Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 13:37:27 -0400 From: Steph and Jenn Thornhill and Granato Subject: the perfect love, chapter 2 By: Stephanie and Jennifer Disclaimer: In a lot of states, if you're not 18 or 21, you're not allowed to read this. If you are in one of those states, and you still choose to read this, we are not responsible. The story doesn't contain sex or sexually explicit material as yet. Right now, it's just about love and being loved. Hope everyone enjoys!!! Chapter 2 The day before school was scheduled to start, Amanda and her mother walked up to the main doors of Ridgemont High School and into the office. Once inside, an older woman behind the desk filled helped them to fill out all the paper work. Amanda spent most of the time looking around. The school was kind of nice. It was about the same size as her school in Tampa had been. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard for her to meet people. Maybe because it was a new school and a fresh start, she could walk up to a few people and talk to them. After all the paper work was finished, the older woman, whom Amanda found out was named Mrs. Burke, asked if she'd like to take a quick tour around the school and see where her classes were going to be held. As they walked down the halls, Mrs. Burke said cheerfully, "Now normally, we wouldn't just let students come down here when the school's not open, but since you're new... well, I don't see any problem with it." "Thank you for showing me around. It will help a lot when school starts," Amanda replied. "Oh dear, it's no problem. I just hope you have a great year with us. To make sure that you'll have no problem finding all your classes or meeting a few people, I've arranged for a few people in the student council to show you around and keep an eye on you at first." "Thanks... I'm sure that'll be helpful." After she got home, she went through her clothes trying to figure out what she should wear the next day. She ended up choosing some black Jncos and a blue Birdhouse shirt. After a dinner of take out pizza and making sure that she had all her things ready for the next day, she laid down. She wondered what the next day would hold for her. She was more nervous than she'd been in a long time. Eventually, she drifted off into a nervous sleep. ***** Nicole got home from Jamie's house around 9 at night. She, Jamie, and a few other friends had all gone out to see a movie and grab some dinner before they were supposed to go to school the next day. It had become a ritual almost. They always got together before the first day of school. Still wound up from the day, she decided to watch a movie up in her room before she went to bed. After popping in her favorite movie, Dogma, she laid back on her bed. Half way through the movie, her mind once again began to drift back to the day a week before. What was supposed to happen? How would she meet the love of her life? So far, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "Unless you count Jamie's little brother," Nicole mused to herself. "That boy is just plain weird sometimes." After Dogma was over, Nicole put in one of her other favorite movies. This time it was Lost and Delirious. "God, I'm so not tired. I'm gonna have a helluva time getting to bed," she thought. Finishing Lost and Delirious, she decided to watch one last movie before heading to bed. "Drum Line... that movie kicks ass," she thinks dimly. Toward the end of the movie, she too fell asleep. ***** *BUZZ*BUZZ*BUZZ*BUZZ*BUZZ* Amanda sluggishly threw her arm in the general direction of her alarms clock Turning it off, she sat up. Rubbing her eyes to rid them of sleep, she padded into the bathroom next to her room. After turning the water on in the shower until it was almost scalding, she began to strip out of her clothes. Underneath her baggy t-shirt and boxers, she had quite a nice body. A slender throat led to nice, firm, teacup breasts. Below that was a slim, taut stomach. She pulled back the shower curtain and stepped under the stream of steaming water. With the water running over her body, she began to relax completely. Quickly washing her hair and body and rinsing off, she stepped out and dried herself. She wrapped herself up in a towel and walked back to her room. She slipped into her undergarments and slid on her Jncos and a blue Birdhouse shirt, ran a brush through her long, blonde hair. A quick check in the mirror and she was out the door. She hopped on her Mongoose bike and pedaled away toward school. ***** Stretching out lazily, Nicole turned onto her side and continued to