Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 19:11:10 -0700 (PDT) From: William Cordova Subject: William Cordova - Chapter Seventeen... Disclaimer This story contains acts of the sexual nature between underage boys. If you do not like this type of story, or it is illegal in the area in which you live, do not read any further. ************************************************************************ Author's Note: Sorry about any mistakes grammer/typ/incorrect statements in this chapter. My computer bombed on Monday and I haven't really had access to do anything this week related to my story...I haven't proof read this chapter because of this but I'll post it anyways because I know so many are counting on the Friday posting...Have fun with this chapter... Chapter Seventeen: The Knife Digs Deeper About a week ago I had a dream that literally woke me up in the middle of the night. I was sweating from the forehead and my nose was running. I was walking through the hall of the school I had hardly seen before, with its pink-maroon lockers and dark beige brick. I was weaving through the maze of hallways and students looking for Matt. All the faceless people were bickering and yelling, going about their normal school life. I saw girls dressed like they were prostitutes, much too old to be in high school. I saw men with full blown beards and taller then normal, skying over the lockers. The hallways seemed not to have roofs, with the summer heat bearing down in at me, only baking me, but gently warming everyone else. I scurried along in a frantic pace, looking, yelling for Matt. I ran past many kids of unknown faces, unknown clothes styles and unknown language. I ran into a stairwell, where I went up and up. I ran past three or four floors and existed out to some sophisticated upstairs rooms, with fancy chairs and tables. Chalkboards lined the walls and a desk in the corner, behind it sitting some lady in red. I recognized her as the devil in red. It was uncanny at how similarly familiar she looked. I moved quickly past her and the room exiting into a hallway where many more students where making noise. I saw Matt over in the corner. I ran quickly grabbing his shoulder, turning him around. "Matt! Thank god I found you." "Who are you? What is your problem?" "Matt. It's me." "Get away from me, I don't know you." He turned around and ran through the jungle of students dispersing almost magically into thin air. I ran fast after him, but he was gone. I stood in silence as the faceless, yet bearded overgrown guys and sluttish girls stared directly back at me. Soon everyone broke out in laughter. I ran back into the sophisticated room where I saw Anthony talking to the devil woman in red. "Anthony!" I yelled. No response from anyone. I yelled his name again with no response. I ran over to him shaking his shoulders repeating his name. He didn't respond at all and the devil woman asked me what my problem was and to leave the young man alone. I looked back at him and yelled his name again. He turned his head away then back at me and said "Do I know you?" I just stared and my hands started burning against his skin. His shirt was suddenly gone and his skin was turning red, heat vapors venting from him. That's when I woke up, panting and sweating. It couldn't fall back to sleep that morning. This was the fourth of fifth dream like this -- all similar in the aura of message. I always saw the devil woman in red, and everyone was always faceless but Anthony and Matt. The school always felt like it was a maze, with endless hallways and ceilings so high, it blurred into the sky. In reality, I had only been inside Langham Creek High School once, during Roberts's freshman orientation some years ago. I vaguely remember anything about it, except the color of the lockers and bricks. The stood out as a common theme in all of my dreams. This last dream was the worst. It was only a week until the start of school, the start of a new adventure, in which my mother likes to call the best four years of one's life. The first day of school, I woke up at five-fifteen. I was not use to waking up this early, but I had to. I had to catch the bus to school for the first time since elementary. I lived only a fifteen minute walk from Jr. High, but a good half-hour by bus from High School. Ben gets to sleep in another hour at least. It sucks to even think that waking up at six-fifteen is sleeping in. I only woke up extra early because it is wise to get out to the bus stop extra early on the first few days until a regular routine and schedule is established. I took extra time in the shower, paying close attention to my morning stiff, caressing it between the fingers of my left hand, with the help of a nice lathered hand. It took me a rather long time to get off this time. My mind kept jumping back to the uncertainty of the day. On several occasions I got so caught up in thought I completely went soft. I