The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between minor males. If reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not of legal age, please go no further.

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The Year I Learned to Love My Brother
by Kewl Dad
Chapter 25

$$Fame and Fortune$$
and Danny's Dilemma


Bastion's commercial was so popular that it actually wound up on YouTube and had a gazillion hits within like a week. I was happy for him, but with success came responsibility. He went back into the studio to make another commercial and this time he did have to work Saturdays. In addition to the commercial he got a gig doing some modeling for a a big department store ad. He was the one dressed in Dockers and a cool plaid shirt in case you got that ad. I wished they'd had him model some undies though, cause at least I'd have got to see more of him than I did lately.

Yeah, as a result of Bastion's sudden fame I hardly saw him any more outside of school and it was messing with my love life something awful. I guess he was feeling it too, but after all he had his fans and his fame and all I had was my empty bed and my broken heart.

Danny and I were spending a lot more time together, but not in bed. Danny seemed in a funk lately and I don't think it was just about the bully at school. Ever since that night at Bastion's when he and Tony did the nasty he'd been different. I tried to talk to him about it, but he said he'd figure things out on his own and I didn't pry. 

We visited Tony a few times but Danny didn't act weird or anything around him and Tony was his usual cool self. A couple of times I found Danny talking to him on the phone, but I didn't hang around to see what they said, I'm not a snoop even if I was curious about what was going on with them.

I tried to talk to Bastion about it at school but he didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about so I gave up worrying about it. I figured if Danny and Tony wanted to be friends behind my back there must be a good reason, and that reason was probably not one I'd be too happy to hear.

Trey spent a whole weekend with us but I couldn't tell anything was different between him and Danny. They held hands and snuggled and kissed when no one was around but me and seemed very happy. But after Trey left that Sunday Danny was on the phone for a half hour to someone, and since it wasn't Trey, I assumed it was Tony. 

I refused to let Danny's love life get me down though, after all my love life was bringing me down plenty already, and I didn't need the grief.

One evening when I was feeling especially lonely and down Danny came to me with tears in his eyes and asked if we could talk. Well, what could I say? 

"Hey bro, you know I'm here for you anytime. What's up?"

He closed the door and latched it and I knew something major was up if he didn't want us to get interrupted. He sat down on my bed and composed himself for a moment and then wiped a tear from his eye before starting.

"I guess you know I've been sort of acting weird lately and I'm pretty sure you know why."

"Is it about Tony?"

"Good guess," he said grinning for a second. He sighed deeply then looked down at his feet as if the answers all lay there. "I know it's crazy. I love Trey, but...ever since that night at Bastion's with Tony...I've felt sort of confused."

I sat down by him really close but I didn't put my arm around him or anything at that point. "So you love Trey and you like Tony, what's the big deal?"

He made a face like he'd bit into a lemon. "Well...I guess it's a little more than like and he....well, he told me he would do anything to have a boyfriend like me."

"Whaaaa what? Tony? But...I thought he was like this big ladies man."

"He's bi...he admits that, but...well, since he lost his leg....he says he thinks he's got a whole new look on things. He said no girl he's ever been with was as....well...good as me."

I sighed, "Danny, I hate to say this about Tony, but he's really good at...well....bullshit."

"If you're gonna talk bad about him then I guess I'm done talking to you," he said and starting to get up.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down and this time I did put my arm around him, "Whoa, sorry...let's start over...okay?"

"Okay, but don't talk bad about Tony okay?"

"Hey...bro, I love Tony like a brother, but I've known him a lot longer than you and spent more time with him. I'll admit that since the accident he's been different, more settled somehow, but have you ever considered that maybe he's just lonely and feeling kind of unsure about himself now?"

Danny sighed and gave me a warning look, "You don't know him like I know him. He's a really nice person and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. He said if I didn't feel the same to just tell him and he would let it go."

"What about Trey, have you told him how you feel?"

He shook his head, "I don't know what to say, anyway I don't want to tell him if I don't have to."

"He'd take it pretty hard if you broke up with him. He loves you a lot. He talks about you nonstop on the bus every day and there are pictures of you and him together taped up in his locker door. I've seen them and he doesn't care who sees them. He's proud of what you two have."

Danny started crying again then and I felt like an ass. It was hard enough for the kid without me laying a guilt trip on him. "I'm sorry. That was a low blow," I said pulling him closer, "You're the only one I care about when it comes right down to it. I want you to be happy....whatever that takes."

"Oh Coooody, I'm so confused. Why did this have to happen? I was so happy with Trey before all this happened."

"Now I feel guilty for asking Tony along that night. Who knew you two would hit it off like that?"

"It's crazy sometimes how things happen. Like when I met Trey."

I was beginning to see a pattern here. Danny had met Trey while he was in the hospital, after his suicide attempt, and afterwards they had become lovers. Now it was happening with Tony. Was it because Danny felt sorry for them in the beginning? Did he need to feel like he was their savior?

"Do you think maybe you just feel sorry for Tony?"

"I did at first, but he's so strong....and after a while I forgot all about his accident."

"Have you been seeing him....I mean since that night?"

Danny nodded, "A few times. When I told mom I was going to Trey's or to the park I actually went to Tony's."

OMG, he was really hooked if he was sneaking around to see Tony. I wanted to ask if they had been having sex, but I didn't need any more to think about at the moment."

"We just talk, that's all....well...we ummmmm...kissed a couple of times and bumped together but we didn't have sex if that's what you're wondering."

Wow, the kid could read my mind. "Well, I don't know what to say. I guess I should be hurt that you didn't tell me before now, but I get why you didn't."

"I'm sorry Cody, I feel bad about that, but I was afraid to. I thought maybe I'd get over it and I wouldn't need to....then, well.... it (sigh) just got worse. It's getting harder to deal with it, especially around Trey."

"What do you want Danny?" I asked hoping to shake him up a little, "Do you want Tony or do you want Trey...or do you want both?"

He frowned, "I wish I knew. I don't want to hurt Trey, but I can't stop thinking about Tony."

"Well....maybe you can have both. We've always been open about theses things. We get with other boys and we don't get jealous. Hell, maybe Tony and Trey would want to share you."

" serious,"Danny whined.

I shrugged, "Danny, bro...I love you and I love Trey and yeah, I love Tony, and I don't want to be in the middle of you three. I want you to be happy, but I want them to be happy too. Either two people are happy or two are sad....that's what I see coming out of advice is either make a decision or tell Trey what's going on and see what he thinks."

"I can't...Cody," he said in a shaky voice, "I'm afraid of what he might do if he lost me. He tried to kill himself once...."

"I guess I sort of forgot about that. He just seems normal these days."

"Yeah, I just don't want to be the reason he does something stupid."

"Boy little brother, who would have thought love could be so complicated. I'm sure glad I only love Bastion...even though I never see him any more," I said sighing.

Danny sighed and fell backwards on the bed and blew out a long breath of air, "I guess I'm just going to work this thing out myself."

"Look, I wish I could tell you what to do, but truth is...I don't know. I like both of them and I love  you, and I'd be happy no matter what, but someone is gonna get hurt."

He sighed again, "And it may be me....." he said trailing off.

"You're not in this alone though, I'm here for you even if I don't have all the right answers. I can listen and be there for  you if things get too bad."

He sat up and leaned in and put his head on my shoulder, "Thanks Cody. I love you a lot and it mean a lot to me that you care about all of us. I'm not going to do anything rash. I'm going to give it a lot of thought. Who knows, maybe Tony will come to his senses and find a girlfriend or something."

"I don't know little brother," I said attacking him and  tickling him, "once you've had Danny butt it's hard to go back."

He was giggling so hard he couldn't talk. I was glad to see him laughing and when I finally let him up he seemed back to normal. I put my arm around him and he leaned into me and I kissed the top of his head.

"Wanna go see what the rents are up to?"

"Sure, I could use some family time," he said grinning, "Sometimes I wish I didn't have all this stuff going on and I was just a kid again."

He hit a nerve with that one. I knew just what he meant. Sometimes I just wanted to play video games and baseball and eat candy and be a kid, but once you opened Pandora's sex, it was hard to close the lid.

"Come on, tonight we're just two kids spending time with the family."

I think mom and dad were a little surprised that we were so clingy but they went along with it and I think they really enjoyed our company. We watched a movie and mom made popcorn and we laughed and cut up and for that one evening we forgot all about our boyfriends and sex and we were little kids again.

When it was bedtime mom and dad came in and said goodnight for the first time in a long time and though they didn't ask I could tell they were still curious about what was going on with us two.

"It was really nice tonight having you boys home and spending time with you," mom said after kissing me.

"Yes, quite a surprise," dad said grinning, "and a pleasant one at that."

"Gosh can't two kids spend some quality time with their parents without them getting all sappy about it?" I teased.

Dad shook his head, "Who's getting sappy? Well, mom maybe, I'm just suspicious," he teased back, "how much is this gonna cost me?"

I laughed, ", don't be so cynical," I said grinning, "this one is on us."

"Oh yeah!" he said giving me a gentle shove against the mattress, "Thanks..I guess."

"You two, can't you ever be serious?" mom scolded, "I think it was sweet and I for one am looking forward to more."

"Yeah, I guess I can stand them if  you can mom," dad said grinning.

"We'll try not to make it a habit." I joked, "just in case you and mom wanna play the quiet game."

Dad did some funny things with his eyebrows,  "Just give us five minutes warning so we can get decent."

Mom slapped at dad, "Come on dad, let's go kiss Danny goodnight. Maybe we'll get more out of him."

I laughed, "Good luck, nothing to tell. We just missed you, that's all."

"We've missed you too," Dad said leaning in and giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Any time bud...any time."

When they were gone I pulled out my phone and texted Bastion. 

Me: Hi, just wanted to say goodnight.

Bastion: Hi, I'm glad you did. I have good news.

Me: What's up?

Bastion: I have this weekend off and I was wondering if you want to get together.

