Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 17:10:40 -0800 (PST) From: Fup Duck Subject: Life Goes On - David and Chad #30 STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This is the continuation of David's story. One of two boys loving each other. So the same disclaimer applies. If you can't handle that, or it's illegal to read this in your area, or you're underage, then now is the time to leave. If you continue reading after that admonishment, Nifty and I aren't responsible. There could also be incidents of unprotected sex. As always, I don't condone this practice - especially in this day and age. My roommate was an interesting and somewhat enigmatic type of guy. But you'll see that more clearly as time goes by. Fup ****************************************************************************** FROM CHAPTER 29 "Night, roomie," David smiled. "Is the light bothering you?" "Nah, no big deal, Greg. I'm used to worse." "Okay, night." LIFE GOES ON - DAVID AND CHAD #30 - Signals? David opened his eyes groggily. It took him a moment for his sleep shrouded mind to figure out where he was. He looked at the clock, seven-thirty. Ugh. Then he heard the upper bunk creak as Greg moved. Just to be safe, he closed his eyes, sensing his roomie's eyes on him. He mumbled in his 'sleep' and rolled onto his side. After a few seconds, he felt the bunks move as Greg climbed down the frame at the head of the beds. Slitting his bottom eye open slightly, he watched as Greg walked over to his closet. Pyjamas? Well, at least the bottoms. He continued his voyeurism as the sophomore pulled a pair of jeans out of the drawer, glanced in David's direction then slid his pyjama bottoms down, quickly stepping into his jeans. Nice butt, David thought. Greg then grabbed a towel and toiletry bag and headed for the shower. When he was gone, David rolled onto his back, closing his eyes again. The guy would really need to lose some of that shyness if he was going to survive the year. David shrugged. Unless he always wanted to take showers when no one was awake. He'd say something to him, maybe. After all, once classes started on Monday, Greg would have to get up real early. "None of your business," he mumbled to himself, drifting back into sleep. He came back to semi-consciousness to hear a couple different voices whispering. "It was pretty bad, man," he heard Mark's hoarse whisper. "Never seen him like that." "That's pretty bad," Greg answered. "And he came back?" "Yeah, we were sorta surprised," Vic replied. "Just don't tell him we told you, okay? He probably never would have anyway - knowing him, but guess we thought you should know, just in case." "Know what?" David grumbled, opening his eyes. Mark's expression changed from concern to disgust. "Don't do breakfast at the dining hall, man. It's some sort of an attempt at an omelet." Then he looked at Vic. "Did YOU ever see something that gross?" Vic shook his head, his expression changing as well. What the hell was going on? "I think that's bullshit, but I'll let it slide this time," David observed, stretching. He rolled out of the bottom bunk, noticing Greg's eyes dart to his groin then back to his face. "Damn thing," David laughed, smacking his morning erection. "Happy to see me?" joked Mark. "In your dreams, goob. I'm gonna take a shower. Please feel free to talk about me amongst yourselves." "Gonna be a short conversation," Vic laughed as David shot him the finger over his shoulder, wrapping a towel around his waist and snagging his shower necessities from his closet. "He doesn't do mornings well, as you can see," he heard Mark laugh as he left the room. Feeling somewhat presentable after his shower and morning duties, he wrapped the damp towel around his waist, shunning the gym shorts and walked back to the room, where the three were still chatting. Ignoring their banter, he dropped the towel and got dressed. "You've got the ugliest ass I've seen this side of a cow," Mark observed laughing. "Don't you look in the mirror when you shave?" David shot back, now awake. "And anyway, what are you doing looking at my ass?" "Research paper for anatomy." David snorted, "You don't HAVE anatomy." "Sounded good though," Mark admitted, still grinning. "Just wondering. First you throw yourself on my roommate, then you can't keep your eyes off my ass. Sure you don't have issues?" David noticed offhandedly that Greg seemed to be uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going. Get used to it, he thought. "Yeah, I'm sure," Mark laughed. "So what are you guys doing today?" "Dunno, thought I'd show Greg around the campus. Help him figure out where his classes are. That is if you want to," he directed the last comment to his roommate. "Yeah, I've been trying to figure it out, but any extra help will be welcome." "You're gonna end up in Timbuktu," warned Vic. "Now Vic, you know that Dave wouldn't do that. It would be Siberia." David shot a mock glare at Mark. "You doubt my tour guide skills?" "No, cos you don't have any. Nothing to doubt." David shook his head, then grinned at Greg. "See what I have to put up with? And classes haven't even started yet." "Poor guy," Greg commiserated, then laughed. "Hmph, some roommate you are." Then catching Greg's expression, added, "Kidding, man. I do need something to eat though. Y'all hungry?" Mark and Vic shook their heads negatively. Greg nodded at his questioning glance. "Feel like taking your chances with the omelets, or ya wanna go somewhere else?" "Well, I don't have that much money, so I guess it's the dining hall." "All right then, let's go. You all lock up when you leave. And remember to put the magazines back where you find them this time." Mark and Vic laughed and went