Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 17:53:26 -0400 From: numlfl Subject: Am I Crazy - Part Five This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. Am I Crazy Part Five "I have to admit that I didn't have the hardships that you did. You went through much more than I did baby. I'm sorry it was so hard for you, I really am but I'm also so proud of you for believing in me even when I lost my own faith in my abilities." Sophie told had as a frown come across her face showing Renee how bad she felt about all that she had to go through. "Babe, you made it back to me, that is all I care about. You kept your promise and that is all that matters so now get on with your story. I want to know what happened to you and how you made it back." Renee said as she gave Sophie's hand a squeeze. "Well I don't remember much about the accident, actually I don't seem to remember anything about it except for looking up at you and seeing the fear in your eyes and the sadness. I remember telling you that I had to go and that I would come back to you. I just couldn't hurt you and leave you alone to face this cruel world alone." Sophie told her making Renee smile as that meant so much to her. "I woke up in this really nice apartment. I mean it was beautiful with all the types of things that I like. There was plants all over the place and on the balcony there was a big rose bush in a huge pot. There was also lovely flowers in pots around the railing. I looked over the city and the first thing I noticed was how quiet it was and the fact that there were no cars or anything. People were walking around or riding weird looking bicycles. The air was so clear with no pollution at all. When I inhaled, it was like you were out in the country and not in the middle of some big city. The air was fresh and full of scents that were pleasant like baking bread or flowers. It just depended on which way the breeze was blowing. I just stood on the balcony and enjoyed the view. I'm not sure how long that I was there before I remembered my promise to you." Sophie paused for a moment before going on, "I then ran from my apartment to find whoever was in charge so I could tell them of my promise and that I needed to get back here. I ran down the stairs and out the door. When I got there, I stopped as I looked over the people walking by. I saw two men walking together holding hands and no one seemed to pay them any mind. It wasn't that they were ignoring them, they weren't, as they were stopped by several other couples and they talked. It was like it wasn't any big deal for two men or two women to be holding hands or even sharing a kiss in public. As I was to find out, any type of love was accepted there. If you loved someone then that was all that matter even if you were of the same sex or different races. That was so refreshing to see. It was like you were in heaven but it wasn't heaven, it was just another world where the people were of the same mind where love was concerned. That also included love of their planet. Like I said there were no cars or anything that used fuel. The made their power from the planet itself. If they couldn't get their energy from the sun, wind or from themselves then it wasn't needed. I mean at night you could go outside and look up into the sky and see the stars." "Wasn't there security lights to block out the stars?" Renee asked as every city she had been in was well lit. "There wasn't a need for them or for cops or military or even governments. Like I said everyone was every accepting and they got along. If you disagreed with someone then you talked it out coming to some type of understanding." Sophie was telling her when Renee stopped her. "But what about food and jobs. Who decided who was suppose to do what?" Renee asked slightly confused. "You did, you did whatever you wanted to do. There were a lot of the same things there as they are here so there was a need for actors, cameramen, factory workers, farmers or whatever you wanted to do. If you wanted something to eat then you went to the store and got it. If you wanted to go out and eat then you went to a restaurant. Only you didn't have to pay for anything as there wasn't any money. Everyone did what they were good at or enjoyed doing so that was how you made your way in the world. You didn't have to be interviewed for a job, you just went in and started. You would think that everything would be disorganized and everyone would just sit back and let someone else do the work but it wasn't like that. It was like everyone in this world had similar drives that made them want to do something to help out. They all earned their keep. Everyone looked out for everyone's kids. It was almost the perfect world and it made me wonder why I was there as I didn't think I was that type of person. I have always had this drive to get to the top and in this world there wasn't a need for a person like that." Sophie said as she paused for a moment before she started again. "So anyway I began to stop people on the street to ask them how I could get back here. They all looked at me like I was crazy to want such a thing." Sophie said. This made Renee remember all the times people looked at her the same way when she told them that Sophie would come back to her. Renee had faced the same problem she had just from the opposite point of view. "I went from one person to another trying to find out who was in charge but I kept getting the same answer, there wasn't one, there wasn't a need. But that didn't stop me from looking and looking but there was no one who could help me. After a month of this I knew that I had to find something to do to earn my keep. I couldn't keep taking and not giving anything back. So I found a garden center to work at as I tried to find someone to listen to me. I just couldn't find anyone to help me and I tried, I ready did. I went to every part of the city and even made a couple of trips out to the country trying to find someone to talk to me. I told everyone I met there about my promise to you and how I had to find a way back. I knew that you were waiting for me and that I wasn't doing my part of the deal that I had made with you. It was so damn frustrating trying to find the person that could help me. I ever started praying to God whom I have never believed in but that didn't help either, no one was answering my prayers." Sophie was saying as her eyes began to tear up. Renee pulled Sophie to her hugging her and giving her little kisses. "I know that you were trying to get back. We were both working against the god's wishes and that isn't a way to please them." Renee told her which made Sophie smile. "Since I couldn't find anyone to help me and the gods wasn't answering my prayers, I decided the best way to get back to you was to work my ass off. I worked my job in garden center and when I got off from there I went to a day care center and worked there helping out with all the kids. And when they didn't need me there I went to the city park to cut the grass and keep the flowers looking pretty." "It was at the park that I finally found someone who would listen to me about my promise to you. She was an sweet old lady named Jessica. Since the child care center had picked up another full time person and really didn't need, I had been working at the park a good bit. Although the child care center did say that I was always welcomed there, as I was good with the kids, which kind of surprised even me as I have never thought of myself as the motherly type. But I knew I really wasn't needed and I felt like that the park did need me or rather I was just drawn to go there, I'm not sure really which it was." "I had been working in the park for a couple of months when I first spotted her. She came in one day while I was raking up some leaves and she sat down on a bench. She hadn't been there but for a few seconds when the birds and squirrels began to gather around her. She pulled out a bag, throwing out some seeds and nuts to the animals and they began to feed. As I worked my way around the park, I would notice that she would be watching me. This went on for about a month before I decided to come over and see why she was so interested in what I was doing." "I went over to the bench where she was and sat down. I didn't say anything as I wanted to see if she would say something first but she seemed to content to just sit there with me. She would look over at me every once in a while and smile but she wouldn't say anything. I left after a while and she gave me a nod of her head then went back to her birds and squirrels. The next day that I was there so was she. I worked around the park for a while then went back to the bench, sitting beside of her. Again she didn't say anything and neither did I, I don't why I didn't want to say something first it was just like I knew she had to be the first to speak. Soon I found that I was spending every free moment at the part and every time I was there she would already be there or would show up shortly thereafter. I would work as she fed her animal friends, then we would sit on the bench not talking but I felt a sort of kinship with her, like she was a friend." Sophie told her as she seemed to have this soft smile when she talked of Jessica. "Finally after I had spent a couple of hours trimming up the bushes making them look nice and getting the old buds off the flowers. I went over to the bench. That was when Jessica spoke her first words to me." "You got the park looking beautiful, thank you." Jessica told me. "I was almost shocked that she had finally decided to say anything and the only thing I could think to say was, "Thank you." So that is what I said." "You're welcome my sweet girl." She said to me, then she asked me to tell her about myself. "I wasn't so sure about what to tell her but when she gave me a reassuring smile and then she patted my hand with her old wrinkled hand. I felt like she would listen to what I had to day so the words started to flow out of me. I started to tell her about how I had saw you in your office that fateful day. Then how I harassed your brother to the point that he passed me off to you. I think that she enjoyed that part immensely as she made me tell that part if my story several times over the next few months." Sophie told her and that made Renee laugh as she thought about how her brother hated Sophie at that time. "So I took my time as I went through our romance leaving out the more imitate details of course." Sophie said. "Of course," Renee echoed smiling back at Sophie who was smiling mischievously. "I let it all out and when I got to the end, I told her about my promise to you. How you had looked at me when you holding me so tightly. I told her that I had to get back to you, I couldn't break my promise." Sophie said. "What did she say?" Renee asked her as Renee had stopped talking and seemed to be lost in her memory. "Huh... oh her response... She told me that not all promises were meant to be kept." Sophie told her. "And you said..." Renee asked as Sophie seemed be lost in space again. "Oh... I told her that this was one promise that had to be kept. Then she ask me why this promise of all the promises that had ever been made had to be kept. I had to think a moment as I wanted to word it properly. I told her that I loved you so much and that no matter how beautiful this place was, it was nothing to me without you. I had to have you by me to fuss with, to argue with, to cry over when you piss me off to feel alive. I then told her that you felt the same way about me, I just knew that you did. It was just that we made each other's lives better. Plus it was a promise that I had made and I don't make a promise that I don't fulfill." Sophie said as squeezed Renee's hand. "What did she say then?" Renee asked. "She didn't say anything. She just sat there for a moment then she went back to feeding her animals. She could be frustrating that way sometimes. I stayed there for a few more minutes then I got up to leave. I told her that it was nice meeting her and all but I had to get back home as I had to get up early and go to work. She just nodded her head not bothering to even turn to face me so I started to walk away. I had gone about fifteen feet when I heard her voice." Sophie said as she paused for a second. "Come back tomorrow and we'll talk more." She told me, she didn't ask me, she just told me and the funny thing was, I said okay even though you are the only person to even tell me to do something and I do it without some type of discussion." Sophie said with a sort of laugh. "Most of the time you have a discussion about whatever I tell you to do or you tell me yes then do it your own way." Renee countered with a laugh. "True, but all the same I felt like I should come back so I did. When I got to the park, I didn't see her but about the time I was done, she showed up so I finished what I was doing then I went over to see her. She was feeding her animal friends so I just sat beside of her and watched." Sophie told her as she stopped again thinking about this strange woman. Then she started again. ""Well, don't just sit there girl, help me feed the animals then you can talk about your Renee some more. I enjoy hearing about you two." She told me so I picked up some of the seeds and nuts that she had and started to feed the animals with her. She took her time so I did too and it was only when all the seeds and nuts were gone that she ask me to continue with my story. I thought I had told her about everything that I could think of but I only after a moment or two of thinking did I think of some more things to say. So I talked for another couple of hours about some of the funny things that you did that made me laugh. And how when I felt sad or stressed, you would do something silly, which is completely out of character for you, just to make me smile and feel better. It was things like that you did that made me love you all the more. I talked for a couple of hours before I ran out of things to say. Again she was quiet so I bade her goodbye and started for home. Again she told me to come back the next day after I had walked off a few steps." "She sounds like she was a sweet lady to be willing to listen to you and you were sweet to fill her evenings with our adventures." Renee told Sophie as she leaned in and gave Sophie a kiss. "What was that for?" Sophie asked her. "For being a friend to that old lady. I bet you were the highlight of her day." Renee said. "I wondered about that at the time but anyway I kept coming back. For a month I talked about us and our love. And eventually I did go into more about us making love. Not what we did but the way we make love. I told her that we got to the point that we knew just what the other needed just by the way we reacted to each other's touch. It was like we could read each other's minds. I thought that I would embarrass her but she just seem to take it in stride. It was like nothing I had to say was a surprise to her. She just listened to me only saying something when I had grown quiet. Then it was only to tell her more or she would bring up something that I had said earlier that she wanted me to elaborate on. I was still trying to find someone to help me but Jessica was the only one who seemed to want to listen to me. I mean everyone else was nice but I could see that they thought I was crazy to want to go back. So it got to the point that I just talked to this old lady. She at least wanted to hear what I had to say even if she couldn't help me get to where I wanted to go. So every day I went to the park to work and talk to her. Even on days that there wasn't anything to do there, I went anyway just so I could talk." Sophie was saying when the phone rang. "Go ahead and get it, I need something to drink. You want something?" Sophie asked and she got up, heading into the kitchen. "Yea get me a water." Renee said as she reached for her cell phone. "Oh it's Ian, he is going to shit a brick when I tell him you're back." "Don't tell him!" Sophie said as she rushed back onto the porch. "What?" Renee said as she almost dropped the phone. "You can't tell him I'm back." Renee said as the phone continued to ring, then it stopped. "Why not?" Renee asked now confused. "I don't know, it's just a feeling that I have. It's like this is just for us, we have been given a gift but it is one that we can't share. Please don't ask me to explain it better because I can't, it's just what I feel." Sophie said as she came up to Renee. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." Renee told her as she took Sophie's hand in her then giving it a kiss as if to seal the promise. Then the phone rang and Renee knew who it was before she looked at her phone. "Hello Ursula, I'm doing fine. You and Ian can stop worrying now." Renee said into the phone as Sophie walked back into the kitchen leaving her alone to talk to her sister- in-law. Renee so wanted to tell Ursula but she had made a promise to Sophie and she would keep it. "Yes I do sound happy and it's because I'm happy. Just don't worry and no you don't need to come over and keep me company." Renee then listened to Ursula talk for a few minutes. Soon Sophie came back with their water and a couple of cookies for them to snack on. Sophie sat down on Renee's lap as Renee did her best to convince Ursula that she was fine and that she would return to work on Monday. It took all her skills to convince Ursula not to come over right then but she did tell her that she would call before she went to bed that night. "Your sister-in-law can be very determined can't she." Sophie said as Renee closed her phone. "Yes she can, but it is only because she and Ian love me so much. If it wasn't for them I don't know what I would have done while you were gone. They and the boys kept me going." Renee said as she shed a tear thinking about all that they did do for her. "I think you should go see them tomorrow, just to show them that you are okay." Sophie suggested. "No I don't want to leave you alone here, you just got back." Renee told her not wanting to ever leave her again. "Don't worry, I'll be here when you get back. Besides I need to tend to my roses, whoever has been taking care of them has about killed them." Sophie said seriously. "Hey I took great care of them for you!" Renee shot back then she saw Sophie grinning from ear to ear. "I know, you did a great job. But you do need to go see them." Sophie told her as she kissed her lightly on the cheek. "You're right as usual but I'll just stop in and show them that I'm fine then I'll come right back." Renee told her. "No, you'll go and spend the same amount of time that you always do then you can return back to me. I promise that I'll still be here." Sophie said as she leaned over and gave Renee a kiss who took her in her arms holding her tightly. As the kiss ended, Sophie laid her head on Renee's shoulder. "Now go on with your story." Renee told her as she kissed Sophie on the lips. She put her arm around Sophie pulling her in tight as she took Sophie's left hand in her right hand giving it a squeezed before they entwined their fingers. Sophie looked up at her then she looked up past her as she began to think about what to say next. "Once I had said about everything I could think of about you and I, I began to talk about this world that I had found myself in. I told her how beautiful it was and how perfect it seemed. There was no crime or wars and everyone seemed to be able to get along with everyone else. I told her that while I loved it, I couldn't see why I would deserve to be here. I mean I have been a fighter all my life and had done some things that I wasn't so proud of, take the way I treated Ian for example. I mean I was a bitch to him just to get my way just like I have been a bitch to many people just to prove how tough I am. And in some ways I enjoyed being a bitch. I mean I knew that Ian didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated him, but it was also fun to see him squirm. I told her that I didn't deserve this world, I should be in..." Sophie was saying and Renee knew what Sophie was going to say but she had also seen the other side of Sophie, the one that most people had never seen. So she wasn't surprised by what Jessica said to Sophie. "You know what she said to me?" Sophie asked. "That you did deserve to be there just as much as everyone else. You are a very loving person." Renee said. "Pretty close." Sophie said as she smiled up at Renee then snuggled up against her. "She looked over at me and she had this radiant smile that I hadn't noticed before then she told me, "Everyone goes to where they should go when they should go there. And the people here do argue and fuss just like they did before, they had just learned that there comes a time to slow down and listen to what the other person was saying. They had learned to listen and to try and understand that their way wasn't the only way to look at things. I would say that somewhere along the way you had learned that or someone taught you that listening wasn't such a bad thing to do. She then said that there was much that I had to offer this world, so that was why I ended up here." "I saw that part of you long ago. The first night I spent with you, I knew there was something there that you were hiding from everyone else but you decided to show it to me and I'm glad that you did." Renee told her. "I'm happy that I did too. I think she was talking about you when she said that someone taught me to listen first." Sophie told Renee. "I don't know about that." Rene said modestly. "I do and I thank you for that." Sophie said as she squeezed Renee's fingers between her fingers. "Well go on with the story, I want to hear more about this special lady that you met." Renee said hoping to change the subject away from her. "So she told me about how this was a place where everyone could find their own way of fitting in. It didn't matter who you loved or what you loved to do. You could find a way to be happy here. She said I would too and that I would find someone to love here as much as I loved you." Sophie said and this remark surprised Renee as up to this point she had liked the old woman. "Now let me tell you, the bitch in me came out right then and there." Sophie said as Renee saw Sophie's face turn red just from remembering this incident and she could imagine what her face looked like when she was talking to the old woman. "I told her that in no uncertain terms that you were the only one I would ever love, no matter how long I was stuck in this fucking world, which I didn't plan on being too much longer. Then I got up and stormed off but I still heard her say that she would see me the next day. I told her when hell freezes over."Sophie said and Renee could see Sophie saying just that and meaning every word. "But you showed up the next did didn't you?" Renee asked. "Yea, I did. I swore that I wouldn't. I even went to the daycare to see if they needed any help and they did so I stayed there until the parents had picked up all the kids. Then I walked toward home but as I passed the park I found that I had to know if she was there. So I sneaked around behind the bench and there she was, feeding her stupid animals. I wanted to turn and go home but I couldn't. I stood there for the longest time then I decided that I was going to go over and tell the old lady off and then leave. But when I got there, she sat there for a moment as I got my anger boiling good then she turned her head toward me and just smiled. All the anger I was feeling at her went away so I sat down and I started to tell her why she was wrong. I told her how sweet and kind you were, how you cared more about others than yourself. All these things that I wasn't. I told her how I fell for you when I saw you talking to one of your employees and listening so intently to her problems. I told her that you were the one made for this world and not me." Sophie said and this made Renee blush. "Enough about me, you're giving me a big head." Renee said laughing a bit to hide her embarrassment. "I can't tell it without you, you were as much in this as I was. We were there together," Sophie said. "I know, just as you were always with me here, I was with you there. Even when we were apart our thoughts were only with each other." Renee said as she gave Sophie a squeeze. "Yes we were and we'll always be together." Sophie said while she sat up on Renee's lap. She then got up leaving Renee to wonder what she was doing. "Let's go take a shower and head to bed." Sophie told Renee who was so engrossed in Sophie's story that she didn't want it to end, before she found out how Sophie was able to find her way back. "Oh okay..." Renee said as she got up and she wanted to ask Sophie about the rest of the story when Sophie answered her questioning look. "Don't worry, I'm not done talking but I just need a break for a moment and beside you are beginning to smell, just when was you're last shower woman?" Sophie said. "Last night smarty pants, when was yours?" Renee countered as Sophie walked into the house in front of her. "Let me put it this way, I have traveled many miles since my last shower." Sophie said laughing. "So you're the one stinking up our home." Renee told her as she caught up with her giving her a hug and a kiss. "Yep and proud of it." Sophie said laughing. "No I just need a break a moment to think and besides it has been a while since we have bathed together. I think we are long overdue for a shower, don't you?" "Yes I do babe, I do." Renee told her. They were kissing as they stepped into the shower. With them clinging together, it took some maneuvering to get under the warm spray of the shower. The water felt nice to Renee as she held onto Sophie's body. They just seemed to fit back together as they kissed. They had long ago found the way they both liked to be held in these situations and even after being apart for over a year, they went naturally back to that position. Renee let her hand caress Sophie's back as they kissed. Their mouths would open as their tongues would meet inside of Sophie's mouth then Renee's mouth. The kissing just kept on going as their lips would part only to come back together. "Oh god this is nice." Sophie said as their lips parted for a moment so that they could breath. "You said it babe." Renee panted as she pressed her lips back against Sophie's lips as she wasn't anywhere near done kissing. The kissing was more from love than sparking any arousal, not that either of them wasn't aroused, they were, but right now they just needed to feel each other's body and feel their lips touching. So they kept on kissing until their skin began to wrinkle and only then did they get the soap to wash each other. Then it was with gentle hands and caresses as they washed one another. They saved their hair for last and by then the water was pretty much cold but they hardly noticed as their concentration was on each other. When the shower was over, the blew dried their hair and then put lotion on the other's body before walking hand in hand to the bedroom. As Sophie put clean sheets on the bed, Renee went to get them some wine to drink while they talked. When she returned, she helped Sophie put the pillow cases on. Renee picked up the pillow that Sophie had used and that she had never changed the pillow case. She started to take it off then she looked up at Sophie who had stopped what she was doing. Renee stared at Sophie for a moment then at the pillow that was in her hands. She looked back at Sophie then she burst into tears. Her knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor hugging the pillow to her tightly to her chest. "Baby, what is wrong?" Sophie screamed as she jumped across the bed to get to Renee. Renee tried to answer but all she could do was sob as she just clutched the pillow to her. She had a death grip on the pillow and she could feel Sophie tugging on it but for some reason she just wouldn't let go. She couldn't understand what she was doing, she just felt this need to hold onto the pillow. She could feel Sophie hugging her and whispering into her ear but she couldn't understand what Sophie was saying. She could just sob and hold the pillow in a death grip. It was only when she had cried until her eyes went dry that she began to ease her grip on the pillow but she still held onto it. She then looked over at Sophie who had the combination confused and fearful look on her face and that made Renee start to laugh which just added to the confusion on Sophie's face which made Renee laugh that much harder. Soon she was laughing hysterically and trying to stop which only made her laugh more until she started to cry again. It was like a never ending cycle of crying and laughing. Sophie just held her tightly kissing her cheek and wiping the tears from her eyes. It was only when she had practically exhausted herself that she was able to get it back under control and she able to get any words out. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me there." Renee said hoarsely "I'd say that it has something to do with that pillow that you are clutching to your heart." Sophie said as she let her hand caress Renee's face. "Oh god, here's it's your pillow." Renee said as she started to hand it to Sophie but at the same time not really wanting to let go of it. "Why don't you hold onto it another minute while you tell me why my pillow drew such a reaction from you." Sophie suggested as she pulled Renee to her as Renee held the pillow to her chest. Renee settled down against Sophie as she smelled the pillow one last time then she cleared her throat. "When I finally got to come home after Ian and Ursula got me back on my feet and I came in here to sleep. As I lay down I could almost feel you in the bed with me, then as I put my head near your pillow, I got a whiff of your perfume on it. It made you real to me again. It was like you were still here. So I pulled the pillow to me and I inhaled deeply and you were alive again." Renee said as she clutched the pillow even tighter without realizing it. "So after that I slept with your pillow held tightly against my chest so that I could keep smelling you as I slept. Then as your scent faded I took some of your perfume and put it back on your pillow. I also never washed it so that if there was any part of you on the pillow case then it would stay there. I know that sounds crazy but that is what I did." Renee said. "It doesn't sound crazy, it sounds sweet to me." Sophie said as she kissed Renee softly on the cheek. "Then as I was about to take the pillow case off and I saw you standing there looking so fucking beautiful all those lonely nights came rushing back to me. I realized just how lonely I really was without you. I mean I got so fucking lonely and depressed without you and my life was so fucking hard with everyone thinking I was crazy. I know that when I saw you and I was holding the pillow I should have been happy to take that pillow case off but it became you for that moment and if I took the pillow case off then you would be gone again and I couldn't handle that." Renee said as she started to cry again. Renee felt Sophie's hands on her face pulling it toward her and then she felt those soft lips touching her lips. "I'll tell you what, let's just put this pillow on the foot of the bed, leaving the case on it. When you find that you don't need it anymore, then and only then we will change the case together but that means that we will have to share your pillow. I hope that you won't mind that too much." Sophie said smiling. "It'll be tough with that ugly mug of yours so close but I'll try." Renee said smiling then she kissed Sophie again and it was only then that she could let go of the pillow giving it to Sophie who got up and carried the pillow to the foot of the bed. She placed it there carefully as she smiled at Renee. They finished making the bed with Renee feeling foolish about her outburst but when she looked over at Sophie and saw her radiant smile, she knew that the outburst meant something to her. It showed Sophie just how much that she missed her and how much that she loved her. When they bed was made, Renee poured them both a glass of wine. She gave both glasses to Sophie who was already sitting in the middle of the bed. Renee climbed up on the bed, sitting in front of Sophie, taking her glass of wine back. "To us my love." Renee said as she clinked their glass together. Sophie repeated the toast before they both took a sip. "Now where was I?" Sophie asked as she looked at Renee. "You were telling Jessie that you couldn't find someone else to love there as I was the only one you would ever love." Renee told her. "Ah... yes... so I was." Renee said as she slowly closed her eyes and Renee could just see her thinking. "After listening to how I was describing you and how good a person you were, Jessica looked at me with those penetrating eyes of hers and she said, "You have most of those same traits, you know, and others that brought you to this world. You have the ability to love without judgment and there is kindness in your heart that you try to keep hidden but it shows through no matter how much of a bitch you pretend to be." Now I have to admit that when she mentioned the word Bitch that a shiver when through me and I thought of Ian and how I treated him, feeling bad all over again. This made me think I truly was in the wrong world. Then she said something else that got to me even more, she said, "He forgave you long ago dear." Now this really shook me up." Sophie was saying. Renee felt a chill going up her spine as Sophie told her about what Jessica had said to her. It was like she knew that this old woman was more than just an lonely old women who just had her animals to feed to pass the time. She wanted to say something to Sophie about what she was thinking but Sophie, after pausing for a moment, went on with her story. "So we talked long past dusk that night about our love and how I had ended up in her world that I felt I didn't belong. She started to open my eyes about myself and I begun to see things that I hadn't seen before. Still I didn't think I was in the right world. Then she said that it was time for her to go home and I got up to leave." Sophie said. ""Will you come back tomorrow to see me?" the old woman asked me this time rather than telling me." Sophie told her. "Of course I will, you're my friend, you listen to what I have to say even if you can't help me get to where I have to go, you make me feel that I'm not crazy for wanting to go back to that world that still has crime and wars. I told her." ""Then we'll talk some more tomorrow." Jessica said as she turned back to her animals as they had begun to gather again. She pulled out another bag of seeds that I didn't see before and she began to scatter them around. I went back to my place feeling better for some reason even though I wasn't any closer to where I wanted to be." "So the next day I showed up after I got off from the garden center, I didn't expect her to be there but she was. I started to go to her first but then I decided to check on the flowers and bushes first. It was like it was now my job, so I did a little clean up of the flowers making sure that they were doing fine then I went over to the bench. She gave me my own bag of seeds and nuts. We fed her squirrels and birds before we began to talk. This time she told me all of the good things that this world had to offer and why I would be so much better off here. I have to admit that she was very convincing in her arguments. I mean I wasn't getting anywhere with getting back to you and this world was beautiful. By the end of the night, I could see myself staying there but then I saw you in my mind and I knew that this wasn't my world. I told her so and she thought about that for a minute then she handed me another bag of seeds and nuts. We talked little as we scattered the seeds then I went on back to my place but not before she asked me to come back and I readily agreed." Sophie was saying as she took a sip of her wine. "You know sometimes I like this Jessica and other times I think I hate her." Renee said to Sophie as Sophie paused in her story. "Tell me about it. I was the one talking to her and I felt the same way about the old bitch." She said with a laugh. "She was a character, that is for sure." Renee said as she refilled both of their glasses with more of the chilled wine. "Yep that she was." Sophie said. "So for the next several months, she would talk about all the virtues of the world that I found myself in, she was trying her best to get me to forget all about my promise to you. But at the end of each night, I would repeat my need to get back. I had pretty much stopped looking elsewhere for someone to help me. I'm not sure why I did this, it was just that I was drawn to this frustrating old woman. I knew she couldn't help me but she was the only one who would listen to me. So I kept going back. Then as the year rolled around, I felt like I had to come back before the anniversary or I would never come back. I kept telling this woman of my need to come back and the fear I was feeling that if I didn't go back soon I would never be able to come back. She was patient with me and for some reason, she stopped trying to convince me to stay. She would listen to me as I talked about you and she seemed to understand my need but she could offer no help. The night of our anniversary, I came to the park crying as I knew that my time was up and I was stuck. She listen as I cried and begged you to forgive me for breaking my promise. Then she did something that she had never done, she took my hand in her old wrinkled hand and she told me that I would be alright. That I would grow to love this world and I knew that it was over. I had failed." Sophie said as she began to cry. Renee took her wine glass from Sophie's trembling hand and she pulled Sophie to her letting her cry as she remembered the loneliness and sense of failure that she had felt that night. It took Sophie a few minutes to get it back together and when she did, Renee kissed her softly. "So how did you convince Jessica to let you come back?" Renee asked as she held Sophie to her breasts. "How did you know she was the one?" Sophie asked. "I had a funny feeling about her as soon as you mentioned her and then when you said that Jessica said that he, meaning Ian, had forgiven you, then I knew." Renee said. "Well I didn't know, didn't have a clue until the night she let me go." Sophie said smiling. "So what happened?" Renee asked now very impatient to know what happened next. "Well I did feel a little better after she had patted my hand but I was still distraught about failing you. We parted that night and the next night I was even more distraught and depressed about what I had failed to do. She listened and tried to make me feel better about being stuck there but it wasn't doing any good. I was just getting more and more depressed every day knowing that I have broken the most sacred promise that I had ever made. She tried her best to make me feel better but there was no way for her to do that. I needed you in my life and that was now impossible. So for the next few days it went that way until finally she asked me a question." Sophie said. "And that was?" Renee asked. "She asked me, "Why should you be allowed to return when no one else has ever gone back?" This made me think then I knew the answer to her question, "Love." I told her and she just knotted her head." Sophie said. "Then she said, "Come with me my child." And I asked her where we were going and she said, "I think you need some company tonight, and so do I." So I got up with her and went to her place which was much like my own place. She fixed us both a bite to eat and then she took me back to her bedroom. I was about numb at this point so I just followed her. We both undressed and I slipped into bed with her. She drew me to her holding me tightly against her old body. I didn't resist as she stroked my hair and she kissed me on the top of my head. I felt my body relax in her grasp and then just before I fell off to sleep I heard her say, "Go back to your love my sweet child but only to her." When I opened my eyes, I was laying here with you watching you sleep. "So that is why Ian and Ursula can't know your back?" Renee asked. "I think so, this is just for us that I came back. My parents can't know that I'm here; for them and the rest of the world I am dead." Sophie said with a bit of sadness in her voice. "I'm sorry..." Renee said feeling bad knowing that while Sophie was given her life back, it wasn't given back completely. "I'm not sorry. I do miss my parents so much but it was you I wanted to come back to. I got what I asked for and for that I will be thankful. But that means that you will have to keep the gift I was given." Sophie told her. "Don't worry, I plan on being very selfish with you." Renee said smiling. "Now will you do me a favor?" Sophie asked. "Anything you want babe, anything you want." Renee told her as she took her right hand to caress Sophie's cheek. "I'm so tired right now, will you just hold me and tell me that you love me." Sophie stated. "Yes my love." Rene said softly as she eased Sophie down onto the bed. Renee pulled the covers over them then she pulled Sophie in close as they both laid their heads on Renee's pillow. "I love you babe." Renee said as she kissed Sophie lightly on the lips. Renee saw Sophie smile sweetly then Sophie closed her eyes and she was asleep. "Oh god do I love you." Renee said and she heard Sophie reply in her sleep, "I love you..." Renee woke up much later than normal and when she did, she saw that Sophie was still there sleeping soundly. She could see the differences in the face that she was now looking at and the one she saw the day before. All the stress that she had seen, but not seen, yesterday was gone. Renee took her right hand and moved a strain of Sophie's hair from her face. Renee was tempted to wake Sophie with a kiss but Sophie was sleeping so soundly that she didn't have the will to do so. She looked over at her lover and she began to think about the things that Sophie had to go to get back to her. She had thought that she had been through hell but as she thought about the pressure that Sophie had felt as she tried to find her way back, she realized that Sophie went through a much worse hell than she had gone through. Yesterday she was more interested in just finding out where Sophie had gone and what she did there, that she didn't catch all the pain in Sophie voice. But now as she watched Sophie sleep, she remembered the pain and hardship that came through. Renee felt her heart go out to Sophie and she felt the love that she had for Sophie grow. She leaned over giving Sophie a soft but quick kiss. Sophie stirred for a moment then she settled back down. Renee slipped out of the bed going to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. She then went to the kitchen to make some coffee which she took out on the porch. She sat down on the top step and looked out over the back yard. She saw that Sophie's roses were doing well but she had to admit that they didn't look as good as they soon would with Sophie's touch. Renee drank her cup of coffee then she went back to the bedroom to see that Sophie was still sleeping. Sophie had twisted around and the covers had