Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 17:29:29 -0500 From: B. S. Morrison Subject: THE LIGHT OF DAWN - 1 THE LIGHT OF DAWN - 1 by Bonnie Morrison (Ff) Honor the copyright regulations by doing nothing to, or with, this story, without written permission. Thank you for abiding. The idea for this story came to me from a most lovely woman in Italy. It is rooted in truth, and embellished by fantasy. Your comments are encouraged. Please send to: THE LIGHT OF DAWN The young woman walked resolutely up the stairs of the Liceo and proceeded through the door. Once inside the main entrance, she looked around the lobby until she spotted the door to the office of the headmaster. She stood at the doorway for an instant, quickly checking herself to insure her proper appearance, then entered the room and stepped over to the person behind the reception desk. "Buongiorno. My name is Gina Capparelli, and I am here to meet with the headmaster. I have a 1:30 appointment." "Buongiorno, Signorina Capparelli. Please be seated and I will inform the headmaster that you are here." The woman motioned toward a row of chairs along the adjacent wall as she rose from her desk and disappeared into the inner office. Gina went over to the empty chairs and chose the one nearest the door to the headmaster's office. She glanced around the room, noting the absence of decorations. Very plain looking, she thought, but, after all, it is a school and not a department store. At that instant a young girl came in. She stood just inside the door, looking as if she were uncertain about being there. The receptionist emerged from the headmaster's office and told Gina that it would be a few minutes before she could go in. The young girl walked up to the desk and stood silently until the woman looked up at her and asked what she wanted. Their conversation was nothing more than sound to Gina, who was occupied by her thought of how much the young girl reminded her of herself when she was that age. The girl was very plump, which was evident even though she wore clothing that helped to hide the fact. Gina could see the swell of the girl's large breasts against the fabric of her top. She wore a long skirt which did disguise the bulk Gina could picture underneath. Gina could readily see that she practiced good hygiene. Her skin had a nice, healthy glow, and her wavy, shoulder-length black hair was clean and neatly coiffed. At one point the girl looked over at Gina and smiled, displaying a pretty face, nice white teeth, and sparkling hazel eyes. Gina's mind began to recall her younger years and how she, too, had tried to disguise her large figure. She had always been heavy, even though she participated in sports and other activities to gain exercise which helped reduce her excess weight. Gina was now 23 years old and had managed to trim her body to a respectable size (as her mother termed it). Her mother had constantly reminded her that no man wants a "fat girl" as she put it, so Gina had done what she could to lose a significant amount of the extra weight. This was her first interview for a real job, a teaching position at the Liceo. She was nervous, but confident that her education had prepared her well for the work she wanted to do. She hoped to make a good impression, intellectually as well as personally. She scanned herself once again and quickly pulled out a compact from her purse and looked at her reflection. The intercom buzzed on the secretary's desk. "Please send Signorina Capparelli in now." The woman looked over at Gina and relayed the message, then turned back to the girl. As Gina stood, the girl looked over at her and smiled once more. Gina smiled back at her and went through the door. The interview went very well, even better than Gina had hoped, for she was offered the position on the spot. She was surprised at how easy it had been. Her success bolstered her confidence, and she left the building with a broad smile on her face and a little skip in her step. She could hardly wait to get home and call her parents with the exciting news. When she got to the bus stop, she found the young girl there. Gina smiled at her. "Hello." The girl smiled back. "Hi." Gina sat down on the bench beside the girl. "My name is Gina Capparelli. I saw you in the headmaster's office earlier." "Yes, I know. I remember you. My name is Eva Cianci." "I'm pleased to meet you, Eva. Do you attend school there?" "Yes. You look too old to be a student there, and you look way too young to have children attending the school." Gina understood the unspoken question. "I was there interviewing for a teaching position." "So, how did it go?" "Actually, very well. I got the job." "Hey!! That's great!! Maybe I'll be in some of your classes. What will you be teaching?" "I'll be teaching physical education to start. The headmaster said I would be teaching other subjects later." Gina saw the disappointed look on the girl's face. "You look as if I had just assigned you to extra labor." She smiled at the girl. "Oh, no, I wasn't thinking anything bad. It's just that, well, you can see me, you can see my fat body. I'm