Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:09:26 +0000 From: Tommy Evans Subject: Uriel and Jon 14 The next morning when we finally woke up Jon turned to look at me as soon as he opened his eyes. He looked at me with a smile and then shut his cute eyes again. "Jon, you gotta wake up soon buddy we have to go to school you know" i said. "Do we have to go?" he asked. "Um...yeah i think we do" "But...isn't today friday?" he asked. "yeah. your point being?" "Well..maybe we can skip today and we'll have a long weekend" "Are you crazy! i'd never let you skip school u know that!" i said. "Ok well it was worth a try" he said. We both rolled out of bed and he slowly walked to the bathroom. I did too and i walked straight to the sink. I began washing my face while he peed and pretty much played with his thing while he peed. "Do you mind not doing that in front of me?" i asked. "O i'm just getting it slippery it felt weird for a moment" he said. "Maybe you're starting to precum" i said. "Whats that?" "We'll talk about that later" i said. He walked over to the other sink and washed his face too. Then we brushed our teeth and got our hair wet. He smiled at me and i couldn't help but to laugh. "What is wrong with you?" i asked. "Can't i be happy?" he asked. "Yeah...sure be happy." As soon as i was finished talking i heard my phone ringing and i ran to my room to answer it. "Hello" i answered. "Hey Aaron, are you taking me to school today?" it was oscar. "Yeah sure, head over here and i'll take you. We're just getting ready" "Who?" "Me and jonny" i said. "O, okay i guess i'll be there in a few minutes" he said. I heard a change in the tone of his voice though. I didn't know what was going on with him. "Okay buddy i'll see you then" i answered. "yeah" he said and then hung up. "Who was it?" Jon asked as soon as he walked into the room. "OScar" "is he coming?" "yeah" "O, why?" he asked. "because i'm taking him to school" "Man is he going to have you take him every day?" "I don't know Jon i guess. he's your friend u should be happy you get to be with him" "I am..." he said but not very...meaningful. We both got dressed and soon we were in my kitchen serving our selves some cereal when oscar popped up on the back door. I slid it open and he walked in. "Whats up guys" he said. "Not much, just having breakfast, want some?"i asked. "umm sure" he answered. He sat right next to me and well jon was nearby as well. "So, ready for the weekend?" i asked. "Yeah i guess" Oscar answered. "I'm so ready. what are we going to do aaron?" Jon jumped in. "I don't know yet bud. I mean i might have to start working more hours at the restaurant now" "No dont do that aaron, spend more time with me" Jon said. "Geez jon, since when are you so bossy" Oscar jumped in. "Since i felt like it" Jon retorted. "Okay, now why are you being rude" i asked. "I'm not, its slipped" he said. "Well, i dont know. I want to hang with you guys but my dad said i might have to go accompany him to a meeting. It shouldn't take too long" i said. "Okay well i'll come over as soon as you come home from the meeting okay?" Jon asked. "Yeah, sure" i said. Oscar sort of rolled his eyes at Jon. We didn't really talk about much more, just school in general and how much it sucked. Well at least for them, i really had a good time in school. When we headed off to school, Jon, as usual, called shotgun and he sat in the passenger seat next to me. It didnt matter anyway because i dropped him off first in the first place and Oscar new that. It was at least a 10 minute drive from Jon's school to Oscars and 5 minute from Oscar's to my school. When I dropped off Jon he said bye and he said he'd call me when he got home. Oscar jumped into the front seat and then he opened his notebook. I saw a glimpse of what was in it. It seemed like he was keeping some sort of journal. I wanted to read it. "So Oscar, ready for another wonderful day of school?" i asked. "Yeah, i guess. I hate it but what can i do. At least i can have fun after school with you guys i guess" he said. "Yeah, and i'm sorry about Jon, hes acting strange lately" "Don't worry. Thats how he is, sometimes he just, acts goofy. He's a goofy kid" "Yeah i guess he is. So you guys doing alright?" i asked. "What do you mean?" "Your friendship, hows it doing?" "oh its fine man" "Good thats good." i said. i had nothing else to say. I mean for all i knew thats just how they treat each other. Although i did get a weird feeling from Jon when he was talking about Oscar the night before. When Oscar came to his stop most of friends came to the car again and he just ignored them while he said bye to me and told me he'd see me later. I drove off to my school and well, there wasn't much to do once I got there. I went to my locker and then down to the cafeteria to grab something to drink really quick. I was sitting and drinking my Cranberry juice when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey big man" I heard Josh's voice. "O hey Josh, what you up to?" I asked. "Nothing really, just chilling before school starts and you?" "Getting a good source of energy, I need to wake up before my second hour. I have consumer ed and that can be a drag" "So, Aaron, I heard your girl and you are probably going to be homecoming king and queen, and its all just because of her" "I've heard that comment too many times. I haven't even seen her in 2 days. She's just so busy with this and that, and she's a cheerleader and crap" "I see, is there some, friction between you two right now?" "Yeah, I guess." I was wondering why he cared about something like that. It's not like it affected him in any way. "So Aaron, what do you say we hang out sometime?" "Sure dude, just, let me call you one day when I'm not all busy and stuff. I'm always doing something but I get breaks in between here and there" I answered. I didn't know if I wanted to hang with him all that much. He was fun to be with during class, but I don't know if I could really stand being with him out of class. He wasn't all that attractive to me anymore. He had lost his, essence I guess. "You're just telling me that but you won't call me, just tell me you don't want to hang out after school and I'll stop bugging you" he said. I felt bad. "No dude, it's not even that. I'm just really busy. Tell ya what, tomorrow night, Saturday, I'll call you and we'll see if we can hang out at the movie theater alright?" I asked. "Sweet, just call me and I'll be there" he said. "Cool. But right now I got to go because I need to go finish my homework." which I did because I got lazy the night before and didn't do it. "Yeah, me too. See you in class" he said. "Yeah, see you there" I answered. I walked upstairs so I could go to my locker and I bumped into Nikki. She looked at me, and she looked worried. "I'm sorry" she said as she walked away. I was surprised and sort of worried. Why would she just do that? I opened my locker and I saw an envelope. It was from her. It read: Hey Aaron, I'm really sorry I had to do things this way. I feel like our relationship is not really going anywhere. You are always busy with practice or with something else and I'm always busy with my stuff. And to be honest, I've been seeing someone else, I know things are changing and that you made me realize that I could be cool, but now I need to move on. I'm sorry. I hope you don't hate me. Bye. Nikki. I was shocked! She had broken up with me! It took me about a minute to recover. Then I shrugged it off. I knew it was something mean to do but I wasn't going to cry over her. I walked to class and pretty much fell asleep. The day passed by so slow and by the last period I was so tired. I wasn't tired because I was sleepy, but because I had slept so much in my other classes that I was just used to it and I wanted to go to sleep. When I walked into my last class, which Josh is in, I realized the teacher had set up a lot of beanbags and that the room was only lit by black light and it was so cool. I looked at him. "What's up with this teach?" I asked. "Just