had to force myself to really dig deep down and concentrate, thinking of the soft smooth skin of Matt's dick in my hand, the light course pubic hair brushing up against my hand. The wrinkly powdered skin of his ballsac and the smooth hide of his ass, with crisp water running down his crack -- that got my off in no time. Matt was maturing in his body just as if it were in my mind. I couldn't create such maturity better if I was doing it myself, like God. I was gone and out the door before Ben even woke up. I had a hearty breakfast, I wanted to be fully awake and aware for my first day -- plus I don't do well when I'm anxious and have an empty stomach. I arrived at the bus stop to find three kids standing there already. The High School bus stop was at the far end of my street. I had to walk the full length of the street to get there, in comparison to before; I would walk the opposite direction to get to Jr. High. One of the kids was smoking. I was surprised by this. It was definitely going to be different then Jr. High. I stood behind them, more along the sidewalk up closer to the house. I awaited the bus, which didn't arrive for another twenty minutes. The bus ride was long and horrendous. I hate the bus but I can't get around it now that High School is here. I arrived in the school auditorium looking for Anthony or Matt, or even anyone I knew. It was packed. I had learned from the freshman orientation weeks prior that our freshman class was the largest in school history -- over one thousand students. I looked and looked to no avail, finding neither of them. I got my schedule and sat in an empty chair next to some kids I didn't know. The Vice principal went through some basic stuff, explaining the room numbering system to better help us find our classrooms. I looked for them during the boring announcements, but couldn't recognize any faces beyond those closely around me. I looked over my schedule. I had English 1st, my elective Bookkeeping 2nd, Chemistry 3rd, Algebra 4th, Gym 5th, and History 6th. I had a feeling I was going to have trouble in English, being first period, the most boring class and the one subject I have the most trouble in naturally, but at least I'd end the day well. Math my favorite subject, Gym always fun and ending with History, a subject I usually enjoyed. I looked over my teachers and drew no significant breath from them. I couldn't even pronounce one of their names. I looked at my locker assignment. Locker number W1302. I knew the `w' meant west, since the school was split into east and west wings. It is shaped like the letter `V', except fat. Each side a wing, the library, cafeteria and offices in the middle. The auditorium is located behind the cafeteria, which is where I am not now, day dreaming about what possibilities I have of getting a class with Matt or Anthony. Still neither of them I've seen since freshman orientation. First period was boring. Ms. Williams seemed nice, but it's English nonetheless. I recognized a few kids in the class, but no one in there stood out as being cute in my book. Second period was interesting. Third period came and the teacher, Mrs. Gammel, was fat -- pregnant fat. She was due and talked about it. She would be leaving in about three months at which time we'd get a full time substitute until the end of the semester. Second semester would be with a different teacher who'd teach Intro to Physics. I think I'm going to enjoy this class after all. Usually I don't enjoy science classes. Neither 2nd nor 3rd periods didn't help any in the friends department. I knew of only a few of the kids, and directly knew none of them. Forth period came and boy I was happy. Alberto O'Conner from one of my classes in the past was there. I admired him, or should I say his body. He was cute for sure. Math will be easy this year, I could tell right from the first day. I have always been good in Math, and the teacher, Mrs. Kinkaid, seemed like the type of teacher who will go over everything ten times. Since the Math class is located in a certain location, it is determined that the class would have 2nd lunch. Lunch is apparently done by class location based on 4th period. The teacher explained this to the class. The class would be split in half by lunch. On days of test, we'd each during 3rd lunch so we'd have a full forty-five minutes for the test. Seemed stupid to me, but that's how the school runs it. When the bell rang for us to go to lunch, I decided it'd be a good time to find my locker, since I knew it was somewhere in the same area, both in the West hall. It was just around the corner from Math class. Kind of convenient for me I suppose. I ate lunch with Al and two of his friends, Gary and Tyrone. Neither of who I found attractive at all. Gary has more hair on his legs then I do on my head. It was rather disgusting to me. Tyrone was black. I didn't have any interest in black boys, and he wasn't attractive at all