The Very Thought of You.

Part II

The boys spent every moment of their spare time that they could together, the hardest times were at school when they had to keep their distance and only snatch brief glances at each other. There was of course the occasional brushing against one another when walking in the corridors or the touching of hands when the opportunity presented itself but other than that they promoted a picture of indifference towards one another.

Two weeks after their first encounter and at the beginning of the third week Dominic was seated at his desk in the math class. Mr Jensen walked in looked at Dominic and called him to the front of the class. Matthew watched As Mr Jensen spoke to Dominic. When he'd finished talking the young boy returned to his desk picked up his belongings and strode to the door. Before leaving he turned and gazed forlornly at Matthew, from where he sat Matthew could see the boy was on the verge of tears he himself had a lump in his throat as he realised that this was the end of Dominic's presence in their classroom.

Dominic with the instructions given to him made his way to the sixth form. Reaching the study he tentatively knocked on the door and waited to be given permission to enter. A voice barked, "Enter," and Dominic did so looking nervously at the teacher.

"Ah ha Spencer we've been expecting you, find yourself a seat and we can continue with the lesson. He looked around and saw a vacant chair and desk next to a rather large good-looking black haired boy whom he knew to be Williams, as Matthew had pointed him out in the school grounds. He took his seat glancing at Williams who gave him a smile that put him at ease. So Dominic settled down to begin his studies in the sixth form.

The morning period went by and Dominic was quite at ease, he'd shared the first break talking with Williams and they were now on first name terms with each other. Frank had even bought him a Pepsi, which he guzzled down with relish. One of the privileges of being a sixth former meant that they broke for dinner before the rest of the school, so they could get their food without having to partake in the stampede that normally took place. It also meant that he had to wait for Matthew to make an appearance. Because of his mother's financial position Dominic got free meals but Matthew never ate school meals he normally went outside the school grounds and bought what he required from the various fast food outlets. He sat waiting patiently till eventually Matthew appeared, he stood in the doorway looking at Dominic then motioned with his head to follow him outside turned and walked away from the dining hall. Dominic followed at a discreet distance till Matthew went down a side alley some distance from the school. As soon as Dominic was within arms reach he pulled him into his arms and hugged him.

"God, it's been terrible not seeing you in the classroom how are you."

"Not bad, actually pretty good and Williams has been really nice to me."

"I'm glad to hear it, are you coming over after school this evening."

"No, I can't, I've already been landed with heaps of homework and I don't know what's going to be dished out in the afternoon classes."

"So I won't see you after school then."

"Matthew I've already told you why not, you know I'd rather be with you then doing homework."

"Alright we had better get back to the school otherwise you're going to be late for your first period."

They returned to the school and once inside the grounds went their separate ways. At 3.30pm Dominic was walking through the school gates with all the various text books he'd acquired over the course of the day and finding the weight a it a little too much, he was about to rest them on the wall to ease his aching arms when a voice enquired, "D'you want a hand with them?"

Turning he saw Frank Williams standing there with a grin on his face, "Yes they are a bit heavy not sure if all these are really necessary but I was given them all the same."

"Well give me half of them and we can carry them over to my car then I'll drive you home."

"You've got a car?"

"Yes why not, I'm over seventeen and got my license two months ago now I drive to school instead of having my dad drop me off."

"Oh okay let's go and thanks a lot."

While Frank drove they chatted till he suddenly said, D'you want to come over to my place later this evening."

"No I've got all this homework to do and by the time I've finished it'll be too late."

"That's okay we can do our homework together."

"You sure it won't be too much trouble."

"No I tell you what I'll come and pick you up at about 5.30pm How's that?"

"Great I'll be ready for you."

The boys continued their talk till they reached Dominic's address as he jumped out of the car Frank yelled, "Don't forget five thirty."

"I won't and thanks for the lift," and he made his way into the flats to his apartment.

