The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between minor males. If reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not of legal age, please go no further.

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The Year I Learned to Love My Brother
by Kewl Dad
Chapter 24

Big trouble for little brother


We visited Tony once more that week and I asked him if he had seen any of the kids from our ball team.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact...most of them have been by this week. They brought loads of flowers and stuff, but my gran took most of em home already. Hey, I'm going home Friday, what do you think about that?"

"So soon?" I thought he'd be in the hospital for a couple of weeks at least.

"Well...they said they've done all they can for me now. I have to let the stump heal a bit before they can fit me with a new leg. I have to go back to the doc once a week for a while, but he says I can go back to school if I want."

"Uh, so are you gonna go back?"

"Yeah, but I'll be on crutches so...I may need some help."

"Hey, no problem...we got your back bro. We can help you to the classes that we share and if they let us we can take turns helping you to the others."

"Gran has already talked to the principal and they said they would work with us on getting things lined out. Thanks for the offer...I preciate it."

"You look good today," Bastion said touching Tony's hand gently, "I know it's going to be a big adjustment but you're strong and smart and you'll do just fine."

Tony laughed, "Yeah, but sometimes I wanna cry like a little bitch. I got no momma and only one leg, I'm 14 years old and I got no one cept my granny now."

"Hey, you got us," I said moving closer and touching his shoulder.

He nodded, and I could see tears in his eyes and his lip quivered a little as he spoke, "What am I gonna do?" he said breaking down so suddenly it scared me.

Both Bastion and I had the same idea and suddenly Tony was getting hugged from both sides.

"It's gonna be okay," I said hoping it really was.

"Just let it out," Bastion said sounding very adult and in control, "there is nothing wrong with cleanses the soul."

"Then...then....mmmmyyy soul must be squeaky clean," he sobbed.

I smiled, even in distress he was a funny guy. We held him till he got his emotions under control then he wiped at his eyes and gave us a weak smile, "When I get home will you guys come see me?"

"Absolutely, and I'm sure Danny and Trey will too. Of course Bastion may be too busy," I teased, "you know with his modeling and all."

"Don't worry Tony, I will find time....even if it cuts into this joker's time," he said jabbing me back.

"Ouch, see...he's already moved on," I said clutching at my chest, "and my heart is broken."

Bastion moved up behind me and wrapped is arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck, "I will never move on," he whispered causing goose bumps on my neck.

"Gross...get a room," Tony giggled.

"We have one...right here...hey could you maybe sit in that chair over there and let us use the bed," I teased.

"Don't make me have to ring for the nurse...cause I will," he said laughing harder.

It was good to see him laughing and the rest of our visit was spent joking and messing around. He didn't ask for another handjob. I guess since they've taken out the IV he could take care of it on his own. When we finally said goodbye my mom came in and visited for a little while then we went on home. Danny wasn't feeling well and was home with dad, but he had send Tony a cute Get Well card and Tony had said to tell him thanks.

On Friday Bastion took off from school early and began his first shoot. I was happy for him, but sad for myself and when I got home after school I was sort of moody. Danny was sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of Capn' Crunch and when I walked in he took one look at me and frowned.

"This was the day...huh?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, but it's no big deal. Hey, you got any plans tonight?"

", not really...why?"

"Hey, don't do my any favors," I snapped back. 

"Coooody," he whined, "stop it!"

"Stop what?" I growled as I dug a SunnyD out of the fridge.

"Acting like the world is against you just because Bastion has some good luck."

I scowled at him as I twisted off the cap and took a drink, "I don't think the world is against me, but I thought you'd be more understanding."

"Cody, I don't have any plans. If you want to hang out that's fine, but don't be mean to me all night....all right? Maybe you're not the only one who had a bad day."

I shrugged. He was right, I was being a dick. And what was he saying? I tried to think back to the bus ride with Trey that day, but Trey had seemed happy and his usual sunny self.

"I'm sorry...okay?" I said easing in beside him, "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just so confused right now. So...what's up with everything okay with you and Trey?"

He nodded, "It's not Trey." He said then clammed up.

I sat there for a minute but the suspense was getting to me, "Okay, if it's not Trey then what is it?"

"Promise me you won't tell another soul....not even Bastion?"

"Sorry Bro, can't do that, I don't keep stuff from Bastion. If it's that big a secret then better keep it to yourself."

"Okay...I guess Bastion is okay..yeah, in fact he might be able to help."

"Okay, shoot," I said swiveling to face him.

"It's this kid at school....his name is Brent and he's been giving me a hard time lately. He calls me fag and he even put a note on my locker door with a picture of a dick on it and it said...Cock sucker's locker."

"What, who is this kid? I'll kick his ass....." I said getting agitated again but for a new reason.

"No...I don't want my big brother taking up for me all the time. I  need to learn how to handle this on my own. I shouldn't have told you, I knew you'd be this way," he sulked.

"'re my bro and I love you and if someone is picking on you...yeah, I'm gonna be upset and want to fix things. If you will recall, that's how I met Bastion...defending him from idiots like this Brad kid."

"Brent..his name is Brent...Brent Parker...he's new but he's made a lot of friends already, mostly among the losers."

"So, what do you want me to do?"

He sighed, "I don't know....can you teach me...uh, how to defend myself....just in case it gets worse?"

My mind was swimming with scenes of some jerk pushing Danny around or laying hands on him and I wasn't sure I could keep my promise not to go looking for him. "I guess I could show you a few things. Some of it Bastion taught me. He used to study martial arts but he never found an instructor here and now.. well, now he doesn't have time."

"Okay, so how about after dinner we go to your room and you show me what you know?"

"We're gonna need more room than about we go now and use the backyard?"

"Well, is gonna be late. Let me go change first."

"Sure, I gotta change too. Put on some sweats and a long sleeve sweatshirt, okay?"

"Okay, sounds good. I'm done," he said hopping up and rinsing out his cereal bowl and leaving it in the sink.

"Okay, come on."

We both dressed in sweats and since it was sort of chilly out we put on gloves and stocking caps. I figured that was just a little extra protection in case one of us hit the ground. I didn't know how much Danny knew about fighting, all of our fighting had been with words, but I was hoping he as least knew the basics, but it turned out I was wrong.

I started by showing him how to block, but he was slow learning and got a fist to the cheek that left a red place for a few minutes. I was proud of him though, he didn't whine or cry even though it must've stung pretty bad. 

"Okay, come at me," I said and I'll show you something Bastion taught me.

Danny made a run at me and I side stepped, grabbed his arm and threw him to ground with a thud. He landed with an uffff and glared up at me looking dazed, "Maybe I should just let Brent beat me up, it might hurt less," he joked.

I offered a hand and helped him up and dusted his butt off for him, "The idea is to keep that from happening. If you've tried reasoning with him then it's time to show him you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself. Now come on let's try it one more time....only I come at you."

We worked out for almost an hour and by the time we finally called it quits Danny had improved some, but not enough to fend off any determined bully. I knew that attitude was almost as important as ability and let's face it, Danny was a sweet guy and not too good at bluffing. He  had been a doormat for me all those years growing up and only lately had he begun to speak up for himself, but he was always wary dealing with me for fear I'd revert to my old self. I hated what I'd done to him and it was up to me to make sure he didn't suffer because of it, but first I needed to talk to Bastion. If only he wasn't busy being famous.

Mom came home with a bucket of chicken and dad rolled in a few minutes later and we ate dinner as a family for a change. Dad always had interesting stories about what happened at work and he kept us laughing. I was glad for the break cause it kept my mind off of my problems, first Bastion and now Danny. Speaking of Bastion, he was supposed to call me when the shoot was over but I still hadn't  heard from him and I was beginning to get a little worried...or annoyed.

There really wasn't any dishes to wash since we ate on paper plates so Danny and I went off to his room while mom cleaned up what little mess we'd made. Once in his room we fell down on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute. Then I rolled over facing him and propped my head up on my arm.

"So..this kid...Brent or he big or small or average or what?"

"Ummmm... average I guess, but he's mean and tough."

I nodded, "Bullies always are, but some of them are actually pussies when it comes down to fighting.  Remember Scut Farcus in the Christmas Story," I laughed.

He rolled his eyes, "That's only in the movies, in real life the bullies are mean and can't feel pain."

"Like me," I said rolling onto my back.

"Huh, no...I never thought of you as a bully...I mean....sure I was kind of scared of you, but I never really felt like you would hurt me....not like that any way."

"But in other ways," I said closing my eyes, "inside...I hurt you inside...didn't I?"

"Cody....we don't need to talk about this....."

