Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 17:46:11 -0400 From: numlfl Subject: Am I Crazy - Part Two This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. Am I Crazy Part Two By Chris Renee rushed up the stairs, unlocking her door without looking back toward Sophie. As she closed the door she saw Sophie's car pull away. "Oh god, now what do I do?" Sophie asked herself aloud, the only problem was, she didn't have an answer. It was too early to go to bed and besides she wasn't sleepy, in fact she was completely wired. Her mind was going a mile a minute jumping from one thing to another but it would always go back to Sophie. She would see her in her mind sitting in her office just the day before. Then she would see her laying in bed naked and snuggled up against her. That thought made her shiver with nervousness and excitement. Renee decided that maybe a little work would help as she could always get lost in the numbers. They had always been her refuge from the world. So she went to her computer to log onto the computer program at the plant. She found the account that she was working on when she left work Friday. She started to work and for a moment it worked. She forgot all about Sophie until she realized that the account she was working on made games and they made the boxes that the games went into. So naturally that reminded her of the afternoon she had just spent playing video games with Sophie. She threw up her hands in defeat. So she decided that the best approach to the problem was just to think about it so she could decide whatever needed to be decided, only she wasn't sure just what she was trying to decide. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a rum and coke, heavy on the rum. She was never much of a drinker but she needed something to slow down her mind so that she could think clearer. That wasn't what she would normally do but she figured that this was a special case. She took a sip and the rum burned all the way down. She set the drink down on the counter and she went to the sink put up the dishes from the dishwasher already forgetting about the drink that she had just made. She tried to decide what it was about Sophie that was so damn appealing. The only problem was that she found that everything appealed to her. She tried to find something about the bitch that she didn't like but she couldn't. Even the traits that would have normally bothered her, didn't with Sophie. Her bathroom was a complete disaster and that normally would have bugged her to death but in Sophie's case it didn't bother her a bit. There was also that stupid mirror thing that kept coming to her mind. There was just something that she couldn't figure out. Sophie had changed her yet she couldn't figured out how she had changed her. By now she had stopped emptying the dishwasher and she was just leaning against the counter. She was never one to not finish what she started doing but tonight she couldn't finish anything. She finally decided that a nice long hot shower would make her sleepy. She left her drink on the counter, the dishwasher open and still half full of clean dishes, and the computer on still logged on to the company computer system. She went on to her bathroom, shutting the door. She avoided looking into the mirror as she undressed. By then the water was hot so she stepped in, leaving the water as hot as she could stand it. The water warmed her body leaving it pinkish in color. She shampooed her hair using her fingernails to really scrub her scalp. She then got her washcloth and soaped it., She scrubbed her body down good but when she got to her breasts and pussy, her mind was immediately brought back to Sophie whom she was trying not to think about. She muttered some cuss words to herself as she felt so frustrated by everything that was going on in her head. When she got into bed, she did begin to feel a little tired. Her mind had begun to slow down and she was able to think. She sort of figured out that the problem she had with Sophie wasn't really about Sophie but how she felt about her. She had met this woman yesterday morning and the only thing that she knew about her before that meeting was that her brother hated her guts. But Renee found her charming and exciting to talk to. The real problem was that she had fallen so quickly for Sophie. Within a few hours of meeting this woman, she was sleeping with her. And then she found herself being tied up by this woman and enjoying it. Then she tied her up and Sophie liked it. These were things that she had never thought of herself doing. She had done some adventuresome things in the bed but bondage wasn't something that appealed to her, that is until today. She kept going through the day and she found that she was mostly okay with how things had gone until she saw herself in the mirror and the change that she seen in herself. But again that change escaped her. She turned to her side, hugging the pillow to her body wishing it was Sophie that she was hugging. She missed her so badly yet it was her own fault that she wasn't with her. She didn't like that she had fallen so quickly or so deeply but that she could deal with however she didn't like that Sophie had changed her in some mystical way. For the moment that was what bothered her the most. She tossed and turned for a while before she was finally able to fall asleep. Slowly somewhere in her dreams, she found that she was looking into the mirror and then it was like she had this sudden revelation. She woke up with a start, sitting straight up in bed. "My god, could that be it?" She asked herself. "Is that all it is?" Renee couldn't believe that it was that simple. She jumped from the bed, running to the bathroom. She flipped on the light almost blinding herself. She stumbled to the sink and once her eyes adjusted to the light. She looked at herself in the mirror and she saw what she expected, herself at three in the morning with her hair a mess and her eyes with sleep in the corners. She wiped it out and she looked again. She could see herself as she normally looked. Then she thought of Sophie and the change occurred. That was it, that was the change that so bothered her a few hours earlier. Now she couldn't figure out why it bothered her so then but that was what the change was. She went back to her bedroom, grabbed her overnight bag. She filled it with clothes and she searched for something to wear to work on Monday. She then grabbed her purse, her overnight bag, and her suit for Monday, and she headed out to her car. As she got to the street, she realized that her car was still sitting in her parking place at work. She felt kind of foolish standing out there on the street at three in the morning with her overnight bag in hand and no car. She thought about calling Ian but she didn't want to answer his questions as she had been avoiding his calls since yesterday morning when Sophie called him saying she wouldn't be into work. All of that didn't solve her problem, she needed to get to her car. She didn't want to call Sophie but she didn't see that she had much of an option at this moment. She could try for a cab but she didn't think that any were running this late at night. She went back through her options and the only one she had was Sophie, so she pulled out her cell phone and the card that Sophie gave her. "Hello," Renee heard Sophie say and she didn't sound like she had woke her up from a sleep, she actually sounded wide awake. "Sophie, this is Renee, I need a favor, can you come over and take me to my car? It's still at work." "Sure hun, is there anything wrong?" Sophie asked. "No everything is fine, I just need a ride." Renee said as she didn't want to go into everything this way. She wanted to talk to her face to face and preferably in her bed. "Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Sophie said before hanging up. Renee sighed as she picked her bag back up and headed back inside to wait as she knew that Sophie couldn't be there in fifteen minutes, there was no way, it was too far. Plus she would have had to get dressed and that alone would take Sophie at least ten to fifteen minutes. Renee was right to a point as Sophie got there in sixteen minutes. Renee knew she had to have flown to get there in that amount of time. Renee grabbed her bag and was out the door before Sophie could even unbuckle her seat belt. When Sophie looked into the car, she saw that Sophie was dressed in a robe so that accounted for some time savings. Renee quickly threw her things into the back seat, then she jumped into the front seat hoping that Sophie wouldn't catch on but Sophie didn't miss anything, she was too sharp for that. "Is anything wrong?" Sophie asked. "No everything is fine, I just needed a ride. I hated to impose but it is something urgent that I needed to do." Renee said keeping her answer very cryptic. "It's no problem, anything you need, you just have to ask, you know that." Sophie said as she turned to start the engine. Renee could see the frown on Sophie's face and she hated not telling her what was going on but this wasn't the right place to go into it all. "I appreciate it, I really do." Renee said as she looked out the window knowing that Sophie was stealing glances at her wanting to know what Renee was doing. Renee kept quite as Sophie drove, she knew that she was driving Sophie crazy but it couldn't be helped. For Renee it was the longest twenty minutes of her life and it was probably the same for Sophie. When they got there, Sophie pulled up behind of Renee's car. "I appreciate the ride." Renee said as she got out of the car with her purse and keys in hand. "Hey you forgot your clothes." Sophie yelled through the passenger window that she had opened. Renee was at her car door by this time and she slowly turned around giving Sophie a little smile, "No I didn't." She saw Sophie frown with confusion then slowly a smile came to her face as Sophie realized what she was telling her. Renee gave her a wink before she got into her car. She saw Sophie pull away but then stop before she got to the highway letting Renee back up and catch up with her. Sophie turned onto the highway heading to her house. She drove a little over the speed limit but Renee could see her glancing back into her rearview mirror every couple of seconds just to make sure that she was still behind her. When they got to Sophie's house, Sophie pulled into her garage as Renee pulled up behind of her. Sophie already had Renee's stuff out of the back seat by the time Renee got to her. "Can I ask you something?" Sophie asked as Renee took her overnight bag from her letting Sophie hold onto her pant suit. "Let's talk once we get inside." Renee said as she knew she had a lot to explain to Sophie and she wasn't quite sure how she was going to explain it all. She had thought about it as she followed Sophie to her house and she pretty much knew what she wanted to say, it was just a matter of putting her thoughts into words that would make sense to Sophie and herself. "Okay" Sophie said as she hit the button to lower the garage door. Renee figured that Sophie would expect her to start talking as soon as they were inside the house so Renee picked up her pace. She glanced back at Sophie and she could see from the expression on her face that she was completely confused by her actions and in a way she liked that. She wanted Sophie on edge and thus paying attention as she tried to explain herself, even though she knew that Sophie would have all her senses working when she told her what she had to say. As Sophie hurried to get the lights turned back off, Renee headed toward Sophie's bedroom. Once there, she hung up her pant suit before going to the bed and undressing. She kicked her clothes under the bed before slipping under the covers. Sophie came rushing into the room just as Renee was pulling the covers to her neck not allowing Sophie to see that she was naked underneath. Sophie dropped Renee's overnight bag and then she seemed to hesitate. Renee watched her not saying anything then Sophie seemed to make her decision. She put her hands to the tie of her robe, pulling her robe open and Renee saw that she had