis explained.

"Yeah, I knew that Travis, it's just that I have never really known that I once had a foreskin, I thought I was born that way with a skinless helmet." Billy remarked.

"I too thought the same thing Billy, all I saw were boys with no skin there until a boy from Canada came to my school and he had a long bit of skin on his pecker and we all asked why his pecker looked different to ours and he explained that he was not circumcised like we were and then the penny dropped that our skins were cut off when we were babies." Travis announced.

"One of my Dad's is cut and my other Dad still has his foreskin as one Dad lived in the U.S.A and the other lived in England so it depends where you lived and that is how most American boys are circumcised." Kikio told the guys.

"My dad has a pecker like mine and all my friends had the same as me and that is all I have seen when we used the change rooms at the pool so I just grew up seeing cut boys." Travis told us. So we decided that tomorrow at our sex Ed class we would dock with Billy as a show and tell for our class.

Later that day we walked to the ninja stadium and put on our fundoshi's and got ready for our training session. Seiko was waiting for us in the main arena and had a few of his ninjas ready to work with us boys.

"Now boys, we have a new routine for you to try. You know that the ninjas jump off buildings and roll onto the ground so that is what we are getting you to try out so first the right way to roll onto the ground." Our ninja master said.

So we started to roll using our right hand rolls and then left hand rolls until we had it down pat. Then a ninja rolled off a small box about half a foot off the ground and then we did the same thing.

"See how easy that was." Seiko grinned as we did what he asked. "It was cool that we didn't hit the ground and broke any bones." Tanaka said as he brushed the dirt off his legs.

`There is the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it so after we have shown you the right way you can do ninja jumps from a height of 6 feet and land safely and walk away with no damage done to you." Kenji quoted. He was one of the main ninja warriors on stage and he was well liked by all the ninja warriors.

"You have seen us jump and roll off the high walls we use when fighting in the arena, so we won't be getting you to jump from that high up but enough to show the guests that you can do the same as us ninjas but at a lower height." Kenji remarked.

Our Dads were impressed with the way we learned how to safely jump and roll and get up and run off the stage. We did this a few times and then our master said we were ready to add this jump to our performance.

`Boy that was fun." Chuo chuckled as we took a shower and relaxed under the hot water. "You boys did great' you all are going to show off on Saturday." Moshi our team leader said as he washed his chest.

"I was never worried that we would hurt ourselves jumping 6 foot off a wall so we can give the crowd a right ninja show.' Kikio grinned. "You bots are quick learners and we know you will do well on Saturday." Our ninja master said as he entered the bathroom stall and let out a huge fart as he took a dump.

`Oh please, I'm 50 years old and fish is getting my bowels all fucked up." Master Seiko grunted as he blew another fart that could have sent a missile into space. `We better quickly dress and head home before we are gassed to death." Tanaka gasped.

All the ninjas that attended our training session giggled at Tanaka's remark and quickly left knowing that their master uses a big stick on them when they get out of hand.

"Hi boys, did you have fun today with your training.' Uncle Wang asked while he sat in the big leather chair. `It was a blast Uncle Wang, we never would have tried to jump that high up and roll onto the ground and stand up with no broken bones." Mikio grinned as he and Tanaka were staying for dinner with us lot.

"The boys did well today and they showed us how they can be trained in most of the ways of ninja fighting." Dad Kinshi chuckled. Uncle Wang then cooked us some yummy king crabs and had a tossed salad that the guests would be trying out on Saturday night at your ninja show.

`This is so yummy and the meat just melts in your mouth." Chuo said as he sucked the meat out of one of the crab's long legs. "We are trying a few different dinner menus seeing what the high paying customers enjoy the most so that is why I am here cooking you all dinner as I needed some little piggy's to try it out on." Uncle Wang sniggered.

We all snorted like pigs and made screeching noises like pigs and then stopped as both our Dads put their hands up to shut us up. "Man, do pigs really sound like that when they eat." Dad Josh quoted. "Only smelly dirty piggy's like we have sitting at the table.' Uncle Wang remarked.