going to watch a movie and then reflect on it" he answered. I sat back on one of the beanbags and when Josh came in he automatically walked over to the beanbag next to mine. "I'm liking these new desks" he joked. "Yeah, me too" I joked. The teacher turned off one of the bulbs and now the room was so dark it wasn't funny. The started and everyone was pretty much paying attention. It was Finding Nemo. I like the movie but I didn't think it was really the movie to watch in a high school class. But o well, it meant free time. Which didn't matter because we always had free time in that class anyway. My teacher fell asleep on his desk and everyone else had pretty much either fallen asleep or was actually paying attention to the movie. I was pretty much ready to fall asleep when I noticed that Josh had gotten really close to me and that he was pretty much resting his dick on my ass. I turned around to look at him. "Hey sexy" he winked his eyes. "Um...I don't think you want to act like this in class dude" I said. "Why not? He's asleep and everyone else is watching the movie" he said. I wasn't sure if he was joking or what. "umm...okay. Then, just don't make it too obvious" I said as I winked back. I was sort of trying to play his game but without giving myself out. Out of nowhere I felt his arm go around my waist and pulling me back so that his dick was literally in my ass crack and his lips on my neck. "Is this better hot stuff" he whispered. "Um...I'm not sure about this" was all I could say. "Just, relax " he told me. "Dude, don't do this" I said. "Why not? You don't like it?" "No" I said. I didn't know why I said that. "Aaron, just try it. Just let me do this right now, and then I'll never talk to you again" "I don't want that though, I like being your friend." I said. I just didn't know if it was right. I already had enough trouble as it is. He started to slowly hump me and he was really pounding as hard as he could without making any noise. Either way we were pretty far back in the room and there was a big chair that blocked us a little bit. At one point my friend turned around to see what I was up to but he only saw me lying down. He texted me and told me to wake up so I knew he hadn't seen nothing. Then I felt Josh's hand go down onto my dick. He started touching me and he slowly slid his hand down my pants because they were a little loose. I felt him touch my bare dick and I felt a series of shocks throughout my body. I guess he was serious about this. When I looked up it was 2 minutes until the final bell rang and we were out so I quickly moved away and fixed my pants and when the bell rang I left. I didn't wait for Josh or anything because I was really confused. I went to my locker and he caught up with me there. "Hey, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad" he said. "Well...just...forget that happened and please don't do that again" "Please Aaron. You're older than me and you didn't stop me, that means you enjoyed it" "Josh, just, leave me alone and don't mention that to anyone or I will..." "What, beat me up?" he asked. "No, just...leave me alone, I need to think" I said. I walked out of the building and quickly got into my car. I drove over to Oscar's school and he got in the car. "What's up Aaron, did you have a good day at school?" he said as he got in. "uh...yeah sorta" I answered. "Why do you say sort of? Something bad happened?" he asked. "Yeah, my girlfriend broke up with me" I said. "Oh, well bummer." "Yeah, I guess. I didn't like her much anyway" "it's her fault. If I were her I wouldn't have dumped you" " sweet. Well maybe I should date you" I joked. "Um...I guess" he said. I caught the change of tone of his voice. I wasn't sure he meant what I thought he meant. I don't think he would ever want that, not with me. "Really? Oscar want to be my girlfriend?" I asked, I tried to joke. "No, not really I'm sorry. You're not my type" he answered. "O okay, I'm sorry for asking. I just thought that maybe...just maybe I had a chance you know" I joked. "You might, but I can't be your girlfriend" he answered. "O well...too bad. Anyway, how was your day at school?" I changed the topic before anything to too...complicated. "It was fine I guess" he answered. "Anything bad happen?" "No, I didn't get dumped by anyone" he laughed. "Well...that's great. Make me feel like shit" I said. "No I didn't mean it like that, I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I mean, no one likes me at school so they wouldn't even date me" "Well...they're dumb. You're a nice boy. If I were a girl I'd date you" I said. "Oh, well too bad you're not a girl" he answered. Just when things might turn out the right way, I pulled up to Jon's school and he quickly walked to the car and jumped in. The top was down so he literally jumped him. "What's up guys" he asked. He looked a little aggravated by the fact that Oscar was in the front seat. "Not much, just getting out of school and going home" I answered. "Don't you have soccer practice today Aaron?" Jon asked. "Yes I do, but it was postponed until 4 because of some meeting. That means I have an hour of doing nothing" "Well, I can I come with you to practice today?" Jon asked. "What for?" I asked. "Yeah, it's not like you're going to play soccer, you suck at it" Oscar joined. "Shut up Oscar, it's not like you are any better" Jon answered back. "Hey, stop that you two" I said. "He started it!" Jon complained. "You little girl" Oscar said. "Oscar, stop it" I said. "Fine" he answered madly. "Okay, what do you want do at my practice? Watch?" I asked. "Yeah, I think it'd be fun. I would ask Oscar to come but I guess he doesn't want to because he's being an ass hole" Jon said. "I wouldn't want to go with you anyway Jon!" he answered. "Hey what's with the aggressiveness, did something bad happen to both of you at school today?" I asked. "No, it's just Oscar is being an a-hole" Jon said. "Screw you Jon!" Oscar fought back. "Okay! That is seriously going to stop" I said angrily. "I'm taking both of you home because you obviously got something that's bothering you" I said. "Yeah, I got to go home anyway, drop me off first please" Oscar said sort of annoyed. I drove to Oscar's house and the atmosphere in the car was full of hostility, I didn't have a clue of why this was happening. When I got to Oscar's house he got off the car, said bye to me but not to Jon. He walked away and Jon just jumped to the front seat. He looked at me and I shook my head. "What?" he asked. "Nothing, I don't get you guys." I answered. "What! I didn't do anything! He started it!" "I know, sort of did too" "What! I just defended myself" "Jon, it's okay just, try not to do that again" "Aaron, so can I go to your house? And then to your practice?" he asked. "I'm sorry dude, but I got tons of homework and no one is allowed at practice. Sorry" I said. "Fine, but is it okay if I sleep over tonight?" "Uh... sure I'll pick you up after practice and we can do something okay" "Yeah, that's cool." he answered. When I pulled up to his house he quickly squeezed my hand, we did our handshake and then he said bye. When he walked into his house he looked back at me and I couldn't help but to realize that there was something different about the way he was looking at me. Almost as if he was telling me important, yet hard to explain. It was just a deep look he was giving me I guess. I drove home and I chilled for a little while. Then I started hearing a conversation on the radio. I heard Jon and Oscar talking. I wondered if they were smart enough to change the channels but well...they weren't I guess. I listened to their conversation. "What the hell is wrong with you Oscar?" Jon asked. "Nothing, you just kept saying stupid stuff" Oscar answered. "You called me a girl first!" "Well...stupid why would you say something like that in the first place!" "Oscar you're being a bitch" "Jon, you're acting like a little girl." "You're being a fucking friend stealer" "I'm not stealing your friend, he's still your friend" "Well...why