nothing on under her robe. "No wonder she got to my place so fast, she didn't bother to get dressed." Renee thought to herself. And then she thought about her driving around town in just her robe, something she would never even dream about doing but then again she thought that same thing about being tied up. While she was thinking this, Renee was getting into bed beside of her. Renee felt Sophie's hands on her shoulders, pulling her onto her side so that she was facing her. "Okay we are in the house now, no one to bother us, so tell me what is going on with you... with us." Sophie said in almost a whisper. "I need to know what I have done wrong so that I can make it right." "First off and please believe me, you haven't done anything wrong. It was me." Renee said as she put her fingers to Sophie's face taking a moment to caress her cheeks and she felt the tears that had begun to run down those cheeks. That made her sad so she went on with her explanation of what she was feeling. "I wasn't sure what to expect from you and what I got was completely different from what I thought I would get. Once you tricked me into coming here Thursday night, I was a little upset with you but then I saw a different side of you and I liked what I saw. So when you enticed me to your bed, I went willingly. Then you tied me up in the bed, again I was shocked at my willingness to play along. All these things just seemed to do something to me that I wasn't expecting. You see when we stopped by my place and I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw something different in me that scared me only I didn't know what it was. It was just different. That is why I needed some time to figure it out and I couldn't do that while I was with you. I know that I confused you with my actions this evening but I was so confused myself. Then as I was sleeping it occurred to me just what was wrong with me. So I ran to the mirror and found that I was right." Renee told her. "And that was..." Sophie asked trying to get Renee to hurry along. "What I saw was me smiling... I was happy, very happy." Renee told her. "But isn't that a good thing?" Sophie said now more confused than ever. "Yes but not if you're a person who isn't used to being happy or rather happy in that way. I mean I have had my share of fun over the years but to say that I was genuinely happy, I don't think I have ever been. I liked my life the it was. I had my numbers and on occasions lovers that lasted for various periods of time but neither of those things made me smile like you have done. So that scared the shit out of me." Renee said. "Why does being happy scare you, I don't understand." Sophie pressed trying to figure out where Renee was coming from. "When someone makes you happy then your happiness depends on them being there for you. I have always just depended on myself and Ian. I have resisted letting anyone else get that close but you just busted through my defenses leaving me defenseless." Renee said as she bit her lower lips having opened herself completely to Sophie. "Sweetie, I'm not going anywhere. You see, you make me happy too. I knew that first day that I laid eyes on you that you were the one for me." Sophie said as she pulled in closer to Renee. Even in the darkness of Sophie's bedroom, Renee could see that Sophie's eyes were wide open. She could see the love in those eyes and she felt her own heart melting. She wanted to resist Sophie's charms but she couldn't and that was when she stopped trying. She leaned in close feeling Sophie's lips touch her lips. It was a light soft kiss. Renee felt the tears starting to fall from her eyes. She usually hated to cry but this time she let them flow. She felt Sophie's lips leave her lips so that they could kiss away her tears but they kept coming, rolling down her cheeks. She felt Sophie's tears mix with her own as they kissed and hugged. As Renee's tears waned, Sophie rolled onto her back pulling Renee with her. Renee settled her head on Sophie's chest feeling Sophie's arms wrap around her body with her hands resting on her back. Renee felt those hands slowly moving around her back making her feel loved and yes, happy. This time she welcomed the happiness. Renee tried to fight off sleep as she just wanted to feel Sophie caressing her, loving her but the stress gone from her body and mind, her body and mind began to relax and despite her best efforts, she was soon fast asleep. The next morning she awoke, not tied down in the bed but she was held tightly by Sophie who was already awake. Renee raised her head up, looking into Sophie's big green eyes. She moved on up in the bed giving Sophie a morning kiss. "I like waking up having you in my arms." Sophie said as she gave Renee a soft smile. "I like waking up in your arms." Renee replied with a soft smile of her own. "So you up to me making a little love to you?" Sophie asked with a wink. "I think I could handle that." Renee said and as Sophie started to turn Renee over onto her back, however Renee stopped her by putting her hands on Sophie's shoulders then she quickly slipped down in the bed. She placed her mouth over Sophie's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. "Oh nooo... you fucking bitch!" Sophie cried out as she opened her legs out wide. "I think we have established that you are the bitch!" Renee said as she raised her mouth off of Sophie's clit only long enough to say that, then she put her mouth back on Sophie's pussy. "I knew that I should have tied you up last night..." Sophie cried out as she let her head fall back to the pillow and she shoved her hips up pushing Renee's face into her pussy. Renee had to smile as she gotten the better of Sophie once again. Renee licked up and down Sophie's slit tasting the juices that she was producing. She moved up to her clit giving it a kiss and then she sucked it into her mouth. She moved the fingers of her right hand to Sophie's slit where she used them to caress Sophie's outer lips. She heard Sophie shiver and groan. She was licking her clit as her fingers gently parted Sophie's lips. She felt the juices coating her finger tips. She used her lips to apply pressure to Sophie's clit as she eased a finger into Sophie. This brought Sophie's French out. She was muttering something as Renee licked hard. She could feel Sophie's pussy clamp down on her finger as it moved in and out of her. Renee felt a sense of joy sweep over her as she pleasured Sophie. She wanted her to feel so good so she was trying her best to do that and from the sounds that Sophie was making, she was doing all right. She moved her finger around inside of Sophie's tight pussy. It was making squishing sounds as she sucked harder on her clit making her squeal with delight. Soon she had Sophie twisting around on the bed as she started her orgasm. Renee sucked hard on her clit making Sophie squeal louder. Just as Sophie reached the peak of her orgasm, Renee let go of her clit so that she could lick up her girlcum. Renee was still licking gently on Sophie's pussy when she felt Sophie's hands on her shoulders pulling up. Renee resisted for a moment before letting Sophie pull her up in the bed. "Am I going to have to tie you up every time I want to make love to you." Sophie asked as she pulled Renee's head down for a kiss. "I can't help it if I'm quicker than you." Renee said with a smile. "No you're not quicker, just sneakier." Sophie said with a laugh, then she flipped Renee over on her back, climbing on top of her. "So am I going to have to tie you up?" She asked. "Maybe..." Renee said as she pretended to try and push Sophie off of her then Sophie pushed back, and Renee relented. Sophie smiled before she dropped her head down for a kiss. Renee welcomed the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Sophie pulling her in tight. Sophie kissed her lightly for a few moments and Renee was loving it. It felt so good to have Sophie body laying on top of her. She wanted to stay like this forever however Sophie had other things on her mind as she slid down so that she could lick and suck on Renee's breasts. Renee arched her back pushing her breasts into Sophie's mouth as Sophie's hands were squeezing them. Renee had her hands on Sophie's shoulders, gripping them as she let out a long moan. She wrapped her legs around Sophie's waist so that she could rub her pussy against Sophie's stomach. She could feel an deep itch inside of her pussy that was beginning to need to be scratched. Sophie's mouth soon made its way down to Renee's pussy. Renee put her feet down on the bed and she used them to raise her ass off the bed so that her pussy made contact with Sophie's mouth. Sophie began to lick as she eased Renee's ass back down. Renee cried out as she felt a warm feeling rush over her. Renee spread open her legs so that Sophie's tongue could hit all the sensitive spots of her pussy. Renee felt Sophie's tongue go around her outer lips then go deeper between her lips. She shuttered from the pleasure that Sophie was giving her. She felt Sophie's tongue start to lash at her clit as two fingers slid deep into her pussy. Sophie twisted them around inside of her making Renee cry out. She loved the feeling of Sophie's fingers inside of her and she wanted more. She pushed back against Sophie's fingers as they fucked her. She groaned and moaned as she got ever closer to a climax. "Oh babe, I'm close, fuck me hard." Renee cried out and she felt Sophie fucked her harder and faster as her mouth worked over her clit. This sent Renee over the edge, as she came hard, giving up all her girlcum to Sophie who licked it up like someone who hasn't eaten in days. "That was great babe," Renee said as she pulled Sophie up to her so that she could kiss her. She held her tight as they kissed and cuddled for a while in bed. It was only their stomachs growling and their bladders needing to be relieved that made them give up the warm bed. "What time is it anyway?" Renee asked as she entered the kitchen where Sophie had her tea going and Renee's coffee was just finishing. "A little after noon." Sophie said as she handed Renee her coffee. "Oh god, it's that late, I'm usually up by six at the latest on the weekends." Renee said as she couldn't believe the time. "Me too but then you got to remember it was way past three when we got to bed and then we spent that extra time this morning making love." Sophie said as she came over to where Renee was sitting drinking her coffee. She sat down in Renee's lap putting her tea down before leaning in for a kiss. "You know you are doing your best to screw up my boring routine." Renee said with a smile. "Oh I've just got started screwing up you life as well as screwing you." Sophie told her. "You little lush!" Renee said as she popped Sophie on her cute ass making her jump in surprise. "I'm a lush, you're the one who was between my legs eating away before I had a chance to do the same to you." Sophie said with an expression on her face almost daring Renee to have a comeback. "I can't help it if you as slow as the seven year itch." Renee told her, giving her a smile that told Sophie to top that. "Slow as the seven year itch! Yea, right!" Sophie said and then in a flash, she had slipped off Renee's lap and was between her legs. Renee found her legs being pulled apart, then she felt Sophie's hands on her ass, pulling her to the edge of her chair. Her robe had fallen open exposing her pussy to Sophie's mouth which by this time was already licking away. "Oh fuck!" Renee cried out as she placed her hands to the back of Sophie's head curling Sophie's hair in her fingers. "Slow as the seven year itch my ass!" Sophie said in a lust filled voice as she raised her head from Renee's pussy. "Shut up and lick you bitch!" Renee said as she pressed Sophie's head back to her pussy. Sophie put her tongue to Renee's pussy again and she began to lick. She pushed her tongue between Renee's lips licking in deep. Renee slipped her ass forward another inch and push her legs out as wide as she could get them opening her pussy lips to Sophie's mouth. Renee felt that tongue enter her pussy and she moaned. She raised her ass off the seat as Sophie licked up and down