After being put in our places we finished dinner with a nice cheese cake that was sweet and tasty. "I bet the high paying customers will be enjoying their dinner on Saturday as this was an awesome meal." Our dad Kinshi said as he licked his bowel like a dog would.

We said our good byes to our cousins and Uncle and then headed to our villa at the back of the house and retired for the night. `Do you think that Billy will enjoy his docking session with us tomorrow?" I asked Chuo.

"He will love it Heiro, I know that Travis always does it with his love brother and he said he enjoyed cumming into his lover's hood and seeing it blow up with his cum inside it." Chuo smiled as he stroked my hard member.

The next day was warm and bright. Our first 3 hours at school was ok but my mind was on Billy and his circumcised cock inside my foreskin. My love was reading my mind and I knew he too wanted to dock with Billy so that is what we were going to be doing in our sex Ed class.

"Right boys get ready for your next lesson." Our teacher said as we took our seats and waited for our lesson to start. A;;of us now naked looked at our teacher Tommy and he was now showing us how to masturbate using our foreskins pulled back.

"As you can see it's different to masturbate with your hood pulled back and just rubbing your helmet." Tommy grinned as we all started to do the same movement like our teacher was.

"Man, this is feels different Mushin said as he watched his friends jerking off without moving their foreskins. `It's like we are cut." Kikio said. "Now you know how we feel when we jerk off." Travis announced.

Then Tommy our teacher asked if anyone had a question about their bodies. `Sir, why do some boys make more cum than other boys?" Chuo asked. "It depends on your balls Chuo, your age is also a factor, some men are the same, some shoot out buckets of cum and then you will see men who just dribble a few squirts of cum and one or two just have a very small amount of cum shoot out." Tommy explained.

"Can you explain why our peckers always want us to touch them and play with them?" Tanaka asked. "Puberty is doing things to your body and as you grow your sex organs are adjusting and at times you have to masturbate to allow your body to get that special feeling." Tommy explained.

"We would like to show Billy how it feels to have a foreskin covering his helmet sir, can we do that now." I asked. `You can Heiro, use the bed or stand up and do it.' Tommy grinned.

I grabbed Billy and had him stand in front of me and held onto his now stiff erection. Our teacher asked how many boys have docked with another boy. Most of the boys had put their hands up.

`Travis, come and do it with me." Mikio grinned. He was ready and soon felt Mikio cover his dry helmet with his wet hood and closed his foreskin all the way to the back of Travis' knob. Chuo was unable to dock as his foreskin was not long enough to cover a boy's helmet.

"You can see that Heiro is now ready to masturbate both cocks and by the look on Billy's face he is enjoying it." Our sex Ed teacher grinned. Travis was fucking into Mikio's hood and was sucking in air as he felt his tight foreskin holding onto Travis' helmet.

Tommy had a 15 year old helper with him today so they were also docking while the rest of the class also joined in and docked with a partner. The sounds of boys moaning as they all masturbated their joined peckers until one by one they cummed into their joined hoods.

"I love this Heiro, man I never would have thought I would be doing this to another boy." Billy said and in a flash he kissed me while he shot his load filling my foreskin with his sticky hot cum. All the class was enjoying their docking session and soon all of us were pumping our loads and the smell of cum soon filled the classroom.

"Give me your load Asuri." Tommy said as he fiddled with Azure's balls. The 15 year old teen was now filling Tommy's foreskin and then Tommy cummed and their foreskins quickly filled up and a few drops of cum escaped their joined hoods.

The time flew quickly and soon we had to finish our lesson. Each boy took turns licking the cum off their partner's helmets enjoying the taste of mixed cum. Billy sure enjoyed holding my foreskin back licking my cum from under my hood.