not athletic at all. My mother is always on me about my weight, and I do try to lose it, but nothing seems to work for me." She looked down at her shoes as she spoke. "Oh, Eva, I know what it's like for you. My mother was the very same with me, and you can plainly see that I'm not thin by any means. I remember, vividly, what it was like to be an overweight teen, and I know it's not fun. Maybe we can help each other to shed a few pounds and stay fit. Would you be willing to help me?" Eva looked up and turned her face toward Gina. "But Signorina Capparelli--." "Please call me Gina." "But Gina, I can't even help myself. How could I possibly be able to help you?" "Eva, we can encourage one another by making certain we follow the rules of a healthy diet, and by pushing ourselves to get the proper exercise, but most of all, we can be friends and support each other through the hard times. You and I are blessed with big bodies, so we just have to do a few more things to keep ourselves in good shape. Being thin doesn't mean being in good health. We can be in good health and still be a little bigger than the average person. What do you think? Do you want to give it a try?" Eva's expression hadn't changed much, but she agreed. "Okay, Gina. I'll try it, but it'll be hard." "Good! Yes, it won't be easy, but we can do it." Just then, a bus arrived. "Oh, here's my bus. I'll be looking for you at school, Eva." Gina got up to board the bus. Eva got up. "This is my bus, too. We can ride together!" They got on and found seats together. "You know, Eva, I never realized just how small these bus seats are." They were forced to sit so close that their hips were pressed together. Eva giggled a little bit. "Yeah, I'm glad we're not real big." She put her palms flat against her thighs and leaned back. Gina wanted to study Eva's features, so she began by looking at the girl's hands. The fingers were long and slender, a somewhat unusual characteristic for someone of her size. Her nails were well-manicured, and the skin looked soft and perhaps pampered. Gina reached over and took one of Eva's hands into hers. She felt the softness as she caressed the girl's hand. "Your skin is so soft, Eva. It feels so lovely." Eva was tempted to pull her hand away, but decided to let the young woman hold it. Gina's touch was very delicate, and Eva liked the feel. "Thank you, Gina. You probably think I don't do any work by the way my hand feels, but I wear gloves when I'm doing my chores so the skin doesn't get dry and scratchy." "That's a good idea. You'll want them to be soft and smooth when you're holding hands with a boy, you know." Gina smiled at her and saw the color rising in Eva's cheeks. "I don't have any boyfriend." "Well, you will have. You're a very pretty girl, Eva, and when the boys get the chance to know you for the sweet person you are, they'll most certainly want to be holding your hand." Gina gently squeezed the girl's hand and put it in her lap with her own. Eva's hand was resting directly against Gina's lower abdomen. She could feel the heat from the woman's body and started to become uncomfortable about having her hand where it was. She glanced at Gina and saw that she was deep in thought, so she gently pulled her hand away, causing the woman to become aware of the situation. "Oh, I'm sorry, Eva. I didn't realize I was still holding your hand." "That's okay. I just needed to get something out of my eye." She rubbed at her eye, pretending to be removing the object. They continued talking about school and their families as the bus rolled along. The sky had clouded over, and it began to rain, lightly at first, then picking up in intensity. Eva muttered in exasperation. "This is a fine mess! I'm going to have to walk the four blocks to my house in this pouring rain!" "Where is your stop? Maybe it'll have let up by then." "Mine is at the end of the line. That's as close as I can get on the bus." "Oh, then you and I will get off at the same place. I live right by the stop." They rode on in silence for a bit, then Gina had a thought. "I know! Why don't you come in to my place until the rain stops? It'll keep you from getting soaked." "I don't know. Mom is expecting me home." "Well, you could call her from my home and tell her where you are and what you are doing. Maybe that would be okay with her, then." Eva thought about it for a minute as she looked out the window at the downpour. "Well, maybe I will come in for a while. Just until the rain lets up." "Good. I'll fix us some tea and we can talk more." Soon they had reached their stop, and the rain was coming down harder than ever. They decided to make a mad dash, with Gina leading the way. Once off the bus, they began running toward Gina's building, which was about 75 meters away. Eva was having trouble keeping up, so Gina slowed down a little. Finally they arrived at the building and dashed inside and stood in the foyer for a minute as the rainwater dripped off them. "We'll change out of our wet clothing when we get inside." Gina led the way down the hall. Once inside the apartment, Gina took Eva to the bathroom and