her slit then she would go in deep, licking up the juices that Renee was producing. Sophie then would go to her clit to lick and suck on it for a moment getting Renee very aroused. "Oh Sophie..." Renee cried out as she felt a couple of Sophie's fingers enter her pussy. She felt those fingers curl upwards hitting that spot that she liked touched. "Oh right there, right there..." Renee cried. Sophie stroked her there as her tongue licked on Renee's clit. Renee could feel her juices leaking from around Sophie's fingers. "Oh god I'm almost there..." Renee cried as she felt her pussy start to spasm and her clit get real sensitive. Sophie was sucking hard on it as her tongue lashed out at it. Renee jerked on her seat almost sliding off of it as she had her orgasm. Then she seemed to lose contact with the world as she got lost in the pleasurable world that her orgasm took her. "I don't guess that I'm not as slow as you thought, am I?" Sophie said as she looked up from between Renee's legs where she was still licking. "Come up here girl." Renee said as she held out her arms to Sophie. Sophie smiled as she got up on her feet and this was when Renee sprang into action. She jumped up grabbing Sophie by the shoulders. She saw the surprise in Sophie's eyes as she was swung around. When Renee had Sophie facing the table, she pushed her forward so that she was laying across the table with her ass sticking out. Renee heard Sophie giggling as she dropped down to her knees. She was now looking at that cute little ass of Sophie's with her pussy lips peeking out from between her legs. Renee leaned forward to give each of Sophie's ass cheeks a kiss. She then gave each cheek a little love bite causing Sophie to moan. Renee started to kiss Sophie's ass cheeks again, going from one cheek to the other. Sophie was letting out little giggles as she wiggled her ass. Renee decided it was time to end Sophie's giggles so she placed her hands to Sophie's cheeks parting them revealing that pink little hole. As Renee started to place her kisses on the inside of the cheeks of Sophie's ass, Sophie giggling stopped and a low moan came from her mouth. When Renee got to Sophie's asshole, she gave it a kiss that made Sophie groan. Renee ran her tongue around the rim of Sophie's asshole once and then she made another circuit of Sophie asshole. Sophie was moaning and wiggling her ass. Renee's tongue stopped dead center of Sophie's ass. She teased the hole for a moment before she pressed her tongue to it. She felt Sophie's asshole relax and her tongue slipped inside. She moved it around inside of her causing Sophie to moan and then she let out a long string of French words. Renee pressed her tongue in deeper then she pulled it out only to put in back inside of her. Renee was gripping Sophie's ass cheeks pulling then out wide and giving them squeezes. As much as she liked rimming Sophie's ass and as much as Sophie liked having it done to her, Renee was smelling Sophie's arousal and she had to have a taste. So She gave a kiss to Sophie's asshole a kiss and then she licked her on around to Sophie's pussy which was almost dripping it's juices. Renee licked the juices off of Sophie's inner thighs making Sophie wait for the contact to her pussy. Renee kept her tongue on the edge of Sophie's pussy until her heard Sophie scream out those sexy French words. Renee knew that Sophie was cursing her and that made her smile but she did get to what Sophie wanted. She began to lick up and down Sophie's wet slit as Sophie let out a loud moan. Then she felt Sophie shiver and Renee know that Sophie just had a small orgasm. Renee began to lick deeper between Sophie's lips getting the juices that awaited her there. Renee drank down the juices that Sophie was producing. Renee turned around so that she was now sitting under Sophie and she wasn't putting such a crick into her neck. Her hands were still on Sophie's ass where they were caressing her cheeks and she was letting her fingers wander down to Sophie's asshole every once in a while so that she could tease it. Renee slowly made her way to Sophie's clit and she started to lick at it. She gave it quick, fast, hard licks. Sophie cried out as she jerked and wiggled around. Renee sucked the hard clit into her mouth giving it licks with her tongue. That was what Sophie needed to cum and she did. Renee drank down her girlcum until Sophie's legs gave out and she slipped down ending up sitting on Renee's lap. "I think that we ended up where we started from." Sophie said as she regained her senses. "Yep, but it seems to me that we started out with me sitting on a kitchen chair." Renee replied. "So we did." Sophie said as she gave Renee a kiss. They kissed for a few moments before they remember why they had come into the kitchen in the first place and that was to fix themselves something to eat. Sophie took charge of fixing their breakfast / lunch as Renee helped her. They were both starving by this time so Sophie make quick work of the cooking. They talked as they ate deciding what to do with the rest of the day. Most Saturday's had found Renee at the plant getting in some extra work so she was lost on what to do with a Saturday not spent at work. Sophie mean while spend most Saturday's doing yard work. She had a cleaning woman that came several time a week to do clean her house as she hated house work but loved to work outdoors. Renee had never done any yard work in her life but she was willing to help Sophie, especially after Sophie bribed her with a real date which included going to a nice restaurant and a movie. It was a pleasant spring day outside, warm but not hot so after putting some sunscreen on Renee's pale skin and giving her a big floppy hat. Sophie took Renee outside to start their work. Sophie decided that Renee would be better off on the riding lawn mower. She showed her how to drive the mower and put her first in the back yard. She made sure that Renee stayed away from her flower beds and shrubs that were just coming out of their winter slumber. Once she was sure that Renee had the mower under control, she got the push mower out and started to mow where she had cautioned Renee not to go. Once Renee found herself trapped between two trees. How she got herself in such a tight space she wasn't sure but she was determined to get herself out. She saw Sophie coming to her rescue but she motioned her away. She had gotten herself in this fix and she was determined to get herself out of it. She did catch a glimpse of Sophie trying not to laugh at her and that just made her more determined. She worked about twenty minutes going forwards and backwards but she did get herself free and she felt proud of herself for doing it. She also got an approving smile from Sophie. She went on with her mowing paying more attention to where she was heading so that she didn't find herself back in the same situation as Sophie had lots of trees around her place. Renee didn't think that she would enjoy doing something like this but she found that helping Sophie get her place in shape was somewhat fun. It wasn't something she would want to make a living at but it was fun. They took a break after the mowing was done then she helped Sophie get her flower beds ready for planting that she would start the following weekend. "So what exactly is a seven year itch?" Sophie asked as they cuddled in bed after she had taken Renee to that nice restaurant and then a movie. "What?" Renee asked somewhat confused by Sophie's question. "You said I was slower than the seven year itch, so what is the seven year itch? I mean I know what you meant when you said it but what does the phrase actually mean?" "Oh, you know that I asked my father that one day after he complained that I was slower than the seven year itch, after I was slow to do something or another. Instead of telling me what it meant, he made me look it up." Renee said pausing there for a moment. "So you going to make me look it up?" Sophie asked her as she arched her eyebrows at her. Renee laughed before she answered. "No but it would be easier for you to do it now than me then. The first reference I found was in reference to a play that more or less said that men got a itch to stray after seven years of marriage which obviously didn't apply to me then nor you now. The other reference was about a malady that caused itching for seven years. So if you had that, then time would definitely seem to slow down for you. So that is what I was saying that your were painfully slow." Renee said as she emphasized the word painfully. "That was about what I figured and I'm not that slow." Sophie said as she sprang on top of Renee and proceeded to make love to her which pleased Renee to no end. Then when they woke up the next morning they made love again. They stayed in on Sunday, just relaxing and making love several more times. As Sophie slept next to her that night, Renee thought about just how much they had made love since Thursday night. She had never been with anyone that she wanted to make love with so much. She had nights before that she had spend most of having sex but never had she found someone that she had wanted to make love with so much over four successive days. Unfortunately it was now Monday morning and they both had to go to work however that didn't stop Sophie from waking Renee up that morning by making love to her which Renee returned with just as much passion as Sophie had. As they left for work, Renee told Sophie that she did have to spend a couple of days at home this week but they both knew that they would be back together soon, real soon. "Okay what the hell is going on?" Ian asked as he rushed into her office, closing the door behind him, early that morning. "Whatever are you talking about brother dear?" Renee asked using a upper class accent that she loved to use on Ian as it irritated the hell out of him. "You know what I'm talking about, spill the beans girl!" Ian told her as he stood in the middle of her office. His tone made Renee angry and she jumped up from behind her desk. She then let him with both barrels blasting, "First off Bro, you are not my keeper and I don't have to tell you jack shit. And another thing, if you ever storm into my office and yell at me I swear I will throw you through that door. Do I make myself perfectly clear or do I have to give you an example of what it would feel like to be thrown through a door." Ian was taken aback from his sister's sudden show of anger. He had rarely seen his sister that angry and she had never been that angry at him. He stood there for a moment and then his expression changed from anger to genuine concern. "I'm sorry sis, I really am but I have worried myself to death since that bitch called me to tell me that you wouldn't be in Friday. Ursula told me to mind my own business and that you were a grown woman who could take care of herself but I kept telling her that she didn't know what this woman could be like, I mean she is a real bitch." Ian said as he sat down. Renee would normally be pissed at someone calling Sophie a bitch but then that was the only side of Sophie that he had ever seen while she had seen the real Sophie and that was the one that she had to show Ian. "Since you have apologized so nicely then I will give you some small details of just what the hell I've been up to but... alas... we have our Monday morning meeting in an hour and I do need to get my data ready." Renee said smiling as she sat down. "Well... I sort of moved the meeting back two hours." Ian said as he cringed waiting for Renee to begin yelling again. "Oh you are asking for it aren't you?' Renee asked as she gave him a smile as he was a step ahead of her this morning. "Sorry..." Ian said as she waiting for Renee to react. "Since you have spent the whole weekend worrying I guess I can at least tell you what you didn't have to worry about me but first I do believe that I need some coffee and something to eat before I start." Renee said putting him off again just to see what he would do. "Let's go to Ginger's Grill and get something and we can talk there." Ian said getting up and heading for the door. Once there he stopped and looked back at