"Okay, okay...but, I'm not gonna let that kid lay a hand on you if I can help it. We are gonna make you one tough S.O.B and no one will want to mess with you."

He laughed, "What are you gonna do....pump me up?"

"We don't have time for that, we're gonna have to work on your attitude. Hey, I was wondering....does Trey know about this?"

"No, and don't you tell him either. He's as crazy as you are and not as tough."

"I'll accept that as a compliment," I laughed, "Well, don't worry your secret is safe with me...except for Bastion. Hey, if he has time maybe he could teach you a few things. He's really a better teacher than I am."

"Well, maybe he can drag himself away from the camera long enough to save my skin, but I don't want to cut into you guys' time."

"Don't worry...I am gonna wear him out when I see him next time," I giggled, "and you can have what's left."

"How romantic," he said dryly, "is his body all you're interested in?"

"Nope, I love his mind too, but I can't have sex with it....he he."

"Very funny. Well, what do you want to do for the rest of the evening?"

"Well baby brother, I'm gonna go take a shower and wash the stink off and go see what the rents are up too. Wanna join me?"

"In the shower, or in the living room?" He giggled.

"Either, I'm game if you are."

"I wish, but mom and dad might think it was weird."

"Weirder than having two gay sons?"

He laughed, "Yeah, that is weird...especially since I'm adopted."

"You know what's even weirder? I don't think of you as adopted any more.....I mean as far as I'm concerned you're my bro no matter who's vagina you popped out of."

"Gross, but thanks. I feel the same way."

"So...what do you say...first we go grab a shower then see what's up in the living room?"

"Okay, sounds good." He said jumping up and grabbing a pair of shorts and a tee.

"K..I'll meet you there."

I hurried to my room and grabbed clean undies and a clean set of sweats and he was already stripped down by the time I got there. "Whoa, the moon is out early," I said slapping his cute rear end.

He stuck his tongue out and busied himself adjusting the shower spray. I stripped down and we hopped in and helped each other get clean. We scrubbed each other's backs and butts and we got boners but we didn't do anything for fear we'd get caught by the rents. We rinsed off and by the time we got dried our boners were gone.

Once we were dressed we headed to the living room where mom and dad were watching TV and playing the quiet game. 

"You boys smell better," mom said looking up, "I didn't want to say anything, but at the table you smelled sort of ripe."

"We were out back wrestling and running around," I explained.

"Good, you boys spend too much time playing video games and watching TV...a little exercise is a good thing." Dad added.

"Whatcha watching? Can we join you guys?"

"Nothing really, if you want to put in a movie that's fine, right dad?" Mom said patting dad's hand.

"I'm just happy to be with my family," dad said smiling, "anything is fine by me."

We watched a goofy Adam Sandler movie and half way through mom made popcorn and we had sodas while we watched the rest. When it was finished mom and dad were ready for bed, but of course Danny and I were still full of energy.

"You boys can entertain yourselves....just..."

"Don't burn the place down." I finished for her causing everyone to laugh.

"Yes, please....and keep the noise down to a roar," Dad said...some of us have to work tomorrow."

They hugged and kissed us goodnight and for a while Danny and I watched TV then I suggested we go to my room and play Wii. I closed the door behind us and turned the volume down on the TV and for a while we played a racing game and ate some of the Halloween Candy we'd horded in our rooms.

"Damn, I just thought of something."


"Bastion never called and it's after nine. What the way are they keeping him up there this late."

"I'm sure he would have called if he could."

"And I don't want to call him..cause he might be busy...and plus I don't what him to think I'm being too clingy."

Danny laughed, "Like Velcro," he teased, "but I get it."

I made a face and shook my head at him, "Very funny."

"Just relax, he'll call...I know he will. He's never let you down before has he?"

"No...not really. I guess you're right."

I was distracted thinking about Bastion and lost the game after only a few minutes, but a few minutes later the phone rang and it was Bastion.

"Oh, hi...well how did it go. I'm dying to hear. I'm gonna put you on speaker so Danny can hear."

"Well, it was crazy. There were all these people. Makeup people and costume people and a lighting guy and two photographers and of course my agent and more people who I have no idea what they were doing."

"So how did it go?"

"Well, we were in a big studio at first with a couple of cars and these other actors that were supposed to be my mom and dad, then we ran through a couple of takes there and when they said it was good enough, we moved to the actual dealership by bus and did it all over again. It was very tiring, but I think it came out pretty good. Monday I get to see the edited version and if everyone approves it should start airing in a week or so."

"Oh my God, that is so amazing," I said almost as excited as I knew he was, "My boyfriend is a star."

"Well, not a star...yet, but if this goes over well...I may get other offers. If not I have a contract for four more commercials for the dealership."

"Wow, how much are you making?" Danny asked excitedly.

"Well, I'm not see my father negotiated the contract with his lawyer and I don't really get any of the money. It goes into a trust fund for now."

"That sucks, how will you buy me that new sports car I want?" I teased.

"I'll find a way," Bastion laughed, "If that's what it takes to keep you happy."

I growled, "Lover all I need to keep me happy is some alone time with you."

"How about tomorrow? parents are going away for the weekend and I've already cleared it for you to come."

"I thought you had to work Saturday."

"No, we worked late and got it wrapped up tonight, so I'm free for you tomorrow...if you want me."

"If I want you? Are you nuts? I want you now...but if I have to wait till tomorrow I can."

I could hear him stifling a yawn and I figured he was tired so I suggested he get some sleep cause he wasn't going to get much tomorrow night and he laughed. We said our "I love yous and goodnights" and then I hung up feeling great again.

"See...I told you he wouldn't forget."

"I guess I knew that, I just needed some reminding."

"Sooooo....want to watch a movie on my laptop and snuggle in my bed," I said grinning.

"Just snuggle?" he said grinning back.

"Well...who knows where that might lead?"

"Okay, but first I'm gonna go grab a soda, want one?"

"Sure, make mine a Dew. I'll get the lap top set up."

We wound up watching some cam2cam thing and some pretty hot teenage boys who looked around 16 or 17, but who were supposedly 18 according the sites fine print. This one kid must've  been British and he was tall and skinny, but he had a nice 6" uncut dick and was jerking it and making those "O" faces that we guys make and it was very hot. He was almost completely hairless, even on his legs and Danny and I were jerking right along with him.

When the kid came he spooged all over his hand and stomach and then he licked his hand, got up and turned off the camera. We weren't ready to come yet so we found another cam video and this one was two guys. They looked Latino and  one was kind of feminine looking, but both were very cute. The girly one was laying on the bed and the other one was playing with his ass and slapping it, then he dived in tongue first and began slobbering on his crack. 

"I bet he's gonna slip him the sausage," Danny giggled.

"Maybe not, maybe he's just hungry for chocolate."

"Eww....gross. Hey, what's that he's's a big rubber dick....."

"A dildo...dildo," I laughed, "he's gonna slip him the big plastic sausage first."

We watched for a few minutes but something about seeing that big dildo stretching his butthole disturbed us and we finally clicked on another video. This one was a cute black boy who sort of looked like Tony and a white boy who was sucking his dick. 

"Now that's more like it."

"Oh, you like that do you?" I said as I scooted down and started playing with Danny's cock and balls.

"Ummmm.....kiss it," he said lustily.

I licked his shaft from base to head then nuzzled his rubbery little balls and took them into my mouth and slobbered them up.

"Move around so I can get at yours....."

I flipped so my feet were at his head and he managed to get a hold on my cock and started working it as I took his cock into my mouth and began sucking it slowly and wetly.

"Ummmm....yeah, that's nice," he muttered then he began to lick my cock head and pretty soon we had a hot 69 going on. We forgot all about the video as he felt up each other's butt and sucked like starved calves. I could smell Danny's sweet butt just a few inches from my face and suddenly I wanted inside him so bad I ached.

"Can...can I have some of this?" I said gripping his butt in my hands.

"Uh huh," he said coming up for air.

I flipped him onto his back and he raised his legs high giving me access to his sweet little hole and I began to rim him getting him wet and excited. When he was ready I grabbed the lotion from the bedside and applied a little to my cock and worked a finger into his tight little hole. He was humming as I fingered him  a little to loosen him up then when I moved into position he looked up and grinned at me.

Leaning down I kissed him sweetly as I entered him slowly. He sighed contentedly as I pushed on in and when I bottomed out I leaned down and kissed him again.

"You okay?"

"Mmmm....yeah, it feels nice."

I made love to my little adopted brother that night and somehow I knew that all the things that had gone before with us meant nothing in light of what we had now. We were closer than most blood brothers and it wasn't just because of the sex. We had been through some things that would have caused most kids our age to run off bawling to momma and daddy and came through them better and stronger than ever.

