Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 15:06:57 -0400 From: num lfl Subject: The Murderess This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. The Murderess By: nudcjul ( Let me tell you how I ended up meeting the murderess and how she became a part of my life. My farther died in an auto accident when I was six and this had a profound effect on my mother. They were very much in love and she felt like a part of her was forever missing. Her problem and thus my problems began when she started to take a drink or two at night to help her sleep. Then she started drinking earlier and earlier in the evening. Eventually it got to the point where she was drunk by the time I got home from school. As adolescence arrived, I began to resent the lack of attention I was getting at home, so I started getting into trouble just to get some attention. When I was fourteen I really did something stupid, I decided to rob a convenience store. To this day, I don't have a clue as to why I did this. I had seen it done in a movie so I though I could do it and get away with it. Of course, I fucked it up royally, the store I picked had an older woman running it and she was not scared of my gun, which I guess, she could easily tell was fake. She kept talking to me as she got the cash from the register and I could not get her to speed up. She went on and on about why a pretty-young girl like me would do something like this. "What would my parents think?" She would repeatedly ask me. That line really hurt, as my parents were not there to care. I screamed back at her that my farther was dead and my mother was a drunk. Anyway, she kept me there until the cops arrived and they took me into custody. I ended up getting sentenced to four years in a juvenile detention center. I was not there long before I realized that this was not somewhere I wanted to be. They made us go to school during the day and I tried to do my best. My mother visited a couple of times but I told her to fuck off. She was not there when I needed her and I could make it through the rest of my life without her. The only person I ever heard from was the woman that I robbed. She wrote me once a week trying to encourage me to do my best. I never wrote her back but I did read her letters and for some reason, I kept them. About six months after I got there a rumor started to go around about a new girl who supposedly had murdered her father. Then the rumor was that she murdered her mother and father and finally I heard that she had murdered her whole family. As it turned out the first rumor was closest to the truth. They kept her away from everyone else so that is why the rumors got worse and worse. She ate after everyone else and went to school in the evenings after everybody had left the classrooms. I never got a good look of her but with they way they kept her away from everyone, she must had been one bad girl. I did my time and on my eighteenth birthday, they let me out and sent me to a halfway house for six months. If I kept out of trouble and got a job then I was free and my arrest record would then be sealed. I first roomed with a girl who only had a month to go. She showed me around the place and explained all the rules to me. I found a job at a nearby fast food place. Then week after my roommate left, I was told I would be having a new roommate the next day. The roommate turned out to be the girl who murdered her father or family, I never knew which it was. I could not believe that they would ever let her out of prison. Usually they transferred girls like her to an adult prison when they turned eighteen. That night all types of things went through my head like her getting up in the middle of the night and cutting my throat wide open. The morning arrived and I began to work my self up telling myself that I was not going to take any shit off her. She did not scare me and I would let her know that. She arrived about midmorning and after spending a couple of hours with the woman that ran the house; then I got to meet her. The first thing I noticed was how pretty she was. She had long blond hair, a very shapely body, and small but nice breasts. The second thing I noticed was that she was even more scared of me than I was of her. Introductions were made and I found out her name was Karen and I introduced myself as Missy. She was turned over to me and I was told to show her around and then to start helping her find a job. I told her where to put her stuff and helped her make her bed. I told her about everything that she had to do as we all had our chores to do and if we did not do them then we went to an adult prison to finish out our sentences. We also had to find a job and hold it before we could we be freed. She did not talk much and only answered my questions with a word or two. I really did not know what to think of her as the day went along. She stayed close to me as I introduced her to everybody there. She even helped me clean the kitchen and helped me fix supper, as it was my night to do that. I told her that she could stay up in the room and rest if she liked or even go outside and enjoy the fresh air but she stated that she would rather help me. Therefore, I showed her what to do and she did it. She turned out to be a much better cook than I was and everyone actually liked what I fixed for the first time since I had been there. We cleaned up the kitchen and then went in to the community room to watch TV. She sat beside me on the couch even though there were other seats empty. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get away from her. After spending almost 4 years crowded in with hundreds of other girls, I liked my space but she was not giving me any. We watched TV for a few hours then went up to bed. We took a shower and then climbed into our beds. "Who did you really kill? When I was at the detention center I heard a lot of rumors but no one really ever knew." I asked after a few minutes and after I had gotten my courage up. It was one of those questions where you not completely sure you wanted to know what the answer was, but my curiosity got the best of me. She was quite for a couple of minutes before she answered, "I never knew who my father was, then my mom married Hank when I was ten. At first, he was ok and he treated my mom and me good but then he started drinking and doing drugs. Then when I was 12, he got mad at my mom and beat her up. The next morning he was sorry and she forgave him. He was ok for a couple of months then he came home and mom must have said something wrong and he really beat her up. She ended up in the hospital but when she came home, she took him in again. It went on that way for a couple of years. He would get drunk and beat up my mom. No my fourteen birthday my mom set up a little birthday party for the three of us but he did not show up so just the two of us celebrated my birthday. Later that evening, I woke up to angry sounds coming from the kitchen, I got up and went into the kitchen. There I found him beating the hell out of my mom so I went to the phone to call the police. He came after me, saying he was going to kill me then he was going put my mother out of her misery. He had a softball bat by the phone and I grabbed it and swung at him as he came through the door. I was just trying to protect myself but my aim must have been better than I thought as I caught him on the side of the head and down he went. He stayed on the floor and there was blood coming out of his nose and ears. I called an ambulance for my mom and when they got there, they found him and said he was dead. It was in self-defense but the judge did not see it that way. He stated that since Hank never hit me it could not be self-defense. There was a lot of publicity about the case so he could not send me away for life but he made it so that I would get life if I got into any trouble while at the juvenile detention center. The warden knew all about me when I got there and she thought I got a bad deal from the judge. She understood where I was coming from as she had come from the same situation. Therefore, she separated me from everyone else so there was no way anyone could pick a fight with me. If I was always by myself, there was no way I could get into trouble. I knew why she did it but I was so lonely there." I could hear her crying and I had to admit I had a few tears coming down my cheek. I thought my life had been bad but compared to hers, mine was a walk in the park. I really felt for her, I would not want to be by myself for 4 years even if it was done to protect me. I wanted to go to her but I didn't. I know I should have, she needed some comforting, but with my background, I did not know how to give it. A little while later I heard a change in her breathing and I knew she had cried herself to sleep. I eventually went off to sleep but at least now I knew why she was separated from everyone and that she really was not a murderer. Sometime during the night, I woke up to strange noises in the room. I looked over at Karen and from the little light coming from the window I could see her twisting in her bed. The sheets were tangled up around her and she was moaning and crying out in her sleep. I knew she was having a very bad nightmare. I did not know if I should wake her up but as the nightmare seem to get worse, I knew I had to do something before she hurt herself in her sleep. I went over to her bed and sat on the edge. I was unsure of what to do so I just started talking quietly to her. I knew not to restrain her but I gently rubbed her face. She knocked my hand away a couple of times so I talked a little louder and gently shook her. She finally woke up and there was fear in her eyes as she looked at me. It scared me a minute but then she seemed to recognize me. She then rose up and hugged me tightly. It took me by surprised me and I was not sure what to do so I finally hugged her. I stroked her hair and face while telling her that she was just having a nightmare. She was crying and her nightgown was soaked in sweat. It took me about 30 minutes to get her calmed down. She had only one nightgown so I gave her one of mine and then helped her down to the bathroom to take a shower and get the sweat off her. She was shook up so I had to help her get undressed and into the shower. I had seen many girls naked but never one so pretty and the fact that she was so vulnerable made her even more so. She took her shower and got dressed and we went back to our room. Her bed sheets were wet from her sweat so I told her she could sleep with me and we would wash the sheets in the morning. I got over to one side of the twin bed, she climbed in, and we pulled the sheet up. I was lying on my back and she was on her side facing me. We lay there for a minute then she slid over against me, put her arm around my side, and hugged me as she put her head on my shoulder. I know she just wanted some contact after four years of being alone. I had never felt anything for another woman before but there was a stirring in my body. I woke up first the next morning and I looked over at her innocent face. She looked so peaceful lying there; I did not want to disturb her. A few minutes later, I realized that I was stroking her arm that was lying across my body. I did not know when I had started do that or why. She woke up a few moments later and smiled at me then went back to sleep. I kept on rubbing her arm and hair until nature told me I had to get up. I gently shook her awake and told her that I really had to get up. She giggled and rolled over allowing me to get out of bed and I headed to the bathroom. She came into the bathroom a minute or two later carrying our toothbrushes and some toothpaste. We brushed our teeth and washed our faces then headed back to the room. After getting dressed, we went down to eat breakfast and as we ate, I told her about an opening on my shift at the fast food place that I worked at. I told her that I would call the manager and see about getting her an interview. The previous afternoon I would never have dreamed of getting her on with me but now I really wanted to help her all I could. I called him when he got into work and he told me to bring her in an hour before my shift was to start. I spent the rest of the morning giving her pointers of what to say and not to say. By the time we were ready to leave, she was scared out of her mind and almost in tears. She had never gone to an interview before and it was very important to get a job. "You will do just fine." I told her as I took her into my arms and hugged her tight. "You will be there with me won't you?" She asked as she calmed down. "I can't go in with you for the interview but I will be waiting right outside. Don't worry, the manager is a pussycat. I told him how well you work and how bad you need the job. You have the job already." I was stretching the truth a little but I needed her to be calm and relaxed during her interview. It seemed to work as she gave me a small smile. When we got there, I introduced her to the manager and he took her back to his office. I gave her hand a squeeze before she followed him. This was all I could do to encourage her. I spent the next hour praying that she would get the job. With all the shit that had gone wrong with her life she needed something good to happen. When she finally came out, I could tell she had been crying and my heart fell but she came up to me and gave me a hug. "I go the job! I got the job! Thank you so much! I get to start immediately and the manager said that you would show me what to do." Karen shouted into my ear. "I told you that you would get the job." I said and then I let out a sigh thankful that she did. She called the halfway house and told them where she was and that she got a job. It was a very busy night and I did not get a chance to ask her about the interview until we were walking back home. As we walked, she told me that she had decided to tell him everything and he would either hire her or not. That is why she had looked like she had been crying, because she had. I was not sure I would have done the same thing but it worked for her. She also told me that the manager had said that I was a very good worker so if she was a friend of mine then he probably could not go wrong. She then said that now she had something on me so I had better be good to her or she would start being a bad worker to make me look bad and then she laughed. It was the first time I had ever heard her laugh and probably the first time she had laughed in years. We walked and talked on the way home. We were both too wired to sleep so we talked late into the night before falling to sleep. Again, I woke up hearing noises coming from Karen's bed. I got up quickly this time and went over to her bed. She seemed to have just started the nightmare. I decided to stop it before it got really going. I crawled into the bed with her and drew her into my body. As I did this, I started talking to her again telling her that it would be ok. As I started caressing her face with my hand, she woke up. She was surprised the see me in bed with her. I told her that she was having a bad dream again. "What is the dream about, maybe it will help to talk about it." "It is weird. It's like someone or something is after me and I cannot get away. No matter what I do or where I go, it is always there. I never had this dream when I was in the detention center and it scares me so much." Karen said as she started to cry. I hugged her tight for a few minutes before I said anything. "Maybe when you were there no one could get to you, you were protected. Now that you are free, you feel that it can get to you. However, you know what, it really can't, I am here and I will not let anything or anyone get to you. You are as safe as you ever was. There is nothing to be afraid of." I was not as sure of my words as I hoped she would be. She looked me in the eyes to see if I was telling the truth and I did my best to convince her. A smile slowly came to her face and she kissed me on the cheek. She pushed me on my back and laid her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair until I heard the sound of her breathing change and I knew she was asleep. I was not sure what I had just gotten myself into but it was too late to turn back now. I eventually fell asleep and slept better than I had in a long time. The next day went along with nothing-unusual happening until we got off work and were getting ready to go to bed. She had a look in her face that looked like she wanted to say something but was afraid to ask. I tried to figure out what it may be then it hit me. "Would you like to sleep over here with me?" "Would you mind?" She said as relief sweep over her face. "No, I would not have offered if I did not want you to." I said as I crawled into bed and held the sheet open for her. "Thank you!" She said as she jumped up, turned off the light and was in my bed in a flash. We settled down in the bed with me on my back and she was on her side facing me. She then kissed me on the cheek, this time the kiss lingered a little longer. As she laid her head on my shoulder, I put one arm around her and gently rubbed her back as the other hand stroked her arm. Her body was so soft and warm against my body. I felt my nipples begin to harden and my vagina began to get moist. Being locked away for most of my puberty, this was all new to me. I had never been attracted to anyone before, much less another woman, but now I was. If I were attracted to women, I would have thought that all the girls at the detention center would have brought that out but it didn't. I knew she was fragile and could be hurt very easily so I knew I had to watch myself. I could not reject her now when she needed me the most. I figured I had fucked up again and I knew no way out. I eventually fell asleep and was dreaming about her, when I felt her begin to twist in my arms. I turned on my side facing her and started kissing her forehead and gently waking her up from her nightmare. When she woke up, she looked me in the eyes. There was a strange and very different look in those eyes. What she did next surprised me even more. She stared into my eyes a moment then she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. Her lips were soft and warm and despite myself, I responded. I gently pushed back against her with my lips. Moreover, when she opened her mouth slightly, I did too. The kiss did not last long but the effects stayed with me for the rest of my life. After the kiss, she pushed me onto my back and laid her head back on my shoulder. I am not sure either of us slept much the rest of the night, we just held each other like two lost souls who had finally found a home. The next morning neither of us said anything about the kiss. We went on about our day and went to work that night. As we walked home, that night Karen slipped her hand in mine. I was not sure what to do at first but then I did what seem natural. I squeezed her hand. My palm got moist holding her hand and it felt nice having that contact with another person. We walked the rest of the way home hand in hand. When we arrived, we talked a while then got ready for bed. I don't know who was more nervous but we both seem to know something was up. I got into my bed first and she looked at me. I smiled and pulled up the sheet for her. She smiled and turned off the light. As she got into the bed, I did not lie on my back but this time I lay on my side facing her. We stared at each other not saying anything. I could hear both of our breathing quicken as we lay there. Neither of knew what to do next and seemed to be waiting for the other to make the first move. I decided to do just that. I moved my hand to her face and moved the hair off her cheek. I left my hand there caressing her cheek. Her breathing quickened and she closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, I moved my head closer and kissed her. When our lips touched, it felt like electricity going through my body. Our lips came together then parted before they went back together harder. The kiss became more and more passionate. She put her arm to my side and pulled me in close to her body. I opened my mouth and she did the same. I moved my tongue into her mouth and it touched her tongue. She was hesitant at first but then she pushed her tongue against mine and we kissed with our tongues playing with each other. We kissed for a few minutes then our lips parted and we caught our breath. We stared at each other not saying a word. As I looked at her, I thought I saw a tear in her eyes. I pushed her onto her back and the light from the window and I could see that she was crying. "Are you Ok? I did not mean to scare or hurt you." I told her. She answered me by slipping her hand behind my neck and drawing me down to her and we kissed again. I squeezed her tight and returned the kiss. I kissed her lips and then kissed the tears from her eyes. As I kissed her face and neck, I brought my right arm around and put my hand on her breast. I was not sure what she would do but she seemed to like it. The breast felt warm and soft but still firm. Even through the material of her cotton nightgown, I could feel her nipple harden. I squeezed the breast and ran my finger around her nipple. This brought a moan to her lips. I continued to kiss her lips and neck as my hand explored her breasts. My own body was responding to all of this. My nipples were getting hard and my pussy was getting moist. I had never been this turned on my life. We did this for a few minutes then I wanted to feel with going through the material of her nightgown. I moved my hand down trying to get it under her gown but she stopped me with her hand. I thought I had gone too far and she was going to stop me before we went any further. Instead, she pushed me off her and she sat up in the bed. She got the bottom of her gown and lifting her ass she brought the gown up and then over her head. She threw it onto the floor and sat there in the dim light so that I could see her breasts and the nipples sticking out. I brought my hand up and caressed first one then the other. They just filled my hand and the nipples were hard sticking out about a quarter inch. I wanted to put my mouth on them and suck but again she stopped me. She was starting to frustrate me as she kept stopping me when I wanted to do something. She moved me to the center of my bed and straddled me. She took my nightgown and pulled it up and over my head. My breasts were smaller than hers were and my areolas were larger than you would think compared to the size of my breasts. Karen looked down at me then lowered her head to mine and we kissed. My moved my hands first to her back caressing it, then they went down to her sides, and finally back to her breasts. I cupped them in my hands as we kissed. Once the kiss ended, she kissed her way down my face to my neck and finally to my chest. I had to release her breasts as her mouth kissed me between my breasts. She moved over to my right breast trailing kisses along the way. When her lips found my nipple, I sighed loudly. She took my breast into her mouth and sucked. Her mouth felt so good. I put my hand behind her neck and held her to my breast. She sucked and licked it and a long while then went to the other breast. She took this nipple into her mouth and sucked hard. My whole body seemed to shiver from her attention to my breasts. She licked and sucked my breasts and she brought her hands to them and caressed them as she used her mouth. Occasionally she would gently bite a nipple. Eventually I felt her hand slide to go down my stomach. I knew that when her hand reached the crotch of my panties she would find them soaking wet. As her hand reached my pussy, I opened my legs for her and then I felt her first touch the top of my pussy and the wetness there. I was so embarrassed but she did not seem to mind. She stroked her fingers lightly over the top of my panties. I felt myself getting close to a climax as her fingers stroked my outer lips through my cotton panties. About the time I though I would get off, she stopped. She paused a moment then I felt her put her fingers at the top of my panties and she slid them down inside. Her fingertips gently touched my clit then went on down to my labia. She stroked the outer labia then dipped a finger down between my inner labia. I was moaning now and I did not think I could not take any more of this. Her mouth was still sucking on my nipples and when her fingers hit my clit and stroked me there, I arched my back and had a massive orgasm. Wave after wave washed over me and I thought I was dying it felt so good. I must have blacked out at this time. When I came back around I was lying back on the bed and I found that Karen had moved down between my legs. She smiled at me then put her hands at the waistband of my now soaking wet panties and began to pull them off. I lifted my hips and let her pull them down and then off. She then got between my legs spreading them out wide exposing my pussy to her. I felt my outer lips open as she did this. I had a full bush and I could smell my own aroma from where I had just cum. Karen bent down and kissed my pussy sending shock waves through my body. She licked the juices from my pubic hair then went to my lips. Her tongue went up and down my slit. I opened my legs even wider and pushed my hips up against her mouth. She licked the outer lips repeatedly before finally dipping her tongue into my slit. It felt like her tongue was going straight to my soul. I was twisting my head and had a hand full of the sheets in my hand as she licked. When she took my clit into her mouth, I cried out to her "Oh yes that feels so damn good!" I was beyond caring if anyone heard me. She sucked and licked my clit until I almost came then went back to my vagina licking me there. I was wanting to cum so bad by now. Her tongue went deep into my pussy and I could feel it move against the walls of my pussy. I could not believe how good she was making me feel. She sucked and licked me without letting me cum. She finally went back to my clit and as she sucked it into her mouth, I came hard. She continued to lick and suck me until my orgasm ended then she licked the cum flowing from me. I finally had to pull her off of me. She came up and lay beside me. I turned on my side and kissed her, tasting my own juices on her face. I had tasted them before when I had masturbated but this was so much more erotic. I kissed her all over her face and lips. I then slowly made my way down her body. I kissed her neck from ear to ear, as she began to emit little moans. I went on down her body to her chest. I cupped her breasts in my hands and I lowered my mouth to a nipple. I was finally able to taste her breasts. I sucked it into my mouth and I felt her nipple grow a little harder and longer. I sucked and licked it for a few minutes and I felt her hand go behind my neck holding me to her breast. My tongue teased the nipple then I used my teeth to bite it gently. She squealed with delight when I did that. I eventually moved to the other nipple doing the same to it. I worked one then the other breast squeezing them as I licked and sucked. After a few minutes of this, I felt her gently push me down and I knew she needed to cum. I kissed each nipple one last time then kissed my way down her body. When I got to the top of her panties, I could smell the sweet aroma of her juices. I had been around only women for the past four years seeing them naked and was never once interested in doing anything with them but Karen was different for some reason. I only wanted to please her. It was like all of a sudden everything made sense to me and I knew this was right. I kissed my way on down over the top of her panties. I tasted a woman for the first time and I liked it. I kissed her lips and heard her moan. I then put my hands around the edge of her panties and pulled them down and off. As I got back down between her legs, she raised her knees and then spread them out wide opening herself up to me. I could just see the outline of her lips in the dim light. Her blond pubic hair was a lot sparser than mine was and her outer pussy lips covered her inner so that I could just see the split of her pussy. I had never seen anything so sexy in my life. I ran my fingers up and down her slit feeling the moisture and warmth. I finally had to have a taste so I lowered my mouth and kissed her at the top of her slit and kissed my way on down. I then licked the outer lips getting the juices there. I moved to the bottom and using just my tongue to lick up her slit. She moaned loudly when I did this. When I got to the top, I could just feel her clit sticking out and I felt her shudder with a small orgasm. I let her ride this out then went back to licking her slit only now pressing my tongue into her slit. I was rewarded with more juices and I felt her move her hips in response. I licked her this way for a while then I used my fingers to spread her lips so that I could go deeper into her pussy. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her and she moved her hips toward my face trying to get my tongue even deeper into her. I moved my tongue around in her then went back to licking her lips and up to her clit that was now peeking out of its hood. I sucked and licked it bring her close to an orgasm but stopped short. She moaned as my mouth left her clit and went back to her pussy. I licked her some more and when I went back to her clit and as I brought it into my mouth she had an orgasm. She closed her thighs against my head and rode out her climax. As she did this, I sucked out all the cum she was producing. When her thighs released my head, I gave her one more kiss and crawled up beside her. We kissed and stroked each other for a long time just enjoying the feeling of having love in our lives. Neither of us had felt this for a very long time. We eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning when I woke up we were still in each other's arms and I saw that Karen was awake and was silently crying. I pulled her in tight and kissed the tears running down her cheeks. "What's wrong?" "I am scared you won't like me anymore after what we did last night. I don't know if I could handle it if I scared you away." I had to smile at what she had said. "You know you did not have to force me to do anything. I was a very willing partner in what happened. I will admit that I had never thought of doing anything like that before but now I am glad that we did what we did. Nothing has ever felt so right in my life." I reassured her. I leaned in and kissed her. She was hesitant at first as if she wanted to make sure that I meant what I had said. Then she returned my kiss with a passion. The heat grew between us as the moments passed. Our hands explored the other's body. My hands stroked her back, breasts, and then her ass cheeks. O felt her hands doing the same to me. I rolled her onto her back and pushed my pussy against hers. She wrapped her legs around my hips as she pushed her hips up against mine. Our pussies rubbed against each other and I could feel her clit rub against my own. Our juices mixed as our mouths continued to be glued together. It was as if neither of us could get close enough to the other. I moved my knees up and out opening more of my pussy to hers. We drove against each other driving each other closer and closer to a climax. I came first, I moaned aloud, and she followed closely behind. We were both breathing hard as our orgasms ended. I smiled down at her and kissed her softly on the lips. She smiled back and hugged me tight. I laid my head on her shoulder and soon fell asleep as she ran her hands up and down my back. We slept that way for a couple of hours and when I woke up; Karen was no longer crying but she was smiling back at me. I kissed her knowing that maybe I had finally found a home with love in it and she was that love. We laid there in bed a few minutes enjoying the feeling of holding each other then we realized what time it was and that we still had our chores to do before work that afternoon. We jumped up and took a shower to get the scent of sex off that was on us. We each took a shower stall and quickly took a shower then got dressed. She had the community room to clean and I had the kitchen to clean. There were probably about 20 women there at that time so both rooms were messy and needed a lot of cleaning. We both tackled each room together and were able to get everything done with a little time to spare. We ate a light lunch then got ready for work. We went down to the community room and watched part of an old movie that was on TV as we waited to go to work. As we sat there side by side, she slipped her hand in mine. I admit I was afraid that someone would come in and see us holding hands but it was worth the risk. After acting tough for four years, it was nice to let my guard down and be who I really was. I just never realized that who I was turned out to be a lesbian. That night we were very busy. I think most of the city came in to get something to eat. We barely had time to rest the whole night. We did finally get a ten-minute break together about ten that night. We went out back, sat on the curb, and talked a minute. Karen slid in next to me and when there were no cars coming in the drive-through she kissed me. It was a short kiss but a nice one all the same and it made me want more. This girl definitely got my motor running. It was after 12 before we were able to leave and on our walk home, again she slipped her hand in mine. I squeezed it tightly and relaxed my grip but never let go of her hand. I felt like a young girl going out on her first date and in a way, I guess I was, since I had missed my teenage years stuck in a detention center. When we got back to the home, we both realized that we needed to take another bath as we both had worked up a good sweat at work. We were running around so much and the cooking and serving area was hot that night. We stripped out of our clothes, put on robes, and headed for the bathroom. As she stepped into a shower stall I so wanted to join her but I was afraid of being caught. I was not sure how they would feel if we got caught making love in the shower. That pleasure would have to wait for another day. I got into my shower and washed the sweat from my body. After the shower, I felt refreshed and nervous, as I knew what we would be doing soon. We got back to the room, dropped our robes, and faced each other naked. We looked at each other a moment and then came together for a kiss. It was soft and sensuous but too short. She pushed me back as the kiss ended and began to towel dry her shoulder length blond hair. I got the blow dryer and quickly dried my hair, which did not take long as I have always kept it short. Once I was done, I got her hairbrush and helped her to finish drying her hair. When it was mostly dry, I put the dryer down on the bed, and sat down. I then spread my legs out, and padded the area between them for her to sit down. She turned around and sat on the edge of the bed between my legs. I took her brush and began to brush her long hair. It had just enough natural curl in it to make it want to tangle. Once the tangles were out, I continued to brush her hair. I used one hand to brush it and the other to follow right behind the brush. I took it from the top of her head to the ends and start again. Her hair felt so soft to my fingers and I could smell the shampoo that she had used. It seems it was the most surreal and erotic thing that I have ever done in my short life. I noticed that Karen's breathing had slowed down and I glanced around her and could see that her eyes were closed. She seemed lost in her own world. I don't know how long I brushed her hair but I knew I did not want to stop and Karen seemed to be in no hurry to stop me. I did eventually stop and I laid the brush down. I moved in close to her and kissed her on the shoulder and then on the other shoulder. As I kissed her back, I wrapped my arms around her chest. She gripped my arms and held on. I moved my kisses to the back of her neck. When I kissed the nape of her neck, I heart her moan. I had found one of her erogenous zones and I continued to kiss her there. Her hands moved to my thighs, she stroked them, and I moved my hands to her breasts and cupped them. I gently caressed the soft tissue and took the nipples between my index finger and thumb. I gently pinched and twisted them. Karen was moaning almost constantly as I kissed her neck and played with her breasts. I did this for a while longer then moved a hand toward her pussy. When it got there, I found that she was wet. She moved her butt to the very edge of the bed and opened her legs for me. I ran my fingers up and down her slit a few times. My fingers were soon coated with her juices. I pressed my middle finger a little deeper into her, parting her lips. I brought my finger up to her clit finding it enlarged and very sensitive. Karen moaned loudly as I circled her clit with my finger. I did not let her get off quite yet but instead went back to her pussy. This time I inserted my finger into her pussy. She was very moist and my finger slipped right in. I inserted it to my knuckle and then brought it back out. I pushed it back in and began to fuck her with my finger. I went slowly for a few minutes then sped up. Karen gripped my thighs and pushed against my finger. I was still playing with her breasts with my other hand and as I continued to kiss her neck. When she got closer to a climax, I brought my other hand down to her clit and rubbed it as I fucked her with my finger. She squealed and brought her hips completely off the bed. I had trouble keeping my fingers in and on her but soon I heard an "Oh my God" escape her lips as her vaginal walls gripped my finger. Her orgasm lasted a long time then my finger slipped out of her, she slid off the bed, and she ended up sitting on the floor. I had to smile as I watched her recover from her orgasm. I turned around on the bed and lay on my stomach facing her as she sat on the floor and put my arms around her shoulders. I kissed her cheek and hugged her tight. It took her a few minutes to recover and when she did, she turned and kissed me hard. Her tongue went into my mouth and we kissed with our tongues caressing and exploring the other's mouth. I knew her motor was still running and she had not had enough yet. Before she could do anything, I pushed her onto her back and I slid off the bed. I moved her out from the bed and spread her legs. I got down between them and placed my mouth on her pussy. I started by licking up her cum I had just caused. I heard her say "No stop I want to do y..." but when my mouth found her clit, she shut up and only moaned. I sucked it into my mouth and circled it with the tip of my tongue. She moaned and pushed her hips up against my mouth. I sucked and licked her clit for a moment then went to her slit and began to lick up her juices. I moved my tongue up and down drinking in all that I could. I then used my fingers to part her lips and pushed my tongue as deep into her opening as I could. I moved my tongue along the walls, licked, and teased her. Karen was going crazy with what I was doing to her. When I circled her clit with my tongue teasing it but still not using enough pressure to bring her off I heard her cry out with the need to cum. I went back and forth between her clit and pussy, but never letting her get off. When I knew she could not take any more, I moved my mouth to her clit and sucked hard and using my tongue to lick it. She squeezed my head with her thighs and bucked beneath me. I continued to lick and suck her driving her from one orgasm to another. I think she was up to three when she pushed my head from her pussy and her thighs released my head. I gently licked the cum from her lips and then looked up at her. She had her eyes closed and there was complete bliss on her face. She was about half-asleep when I got up beside her so I pulled down a pillow, placed it under her head, and covered us up with a sheet. I curled up next to her and held her tight. She quickly fell asleep and it did not take me long to follow her lead, even though I had not been satisfied I was content with giving her pleasure. Sometime during the night, I woke up from a great dream. Karen and I were making mad passionate love. I tried to stay asleep not wanting the dream to end but it was a losing battle. When I finally came out from the dream I found out it was not completely a dream. I was lying on my back and Karen's hands were caressing my breasts and nipples. Her mouth was lightly caressing my pussy lips. Karen looked up at me about this time. "You thought you were going to get away without me returning the favor didn't you? Well I had other plans." She said to me. Before I could answer her, I felt her lips press down in on my clit and she sucked it into her mouth. That stopped any words from coming out of my mouth, what escaped was a long moan. She sucked and licked my clit with her tongue bringing close to cumming but she eased her mouth off from my clit and went back to licking my slit. I watched her a moment then laid back and enjoyed what she was doing to me. Her tongue swirled around my pussy up and down my lips and then into my pussy. I heard myself moan and I gripped the old carpet in my hands. Soon I felt a finger enter my pussy. I felt it slowly go deeper and deeper and then she left it there and began to lick my clit gently. Her finger began to move in and out of my pussy and the licking on my clit became more intense. I pushed back against her finger wanting more and she pressed a second finger into me. She fucked me faster with her fingers and her mouth clamped down on my clit. I lifted my hips off the carpet as I felt myself closing in on a climax. She pushed harder and harder with her fingers, I clamped down with my pussy on her fingers, and I climaxed. My body convulsed and I felt the release of the sexual tension she had built up in me. As I came down, I felt her fingers ease out of me and her mouth replace then. She cleaned the juices from my pussy, came up, and kissed me and I tasted my juices on her mouth. I wanted to return the favor but she held me down and laid her head on my shoulder and we fell back asleep. The next few days we continued our routine of working and making love at night. I noticed as the days went along that she opened up more to other people. It was as if she was blossoming into a completely new person. I was at first afraid that she would grow apart from me but actually we grew closer together. I think, as she was growing more open, I was also opening up. The hard shell that I had built around myself was also cracking and she was the one cracking it. It was about two weeks later that I got my mail from the detention center forwarded to me. Of course, the only letters I had ever gotten was the letters from the old woman that I had robbed. She had never stopped writing to me. I had about five letters to read so I sat on my bed reading them. Karen was on her bed reading a magazine. I noticed that she kept looking over at me and I know she was dieing to find out who the letters were from, but I kept quite and continued to read. Actually, I was watching her more than I was reading as every time I looked up she was looking at me and would look back at her magazine when she saw me looking. I went on this way through a couple of the letters before I picked them up and came over and sat at the edge of her bed. "You are dieing to know who these letters are from aren't you" I said as I waved the letters in front of her smiling. "No they are your letters, it is none of my business." "All you have to do is say you are curious and I will let you see them." "I am not curious, I told you that before." "Oh I think you are my dear." I laid the letters down and started tickling her. She tried to grab my hands and pull them away but I had her giggling by then. The tickling got more serious and she started trying to tickle me. We began to wrestle on the bed with each trying to get the upper hand. I got on top of her trying to pin her hands down. The game was on now with each of us fighting to get the upper hand. Our hands grasped each other for a moment then they went back to each other's sides. We were both laughing and fighting but neither could get the better of the other. She started bucking her hips to knock me off her but I was able to keep my position. Then somehow and I still don't know how she did it but she flipped us off the bed and I was on my back and she was sitting on top of my stomach. She pinned my hands above my head and her legs crossed mine keeping me in place, but I never conceded defeat. "Do you admit you were curious now?" She looked down at me and started laughing and released my hands. "Ok I am curious. So tell me who the letters are from." And she emphasized the point by bouncing on my stomach causing me to grunt. "The old lady I robbed wrote me every week that I was in the detention center and these are from her." "That was nice, did you write her back." That one hit home. "I had always meant to but I didn't. The longer that I went the harder it was to write until I finally couldn't write her back." "Humm" was all she said as she got off me and picked up a letter and started reading it. I got up and got down a box that had all of her letters and put them in front of Karen. "You kept all her letters?" I just shrugged my shoulders and then left the room as she read the letters. When I came back a few hours later, she had all the letters spread around on the floor. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "These letters are so sweet; I wished I had someone writing to me like this while I was there." I then another guilt attack. She was hitting to close to home with what she was saying. "You know she lives here in the city." "Yes, actually about 20 minutes from here. I looked it up one day." "Well you know what we have to do, don't you?" "No we are not going there. I can't, it is too late now." She looked at me with a little pout on her face, got up, and sat on her bed. I told her it was time to get ready to go to work but she did not say a thing, she only sat there. I got my stuff and went to take a shower. She was still sitting there when I got back. I told her it was time to get ready but got no response. I finished getting ready and told her to get off her ass and get ready or we would be late. She was more stubborn than I was as there was no movement from her. I said, "Fuck it" and left the room. I got out the door cussing her the whole way but I could not get much further than a few steps out the front door. I turned around calling her even more names and went back to our room. As I entered the room, I was hotter than hell. "Ok you little bitch, we will go see her, you win. Ok now will you get ready for work before we get fired?" I screamed at her. She smiled and jumped up and kissed me. I was pissed off at her but I knew she was right; it was long since past the time for me to answer those letters from the old woman. The fact that she was right did not make it any easier to swallow. She rushed around and got ready and we ran to the fast food place with only seconds to spare. We were busy that night so I did not get much of a chance to talk to her, which was good, as I stayed pissed all night. On our way home from work I did not say anything to her which let her know I was mad at her for making me do this. As she went to take her shower, I got undressed and climbed into bed. When she came back into the room, she put her clothes away and turned off the light. I watched her take her robe off and climb in beside me. I turned my back to her and tried to go to sleep. We lay there for about and half hour with neither of us speaking. I could not sleep as I thought about what I would say to the old woman when I met her again and the thought scared the hell out of me. I then felt her move in the bed and I thought she was going to go to sleep but then I felt her kiss me between my shoulder blades and her arm touched my arm. I tried to push her arm away but she just moved her hand down to my hip. She kissed me again on my shoulder then the back of my neck. I did not want to make love to her but as she kissed my back, I felt my body begin to respond. Her hand caressed my bare hip and her kisses felt like branding irons on my back heating me up. She pulled on my hip turning me on my back and I did not resist. She moved up and looked down at me with her beautiful eyes and I knew I could not stay mad at her. Her hand moved to my pussy and I felt them playing gently over my lips. I opened my legs and her fingers had a light feathery touch just teasing me. I felt myself getting moist and I pushed my hips toward her fingers trying to get her to touch me harder but she just kept teasing me. I sighed, put my hand behind her neck, and brought her mouth down to mine and we kissed. That was all she needed, she kissed me back hard, and her tongue entered my mouth. As we kissed, her fingers finally pressed hard against my slit. I felt one then two enter me and her palm began to rub against me clit. Her fingers went in and out of my pussy and the friction of her palm was stimulating my clit. One of my hands I kept on the back of her neck so that she would keep kissing me and the other hand found her ass and I squeezed her cheeks. Her fingers were going faster in my pussy and I was pushing back as hard as I could. Her fingers were going deep into me and I felt myself getting close to a climax. She broke the kiss about this time, moved down, and took a nipple into her mouth. Her mouth sucked hard and her teeth gently bit my nipple sending me into a massive orgasm. I arched my back and moaned as wave after wave washed through my body. After the orgasm ended, she withdrew her fingers and I could hear her sucking the juices off them. We rested a minute then she turned and moved her mouth toward my pussy. She was facing the foot of the bed with her knees by my head. I felt her tongue touch my sensitive clit and I shivered. She moved on down and began to lick up my cum. I let her do this a moment before I shifted around and put my head between her legs. She quickly realized what I was trying to do and she moved her knees so that her pussy was just above my head. I smelled her aroma and knew she was very aroused. I blew gently on her pussy and she stopped licking my pussy long enough to let out a squeal. I pulled her hips down and started licking her slit. I took long slow strokes going from her clit to the end of her slit and back again. I took my time going slowly and gently, as I wanted this to last a long time. When she started to lick me again, she did the same to me taking long slow strokes with her tongue. I wanted this to last a long time, to forget what had happened and what was going to happen and just enjoy making love to Karen. As my mouth and tongue explored her pussy, my hands were caressing her ass. I had a hand on each globe and I squeezed and massaged the soft firm flesh. I spread it wide and let it go back together. She had a nice firm ass and I liked to feel and touch it. As I did this, I felt her fingers spread my lips apart. Her tongue went into my pussy and she gently licked me there. Every few minutes we went to the other's clit to suck, and lick. We would take turns bringing each other off, first she brought me to climax then I would bring her to a climax. We would then rest a second or two and start again. We went at this for what seemed like forever as both of us getting lost in the moment. Finally, I went to her clit and she quickly came. She did the same to me and after I had cum we stopped and she moved up beside of me. We kissed and settled down to sleep but before going to sleep, I heard her ask, "Are you still mad at me?" I replied, "I could never stay mad at you, but something tells me you will test me lots in the future." "Probably," She replied with a giggle as she kissed me and we went to sleep. It was three days before our trip to the old women's house and I got more nervous each day. The night before we were to go on our adventure, I was so anxious I could not stand it. Karen seemed to know how I felt as she took me in her arms and held me tight through out the night. It took me a long time to go asleep but with Karen holding me I was finally able to drift off to sleep. The next morning came too soon and by eleven, we were on our way to the bus stop. On the ride, Karen took my hand in hers and held it tight. I had planned of what I wanted to say and I figured that we would be there at most twenty minutes. I would say what I had to say and we would be on our way, but as always, things never seem to go the way I had planned. We got to her door and I hesitated a second before knocking on the door. It took a couple of minutes before we heard someone inside. When it opened, I was looking at the same face I tried to rob four years ago. It had aged a bit, but the eyes still seemed to read your thoughts. I could not get any words to form until I felt a push in the back from Karen. "I don't if you know who I am but..." "Of course I do, you are Missy. You have grown up but you are still the same troubled girl who came into my store so long ago. Who is your friend there behind you?" I introduced her to Karen and she invited us into her house. It was an old house but still in good shape. She took us into the living room and sat us down on the couch. She made us some tea while Karen and I whispered to each other. I wanted to get this over and Karen was trying to calm me down. She came back with the tea and started talking. That part had not changed about her; she was a talker. She found out all about both of us, how we met, and Karen even told her all of what had happened to her. The woman listened carefully and pronounced at the end of the story that Karen's mother should have killed the son of a bitch long before Karen did. We learned quickly that she told you what she thought. Instead of twenty minutes, we were there for five hours and she made us eat a bit before we were allowed to leave. We helped her fix a few things with Karen doing most of the cooking. We had been there for almost five hours and I still had not said what I had come there to say. We were at the door before I could finally spit our what I came there to say. "I came here to tell you I am sorry for trying to rob you and to thank you for the letters that you sent to me. I read them all and I looked forward to receiving them. The letters kept me going and I knew through them that I could handle whatever happened to me. I know I should have written you back but I did not know what to say." I was almost in tears before I finished. What she did next surprised me more than anything did. She came up to me and hugged me tight. That did make me start to cry. She let me loose and said, "I knew you were a good girl that was just trying to get some desperately needed attention. I only tried to give you what no one else seems to want to do. However, I do thank you for coming here and letting an old woman know she did something right. What I did next surprised me. I hugged her then turned around and headed down the walk. She hollered at us as we left that she would see us next week. That did not register in my brain until much later. Karen held my hand and rubbed my arm as we rode home and I silently cried. It was a relief to finally face the woman and apologize to her. It was like a lead weight being lifted off me. "Are you mad at me for making you do this?" Karen asked me as we neared the house. "Just wait until I get you into the room and you will find out just how mad I am. You will regret this to the end of your days." I said with the harshest voice I could muster. I could tell she was not sure if I was mad or not but she look more and more worried when we got to the house. As we entered the room, I came toward her and backed her against the wall. All the time I had a mad, angry look on my face. I took her hands and pinned them against the wall. I looked at her for a few seconds and Karen was looking more and more scared. I then closed my eyes, leaned in, and kissed her gently. I let go of her hands and took her into my arms. She returned the kiss with passion as she realized that I really wasn't mad at her. As the kiss ended I whispered in her ear. "Thank you for making me do what I should have done long ago. It is like the world has been lifted off my shoulders." "You are welcome my love." Karen replied. We started kissing again. I took her face into my hands and kissed her cheeks, eyes, forehead, and then down her to her neck. I then began to unbutton her blouse. She started to do the same to me but I took her hands and put them at her sides. I pulled her blouse from her jeans and then peeled it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I kissed down to and then around her white lace bra. I unhooked it from the front and pulled it back revealing her white breasts. I pulled the bra off and cupped her breasts in my hands. The soft silky feel of her breasts made me wet. I felt her breathing begin to get deeper and when my lips kissed a nipple, I heard her sigh. I sucked the nipple deep into my mouth and felt it harden. I sucked and licked on this nipple for a minute and then went to the other. As I did this, my hands were busy squeezing and caressing her breasts. I flicked the tips of her nipples with my tongue, then traced around her aureoles with the tip of my tongue. Karen was moaning now and she put her hands on my shoulders squeezing them. I did this for a few minutes more then kissed my way down to her belly button. I stuck my tongue in and I heard her giggle. I gave her breasts one last caress and moved my hands to her jeans, where I unsnapped and unzipped them. I pulled them off her hips, I could smell her aroma, and I knew she was very aroused. I noticed that there was a wet spot on her black nylon panties. I put my hands on her ass caressing each cheek and nuzzled my face against her panty-covered pussy smearing her juices on my face. I wanted her sweet perfume on me so that I would smell her forever. I rubbed my face against her for a minute then pulled her panties down to her jeans that were around her ankles. I helped her step out of both and she parted her legs for me. I ran my finger through her pubic hair and across her puffy lips. She was wet and I brought my finger and licked the juices from my fingers. I moved my mouth to her clit and kissed it then started to lick her slit slowly. Her juices were flowing and I sucked them in. I took her outer lips in my mouth, sucked, pulled on them, and then went back to her slit licking. I licked and sucked burying my face in my mound. I swirled my tongue in her pussy drawing a moan from her throat. My mouth found her enlarged clit again and I sucked it into my mouth. I teased it with my tongue and I felt her tense up as an orgasm washed over her. I sucked her through her orgasm until she got her legs back under her. I then moved to her inner thighs and licked up her cum that had run down them. Once I had licked her clean, I parted her lips and began to lick her again. I licked each side then went into the middle burying my tongue as deep as I could. I fucked her with my tongue. Karen groaned and pushed her hips toward my face. I removed my tongue and I heard her sigh, from wanting it back in her. I rubbed my index and middle fingers against her pussy getting them wet and slick. I slowly inserted my index finger into her tight pussy. Her pussy was warm and wet and it slipped right in. I moved it in and out, getting her use to one finger. As I fucked her with my finger, I gently licked her clit. After a couple minutes of this, I inserted a second finger into her. I fucked her slowly at first then picked up speed. My fingers went in and out of her and she was moaning loudly now. I licked harder on her clit, I could feel her juices coating my fingers, and they ran down my hand. I sucked hard on her clit and I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down on my fingers as she came. Her knees finally gave out and she slid down the wall to the floor. My mouth and fingers followed her down never missing a beat. I fucked and sucked her through first one then two and finally a third climax before she clamped her thighs on my hand. She held me there as she rode out the third climax. Karen pushed me away and I withdrew my fingers and licked the cum off them. Karen put her arms around me and hugged me tight as she recovered and got her strength back. Once she was back to normal or nearly so she made me stand up and straddle her. She reached up under my skirt and pulled my panties down and off. She put her head up under my skirt and I felt her mouth touch my pussy. I was already aroused from making love to her and she found me very wet. As she licked my pussy, I tore my blouse and bra off and caressed my nipples. I pinched them as her tongue found my clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She got me close to climax then backed of and went back to my pussy. She licked up and down and I felt her hands on my ass. She took a cheek in each hand squeezing them and pulling them apart all the while her tongue was doing wonders on my pussy. Her tongue probed my inner depths swirling it around inside me. Every once in a while she would go back to my clit and lick and suck it getting me close to a orgasm, then she stopped again. She went back to licking my lips getting the juices off them, and then she probed me with her tongue. When she removed her tongue this time, I felt her fingers at my entrance. She pushed two fingers inside me and I felt my lips part to accept them. She buried them up to her knuckles and then began to fuck me with her fingers. Once her fingers were lubricated with my juices, she picked up speed and fucked me harder. I pushed my hips down to meet her fingers. We quickly got into a rhythm, her mouth found my clit, and she sucked on it as she fucked me. I tried to hold off my climax for as long as possible but then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I convulsed with a massive orgasm and sank down the wall until I was sitting on her lap. She removed my skirt and pulled me tight against her and our naked bodies meshed together. My legs were parted and my exposed pussy was leaking fluids onto her lap. I felt her hand reach between my legs and scope up some of the fluids onto my pussy making it super slick. She then started to masturbate me. I tried to say no, but I did not have the energy and besides it felt too good, I did not want to stop. She fingers were so gentle and I was still very aroused. Her fingers glided over my parted pussy lips and explored my pussy. She was so gentle that I did not see my climax coming until it was upon me and I was cumming again. My cum flowed from me onto her fingers. She used them to scope them up and then brought them to her mouth to lick clean. We held each other tight for a long time just sitting there enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed together. It was late before we came out of our bless and got up to go take a shower. We had cum all over our bodies and knew we needed to wash it off but neither of us really wanted to. We put on our robes and went to the showers. There was no one stirring so we decided to take a chance and shower together. We got into the small stall and wet our bodies. I soaped up her body first caressing every part as I washed her. She then rinsed off and she washed me. Once we were clean we stayed under the shower and let the warm water wash over us as we kissed. When we got back to bed and cuddled together, the old ladies last words hit me. "What did she mean when she said she would see us next week?" "Well, when you were in the bathroom she asked us back for dinner next week. She seemed so lonely in the old house by herself so I accepted her invitation." "It was nice of you to ask me first. I did my part. I went and said what I had to say, you did not have to accept her invitation." "You don't have to go if you don't want to. I can go alone." "No I won't let you go alone, who knows what you will commit us to if I am not there." Karen giggled and kissed me and then we went to sleep. I was somewhat mad at her for doing that but the woman really wasn't so bad and she could use the company. The next visit did not turn out all that bad. The woman got us to talk about what we wanted to do after we got out of the half way house. We told her about wanting to get an apartment together and maybe take some classes when we could afford them. Later on that day, she suggested that we stay with her and we could use the upstairs as our place. We could stay there rent-free if we would help her fix the place up, maybe repaint some of the rooms, etc. She stated had plenty of room and it would be nice to have a couple of young people staying with her. Karen and I went upstairs to look it over. The house was in good shape and there wasn't that much to do to get it looking good again. Of course, Karen thought it was a great idea but I was not so sure. I wanted a place just of our own but Karen pointed out that even with both of us working we did not make enough money to get anything but a run down apartment that no one would want to stay. We talked and talked and in the end Karen got her way and we decided to take the woman up on her offer. When we told her, it was if she had been given a new lease on life. Her smile seemed to go from ear to ear. I knew right then that we had made the right decision. When we got our freedom back, we would have a safe secure place to go. The next week when we visited the old woman, there was a surprise visitor for supper. We were just getting ready to eat when the doorbell rang. I got up to get the door and found a middle-aged man there. He introduced himself as the old woman's lawyer. He had some papers for her to sign but as we ate, I realized he was asking Karen and me many questions. Finally, I asked him if he was there to check us out or what. The old woman laughed and said, "He doesn't trust my judgments anymore I guess." Then she gave him the eye. He shut up after that and kept more or less quite. At the end of the evening I asked him whether we passed the test or not and he replied that we did. He just wanted to make sure that his old family friend was not taking on more than she could handle. I knew he had checked us out thoroughly before he got there so what we told him I was sure he already knew. The next four months went by fast. Karen and I worked and visited the old woman once a week. We also made our plans for the future. The main thing was finding a way to go on to school but that seem to be an impossible dream. We could not figure a way to pay for that. About two weeks before my final hearing a lawyer showed up at the halfway house. He said that he had been hired to represent Karen and me at our final hearings. I told him that we could not afford to pay him but he said that it had already been taken care of. Karen and I knew that the old woman had her lawyer to hire him. He talked to me a couple of hours and seem satisfied that mine should go smoothly. He then went to Karen and he spent the next three hours going over her case. If he said it once, he said it ten times that he thought Karen had got hosed and he wished he had her case then. I met with him a couple of more times before my hearing. The night before the hearing Karen and I got off work and walked slowly back to the halfway house. We both did not talk much as I am sure she was thinking the same thing I was. This would be the last night we would be able to spend the whole night together until her hearing. We took our time and held hands just enjoying the cool night air and the company. We finally reached the house and went up to our room. My bags were already packed and as soon as Karen saw them, she started to cry. I took her into my arms and held her tight. I turned out the lights and as I held her, I felt my own tears running down my cheeks. After we had both cried a few minutes, I took her face in my hands and kissed her. It was a slow soft kiss. Her lips were soft and she responded to the kiss. Our lips parted and then came back together harder this time and the kiss became more passionate. Our tongues touched and then played with each other. My hands explored her back and then on down to her ass. I cupped her cheeks and pressed her hips against mine. That brought a moan to her lips. When the kiss ended, we parted slightly and as we caught our breaths, we began to undress each other. I unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra as she did mine. We took our time as neither of us want to rush anything. Once we were bare on top, I bent down and took a nipple into my mouth. Karen moaned softly and she put her hands on my breasts and cupped then in her hands. I sucked on her nipple feeling it get hard in my mouth. Her fingers found my nipples and she teased them as I sucked and licked on her nipples. I wanted to suck and lick her nipples all night but Karen eventually pushed me away, bent down, and took one of my nipples in her mouth. I cupped her neck in my hand and held her to my breast. She sucked one then the other nipple and I heard myself moan. Her mouth felt so good on my nipples. Her tongue teased them then her teeth would gently bite them. I released her neck and rubbed her arms and back as she continued to feast on my breasts. A little bit later, she gave my nipples one last kiss then took me by the hand and led me to the edge of the bed. She kissed me holding me tight and then she dropped down to her knees in front of me. She unsnapped my jeans and unzipped them. She slowly drew them down taking my panties with them. I stepped out of the jeans and she pushed me back on the bed so that I was sitting at the edge of the bed. She parted my knees and crawled between them. I felt her lips on the inside of my left knee and she kissed her way toward my pussy. However, she stopped just short and I cried out when I felt her lips on the inside of my right knee. She kissed her way back toward my pussy only this time she did not stop. I felt her lips touch my outer pussy lips. She kissed her way up to my clit letting her lips linger there for a moment. I had to groan as I felt a shiver go through my body. She kissed her way back down to the bottom then she used her tongue to lick every inch of my pussy. Her tongue ran over the outer surface with her tongue occasionally dipping into my slit. She seemed determined to make me remember this lovemaking for a long time to come. I spread my legs out as wide as I could and gripped the edge of the bed in my hands. She finally left the surface with a pull of my outer pussy lips and then she dipped her tongue deep into my slit sucking in my juices. She sucked a moment then moved up to my clit. She sucked and licked it a minute or two causing me to climax. I flooded her mouth with my cum. About the time, I was coming down from my orgasm I felt her tongue dip back into my pussy. Her tongue went in deep and swirled around. "Oh god, Karen" I cried out. She licked and sucked me for what seemed like forever. Her mouth would close down on my labia's pulling them out then coming back in to lick my juices. When her tongue found my clit again, I was ready to cum. She sucked it into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. When she finally pressed her tongue hard on my clit, I came hard. The orgasm washed through me and I clamped her head in my thighs and rode the orgasm out. I must have blacked out for a second or two. When I came back around I was lying back on the bed and Karen was lying on top of me kissing my face. My legs were still over the edge of the bed. I put my arms around her and kissed her. We kissed and I could taste my cum on her lips. We kissed a few minutes and then she ended the kiss. I started to move around so that we could lie up and down the bed instead of across it but she stopped me. Instead, she got up and crawled up so that her pussy was over my head. I could smell her aroma and I could see her pussy coated with her juices. She spread her legs and lowered her pussy to my mouth. I immediately started to lick her juices from her outer lips. I licked her clean then went to her slit. I heard her moan as my tongue dipped into her vagina. I put my hands on her ass and squeezed each cheek. As I licked her pussy, my hands caressed her ass. When I moved up to her clit, I felt her shiver and a small climax hit her. This produced more juices for me to suck and drink down. I went back to her pussy and slowly began to lick again. My tongue dipped into her entrance and scoped out all of her cum. I explored her pussy with my tongue and pulled on her labia with my mouth. I could hear her moan and her hips pushed down against my mouth. I licked harder pushing my tongue deeper into her slit. I went back to her clit, drawing her close to an orgasm then backing off again. I went back to her slit licking and sucking for a few more minutes then I went to her clit and sucked it into my mouth. It only took a couple of licks with my tongue to cause her to climax, much harder this time. Karen's hips bucked as she had her orgasm and I kept my mouth clamped to her clit until the orgasm ended and she collapsed onto the bed. I got up and moved us both so that we were lying up and down on the bed and I hugged her tight. When she had recovered from her orgasm, we kissed and then just held each other. Neither of us wanted to let go as we both knew that this would be our last night together for a month. The next morning came too soon for both of us. I don't think either one of us slept that night. We just held on tight kissing and letting our hands caress the other's body. I was happy that I was about to be free again but sad that I would not be able to spend each night lying next to the one person I loved most in this world. The hearing went as my lawyer had said it would go and by eleven AM I was a free woman. My record was now clean. We went back to our room and Karen and I held each other tight for a few minutes and kissed. When I saw tears in her eyes, my own tears started flowing. I had told her not to cry but she did not listen to me. I gave her one final kiss and left her behind. I got into the taxi with the old woman and was off to my new home. I moped around for the rest of the day and finally that evening the old woman told me to cheer up that I would be seeing Karen the next night at work. I then realized that she knew that Karen and I were not just friends but also lovers. She did not seem to mind but we never really discussed it. The next day when I went to leave, I found a taxi waiting for me. The old woman gave me a twenty to pay for it and told me to take it home. I told her I could take the bus but she would not hear of it. She said too many bad things could happen and she wanted to make sure I came back safely. She also told me that she had signed me up for driving lessons so that I could get my driver's licenses. I told her she did not have to do all this but it was like talking to a brick wall, so I gave in to her. I felt bad about spending her money but she said she had more than enough to afford it so shut up and get to work so that is what I did. When I got to work, Karen was already there and a big smile spread across her face. We stepped into the bathroom and when the woman that was in the rest room left, we hugged each other tight and kissed. It was a quick kiss but it told us how much we missed each other. The night was busy so we did not get to talk much and I walked her home that evening and gave her a few quick kisses as we waited on my taxi to get there. The rest of the week went the same way as Karen and I stole quick kisses when we could. The day finally arrived when Karen could visit. I think I drove the old woman crazy as I walked the floor and kept looking out the window for Karen to arrive. She did eventually get there and I ran out to meet her. I looked to see if anyone would see us then I gave her a quick kiss and hugged her tight. I led her into the house. We talked for an hour or so and then I told Karen I had something to show her up in our room. I took her by the hand and led her up to our room. As soon as we shut the door, we rushed into each other's arms. We kissed hard with our tongues going into the other's mouth. It was a mad passionate kiss. When we parted lips to catch our breaths, we started shedding our clothes. It only took us a few seconds to be completely naked. We came back together kissing as our hands were exploring the other's bodies. I ran my hands around her breasts and nipples and on down to her pussy. She was already wet and my fingers stroked her slit and her clit. She did the same to me and in no time, I felt an orgasm come and I quicken my pace on her clit to make her cum when I did. It was hard not to moan out loudly as I came and I felt Karen bite my shoulder to keep from crying out. After the orgasms had washed over us and we had calmed down, I led her over to the bed and we lay down. I held her to my body and we kissed. This kiss was much softer and slower. When the kiss ended we looked into each other's eyes and I said something I had not said since I was a small child. "I love you" Tears came to Karen's eyes and she quickly replied, "I love you too." We kissed again. We both knew we did not have much more time so Karen got up and moved around in the bed so that we were head to foot and she straddled my body. I looked up at her beautiful pussy and I put my hands on her ass. I drew her down and started to lick her pussy drinking in the cum she had produced during her orgasm. I felt her tongue on my pussy and we began to lick each other. I licked up and down her slit and onto her thighs getting her clean. I then went to her clit and sucked on it a moment. I felt her mouth come off my pussy as she moaned. I licked and sucked the clit wanting her to cum as much as possible in what little time we had. I sucked it into my mouth and stroked it with my tongue. It took a minute or two but I felt her shrived and more juices come from her as she came. I went to her pussy to lick up her cum. When she finished her orgasm, I felt her tongue on my clit. I felt a finger enter my pussy as her tongue licked hard on my clit. I gripped her ass cheeks in my hands as I neared an orgasm. Her finger pushed deep into my pussy and she fucked me with it as she licked. I pushed my hips against her finger and mouth. My orgasm over rode me and I came hard. We rested a minute then went back to eating each other's pussy. Karen kept her finger in my pussy as I ran my index finger up and down her slit. When my finger was nice and wet, I slowly pushed it into her. We fucked each other with our fingers and licked around our fingers. We started slow, taking our time and worked each other toward another orgasm. As we neared our third climax, the speed of our fingers got faster. I put my mouth on her clit she did the same to me. I felt myself get closer to a climax so I started to drive my finger into her pussy. When I felt her pussy clamp down on my finger, I felt my own pussy doing the same to her finger. I tried to hold off until I felt her cum and when she did it drove me over the edge and we came together. She collapsed on top of me and we rested a minute. She then got up giving my pussy one last lick and then came up beside me and we help each other for a few minutes. We kissed and cuddled for twenty minutes or so, not saying anything but just holding each other trying to make up for our week apart. We both knew we could not stay up here forever, so I got up and helped her out of the bed. Karen looked out the door and not seeing the old woman, she grabbed her clothes and I mine. We ran to the bathroom buck ass naked and giggling all the way. I filled the sink with warm water, got a washcloth, and dipped it into the water. I took it and washed Karen's face and then body taking special care to wipe the cum from her pussy and thighs. When I was finished, I kissed her on her lips, nipples and finally her pussy. Karen then took the washcloth from me and washed me clean. She also kissed me and then my breasts and pussy. Then we came into each other's arms and kissed. It started soft, slow, and slowly became more passionate. When it ended, we held each other a moment or two more before starting to get dressed. As I picked up my panties, Karen took them from me and gave me hers. I watched as she put my panties on. I thought that was sweet and I put hers on. It gave me a great feeling knowing I was wearing her panties. We then finished getting dressed; we went looking for the old woman. We found her in the kitchen starting supper, she gave us a knowing look, I felt the blood rush to my face. I could see that Karen was having the same problem. What I didn't know was that Karen had also switched our tee shirts so not only was I wearing Karen's panties but also her tee shirt. The rest of the evening went without a hitch and I walked her out to the bus stop giving her a quick kiss before she got on the bus. As the week went along, I got to know the old woman better and her me. It did not take her long to start giving me advice. One night I told her she was acting as if she was my mom and that made her smile. Therefore, I started calling her mom from then on. It made her happy and the truth be known, she was like a mom to me, more than my own mom was. Went Karen heard me calling her that she picked it right up. As I waited for Karen to get her freedom, "mom" signed me up for driving lessons and I was able to get my driver's licenses a couple of days before Karen had her hearing. I don't know who was more nervous about the hearing Karen or me. However, the day before the hearing we got a surprise. The judge that had presided at Karen's original trial replaced the one originally scheduled to hear her case. Karen's lawyer looked worried but did not seem to be surprised at the change. The hearing went as it should have gone with both sides making their arguments. However, when it came time for the judge to make his ruling, he shocked Karen and me. He stated that he did not think that Karen had served enough and immediately sentenced her to finish her sentence in an adult prison. He slammed his gavel down and left the room. Karen and I screamed "No" at the same time and we looked at each other in shock. I tried to get to her, but the guards quickly took her by the arms and led her away. I went to the lawyer and he said not to worry that he would have her home by that evening. He then ran out the room and left mom and me alone. She was crying and I was trying hard not to but I was losing that battle fast. All I could see was Karen led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. I helped mom out and we went home to wait. It was not until late that night that we got a call from him to pick up Karen at the jail. I tried to get some information as to why this had happened but all he said was that he would tell us in the morning. I jumped up and drove at breakneck speed over to the jail to pick up Karen. When I first laid eyes on her, she was white as a sheet and seemed to be in a state of shock. They had all of her stuff from the half way house and I put it and Karen into the car. Karen did not say a word to me until I got her up to our room. She went into the room, got my suitcase out, and started packing it with my clothes. "What are you doing?" "I am not going back to jail. I can't go back. I will die there. I am packing your clothes and we are getting the hell out of here." "We can't go now. We'll be caught, we have no money, and we don't have anywhere to go. Let's wait at least until tomorrow and see what the lawyer has to say." Karen did not seem to be convinced but I kept talking and finally talked her into staying at least the night. If the lawyer could not convince us that he can keep her out of jail then I would take off with her. She finally gave up and sank down on the bed. I sat by her and held her to my body. She was shaking and crying. I felt so bad and there wasn't anything I could do to help her except hold her tight against my body. After she had cried herself out, I undressed her and put her into bed. I quickly got undressed and slipped in beside her. I pulled her in close and began to caress her face. I told her that things would work out in the end. I was not sure that was going to happen but I had to tell her. Neither of us was able to sleep but then sleep was not what we needed at that moment. We needed each other. The lawyer stopped by about mid morning and explained everything to us. It seemed that Karen's stepfather, whom she had killed, was the son of a good friend of the judge. He was the black sheep of that family but family all the same. The lawyer told us that as he researched Karen's case he came upon this fact. The judge should have excused himself from Karen's trial. This was a conflict of interest. When he heard of the change of judges, he was afraid this would happen. so he got prepared for the worse. He already had an appeal ready so after the hearing he went immediately to superior court and got an injunction against the judge's ruling. I started to ask him why he did not tell us this before the hearing but he interrupted me. "I did not tell you, Karen, what I feared would happen because I was afraid you would have bolted on me and you would have wouldn't you?" "Yes sir" Karen responded and was about to say she still might when I squeezed her hand stopping her from saying anything more. The lawyer was ahead of me though. "I am going to make you a promise to you. The hearing in Superior Court is in six weeks when that happens your sentence will be at most reduced to time served. The court will then rule on my second appeal, that being that your trial was not valid and should be overturned. The court will rule in our favor and your conviction will be cast aside. You could, of course, be retried again on the original charge. I know the district attorney and I believe he will let the whole thing drop. I can tell by your face that you are not sure you believe everything I have said so I will make you this promise and I don't make promises I can't keep. If all that I have said does not come to pass then I will break you out of jail myself and get you away." Karen looked at me and I gave her a nod and she said, "OK". The next six weeks were the longest of our lives. Mom and I tried to keep Karen's spirits up but no matter what we did, it did not seem to help. It was as if she had put a fence around herself not letting anyone in and any part of herself out. She did go to driving school and got her driver's license. Karen and I continued to work and when we were not working, we worked on the house. I so wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her blues away but she kept pushing me away so I stopped trying. Something did happen about two weeks into this that did show me that a part of Karen was still alive and breathing. We had worked that night and it was a real bad night for me. I was cussed out by two customers and everyone working that night seemed to me to be moving in slow motion. I had to run my ass off to keep everything going. Karen did her best but even she was not at full speed but she was going as fast as she could. Anyway when I got home I let Karen take her shower first and when I got to bed after my shower she was already there lying on her side facing away from me. Since all this had happened, she had slept on her side facing away from me and I would curl up against her and hold her tight. However, that night, I was mad and upset so I lay on my back beside her. About a half hour later, I felt her scoot back against me and I being mad at her and the world, moved away. A couple of minutes later, I felt her push back against me again. I was about to tell her if she wanted me out of the bed then say so. Then I heard a silent sob coming from her and I realized that she was crying. It hit me that she was trying her best to let me know that she still needed and wanted me. It was just that she was giving all she could but all of her will had to be focused on getting through this. I turned on my side and drew her to me and we spooned our bodies together. I gently kissed her shoulder and then nestled up against her. I did this every night from then to the time of the hearing in Superior Court. The night before the hearing, neither Karen nor I slept. We both tossed and turned but always we were touching. The morning eventually came and we got ready for court. For the first time that I remembered mom looked her age. Her face was lined with worry but she always had a smile for Karen when she looked at her. Of course, the hearing went exactly as the lawyer had predicted. After everyone had their say, the judges retired and said that they would recess for two hours and then come back with a decision. This was unusual in that normally there was delay between the hearing and the decision. When they came back, they overturned Karen's original conviction and sent it back to the lower courts. They then had some scathing remarks for the judge. (A few weeks after the decision the judge retired, never to be heard from again.) After the hearing, we all went home to wait for the lawyer as he was meeting with the district attorney. By the time the lawyer arrived, mom's lawyer was there with his wife and they brought a lot of food. Our boss was there with a couple of our co-workers and a couple of mom's neighbors came by as they had gotten to know Karen and me. Karen's lawyer arrived and made a small speech then got to the point. The district attorney had decided that Karen had been punished enough and with all the publicity, he was not sure he could get a conviction so the matter was dropped. The whole thing was finally over. I jumped up and hugged Karen and finally I could see a little light come back into her eyes. The rest of the night, we all ate and partied, at least as much as two young people can with a bunch of old people. Around nine, I realized that I had not seen Karen for a while and I went looking for her. I found her fast asleep in our bed still dressed. I got her undressed and put a tee shirt on her and covered her up. I don't think she ever woke up. The party ended at ten and I went to our bed to find Karen still dead to the world. I got undressed and got into bed pulling her in close to my body. I kissed her shoulder and was quickly asleep. The next morning I woke up about ten and found the bed empty. I got up and went to the bathroom to pee. When I looked into the mirror as I washed my hands and face, I saw a note taped to the wall and that scared the hell out of me. My first thought was that Karen had left me. I pulled the note down and began to read. "I had some errands to run today. At one drive Mom to her lawyer's office and drop her off there. Do not return to the house until six and do not be late! Love Karen" I went down to find mom to find out what Karen was up to but when I found her in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee all she would say was she did not know. She said it with a smile so I knew she knew what was going on. I worked on her all day but she would not give anything away. I couldn't do anything but what I was told. I dropped Mom at the lawyer's office and then tried to figure out how to kill the next five hours. I went to the mall and then saw a movie but it was not the same without Karen along. It seemed like two days before it was time to head home but at six sharp I was at the door where I found a note on the door. "Go up stairs and take a shower and put on the clothes I have laid out for you. Wait there until I come up to get you. Love Karen" I opened the door and smelled food cooking. It took one whiff and I knew she was cooking my favorite dish - spaghetti. I so wanted to peek in on her but I did not want to ruin her surprise. I went up and found a new dress lying on the bed. There was also a black lace bra and panty set beside the dress. I looked at the foot of the bed and found new shoes. Karen had gone out and bought me a new outfit and it was beautiful. I had tried on this dress a number of times before but it was way out of my price range. However, there it was waiting for me. I wanted to fuss at her for doing that but with tears in my eyes, my fussing would not mean much. Instead, I went in, undressed, and took my shower. I took my time and shaved my legs and underarms. I even trimmed my pubic hair making it nice and neat. The idea that after six weeks of nothing happening between us, something may and probably would happen tonight made me excited and I felt a little moisture come to my pussy. I tried to get my mind off that and went into the bedroom to get dressed. I put the bra and panties on and when I picked up the dress I found a scarf with a note pined to it. I put on the dress and if felt as nice against my body since it was a long black silk dress. I picked up the scarf and read the note. "Tie this around your eyes and make sure that you cannot see out then wait for me to come and get you. Love Karen" I put the scarf on and sat on the edge of the bed. I was wondering how long she would make me wait and the whole time all I could think about was what she had planned. It was only a couple of minutes before I heard the door open. I smelled her perfume and then I felt her hand take mine. She squeezed it and pulled me up. She drew me into her body and then I felt her lips on mine. The kiss was soft and sweet. I put my arms around her and held her tight. We held her a moment before she spoke. "Let's go down before the dinner gets cold." She said with a slight break in her voice. She kissed my cheek before leading me down stairs. When we got to the dinning room, she took off the scarf. I blinked my eyes then looked at the table. She had the lights off and there were a couple of candles lit. She had a salad to go along with the spaghetti. We sat across from each other and began to eat. At first, the conversation was forced but soon we were back to normal. We talked about everything except the past six weeks. That we left behind us. Near the end of the meal, Karen pronounced what we were going to do with our lives. We were going to become lawyers and we would only take cases like ours, young girls in trouble as we once were. I asked her were we were going to get the money to do this and if we were smart enough to get through law school. Karen said she did not know but one way or the other we would do it come hell or high water. There was such determined look in her face I knew we would both make it happen. After dinner, we went into the living room where Karen had the lights turned low and she had cleaned out an area in the middle of the room. Karen went over to the stereo and changed the music to some soft love songs. She came to me and took me in her arms and we started to dance. We started our slightly apart so that we could look into each other's eyes. I immediately fell in love with her all over again. I drew her in closer and we kissed while still slowly dancing. After the kiss, she put her head on my shoulder and we held each other. We had been swaying to the music both lost in our own thoughts. After a while, she moved her lips to my ear and whispered, "I am sorry about these pasts weeks, I know I was hard to live with but I never once stopped loving you and if it wasn't for you I never would have made it." "You don't have anything to be sorry about you had a lot of pressure on..." but she stopped me there with a finger on my lips. "I am sorry. End of conversation ok." "OK" and that was the last we ever talked about her ordeal. I kissed her and as the kiss went along it became more passionate. I felt her tongue move into my mouth and I met it with my tongue. The passion between us became very intense. Our hunger for each other that we had kept in check for the past weeks, came back alive. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies. My hands went from her back to her ass and I pressed my hips against hers. I felt my pussy began to seep its juices. I had to get her out of her clothes but she beat me to the punch. While I was still trying to unzip her dress, she had mine unzipped and was pulling it off my shoulders. I let my arms go to my sides and she pulled it off. Before I could do anything, she put her hands on my breasts cupping them in her hands. She then put her mouth on one of my nipples sucking on it through the material of my bra. She sucked on each nipple then unhooked by bra and pulled it off. I was still trying to undo her dress but when her mouth latched on my nipple, I was lost. She sucked and bit on both of my nipples. I was in heaven again. I had missed this so much, this intimacy between us. She squeezed and sucked my breasts. I was moaning and holding her head to my chest. After a few minutes of this, she began to kiss her way down my body. As she got to my belly button, she stuck her tongue in and I had to giggle and moan at the same time. She moved on down and kissed my pussy through my panties. Then in one quick motion, she pulled them down and then helped me step out of them. She put her hands on my hips, guided me back on the couch, and sat me down. She pulled my hips to the edge of the couch and then drove into my pussy. She began to lick and when her tongue hit my clit, I had an orgasm. I cried out her name and held her head to my pussy. As I flooded her mouth with my juices, she licked them up. She went back to my slit licking up and down. I spread my legs out wide and she stuck her tongue deep into my pussy moving it around and causing all these great sensations in my body. I pushed my hips to her mouth raising my butt off the couch. She licked and fucked me with her tongue. I was crying and moaning as her mouth worked on my pussy. When her mouth went back to my clit, she sucked it in and licked it with her tongue. This drove me over the edge and I had a second huge orgasm. My whole body shook and my mind went blank for a moment or two. When I came back around, Karen was licking up the last of my cum. I took her head in my hands and pushed her away from my pussy. I sat up and kissed her hard. I tasted my cum on her lips. I got down on the floor and quickly undressed her. I pulled her dress over her head and then took her bra off leaving her only in her panties. I pushed her unto her back and lay on top of her. I kissed her on her lips then neck and then on down to her breasts. I cupped them in my hands, kissed each nipple, and then drew one into my mouth. Her nipple quickly hardened in my mouth and she moaned. I caressed her breasts with my hands and sucked on her nipples. I did this as long as I could but I had to taste her again. I gave one last kiss on each nipple and moved to her pussy. I pulled her panties off leaving her naked and I could see how wet she was. I pushed her legs out wide watching her lips of her pussy open up for me. Her clit was poking out from its hood and I bent down and took it into my mouth. As I licked on it, I felt her shiver and a small orgasm washed over her. When it ended I looked up at her and said "God how I have missed the smell and taste of you." She replied with "Shut up and lick me." I gave a giggle at her vulgar remark but I did as I was told. I worked on her outer lips first licking the juices and pulling on them with my lips. She laid back and enjoyed what I was doing. I then used my fingers to spread open her lips and I lick her slit and stuck my tongue as deep into her pussy as I could. I fucked her with my tongue and used a finger to caress her clit gently. This was driving Karen wild. Her hips were pushing up against me and I licked harder. She produced more and more juices and I drank them in. As she got closer to climax, I put more pressure on her clit. She moaned loudly and just before she came, I replaced my finger with my mouth sucking her enlarged clit into my mouth. I licked and sucked her hard and she came hard. Her back arched and she drove her clit into my mouth. She flooded me with her cum and I released her clit to lick them up. I cleaned her up and moved up beside her. We kissed and hugged for a few minutes as our hunger was satisfied for a few minutes. We lay there for a while but then our hands began to roam again. We were on our sides and our hands caressed each other's breast and nipples. I pinched and caressed her nipples as she did mine. Soon my hand moved down her side to her hip and then I moved it to her front and to her pussy. She moved her top leg up opening her pussy to me. I moved my fingers through her pubic hair and to her slit. I gently stroked her pussy running my fingers up and down her slit and gently touching her clit bringing a moan from her lips. I kissed her as she moaned. Once I got my fingers wet, I entered her pussy with a finger. I pushed it all the way in then back out completely and then pushed it back in. I fucked her with my finger for a few minutes then pushed a second one it. Her pussy sucked my fingers into her and did not want to let them go. Repeatedly my finger went in and out of her as my fingers went slowly picking up speed. I put my thumb on her clit and caress it. Karen moaned loudly and pushed her hips against my fingers. I was fucking her harder now and as she came I felt her pussy clamp down on my fingers. I felt her juices flow around my fingers and as I drew them out, they were coated with her juices. I brought them to my lips and licked them clean. I moved down to her pussy and licked up her cum that had flowed onto her thigh. Once I had licked all the juices up and licked her pussy clean bringing her to yet one more orgasm. She finally pushed me away and onto my back. She got up and moved to between my legs and she spread them out wide. She sat between my legs and using her index finger, she very, very lightly traced it up and down my pussy lips. She teased my pussy and clit forever before she finally put her finger at my entrance and pushed it into me. I moaned as I felt the finger enter my pussy. She fucked me with that finger for a few minutes then pushed a second one into me filling me up ever more. As she fucked me, she moved down, put her mouth on my clit, and began to suck and lick it. I felt my body move toward an orgasm. She kept me close to an orgasm but eased off. Then all of a sudden, I felt my pussy lips stretching more as she put a third finger in. it was uncomfortable for the first few strokes then the pressure felt great. I felt myself going over the edge and I had a long hard orgasm. I cried out "Oh God Yes" as I came. When I came back down Karen had removed her fingers and was licking up the last of my juices. I pulled her up to me and we kissed. I then pulled her tight against me and held her close to my body never wanting to let go. We lay there for a long time before we had the energy to get up and go to bed. We crawled in to bed naked, that was the second thing I missed her, naked body up against mine. We kissed and told each other how much we loved one another. Our love was back in place and our future seemed to be set. We had each other and we now knew what we were going to do with our lives. Please let me know what you think of my story. This was the first story that I wrote, I have re-edited the story but left it mostly in its orginal form.I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at