Renee. Renee thought for a second and she decided that it wasn't such a bad idea and she was hungry. She also loved eat at Ginger's so she got up and headed toward Ian. As she passed him she said, "You're paying." He laughed and then replied more to himself that her, "Don't I always..." "So sis, what is going on with you and that Bitch?" Ian asked but this time when he said "That Bitch", he said it in a much kinder fashion that he had ever used before when he talked about her. "I think that she has stole my heart while I sat there and watched her do it." Renee said with a sense of wonderment. "But how can you be attracted to a mean spirited woman, I mean..." Ian was saying when Renee stopped him, with just one look. "She isn't the woman that you saw. She is a completely different person when she is with me. I would explain what she was doing to you but I think that it should come from her and not me. Let me just say that she is actually a very nice and intelligent woman." Renee told him. "If you say so." He replied and Renee could tell that he wasn't completely convinced. Renee start to say something when the waitress placed their food down and she refilled their coffee cups. "Anyway, so tell me what happened." Ian said as he took a bite of his food. "Well she was suppose to take me to a restaurant but instead she decided to take me back to her place and she cooked dinner for me." Renee said and she saw that got Ian's attention. "Yea... well I wasn't exactly pleased about that development either but I went along with it. So when we got to her place which is beautiful by the way, we started to talk. Then the more we talked the more I began to warm up to her. So the meal was wonderful and I found her to be quiet charming. I didn't want to start liking her but I did just that. So after dinner, we drank some wine and talked, then things began to happen that I won't go into if you don't mind." Renee said and she saw Ian wave off the further details as Renee knew he would. "So I woke up the next morning in her bed and she had already called in for me. I do admit it pissed me off a bit but I wasn't in a position to do much about it and to be honest, I wanted to be where I was." Renee said and she could see that Ian was wanting to say something but wasn't sure how to go about doing it. So she beat him to the punch, "Before you think that I didn't think about this your wrong. I did, I thought a lot about it and still am thinking about it. But the thing that convinced me that Sophie was the right person for me was when I looked at myself in the mirror and you know what I saw?" She asked. "No obviously I don't." Ian said. "I saw myself smiling. When was the last time you saw me smiling when there was no obvious reason for me to do so?" Renee asked him. She then sat back and sipped her coffee as Ian studied her. She didn't smile, as she knew he was going back into his memory of their lives growing up together and their times since then. He then sat back as he tried to figure it all out. Renee could see that he was still worried about her but she was making some headway into his thinking. They were both silent for a few moments then he finally spoke up, "Okay let's say for the sake of argument that everything you have said is true." Ian then held up his hand as Renee was about to let him have it. "and since I know that you would never tell me something that wasn't true, I am still worried about you. I mean I believe you that Sophie isn't the person that I have seen but that makes me even more worried about her, I mean she sounds like that she has a split personality and that scares me worse." Renee saw that there was only one way for her to convince her brother and she didn't want to do that. She wanted Ian to like or at least respect Sophie as she loved her brother and he was and would always be an important part of her life. "You still cooking out Friday night?" "Yea, Ursula invited you over last week remember?" Ian ask not quiet getting Renee's point. "Good then have Ursula set out a extra plate, I'm bringing a guest." Renee told him as she got up and went to his side of the table giving him a kiss on the cheek. Pay the bill and let's get back to work bro." Renee said smiling. "Hey wait a minute..." Ian yelled across the restaurant as he hurriedly grabbed his billfold, putting some money on the table. "She going to have all week to prepare for the dinner..." Ian was saying as he came out the door. "No she won't, I'm not going to tell her." Renee told him. "Won't that be unfair to her?" Ian asked. "So now you're concerned about her, that's sweet." Renee said with a big smile as she was loving this. It wasn't often that she was able to have her brother twisting in the wind but she knew that he was concerned for her and that made her feel good to know. "No, well yes, I mean I don't want her mad at you for doing this. I mean just because I don't like her doesn't mean I want her to get mad at you because of me." Ian said. "That's sweet but don't worry, I owe her one for taking me to her place and not to a restaurant Thursday night. Not that I minded what she did in the end." Renee said as she sat in Ian's car as he started it up. Renee did tell him more about Sophie and what she was really like as they headed back to the plant. As the week went along, she talked to Sophie every evening as she relaxed. She so liked talking to her and hearing about her day and Sophie was interested in what her day was like. She also talked to Ursula about Sophie and she was happy for her. She too was a little concerned about Sophie as she had heard all about her through Ian and now she was hearing something completely different from her. But she was more open minded about accepting Sophie as Renee described her. Renee continued to work on her brother but she knew the only person that could really convince Ian that Sophie was on the up and up was Sophie. Sophie dropped in on Thursday for her regular meeting not that she wanted to talk much business once she got into Renee's office. Then when she left there was that invitation to dinner. This time Renee followed her to the restaurant which turned out to be Sophie's house again. Renee figured that this would happen as she had packed enough clothes to last her through the weekend. When Sophie saw her bags and the work clothes that she carried in on hangers, a big smile appeared on her face. Renee helped Sophie cook their dinner and that night they made love again. Renee had missed sleeping with Sophie laying beside of her and as Sophie went to sleep Renee pulled her in close holding her tight until she fell asleep herself. "You know you don't have to treat me to dinner tonight. I can fix us something great." Sophie said as she was running a brush through her hair. "But I want to, the restaurant has a great chef widely known for her culinary skills." Renee said trying to keep her face straight. "If this place is so great then why are we dressed so casually, I mean most great restaurants have a dress codes and I don't think shorts and tee shirts qualify." Sophie told her. "Oh I know the chef and she has a special table set up for us, real out of the way." Renee hinted. "I like the sound of that." Sophie giggled out as she gave Renee a wink. "We had better go or we'll be late." Renee said fearing that she would burst out laughing and thus give it all away. Renee talked about her day as she drove. She started out toward the city letting Sophie think that they were heading into town then as she had Sophie talking, she slowly worked her way around so that they were heading back out of town. Sophie and Ian's houses were only about twenty minutes apart, with both of them set out in the country. However with the roundabout way that Renee was taking, it was about an hour's drive. It was only when Renee pulled into Ian's drive way that Sophie noticed where they had ended up. "Oh god please don't tell me that you are introducing me to your parents." Sophie said as she looked over at Renee and she had this terror in her eyes. "Oh no, I wouldn't do that to you this soon..." Renee said as she hesitated just long enough for Sophie's face to relax then she said, "that comes next weekend." She watched Sophie's face turn back to terror and that was when Renee burst out laughing. "Don't worry I will give you plenty of warning before I spring them on you." "I'm going to kill you when we get home, you know that don't you?" Sophie said as she got out of the car. "Oh I know that." Renee said knowing that Sophie was going to kill her anyway when they got home for what she was doing to her now. "So this is obviously not a restaurant." Sophie said. "Nope..." Renee said as she came to Sophie's side. "Then where are we and whose place is this?" Sophie asked. Renee was about to answer, when the front door burst open and Renee's two nephews came running out calling out to their Aunt Renee. "Aunt Renee?" Sophie whispered to Renee as Renee dropped down to her knees hugging her two nephews to her and making a big fuss over them. Ursula came to the door hollering for her boys to leave their Aunt alone. They of course paid her no mind as the both were getting kisses from their aunt as she tickled them and messing up their neatly combed hair. She then got up and taking the boys by their hands she began to walk toward the house leaving Sophie to catch up. "I would swear that those two boys that you have by the hand look a lot like the two boy's pictures that sit on Ian's desk. And I know that lady standing in the doorway is the same lady that has her wedding picture on Ian's desk." Sophie whispered to Renee. "Then I would say that you are pretty observant." Renee said not daring to look back at Sophie for fear of getting a very dirty look. She got lucky at this point as Ursula had come out to greet them, giving Renee as kiss and hug then she faced Sophie as she gathered her boys from their Aunt Renee. "I'm Ursula, Ian's wife and the mother of these two unruly boys." Usurla said as she went to Sophie and gave her a big hug like she was a long lost friend. "I'm Sophie, I'm Renee's friend or I was her friend." Sophie said as she gave Ursula a smile before sending death rays toward Renee who smiled. "I think someone's in trouble..." Ursula said as she laughed then Phillip, the younger of the two boys, wanted to know who was in trouble as he was glad it was someone other than himself. She hushed him before saying, "Ian's in the study, why don't you go there as I finish up dinner." "I'll give you a hand Ursula, Sophie and Ian can visit for a while." Renee said as they went into the house. Renee looked over at Sophie and she saw that Sophie's eyes were boring into her. Ursula meanwhile took the boys on into the kitchen. "I really am going to kill you now. Why didn't you tell me you were bringing me here? You know Ian hates me." Sophie said. "Yes he does and he has every right to do so with everything you have done to him and now is your chance to set the record straight. You owe him and I want my brother and my lover to like each other or at least be able to get along. It wasn't right for me to do this to you but I had to bring you unprepared so that Ian would know that what comes out of your mouth also came from your heart and not from a well rehearsed speech." Renee told her. "Okay you're right but I am still going to kill you." Sophie said and then Renee pointed her toward the study. She stood there as Sophie walked toward the study. Sophie did give her one last death ray look as she knocked on the door, then she further made her point by giving Renee the finger. That made Renee smile, then she watched as Sophie opened the door and walked in not giving her brother a chance to answer. "Just like Sophie to barge in like that." Renee thought to herself as she turned toward the kitchen where Ursula and her nephews were waiting. "You know that your dear sweet brother is going to kill you." Ursula told her as Renee entered the kitchen. "He'll have to wait in line, Sophie's already told me that she is going to kill me." Renee said smiling as her nephews climbed onto her lap. "I would say that you deserve it springing her on him like