I don't remember ever feeling so warm and comfortable in my life, not even with Bastion, but I never mentioned that fact to either of them. It was just something I experienced in the moment and I think Danny felt it too. He had this far away happy look on his face and his eyes sparkled with the love he felt for me. I was one lucky kid to have a brother like Danny to share my life and love with and I hoped we would always be this close.

When I came I shuddered and shook and went weak collapsing on top of Danny and trying to catch my breath. I felt as if my body was emptying into Danny's and he was absorbing all of me. He told me later that it was the first time he really ever felt me come inside him, sort of like a hose had been turned on and after we were through he had to go get rid of my cum because he was leaking.

When he got back to bed I sucked him off slowly and wetly then we snuggled up and slept for a while. I woke around 2 am and he was gone. I pulled his pillow to my face and sniffed it and caught his unique scent and it comforted me as I drifted back to sleep.

I got up early on Saturday and took a shower and got dressed and by the time I made it to the kitchen mom was busy making breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie." she said as I gave her a hug.

"Morning mom. Where's Danny?"

"He got up early and went for a bike ride. He should be back any minute. He said he needed some fresh air. Is everything okay with your brother? I know he confides in you more than us these days."

"He's fine," I fibbed, "but he's going through a know, with school and Trey and all."

She nodded, but I don't think she was convinced. Fortunately, mom was not a snoop and she trusted us. She knew that if things got too bad we would come to her and dad for help, but that we could usually work things out on our own.

"I'm gonna go out front and wait for him," I said at last, "holler when it's ready."

"Okay sweetie, it's bacon and waffles."

"Yum, my favorite."

I sat on the front porch and waited for Danny for almost fifteen minutes before he finally appeared. He waved as he got closer and I waved back. When he screeched to a stop at my feet he gave me a goofy grin, "Sleep good?"


"Like a rock....he he."

"You okay, mom said you told her you needed some air. You still upset over this Brad guy?"

"Brent," he giggled, "Brent is his name and no...I'm not stressing on that right now."

"Good, cause he's not worth stressing over. Trust me, he'll get his eventually."

"You beating him up...."

I held up my hands, "Not me, but someone...maybe you."

"Boys, breakfast is ready." Mom said as she peeked out the door, "'s chilly out here. You boys come on before the waffles get cold.

We ate waffles and bacon and drank Nestle's Quik in our milk and joked and cut up as mom smiled and occasionally joined in. She was a fun mom and funny too and we had a good time that morning. I missed dad at times like this but we still saw lots of him even though he did work a lot of hours. I guess we never really thought about the sacrifices he made for us or that someday we might have to make those kind of sacrifices for our families too. All we knew was we were loved and happy and we didn't think about the mechanics of what it took to make our lives pleasant.

After we ate I filled mom in on Bastion's commercial and she was excited for him. Then I asked her about going over to his house and as expected she didn't have a problem with it. She said at least she still had one of her sons at home and gave Danny a big hug as she started clearing the dishes. 

"Sure, we can watch a movie with dad tonight," Danny said sounding up beat.

"What no Trey?" I teased.

"Naw, he had plans."

"Too bad. Well, I'm gonna go call Bastion and give him the good news and see what time he wants me to come over."

"Hey, it's me."

" who?" Bastion teased, "Is it one of my many fans?"

"'s your biggest know that guy you slept with?"

"Max?" he said dead pan, "How long has it been?"

"Grrrr....keep it up and you and Max can spend the weekend together."

"Oh Cody, chill out dude."

"When did you start talking like that?" I chuckled.

"I have to learn to talk all kinds of ways now that I'm acting."

"Oh, okay. Well....what time shall I come over?"

"My parents will be leaving about 2, but any time is fine. Do you want us to come get you or will you mom bring you?"

"What if I rode my bike? Then we could maybe go riding tomorrow before I go home."

"All right, then you better start now slow poke," he teased.

"Very funny. We'll see who gets the last laugh when I get there."

"Why don't I ride over and we can ride back here together. I would like to say hello you your family, especially Danny."

"Oh? You and my bro got a thing going on?" I teased.

"Yes, we are madly in love and have been seeing each other behind your back for quite some time," he said laughing.

"You're just full of jokes today. I think you better get on your bike and get over here fast mister. You have some explaining to do."

"Yes sir, on my way sir," he giggled.

I hung up and packed a few things in my back pack and went in to tell mom and Danny that Bastion was on his way over and we were going to ride our bikes back to his place.

"Well, take a jacket, because it's chilly out there."

"Yes ma am, I will. Plus I'm wearing sweats and my hat and gloves. It gets cold riding, but I love the cool air. It's fresh," I said inhaling deeply and causing mom to chuckle.

"Funny little man." She said giving me a  hug.

Suddenly my cell rang and thinking it was Bastion I said, "You're here already? You must want me bad." 

Mom tried to keep from laughing and Danny was giving us both amused looks, but as it turned out it was actually Tony.

"Huh, whatchoo talking bout? This is Tony dude."

"Oh, hi..hey you went home yesterday.....right? I'm so sorry I got so wrapped up in my own life that I forgot."

"It's cool man...I was just wondering what you were doing today. I'm so bored and could use some company."

"Hey, Bastion is on his way over here and your Grandma's apartment is on our way. We could stop by on our way back to Bastion's if that would be okay."

"Hold on," I heard him talking to someone in the background then he answered sounding very excited, "She says that's fine and that she's baking some molasses cookies. I know that sounds nasty, but trust me they are the bomb. What time you think you'll be here?"

"Give us an hour. That should be about right," Danny was tugging at my sleeve, "Hold on a minute."

"Can I go too?" Danny said softly.

"Sure...I is it okay if Danny goes with us to Tony's?"

"I think that would be nice, but why don't I drive the three of you and then when you're ready to come back I'll pick you up?"

"Hold on let me see if Bastion has left yet."

I told Tony I'd call him back but we were definitely coming and then I called Bastion. He was in the garage getting his bike out when he picked up. I quickly explained what was going on and he agreed that mom's plan was best since Tony's grandma lived in an apartment and we weren't that familiar with the area. 

Mom drove us to Bastion's and he was waiting outside for us and as he piled in next to me in the second row I reached over and patted his leg gently trying not to be too obvious. Danny was watching and smiling but mom seemed to be busy driving and ignoring us love birds.

Fortunately Mom knew the way to Tony's apartment because she had take his grandma home from the hospital one evening when her ride didn't show up. She went in with us, just to make sure things were okay and to say hello to Tony.

Tony met us at the door on a pair of aluminum crutches and his grandma drifted in a seconds later wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hello, come in, come in. It's so nice of you boys to come see my baby," she said smiling. As grandma's go she wasn't all that old, maybe in her late 50's but her hair was grey and she had a few wrinkles. She was about average in size, not fat like most grannies...he he, and had a nice smile. I'd met her a few times at the  hospital and liked her right away, especially knowing that she cared so much for Tony.

Mom gave Tony a hug and he sort of blushed but I could tell he was happy to see all of us. We went in to the living room and us boys took the couch while mom went off to the kitchen with Tony's grandma Eva.

"So, how's it going?" I asked giving Tony's shoulders a little rub. 

"Good, really good. Gran is trying to feed me to death though and I'm bored out of my skull."

I looked over at Bastion and I think he was thinking the same thing I was, but it wasn't my place to suggest it. I didn't have to worry though, Bastion was way ahead of me.

"Cody can I talk to you a private?"

"Sure, what's up?" I said grinning at Tony, "Be right back Tony, you know how it is with us?" I teased.

He laughed, "Must be nice."

We went outside and walked down the sidewalk a little ways and I turned to Bastion and said, " thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I just thought it would be nice if Tony came with us to my place. We could keep him company and still have our time alone later when he's asleep."

I laughed, "Are you so sure he wouldn't want to join in?"

"Well..I suppose if we both agreed we could include him, but I was really hoping for some time alone with you."

"I got an even better idea. I know Danny has no plans for tonight and I'm sure mom and dad wouldn't mind haven't the evening free to get freaky, so what if we invited him too? Then Tony would have someone to talk to or play video games with or whatever and leave us free to freak."

"Perfect, now all we have to do is get the adults to agree."

"Piece of cake," I said, "Just watch the master at work."

It didn't take much to convince the adults and Danny was crazy excited by the idea. Since he and I had become so close he hated being alone and when Trey wasn't around he was really lost. Tony's grandma was concerned at first but when she found out that Bastion had such a big house and that both his parents were doctors she gave in. But I think the real reason was the look of joy on Tony's face when I brought up the idea.