they took off their wet outer clothes, leaving on their bra and panties. Gina obtained another robe and gave it to Eva, who was embarrassed to be exposing herself to a person she'd only known for a few hours. "Here's a robe, Eva. And stop being embarrassed. You don't have anything I don't already know about. Come on into the kitchen when you get your hair dry, and then you can call your mother." Gina left her to finish drying herself and went to the kitchen to get the tea ready. A few minutes later Eva entered the kitchen, her hair dry, and seemingly much more relaxed. Gina looked over at her and smiled. "You'll find the telephone in the bedroom, if you want to call your mom. I'll have the tea ready in about 5 minutes. That should give you time to make your call." Gina turned back to what she was doing, and Eva headed into the bedroom to use the phone. When Gina finished getting things ready, and while Eva was in talking to her mother, she gathered up the wet clothes and hung the ones which couldn't go in the dryer. Eva returned and said her mother was very glad that Gina had offered her hospitality on such an afternoon of dreadful weather, and that Eva should invite Gina to their home. As they drank their tea, Eva began to talk freely, telling Gina about her family. Her father worked as a merchant seaman and was gone much of the time; her mother was a perfectionist and demanded the same of her children; and she had a brother and sister, both older and gone from home. Gina detected a tone of loneliness in the girl's voice as she described her home life. At times the story was a mirror of her own younger days, and she wanted to go over and take the girl in her arms to comfort her. The young woman had taken a real liking to the young girl, partly because of the similarity between parts of their lives, but mostly because she simply liked her. The rain continued unabated, so Gina prepared dinner for them, with Eva's help. After dinner, Gina checked on the clothes to discover that the hanging ones were still pretty damp, but drying. It would most likely be another hour or so before they would be dry, and by then maybe the rain will have stopped. It was getting on toward darkness, and Gina wanted Eva to get home before then, if possible. "I hope your clothes dry soon, Eva. I want you to be able to go home while it's still light out." "Oh, I'll be okay. It's safe enough in this neighborhood. No one would be interested in my fat body, anyhow." She grinned wryly and began putting away the dried dishes. "Okay, young lady. There'll be no more of that talk, now. There's not a thing wrong with you except for your attitude. If you and I are going to tackle our weight issue, we both have to keep up a positive attitude." Gina went over to the girl and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. "So, please don't talk that way any more, Eva. You are such a pretty girl, and you are much too intelligent to let something like your size keep you down." "Thanks, Gina. I'm sorry about talking that way. I'll work very hard to change my thinking. I promise." "That's my girl." Gina pulled her close, feeling the girl's large breasts against her own. She kissed her softly on the lips as they stood together. "Just remember, Eva, you are a very beautiful young lady, and soon I know the boys are going to be chasing you." Eva made no effort to free herself from Gina's arms. "I don't care about that, Gina. Right now I'm just very happy that we met, and that you want me as your friend." Eva then tentatively kissed Gina's lips before they parted. The rain suddenly subsided, and Eva got dressed and went home with the promise that she would return the following day to help Gina begin planning for her first day of teaching, starting the next month. That night, in bed, Gina's thoughts turned to Eva, and how much like herself the girl seemed to be. Gina knew very well the kinds of hurtful things Eva had endured, and would continue to deal with. She wondered if Eva had begun exploring her body's sexual side. And, she wondered if Eva's response to her remark about boys implied anything. Gina herself had never had much to do with the boys. She did have a boyfriend for a brief time when she was about Eva's age, but the boy had only wanted sex, so they weren't together for long. She knew that she never cared any about a sexual relationship with a boy after that. Actually, she never really had many thoughts toward sex at all. That is, until now. For some strange reason, she seemed to be drawn to Eva. Why would she want to be sexual with the girl? She coauldn't answer the question, but she knew that the feeling was there. Maybe in the morning it would be gone from her mind. She rolled over onto her stomach and tried to go to sleep, but the thoughts persisted. Without realizing it, she had put her hand inside her nightgown and was masturbating. Once she became aware of her action, the desire for sexual gratification became paramount, and soon she was in the throes of an intense orgasm, with Eva centered in her mind. A few blocks away, Eva was in her bed, thinking about her new