Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 06:50:48 +0000 From: me!!!! ******* Subject: 3 Amigos.....young/friends As always...if you are not of age please stop reading but if you are adult and like sexuallybased material then by all means continue to read and let me know what you think. This story is dedicated to Charles and Allec Sandro...hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it...... 3 Amigos Chapter 1 It was a beautiful sunny Saturday in Florida and I couldn't wait to drop my poles in the water.. I just about had the van loaded up with sandwiches and tea, and ready to get the big ones in a day of fishing. I was bringing the fold up stool out of my house when I noticed three hunkie lil things walking down the sidewalk.I recognized one of the lil guys as Chuck. He was the son of my neighbor Rita, who lived across the street. They had moved in about a month earlier and had been over to a block meeting we had at my home. Chuck was 12, Latin with copper colored skin and jet black hair and a big smile that showed his brilliant white teeth. He lived with his mother Rita and a brother Rueben who was 15 and always outside playing hoops in the driveway with his friends and listening to rock music on his boom box. I watched Chuck and his two friends walking towards the corner and thought how sweet it would be to get Chuck naked and give him the time of his young life. Chuck was always hanging around with the same two boys and one taller blond that was a doll but a little feminine acting the way he swished his hair when they were playing ball out front. I continued with the van and had everything loaded, and loaded my Afghan into the van and we were off. My dog loved the water and layed in the cool water and watched as I fished; afghans don't do much but sleep, eat and run like the breeze. Tash loved to do all three and play...she was a beautiful companion. I backed out into the street and was called to a halt by Rita...."Rick....Rick!" I backed up to see what the problem was...."Rick, could I ask you a big favor?" I answered smiling....."sure whatcha need?" "I saw you packing your fishing gear in and was wondering if you would do me a big favor?" she asked rapidly. I answered again questionong her pleads..."sure thing." "Would you mind picking Chuckie and the boys up and taking them with you?They don't know many places around here to fish and I don't want them getting into trouble. Please?" I was shocked and thrilled...sure I would love to take those lil hunks fishing with me all afternoon. "Sure Rita, no problem ..we would love to have their company, Tash at this time as draped over my lap getting the attention from a warm hand and kind voice. " And can they just stay with you till we get home?Rueben and I are going to my mothers for the afternoon." "Sure Rita, that would be no problem at all. Just send Rueben over when you want them home." She was elated..."thanks Rick, I owe you, big time." I started down the street and turned the corner. I saw the boys further down the street and started pulling over to meet them. As soon as the boys heard me driving towards them, the smallest one turned and picked up a rock, I assumed intending to throw it at me. "Whooo there lil man, I come in peace." The cute lil hunk was adorable standing there with a rock ready to throw at me. "Chuckie, its me Rick." "Oh yeah hi" Chuck said and motioned for the smaller boy to drop the rock. "Whassup?" "You guys wanna go fishing with me and the dog here? Your mom asked me to pick you up and take you fishing?" I smiled and looked at the small kid still frowning and wondering if I was who I said. "Well, I know she did or you wouldn't have called me Chuckie." he kicked the ground where he stood..... "Oh man, sorry bout that...Chuck my man." I apologized... The smaller boy interjected.."what about Dale, we were suppose togo get him...member?" Chuck jerked around and looked at me..."Oh yeah I forgot." "Well, we can swing by and pick him up too, get in." I motioned to the side door and they walked around and Chuck got in the front and the other two boys got in back. Tash was thrilled having three young people to get some always loved attention and they all three petted and laughed rubbing the hairy dog.I looked at the smallest kid that had the rock and asked jokingly...."you didn't bring those rocks with you did you? What were they for anyways? And you got a name?" Chuck jumped inand said, "sorry dude, his name is Anthony and this is Poncho." "Well, I didn't know if you was some perv wanting to get my dick or something." He said giggling to the other two and grabbing his crotch and shaking it. "They mighta wanted my whopper here or something." I laughed back.."Oh and you think you got a whopper someone might want? Would you know what to do with it?" I loved the chance to talk a little boy talk and the three seemed to like it back. Anthony sat forward and grabbed a handful of pants in his crotch area and boasted out again, "Yeah I do homie....wanna see my whopper?" would have loved toI thought, but not with the other two here and just meeting the really cute kid. Anthony was really short, two larger than normal front teeth, that gave him a cuter than normal smile, big huge brown eyes and ratty curly hair and beautiful dark skin. I found out later he was Italian. He also had the biggest juiciest looking lips I had seen on a boy. For such a little kid he was a hunk and quite boisterous.. " I laughed with him and the other boys and said..."maybe later..I'm driving right it to Tash, she might be interested." The other two were howling with laughter and hitting on the younger boy..they all seemed to really be good friends. "Yeah whip it out and show it to her" Both boys were egging him on.....I was hoping he would to and I might get a look myself. Anthony slid back on the seat and pulled his board shorts down and exposed his beautiful tanned crotch and grabbed his lil dick and waved it at Tash....."Here you go, wanna see what I got here?" I was looking in the rear mirror and was loving the view...he didn't act shy at all about dropping his shorts and flicking his dick around in front of all of us...I loved it. Tash then leaned over and gave a little sniff then licked the lil dick suddenly. "Ohh man she licked my dick" Anthony jerked back up into the seat and yelled again and laughing and jumping around the seat..."She fucking licked my dick" Anthony was giggling so hard. "Yeah...prolly the only blow job you'll ever get!" Chuck smarted off....Anthony pulled back and gave him a killing look...."Ugh uh, you know better than that fuck face." Chucked frowned his face and punched him in the arm and looked at me startled....."Dude!" Anthony slumped down in the seat and pulled his pants back up and went quiet. I thought I had latched onto a big secret here that might have possibilities later....I thought...Ahhh they have either done something or Chuck knows that Anthony has had a blow job before....and I sure would love to give him another one. It went dead in the back, no I broke the silence.."So where does Dale live? Which way?" Chuck piped in and leaned back in his seat and then said softly.."Ugh take the next left and he lives in the big two story." Then Chuck turned his head and looked at Anthony and I looked at the same time Anthony just skrunched his shoulders and they both looked at me but couldn't tell I was looking in my rearview at them. I knew I was on to something and might have some fun later. We pulled up into the drive and Chuck jumped out and said..."I'll get him..just a sec" We all waited after he got out and slammed the door . Tash suddenly jumped back on the front seat and turned to look at Anthony..Poncho poked the younger boy and said "dude she likes you." They started rough housing again and laughing. "Poncho, so how old are you?" I asked to try and break the ice..."Ugh 13, I'm the oldest in the gang." He smiled. "No that would be me...I'm 25" I chuckled... "You wanna be in the gang?" Anthony blurted out. Poncho looked strangely at Anthony as if in disbelief that he had said that. "Well, sure, why not..if you guys will have me. Whatta I have to do? Are there any dues?" Poncho looked furious as if Anthony had just spilled the beans about cheating on the math test. The look on his face was scowling and he turned his head as if to say...YOU ARE REALLY GONNA GET IT. About that time Tash started to go wild and I looked towards the house and the two boys were coming with all the fishing equipmet for four more guys. They opened the door and I got the first close up lookof Dale, who was just stunning in his Izod pull over, long blond hair and tight tight jeans shorts that I swore had his dick laying on one side. He was a beauty and what a knockout. Chuck said..."Rick this is Dale" He shook hands and we both looked at each other as if feeling the same feeling when we touched...."Hi...nice to meet you" What a beautiful pleasant kid. Such extroidinary manners and the most sexy voice....."Hope in guys the fish are waiting." They were all talking and carrying on about the new fishing equipment Dale had and they were all impressed..and I thought thisis great, I have found me some fishing buddies...and all hunkie beautiful, and funny to boot. We started off and got back on the main drive and Chuck spoke."So where we gonna go fish?" "Ballast Point should be awsome today, and trout should be running" Dale leaned