The Travis Theory Original Posted Sept 5 2010 By Remmy Meggs

This is a fictional story of boys and teens growing up and as such, is a work of total fiction. Any resemblance to real people, dead or alive, is purely coincidental. By reading this story, you agree that you are at or above legal age in your location, and you are not breaking the laws of your country. I own all copyrights to this/ these files or stories and they may not be posted on USENET or any other site without my express permission.

If the laws in your country make it illegal to or read fantasy stories about minors, or if you are under of age of eighteen or have someone in your presence under the age of eighteen, you must leave this site immediately. This site may cover gay issues, extreme violence and sexual situations.

Copyright © 2012 Remmy Meggs I reserve all rights. You may not upload this file to any site or reprint it in any media format.

For those that are interested, I write Action/Adventure stories with a strong boy hero growing up in different situations. Since I base my writing on the future or history as I know it, then as far as the story goes, it is indisputable. Remember my stories are in the future, or they fall into the historical fantasy genres.

The Travis Theory By Remmy Meggs


Travis was excited and yelping all over to go see the new girl... or guy down the street. After we put our shoes on, instead of heading to the front yard we went into the house. Mac followed us in. Travis started bringing out cookie pans and got in the refrigerator, and brought out six cans of premix cookie dough of different varieties.

We stood there watching him, and then he looked up at us, "You guys could help! We can't go over there empty handed! We are going to make cookies. Declan you and David cut the dough into quarters... after you wash your hands, Tristan and Steve, you wash your hands and roll all the quarters into a ball and put them on the greased pans. Mac you grease the pans and do the dishes."

At first, we just stared at him. Then he started turning red, "Ok will you guys help me please? Stevie say something!"

"I will help you but it is up to the others if they want to or not." I said breaking open the first carton of cookie dough. David grabbed it away from me and declared, "This is going to be fun, mom never lets me help!"

With that, everyone pitched in. Mac turned both ovens on for us and set the temperature and the timers. Travis was still running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Squealing in glee and making us laugh. Then he would stop and look at us as if WE were nuts and start all over with his squealing dance. Oddly, he was busy working butter into the pans and spray stuff for baking.

"Six dozen?" I asked Travis as the first batch went into the oven.

Travis frowned, "You don't think it is enough? This is the batter mom uses for her big parties. I thought it would be enough, are you guys going to eat them all? Please we are supposed to give them to the new kid and they are supposed to invite us in for a drink and we share them. Six dozen has to be enough because that's all mommy has..." He stopped and thought, "Crap I'm going to get in trouble for using them all too."

We turned to Mac when we heard him laughing. He shrugged his shoulders, "You never think about things like that until after you do them. This is important to you; I'll go to the store and get more before your mom and dad get home. You won't eat them anyway so that leaves more for the rest of us"

There were many cookies when we were done. Mac put them all on paper plates, making sure each of us had a plate to carry over, and then he covered them with clear sticky wrap so we would not eat them or lose them on the way over.

Mac closed the front door behind us, "Whether it is a girl, or a boy, you guys be nice. Be prepared if is a boy though, I don't want you to freak out."

Mac scolded Travis for getting ahead of us two times. He kept running so far ahead of us as if he were losing his mind. When we arrived, there were still things setting on the lawn, and you could easily tell people were moving in.

We stared at the house for several minutes, "Well Travis, it is your idea, so you get to ring the doorbell."

"Only if you guys follow me over, I want you all with me." He replied.

We decided to go with him, but he would be the one to talk... he just didn't know it yet. He rang the bell. Then we heard a voice, "I'll be there in a minute!"

A girl opened the door and she said, "Hello, can I help you mates?" She stood there with these big lips; and if it was lipstick, it was very light. She had on a pink halter with a training bra, a sweet midsection, but her skirt covered her belly button. She was wearing pink slippers and her blond hair made her big brown eyes stand out. Her hair was the exact same color as Travis', but was down past her shoulders.

We all looked at each other. I froze, but Travis spoke, "Hi, I am Travis. This is Stevie, Tristan, David, and Declan. We brought your family a welcome to the neighborhood present."

She grinned and looked us all over... maybe too closely. As she did, her eyes lit up, "Well my mum and pop aren't home yet, but I am sure it will be fine. Mind the mess; we are far from having anything sorted."