friend and teacher. Every night upon retiring, the girl would masturbate herself to at least one orgasm. This had been her practice since around the end of spring the previous year, the time at which she began exploring herself and learned of the pleasurable feelings produced by her fingers. This night was different, however, because she was aware of how much she enjoyed being held and kissed by Gina. The woman's touch had sparked a flame deep inside that had now enveloped her entire body. She could still feel the woman's softness, and the feeling spurred her toward what would be an overpowering orgasm. She lifted a breast to her mouth and began sucking herself as her fingers worked feverishly over her now-swollen labia and clitoris. She moaned softly, calling Gina's name over and over as she quickly reached the pinnacle of stimulation. She pummeled her spasming vagina and immersed herself in the crashing waves of the climax rolling through her. Afterward, she lay in a sweaty heap as her mind pictured Gina's nude form, silently calling to her with arms open and inviting. Eva was certain that she wanted much more from the woman than just her friendship. But, how would she let her know? She drifted off to sleep while pondering this question. Eva was awake early the next morning, and, before she got out of bed, she gave herself another tremendous orgasm as she fantasized about Gina. She knew without a doubt that she wanted to make love with the young woman, but at the same time she was wondering why She tried to remember if she had ever been physically attracted to any other female, but could only recall the brief phase of having masturbation fantasies about her sister, who had constantly paraded around the house wearing little or nothing. Eva had seen her sister's naked body many times, and once she started masturbating, she often imagined her sister posing provocatively just for her. She knew that it was only a passing thing, because she had also had the same fantasies about her mother. All of it had passed, but now as she focused on Gina, she had the feeling that these thoughts were somehow different. The reality of her environment penetrated her consciousness, and she heard the rain falling once again. "Dammit!!!," she grumbled to herself. She wanted so much to go to Gina's that morning. Gina, too, was awake early that morning and heard the rain. "Dammit!!," she grumbled to herself. She was very much looking forward to seeing Eva again that day. She wasn't sure of what she would do or say, but she did want to look upon the pretty face and bulky body, remembering how the girl looked while standing in the bathroom clad only in her bra and panties. Oh, my, those huge breasts!! And those lovely thighs, pressed together and concealing that prize of all prizes. Her hand crept to her waiting pussy, and the fingers entered and became instantly coated with her lubrication. She rapidly pumped them in and out as the fingers on her other hand squeezed and rubbed on her engorged clit. It was only a minute or so before Gina was overcome by her orgasm and collapsed into sexual delirium. She tried to sort out her thoughts, hoping to figure out what was prompting her behavior, but all she knew was that she was strongly attracted to the young girl. She knew the feeling was wrong, but the desire to make love with the girl had gained control over her reasoning. Gina rolled over onto her side, pulled her top leg up toward her chest, and reached over her hip to the slippery cunt. She loved the feel of her wetness, how slick everything became, and how sensitive that entire area of her body got when she was highly aroused, as she was then. She pulled her breast up to her mouth to suck the erect nipple as her fingers began to work on her excited pussy. She wanted to cum, pure and simple. No playing around this time either, just as before. Her cunt was spasming in no time at all as she imagined being between Eva's big thighs, licking and sucking every millimeter of the gir's crotch. As her cream flowed out of her hole, she repeatedly scooped fingerful after fingerful into her eager mouth. She loved the taste of pussy juice, at least her own, since she had never been sexual with another woman. She was sorely tempted to just stay in bed all day and masturbate over and over, but the ring of the telephone interrupted her erotic reverie. "Hello!" "Hi, Gina!" It was Eva. Gina's pussy began to awaken once again, and she quickly shoved some fingers into it. "Oh, hi Eva! I'm so glad to hear from you! What are you doing?" "Not much. Just sitting here watching the blasted rain coming down. What are you doing?" Gina's cunt was relishing the fingering it was getting. "Oh, actually I was just thinking of you." Her fingers were producing squishing sounds in her pussy. "Oh, really? What were you thinking about me?" Gina was already getting close to another climax, so she stopped fingering herself for a bit. Her breathing was beginning to get a little ragged, making talking more difficult. "Oh, I was just thinking how much I'm going to miss seeing you today, since it's raining again