Later that evening the doorbell rang and Mrs Spencer opened the door to see Matthew standing there "Matthew, I'm sorry Dominic's not at home he went to one of his classmates house."

"Oh okay Mrs Spencer I'd best be off see you again sometime."

"Do you want me to give any message to Dominic?"

"No, its okay really, see you," and he left his stomach churning over with anxiety at the prospect that Dominic had lied to him about not being able to come out this evening. He thought, "If I hadn't of decided to come over and surprise him I would never have known that he'd gone out." His thoughts were now running riot as he wondered, who was the person Dominic had gone to see and was he more important to Dominic than himself. "Obviously he preferred to be with the other person otherwise he wouldn't have gone out."

He walked home struggling with his emotions as his thoughts heaped more misery on his shoulders. Inside the house he went to his room and lay on the bed trying to sort out what was happening to him and where his emotions were leading him.

Matthew though only fourteen was physically very mature he was 5ft 10ins tall and well proportioned. He'd never considered himself anything else but heterosexual but since meeting Dominic those beliefs had been put into question

After an hour of thought he had made up his mind and acted on it, he arose from the bed and made his way to the lounge to confront his father. Seeing his parents watching television Matthew strode over to where his father was seated. Big as he was he plonked himself down in his father's lap.

"Dad I need to talk to you."

"In here or in my study."

"Over here will do. I umm I want to skip the remainder of the school term and go to stay with uncle Robert in Kendal, there's only nine more days to the end of term."

"What's the problem Matthew maybe I can help?"

"No dad I need to sit down and have a think about certain events that have taken place these last couple of weeks and if it's really what I want to happen.

"So why can't you do it here?"

"No dad that's one of the problems the distraction is too close at hand."

"So if I agreed to your request when would you want to leave for Kendal?"

"Tomorrow you can make excuses for my absence to the school they'll accept anything you say. You're going to Scotland tomorrow for your company golf tournament I could accompany you and you can drop me off at Uncle Robert's place then continue on your journey."

"I suppose I could do that but is it really that important and do you have to leave so soon?"

"Yes dad it's that important."

"Okay then you had better get upstairs and pack and I'll give your Uncle Robert a call to tell him you'll be staying with him, umm how long do you intend staying Matthew?"

"Not sure dad, as soon as I've sorted out the problem I'll let uncle know and he can bring me back home," and Matthew dashed out of the room to pack his bags while his father phoned his elder brother advising him that his nephew would be staying with him for a few days.

While Matthew was making his plans Dominic was seated in Frank's bedroom finishing off his homework. Franks house was not as big or impressive as Matthews but all the same it was a lot better than his council flat. When they'd finished their homework Frank asked the younger boy if he wanted anything to eat or drink. Dominic politely declined the offer then asked, "Are you very friendly with Matthew?"

"Do you mean Blake?"


"Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know because he spoke about you."

"Well not really my dad happens to work for his father; I've been over to their house a couple of times on social occasions but that's about all. Mind you Matthew is really nice very polite and doesn't flaunt his father's wealth.

"Yeah I know what you mean, I didn't realize how rich they were till I went there."

"You've been to his house."

Realising his mistake Dominic quickly tried to recover the situation by saying, "Oh yes, he wanted me to help him in some studies after class."

"You don't have to try and cover up Dominic if there is one thing that I know about Matthew is that he wouldn't want any tutoring in his studies. He happens to be one of the cleverer boys in his class. I know from seeing him win awards at end of year prize giving ceremonies."

"Oh yeah well were just got friendly when I was in his class."

"Do the two of you wank?"


"Come on Dominic don't act stupid I asked you a simple question and by the look on your face the answer is yes."

"I got to get home."

"Oh come on don't be like that I'm not going to think badly of you. Actually I wouldn't mind if we had a wank together would you like too?"

"I'm I umm."

"Come on don't ooh and ahh I got a hard on just talking about it come on feel it." Frank walked over to the boy took his hand and placed it on his erection.