I pushed Travis ahead of me and she led us to the kitchen. She asked us to put the cookies on the kitchen counter. You are very pretty." I said

"Thank you, you boys are very cute yourselves. My name is Mattie, I didn't fancy meeting boys here but there are many girls, but seeing you boys makes me very happy, all of you are so cute and sexy, especially you Steve."

I am sure we all blushed... I really do not think that was a blush on Travis' face, because his grin was crooked. I was guessing it was his first warning after her compliment to me. "We really don't have anything to drink yet, and the chairs are not set up. We can go to the patio and get to know each other. When mum and dad come home, they will have refreshments and I will introduce you."

She took us to the patio where several girls from our school were already sitting. The looks on our faces had to be sheer terror. The girls liked it, Liz whistled, "Now aren't you the cute ones, are all of you trying to date the new girl?"

The other girls laughed, making us uncomfortable. Mattie had us take seats. But before we all were able to sit down completely Travis and David staked out their claims and Declan squeezed in between Tristan and I. Carrie looked at Declan, "Where is Joey?"

"He is cleaning the stables. He has to have spending money for the campout." He blushed.

Mattie smiled, "It's good you all know each other. Would you girls mind if I kissed all of these cute boys?"

Our classmates gleamed, "Oh please do Mattie! Be careful though they are real horny boys... if you ever had a chance to see them in school..."

"Stop it Liz." Tristan warned, "We can say some things about you girls you know."

Liz was referring to us getting boners and it was not polite to tell some new girl about us." Mattie smiled, "I know about boys, they can't help that. Someday they will get it all sorted." She pulled Travis up and kissed him on the lips gently, "You are so sweet. I wish I had a little brother like you, so strong and silent." Then she asked me to stand after Travis sat back down. It was a little hard to stand with me sitting between legs, but I managed. She kissed me on the lips and I could smell her perfume. Then her hand was on my butt rubbing it, then she let lose, "You are built very well, and you can even kiss!"

She then sidestepped the fuming Travis and went for Declan. After she finished he fell off the backside of the bench. It was the first time anyone kissed him other than his mother and grandmother. I helped him up. The girls started with their silly girl giggles and the red-faced Declan sat on the bench. She grinned at Tristan, come on up here you hunk. Tristan stood up and before he even received his kiss, the rest of us saw his boner pop up. Then we saw Mattie rub it.

"That's enough kissing!" David growled, "You will both be dripping slime on me!"

She backed away and pulled David up, "You are so sweet." Then she kissed both of his cheeks making them even redder, before she kissed his lips, "Yum you taste like cookie dough."

Travis looked up at David, "I warned you!" Then he kicked at David's foot but David moved out of the way in time. There was no doubt David ate some of the cookie dough. "Sorry Travis I couldn't help it." David seemed flustered. He sat between Tristan's legs again leaning his back on Tristan's steaming bulge so no one could see it.

Mattie turned to the other girls, "Now see that isn't so bad. Aren't they just yummy?"

"Well we have gone to school with them all our lives, so it is not quite the same Mattie. To us they are just obnoxious, except for David who used to play dolls with us until he and Tristan became friends."

Mattie sat down, "Well you really don't know what you are missing, and they are sweet and innocent. It is up to the girls to make sure they are trained properly."

"Excuse me?" Travis retorted, not as much as a question but a condemnation.

"Oh you little cutie, I bet this was all your idea. You seem so smart." She gave a warm grin to Travis who turned beet red.

"Actually it was his idea." I told her, "Even demanded that we all help cook them and bring them over. I am happy he pushed for six dozen or there wouldn't be enough of them."

Mattie thanked Travis and offered more kisses, but Travis wiggled out of it, "It's just his age, he will come around." Then she turned to the girls, "Really you should practice with them." Then she turned to us, "You boys would like them to practice wouldn't you? I know they want to but they are afraid you would get upset."

"I would get upset!" Travis growled.

"Well maybe now, but in a year or two who knows, you may really like it!" She giggled and left the rest of us. She went into the house and brought out some cookies, "The boys made these all by themselves, and they are still warm. How much can you ask for in a day, yummy boys, and yummy cookies?"

One thing was for sure Mattie knew how to make everyone feel welcome, and was warm to everyone. With the whole group, we ate two of the plates of cookies, although David was eating as if he had never been fed. An hour later, the other girls from class excused themselves and went home. I thought we should leave as well. I couldn't imagine her parents coming home to find five boys wearing Calderas and Speedos in the house, but Mattie would have none of it. She wanted to know everything about us, and even more about Tristan, which of course was aggravating David to no end.