don't you back off!" "Aaron's not an object. He can choose who he wants to be friends with" "Well it's not like he's going to choose you over me I know that much" "Wanna bet?" Oscar challenged Jon. "No, I'll win." "Then why don't you bet bitch ass" "Because I don't have any money!" "Jon just forget it. Stop acting stupid. Aaron's not going to just be your friend. He's my friend now" "No, he's not. He's just your friend because he thinks I'm your friend. If I tell him you're not my friend anymore I'm sure he'll just stop talking to you" "You go do that" Oscar said. "fuck you man!" Jon said angrily. "Whatever Jon, I gotta go. I have soccer practice to go to" Then I heard a beeping sound so I guess Oscar turned his walkie off. Seconds later my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Oscar. "Hello" I answered. "Hey Aaron whats up?" he asked. "Nothing really just getting ready for practice and you?" I answered. "Same thing. I think we're practicing in the field near you guys aren't we?" "Uh...I think so. Maybe." "Hey, are you going to bring Jon to practice?" he asked. "No, I can't. I have to go somewhere else right after practice and besides the way you both were acting today I don't think neither of you deserves to go anywhere with me." "What, I didn't do anything!" he complained. "Oscar, you both are to blame, not just one" "Oh my god dude!" he retorted. "Oscar, don't get all geared up. All I'm saying is you should both think about why you are acting so odd" "Oh my god dude, it's freakin Jon. He's acting all stupid. He keeps calling me a friend stealer and then he's telling me shit that you won't be my friend if he's not my friend" "Oscar, I don't get why you guys are arguing with each other about stupid shit like this" "Okay Aaron, I guess I'll see you around" Oscar said angrily. "Oscar, don't get too mad okay. Just realize that what you and Jon are doing is totally out of place" "yeah whatever" he said and then he hung up. I became angry. I couldn't believe they were doing this to each other. I mean they are best friends. At least they were the last time I checked. As I was walking out of my house with everything ready to go I saw Oscar running towards me. He didn't look all that mad, just a little stressed out. "Aaron, I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to be mean to's just jon is being really weird" he said. "And you need a ride to practice?" I asked. "Well yeah, but I really wanted to say sorry for making you mad" "Oscar, I just, don't get it. You guys are best friends and lately I feel like you are just fighting with each other for no damn reason" "Aaron, trust me, everything will be okay." He said. "Oscar, the last time some one said that, I lost a real close friend of mine, I don't want that story to repeat itself, got it?" "Yeah Aaron, don't sweat it, me and jon will be fine, its just a little, stupid thing okay?" he reassured me. We both jumped into my car and we were headed to practice. It was sort of weird how Oscar and I were starting to have more things in common than me and Jon do. I mean Jon has baseball, basket ball, dodgeball, volley ball, and other weird sports while Oscar and I just have soccer, a true Mexican sport I guess. "Aaron, tell me something" Oscar finally broke the silence. "Okay, what do I tell you?" I answered. "If, for example, one of your friends, say Uriel, didn't like me, and told you to stop talking to me. Would you stop talking to me?" "Of course not man, they don't' make my decision, I do" "okay cool" "why do you ask a question like that?" "Well, because, I just wanted to know" "Oscar, as far as I know, you and I have a pretty cool friendship right now. I know Jon isn't too happy with it because he's used to being number one and well having to share me with his own best friend is hard." "Yeah I know, but why does he have to act all stupid about it, I mean its not like im going to make you stop talking to him" "There's just stuff you don't understand" I said. "Iike what?" he asked. "Don't worry about it. It's not important" "Well if its not important then why does he get mad?" "Because both of you are little kids and you get mad very easily" "Yeah, okay" he said. Well, as soon as that conversation ended we pulled up to the parking lot of the school. We got off the car and we both looked at each other as if asking, what now? I guess I answered the question by grabbing my bag and walking over to the field. He grabbed his and walked over to his field, but before he totally left, he turned around and looked at me. "good luck, see you when we're done" he said. "yeah you too buddy" I answered. I sort of realized that Oscar was very different from Jon. Oscar had more of an intellectual personality while Jon had more of a spontaneous personality. I also noticed that Oscar didn't mind showing signs of caring for me in public while Jon always kept his distance and watched what he said around other people. But that could be because Jon actually knows there's something to hide while there is nothing to hide with Oscar, at least for now. I tried to forget about that and just headed over to my practice. As soon as I got there some of the freshmen were already running and well, it was freshmen tryouts and the seniors, like myself had to choose which freshmen would actually make the cut. I didn't exactly feel all that ready for practice or for the season what so ever, I was still overweight and out of shape. I walked over to my buddy and then he pointed over to a blonde kid. I couldn't believe it! It was Josh. Why would he come to soccer tryouts? I mean he's a football guy. "yeah, I know, I'm surprised too" Jose said to me. "Jose, how long has he been here for?" I asked. "since tryouts started half an hour ago" he answered. Jose was a really cool kid. He also had gained a few pounds and wasn't looking too ready for the season, I guess we were the only two guys not ready. But I knew we were going to be fine as soon as the coach got us back in shape. Which I knew he was going to start soon. The coach walked over to us and then laughed. "You two need a lot of running to get rid of the extra weight" he said. "Yeah, you think?" I answered. "Okay, well get to it." He said. I got up and so did Jose. We started running but at a distance from the freshmen, we didn't want to get too close to them or else they would start trying to get the word in with us so that they could make it to the team. We started talking about our life at home and he was having some difficulties with his parents because he wanted to start working full time but his parents want him to focus on school. Lets just say he's not the most gifted person when it comes to smartness. As we were running I felt someone poke me in the back. I turned around and it was Josh. "Hey dude, whats up" he said. "What are you doing at soccer tryouts?" I asked. "Well, football season doesn't start for a while, so I figured I'd do soccer with you guys" "Soccer? You want to try soccer?" I asked. "yeah, why not, I played as a little kid" "Josh, this is different. We love soccer, its our passion" "yeah, I know. Plus I needed the extra curricular activities on my record so I figured I'd give it a try. Not bad so far, great workout, makes me fast for football." "Well hopefully this is what you really want to do" I said. "Yeah and don't try to impress us, we're not team captains, our opinion barely counts, you should try to impress the guy with the red shirt" Jose pointed to Bradley, the team captain. "O, well, I don't care I just wanted to work out and hang with you Aaron, is that cool?" Josh asked. "Um...what do you want to take a shower with him too?" Jose asked. "well if that's a bonus then yeah" he answered. "Yeah, lets not talk about showers yet, we still have an hour of practice to get through" I said. So the three of us started running together, I could barely take this though because I was so out of shape. I was panting like a dog, but I knew I had to get through this at least to end my seasons alright. Last year