back to their room. David and Greg walked toward the dining hall where the supposedly dreaded omelets awaited. "So why so quiet? You were up earlier than I was, should be completely awake by now," David teased. Greg shrugged. "Just thinking." "Ahhh, thought I was the only one who thought too much. Nice to know there's someone else." As they walked into the dining hall, Greg asked, "So are you guys like that all the time?" Joining the small queue, David replied, "Sometimes, have a problem with it? We can ease off a little. Just smack Mark around a little bit, and he'll be fine." "That's okay, just takes some getting used to." The omelets WERE pretty gross looking. "Guess I'll have a couple bacon sandwiches and some cereal," David griped. Greg's silence throughout the meal didn't go unnoticed. David tried again. "So what's up with you, man? You're startin' to worry me." "Nothin' really, just thinking about how this is a lot different than where I was." David chuckled. "Yeah, once classes start though, it'll change. We'll be so busy hittin' the books that there's gonna be very little social time." Then he remembered. "Oh yeah, I'll be workin' Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights at the library, so you'll have the room to yourself for a couple hours." Greg pushed his half-eaten omelet away with a wry smile. "That was really bad." "It's normally mystery meat. Guess they had some eggs left over from last year." David finished his breakfast and they pushed back from the table. "Ready for the nickel tour?" They spent the rest of the morning walking around campus with Greg's class schedule. The sophomore was soon back to his normal self, chatting and laughing as they wandered the concrete walkways. They were sitting on one of the benches, just watching other students pass, when Greg cleared his throat. "Look man, I'm really sorry about thinking you guys were queer yesterday." "Well, I really don't know whatever gave you that idea," David laughed. Then he continued a little more seriously. "Sorta freaked me out. Just a warning though, I'm kind of a physical person. If it ever makes you uncomfortable, let me know, okay? After all, we're sharing the same space for a while." "Well, there's the two lovebirds," came a voice from behind them. Greg jerked a little and slid farther away from David, who smiled as Mark and Vic walked around the bench to stand in front of them. Ignoring Greg's reaction, Mark asked him, "So, you lost yet?" Greg smiled and shook his head. "Nah, Timbuktu is nice this time of year." Mark laughed. "Well, if you don't mind, I gotta talk to the roomie for a bit. C'mon, Dave." Mark led David away from the bench, where Vic had taken David's previous spot and was chatting with Greg. When they were out of earshot, Mark turned to face him, nodding back toward Greg. "So, how's it going?" "Not too bad, he's sort of a babe in the woods, isn't he?" Mark smiled, "Yeah, kinda." Then, more seriously, "Listen, watch yourself man. He seemed to be real interested in your ugly butt this morning." David laughed, "So were you." "You know what I mean, man. Just be careful, okay?" "Don't worry, dad, I'll watch myself," David grinned. "Anyway, he's been going on and on about his girlfriend back home. Sorta made me horny listening to him." David looked around, then said, "So c'mon, let's find someplace we can get it on." Mark started laughing. "Pervert. Vic would get jealous." "And he worked construction this summer," David continued. "You'd be in deep trouble." "You're right," David answered. "Seriously though, man, I don't think we have anything to worry about from that aspect." "Okay, just thought I'd tell ya. I hate having my sleep interrupted by moans and groans," Mark grinned. David started walking back toward the bench. "It's cool, Mark. Thanks for the heads-up. So what were you guys talking about this morning?" "Omelets. Sucked, didn't they?" "Dunno, ask Greg. I had cereal and bacon." "Take my word for it....gross." "So what are you guys up to?" David asked as they returned. "Well, we were stalking you," Vic laughed. "Make sure you didn't get lost." David shook his head and grinned at Greg. Mark's "warning" ran through his mind, but he dismissed it almost as soon as it did. There was no way. But, it sort of made his mind ponder the 'what ifs.' Nah, Greg was too straight-laced for that. "Well, if your stalking is over, what say we head into town for something to eat?" Before Greg could disagree, he added, "On me, man. We'll have enough dining hall food the rest of the year." He grinned. "As long as you're a cheap date." The four walked into town to one of the local fast food joints, chatting about the imminent start of classes the following Monday. As they approached the dorm, David thought he recognized a face approaching them. Closer now, the senior did a double-take and veered to approach them. He gave David a small smile and said, "Hey, good to see you again this year." "Yeah," David responded quietly, aware of the questioning glances from the rest of his 'party.' "If ya need anything, let me know. I'm in 254." "Thanks, man. I will." "No problem. Catch ya all later," the senior replied. Then he walked away toward the library. Lost in thought, David resumed walking. "Who was that?" Greg asked. "Someone I knew last year, kind of," David replied. "Oh," Greg answered, shooting a glance at Mark and Vic, who shrugged. "Maybe I'll tell ya sometime," David offered. Suddenly Mark snapped his fingers. "Oh, man, I almost forgot. I need to hit the store." "For what?" David scoffed. "You're not gonna get your book list until next week." "No duh," Mark answered. "But I need to get something else." "Who is she?" "Yeah right, Dave. I