Declan asked, "Mattie what school will you go to, the rest of the boys in the class will love to meet you."

"I will be going to a Montessori school." She smiled, then explained,

"Catholic schools and public schools are too dangerous for me, so I have always been at open minded private schools."

"Dangerous?" David asked.

"Well, many do not like how I talk or act, how I wear my hair, and even how I dress. The girls and guys get jealous or hateful as well. I hope none of you turn out like they have. I think we can be good friends if you give me the chance." She explained further.

A movement in the house caused us to look through the patio doors, into it. Mattie smiled and stood up, "My parents are home. I want them to meet all of you."

The doors opened and a tall slender man came out with a broader almost homely woman. We stood up, even Tristan who was still throbbing, but at least David was in front of him. Mattie introduced all of us. Her father was grinning ear to ear as well as her mum, "I see your visitors brought over a housewarming gift." Her mother smiled.

"Yes mum aren't they just lovely?" Mattie was excited.

Her father frowned, "She met the cookies dear, not your new friends."

Mattie had a strange look on her face, "Father! You can be so embarrassing!"

"Well son are you having a good time? I see you are sorting out some new friends, all boys at that!" He asked her.

"Harold how rude!" Her mother scolded.

Mattie's face flushed, "I just met them father, and you ruined it already!"

"Harold go into the house and get everyone something to drink." Her mother ordered.


"Go on now!" His wife demanded. Then she turned to us, you boys have a seat, we have carry-out, and we bought plenty so you are welcome to join us, in fact, I insist!"

We sat on the patio eating pizza and pop... even though Travis was not happy about it, he tried to keep a decent face about it. Of course, the main thing we were thinking about was what the father said. Even though it slipped past Declan and Travis, Tristan David and I kept looking at Mattie wondering if she really could be a boy. After we finished eating, we washed our hands and faces in the sink, and went back out to the patio. There her father joined us again.

Mattie was talking until her father took a seat. We looked at him, "Come here dear."

Mattie stood up and sat in her father's lap. Then he turned to us, "Things are quite different in England. Although frowned upon, over there boys can dress like girls and girls can dress like boys. Some boys and girls are idiots and do not care for boys and girls that are confused." He let that sink into us then continued, "Here in America, it is just... well... forbidden, shall we say. Boys that dress like girls and girls that dress like boys are not welcome in American circles as part of the community."

Okay so get to the point, we were all thinking. I had already guessed at what was going to be said, and knowing that, Travis put me in his lap and held me in place. "Matt, or Mattie as you have been introduced happens to be one of those ... shall we say confused people. To her parents and I, she is normal, but to others, she seems to be a mystery. When we came here we are, were, prepared for the worst and here I flub it all up the first day."

Mattie's mom was looking at us, not at her husband. She was looking to see how we would react. Declan was swinging his feet under that bench. David's head was resting against Tristan's knee. Travis was wiggling me on his right leg. Tristan and I of course were paying close attention.

"Mattie is a sweet little girl, just a confused one. This all started several years ago and finally we realized that Mattie loved dressing up and being pretty, more than she liked to climb trees or play football..."

"They call it soccer daddy." Mattie threw in.

"Yes well, they must learn the proper use of the term my dear. As I was saying, so after several years of fighting, the doctors told us to get used to it. So we have, which makes it harder for other people to accept and understand."

"Mattie you are not going to die, are you?" Travis asked.

Mattie's head titled, "Oh no Travis... will I suppose we all do someday, but I have no intention of dying for a long time."

"Well then why are you talking about Doctors?" Declan asked her father.

"We really don't need to go into that, but the fact of the matter is..." he began.

"I am really a boy. I just prefer to look pretty and dress like a girl."

Mattie blurted out and then sighed, "I will understand if you don't want me around. No I won't, but I will accept it." Mattie sighed.

Everyone's mouth dropped except for Travis who bolted up and started stomping his feet on the patio, walking in a circle, "I knew it! I knew it! And I let you kiss my Stevie!" Then he turned to Mattie, "Don't you EVER kiss my Stevie again!"

Then he stood there thinking, I said, "Travis settle down, no harm has been done."

He walked passed Mattie and stood, leaning against me, "She kissed you like a girl."

"Settle Travis." I said.