I didn't do so well, I mean in people's eyes I did, but in my own eyes I didn't. Either way, the new captain of the team was a jerk to us so I had to work my ass off to really be in good terms with him. We did a bunch of drills and then we played a practice game. Jose and I play really well with each other, we understand our moves since we've played together since we were kids. We ended up scoring 2 goals ourselves and giving our team the victory and the team captain's team a loss. That was the shit. Then they brought the freshmen into it and Josh was added to our team. He didn't do so well since he's not so much into soccer, but he did manage to give me a goal scoring pass and well I realized that maybe he wasn't going to be all that bad at this. When practice ended Jose and I sat on the grass and drank our water. Josh was still sitting with the rest out of the aspiring soccer players and he kept looking over at us as if he was anxious to sit with us. "Boy that Josh kid is something else, you must be his role model" Jose said. "Dude, he's cool I guess. He's in one of my classes, talks to me all the time. I never thought he'd try out for the soccer team" I answered. "Yeah, maybe he just wants to get in your pants" Jose joked. "maybe" I laughed. But then again, I thought about that being a possibility. Just as we were getting ready to leave Josh came over and sat with us. "So do you guys think I'll make it?" he asked. "I don't know, I mean you weren't all that bad. I just think you should really think about what you want. Soccer isn't for everyone, just like I wouldn't do football. I'm no good at it" I answered. "Well, I want to be good at soccer, I don't think I'm all that bad, am I?" he asked. "Honestly, bro, you're not. But you just don't have the feel for what soccer is all about. You did give Aaron a really good pass though, I was impressed" Jose said. "yeah, he's good" Josh said as he looked at me. I was starting to get a little worried about Josh though. "Yeah, just a little pudgy, but he's a good player. But anyway guys I got to go to work. See ya guys tomorrow maybe" Jose said as he got up and left. Josh sat with me and I was just relaxing. I lied down to look at the sky. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier today" he said. "Don't talk about it" I answered. "Okay, are you going to stop being my friend?" "No" "Okay, well I'm sorry" "I said stop talking about it" "How do you do it?" he asked. "Do what?" I answered. "Be good at soccer. I mean, you are sort of heavy, but you still play well" "I just love the game. Soccer is in my blood dude" "man I wish it was in my blood" "Why, weren't you a die hard football fan?" "Well yeah, but I mean, if I get good at soccer I'll be killer at football" "Yeah, I guess you can say that" "Aaron, how do you do all that you do?" "What do you mean?" "You're in choir, you're in soccer, you have a business, and you always have time for your little brother" "My little brother?" "Yeah, Jon, he's your brother right?" "hahaha, no he's not my brother. He's my neighbor. He's like a brother though" "Well, I have to go my dad's here to pick me up, I'll see you around. Maybe I'll give you a call later" he said as he got up. "Um...yeah sure. I got to go too" I said as I got up and started to walk away. He looked back at me and smiled. I was rather, confused with this kid. He was, not good looking, well he was, but not, I don't know how to explain. He had short curly, blond hair. He was, filled in, some people called him butter ball. He did have an okay ass but I really didn't feel all that, attracted to him so it was a little odd for him to start acting like I feel attracted to him. Maybe he doesn't even like me and I'm just seeing things, who knows. Either way, I started walking towards my car and I was just waiting for Oscar to catch up with me, I was sure his practice ended too. So I sat in my car listening to music for about 5 minutes before he appeared at my window and knocked on it. I unlocked the door and he jumped in. "What took you so long?" I asked. "I was taking a shower" he answered. "O, I didn't take one, I just changed my shirt and shorts, I didn't feel like taking a shower here" I said. I was surprised he did. I mean he seemed pretty shy around people. "Well, I wouldn't have but then I saw that we have separate stalls for everyone so that no one sees you naked. So I just took one" he said. "O okay. See we don't have that. We have like 2 stalls, no one uses them because well, they don't want to be pussies. That's why I don't even bother showering here" I said. "O, well, what are we doing now?" he asked. "I don't know, I'm hungry. What about you?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm hungry too but I promised my mom I'd go home right after practice because I have to help her do something" he said. "Yeah, and I have other things to do. Maybe we can go out to eat tomorrow" I said. "Yeah, tomorrow is Saturday though, sometimes we go out on Saturdays" "Well just give me a call if you want to do something" "Cool, yeah" he said. We started talking about how our practices went. I guess he made the first team. Middle school usually has two teams. A team and B team. Sometimes they have a C team. It really doesn't make sense. But I think really good people make it to the A team and the rest go to the B team. At least that's how it worked when I went to middle school. He told me he was on the A team and that he was right forward. That is pretty cool. I was right forward too but well they usually call me the striker. Either way, I was proud of him. He seemed to be real happy. I also noticed that there was a bulge in his pants because he was wearing light sweatpants. He started to itch himself down there and I noticed he was doing it a lot more often. "Are you okay? You keep scratching yourself down there" I asked. "Yeah, its just that I forgot clean boxers so I didn't wear any and it itches" he said. "Oh, it must be because you're starting to grow down there huh" I joked. "Um...yeah I guess" he said. I still couldn't help to notice the bulge. He was probably decent size down there, I have never seen a boy his age have a bulge. I mean, well...out of the ones I've seen. Anyway, it got real quiet for a little while then he spoke again. "Aaron, is it really itchy when you start growing a lot of hairs?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "well you know...on your thing" "O...that, well yeah. It gets itchy but usually if you shower every day you wont get that itchy." "Man, it really sucks, sometimes I fell really itchy in class and I just cant help it" "Oscar, it's nature, just be real discrete about it" "Yeah, but then..." he stopped. "you get hard I know" "How did you know?" he turned red. "I was your age before" "O, so um...did you jack off?" "When I was your age?" "Yeah, did you?" "No, I didn't start that until I was 14" "So next year I'll start?" "Um...I don't know, I guess" "What do you mean?" "Well, some boys start sooner than others" "O, but why?" "WEll, some boys are hornier than others. If you're really horny then you will probably start soon, if you hardly think about that then you wont start until later. Its all up to your hormones, and your mind I guess" "So if my hormones are real crazy, I'll start thinking about sex and start jacking off soon?" "yeah, I guess you can say that" Just as I said that I pulled into his driveway. He looked down at his pants and he noticed he was hard, he just turned red. He looked over at me and I had a hard on but I mean you couldn't tell because my pants were not so light. "Um...I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" he said. "Yeah, and don't worry about your little thing, you'll be fine. Everyone gets boners" "Um...yeah, I know. I'll see you tomorrow then" he said as he got out of the car. I looked at his ass, it was gorgeous. I was getting really attached to Oscar. I mean he basically had Jon's body, a little bit more advanced in growth, but it was basically the same frame. Short, a