Dominic couldn't resist he started to fondle the older boy's erection which brought moans of pleasure from Frank's lips.

"Dominic stop a minute," and he pulled away from the boy, he went to the room door locked it then returned to the bed signalling for Dominic to join him there.

"Take your trousers down," Frank told the boy as he walked towards him at the same time removing his own clothing. Dominic who had lowered his clothing stood by the bed watched as Frank exposed his erection for the first time. It was bigger and thicker than Matthew's as he got onto the bed he eagerly wrapped his hand around it feeling the hardness and girth of the biggest penis he'd ever seen. While he stroked Frank's cock the same was done to him he could feel the pleasure mounting in his loins and looked at Frank's face to see him lying with his eyes closed moaning as he neared orgasm. Dominic was the first to reach his dry orgasm, at the same time Frank wrapped his hand around the hand that was on his cock and started to increase the wanking motions to a blur. Suddenly he stiffened and moaned, "I'm going to cum." then thrust his hips upwards his cum shot out to land just above his pubic hair then dribble over their hands. They lay motionless on the bed recovering from their exertions, "God I needed that, it's been bloody ages since I've had other than my own hand on my cock," Frank announced.

Later as they both dressed Frank turned to Dominic and said, "Please don't say anything about this to anyone other wise I could be in big trouble."

"Frank I'm not stupid I know what the law is and you didn't force me into doing it, so you don't have to worry."

"Okay thanks Dominic that felt really nice we could always do it again if you want too."

"I don't think so Frank it was okay but I think once is enough."

"What's the problem I'm not going to ask you to do anything else only wank me and I'll do the same for you."

" No I don't want to Frank isn't that a good enough reason."

He looked at the slender young boy whose eyes were watery now, "I understand Dominic I can see the reason now it's Matthew isn't it."

"No it isn't it's just that I umm," and the tears burst forth as he felt the guilt of his betrayal of Matthew.

"The elder boy put an arm around the slender shoulders, "Dominic come on stop your crying you haven't done anything wrong it was all my fault I was the one who took advantage of you and led you into what took place. "Now you had better go and wash your face then I'll take you home."

With feelings of regret at what had happened he made his way to the bathroom sniffing he thought, "Please God don't let Matthew find out what I did."

Next day Dominic was up early and standing outside the school gates waiting for Matthew to arrive, he waited until it was time for assembly and still no Matthew sadly he turned and made his way to classes. All day at every chance he had he looked for Matthew until he went to Brian during the meal break and asked him if he had seen Mathew. "No he hasn't come to school today must be down with a cold or something most probably he'll be back tomorrow."

He moped around the rest of the day not taking a lot of interest in his lessons till the bell went for end of school. For once he dashed out of the classroom and headed for home as fast as he could. Arriving home he yelled to his mum that he was going over to Matthew's house as he dashed to his room to get changed. He was stopped in his tracks when she reminded him that they were going over to visit her mother. "Oh mum can't we go tomorrow I have to go and see Matthew."

No we can't, you no she'll have cooked for all of us now go and get changed and no arguments."

"Bloody Hell! He thought as he went to his room, "Everything is going bloody wrong what else can happen, now I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see him."

Next morning again Dominic was at the school gates early and like the day before No Matthew. This time at the earliest opportunity he spoke to one of Matthew's friends to ask about him, and was given the same information as yesterday that he was sick. This time he after school he asked Frank if he would drop him off at Matthew's house. When they arrived Frank asked, "Do you want me to wait I can take you home afterwards."

"No thanks Frank I'm not sure how long I'll be staying." Frank drove off and Dominic made his way up the drive to the front door. He rang the bell and Matthew's mother soon opened the door. "Afternoon Mrs Blake can I see Matthew.

"I'm sorry Dominic, didn't you know he gone up to the Lake District."

"Oh no I didn't, when did he go."

"Yesterday, do you want to come in?"

