Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 17:23:11 -0600 From: B. S. Morrison Subject: THE LIGHT OF DAWN - 10 THE LIGHT OF DAWN -- 10 by Bonnie Morrison (Ff, MF, inc, ws) INSERT COPYRIGHT PROTECTION CLAUSE HERE. Thank you for abiding. In the last chapter, we saw that Elena is in control of her house, including her husband. She persuaded Vincente to believe that he only imagined Elena and Eva to be acting incestuously, but, in spite of Elena's efforts to convince him otherwise, he still had his doubts. Eva and her new friend, Aria, had their first spat, leading to Eva's early departure from Aria's house, right when they were in the middle of play. Will Eva and Aria make up? Will Elena have to again try convincing Vincente that it's all in his head? Find the answers to these questions, and more unwholesome entertainment, in Episode 10, The Light of Dawn, by Bonnie Morrison. THE LIGHT OF DAWN -- 10 The farther up the stairs he ascended, the more determined was Vincente to get to the bottom of this. He certainly didn't want to believe what he was thinking, but his mind was interpreting what his eyes saw in a way that both confused and disturbed him. The night before, Elena had managed to get him to admit that his suspicions were unfounded. Now, tonight, he was right back at the beginning. He reached the top of the stairs and went into his bedroom looking for Elena, who was in the bathtub. He heard the splashing and went into the bathroom. Elena was reading a magazine when her husband walked into the bathroom. She looked up at him expectantly. "What is it, Vincente?" Vincente suddenly realized that his confidence was wavering. He hesitated, then cleared his throat. "Elena, I want to talk to you about tonight." "What about tonight?" "It seems that you and Eva were being a little over-friendly tonight in the living room." "Vincente, are you going to start that again? I thought we had this cleared up last night, but now you want to start in again. I'm getting just a little tired of this!" Elena abruptly sat up, splashing water out onto the floor. "I just want to know what it is the two of you are doing. It looks very suspicious to me." "How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on? Your mind is playing tricks on you. I think you've been on that boat too long. It's made you lose all common sense. Do you NOT want to believe me when I tell you that nothing is happening between Eva and me? I'm starting to think that you need psychological help." Vincente was wilting under Elena's barrage. Downstairs just a few minutes earlier he was confident of his ability to extract the truth from his wife, but now, when it was apparent that she would not budge from her story, he began to have self-doubts. He was beginning to think that maybe she was right. Maybe he DID need counseling. After all, being at sea for such long periods did have an effect on him, on all of the crew. As the leader, he needed to be in top condition, especially mentally fit. And, right then, he didn't feel so fit. "Just what am I supposed to think when I see you two kissing and touching each other inappropriately, and whispering, and doing all of those kinds of things? Why wouldn't I wonder when I see these things going on, Elena?" "Vincente, just think about it. We both know that what you're suggesting you saw is wrong. How can you believe that I would ever do anything like what youre' saying? Do you honestly believe that I would do those things to my own daughter? If you truly believe that I could do such things, then I KNOW without a doubt that you do need to see someone to help you straighten out your thinking. God, I can't believe we're having this conversation again!" Elena flung the magazine onto the floor in disgust and began washing herself, ignoring her husband who stood silently for a minute. "Elena, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry about all of this." "And so you should be, accusing me of drawing your daughter into some kind of perverted affair. After all, Vincente, I'm only trying to give her the affection she doesn't get from you." "What do you mean by that?" "Just what I said. Eva loves you very much, but you have succeeded in building a gap between the two of you. She wants to be your daughter, but you won't let her." "I don't understand what you're saying." "Do you know why she never talks to you anymore? She doesn't talk to you because every time she wanted you to be her father, you only picked at her for being too heavy, or for playing her music too loud, or some other thing. You never show her that you love her. In fact, I've started to wonder if you do." "Of course I love her. That's a terrible thing for you to say." "If you do, you have a