I looked at Mattie who was watching us. Then her eyes started sparkling and a smile came to her face. She looked over at David and Tristan. David was scowling. Mattie stood up, "Oh my! I see now, now I understand. I sorted this out!"

"What dear?" Her father asked.

"Travis loves Stevie and David loves Tristan! Stevie and David are girls!" She gleamed.

Declan looked at the four of us, then back to Mattie, "Are you crazy? I know for a fact they are boys!"

Then Mattie's father gave her a warning look, "Oh I was just teasing Declan, settle down!" She grinned devilishly.

At that point, I had to keep Travis away from her until he settled down, but Declan is the one that seemed to lose it, "You mean... let me get this right. That you are a boy dressed like a girl and actually look like a girl?"

Mattie's mom seemed to feel sorry for us, "Yes boy's that is what they are saying. I know it is a shock, but it is true."

Declan frowned, "So a boy just kissed me on the lips?"

Her mother frowned, "You kissed them all?"

Mattie fidgeted, "Yes mum, but I was trying to show the girls how sweet the boys really were, I wasn't just doing it to tease the boys."

Well her mom may buy that but Tristan, I, Travis and David sure weren't, and I doubt if Declan was. His first real kiss came from a guy. I thought he was going to puke.

"I will get us a spot of tea." Her mum said.

"I suppose you boys are infuriated, and wanting to bolt from the house, your good manners are keeping you from such a scene." Her father said.

Declan looked at the ground, "I can get used to it, I just wasn't prepared... no way in all my life would I have ever thought of a boy dressing like a girl."

Everyone looked at Declan. David sighed, "I can too, but you have to learn things about American boys. I don't think we are the flirts that you might have in England."

Travis wrapped around my neck and looked at her, and then he stood up straight, "I just knew you were a boy, but I don't think the others actually believed it. Your mom is in the house; prove you are a boy and not teasing us."

Oh come on now, really? You just met someone and you want him to show you his toys? What is wrong with you Travis? That is rude. Yet Mattie and her father looked at each other for a moment, and Mattie looked back at us, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

With that, her father stood up, "I think I will help unpack."

There the six of us stood and Declan stumbled, "We are um wearing Speedos you can see that we are boys, all of us. You don't need us to pull down out trunks."

"Well if you want to see mine then I insist on seeing yours. It's only fair. I can show you my panties and I will have a bulge to, but that is not what Travis asked for, is it? He wants to see it so he knows for sure. Well you guys could have cotton stuffed in your shorts, so how do I know those are real?"

"You can tell it isn't cotton!" David grasped out without luck.

"Maybe and maybe not, look at Travis; you can see something but what? Stevie looks like he has a crayon in his shorts? The only one I see with any possibility at all is Tristan, and that is only because I touched it. So come on now, you boys are not afraid to be naked, so let's do it."

"So help me, if you are really a girl and we do this, I will beat the crap out of you!" Declan snapped. Then he pulled his swim shorts to his knees and stood up, "There can you see it?"

"Yes, and it is nice too!" Mattie said as Declan pulled them back up.

Travis pulled is down, "Little or not, it's big enough for you!"

Mattie smiled and nodded. Travis pulled his Calderas back up. Tristan and David went next. Mattie, satisfied turned to me, I grinned, "At the same time Mattie."

She frowned but nodded and counted one, two, and three. Together we pulled them down, and Mattie turned out to be Matt. "Well you are going to another school anyway so you won't see much of us." David reasoned.

Travis grunted, "Yeah and if you went camping or swimming naked with us and your girly friends saw it they would never talk to you again."

When Matt did pull his panties down, he did have a dick. But, it wasn't like one we had ever seen. We moved in closer to look at it, "Did your mom squish it or something Mattie?" David asked.

Matt looked down, "What are you talking about?"

"Did she cut the top off?" Declan tried to explain.

"Are you nuts?" Mattie seemed to be upset.

"Well, what happened to it?" I asked. When I did, Travis turned away and walked a few steps and did not look back at us.

"That explains why he would rather be a girl I guess." Tristan nodded, "We  are probably the only ones that have seen it besides his dad and mom."

Mattie looked down at and grabbed it, "What the fuck are you talking about it is just fine!"

Tristan put his hand on Mattie's shoulder, "It's okay we won't tell anyone. But at least it makes sense now."

Mattie pulled away, "Christ, are you thick? What are you on about?"

I explained, "Your red top is missing, you just have skin covering the hole where it used to be. That is what they are talking about."