"Thanks for allowing me to join peckers with you Heiro' I now know how it feels to have a foreskin again." Billy grinned as we showered together. We finished showering and finished our day with all the school boys in the great hall as we all bowed to our teachers and thanked them for their time.

"Hey Billy, want to come over to our house on Friday afternoon." I asked him. "What like a sleep over?" Billy questioned. "Yeah, we have to work on the weekends but you can stay over till Saturday afternoon." I replied.

`Sounds cool to me." Billy grinned. We asked Travis to come over and spend the night with us guys and that is what we did. Friday afternoon Billy arrived to our house in a black limo, his driver was Japanese and had a solid build.

`Welcome to our home Billy." Our Dad Josh said as he shook Billy's hand. Then Dad Kinshi arrived and also shook Billy's hand and welcomed him to our home. "Wow, you have two dads." Billy said.

`Hai, we adopted Heiro and Kikio from a boy's home and we are all gay and have a male partner." Dad Josh told Billy. "So how about you take Billy to your villa and sort him out there." Dad Kinshi grinned. `Ok dad, we will go for a swim for a while and Travis will be here any minute." Kikio announced.

Travis arrived with his overnight bag and entered our villa seeing us all standing around our counter top eating a few snacks. `Hey Travis, come and grab a snack." Chuo said as he stuffed some cheese into his mouth.

`I see you all are not wearing anything so I better get out of these clothes then." Travis smirked. We finished eating our snacks and then walked out to the pool and jumped in. `So what do you do at this place you work at." Billy asked while he swam with me.

"Oh our dads and uncles own a themed restaurant and it's like the medieval times in Orlando and in Anaheim, we are all ninja's helpers and we do acts and stuff like ninja's in the olden times." I explained.

"Cool, my Dad took me to medieval times in Orlando a few years ago and it sure was fun seeing everyone getting into the show." Billy said as I felt his erection rubbing on my leg. "Hey Travis, how are things going with Dashi." Kikio asked him. "Great, he's coming over for the weekend and we are coming to see the show Saturday night." Travis replied.

`We will have good seats for you both, just tell our ticket counter your names and they will sort you out." I remarked. "Maybe Billy would like to see a show as well." Chuo mentioned. `You could stay over till Sunday and have your dad come and pick you up in the afternoon." I grinned.

"Ok, he won't mind me staying an extra day." Billy grinned. So that is what Billy did. He called his Dad and explained what he wanted to do and was allowed to stay over till Sunday afternoon. When Billy returned to the pool he had a big grin on his face.

Our Dads were relaxing inside the house. "I think our Dads might be doing it tonight." Kikio giggled. "Doing what?" Billy asked. "Oh you know' fucking." Chuo whistled. "Oh man, for real." Billy gasped. "Well they are gay you know." I replied.

"So do you um fuck all the time?" Billy enquired. "It's called love Billy, I don't know what you have done with another boy, but we are all special, have you ever heard of the love brothers." I asked Billy.

"No and no, but please tell me more about this love brother club." Billy replied as we all headed inside our villa and sat in front of our large T.V screen that was connected to our computer and punched in our secret code so we could access our private web site. We also had a face-book page but only members could see what was there.

`So Billy, what you are going to see is secret, we are all members and we have a love bother partner that we love and share life with so you will see things that might shock you but I want you to swear that what you see will stay with you forever." I said to Billy.

"Oh I swear that I will never tell anyone what I see.' Billy quoted. Then Kikio began to show Billy around our lodge. We had cameras all over the lodge and all the boys knew that. It was for our security more so for watching boys having fun.

"See that room over there, that is our special room, it's only used by the prince of all the love brothers and his husband and any friends he wishes to bring there." Kikio announced. `We have hot tubs that the boys use and we have special rooms for extra activities that all boys like to do with another boy." Chuo grinned.

"So it's like a sex club then." Billy asked not knowing the history of the love brothers. `No, not a sex club, it's more than that Billy, it started over a few thousand years ago, The ancestors who loved boys when they were boys wanted to be like a family, they needed love and found it being close to another boy and they were always together and they showed their love by having sex and drinking their first squirt of cum from their fellow brothers and that made them become love brothers." I explained.