very strange way of showing it." They were silent for a minute, then Elena spoke again. "Vincente, I think you're saying all of these things because you think I no longer want your affection. I told you I was on my period, but I guess you don't believe me. Yes, I think you made all of this up because you are mad about me having my period and not wanting sex during that time." "Oh, Elena, why would I do something like that?" "I don't know, Vincente. Why would you? That's the question. Why would you imagine these things, when you know they aren't true? You've alienated your daughter, and now it seems that you are trying to alienate me, too. If that's your intent, you're well on your way to succeeding. Are you trying to get rid of us? That must be it. You must have someone else now. Someone in one of those ports where you stop. Is that it, Vincente? Do you have another woman now?" She stared at him and saw the look of utter confusion on his face. She smiled inwardly as she turned back to washing herself. Vincente stood there in bewilderment, totally speechless. He wondered if he truly was imagining everything. She may be right, he thought. Eva doesn't ever talk to me anymore. Maybe I do treat her the way Elena said. Maybe I do need to talk to someone about all of this. His mind was spinning with all these troubling thoughts as he walked out of the bathroom and got ready for bed. He lay awake for a long time, thinking about everything that had been happening, trying to make himself understand if it was his imagination playing tricks. He finally fell into a fitful sleep and tossed and turned the rest of the night. The next morning Elena was up early, before anyone else was awake. She was in the kitchen getting things ready to prepare breakfast. She got out the coffeemaker and put the grounds in and started to fill the reservoir with water when she remembered that she was going ot use the urine. She got the pitcher out of the cabinet below the sink and poured its contents into the coffeemaker and turned it on. This is going to be very interesting, she thought. They were all fairly quiet during breakfast. Elena poured her husband a cup of the "coffee" and sat it down in front of him. Eva looked over at her mother, who smiled and winked at her. Both of them watched Vincente without being obvious. He picked up the cup and took a drink, then looked at the cup as a questioning look came over his face. "Elena, what kind of coffee is this? It tastes different from before." "The store was out of your brand, so I had to get another kind. Is it not good?" "Well, it has an unusual taste. I wouldn't say it tastes bad, but it certainly tastes different." He took another swallow. Eva was doing everything in her power to keep from laughing. She looked at her mother, who had a solemn look on her face. Eva asked to be excused and went to the bathroom, where she giggled and snickered until she got herself back under control. "So, do you want me to pour out the rest of the pot and make another one?" "No, I don't suppose that's necessary. I guess I'm starting to get used to the taste now. No, I'll drink this." Elena went back to her breakfast without saying anything else. She noticed that her husband had not made any untoward remarks to Eva, and he was being polite for a change. She concluded, at least for the time being, that their conversation the night before had made him start to think differently about things. His acceptance of her special coffee was a good indication that he was consciously trying to alter his prior attitudes and behaviors. Before this day, he would have cursed and ordered her to throw out the coffee. She was guardedly optimistic. Elena looked over at Eva, who was eating her breakfast, then looked at her husband, who was looking at her. She decided to try something to test the outcome of the previous night's conversation with Vincente. She looked at Eva, as if to be studying her appearance. "Eva, you have ddropped something on the front of your nightgown." Eva looked down at herself. "I don't see anything, Momma." "It's on your right breast. You don't see it?" Eva looked again. "I don't see anything." Elena looked over at Vincente. "Vincente, you see it , don't you?" Vincente looked over at Eva and shook his head. "I don't see anything, Elena, but I can't be certain." "Well, I do." She got up and walked around to Eva, then reached down and started rubbing the girl's breast, as if to be trying to wipe off whatever it was she saw. She reached with both hands, cupping Eva's breast in one hand and wiping at her chest with the other. She rubbed for several seconds as she explained to Eva that she saw something on her nightgown. She was rubbing Eva's nipple through the