this." Ursula said as she turned to give Renee a smile. "Hey he knew what I was going to do, you know." Renee said. "However it doesn't change the fact that you are going to get butchered when they come out of the study." Ursula said with a smile. "I know but I just couldn't have the two people that I..." Renee was saying when she stopped herself before she let the next word out. "I believe that the word that you are looking for is love. You don't want the two people you love the most to hate each other or rather have Ian hate the woman you love." Ursula said giving Renee that kind smile that won her over years ago. "I don't love her." Renee said much too defenselessly. "Yes you do dear and the sooner you accept that fact the better off you'll be. Now be a sweetie and keep your nephews entertained as I finish up dinner." Ursula told her as she pushed the three of them out of the kitchen. "I'm not in love with her." Renee hissed at her. "Yes you are sweetie." Ursula said but before Renee could reply she was being pulled by two little boys toward the back yard. As Renee played tag with her nephews in the back yard, she was thinking about what Ursula had said to her, she knew in her heart that she was right but still that didn't make her feel any better. Plus she was worrying about what was going on between her brother and her lover. Her nephews saw her distraction from their game so they tackled her making the three of them fall to the ground. This got Renee's mind back to where the boys wanted it. She then went on the attach tickling them, getting them to giggle and laugh. Soon she was caught up with chasing them around the yard and having fun being a little girl again. Before she knew it she saw Ian and Sophie standing on the porch watching them. Renee saw that they were no worse for wear. They were even talking although they weren't standing too close to each other. All the same, it had appeared that Sophie had won Ian over with her charm and probably a big apology that she did owe him. Ian's sons saw them and decided that they needed two new players for their game of tag so they raced to their father with Phillip grabbing his hand pulling him into the yard. This left Gregory, the older one, to Sophie who protested as she was being dragged into the yard. The boys had never met a stranger in their life so they quickly accepted Sophie as to them she was just someone else to play with. Now there were three adults chasing after two fast boys catching them and tickling them before letting them go only to be chased after so that they could be tickled again. By the time that Ursula called them in for dinner the three adults were about worn out but the boys were still bursting with energy. Ian took his protesting sons in so that he could wash them up before dinner while Renee and Sophie helped Ursula to set the table. When Ian came back, he had his sons looking presentable again with their faces and hands washed. They all sat down and after Ursula said grace, they began to eat. The boys sat beside their parents who helped them cut up their food and made sure that they ate some as they talked. The boys did their share of talking but they also had been taught their manners so when the adults talked they remained quiet waiting for their turn to talk again. Ian and Ursula allowed them the time to talk as they knew the poor boys couldn't remain quiet forever and it wasn't right to expect that of them. When dinner was over, Ursula took Phillip and Gregory up for their baths as Ian cleaned off the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher. Renee did volunteer hers and Sophie's help which he gladly accepted. They talked as they worked and when everything were cleaned up they went to the sun room that Ursula had built. It had turned out beautiful and Sophie said she knew what her next project was going to be. Soon Ursula brought in two fresh washed boys in to say their goodnights. The gave Renee a hug and kiss then went to Sophie and they gave her a hug and kiss too though her kiss and hug was a little quicker than the one they gave to their favorite aunt. It was Ian's turn to read the boys to sleep so he took them by the hand asking them what book they wanted read to them as they left the sunroom. "Okay what happened?" Ursula asked before Renee got the chance to after Ian had left the room with the boys. "What happened when?" Sophie asked playing the innocent. "You know what she is asking, now tell us." Renee demanded. "You I'm not talking to you anymore." Sophie said as she turned away from Renee so that she could face Ursula. Renee smiled as she could tell from Sophie's voice that she wasn't really mad at her but she also knew that there would be some repercussions from her little deed. So she kept her mouth shut as Sophie talked to Ursula. "Well Ian was surprised but not surprised to see me enter his study and I knew that he really wasn't happy to see me in his home. Not that I can blame him for what I put him through." Sophie said and then Ursula added, "And me." "Yes and you too so I came on in and sat down giving him my now famous "Bitch" look as I couldn't resist one last dig. He asked what I was doing there and it was then that I did what I knew I had to do. So I sat down and explained that it was really all his fault as he was the one that took me by Renee's office and I got my first look at her." She said and this brought a laugh from both Ursula and Renee as it was just like Sophie to blame Ian for her giving him hell for months. "So I told Ian that I fell for Renee at first sight and I knew that I had to get to know her. Ian had told me as we passed her office that Renee was his sister and how close they were. That was then I decided that had to meet her so I decided that while Ian and his company didn't deserve the bitch treatment, it was the only way I knew that I could get him to pawn me off on her. So I explained what I was doing and why I did it. Then I went into begging for his forgiveness." Sophie told them. "So what did he do?" Renee asked. Sophie turned her head back to Renee giving her a dirty look that made Ursula laugh as Renee had forgotten that Sophie wasn't talking to her anymore. "So what did he do?" Ursula said as Sophie turned back to Ursula giving her a smile and a wink. "He just sat back and after a extended pause he said, "If you wanted to meet my sister all you would have had to do was ask." Needless to say I felt like shit so I apologized again for not trying the simple way first before going coming out with my guns blazing." Sophie said as she laughed. "Well I kind of liked that you gave him hell. He needs to be taken down a peg or two just to keep him humble." Ursula told Sophie. "That shouldn't have taken up that much time so what did you talk about the rest of the time you were in there together." "Oh there was some things that we discussed and then I got him to fill me in on all the dirt that he had on Renee and it seems that he had a bunch. I really liked the part where he covered for you when you spent the weekend at your friends house while he told your parents that you were at home with him." Sophie said as she turned back around and she gave Renee a devious grin. "I would never have thought that you had it in you." "I'm full of surprises." Renee said glad that Sophie was back talking to her. "So are you fast friends now?' "Well no, I think that Ian is still a little perturbed at me but at least he no longer thinks that I have a split personality so that is a start." Sophie said. "Sometimes my husband is like me and he is slow to come around but in the end, he does the right thing. I'll work on him for you." Ursula said. "You'll work on who?" Ian said as he entered the room. "You dear." Ursula said and Ian seemed to accept that without question. "The boys already asleep?" She asked him as he went over to the liquor cabinet to fix himself a drink. "Yea they were asleep before I completed the first page of the story. I think between the swimming lessons this morning and the game of tickle tag this afternoon, I do believe that they were worn out. Anyone want a drink?" He said then asked. They all gave him what they wanted and he fixed them as Sophie, Renee and Ursula started to talk about Ursula's new sunroom. Ian handed out he drinks then he sat down by his wife. He took his wife's hand in hers and Renee knew that wasn't for Sophie's sake, he truly did love his wife even if she was always wanting to do something to the house. As they talked, Renee noticed that Ian kept an eye on Sophie, Renee could tell that he wasn't completely convinced about Sophie. She knew that it would take time for him to come around like Ursula had said and she also was sure that Ursula would work on him. The evening went well overall Renee thought to herself as they were leaving. "So what do you think? Did it go well with Ian?" She asked Sophie as she started the car. Renee waited for a second for Sophie to answer but there appeared to be no answer forth coming from her. Renee backed the car out of the driveway and got on the road before trying again. "Did Ian give you a hard time?" Renee asked. But again there was no words coming from Sophie's mouth. She just stared either out the windshield or out her side window. Renee looked over at her and Sophie didn't appear to be mad or anything she just wasn't talking. "Are you mad at me or something?" Renee asked trying to figure out what was wrong so suddenly. Sophie just looked away and said nothing. It was then that she remembered Sophie saying that she wasn't talking to her. Though she did talk to her while they was at her brother's house but obviously now that it was just the two of them then the no talking rule had gone back into effect. Renee tried several more times to get Sophie to talk to her but she wasn't getting anything out of her so she finally gave up. She took the direct route to Sophie's home so she didn't have to endure the silence for long. As she pulled into the driveway, she thought about just going on home since Sophie was mad at her but she didn't want things to end like this. She was the type of person who needed to talk things out and get them settled and she didn't like getting the silent treatment from anyone and that definitely applied to Sophie. She was still trying to decide what to do when she saw that Sophie was standing in the headlights of the car. From the expression on Sophie's face, she could see what Sophie expected her to do. So she killed the engine and followed her silent lover into her house. Sophie went on to her bedroom with Renee trailing close behind. Sophie slipped her shoes off before going into the bathroom and she closed the door behind her. This wasn't like her as they both left the door open when they used the restroom. Renee again wasn't sure what she was suppose to do so she sat down on the edge of the bed. She soon heard the shower come on and Renee so wanted to be taking a shower with Sophie and not sitting out here alone. Renee tried to wait patiently but that was next to impossible. It took Sophie about twenty minutes to take her shower and when she came out of the bathroom, she used a swing of her are to indicate to Renee that the shower was hers now. Renee was beginning to figure out that Sophie had something planned for her and then she remembered Sophie telling her that she was going to kill her when they got home. "Well if I'm going to die, I might as well die clean." Renee thought to herself as she got up and went into the bathroom closing the door behind of her. She took her time as she got undressed and then she stepped into the shower. She let the warm water wash over her but the water didn't take her worries away. She was concerned about Sophie not talking to her and she hoped that Sophie wasn't one of those who could carry a grudge on for days or weeks. She shampooed her hair and then washed her body. When she got out she dried her body down and blew dried her hair. She wrapped a towel around her then she stopped and put on a little perfume hoping to get to Sophie through her nose. She opened the door only to find that the lights were turned down low. She walked on in but