might be the studliest junior on campus, but I don't move that fast," Mark laughed. "Jury's still out, man. I think they bolted." "Yeah, yeah, you're just jealous. I know that look." "Whatever, Mark. You'd better get goin'." "Actually, you oughta come along. She's got a friend." "Oh c'mon. You can't be tellin' me you're already hooked up?" "Call Ripley if ya don't believe me," Mark grinned, then grabbed David's arm. "C'mon." David rolled his eyes at the other two who were grinning. With shooing motions they dismissed Mark and David, who began walking toward the store. When they were out of earshot, Mark became more serious. "Hey, man, you gotta tell him, you know." "Huh?" "He's your roommate, Dave. And if you start acting weird like that, he's gonna think that you're some sort of psycho killer." "What the hell are you talking about?" "Do you honestly think I'm so stupid that I didn't recognize Kelly's roommate from last year?" "Oh, that." "Yeah, that. Dave, you gotta at least fill Greg in. Maybe not all of it, but at least enough to explain things. Like why you got real quiet all of a sudden." "My business," David answered, a little put off. Mark slowed down as they approached the store. "Dave, you owe it to him. You woke him up this morning talking in your sleep. We sorta had to do some damage control." "You what?" David answered, becoming upset. "It's my fucking business, man." "Dave, you're acting like an asshole again. At least think about it, okay?" David's anger began to deflate almost as fast as it had started. "I'll think about it, seriously." Mark smiled. "You're gonna be sharin' a room for the rest of the year, man. Just trying to beat some sense into that hard skull of yours." "Impossible," David smiled. "Don't I know it? Ready to go back?" "I thought that...," David began as Mark began walking back the way they had just come. He shot a glance at the store, then turned back himself. "You're a real pain, you know that?" "Just guiding a lost soul onto the path of enlightenment," Mark answered, then broke out into laughter at David's expression. "Sounded good, huh?" "I dunno how anyone puts up with you," David answered with a grin of his own. "Seriously, man, you really should fill him in. We didn't say anything in particular this morning, just general stuff. Like you had a rough year and all that." "Thanks, dad." Mark shook his head as they entered the dorm and walked to their respective rooms. "Tell him, man," Mark advised, opening his room door. "Maybe," David answered with a shrug. Mark sighed and closed the door behind him. David entered his dorm room to the sound of the local rock station Greg had tuned in on the stereo. He walked over to his bunk and laid down, arm across his eyes. After a few minutes of silence, he asked, "So, got everything figured out?" "Yeah, I think so. Thanks for the tour." "No sweat, I remember how lost I was my first year." "Well, I'm definitely not used to a campus this size," Greg admitted. "I'll still probably get lost." David chuckled, "Well, just carry the campus map with ya, and you'll be okay." "Music okay? I mean it's not keeping you awake or anything, is it?" "It's fine, man. Just thinking, that's all." "Okay," Greg answered, then was silent. David heard him putter around the room, opening his closet door and digging around the bureau. "Think I'm gonna take another shower. That tour made me all sweaty." David nodded, his arm still in place. He heard Greg leave the room, closing the door behind him. He guessed Mark was right. Maybe he needed to give his roommate a little information. But how much was a little? He was still mulling it over when he heard the door open and Greg re-enter the room. "I understand I kinda woke you up this morning." "Yeah, no big deal." "Just had a bad experience in January." "That's what Mark and Vic said." David smiled. "Yeah, well, some people can't mind their own business." "Look, Dave, if you don't want me to know, don't worry about it." David uncovered his eyes, but remained staring at the bottom of the upper bunk. "S'okay, my best friend died last year and it sort of comes back once in a while." Greg was silent. "We'd been friends for a long time, almost brothers, ya know?" "Musta been hard," Greg admitted. "Yeah, we were pretty tight. The guy I talked to today was his roommate last year." "Oh." "Just thought you needed to know," David sighed. "Okay, Dave. Thanks." "No sweat, roomie. Just didn't want you to think I was mentally unbalanced," David smiled. Greg chuckled. "Too late." David threw his pillow at Greg, who caught it and tossed it back. "You gotta quit hanging around Mark and Vic," David grinned. "They're already corrupting you." "Who says I wasn't already?" Greg asked. "Well, corruption can be a good thing." "Makes life interesting." "As if I believe you're corrupted," David snorted. "Never know," Greg grinned. "Riiiight." "Believe what ya want." "Ahhh, a roommate with many secrets," David joked. "Might be surprised." "Maybe, maybe not. And I don't like surprises anyway." Greg chuckled and slipped on his sneakers. "Wanna hit the rec hall?" David rolled off his bunk and sat on the edge. "What? The roomie wants to get beat at any game he plays?" "You might be surprised," Greg answered, raising his eyebrows. "I don't like surprises," David reiterated, smiling and slipping on his own sneaks. "Never know what might happen." "Whatever, c'mon, ya goof, time to learn a lesson." Laughing and chatting, the two headed for the rec building. ****************************************************************************** Nothing like being a 'closed-mouthed SOB.' lol Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback. Thanks! email: AIM and Yahoo: fupduckmd Fup