material all the while, causing it to swell and show through the nightgown. Vincente watched this without saying a word. "Momma, are you talking about the stain on my nightgown? That's probably what you are seeing." Elena continued to rub her daughter's breast. "Oh. Well, maybe that's what I'm seeing. Yes, I do see the stain now. I thought it was something that had gotten there while you were eating." By this time, Eva's nipple was fully erect. Elena bent down and kissed her on the mouth, then went back to her chair. She looked over at Vincente, who appeared to be studying his coffee cup. She smiled triumphantly to herself. Vincente got up from the table and poured himself another cup of coffee, then went into the living room to read the newspaper. Early in the afternoon, Eva received a telephone call from Aria. "Hi Eva." "Hi Aria." "What are you doing?" "Oh, nothing much. Just sitting here. What are you doing?" "About the same, I guess. Just sitting here. We went out for lunch and just got home." "Oh, that sounds nice." "Um, Eva. Um, I'm sorry about yesterday." "Oh, that's okay, Aria." "No, I really mean it. I'm really sorry about the way I acted yesterday. I don't know what came over me." "Hey, it's alright. Those things can happen. Maybe it was the heat of the moment." Eva giggled a little, and then Aria caught on to Eva's meaning and started giggling. "Oh, Eva, I'm so glad you're not mad at me. I was really worried that you might hate me or something." "Oh, don't be silly. Why would I hate you? I understand." "Well, I'm really glad about that. I was really nervous about calling you." "Well, don't think any more about it. Okay? It's all forgotten, all in the past." "Okay. That sounds great to me. What are you doing this afternoon? Oh, wait. You already told me. You're sitting there." They giggled again. "You want to do something?" "Well, sure. Not like yesterday, though." "Okay. What are your parents doing?" "I think my dad is reading the paper, and my mom and sister are in the basement doing something. Can you come over?" "I don't know. My dad is gone for a while, and my mom is taking a nap. Let me go see if she's awake. I'll call you back in a minute." "Okay." Eva went upstairs to her mother's bedroom and looked in the door. Elena was lying across the bed and appeared to be asleep. Eva went in and walked over by the bed. Eva spoke softly to her. "Momma, are you awake?" Elena rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. "What is it, honey?" "I just talked to Aria, and she asked if I could come over for a while. Would it be alright if I went over there for a bit?" "What time is it?" "It's about 2:30." "Yes, it's alright. Be back by dinner." "Thanks, Momma." She bent down and kissed her mother. "I'll go call her and tell her I can come over." "Come back in here before you go." "Okay. I'll be back in a minute." She went out to the phone and called her friend to let her know she would be over, then went back to her mother's bedroom. "What else did you want, Momma?" Elena slid around on the bed and patted it signaling Eva to sit down. Eva sat down, facing her mother. "I just wanted you to know what is happening. Last night your father and I had another talk about his suspicions." Eva's eyes opened a little wider. "I believe he now thinks that everything he sees is just his imagination. You noticed how he just overlooked us this morning in the kitchen?" "Yeah! I was really shocked when he didn't say a word. I couldn't believe how you were just standing there playing with my tit and he never said a thing. Is that because of the talk you had last night?" "Yes, I think so. I think he now is seriously thinking that he has been imagining everything. I could tell by the way he was behaving this morning that something is different about him. And, did you know he drank nearly that entire pot of coffee?" They both laughed. "Oh, Momma, I almost laughed out loud when he took that first drink and made that face. And he ddidn't say one single thing! God, you must have really told him off last night." "I told him that he was making up all of it when I refused to have sex with him because I was on my period." "But you haven't had your period yet." "Yes, I know. But he doesn't. I think he's now starting to believe that he really has made up everything, but I may have to fuck him again, to help get him thinking the way we want him to think. Would that be alright with you?" "You do whatever you think is best, Momma. If you think fucking Papa is the best thing, then I agree. I'll agree with whatever you think will work the best." Elena pulled Eva down on top of her and they kissed deeply. Eva reached underneath her mother's blouse and fondled her nipples, then moved