and you probably can't come over." This news thrilled the girl. "Well, I could still come over. I can put on some of my dad's rain stuff, unless he took it all with him this last time." Eva thought it sounded like Gina was exercising. "What are you doing, Gina? Exercising?" Gina stopped masturbating. "Umm, no, not exactly." "What do you mean, not exactly?" "I was just trying to reach some things underneath the bed. Why? Does it sound like I'm exercising?" "Well, a little bit. Anyway, I'll look and see if Dad left his stuff here. I was looking forward to seeing you today, too." Gina's hand had begun its ministrations in earnest now. She was silently closing in on another climax and couldn't stop herself this time. The walls of her vagina rhythmically squeezed her fingers as she moaned softly and fell back onto the bed in orgasmic relief. Eva clearly heard Gina's rapid breathing and moaning. "Are you okay, Gina?" Silence. "Gina! Are you okay?" Gina groaned an "I'm okay" into the phone. "Well, if you're sure you're okay, I'm going to go and see if I can find the rain gear. Hope to see you soon!" "Okay. Bye." Gina dropped the receiver onto its cradle and lay back on the bed, exhausted. She had been lying there only a few minutes when she heard a knock at the door. "Oh no! It must be Eva, already!," she said out loud to herself as she got up from the bed and pulled on her robe. She peered out through the peephole, and, sure enough, there stood Eva, dressed in rain garb. Gina opened the door and ushered the girl inside. "Well, Eva, you sure didn't waste any time getting here. As you can see, I haven't even dressed yet. Umm, let's see what we can do with the rain gear. I know. Go put it in the bathroom while I get some clothes on." Eva headed for the bathroom and Gina for the bedroom. Eva thought about Gina as she pulled off the rainwear, wondering if the woman was wearing anything under her robe. She felt her cunt moisten with this thought. She reached inside her shorts and felt of her wet panty crotch before going into the living room to wait for Gina to finish dressing. When Gina emerged from the bedroom, she went over to where Eva was sitting and pulled the girl to her feet and put her arms around her. "I must give you a proper greeting, my lovely Eva." She pulled the girl close and kissed her softly on the lips. Eva returned the kiss as they stood with their bodies touching from knee to shoulder. Eva smiled and hugged the woman tightly. "Oh, Gina, that's the best kind of greeting!" As they stood pressed together, Gina felt Eva's nipples harden, and guessed the girl wasn't wearing a bra, then decided to ask, "Eva, did you forget something today?" Eva looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Did you forget to put on a bra today?" Gina noticed that Eva's face was flushed, and she wondered if it was from embarrassment or excitement. "Umm, I forgot." "Yeah, I'll bet." Gina surprised herself when she put a hand on one of Eva's breasts and began to knead it gently. "But I'm glad you did. Oh, Eva, you have such a lovely body!" She continued to fondle the girl's breast as she kissed her again. Eva's heart was pounding with excitement. She couldn't believe that this wonderful woman was turned on by her. "Oh, god, Gina, you make me feel so special!!" She pulled up her t-shirt so the woman could directly touch her breasts. Gina leaned down and kissed the hard nipples. "God, how lovely they are! God, how lovely YOU are!" She took one of the erect nipples into her mouth and ran her tongue all around it and over the areola. "Ooohhhhh Gina!" Eva was nearly faint from the sensations caused by the soft tongue and gentle sucking. She held Gina's head against her breast, not wanting the thrill to end. "Please don't stop! Oh, I love it so!!" Gina began sucking greedily at the big breasts. Soon, both were glistening with her saliva. She stood up and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her braless breasts, then pulled Eva against her to feel the wetness on the girl's chest. "Eva, honey, I don't know what's come over me. I've never done this with another woman before, but I'm so attracted to you. I want you so much!!" She kissed the girl deeply, pulling their bodies tightly together. Eva was offering no resistance whatsoever. Quite the contrary, in fact. She was hungrily kissing the woman back as she rubbed herself against the soft body. "Oh, Gina, I want this so much, too! It's all I've been thinking about since last night when you kissed me for the first time. Please make love to me!!" Without a word, she led Eva into her bedroom, where they removed their clothes and lay down on the bed together. Eva lay on her back, submitting herself to the young woman's desires. They kissed passionately for several minutes as their hands roamed over each other's body. Gina kissed, licked, and sucked her way down to Eva's paunchy abdomen, where she buried her face in the girl's softness, luxuriating in the feel. She moved lower and kissed the mostly-hairless mound just above her slit. Eva was shuddering with excitement and anticipation as Gina