Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 11:37:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Village 1988 Part 11 (Young Friends) School had finished for Xmas and it was my birthday the next day. A few days earlier I'd made tentative plans to catch up with Nick on my birthday but he wasn't sure, said to see how I felt on the day. "It's a big thing and you might just want to stay at home with your Dad" he suggested. The day we broke up Dad had been away for a night with work up in Scotland but promised he'd be back for dinner and then my birthday the next day. I'd lost track of time and it was definitely dinner time when the phone rang, my heart fell, was it Dad saying he would be late? I was getting hungry. As soon as I picked it up he cut to the chase. "I'm not going to make it back in time for your birthday Tim", "What? You promised!". "Grow up, you're almost 13, it's only a day like any other. There's been an accident, a plane has crashed up in Lockerbie, I'm not too far away so I'm heading there now. It sounds bad and looks like a big story. I'll be back in time for Xmas hopefully. There's plenty of food in the freezer and there is money in the jar by my bed if you want a takeaway. Do not leave the house but if any of your friends knock then feel free to let them in. Do not open any post that comes even if it's addressed to you." "What? Why? What about my birthday cards?" I said getting annoyed. "Who on earth would send you a card? I have to go. I'll communicate when I can but it will be busy. Have a good birthday" he said hanging up. My emotions went out of control, first anger, then guilt, a plane had crashed and my dad was needed. Then anger again, he was a fucking journalist, not some doctor or rescue worker. He wasn't needed apart from wanting to get a scoop."Do not leave the house. Do not open any post"? Fuck off. You told me to grow up. Well I'll make sure I sort my own birthday out and get fed properly. I picked up the phone and phoned Nick's house, his Mum answered and I asked to speak to Nick. She must have given him the cordless phone as next minute his voice came on. "Hi mate, what's up? Is it you know what? My Mum's in so I'm not sure phone sex is allowed" he said giggling. "If only. No it's my fucking Dad. he's not going to make it for my birthday. Maybe Christmas if I'm lucky. So I'm stuck here with what's in the freezer. I'm not allowed to leave the house or open any fucking birthday cards" I said pissed off. "Hmm well I can see why he'd say not to leave the house ", Nick said. "Really, why?! He says I can let any friends that knock on the door in though to hang out with. So dunno why I can't leave the house.", "Doesn't matter, what can I do to help? Need an escape route?" He asked, "Well you could could invite me round to stay at yours and we could do stuff together?!" I asked hopefully, I was surprised he hadn't suggested that straight away. There was silence then he spoke..."That's actually a very good idea, probably safest place for you. I'll go and check with Mum, Dad's not back yet". He shouted out to his Mum then came back on."Yes of course that's fine". "Phew, I'll pack some clothes and stuff and will head up to you..and er, will we still be able to do stuff together?" I asked nervously. He giggled, "Of course, when have we ever not?!", "You just sounded reluctant" I said. "Don't worry that was about something else, I'm more than happy to have some pre xmas snacks if you catch my drift" he said and we giggled. "OK, I'll have a shower, get packed and come round, won't be long", "Cool, and don't wank off in the shower, save it for me" he sad giggling again. He hung up and I rushed around doing what I needed to, I left a note for Dad on the off chance he came home, not that he'd probably notice anyway. I gave Jon a quick call, he told me it was shit but that I should just open their card anyway. I walked in the cold up the hill to Nick's house, I got let into the house and his Mum gave me a hug, as I thought I heard a car pulling up outside. I could see concern on her face."You did the right thing, Nick told me what happened. Your Dad was wrong I'm afraid to say. A boy can't be alone over his birthday or Christmas, let alone looking after himself", as she was saying this Nick's Dad opened the door, I guess that was the car I heard. "Tim! What are you doing here? You should be at home, it's your birthday tomorrow". His wife flashed him a look and he looked guilty, "Sorry Tim, you are of course very welcome here as always. I'm just surprised your Dad let you come, I thought he'd want you to spend your birthday morning with him". It was my turn to look guilty, "Well....he told me I had to stay at home. But he's away, he didn't know how long he'd be, he said maybe home for Xmas. I'm not even allowed to open any post I get like birthday cards. As