"It like how you and a friend become blood brothers, you know pricking your fingers and drawing blood and then pressing both fingers together so that your blood and your friend's blood is flowing in each other's bodies, well we do the same but with our cum not blood." Kikio told Billy.

"Our cum is so special we can't spill it and we have to take it in via our mouths, butts or foreskins." I remarked. "Oh man, how do you get to join this group then?" Billy asked while he played with his cut member. "You have to have an ancestor or an ancient one and he sees if you are suitable to become a love brother and you will be matched up with another boy who you love and will live with you for a long time." Chuo said as he played with my foreskin.

"So are you a love brother Travis." Billy wanted to know. "I am, just finished doing all of my rites to become a love brother and my partner is Dashi." Travis grinned. `Oh my god, he is so cute, hell I was straight before I came to Japan but seeing how you all have fun in your lodge and having a boy love you is so sweet, I want in if I can." Billy coed.

"It will take some time' we have to talk to the ancestors to see if we have any room for another non-Japanese boy, see we have to take Japanese boys first and then we have a few spots for non- Japanese boys to enter so if you want we can check it out tomorrow morning and see if the ancestors like you." I told Billy.

He nodded his head and we continued to show Billy all the home movies that were taken by all the love brothers as far back as when our Dad's Josh and Kinshi were kids. They were uploaded 5 years ago so all of our love brothers had seen how my Dad Kinshi was a love brother prince wearing his royal sash and crown. The same one I would wear at special occasions.

Then we returned to the main house for dinner. Kinshi and Josh were busy cooking us our meals and asked what we have been up to. "Oh Dad Kinshi, we showed Billy all about being a love brother as he would end up finding out who we are and we showed him a photo of you Dad Kinshi when you were the royal prince." Kikio said.

"So Billy, we are a special family, not like you and your dad, we are a close knit family that has a lot of brothers around the world so you have just seen a tip of what our family is and I hope you understand that we all love a man or boy and one day you might have a love brother partner to love." Dad Kinshi told Billy.

`I understand sir, I did tell the guys that I was straight but now I feel like I am gay but I have not played much with boys peckers, just you know- jerk off one another and feel a pecker or two." Billy sniggered.

"You will see more than just feeling a pecker or butt Billy, the boys will tell you if they don't want you to see what they do behind closed doors but if you accept them as friends then they will allow you to see how love brothers act together." Dad Josh told our friend.

"I understand sir, I have sworn that I will never say a word about what I have seen or done but I do like your sons and I want to be friends with them all." Billy smiled.

"Right then, dinner will be ready soon and yes we are having meat tonight so no raw fish as I know you don't like to eat raw fish." Dad Kinshi giggled. "Oh, how did you know I don't eat fish?" Billy asked. "Cos you are the same as Travis, he hates eating sushi' I know the food at school has to serve non-Japanese food to pupils that can't eat Japanese food like fish so it was an easy guess." Dad Kinshi grinned.

We all giggled at dad's remark and we washed up ready for dinner. Tonight we ate sweet fried and baked pork belly with vegies. Then after dinner we had some baked custard with tinned fruit. Billy sure enjoyed our dad's cooking. Back where he lived they had a chef that lived in their house and cooked for them all.

"So boys, we are going out to see our older brothers and having a few drinks with them so have fun tonight." Dad Kinshi said as we finished cleaning up the plates and pits and pans.

Our dad's left and we returned to our villa and relaxed watching cable T.V. Since Travis and Billy could not speak Japanese we found an American channel that showed movies from the states. Then we all went to the hot tub and relaxed in the nude fiddling with our peckers.

"So Billy, you said you were not gay back in the states but you said you have fooled around with boys, so what have you done with another boy sexually?" Chuo asked him. "I had a friend who I met at junior T-Ball and he wanted to see my pecker and he said he would show me his." Billy stated.