anyways. But they were cool kids I didn't mind eating lunch with. I did scan the lunch room looking for Anthony or Matt, still neither I've ran into yet all day. I was losing hope in having a class with one of them. Fifth period gym was also going to be exciting, just by the mere fact that I'd get to see boys changing cloths -- why else? When I entered the gym, students were everywhere, gathering in the bleachers for the start of class. I sat down at the front by the door after scanning the crowd for anyone I knew. As before, Anthony and Matt where nowhere to be found. Soon after, one of the Coaches told everyone to split into sections based on who their coach was. I sat in the area designated for Coach Weisner's group. Right behind me was a group of kids who I didn't know. "Hey dude" I heard from behind. I wasn't sure if the kid was talking to me so I didn't respond. "Hey dude?" the kid said again. I turned around to look and he kid was looking at me. I gave a questioning look. "Hey." "What's your name?" he asked. "Will." "What school you come from?" "Watkins." "You're with Coach Weisner?" "Yes." "Cool. I'm Eddie, this is Jeff and Mitch. Why you sitting alone?" Eddie asked. "I don't know anyone here." "Well you do now." The group laughed. "Where ya'll from?" I asked. "Labay." Mitch said. Labay was the `rich' school -- the school which was stereotyped as being full of rich prep kids. Most the students who attended Labay came from Copperfield, an upscale neighborhood compared to the neighborhoods that attended Truitt or Watkins. We talked for the remainder of the class period and parted for 6th period when the bell rang. I walked into World History I as it was officially called on my schedule and when I entered I saw Eddie standing over in the corner. I walked over to him and said "You're in this class too?" "Yup." "Cool." I sat down next to him and the class started. Mrs. Zolynski, as best as I can pronounce it, started talking about class. She said we could call her Mrs. Z for short, thank god. "This class is going to be so easy" Eddie said. "Really? I like history and all, but it really depends on the teacher." "That's why it's going to be easy." "You know about Mrs. Z?" Just then she interrupted us. "Boys stop talking please. It's rude." Eddie nodded indicating he knew the teacher. "I'll tell you later" he whispered. A little later in class, the teacher made us do `introductions.' Each student had to stand up, give his or her name and a little bit about themselves. Eddie went right before me. "Hi, my name is Eddie. I came from Labay and like sports, mainly basketball, but any sport will do for me. Some day I'd like to be a CEO of some major company and make lots of money." That made the class laugh. I stood up when Eddie was done. "Hello. I'm Will Cordova. I came over from Watkins Jr. High. I really like sports too, mostly basketball. I am usually shooting hoops after school, or tossing a football. Some day I'd like to become a lawyer, and if that doesn't work out, I want to be a good attorney to fall back on." I said that as a joke, seeing how many got it. Only the teacher and a few kids laughed. I really didn't want to be a lawyer. I had no idea what I really wanted to do in life. Why should I even care at this point? I only talked about what I wanted to do because that's sort of how other students worded their introductions to class. It kind of just spread. I sat down a tad be embarrassed that my joke didn't work very well. Eddie got lots of laughs with his joke. Once all the kids were done, the teacher sat down at her desk and started working on some stuff. Some students started making small talk to I leaned over and asked Eddie what he knew about the teacher. "Mrs. Zolynski." He said her name perfectly I took notice. "She's Mitch's mom." "Mitch, you're friend?" "Yup." "So you like know her personally?" "Yup. She makes great hamburgers." We talked a little bit more about Mrs. Z. Turns out Eddie has known her ever since he met Mitch back in 6th grade. Mrs. Z started to call names, issuing textbooks all the while there was talking amongst the students. This class didn't seem shy at all. In my morning classes, when there was down time, no one said a word. Everyone just sat in silence. This class, practically everyone was talking, joking and goofing around. When class ended, we split apart. I went to my locker, dropped off my one book and got on my bus, my big fat ugly yellow bus. I sat in the same seat as on the way to school. I took this time to think through what happened today and what High School has brought on me. I didn't have a single class with Anthony or Matt. I didn't even once see them all day long. I suppose there is still a chance they could have the same lunch as me, I just didn't see them today. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of students in there. Eddie seemed alright, as well as his friends. Jeff seemed the cutest, probably because he looked the least eldest. He wore jeans so I didn't get a look at anything of his. Eddie seemed the oldest with his slight mustache, much like my own. Mitch was ok looking, nothing spectacular. He didn't speak much so I don't know much about him. He seems shy. Overall I'd' say they are going to be nice friends to have in gym, but they aren't Matt and Anthony. When I got home, I realized just how much things really sucked. Benjamin was already home. Not only does he get to sleep in longer, but he gets home sooner -- double whammy. I dropped my bags off and decided to go see Ian. I hadn't spoken to him in weeks; the last time was about High School. Ian answered the door. "Hey Will." "Hey. How was school?" "It was alright. The school's huge though. I got lost like ten times." I laughed. "So did I." "Don't laugh. I'm serious." "And I'm serious too. I got lost all the time. Let me see your schedule." Ian dug through his backpack and handed it to me. I skimmed over to see where his classes were, comparing them to mine. "Where's your locker?" I asked. "I don't know." "Didn't you get a locker assignment?" "Yes, but I have no idea where it is." I looked behind his schedule and found his locker assignment -- E902. I didn't know where that was except on the opposite side of school then mine was. "I have a west locker. Maybe we could share lockers so we don't have to go as far for our books. Like keep the books you need in the locker that's closest to that class. Know what I mean?" "The Vice Principal said not to share lockers." "They just say that to scare you. What you say?" "I dunno." "How about this. Remember where the auditorium was. Meet me there tomorrow morning. Just when you get off the bus, I'll be there, or wait for me. I'll wait for you. Then I'll show you where my locker is and you can use it if you want. Then we'll find your locker, ok?" Over the summer, I had spent more time with Ian then Matt I believe. Shortly before Matt's 14th birthday party, I was sneaking over to his house as I've done on several occasions earlier in the summer, but this time when I stopped for a drink at the convenience store, I nonchalantly left my bike just leaning against the store window. I didn't plan to be in there long except I saw they had a new arcade game. I couldn't help try it out. I must have spent at least three dollars in quarters playing it. When I went back out, my bike was gone. I was pissed and shocked all wrapped in a tight noose. I couldn't very well tell the truth about how it was stolen, as it would let on what I had been doing all summer. I was closer to Matt's house so I went over to his house anyways. I left his house a full hour fifteen before my parents were supposed to be home. I did make it home in time; however, it pretty much ruined my summer. I never attempted to sneak over to his house again that summer. I pretended I was clueless about what happened to my bike. My parents asked me about it two weeks later, I denied knowing what happened. I tried to get a new bike, but my parents said they couldn't afford a new one any time soon. The last time I saw Matt was on his birthday, at his party with Anthony. We did what we usually did while at his parties -- pool cake presents and a sleepover. We stayed up so late that we feel asleep before getting ready for bed, negating any chance to fool around with Matt. This led to more time with Ian. We were friends to a good degree basically because of our location to each other. On days where I was really bored, I'd go on over to his house. Sometimes we'd do homework together, help each other out and he even tutored me in the finer arts of the English language. After only my second trip to his house after my bike going bye-bye, I decided I wanted to play some video games and invited him over to my house. He'd been to my house only a few times, and that was for homework. He immediately took interest in the games I liked. Ian agreed to share lockers. We talked a little bit longer before I went home. He was still only 12 years old and in High School. He didn't look as young as that though. Only after one day of High School I figured out there was a wide range of kids. I saw plenty of very small kids that look young, and plenty of older, much more maturing students. Ian didn't seem to stand out in my mind as being 12, but just as one of the students who mature later then most. I was hoping that wouldn't cause him situations of discomfort in school. As far as I knew, he didn't get picked on in Jr. High, so my hopes were up that he wouldn't now. I called Matt when I got back home. We talked a little bit, sharing our schedules and some of our first day's experiences. He seemed disappointed that we didn't have any classes together, nor lunch. He had first lunch which meant I'd never see him. He told me about some of his classes, who was in them, some of his teachers and stuff. It helped me in a way. It