quickly moved up to look in her eyes and whisper lovingly, "Io voglio leccarti la fica." I want to eat your pussy, roughly translated. Eva smiled and closed her eyes without replying, and Gina moved back down to the girl's swollen lips which were, by now, covered with the sheen of arousal. The young woman looked at the beauty before her as she extended her tongue and ran its tip along the outer lips, down one side and back up on the other. Knowing that Eva would most likely be cumming very shortly, she pushed her tongue into the sweetness, savoring the taste and feel. Her tongue had barely entered Eva's tunnel when the girl's body exploded in orgasm. Her vaginal muscles were pulling at Gina's tongue as her cream began to flow. Gina was treated to a sea of the thick fluid which she lapped up as quickly as it hit her tongue. Eva was pushing her crotch into Gina's face with fierce abandon, moaning softly and gasping for breath while holding the young woman's face against her spasming cunt. "OOOOHHHHHHHHH ooooohhhhhhhh yesss, oohhh yes, Gina!!!!!" Gina was in a fit of passion, also. As she tended to Eva's pussy, she was tending to her own at the same time. Her fingers brought on her spasms, and she sank to the bed, groaning with pleasure as her senses were overcome by wave after wave of bliss. They lay, one draped partially on the other, for several minutes. Finally Gina managed to drag herself off the girl and lay alongside her. Neither made any effort to talk until Eva rolled over toward Gina. "Oh, Gina, that was the most thrilling feeling I could ever imagine!! God, how I love this! I don't ever want it to stop! Please tell me that we can keep doing this!!" Gina opened her eyes and smiled up at Eva. The girl's big breasts were right in front of Gina's face, and she moved her head toward them so that she could take one of the nipples into her mouth. It felt so erotic to be sucking another woman's breast, she thought, as she began feeding from the girl. Eva reached over and stroked Gina's hair. "Oh, god, I never knew how good it would feel for another person to do that to me!! OOOooohhhhhh, bite it!! AAHhhhhh yes, like that!!" Eva reached down and began to masturbate herself, slowly at first, but picked up the pace quickly as Gina sucked hard on the girl's breasts. The combination of Gina's mouth and her own fingers had carried Eva to the brink very rapidly, and just a few strokes on her exposed clit sent her mind spinning as her body convulsed from her orgasm. Gina stopped sucking the girl's breasts and moved down to capture the flow of cream, now pouring forth from the beautiful crease. As Eva immersed herself in her body's sensations, Gina moved up next to her and kissed her parted lips. "Eva, you are a beautiful young woman, just as I've been telling you. Today you have helped me to realize my true nature, and I love you for helping me this way. All my life I have wondered why I've never had an interest in boys. It has been something I've never figured out, until now, and it is all because of you that I now know my true self." She leaned down and kissed the girl again, this time a deep, passionate, tongue-probing kiss that had Eva trying to wrap her whole body around her. She pulled the girl tightly to her in order to feel her softness, and to merge their bodies into one, one mind, one spirit, a perfect union. "God, I do love you, Eva! You have captured my heart, my whole being!!" Gina felt, then tasted, the tears running down Eva's cheeks as they held each other and kissed. She pulled her head back and saw that the girl was weeping silently. "What is it, honey? Tell me." Eva took a second to collect herself. "Oh, Gina, you have made me the happiest person in the whole world!! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I could be this hoppy, but it happened and I'm just overjoyed! I love you so much, and I know that I'll never love anyone else!" She smiled joyously as she wiped away her tears. Gina kissed the girl's eyes, then her mouth, with every ounce of passion in her mind. Eva thrust herself up against the young woman and kissed back with all the passion she could muster. After a few minutes, Eva moved down between Gina's legs and gazed into the first pussy she'd ever seen up close. The swollen outer labia were open and exposing the dark red inner lips. She touched them with the tip of her finger to feel their softness. "How beautiful you are, Gina!" She then lowered her face and licked along the open slit, tasting the essence. She tried remembering what Gina had done to her so she could emulate the older girl. A little awkwardly she began, and Gina told her to just do whatever she wanted and not be worried about anything. "I love the feel of you down there, sweetie. Don't worry about a single thing. You are making me very happy just being there. Use your tongue or fingers, and just do whatever comes to your mind. Anything you do will be wonderful." Eva shook off a little of the inhibition and stuck her tongue into the slit. It felt so warm and moist, even better than she had imagined. Licking her fingers, she realized, was