"Oh the show me yours and I will show you mine thing." Travis sniggered. `Yeah, I had never played that game before, my friend was 7 and I was also 7 and we did it in his room." Billy grinned.

"I wonder how many boys do that' you know ask to see their friend's wiener and then show them their wiener." Chuo said. "Most boys do it, some are shy about showing their pecker to another boy or boys, you can see how boys act when using a change room like in a water park or swimming pool, you see some boys hide their peckers and change using a towel wrapped around their legs." Kikio quoted.

"I was worried about the boys in our class seeing my pecker as you know I'm different there being cut but when we had all shown our peckers at the sex Ed class I was happy to see that no one made fun of my pecker not having skin on the end of it." Travis grinned.

"Me too Travis, my dad told me that boys in Japan are not circumcised and he said that some boys might want to have a better look at it and maybe even ask to feel my pecker and my eyes bugged out hearing my Dad saying that to me." Billy sniggered.

"Well, it's time to see how it feels to have a foreskin on your helmet Billy so let's get ready for some fun." I grinned. Travis would dock with Kikio as Chuo has a short foreskin and it was hard to dock with him so Billy would join me and enjoy my hot silky hood on his cut pink tip.

We took a shower and then dried off and headed to our bedroom. Kikio got ready stretching his foreskin while I did the same. Chuo would do the joining and say the love brother's prayer before we started to slowly jerk off.

"Billy, you might feel something enter your body and if you do just enjoy it and allow it to flow around your body." I told Billy. Travis already knew about our cum flowing into each other's bodies as it was a requirement that our cum will enter another boy's body through their pee slit so this would be new to Billy.

Billy close your eyes and listen to Chuo as he join's us." I said and we both closed our eyes while Chuo closed my hood over Billy's pink tip and then began to chant. The others looked on while Chuo blessed our peckers and kissed our shafts and then started to stroke both our helmets.

"Oh fuck, the ancestors are going to enjoy this session." Kikio said to Travis. "Hai, I feel their presence." Travis replied. "Heiro, it is good to feel you again, I see you have a new boy joining your body, are you wanting this boy to enter the rite of the love brothers." Ancestor Yamamoto asked.

"Hai, he wants to feel an ancestor inside him and see if he is worthy to be a love brother." I said in my mind. Billy was in a trance and could now feel an ancestor enter his body and feel him playing with his pecker.

`I can hear and feel someone in my head." Billy gasped. "You are not Japanese are you boy, I see that you are missing your foreskin, do you want to have me feel your body more." The ancestor asked Billy. "Oh yes, I want to be a love brother and be a part of you all." Billy said in his mind.

`Good, allow me to feel your body and see how good you are." The ancestor told Billy while the ancestor felt Billy and rubbed his fingers deep into Billy's pink hole.

"Heiro, you are the prince of all the love brothers and all the ancestors love you, you know that." My ancestor said to me. "Hai, I know you love me my lord, my father Kinshi said he was well loved by all the ancient ones and the ancestors could not get enough of him." I replied while Chuo rubbed his fingers over my foreskin.

`Wow, they are deeply into it." Kikio said while seeing our eyes flicker. "The Ancestors must be enjoying themselves." Travis quoted. Then the ancestors wanted to feel us both squirt so Chuo who was now feeling the ancestors moving his fingers across our peckers told him to make us squirt our cums.

"Shit, I need to cum." Billy moaned. "Oh you will a lot of cum my sweet boy, just relax while Heiro shoots his yummy cum into your balls and then you will squirt your cum into his balls." His ancestor giggled as Billy felt his pee hole open wide and felt his ball sack drop down and then I began to pump my cum deep into Billy's cock.

`What is happening to me, I feel something entering my pecker, shit it feels so good." Billy gasped as I filled his balls with my cum feeling my seed flowing into his pee slit. Billy moaned while my cum flowed into his body and felt him relax as we became cum brothers.