down and kissed her mother's crotch before getting up to go over to Aria's. "I'll be home before dinner, Momma." "Okay, honey. Have a good time." After Eva left, Elena decided to gather the laundry and get it started. She went into Eva's room to get her laundry, and while picking up the clothes, she discovered the bag containing the clothes Eva had worn at Aria's the day before. She could smell the urine the second she opened the bag. So, this is strange, she mused. She tossed the clothes, which were still damp, in the basket and went downstairs to the laundry room. Vincente returned home and came into the laundry room as Elena was sorting the clothing. "Elena, I think tomorrow we should go to the driving bureau so you can take the tests. And, while we're out, we'll go by the real estate office and see if they know whether our offer was accepted. That is, if you don't have plans for tomorrow already." "That's fine, Vincente. I've studied the guide and I'm ready to take the tests. And, it WOULD be good to know what's happening with the offer. What time do you want to go?" "I thought we could go first thing. Maybe beat the crowd that way. Is that alright with you?" "Yes, that's fine. Since the school is on the way to the driving bureau, maybe we could drop the girls off on our way." "Yes, we can do that. Okay. We'll plan on it, then." He went out and headed down the stairs to the basement. That evening at dinner, Elena told Eva about the plans for the next day, and Eva called Aria to tell her about the ride to school. The following morning Vincente pulled up at Aria's, and the girl came out and hopped into the back seat with Eva. "Good morning, Signor Cianci. Good morning Signora Cianci." Vincente said good morning and Elena turned in her seat to talk to Aria. "Good morning, Aria. I hope everyone at your house is well." "Yes, thank you. Everyone is fine. My mother says to tell you hello." "Well, you be sure and return the greeting for me." "Yes, I will." As the two were talking, Elena noticed Aria looking at the curve of her breast against her sweater. She thought about the urine-soaked clothes she had found in Eva's bag and wondered if Aria knew about Eva wetting herself. The girls were chattering away like two magpies. The way Aria had looked at her made her wonder if Eva had told her about them. Soon they arrived at the school. Elena got out of the car while the girls were getting out, and she kissed Eva, wishing her a good day. Aria came up to Elena and kissed her on the mouth. Elena felt the girl's tongue dart out and slip into her mouth, then their lips parted and Aria thanked them for the ride. Elena told them to ride the bus home if they didn't see the car when they got out of school in the afternoon. Elena passed her tests and the real estate agent said he had just spoken with the property owner to learn that the offer had been accepted, to include the furnishings. They would get possession in two weeks. Vincente was very pleased and said he planned to go to the house in the next day or two. Elena also was pleased and said she might go along, depending on how long he planned to be gone. The rest of the week whizzed by. Friday night, Gina was coming for dinner, and Eva was given permission to invite Aria. Elena agreed to make Vincente's favorite meal, a fish stew using shark. The mood was very festive, and Vincente got out wine that he reserved for special occasions. "I think tonight all of us will toast the evening with a glass of good wine." He poured glasses for everyone as Elena and Eva finished bringing the food into the dining room. When all was ready, they sat down and Vincente said the blessing. Then he raised his glass to toast the occasion. "We are gathered here tonight to celebrate a number of things. First, let us toast Elena for her success passing her driving tests." Everyone drank a toast. "Next, I am proud to announce that we are the new owners of a house on the beach." Another toast. "And last but not least, let us drink a toast to the success of our new teacher, and to the success of two fine students." This last toast emptied the glasses, so they began the meal amid plenty of conversation. Elena had put on her dress that she and Eva had found on their last trip downtown, the one with the cut-out bodice. Vincente had actually whistled at her when he first saw her in it, and the girls had several compliments for her. Elena felt very sexy and proudly displayed her ample cleavage. Throughout the meal, she noticed that Aria kept looking over at her. The girl's attention caused Elena to become aroused, and she felt herself moistening beneath her panties. There was something about Aria that excited her, especially after the way the girl had