always work comes first for him" I said sadly, "Well it can be tricky to balance it, I know, but this close to Christmas, that is surprising" Mr Bradley said "I know, and it's my 13th birthday, the first birthday I'd actually spend with him for as long as I can remember. But I can't even open my cards And while it's terrible about the plane crash what can he do to help?" "What plane crash?" Mr Bradley said confused. " He told me there was a plane crash somewhere in Scotland. Lockwee or something?!" I said. Mrs Bradley said "You mean Lockerbie? I just heard there was something going on there on the radio but information is limited" Mr Bradley looked confused, "Why is he needed there?!" "Well he isn't" I said with a hint of venom in my voice, "but he's a journalist, I guess he wants a to get a scoop as usual." Mr Bradley went quiet, "He's a journalist!? I thought he was a double glazing salesman that's why he travelled so much.That's what he told everyone" I shrugged, fuck Dad and his secrets, I wasn't keeping them anymore, "Yeah he says that and told me to say he's a businessman as he says people hate journalists. And I can't blame them" I said bitterly. "Hold on, is your Dad James Barker, works for the Times, the ex foreign correspondent, does investigations into cover ups and corruption etc" Mr Bradley asked "Yeah, he gave up some of it to look after me when my Mum died, well I say look after me, it took him two months to come back to take me home. Then he brought me here, claims he isn't really working here but disappears off on assignment all the time" At that moment Nick came and saw me, he beamed and ran up to me and hugged me. I blushed. "You made it, I was worried you'd changed your mind" he said excitedly. I could sense some disquiet from Mr and Mrs Bradley, I didn't know what I'd done. "I'm sorry if I've said the wrong thing" I said. Mr Bradley smiled, "Not at all! Just hearing about that plane going down shook me up a bit. And looks like someone is very pleased to see you!" he said. "Hey it's just the phone in my pocket" said Nick giggling. I giggled too, Mr Bradley ignored us "This is the best place for you although it does make tomorrow a bit more complicated, no bother". I was about to ask what he meant but Nick said to take my stuff up to his room with him. His Dad looked at him, "OK let's have a quick chat about that, Tim take your stuff up to Nick's room please" I did so but waited at the top of the stairs to eavesdrop! I positioned myself so I could hear the conversation without being seen. His Dad started to talk..."I'm not sure about this Nick" "Why? He always sleeps in my room, I've got a big bed after all" "Yes but it's different, he's 13 tomorrow". "So what?!. Anyway I'm 13 now Dad, you know what I have to do, what the stupid rules say" "Yes and as yet he isn't covered by them. Not till tomorrow." "So what? We've been doing stuff together for ages. We did all that before, why should it be different" "Really? You've done stuff with him before" "Yes although it's none of your business but yes we have done stuff together. Since the first day we met actually. At least its our choice rather than one of these bloody rules or responsibilities. One minute I'm doing it for fun, next minute I'm 13 and doing it because of some crazed old nutcase ancestor of mine went all weird and drew up rules", "Don't be disrespectful", "Well don't disrespect me either, or what me and Tim have together, if I'm old enough to follow your rules, I'm old enough to choose if I want to put my best friend's dick in my mouth, or up my bum". Nick said He walked off as his Dad said "that's not what my prob....ok well just make you sure you think about Tim and what's right for him", "I always think about Tim and sometimes it seems I'm the only bloody person who does think about what's right for him" Nick shouted back, he saw me at the top of the stairs and grinned. "What was that all about?!" I asked in surprise. "I'll tell you later, for now I have to do this....." he said and kissed me passionately wrapping his arms around me as he did. I kissed him back and our hands roamed over our bodies as we did. We were both hard as I pulled away, "Got time for a 69?" I asked with a giggle. "fuck yeah" he said. We'd barely got our pants down when we were called for dinner though, "Later then!" said Nick then giggled, "we'd better try and hide these, don't want my parents and sister to see our dicks tenting out!". We adjusted ourselves and headed down for dinner. It was late so we weren't long having around after dinner in heading to bed. I was drained from the stress of the day so even though I wanted to fuck and be fucked by Nick we agreed to have a quick 69 instead. After we'd shot in each other's mouths I fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of plane crashes and Nick with their boys..