Me: Well, let me check my social calendar....WELL YEAH...your place or mine?

Bastion: LOL, doesn't matter to me as long as we're together.

Me: Your place is more private. We can skinny dip and use the Jacuzzi.

Bastion: I'm sure it's fine with my parents so go ahead and ask yours and let me know tomorrow.

Me: Okay, I'm sure they won't mind. I've been very

Bastion: I bet, well I'm pretty tired. Goodnight 

I love you

And I can't wait till Friday night.

Me: Nite, love you too and I'm gonna wear you out this weekend..he he.

Bastion: I'm sure it will be mutual lol

I was smiling when I finally put the phone away and I didn't even fap that night. I was going to try  to save it for Bastion and this weekend. It wouldn't be easy and my nuts might be sagging with spermies by then, but it would be worth it.

At breakfast the next morning I asked mom and dad about the weekend. It meant getting up extra early to catch dad before he left for work, but it was worth it.

"So this is what last night was about?" Dad laughed, "You didn't need to bribe us son, we understand."

"Daaaad, I'm hurt that you would think I was so conniving," I said sincerely causing dad to lose his shit eating grin quickly, "I love you and mom and I just wanted to spend time with you."

"Ouch," mom laughed, "Need help removing your foot from your mouth dad?"

"No thanks, it's tasty," dad said grimacing, "I'm sorry son, I was just joking."

"I know," I said laughing, "Got ya, didn't I?"

"Stinker," dad laughed.

Danny wandered in a few minutes later looking tired and I wondered if all the worrying was keeping him up at night. His hair was a mess and mom fussed over it until it looked less like a pile of straw and more like it should.

"Are you feeling okay?" mom said feeling his cheek.

"Yeah, just tired I guess," he said softly.

"Cody is spending the weekend at Bastion's. Do you have any plans son?"

He sighed dramatically, "Naw, not really. Probably just play video games and watch TV."

"You could invite Trey over if you'd like," dad suggested.

"I might," he said picking at his breakfast, "Or...I might go visit Tony," he said eying me for my reaction.

"I think Bastion and I should go see him too," I said smiling, "I know he's bored. He doesn't get out much since....well, since the accident."

"I think that's very nice of both of you," mom said kissing me on  top of my head.

"We're nice boys," I said grinning, "and we learned it from you and dad."

"Oh, I think I'm going to have a heart attack," dad said grabbing his chest, "you're admitting we did something right?"

"Dad!" mom said slapping dad playfully, "we have two good boys and we may not be responsible for all of their good qualities, but we have certainly done our part."

"We have the best parents in the whole world, don't we Danny?"

"Huh, yeah...the best," he said perking up, "Really, I mean that."

"I better go to work before my head gets too big to fit through the door," dad teased, "You boys have a good day, and mom," he said going over and kissing mom on the lips, "I'll see you later babe."

"Ewwww...get a room," I teased making a face.

"We use your room when you're not home," dad Joked.

"Ewww......I'm gonna need therapy if you keep this up."

"I'm hurt, I thought you were more open minded about affairs of the heart....and flesh," dad said causing me to blush.

"I...oh, well..just not in my room," I whined.

"Oh, so your room is a sex-free zone," dad joked.

"I think I hear the bus coming," I said jumping up.

"I'm going, I'm going," dad said laughing as he headed toward the door.

When he was gone I sat back down and finished my breakfast while mom cleaned up the kitchen. Danny was still picking at his food and I kicked him under the table.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. I think I'm gonna go brush my teeth and grab my backpack."

I watched as he walked away then slid his cereal bowl over and dumped it in with mine and finished both off. I met Danny in the bathroom and as I brushed my teeth he hopped up on the vanity and watched me.

"Uhhhh...."I said showing him a mouth full of foam.

He giggled and rolled his eyes, "I'm glad you're gonna get to go to Bastion's this weekend. You guys are lucky."

I rinsed and spit, "You know this might be a good weekend to have Trey over and sort of see how things go. Maybe it will help you figure things out."

"I'll think about it, thanks."

"I'd invite you to go with us, know...."

Danny laughed, "I totally  understand. You guys deserve some time alone. Any way I wouldn't be much fun."

"Can I give you some advice?"

"Sure, what?"

"I don't think you should go visit Tony alone."

He stared at me for minute then shook his head, "You're probably right. Hey, if you guys go maybe I could go with you."

"That would be cool. I'll see what Bastion thinks. Well, I'm gonna go grab my backpack and head to the bus stop."

"Hold on, I'll walk with ya."

Danny hung around till the bus came and Trey beat on the window then raised it and stuck his head out.

"Hi Danny!"

"Hi Trey," Danny said smiling, "Wanna come over this weekend?"

Well, so much for thinking about it...he he. He was so impulsive.

"Heck yeah, I'll ask mom but I know she'll say yes. I'll call  ya tonight.

I climbed on and took my place by Trey and as the bus drove off he and Danny were still yelling at each other. I laughed when Trey finally shut the window and turned to to me.


"Nothing, lover boy," I whispered as I dug him in the side.

"Jerk," he laughed, "So what are you and Bastion up to?"

"Actually, I'm going to spend the weekend with him."

"Awesome, so Danny and me will have the place all to ourselves," he said sounding excited.

"Well, there is mom and dad...."

"You know what I mean..."

"Yeah, you have him all to yourself."

At school Bastion and I were bumping together and bubbling over with happiness. I could almost taste him as I inhaled his sexy aroma and I couldn't wait for Friday night. I was gonna do him so many ways, he'd loose track. I wanted to do him in the hot tub, in the garden, in the bathroom...well you get what I'm saying. 

At lunch we talked about Danny and his little dilemma but we really didn't come up with anything new. In the end it was going to be up to Danny to decide what was best for him and I hoped it would be something we could all live with. In gym class Trey was full of it. He was running around pranking everyone and coach had to get on to him a couple of times.

In the showers Trey was singing a silly little song and giggling like a little kid. I nudged Bastion and said out of the corner of my mouth, "Someone is happy...besides us."

"I heard that, and yeah....I am."

I hoped he'd still be that happy after the weekend was over and not a broken and shattered boy. Naw, I guessed Danny had invited him to have fun, not to break his heart. Anyway I had plenty to think about without worrying about Trey and Danny. I had to figure out how to stay hydrated while boffing my boyfriend all night...he he.

Friday came and I rode home with Bastion. Maria acted especially glad to see me and I was glad to see here too. She said she had some special treats fixed for us and I laughed.

"I hope they give quick energy," I said winking at Bastion, "Cause we're gonna need it."

Maria laughed, "I know it's been a while since you two have been together, but be careful. I don't want to have to call 911 the first night."

"Oh, don't worry..we'll pace ourselves." I giggled. It was so cool to be able to joke around with Maria.

As soon as we got to Bastion's house Maria started feeding us. For snack she had home made eclairs and they were awesome. I ate two and drank a glass of milk, but Bastion only ate one and drank a bottle of water with his. Afterwards we went to his room and changed into Speedos and went out to the hot tub. 

His folks wouldn't be home for a couple of hours and then they were going out again, to some medical banquet or something, and we'd have the place to ourselves after Maria retired for the evening.  We planned on taking full advantage of that fact and sexing in as many places as possible, but first...the hot tub.

It was cool outside but fortunately there was no wind to speak of and once we got in the warm water we felt great. We scooted  as close together as possible and did some kissing and pawing for a long time as we made up for lost time.

"I have missed this so much. Sometimes I wish I had never taken that modeling job." Bastion said between kisses.

"You shouldn't feel that way. We have time for us too. In a way it's...a good thing. The waiting makes it more fun when we do get to do this."

"I love you so much. You make me feel so good and your support means so much to me," he said sounding a little misty.

"Awww shucks. It aint nothin," I said grinning, "Now, shut up and kiss me."

Kissing led to other things we could do with our mouths and as I sat on the edge of the hot tub Bastion wrapped his sexy lips around little Cody and gave him the kiss of life. I felt his hand go between my legs and he began gently rubbing my balls causing me to moan lowly. We weren't doing anything new really, but somehow it seemed more exciting and erotic and the feeling was amazing.

I wanted it to last forever but of course eventually I reached a point where I couldn't hold back any longer and the flood gate opened. Bastion gobbled down every drop and licked me clean as I came back down to earth, panting like I'd ran a race and totally satisfied.

Bastion pulled me back down into the hot tub and started kissing me again and I tasted my spunk on his lips and as usual it was yummy. We kissed a while longer while I recovered then it was my turn to make Bastion feel good. Just to change things up I started by giving his dick a little hand action first. It felt hot and bigger than I remembered and I was looking forward to having it in my mouth. 

"Stand up baby," I said still holding on to his dick and he didn't waste a minute.

As soon as he was standing I leaned in and sniffed his junk. It smelled sort of like chlorine, but I could still smell his unique aroma and it made me so horny I couldn't think straight. I leaned closer and let my tongue touch the end of his cock and he acted like he's been electrocuted. Course I was too busy tasting him and feeling some sparks of my own and I wasn't going to stop till I tasted the treat he'd been cooking up in his nuts all week.

When I swallowed him he shivered and threw his head back and made a sound that gave me chills and made me smile. Ever see someone smile around a dick? What? Oh, yeah I guess that's a stupid question. Anyone who likes sucking is sure gonna smile and I was grinning like a mad scientist making a monster.

I was making slurping and grunting noises and I must have sounded like a hog at the trough, but Bastion was making some  noises of his own. Noises I'd never heard before, but they were turning me on like crazy. I was slobbering on his cock as I fonded his boys trying to coax his load out and into my waiting mouth and tummy.  He began thrusting after a few minutes and I let him have his way with me. He grabbed my head and face fucked me while I tried to keep up, taking a breath every chance I got but not caring if I passed out or not.

Soon he was breathing  harder and with one last thrust he began to unload in my hungry mouth. I gobbled his tasty cum down greedily and licked him clean and we sat back down in the hot tub and recovered as we kissed and made out some more.