"Uh no I'd better get home I'll see you later Mrs Blake.

He left feeling confused and wondering, "Why would Matthew go away without informing him and what was the reason for his leaving. It couldn't be about anything that he had done Matthew couldn't know about what he had done with Frank because he had left the next day. As he made his way home he anxiously wracked his mind as to what could have made Matthew leave so suddenly. When he reached home his mother confronted him as to why he was late arriving.

"I went over to see Matthew as he hasn't been to school for the last two days, but he wasn't there he's gone to the Lake District. He didn't even bother to tell me he was going."

"Oh maybe that's why he came over on Monday evening when you had gone out. To tell you he was leaving but as you weren't here he didn't bother."

"What, why didn't you tell me that Matthew came over."

Because I asked him if he wanted me to leave a message and he said no. He was surprised that you weren't in and just said goodbye and left."

Dominic's mind flashed back to Monday when he'd told Matthew he couldn't see him after school because of the amount of homework he had. Then that same evening he'd gone to Frank's house. As he made his way to his room the realisation struck him that Matthew must have thought that he'd lied on purpose just so he could go out with someone else. He lay on his bed and thoughts of him and Matthew's days together flooded his mind then he realised that if Matthew didn't come back before the end of term it would be about two months before he saw him again. He jumped up from the bed ran to his mother. "Mum can I go to Matthew's house I need to talk to his parents."

"Dominic you've just come from there they might not want you disturbing them again."

"Mummm, please I promise I won't annoy them please."

"Okay but don't be long, be back before 8pm."

A quick kiss on his mother's cheek and he was gone taking the stairs two at a time he was soon out and running along the road towards Matthew's house.

Again he rang the front doorbell but this time it was Mr Blake who answered the door. "Hello Dominic, come in."

"Thank you Mr Blake can I speak to you for a moment."

"Yes what was it you wanted to discuss."

"Not discuss Mr Blake just wanted to know if you can give me the telephone number at the place that Matthew has gone to."

"Alright Dominic," and he gave Dominic the phone number that he'd requested. "Do you wish to speak to Matthew now? I was just about to phone him."

"Oh yes please Mr Blake."

"Okay come into the lounge," and Dominic did what was requested of him. He stood by Mr Blake as he dialled the number and anxiously waited for his turn on the phone. Mr Blake spoke with his brother who'd told him that Matthew had been moping around the house all day and didn't seem to be taking an interest in anything then handed the phone to Matthew.

"Hi dad."

"Hello son, I hear you've not been up to your old tricks like you normally get up to when in Kendal."

"I'm okay dad honest I am just having a think about something."

"Alright but try and get your thought's sorted out as soon as possible we want you back home soon son."

"I promise dad I will I'll talk to you again soon."

"Matthew before you go there's someone here who wants to talk to you."

"Who dad?"

Mr Blake handed the phone over to Dominic.


"He was stunned to hear that soft unbroken voice call his name."

Not getting an answer Dominic spoke again, "Matthew are you there."

"Yes Dominic I was just surprised for a minute when I heard your voice."

"Matthew will you please come home I miss you so much please Matthew please."

"Oh God Dominic I ran away because of you. I just couldn't believe how I felt when I went to your house and you weren't in. The feelings I had were very worrying I was angry and sad and everything all sort of jumbled up together. So I decided to come here and sort of think it out.

"You've had two days Matthew you must have come to some sort of decision by now.

"I have Dominic but I'm not sure how you'll react to it. I won't come back till the school term has ended."

"That's not fair, what about me you've buggered off without saying a word and left me wondering what had happened. Didn't you even think of telling me what you were going to do or were you just thinking of yourself and to hell with me."

There was silence at the other end. Matthew say something."

Matthew was astounded at the anger in Dominic's voice and the accusations thrown at him, which were partially true, for the moment was startled and left speechless.

"Matthew if you don't say something I'll put the phone down."

