Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 09:48:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Tribe Part Five (Young Friends) The next morning we were shown to where the village went to the toilet, a few pits that seemed to be dug, then filled in and then new ones dug. There was no toilet paper, just bowls of water. It was pretty disgusting and unpleasant. There was a sort of strange oozing substance that they said to use to clean your hands afterwards before washing it off with a different bowl. I guess it was some sort of soap like thing, it actually smelled ok although I had no idea of it killed bacteria. All of it didn't seem very hygienic and I was worried about getting sick from germs on my hand and from the water supply but it seems they weren't totally stupid. That was all over the other side of the village where a short walk led to the base of a couple of small waterfall where water was siphoned off from the first one into some makeshift bamboo like gutters into carved out storage jars for drinking water and then the second waterfall was used for showering and washing. There were harder bars of the soap like substance to be used for washing yourself I guess. I took one and went into the waterfall, the water was cold but fresh and it felt really invigorating to be in it naked as the rushing water pounded against my back, a few other boys were there checking me out. Usually I would have been embarrassed but fuck it, I had nothing to hide, and if some of the hairless ones wanted to suck me, well all the better for me.I definitely wanted to experience that amazing sensation again! All in all things were going pretty well, as a none hairless boy i wouldn't have to suck anyone, if anything I'd get my dick sucked.So my initial dislike of the village was receding slightly but it was still a bug infested humid place that was little more than a hovel. I really hoped Dad would turn up anytime now although I knew he'd probably take a while to recover. Ben was in his element of course, he was hanging around with the boy whose dick he'd had to suck the day before, he introduced me to him and said his name was Dja or something like that. Apparently he was good friends with Bok, the boy I'd had to suck and Ben wittered on about them being two of the best warriors in the tribe. thing is as far as I knew the tribe didn't fight anyone so all this warrior stuff seemed a bit OTT! I was lounging in my hammock when i saw Ben and Dja disappear off into the quieter part of the village outskirts,coming back ten minutes later both grinning. What was going on? Had Ben sucked his dick again? Was Ben gay? I stopped myself, it was almost certainly nothing and they were just exploring the village. That night at lights out I got my dick sucked again by the same boy, i could definitely get used to this I thought as i fell asleep. The next morning I'd showered and headed back in to the village where there were various ceremonies going on that were to do with starting the process of finding a new Chief. From what I could gather from watching from a far, not all the warriors would stand to be Chief. Looked like maybe half of them, including Dja and Bok had put themselves forward. It was a bit boring to be honest but Ben was entranced, watching closely while I kept a safe distance away dozing in my hammock. This seemed to go on for hours and it was just heading towards dusk when things went up a gear. There was then a commotion and any remaining boys in our shelter headed over where they were lined up in front of the warriors. I guessed this was when a warrior could choose a boy to live in their hut with them. I was hoping the boy who sucked me off woudn't be chosen, after all he seemed to like sucking my dick, I didn't really want to find someone else, however those thoughts were quickly dispelled as Ben shook me to wake me from my daydream. 'er...we're needed over there as well" he said. Fucks sake, I was enjoying myself in the hammock. "Oh right, i guess it's a whole tribe thing then?" I replied, it made sense i guess, after all we were told we were now part of the tribe. Ben looked a bit nervous though, I could see he wasn't happy. "Yeah but i think it might a bit worse, I'm not sure but from what I'm gathered I think we have to stand with the hairless boys" "WHAT?! Why? We're clearly not hairless, well you almost are but I'm definitely not" I protested in annoyance. I assumed it was all routine and we wouldn't be chosen, after all I had a decent bush and the rules of the village as i understood them made it clear that only hairless boys were chosen. Ben still looked nervous, "well it's probably just the tribal custom and we're fine" he said but in a way he didn't believe that. Grumbling we stood on the end of the line with the boys who giggled as we did. The Chief started to make a big speech to the tribe, as there was no gestures or translation I had no idea what was going on and neither did Ben from what i could gather. At some point he pointed at me and Ben and there were shouts, he then said something else and there were larger shouts. He nodded and pointed to one of the warriors who wasn't standing to be Chief. He disappeared off and came back with a sharp stone sort of knife and a small cup of something. He bowed and the Chief took it off him then walked over to us. What the fuck was he going to do with the knife. I was considering running out of panic but Ben and I were held in place by two warriors who had come behind us. "Ben....what's going on?" I said in fear......