Eventually we grabbed our towels and climbed out and hurried inside to take a hot shower to wash off the chlorine and warm up. When we were done we got dressed and went in to wait for Bastion's parents. Maria was fixing something that smelled yummy and Bastion wandered over and lifted the lid on a pot and inhaled deeply.

"Mmmmm....beef stew. Oh Cody you're in for a real treat."

My stomach was growling already. If Maria made it I knew it was going to be good. About six thirty Bastion's folks arrived and spent a few minutes talking with us before going off to get ready for their dinner or whatever. I could always tell Bastion was a little sad when his folks did that, but I wasn't going to let him be sad for long if I could help it.

His folks left about an hour later and we had some of Maria's stew and home made cinnamon rolls that were the best  I had ever eaten. I never ceased to be amazed at how good a cook Maria was and I never failed to tell her how good her food was.

We left Maria to clean up and went to Bastion's room to play some video games while our food settled. As we sat there side by side battling zombies I brought up the subject of Danny and Tony again.

"Do you think they've been sneaking around and having sex when Danny visits him?" 

"You do the math. You know how horny Danny is and how sweet that little ass of his is. If you were Tony could you resist it once you'd had a go at it?"

Bastion cuffed me gently, "You make it sound so crude, but I guess I understand what you mean."

"The question is...what is going to happen in the long run?. Will he dump Trey for Tony or break it off with Tony and forget him?"

"It's a shame he can't have both," Bastion said wistfully, "In a perfect world the three of them could just...well, you know."

"Could you ever see us doing something like that...I mean  having another boy in the mix?"

"Well, if we both loved him and he loved and respected us. In a way we sort of have that with Danny."

"I guess that's true, but that's sort of different."

"I suppose. Is that something you've thought about or wanted?"

"Naw, not really...just wondered what you'd say. Heck we barely got time for each other lately, don't need a third to complicate things."

"Well feel free to fill your free time as needed. You know I love and trust Danny, and Trey for the matter and Tony's certainly not out of the question either."

"I'd rather have you," I said giving him doe eyes.

He smiled, "And I'd rather have you. I'm just giving you the green light in case you need more."

"Well, thanks...I guess," I said nuzzling his neck, "Speaking of needing you....."

"Oh, what did you have in mind?"

"Nothing in particular, but we could see what happens if we got naked."

"I have a pretty good idea, but I'm willing to chance it," Bastion teased.

We undressed each other and crawled into bed and I rolled on top of lover boy and started snogging him big time. His lips were always so soft and wet and his breath was always fresh. I could feel our hard cock pressing together and they were wet and sticky already.

"Mmmmmm," I said biting Bastion's bottom lip and stretching it out then letting it go, "you kiss like you mean it lover boy. Where'd you learn that?"

"From you silly, until I met you my lips had never touched another boy's"

"Hmmmm, interesting. So we learned together. You know kissing you is better than sex with someone else."

"I think so too, but sex while kissing is even better."

"I like how you think. Raise those legs baby and let me make love to you."

With Bastion on his back I pushed his legs up high and started kissing him as I slowly worked my cock into his tight hot hole. He moaned into my mouth as I bottomed out and I began to slowly move in and out of him. As many times as we'd made love I was still amazed at the feeling each and every time. His insides were hot and tight and they gripped me like they were made just for my cock. I  growled my approval into his mouth as we continued to kiss and make love and very soon I was nearing release. I didn't want to come yet so I stopped moving and laid down on him as we continued to kiss. His cock was hot and hard against my stomach and so wet I wondered if he's already blown his load.

After I rested a minute I started back up and this time I let it go all the way. Throwing my head back I began to unload and Bastion was right there with me as his cock squirted onto my belly and the jizz fell back down onto his. My head was spinning and my arms and legs were shaking as I filled my lover with my hot sticky boy juice. I finally fell down on him again and we kissed for a little while as we both cooled down.

When my dick got  soft and slipped from Bastion's slick hole I rolled onto my back and pulled him on top of me never breaking our lip lock. I chewed on his lip for a minute then still kissing him I said, ""

Bastion giggled, "I love you too and I wish this would never end."

"Well, it won't...not tonight. As soon as I recover we'll see where else we can do the nasty."

"You're so nasty...and I love it."

We drank some juice to keep our fluids and energy up and crept out to make sure Maria was gone. She had left a note on the fridge that said.

Dear Boys,

I have gone to my apartment. Have fun and if you need me (not likely) call me. 

Love, Maria

"Well, guess we're on our own," Bastion said raising an eyebrow.

"Hmmm...that dining room table looks pretty comfy....."

So bent over a huge wooden dinette I lost my virginity for the hundredth time to my lover He was especially verbal as he pounded my little butt and when he come I swear he howled like a wolf. I was doing some howling of my own and when he was done it was my turn.

I waited till Bastion pulled out then I took him by the  hand and led him to the small (well small for this place) living room at the front of the house. There's a lounge chair there that is awesomely comfortable and I had been thinking about how cool it would be to do the deed there ever since I'd first seen it. I laid down first then pulled Bastion over me and he got the idea pretty quick.

Straddling my body he lowered himself onto my boner and I grabbed him by the waist and helped him ride my dong. Even after coming earlier I was still plenty horny, partly because of the risk and partly because I was making up for lost time. I lasted about fifteen minutes this time and fortunately I didn't have much to squirt otherwise we might've had to clean up that thousand dollar chaise lounge.

It was nearing ten o'clock by the time we went back to Bastion's quarters and we were both a little tired, but not ready for bed yet. We decided to cuddle and watch a movie on the couch in his living room and by then we were hungry again so we had nachos and sodas.

Not far away, back at Cody's house, Danny and Trey were doing some making out themselves. They'd watched a movie and snuggled on the couch after Danny's folks had gone to bed and now they were getting a bit more serious. Unlike Cody and Bastion they preferred quality to quantity and so far neither  had orgasmed. That would wait till later when they they were in bed.

"What do you think Bastion and Cody are doing?" Trey asked grinning.

Danny rolled his eyes comically, "If I know them like I think I do, they've probably done it like six times by now."

"Yeah, probably," Trey laughed, "and we haven't even done it once."

"I'm ready if you are," Danny said sounding less than excited.

"I can wait," Trey said shrugging, "You seem kind of...I don't know down tonight. Is everything okay?"

"Sure why wouldn't it be?"

Trey shrugged, "Dunno, Cody said you were having some trouble at school."

"Oh, that...well, I think that's been taken care of. Someone must've told a teacher cause I haven't had any problems lately."

"Well...if you have any more trouble let me know. I bet I can take care of it."

"That's why I didn't mention it to you Trey. I don't want you fighting my battles for me."

"Why not?" Trey asked sounding hurt, "You'd do it for me...wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, I guess. Let's just forget it. It's not a big deal any more."

"Okay, you wanna go to your room now?"

"Sure, gotta go pee and brush my teeth first though."

"Yeah, me too."

Danny latched the door behind them as they exited the bathroom and then the one leading out into the hall before starting to remove his clothes. Trey followed his lead and soon they were down to their underwear. Trey waited to see if Danny was going to strip those off too, but instead he climbed into bed and Trey shrugged and left his own too.

Danny reached over and turned off the bedside light then pulled the covers up around them. Trey felt odd, out of place, and for the first time since he and Danny had been together, nervous and unsure of himself. He reached for Danny instinctively and Danny snuggled into him, but there was something different about it this time. Danny seemed cold and stiff and almost uncomfortable, Trey decided, and something was definitely wrong. The question was, how could he get him to open up and tell him what the problem was?

"I love you," Trey whispered softly, "and if I did something......uh, wrong...I'm sorry."

Danny turned his face to Trey and frowned, "Why do you think you did something wrong?"

"I dunno, you just seem mad or something."

"I'm sorry, it's not about you. I just got some stuff on my mind, that's all," he said loosening up a little and giving Trey a peck on the cheek. He knew he was being unfair to Trey and  he really did love him. Only problem was he was pretty sure he loved Tony too.

Snuggling in close Danny let his hand travel down Trey's chest causing his nipples to harden as he sucked in a deep breath. When Danny's hand moved even lower, Trey felt a stirring in his underwear and soon he was hard as a rock. 

Offering his lips he was relieved when Danny kissed him deeply and passionately as he began to fondle his package through the soft fabric of his underwear.

"Ummmm," Trey murmured.

"Let's lose these," Danny growled as he tugged at Trey's briefs.

Once Trey's underwear were off Danny moved lower and began to work on his cock with determination. When Trey felt Danny's soft wet mouth surround his cock he sighed softly and closed his eyes. Whatever was wrong with Danny hadn't affected his sexual desires, Trey reasoned, so it must not be too important. 

Danny hadn't forgotten his worries however and even as he was sexing with Trey he was thinking about Tony. He knew it was wrong and he tried to push thoughts of the sexy black boy out of his head, but it was no use. Fortunately he was turned on enough by Trey and by his thoughts to do a proper job otherwise Trey might have figured out something was very wrong.

He brought Trey to an intense satisfying orgasm and as they rested and kissed all snuggled up against one another he felt a little better about things. He loved Trey, there was no denying that, but he was sure he loved Tony too and it was just so confusing. Sometimes he thought there was something wrong with him, that he was a bad person or sick inside and that made him sad. Sometimes  he wished he had never met Tony or at least never had sex with him, because that was when all this trouble started. 

He laughed in his head about what Cody had said..once you go black you never go back..or whatever it was he had said. He didn't think that had anything to do with it though. He didn't really think about people in terms of color. His parents had taught them about diversity and being different himself had made it easier to accept others for who they were.  No, it wasn't because Tony was black or that he was well hung, it was...something else.

When he analyzed his feeling carefully he thought a little of might be because he felt sorry for Tony. Losing his mom and his leg in that accident had to be awful and if he could make Tony feel better that was a good thing. But Cody and Bastion did that too and they didn't risk what they had to do it. If only he could tell Trey how he felt, maybe they could work it out. Maybe if it was all out in the open it wouldn't seem so intense. Maybe it was just a passing thing and he'd get over it.

As all these thoughts swirled around in Danny's head Trey became aware of his mood and watched him closely. Something was bothering him and he intended to find out what even if it ruined the rest of his visit.

"Uh..I was wondering. Is something wrong Danny?"

"What..oh, no nothin...just thinking that's all."

"About what, you seem...sad or something. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong," Danny said almost growing, irritated at Trey's insistence.

"Well something is wrong. I know you too well. Is it about Cody and Bastion. Are they having problems?"

"No," Danny chuckled, "They're like the perfect couple. Nothing bothers them."

"Yeah, I guess I see that, but something is bothering you...what is it?"

"Okay, damn it if you just have to know," Danny blurted out angrily, "I'm in love with another boy."

The words fell like boulders onto Trey and his mouth fell into a sad frown. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would escape from his chest and he could hardly breathe. Of all the possible things that could be wrong this was the last thing he had expected.

As soon as the words left Danny's mouth he regretted them,  especially when he saw the look of devastation on Trey's face. Quickly he tried to undo some of the damage.

"I mean...I think I like someone else too. I still love," he said squirming a little as Trey pulled back from him.

"How could you do this to me?" Trey said sliding off the bed and standing with his fists balled up in anger, "I thought you loved me as much as I love you. What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, you didn't do anything. You're wonderful, the best boyfriend any boy could ever have," Danny said panicky. What if Trey decided to commit suicide again? It would be all his fault.

"Huh...then why are you looking for someone else?"

"I...wasn' just happened. I'm sorry but I promise I'll never see  him again. I love you and I want to be with you," and as the words left his mouth Danny realized they were true and that nothing was worth losing Trey over.

"How could I trust you ever again?" Trey said starting to get dressed.

"What..what are you doing?" Danny asked nervously. How would he explain this to his parents?

"I'm going to sleep on the couch. In the morning I'm going home, but I don't wanna wake anyone up tonight."

"Trey..please..don't do this," he begged, "let's talk it over. I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen and I didn't want to hurt  you...I love you."

Trey made a hurt sobbing noise then started for the door, "No one ever means to hurt just happens." and then he was gone leaving Danny to stare at the open door and try to figure out what to do next. 

One thing was certain, he wasn't going to leave Trey alone even if he had to sleep next to the couch on the floor. He wasn't going to risk Trey trying to hurt  himself, he loved him too much to lose him now that he knew his true feelings.

He dressed quickly stopping only long enough to pee then went looking for Trey. He wasn't in the living room or the family room and suddenly he noticed the back patio door was slightly open. Swallowing hard he opened it just wide enough to slip through it and out into the darkness.

His eyes adjusted quickly but even so he almost tripped over Trey who was sitting on the edge of the patio with his head in  his hands crying softly. He was so wrapped up in his own sorrow that he wasn't aware of Danny's presence until he sat down beside him and slipped an arm around him.

Danny was crying too, but Trey was too caught up in  his own misery to care. He considered pulling away but Danny's arm felt warm and soft and comforting and more than anything he needed to be comforted right then. He figured it was his own fault that Danny had found someone else. His self esteem had been suffering even before his experience with Miguel and his suicide attempt had been a long time coming. He wasn't sure what would happen, but he was sure it was all his fault and he didn't care if he lived or died now.

"Trey," Danny said softly, "I love you so much and it hurts me to see you hurt. I know what happened wasn't my fault exactly, but it sure wasn't yours. It just happened. I shouldn't have let it go on, but I couldn't stop myself. If anyone is bad, it's me."

" could never be bad," Trey said wiping tears from his eyes, "I'm not good enough for  you, that's why you found someone else."

" are good for me....better than anyone could ever be. I just got wrapped up in...well..things and let it go too far."

"Who..who was it?"

"Are you sure you want to know? I don't want you to hate him or be mean to him. He doesn't even know I feel this way."

"It's Tony isn't it?"

Danny wasn't sure how Trey knew but he wasn't going to lie any more. Shaking his head he sighed, "At first I thought I was just feeling sorry for know, since he lost his leg and his mom..."

"But you kept seeing him...didn't you...after that night at Bastion's?"

Danny wasn't sure how he knew about that, at least about the sex, maybe he just knew him better than he thought.

"A few times at his place. Mom would take me to visit him and we' his room."

Trey sighed deeply, "Do you want him more than me?"

"No...I swear," Danny said taking Trey's hand in  his. He didn't pull away which Danny took as a good sign, "Now that I think about it...I know it was just...a passing thing."

"Sex, that's what it was...right? Just sex?"

"I think that was all, maybe a little more, but mostly sex."

"Do you still want to have sex with him?"

"No...not if it hurts you."

"I have to think about this...okay?"

"Okay, but please come back to bed. I promise I won't bother you. I just want you near me..okay?"

"I guess...don't want  your folks finding me out of your room, they might wonder what's up."

"Yeah, come on," Danny said standing and offering a hand.

Trey hesitated only a moment before taking Danny's  hand and letting him pull him up. He felt a little better about things, but his heart was still broken and he wasn't sure if things would ever be the same. He allowed himself to be led to the bedroom then broke away long enough to use the bathroom and wash his tear stained face. 

Danny stripped down to his undies but didn't dare go any further, however Trey kept all of his clothes on this time. That hurt Danny a little, but he supposed he deserved to be hurt after what he had done to Trey. He didn't know exactly how he'd fix things, but he was determined to try his hardest. He had to make sure Trey understood that he wanted them to be together and keep him from doing anything stupid in the meantime.

As they fell into bed Danny was painfully aware that Trey was keeping his distance. Never had he felt so lost or lonely as he did that night with Trey a foot or more away from him. A foot that might as well have been a mile as far as he was concerned. That foot said more than words ever could ever say and Danny found tears welling up in his eyes once more.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head."

"Ummm...what time is it?"

"Nine, and I'm starved."

"I'll call Maria," Bastion said sitting up and rubbing sleep from  his eyes.

"No need, she's already out there working her magic. I told her I'd come and get you."

"Okay, but I need to pee rather badly."

"Well, hurry," I said swatting his cute rear as he rolled out of bed, "before I drag you back to bed and feed you a liquid breakfast."

"Ummmm...both sound nice. Perhaps I can have the liquid one later."

"For sure lover boy." 

Maria served us scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns and fresh baked biscuits that were so good I ate three. That woman sure could cook and it was a wonder that me and Bastion weren't fat. But fortunately we burned off a lot of calories in bed. 

Speaking of bed, after breakfast and after we thanked Maria we went back to Bastion's quarters and fed each other that liquid breakfast I'd teased Bastion with earlier. Afterwards we showered and got dressed and went for a bike ride. 

It was cool out, but not cold and dressed in sweats with our hoodies pulled up we rode over to my house to see if Trey and Danny wanted to join us. As we rode up I saw Danny sitting on the front porch looking like a lost puppy and I got panicky. That look could mean only one thing, he'd  told Trey about Tony.

I skidded to a stop just a few feet from  him and put the kickstand down and went over and sat down beside him. At first Bastion just stood there unsure what to do, but I motioned him over and he sat down on the other side of Danny.

We just sat there for a little while, then Danny sighed loudly. "He knows Cody. He kept asking me what was wrong and I finally told him and he didn't take it very well...." he said stating the obvious.

"Ouch, where is he?" 

"He went home. He called his mom and told her he didn't feel well and she picked him up  a few minutes ago."

"Were mom and dad suspicious?"

"Dad's at work, but mom gave us both that look. You know, the one that goes right straight to your soul."

"Ummm...we might have to tell her what's up..or at least part of it. She's pretty smart when it comes to reading us."

"So, what exactly did you tell him?"

Danny rattled off their conversation as best as he could remember and when he got to the part about Trey sleeping in his clothes and staying on his side of the bed I knew things were messed up big time.

"Cody, I'm so afraid he will try to do something stupid...hurt himself or worse."

"I don't think he'll do that, but it might be a good idea for me and Bastion to check on him."

"Would you?"

"I think that's an excellent idea," Bastion said finally speaking up, "If I could arrange it would you be willing to come spend the night at my house tonight...if we could talk Trey into staying as well?"

"I don't think he'll want me there, but sure....I'd be willing."

"We'll see what we can do."

As we rode off I looked over at Bastion and smiled, "There goes our quiet evening together."

"Our evenings are never quiet," he chuckled, "but if we can help these too, it will be worth giving up a little of our time."

"I'm joking, of course we need to help them. Poor Trey, I feel so sorry for him, but I feel sorry for Danny too. He didn't intend for this to happen. He's lovable he's in constant danger."

Bastion laughed, "I guess that could be a curse, but I think I'd risk it."

"Lover boy you are already lovable, don't sweat it."

"I don't know, until you I don't think anyone ever loved me that way."

"I'm sort of glad I don't  have any competition. I'm afraid I might not be good enough to compete."

"Are you serious? No one could even come close. You're cute and sexy and you make me laugh. You've taught me things I never knew and encouraged me to try things I'd never had tired without you. No, no one could ever replace you."

"Not even some cute boy model?"

"Oh Heaven's no, most of the boys at the agency are so shallow and so full of themselves. I feel so out of place when I'm around them, but when I'm actually working I feel like I have found my niche."

"I bet the people you work with love you. I mean you're not all like...oh, I need a jar of only red M&M's or my own private dressing room," I chuckled.

"Well, I doubt any of them are that bad, but I do think they appreciate my no nonsense approach. I think that's one reason we get the work done so quickly. I do my job and don't play around."

We were at Trey's by then and we put our conversation on hold. I led the way up to Trey's front door and when I knocked we were surprised to see Trey answer it.

"Oh, hi guys,'" he said looking a little embarrassed.

"Hi, can we come in?"

"Sure, mom ran to the store to get stuff for dinner. Come on in," he said opening the door wide.

He led us to his room and Bastion and I sat down on his bed and he pulled the chair out from under his desk and sat down a few feet away.

"Soooo....what's up guys?"

"We stopped by my house to see if you guys wanted to go for a bike ride with us and Danny said you were feeling kind of sick. Just wanted to make sure you were okay," I said hoping he'd open up to me.

"Yeah, but I feel better now."

"Anything happen last night to make you feel...umm sick?"

Trey laughed sadly, "You know what's up. I know you know, cause Danny tells you everything."

I grinned, "Well, that's true, but I didn't want to get up in your biness," I said in a silly voice.

He smiled, which is what I had planned, then sighed.

"He hurt me a lot, but I guess I sort of see why he'd want to find someone else..."

"Whoa, he didn't go looking. It just happened. And he loves you...a lot. Why do you think this has been bothering him so much?"

"I guess, but I don't deserve him. He's too good for me."

"Are you crazy? You're just what he needs. Someone to love him and watch over him and keep him out of trouble. You two are great together."

"We used to'm not sure."

"He wants to make this right. Will you give him a chance?" Bastion said speaking up at last.

"I...still love him if that's what you mean."

"Good, then how about if you and Danny come over to my house tonight and we'll work on this together?"

"I...I don't know if my mom will let me...she thinks I'm sick...."

"Do you trust her enough to tell her you and Danny had a fight or something and that's why you came home early. She probably already figured it out if she's like my mom," I offered.

"I guess I could, but I'm not sure I want her to know too much."

"So tell her only as much as  you need to. It's worth a try, don't  you think?"

He shrugged, "I guess. She'll be back in a little while. Why don't you guys go on and I'll call you if she says I can."

"Okay, but do your best. This is important."

As we rode away I had a good feeling about things and just as we pulled up in front of Bastion's my phone rang. It was Trey and he said his mom was bringing him in about an hour. I hung up and called Danny and he put mom on the phone.

I didn't want to tell her too much so I just said that we'd decided we needed two more to play video games and she laughed. As expected she didn't have any problem with Danny coming over and I would almost have bet that as soon as we hung up she was on the phone to dad telling him they had the night to themselves. No doubt they'd be eating out or going to a movie and playing the quiet game tonight.

Danny arrived first riding his bike and a few minutes later Trey's mom pulled up. We waved at her but she didn't get out and that suited us just fine. I mean you can only keep so much from adults before they start to figure out something fishy is going on.

Danny and Trey said hey to each other but it was obvious they would need some help getting past the pain they both felt and me and Bastion were going to do our best to help them. We parked our bikes in the garage and Bastion led us inside. 

Maria was in the kitchen and when she saw the four of us she raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Hello boys, do I need to plan for two more for dinner?"

"Yes please," Bastion said giving her a quick hug, "Trey and Danny will be spending the night. I've already cleared it with mother and father. They're going out again as usual." For once he didn't seem sad about that fact. I didn't know if it was because he was getting used to it or because he didn't want them around this particular night.

"I will fix something very special for you tonight. It should be ready around six. Is that all right?"

"Perfect, thanks Maria. You're the best."

"Oh, you know I am happiest when my boys are around," she said hugging each of us in turn, "It is so nice to have all of you here."

We went off to Bastion's quarters then and Bastion and I left Danny and Trey alone while we went into his bedroom to talk.

"Boy, talk about awkward," I said making a face, "they barely looked at each other the whole time they've been here."

"Yes, this isn't going to be as easy as I hoped. Maybe if we suggest we swim and then use the hot tub, it will loosen them up some."

"Great idea, not to mention dressed in Speedos it will be hard not to look at each other," I giggled.

"Let's not push them toward sex yet. First we have to get past the hurt and the shame and all the other emotions. Lust should come last."

"He said cummm," I giggled, then Bastion hit me. Go figure.

We found Trey curled up on the couch hugged up to a couch cushion while Danny sat in the only chair in the room biting his nails. I hadn't seen him do that in a very long time, not since he was a little kid, back when I used to torment him. But this time it wasn't me that was tormenting him, it was his conscience.

"Hey what say we go swim for a while then use the hot tub?" I said rubbing my hands together. The pool is nice and warm and the hot tub's even better."

"Okay, sure," Danny said sounding eager.

"Okay, that sound fun," Trey said half-heartedly.

"Okay, then come on guys and pick out a pair of Speedos," Bastion said looking relieved that it had been so easy to convince them to go along with his plan.

I half way expected Trey and Danny to want to change in the bathroom but once they had their Speedos picked out (Danny bright yellow and Trey black) they dropped their pants right there in Bastion's huge closet and slipped them on. 

I couldn't help  but stare at both of them as the stretchy fabric moved up their legs and they stowed their junk in the skimpy suits. Both of them were super sexy looking in their Speedos and I felt little Cody twitch a little. Sex might be the last thing we'd try, but as far as I was concerned it might be the best way to bring them back together.

The air was crisp, but there was little wind and once we were in the warm water of the pool it felt awesome. Bastion and I swam a couple of laps to loosen up a little and I noticed Trey and Danny floating close together and they seemed to be talking which was a good sign. Then I saw Danny say something and Trey shake his head then Trey swam off leaving Danny bobbing in his wake.

Trey swam up beside me and asked if I wanted to race and I asked Bastion to be the judge and we swam to the far end and Bastion counted to three and we pushed off and swam the length of the pool then back. It was close but Trey won by a foot or so and he seemed happy with his little victory.

Danny had swam down to join us and he was holding on to the side of the pool and watching us closely.

"Hey how about if all four of us race?" I suggested.

Danny shrugged but took his place beside me then Bastion on the other side of him and we got ready for the race. I counted down to three then  yelled go and we swam off as fast as we could. I knew Bastion would take first place, he was the strongest swimmer I'd ever seen, but Danny gave him a run for his money. It was as if Danny was trying to prove something as he swam off, arms flying and legs kicking leaving me and Trey in his wake. 

Bastion came in first as expected, then Danny, then me, then Trey who seemed to be less interested in racing this time. We were winded for a minute as we floated in a huddle hanging on to the side of the pool and I noticed Trey and Danny seemed to be avoiding eye contact. We still had a long way to go if we were going to make things right again.

"Anyone else ready for the hot tub?" Bastion asked reading my mind.

"Me! Me!," I said jumping up and grabbing Bastion and dunking him. 

He came up sputtering and started up the ladder and we all followed him, Trey and Danny looking like they were less than interested. Bastion and I sat down side by side on one side forcing them to take the other side and be as close as we were. The water felt nice and Bastion turned up the jets and pretty soon I could see the relaxed look on everyone's face. 

"Feeling better guys."

Trey shrugged, but Danny gave me a grunted yeah. 

"If this hot tub could only talk," I sighed, "What a story it would tell."

"Ewww," Danny said actually smiling, "Are we bathing in your jizz?"

"Naw, we never waste any of it....oh, there might be a drop or two, but the rest gets swallowed or absorbed where the sun don't shine," I laughed.

Despite being angry and upset I could see a little grin on Trey's face and I wondered if there was a little bulge down under the water to go with it.

I reached over and pulled Bastion up and into my lap and we began kissing trying to set a good example for the feuding lovers. I could feel my dick getting hard beneath Bastion's warm firm bottom and for a minute I wished we were alone so I could drill for oil...he he.

I saw Danny give Trey a hungry look for a minute then he turned away and looked sad. Damn, how could I help them get over this? Fortunately Bastion knew just what to do.

Pulling away from my lip lock Bastion turned to the two and gave them a little smile, "Look guys I know things seem bad right now, but you've been through a lot together and I think you can get through this too. I won't pretend to know everything about what went on with Tony, but I do know that sometimes things happen...we get tempted and sometimes we're weak and give in. Fortunately with Cody and I, we have a sort of open relationship and an agreement that keeps things safe for us. If one of us is tempted all we have to do is tell the other and we work it out. It's saved us several times. Usually we wind up sharing the temptation," he said pausing to laugh softly, "I guess we have similar tastes in boys."

"Yeah, but that's just sex," Trey said sounding angry, "Not love. If Danny had just fucked Tony I wouldn't have cared so much."

"I still love you....."

"I know, you said that already, but do you love Tony too? That's the real question here...isn't it?'

Well at least we had them talking. That was something anyway.

"I...don't know, but even if I doesn't mean I don't love you too. I love you in a different way."

"Yeah, what way is that? I'm there for you when you can't go see Tony? I'm convenient, is that it?"

"No, it's  not like that...." Danny whined, "God, why can't you believe me when I say I love you?"

"I don't know," Trey said looking down at the bubbling water, "I guess I feel like you cheated on me and I'm not as open to that as I thought I was."

"So...what are you you want to end it?" Danny asked sounding frightened.

"I don't know what I'm saying," Trey sighed.

"Do you still love me?" Danny asked breathing harder now and leaning in toward Trey.

"I will always love you," Trey said softly looking into Danny's eyes which were now filled with tears.

"And I will always love you."

I was a little teary eyes myself and I was suddenly aware that Bastion had taken my hand and was squeezing it encouragingly.

"What about Tony?"

Danny sighed, "Do you want me to stop seeing him? If you do...I will."

Trey looked at me and I shrugged, this one was on him. "No, I don't want that. I like Tony too and I feel sorry for him. If you just suddenly stop seeing him he might not understand."

"Then what if we both went to visit him from now on?"

"I don't know. It might be hard for me....."

"He doesn't have to know that you know...about what happened."

"I'll have to think about it."

"Okay. So do you forgive  me?" Danny asked looking worried.

"It may take me a while to get over it, but I do forgive you. I don't think you meant to hurt me."

"I didn't , why do you think I kept it to myself? I might never have told you if you hadn't kept asking what was wrong."

"Don't blame me," Trey scolded.

"I'm not. I'm sorry. None of this is your fault. I don't know who's fault it is really. It just happened."

"Sooo...what now?" Trey asked sighing.

"I have a suggestion," I said raising my hand just like in school.

"What?" both of them said at once.

"It may not solve everything, but I think it will help soothe some of your wounds."

"I'm listening," Trey said looking over at me with interest.

"Let's pretend nothing happened, just for this one night. Can you both do that?"

Danny nodded, but Trey had to think about it a minute. After all he was the one who felt like he'd been wronged. But eventually he nodded then looking at Danny he said, "If you can, I can...just for tonight, but I will still have to think about things tomorrow."

Danny managed a weak smile then reached over and took Trey's hand, "Thanks. I promise you I will do anything you ask to make up for this."

"Anything?" Trey asked chuckling. It was good to hear him laughing and I hoped before the night was over there would be a lot more laughter..from both of them.

"Okay, great. So tonight is just like old times," I said simply, "And I for one am ready to have some fun. How about you guys?"

Unfortunately we had to break for dinner but it was worth it. Maria had prepared a feast, there was BBQ chicken, potato salad, onion rings, Texas toast, and for dessert apple/peach cobbler with ice cream. I felt like a pig, but I was hungry even if Danny and Trey didn't seem to have much appetite. They did seem to enjoy the dessert though and that was something. They were going to need some energy if things went like I hoped.

Despite Maria's protests we helped her clean up and she thanked each of us like a hundred times but we sort of had an ulterior motive...we wanted the house to ourselves and the sooner her work was done, the sooner she could split. I think she figured it out because she was laughing as she said she guessed her work was done and she told us goodnight and she was gone. His folks had stopped by on their way out earlier and said their goodbyes so now the house was ours.

"How about we hit the pool again guys?" I suggested.

"Not right now," Trey said frowning, "Maybe later...unless all of you guys want to."

"We can wait a while if you like," Bastion said patting his as usual flat tummy, "after our food settles."

"Yeah, let's stay inside for now," Danny said sounding bored already.

"Okay, well...since no one likes my idea, who else has an idea about what to do next?"

"How about a board game," Bastion suggested. Man that boy is brilliant, nothing brings people together like a blood thirsty game of Sorry.

But we started with Clue and Trey and Danny actually seemed to be having a good time. They were talking and joking just like usual and I was proud of them for keeping their word about forgetting their problems for the night.

Okay, okay, you're probably thinking. Man this is boring, they're playing board games and not having sex, but we had to start slow. There were feelings to soothe over first and so far the games seemed to be doing a good job of it. 

Next I decided it was time to set the mood so I moved a little closer to Bastion and we started necking. Trey kept watching us and smiling and eventually Danny seemed to pick up on what we were doing and he gave me a little smile. I winked at him when Trey wasn't looking and he covered his mouth to stifle a laugh.

"You guys don't mind if we make out a little do you?" I teased.

"Naw.....that's fine," Trey said looking at me then at Danny, "I know how much you guys love each other. I think it's cool."

"Yeah, and it's not like we haven't seen it before," Danny chuckled.

"You might see a whole lot more than that before the night is over....he he."

Danny won the game right after then I decided we needed to move things along. "I have an idea. Why don't we play a different game now. You're gonna love's one I haven't played since I was a little kid. It's called...ta ta ta ta...spin the bottle."

Trey started to say something but suddenly this look came over his face and he kept quiet. Danny looked at Trey and when he didn't protest he just shrugged. And good old Bastion was right there to support me.

"The last time I played spin the bottle was in California and with two other boys and three girls. I think I was 8," he said grinning.

"Well, no girls tonight, but I could dress up like one if you'd like," I said in a delicate high voice as I moved my head in a lazy circle and gave them the old limp wrist.

"You're pretty enough," Bastion said grinning, "but I'm afraid your equipment would give it away."

"Okay, do you think you can find us a bottle to use Bastion?"

"I'm sure I can. I think I saw a half bottle of wine in the fridge."

"Oh?" I said perking up, "What shall we do with the wine? It would be a shame to waste it."

"Well...I shouldn't do this...but if everyone agrees we could split it between us. A little wine won't hurt us. In fact it actually aids digestion."

"Have you drank wine before?"

"Yes, on occasion my parents allow me a small glass. I prefer something sparkling,  but I like almost all of the wine my parents buy. They have a quite a collection. Some of it is quite expensive, but the one in the fridge is an inexpensive dinner wine, probably less than 20.00 a bottle."

"That's inexpensive?" Danny joked, "Grape juice is cheaper."

"Yeah, but can grape juice give you a buzz?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "Come on. I hope it's a big half bottle."

I don't know much about wine or what size bottles it usually comes in but by the time we split it into four glasses it was  about 8 oz a piece. Maybe that's not enough to do anything for an adult, but for four kids it was just enough to lower some inhibitions and soften some moods.

We carried our wine and the bottle back to Bastion's quarters and cleared a spot in the living room floor big enough for the four of us to sit in a circle. We sipped the wine and Bastion took a piece of paper and cut it into four equal pieces and wrote the numbers 1-4 on them then folded them and put them in a bowl and each of us drew one to see who went first.

I got 2, Trey 1, Bastion 3, and Danny came in last. We took another sip of wine and Trey took his spin. He really gave it the juice and it spun around like six times before it started to slow down and as he wobbled to a stop everyone's eyes were trained on it. It passed me then Bastion then Trey then Danny and finally stopped almost exactly on Bastion.

I think Danny was disappointed but I really couldn't read Trey. 

"And the winner is....Bastion," I said as soon as the bottle stopped, "Wet your lips and come out kissing," I giggled. I think the wine was starting to have a little bit of effect on me.

Leaning in toward the bottle they met half way and kissed for like ten seconds, but that was enough to cause me to get a little excited. I can definitely say I was not the least bit jealous and I hoped Danny wasn't either. After all I was doing this all for him and Trey. Now if only the stupid bottle would cooperate.

I spun next and the bottle stopped on Danny which was pretty cool, cause it gave me a chance to show Trey what a real kiss was. I wet my lips and leaned in and grabbed Danny and wrapped my arms around him and our lips met and we tongue wrestled and slobbered for a full minute or more. When we broke the kiss Trey's eyes were big as saucers and I thought I saw a little bulge in his pants.

"Nice one little bro," I said licking my lips, "Tasty."

Bastion was next and the bottle landed on me and we really gave them a show kissing for like five minutes and getting all handsy on each other and practically doing it right there on the floor.

"Get a room," Danny laughed.

"Room for four," I said coming up for air,  "The more the merrier."

And last but not least, it was Danny's turn. He gave it a good spin and I crossed my fingers behind my back and tried to will it to land on Trey, but no such luck, instead it landed on me. Well, that was the second best thing that could have happened and once again we showed Trey how it was done. 

It was back to Trey and I held my breath as the bottle spun wildly wobbling all over the place and finally jerking to a stop against Danny's foot. I breathed a sigh of relief, but then began to worry if they'd go through with it even though the rule said you had to kiss whoever the bottle landed on.

Then slowly Danny leaned in and Trey met him half way and they kissed. I held my breath again for the whole kiss and had to finally take a breath to keep from passing out. That meant they must've kissed over two minutes and that was a good sign. It was a sweet kiss at first, kind of shy and nervous, but as they continued to kiss I could see it change to a real kiss and it showed on their faces too.

I gave Bastion a thumbs up and he smiled and winked. It's hard to be mad at someone you're kissing. They finally broke it off and turned back to us blushing and looking shy all of a sudden. It was so cute.

"Well, that was nice," I said grinning, "but what say we up the odds a little. But first let's drink a toast and finish off our wine." I figured they might need a little buzz to go along with what I had in mind.

"To the four of us, brothers and family," Bastion said causing me to feel warm and snuggly inside.

We clinked our glasses and finished off our wine then everyone looked at me expectantly and I gave them a lewd smile before starting.

"Okay, here's my idea. Spin the bottle is for kids and we're not kids anymore. It's for getting over the shyness and breaking the ice, but we got no ice..right?"

"Just tell us what you want to do," Danny laughed, "don't talk us to death."

"I'm hurt, but I get the drift. You're horny and want to move on," I said winking, "Okay, here goes. This time who ever the bottle lands on has the option of a kiss or....putting their mouth on the other guy's cock one minute."

"I'm in," Bastion said raising a hand and grinning lewdly.

"If we said no, you'd just think up something I guess I'm in." Danny said sounding more excited than he let on.

"I'll go along with what everyone else wants," Trey offered.

"Okay, let's redraw to see who goes first. Everyone put your number back in the bowl. Bastion got number 1 this time, Danny 2, then Trey, then me.  Bastion spun the bottle and luckily landed on me, and of course he chose putting his mouth on my magnificent cock...he he. 

Trey and Danny watched closely and I saw them fidgeting at their crotch which was a good sign and Bastion did a good job..but a minute isn't quite long enough and when he pulled away I was wanting more. Danny spun next and the bottle landed on Bastion and surprisingly Danny chose the kiss. I just knew he'd go for the cock, but maybe he was waiting for Trey.

They kissed...blah, blah, blah....then it was Trey's turn and YES....he landed on Danny.

"Okay Trey, your choice, kiss his lips or suck on his boy candy," I teased.

Trey hesitated only a minute before looking Danny in the eyes and saying, "If it's okay with you, I'd like to kiss you again, only a real kiss this time."

Danny smiled and I knew Trey had made the right choice. He nodded and looked all shy and stuff and when Trey began kissing him it was sexier than a triple x video. I felt my cock raise up some and when I looked over at Bastion he was grinning like a mad man. I reached over and grabbed his hand and leaned in for a smooch and he didn't deny me.

"I'll owe you a spin," I said when we came up for air.

"Your credit is good with me," he said smiling and melting my heart.