she didn't see Sophie anywhere around. Her eyes were drawn to the bed where she saw that there was a scarf tied to each corner of the bed frame. Renee smiled to herself as she dropped the towel that was wrapped around her body. She went over to the bed laying down on her back. She placed her wrists by the scarves at the head of the bed and then she spread her legs out wide so that her ankles were by the scarves at the foot of the bed. She settled in and waited for Sophie to make her reappearance. Renee didn't have to wait long before the bedroom door opened and Sophie walked in wearing a light pink baby doll teddy. Even in the soft light, Renee could see her dark nipples through the almost shear material. Renee's eyes went down her body and she saw that Sophie have on a shear pair of G-String panties. Her dark bush showed through the material. Renee felt her nipples begin to tighten and her pussy starting to get aroused as her lips began to swell and her juices started to flow. "I do believe that someone has been a very bad girl, hasn't she?" Sophie said as she sat down by Renee's head. "Yes I have. I have been very bad." Renee said playing Sophie's game as Sophie leaned forward so that she could tie the scarf to Renee's right wrist. "I do believe that I will have to punish you so that you will remember to always be nice to me and not play dirty tricks on poor sweet me." Sophie said as she leaned over to tie the scarf to Renee's left ankle which Renee raised up to make it easier on Sophie. Renee also noticed that as Sophie leaned over, she could see the outline of Sophie's left breast. This excited her and then Sophie turned her body a hair as if she knew what Renee was looking at and she was giving her a better view. This movement of Sophie's body allowed Renee to now see her nipple. Sophie seemed to be taking her time tying the scarf to Renee's ankle. "Hey no peaking!" Sophie said as if she suddenly noticed Renee looking at her breast from where her teddy was opening between her breasts. She pulled the teddy up so that Renee couldn't see her breasts so clearly. "You are such a naughty girl, taking peaks of a girl's breasts like that, shame on you." Sophie said as she shook her finger at her like she was mother scolding her child. Renee wanted to burst out laughing but she could see that Sophie was trying to play this seriously and she did her best to play her part. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Renee said as she tried to look ashamed of her behavior. "You had better not, young woman." Sophie scolded her. Sophie got up, walking to the other side of the large bed so that she could secure Renee's left ankle. She let her teddy fall open as she leaned over making sure that Renee got another look at her breasts. Renee knew that Sophie was trying to arouse her and she was doing a damn good job at it. Her nipples were already hard as a rock and she could feel the juices beginning to flow from her pussy to her ass. Sophie again took her time allowing Renee to get a good look at her breasts before she moved up to her head. She sat down right by Renee's head allowing Renee to get a good whiff of Sophie's arousal. This just made Renee more hungry for Sophie. When Sophie was finished securing Renee's left wrist, she leaned across Renee's body to check the scarf on Renee's right wrist. This placed her breasts over Renee's head. Renee could smell Sophie's perfume as Sophie rubbed her breasts across Renee's face. It felt great but Sophie didn't keep still long enough for Renee to latch onto one of Sophie's nipples but all the same it felt nice to have Sophie's breasts in her face. Sophie fiddled with the scarf on Renee's right wrist for more than a couple of minutes before she finally sat up and scooted down in the bed. "So just how shall I punish you my dear?" Sophie asked Renee as she leaned down to give her a soft kiss however for Renee the kiss was over long before she was ready for it to end. "I don't know." Renee said. "Maybe I should get my whips out so that you can feel their sting..." Sophie said as she appeared to be seriously thinking about doing just that. Renee bit her lower lips as she was afraid that Sophie would do that to her. Her eyes widen at the thought and she prayed that Sophie wouldn't chose that option. After a much too long of a pause for Renee's liking, Sophie finally spoke again, "But you know, I think the whips aren't cruel enough for someone that did all the bad things that you have done to poor sweet me. I have something much worse in mind for you, my dear" Sophie said to her as she leaned giving Renee another kiss. This kiss lasted longer and as Sophie kissed her, Renee felt Renee's fingers slowly moved from her cheek , down between her breasts and then over to her right breast. The fingers slowly made their way around her breast then went to her left breast and they slowly circled it. The fingers was ever so lightly touching her skin and that excited her to no end. Sophie's lips were also barely lightly touching her lips. "Oh yes, I do believe by the end of this night I will have you begging for my forgiveness. I will have you at my mercy." Sophie said and while Renee still didn't know what Sophie was up to, she did believe every word that Sophie was saying. Renee looked down as Sophie's fingers kept circling her left then right breasts. The touch was just enough for her to feel it and want more. Slowly the fingers moved up her left breast still going in that damn circle until they got right to the edge of her nipple. Sophie let the tip of her index finger to circle the nipple but she didn't touch it. Renee moaned aloud and then she let out a frustrated groan as the finger circled back down the breast to its base. The finger moved over to the right breast and started to circle around it slowly moving up the breast. It got to the edge of the nipple and stayed there, just going around and around her nipple. Renee let out another moan as her nipple felt like it could cut glass, it was that hard. But Sophie's damn finger wouldn't touch it. Renee shifted her chest trying to get Sophie to touch her damn nipple. But Sophie was too fast for her, "Oh no you don't, you stay still." Sophie then took her finger away folding her hands in her lap. "Okay, I'll stay still but please go back to touching me. I need to feel you." Renee said not knowing that she had just played her way into Sophie's punishment. "That's better." Sophie said after Renee had quieted down. She moved her right hand back up placing her fingertips between Renee's breasts. She slowly moved them down Renee's body going across her stomach and on down to her abdomen. Renee started to moan again as Sophie's fingers felt nice. Her arousal had calmed down but with Sophie touching her again, she felt her pussy getting wet. Sophie's fingers went right to the top of Renee's pussy. They stayed there just moving across her mons but not touching her clit. Renee had to will herself to keep still. Her pussy was now profusely leaking it's juices and Renee could smell her own arousal. The fingers went down the top of Renee's right thigh then they dipped to her inner thigh just above her knee. The fingers slowly made her way up her inner thigh again stopping just short of Renee's pussy. The fingers went back up her thigh back across her mons and then back down the top of her left thigh. They stopped just short of her knee so that they could slid down to Renee's inner thigh. They slowly moved their way back up to the edge of Renee's pussy where they caressed her soft skin. "Touch me please, I need your touch." Renee cried out to Sophie. "I know you do babe and that is why you're not going to get it." Sophie said in a sweet voice. "Oh fuck! You're a bitch." Renee said as she now knew just what Sophie was going to do to her. She then began to think that maybe the whips would have been the better choice. Sophie bent down to give Renee another kiss, this time she let her lips linger. Renee saw that this just might be her chance as she raised her head up from the pillow to kiss Sophie with all the passion that she could. Then just as she was opening her lips so that she could use her tongue, Sophie broke off the kiss frustrating her yet again. Sophie sat back up and she looked down at Renee with a devious smile on her face. Renee wanted to scream at Sophie to wipe that silly grin off her face but she had to admit that as much as she hated what Sophie was doing to her, she also couldn't believe just how alive that she was feeling. Sophie raised her right hand, holding it above Renee's right nipple. Renee's eyes were glued to that hand as it slowly was lowered. At the last second, Sophie extended her index finger. She held it just above Renee's nipple as Renee bit her lower lip. The finger just seemed to hang there for hours as Renee bit her lips harder. Then it touched the end of her nipple. This sent a electric shock throughout Renee's body. Renee let out a loud moan as she felt her body shiver. "God Damnnnn... fuck you!..." Renee cried out as the tip of Sophie's finger teased her nipple. The finger only stayed there just long enough to get her really aroused then it went over to her left nipple. The finger flicked her nipple then it went around her nipple getting it and her very aroused again. The damn finger didn't stay there long enough to suit Renee. But then it started on its way down Renee's body. Renee sucked in her breath as the finger got ever so close to her pussy. Renee just knew that Sophie was going to stop short of her pussy but this time, the finger kept on going and it touched her clitoris. Renee let out a high pitched moan as she thought that Sophie was going to let her cum but that damn finger only teased her for a moment then it went down to her pussy. Renee felt it going up and down her slit. It moved to her pussy lips going up one side down the other, just caressing her pussy but the touch wasn't anywhere near long enough or in the right places to get her off. Renee couldn't help but to twist around on the bed. This time Sophie didn't chastise her. She knew that Renee was at her limit and nothing was going to stop her from moving as she was all so close to an orgasm that she needed. Sophie let her wet fingertip go back to Renee's clit. She lightly caressed the hard bud getting Renee to scream out for relief. She got Renee so close then the finger left the hard bud. "God damn you bitch, fuck you to hell!" Renee screamed at Sophie who took the cussing in stride. She stood up waiting for Renee to calm down then she took the shoulder straps of her teddy in her hands and as Renee watched, she slid them off her shoulders revealing the breasts that Renee loved so much. The teddy dropped leaving Sophie in just her shear G-String. Sophie put her hands to her sides and she slowly pushed her panties down. Renee sucked in her breath as she saw Sophie thick black bush come into view. Renee could see the juices clinging to the hairs around her pussy and she also saw the huge wet spot on the crotch of the panties. Sophie pushed the panties down her hips letting them drop to the floor. She stepped out of them then she crawled up onto the bed and over Renee's body. She leaned down and gave Renee a passionate kiss this time opening her mouth and letting Renee's tongue enter her mouth. The kiss was passionate and intense but again it was too short. Sophie raised her head up as she moved her body forward. When her left breast was over Renee's head, she lowered it to Renee's awaiting mouth. Renee sucked the nipple into her mouth and sucked on it as hard as she could. Renee was out of her mind with desire and lust. If she couldn't have relief herself, she was going to give it to Sophie. Renee used her tongue on the nipple as she sucked on it. She could hear Sophie moaning as she sucked and licked on the nipple. Soon it was pulled from her mouth and replaced with Sophie's right nipple. She again sucked and licked it for all she was worth. She wanted Sophie to be screaming out her French words that signaled that she was very aroused. However Sophie pulled that nipple from her mouth too soon but then she moved on up in the bed