nothing at all like licking the source. A few tentative licks and she was hungrily licking and sucking at Gina's sopping cunt. Inexperience didn't matter one bit. What Eva lacked in experience, she more than made up for in desire. She simply devoured Gina's pussy and brought her to a tremendous orgasm in no time. Eva was eager for her first taste of another girl's cream, and when Gina's began to flow, she avidly licked it up. By the time she was done, cum was smeared all over her, from eyebrows to neck. She then moved up on the bed beside the young woman and kissed her deeply. Gina licked the juices from Eva's face as they lay together. "That was marvelous, sweetheart!! Just as I told you, no matter what you did would be wonderful." They lay with their bodies pressed together for several minutes, listening to the rain hitting the window panes. Finally Gina stirred and made a move to get up, but Eva held on. "Where are you going? Don't leave me!" "Well, honey, I have to go pee. Don't worry. I'll be right back." Gina slid over to the edge and sat up. Eva rolled over to her and reached up and started to fondle her breasts. Gina giggled a little, and started to stand up. "Let go of me before you pull them off!" She turned around and tickled the girl, causing her to roll away, laughing delightedly. She then climbed back onto the bed and straddled Eva's waist, then began to tickle her unmercifully. After a few seconds, she let up, allowing the girl to catch her breath. When Eva could talk, she breathlessly told Gina she had better stop, or she would have a flood on her hands. "I have to go, too. You'd better stop it, or I'll be going all over the bed." She giggled and playfully pushed at Gina to get her to get up. They both got off the bed and went into the bathroom. When Eva came out, Gina had gone into the kitchen. Neither one had eaten breakfast, so she was fixing some fruit and toast. Eva had a seat at the table and watched Gina get the food ready. When Gina brought it to the table and sat Eva's down in front of her, the girl reached out and pulled the young woman close to her, pressing her face into Gina's abdomen and began kissing her way down to her pussy. Gina let the girl have her way for a bit, but Eva's attention was rapidly eroding her resistance, so she pulled away and told her to eat her breakfast. "You can eat me all you want, young lady, but first we're going to eat our breakfast, so, quit fooling around and get busy!" She reached down and teasingly tweaked Eva's erect nipples, then took her seat. Eva wanted to know if Gina had ever been with another woman, and Gina told her no. "No, I've never done this with another woman, even though I've thought about it many times. I think I told you yesterday that I had a boyfriend when I was 14. Well, I don't know for certain if I could actually call him my boyfriend. Back then I was a pretty big girl, much bigger than I am now, and I never expected to have any boy ever pay attention to me, but one boy did, and, of course, it thrilled me. But, as it turned out, really all he wanted was sex, and when he finally realized I wasn't going to give in to him, he quit coming around. At first I was really hurt, but after I thought about it for a bit, I knew that he really didn't like me for me, and I got over it. After that, I just never cared anything about boys." "When I went off to the university, I lived with girls who were always parading around without any clothes on, and I began to think about some of them sexually. I would fantasize about them when I masturbated, which was pretty often. But, even then, afterward, I would tell myself that I really didn't desire another girl. Then a day or two later, there I was, masturbating and imagining myself in bed with one of them. I never let on to anyone what I thought about, and I really did keep telling myself that I actually had no sexual interest in girls." Eva listened intently while Gina was talking. She then told the young woman what she was now feeling. "I guess I've been the same way as you, except I've never had a boy interested in me, in any way. I have been sort of wondering what it would be like to have sex with a girl, but I've always been too shy and embarrassed about my fat body to ever try anything. But, now I know this is what I've been wanting. Being with you today has helped me to know my true self, too. What we've done today has opened my eyes to the way I really am. It started last night when you kissed me. I thought about that, and about you, for a long time last night, and then this morning I realized that I wanted to be more than friends with you." They sat silently for a minute, then Eva continued. "One morning last week, I was up very early. I couldn't sleep, and I was in bed thinking about my sister, how she used to walk around the house with hardly any clothes on, always showing off her curves. Anyway, I was laying there, sort of looking out the window, even though it was still dark. But after a while, it started to get light, and then a little lighter so that I could begin to see things outside, then lighter until finally