Tony's packed a few clothes in a gym bag and I carried it for him and we left a few minutes later with a sack full of Tony's grandma's fresh baked molasses cookies, which by the way were...the bomb.

We blew off the bike idea since Tony obviously couldn't ride a bike and mom took us to Bastion's after a quick stop at our place so Danny and I could grab our clothes and stuff. When we got there Maria met us at the door and mom talked to her for a while, telling her that if she needed help she would be glad to stick around for a while. Maria assured her that she was happiest when tending to her children and mom gave her a knowing look and a smile. She left a few minutes later and we broke open the cookies and even shared them with Maria who seemed to be in an especially good mood.

"These are wonderful," Maria said taking a bit of one of the cookies, "your grandmother is a very good cook. I would like to have her recipe if she would share it."

"I'll make sure she gives it to you," Tony said, "she don't mind sharing. Her momma, my great gran was the best cook in the family and she passed it all on to my gran and momma," he said lowering his eyes for a moment.

Maria gave him a tender look then the moment passed and he was back, talking about how his granny was feeding him to death and even though the food was great he couldn't eat as much as she was cooking.

"She loves you, that is why she feeds you," Maria said smiling, "it is a way us women take care of our boys."

"Wait till you taste Maria's cooking," I said excitedly, "What are you cooking for us tonight?"

"Tonight, I am making some traditional Mexican dishes....but I know you boys do like them too spicy so I will make them....milder for you."

"I like spicy," Tony said enthusiastically, "I hope you have hot sauce."

"Oh, yes..plenty. I think I will have something for everyone. Danny it is nice to have you here again. I have missed you. You are such a nice boy and where is your...friend Trey?"

"He's busy with family stuff, but I see him almost every day." Danny said grinning and blushing a little. It was no secret that he and Trey were bf's but he was still shy about it with some people.

We finished our cookies and milk and went off to Bastion's suite leaving Maria to see about her cooking. I knew there would be enough for a small army and we'd all be too stuffed to move later, but by bedtime we'd be ready to roll.

We played video games and talked in Bastion's room and I noticed Danny stayed close to Tony and once when he needed to go pee Danny went with him. I was so proud of my little brother for helping Tony, but I couldn't help think there was something else going on with them. I didn't sweat it though. He and Trey had the same kind of relationship Bastion and I had and if Danny got freaky with Tony, he's tell Trey and that would be that. Trey's only comment might be that he wished he'd been there too. I know it's crazy that we were so open about this stuff, but let's face is too short to worry about who did what to who and get all jealous about it.

While Danny and Tony sat in the floor playing video games Bastion and I sat on the couch kissing and feeling each other up, but we didn't get too serious. It just felt good to touch and kiss and feel each other's warmth and though Tony would occasionally give us a nervous smile, Danny pretty much ignored us though he did keep looking over at Tony and smiling.

"What's that all about?" I whispered to Bastion.

Apparently Bastion had noticed what I had noticed and he leaned in and nibbled my ear and whispered, "Danny is lonely, that's all. Maybe if we're lucky he will keep Tony busy tonight while we have some alone time."

Bastion's words sent chills up and down my spine and I sort of moaned lowly causing Tony and Danny to give us a curious look.

"Get a room," Tony teased.

"Why, you don't want to watch?" I said trying to sound hurt.

"Just keep your pants on, that's all I ask," he giggled.

"You're no fun," I said patting Bastion's erection through his pants and causing him to gasp.

"Careful, I might join in," Tony teased, but I could hear the need and excitement in his voice.

"And we might just let you," I said nudging him with my foot then running it up his back.

"Is that all you guys think about?" Danny scolded, "there are other things just as important."

"Look who's talking," I laughed, "If Trey was here you'd  have already done the nasty...twice."

"Shut up Cody," Danny muttered.

"What's up with you?" I said nudging him with my other foot.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong..." he muttered then went back to his game and didn't speak for a while.

I gave Bastion a shrug and went back to nuzzling his neck and forgot about Danny for a while. I thought maybe it was about the bullying, but if it was something else I was sure he would eventually tell me.

We messed around on the computer for a while until dinner then joined Maria in the breakfast room. From there we could see the back yard and the pool and Tony's eyes lit up when he noticed the pool was still uncovered.

"Hey, is your pool heated?"

"Yes, and there is a hot tub as well," Bastion said as he piled the food on his plate like he was starved.

"Cool, I wish my leg was healed enough to swim or use the hot tub."

"Well, when it is you should come back. We keep it open all year long."

"Cool, the doctor said when I started therapy I'd be using a jacuzzi."

Maria joined us for dinner, something that Bastion and I had started long ago. I knew Bastion's folks might like the idea of the hired help dining with us, but to us Maria was a lot more than that...she was our friend and like a second mom to all of us boys. We loved her almost as much as we loved our own moms and her happiness was important to us and she seemed happiest when she was around us. She was a natural born mom if ever there was one and I thought it was a shame that she had no kids of her own.

We joked and talked and Maria cracked us up with some stories about her family when she was growing up. She was very talkative that night and seemed to take special interest in Tony and kept fawning over his every time she got a chance. Boy between Danny and Maria Tony was getting the VIP treatment, but I was happy for him.

After dinner we waddled out to the family room and watched a movie on the big screen while Maria cleaned up the mess. We offered to help, but as always she refused saying that she enjoyed her job and besides us boys needed to go be boys and make as many good memories as we could.

Tony had piled down on the love seat and Danny was sprawled out next to him taking up more than his share of space. Bastion and I took the chaise lounge and stretched out side by side sort of intertwining until we got comfy.

We didn't worry about being affectionate in front of Maria, but we never got nasty out of respect for her. We would kiss and snuggle and hold hands but that was it until we were alone in his room. About half way through the movie Maria came in and announced that she was going to her apartment and that she had left snacks for us and of course we had sodas and juice in Bastion's fridge in his room. 

We jumped up and gave her  big hug and thanked  her and she bent down and hugged Tony and Danny before she bounced off looking happy. I knew she was leaving us alone so we could...well, be boys, but that if we needed anything she would be just a phone call away and eager to please.

I noticed Tony had his arm on the back of the couch and Danny had scooted a little closer until they were almost touching. Was Danny making a move on Tony? It was sort of interesting, but weird in a way. I mean Danny usually wasn't that forward. He was usually shy and sweet and...well, a little naive, but lately he'd begun to surprise me in all sorts of way.

I turned my attention back to the movie and to the wonderful things Bastion was doing to me and when I looked back over at Danny and Tony, the arm that was on the back of the couch was now around my little brother's shoulders and they were snuggled up almost as tight as Bastion and I were. I felt my cock jump thinking about how sexy that was, but then I thought, maybe they're just comforting each other and there's nothing sexual about it.

I knew Tony had tried the boy/boy stuff with  us and seemed to like it, but that he had turned to girls and up until shortly before the accident had a girl friend, but now that he only had one leg I supposed his self esteem had taken a big step backwards. I hoped he wasn't just reacting to someone being nice to him and leading Danny on, but hell the whole thing was very confusing.

Bastion didn't seem as bothered by the action on the couch or maybe he was just more interested in the action at hand, but later I would have to talk to him and get his take on what was going on between the two.

"Man I gotta go pee like a race horse," Tony announced suddenly and Danny almost broke his neck trying to get up and help  him. When they were gone I looked over at Bastion and grinned, "Think Danny will hold it for him while he pees?"

Bastion smiled, "Would that be so bad? Tony's feeling a little down right now and a little attention could go a long way."

"And an orgasm wouldn't hurt either," I laughed, "but I've never seen Danny throw himself at anyone like he is with Tony."

"Danny is a very sensitive boy and he probably picked up on Tony's feelings."

"Or horniness," I chuckled, "Since his girl friend dumped him he's probably been a little lonely."

"He's a very sexual person, I think we can both agree with that from our experiences with him."

"I just hope Danny isn't biting off more than he can chew."

"It's not that big," Bastion joked.

"That's not what I meant silly, Danny has some...well, things going on right now."

"Oh? Are he and Trey having problems?"

"No nothing like that, I'll tell  you about it later when we're really alone."

Tony and Danny returned then but I couldn't tell much from their faces. Neither looked guilty or flushed or relieved or whatever, so I guessed nothing had happened. We finished watching the movie and decided to take a shower, all except Tony who said he'd just have to wash up cause he couldn't get his stump wet.

"I could help you," Danny said suddenly sounding excited, then calming down a little he added, "I mean since I gotta get wet anyway...I could help you. You could sit on the edge of the tub or something and I could help you..."