When I looked back at Trey and Danny they were still kissing and their hands had begun to roam and were steadily headed south, if you know what I mean..he he.

"Well, I think our work is done," I whispered in Bastion's ear and he took my hand and led me to his bedroom leaving the two lovers alone to work things out.

Once the door closed behind us I grabbed Bastion and cupped his butt as I pulled him into me, "Think they'll be okay alone?"

"Yes, I think so. I think they just needed a little reminder of how good things really are between them."

"Well, I'm not done with them yet. When they get through getting re-acquainted I want to remind them of how good the four of us can be together."

"Do you think that's wise?"

"Yeah, I do. In fact I think it might do more to heal their wounds than anything."

"Well, I trust you judgment. So far you have been spot on."

"Some call me the space cowboy," I sang, "Some call me the gangsta of looovvve."

Bastion swatted at me but I intercepted the blow and pinned his arm to his side and kissed him, "Stop resisting. You know you want this as much as I do," I teased.

"Oh please sir, don't hurt me. I'll do anything," he said hamming it up good.

"That's pretty poor acting mister, better work on that."

"Well, one thing is for sure," he said pulling me down and kissing me, "This isn't acting."

"That all you got?" I teased.

"How about this?" he said sliding down my body and putting his mouth on my junk through my undies.

"Not bad, but I think you can do better," I said patting his head, "Let me get rid of these undies."

Bastion helped me rid myself of my pesky undies and just to be fair I returned the favor and we fell into a 69 position and started admiring each other's junk. I loved how he smelled, his cock, his balls, and yeah...his ass and I was pretty horned up as I began sucking on him and fingering his sweet ass. He sighed around my cock and even that felt amazing. 

I wondered how things were going in the living room, but I was a little distracted at the moment and I guessed I'd have to wait for a while to find out. We took our time and spent a good fifteen or twenty minutes working on each other before we finally filled each other's tummy with a tasty load of boy juice. I won't say we exactly came at the same time, but it was close and sooooo good. 

We were a little tired after all that work and we just laid there with our heads on each other's leg staring at each other's junk and resting. So when there was a knock at the door we were a little surprised. Of course it was  Danny and Trey and they were naked now.

"Hey, you guys," Danny said sheepishly, "are we too late?"

I sighed, "You missed round one, but I'm recovering quickly, how about you lover?" I said poking Bastion playfully.

"I think maybe after a snack and something to drink I'll be fine."

"Ummm...I'm too tired to move, how about you get the refreshments Danny?"

"Okay, come on Trey, you can help," he said happily taking Trey's hand and leading him off to the kitchenette.

As soon as they were gone we sat up and I turned to Bastion and grinned, "See, even they think they need us for the sex part."

"I must say I'm a little surprised. I thought they would want to be alone for a while longer."

"They got the first nut out of the way, now they're ready to howl," I joked.

Bastion cuffed me gently, "You make it sound so romantic," he said sarcastically.

I shrugged, "Just sayin....."

The boys returned then with sodas, chips and  cookies and we forgot about sex as we sat cross legged in a circle on Bastion's bed and had our snack. We chatted but we kept it light, video games, school, andthe upcoming baseball season.

When our tummies were full again and our batteries were recharged it was Danny who started things rolling. He tugged at my big toe and gave me a look and I pretended not to notice at first. When he couldn't get a rise out of me that way he pulled my foot to his mouth and bit my big toe.

"Ow, didn't you get enough to eat?" I said jerking my foot back.

"Uh uh, what else you got to eat?"

"Well, I got this big ole sausage here," I said waving my junk at him.

"Any nuts to go with it?"

"Deeez nuts?" I said hefting my boys up for all to see.

"Okay, hey, I gotta idea. I saw this on the internet. There were four guys and they sort of formed a ring and sucked each other's junk at the same time, wanna try that guys?"

So here's how it worked out Danny sucked on my junk and I sucked on Trey's and Trey sucked on Bastion's and Bastion sucked on Danny's. I was amazed at how well it worked out and it was pretty exciting having all that sex going on at once, but I'd already come in Bastion's mouth and I was really hoping my second nut would be up someone's poop chute.

"Mmmm...this is all well and good, but would anyone like to play hide the salami in their behind?"

"I would, I would," Danny said enthusiastically, "but only if Bastion and Trey play it too."

"Wanna?" Trey asked almost shyly and Bastion nodded grinning wildly and giving me a wink.

Bastion's bed was big enough for the four of us and Danny and Bastion laid down side by side and I straddled Danny and started kissing him. I saw Trey move on top of Bastion but he seemed shy when it came to the kissing part. He did suck on Bastion's nipples before he moved on down to get him ready but by then I was too busy with Danny to pay much attention for a while.

I loved Danny's feet and  he knew it and he was egging me on pushing his little foot at me so I finally slid down and gave them a good working over with my tongue and mouth. I loved the taste and smell of his feet and even though they'd grown some since the first time I'd noticed them,  they were still one of my favorite parts of my little brother. 

Trey wasn't into feet like I was, but he sure did like Bastion's huge cock and was going to town on it when I finally looked up. From the look on Bastion's face it was pretty obvious he was liking it too. 

When I finished with Danny's feet I moved up and began licking his nuts and worked a wet finger into his boy hole. He squirmed around trying to push me deeper and give me better access and pretty soon he was raising his legs up and begging me to put it in him.

Well, how could I deny him what he wanted? So...I spit on my dick and lined it up and sunk in. I looked over at Trey and Bastion just as Trey slipped into my lover and hissed in ecstacy. I knew what he was feeling, Bastion had one hot and tight ass but I was pretty happy right then myself as I sunk into my little bro's butt.

I guess some guys might have been jealous, but the four of us were closer than most kids or adults for that matter. We weren't taking anything that wasn't given and there was so much love in that bed that night that if we could have bottled it, it would have been enough to stop all wars and end all hate forever.

I fell into a slow easy rhythm, taking my time and making sure he was enjoying it as much as I was. The look of pure bliss on his sweet face said it all and as I leaned down to kiss him he pulled me down and stuck his tongue in my mouth and groaned.

His cock was rock hard between us but neither of us was touching it. If things went right we wouldn't need to. If I could keep my angle just right and work his boy nut over long enough he'd get  his nut without ever touching his cock. It didn't happen every time with Bastion or with Danny but it happened enough to make it interesting.

Trey was rabbit fucking Bastion now and between the two of us we were causing that head board to knock against the wall like it wanted to go through to the other side. I sped up a bit as the feeling built and the wet sound of my cock punching in and out of his wet ass and the slap slap slap of my nuts against his smooth butt was all it took to send me over the edge.

As soon as I started to come Danny cried out and a stream of his thin watery cum shot straight up hitting my chest then falling back down onto his tummy. He shot a couple of more times then just oozed a little but I was too busy doing some squirting of my own to really keep count. I felt as if my nuts had emptied then turned inside out but it was a good feeling and I was tired and happy as I leaned down and kissed him one last time then rolled off of him pulling out with a wet plopping noise.

Beside us Trey and Bastion were just finishing up and I witnessed the final moment and watched with interest as Trey shook like a tuning fork then threw his head back and began moaning as his orgasm hit him like a Mack truck.

"Ahhhheeeeee," he cried as he shook and rode out the last of his orgasm until finally collapsing on top of Bastion. 

Bastion pulled his head to his chest and rubbed it gently as they both recovered. Bastion hadn't come spontaneously but I knew he was close and it wouldn't take much to finish him off.

"Hey, Trey raise up a little," I said reaching over and when he did I grabbed Bastion's cock and gave it a few strokes and he let loose coating my hand and his and Trey's bodies with his warm sticky cum.

"Now that we've all got our rocks off, what say we rest a while? I'm beat."

Everyone seemed to agree and after a visit to the bathroom we snuggled down, this time with our own boyfriends, and rested. It felt good to be together with the three boys I cared most about and I was glad Trey and Danny had worked out their problems if only for this one night. As I drifted off I was aware of soft voices beside me and the sound of kissing and I sighed and snuggled up to Bastion and fell asleep quickly.

We slept for a long time and I woke first. Bastion was snuggled up to my backside and I could feel his big ole hardon pressed against my butt and it felt nice. I considered reaching back and grabbing it and working it inside my hole just to see how long it would take him to wake up, but instead I just lay there listening to his soft breathing and reveling in the feel of him so close.

Danny and Trey were snuggled up so close I couldn't tell whose legs and arms were whose, and from the amount of dried boy juice on them, I guessed they'd had another go at it recently while Bastion and I slept. I was glad they had worked things out at least for now, but I wondered what would happen tomorrow. 

Bastion stirred a little and snuggled a little closer and this time I did reach back and grab his monster and he awoke almost instantly.

"Mmmmm...what's up?" he mumbled sleepily.

"From the feel of this are," I laughed.

"You feel so warm and soft," he said snuggling even closer as he nuzzled my neck.

"I'm kind of horny. If you're not too tired you could maybe do some back door work," I chuckled.

"I'm never too tired for that lover, but let me go pee first."

"I could probably stand to go too, I'll hold your hand while you go," I teased.

"Just my hand?"

We peed and washed up splashing water on our faces to wake us up a bit then headed back to bed. Trey and Danny had spread out while we were gone and now there wasn't enough space for both of us. I looked at Bastion and he looked at me and I took his hand and led him to the living room.

I got on the couch on my knees and leaned against the back of it and shook my booty at him and I heard him gasp.

"My, you do want it don't you? Your hole is whispering "come in", he joked.

"I'm just like Motel 6, I even left the light on for ya."

Since we didn't have any lube I turned around and got him wet with my mouth bringing him back up to full size and then he returned the favor giving my little b-hole a wet tonguing and slobbering. Between the two of us we got it slick enough for the deed.

Bastion's bigger than me and when he fucks  me (excuse me...makes love to me) it hurts a little at first. Just a little and the hurt soon turns to pleasure as he begins to rock inside me, but this time was different. Maybe I was finally getting used to him or maybe it was just that my hole was more eager for him and gaping or something. IDK, but it was awesome that night.