"Dominic I love you."


"Dominic did you hear what I said?" Matthew heard a sniffing and a voice crackling with emotion.

"I heard Matthew but I don't want to hear your voice from 300miles away please, please, come back."

"Oh God Dominic stop crying. I promise I'll be back shortly just give me a few more days."

"No I want you back now if you don't come back I won't speak to you again."

"Do you really mean that because if you do then you may as well put the phone down your end."



"Uh huh."


"So what"

"You haven't put the phone down."

"I'm thinking about it."

"You're taking a long time thinking about it."

"How much longer are you going to stay over there?"

"Were going round in circles with this conversation Dominic can't we talk about something else."

"Such as."

"I don't know, you and how you're doing in the sixth form."

"How do you think I'm doing without you around?"

"Dominic don't start that again," and Matthew was interrupted.

"I didn't come on the phone to make small talk Matthew I miss you and want you back and I'm trying to make you understand that." And in his anger Dominic slammed the phone down.

Mr Blake looked at the young boy with tears streaming down his cheeks and took him into his arms.

"Dominic I heard most of the conversation with you and Matthew now can you explain what is going on between the two of you.

And Dominic with tears and a great deal of sniffing related the feelings the boys had for each other. Then told Mr Blake that Matthew had gone away without telling him, to think things over and now he was missing Matthew, and didn't want to go back to school till Matthew comes home.

Mr Blake produced some tissues to wipe the boy's face then gave him a couple more telling him, "Blow your nose."

After Dominic had got his emotions under reasonable control he told Mr Blake, "I'd better be getting home my mum said that I shouldn't be bothering you too much."

"It alright Dominic you're not bothering us and I'll drop you home but first I think I'd like to talk to you and your mother about what you told me."

"Uh, I don't know Mr Blake my mum might give me Hell for getting you all involved in this."

"Don't worry about it I'll drop you home and I'll do the talking you just sit tight okay."

"Okay Mr Blake then we had better get going I don't want to be late getting back."

Edward Blake scooped the boy the boy into his arms, "Right let's go." Walking over to his wife he pecked her on the lips saying, "See you later darling."

Dominic wrapped under one of Edward Blake's arms uttered a, "Bye Mrs Blake," and the two of them left the house.

Outside Dominic was set on his feet and they walked round to the garage and climbed into one of three cars. When they arrived at his block of flats Dominic tried to persuade Mr Blake that there was no need for him to talk to his mother.

"You may not think so Dominic but I do now let's go up to your flat."

"It's not very big Mr Blake and we don't have nice furniture like you do."

"Dominic, you don't have to make excuses about you home. The most important thing is that you're happy in it."

"Oh yeah Mr Blake we are we have great times together my mum and sister."

"Okay then so lets go meet your mother."

Mrs. Spencer was surprised to see her son walk into the flat with a man on his heels.

"Mum this is Mr. Blake."

"Pleased to meet you Mr Blake."

"Please, call me Edward and I'm pleased to meet you."

Leading the way into the sitting room she said, "Come in Edward, take a seat, and the name is Karen. Now what brings you around here I hope Dominic hasn't been making a nuisance of himself." At the same time she indicated to Dominic to take his sister into the kitchen.

"No Karen, actually I've come to discuss the friendship between our two sons. You know that they have become very close friends. Now the friendship according to them has become more serious so much so that they're both confused by it." He looked at Karen who seemed to be nodding her head understandably at what he was saying. "Let me be more blunt Karen, the boys seem to think that they're in love, myself I wouldn't be too concerned about it as yet as there are still very young. Boys of this age can have very intense friendships but as they reach adulthood the intensity does wane as their interests take different courses. At the moment Dominic and Matthew seem to be confused about their friendship, which has caused Matthew to go away to think it out. Dominic is quite broken up about Matthew being away.

"Oh dear Matthew was around here on Monday evening and left without saying anything."

"Why was that?"