kissed her that morning when they left the girls off at the school. She wanted to show her that she liked the girl's attentions, and started thinking of ways to do that. After dinner, everyone helped get everything into the kitchen. Vincente was eager to go to the club and be with his friends, but he intended to wait until their guests had gone home, so he went into the living room to read the paper. Eva told Gina dnd Arid to come up to her room with her, but Aria said she would volunteer to help with the cleanup and would be upstairs just as soon as the work was done. Elena was secretly pleased that she would be in the kitchen alone with Aria. She planned to show herself off as much as possible and see what Aria's reaction would be. It turned out that she didn't have to elicit looks and comments from the girl. As Elena began cleaning the dishes prior to putting them into the dishwasher, Aria asked her about protecting her dress. "Signora Cianci, aren't you afraid of getting stuff on your lovely dress?" "Aria, I've been doing this so long that I imagine I could do it in an evening gown without risking the dress, so I'm not worried about it. But, thanks for the concern, and thanks for the very nice compliment about my dress. I'm glad you like it." "You're quite welcome. You look very sexy, if it's alright for me to say that." "Well, thank you, honey! That's very sweet of you to say so. I AM a little self-conscious about the amount of chest I'm showing, though." "Well, if you ask me, I think it looks great. I don't know how anyone could keep their eyes off of you." Elena turned to show herself fully and looked at Aria. "I noticed that you've been looking at me all evening, Aria." The girl blushed. "I'm sorry, Signora. I couldn't help it. You just look so sexy." Aria's face still showed red, so Elena quickly dried her hands and pulled the girl against her and kissed her on the mouth. "Don't be sorry about looking, Aria. I like it that you want to look at me." Elena shoved her big chest into the girl and let her hands drop down her back to her buttocks. "Do you like the feel of me against you?" Aria's voice was barely a whisper. "Oh, god yes!" She took Elena's rounded buttocks into her hands and pulled the woman tightly against her. "God, I love your body, Signora!" Suddenly Aria realized where they were. "What about your husband?" "Don't worry about him. He's in the living room with his paper. That'll keep him occupied for a good while." Elena stood back slightly and reached up to cup one of Aria's budding breasts, feeling of it through the material of her blouse and thin bra. "Mmmmm, honey, you're growing very nicely!" Aria reached up and felt of Elena's big breasts. "Oh, god, they feel so wonderful, Signora!!!" "Would you like to see them?" "Right now??" "Come over here with me." Elena led Aria to the laundry room, and they went in and stood behind the door. The kitchen light filtered into the room, making it easy to see. Elena reached behind her and unzipped the dress, then pulled it off her shoulders and let it hang at her waist. Her full, bare breasts hung invitingly within reach of the girl; she reached out and took both breasts into her hands, pushing them together as she felt the nipples swelling rapidly. Elena lifted the plump flesh and offered them to the girl. "Suck me, Aria. Momma wants you to suck her tits." Aria emitted a tiny squeal of joy and took both nipples together into her mouth and sucked voraciously. After a minute or so, Elena pulled them away and told her to unbutton her blouse and loosen her bra, which she quickly did. Elena unfastened the girl's pants and put her hand down inside under the panties and onto her very moist pussy. "I'm going to make you cum, honey. Let Momma feel your beautiful little tits against me while I make you cum! Ahhh, yes, that's it, baby! Let Momma's fingers in so she can make baby feel good." Aria's passion was so great that she was nearly delirious. The feel of Elena's diligent fingers and the big breasts against her bare skin were more than enough to bring on her orgasm. She moaned softly into Elena's shoulder as her body shuddered with pleasure through the pulsating waves. Her knees weakened as she started to relax, and Elena helped her over to a chair next to the table used for folding the clothes. She pulled Aria's blouse together and then straightened her own clothes before going back to the dishes while the girl relaxed. In a few minutes Aria re-fastened her bra and buttoned her clothes before joining Elena in the kitchen, where the woman was finishing the dishes. Aria stepped up behind Elena and hugged her, feeling the heavy breasts one last time. She whispered into Elena's ear. "Thank you, Signora. You made me feel wonderful." Elena turned herself so they could kiss. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, honey. So did I. Very much. I hope we can do it again. You better get on upstairs before the girls get suspicious." She smiled and patted the girl's bottom. After one final quick kiss, Aria smiled and went upstairs to find Eva and Gina. Elena's pussy was on fire by this time, and she was looking forward to fucking her husband later that night. It excited her to think in crude terms. Fucking. Pissing. Cumming. Cunt. Dirty words made her whole body tingle. Thinking them and saying them stirred her sexual emotions. She was eager to feel his penis inside her again and have him bring her to orgasm with his mouth. The next day, Saturday, they were going to the beach house; Vincente was eager to begin converting one of the outbuildings into his woodworking shop, and Elena was wanting to completely inventory and thoroughly inspect the house and furnishings before they officially took possession the following week. Gina and Aria were invited along, and Aria accepted, but Gina had planned a trip home to visit her parents. Spirits were high and the drive seemed much shorter because of the constant talking. Even Vincente got in on a little of it. As they turned in the lane leading to the house, a SOLD sign was prominently displayed facing the main road. By the time Vincente parked the car, none of them could wait to get out and have a look around. Aria was very excited and expressed her delight to Eva. "Oh, wow, Eva!! This is SO cool out here!! I can't wait to see inside!!" Vincente unlocked the door and let Elena enter first, followed by the girls. He madde a cursory inspection, then went out the back door and headed for the building where he planned to put his shop. Eva went to the bathroom, leaving Aria and Elena in the kitchen. "Oh, Signora, this is such a beautiful place!!" "Thank you, Aria. I'm very pleased that you like it. We'll be spending a lot of time out here, and I hope you will be along with us." She smiled as she looked into the girl's eyes. She saw a sexual desire in the way Aria looked back at her, and she went over and kissed her passionately. The girl returned Elena's kiss with the same fervor as she groped for the big breasts. Elena whispered to her. "Oh, honey, I want you so much right now!! Momma wants her baby to eat her pussy. Does baby want to eat Momma's pussy?" Aria didn't say a word as she knelt down and lifted Elena's dress to find herself staring at a bare pussy. "Oh, god you sweet child!! Make me cum, baby!! Do it quickly!!" She opened her legs and the girl started licking and sucking wildly on her. Elena's desire was already at a fever pitch, and it took only seconds to reach orgasm. She held Aria's face tightly against herself as the waves of pleasure coursed through her body. They moved into the bedroom off the kitchen, the one Eva had claimed, and collapsed onto the bed. Elena licked herself off Aria's face as they held each other. "Aria, you're such a sweet baby. Momma loves you very much and wants to make you feel good, but I know that Eva will be coming out of the bathroom any time. I promise to make it up to you very soon, sweetie! Will that be okay?" "Oh, Momma, I'm so happy that I made you feel so good!!! God, I love you so much!! I wish we could be together like this all the time!! I want to make you feel good whenever you want me to!!" "Oh honey, you're my special baby. We'll be together many, many times from now on!" Aria rubbed her clothed crotch against Elena's bare thigh as they kissed deeply once again. Aria whispered to Elena that she wanted to taste her again, and she moved down and got between the woman's legs. Elena knew she should stop her, but her passion was too high. She lay back and let the girl have her way and was cumming once again in no time at all. Aria was in heaven and couldn't take her mouth away. She licked and sucked and swallowed every drop of the woman's cream. As Elena regained her faculties, she realized that Eva was still in the bathroom. She got up from the bed and went to check on the girl. "Eva, are you alright in there?" "Yes, Momma. I'm just having trouble going to the bathroom. You know how I get whenever we have your fish stew. I'm sorry. I may be in here for a while yet. Does anyone need to use the toilet right away?" "No, we're fine, honey. I intended to remind you to take something this morning. I'm sorry I forgot." "That's okay, Momma. I'll be fine. I'll be out in a while." Elena was about to go back into the bedroom when Aria called to her from the living room. "I'm in here, Signora." Elena went over and sat beside her on the sofa. "Aria, I want you to stop calling me