forward and said "it's great fishing there, I have only been a couple times." I responded back, "great, where do you usually go?" Dale spoke back really softly and eliquently....." I usually have to go out with my grandfather on his boat or down at Gandy bridge, but I love Ballast point." "Great then it should be an experience for all of us.....Oh are you a member of the gang as well?" I asked and it went dead silent again ...they all looked in sheer fear at each other. Poncho tilted his head towards at Anthony and Chuck frowned at him and balled his fist and shook his head. I thought I had better clear the air, I felt something was up. "Look guys, did I stumble onto a gang secret or something? If I did, I guess I'll have to join the gang so you don't have to kill me!" I laughed. Chuck spoke..I had by now figured him to be the leader of the gang. "Nahh that's wouldn't wanna join the gang anyways." "Why not? All of you guys are in it, so it must be cool, or unless you don't think I am cool enough to be in it....I understand." I said quietly. "No that isn't it." Chuck answered....."it's just...that ...ugh..." "That's ok guys, don't worry bout it, I can tell you obviously don't trust me enough to keep gang secrets, or I'm just not gang material." I answered sounding dejected...I was wondering what the big secrets were...... "Nahh man, you're cool" they were all saying in unison...."It's the initiation" Anthony spilled out. They all looked at Anthony with those killing stares again...he shrugged and lowered his head again..... "What?...Do I have to kill someone??? Or rape some stranger?" I kidded. "Nah nothing like that" Poncho added.."but it's just...ugh...well...." He looked for help from the other boys....Chuck had at this time turned around in the front seat turned half way facing the other three, darted up his eye brow and shrugged his shoulders in a questioning movement. "Well, did all you guys do it? Is a bad initiation, stealing something or what? If you guys all did it whay wouldn't I do it? It can't be that bad." I was really getting curious now..... Dales sweet voice chimed in..."It's a kid thing I guess, and you might think it was disgusting or something is all" "Nahhhh...if all you guys did it, then I got the balls to do it too. Did you do it Dale?" He lowered his head and spoke softly...."ughmmmmm, yesss" He looked at me almost in tears. "Chuck, how bout you?" I asked flat out. ChucK didn't answer but shook his head slowly, affirmatively. "Poncho, you too?" I questioned and he gradually answered..."Yeah me too." Well then if all of you did the same thing....."Anthony interrupted loudly...." You didn't ask me...." "Woopse sorry I left you out lil bout you?" I asked firmly. "Fuckin A I did.....and I'm a man too!" Anthony grinned and stuck out his chest like he had won an olympic gold medal. "Soo..there you have it guys, either you don't think I am good enough to be in the gang, or you don't trust me with the big secrets. Which is it?" I was determined now. "But look at it this way, I have the wheels, I can buy the beer and the pot, and I have a private house we can have our gang meetings. Right?" They all looked at each other whispering amongst themselves and then all sat back and looked at me...... "Rick, man we just don't know cause you may not like us if we tell you stuff about the gang." Chuck spoke firmly... "Ok, no problem, its your decision if you don't trust me or think I would fit in." I sounded down...I wasjustthinking I had lost out.... Anthony leaned up and put his little hand on my shoulder, "Nahh Rick...ain't like that at all but maybe we can change the initiation and stuff so you can get in different....ok guys?" They all cheered and agreed and said yeah thats great.... "No guys, I thought you were all equal and I should be too but I can understnad if you just want it to be you guys and no outsiders." Chuck then explained...."well, when we started the gang it was just three of us and we were the 3 Amigos and it was like that forever. Then I moved in front of you and met Dale and he joined us" "Dale, did you do the initiation like they did?" I questioned. Dale said yes he did. "and more" "Then if you guys want me , and really accept me as one of you then you have to accept me and I have to accept you...right?" I was really getting determined and wanted to join and be accepted. "But don't worry, I'm fine to be just an outsider." They all talked amongst themselves again and I heard several things about the house and beer and then something that shocked me about a big dick. I was really perked up now. "OK...." Chuck turned and looked at all them for encouragement. But it was Anthony who then leaned up closer to me and asked bluntly. "Would