until her pussy was over Renee's mouth. Renee could see all the juices that clung to the pubic hair surrounding Sophie's pussy lips. When Sophie's pussy lips were close enough, Renee started to lick up those juices first on the hair surrounding the pussy then on the lips themselves. Now Sophie began to let those French words fly. Renee worked her tongue across those lips and then between the lips where most of the juices were. She sucked on the lips pulling them out with her lips then gently biting on them. Renee quickly made her way up to Sophie's clit. It was as big as she had ever seen it and Renee sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue on the clit as she sucked on it. Sophie was just as aroused as Renee was by this time and she was soon smashing her pussy down on Renee's face as she came hard. Renee licked and sucked up Sophie's girlcum as best she could while trying to catch her breath when she could. Renee kept licking until Sophie removed her pussy from Renee's mouth. She then smiled down at Renee as she moved back down stopping only long enough to kiss Renee passionately. Then her mouth went to Renee's nipples. She sucked and bit on Renee's hard nipples making Renee cry out. Renee was dying to cum by now. She couldn't take this punishment anymore. Sophie worked Renee's breasts for only a short time before she kissed her way down Renee's body. When she got to her pussy Renee thought that Sophie would just kiss her way around it. Instead she kept going. She kissed Renee's hard clit making Renee cry out in lust and passion. But Sophie only gave it one kiss before she began to use the tip of her tongue to caress Renee's pussy lips. The tongue was just barely touching her pussy as it went up one lip and down the other then it would go down her slit. Sophie repeated this process several times before Renee could stand it no longer. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll never do anything mean to you again just let me cum, please... let ... me... cum...!" Renee screamed out. Renee felt Sophie's mouth on her hard sensitive clit and it was being sucked on hard. Sophie's lips were squeezing down on it as she sucked. Renee felt her mind explode as her orgasm hit her hard. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She felt her girlcum gush out of her body as she squirted for the first time in her life. Then her world went blank as she found herself floating in the clouds feeling only pleasure surge through her body. When she woke she found that she had been untied and she was clinging to Sophie's body as Sophie kissed her face and lips. "So you going to be mean to me again?' Sophie asked as she kissed her yet again. "If this is what you do to punish me then oh hell yes! I'm going to fuck you over as much as I can." Renee said smiling. Sophie laughed as she said, "You probably will." Then she kissed her passionately. "Oh god that was intense." Renee said as she finally calmed down. "I didn't know you had it in you." "I didn't either, you don't know how hard it was for me to keep teasing you when all I wanted to do was to dive between those legs of yours and just eat you out." Sophie said honestly. "It was hard on me too but I loved it just don't do it too often, I don't think I could stand it." Renee told her. "I won't just when you have been really, really bad or..." She said as she paused for a moment, "... when you have been really, really good." "Oh god I love you.": Renee said and then she realized that she had said those special words that rarely left her lips. "I love you too babe." Sophie said as she kissed her. Then she settled down against Renee's body. They laid there just caressing each other as no more words needed to be spoken. Soon they were fast asleep. The next morning Sophie had Renee back up early and after fixing her a nice breakfast, Renee was back on the riding lawn mower going around the back yard. She had begun to master the small riding mower thus she was able to get closer to the shrubs without mowing over them and when she got near the two trees that she got stuck between the previous Saturday. She stopped and thought on how to go around them without getting stuck. It was only then that she put the mower back into gear and proceeded. The air temperature was a little warmer today and soon she was soaked in sweat. All her life she had pretty much avoided anything that had caused her to sweat but now it felt good. She didn't know if it was the fact that has had never allowed herself to get sweaty and thus just assumed that she wouldn't like it or the fact that she could see Sophie getting just as sweaty and that made it a more desirable thing to do. As she was thinking this, she saw Sophie coming toward her carrying a bottle of cold water. Renee turned off the mower and she sat and watched Sophie walk toward her. Her tee shirt was soaked in sweat and Renee could see the sweat beginning to soak into her sweat shorts. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She had no makeup on and yet to Renee she couldn't look more adorable. "It looked like you could use a cold drink." Sophie said as she handed Renee a bottle of cold water. "Oh yes, I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I saw you with those bottles of water." Renee said as she took one. She twisted the top off and put it to her lips. She raised the end of the bottle up and she began to drink. She then promptly dribbled it down the front of her tee shirt. Sophie laugh and then said, "Do I need to get you a bib there dear?" "Funny," Renee said as she took another sip then as Sophie put her water bottle to her lips, Renee reached out and tipped the end of the bottle causing Sophie to spill part of her down her tee shirt. "That was real mature." Sophie said as she wiped the water off her chin. "I thought so." Renee replied giving Sophie a big smile. "You would!" Sophie said pretending to pout as she turned her back to Renee. "Oh did I make her mad. I guess I have to do something to make up for it." Renee said as she got off the lawn mower. She came over to Sophie turning her around. She saw Sophie pretending to pout so she pulled her in close and she started to kiss her. Just as her lips got close to Sophie's lips, Renee felt something very cold running down her back. She yelped as she jumped back and she saw Sophie holding empty bottle of water as the contents were now running down her back and into her shorts giving her a chill even with the warm temperatures. "Oh so are so dead!" Renee said as raised her bottle of water over Sophie's head. She expected Sophie to run but she didn't so Renee poured the contents of her water over Sophie head making her scream then giggle. Renee then pulled Sophie to her and gave her the kiss she was intending to give her a few moments before. This stopped Sophie's giggling as they wrapped their arms around each other kissing and hugging for a moment. "You know the lawn isn't going to get mowed with us kissing like this." Sophie said. "I know but this is more fun." Renee said with a wink. "Yes it is however work comes before play my dear." Sophie said as she separated from Renee. "Very true, but for some reason I'm still thirsty." Renee told her showing Sophie her empty water bottle. "And whose fault is that?" Sophie asked as she arched her eyebrows and cocked her hips at Renee. "Yours of course." Renee said as she sat back against the lawn mower. "And how do you figure that, I believe that you were that made me spill my water all over myself." Sophie countered. "Ah but you laughed at me first and that meant that I had to get you back." Renee said. "So you're one of those that has to get in the last word I see." Sophie said. "Yep, I always do." Renee said. "Well I'm the same way so you might as well get over that habit right now." "I don't think so." Renee replied. "I do." Sophie said. "I don't." Renee replied. Then they went into a series of "I do's and I don't's" until they fell into a fit of giggles. Then Sophie gave Renee a kiss saying that she would get them both a new bottle of water. Renee said "thanks" and Sophie replied with "Your welcome." It was only when Sophie stopped at the door that she turned around and mouthed the words "Got you." Renee was confused for a moment then she realized what Sophie meant, she had gotten the last words in and she had to laugh knowing that wouldn't be the last time Sophie got the best of her. It wasn't long that Sophie came out with two fresh bottles of water that they managed to drink this time. The rested for a few then Sophie put Renee back to work. Renee called her a slave driver before she started the motor so that she couldn't hear her reply however she knew what she had said from the expression on her face. Once the lawn had been mowed and then trimmed. "Do you mind helping me mow and stuff?" Sophie asked as she came out with a couple bottles of cold water. "No, it isn't something I have ever done, but yes I do enjoy it. I liked riding that mower. Just don't tell Ian, he'll have me doing the mowing at his house so he won't have to hire a lawn service to do it." Renee said with a laugh. "You're secret is safe with me. I didn't think I would like yard work when I bought the place but I was spending all my extra money to fix the place up that I had no money left over to have my lawn done. So I figured that I could do it myself." Sophie said as she paused to take a long swig of her water then she continued. "So I went to Lowes and bought everything I needed. I could have had my lawn done for the summer for what I paid but I figured I would make it up the next several years. Anyway I put off mowing for as long as I could then I went out to mow. I got on the mower and started it, by the time I was done I was soaked in sweat and worn out. Then I looked at my lawn and saw how pretty it looked and I was hooked. The next day I went out and bought enough stuff to start my flower beds. Now I spend enough each year on fertilizer, new flowers, and maintenance for the mowers to pay to have my lawn done but I won't let anyone touch my flowers and lawn." Sophie said. "Until I came along..." Renee reminded her. "Yes until you came along." Sophie said as she leaned in close to Renee as they sat on the porch step, and she gave Renee a kiss on the cheek. "I'm all sweaty, I think that I need to take a shower before you kiss me." Renee told her not wanting to offend Sophie with her body odor even though she knew that Sophie was as sweaty as she was. "I like you sweaty, you taste good to me." Sophie said as she turned to Renee kissing her on the lips as she laid her back on the porch. "Mmm... that was nice, let's go take a shower and make love." Renee said as the kiss ended and she was looking up at Sophie who was looking back down at her with eyes that were beginning to get that look in them. "Let's make love here then go take a shower and make love there too." Sophie said as she leaned down to kiss Renee again before she could protest. This kiss was much more passionate and soon Renee forgot all about taking a shower and she wrapped her arms around Sophie feeling her sweat soaked tee shirt and no longer caring that they were both soaked in sweat. Renee opened her mouth as she felt Sophie's tongue at her lips. She met Sophie's tongue with her tongue and their tongues kissed as their lips kissed. Soon Renee felt Sophie's hands at the bottom of her tee shirt pulling it upwards. Renee put her hands to Sophie's stopping her, "Let's go inside, someone will see us out here." Renee said breaking off the kiss. "We are at the back of the house, no one can see us here." Sophie said as she started to pull the tee shirt up again. Renee stopped her again saying, "But someone can come around the house looking for you or peak over the fence." "They won't, now help me get this tee shirt off of you." Sophie said sweetly yet in a commanding voice that made Renee relent. She raised her arms up letting Sophie pull her tee shirt off. That left her in her sports bra that Sophie quickly pulled off of her leaving her topless and Sophie with her top still on. However Renee quickly cured that problem, she reached down pulling Sophie's