Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:45:19 -0700 (PDT) From: William Cordova Subject: William Cordova - Chapter Fifteen... Disclaimer This story contains acts of the sexual nature between underage boys. If you do not like this type of story, or it is illegal in the area in which you live, do not read any further. ***************************************************************************** Chapter Fifteen: The Calm Before the Storm Summer 1992... The final week of school was approaching. Finals week was next week, a week of exams and a week of celebration. We officially only had one week of Jr. High left. We were moving on to the big High School. I had been having dreams about this school. I had only been to Langham Creek once, with my parents on an open house for Robert. But it was no longer Robert's school, yet at the same time, it will always be his school. I wasn't sure what to expect, walking in the halls, the same halls Robert use to roam, his old stomping grounds - walking past his old locker, the last locker he ever had. I just was not ready to deal with all of this. I was glad the summer was long, because I needed all the time I could get. Anthony had broken up with his girlfriend a few weeks back. It seemed mutual to them and to most. I suspected more by the way Anthony grumbled under his breath when we talked about the whole deal. No one cared about having a girlfriend, to Anthony, it was a symbol. The idea was to be popularized by having a girlfriend and getting attention when they broke up and anything in between was just an added bonus. Matt and Vanessa broke up also, but his was much uglier, at least ugly in our eyes. Matt made a huge deal about it; saying he broke up with her, and Vanessa countering saying she broke up with him. I really have no idea the real truth, but I believe Matt. It wasn't a big school thing, but between us and Vanessa's friends, it was an ugly headliner for any school news. We were all single again, or I should say they are single again as I've yet to get a girlfriend. Maybe now that they aren't seeing anyone, they won't pressure me into having one either. Our attention was focused on the upcoming summer and the adventure into High School. They seemed to think that when we got into High School, the girls would be much better and `blooming' as Anthony likes to called it. In the weeks leading up to the final week, I had several strange and mysterious dreams. The most troubling was one where it was dark and murky - depressingly foggy; I was getting off the bus and I remember the row of buses, it seemed to go on forever, a million kids walking in every which direction. I was trying to find Matt and Anthony, both whom seemed to elude my sights. I was getting anxious and paranoid. It was like the sky was a dark maroon, with wetless rain showering down. I started running, looking at all the faces, all of them blurred strangers. I started screaming Matt and Anthony's name, getting a few responses, but from people whom had featureless faces. I saw the huge school building, which stretched to horizon's end. It had dozens upon dozens of windows and doorways. I ran inside trying to find anyone I knew, or in better hopes Matt or Anthony. The inside was just as crowded, with just as many featureless faced minions about. A teacher asked me what I was looking for, but I could not speak. Her sight was demonizing as if she was the devil in a dress. I walked as fast as I could, away from the woman, occasionally calling for my friends. The teacher followed me closely. I walked through a big open room, into a hallway lined with red lockers, reaching down into the depths of a black hole, the end of what I was scared of. I walked over to a locker and opened it up. Noticing the teacher peering over my shoulder, I reached into the locker and saw a picture of Robert. I stood in shock watching my hand as it grabbed and held the picture. The teacher over my shoulder told me this was Robert's locker. I freaked and slammed it shut, running through the maze of people, out back from where I had came. I was awoken after that. It was the strangest dream I could remember having. I knew exactly what it meant too - which frightened me, but didn't want to believe it. Mr. and Mrs. Ducker wanted to throw a graduation party for Matt and of course, invited Anthony and me to join in. We were going to go over to his house right after early release on Thursday, spend some time in the pool, which was routine for any visit to Matt's house, have a nice party then spend the night. I didn't think much of the idea of graduating since we really weren't graduating, but Matt's parents wanted to make a big deal of our passage into the world of high school. Mrs. Ducker