it was daylight and I could see everything outside my window. Well, last night and today has been like that for me. Like the light of dawn, you have made me see myself for the way I am, the way I want to be. I love you, Gina, and I hope you love me, too!" Gina had been sitting there looking at the girl as she talked. She got up and went around the table to her. She stood behind Eva, leaning down with her arms around the girl and her face buried in her neck. As she kissed her neck, she reached down and took Eva's breasts in her hands and began fondling them. "Oh, Eva, I do love you so much!! You're the dearest girl I could ever hope to know! Meeting you, becoming your friend, and now your lover is the greatest thrill I've ever felt!!! I want us to be together from now on, both physically and spiritually!!" Eva had turned her head and the two girls were kissing deeply. Gina continued fondling Eva's breasts, and the girl started masturbating herself. Gina lifted Eva's breasts, taking one in her mouth while encouraging Eva to take the other one into her own mouth. It was quite a sight to see Gina standing behind Eva, bent over sucking the girl's breast while masturbating herself, and Eva sucking the other breast while also masturbating herself. Soon, both of them were cumming hard. Gina had sunk to the floor and was leaning against the chair that Eva was slumped in. As soon as they had recovered, they got up and went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. In a few minutes Eva rolled over to Gina and laid her head on the young woman's stomach. Gina stroked the girl's hair as she thought about the past 24 hours of her life and the incredible changes that had occurred. It was almost overwhelming in some ways. In the space of that time she had met this 15-year-old girl and now was madly lusting for her while recognizing that she also had fallen in love with her. God, how could all of this have happened in so short a time!? The girl is only 15 years old! What is wrong with me? This can't be right! I have to resist these feelings! At that moment, Eva's tongue invaded Gina's thoughts. The girl had gotten to her knees and was leaning down into Gina's crotch and had her tongue in the still-aroused folds. Eva's big breasts were resting on Gina's stomach and hip. She felt their weight on her body, and it was very arousing. No!!! I have to stop this!! She looked up at the girl's butt sticking in the air next to her chest. The slit was wide open and glistening with excitement. Gina started to lift her hand up to the waiting trench, then let it lay on the bed, but only for an instant. Her will to resist was being defeated by the heavy breasts resting on her and the gorgeous pussy staring her right in the eye. Her hand went to it, and she slid two fingers inside. When Eva felt them, she pushed back onto Gina's hand, now forever a captive of the girl's body. She groaned audibly and pulled the girl's hips so that she was straddling Gina's face. Even at this point she still could resist, she kept thinking, but once her mouth came in contact with the compelling wetness, it was all over. Her will was broken. She buried her face deeply into the girl, seemingly trying to push her whole being inside. They sucked and licked at each other voraciously, each trying desperately to bring about the release for the other. They were both so engrossed that neither heard the telephone ringing. Finally Eva realized the phone was ringing and asked Gina if she was going to answer. Gina's highly aroused state was in her voice for Eva to recognize as she answered the phone. It was Eva's mother. "Eva, it's your mother." She handed the phone over to the girl. "Hi Mom. What's up?" Mrs. Cianci was a little perturbed by the fact that it took someone so long to answer. "What are you two doing over there? The phone rang and rang before Gina answered." "Sorry, Mom. I guess we just didn't hear it at first." "Well, I want you to come home right away. Remember, we are supposed to go to the market this afternoon, and I want to go now that it's stopped raining." "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Okay, I'll be home in a little while. We're right in the middle of something." Eva had straddled Gina's face during the conversation, and she once again pushed her cunt into the woman's mouth. Gina resumed sucking and licking her as she talked to her mother. "Not in a little while, Eva. Now. We have to catch the bus before too long, so get on home." "Oh, Mom!! Okay, I'll be there in a bit." She hung up the phone and told Gina that she had to go. "Mom wants me home right away. I'm sorry, Gina, but I have to go." Gina grudgingly let her go and watched her as she put on her clothes. "Will you be able to come back tomorrow?" "Yeah, I think so. I'll call to let you know for sure." She went into the bathroom and gathered up the rainwear and headed for the door. Gina followed her to the door and they kissed goodbye. "I love you, my sweet Eva." Eva leaned down and kissed Gina's breasts. "I love you, too! Forever!" She then went out the door and started for home. End of Part One