little filled in, but not fat, bubble butt, nice legs, nice stomach, everything was good about him. When I got home I quickly got into the shower. I took a nice relaxing shower and when I was finished I basically just plopped down on my bed and turned on the TV it had been a really long time since I just sat down and relaxed. I couldn't hear anything downstairs so I figured my parents weren't home. It was only 6pm so I still had a little while before I would decide to go somewhere or not. Just then I got a call from Jon. "Hello" I answered. "Whats up dude, what are you doing?" He asked. "I'm sitting on my bed watching TV" "So I'm sleeping over tonight right?" he asked. "Yeah, sure, have you asked your mom?" "you know she doesn't care, I just have to clean my room, and well I just finished cleaning it" "Wow you really want to sleep over huh?" "yeah, dude, I'm bored" "okay well I'm at my house whoever you're ready" "what are we going to do?" he asked. "I don't know. Think of something and then tell me when you get here" "Okay I'll be there in a little bit" he said. "Okay I'll be here waiting" I said. He hung up and I could tell he was eager to come over. I really didn't understand all the eagerness, but it was nice. I continued to watch TV when my mom came into my room. "Hey ma" I said. "hey, do you have any plans for tonight?" she asked. "Uh...Jon's spending the night, other than that none" "Okay, well Jesse's parents are coming over to talk about possibly opening a restaurant themselves and they want some help. I told them they could come and then we'd go out, I don't know if you want to come with us or stay here. I'm sure Uriel is coming so that's why I'm telling you" "O I don't know mom, maybe we'll talk about it when they get here." "Yeah, well they said they will be here in like 10 minutes, we had this planned for a week, I just forgot to tell you" "Mom! You are crazy, well then tell Uriel to come up to my room when he gets here" I said. "okay that's a plan" she said. I hated when she made plans and included me in them without telling me. I mean I don't mind going with them since Uriel is going. But still. Anyway, Jon called me and told me he was going to go to the store but he was going to get dropped off at my house around 9. He promised he was going to come and his mom even told me it was good idea because she was going to go out anyway to her sisters house and was planning on leaving Jon at Oscar's but that it was better if he stayed with me. Minutes later Uriel came into the room. "Dude, whats up with our parents?" he asked. "I don't know, really. I was just informed not too long ago of this. What about you?" I asked. "I found out when I got home today, they were like, we're going to Aaron's house go take a shower" "Well, yeah, I guess it's cool." "Yeah, I guess" he said. I felt a little odd. As if things, were just a little too weird between us. I wanted to set things straight. "Uriel, do you feel weird too?" "Yeah, you?" "Yeah, very" I answered. "Aaron, what exactly is going on?" "I think we're supposed to go out to dinner or something" "No, I mean, with us" "O that, I don't know. I guess, we're friends, but neither of us call each other" "Aaron, it's just weird. I can't forget what happened, and I mean, its just, way too weird" "Tell me about it" "Aaron, well, just to set things straight. I don't like you, not like that. We can just be friends" "yeah, we'll be friends" There was a moment of silence after that. "so what plans did you cancel to go out on this dinner?" he asked me. "well I didn't exactly cancel any plans. Jon is supposed to come over and sleep over today" "O, is he still coming?" "yeah, he should be here any minute" I answered. He rolled his eyes very discretely. I noticed that maybe this didn't please him at all. "Well, so what, is he coming too?" "Actually, why don't we just stay here and order some pizza and have a good time here?" I asked. "Well, I don't know. I do have a friend that lives near here, maybe I can go hang with him" Uriel said. "What, why?" "I'm just saying, you can be with your friend and I can be with mine" "Uriel, that's not what its about." "Well, what am I supposed to do. You have your little friend" "Uriel, Jon can be your friend too." "I never said he couldn't" "Well the way you reacted towards him coming told me something completely different" "Aaron, come on. You know I'm not about to be jealous, the kid can just get annoying" "Uriel, come on give him a chance. I love him to death, you should just get to know him" "Yeah, I bet I know why you love him" "Uriel! that's just not right. You know I wouldn't do something like that to him" "Yeah, just like you would never do it to me" "Uriel, that's not fair. You always try to make me feel bad" "I did not want to make you feel bad, its just, how do I know you're not banging him?" "Because, he's a little boy." "Yeah, well how old is he? Maybe 10 or 11?" "he's turning 11" "there you go, I'm only 13, and you didn't hesitate at all with me" "Uriel, you're much more mature than 13. He's just not, like that" I said as I watched Jon enter the room. "Hey, Jon" I said quickly. "Whats up" he answered. "hey" Uriel said to him. Jon said hey back. "So, Uriel is staying too?" Jon asked. "Yeah" Uriel answered rather quick. "Yeah, I guess he is" I added. "Sweet! What are we going to do?" Jon asked. "Well, I don't know. Ask Aaron" Uriel answered. "I don't know either, I guess we'll just think about it right now" I answered. "Yeah, so I'm going to go tell my mom I'm staying over" Uriel said as he walked out of the room. I walked over to the doorway to make sure Uriel wasn't spying or something and then I went over to Jon. "So, yeah, this was unplanned for, you don't mind right?" I asked. "What, Uriel staying over?" Jon asked. "yeah" "No I don't mind. He's a cool guy, but I don't think he likes me" "He's just hard headed but he'll get to like you" I said. "Yeah, okay. Too bad if he doesn't like me" Jon said, I felt some anger in his comment though. Lately, I've noticed Jon has had quite a few anger problems. Just then Uriel came up the stairs and when I heard him come I instantly told Jon to change the subject with hand signals. When Uriel came in I looked at him. "So how did they take the news?" I joked. "O they didn't mind, they said they were planning on having me stay over anyway" Uriel answered. "Okay, so then what are we doing?" Jon asked. "I'd say, a scary movie" Uriel added. "Uh...I don't know, I mean we always watch movies" Jon jumped in. "Well, then what?" Uriel sounded a little upset. "How about, we go bowling?" I asked. "Um...I don't like to bowl" Uriel said. "I do" Jon added. It seemed like, they were going against each others' opinions, I didn't like that at all. "What about the arcade, want to go to the arcade?" I asked. "I don't know" Uriel said a little ignorant. "Yeah, let's go" Jon agreed with me. "I guess we can go, but not to a kiddy arcade, something cool" Uriel commented. "Okay sounds great, we'll go out to game works" I said. They both nodded in approval and I went downstairs to see what my parents were up to. They were just getting ready to leave. "So, are you guys staying here then?" my mom asked. "yeah, but we're going to go out to the arcade" I said. "Sounds like fun, don't stay out too late, I want you guys here by 12 the latest, got it?" said my dad. "Yeah, have fun, don't talk about business too much. Have a good time" I said. "Well yeah, I think we will now that we dumped the 2 party poopers" my mom joked. "I hope you're not talking about me and Uriel, we're just two partiers." "Okay behave" my mom said as she kissed my forehead. I hated that, but I know she was just being a mom. When they closed the door I headed upstairs. I found Jon sitting on the couch and Uriel lying on the bed, it was a little weird, I figured they were not on good terms or were just trying to keep their distance. "Okay, you guys ready?" I asked. "Yeah, totally ready" Uriel jumped off the bed. "Yeah" Jon turned off the TV and got