you suck our dicks?" Everyone froze and not a word was said. I looked at Chuck and asked slowly..."Is that it?" "Man don't tell no one please?" He folded his arms in front of himself and looked to be pouting...."I told you guys!" "NO no...I mean is that all?" I corrected the way I had asked before. Anthony blurted again as he always does...."that all? mean you would do that?" "Well, if we are all a gang, I trust you guys not to say anthing about me buying beer or anything else...right? So you have to trust me right?....Right?" They all agreed and cheered again.....everyone was smiling and high fiving and even Tash was happy and barking.... "Yeah we got a mascot too." Anthony was petting and hugging on Tash. So I thought I would add to the moment... "Anthony, so does that mean you have to lick Tash back now?" I said laughingly. "EEEwwwwwww gross me out" Anthony and the others were laughing and rough housing with Tash too. We suddenly realized we had arrived....we opend the doors after stopping and everyone piled out...."Guys...put Tash on a leash till we get down on the dock please." We all were loaded up and Tash was leading Anthony who was having a blast being dragged behind the strong dog. We had no longer gotten down to where we were headed than the rain..typical in Florida everyday, started dropping and the boys all voiced their pissed off opinions...... "Don't worry guys...we can go back to the new gang house and order some pizza and wait it out and come back later...." I said cheerfully. "Cool..yeah....great idea...let's do it!!!" They all screamed and headed back to thevan, Tash running and Anthony trying his best to keep up. He looked helarious. We piled in and started back...and Chuick spoke first. "Rick, do you think we might have a beer with the pizza?" Rick thought for a second and said..."sure...why not? just as long as you guys don't get drunk." Chuck snickered..."doubt it...we usually just haveone or two and we all share it." "Ok, then beer it is" I answered and the guys roared again. We got back to the house and pulled up in the garage so we wouldn't get any wetter....piled out and went into the house...I turned and saw all the guys standing there dripping and said..."Take your wet things off and I'll drop them in the dryer fora while." The guys looked at each other then all shrugged as if saying what tha? and they all stripped as I went to call for the pizza. As I was walking to my bedroom to change Dale walked up carrying all the clothes....'where do I put these Rick?" "Back in the laundry on the washer is fine, thanks Dale." I responded. After I got on a pair or cargos and dry t shirt I went in to start the dryer. I picked up the first tiny shirt that had to be Anthonys and under it saw a tiny pair of breifs. It dawned on me at least Anthony was completely nude. I continued putting the clothes in the dryer and came upon a pair of boxers, and another pair of breifs. I thought then at least three of the lil hunks were nude, then I saw the prize. It was a powder blue pair of breifs and knew it had to be Dales. Oh man all the lil dickens were nude. I was just about at full bone now and couldn't wait to see what they looked like all nude in my livingroom. I stopped by the kitchen to get the drinks and carried them in front of me to hide my excited dick. I walked in and saw Dale alone in a chair reading a book and it appeared he had a boner, but I couldn't see for sure. The other three were on the couch watching tv. I carried the tray over and sat it down on the table, and sat at the sme time so no one would see my own excitement. Anthony yelled first.."No way, you gotta get nakked too." Then the other two started in as well, and Dale just turned his head and looked at the commotion. "Yeah right, and who's gonna get the pizza?" I responded.... "OK...OK....." Anthony popped back, "but when he leaves you are getting stripped" I laughed and said, "no problem, I will." We sat there for a while and quieted down and watched tv...I looked at Dale and spoke..."you can come join us if you like" Dale looked and spoke softly..."nah I'm fine...just a bit more." I think he was hiding his boner as well. Nothing much happened the next few minutes, it was the quietest I had heard the gang all day. That thought got me wondering just exactly what all the gang did with each other. Dale seemed to me like he was the gay one of the gang and I wondered if they just used him for that or even if the gang was that far along with the sex games. The only thing I knew for sure is to get into the gang everyone had to suck each other, but was this just for initiation or was it a regular occurance. I certainly hoped it would be aregular and will see how much