made me feel more comfortable knowing what he was going to be doing at school. We figured we'd see each other eventually and get a regular routine down. The following Monday I woke up late. I hit the snooze alarm about four times. I had to rush to make it to the bus stop in time, rush so much I skipped breakfast. My mother yelled at me, but I didn't care. I wasn't looking forward to English or Bookkeeping. I swear to God I hate that crap. Gym is what I was really looking forward to though. It was the first day we'd be dressing out. First impressions are important and I was pumped for the impressions Jeff was going to give off. I walked into the locker room with Eddie and Mitch already there. Eddie was talking shit to Mitch about stuff that apparently only concerned them two. I moved past Eddie, lightly brushing up against him to get to my locker at the end of the row. Mitch's locker is directly across from mine. I opened my locker, taking two times to get the combination right. I looked over at Eddie, noticing he wasn't shy about anything. It reminded me of Matt in a way. He was standing there in his blue boxers and white ankle-short socks just chatting away with Jeff, who was now there. I couldn't really make out exactly what they were talking about over the noise of a few hundred kids making all kinds of noise. There were two other kids between me and him, neither of whom I would want to look at -- one black boy and some Latino. "Eddie says your mom makes great hamburgers" I asked Mitch. Mitch laughed. "If Ed says so. I don't think they're that great." Mitch already had his gym shorts on, but was still bare-chested. I noticed he had a small bushel of hair under his arms and his skin was much paler then most kids. "You'll have to see for yourself some day" Mitch said. "What's that suppose to mean?" "Nothing" Mitch replied. I finished dressing and headed for the gym. I got out there and leaned against the matted-wall by where my coach's class is to be for roll call. Eddie and Mitch, then Jeff joined me shortly after. This was the first time I got a good look at Jeff. His shorts showed off plenty. His legs were thin and smooth, with no signs of hair. His arms were much the same as his legs. When he sat down, his shorts fell down from gravity towards his hips which exposed his thighs which I might add, where very good looking. His shoes caught my attention too. I had seen and marveled at them since day two. They were of a very nice fashion -- fashion far beyond what my parents would pay for. After roll call, all the girls head to the small gym for the days activities. The coaches let the boys just have a free day. That means basketball. Things didn't seem much different then Jr. High gym class except for the amount of students. The large gym has 6 basketball goals and when things got started, it was easy to tell the cliques. The older boys, sophomores grabbed the main courts. Suppose that is some sort of right of age deal. The lowly freshmen and the not-so-good upper class students took the outer courts. I just walked over with Eddie and his friends when they picked the court closest to the locker room. Some other boys joined us. I recognized a few from last year; some seemed to be familiar with Eddie and Mitch. Once the game got going, I knew Eddie was good. He made his shots, dribbled well, and played defense well. Jeff was ok as was Mitch. It was a good game and I really enjoyed it. My mind stores information well for later remembrance. Playing basketball, my mind is focused solely on it, but later at night, lying in bed, my mind will take me back to the physical contact, the smells and sounds of the game. The game was physical and competitive enough that I broke a sweat, but not so much that I was dripping facet. I used my gym shirt to relieve me of my problem. In the locker room after the game, Mitch offered me so of his cologne. I declined as I'm not much of a cologne person. I've only worn it twice. Both were when Anthony offered it. Mitch was like that. He was a big cologne and jewelry person. He wore a golden ring and a matching necklace. I hadn't worn my necklace I received from Mr. and Mrs. Ducker since that night I got it. I like that. I think it made him look sharper and more attractive as a boy and I'm sure it drove the girls wild. It touched me in a weird place, someplace between my dick and heart. I fell into a regular routine with Eddie and company. History is by far a fun class. Mrs. Z is fun and Eddie likes to play off their relationship outside of school. I spent lunch with Alberto and his friends and in gym I become more fascinated with Jeff. I didn't have a great view of him in the locker room at all. He was across the row and down at near the front. It pained me thinking I could look at him in his undies, but couldn't risk it. Some of the boys in the locker room liked to joke and play around about the influences of the faggot. They'd joke