off the couch. "Let's go then" I said as I grabbed my keys and my cell phone. They followed me down to the garage and when they both came up to the car they sort of stopped. I guess now the question was who was riding shotgun. And I know both of them felt too, eager, yet scared, to make the first move. Uriel beat me to the punch though because he pulled out a coin. "Okay, heads or tails?" he asked Jon. "Tails" he answered. It turned out to be heads so Jon had to go back and Uriel got shotgun. I sort of saw a grin on Uriels face when Jon said tails though, I couldn't help to think that Uriel could have cheated or something. I mean he was pretty smart for his age. On the way to the arcade the car was a little silent, maybe a few questions and small talk here and there but it was mostly the music playing and me singing along to it. I didn't really mind it though because it gave me time to think about plans to solve any problems that might come up throughout the night. I mean I had realized in the past few days that Jon was no longer a pushover kid and that he would actually fight for what he wants. I had seen that Jon was starting to be a little more jealous of others, starting with his best friend Oscar. So I knew that he obviously detected that Uriel was also a possible threat. Uriel on the other hand was a little bit more tactical about what he did. He is very careful and patient. He will pinpoint the weakness of a person and then go at it. I knew Uriel already felt Jon's hostility and was going to use against him. I just had to find a away to stop Jon from falling into Uriel's trap. I felt crazy when I thought about this because the best thing to do at the moment was to set things straight between them, but I was just too iffy about it. When I pulled up to the arcade I felt a huge relief because we'd get out of the car and then it wouldn't be so damn quiet, but at the same time I knew it could possibly mean the start of a dangerous battle for attention between the two boys. We walked to the door and the two of them seemed to be okay and well, they weren't even keeping a distance in fact they were pretty close to each other like if they were talking, but they weren't. When we got to the cashiers desk to purchase cards with money to use on the games they both seemed to be very excited. I bought a card with 200 dollars worth of games and an infinite amount of laser tag games. It cost me a lot of money but I wanted to have a good time. Everything started out well, we played tons of games and had tons of fun. In fact, at one point I forgot that the two of them were not friends, I mean for a while they were acting like if they were actual friends. I was pretty surprised with this. I was really happy to see the two of them laughing and smiling and having a good time. I couldn't believe that at one point, I couldn't really see the two of them together because it was so hard for me. I started to see that Uriel wasn't such a mean kid and that there was still some sweetness in him when he smiled. At one point the three of us went into this virtual roller coaster and I was stuck in the middle. Uriel and Jon both grabbed onto my hand and I started to get confused again. Uriels touch sent shocks through my body. There was still something about him that in a way, captured me. When he talked I always listened, when he walked, I always watched. I was starting to get all the mixed feelings I hated from before. I noticed that now that both Uriel and Jon had changed, they had become even more of a challenge to each other, yet, they had no clue. At least not at the moment. Things seemed to be okay. Even at laser tag, the three of us made a kick ass team. We killed the other teams game after game. Jon was the secret attacker while me and Uriel were snipers. No one was capable of beating us. We were having so much fun. At 10pm we went to the cafeteria to get some drinks. I sat down in a booth and they each sat at one end of me. "You know guys, I'm having a blast" I said. "So am I" Jon said. "I haven't had this much fun since we first met at camp" Uriel added. "I know! That was the bomb!" I agreed. "I bet it was" Jon jumped in. "Jon, don't get jealous, Aaron's all yours now" Uriel laughed. "What do you mean?" Jon asked. "He's just messing around" I jumped in before it went any farther. In my head I was hoping Uriel wouldn't try to start something now. "yeah, don't worry. All I meant was that Aaron's all yours as in, he's your best friend and no matter how much fun, he'll be your friend" Uriel continued to start the fire. "He's your friend too" Jon answered. "yeah, but you see him more than I do" Uriel continued. "but you've known him for more time then I do" Jon answered. "You both mean a lot to me so stop it" I said. "Lets go back to laser tag" Uriel finally changed the subject. "yeah, lets go kick some butt" Jon said happily. So we went back to playing laser tag and we were still number one until this really good team came in. The game was really close, but then at the end, they cremated us. They had tons more experience and 3 extra players. When the clock turned 11:30 we decided to hang up our guns and go home. We were really tired. When we jumped in the car Uriel still had shotgun and Jon didn't seem to mind. Both Jon and Uriel sort of fell asleep on the way back. I noticed that maybe the night wasn't going to be as bad as I thought it would be. There was not arguments, no fights, no dirty comments, not even disagreements. I was really happy. As I pulled into my driveway, I heard Jon say, "I got first dibs on the shower". "Go ahead, you smell more than I do" Uriel joked. "That's because I'm a man" Jon answered. "Yeah, well prove it" "I would, but I'm sure Aaron would get mad if I showed you my dick" "Yeah, I bet he would, he'd get jealous" "Guys, that's so not cool" I said. "We're just kidding" Uriel said. "yeah" Jon added. When we went inside Jon jumped into the bathroom and Uriel and I sat on the couch. "I think you're right, he's not that bad after all" Uriel started the conversation. "I told you so" "Aaron, I still don't get why you don't like him. He's just like I was when I was 10" "Because, things are not the same anymore" "Why not? He's young, cute, innocent, ready to be turned into a man" "Uriel, stop it. You know that I am not like that anymore" "Aaron, you can't change who you are. I know that deep inside, you still like someone, and that someone is probably a boy" "Well...that's something that's going to stay deep inside me" " could also keep yourself deep inside of me" Uriel said with a low tone of voice. "Uriel, don't do this to me" "Do what?" "What you're doing. You know we promised never to do that again" "Aaron just have some fun, no one is going to find out" "Uriel, why are you acting like this. The first time we did it was because I loved you. Now you're just doing it for lust" "You can't stop loving someone in that short period of time" "What do you mean?" I asked. "You can't stop loving me that quick, I don't think you loved me in the first place" Uriel answered. I saw a little bit of pain in his eyes. "Uriel, you meant the world to me. You honestly did. I'm not lying, but as timed passed by, you proved to me that everything has an end. I always thought you and I were going to stay friends and I would love you forever. But you hurt me many times, you ignored me, insulted me, and then rejected me as a friend. That's when things changed. I realized that you and I were probably not going to ever fall in love" "But we did" "No we didn't Uriel, you just grew up and became horny as hell. Can you honestly say that you ever LOVED me, and I mean Love, not just like for sex" "Aaron, you mean a lot to me. You really care about me, how am I not going to love you" "Uriel, the problem is, I've moved on, I no longer feel that same lust and that same want to be with you. Now I want to be your friend" "Well, yeah, we can do that, we can be friends" "Isn't that what we are?" I asked. "Yeah, it is" he said. Just then he moved closer to me and I held him. I didn't hold him sexually, I just held him. I held him to let him know that he was my friend, my little brother, just how it should have been in the first place. But just then Jon opened the door and poked his head out. "Aaron, get my clo..."he stopped when he saw us. Uriel quickly jumped up and moved away. I got up and went over to my drawer and I grabbed Jon's clothes. Jon had gone back into the bathroom and when I went in he was drying himself. "Hey, here's your stuff" I said. "Thank you" he said sort of angry. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, can you get out so I can get dressed" he asked. "Jon, I always stay here, what's wrong?" "I just want to change, can I change in private? Do you always have to be around?" he said angrily. This really hurt me. I walked out the bathroom but not before looking at him, he just looked away. When I came out Uriel got up. "I hope he doesn't think something wrong" he said. "Why should he? He knows you're like my brother. I hug him all the time" I said. Just then Jon came out of the bathroom, he smiled and then Uriel went into the bathroom. Jon walked over to the bed and sat on it and started playing on his phone. I walked over to him. "Are you not going to talk to me?" I asked. "why should I, you obviously had enough talking to Uriel" "Jon, you know he's my friend, my brother" "Yeah, just like me. I'm your friend and your little brother." "What is that supposed to mean?" "That you probably fuck him too" "Jon, what's up with your language lately" "nothing, its just how I am. Don't like it then deal with it" "JON! What the hell is wrong with you? You are totally changed. You're not the sweet boy I used to know" "Yeah, well, you're not my big brother I used to know" "Yeah I am. I'd do anything for you" "Then stop hugging Uriel." "I will, but they are just friend hugs, nothing more" "Okay, I'm just, worried. I don't want you to love him" "Jon, I love him as a friend, as a brother" "And me?" "I love you as you. I love you for who you are. I love you, that's it." "But how do you love me? As a friend, as a brother, how?" "As Jon. I love you for being Jon" "Aaron, are you sure you didn't have sex with Uriel?" "Jon, drop that subject. Don't worry about that. Uriel is my friend, that's it" I hugged Jon and he hugged me back. I lied down and he did too. We were holding each other on my bed while we just looked into each others' eyes. I slowly kissed his lips and he held me close to him. We didn't do anything crazy, I didn't eat his mouth out, just gave him sweet pecks on his cute lips. "I love you so much" I said. "I do too" he answered. I heard the door knob start to move on the bathroom door so I moved a little back. Jon turned quickly and lied on his back. I simply put my arm behind his head and we seemed to be talking. But I knew Uriel was way too smart for this, I just hoped he didn't have any plans on his head for tonight. I got up and went to take a quick shower. I didn't want to leave the two of them alone. But, then again, I was too smart for either of them. I had already thought ahead for something like this to ever happened. I had placed a mic in my room. Near my lamp, and the speaker to the mic was hidden in the bathroom cabinet. I turned the speaker on and eaves dropped on their conversation. "Jon, do you really trust Aaron?" Uriel asked. "yeah" "Well that's cool, I trust him too" "You should, he's a nice guy" "Yeah, I guess he is" Uriel said. I knew now that Uriel wasn't mean enough to say anything else bad about me so I opened the door and walked out. I saw them sitting on the couch. Talking. When I came out they simply looked at me and then smiled. "So, what if we watch a movie now?" Uriel asked. "Sure, what movie" I asked. "Something scary" Jon added. This surprised me because Jon is usually the last one to suggest watching a scary movie. Uriel got up and chose one of the scariest movies. I put it in and then signaled them so come sit on the bed. Jon did sit pretty close to me and Uriel did too. We ended up just watching it while we were in bed. I was in the middle and since were under covers, Jon held my hand. The movie was scary, at least to us because we all hate scary movies. It was the Exorcist. Anyway, as the movie went on, I felt Uriel's hand get closer to mine. Until finally, his fingers lightly tapped mine. I didn't move my hand, I wanted to see what he was going to do. He did just what I thought he would, he slowly moved his hand under mine and then he placed his fingers in between mine. I close gripped on his hand and he slightly turned to look at me. Now I was holding hands with both boys. I was so, confused again. As the movie went on, both of them became real tired and I could tell that the first one to knock out would be Jon. And sure enough, halfway through the movie his breathing pattern changed and he slowly drifted off to sleep. Jon's grip on my hand completely loosened and soon he wasn't even holding on to me. I still watched the movie with Uriel though. He was still watching it but I could tell he was getting really tired. "Aaron, are you asleep?" he asked softly. "No, but I'm thinking about stopping the movie, I'm getting tired" I answered. "yeah, just stop it, I'm not even watching it, its freaky" So I stopped the movie and I turned the TV off and now I was just staring at the ceiling. "Aaron, can I ask you a question?" "Sure, I guess" I said, I have to accept that I was a little scared of the question to come. "Did you loose your virginity to me?" he asked. "um...yeah, I guess I did" I didn't know what to say. "What do you mean you guess?" "Well, yeah I did. You were the first person I had sexual relationship with" "Have you done it with anyone else?" "Yeah" I had to be honest with him. "O, well, I lost it to you too." "I know" I added. "But, I only did it with one other person. And, it wasn't the same as with you" "Well Uriel, at the time, I really loved you" "I know, and I really loved you, I think..." "Uriel, why do we have to keep going back to that subject? Can't we sort of put it in the past?" "Aaron, why? It was something that happened, and something that will keep happening." "Yeah, but not between us" "Why are you so sure of that? Have you found another boy to replace me?" "Uriel, I could never replace you because you're obviously still in my life" "yeah, but we're not having sex anymore" "Uriel, no I haven't found anyone else. But you have, and that's something I never complain about" "No I haven't. Angel was just, he was just, a way of showing you that I could have other people" "Okay, well you did a great job of showing me" "I know, but now tell me, who have you done it with?" "Uriel, why do you have to ask these questions now?" "Jon won't hear he's knocked out" "Still, Uriel, it's private stuff" "But I'm your best friend, can't you tell me?" "Well yeah, its just, hard" "Just tell me, who did you have sex with?" "My ex-girlfriend" "Was she, good?" "Yeah, I'd say so" "So, you like girls better now?" "I don't know Uriel" I said. "Aaron, do you still love me?" "I don't know." "Tell me the truth" "Uriel, you know better than I do that I love you to death. Its just, you keep coming and going." "I keep coming and going? No, that's not it! See, you left me when Jon came into the picture, you left me even more when Luis came into the picture and now that Oscar came in, what am I supposed to do, just back away. No, see if anyone comes and goes its you!" "Uriel, its not that I want you to back off, its just that you got to understand. You always get mad and stop talking to me when new friends come into the picture that's the problem" "No I get mad because when you find new friends, you put your old friends in the back seat, that's not fair" "Uriel, you have no idea how much some of your comments hurt me in the past. How am I supposed to know when you're okay to be my friend and when you're mad at me" "Well, I'm not mad right now" "I'm glad you're not mad" "I'm lying right next to you" Uriel said as