Then it was Billy's turn to cum and give me his seed and join us as a love brother. "Billy, did that feel good, did you feel me drinking in Heiro's cum, you are now entering the life as a love brother so it's your turn to give Heiro your cum and feed him your seed." His ancestor said to him via his mind.

"I want to give him my seed, allow me to cum into his body." Billy replied. His ancestor started to give his pecker a feel and began to stroke his helmet with his fingers and started Billy to have his orgasm. "Yes Billy, give me your cum, oh fuck your helmet is so hot.' I said as my own pee slit opened wide to allow Billy's cum to slide into my balls.

"Yes, he feels so full of cum Heiro' I think that Billy will make a lovely love brother so he will need to go to the lodge for a full fellowship." My ancestor told me while I felt Billy cumming into my foreskin and it was quickly sucked in and began to flow down to my balls.

Then in a flash both of us woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed. Billy was grinning while he told us about his first session with an ancestor. `You are almost a love brother Billy, we can finish this at our lodge and then you can then find a love brother to love you." I said while I kissed Billy and gave him a deep long kiss.

Then Travis and Kikio joined and gave each other their cum loads and it was fun to see Billy's face seeing Kikio and Travis in a deep trance. Chuo would dock with me later on so he knew he would not miss out on all the fun.

The next day all of us boys took off to the lodge to show Billy what we had inside. "Wow, this place is awesome." Billy said as we waited for the high priest to arrive. He was dressed in his black silk gown and had his high priest hat on.

"We ask you to bless us oh great one and allow our friend to enter the great chambers." I said to our priest. The priest grabbed the bottle of rose water and held Billy's cut member and dribbled some water over his knob and blessed it while he rubbed the roe water all over Billy's shaft.

Then we all went to the main chamber nude and stood by our chamber. "This is our royal chambers, it's where I can take any boy and make love to him and show him how to be a loyal love brother so are you ready for me to anoint you to a full love brother." I asked Billy.

"Yes, I am ready for what is needed to be done to me." Billy replied. Kikio grabbed the special lube and removed the silk sheets and placed a cover over the bed so that we didn't make any mess on the bed.

"Chuo, you will make us ready by lubing Billy and me and then place my royal penis into Billy's butt." I said. Billy was on his back and was getting ready for me to enter him. `He is ready my prince." Chuo said as I pulled Billy's legs up and then moved closer to his hole and waited for Chuo to place my skinned back helmet into Billy's moist and lubed up shoot.

The others were now in a trance and stood by the bed while an ancient one had entered their bodies. Erections pointing outwards, my brothers waited for me and Billy to receive the royal ancient ones. `I see you have another boy ready for us Heiro, he sure has a yummy looking cock." My ancient one said as he made Chuo push my penis into Billy's lubed up butt.

"He is ready' allow me to take over Chuo." His ancient love brother said and stood still while the old one took over and began to thrust his cock, well mine into Billy' hole. "I feel so good." Billy said as his mind was taken over and felt two ancient love brothers enjoying their time with us both.

It took a good ten minutes before the ancient love brothers allowed me to cum. "Oh, you are a nice boy Billy, welcome to the love brothers and I have a special boy to join you, he will meet you soon." His ancient one said as I cummed deeply into Billy's boy hole.

Then it was all over. We returned to the bathroom and cleaned up and had some lunch with the other boys who arrived for some fun at the lodge. Our limo took us home and our dads asked how Billy went with his membership and if the ancient ones accepted him.

"Oh Dad, the ancient ones were real happy with Billy, they said that he would get to see his love brother in a few days' time." Chuo grinned. "That's great son, another cute boy to play with." Dad Kinshi sniggered.

We decided to relax for a while as we had to do a show tonight and Billy will get to see us preform. Travis was helping out the back of the stage as a stage hand.

