Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 13:24:04 -0800 (PST) From: William Cordova Subject: William Cordova - Author's Note Several people have written to me in the past and present saying they interpreted my prelude as an autobiography. Although I did say it was going to be based closely on my own life, I intended there to be embellishments and some non true events. I know it doesn't sound that way from my prelude, I am sorry for that. The truth lies here. Most events leading up to around the time Matt and I are "discovered as being gay" are true. I'll start with the bully in 8th grade. I don't even remember his name so I called him James. He picked on Matt mostly, and occasionally picked on me for protecting Matt. It had nu'in to do with us being gay though (I think), as opposed to how I do hint it was because James thought Matt was gay. I put that part in to help explain the `picking' more clearly and it fits in with the story. To this day, I have no idea why the bully picked on Matt. We did have a `final showdown' as suggested though and it did happen near the end of Jr. High. He and his friends punched both Matt and I up pretty good, and I got in a few licks, but I never went to the hospital for going unconscious and no one was severely hurt. It was more just a good ole fashioned fight. Everyone got in trouble and got detention, but that was it. Next, the process in which Matt and I fell in love is true. The `first' kiss we experience is one of the shining moments of my young life -- it stands out very well in my mind and does Matt's. The 8th grade dance where I was craving Matt instead of this girl I was with, the summer in which we barely saw each other, the wrestling matches in the pool, the time he got naked in front of me, the times we jacked off in front of each other, and the time he used me to jack him off (lol) all really happened. I think we were both so far deep in denial we never confronted each other about these events. Next, let me go through each character and give a little info. Ian -- Ian turns out not to be gay in RL. I only assume this because he never came out in High school, but never had a girlfriend either. He was in nature considered a nerd by High School standards. He did show me his dick as described pretty closely in the story. I, however, never tried to sneak a peak at him naked in the bathroom. Our friendship was good while it lasted. I haven't spoken to him since he went off to UT at the end of High school. Anthony (someone asked specifically about him) is as described in the story. Very much tried to be a ladies man. He had many girlfriends in Jr. High and was a cool friend. But like the story described, the only thing really keeping our friendship together was Jr. High and our location. Just like the story, the way we just drifted apart is accurate. Pretty much, our freshman year in High school, kept us apart, and since I didn't go to his house after school because of the location of HS compared to JR, we never saw each other -- we drifted apart and we got new friends. Eddie, Mitch and Jeff next -- they were cool guys for sure. I had lots of fun with them in gym the first year for sure. We had many trips to the mall, some sleepovers and stuff like that, but nu'in I'd ever consider to be relevant to my gay story. Eddie and Mitch were definitely not gay. However, I did suspect Jeff a few times. He was always shy when it came to girls. I really can't explain why I thought he might have been gay, just had a feeling every now and then. I never confronted him about it, nor did I talk to anyone other than Matt about it. I just let him go about his life as he wanted. The friendship between me and those three mostly depended on how much we saw each other throughout High school. I had some classes with them in each year, and we had lunch a few times -- things like that. The way Matt and I were discovered is pretty close to true. The problem with it is I don't know exactly how it happened really. It just came out about and I don't know who saw what and so on, as it was told to me later and Matt wasn't sure how we got discovered himself. The reason for this is because the way our parents took it was NOT how it was portrayed in the story. Being Canadian -- Matt's parents took it very well. My dad didn't trash my room, but he was quite mad -- just never used physical violence toward me or anything. This is pretty much where my story turns into mostly fiction. In RL, he slowly got use to it and we've straightened it out similarly to the way I portrayed in the few arguments I wrote. My parents did start attending church regularly at this time also, forced me to go a few times, but I never felt like I was trying to be fixed. I did suspect they were hoping I would be by finding Jesus though. But they weren't forceful on that issue either. Speaking of which, Aaron -- Yeah he's someone fictional but based on someone. Those few times I did go to church, there was this semi-flamboyant boy (around my age) there. Regular attender he was. I remember he was freakin cute, and I thought he was gay based on his flamboyant nature. Never asked him about it though as I was only there rarely. I hardly remember what this cute boy looked like, so I used a current friend as his physical description. Back to my parents, they were uncomfortable with it, but slowly accepted I was gay. The argument we had in the story's camping trip was similar in nature to the one I had with my dad. He said he accepted who we were but was very uncomfortable seeing us as boyfriends in action (holding hands and stuff). The reason I decided to fabricate the way our parents took it was because I wanted a more confrontational story. If I had kept 100% accurate, there wouldn't be much of a story to tell a little after High School. It was just a gradual acceptance by our parents and little to no problems outside the household. Our parents really didn't keep us apart that much really, just more strict on things, and therefore the `apricot plan' to camp out by ourselves one night didn't actually happen either. Matt and I weren't `considered' gay in high school, I think some suspected things, but it wasn't an issue at all -- no bullies or picking on, stuff like that. I decided from the beginning I didn't want to end my story that way so I said there would be a great struggle from the beginning. The whole Hatred and evil thing described in the prelude shows that. However, I know its contradictory in nature -- I didn't realize this until quite some time after. I apologize for this again. I've spent a good 9 months writing this story and I've changed my mind on many things since I first wrote the prelude. Sorry about that. I actually re-wrote the entire story over Christmas (which is about the first 22 chapters) but never re-released them. I planned to finish the story and then re-release the entire thing then. In the re-written prelude, I make sure not to contradict myself and write it more like a story and less like an autobiographical. I made sure NOT to make it sound like it's gonna be an autobiography. I cannot apologize enough for this, I know. The camping trip described in the last chapter never happened in real life. It was part of my plan to write this shocking ending. I've gotten mixed reviews about it. Some hating it, calling it cheesy (which it is, I agree) and some really liking it. Everyone said they loved my story, but not all liked the ending. Someone said it felt like I gave up on the end and just wanted to finish the story. This is true, I did give up on the ending, and I did want to finish it. I felt like I took our story as far as I could. There are only so many sex scenes to tell, and they get repetitive fast. I knew the ending would produce mixed results, controversial to some degree. I wanted to try it out though. The double tragedy would work if I had told the readers from the beginning that the two main characters die at the end, sorta like Romeo and Juliet style. That worked, but it was known to be a double tragedy. I guess the tragic part of my story was too shocking and doesn't really fit with my theme. Sorry again. I told in my author's note from chapter 31, I was going to write a story based around Ian. As I said before, I really don't think Ian was gay, so any story around him would have to be completely false, because a story about him being gay wouldn't really be true, would it? A few people wrote in excited about this, and in the past someone wanted Ian to get into a threesome with Matt and me. Never happened in real life of course, and to keep the story somehow realistic (which I eventually fucked up anyways), I didn't want Ian to be gay in the story. I have thought long and hard about another story. And to tell you the truth, I am not sure if I want to stop writing about Matt and I. I said I wanted an easy way to end this story. The truth is, I really enjoy writing, I just don't have time during school and my biggest problem is I can't write leisurely. I felt like I always had to get sum'in done quickly so I could release it. So if I continued my story, I'd want to have a large chunk done before releasing it in chapters. I think, since many people had trouble with the ending of this story, I may re-write my last chapter and not end the story there. I guess if I'm planned to write a story around Ian anyways, I would be back into the realm of story telling, and why not just have Matt and I there to help him through. I think I'll just pick up where this story left off (minus the last part of the last chapter) and Matt, Ian and I can have some new experiences/adventures together in high school. Not saying we're gonna go out and orgy it up or anything, but I suppose I could write about some typical things gay boys might experience during High school, maybe base a few on some of my fears I had -- stuff like that. So maybe I'll do that instead. Sound likes a plan eh? I say eh too much (thanks Matt) -- (which I don't feel I portray enough in the story -- Matt saying eh). I have been considering two options with this. One being, to keep the story in first person from my point of view, but then it would revolve around me still and it would make the story difficult to focus on Ian at all. But I suppose Ian could just get a lot more involved with Will. However, if I decided to change it to a third person pov, I could revolve around all three of us equally and it would work great that way. But if I did that, the story would kind of sound weird, suddenly changing from first person to third. I dunno yet. I have time to decide on that. I won't release anything for quite some time, as I said before, not until the summer. I will make sure from now on, anything I write I'll make a concerted effort to clear things up from the beginning in terms of autobiographical stance. Lastly, I had a few people ask about the last chapter, mainly the part about Matt's dad going AWOL. Well, as I said before, the last chapter is fictional; therefore I cannot say what happened to him. As a fictional story (at that point), the author writes what he intends and intends what he writes, It is up to the reader to interpret the story as he wants. I suspect one could even interpret the ending as a dream Will had, but like I said, it's fictional and it's left up the reader to interpret it any way they want. Sorry for any confusion and disappointment you might have had in the ending. I want to continue writing and look forward writing more when I have more time. WC