been pulled down uncovering her breasts. Renee felt her body stirring as she watched those pert breasts rising and falling with each breath. Again Renee wanted to wake Sophie but she instead just watched her for awhile then she got some clothes out, taking them to the bathroom. Once she was dressed, she came back into the bedroom, leaving Sophie a note telling her that she was going to Ian's house for a while. She placed the note on the pillow by Sophie's head then she gave Sophie another kiss before leaving. Renee so wanted to tell Ian and Ursula about Sophie coming back but she knew that she couldn't. She would have to keep that good news to herself. But she knew that Ian and Ursula would pick up her being severely depressed one day and then on top of the world the next day. She figured that she would just have to come up with something once she got there. "So how you doing?" Ursula asked as she opened the door for Renee. "Pretty good." Renee said as she hugged Ursula then the boys came running up to her. "So what you two been up to?" She said to them as she gave them both hugs and kisses which they only took from her as they were getting to big to be kissed at least as far as they were concerned. "We got a new basketball goal, come on out and play with us." The Phillip said as he grabbed her hand pulling her toward the back of the house. "I think my presents has been requested." Renee told Ursula as she let herself be pulled away. "Take it easy on your aunt boys." Ursula warned them. "If they do that then I'll whip their butts and they can't have that." Renee said egging on the boys, who replied that there was no way that she could whip them. Ursula frowned at Renee but then she went back to the kitchen and Renee felt a moments reprieve but she knew that Ursula wouldn't be put off that easily. Renee started to shoot baskets with the boys. She had played while she was in high school so her shooting, while rusty, wasn't too bad. So that put her close to even ground with her fierce competitors. Soon Ursula came out with a tray of iced tea and she sat and watched her boys and Renee play. When one of the boys would get a little rough with Renee, Ursula would get on them then Renee would be sure to bump him back just as rough. Ursula would have to tell Renee not to egg them on. This went on for a few times before Ursula gave up letting Renee fend for herself. Renee played for as long as she could but she was slightly out of shape and thus she eventually wore down and she had to take a break. By this time Ian had come out to join his wife at the table she was sitting. "I think I need to start exercising." Renee said as she plopped down in her chair, taking a long swig of ice tea. "You're doing fine, I wouldn't have lasted half as long as you did with them." Ursula told her. About this time, the boys had pulled their father into the game leaving Renee and Ursula alone, which wasn't what Renee wanted but she knew it was what Ian and Ursula wanted. She wouldn't have been too surprised that they had it all planned out but then if they had, the boys would have given it away. "Well they got more energy than I have." Renee laughed. "They got more energy than an electrical plant." Ursula said with a laugh. Then Ursula suddenly changed the subject, "So how are you really doing? You have been so down lately and we're worrying about you." Renee was waiting for this question but she still hadn't come up with a answer to it. "I'm doing better now, you can stop worrying." Renee said simply. "You sure... you sounded so down yesterday morning. I was worried that you might do something to yourself but Ian said that you wouldn't." Ursula said as she let her true feelings out and just what she had been thinking. Renee smiled to herself as Ursula was getting closer to the truth than she realized but that was in the past now with Sophie back. Renee reached over pulling her hand on top of Ursula's hand giving it a squeeze. "I'm fine now, I was feeling pretty bad but things change." Renee told her. "What's changed?" Ursula pressed as she usually did when it came to someone she cared deeply about. Renee thought for a moment as she tried to find a way around this without just blurting out that Sophie had come back to her as she promised that she wouldn't do that. But the longer she thought the more concern came across Ursula's face. "I don't know how to explain it but I just feel better. I think I have just decided that I have been down long enough and it was time to get back to the living. I know that isn't a great explanation but it is all I know to say." Renee said then she added to herself, "Without really freaking you out with the truth." "You know if you ever need to talk then you got Ian and I here to talk to. I know that you believe that Sophie will come back to you and we haven't supported your thinking there and maybe that was a mistake on our part. It's just that we didn't want you to get hurt worse in the end." Ursula told her. "I know and it's cool. I know that my thinking makes me seem crazy but I'm not..." Renee said now tired of trying to convince everyone that she would come back and now that she has, she couldn't prove that she was right. "We know you're not honey." Ursula said but not convincingly. Then she added, "But no matter what you think, we are here for you. I want you to know that we all love you dearly, we really do." "I know you do and I love you all too. But you can stop worrying about me, I'm doing fine now." Renee said as she got up and she went over to Ursula giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Ursula held her for a moment before letting her go. Then she turned to Ian and her nephews and said, "How about a little two on two, your dad and I against you two." The boys accepted the challenge and the game was on. Ian was actually terrible at basketball as tennis was more of his game so that made the two teams about even. So they played for a couple of hours before Ursula called them all in for lunch which Ian and Renee were grateful for. Renee stayed for a hour or so after lunch was done then she made her way home but not after getting hugs and kisses from everyone and Ian telling her that they were there for her. Renee gave Ian a extra hug then she took off to get back to her lover. Renee entered the house calling out to Sophie but she got no response. Her heart started to pound but then she figured that Sophie was still in bed so she went there. The bed was empty but had been made back up. Renee walked around the house calling out to Sophie but still she got no response then she knew where Sophie would be. She rushed out to the back porch scanning the flower garden for Sophie but she was nowhere in sight. That was when the fear began to rise in her heart. "Sophie!" Renee called out with fear and desperation in her voice. "What? I'm right here you don't have to yell loud enough to wake the dead." Sophie said as she came around the corner of the house pulling the water hose that was attached to the water tank that they had put in a couple of years before to catch rain water to water the flowers. "Oh god you're here." Renee said as she ran out to where Sophie was standing. Just as she got to Sophie, she tried to stop when her feet went out from under her in the wet grass. She slid into Sophie taking her down. When Renee stopped sliding she was laying on the grass with Sophie laying on top of her. "You know a simple "Hi darling." and a kiss would be the normal greeting when one comes home to her lover." Sophie said in a very serious voice as she looked down at Renee who was blushing from embarrassment. "Hi darling." Renee said giggling to hide her embarrassment. "Hi babe." Sophie said as she leaned down to give Renee a kiss then she sat up on Renee's stomach. "Sorry about that." Renee said then she saw the spray nozzle that Sophie had in her hand. "Oh no, you wouldn't dare." Renee said as she saw the devious grin that was now on Sophie face. "Yes I would!" Sophie said as she squeezed the handle on the nozzle. Renee screamed as she closed her eyes. She felt the cold spray hit her face and chest. She squealed as she tried to buck Sophie off of her but Sophie was ready for that move and she rode Renee keeping herself on top and firmly in control. Renee then began to reach out trying to find the nozzle but Sophie kept it away from her all the while soaking Renee good. Then Renee got lucky as she caught the nozzle in her right hand. The struggle was on as Renee was able to turn the spray away from her and toward Sophie who let out a scream as the cold water hit her chest full force. Renee then had the advantage as she twisted her hip tossing Sophie from her stomach. Renee grabbed the nozzle from Sophie as she was now sitting up on her. "I believe some revenge is in order." Renee said as she started to spray Sophie who was screaming and laughing. They fought over the nozzle getting the water all over both of them. They were both soaked to the bone when Renee put the nozzle down. "I think we're even now." She said to Sophie. "I don't think so!" Sophie said as she twisted and bucked her hips throwing Renee off of her then she dived on top of Renee. She grabbed Renee's hands pinning them above Renee's head. "Now you're under my control." Sophie told her. "So you do but what do you have planned for me now that you got me where you want me?" Renee asked as she looked first into Sophie's eyes then her eyes were drawn to Sophie's tee shirt that was clinging to her chest. Sophie wasn't wearing a bra so her hardening nipples were showing through the thin material. "I believe that the last time we were together, we were heading home to make love. I think that we have waited much too long to do that." Sophie said softly as she let go of Renee's wrists then she put her hands down to her sides. Sophie slowly pulled her wet tee shirt off revealing her small pert breasts. "Oh my..." Renee said breathlessly, then she brought her arms down from over her head, placing them upon those breasts that she loved so dearly. She gave the breasts a gently squeeze then she ran her fingers across the nipples causing Sophie to let out a soft moan. "God... I've dreamed about this for so fucking long..." Sophie said as she let Renee caress her breasts and then her nipples. Sophie placed her hands onto Renee's breasts making Renee moan as she felt those small hands cup her breasts. Renee still had her tee shirt and bra on and obviously Sophie needed to touch her flesh as she let go of Renee's breasts causing Renee to groan from the loss of contact. She felt Sophie's hands at her waist pulling her tee shirt from her shorts. Renee arched her back to help Sophie get her tee shirt out from her shorts then she let Sophie pull the tee shirt up to her neck and arms. It was only then that she let go of Sophie's breasts so that Sophie could get her tee shirt off. Sophie leaned down giving Renee a kiss as she slipped her hands to Renee's back unhooking her bra. Sophie sat back up pulling Renee's bra with her. She threw the bra over her head leaving Renee topless. Renee put her hands down to Sophie's sweat shorts and she began to pull them down as Sophie got up on her knees so that Renee could pull them down past her hips. Renee's eyes lit up as she saw Sophie full bush come into view. She could smell Sophie's arousal as the shorts and panties got past her hips and ass. Sophie then stood up so that she could get her shorts and panties on off. Renee looked up at Sophie's naked body and she lusted after it. She so wanted to make Sophie feel so good so she reached up for Sophie's hips however Sophie stepped back frustrating Renee's efforts. Sophie moved down to Renee's feet then she dropped down to her knees. She reached up to Renee's shorts unbuttoning then unzipping them. Her hands went to Renee's sides so that she could get a grip on Renee's shorts. Renee raiseded her hips up from the grass as Sophie pulled her shorts and panties down. Renee was glad that she had taken the time that morning as she showered to shave her around her pussy and asshole making her completely clean. She knew that she would be making love to Sophie soon and she wanted to be ready. Of course, she didn't know it would be right now in the middle of the back yard. Sophie pulled her panties and shorts on off then she placed her hands at Renee's ankles pushing them out wide. Renee had wanted to make Sophie cum first but she wasn't going to argue with Sophie right now. Whatever Sophie wanted, she could have. Renee felt Sophie's hands on her inner thighs as she looked at Sophie getting down between her legs. Renee sucked in her breath as she watched Sophie's head get closer to her pussy. Renee could feel the juices gathering in her pussy as it waited for that special touch that Sophie was so good at. Renee closed her eyes as she laid her head down on the grass. She could feel Sophie's warm breath on her pussy then she felt Sophie's lips kissing her clit which sent stars through her brain. "Oh godddd...." Renee cried out as she felt a small orgasm pass through her body. This was the first orgasm that she had since before Sophie had died and it felt so fucking good. Sophie's tongue began to lick Renee's outer lips causing Renee to lift her ass off the ground and driving her pussy into Sophie's mouth. "Fuck babe, that feels so fucking good..." Renee screamed not caring who might hear her. "I know baby and it's about to get even better, I'm going to drive you crazy today." Sophie told her as she put her mouth back to Renee's pussy. She slowly took her tongue and let it go from Renee's asshole up to her clit and then back to her asshole where she stopped for a moment as she let her tongue tease the outer rim of Renee's asshole. Renee had pulled her knees up so that Sophie could lick her anywhere she wanted to. Renee moaned and groaned as she felt Sophie's tongue move from her asshole to her clit and back again. This time Sophie stayed at her asshole licking it first then she pushed her tongue inside making Renee groan with pleasure. Renee relaxed her asshole so that Sophie could get as much of her tongue inside of her as possible. Renee was now using her fingers to caress Renee's clit as she tongue fucked Renee's ass. It didn't take Renee long to get to the edge of another orgasm as she moaned from the intense pleasure. Renee felt her body tensing up then the pleasure burst forth from her clit and she cried out. Renee disappeared into