Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 08:00:00 +0100 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Spell Part Seven (Young Friends) "We should do a sleepover with Rob next weekend," Will said to Matt as they kicked a football around in the park on Sunday afternoon. The thought of that might have stressed Matt out last weekend but he was more relaxed about things now. Hopefully the spell might be broken by then! "Yes good plan! Whose place?" Matt replied. Will stopped the game and picked his phone up. "I'll text him now and see what he thinks," he said before they continued. When it was time for a break Will checked his phone again. "He says he can host? He's got a big double bed and floor space so it should be fine. Shall I say you're in?" "I probably need to check with Mum and Dad but they never say no so yeah that's cool!" Matt said. He was actively excited about staying the night with Rob and Will. Maybe they'd play something like strip poker? Or maybe they'd... "Earth to Matt!" Will said as the ball he kicked whacked Matt in his balls causing him to double up. "Sorry I didn't realise you were daydreaming! Thinking of Rob's dick!?" Will asked with a grin. Once Matt got his breath back he flicked the Vs at Will to try and hide his annoyance that it was true, "No! And don't take the piss out of that. You know that I've been struggling with things since the spell." "Yeah I'm sorry I just forgot, are you sure you're fine to do a sleepover?" Will asked, looking concerned which Matt was pleased to see. "Yes of course! I really like Rob even if he has used his magic on me. It'll be fun and you'll be there. I also might have broken the spell by then fingers crossed." Even as Matt said those words it still sounded strange to him. Spells, magic, it was just so farfetched. However Rob was really nice and Matt actively enjoyed spending time with him. He was now his closest friend apart from Will. So why was he still either unable to talk to him about what he'd done to him or alternatively why couldn't he just ignore it all. Matt wasn't sure but hoped at some point soon he'd get some clarity. Maybe once he got the reply from his mysterious contact. "So I am very excited about the sleepover on Saturday! Am thinking takeaway pizza, watch a movie and play some PS4 in my room. Anything you guys fancy doing in particular?" Rob asked Will and Matt on Tuesday lunchtime. They hadn't discussed it since the text messages on Sunday and Matt's stomach jumped slightly at the mention of it. It was about to jump a bit more following Will's next sentence. "Shit, turns out I've got to go to my Gran's house this weekend so I can't make it. Next time definitely. It'll be fun for you two to spend some time together without me though!" Will said, smiling at them both. Matt felt that reduced his ability to get out of the sleepover to zero but he didn't really care. It would be nice to spend time outside school with Rob and what was the worst that could happen? That afternoon they had another science lesson and Rob kept making comments about experimentation and biology. Matt just couldn't tell if he was serious, if he was winding him up or if he was just flaunting the power of the spell that had been used on him. However he tried to relax and just go along with it. Rob's sense of humour was infectious and both boys found themselves giggling during the lesson. "Sorry I can't make the sleepover but am sure the two of you will have fun together! Just remember what they say, be careful handling a wizard's wand!" Will said with a wink at Matt on the way home after school. Matt didn't quite like the undertone he was suggesting but ignored it, instead changing the subject onto Jessica and how it was going. Will enthusiastically went on about how nice she was and how well they were getting on together. "Yes well that's all well and good but don't forget our deal," Matt said knowing it would annoy Will but wanting revenge for the blatant innuendo about him and Rob which was very inappropriate considering the situation with the spell. Will grumpily nodded and then stomped off home leaving Matt to rush home hoping for some positive news. As Matt got home the first thing he did was check his phone that had dinged literally as soon as he'd walked into the house. "Sorry for the delay. I had to check with someone else that what I thought was correct actually was. I need to be clear about the words used on you first though. So when you were in that swimming pool changing room looking at Rob's dick what were the exact words that were used on you?" Matt read the message in surprise partly as he was fairly sure he hadn't mentioned that it happened in the swimming pool changing room. Clearly this person whoever they were also had a fair bit of power to find things out. "He said,'' You look like I've cast a spell on you." Matt typed in reply. "You look like or I have?" The reply was fired back to Matt who quickly typed back "Look like.". There was a pause then, Matt could see that there was a message being typed and he held his breath in anticipation. "Right, it's good news. It means he isn't aware of what he has done. It's most common amongst magical use when teenagers that the subconscious casts spells without them realising. It's likely he isn't even aware he has magical powers. So it's quite simple to break it. A wizard essence is the source of his power, you must imbibe some of his essence, that will then counteract the spell over a number of hours breaking you of it. By the next day after the event it will be broken and all will be ok." Matt read the message again to try and make sense of it. Eventually he had to reply with the simple honest phrase "I don't understand what you mean." "Sorry I was using magical parlance which I appreciate you might not be familiar with. In layman's terms you basically need to suck his dick and swallow his cum. That will break the spell!" "What the fuck? No! Even if that did work, how would things be between us once I'd sucked his dick? It's not like it's something that can be forgotten!" "Actually if you do as I instruct it can be. Once his essence is drained and the spell broken he will forget. You need to trust me. I have dealt with wizards like this before. However if you don't want to then please do feel free to delete this number and I won't contact you again." "No! Sorry, it's just. A big step that's all. Ok I'll do it thanks for your help." Matt lay on his bed feeling conflicted and confused. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about taking that delicious looking dick of Rob's in his mouth. But to have to do it in real life, that was tough to handle. Once he did it there was no going back. Even if Rob didn't remember it he would. Still, he was where he was and would deal with it. Just the thought of it had made his dick stiffen as hard as it had ever got and he decided he better take care of it. He sucked his thumb as he wanked off, fantasising it was Rob's hard dick in his mouth. He had an intense orgasm as always when thinking about Rob's dick and wondered if they would end when the spell ended. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked the cum off. Not too bad taste wise. He knew if things went to plan though the next bit of cum he would be tasting wouldn't be his, it would be Rob's.