he got closer. "Yeah, I can see that" "Aaron, I'm not going to push you to do something, but listen, I'm not going to wait for you to decide if you still love me or not. I will find someone else" "Uriel see what I mean! You want my decision now! Have you ever considered that maybe I have someone else, that maybe I just want to be your friend and you brother" "Aaron, yes I have. But if you really wanted that, then you wouldn't get horny when I do this" he said as he grabbed my dick. And yes, he proved his point, I got horny. He started rubbing me. "Uriel, stop, please" I said. "I was just proving my point" "Uriel, I just, I feel like I've hurt our friendship. I haven't really been there to be your friend. I don't want to hurt it even more by having sex every time we're with each other. That just means we're in it for pleasure, and that's not what its about" "O I know that Aaron, so lets just go to sleep" he said as he turned away. "Good night" I said. "Good night" he replied. I slowly moved so that I was facing his back, and I placed my arm around him. "My carnality" I said softly in his ears. He slowly grabbed my arm and held it closer to his stomach and then back up more. We were really holding each other now. But, it wasn't a sexual thing, it was more of a being there with each other sort of deal. Time passed by rather slow. I felt how he went to sleep, but I still couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what had just happened. We had, passed down the opportunity to please each other sexually, and well, to be honest, Uriel still turns me on very much. But its true, I don't want to be with him for sexual reasons. But now the problem is that, I'm feeling weird with him. I feel happy holding him, making him warm and he making me warm. I didn't like this because Jon, my actual boy, was lying right beside me. As I thought about it more and more I felt guilty. Why was I doing this to Jon? Had he not proven to me already that I'm the person he wants and that he wouldn't back stab me again? What else did I want! I became angry at myself and as soon as I felt Uriel drifting off to la la land I moved from holding him and I turned around and held Jon. He instantly cuddled with me as if he knew it was me who was holding him. I slowly drifted off to sleep holding the boy I should really focus on. The next morning I awoke to the birds chirping and the sun blazing in my eyes. I turned around and I was still holding Jon, but then I felt Uriels boner in my ass, he was holding on to me. I lied there thinking about what I was going to do now. Out of nowhere Jon's cell phone began to ring and I answered it. It was his mom. She wanted him to come home because they were going to go to out to visit his aunt or something like that. I told her I'd wake him up and walk him home. I looked over at the time and it was 11am, we had slept through a lot, I thought it'd be earlier. I slowly moved him, but there was no reaction. So then I slowly massaged his dick, again no reaction, just his dick got hard and there was a grin on his face. But still, not awake. So then I softly kissed him on the lips. He opened his eyes slowly and saw me kissing him. "Um...Aaron...what are you doing?" he asked. "Waking you up" I answered. "I don't wanna. Can I sleep more?" he asked. "No, your mom wants you to go home, you're going to your aunts house" "Do I have to go?" he pouted. "Yeah, dude, your mom says so" "But, can't you convince her?" "I can't sorry, come on get up" I said. "No" he pouted. So I got up and tried to not make noise but Uriel can sleep through a storm and he didn't even move. I slowly picked up Jon and he clung onto me like a baby. "Well, this is nice" he smiled. I kissed him and then I carried him to the couch. We made out on the couch for a little bit and he was still under me with his legs around my waist, I could feel his boner on my stomach and well mine was in between his legs, don't think he could feel it. Then I carried him again and I walked down the stairs with him on me. He held onto me as hard as he could. When we got to the bottom of the stairs he got off and started walking. I walked with him to his house and when we were near his door he turned around. "I'll call you when I get back, maybe I can stay again" "Okay, but I think you'll be back late, you always come back late when you go to your aunts house" "Yeah, I hope I don't" "Okay have fun Jon" "You too Aaron, don't do anything with Uriel" "What, how could I, I love you remember" "Yeah, you better" he said as he went inside his house. I walked back home and snuck back into bed. When Uriel sensed that I was near him he hugged me again. I just lied there, motionless, thinking about what I was going to do with the situation I had on my hands. Soon I felt Uriel starting to stir. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked around, looked at me. "What happened to Jon?" he asked. "He had to go home" I answered. "Aaron, I really don't like the fact that you sometimes care about him more than you care about me" "Uriel, its not a competition, I love both of you guys the same. He's also my little brother, but you have to understand that he lives right behind me and he gets to see me more often, we might seem like we have a closer friendship, and well we are really close. But see you and I know each other for years now, so you also have an advantage there." "Yeah, but still, he gets your more often and when we both have you, you sort of roll over to his side" "What do you mean?" I asked. "you hugged him a lot at night and not me" "uriel he's smaller, he needs more of my attention" "Yeah, okay" "Uriel, can we just stop arguing and talk about something else" "Yeah, sure" he answered. We started talking about our old friendship and all of the wonderful good times we had. In fact this conversation lasted for a very long time and the whole time we were holding onto each other. We kept talking about us for about an hour and a half and before we knew it my mom knocked on the door and told us to get ready to have lunch. We both got up and went to the bathroom. He started to pee and I started to pee too, this was something that was no problem to us, we had peed together since we were younger. It was nothing new to me or him. When we finished we brushed our teeth and washed our faces. Then I went over to the couch and sat. He did the same. I didn't turn on the TV, just sat there thinking. I guess he did too. Out of nowhere, he accidentally kicked me and then I kicked him back. This started a short wrestling match. Soon I ended up between his legs and right on top of him, our noses were touching and we were looking into each others' eyes. I don't know why, but this moment was so weird, so romantic, yet, wrong. We slowly kissed and we both closed our eyes. The kiss evolved into a deep, mouth to mouth exam. We were sucking on each other's lips, our tongues, everything. I was enjoying every bit of his mouth. It seemed like he was so much more experienced than before. When I pulled back he looked into my eyes, held onto me and hugged me. "Aaron, I think I love you" "Uriel, no don't say that, this shouldn't have happened." "Aaron, it's okay" don't worry about it. "Not worry about it?" "Yeah, it was just a kiss" "Dude, you have no idea, we shouldn't have done that" I was worried. "Aaron, a kiss doesn't mean anything. Although, it felt so right" he said. He wasn't lying either, because it did feel alright indeed. It felt as if we were meant to be together and that maybe we should have never broke our relationship up. I was getting so confused again. "uriel, lets just go downstairs and have lunch" I said. "yeah, I agree" he simple got up and then we walked downstairs. Ok, again, sorry for the long time in between chapters. I honestly, worked really quick on this chapter because I didn't want to let more time pass by. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will continue to write some more. Do keep writing messages I will gladly write back. Keep the comments coming.