they like to do. I doubt it would be too involved, since Anthony and Chuck were both 11 and Dale was 12 and Poncho was 13. I tried to look all day at buldges and imagined what they would look like, but there didn't have any noticable ones. I lookedfor signs of hair under their arms but saw nothing. The only thing I remembered was when Anthony was kidding around with Tash and pulled his shorts down, he surprised me and had a nice lil dick for a kid his size, and looked like a few hairs.. But what do I expect at 11. We were all startled by the doorbell, and I got up to get the pizza and pay the delivery boy. He was nothing to look at and made me even more proud that I had 4 gorgeous boys with me....and they were nude to boot. I brought the pizza back in and was attacked by what I thought at first was going after pizza but Anthony had his hands on my pants and zipper telling me to get nekkid....I began laughing and joking with him that he was a little horndog. I sat the pizzas down and agreed that I indeed would strip now. They stopped eating to watch the show. My shirt came off and there were remarks about my stomach muscles and I sure had a nice six pack...Joking I picked up the holder of beer and laughed and said..."not really this six pack is no more special than any other one." And sat it back down with everyone making stupid remarks about the cornball joke. Then came the shorts...I didn't bother to put underwear on earlier so I just turned around and slipped off the shorts...Anthony made groaning remarks and said...."Oh man no fair...turn back around" and the other two were laughing. I forgot about Dale and he was staring at me ...I looked at him...and he was staring with his mouth opened.I was nothing to write home about but since the oldest dick they had to compare me with was Poncho, I guess I did look big.... My dick is one of those that doesnt get alot bigger when hard, but is good size when soft. Dale mouthed....."maaaa...nnnnnn" He looked up at me and smiled and that is the first time I saw his dick for sure, sticking straight up between his legs and it looked nice. He saw me looking back at it and he turned again to hide it and turned beet red. I felt myself starting to stir a bit and figured I had better sit and calm down. I turned back to sit down and Anthony remarked very loudly...."What a fucking snake" Anthony walked over a little bit closer and bent over to get a better look...... Ichuckled back...." better not get too close it might bite you." Anthony jumped back like I was serious and said..."nah ughhhhh. Man whas with that?" We all laughed then Ponch spoke..."dam I aint the biggest no more." He plopped down on the couch sulking and got a slice of pizza. Then I noticed Chuck hadn't made a comment and not said a word...but just looked at my dick and took a bite of pizza like it nothing out of the ordinary...but he just stared. After we had devoured almost all the pizza we sat back and watched the last part of the movie we had been watching. Suddenly Anthony popped up and said...."Hey...since we done ate pizza and beer at our new gang house...with a new gang member...and since we already got nekkid and got no place to go in the rain...why don't we initiate Rick? You up for it snake dick?" Everyone laughed...and then everyone agreed..... "Yeah, if you guys are I guess I can. How do we start?" Anthony was doing all the talking...."We alredy started we got nekkid ." we all laughed....." the leader, so you go first." I looked shocked..."you mean right here in front of everyone?" Chuck blurted in...." nah nah nah....don't make him do that in front a everyone first time......" That hit me a good one...what did he mean 'first time' Did he mean the first time of many, or did he think this would be my first time....Who cared I was just getting ansey....Chuck looked at me as for guidance...."We can use my bedroom then." Chuck responded..."sounds good, lets go." We walked to the bed room with catcalls and remarks like don't let that thing bite you Chuck, watch out in the dark Chuck.....and dobn't let him choke you Chuck....By that I gathered it was to be a two way deal after all. I pulled the covers down to the sheet and Chuck watched me intently....I laid on my back and looked at dick had started getting hard just thinking about feeling that beautiful hunkie brown skinned boy...."Are you going to join me or you waiting for a bus?" "Very funny dude." Chuck said smugly. I started in again..."So what do we do first?" "We already done that part, but I guess I can go first so you can know what to do and for how long." Chuck said matter of factly and crawled and started to get between my I spread them and gave him all the room he needed. "Chuck, whatta