"Well Dominic wasn't in he'd gone out to one of his classmates house."

"Well why I came to see you Karen was that Dominic is still very upset about being away from Matthew so I thought that I can arrange to have Dominic driven to Kendal to join Matthew."

"But what about school?"

"Don't worry about it I'm on the School Board I can fix that, the term finishes next week so he won't be missing much in any case."

"Let me call him in and ask him if he wants to go." She called out for Dominic to come into the sitting room he arrived carrying his sister.

"Dominic, put Jemma down," Doing as his mother instructed, "Yes mum what did you want."

"Mr Blake has suggested that he can fix it for you to join Matthew in Kendal do you want to go?"

"Yes mum yes, when can I go?" She turned to look at Matthew's father.

"Tomorrow or is that too soon."

"No that would be fine Mr Blake that would be wicked,"

"Okay then I'd better get home and start arranging things and don't bother with taking any money with you, you won't need any."

After he'd made his goodbyes to Karen, Dominic accompanied him down to his car. "Mr Blake can I ask another favour of you please."

"Ask it Dominic."

"Don't tell Matthew that I'm joining him."

"Dominic, I wasn't going to tell him like you I wanted to surprise him"

"Mr Blake."


"You're okay and thanks again."

The man ruffled the boy's hair "So are you, now if you want to see Matthew tomorrow you'd better get upstairs and start packing the driver will be around by 11am tomorrow."

"Goodnight Mr Blake."

"Night Dominic."

Next morning Dominic was up bright and early and after the normal morning rituals of showering, dressing, and eating he sat and waited. The hands of the clock seemed to take forever to reach eleven. Before that he'd been to the entrance to the flats at least half a dozen times in the hope that the driver would arrive early. At precisely one minute after eleven a black Mercedes saloon drew up and blared it's horn. Dominic jumped up grabbed his case kissed his mother and sister goodbye and flew down the steps to the waiting car. The driver was waiting and took the bag from him put it in the boot while Dominic climbed into the back sat down and strapped himself in.

"If your ready sir should we begin the journey."

"Oh uh yes lets go."

The car smoothly drew away from the flats and headed for the motorway and then Northwards to Kendal. After an hour and a half of driving the driver drew into a service station parked the car and turned to Dominic saying, "We're stopping for lunch sir."

Dominic was speechless he had about 75p on him which was just about enough to buy him a cold drink let alone lunch, "Uh you go ahead I'm not hungry I'll stay in the car if it's okay by you."

"But Mr Blake insisted that I stop for lunch and to make sure you ate something he even gave me the money to cover the cost of my food as well."

"Uh oh okay I don't want to get you into any trouble," and Dominic climbed out of the car grateful that Mr. Blake had been thoughtful enough to provide money for food he was hungry and could eat a horse.

During the meal they introduced themselves to each other and got quite friendly. After they'd finished their meal when they returned to the car Dominic asked, "Can I sit up front with you George instead of the back?"

"Yeah sure hop in," and they were on their way again.

About four thirty in the evening they reached to the house that Matthew was staying at. The driver took Dominic's case out of the boot and walked with him to the front door where he rang the bell. A man a bit older but very similar in appearance to Mr Blake answered the door. He looked at the young boy standing on the doorstep smiled, held his hand out, "You must be Dominic I've been expecting you, come inside." Turning to the driver he said, "You coming in as well George," taking the case from his hand."

"No sir I had better go and book into the hotel, Mr Blake has reserved a room for me for the night so that I can get an early start tomorrow without bothering anyone."

"Okay George see you."

With George gone Mr Blake senior led Dominic into the lounge placed his case on the floor and introduced his wife to Dominic. She came and gave Dominic a big hug held him at arms length saying, "What a handsome young man." Making Dominic blush. "Martha don't embarrass the boy," Mr Blake said, then calling Dominic to his side he told him, "Matthew is upstairs in his room, it's the one directly ahead at the top of the stairs. Go on up and see him, if you don't make too much noise he'll most probably think it's me coming up."