picked us up as school was releasing around noon. We went to my house to get my things and to Anthony's to get his things and then on to Matt's. It was about one in the afternoon by then, but it wasn't looking like a good day to swim. There were some afternoon thunderstorms forming up, we could see the dark clouds off in the distance. By the time Mrs. Ducker had lunch fixed the storms were right on top of us. The thunder was tremendous and the lightning was exhilarating. "Sorry boys, doesn't look like you will be able to swim today." "Unless you want a few fried kids for dinner," I joked. Mrs. Ducker laughed. "I'm sure you'd be too tough to chew, so no thanks." After lunch we went up to Matt's room. "What are we going to do?" Anthony asked. "Turn on the TV, maybe something's on." I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. "It's too early for anything good." "Unless you like soap operas," Anthony joked. "Ha! Our lives are soap operas," Matt said. We laughed at the irony, thinking of what happened between Vanessa and Matt. We talked briefly before our curiosity got the better of us. "What you think high school is going to be like?" Anthony asked. "I'm not really sure," I said. "Matt, your sister ever say anything?" "Nope, I really don't talk to her about high school." "It's going to be much bigger -- three schools joining into one. I heard it's going to be really crowded. Chances are we won't even have any classes together." I said. "I think we will" Anthony said. "And what if we don't?" Matt asked. "Nothing we can do about that. We'll just have to hang out at lunch and in the halls." "The place is huge, I've seen it once," Matt said. "Same here," I said. "Hey! We can share lockers if we want to." "Yeah, the place is so big we might not want to go to the other side to get our stuff or whatever." "Yeah, sounds cool," Anthony chimed in. "You think we'll get picked on by seniors?" "God I hope not!" Matt exclaimed. "I get picked on enough from normal losers. I don't think I can handle people that big." I tried to reassure Matt that we wouldn't. "Chances are, we won't be in any classes with seniors, and we won't really have anything to do with them." "What about gym?" "What about it?" I asked. "What if there are seniors in gym? Think I might get picked on in gym?" "No. I remember from our counselors that we only have to take two years of gym, so that means most kids in gym are freshmen and sophomores." "That's good. I hate gym," Matt said. "Hey, you think they make you take showers?" "No. That I know for sure. I asked my brother a few years ago," I said. Anthony and Matt grew silent from that comment. I think they were surprised I said `my brother'. They just looked at me. I noticed their stare. "What? I'm fine." "Ok, just you are strange sometimes with that." "You know they only have six classes in high school? And at lunch, they have all kinds of stuff - vending machines and a salad bar." "That's cool. Although I won't be eating any salads. Salads are for pussies," Anthony said. I cracked up with that comment. "Oh I just remember something else. You're allowed to chew gum in high school too." "You're kidding me?" Matt was shocked. "Nope, it's true. I guess they think we're mature enough not to stick gum everywhere." The storm outside was growing stronger it seemed, and when a thunder clapped so loud it made us jump and caused the power to go out. We could hear the windows and pictures on the wall shake. We felt the ground vibrate. Lightning lit up the room at the same time. Matt jumped up and ran out of the room yelling from enthusiasm. He was excited about the power outage for some reason. "Mom, the power's out! The power's out! The power is OUT!" We heard him all the way down stairs. Both Anthony and I just sat in his room, sort of dumbfounded by Matt's reaction. A second later he returned with a flash light, shining it all about his room and in our eyes. "Stop that you dweeb. You're blinding me." I said. "Turn the light off, it's not that dark." Anthony was right, it was still midday, and even with the dark clouds out there was still plenty of light in the house. I thought for a moment, thinking of what my family usually does when the power goes out. I thought back to when Hurricane Alicia hit us and the other time when we lost power for days at a time. "You know we usually play cards and board games when the power is out. Ya'll want to?" I suggested. "Sure!" Matt exclaimed. He ran out of the room again, just as fast as the last time, and returned with a deck of cards. "Rummy again?" "Deal," Anthony said. Matt dealt the cards. We were only playing for about twenty minutes when the power came back on but We continued to play because we were having so much fun. Shortly