Signora and call me by my name. Okay?" "Okay. It'll make me feel funny, but I'll do it." "Eva is constipated from dinner last night. It happens every time we have fish stew. I forgot to have her take something this morning." "Oh, that's too bad. I'm the same way after I eat cheese. I love it, but it doesn't love me very much." They sat and talked for a while and then Eva finally came out of the bathroom. All three felt satisfied, but for different reasons. It was around 3:30 p.m. when they were ready to return home. They dropped Aria off at her house because her family had plans for that evening which included the girl, so she bid them goodbye as they drove on toward home. Vincente had not been to his club for several days, and he was very eager to go see his friends again, so after dinner he went on over there. He told Elena that he would be home by midnight. Elena and Eva sat down to watch their Saturday night television programs. They didn't need a blanket to conceal their busy fingers this night, since Vincente was at the club. By the time the shows were over, both of them were very aroused, and both had very full bladders. They went up to Elena's bathroom to play. Elena quickly stripped down to her panties and went over to Eva, who was stepping out of her jeans. Elena reached around and took Eva's breasts into her hands. "God, I love your tits, honey! They're almost as big as mine, and they feel so good!" Eva leaned back against her mother and sighed. "Oh, Momma, I love for you to play with them! Mmmmmm, pinch my nipples, Momma. Pinch hard on them! Oh, yes, that's it!! Oh, god, that feels so fucking good!!! Momma, I have to pee really bad!" "Let's get into the tub and you can pee for me, baby. Come on, step on in there!" Elena knelt down and Eva stood over her and let loose with her hot urine. It flooded her panties and flowed freely through to Elena's waiting mouth. After a few seconds, Eva reached down and pulled her panties aside letting her stream wash all over her mother's face and down onto her breasts. Elena fingered herself as she let the hot stream flow into her mouth and all over her face and body. When Eva's flow ceased, Elena got up and passed a mouthful of the girl's urine into her mouth as they kissed. "Okay, baby. Momma's turn." Eva knelt down with open mouth in anticipation of the golden elixir. Elena forced her stream through her panties and into Eva's mouth. The girl drank thirstily until Elena reached down and pulled her panties aside, just as Eva had done, and began spraying her urine all over her daughter's face and chest. When she was empty, Eva stood and passed her mouthful of urine over to her mother as they kissed passionately. They stood together, both drenched in the other's urine, and now shivering from the cool air in the house. "I think a hot shower would be good about now, honey. I mean a hot shower with regular water." Elena smiled at Eva and pulled her naked body against her own. "It IS a little cool in here, Momma. I think a warm shower would feel very nice, especially with you there." Eva wiggled her breasts against her mother's. They pulled off their pee-soaked panties and tossed them onto their clothes, and Elena shut the tub enclosure while Eva was adjusting the water temperature. While Eva was bent over turning the taps, and purposely exposing her open pussy, Elena knelt down behind her and pushed her face between the girl's parted legs and slid her tongue into the slippery vagina. Eva pushed back against her mother's face. "Oh god Momma!!! Oh, fuck my pussy with your tongue!! Oh fuck that feels so good!!!" Elena was inspired by Eva's dirty talk and worked her tongue vigorously in the girl's crease. It had taken some doing, but Elena had finally gotten Eva to use foul language when they were being sexual with one another. Eva didn't really care to use that kind of language, but she knew how much it aroused her mother, so she agreed to it. "Oh, god, Momma!!! You are such a nasty cunt to do that to my pussy!! Mmmmmm, fuck me, Momma!!! Fuck my cunt and let me cum on your face!!!" Elena was fingering herself as furiously as she was tonguing her daughter's pussy. Soon they both were moaning in sheer orgasmic pleasure, and ended up in a heap on the floor of the tub. Soon they were up and showering, washing each other lovingly and relishing the heat of the water as it warmed their bodies. After finishing, Elena stepped out to dry off, leaving Eva to dry herself in the tub where some residual heat from the hot water was trapped by the tub enclosure. The clock on the bathroom wall read 10:50 p.m. as Elena glanced at it. Elena reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle from behind some things on the top shelf. She