Dominic thanked Mr Blake sr. and headed for the room. He was nervous and shaking with anticipation with the thought of seeing Matthew again.

He reached the room door and knocked gently on it and a voice from inside that he recognised instantly said, "Come in uncle."

Dominic opened the door to see Matthew with his back to the door kneeling on the bed with his head stuck out the window. He stood in the doorway till Matthew turned saying, "What did, Oh God! Dominic and he jumped off the bed they both ran towards each other till they met and Matthew scooped the smaller boy into his arms. He hugged the small form to his breast squeezing him, then easing off and looking at the face that had been in his thoughts since he had left home he said,

"I've missed you something wicked Dominic,"

"Matthew I've missed you as well but first I have to tell you something but please don't hate me after I tell you."

"Can't it wait till later?"

"No, I have to tell you now otherwise I may not have the guts to tell you later. It's been on my mind and I feel you should know, then you can make your mind up about me."

"Okay go ahead."

"Well you know the evening that you came around to my place and I wasn't there."

"Yeah that was Monday,"

"That's right, well I'd told you that I had a lot of homework and couldn't go out that evening."


"So Frank who gave me a lift home suggested that we do our homework together at his house and without thinking I said yes. That evening after we'd finished we were talking and without thinking I let on that we were friends. Then he asked me if we were wanking and I got embarrassed and blurted out no. But he guessed that we were by the look on my face so he asked me if I would wank him. At first I didn't want too but when he put my hand on his dick I just gave in and did it with him."

"You and he had a wank."

Yes, and I liked it till I had my orgasm but it wasn't as good as when I do it with you. Afterwards I felt bad and started crying because I felt ashamed that I had done it with someone else other than you. Frank tried to make me feel better by saying that it was his fault for taking advantage of me but it didn't help much. I wasn't going to tell you about it but it's been bugging me so now I've told you, are you mad with me."

"Dominic that was one of the reasons I left to come up here. That evening when I got to your house and you had gone out the very thought of you being with someone else made me go all haywire. If you'd been there at the time I don't know what I would have done, I only realized afterwards that I was not thinking right and needed to sort my thoughts out. So I came up here to try and get things into perspective. Dominic you're only twelve years old and though I'm much bigger than you I'm only a couple of years older. Yes I love you but I really can't expect you to feel the same way as I do, you're much too young to start thinking about relationships and it would be unfair of me to try and get you involved in one. And before you start telling me how advanced in your education you are remember you knew practically nothing about sexual feelings and emotions till you got involved with me. I think we can still be very close friends but give yourself a chance till you get a little older before you decide what."

"Will you shut up Matthew and stop sprouting all that holier than thou gobbledegook. Yes I am twelve years old and yes I was a bit behind in my sexual awareness but you seem to forget I happen to be a very fast learner faster than you. So you don't have to be concerned about leading me astray I know what I want and that's the reason why I'm here in Kendal."

The older boy stood staring at his young friend, suddenly he blurted out. "What have I let myself in for but whatever it is I like it." Then lowered his lips to be met by a pair as eager as his.


He sat staring out of the front room window looking down the drive. His partner of so many years had died two years ago and he felt empty without him. He thought back to their days at school and university, the girls they dated but always returning to each other. Their setting up home together and the adoption of two children and the absolute happiness it brought to their lives. Their children had done well, married and produced children of their own who were in out of the house on a regular basis. Suddenly his reminiscing stopped he sat upright and strained his eyes, "Oh My God! There he was that brown haired twelve-year-old boy walking down the drive. He jumped up from his chair and was out of the house in a flash running to meet him halfway down the drive, grabbing hold of him and lifting him into his arms. "Where the Hell have you been I've been waiting yonks for you."

The man walked into the lounge, "Dad you coming for lunch. Dad,"


The End