that special place that she was alone with her true love. She could feel Sophie still licking gently at her pussy. When she came back to the real world, Sophie still had her mouth buried into her pussy. Renee let out a groan as she tried to reach down and pull Sophie up to her but Sophie just grabbed her hands in hers then entwining their fingers together. Sophie placed her mouth over Renee's pussy lips sucking on them as her tongue teased the slit and the entrance to Renee's pussy. Renee let out another groan as she gripped Sophie's fingers in hers. Sophie now concentrated on Renee's pussy lips sucking and chewing on them tenderly. Renee had her ass off the ground as she felt Sophie suck and chew on her pussy so tenderly and lovingly. Sophie was intent on making this last as she stayed away from Renee's clit just working on the lips and then pushing her tongue in deep into Renee's pussy. The tongue would go so deeply as she moved it around inside and then she slowly worked her way up to Renee's clit. She first kissed it over and over again sending shock waves throughout Renee's body. Then she sucked the hard nub into her mouth. Renee cried out as Sophie sucked so fucking hard then the tip of her tongue began to lick it. Renee gripped Sophie's hands hard as she felt her clit get so fucking sensitive. Sophie just kept sucking and teasing the sensitive clit until Renee couldn't handle it anymore as she came hard pushing Sophie's head away from her clit. Renee twisted her body as she felt the waves of the orgasm wash through her body. Went she came around, Sophie was giving her pussy a last few licks then she sat up. Sophie reached out to Renee, pulling her up as she said, "Come with me." "Where are we going? I want to make love to you babe." Renee said as she slowly sat up then she let Sophie help her up on her shaky legs. "You will soon baby, but come with me now." Sophie told her as she started pulling Renee toward the house. They both had sweat and water on their bodies that they tracked into the house. "What are you wanting to do?" Renee asked as she let Sophie drag her through the house. "You'll see baby." Sophie said as she gave Renee a big grin which Renee knew meant that Sophie had something else in mind for her. She decided that she would go along but then it would be her turn to attack that body of Sophie's. "Lay down on the bed." Sophie ordered her as Sophie let go of her hand. Renee hesitated for a second then she saw that look of need in Sophie's eyes and she went to the bed, pulling the covers down before laying in the center of the bed. Sophie now satisfied that Renee was going to go along with her, she went to the nightstand by the bed opening the top drawer. Sophie pulled out the strap-on that had been laying in the drawer unused for so long. Renee felt her pussy tingle as she knew that Sophie was going to fuck her which she was so good at doing. Sophie stepped into the harness pulling it up to her crotch. All the time she was doing this, she was looking at Renee smiling down at her. Once she had it tightened down, Sophie got a little lube, coating the cock well before closing the bottle. She turned slowly toward Renee who was now grinning from ear to ear. Sophie climbed onto the bed then she moved between Renee's legs which Renee had spread out wide. Sophie took the cock into her hand guiding it down toward Renee's pussy. Renee groaned as she felt the head of the cock press against her pussy lips. Sophie moved the head down a fraction before she began to move her hips forward. Renee felt her pussy lips opening as it allowed the head to enter her. Then the head popped inside of her causing Renee to moan. Sophie let go of the cock as she lowered her body down on top of Renee. This caused the cock to slowly enter her pussy filling it up. Once Sophie was on top of her, the cock was seated deep inside of Renee's pussy. "Damn that feels good babe." Renee said as she kissed Sophie and she wrapped her legs around Sophie's waist. "That's want I wanted... you to feel good." Sophie said as she shed a tear. "You make me feel good no matter what you do." Renee said as she kissed the tear away then she put her hand to the back of Sophie's head bringing her head down for a kiss. Sophie kept her hips still as they kissed. Renee was feeling so damn good with her pussy filled and she was kissing her lover whose only thought was to make her feel good. Renee opened her lips enticing Sophie's tongue into her mouth. She could taste her own pussy juices on Sophie's lips and tongue. She sucked on that tongue as her tongue went to meet it. Their tongues caressed each other in Renee's mouth. Renee heard Sophie moan as she caressed her back with her fingers. They lay there not moving as their lips and tongues kissed within one or the other's mouth. The kissing went on for a extended time as they needed this intimate contact then Sophie began to move her hips around, causing the cock within her pussy to move. Renee let out a grunt, as she placed her hands to Sophie's ass cheeks giving them a strong squeeze. They continued to kiss as Sophie brought her hips up pulling the cock out a few inches then she slowly pushed it back in. Renee let out an groan as she felt her pussy lips being pulled out then pushed back inward. Sophie kept her hips in motion as she lifted them up then pushed them back down. Renee felt her pussy being filled then emptied only to be filled again. It had been much too long since she had last been fucked and she needed this more than she realized. She used her heels to urge Sophie on as she pressed them into Sophie's ass cheeks on each down stroke. "Oh fuck me babe!" Renee moaned out to Sophie then she kissed her hard. Sophie began to fuck Renee harder as she worked her hips up and down. Renee pulled on Sophie's ass cheeks then she put her hands to Sophie's back gripping her shoulders as the cock went in and out of her pussy. Renee groaned at each down stroke. Sophie began to pant as she worked harder to please her lover and this made kissing almost impossible but they both still tired as their lips would come together for a second then part for them both to breath. Sophie's hips went higher and higher as she tried to get deeper inside of Renee's pussy and she did. Renee could almost feel the cock head hit her womb as it bottomed out. "Fuck me hard bitch, I'm about to cum." Renee cried out. "I'm going o fuck your pussy raw you fucking slut!" Sophie cried into Renee's ear making Renee moan out. "Yea baby!" Renee cried out as she bucked back against Sophie's hips. Her pussy was sloppy wet and she could hear the fucking sounds that they were making. Then Sophie began to shift her hips getting to all parts of Renee's pussy and that was what sent her over the edge and she came hard. Renee blanked out for a moment as the waved of her intense orgasm washed over her. As Renee came back around, she felt Sophie's lips on her lips as she kissed her and she felt Sophie's hips still moving as Sophie was fucking her slowly with her hard cock. "Oh baby, I've had enough, it's your turn." Renee told her as she return the kisses. "I told you that I was going to fuck you silly slut and I plan on doing just that." Sophie said and then she added, "So wrap those long legs around me you fucking whore and let me drill that pussy of yours like I want!" The dirty words got to Renee as they never failed to turn her on when she was being fucked. "If you're going to fuck me, then fuck me bitch, don't pussy foot around!" Renee demanded as she did indeed wrap her legs around Sophie waist. She began to push her hips upwards on each down stroke that Sophie's made. "Oh yes ma'am," Sophie said "I going to wear that pussy out because I own your pussy today." Sophie began to fuck Renee hard then. Soon the water from the hose that was on their body when they got to the bedroom was replaced with sweat. They were both working hard as Sophie worked her hips as she pulled and pushed her hips up and down. Renee cried and moaned as she urged Sophie to go faster and harder. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed around the room as they fucked. They bodied worked in perfect unison, Renee's fingers were scratching at Sophie back as she drug her fingernails across and down Sophie's back. Renee could feel her pussy lips getting sore as Sophie fucked her hard all the while calling her dirty names making Renee call Sophie anything she could think of as she felt her clit getting sensitive as she got close to an orgasm. It took a while to come since she had already cum several times before but when it did hit, it hit her hard. Renee cried out as she felt her pussy push out her girlcum soaking Sophie and the sheets. Then everything went back as she lost control of her body and she disappeared within her orgasm. She was floating above the bed with Sophie still fucking her until Sophie gave out collapsing on top of her. Renee was so exhausted from all the orgasms that she fell asleep with Sophie falling asleep on top of her and the cock buried deep within her pussy. When she did wake, Sophie was still completely out of it. Renee kissed Sophie on the head causing Sophie to stir a moment. Renee slowly turned Sophie onto her back as she went over on top of her. Renee then pulled her hips up causing the cock to slip from her now sore pussy. Renee got on off of Sophie and she looked down at the cock that stuck up from Sophie's crotch. It looked so obscene with her girlcum coating it. Renee gently unhooked the harness, then pulling it from Sophie's body. Renee got up going to the bathroom to wash off the cock putting it back in the drawer. With her pussy as sore as it was, she wasn't going to let Sophie fuck her of a few days. She went to the dresser getting the scarves out that she had put away while Sophie was gone. She couldn't bare to look at them as they would remind her of the first time that she and Sophie had made love and Sophie had tied her up so that she could make love to her. She went back to the bed gently moving Sophie to the center of the bed. She slowly took Sophie's right hand bringing in up to the corner of the bed. Renee worked slowly careful not to wake Sophie as she tied the wrist to the bed. She went down to Sophie's feet securing them to the bed and finally she tied Sophie's left wrist to the bed so that she had Sophie secured. Sophie began to struggle in her sleep so Renee laid down beside of her calming Sophie down with her kisses. It took a moment before Sophie's eyes popped over and she jerked on the ties. "You're not going anywhere babe, you're mine now." Renee told her as she kissed her softly making Sophie relax as she knew that she was safe. When the kiss ended, Sophie smiled up at Renee, "I don't want to go anywhere, I'm yours to do as you please." "Oh I plan on it babe." Renee said as she kissed her tenderly and she moved her right hand to Sophie's left breast cupping it. "Mmmm..." Sophie said as Renee squeezed her breast then she moved her fingers to Sophie's left nipple giving it a pinch before she let her fingers glide across it. She flicked the tip with her index finger making Sophie moan into the kiss. Renee moved her fingers to the right breast. She pinched the nipple pulling up on it causing Sophie to let out a groan. She nipple was hard as a rock so Renee had to pinch it again then she rolled it between her fingers. This caused Sophie to groan louder but she held still not trying to make Renee stop so Renee went back to the right nipple giving it a pinch and she twisted it between her fingers as she pulled up on it. Sophie let out a louder groan as she arched her back. Renee released the nipple as she ended the passionate kiss that she was giving to Sophie. Renee moved her mouth down to Sophie's chin giving it a kiss then she moved on down kissing her way down Sophie's neck to her adam's apple. She went on down until her mouth was between Sophie's breasts. She kissed Sophie there then she moved her mouth to the left going up the swell of Sophie's breast until she got to the hard little nipple. Renee kissed it before taking it into her mouth. She sucked on it gently at first then she sucked harder. While her mouth was bathing Sophie's left nipple, her right hand was caressing and teasing the right one. Sophie was moaning softly as she twisted around in the bed. She was pulling on the scarves but not trying to get away loose but because she was feeling too good to lay still. Renee nibbled on the left nipple for a moment then she moved her mouth to the right breast. Her right hand then slipped down Sophie's body. As she kissed the right nipple, Renee placed her hand over Sophie's hot wet pussy. She just let it lay there until Sophie couldn't stand it any longer as she needed to be stroked. "Rub my pussy baby, I need to cum so fucking bad." Sophie demanded of Renee who then pressed her fingers down against Sophie's pussy lips. She could feel the juices leaking out of Sophie's pussy. She let her fingers lightly rub against the lips leaving the hardening clit alone for the time being. "There you go baby, bite my nipples babe." Sophie demanded as she started to twist around on the bed at least as much as the scarves holding her arms and legs would allow. Renee began to gently bite Sophie's nipples as she let her middle finger dip between Sophie's pussy lips. That brought a louder moan from Sophie as she raised her hips upwards trying to get more of Renee's finger inside of her. Renee slowly began to fuck Sophie's pussy as she nibbled on the left then right nipple just going from one to the other nipple. Sophie's pussy was leaking juices big time now as she was super aroused. She twisted and turned in the bed as Renee fucked her pussy with her middle finger. Then Sophie began to groan out her need to cum so Renee pulled her finger out so that she could use it and her other fingers against Sophie hard nub. It was sticking out from its hood and Renee started to rub against it. "There you go baby, right there!" Sophie cried out as she pushed her hips up off the bed. Renee pressed her fingers down hard against Sophie long hard clit getting it super sensitive. Then she began to roll the bud between her index finger and thumb. "Oh fuck babyyyy..." Sophie cried out as she came soaking Renee's fingers with her girlcum. Renee continued to rub the clit so as to intensify Sophie orgasm however she eased off before Sophie's clit got too sensitive as she wasn't done with that