turned and handed it to her daughter. "Here, honey. Put this on me." Eva saw that the bottle had no label. "What is this, Momma?" She unscrewed the lid and sniffed the contents. "Mmmmmm, this smells good!!!" "It's some edible body oil I ordered out of a magazine. It's almond flavored, with a bit of cloves mixed in to give it a nice aroma. Put some on your finger and taste it. You'll like the way it tastes." Eva put a fingertip over the opening and turned the bottle up , then licked the finger. "Mmmmmm, yes, this is very yummy!!" "I'll let you decide where on me you want to put it." Elena looked at her with a naughty grin. Eva smiled broadly and poured a little into her hand. "I get to put this anywhere I want. Correct?" "That's right. Any place on me you wish." Eva sat the bottle on the vanity and spread the lotion onto both hands, then stepped behind her mother. She reached around and cupped the woman's breasts and started rubbing the lotion onto her. "Since this stuff is edible, we MUST put plenty on these." She teased the erect nipples as she rubbed the lotion around. She poured a little more onto her hands and knelt down to spread it on Elena's soft buttocks and onto the inside of her thighs. After finishing, she poured out more and moved around to Elena's front. "Okay, Momma. Now I'm going to work my way down to your cunt. I'm going to rub this stuff all over it, and then I'm going to eat you up!!!" She applied some to Elena's stomach and lower abdomen, then decided to give her breasts another layer. She got up and went to the vanity for more, then returned to her former spot and began smearing the lotion onto her mother's full breasts. Eva heard to top step squaking as Eva was getting more of the oil, but the sound didn't register with her immediately. Thoughts about what Eva was doing to her body interfered with the instant recognition that Vincente must have come home early. As Eva began applying the second layer to Elena's breasts, the woman whispered to her that she heard Vincente outside the bathroom doorway, and he was probably watching them. Eva continued to casually apply the oil, moving down to her mother's crotch and rubbing a liberal amount between her legs. As she spread the oil onto her mother's pussy, Eva realized that it was hard to tell which was slicker-the oil or her mother's lubrication. Elena decided to call out to her husband, to see if he was outside in the hallway. "Vincente, is that you out there? Come on in!" Vincente shoved the door the rest of the way open and stood looking at them. Elena could tell that he was very tipsy. He started to speak, hiccupped, then leaned against the doorjamb. "Just what do you two tink you're doing? It looks like I've caught you this time!" Eva got up from in front of her mother and hastily wrapped a towel around herself. "What are you talking about?" "I saw what she was doing to you!" "And, just what do you think you saw? It happens that we are putting moisturizer lotion on each other." "Oh, no you don't! I caught you this time!" Elena reached over to the vanity and picked up a bottle of moisturizer lotion and handed it to her husband. "Here. This is what Eva was putting on me. Open it and have a smell, then smell me. Go ahead. Open it and smell." Vincente removed the top and sniffed at the lotion, then lurched over to Elena and sniffed at her. The moisturizer lotion was very close in fragrance to the body oil, and Vincente obviously wasn't able to distinguish between the two. He grumbled and grunted and said nothing. "See? Moisturizer lotion. That's what we're puttong on our bodies, because we have dry skin from the dry air in the house. You just won't accept it, will you, Vincente? You can't accept the fact that we are doing nothing forbidden or immoral. You and your perverted mind. I think you better find yourself a doctor to see about your mental state." Vincente stood there, unable to respond to Elena. He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds, then opened them, not sure of what he might see. He looked around the room and realized he was in the bathroom. His wife and daughter were there; Eva was wrapped in a towel, and Elena was rubbing some moisturizer lotion onto her legs. At that moment, he wasn't sure why he was there. "Honey, I'm sorry you had to hear this, but maybe now you see what I've been telling you about your father's mental state. Come on, Eva. We'll go to your room to finish this." She grabbed the two bottles off the vanity and they went out of the bathroom and into Eva's room, closing the door behind them. Vincente sat down on the side of the bed and took off his shoes. He was mumbling inaudibly and shaking his head. He laid over and fell asleep. END OF PART 10