top off. She wasn't wearing a bra so now they were both topless. Renee pulled her back down kissing her as her hands cradled her head. She felt Sophie's hand between their bodies and then she felt them cupping her breasts. Renee let out a moan as she felt Sophie's hands squeezing her breasts, that luckily was muffled by Sophie's mouth kissing her. Renee moved her hands down to Sophie's back caressing it with her fingers. Sophie let out a moan and she kissed Renee harder. Renee start to move Sophie onto her back but Sophie put her hands to Renee's shoulders stopping her. "Let me make love to you first..." Sophie said as she broke off the kiss and she looked into Renee's eyes. Renee smiled as she said, "I'm all yours." "Yes you are and nobody is ever going to take you away from me, I won't let them." Sophie said and from her expression, Renee knew it was a heartfelt statement. "You don't have anything to worry about, I just want you from here on." Renee said as she put her hands to Sophie's face bring her down for another kiss. As they kissed, Renee felt Sophie's hands back at her breasts, squeezing and caressing them. Renee groaned as she felt her nipples hardening and she wanted more than just Sophie's hands on them so she put her hands to Sophie's shoulders gently pushing them downward. As Sophie ended the kiss, she smiled at Renee then she slipped down her body. Sophie gave her breasts another squeeze before she leaned down and kissed the left nipple and then the right one. Renee was afraid that her sweat would turn Sophie off but that thought went out of her head when Sophie sucked her right nipple into her mouth, sucking and nibbling on it. Renee let out a moan as did Sophie. Renee wrapped her legs around Sophie's body as her hands combed through Sophie's hair. She pulled the tie out of Sophie's hair letting it fall down around her breasts. She liked the feel of Sophie hair on her body as it tickled and made her feel excited. Sophie was sucking harder on her breasts as Renee pushed her pelvis against Sophie's body. Renee was getting very horny now and she needed Sophie so bad. Sophie moved to her left breast sucking and biting on the nipple. Renee moaned again and started to let our mewing sounds as Sophie worked on her breasts. Much too soon, Sophie started to kiss and lick her way down Renee's body. She seemed to enjoy tasting Renee's sweat and that made Renee wonder what Sophie's skin would taste like. She found herself wanting to know. When Sophie got to her shorts, Renee looked down to see what Sophie was doing. She found that Sophie had slipped down onto the steps so that her ass was sticking out in the air. Renee wanted to see that ass even if it was still covered with her shorts. Sophie started to pull her shorts down so Renee raised her hips up to help her. Renee looked out over Sophie and she remember where she was but with Sophie kissing the skin above her pussy, she no longer cared. As her shorts cleared her hips, Renee raised her legs up so that Sophie could pull her shorts and panties on off. When they were off, Renee let her legs fall to each side of Sophie's body opening up her pussy to Sophie's mouth. As Sophie's mouth got close to her pussy Renee began to wonder again about how she would smell but it didn't seem to bother Sophie in the least. She buried her mouth in Renee's pussy and began to lick. Renee let out a groan as she reached down holding Sophie head to her pussy. Sophie licked up and down her lips then she slipped her tongue in Renee's slit licking her way upwards. Renee groaned loudly as she felt Sophie's tongue moving around and inside of her pussy. "Oh yes babe, lick me!" Renee called out to Sophie as she started to suck on her pussy lips. Renee raised her hips off of the porch as Sophie licked and sucked on her pussy. Renee felt her juices flowing and Sophie was licking up every drop. Renee held Sophie's head to her pussy as she licked and sucked on her. Then Renee felt Sophie's mouth on her sensitive clit licking first then sucking it into her mouth. Renee cried out as she felt a couple of Sophie's fingers enter her. Renee moaned as Sophie began to fuck her harder as she sucked hard on her clit. Renee held Sophie's head tightly as she felt her orgasm coming close. She twisted around on the hard porch as she felt her pussy contract on Sophie's fingers that were fucking her. She cried out again as she felt the orgasm wash over her body. When she recovered she found Sophie was still licking gently on her pussy and that sent her into another mini orgasm that she enjoyed. Sophie started to move upwards she Renee stopped her. "Don't move," Renee told her as she started to sit up. Sophie gave her a questioning look but she remained in place. Renee got up and she went behind of Sophie who was about to straighten up however Renee stopped her with a hand on her back. She gently pushed Sophie forward until Sophie's head was on the porch and her ass was sticking up in the air. Renee stood behind her for a moment just taking in her cute ass sticking out back at her. She then came up behind of her and she bent over Sophie's body. Her hands cupped Sophie's breasts as she began to kiss Sophie's shoulders. She skin was wet with sweat and it had a salty taste to it that Renee decided that she liked. She placed her tongue at Sophie's spine and she slowly let it go downward. Sophie said something in French that Renee couldn't understand but the fact that she was already using French, then she was obviously liking it. Renee let her fingers tease Sophie's nipples, gently twisting and pulling on them. When her tongue got to Sophie's shorts, she let her hands fall from Sophie's breasts causing Sophie to let out a groan. She placed her hands at Sophie's hips and she started to pull them downward. Renee watched as Sophie's ass was revealed. Renee sucked in her breath as Sophie's ass was exposed to her eyes. She felt her pussy leaking it's juices down her thighs. She pulled the shorts and panties on down Sophie's hips and she could now see Sophie's cute little rosebud and pussy. They were both so pretty as they were wet from sweat and Sophie's juices. Renee got the shorts to Sophie's knees and she raised one then the other knee off the step so that Renee could get her shorts on off. Renee threw the shorts and panties out into the yard. She placed her hands on those beautiful ass cheeks of Sophie's giving each globe a kiss. She then began to give them little love bites as her hands roamed around those cute cheeks. When her mouth got to the top of Sophie's ass crack, Renee stuck out her tongue and she let it slowly run down that crack. She could taste the salty sweat that soaked Sophie's ass. Sophie wiggled her butt around as Renee's tongue got closer to her ass hole. She let her tongue get to the top edge of Sophie's asshole and she paused for a second. Sophie stopped moving for a moment as she waited to see what Renee would do. "You don't have to do that now." Sophie whispered to her. "I want to." Renee said as she kissed Sophie's asshole. She let her lips leave Sophie's asshole then she kissed her again there making Sophie moan. Renee rimmed Sophie's asshole with the tip of her tongue getting Sophie to cry out in French again. She then placed her tongue at the center of Sophie's asshole as her hands squeezed those wondrous globes. She pressed her tongue into Sophie's ass causing Sophie to cry out something in French. Renee pressed her tongue in deeper moving it around. Renee had to hold onto Sophie's ass cheeks to keep her still to keep her tongue inside that cute asshole. Renee slowly withdrew her tongue then she gave Sophie's ass hole a kiss before she moved her mouth on downward to Sophie's dripping wet pussy. She lick up and down the slit getting the juices there. The juices were a little saltier than normal but still good. She still had her hands on Sophie's ass giving it a good squeeze before she reached around Sophie to cup her breasts in her hands. She pinched and pulled on Sophie's nipples as she licked and sucked on her pussy lips. She slowly worked her way to Sophie's clit. This put a crick in her neck but that didn't stop her. She knew she had Sophie close to an orgasm so she worked on. She sucked the clit into her mouth as she pulled harder on Sophie's nipples. This brought forth a whole slew of French words that were music to Renee's ears. Renee felt Sophie's girlcum hit her chin and she dropped her mouth down to drink them in. Sophie collapsed forward on the porch. Renee sat down on the porch, pulling Sophie to her holding her tightly as she recovered from her orgasm. "Now we need a shower." Sophie said as she opened her eyes smiling at Renee. "I believe we do and we need to get inside before someone catches us." Renee told her. "Are you afraid of getting caught out here naked?" Sophie asked. "Yes, aren't you?" Renee asked back. Renee suddenly looked over Renee's shoulder and then she called out, "Hi there Mr. Regan." Then she waved. "Oh god!" Renee cried out as she tried to cover herself, then she looked over her shoulder to see that no one was there. "Got ya!" Sophie said as she jumped up and ran inside. "You bitch!" Renee called out not caring who heard her. Then she jumped up chasing after Sophie. She didn't catch up with her until she got to the bathroom. Renee was so mad that she didn't know which she wanted to do, slap her or what. But then Sophie took her in her arms kissing her. Renee tried to resist but Sophie's lips were too insistent and she gave in. "What am I going to do with you girl?" Renee asked as she held onto Sophie. "Love me?" Sophie suggested. "I already do that." Renee said. "That's what I wanted to hear." Sophie said as she gave Renee another kiss then she pulled away start the shower. She bent over to turn the water on. Renee saw that ass and she acted before she could even think. She pulled her hand back and she brought it forward with her hand landing on Sophie left ass cheek with a loud crack. "Ouch!" Sophie screamed as she bounced up grabbing her stinging ass. "Now we are even." Renee said as she folded her arms in front of her. "That hurt." Sophie said as she pouted a little. "Oh poor baby, you need me to kiss it and make it better." Renee asked. That brought a smile top Sophie's face as she turned around. She bent over then she straightened back up as she said, "I don't know if I need to bend over in front of you anymore." "Then you'll never get that cute ass of yours kissed again." Renee told her making Sophie think that over. In the end the thought of having Renee kiss her ass won over her fear of being spanked again so she bent over. Renee swung her hand back and she watched Sophie cringe but she stayed in place. Renee brought her hand forward quickly then she stopped it at the last moment. She then bent down and placed a kiss on the hand print that was now on Sophie's ass. Sophie sighed as she straighten up and she came to Renee giving her a kiss. "I did deserve that one." Sophie admitted. "Yes you did, you scared the shit out of me." Renee told her. "I know, you should have seen the look on your face when I did that. I thought you were going to shit a brick." Sophie said giggling. "I almost did. And come to think of it, I think you deserve more than one spank." Renee told her. "Oh no." Sophie cried out as she tried to break free but Renee was a step ahead of her. She had her arms around Sophie holding her tight then as Sophie realized that she was caught, she stop struggling. "Now for what you really deserve." Renee said as Sophie shut her eyes and she put her head against Renee's shoulder. Renee brought her hand up and she began to lightly tap her bottom and as soon as Sophie saw that she wasn't really going to be spanked she began to giggle and she clung to Renee as Renee kept tapping her bottom. She kept it up for a few moments then she kissed Sophie who kissed her back passionately. Then Sophie pulled her into the shower where she washed Renee's body then made love to it. Renee then washed Sophie's cute body before making love to it and her. End of Part Two To be Continued... Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at