pleasure nub yet. As Renee let Sophie's breathing slow down, she brought her fingers up to her mouth so that she could lick the juices off of them. Sophie tasted just as good as she remembered and now that she had a taste, she needed more. She slipped down in the bed settling between Sophie's legs as she inhaled deeply getting all of Sophie's aroma into her lungs. She then put her face to Sophie's rubbing it against the full bush that Sophie had. She smeared Sophie's juices all over her face before she began to lick at those lips. She quickly got a hair or two into her mouth, she picked them out and went back to licking away. The hair just added to the luster of Sophie's pussy and when Renee got a hair into her mouth, it only meant that she was licking Sophie's pussy well. And from the way that Sophie was now moaning, Renee was working it well. She let her tongue go between the lips so that get could get in deeper and make Sophie squirm some more. She was getting Sophie to lift her ass off the bed to get her to lick deeper and harder. Renee pushed her tongue in as deep as she could so that she could get Sophie more excited. She used her thumb to lightly rub the clit causing Sophie to groan aloud. Renee then worked her way up to that hard clit as she eased two fingers into Sophie's tight pussy. She let her tongue take over from her thumb. She kissed that hard clit then she sucked it into her mouth. Sophie screamed out her pleasure as she neared another orgasm. Renee licked and sucked on the clit as she fingers move in and out of that small tight pussy of Sophie's. Renee teased the end of the clit with her tongue as she sucked on it then she used her lips to put pressure on the clit getting Sophie that much closer to another orgasm. Renee let the clit go using her tongue against it hard and fast making Sophie scream as she arched her back as the orgasm rushed through her body. Renee went down to Sophie's feet untying them then she pushed them up to Sophie's chest as Sophie recovered from her second orgasm in a short time period. Renee saw that cute little puckered her asshole winking back at her. She moved back down and she kissed it as Sophie let out a low moan. Renee kissed it another a time or two then she let the tip of her tongue go around the rim. Sophie wiggled her ass around as she moaned and groaned. Renee placed the tip of her tongue at the center and when Sophie relaxed, Renee pressed her tongue inside. She pushed it in as far as she could then brought it all the way out before she pushed it back inside of her. She began to fuck that tiny hole making Sophie groan out her pleasure. Renee made love to that little hole getting Sophie to leak juices from her pussy down to where Renee was licking and fucking Sophie with her tongue. Renee placed two of her fingers of her right hand back to Sophie's pussy and she slipped them inside of it. Renee pushed them in deep the pulled them out as she fucked Sophie's pussy with her fingers and her asshole with her tongue. Sophie moaned deeply again as she twisted her upper body around on the bed. It didn't take her long to reach her third orgasm and then was about all she could take as her let her legs fall back to the bed. She moaned and groan through her orgasm as Renee licked up her girlcum that was flowing from her pussy. "Untie my hands baby, I need to hold you." Sophie told her as she used her legs to try and pull Renee up in the bed. "I don't know babe, I kind of like you tied up." Renee told Sophie as she looked up from her pussy. "Babyyyy..." Sophie said as she drew the word out then she gave Renee a pout that Renee couldn't resist. Renee let Sophie pout for a moment then she smiled as she moved up on top of her. She kissed her tenderly as her hand went up to Sophie's right wrist untying the scarf. Then her hands went to the left wrist, untying it as Sophie brought her hands down she turned Renee over onto her back so that she could be the one on top. "Baby, I love you so much." Sophie told her as she looked down into Renee's eyes. Renee saw tears forming in those eyes then the spilled forth landing on Renee's cheeks. "I love you too babe, with all my heart." Renee told her as she used her fingers to wipe the tears from Sophie's eyes. "I know you do, that's why I had to come back, it's just that you make me so happy." Sophie said as the tears continued to fall. "Then why are you crying babe." Renee asked, kissing Sophie's tear streaked cheeks. "Because I'm so happy." Sophie said as if that explained all the tears and for Renee it did. "Why are you crying?" Sophie asked her. "Because I'm happy," Renee said and then she added, "And because you are crying." That made Sophie smile and the tears began to ease off. She laid her head down on Renee's chest. "You do make me happy, you know." Renee said then she kissed Sophie softly on the forehead. "I know you do." Sophie said kissing Renee's chest before laying her head back down. They lay there for a few minutes resting then Sophie propped herself up on her elbows with her chin resting between Renee's breasts. She then asked her how the visit to Ian's and Sophie's went. Renee told her about it and how she did a song and dance around why she was so happy without telling them that she was back. Sophie smiled as Renee went through the whole story. She seemed to enjoy how Renee had to twist and turn her way through the visit so Renee went into as much detail as she could so that she could add to Sophie enjoyment at her own expense. "You know what I want you to do now?" Sophie asked her. "No what?" Renee asked as a few very fun things went through her head. "Ahhh..." Sophie was saying as she got up off of Renee then she walked to the bedroom door swaying her ass as she went. She turned and stood seductively at the door. She hesitated for a second as she sucked in her breath then she said, "I want for you to... get off your fat ass and mow the lawn." "You bitch," Renee screamed as she pulled the pillow from under her head and she threw it at Sophie who shrieked before running away. "I'm going to get you!" Renee said as she got up off the bed. She wanted to be pissed at Sophie for ruining her daydream but it was so good to have Sophie back and ordering her around, making her work out in the yard that she couldn't do anything but laugh. Still she was hollering obscenities at Sophie as she raced to the kitchen where she found Sophie standing there with her work clothes, floppy hat, and work gloves. "You ready to sweat that fat ass off." Sophie asked as she put her hand on her cocked hip. "You'll think fat ass, when I done with you!" Renee yelled as she pulled Sophie to her. "So you think you're woman enough to do anything to me?" Sophie asked without any fear in her eyes. "Yes I am but I'd rather just kiss you into submission." Renee said as she put her right hand to the back of Sophie's head kissing her passionately. "I think that'll work." Sophie said breathlessly as the kiss ended. "It'll do in a rush but there's more to come." Renee said as she kissed her again just as passionately. "Oh fuck, forget the yard work." Sophie said in a half swoon. "Now get your fat ass out there and work." Renee said with a smile as she grabbed her things and went out on the porch to get dressed in her wet clothes. "Oh god you're good." Sophie said breathlessly then she added, "But this isn't over yet little girlie." "I hope not." Renee said as Sophie came through the door. She gave Sophie a kiss on the cheek and a wink then she headed for the storage barn to get the riding mower out to start mowing. For Renee, it seemed like Sophie had never left as they got back to their normal Saturday routine, with her on the riding mower and Sophie using the push mower to get close up under the bushes and around the tress that Renee couldn't get to. A time or two as she mowed the back yard, Renee found that she was watching Sophie more than where she was going. This caused her to almost run straight into a tree once and after that she tried to keep her eyes on where she was driving. Sophie would kill her if she accidently ran over some of her flowers. As they worked their way around to the front yard, Renee began to worry that someone would recognize Sophie and she would be taken from her. As Renee turned the corner, she was relieved to see that there wasn't anyone around. The lot was big so the houses next door was a good distant away. But still close enough for those who knew Sophie to recognize her. Sophie seemed unconcerned, however she was dressed as she always dressed when she worked outside with her big pink floppy hat that shaded her face from the sun. Renee did her best to watch where she was mowing and at the nearby houses. They were most of the way done with the front yard when Renee, who had begun to relax saw Autumn from down the street pushing a stroller around as her baby bounced in the seat. She had been pregnant when Sophie had died and she and Sophie had talked often as they both loved flowers. Renee knew the game was up as there was no way that she wouldn't recognize Sophie. Renee wanted to get Sophie indoors but there was no time. Autumn had slipped up on her when she had stopped paying attention. As she came around the circle that was in front of the house, she waved at Renee who could only wave back. She then waved at Sophie who also waved back but while Renee knew that while Sophie recognized Autumn, Autumn didn't seem to recognize Sophie in the least. Renee was left wondering just what had just happened. Maybe the Autumn's mind would not allow her to believe that Sophie could be alive or maybe she didn't have as good a look as Renee thought she had. She checked the direction of the sun and it wasn't in the Autumn's eyes. It was a mystery to Renee but at least they had lived to fight another day. Later that night as they laid in bed after they had spent a couple of hours making love, Renee held Sophie close to her then she had to ask what had been on her mind all afternoon, "Why didn't Autumn recognize you?" "I don't know, I saw her and then I realized that I shouldn't have come to the front of the house. I should have let you do it but then a calm came over me and I knew she wouldn't recognized me." Sophie said. "How could she not recognize you. I mean you look exactly like you did on the day you died. I mean I can't see a bit of difference in you." Renee said as she placed her fingers to Sophie's face as if to reassure herself that she did look the same and she did. "I know I am the same to you because you see me as I am but maybe everyone else see me differently, similar maybe but not the same. This is the price that I must pay to return here. But it is a price I'm willing to pay." Sophie said. "I guess but it doesn't make sense to me, everyone should see me as I see you." Renee said still confused. "Baby, you have never seen me as everyone else sees me. You are the only one to ever have see me as me. Everyone else has seen what I have chosen to show them. So it shouldn't be a surprise that only you can see me now as me." Sophie told her. "That means that you can leave this house and not be a prisoner here." Renee said as she voiced one of her fears that she had begun to harbor as she didn't want Sophie to be forced just have to stay here. "I'm perfectly content to remain here for the rest of our lives together. I have been to a place much better than here yet I wanted to return to this world, return to you." Sophie told her as she kissed Renee. "What about Ian and Ursula, you know I can't keep them from coming over here forever?" Renee asked. "One day soon we will invite them over but for the moment, let it be just us." Sophie said softly. "That's fine with me." Renee said as she kissed Sophie tenderly. Sophie then pushed Renee onto her back so that she could lay her head on her chest. They lay there in silence as they just used their fingers to caress each other with loving touches. Then the day's activities got to them and they fell asleep. The next day, Renee answered her emails that she had let go the previous week as she was so depressed that even on the days she had gone to work, she didn't have the energy to do much. So as Sophie piddled with her flowers, Renee brought her laptop out on the porch so that she could work and watch Sophie as she sang and hummed as she went from plant to plant. Renee felt so happy that she had a hard time concentrating on her work. She had thought about quitting work entirely so that she could spend her time with Sophie but Sophie had nixed that idea that morning as they talked during breakfast. She figured that Renee needed to work and Ian still needed her there. Besides Sophie said that she could use the time away from Renee. Upon which Renee stuck her tongue out at her which made them both laugh. But what Sophie said was true. Renee did enjoy her work and they could use some money coming in. It would make things seem more like normal and they needed that for at least a while until they could figure out just what their new life would be like. As they knew now, their life together would go on but it would be different. It was just a matter of figuring out just how it would be different and how they had to adapt to that change. "You seem to be back to normal." Ian said as their Monday morning meeting with all the supervisors and department heads ended and they were alone in the conference room. "If being half crazy is being normal, then I guess I am." Renee told him as she gathered her papers together. She so wanted to tell Ian about Sophie but she couldn't. "I've never thought that you were crazy Renee. Please believe me..." He said as she fumbled for his words. "I just want you to be happy again. I know the boys could see the difference in you Saturday. They said that their Aunt Renee was back." "I am back, I'm back for good now." Renee said and when she looked up from her papers, she saw that Ian was crying. She dropped her papers and went to him, she pulled her brother to her and she let him cry. He sobbed in her arms for a couple of minutes before he straightened up as he pulled back from her. He cleared his voice before speaking, "You may think that I didn't like Sophie but I did. I respected her for who she was and what she had done. I also loved her because she loved you so much. I can see why you would want her back. If it had been me I wouldn't have ever wanted to give her up. When I think of Sophie, I think of Ursula, I don't think I