I really enjoyed it and I felt kind of slutty and free as he drove his big ole honking boner into me over and over. I think he was feeling something weird or different too, cause he was really into it that night and fucking like a porn star on He was giving my little b-hole the working that it deserved and I was feeling it right down to my toes..which incidentally were curled as I arched back into him trying to get all of that thick meat into my azzz.

"God.. this... feels... so... good. I... feel... like... a... complete... whore," I gasped out each word in time to his pounding.

"," he said grabbing me tighter and really giving it to me then, "Not..gonna..last...much....longer."

"' nut..just...right."

I felt him grab my waist tighter then and pull me to  him and as he grunted loudly he began to come inside me flooding my guts with his hot sticky goo. Well, I was right behind him only my goo had nowhere to go except the back of the couch. Man I hope they got the Scotchgard package.

We rode the orgasm out for like five minutes and then Bastion rolled me onto the couch on my back and cleaned me up. What little there was...most of it was soaking into the expensive Ethan Allen couch beneath me. When he was finished he laid down on top of me and began kissing me and I felt both our cocks start to rise again. I don't know how we did it, but pretty soon we were at it again, only this time I was on top and playing hide the salami in Bastion's keister.

I took a long time to come, but Bastion didn't seem to care and though he didn't come from being fucked I sucked him off a few minutes after I finished up and got a small but tasty treat for my efforts. We laid back down on the couch and snuggled as best we could and soon fell asleep. Danny and Trey found us there the next morning.

"Hey you guys. Why'd you come out here?"

"Well, someone hogged all the bed last night and we needed some space to practice our dancing."

"Dancing?" Danny said looking confused, then he got it, "OH, that kind of dancing," he giggled, "Did you have fun?"

"Uggghh...too much fun and now I gotta crick in my neck and one in my back. Will you rub it lover boy?"

"Is that all you want rubbed?" Bastion chuckled.

"For now, but maybe later....."

"I'm starved," Danny announced then, "What time is breakfast?"

"Whenever we want it. I'll ring Maria and tell her to start it."

Bastion called Maria but she was already busy in the kitchen preparing her usual breakfast feast. We decided showers were probably a good idea so to save time we all four hopped into Bastion's huge shower and helped scrub each other clean.

Bastion gave my bottom a loving going over and kissed my neck playfully, "You were so naughty last night," he whispered into my ear.

"And so were you..and I liked it."

"What are you guys whispering about?" Danny giggled, "We don't have any secrets?"

"Not a secret, just personal..that's all."

Trey and I got no secrets. Do we?"

Trey shrugged, "I guess not...except we haven't told them know."

"Oh, yeah...well, didn't want to spoil their day."

"What? What secret?" I asked with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Later, we'll tell you later."

"No," I said grabbing Danny's arm and spinning him around to face me, " Now, tell us now."

He looked surprised at first then just shrugged, "Well..if you want. Trey and I decided to break up?"

"WHAT?" I practically screamed, " were both getting along so well last  night, kissing and well....sexing. What happened?"

It was Trey who spoke up then. "We love each other, but we decided that we were too young to be boyfriends. We need to meet other boys and get all that out of our system." He didn't sound upset or bothered by what he had said and it was hard to believe this was the same boy who was so upset yesterday.

"I can't believe this," I  said holding my hands to my head and reeling.

"I think what Cody is asking is...HAVE YOU BOTH LOST  YOUR MINDS?" Bastion yelled turning red in the face. 

I had never seen him so upset and I was a little scared. I grabbed him and held him trying to calm him down but he pulled away surprising me again.

"You two are so good together. Didn't last night mean anything to you? You say you love each other and it's obvious you why would you break up knowing that you can still love each other even if one of you messes up?"

Danny was beet red in the face, but it was Trey who spoke up again. "It's our lives, okay? We love each other enough to let each other go...for a while. If our love is real we'll find each other again...till then we're just friends."

"Friends with benefits...I hope?" I huffed as I rinsed off.

Danny looked at Trey and laughed, "If you mean sex,yeah."

"So...I don't get it. What's different then?" I said in exasperation.

"We aren't boyfriends anymore, that's what different." Trey said as if he were tired of the whole thing. Then he sighed, "Look guys, I'll still hang around with you. I'll see you everyday at school. You won't miss me at all."

"Whatever," I said opening the door and stepping out. I was tired of the whole thing. I felt like a complete idiot and like I'd failed. How could they do this to me?

Everyone piled out then and Bastion helped me dry off. His hands felt good on my body and I was starting to calm down again.

"I'm sorry," Danny said giving me the puppy dog eyes, "Are you mad at us?"

"No, I guess not, but when did you guys decide this? You were with us most of the night."

"When you guys came to the living room we love then we talked and that's when we decided."

"Wait, let me see if I understand this. You made beautiful love....and then you decided to split up? God, now I'm terrified. Last night was the best with me and Bastion...and I..I don't want to break up. Oh, please Bastion say we're still together," I said sarcastically.

"Come here baby," Bastion said holding me and playing along, "You're stuck with me forever."

"Okay, okay...we get it. Stop being a jerk Cody. It's our lives, not yours. It's not about you."

I was a little hurt by his attitude, but I was damned if I was going to let him know that. "Hey you're right. None of my business anyway. Come on Bastion, let's get dressed and go eat."

"We're right behind you," Trey said sounding sorry.

I didn't waste any more words on them, instead I grabbed my clothes and got dressed. I was sitting there lacing my shoes when the other three came in and quietly started getting dressed. I waited for Bastion to get dressed then grabbed his arm and half led, half dragged him out into the hall.

"Can you believe those two?" I said shaking my head.

"Cody, I know it's...unexpected, but they seem to be happy with their decision so I think we should be supportive."

"Huh," I said jamming my hands in my pockets, "You're okay with this? You sure got loud when they first told us."

"I admit it took me by surprise and I may have overreacted a bit, but it doesn't really matter if I'm okay with it or not, it's not going to change anything between them. They've made their decision and it's not my place to doubt their sincerity."

"I thought you would understand," I mumbled, "I thought you'd be on my side."

"Wait, Cody," he said grabbing my arm and stopping me,"There are no sides. It's not a contest. It has nothing to do with us."

"I'm sorry. I guess I just got a little carried away. You're right. It's their life."

"Maybe after you eat you'll feel better. Come on some of Maria's good food will help."

I nodded and by then Trey and Danny joined us. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just kept quiet, but Bastion did enough talking for both of us.

Maria was her usual bubbly self and that helped to improve my mood, not to mention some waffles with strawberries and a whole lotta bacon. Danny and Trey seemed happy and talkative and for a minute I wondered if they had been playing some kind of joke on us. 

We lingered after breakfast and visited with Maria and she seemed very happy. I didn't know where Bastion's parents were, but we didn't see them the rest of the time we were there. 

Afterwards I suggested we go swimming to kill some time and work off some of our food. We grabbed our Speedos and got dressed and as we passed through the kitchen on our way out Maria wolf whistled at us and we all laughed.

I hit the water like an otter and swam off trying to forget Danny and Trey and concentrate on nothing but the swim. I was just pushing off the far wall when Danny caught up with me. He matched me stroke for stroke staying right by my side even though he was a much faster swimmer then I was and could have easily passed me up. 

When we got to the far side I noticed Bastion and Trey were keeping their distance. I wondered if Danny had asked them to or if they just sensed he needed some time.

"You're mad at me. I don't understand it exactly, but I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me."

"It's no big deal. I guess I was just a little surprised that's all. I'm over it now."

"Swear?" he asked sounding nervous, like he used to sound back when I was the boogey man under his bed.

"Swear," I said grinning, "I'm cool with it. If that's what you guys want then...that's fine with me."

"Good, cause I couldn't stand it if you were mad at me."

"So...I guess this means you and Tony are free to...uh, whatever," I said frowning.

"Nope, I've decided it really wasn't about Tony after all. I guess I was just feeling trapped and looking for a way out. Truth is...the sex was good, but we really don't have that much in common."

My mouth must've fell open and I was about to go off on him again when I finally got it. Getting with Tony made Danny realize that he didn't want to be tied down, even as loose as his relationship with Trey was.

"So what about Tony? How is he gonna take this?"

Danny shrugged, "I think it was all about the sex with him. I mean, yeah...he likes me and all, but what he really liked was my ass."

I nodded, "That's sort of how I see it too, but be careful. Don't hurt him if you can  help it. He's been through a lot you know."

"Don't worry, I know just how to handle him."

"I'm sure," I sighed, "You know, you're growing up faster than you think you are. I just hope...well, that you don't regret this some day. Trey is a great guy and....I'm gonna miss him around our house and seeing you two together. It's sort of like if mom and dad broke up."

"I hope so too, but we agreed to give it some time and if we find out we can't live without each other then we'll get back together."

"Unless one of you finds someone else and moves on," I reminded him.

"That's a risk I guess we'll have to take."

"Well, if you guys need any know I'm here for you."

"Yeah, I know and that makes me feel safer. Thanks," He said hugging me and almost drowning both of us.

Bastion and Trey swam up then and we had a group hug/dunking and all was least for now.

End Chapter 25

Bet you didn't see that coming, did you? Well, mayb it will work out and maybe it won't. I guess only time will tell. Till then Danny and Trey are free to do whom or what their little hearts desire. Let's just hope that Tony is as understanding as Danny thinks he will be or there may be a new problem for our boys to deal with. 

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, but there's been a lot of craziness going on lately. I will try to post in a more timely manner in the new year.

Thanks to all my dedicated readers and to the new ones who have discovered me through this new story. Please let me know what you think of the way the story is going so far, I love hearing from my readers and I reply to every email. Address all comments to

Be sure to check out my other stories in the Prolific Authors Section at Nifty.  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Kewl Dad