you mean how long we do it?" I questioned.. "Dam, we ain't gonna do it all day, just a lil bit." He snapped back. I figured me might not have gone all the way with the others, but why not I wondered too. He edged closer to me and our legs touched and it felt wonderful...the he reached over and took hold of my hardening dick and lightly squeezed it and got a feel of it. It felt great to me. Then he started to lightly stroke it up and down a little and i let out a littlemoan. He stopped and looked at me...."What did I, do it too hard?" he asked softly. "No Chuck, dam it felt great, I loved it." Then while he was still my involuntary responses kicked and I pulsed it in his hand. He laughed and said.."that wascool." so I did it again a couple times and he laughed each time. I was fully hard now and he was just feeling it up and down to feel it all. He was impressed..."You ready?" he asked looking at me..... "you're the boss, whenever you are" I responded. Chuck leaned over and put one hand on the side of my hip for balance and took part of my dick in his mouth for a couple seconds and then started getting it wet and moved down a little further sucking and still jacking my dick. It seemed like he was really liking it and got a little faster and it was really feeling good and then he sat up...." you got it now?" Then he rolled over on his back and that was the first time I saw his little dick and balls. He was about 3 inches and looked so hard.... it didn't even move when he laid down, just stuck straight up. It had a nice formed head and looked like it was painted, it was really nice. He grabbed his dick and looked at me and shook it a couple times and said..."here it is...come and get it." I could tell then this was nothing sexual, but just fun of embarrassing and having a secret over each other. I would soon change that. I moved over and got between his legs and as I was moving up between his legs I put both hands on his warm, brown, hairless smooth legs and he moaned out loud "UUUUmmm...why'd you do that?" I looked at his smooth face and answered.."if felt good didn't it?" "Yeah I guess just get on with it." Chuck turned his head and didn't want to look at me. I started back up his legs again and rubbed them again and he again flenched at the pleasure and made an uncontrolled moan..."ughhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa." and let all his breath out.....I looked in his eyes and they couldn't lie...he was in lust. I moved up a bit more and felt up his sides and chest as I was moving up the bed.....His body responded in pleasure and goose bumps and he moaned again and exhausted his breath.....Hooooooooooeeeee. I moved all the way up and laid gently on top of the much smaller boy and mashed my dick into his groin....his arms went instinctively around my body and he turned his head to me and almost pressed our lips together but stopped and jerked his head sideways. "Ok, man..thats enough...I'll just tell them you did it ok?" And he slid to the side of the bed to get up..... I grabbed his arm and he looked at me firecely...."What?" "Chuck, whats wrong buddy? Does this scare you cause it felt good?" "whatcha mean" He sneared back. "I thought you was gionna kiss me or somethin....but thats....thats gay." "Chuck, lay back down please." He moved back over and i layed beside him....."Chuck, do you really trust me?" "Yeah I guess so." he answered.... "Well, the door is locked and there is no one here but you and me and if you want to moan and feel good then go ahead and also do anything else you wanna try, I don't mind. This might be the only chance you ever get to do the things you wanna try. And I don't think you wanna try it with the others, right?" "Whatta mean stuff i wanna try?" He asked boldly. "Chuck, we can talk to one another and have trust right? Then lets do that. You already sucked my dick, what could be worse and more gay than that? And you all have done that right?" I asked him flat out. "So whatever you wanna try even if once, we can try and it stays between you and me. Deal?" He nodded and said...."yeah ...thanks. And you promise not to tell the others?" "Got my word buddy. Gangs promise. Now what do you wanna try?" Chuck smiled and spoke softly as to not be heard outside the room. "What you were doin..really felt good, could we do that some more?" I looked back at the beautiful nude boy so close to me and said.."Chuck, could I just start and if I do anything you don't like or feel uncomfortable with, then tell me and I'll stop. Deal?" Chuck looked at me in thought and I could tell things were running around in his mind...I then reacned over and put my palm back on his smooth leg abd said.."Promise, I won't do anything that will hurt you." He thought a bit more then bit his bottom lip and said..."O o ok." I turned back around again and laid back on him with my hands leading the way again.....his body was stiffening up and his dick was pulsating...he loved it....I felt his chest and ran my both hands over his chest and felt his little nothing for nipples, but he loved that too and looked at me getting closer......the he licked his lips.....I leaned in and gave him a small kiss on his smooth moist lips and felt his dick get even harder and stay that way till I pulled my lips back. "Did that hurt or bother you?" I questuioned him while still rubbing his warm body. " was nice." he cooed back. "Chuck, can i ask you something, and dont feel bad at how you answer, just tell me the truth." "Ok." he was expressionless. "Have you ever had sex or fooled aound or ever made out with anyone except the guys?" He looked at me for a while the turned his head about to cry. Here is the big tough guy almost in tears....."no" I could barely hear him. "Then how bout I teach you? and remember its our secret." He jerked his head around and spoke louder..."Really?" "Just lay back and enjoy and I lead all the way...and just do what comes natural and whatever you feel and wanna do... ok?" I told him.....he shook his head several times yes. I made my third attempt up his warm legs and felt everything on the way...when I got over him I layed down a little and pulled him over on me as I moved sideways..and as I did our lips met and we kissed so gently....then I began to rub my tongue against his mouth and he opened back up and started returning the kiss and he wa a natural....the Latin blood and instincts took over and he became agressive hmself. His hands were following mine doing to me what I was doing to him...then I took his 3 incher in my hand and he took mine as we started to stroke each other slowly..we now were getting into full swing...then I thought it was time toshow himwhat real dick sucking felt like.....I pushed him back as I lowered myself onto his stomach and started kissing and licking my way lower and lower... then I had my mouth full of spit I took him fully inside in one gulp and he jacknived and sat almost straight up with shock at the feeling he was experiencing....and I kept sucking and slowly pushed him back down...he put his hands in my hair abd started rubbing my hair and moaning the sweetest boy moans....he was loving it like I knew he would. My rhythm slow and precise and sucking every inch of his hardening dick and he started a natural thrusting motion as I could tell his lust had taken over his body and he wanted more and was responding without knowing what to do...this was fabulous.... he then picked up speed and started pulling my hair more and I could feel his dick getting harder and harder......I cupped his ass and he responded with more moans nd groans.....I swirled my tongue around his head more and then went all the way down and started more entense movements...he then let out a quiet...."I think I gotta pee..." but I knew better...I sped up a little more and added more pressure and he got even harder and then let out one final thrust and a long uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and it was over. We just laid there a few minutes and he was basking in the ecstacy. "oh maaan...that was so awesome" he grinned "and that was the best ever." "Well, was there anything you didn't like? Or don't wanna do again?" I inquired of him..... "Oh no man it was all great just don't tell the others that we liked kissed and stuff. OK?" "Sure bud thats just me and you...." I answered "And if you ever wanna do it again, you know where to find me." "Oh dude for sure Ill be back tomorrow and every day after school if thats ok?" He said with a smile. "Well you might get tired of it every day." I laughed... "Not might..." he got real quiet and looked at me..."Ugh Rick? You know you sucked me alot better than I did you so do you think you maybe want me to suck you some more?" I lookedat Chuck and pulled him into a hug and he hugged back..."Buddy, are you sure?" "Fuck yeah....I really wanna do it for real....." He grinned..... "Well, I got three more guys to initate with before I am official, so could we wait till tomorrow and we can have the time to oursleves?" "You mean just you and me? Yeah that'd be great." We got up and headed to the door and he turned and gave me a toe curling... dick tingling kiss and then pulled away and said " just you and me. Our secret?" "You betcha tiger.." and I mussled his hair and we walked out and back to the living room ....they all had questiuons and jokes and Chuck returned to his regular tough kid attitude and I asked...."Who's next?"