enjoy her leisure activity. Standing up, she glanced around the room. Noticing her new backpack, something clicked inside her head. In a panic, she grabbed her alarm clock and stared at it for a second trying to comprehend that it was really and truly saying 11:30 A.M. "SHIT!! I'm late for school!!" she yelled. Barely taking time to shower and grab her things, she rushed out of the door and jumped into her Jeep. Squealing tires down the road, she races to school. She pulled into the school parking lot and jumped out of her Jeep. Throwing her bandana on, she pushed through the front doors of the school and reluctantly went into the main office. Seeing the woman she'd been hoping to avoid, Nicole takes a deep breath and puts on her most impressive smile. Nicole began, "Hi Mrs. Burke! Great to see you again today. And isn't it just a wonderful day out today! Why I'd love to-" "Save it Nicole," said Mrs. Burke. "What was it this time? You had to save your uncle from a desperate band of marauders. Or let me guess! Your mother's gall bladder exploded and you had to perform emergency surgery." "Why Mrs. Burke, if I didn't know better I'd swear you were being sarcastic with me." "Why Mrs. Taylor, would I ever be sarcastic with you?" "Course not! I'm too nice to be sarcastic with. But I digress. I just needed to pick up my schedule for class and I'll be out of your way. At least until the next time my mother's gall bladder explodes," Nicole replies still smiling. "Well, congratulations. You've made it just in time for lunch. Here you go. Have a nice day." Without looking at it, Nicole takes her schedule and leaves the office and heads for the cafeteria, suddenly feeling very strongly that something great was going to happen soon. ***** Sitting quietly at a table where she knew no one, Amanda ate her lunch. Kids were laughing all around her, but Amanda still had the strange feeling that someone was watching her. The feeling of being watched had always made Amanda squirm a little. Getting the courage to glance up, she notices a girl with curly, black hair staring at her from the other side of the cafeteria. Having confirmed that she actually was being watched, Amanda picks up her tray, dumps it in a hurry and flies out of the cafeteria, accidentally bumping into another girl on her way out the door. "Sorry," Amanda mumbled quickly before hurrying past. ***** Nicole spies Jamie from the doorway and calls her name. Before she can make it over to Jamie, a shorter, blonde girl bumps into her and quietly mumbles an apology. "Damn," she said, "some people are always in such a hurry." Finally getting over to Jamie without further incident, she sits down in her usual seat. "So where were you all day?" asks Jamie. "I overslept just a little bit. I was up late watching movies," she replies. "Oh, okay. Oh! Guess what!!" "No idea." "There's a new girl in school." "Cool. Where's she at?" At that, Jamie put her head down and started grinning guiltily. "What did you do Jamie?" asked Nicole knowingly. "Well... I was just playing around a little bit." "Jamie! Playing around just a little bit for you is throwing knives!" "All I was doing is looking at her a little bit." "In other words you were staring at her all day?" "I couldn't help it! We had first and third block together! It was too tempting!" "God," Nicole said, rolling her eyes and smiling, "You really can be such an ass sometimes." "Yeah, I know," laughed Jamie. "Anyway, who is she?" "Well, she would normally be in here... but... ummm..." "Jamie... did you scare her off?" "Maybe... Kinda.... Yeah..." "Like I said... a total ass," said Nicole laughingly. After a few more minutes of idle chatting, the bell rang and everyone began to weave their way out. As Jamie headed down one hall, Nicole turned the corner to head to gym class. Nicole was one of the rare students that actually liked gym. It gave her a chance to get rid of some of the pent up energy she always had until volleyball or soccer season started. Unfortunately, today she got sidetracked looking at a bunch of posters from last year's advanced art class. ***** Nervously, Amanda tried not to look at anyone as she quickly stripped out of her jeans and t-shirt for a pair of newly issued cotton shorts and t-shirt. This time she didn't feel anyone staring at her. She just felt nervous about changing in front of everyone. After changing, all the girls headed out to the main room and took their place on the bleachers. In just a few minutes, the coach walked out into the room. "Good afternoon ladies," said the coach. " Since today is the first day, I'm going