Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 14:00:16 -0800 (PST) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #20 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. Discretion tends to be the better part of valor. David's luck seems to be running pretty good. Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 19 David wiped his hands on his shorts before he sat down, then leaned forward on the chair as Mrs. Murray chided her husband, "Matt, you make it sound like we're going to torture the poor boy." Then she turned to David with a smile. "David, we have an idea we'd like to run by you, okay?" David nodded, afraid to voice his agreement. His eyes widened as Matt looked at him seriously and said, "But we need to know what the whole story is between you and your family." LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #20 - An Offer You Can't Refuse David actually felt himself go into the 'deer in the headlight' mode. His eyes widened, mouth opened slightly, and he basically froze in place. "David?" Karen's voice broke through. He shook his head, then noticed their concerned faces. "You okay?" she continued. "Uh, yeah, ummm, just took me by surprise, that's all," David stammered. "Obviously," Matt smiled. "Well, umm, how come you want to know that?" "Just call it backup information for a decision we're making," Karen answered. "Umm, I, well, it's sorta, ummm, private," David answered, chastising himself for his unintelligent responses so far. "David, we wouldn't ask if it wasn't important," Mr. Murray prodded. "You really need to be completely honest with us David. That's not asking too much is it?" Karen asked. David became aware of the sounds around him. The clinking of plates and running water from the kitchen, where Chad was washing the dishes brought him completely out of his reverie. He sat back in the chair slightly and took a breath, wiped his palms on his shorts again, and gave the elder Murrays a small smile. "No, not at all. Just that it's been beat into my head that family business is family business." "David," Mr. Murray said softly, "you're basically a member of this family now. I hope you feel comfortable enough with us by now to tell us what's going on." "I really appreciate that," David answered. "It's just hard for me to open up a lot." "Obviously," Matt said again, grinning. "Look at it from our point of view though, David. Our teenaged son is hanging around a 20-year-old college student," he held up his hand as David opened his mouth. "Now just hear us out, okay?" David nodded as Mr. Murray continued. "All we know about this guy is that our son cares for him a great deal. We know his best friend died from something to do with drugs. He comes home from college, and within two days moves out of his parents' house, no doubt on bad terms, if the incident we saw is any indication. We know from Cindy that there's a lot of tension between your parents. We just need, actually want, to hear your side of the story before we make a decision on something we've been discussing." David gaped at the man as he finished his speech. Matt chuckled, "Close your mouth, David, you're gonna catch flies." David's mouth snapped shut, the click of his teeth audible in the silence. He put his fingers to his temples and rubbed gently, composing himself. The elder Murrays remained silent as David collected his thoughts. He raised his head to look them in the eye, seeing nothing but concern. He took a breath, and said, "Well, umm, I don't like to talk about myself." At the Murrays' nod, he continued. "Well, I care about Chad a lot too. I mean he's like a little brother and best friend rolled into one. I know it might seem weird for a guy my age to be hanging out with a teenager, but like our ages never seemed to matter. It's like he's my age most of the time anyway." "Well, we're not worried what other people think about that, David," Karen responded. "We see how he is around you. He's like a different person, and," she grinned, "that's a good thing." David returned her smile and nodded. "Well, I'd never hurt him on purpose. Just so you know. And Kel and I always had fun when he was around." Mr. Murray cleared his throat, "David, Chad's not a replacement for Kelly, is he?" David was slightly offended and it showed in the tone of his reply. "No way, that's not really fair to say. I mean maybe if Chad and I became friends AFTER Kel died, but we were friends a long time before that. NO one could take the place of Kel anyway." Matt grinned at him. "Okay, David, don't get your bowels in an uproar, had to ask the question. Settle down, okay?" David nodded, realizing finally that the