could stand to lose her. She means too much to me." "I'm glad you told me that, I knew that you two had a mutual respect, you were both just too stubborn to admit it. You're both alike in that way." Renee told him. "Now let's go back to work before they decide that they don't need either one of us." Ian thought for a moment then Renee saw a smile come to his face, "You know they can do just fine without either of us." Renee laughed as she said, "I know, that's why I decided I had to get off my fat ass and get back to work." "I'm glad you're back." Ian repeated as he escorted her out the door. "So am I, more than you know, more than you know." Renee told him as she veered off to enter her office. The first thing that she did was to have a meeting with all of her employees. Before Sophie had died, she felt like she had to have a hand in everything that went on within her department. But while she was the hospital, they did just fine without her and then the last couple of months when she began to get so depressed that she lost interest in her work, her department went right on without her as they did the job that she hired them for. So as she stood there looking over her group, she realized that maybe it was time to loosen her grip. She would still be in charge but she wouldn't be looking over all their shoulders all the time. She had probably stood there for five minutes before she realized that they were staring at her with confused looks on their faces. She thought that they probably did think she was crazy, so she smiled and started her speech, not the one she had prepared in her mind but the one that came to her as she spoke. It was definitely going to be different from here on out. Nothing would ever be the same for her not that it should. Life was about changes and she had just decided that she was going to change with it. And she knew that if she needed any help changing, Sophie would be more than happy to help her out. In fact, it would give her the thrill of a lifetime to help her out. By the time that she was done with her speech, her employee's seemed thrilled that they would be allowed to continue to doing as they had been doing while she was out of commission. Renee also saw some skeptics among her group but she would have them convinced before too long. She then sent them back to work as she picked up her phone to call Sophie about her day so far. This time when Sophie didn't answer right away she wasn't too worried as she knew where Sophie would be. So she left a message on the answering machine. It wasn't more than five minutes that her cell phone rang and she saw that it was the home phone. So she told Sophie all about her talk with Ian and then she speech to her group. Sophie seemed pleased with her that things had gone so well for her and then she warned her not to be late for dinner or there would be hell to pay. Renee laughed at that remark but she also made sure that she got home on time, in fact, she arrived a few minutes early. "Hey babe your breadwinner is home, I do hope that you got my dinner ready, like a good housewife should. I'm so hungry I could eat the south end of a north bound cow." Renee called out as she came in the front door and her nose picked up a whiff of something delicious smelling coming from the kitchen. "First off I didn't come back here to be treated like some barefoot pregnant backwards woman so if you want to eat what I have fixed and plan on sleeping in the same bed as me tonight, I would highly recommend that you change your greeting when you enter this house." Sophie said as she stood with her hands on her hips in the middle of the kitchen. Renee tried not to smile but she had gotten the response that she had expected and wanted so the smile came to her face despite her best efforts. "How about? Hi honey I'm home, is there anything I can do for you?" Renee said. "That's a little better, I might just let you eat but you still haven't gotten back into the bedroom yet." Sophie said as she kept her hands on her hips and she thrust her lower lip out. Renee had to think a moment as she thought that was a pretty good greeting and she wasn't so sure that she could come up with something better. The moment drug on as Sophie was becoming impatient with her. Renee was starting to get desperate as she definitely wanted back into Sophie's bed. Renee then saw Sophie purse her lips and it hit her like a ton of bricks. Renee dropped her computer bag onto the table as she rushed to Sophie gathering her in her arms, "I missed you so much today babe, I could hardly keep my mind on my work as you kept entering it blocking my ability to think of anything but you." She said as she brought her head forward kissing Sophie passionately as her arms held her tightly. "Took you long enough to figure that one out." Sophie told her as she did her best to gather her breath back after such a passionate kiss. "I know, I'm a little slow today but I did come through in the end." Renee said smiling, "So does that mean I'm allowed back into the bedroom?" "I don't know..." Sophie said as she hesitated for a second as if she was still trying to decide. Renee decided she wasn't going to let Sophie stretch this out for much longer so she placed her hand to the back of Sophie's head bringing her in for another long passionate kiss. This time she let her other hand caress Sophie's back and then she moved it to Sophie's ass cupping her left cheek in her hand giving it a squeeze. She heard Sophie let out a little moan as they kissed. Renee opened her lips so that she could ease her tongue into Sophie's mouth, which Sophie began to suck on as her tongue met Renee's tongue. Sophie's hands began to caress Renee's back pulling and tugging on Renee's blouse. "How about now?" Renee asked once the long kiss ended. "How about what?" Sophie asked a bit confused by Renee's question. Then her mind seemed to clear as she responded with, "Another kiss like that and dinner will burn as I drag you to the bedroom to make love to you." "That sounds fine with me." Renee said with a wink. "Oh no, I've worked all afternoon cooking this meal to celebrate your first homecoming and we're going to sit down and enjoy it... Then we're going to fuck our brains out." Sophie said in her most sexy French accented voice that made Renee's knees go weak. "Now set the table while I try and figure out what the hell I was doing before your rude obnoxious greeting." Sophie said as she pushed Renee away then she pulled her back for a kiss. "That should hold you until dinner is done." She added with a wink. "Oh god you are a case." Renee said laughing. She then started to get the dishes out as she asked about Sophie's day. Sophie talked about all that she did as she finished dinner then they talked about Renee's day as they ate dinner. "Have I ever told you just how much I love you babe?" Renee asked as they lay in bed later that evening. "I believe that you might have a few times but you could always tell me again, I wouldn't mind it too much." Sophie said with a soft sweet smile. "I love you babe." Rene told her as she let her fingers caress Sophie's face, pushing the hair from her eyes so that she could look deeply into those deep beautiful eyes of Sophie's. "I love you too baby." Sophie responded. Renee leaned in close as she lay on her side facing Sophie. She kissed her lightly just letting her lips touch Sophie's then she pulled back making Sophie pout a little. Renee hesitated for a second before leaning in for a second kiss, this time she let her lips linger as she used just her lips to kiss Sophie. She had her hand on Sophie's side but now she brought it around so that she could cup Sophie left breast. Sophie let out a soft moan as she brought her hand in to cup Renee's right breast. They teased each other's breasts as their kissing got more intense. Sophie let her lips part and she slowly eased her tongue into Renee's mouth. Renee met it with her own tongue so they let their tongues kiss as their lips kissed. Renee gave Sophie's nipple a pinch and a tug before letting it go. She snaked her hand down Sophie's side to her hip then she slipped her around to the front. She let her finger comb through the soft hair covering Sophie's pussy. She could feel the droplets of moisture clinging to the hair that was around those aroused lips of Sophie's. Renee heard Sophie let out a slight coo as she teased her. Sophie had brought her left foot up so that her pussy was open to the soft caresses of Renee's fingers. She then let her fingers slip along the wet slit. Sophie let out a moan then as she pushed her pussy into those probing fingers. Sophie started to kiss Renee much more passionately as she let her hand wander down to Renee's wet pussy. Renee moved her right foot up as Sophie had done opening her pussy to Sophie's fingers. When Sophie's fingers slid across her clit, Renee let out a groan of pleasure. Sophie at first just caressed her clit then her lips before she let her middle finger go between Renee' lips. Renee then thrust her middle finger into Sophie's pussy, pushing it in deep then bringing it out only to thrust it back in. Sophie squirmed and moaned as Renee fucked her pussy. Soon their fingers went up to each other's clits rolling and pinching it between their fingers. Neither were in a hurry to bring each other off, they were more content to just arouse and play with each other. But soon they could get no further aroused as they had reached the point of needing to cum. Renee began to rub Sophie's clit with a up and down motion as she liked it done and Sophie used a more circular motion as Renee liked. By this time they were no longer able to kiss as they panted for their breaths. Sophie put her head on Renee's shoulder as their rubbing became more frantic. They groaned and moaned as they brought each other to a nice orgasm. Renee had rolled over on her back as she let her orgasm course through her body. In her stupor, she felt Sophie climbing on top of her. When she opened her eyes she found that she was looking up into Sophie's wet swollen pussy. The girlcum was oozing out from those lips. Renee put her hand up to Sophie's hips, pulling her down to her waiting mouth. Just as Renee started to run her tongue along Sophie's slit, she felt Sophie begin to lick at her pussy. Renee stopped her tongue for a moment letting it rest on Sophie's hard clit so that she could enjoy Sophie's tongue moving along her slit, going up and down then deep inside of her. Then she went back to giving Sophie some pleasure. She sucking and licked the outer lips before she moved her tongue to Sophie's asshole where she knew Sophie loved to be licked. She ran her tongue across the puckered little hole then back across it. She placed the tip of her tongue to the center pressing gently then easing off. This caused Sophie to stop what she was doing so that she could concentrate on what Renee was doing to her. Renee teased that cute little hole for a few moments before she put her tongue back to the little hole and pressing it inside. Sophie was completely relaxed by this time so her tongue slipped easily inside. She pushed it in as deep as she could and Sophie grunted her approval. Sophie kept her tongue still as Renee tongue fucked her asshole. Renee loved to make Sophie feel good and this was one of the best ways that she had found that she could do that. So she enjoyed licking and fucking Sophie's asshole with her tongue. Finally Sophie began to lick and suck on Renee's pussy again as she grasped Renee's ass cheeks in her hands. They licked and sucked each other until they again reached the point of no return when they worked on each other's clit making their orgasms that were just at the edge of arriving come hard. After they had recovered, Renee tried to switch positions but Sophie resisted. Renee knew that Sophie loved being on top so she didn't push it. She was content most of the time to let Sophie have her way only on rare occasions did she push it and then Sophie would relent her dominate position. So Renee remained under Sophie as they made love again and again that evening. It was only when they could stand no more stimulations on their clits did they curl up together to sleep. Renee was a little tired the next day as she went into work but she was very happy. Spending an evening with your lover tends to make a person very happy and so Renee was. When she came home that evening, she greeted Sophie properly with a big hug and kiss. So once again Sophie decided that she would be allowed to sleep with her that night. As the days wore on, this began a sort of running joke for them. It wasn't until Renee gave the kiss and hug did Sophie proclaim that she had earned the right to join her in the bedroom that evening. Renee and Sophie talked about how they were going to deal with Ian and Ursula as Renee had managed to keep them away by visiting their house as often as she could but she hated leaving Sophie for work much less when she wasn't working. The only problem was that Ian and Ursula had hinted about stopping by one day soon and Renee knew that she couldn't put them off forever. Renee just didn't know with Ina and Ursula being so close to Sophie if they would really recognize her. Renee and Sophie had started to venture out more into town going out to eat with Renee always driving since there was no way for Sophie to get her license back since she was officially dead and neither had a clue as how to get fake ones. They just didn't think it was worth taking a chance at getting caught plus Sophie was content to just let Renee drive. While they had both been able to put the accident behind them, it was and forever would be a part of their lives. When they had gone out so some of their favorite restaurants, they did meet people who had known Sophie and yet none seemed to recognize her. She was now just some new friend of Renee's. They even came up with a new name for her, Jessie, after the old lady that had felt Sophie's pain and allowed her to return. Sophie had been back for about three months when early one Saturday morning, they heard a knock on the door. They both looked at each other as they sipped their coffee and tea and they wondered aloud who would be stopping by this early in the morning. Renee went to the front door and luckily she looked through the peep hole to see who it was before she opened the door. "Oh shit! Go hide!" Renee said as she turned to see Sophie standing in the doorway leading