I almost laughed, how obvious could anyone be? If he wanted to see Tony's junk all he had to do was ask, but knowing Danny he probably thought he was helping this way. And guess what? Tony accepted his offer with enthusiasm.

Bastion's bathroom had a separate shower and a big tub that sat up off the floor so I suggested that Bastion and I  use the shower while they used the tub. Since Danny didn't put up any fuss I figured his motives must've been pure after all and I felt kind of bad about what I was thinking earlier.

The shower was in a separate and enclosed area away from the tub so we really couldn't see them anyway, so they had plenty of privacy if they needed it plus we could all get clean at once and get it over with. Bastion and I were all over each other as soon as we stepped in the shower and even though I'd swore I was going to wait till we got in bed I couldn't resist making our first time of the evening in the shower.

I kissed  him long and deep all the time pressing our hard cocks together and when I slid down his chest sucking his nipples then tonguing his belly button he must've known it was on. I sunk to my knees and took his perfect cock in my mouth and began to give it the attention I knew it needed and he moaned in appreciation.

From somewhere I heard laughing then.."We can hear you guys clear over here." It was Tony's voice and he sounded happy and more like his old self.

"Glad you like the show," I yelled back, "there's more to come," I said stressing the come part.

"I'm sure," He yelled back. Then he started laughing loudly.

I forgot them and went back to Bastion and pretty soon he was gasping for breath as he rammed his cock home. I felt it expand and contract then the first squirt hit my tongue and I growled my approval. He tasted so good and I gobbled down all of his tasty spunk before licking him clean and spinning him around.

As he leaned against the wall I pried his gorgeous butt cheeks apart and dived in tongue first. He pushed back against me planting my tongue deep inside him and I ate him like my favorite dessert. When I had him humming with pleasure I stood up and pushed my dripping wet cock against his hole. He pushed back and the magic began. I slipped in to his tight velvety hole and as always we fit together perfectly. Even after all this time each time we made love it seemed new and unique. We had come a long way since the first awkward attempt at love making and now we were like a well oiled machine. It was more than just friction or getting our jollies, it was like we were sharing our souls when we made love. 

I threw my head back and growled as I begun to come and I collapsed into Bastion as I unloaded all of me into him. He reached around and grabbed my hands and pulled my arms around him and we stayed that way for a long time as the warm water cascaded over our bodies. We were joined together somewhere in the center and wrapped up in each other's love and in no hurry to go anywhere.

Eventually of course we came back down to earth, separated and finished our shower. We cleaned each other and pampered each other and when we were squeaky clean we stepped out and dried each other off. I'd forgotten all about Tony and Danny but when we started to leave they were already gone. 

We found them in Bastion's room sitting on his bed chatting as if they were old friends. They were dressed in just undies and tees and the first thing I noticed was the big white bandage where Tony's leg used to be. I guess up until then I hadn't really processed what having your leg amputated was like. There was nothing there, nothing to stand on, nothing to see. I had read that sometimes a person could still feel things as if they still had the missing limb and I wondered if that was happening to Tony yet.

"Hi guys," Tony said grinning, "everything turn out okay in there?"

"Super," I said grinning back, "how bout you two...did you both get clean?" I said suggestively.

"Yeah, Danny was a big help. I hate having my gran do that stuff for me. It's so embarrassing. Thanks again Danny," he said smiling warmly at Danny and making me feel like a total ass for thinking there was something going on with those two.

"Well, as long as we're around we'll help you out, right guys?" Danny said looking smug.

"Yeah, problem," I said blushing.

"Does it hurt?" Bastion said as he stared at Tony's stump.

"Sometimes it aches a little, but they gave me some pills. I only take em at night though cause they make me sleepy. Gran let me bring one with me...just in case the pain gets too bad."

I moved over and sat down beside him and tried to think of something encouraging to say, but nothing came to me. I could feel the heat coming off Tony's body and he had a pleasant smell, soap and his own musky odor and it was very comforting. I had known Tony for a few years and even when we were at outs over what had happened with Bastion I still thought about him. He was my first black friend and he had torn down any barriers that I had ever had about other races. Of course my parents had taught us that all people were equal and to embrace differences, but those were just words until you put them into practice.

"Look Tony, I'm not good at this kind of thing," I said looking at Bastion for support, "But we're here for matter what."

"I agree," Bastion said smiling, "I haven't known you as long as Cody and Danny and in the short time I have I have come to care for you a great deal as a friend."

Tony was looking all teary eyed again, but he pulled himself together and put his arm around me and pulled me into him and then gave me a painful noogey.

"Ouch, you turd," I giggled.

"Okay, okay...let's do something fun," Tony said letting me up but keeping his arm around my shoulders. He felt warm and solid and I liked the feeling.

"Well...we could watch a movie, or play video games or something."

"Borrrring," Danny said rolling his eyes, "Let's play Clue."

"Yeah, I haven't played that game in forever. I used to love that game. How bout it guys, you up for Colonel Mustard with the pipe wrench in the library?"

So that's what we did for the next hour or so and it was even more fun with the four of us. Tony took a while to get the hang of it, but when he did he was really good at it. He won the second game and was close to winning the third, but Danny pulled that one off. 

We paused for a pee break and Bastion and I grabbed the snack that Maria made for us and some sodas and we filled up before starting again. Bastion had a bunch of other board games and next we tried Sorry. Danny got mad because I sent him back home twice in a row, but he managed to win anyway and was in good spirits after that.

Around ten we decided to watch some porn and we let Tony pick it out. We figured he'd choose straight or at least bi porn, but he surprised us by picking some with hunky muscle guys in it. I had to admit they were pretty hot but Tony said he just liked how their bodies looked and that he hoped he would look like that some day.

They were sucking at first and they never kissed, but one guy did rim the other one before he worked his huge cock into his hole and fucked him roughly. I usually prefer the love making to fucking, but for some reason I was getting pretty aroused watching that big dick stretch that jock's hole.

"Mmmmm....wish that was me pumping that hole," Tony said after a while and I noticed there was a big tent in his undies.

"Well, aint no jocks here, but there are some willing asses," I teased.

"Who?" Tony asked looking excited.

"I wouldn't mind," Danny said meekly.

"Really? I don't know....I...I'm not sure I could do it with just one leg," he said looking flustered.

"So...what if you just laid on your back and I sit on it?" Danny said blushing.

The look on Tony's face was priceless. Maybe this was like something he's fantasized about or maybe it was just because he was horny, but I could tell it wouldn't take much more to convince him.

"I don't know. Are you okay with this Cody?"

I shrugged, "It's his butt," I laughed, "If he wants to share it with you, that's his fun."

Tony was chewing his lip nervously now, "You okay with us doing this Bastion? I mean it's your bed and all."

Bastion smiled, "Well on one condition, that we get to watch or maybe get in on the action."

God I loved my boyfriend. He was so in tune with my dirty little mind.

"Sure, I got no secrets from you guys. I'm one horny mo fo and I just wanna get my nut, but I'll help you guys out too."

"Wait, it's got to be perfect," I said jumping up. 

I stripped the covers back and dropped them on the floor and ran out and grabbed some more pillows from the sofa in the living room of Bastion's quarters and threw them on the bed. I dimmed the lights and drug out the lube that I knew Bastion kept in his night stand and then ran to the bathroom and grabbed two large fluffy bath towels for clean up afterwards.

"Okay, everyone in bed!"

Bastion's bed is a king size and we all fit nicely with plenty of room left over. We helped Tony get arranged in the middle of the bed and I slipped his briefs off freeing his six solid inches of boy meat. It was already dripping and hard as steel and I couldn't resist giving it a lick to see how it tasted.

"Uhhhhh," Tony gasped, "Careful...that feels too good."

"Maybe you need to get off first before you go for the real thing. That way you'll last longer."

"Naw...I'm okay. Actually..well, since we got no secrets," he said looking at Danny, "I sort of got off earlier in the bathroom."

Danny had a shit eating grin on his face and I rolled my eyes at him, "I knew really helped him out in there, didn't you?"

"It was the least I could do," Danny giggled, "and  he returned the favor."

"Way to go guys," I said high fiving them both, "Well then let's get the man lubed up and ready and get on with this show. Hey, can I video it if I keep your faces out of it?"

Bastion and I helped get them ready, Bastion greasing up Tony while I rimmed my little brother then slipped a lubed finger up in his butt to loosen him up. It didn't take much and when he was ready I helped steady him while he squatted over Tony's hard rod.

Bastion had his Iphone out and was filming the action being careful not to get any face shots, but let's face it, anyone who knew either one of these two would know who they were. I was sort of fascinated by the whole process, I'd been on both ends of this kind of fuck before, but never saw it up close and personal like this. It was interesting to watch Tony's cock head open Danny up then slide in little by little until Danny was sitting on his pubes.