confirmation was needed. After all, he had told Chad the same thing countless times, but hearing it 'from the horse's mouth' seemed to validate it. "Sorry," he apologized, "it just upsets me a little when people feel that way." "That's okay, David. We just needed to hear it, that's all," Karen smiled. "We have some sort of idea how you felt about Kelly, Chad never failed to brag him up to us either." David smiled a little. "Yeah, he was a pretty decent guy. But it's different with Chad, sort of like comparing apples with oranges. You just can't do it. Anyway," he sighed, "my family...umm, well I guess you could say we don't play well together. Mom seemed to be paying more attention to Lynn than me, and Dad was never really around. So it's sorta like I didn't have anyone to talk to, ya know? I mean I could always talk to my grandmother about anything, but it's not the same. And most of the time, then only time Dad ever talked to me was to yell or make a comment about something I had done wrong. They just seem to be so wrapped up in themselves that, well they're more concerned about how things look than what they are. Does that make sense?" At their nod, he continued. "So I just sorta got tired of it. After Kel died, they took something of mine that THEY thought would be best I didn't have. I found it and it was sort of like the last straw. I know they're having problems, but I honestly haven't been there much. Seems like all that happens is that it turns ugly." Then David grinned a little. "And anyway, I have enough problems of my own, don't need the extra baggage." "David," Mr. Murray asked, "you do know that parents make mistakes too? Holding something like that against them is a little unfair, don't you think?" David bit off the answer he was going to spit out. Not a good idea to get all defensive right now. He thought a little, then answered, "Well, I've been by a couple of times. Mostly because of Lynn and Mom. I've tried to be nice, but Dad always seems to ready to fight, so I don't try much anymore. I mean I've tried to make them proud, but I just don't seem like I can get there. I'm better off somewhere else right now." David finished his thoughts, then sat back in the chair. Out of the corner of his eye, he took notice to Chad standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room listening with an unreadable expression on his face. "Okay David," Mr. Murray said after a few minutes. "We honestly appreciate you telling us all this. We knew you were a decent guy when you started watching the kids a few years ago and were just wondering if anything had changed." Then he grinned. "Now, if that son of mine would like to quit eavesdropping and get in here, we'll tell you what we've been thinking about. Since he brought it up, he can tell you." A little shamefaced at being caught, Chad entered the room and sat on the arm of David's chair. He grinned. "Ready for your surprise?" "Told you I didn't like 'em, kiddo." "We think you'll like this one," Mrs. Murray smiled. "You know how you need a place to stay when you come home?" Chad asked. "Mom and Dad said you could stay here if you wanted to." "Ummm, thanks, but I can't do that to you guys. Be too much of an imposition. I was just gonna crash at the Rambler (motel) when I came home, it's pretty cheap," David answered, still shocked at the Murrays' proposition. "Well, David, it's not like you're going to be here every weekend," Matt stated. "Chad says you were thinking about once a month. Is that right?" At David's nod, he went on. "Now, you'll have to work out other arrangements for longer stays - especially like Christmas and Easter, since they are family-type of times, but even the couple of days during semester breaks shouldn't be a problem. And I assume you're going to talk with Mrs. Bowman about next summer?" "Well, I've already done that, it's all set." "So, what do you think?" Chad grinned. David shook his head, "But where would I sleep?" "Well, David, the sofa pulls out into a bed, so you could sleep right here," Mrs. Murray suggested. "Can I think about it?" David asked. Then noting Chad's expression, continued, "I mean it's not that I don't want to, but it seems like an awful lot." "Take all the time you need, David. But I know at least one person who will probably be very disappointed if you don't agree." David looked up at Chad seriously, "Thanks for the suggestion, kiddo. I just need to think a little okay?" "You've got 30 seconds," Chad answered, just as seriously. "Chad, let the poor guy think," Matt laughed. Then he turned to David again. "The offer's there David, take your time." "Well, I'm gonna need more than 30 