from the kitchen to the foyer. "Why?" Sophie asked suddenly alarmed. "It's Ian and Ursula." Renee said. "Fuck, why didn't you tell me they were coming over this morning." Sophie told her. "I didn't know!" Renee said getting frustrated. "Just stay in the kitchen or better yet out in the garden and I'll try to get rid of them as fast as I can." "Okay just hurry." Sophie said as the doorbell rang for the fourth time. "Hi there, what brings you two here this morning." Renee said as she opened the door but she stood blocking their way to give Sophie time to hide. "Oh we took the boys to their baseball camp at the university so we decided on the spur of the moment to stop by and see you. It has been so long since we have come over." Ursula told her as she started into the house. Ian just shrugged his shoulders as if to say he didn't have anything to do with this, it was all his wife's doing. "Well come on in, it's nice that you did." Renee said as she looked over Ian's shoulders to see if she could see Sophie. "I was just heading out to mow the lawn." Renee said trying to drop a hint but Ursula didn't seem to hear what she said or rather she just ignored the obvious hint. Ursula was on a mission to make sure that Renee was okay in the house. She had never bought the idea that Renee had just decided to be happy. There had to be a reason and since she didn't seem to be able to get it out of Renee, she was going to find out for herself. Since Renee had gotten hurt in the accident, Ursula had decided that Renee needed a mother to care for her and after Renee had healed, Ursula had never been able to shed the mother role and go back to just being a sister-in-law. "How about a cup of coffee? I'll make some and we can have it out on your patio." Ursula suggested. "No, I'll get us some, we can sit in the living room, it is already too hot outside." Renee said suddenly causing Ursula to stop in her tracks. "It's like seventy outside with a nice breeze." Ursula replied as she eyed Renee with suspicion. "Then I'll go get it, you two sit here for a moment while I get the coffee going." Renee said trying desperately to keep them out of the kitchen where Sophie was hiding. "That's okay, I'll get it." Sophie said appearing in the kitchen doorway causing Ian, Ursula and Renee to suddenly turn to face her standing there. "Who..." Ian started to say as he looked at Sophie then to Renee only to have his eyes drawn back to Sophie. Renee could see that Ian was very confused and a bit upset as was Ursula. "That's Jessie, my new friend." Renee said cheerfully as she looked from Ursula to Ian to see their reaction to this lady that suddenly appeared in the kitchen doorway. They both had that this strange look in their eyes as they studied Sophie carefully. Renee could see that they saw the similarities between this woman named Jessie and Sophie. "It is so nice to meet you Jessie." Ursula said as she went over to Jessie, taking her hand in hers. But Sophie didn't take the hand instead she stepped to Ursula giving her a hug. It was a type of hug between two close friends that hadn't seen each other for a very long time. Ursula was surprised by the hug but accepted it as she hugged Sophie back. "It's so nice to see you again Ursula." Sophie said as she let Ursula go. If Ursula caught the slip up she didn't say anything but then she was caught so off guard that Renee wasn't so sure just what Ursula was picking up on and what she was missing. "And you must be Ian, Renee has told me so much about you." Sophie said as she went to Ian and she gave him a hug too. He was a little more prepared for the hug than his wife was but still when the hug ended Renee noted that Ian had this quizzical look on his face. It was like he was trying to place Jessie. He acted like that he knew her yet knowing that he couldn't know her. "So how did you two meet?' Ursula asked as she had her wits about her again and she was going to get the low down about Jessie. "Let's go to the patio and talk, it is so nice out this morning and we should enjoy it." Sophie said as she took Ursula by the arm leading her through the kitchen. "So how did you meet?" Ian whispered to her, "And just when did you meet her?" "Let's talk outside and you'll find out." Renee told him as she wondered about the answer to her brother's question as while she and Sophie had talked about what they would tell Ian and Ursula, they never quite got around to coming up with a good story. She hoped that Sophie was at the top of her game this morning because she definitely wasn't. As she and Ian went out of the kitchen door to the patio, Sophie was coming back inside. Renee gave Sophie a questioning look which Sophie just returned with a smile then when Ian glanced away, a reassuring wink. "What's going on here?" Ursula asked as Renee and Ian sat down at the little table on the patio. "Let's just wait for So... Ah... Jessie gets back out here and we can explain everything." Renee said as she almost fucked up called Sophie by her real name and not Jessie. "We want to hear it from you honey. Why didn't you tell us that you had found someone new?" Ursula pressed. Renee wanted to scream that she hadn't met anyone new but she couldn't. And she didn't know what to say to Ursula, there was only one answer and it was the one thing that she couldn't say. Luckily, she was saved by the bell as Sophie came to the door carrying a tray that contained four cups and two pots. Renee jumped up to help her through the door. "What are we going to tell them?" Renee whispered to Sophie. "Just leave it to me babe, I know just what to tell them." Sophie told her. "Thank god." Renee said as she took the tray from Sophie just so she would have something to do. "No... thank me sweetie..." Sophie said with a smile and Renee knew that Sophie had something up her sleeve. Renee placed the tray down on the table and Sophie picked up the coffee pot, pouring out three cups. She then set about fixing the cups just like Ian liked his, two sugars, and Ursula liked hers, a half teaspoon of sugar and cream, and then Renee's who liked hers with one teaspoon of sugar and extra cream. She handed the cups to each and Renee realized that Sophie should have asked Ian and Ursula how they took their coffee and not just made it for them. Renee could see Ian and Ursula looking at each other as they thanked Sophie. Sophie then sat down pouring herself a cup of tea, she squeezed a quarter of lemon into her tea then she took her spoon and she stirred her tea exactly three times before placing the teaspoon by her cup. Renee had long ago gotten use to this weird way that Sophie had with her tea and she never really noticed it anymore but she knew that Ian and Ursula had to notice it now as it was Sophie all over. "So you are wanting to know how we met?" Sophie asked as she picked up her favorite tea cup copping it in her hands as she always did and taking a sip. "Well yes we would, since Renee here has decided to keep you a secret for whatever reason." Ursula said as she glanced toward Renee. "Well that is my fault, I wanted to keep her to myself for a while before I would let her mention me. I guess I was being selfish and I'm sorry for that. I do hope that you can see your way to forgiving me." Sophie said. "Sure Jessie we can. We just want Renee to be happy and you do seem to be making her happy." Ian told Sophie. "Thank you, I do try and she does make me happy." Sophie said. "So back to the subject at hand, how did you meet?" Ursula asked again. Renee could see that she suspected something here and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. "Well Renee and I used to be lovers long ago then we torn apart by something that was really out of both of our control."Sophie said and Renee just knew that Sophie was giving it all away. "So anyway that is in the past and I don't think either of us want to go into that but then a while back, we happen to meet up again. It was all kind of weird but it was like we had never parted. We seemed to fit right back together like we had never been apart." "That doesn't really tell us anything Jessie. What have you been doing and when did you first meet? What do you for a living?" Ursula pressed. Renee had to smile to herself as Ursula was determined to get to the bottom of just what and who this Jessie was. "Oh you want details, I guess I can do that." Sophie said smiling as was playing this to the hilt. "That would be nice, if you don't mind." Ursula said. "Okay, I think we can do that." Sophie said with a mischievous grin. Then she set about weaving this tall tale that Renee wished her had a note pad to take notes as she knew she would never remember it all. The worst part was when Sophie would pause then ask Renee to provide some details. Renee wanted to kill Sophie every time she did this as she tried to come up with something that fit with the tale that Sophie was telling. Sophie was doing one thing that Renee feared would give it all away as she kept describing herself they way she really was. Jessie was sounding too much like Sophie for Renee's comfort. Ian and Ursula were not stupid people and they were listening carefully. Renee just knew that Ian and Ursula was seeing a lot of Sophie in Jessie and there was no way that two completely strangers could be that similar. Once she was done with her story, Sophie asked them all if they wanted more coffee as they had finished off and then she went to make more. "You know Jessie sounds a lot like Sophie." Ian said as he turned to Renee. Renee was taken aback by the direct question but it wasn't unexpected. "I guess she does, I hadn't noticed before. I'm probably just attracted to that type of woman." "I guess... you are." Ursula said as Renee saw that Ursula was studying her carefully. "I am, so what do you think of Jessie?" Renee asked trying to change the subject. "She's nice but the main thing is that you are happy. That is all we want for you sis." Ian said as he placed his hand on her hand. "I'm happy Ian, I'm very happy." Renee told him as she squeezed his hand. About that time Sophie came back out with another pot of coffee, and again she made them all a fresh cup making it just they was they liked it. When Sophie sat back down she began to talk not giving Ian or Ursula a chance to ask any more questions. She was great at directing a conversation and she did so now. But all the while she talked, she would drop all this hints that Renee was picking up on and she was sure so was Ian and Ursula. They talked for a few hours and while Sophie was able to deflect most of Ian and Ursula's questions, she wasn't able to misdirect all of them. When it got close to noon, Sophie suggested that they go out for a bit to eat, which Ian and Ursula readily agreed as they wanted to learn more about this woman that Renee had brought into her life. When they got to the caf‚', and they were seated, the waitress came over and took their orders as they talked. Then they noticed that there was a lady at a nearby table giving her waitress a hard time about something. They watched in horror as she lady ripped into the poor young waitress who was just trying to be nice. Renee then notice that Sophie had leaned over next to Ian and she whispered into Ian's ear. While she didn't hear all of what Sophie said, she did overhear her say to him "That Bitch". She saw Ian turn white for a moment as he looked at Sophie. He then turned to Renee with this look like the thought that was passing through his head could not be right but at the same time he couldn't not think it. Renee reached over and placed her hand on her brother's hand and she gave him a reassuring smile trying to tell him to believe the unbelievable. Ursula turned from the commotion at this moment and she saw how white Ian was, "Honey, you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost." Ian didn't say anything for a second then he replied with, "I think I have." "What?" Ursula asked. "I'll tell you later honey." Ian told her as he looked back over at Sophie and she gave a slight nod of her head. "So Jessie, are you planning on sticking around this time?" Ian asked her. "Yes.. I do believe that I'm here for as long as Renee needs and wants me to be." Sophie told him. "That's good to know, I don't want my sis to have to go through what she has had to go through this past year." Ian told her. "I don't either dear, neither of us can handle that again." Sophie said. "Why do I feel like I'm the only one not knowing what you all are talking about?" Ursula asked as she looked from one to the other. "Because we are being rude and leaving you out dear." Ian said with a grin. To which Ian got an icy stare from his wife. "Well you know what I can't wait for?" Sophie asked cheerfully. "What's that Jessie?" Ursula said after she finished giving her husband the stare. "Renee has told me so much about how you enjoy shopping and I can't wait for the three of us to make a all day shopping trip. That way we can talk as Renee shows us how impatient she really is then pouts when we make her try on something." Sophie said. "Yes she is a terrible shopper, I do miss the shopping trips that Sophie..." Ursula was saying as she looked over at Renee then to Sophie as the light finally went off in her head. She too went white as a ghost but no one mentioned it as her mind put two and two together. "I do need to powder my nose, will you excuse me?" Sophie said as she stood up not waiting for a reply, then she walked toward the restrooms. After she had left, Renee cleared her throat then she asked, "Am I crazy?" Ian looked at his wife before he answered with, "No sis you're not. I'll never doubt anything you ever tell me again. "Nor shall I." Ursula said as she reached out and squeezed Renee's hands. On their anniversary, Sophie and Renee found themselves back at Ian's and Ursula's house celebrating. When it came time for Sophie to open her present from Renee, she found that Renee had gotten her a new pair of work gloves. This time when she saw the gloves, she began to cry. She didn't even bother trying them on, she went straight to the right thumb where there was tissue paper. Renee had thought about when to give Sophie her engagement ring back and she had almost given it to her several times but she knew when she had to do it. By the time that Sophie had the ring out of the paper, Renee was back on her knee asking her to marry her again... The End. Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at