"Gawd you are so hot and so tight, better than any pussy I ever been in," he hissed.

"Gross," I teased, "no pussy talk when us gay boys are around."

"Oh, was meant as a compliment," he said hissing as Danny began to moved up and down. 

Danny looked like he was doing squats and with each downward movement he impaled himself on Tony's hard cock then straightening his legs and rising he pulled up till just the head remained inside. I knew how good it felt for Tony, but it was the look on Danny's face that held my attention.

He had a far away look and his eyes were closed. His mouth was open slightly and his little pink tongue kept wetting his lips over and over as if it were dry and thirsty work. I don't know, maybe it was. I knew from being on the receiving end of a good fuck that it felt good, but the look on Danny's face was almost one of ecstasy. I wondered if he looked that happy when Trey fucked him, or if Tony was touching something inside him that none of us could.

The fuck lasted about fifteen minutes and Bastion got it all on video, even the ending when Tony pulled Danny down onto his lap and just held him as he squirmed and wiggled and thrust as he filled him with his hot cum. When Danny finally pulled off he was leaking and I  helped him to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"Man that was something little brother. Did you enjoy it as much as it looked like?"

"Oh man it was awesome. Don't tell Trey I said this, but it was the best I've ever had."

"Uh oh...once you've had black, you'll never go back," I teased.

"Shut up Cody," he laughed, "It was just a one time thing and I'll tell Trey all about it. Heck, he can even watch the video. He won't care. It'll just make him hornier."

"How romantic," I said patting my chest over my heart, "you two are so good together."

"Yeah, we are...and don't forget it," he said then left quickly before I could reply.

Wow, what's eating him? I wondered.

I returned to the bedroom to find Bastion and Tony sitting up and talking softly. Danny was no where in sight, but I noticed his clothes were gone.

"Where'd D go?"

"Who? Oh, he went out to the patio. He said he needed some fresh air. Is everything all right with him?"

"Yeah, as far as I know," I said shrugging, "but maybe I should go talk to him. Be right back guys."

Bastion nodded and Tony looked worried, "He didn't have to do dat...what he did for me. Tell him I'm sorry...."

"Oh, he's fine with that," I said quickly, "In fact...he was crazy about that big black snake," I giggled.

Tony grinned, "Him and all da ladies."

"La la la, "I said putting my hands over my ears, "I aint tryin to hear that."

He was still laughing as I headed out the door a few minutes later wearing just a pair of sweat shorts and no shirt. I was barefoot and when I stepped outside I found out just how cold concrete in winter could get. I saw Danny standing by the pool gazing out across the  gardens as if he was in a trance. I didn't want to spook him and cause him to fall into the pool so I made noise as I approached. 

He turned and gave me a wary look, then sighed and stuck his hand in his pockets. "Hi, miss me?" he chuckled.

"Always," I said putting my arm around his waist. For a while we just stood there side by side staring at nothing, then he leaned his head against me and I kissed the top of his head. We didn't speak for a very long time, we didn't need to, we were on the same wave length. It didn't matter that we weren't flesh and blood, that our DNA didn't match, or that we had once had different parents, we were brothers and closer than most blood brothers. We knew each other's moods and we shared a bond that would last for the rest of our lives. 

Eventually the cold drove us inside, well mostly me, and when we joined Bastion and Tony they were back in the living room watching a movie on Bastion's big screen TV. I moved in beside Bastion and rubbed my cold cheeks against his and put my cold hands on his chest.

"Cody! You're frozen," He gasped, "Let me warm you up love." He said grabbing a comforter off the back of the couch and covering us both up.

He began to rub my hands and then my chest and eventually he pulled me to the floor and had me stretch out while he massaged my feet and got the blood flowing. Danny had plopped down on the chaise lounge and was stretched out watching us with interest. I knew the bully thing was bothering him, but I was pretty sure there was more, something I hadn't figured out despite our connection.

"Mmmmm....that feels good," I purred, "I'm ready for bed if you are lover."

"Will you two be all right if  we go on to bed?" You can stay up as long as you like. You can either sleep with us or I can show you to one of the spare bedrooms."

"We don't wanna crowd you guys," Danny said taking control, "So..if Tony don't mind we can share a room."

"Cool with me," Tony said easily.

So while I brushed my teeth and took a wizz Bastion showed Tony and Danny to the closest guest room which was fortunately downstairs. It had been designed as a servant's bedroom but Bastion's folks had made it into a guest room for the odd times someone stayed over. Like Bastion's quarters it was near the rear of the house and accessible from the hall that led to the laundry room.

By the time Bastion got back I was naked and warmed up and wide awake. 

"Oh, I thought you were sleepy," he chuckled, "let me freshen up and I'll be right with you."

When he returned he was naked and his breath smelled like toothpaste. As he slipped in beside me I pulled him on top of me and we kissed.

"Mmmmm....nice, how was Tony and Danny when you left them?"

"They seemed nervous," he said smiling, "you don't couldn't be happening...could it?"

I shrugged, "Danny has some stuff going on right now, but as far as I know he and Trey are still a thing." I told him about the bullying and he reacted much like I thought he would.

"That's awful. Oh, the poor boy. What can we do? I know he says he doesn't want you fighting his battle for him, but do you think he's safe around this boy...this Brad person?"

" Brent,it's Brent, but let me put it this way, if he lays hands on my little brother, his next stop will be the ER and then the dentist, cause I'm gonna jam his teeth down his throat."

"Not if I get to him first," Bastion said causing me to do a head roll.

"Whaaa what? You..who shuns violence is going to do harm to a bully?"

"Sorry, I lost my head, but I think of Danny as my little brother too and I'm very protective of those I love."

"Then help me teach him to defend himself. Once this bully sees he can take care of himself he will back off fast. Most bullies are really chicken shit and only pick on those that are weaker than them, so we gotta make Danny tough."

"I'll do whatever I can, you know that, but do we have time?"

"We'll have to put him on a crash course."

"Okay, we'll start next week. Maybe you can both come here and we can roll out the mats and  use the basement."

"Okay, sounds good," I mumbled as I nuzzled his neck, "but right now....all I want to do is pin you to the mat," I teased.

"Well, I'm on maybe I'll pin you first."

"Mmmm...okay, you deserve some tail for a change. How do you want me lover boy?"

"This is fine, but first...." he leaned down and kissed me and for the next fifteen minutes we made out like newlyweds.

Down the hall Tony and Danny were settling into a slightly smaller but no less comfortable bed in the tastefully decorated room Bastion has shown them to earlier. There was a large wall mounted TV, but neither felt like watching it and they opted instead for music from a small bookshelf system. Tony surprised Danny by choosing a soft rock station and as Journey sang softly in the background Danny fluffed his pillow and turned to face Tony.

"I had fun tonight," Danny said smiling.

Inches away Tony's face lit up with a smile of his own. His heart was beating unusually fast and he found he was suddenly very nervous. It was so unlike him. He hadn't even been this nervous his first time with a girl. In fact that had little enterprise had gone so smoothly he soon got a rep as a smooth talking ladies' man and that inevitably led to his finding his first girlfriend.  And even though they weren't still together he was confident he could find another girlfriend easily enough, despite his handicap. In fact his handicap would most likely work in his favor. Girls loved a guy in need, someone they could mother and fawn over and Tony figured he'd be very popular with one leg.

"Fun aint the word for it," Tony laughed, "It was really something special. Thanks, thanks for...well, you know, I really needed that."

"I enjoyed it too...more than I thought I would," Danny blushed.

Tony stared into Danny's eyes and suddenly he had the craziest urge to kiss the little white boy laying just inches away. What was happening to him? he wondered. Sure the boy sex thing was okay when you couldn't get a girl, but way, that was gay stuff. Then why were his hands sweaty and his heart beating almost out of his chest?

"Thanks for that too," Tony said laughing softly, "a guy likes to know he's exciting."

"Oh, you are...very," Danny said blushing, "I don't think I really ever thought about it before, but tonight...well, it's like I really didn't know you till now."

"Even though I'm not the man I used to be?" Tony teased, "I lost a good chunk of me in the car crash."

Danny reached out and touched Tony's chest causing him to shiver as if he were cold, "I don't care about that, none of us do. I mean we're sorry that it happened...and about your mom, but it doesn't change who you are."

"Naw, I guess not," Tony said softly.

Danny yawned then and of course it was contagious. When Tony finished yawning he rubbed his nose and blinked. In the process he managed to move a little closer so that now his face was so close to Danny's that he could feel the warmth of his breath on his face and smell the minty fragrance of his toothpaste.

It was now or never, he thought as his heart beat so fast he could feel the blood pumping in his ears. He didn't care if it was gay, he didn't care if it was just a spur of the moment or if it made him seem weird, his lips were itching to touch Danny's. Closing his eyes and abandoning all worries he leaned forward and felt Danny's lips touch his. He wasn't surprised that Danny had met him half way. He had seen the same look in the boy's eyes that he imagined was in his own and felt his heat and sexual attraction like a magnet pulling him forward.

The kiss turned serious and Tony pulled Danny to him and ran his hands up and down his back as they continued to kiss. He let his hands move lover as they kissed and soon he was caressing Danny's soft buttocks. They felt firm yet soft and pliable and it excited him to know he had been between them only a short while ago. It had been Heaven, better than any sex he had ever had and now he knew why...he was getting sprung for this little white boy, his best friend's little brother, and the implications were mind blowing.

They broke the kiss and stared at each other for a moment, both red faced and breathing heavily.

"Wow!" Tony gasped, "I...I'm sorry...I just got carried away. I know you got a boy and you don't need me gettin in the way."

"It's okay, I wanted it too. I'm so confused...." Danny said with a trembling bottom lip.

"It's my fault," Tony said sadly, "I aint tryin to cause you no grief. You been good to me and I preciate that and I guess I just got a little crazy, that's all."

"It's more than that and we both know it," Danny said looking small and tragic, "I...can't explain's jus that I've never felt this way before....not even with Trey," he said reluctant to bring his boyfriend into this.

"It's just for tonight, tomorrow we'll both be over it," Tony said with no real conviction. He knew he wasn't going to forget that kiss or what they had done together anytime soon.

"I guess," Danny said cheering up a little, "So...for's okay then...just you and me and no one has to know but us...right?"

Tony smiled, "Yeah, just between us. One night together....that can't hurt anyone...can it?"

They melted into one another then and began kissing passionately. Tony was so hard he hurt and Danny could feel his hardness and wetness against his thigh. His own cock was hard and leaking and when Tony began to grind against him rubbing their cocks together he moaned into Tony's mouth.

He had had sex many times, but nothing seemed to compare to what he was feeling right now with Tony. He didn't care that Tony only had one leg, in fact that made him feel like Tony deserved his attention even more. It wasn't exactly sympathy that he felt for Tony, it was more intense that, but he did want to take care of him and be there for him all the way. And the sex...well, that had been the deal breaker. Tony had touched things inside him that no one ever had and when they were joined it was as if they were one person, joined in heart and soul. He knew it was crazy, he was in love with Trey, but what he felt for Tony was real and he couldn't just ignore it.

The kissing led to groping and fondling and eventually Tony slipped down between Danny's smooth strong legs and began to rub his balls and cock as Danny moaned softly. At first Tony had only planned to jerk Danny off, he wasn't a cock sucker...that was gay, but suddenly he had the most overpowering urge to feel and taste Danny's perfect cock in his mouth. Looking up and seeing the dreamy look on Danny's sweet face he took the plunge.  

Danny's eyes jerked open when he felt Tony's warm wet mouth engulf his boyhood, but he quickly recovered and moaned even louder. He reached down and gripped Tony's nappy hair and guided him up and down his cock being careful not to go to fast or too deep. He hadn't expect this from Tony. Even though the macho black boy had experimented with boy sex a few times he thought of him more as a taker than a giver, but he supposed that like most boys he would do what was needed to get what he wanted and Danny had no doubts as to what he wanted. What he wanted was to plant his big cock in his tender ass again and that was just fine with Danny.

"Ummmm....that's nice," Danny cooed as Tony surprised him by deep throating his cock and working his throated muscles around it. 

Where had he learned that? Danny wondered, eating pussy was nothing like sucking cock and as far as Danny knew Tony had been strictly a ladies man since he'd nailed his first girl.

His orgasm was fast approaching and when Tony wet his finger and found his tight little pucker Danny warned him he was close. Ignoring his warning Tony began to finger him deeply, rotating his finger until he found his boy nut and with a few more strokes Danny cried out and began to erupt in Tony's mouth.

Danny was surprised here as well. He had expected Tony to pull off and finish him by hand but instead he took all of his hot spunk in his mouth and swallowed it down almost greedily. It was one of the most intense orgasms Danny could ever remember and when he at last came down from it, Tony was right there for him kissing and rubbing him gently.

"That's it baby," Tony cooed, "Jus relax and let go...enjoy it...." he said nuzzling Danny's neck and giving him goose bumps.

If this was the way Tony treated his girlfriends his rep  was truly justified. Danny had never felt so loved and happy as he did right now, although being with Cody this way came close.

"If we lay on our you think you know...make love to me?" Danny said blushing.

"You shore baby, is that what you want?"

"Yessss...I want to feel you inside me...soooo bad."

"Then we can make it work, "Tony said sounding excited.

It was actually fairly easy. Tony laid on his good side with his stump bent back slightly and snuggled up to Danny's backside. They used a little of Danny's cum (which was still oozing from his cock) and a little spit and Tony slipped in rather easily despite the size of his cock. He took it slow and rubbed and soothed Danny the whole time further proving what an accomplished lover he was.

When he finally began to move in and out Danny moaned in ecstasy as he rubbed against his boy nut with each stroke. Tony reached between Danny's legs and found his hard cock and just held it as he continued to slowly make love to this beautiful sexy white boy beside him.

They were wrapped up so tight in each other that it was hard to tell where one began and the other ended and Danny had never felt so totally in tune with a partner before now. Was this the way it should feel with Trey? he wondered. What they had was good, but nothing compared to this. Was he just growing tired of Trey and looking for something different or was this something special? But his thoughts flew away when Tony began to nuzzle his neck and move faster jerking Danny's cock as his love making began to grow more intense.

"Oh...gawd..." Tony gasped, "You feel so good."

"Ummm....I love you inside me," Danny said lustily. 

"I'm close baby...gonna cum...gonna fill you with my baby batter," Tony growled.

" it...breed me," Danny said repeating the words he'd read in a story at Nifty. At the time he's thought it was silly, but now he understood. When a boy came inside you they were marking you, making you part of them...even if for only for that moment.

Danny's words pushed Tony over the edge and he felt his cock swell as he jammed it deep into Danny's guts and began to unload. His cum was hot and under so much force that to Danny it felt like a hot jizz faucet had been turned on inside him. But the most amazing thing was as soon as Tony began to unload his own cock swelled and spasmed and began to spew forth as Tony held it tightly in his hand. His balls soon emptied since he had come earlier, but he still managed to produce a sizable puddle on the bed sheet.

Meanwhile Tony continued to spurt until his balls were empty and ached from the release. He nuzzled Danny's neck and placed sweet kisses there no longer worried if this was too gay or for that matter what it meant. He had never felt so warm and comfortable and fully sated as he did here inside Danny's hot tight little body. No girl had ever pleased him as much as this boy had and even though he knew what that might mean in terms of his sexuality he refused to let that spoil the joy of the moment.

"Dat was the best," he gasped as he kissed Danny's small ear.

" was. I can't believe I came when you did."

"I done that a few times with girls," he said reminding himself that he could work his magic with either sex. Maybe that meant he was bi or pan or whatever was popular these days.

"Lucky girls," Danny sighed, "Lucky me."

"You okay then?"

"Won...der...ful." Danny said pulling Tony's arms around him.

" don't mind if I do dat again?"

Danny laughed, "All night if you want to, but I may pass out from pleasure at some point."

Tony laughed, "I think one mo time be okay then. You so hot and tight and you feel so good."

Even though neither of them thought it was possible Tony managed to fuck Danny this time in the missionary position. With Danny's legs pushed high Tony balance on his one leg and his stump and despite a little pain he managed to make love to Danny slowly and gently bending down to kiss Danny's sweet lips occasionally. When he came he collapsed onto Danny's small strong body but Danny didn't mind. He pulled Tony against him and held on tight, hoping this feeling and this moment would never end. But of course as with all good things, it did end.

Danny waddled off to the bathroom and voided his bowels of Tony's generous load then washed up and came back to bed to find Tony asleep or passed out on his stomach. Danny snuggled up to his side and began rubbing his back gently as Tony murmered gently in his sleep. Kissing Tony on the side of the face Danny threw his leg over the older boy and fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke first to find Bastion stretched out on his tummy. I smiled devilishly as I straddled  him and began to nuzzle his neck. It only took a few minutes to wake him up and when he sighed and reached back to find my face and pull it to his we kissed deeply.

"Dragon breath," he said laughing, "both of us."

"Or dick breath," I joked, "Or ass breath. There were a lot of bodily fluids exchanged last night."

"Ummmm...but it was worth it. So, are you back there for a reason, or just trying to wake me up?"

"Do you need to pee first?"

"It wouldn't hurt, have you already peed?"

"Nope, just woke up? Why, you wanna pee on each other?" I teased.

"How about in the shower, then we can get cleaned up afterwards?"

"Wait, pee in the shower or have sex in the shower?"

"Both." He said sounding excited and so unlike Bastion.

"Hell yeah, I'm there. Let's go lover boy," I said climbing off him and pulling him up.

I led him to the shower and we closed the door and  faced each other and began kissing as our bodies pressed together everywhere. Then stepping away from each other a foot or so we began to hose each other down with our hot yellow spray. It felt good to empty my bladder, but even better to see and feel Bastion's piss hitting me on the stomach and pubes. We peed for a long time and by the time we were finished we were both hard as a rock. 

We moved together again and began kissing and one thing led to another and pretty soon I was on my knees licking the pee off his cock and gobbling it down. I wet my finger after a while and poked at this hole and entered easily. Then fingering his butt as I sucked him till he unloaded in my mouth. I gobbled it all down and stood up and kissed him sharing a little of his jizz then I filled my hand with a mixture of spit and his jizz and slathered it on my cock. 

He spun around and assumed the position leaning against the cool tile wall of the shower and I moved up behind him and pressed my slick cock into him. I slipped in easily and then grabbed him around the waist and began thrusting in and out as we both moaned lowly.

I didn't last long, and when I came my knees buckled and I had to hold on to my lover for support. I stayed inside him for a long time as I held him tightly and nuzzled his neck and planted kisses on his sweet face. When I finally pulled out we turned on the water and washed each other gently and throughly before stepping out to dry off.

" you think Danny and Tony had another go at it last night?"

"I wouldn't be at all surprised. They seemed very comfortable with one another last night, almost too comfortable."

"What do you mean? You think Danny is falling for Tony or something?" I said laughing at the ridiculousness of it.

Bastion didn't answer right away, but when he did I was all ears. "I don't want to alarm you, but I've seen that look they gave each other before. It's the look we give each other and the look I used to see between Danny and Trey. Are you sure Danny and Trey aren't having difficulties?"

"What? Well, as far as I know. You don't mean  you think Tony and Danny are falling for each other do you?"

Bastion shrugged, "Maybe it's just infatuation, or a spur of the moment thing. I wouldn't worry about it too much, after all Tony professes to prefer girls. Perhaps Danny was just convenient and we both know how sweet he is in bed."

"Yeah, sweet. I hope Tony's not just using him....but I guess that's what I should be hoping or. Because if it's more than that a lot of people could get hurt."

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Besides after today they won't be around each other all that much, so perhaps if there was any fire there, it will die down."

"Fire? Oh my God, I hope not. I don't want to have to pick up the pieces with Trey or Danny if things go bad for them."

Danny came bouncing in then and he looked rested and happy. Almost too happy.

"Where's Tony?"

"Taking a dump," Danny giggled.

"Gross, why is it in most movies and stories they don't tell you when the characters do that? I'll tell you why...cause no one wants to hear that stuff."

"Sorry, who peed in your corn flakes?" Danny giggled.

I gave Bastion a wicked grin and winked, "Not in my cornflakes...but I did get peed on."

"What? Did  you guys play super soaker with your wieners this morning?" Danny joked.

"Yup, and I won," I said grinning.

"Depends on who's keeping score. I think I won," Bastion said smiling.

"We both won. Come on let's get dressed and go see what Maria has for breakfast. Tony can join us when he's done stinking up the place," I laughed.

Maria had a huge breakfast spread out for us, eggs, bacon, potatoes, pancakes and all the trimmings. We had milk and juice and all ate like little pigs. When we were done Bastion and I forced Maria to let us help clean up while Tony and Danny went outside. 

The sun was shining and the temps were in the 50's and promised to warm up to almost 70 before the day was over. I wished there was some way to go bike riding, but of course Tony couldn't go if we did and that wouldn't be fair.

We found Tony and Danny sitting in the gazebo closest to the house and we took seats across from them and joined in their conversation. They had been talking about school and what it would be like for Tony now and suddenly Danny unloaded his bully story on us. Of course I knew all about it and I'd told Bastion, but I was surprised that Danny shared it with Tony.

"That's whack," Tony said growing agitated, "What's dis kid's name. I got friends der, I can take care of dis."

"No, please. I need to handle this myself. Cody and Bastion are going to teach me to defend myself and once he sees I can fight back, I think he'll back off."

"Huh," Tony grunted, "okay, try it your way, but if that bastard lays hands on you, he's dead."

I smiled at Tony, "Now where have I heard that before...oh yeah...from me."

Tony grinned, "Yeah, I get that, but he's my bro too, all of you are."

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. So we gotta make sure he gets the help he needs. We'll try it his way first."

Our conversation moved on and pretty soon we were bored and we went inside and played videos games for a while. Tony had to be home by six, so Danny and I decided we'd go then too. Maria had promised to drive us and since Tony's apartment was on the way she could do it all in one trip.

Maria insisted on serving us lunch about 2 and Tony ate like he was starved. I guess using crutches took a lot of energy. Danny just picked at his food and he seemed to be paying more attention to Tony than his plate. I wondered what was really going on with those two but I was sure Danny would tell me once we were alone...even if I did have to pull it out of him.

We went back outside after lunch and enjoyed the warm sunshine and played a game of catch. Tony was pretty good at balancing on one leg, but he couldn't really move too far left or right so we tried to throw right to him. I think he really enjoyed the game and he seemed really up beat and happy when we sat down later to have a soda and rest. Danny fussed over him and brought him his soda and surprisingly Tony didn't seem to mind. I wondered if he saw Danny as a girl or something like that, someone to do for him and take care of his needs and that bothered me a little. I didn't want Danny to get used especially if it caused him and Trey to break up.

We went back inside around five and watched TV till time to go and thren we all piled in the Caddy. We joked around in the car and Maria even joined in and by the time we dropped Tony off we were sorry to see him go.

"I'll see you guys Monday. Thanks for asking me over."

"You're welcome any time," Bastion said smiling, "tell your Grandmother hello for us."

"Yeah, and tell her you were really good," I joked.

Danny cracked up then and Tony was laughing as he made his way to his door. We watched to make sure he got inside all right and waved at his granny. Danny seemed quiet as Maria drove us home and he hopped out as soon as we pulled into the driveway.

"Thanks Maria, thanks Bastion. I had fun and the food was yummy.," he said leaning in the door.

"You are very welcome Danny. I love having you boys to take care of," Maria said smiling warmly.

"Roll down your window Maria," Danny said grinning and when she did he leaned in and gave her a hug, "Thanks, you're awesome."

Maria patted his arm but I think she was too overcome with emotion to say much, "Goodbye Danny, my little nino."

Danny ran inside leaving Bastion and I to say goodbye. 

"Close your eyes Maria," I giggled. Then I took Bastion in my arms and kissed him goodbye. I didn't really care if Maria closed her eyes or not, she was cool with us, but I wanted to warn her. She didn't stare at us but I could tell she was watching us in the rear view mirror and she was smiling as I climbed out and leaned in her window and gave her a hug of my own.

"Bye mom....I mean Maria," I teased, "See you soon, and thanks. I think I gained ten pounds on your delicious food."

"You will work it off...soon," she said smiling.

Bastion got out and walked me to the door and we hugged and he kissed me on the cheek then I watched him climb in beside Maria. He was waving as they drove off and watched till they were out of sight. I sighed as I went inside and back to my everyday world and my family. In a way it was nice to be home, but there was always an ache inside me when I was apart from Bastion. If only we both lived here, that would be the best.


End of chapter 24

More to come....soon

What is going on with Danny and Tony? Aren't Danny and Trey happy together? What does Tony have that Trey hasn't? Or is it just an infatuation? And what about the bully? Will Danny learn how to defend himself in time to stop the inevitable? In the next chapter Danny confesses his feeling for Tony to Cody and learns a valuable lesson when it comes to bullies. Bastion finally sees the fruits of his labors with the commercial and dreams of big things ahead.

Thanks to all my dedicated readers and to the new ones who have discovered me through this new story. Please let me know what you think of the way the story is going so far, I love hearing from my readers and I reply to every email. Address all comments to

Be sure to check out my other stories in the Prolific Authors Section at Nifty.  

Kewl Dad