seconds," David grinned at Chad. "But it sounds pretty good. How much arm twisting did the kid do?" Chad punched David on the shoulder, making him wince. "I just said you needed a place to stay when you came home, that's all." "We just took it a step further," Mr. Murray smiled. "Well, I do need to think it over a little. Thanks a lot for the offer. Really. It means a lot. Just took me a little by surprise and all." "Well, whatever you decide, let us know." David nodded, then Chad was pulling on his shoulder. "C'mon, go think." David laughed and shook his head. "Take it easy on the merchandise, kiddo." Then he stood up and walked to the sofa. "Thanks a lot. I'm gonna go on home and think about this a little. Can I come by tomorrow night after work?" "Certainly, like we said, take all the time you need," Mr. Murray answered, rising from the sofa and holding out his hand. David grasped the hand and shook it. "Thanks for dinner, Karen, it was real good, as usual." "You're welcome, David. Anytime," Karen smiled back. "Walk me out kiddo?" Chad nodded and followed David out of the house. They were barely off the porch before Chad asked, "Don't you want to stay here?" David continued walking, wrapping his arm around Chad's neck and directing him toward the car. "It's not that Chad. It really isn't. We would just need to be careful with anything we do, know what I mean?" "I guess," Chad shrugged as they reached the car. "Just say yes, please?" David turned to look at Chad, putting his hands on the teen's shoulders. "I probably will, but I just need to think of some other things too. Like paying for food and all that. I'm not gonna live here for nothing." "You don't have to worry about that stuff," Chad scoffed. "Yeah, I do, kiddo. At least in my mind." "Well, your mind is weird," Chad grinned. "I love you too, kiddo," David retorted. "Just say you'll stay, okay?" "We'll see. That's all the answer I can give you right now." "You'd better stay," Chad warned with a smile. David squeezed his hands on Chad's shoulders, then opened the door. "I'll be back tomorrow night, okay?" Chad sighed and leaned in the window as David started the car. "Okay, I'll tell Mom and Dad you're gonna stay." "Let me do that, ya goof." Chad laughed, then reached in and tweaked one of David's nipples, making him jerk away. "That's what you're gonna get if you don't." David rubbed his nipple through his shirt and grinned at the blond teen leaning in the window. "Well with that kind of threat, who could say no? Just let me work some things out, okay?" Chad nodded. "See ya tomorrow?" "You bet, probably around seven or so." "Okay," Chad replied, pulling his head out of the car. "Love you," he whispered. "Me too, kiddo. See ya tomorrow." "'Kay." David turned the car around and started down the driveway, waving his hand out the window at Chad, who was still standing in the same place. Chad raised his hand in return, then turned and walked back into the house. Monday morning arrived too quickly. David hadn't slept more than a few hours, turning over in his mind the Murrays' offer. It was extremely generous, and he knew he was going to take them up on it, but he'd really have to be careful with his actions. And so would Chad. There could be no hint of their 'intimate activities' while he was there, it would have to be almost platonic. He hoped Chad realized the same thing. Well, he'd talk to his boyfriend that night when he was there. Work seemed to drag at a snail's pace, he was stuck in the office working up a harvest plan for a logger, and just couldn't seem to focus on the task at hand. Good thing it wasn't due until Wednesday, he thought. Finally it was quitting time and he rushed out of the office, for once glad the day was over. He fixed a light supper and wandered around the apartment until six-thirty, then left for the Murrays'. His first knock was answered by a smiling Chad, who swung open the door and walked toward the living room, motioning David to follow. David grinned and followed. He greeted Matt and Karen, then sat on the sofa. They engaged in a few minutes of small talk, then impatiently, Chad asked, "Well? Are you gonna stay here?" "Chad," Mr. Murray chuckled, "we're socializing here." "Well quit socializing and get on with it," Chad complained. "He's been like this since yesterday," Karen laughed. "You realize you're going to have to stay here, don't you?" David grinned at her and answered, "Well, I've thought about it and I think I'm gonna take you up on it, but..." He was interrupted by an armful of blond teenager. "Yes!" Chad almost yelled, hugging David tightly. Then, somewhat embarrassed, he let go and sat beside