to let you all just pretty much do whatever you want. Just as long as you're not sitting around doing nothing, you're okay for the day. I'm going to be finishing up some paper work, but if you have a question, just let me know." All the girls went into groups and started half-heartedly playing games. Amanda never saw the tall girl come in late for class. In fact, she was so wrapped up in her own world, she didn't notice her at all during class. Soon though, the coach stood up and told them all to have a seat. Sitting down, the girls soon settled down. "Okay girls, listen up," said the coach loudly. "At the end of every class, one of you girls is going to stick around and help to pick up some loose equipment. When I tell you it's time to go, you can take a shower if you like, or just grab your stuff and go. Make sure you look at the bulletin board on your way out. The sign up sheet for volleyball tryouts is posted. Any information you may need is on there, but if you have any questions, just come ask me. I'll be in my office until around 4:30 or so everyday. Okay... today, I'm going to have Nicole go around and pick up all the basketballs since she decided to grace us with her presence a full 15 minutes after class started." This was treated with jeers and catcalls from a few of the students who Amanda assumed knew whoever Nicole was and were giving her a hard time. "Okay, go ahead and get going," finished up the coach. With that, the girls began filing into the changing rooms. Amanda decided to stay behind and try to make some final baskets. She'd put the basketballs up when she was finished. She was sure that the coach wouldn't mind. ***** "Man... why the hell do I have to be the one to put all the balls up?" muttered Nicole rather loudly. "And to top it off some idiot has to be playing ball while I'm trying to clean up!" ***** Hearing what the other girl was saying, Amanda got more that a little irritated. "Fine," she thought, "Let her think whatever she wants. I'll just shoot a couple of quick shots and then I'll go." Picking up one ball, she lined up the shot and threw the ball. It sailed in perfectly. **** Nicole stood and watched the shorter girl shooting. Her first shot went right in. All net. "Hey... not too bad of a shot," she thought. She continued watching as the girl lined up the second shot. She threw the ball and it sail in a huge arch toward the basket. Bouncing off the backboard, it flew directly toward Nicole. It hit Nicole right against her arm, which caused her to drop the net she'd been using to collect the basketballs. Watching the newly freed balls roll all over the floor and feeling the ache in her arm, she could feel the anger well up inside of her. "Fuck!" she yelled standing up. "What the hell kind of shot was that?! I mean, damn, if you can't make a shot, at least don't try to hit me with the fucking ball!" ***** "Oh God... what happened?" thought Amanda. "Shit, how do I get outta this one?" She picked up the ball laying near her foot and walked nervously toward the taller girl who had, for the moment, stopped yelling. She held out the ball in the direction of the other girl. Looking up, she locked eyes with her. "I- I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to hit you," stammered out Amanda. ***** The shorter girl looked up at Nicole and in an instant, Nicole felt every bit of anger drain out of her. The girl was gorgeous! But it wasn't just the girl's beauty that caused the anger to fade. Nicole's entire body felt like little sparks were going off inside. She looked at the girl and knew that the connection that had been formed would never be broken if it was given the chance to grow. "Oh my God," escaped from Nicole's lips in a barely audible whisper before she had a second to think about it. ***** Amanda saw the girl staring at her and panicked. She pushed the ball into the girl's hands and quickly turned and ran out of the room. "Wait!" she could hear the other girl calling. "Please, just wait one second!" "What was that look she was giving me?" she thought once she was out of the room and around the corner. She noticed an unusual feeling in her stomach. Not quite nervousness, but something... something she couldn't quite put her finger on. ***** "Wow," said Nicole quietly. "Who WAS that? I have gotta figure out a way to talk to her." ***Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let us know what you think! Loved it, hated it, wish it would blow up? Anyway you feel about it, write us and let us know what you think. We'll write back to everyone that we can :) Bye till next time!!***