after that, the storm was mostly gone and the sun was shining back through the window. A typical Texas thunderstorm -- it can seem like hell on earth for thirty minutes then the next, the sun is out. Often times, the storms are so quick, that the temperature doesn't have time to fall, so after the storm, it is like a sauna outside -- steam rising from the brutally hot pavement. The afternoon rolled on. We played rummy for a good hour or so. Mrs. Ducker came up and checked on us, told us we'd be starting the party at five. I had no idea what she really meant by a party. It was just us three, so what could really be done? We went downstairs for the party a little before five. When I walked into the kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Ducker were setting up the last of the food. They had nachos and tacos, snacks and a big chocolate cake in the middle. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought it was someone's birthday except the cake presented a message about graduation. "Come on in, sit down boys," Mr. Ducker said. "Wow, this is amazing Mr. Ducker," I responded. "Yes, it really is. Looks great," Anthony said. "Well, sit down and we'll start." We sat down. Mrs. Ducker started to dish up some nachos and tacos, each getting two. I'm pleasantly surprised that they were fantastic. Matt's dad spoke up during dinner. "So, you boys excited about high school?" "Absolutely we are. We talked all afternoon about it." A round of laughs ensued. "So you talked all afternoon about it eh. You have any questions maybe?" "Nope, not really," Anthony said. "Well, I'm real proud of you son, you have some excellent friends too." Matt blushed but didn't respond. Didn't surprise me, I even felt a bit embarrassed. "How many people would go to the hospital for their friend?" "Oh, that's a little ridiculous. I didn't really do anything and I wasn't really hurt that bad." "No buts about it Will." "Ok, fine." I looked over at Anthony who was holding back a laugh. I didn't feel much of a friend in that case, but if Mr. Ducker wanted to think that way, who was I to tell him otherwise. By this time we were about done with the main course, Mrs. Ducker walked out of the room and Mr. Ducker got up and pulled a bottle of wine out of the fridge setting it on the table. I didn't think anything of it until he grabbed five glasses and not just two. He poured five half-glass-fulls of the purple wine, and put one glass in front of each person. Mrs. Ducker came back in with a box. He raised his glass up to toast. "Here is to the next four years of your lives -- the best four years." I raised my glass to toast, and it took a moment for Anthony and Matt to comply. Think they were just as shocked as I was. "To the best four years of our lives." We each sipped from our glasses. It didn't mean much to me, as I've had wine, beer and margaritas before. "Ok big boys, time to open your presents," Mrs. Ducker said, then pulled from the box, three smaller gifted-wrapped boxes and handed one to each of us. I was surprised -- gifts for doing nothing? I really had no idea what they could possibly be. Matt started by opening his box first. He took the twine off of it and a shiny gold necklace looked back at him. One of those small chained necklaces, not girly, but something a man would wear. "Wow this is awesome. Thanks mom!" He got up and hugged her. I got the clue fast. All three boxes were the exact same shape, so I thought I knew what was in mine. Mrs. Ducker looked at me, indicating for me to open mine. I looked down, and slowly opened. A virtually identical necklace peered back at me, except it was a beautiful green. It almost looked like it was glowing. "It's emerald green, your favorite color," Mr. Ducker said. "This's too much, this has to have cost a lot." "No it didn't, don't worry about it. It's yours and you can't say no." "My parents won't let me keep this. They won't let you spend this kind of money on me." "Oh, I have a feeling they won't mind." He winked at me. "Like I said, it didn't cost that much." Mrs. Ducker walked behind me and put it on. It was actually the first piece of jewelry I had ever worn. I was thoughtless. I didn't know what to even think, much less say. Anthony opened his box next. His held a very shiny silver necklace. "Does my mom know about this also?" "Yes" Mr. Ducker replied. "Thanks. I don't know what else to say." "Don't need to say anything else," Mr. Ducker said. She then served cake and we ate amongst the thanks we were giving them. I was still shocked. I had never received a gift from anyone outside my family, other then Anthony. The cake was just as good as the meal before. The half glass of wine didn't even phase me, but it seemed to me Matt was just a