"So I get to see you all in your fundoshi's'." Billy chuckled. `Yeah, we do get to show off our brown butts to everyone." Chuo announced. Dad told us to have a snack and then get ready to head to the stadium. Uncle Wang was already there with Tanaka and Mikio, their Dads would be coming with us guys.

It was a nice walk to the stadium and kids would come up and shake our hands as we walked past their houses. "Well boys, tonight we have a special guest attending the show and it's the American ambassador to Japan and his wife and their kids." Dad Josh informed us.

`That's cool Dad, I bet he would know grandad." Kikio said. `He does, he said he went to the Golden Samurai theme park when he was around 9 years old and said he enjoyed his time there and heard that we owned the ninja dinner show and he has just arrived to Japan.' Dad Kinshi quoted.

`We better give him and his family a great show then." I stated. "I can only say do your best boys." Dad Josh said as we entered the stadium and took off to the back stage and found our dressing rooms. Billy was busy checking the armor that was hung up ready to be put on.

The ninja masters were sorting out a few problems with the horses as one was acting up, so our head ninja master touched the horse and told him to calm down and get ready to perform. In seconds the horse relaxed and nodded it's head to say thanks to our ninja master.

`Right Billy, we have a seat for you so stay there and watch the show as you will see your school friends give you an awesome show." Uncle Harry told him. Billy was taken to the V.I.P seats and waited for the show to start. Oshiro was getting ready to head to the main stage and welcome everyone to the show.

"Now boys have fun tonight and give your best effort to the guests." Our ninja master said as the music started and all the ninjas ran out to the large arena and began to chant and yell at the audience and get them ready to watch the show.

We did our first act and that was to dress up as little ninjas and hold the reins of the horses and walk them to the center of the arena. Our team ninjas were sitting on the horse waving their swards above their heads and yelling out their team names.

Then the fun started, lots of ninjas ran on the stage and the arena and began to do some training and then the big event would start and us guys would be dressed in our fundoshi's and start to jump off huge rocks and buildings and roll onto the ground.

Our ninja masters had their big sticks ready to beat us if we did something wrong. Our trainers put us through our training and then we were ready to show the guests how we could fight and throw ninja stars onto a wooden sheet.

It was time then to stand on the top of a ninjas shoulders waving our colored flags to end the show. The American ambassador asked to see us after the show and we headed to the V.I.P room where guests were served snacks and after dinner drinks.

`Boys, this is Adam Woods-worth, the American ambassador to Japan." Our Dad Kinski said as we shook his hand. His wife was cute but his two sons were awesome to look at. Both boys aged 12 and 13 had bright blonde hair and their faces were oval shaped. Both had light blue eyes and a bubble butts.

`Hi, I'm Cody and this is my younger brother Sandy." Cody said as we shook their hands. "So did you enjoy the show? Kikio asked them. "It was awesome, but we did have to ask why you had to wear those white things as they showed your butts." Sandy giggled.

"Oh the fundoshi's', they were first worn a few thousand years ago when boys trained to be ninjas so we have to wear them so that we are authentic as possible." I told the boys.

`I could not show my butt that way." Cody sniggered. "It's ok, we don't mind as we are all nudists so it's nothing to us guys." Tanaka said and grabbed a sandwich. So we stayed for an hour with our special guests and then headed home.

Tomorrow we had the day off as other boys would be doing the Sunday performances. They were love brothers who would help out from time to time and do a show and help out replacing us if we were worn out.

"Good night boys, sleep well." Our Dads said as we walked to our villa. "Night Dad." We replied. "Man, you guys were great, I am going to tell my dad all about your show so he comes and sees it." Billy said as he undressed and headed to one of our big beds with Travis and Kikio, Chuo and I cuddled together and kissed and fondled one another in our bed.

In the morning we got up as Uncle Wang was coming over to give us some training sessions and our guests also joined us for a short run and some exercises before we had some breakfast. Now that we were a lot slimmer we only trained two times a week.

So ends this chapter for now.

Till next time.