that one of them was gay and everyone would pick on that person for the day. Some sophomores did that to Eddie one day. The made weird voices and made fun of him. It was all in good fun I could tell and Eddie just ate it up, playing right back. It didn't bother him at all. Some of the other boys didn't take it was well. It was never more then joking and fooling around. No one ever got hurt physically or emotionally as it was always just a one day thing. Most of it was just talk -- things like sucking cock, grabbing ass or having boyfriends, shit like that. No one ever got pantsed or even touched for that matter. It was pretty clear who the target for these events were -- the freshmen. I knew my day was coming. I just hoped I'd be in a good mood and just go along with the jokes and not take anything personal and lash back. One a Friday, we were hanging out by our lockers. It was Eddie Jeff and I. Seven minutes between classes leaves for some good social talks. "Hey guess what guys?" Eddie said. "What?" "I signed up for Drivers Ed during lunch today." "What?" I was shocked. "Yeah. I'm going to be taking some classes after school and in 6 weeks I can get my permit." "Cool" Jeff said. "Don't you have to be fifteen to sign up for that?" I asked, still perplexed. "Of course. I am fifteen already." Jeff broke in "Dumbass here failed fifth grade. He turned fifteen before school started." Eddie leaned over and punched Jeff on the arm. We broke out in laughter. It sure did explain some things. "Mom said she'd get me a car when I turned sixteen. So maybe next year I'll be driving to school." "And I thought I was the only dumbass. I was sure I was the oldest freshman around here." I said. "You failed too?" Eddie asked. "Not really. I went through 2nd grade twice because of speech problems. I turned fifteen in October." "You going to sign up for Drivers Ed later then? They have another session in November." "Maybe" I said. "Only maybe? What? You don't want to get your license?" I dropped my head and looked at the ground. "What's up Will?" "My parents said I have to wait until I'm seventeen." "What? What for? The government says sixteen year olds can drive. What's up with your parents? What a bunch of jerks." Eddie blurted out. "Shut up will you already" I yelled back. "Dudes chill out." Jeff jumped in. "I don't want to talk about it ok?" I jerked out. I just looked at them, both staring straight back. I turned around and walked to class. I didn't look back. I felt queasy inside. My mind was racing on my brother's images. I couldn't bare myself to tell them about him. I almost had a tear in my eye as I walked through the masses of bodies, not paying attention to anything in front of me or around me. I heard my name coming from behind but didn't look back. I just kept walking. I got to class and sat down in my seat. Only then did I realize how stupid I was being. I heard my name again. "Will." I turned in my seat and saw Jeff standing in the doorway. "What?" He didn't respond. He stood there kind of uneasy. I got up and walked over to him. We moved outside the doorway and down the hall a few feet. "What do you want Jeff?" I had eased my angered tone a little. "Dude, that was wicked. What the fuck was that all about?" "I said I didn't want to talk about it." "Ok but you don't need to snap like that either if you're not going to talk about it." Just then the warning bell rang and gave me a way out. I just looked at Jeff, arms crossed, leaning up against the wall. He reached up and scratched his nose. It was an awkward moment just looking at him, having him look right back. I gazed down at the ground and back up. He reached down and adjusted his crotch. I must have turned red when Jeff caught me noticing. I pretended to look at a clock somewhere. "You better get to class or you'll be late." I turned around and went back in. I sat silent waiting for class to begin. I felt a bit embarrassed now that I realized I was just watching him. I wasn't sure what I was really doing or if he cared or even noticed except for when he scratched his crotch. I thought about that several times -- his crotch, being moved about by his little white fingers. He has some interesting fingers. In fact, the more I think about it, the more his fingers adjusting his crotch in my mind, the more I liked his hands. He didn't bite his nails, leaving perfect little finger nails. I pictured his fingers and perfect nails running through his pubic hairs, scratching deep in the crevasse of crotch. My dick attempted to stand at attention, but painfully was pinched down by my jeans. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. I adjusted myself to allow my dick to get fully hard. I heard what I though was Matt. I jerked my head and perked up looking out the doorway. I watched and watched. It must have been someone else, someone that sounds familiar to Matt. In that short time, I came to realize I hadn't seen him in quite awhile. I thought about Matt through most of that class and into the following classes until Gym came. I was lazy getting to gym on purpose. I wanted to come in right before the bell, in order to hopefully have to pass a half-naked Jeff. I had become frustrated at the inaccessibility of vision of him during changing time; I had to do something to change that. I figured I'd come into the locker room later then I normally have been. Hopefully, I'll get a good look at him shirtless, or in his boxers -- who knows. I hung out by myself waiting for the warning bell. When it rang, I walked toward the gym and got into the locker room when most kids were already there. A few were already heading out to the gym. When walked in, I started down my aisle and when some kid moved out of the way, I saw Jeff, standing there just chatting away with Eddie and some other kids. My disappointment was quick when I noticed he had already changed. "Hey" Jeff said as I walked by. "Hey." I said in return, taking a glance back at him. I got to my locker and removed the lock. I felt as though I was being watched -- through a telescope. I looked over my shoulder. Mitch was standing there, shirtless, just looking at me. I returned my focus to my clothes-changing duties. A moment later I looked over my shoulder and again Mitch was just looking at me. "What do you want?" I blurted out. "Nothing." "Then do I have a booger hanging from my nose or something?" Mitch laughed. "No." "Then stop looking at me." "You're crazy, you know that?" I stood up and turned to him, removing my shirt. "What I do now?" I asked. "What you get all pissed about earlier?" I sighed. "Nothing really. It was stupid." "Like is said -- crazy." Gym went by quickly with a fun game of basketball as did History. However in History, my mind went back to Matt. Back to all the time I had spent with him. Lying in bed next to him -- touching his arm, his leg and his dick, stroking back and forth -- caressing his lips with mine, sharing our tongues. I panned through all the times I saw him naked and through all the times he snuggled up next to me. I felt awkward. I don't know what it was. I almost felt like I missed him. I actually missed him. High School sucked. I never get to see him. When I got home, Benjamin was in his room doing stuff -- stuff I didn't care for. I called up Matt to talk to him but there was no answer. I let it ring but no one answered. I looked at the clock -- it was only three-thirty. It was extremely frustrating not having a bike or any means to get over to Matt's house. I would have to call him again later because I was feeling awkward about not being able to speak with him. I felt lonely not being with him. I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, watching the shadow's of the ceiling fan go round and round. It was completely dark and the house was silent. Benjamin was in bed already and my parents retired to their room for the night. I started to get hot so I removed my covers and turned the fan in my direction. I got thinking about Anthony in particular for some reason and remember back to the time Matt and I spent the night at his house. He told us he tried sleeping naked once and loved it. I never got around to trying that, but decided tonight might be a good opportunity. I removed my boxers and laid completely naked in the dark. I immediately got hard from the freedom my crotch was exposed to. I started playing with myself to the thought of Matt and his beautiful body, the body I hadn't seen in over a month. Just then the thought hit me that I forgot to call him up tonight. I got playing games and watching TV it totally slipped my mind. I sighed at my forgetfulness. But I wasn't going to let that spoil my moment -- my own personal moment of bliss with just me, the dark the open breeze from my fans and Matt -- the perfect Matt that my mind conjured up just for me. I shot particularly harder then normal probably because of the new experience of the moment. I'm use to being covered in sheets or running hot water when jacking off. There was something that felt dangerous about how I did it this time. I cleaned up and turned on my side to go to sleep but my eyes were prompted open by the low glow of my clock. The worst part is it illuminated just enough to see the objects on my table. I just stared. I reached over and picked up my emerald green necklace. All I could make out was the shape, but I knew what it was. I moved it close to my face, touching my lips up to it. I had only worn it a few times since Mrs. Ducker gave it to me. I don't know why, I am just not much of a jewelry person. I felt myself tear up thinking of Matt. I missed him quite a bit and now I was feeling almost a withdrawal from him. I slipped the necklace on and went to bed. ***************************************************************************** Questions and/or Comments? New Chapters every weekend