"And yours are different?" Mattie was fuming.

All of us standing there pulled our trunks back down so Mattie could see them up close. He looked, and then he looked at his own. It took a couple of minutes then it dawned on him what we were talking about. "Are you guy's soft in the head or something? You have been circumcised you idiots!" Then he pulled back the excess strange looking skin on his little dick. Then you could see the red... well almost red top on Mattie. It didn't stick out far even though he was just as big as me, and it looked compressed, not as bulbous and it was actually smaller looking than the stem of his dick.

"Well, all the parts are there, and yes they do look different. Yours are red and pink and purple, mine is almost light pink, and I guess it is not as round or tall, but it is there. The only difference is I have skin over the end of mine. Your skin has been cut off." He explained.

We all looked, and then pulled back up our trunks. The boy was nuts. Matt pulled his panties back up and sat down, "I guess you don't want to be friends with me. I pretty well upset all of you, one way, or the other. Are you going to tell the girls?"

Tristan grinned, "You have to be kidding me. We aren't telling anyone anything!"

"How can I tell anyone that some boy gave me my first kiss and I liked it... well put up with it, anyway?" Declan fussed, "And how are we supposed to explain we are skinning dipping with a girl? Don't you realize everyone is going to want to see that and come down to the lake?"

Travis kept giggling a few feet away from us. I was trying not to pay attention to it. After a few minutes of the guys talking, I went over to Travis, "What do you think is so funny?"

"Nothing!" He giggled

"Well it has to be something because you can't seem to stop." I said pinching his butt.

He squirmed away, "It's because none of you knew about circumcision. I am trying not to die laughing over here."

"Well, settle down and come over with us." I ordered.

He sighed, still giggling and walked over to the others, "You know except indoors she can't be with us at all. No camping with us, no swimming, at least at the lake, no overnights, even though her parents know and we know, no one else does. Things like that will give it away." Travis frowned. "So it is not like we wouldn't want you around, but exactly how and when are different things all together." He looked at the rest of us then announced,

"Stevie, none of us brought phones. Mac will be having a fit if we don't check in."

Mattie smiled, "You can use mine." She went to the table and picked up a green purse and pulled a pink phone out of it and then handed it to Travis.

He squirmed but took it, then called Mac, "We are still here. Steve and I left our phones... Yes you were right... Sort of... we are okay, well Declan is in shock, but the rest of us are okay. We said we wouldn't tell anyone so please that goes for you too."

Travis looked at Mattie, "He says he knows people that would love to have you around. So you are supposed to meet with him when you get settled." Then he went back to Mac, "I told her. She talks funny and so does her parents, but they are pretty cool."

He sighed and looked at me, "She kissed him like a girl kiss. No, I don't like it. I told her. Is he okay? All right when we leave here, we can go to the hospital."

He handed the phone back to Mattie, "We have to go to the hospital. A boy we know was hurt in a fight and we need to go see him."

We got up to leave, and Mattie offered a hug to each of us. Travis backed and pulled me away from her, down but the rest thought it was somewhat cool, at least she didn't try to kiss us again.

Mattie winked at me, "I can see who the girl in your family. Is he always so jealous?" I turned red, but didn't answer as Travis grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out the front door.

I heard Tristan in the background, "Beware of Travis, and yes he is very jealous. He thinks Stevie is one and true love and he does not like anyone to touch him.

We each headed home to dress for the hospital and tell our parents what we were doing. But outside Mattie's house Declan wanted to run, "I will never ever look at a girl the same way again. That is disgusting. I wonder if the girls in class are all girls or boys?"

We actually knew how he felt because we all felt the same way but were strangely in favor of having her around. When we go to the hospital, the staff looked at our group as if we were odd. We checked each other to make sure our clothes were ok and nothing was sticking out.

We got to the room and opened the door and peeked in. We slowly walked over to the bed and Travis spoke, "That's for helping me Billy. We wouldn't have made it without you."

Billy had a half smile, "You guys are the last people I expected to see. Thank for coming to see me."

Mac handed Billy a big box of chocolates, "This is from all of us... enough for your gang too." That made Billy smile as Mac put the candy on the nightstand, "They say how long you were going to be in here?"

"They said another day at least. They just want to make sure I didn't get my brain smashed but actually I am too dumb to know much different so I guess it don't matter." Billy grinned some.