David. "Well, it seems you've made someone happy," chuckled Matt. "Guess so," David answered, ruffling Chad's hair. "But I've got some counter offers." "Oh?" Mr. Murray raised his eyebrows. "And what may they be?" "Well, I've been thinking about what kind of pain it's gonna be when I'm here..." "No it won't," Chad interrupted. "Let him finish, Chad." "I really, really appreciate the offer, but I'm not gonna stay here for free. I mean I'll be eating your food and using your water and all, I need to give you something for that." "Well, David, I'm sure we can work something out," Mr. Murray replied. Then he laughed. "As much as you eat when you're here, it's gonna be expensive." "Daaaad," Chad complained. David laughed, "Well, sounds like I'll be on a diet. Bread and water is fine." "We'll talk about it later, David. And we appreciate your responsibility," Karen said. "Well, I just don't want to be a freeloader." "Far from it, David, not to worry, we'll discuss it later," Mr. Murray assured him. "This is cool," Chad interjected, then tugged on David's shirt sleeve. "C'mon." "Well, if the business part of this meeting is over, I think someone would like to have your attention," Matt laughed. David shook his head and stood up, "Thanks again, guys. It means a lot." "C'mon, Dave," Chad groused. "You two go ahead, it'll give Karen and I a chance to talk about your high-priced rent," Matt laughed. David followed Chad up the steps to his room. Chad motioned him inside, then followed, closing the door behind him. Then he wrapped David in a tight hug. "Told ya I'd stay," David murmured into the top of Chad's head. "We're gonna hafta be careful, kiddo." "I know," Chad sighed, loosening the hug so he could look at David. "I tried to tell them you could stay in my room, but they wouldn't listen." "Can't say as I blame them, kiddo." In answer, Chad pressed his lips against David's, startling him. David gently pushed him away. "Hey, take it easy. Your parents are downstairs." Chad released David, and walked to the door, locking it. Then he returned and hugged David again, smiling. "There." David shook his head. "Kiddo, you're gonna get us in trouble." "Would you shut up? It's not like they're gonna spy on us." "Yeah, but..," David began, then was silenced again by Chad kissing him. Once again, David gently pushed Chad away. "I don't think this is a good idea." "I thought you might want to," Chad complained, then went over and sat on his bed. David thought quickly. "Hey, let's take a walk or something." Chad looked up and grinned. He rose off the bed and opened his bedroom door. "Comin'?" David followed the teen downstairs, letting the elder Murrays know where they were going. They waved them off, reminding Chad that David had work the next day. Then they were out the back door, heading for the woods behind the house. Chad led the way for a few minutes, then stopped and looked back at David. When David reached him, Chad surprised the older youth again by grabbing his hand, their fingers intertwined. Then he was off again, leading David by the hand through the trees. After a few more minutes they stopped and Chad leaned back against a tree trunk. "Better?" he grinned. David paused to look around. Then he grinned at the teen in front of him. "Much." "Good." Then Chad was pulling David against him, sliding his arms around his waist and resting his forehead against David's shoulder. "I'm glad you're staying." "Yeah, me too. We're really gonna hafta be careful, Chad," David said, his hands rubbing up and down Chad's back. Chad raised his head off David's shoulder and nodded. Then their lips were once again mashed together as their tongues battled in each others' mouths. David felt himself get hard and when Chad pressed his hips tighter against him, felt the teen in the same state of arousal. David pulled back after a minute or two. "Damn, kiddo." Chad smiled and wiped the saliva off his chin. "Well, you made me wait." "Goof," David replied softly running the backs of his fingers down Chad's cheek. Chad responded by rubbing his palm over the bulge in David's crotch. Then his fingers were unfastening the button and sliding the zipper down. David felt Chad's hand grasp his erection and begin to stroke. "Sure this is a good idea?" Chad squeezed his hardon almost painfully and continued to stroke, moving slightly to David's side. Their lips met again as the teen slid his fist faster on David's shaft. David gasped in Chad's mouth, then pulled his lips away. He moaned quietly and thrust his hips forward as he came, his cum landing on the ground in front of him. His knees buckled slightly as Chad gave him a few more strokes