tad giggly. We retired to our rooms shortly after that, while Matt's parents cleaned up. The first thing I asked Matt was about the necklaces. "Oh don't be so excited. They didn't cost that much I'm sure," Matt replied. "Doesn't matter, they are awesome and so are your parents." "Seriously, they weren't that much I'm sure." "Dude, Will is right. These are cool. I can't believe your parents got them for us." "Man, that was a great party. I can't believe they gave us some wine," I said. "It was only one glass," Matt said. "But it got Anthony buzzed," I joked. "Hey, I'm not buzzed you goofball." Matt laughed, noticing Anthony was a bit buzzed. "You got buzzed on a glass of wine. That's sad." "Oh shuddup already. So I'm a bit light headed." Anthony took aim and did a half body slam on top of me and Matt who was sitting on the bed. I hollered "My god, we're being attacked by a drunk man! God Help us - help us!" Matt laughed at my sarcasm and Anthony took notice, slamming even harder down on us. I attempted to escape, but my laughter was too much for my strength to overcome. It eventually turned into an all out wrestling match. Time passed quickly in our time of fun, our wrestling only breaking for occasional breathers. It would quickly restart when one of us insulted the other, usually Matt or I saying how drunk Anthony was. Sometime late, Mrs. Ducker knocked on the door. "Yes?" Matt asked. She opened the door and looked in. "Your dad and I are going to bed, please try and keep it down. We'll see you in the morning, don't stay up too late." "Ok we'll try mother. Good night." She shut the door back, and I had taken this opportunity to get up off the bed. I was standing looking out the window at the bright full moon in the sky. Every star shined bright, the clouds and thunderstorms from earlier were long gone. I wasn't sweating, but my body heat had gone through the roof from the wrestling. I looked down and in the crystal clear sky the pool was waving in the bright moon light. "Want to take a dip?" I heard Matt from over my shoulder. "In the pool?" Anthony asked back. "Sure. Why not? Look how bright it is outside, it's fun swimming at night." "You're parents don't care?" "Not at all." Anthony and I just looked at each other. "What's the big deal? It's a swimming pool. What does it matter if the sun is out or not? I do it all the time." Without us even agreeing, Matt took the initiative by giving us an evil grin and saying "I'm going to grab us some towels. Be quiet going down there and leave the lights off." He walked out the door as if he was on a spy mission. We followed a few seconds later, shutting the door behind us. We made it down the stairs fine, but once downstairs it was very dark. Anthony was whispering something, but I couldn't make it out. I used my hands to guide my way through the kitchen and out the back door. "Hurry up you slow pokes." Matt was already behind us by this time. Under the patio cover it was very dark, but as Matt walked out into the moonlight, he was illuminated and our eyes adjusted quickly. It wasn't that dark after all. Then I realized we weren't wearing our swim trunks. "We forgot to put our trunks on." "Don't need trunks," Matt said as we watched him strip down to his boxers and jump in. I started taking my clothes off and so did Anthony. I looked over at him, but being under the patio cover, it was too dark to see much of anything. From the pool we heard Matt again. "Usually I skinny dip at night, if I'm alone. It's awesome skinny dipping." I wasn't about to go naked, it was embarrassing enough in my boxers alone. I quickly jumped in as soon as I was ready. "Wooo! That's cold!" "Common Anthony," Matt said. "He's too drunk to get his clothes off properly," I teased. "Shuddup!" and Anthony made a huge splash as he dove cannonball style right next to us. "So you've skinny dipped before?" I asked, intrigued by the thought of Matt naked in the swimming pool. "Yeah, a few times." "Hey look. Danny's watching us," Anthony said as he pointed up at his window. "Yup, he does that sometimes." "You don't care if he sees you naked?" "Nope. He's skinny dipped with me once before." Danny's curtain closed a moment later and we stopped caring about him then. We didn't wrestle at all for some reason. We just stayed quiet enjoying the night sky and cool water. I guess it's the thought that we're doing something sneaky, even though Matt reassured us we weren't. I suppose the pool at night is for peace. It felt very peaceful. We lounged around, hang on the side of the pool, floating around on the floatties, not doing anything in particular. "You ever skinny dip before Will?" Matt asked me "Nope." Matt looked at Anthony, indicated he wanted an answer from him too. "No I haven't either." "There's a first time for everything isn't there?" And Matt went under the water, coming back up holding boxers in his hand. He flung them up on the deck. "What are you doing?!" Anthony exclaimed. "What does it look like?" I was shocked and from Anthony's look, he was too. Matt went under the water again, pushing off the edge of the pool, swimming to the other side. "I'm not taking my shorts off." "Neither am I," I replied. When Matt came back up on the other end he looked over at us. "Are you going to skinny dip or be little chickens?" "Chickens," we said in almost perfect unison. It was funny as hell how we said it almost as if we knew what the other was going to say. "Oh, don't be little scaredy shits. It's really fun. Common." I thought for a moment. Between the lack of light, and the moonlight reflecting off all the wavy water, it was impossibly to see anything below the surface. "Ok, but I'll only do it if Anthony does it as well." I looked at him. He looked stale. Almost emotionless. A moment of boring my eyes into him made him change his mind. "Fine," Anthony sighed. I reached down and stripped my boxers off and threw them onto the deck. Anthony did the same. "See, doesn't it feel awesome guys?" Matt said. "It does actually," Anthony said. We talked awhile longer about all kinds of things -- some pertaining to next school year, others about girls and stuff. We hung around the pool for another twenty minutes before Matt suggested we should be getting out. When he got out, he didn't even bother putting his boxers back on. I couldn't help but stare. His dripping wet butt glistened in the moonlight. I couldn't believe he did that. The whole time we were skinny dipping I hadn't seen anything of Matt or Anthony, but Matt changed that in an instant. I was caught off guard. He just hopped out of the pool, was under the patio covering quickly drying off. His butt was shiny silver under the moon's glow. He wrapped the towel around his waist before I had much time to really take in the view. "You guys coming or what?" Matt asked as he grabbed his boxers off the deck. I swam over to the other side of the deck. I didn't want to appear to be much more of a chicken then I already had made myself to be, so I decided I would just get out and do what Matt did. If I exposed myself, so be it. I climbed out and moved over underneath the patio and grabbed a towel, quickly covering the important parts up. Matt was heading in by this time and since I was turned away from the pool, I didn't notice Anthony get out until I heard the splashy sounds of wet feet hitting the floor. I saw him out of the corner of my eye drying off. I slid my boxers on underneath my towel and headed in with Anthony close behind. I got upstairs and Matt's door was cracked, indicating he was inside. We walked in and Anthony the closed the door. Matt had his boxers on and was drying his hair out. "Dry off and let me have your towel, ok?" Matt said. We dried off and Matt took our towel and left the room. "That was pretty exciting and fun I must admit," I said. Anthony laughed. "I seemed pretty chicken about it at first." "I know, but I hadn't ever done that before. It felt almost dangerous I guess." "Yeah, I know. I kept worrying Matt's parents would come out and see us." I laughed. "Yeah, me too. I was afraid Danny would come out too." "I thought it would be gay." I just starred at him. "Never thought about that I guess. That don't make us gay does it?" "No! I ain't gay so it doesn't." Anthony professed. Just then Matt walked in. "What's going on?" "Nothing," Anthony replied. It was just past midnight when we decided to head to bed. Matt and I were still in our boxers, but Anthony had put on some shorts. We spread our sleeping bags out and Anthony was lying on his side, facing away from Matt's bed. The light was off and the TV was providing the only light. I was sitting on Matt's bed, back against the wall, Matt next to me. We were making small talk, but Anthony hadn't said anything in awhile. I figured he was asleep, so I took this time to ask Matt more about skinny dipping. "You've really skinny dipped with your brother before?" Matt never looked over to me. "Yup." "I don't think I could do that. I couldn't imagine skinny dipping with my brothers. That'd be way too embarrassing." "And that's different then skinny dipping with us?" Matt asked. "I guess not. Just doesn't seem the same." "Why? You have nothing to be ashamed of." Matt looked over at me with a smile. I just looked back without replying. I gave a half smile. Matt yawned and stretched, then moved to lie down on his bed, as if he was going to sleep -- head on his pillow, he moved his feet to lie across my thighs. I was taken aback by this. I raised my hand in semi-protest, not wanting to touch him. Matt whispered, "rub my feet." I just looked back at him, then down to his legs and feet. He still has baby feet. "Common, they aren't dirty; I just got out of the pool." I looked back at him and he had the sweetest look on his face, one of comfort and compassion. He really wanted a foot massage and wasn't embarrassed about asking me to give it to him. I thought about it a moment, just looking at him but couldn't resist his face. I was still reluctant to touch his feet but not his legs. I mean, another boys feet? I had never thought about feet before. I reached down and grabbed one of his feet -- thumb on top, four fingers below. I started to rub, in a soft circular rotation. I placed my other hand on his ankle, taking in the feeling of his lightly thin leg hair and smooth skin. I continued to give him a foot massage for another few minutes with my off hand rubbing up and down his leg. I watched his face. His eyes were closed and he had the most peaceful smile. I stopped after both feet were given due process. "That was nice Will." He turned the TV off and motioned for me to move up next to him. "Come here." I moved up next to him. He grabbed my shoulder and gently nestled me into bed next to him. He pulled the covered over us and moved real close to me -- one leg on mine, his arm over my stomach and chest and his chin resting on my shoulder. I could feel him breathing on my neck. I placed my hand on his arm. I could smell his sweet scent mixed with a touch of chlorine. "I like this," I said. I saw Matt open his eyes and smile. I felt his hand start exploring my upper body, his hand moving from my side to my chest, just rubbing back and forth. I looked down at him and he returned the look. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. Our lips met and gently caressed one another. Our lips parted, our tongues excavating each other's mouth. Matt guided my hand, placing it gently on his hip. I grabbed the warm cloth of his boxers, pulling it tightly into a wad in my fist. I felt Matt's hand up against my boxers, stroking my hip, only inches from my butt. Matt pressed his body into my side. We stopped our kiss, our faces only inches apart. Matt's hand returned to mine, grabbing it tightly and then pushing it down to his crotch, where his rock solid dick was sticking straight at my side. I felt the heat, the throbbing of pressure right through his boxers. I looked directly into his eyes in question. He nodded his head slightly to confirm my thoughts. Matt lowered the front of his boxers -- his balls holding the waistband down. I made contact and grabbed a handful of his dick. I wanted to see it, but I couldn't take my eyes off his face. I wrapped my hand in anticipation that I would start to masturbate him soon, but instead Matt's hand guided my own to explore his crotch. I twirled my fingers in his small patch of pubic hair, squeezing my index finger between his sac and inner thigh. My hands moved like a spider across his balls, exploring for any signs of hair, finding none that were detectable by touch. Matt's body broke out into goose bumps upon my examination. I moved my hand to the area around his crotch, exploring -- finding only smooth warm skin. Matt grabbed my hand again, and forced it into place, fully wrapped around his dick. He started to stroke himself off using my hand. I just let him do what he wanted. He slowly started panting, only increasing with the rate of which he was working himself -- his eyes opening occasionally. He leaned forward and covered my mouth with his, sticking his tongue deep inside. I returned the favor and played with his tongue. Matt started making low moaning sounds again in correspondence with his motions. Matt's stroking had increased to a very fast pace and I knew he had to be close. I felt his dick suddenly thicken and his strokes turned into short hard pushes. I didn't feel anything wet but I knew he must have climaxed as he gave a big relieving sigh and sudden thrusts. He broke our kiss and his eyes showed signs of weakness. He closed his eyes and nestled his head back against my shoulder and neck. I thought I heard Matt whisper something but couldn't make it out. I lost rational thought, not thinking that what we were doing could possibly make for an awkward relationship between us later. For all I knew, Matt liked girls, and only slightly showed interest in me. He made little issue of our past events together. I could tell Matt was tired after that. It was exciting and thrilling, tiring just watching it. Matt leaned around and grabbed some tissue from the table next to him. He reached down under the covers and cleaned up. He looked back at me when he threw the tissue on the table. "That was awesome," he whispered. He gave a very low giggle and placed his head back into its favorite position. I looked back up at the ceiling, thinking about what just happened. I waited, thinking maybe he was going to get me off next, or if I should get myself off, copying what Matt did but my eyes grew heavy in the thinking. I closed them and drifted off to sleep. I woke the next morning with a violent hard on. Matt was dislodged from me, lying on his stomach -- his face away from me. I realized I hadn't unloaded last night and I knew I could get it relieved real quick, before Matt woke up. Now all of a sudden, I was scared to be seen whacking off. I lowered my boxers to my knees and started stroking. I closed my eyes and was thinking of the great action last night. I could hear Matt's slow breathing and a thought passed through my mind. I stopped my action and thought for a moment. Matt has been taking risks between us, and nothing has gone wrong yet. I decided I will take a risk myself so I placed a hand on his back with no reaction. I rubbed up and down his soft warm skin. Matt didn't respond at all. He was sound asleep. I looked over at the clock; it was still a bit early -- only eight thirty. I started stroking my dick again, this time with my left hand, because with my right, I slid it slowly down his back, slipping it past his waistband and onto his butt cheeks. I caressed Matt's butt, feeling the warmth emulation from his body, probing his crack. I reached down as far as I could, using my index finger to explore the under side of his ball sac and the medium. I couldn't feel any signs of hair yet and didn't want to touch too close to his hole. I slightly squeezed and caressed careful not to wake him up. I sped up my actions on both my dick and his soft butt. I ran my finger up and down his crack. I stopped all action and moved my hand to my nose, taking a small sniff. I didn't really notice any odor, so I placed my hand back under his boxers and went back at it. I was getting close to my climax when I slid my index finger deep into his crevasse and touched his hole. It felt really warm and sticky. I tried rubbing it firmly, but my finger wasn't sliding well. I just pushed and felt the hole. I held still as my dick spewed its hot goo. I let go of my hard dick and was about to remove my hand from Matt's crack when I felt him push back. I almost freaked, but calmly removed my hand, fearing he would awaken. I lay still for a few moments, holding the covers up as to not drop them down into my cum. I came to the conclusion that Matt wasn't awake. I raised my hand and sniffed my finger again, thinking it wasn't going to smell that great, but instead, I was pleasantly surprised by the musky aroma. I didn't necessarily like it but for some reason, I couldn't stop myself from smelling it either. I cupped the puddle of cum with my hand, and got up to grab a tissue -- reaching over Matt. I noticed Anthony wasn't on the floor. I stopped for a moment, realizing that he could likely walk back in the room any moment, so I scurried to clean up and get back in bed. "Why'd you stop?" I heard Matt whisper. "What?" My gut wrenched. He giggled. "That felt good." "What are you talking about?" "Oh silly," Matt replied. He turned completely around and looked at me. He smiled and leaned forward giving me a quick kiss on the lips and then rolled out of bed. "I need to use the bathroom. He walked to the door but paused. "Where's Anthony?" "I dunno." Matt turned back to the door, but just then Anthony opened the door and walked back in. He didn't even react to either of us looking at him; he just dropped back down into his sleeping back and curled up into a ball. I looked up at Matt, who just looked back and shrugged. Matt was gone for only a minute when he came back in and did a skip-jump over Anthony and onto the bed next to me. "Anthony asleep?" I whispered almost inaudibly. "Don't know." He looked over his shoulder at Anthony then turned back to me. "So why'd you do that?" My gut wrenched again. "Do what?" "You were rubbing my ass." "Oh I'm sorry really am sorry. Didn't know you were awake. I'm so sorry." "Oh don't worry about it, but why were you doing it?" "Huh? You're not pissed at me?" He giggled, "of course not." "Well, I don't know. I just thought it would feel good." "I thought you were going to stick your finger all the way up my ass." "I almost did." "It felt weird." We heard Anthony yawn and sit up. We looked over at him, who never even looked in our direction. Matt jumped out off the bed and said he was going to take a shower. ***************************************************************************** Questions and/or Comments? New Chapters every weekend