We all thanked him for coming to the little ones aide. He looked at us odd and then said, "You know. I always had this feeling if someone was picking on me, that if you guys were around you would be at my side. I have never needed help but I was just doing what I thought you guys would do."

We turned to look at Mac. Mac smiled, "They would yes, all of them. The point is they do not ask for trouble and sometimes Billy we feel as if you go looking for it."

His eyes went down a couple of moments then he looked up, "If I stopped all that would you guys be my friends?"

Everyone looked at Travis. Travis looked at Tristan. "Billy what about going to school you have been kicked out of almost all of them? You can't even go to school right now, maybe not ever again! Chase tells us you actually look for people at your school to pick on."

"Okay what if I went back to school, what if I changed some things?"

I patted his arm, "Let's see you do that okay? I don't think that will be as easy as you think. If you can pick on a ten year old and think nothing of it, how are you going to be around other kids? Just because we can't see something doesn't mean you are not doing it."

Mac walked around to the other side of the bed, "What he is saying is they will give you a chance just like they do Travis and I. Travis isn't a bully but he is pushy. I try to help and either scare them or embarrass them. But we are all trying to get along. They want you do to the same thing. Even though this one time you went out of your way, can you do that all the time as they would? Can you call the kids from Granite Rock a gang Billy?"

"No, they are not a gang. They ever pick on anyone and they sure don't treat people bad. But where I come from you are either the one on top or they kick you down, and they kick hard." He explained.

Billy was from Industrial Park, at one time it was scheduled to be a place for big business in oil, steel, machine shops and other things to move in. That would help the city. After forty years of no one using it, the city sold the land to a trailer park company. There were a few homes on it and many trailers (caravans).

For one reason or another, the people could barely afford to live there, much less have nice things for themselves or their kids. Oh they all made it okay I guess, but it was not like they were headed to success, although we all hoped some would come out of there someday. The police were there almost constantly. There was always trouble. Billy was one of those people who still dreamed of something better. Even we knew that as kids. Billy wanted out somehow, someway.

"Let's think about how to change things Billy, and then let's do it. Sure we can be friends, but the type of friends you want to be is a lot different, but you can do it if you really want to." Then Mac hesitated, "What did your mom and dad say?"

Billy's lower lip trembled a bit, "They came in and filled out some papers, told me to get well soon and to call my aunt when they let me out."

Tristan and I looked at each other, "Billy what does your dad do?" I asked.

"He sits around the house. My mom is a waitress. I am very proud of her." His lip curled, "Don't ever say anything bad about my mom, she does everything she can."

Travis titled his head, "That don't make sense, why would we do that?"

"Never mind, for a minute there I thought you would get all uppity and better than thou." Billy shook his head a little, "Sorry I wasn't thinking."

Declan gritted his teeth, "After I was born my dad wanted to finish Graduate school. The only job my mom could get at the time was a waitress job, and that was at Franks place. Dad would be at school all day and be doing homework until late at night. Mom worked, took care of me, cleaned house, cooked for the three of us. When dad got his first job, he said she would never have to work again, and she hasn't, she don't even have to cook anymore unless she wants to make something special for dad or I. The point is, there is nothing wrong with being a waitress, I think it's cool she loves you that much!"

"Really?" Billy asked.

I laughed, "My mom worked in a strip club before I was born. Dad loved it. He would go thee after school and flirt with her almost every night. When he got his doctorate, he bought the house here, and then asked her to marry him. I guess it was funny. She thought he was a dumb college student with a crappy car. He never told her any different either. He never showed her his two fancy cars, or the house, she just thought he lived with his parents. They got married, and boy was she surprised. Dad said she didn't have to work anymore. She asked if she could go to school. He said yes. She got her bachelor's degree in Child Psychology. Went to work for the state and had me... she uses that Psychology stuff on me, but I read her books so it don't work most of the time. Now she spends a couple of weeks a year being a model."

The guys started giggling, I looked back at Billy, "We are just regular people too. Our parents didn't start out rich, they just wanted something better. So do you. So let's get you there!"

At home, I sat in my room doing my homework. In Arizona there are not really too many homes over one story tall. We lived in what was called a split-level. With the stucco southwest style, it looked as though it was one big floor until you got inside the house. You had one level that was for a double garage on each side of the house. The center entry took up most of the living room, the family room, the dining area and kitchen and second bath. Above the garages were the bedrooms, master bath, and guest room in our case, since I never had any brothers or sisters. My bathroom was in the hallway between my bedroom and the guestroom.

Dad had come home from work late, when I normally would have been asleep. I didn't think much of it at first. I heard mom getting his dinner and they were talking normally. He said they needed to talk, that something was bothering him. That is when he got my attention, or nearly.

I heard what sounded like something heavy falling. I headed out of my room and heard my dad talking loud, "I don't want him to hang around that little gay boy. I don't want my son to turn out like that, do you? Do you really think he has the willpower to stop that little boy-whore Celeste? He is already playing with himself like there is no night and day, and we are allowing him to hang with that boy that is just waiting for him to be vulnerable to get to his dick and maybe even his ass!"

"Settle down Tom! You will wake him up, then how would you feel?" Mom said.

I sat on the stairs so I could listen but couldn't be seen. Dad continued, "I have been quiet for weeks dear, but it is just getting to me." Then I heard my dad crying for the first time in my life. He continued, "Boys will be boys Celeste, if I walked in and found him sucking on another boy or one sucking him I could handle that, that's just kids learning about sex, but we know this boy is gay and he has been making big plans for OUR son. OUR son Celeste and I am sorry I do not like it! I want to do something about it and I don't know what to do for Christ's sake!" He paused, "I can't take it dear."

I heard mom moving, and I guessed that she went to comfort him. "Honey you have always trusted Stevie, and he has always done exactly what you thought he would. Why can't you trust him now to do the right thing?"

"He just turned twelve; the kids nowadays are ten times hornier than we were or at least showing it more, and every time we turn around they are outside doing it or in his room. You heard Justin's dad talking about the circle jerks they are having, and it's more than occasional. This Travis has some kind of hold on Steve, and it is not getting any better."

I could not see their expressions but I could definitely hear their hearts and souls. Mom spoke quietly, "You can't take him away from Travis, because that would disrupt the whole family of boys. You can't send Travis away or their will be trouble and Steve could get hurt even if he was never touched. We have the money Tom, if you want to move to Scottsdale on the hill I will understand; we can put him in another school. It won't affect your practice, or my job, but if you do something, do it for a legitimate reason, not because you don't trust Stevie's animal instincts to take over. He is just a boy, and even if they did do things, it does not mean Stevie will turn out gay, you know that, I know that. We have to give him a chance. Dear, it is hard for me to hear that boy talk. I don't care for him making long term decisions for Stevie, I don't like how the boy thinks he belongs personally to our son. I think about this a lot too, but we can't go in blasting without cause."

I heard her sit down, "His parents do not like it Tom, but they are not willing to alienate Travis either. Are you willing to alienate Stevie, maybe lose him forever? I don't think that you want to do that. We have a clean cut sweet boy that will be a great man if we give him that chance. I can't tell you what to do my love, but think it out, think of the good and the bad that can come from it, but whatever you do put Stevie first."

Then there were a few minutes of silence and mom spoke again, "Tom there is one thing, if you really do love Stevie, then no matter how he turns out you will still love him right?"

"That's silly. Of course I would." He answered.

"Then let's not talk anymore of this nonsense, he is our son, and if he is gay or straight, or even bi, we will stand by him no matter what, and be proud of the accomplishments he makes in his life. To split him from the boys he grew up with and Travis, who loves him and adores him, would take our boy away from us forever. You keep that in mind.

I got a lump in my throat. Now I heard them both crying. I stood up quietly and peeked around the corner and saw them sitting, holding each other. Tears came to my eyes and before I fell apart, I went back up the stairs, closed my door, and turned the light out then quietly got in bed.

I had settled down emotionally but my head was spinning from what I heard. I have no idea how much time had passed, but I heard my dad at my door, so I closed my eyes. The door opened and he stepped in. He sat quietly on my bed and patted my behind then he whispered, "I love him so much lord, please help me take care of him." Then as he did every night since I was little, he kissed the top of my head and left the room.

I rolled on my back and looked at the shadows on the ceiling. There was no doubt in my mind now how my parents felt about Travis. My dad's faith in me was wavering on hysterics. I was crushed by that and mortified by the fact he knew how much I played with myself. He still loved me even though I wasn't perfect, and he was worried sick about me. I decided I better not tell him about some guy dressed as a girl kissing me, at least for a while, and I hoped Declan didn't tell his parents at least until I could see him in the morning at school. They would certainly tell my dad.