then stopped, his fist still gently wrapped around David's dick. He opened his eyes to see the teen grinning at him. "Like that?" "The best, kiddo," David replied with a smile of his own. Still breathing a little heavily, he reached down to pull up his shorts and re-fastening them. He gave Chad a brief, but forceful kiss, then squatted in front of the boy, nuzzling his erection through the fabric of his shorts. Chad leaned heavily against the tree as David, after glancing around them again, unfastened and slid his own shorts to his knees. "Ugh," he grunted as David took his hardness into his mouth, sliding quickly up and down the warm shaft. He cupped the teen's warm balls in his hand, gently rolling them around inside the smooth sac. Chad's breathing became ragged as David used his fingertips to tickle the back of his balls and he groaned quietly, his hands grasping David's shoulders. David slid his mouth off and grinned up at Chad's red face. "Gettin' there, kiddo?" At Chad's silent nod, David again slid his lips over Chad's erection. A few minutes later, he felt Chad squeeze his shoulders as his balls tightened in David's hand. "Yessss," the blond teen hissed as he reached his orgasm in David's wet mouth. David swallowed the jets of cum shooting from Chad's dick and held him in his mouth until they faded to a trickle. Giving one last suck, David let Chad's wet dick slip from his mouth and gently pulled up his shorts. Once Chad was 'presentable', he stood up, pulling the younger boy into a hug as his breathing slowed back to normal. Chad briefly nuzzled David's neck then stepped back a little. He wiped his face with the hem of his shirt, then smiled. "Wow," he said quietly. David chuckled and ran his fingers through Chad's slightly sweaty hair. "Glad ya liked it." "Yeah," Chad replied. "I'm really gonna miss you." "Me too, kiddo, but that's not for another couple of weeks," David smiled, taking Chad's hand and starting back they way they had come. They walked quietly for a few minutes, Chad using their clasped hands to drape David's arm over his shoulder. "Whatcha want for your birthday?" Chad asked out of the blue. "Don't get me anything, kiddo. Just you is fine." Chad snorted, "Be serious." David stopped and looked into Chad's face. "I am. Really." Chad flushed slightly, then smiled. "Okay, whatever you say, Dave." "Ummm, I don't think I like that tone in your voice," David grinned. "What tone?" Chad asked innocently, then began walking again. "The tone that means you have something on your mind." "Oh, that? Nah, nothing's on my mind." David snickered. "I know better. Just no surprises, okay?" "Okay," Chad replied, then let go of David's hand as they approached the edge of the woods. Not convinced, David stopped again. "No surprises, kiddo." Chad grinned, "I love you." "Quit changing the subject," David argued. "I'm not. You are." David shook his head, exasperated. "I love you too, ya goof." "Would it be okay to stay over next weekend?" Chad asked as they walked side-by-side out of the woods toward the house. "I'll check my busy social schedule," David teased. "But I'm sure I can work you in." "Good, Friday and Saturday?" "Don't see why not, if it's okay with your mom and dad." "Cool," Chad replied as they walked onto the back porch and into the kitchen, where Matt and Karen were drinking coffee at the table. "Can I go over to Dave's this weekend?" "You sure he wants you there?" Matt teased. "He's only got a couple more weeks to enjoy his summer vacation." "Stop teasing the poor child, Matt," Karen laughed. "As long as David doesn't mind, Chad, it's okay with us." "Well, the apartment needs a good cleaning. Maybe he should stay the whole weekend." "Whatever," Chad snorted. "I'll bring him home Sunday morning. I've got some stuff I need to do that afternoon." "That's fine, David," Karen said. "We'll talk some more about your idea then." David nodded, then draped his arm across Chad's shoulders, squeezing briefly before letting go. "Well, I guess I oughta get home. Work tomorrow." "Okay, David, we'll drop the kid off about seven on Friday. Is that okay?" "Yeah, sounds good. Gives me a chance to relax." Mr Murray chuckled, "The calm before the storm." "Something like that, anyway, I'll see you all later." Chad followed David to the front door. "See ya, thanks," he said quietly. "Love ya, kiddo. See you on Friday." Chad nodded and closed the door behind him as he walked to the car. ****************************************************************************** Summer's winding down. So little to do and so much time...wait, reverse that. :-) Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup