Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 19:51:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Janet Logan Subject: Who Am I Who Am I by Janet Logan ( ---------------------------------------------------- Part 1 Ann picked up the clipboard and started to make her nightly rounds. She had worked as a nurse at Mercy Central for about 5 years now. In that time she had some nights that stood out, but none like tonight. Tonight was different. She had a special patient she needed to check in on. It was just a few hours earlier after finishing her previous shift, she was walking home as she often enjoyed in the early spring. She was passing an alley when she thought she heard a noise. A woman was there, barely crawling, moaning in pain, bleeding. Ann rushed over to help her and immediately dialed 911 on her cell phone. Luckily the hospital was not far from where she found her. Ann stayed with her the whole time, trying to give her comfort as the doctors did their routine of checking her out and running tests. She suffered a bad concussion, but was otherwise ok. The main issue was her lack of identity and memory loss. The poor woman was frightened out of her mind. She had taken a quick trust with Ann, so she was allowed to stay with her to keep her calm. Ann stayed in the room her entire off shift dozing in and out on the chair near her bed, but never leaving her side. When her shift time came back on, the woman, whom Ann decided to refer to as Cindy was sleeping. She had no idea where the name Cindy came from, but Jane Doe seemed far too impersonal for such a lovely woman. Ann decided she would spend her off hours looking after Cindy and check in on her during her shift, after she looked after all her other patients. The hospital staff was ok with this since Ann seemed to have a calming affect on Cindy. As Ann was making her way back to Cindy's room, she was just waking up. "Hello sleepy head!" Ann smiled, "How are you feeling today?" "Where am I" Cindy asked, "How did I get here, I can't remember a thing!" Cindy started to cry. Ann took her in her arms and held her tight and very gently bushed her hair as to not hurt her badly bruised head. "You are at Mercy Central Hospital. I found you beat and bleeding in an alley around the corner. Do you remember anything, who you are, why you were there, what happened to you?" Ann asked. "No" Cindy started to cry louder "I have no idea of anything, I am scared, I don't know anyone". "Shhhh" Ann told her "I am here, I am not going to leave until you are better, ok? I am a nurse here, I do have to do my rounds, but I am right here. If you need anything at all, even if it is just to talk, you press this button by the bed and I will come right back in, ok?" Cindy seemed to relax at that a bit "Thank you, you are so kind. Why are you being so nice to me?" "Well, I am such a softy for such a cute face" Ann smiled and winked trying to get Cindy to relax and smile a little, and it did start to work a little. "Now you get some rest and I will be back in about an hour to check in on you. If you need anything, press this button and I will come back in, ok?" "Yes, ok, I will try" Cindy smiled and laid back. Ann squeezed her hand and turned to leave. Just as she got to the door she turned around and took one last look and could see Cindy closing her eyes but not comfortably. Ann knew she was still scared but she hoped knowing she was there would help her relax a little. When she got back to the nurses station, Leslie smiled and winked at Ann and said, "So, how is your new patient 'doctor'?" and started to laugh. Ann pushed her back a little and just said "I am just concerned with her is all, she is all alone and scared and I feel responsible for her since I was the one who found her". "Yeah right. She is a looker and I can see you all gaga over her" Leslie teased. "Well, I will give you that she is very cute, but it's just professional, you know that" She replied, hoping it sounded more sincere than her heart was telling her she felt. "I know hon., I am just teasing you" Leslie replied, partially letting her off the hook. Ann was her closet friend in and out of work and knew she could tease her. But she also knew when not to push or pry too much. She could see Ann felt something for Cindy, so she didn't want to tease her too much on it. "I am just so worried about her Leslie, she is so scared and I can't imagine being in a big city and not knowing who you are. Surely someone knows who she is and is looking for her". "I agree hon., why don't we try to call the news later and see if they can put out the word" Leslie suggested. "Let's give her a few days to at least recuperate and see how she feels. The last thing I want for her is to have reporters flooding her with cameras and questions. John did call the police after she was first admitted to report the incident and give a full description of her incase she was on any police report as a missing person, so it's not as if no one is looking". Ann told her. She knew she was being overly protective of Cindy, but something about her brought it out in her. "Yeah, that's true" Leslie replied, "I agree, her memory could come back in a few days after she gets some rest." The two made some more small talk before it was their time to do their rounds again. By the time Ann got back to Cindy's room, she was asleep but moaning something in her sleep. As Ann was standing by her bed, Cindy jumped on screaming about something. Ann quickly took her in her arms and calmed her down; telling her it was just a bad dream. All Cindy could remember was someone chasing her and beating her with sticks or something. Ann took note in the back of her mind to pass that onto the police, but right now was time to calm Cindy down. She stayed there holding her until her time for her rounds came back again. "Now, are you going to be ok? I need to make one last round and then by shift is over. I will come back and stay with you then" Ann told her. "Oh Ann, you are such a sweet person, you don't even know me yet you are giving so much of yourself to take care of me. I feel so guilty, why don't you go home, I am sure I will be ok" Cindy started to say before Ann cut her off. "Nonsense! Listen, I am very concerned about you. I've slept in this place many times. I really don't mind and it will give me time to get to know you. Maybe talking a bit will help you regain your memory. Now, lay down and close your eyes and I will be back before you know it" Ann told her. Cindy instinctively knew not to fight with her. Besides, she didn't want Ann to leave her anyway. For some reason she felt more safe and secure with her, so she just nodded and accepted Ann's offer. She laid back and closed her eyes once again. By the time Cindy awoke again, it was morning and Ann was sleeping in the chair/bed next to her. She looked so angelic sleeping there. Cindy knew she and Ann would become close friends, regardless if she regained her memory or not. Over the next several days, Cindy got better and better. She was able to get up and walk around without getting dizzy, yet her ribs and back still hurt badly. Ann usually was by her side helping her walk, but she came out to the nursing station and got to know Ann and Leslie more. "Too bad I don't know myself as well," she thought. So far the police couldn't find anything leads on who she was and there were no reports of her missing. They suggested she contact the news and see if they could run a story on her. Ann did ask Cindy, but this seemed to frighten her, so she backed off pushing it. Cindy seemed to be more comfortable just being in the hospital and talking with Ann and trying to let her brain figure things out. Besides, if no one contacted the police she reasoned, then no one could be looking for her. After about a week, she was to be released from the hospital but she had nowhere to go. Ann, of course, told her she would stay with her until she figured things out. Cindy started to protest but Ann quickly put an end to that. "In many civilizations, if you save someone's life they are your responsibility. I will have no talk of you being a burden or anything. You are staying with me for as long as you need to and that is the end of that, you got it?" Ann said sternly. "Ok, I at least learned to not question you" Cindy laughed. "Sorry" Ann said back realizing she raised her voice to Cindy "I just worry and have come to care a lot about you. I am not going to send you off to the cold cruel city alone". Cindy smiled and gave Ann a big hug and replied "I am so lucky you found me in that alley, I shudder to think what would have happened to me if you had not come along." "Well, I did. So no more talk or thoughts of that, ok? Now, let's get you out of this hospital room and into a real home" Ann said. As was normal procedure in the hospital, Ann got a wheel chair and made Cindy sit in it as she pushed her to the front door. "You know, I can walk, I've been walking to the nurses station for days now" Cindy told Ann. "Hush, you know I would be fired if I let you walk to the door. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride." Ann said as she pushed her through the hospital. When they got to the car, Ann jumped around and opened the door for Cindy. She helped her in a then went around and got in the drivers seat. As they drove to Ann's townhouse, Cindy was starring out into the city, trying to see if anything looked familiar. Nothing. Yet she knew something must. Unless she was beaten and dropped off into the alley, she was here. Nothing at all looked familiar though. Nothing, until they passed by the night club 'Passion'. "Stop!" Cindy screamed. Ann slammed on the brakes thinking something was wrong. "What is it honey, what's wrong?" Ann cried back urgently. "There, that club, it's familiar. I know that place. Somehow I know that place!" she said looking at Ann. Ann looked at the club and then back to Cindy. "You know that is a lesbian club, right?" Ann slowly replied back. "No, I don't know that, but I do know that club somehow. Do you think maybe I am a lesbian then?" Cindy said as if she had some disease. Ann smiled back placing her hand on Cindy's face "Hon, I don't know, you don't have to ask as if there is anything wrong with it. To be honest, I am a lesbian myself and I promise you nothing is wrong with me." Ann said smiling, "I actually frequent that club and I can tell you, I've never seen you there". Cindy looked confused and said "But I know that club somehow, it's the only familiar thing I've seen so far, I can't explain it but I know it". "Tell you what, let's get home and rest tonight and tomorrow I will take you there myself and we can see if anyone there knows you or if the inside looks familiar." Ann promised. Cindy looked at the club and Ann and back and forth several times and then said "Ok, I just..." Ann finished her thoughts "I know, you need to know who you are and I promise to help you figure it all out. I just think you need another night of rest before we venture out on the cold hard city." Cindy shook her head and agreed. She relaxed more and leaned into Ann as she finished driving home. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 2 Once they got to Ann's townhouse, she insisted on Cindy taking a long hot bubble bath while she made them a good home cooked meal. She knew hospital food, while nutritious, was not the best tasting meal. Soon Cindy finished the bath and emerged wearing silk pajamas and a warm robe that Ann laid out for her. She had the table set for them with a nice home cooked meal. As they sat and ate they talked more trying to get to know each other better. For Cindy it was actually getting to know herself as well as Ann. "So Ann, you mentioned in the car that you were a lesbian. Can I ask how you knew? How old were you when you first discovered it?" Cindy asked. "I was 13 when I realized I was a lesbian. I was always more attracted to girls, even at a young age though. While other girls always had crushes on various actors, boy bands and boys in the school, I always found myself having crushes on actresses, girl singers and girls in my class. I thought at first it was just my admiration of them, but as time went on, my attraction became stronger. When I was 13 I had a sleep over with a girl that I secretly had a crush on. We started playing truth or dare and she asked me what boy I first kissed. Of course I never kissed any, so I said I never did. She then asked if I even knew how to kiss and I blushed and said no. Well, she laughed and said she would have to teach me so I could get the guys when it came time. She leaned in to show me how to kiss, laughing the whole time while doing it. Well, I was of course nervous, as my secret crush was about to kiss me. I was afraid of giving myself away to her. Her lips were so soft, I melted into her. When she didn't pull back but kissed me even deeper, I was in heaven. After we kissed for about 10 minutes straight, she pulled back and she started to blush. It was at that time she confessed she always had a crush on me. ME! I couldn't believe it! That night we became girlfriends. Of course we kept it to ourselves. To everyone else we were just best friends. We even double dated a few times as we got older just to keep suspicions away from classmates and our parents, but we were very much in love. That is until she was on vacation one summer for two weeks. On the way back home, they got into a horrible car accident and they all died. I was crushed" Ann started to cry. "I am so sorry" Cindy said and took Ann in her arms and let her cry into her shoulder while comforting her. "I am sorry, it still hurts thinking back on it, but I am ok now. That is the reason I got into nursing. Her death had a profound effect on me. I sometimes still think I can feel her presence to this day". "I am sure of it, it sounds like maybe she is watching over you" Cindy assured her. "I guess I get a little over protective of people I care about too" she added, "Like y" she started to say then stopped. "Me?" Cindy asked, finishing her thought. "I can tell you care about me. I appreciate that so much. I feel so safe and comfortable with you, like nothing bad can ever happen when I am with you". Ann blushed and that. Suddenly the conversation got a little awkward. Cindy then asked "So, do you find me attractive?" Ann replied, "Yes, I think you are very attractive". Cindy pushed "Do you think you could love someone like me?" Ann stammered, "Honey, I think it way too soon to start talking love and all, we don't even know anything about you. You might have a husband and family, or a fiancé". "Well, you said that was a lesbian club we passed coming here, right? Well, since I know that club so well, it makes sense I must be a lesbian. And as far as a significant other, well, the police reports showed no one reported me as missing, so I doubt there is anyone looking for me. It sounds like I must be a single available lesbian. And I know I am very attracted to you" Cindy started before Ann cut her off. "Wooh honey, slow down. First just because you know that club doesn't make you a lesbian. Second, let's just be friends here until we get to know more about your past and everything." Cindy started to frown "I thought you said you found me attractive". "Honey" Ann said lifting her head and looking into her eyes "Listen to me. It is taking all my will power not to pull you into my arms and love you to death. Truth me told, I am highly attracted to you. But there is a thing called Transference where people can fall in love their doctor or in this case, nurse. You are isolated from your past, I was always there to take care of you, I just don't want to take advantage of this and do something that would end our friendship. I promise you, give it time to see if you still feel strong about this. We can be friends and if it continues to blossom, I will love you till the day we die, actually, even after. But it would kill me if this was a mistake on your part and we ended up not even being friends. So please, let's take this slow, ok? ` Cindy sighed "Ok, but I still feel like I could love you". "And I you, I promise you will never lose my love honey, never. But let's not rush into more than we can until we know more about you. Now, let's get to bed before you relapse from exhaustion". "I thought you would never ask" Cindy quipped. "Ug, separately honey, I don't think sleeping together would be a good idea for now" She answered back. "I know, I know" Cindy responded, "But you can't get mad for a girl trying now can you?" "No, I can't" Ann replied back. She helped Cindy to the bedroom and tucked her in, giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead. "I will be asleep on the rollout bed in the living room. If you need anything, anything at all, you call and I will be in right away. I am a very light sleeper," she told her. "Now get to sleep, and that is an order" she said in her best mock authority voice. "Ok 'doctor', as you say" Cindy said back in her best mock submissive voice. At that, Ann turned off the lights and went out to the living room. She left the door open incase Cindy needed her in the middle of the night. She then crawled into bed and hoped she was doing the right thing by holding off. No, she knew it was the right thing to do. About 2 hours into the night she heard a blood-curdling scream and rushed into the bedroom to see Cindy sitting up in a panic. As she held her and calmed her down Cindy told her of the same nightmare she had in the hospital of being chased and beaten. Ann told her it must be memories of her attack coming back to her. Cindy begged her to stay, she would be good, she promised, but she didn't want to be alone. Ann couldn't refuse her so she lay on top of the covers but held Cindy tight until she went to sleep. She was going to sneak back to the rollout bed, but every time she started to pull away she could feel Cindy tense up. She finally gave up and fell asleep holding her. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 3 The next morning she awoke face to face with her. Cindy was smiling into her eyes and brushing her hair. "Now it is my turn to say morning sleepy head," Cindy said. "What time is it, I feel like I slept for days" Ann replied. "It is 12:30 in the afternoon. I didn't want to wake you, it felt so good laying here with you. I was afraid if I stirred too much you might get up and leave". Ann looked into Cindy's deep brown eyes and was so smitten she was about to kiss her. She then caught and reminded herself of her promise not to make any moves until she was sure of Cindy's real feelings and past, if they could figure it out. "Um, I think we better get moving if we are going to get anything done today. We need to get you some clothes and essentials. Also, I was going to take you by the club and see if my friend Angela who owns it can shed any light on your past". Cindy looked disappointed in not getting more, but she accepted Ann's concerns. She was determined though to show Ann she was feeling more than just transference as she put it. The two got up and got ready. Fortunately, Ann had some clothes Cindy could wear. Ann's sister left some clothing when she visited before and was about Cindy's size, which was about a size smaller than Ann. After a quick breakfast, Ann took Cindy clothes shopping. They got her about 5 new outfits before hitting the shoe store. Cindy had nice shapely legs and calves. Her feet had nice high arches, so she was a natural for some stunning high heels. They also got a few casual flats and sneakers she could wear around too. Cindy bulked every time it came to paying for the purchases as she was feeling guilty for using too much of Ann's money, but Ann insisted. She promised they would figure out a way for her to pay her back once she was able to afford things, but for now she was her caretaker and she wanted to take care of her. It was going on 5 o'clock and both were starving. Ann suggested they hit the club and pick up a snack there. Plus she could talk with Angela before it got too crowded and see if she could shed some light on the situation with Cindy. When the two entered the club, Angela met them at the door as she always greeted the customers. "Ann, what a pleasant surprise seeing you this early, and who is this stunning lady with you, a new girlfriend?" she teased. "Hi Angela" she said while giving her friend a tight hug "this is my new friend, let's call her Cindy. I found her beaten and bleeding in the alley early last Sunday morning. She had been in the hospital under my care all last week. She was hit very hard on the head and suffered a concussion, which caused her to lose her memory. We've been trying to figure out anything about her past, but everything seems to come back to nothing. On her way to stay at my place last night she saw your club and instantly remembered it. She was insistent she knew this place, so we were hoping you or one of your staff might remember her or know something about her". "Hmmm" Angela thought, carefully looking Cindy over. "I am real sorry sweetie about what happened to you. I was working last Saturday night and I would definitely remember you. There was a major protest going on outside the club. Ever since gay and lesbian marriage rights have been going on we get protests more and more often. The one last Saturday turned bad and we even had to call the police to break it up. Maybe you were on your way here and got attacked before you even made it in". "Yes, that sounds likely" Cindy added. "I keep having these nightmares of being chased and attacked, so maybe that is what happened to me". "Well, let me ask the staff and see if any of them remember or at least know you. In the meantime, you two take a seat and have a nice meal and drinks on me" Angela offered. "Angela, that is sweet, but I can pay" Ann started to protest before Angela cut her off. "Nonsense, I will have none of that. You are one of my best customers and closest friends. You have done more for me that I can count. Plus if your friend here was hurt on her way here, I feel responsible. You two go eat and drink on me. I insist. I will hear no more about it! Julie" she called one of her servers "Give these two the best table and you give them anything they want on the house. Make sure they have great service" she instructed her. Before Ann could protest again, Angela was off to talk to her staff about Cindy. The two were taken to the upper level overlooking the club and were given menus. They both ordered appetizers and a glass of wine. Neither wanted to take advantage of Angela's hospitality too much. After about 30 minutes Angela stopped by the table. She admonished them for not ordering more, but both assured her they got what they wanted. "Well Cindy, I asked the staff and I am sorry to tell you that none of them recognize you, so I am unable to help you out there. But you are definitely welcome to stop by here anytime you want and don't worry about paying, it's on the house until you get on your feet" Angela offered. "Actually, would you maybe have an opening so I could at least 'pay for my super' as they put it? At least I wouldn't feel like I would be taking advantage of you and it also would allow me to see if anyone remembered me." Cindy asked. "I could use a cute and sexy girl like you to be a greeter. How about 4 to midnight with 2 paid 30min breaks. I can start you off at $10 an hour with 5% of the tips." Angela offered. "I will take it!" Cindy exclaimed, "Thank you very much!" and then gave Angela a big hug. "Now if all my staff greeted me that way, I would be a very happy boss," Angela joked. "It's settled then" Ann replied "I can drop her off here on my way to work and pick her up on my way back. That way you won't have to worry about getting to/from work." "Ok, it's settled then. How about you start Monday evening. That will give you the weekend to rest and get ready. We will fill you in on everything else you need to know then. And stick with Ann here, she is a doll and one of the best ladies I know. She will take care of you and watch out for you." Angela told her. "Oh, I have found that out myself Angela, Ann never left my side since she found me in the alley. I can't begin to pay her back for all the care she has given me" Cindy replied. "Now you two better stop before you make me blush any more than I am. I just wanted to make sure Cindy was taken care of, since I found her I do feel like she is my responsibility" Ann told them. "Yeah, we will go with that" Angela teased and winked at Ann. Inside she could see Ann felt more than just responsibility towards Cindy. After the two finished their food and drinks they decided to head back to the townhouse and rest. Cindy was still not 100% recovered from her injury and tired quickly. She had 2 days to rest and recuperate before she started work. She was so excited about the new job she had. She wondered what she did in her previous life. She hoped she was not some stuffy office worker. She couldn't wait to meet people and maybe make some new friends of her own. She actually started to feel happy about her new life. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 4 Several months went by, Cindy started to get more and more comfortable with her new life. No one she met at the club knew her from her previous life, but she stared to make friends with some of the regulars. With Ann's help, she even got a used car so she could go to and from work without having to rely on Ann. Not that Ann minded, but Cindy didn't want to feel like a burden. She insisted on paying Ann for rent and added her share for the bills and groceries. She also took turns cooking for Ann. She loved pampering Ann. Every day she felt more and more in love with her and decided she could no longer pretend there was nothing more than friendship between them. With Angela's permission, she took a night off, but didn't tell Ann that. That afternoon she pretended to get dressed and ready for work, but instead went by Victorian Secret and got a nice sexy teddy. She then stopped by the grocery store and got everything for a special dinner, including some nice candles. Then she went by the liquor store and picked up some wine. All was set and she got everything ready for when Ann was to come home. She knew Ann would be exhausted from working in the hospital, so she had a nice bubble bath ready for her. When Ann got home, she thought something was wrong with the place as no lights were on. She cautiously entered the place, ready to run or call 911 if needed. As soon as she opened the door, Cindy slide into her arms and gave her a big kiss before she could protest. "Cindy, honey, I thought we agreed." was all she could get out before she planted another deep kiss on her. "Listen Ann, we have been living together for 4 months now. I've behaved but I can't deny my feelings for you any longer. Stop using that excuse of transference or my past. I know how I feel and what I want. I know I love you so much, and I want you, more now than ever. Please give into your feelings and let us be us. I can't take the torture of not being in your loving arms any longer," Cindy pleaded. Ann was about to protest again, but then realized Cindy was right. Her worries of transference or taking advantage of her long since passed. The two were falling in love and she could deny neither herself nor Cindy any longer. With that, she took Cindy in her arms, pulled her to herself and kissed her deep and passionately. It felt so good to finally give in and love this incredible woman in front of her. When Ann finally pulled away, Cindy told her "Honey, I made you a nice bubble bath. I think you better get in there before it gets cold. After your done, I made us a special dinner". Ann couldn't help but chuckle as it reminded her of their first night together in the townhouse, only now the roles were reversed. She would have argued, but she had to admit she could go for a nice soak in the tub. So she took once last deep kiss and hug from her new lover and said "Ok darling, I will be back in about 15 minutes." With that she reluctantly left her and went into the bathroom. She almost fell over crying as she saw the candles and the rose pedals all over. She thought she loved Cindy more than she ever could, but she was wrong. She knew each day would push her that much more in love with her. After about 10 minutes in the warm water, she decided she soaked enough and needed to be with her love again, so she got out and changed. Tonight called for a special outfit, so she scanned her closet and found a nice teddy. She wanted to surprise Cindy, so she put on a cotton robe over it. She figured she could eat first and then surprise her. As she left the bedroom for the kitchen, she was once again greeted with candles and soft music. Cindy was sitting at the table waiting for Ann. She could see that Cindy was also in a sexy teddy, but she wore a sexy robe so it didn't hide the fact as to how she was dressed. Ann wasted no time and moved into Cindy's waiting arms and kissed her deep. "Ann, I want you to know I have been waiting for this moment forever it seems, at least as far back and I can remember," they both got a slight chuckle out of it. "I really don't know if I ever made love to a woman before, but tonight, I want you to be my first and special one. I can honestly say that I love you to the bottom of my soul". Ann blushed and said "Cindy, I've loved you from the moment I saw you laying in the bed helpless. I never wanted to leave your side, but I didn't want to push things either. Trust me when I tell you it took every once of will power to not make love to you all those time either. Your health and well being have always come first with me. I figured if we were really meant to be, things would work out. I am so glad you made the first move, I was too afraid of doing it myself. I love you too with every once that makes me who I am." With that the two kissed deeply again. Ann then pulled away and said, "As much as I would love to hold and kiss you all night, you went to a lot of trouble to cook us a wonderful meal. I think I owe it to you to eat your wonderful meal and then we can spend all the time you want exploring us". Cindy smiled back and agreed. She went around and pulled the chair out for Ann and gently slide it back in. She then sat beside her so they could eat close to each other. She poured each of them a glass of wine and then offered a toast "To us, may we enjoy a new long lasting beginning". Ann chimed in "Here, here! Cheers!" and then they clanked glasses and drank their wine. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 5 After they finished their wine, Cindy stood and took Ann by the hand. She led her into the bedroom and to the bed. She then turned her around and pushed her back onto the bed. She then climbed on top of her until her mouth got to Ann's mouth. Their lips met in a deep wet kiss. Ann wrapped her arms around Cindy and held her tight. She had been waiting for this moment forever and now that Cindy made the first move, Ann never wanted to leave her alone. Ann then rolled Cindy over and got on top. She then sat up and slowly untied her robe belt and let it all open. Cindy reached up and cupped Ann's breasts through the teddy and gently massaged them. She could feel Ann's nipples getting hard under the material and started pinching them through it. Ann started to gyrate her hips over Cindy's while she slowly slid her robe off and let it fall to the floor. She then leaned over and kissed Cindy's lips. She took Cindy's hands in her hands and lifted her arms above her head. She held them there with one hand while she used the other hand to open Cindy's robe and move the material out of the way. She then moved down and sucked Cindy's breast into her mouth, material and all, while using her tongue to trace circles around Cindy's nipples. Cindy's breathing started to grow more rapid. She wanted to let loose and tear into Ann, but she let Ann take the lead and control the pace. She was in pure heaven and loved each and every touch and kiss of Ann against her skin. Even the parts of her that were still covered by the teddy were set on fire by Ann's expert touch. Ann then reached up and pulled the strap off one of Cindy's shoulders and immediately started covering it with kisses and little licks. She then moved back and kissed and licked Cindy's neck and then nuzzled into her ear. She could feel the goose bumps for all over her neck. She could also feel Cindy's hips moving more wild into her. They were both incredibly wet. Ann then stopped and sat up. Cindy was about to protest her sudden stop when Ann reach down and started to pull her teddy off her head. Cindy was mesmerized by Ann's beauty. All she wanted to do was caress and kiss Ann all over. She reached up and pulled Ann, now naked, back into her rolling her back over and back on top. She used her hands to caress her breasts while kissing down her chin, neck, shoulders, and finally sucking Ann's breasts and nipples into her mouth. This felt so right. She had to be a lesbian, she could never imagine being with anyone else. Ann arched her back offering more of her breasts to Cindy, which she gladly took. While Cindy kissed and licked Ann's breasts, Ann wrapped her legs around Cindy's hips and ground her pussy into her. She couldn't take anymore, she needed to feel Cindy's naked body against hers, so she reached down and pulled Cindy's teddy off of her, discarding it on top of her own on the floor. Once Cindy was naked, Ann pulled her back up so they were again kissing lip to lip, breasts pressed into each other, pussy's grinding into each others thigh. Ann reached down and felt Cindy's wetness. She knew she had to taste her honey. She lifted her finger back up to her mouth and slid it into her mouth. She was amazed and how much better Cindy tasted than she even thought. She slide her hand back down and started to caress Cindy's pussy lips, sliding a finger and then two in and out of her. Cindy, always a fast learner, did the same to Ann as they masturbated each other to their first orgasm. All the while staring into each other's eyes. As they came, they kissed and moaned deep into each other's mouth. Ann let go of Cindy's pussy and wrapped her arms back around her, pulling her tight into her. After a deep soul searching kiss, she rolled back on top of Cindy. She then started kissing back down Cindy's body, to her breasts, taking the time to kiss and lick each breast and nipple over and over again, then down to her belly button, which she made mad passionate love to with her tongue, and finally she was just above Cindy's pussy. She stopped to breath in the aroma that she knew would be wonderful. Using her hands she pulled Cindy's lips apart and slid her tongue deep inside her. Cindy bucked at her tongue and almost came again. Ann then used a steady pace of licking and sucking, slowly at first and then increasing her speed slightly. She licked and sucked, every now and then she would flicker her tongue over Cindy's clit, drawing her closer and closer to an orgasm. Before she could cum though, Ann would back off and just lick and suck Cindy's lips. She knew the longer she kept her on the brink the more intense the orgasm would be. Finally, she knew Cindy could take no more and needed to cum. She licked back up to her now swollen clit, sucking it into her mouth and flickered her tongue all over it while sliding two fingers deep into her pussy. Cindy couldn't help by grab Ann's head and pull her deep into her cunt while she moaned in one orgasm after another. Ann didn't stop until Cindy finally relaxed the hold on her head and went limp. Ann kissed her way back up Cindy's body until she got to her mouth. She kissed her deep letting her taste her own juices on them, which Cindy cleaned off of Ann's face and lips. "That was incredible, I am not sure I ever came like that before!" Cindy told her. "Honey, that was just a preview. I promise you even more and longer lasting orgasms than this first series" Ann promised her while twisting her hair in her finger. "If I knew it would be this good, I would have never let you talk me into 4 whole months of waiting for you" Cindy added. "Awwww, but wasn't it worth waiting for?" Ann asked. "Honey, I would wait a thousand lifetimes for you" Cindy said more serious than ever. The two then kissed and held each other tight before making love over and over and over again, all night long. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 6 The next morning after a very intense all night love making session, Ann woke first, Cindy still in her arms. She couldn't help herself but kiss her face all over again. Cindy stirred, and when she realized where she was and what Ann was doing, joined in the kissing session. Ann then responded "Darling, as much as I would love another lovemaking session, let's get up and get showered. I am hungry and don't feel like making anything to eat. Let's go down to the club for brunch". "Party pooper" was Cindy's response, half serious, half joking, "Ok, I suppose we could eat before we go at it again" she quipped, "Looks like I created a monster" Ann joked but then quickly added, "of course, a monster I wouldn't change in a million years". The two took a leisurely shower, taking time to wash and caress and even kiss each other over and over again. They finally decided they better stop and actually get cleaned before they ended up back in another love making session, not that would be bad either. As they entered the club Angela greeted them at the door. She noticed them walking hand in hand and smiled, "I guess your plans went as desired Cindy?" "Yep, they sure did" Cindy replied back. Ann looked as confused as ever "What plans, what are you two talking about?" "Well honey, I've told Angela about how I feel for you and the frustration of having to wait. At first she agreed with you that I needed to hold off and see how I really felt, but when she saw I didn't waver, even after numerous women hit on me" which caused Ann to shift to a very jealous overprotective look "she told me she thought it was time I took action, and I agreed. She helped me plan out the whole evening, even giving me time off while letting you think I was working". "You stinker" Ann told Angela and mock hit her. "Honey, I knew how you felt about Cindy the night you introduced us. I also knew you would never make a move on her, so I told Cindy she needed to take the step first. What can I say, I am a sucker for love, especially for you my dear Ann" Angela explained. Ann stammered a bit, "Well, truth be told, I am glad she made the first move, but I will have to be more careful now that I know how sneaky you two can be". The three of them hugged and then Angela had Julie seat and serve them brunch, her teat once again. Just as they were finishing their meal, they could here a ruckus outside. Julie stopped by and told them that protesters were once again outside holding some anti-gay rally. "Honestly, why can't they live their life and let everyone else live theirs? Do we threaten them that much?" Julie told them. Cindy got nervous again, remembering something bad happened to her last time. Ann sensed it and held her tight "Honey, we can just wait it out in here, last time you were alone, this time they would have to go through me to hurt you, and I will never let that happen" Ann told her. Cindy relaxed a bit but still got nervous. When she looked out the window at the protesters, she couldn't help but noticed the woman with the bullhorn stirring them on looked familiar. "I know her!" she told Ann "I don't know who she is exactly, but I know her". "Honey, maybe she is one of the people that attacked you?" Ann replied. "I don't think so, I can't explain why I know her, but somehow I do" Cindy explained. As they sat and waited for the rally to finish, Cindy kept trying to figure out how she knew a woman from the anti-gay movement. Finally, the protest started to break up and the two felt safe leaving. "Please be careful" Angela told them "do you want anyone to go with you to make sure your safe?" she offered. "No" Ann told her "I've been through enough of these things to not be too worried. I can manage". "Still, be careful honey, I worry about what happened to Cindy last time" Angela reminded her. "Yeah, but I wasn't with her last time" Ann added, "You know I can take care of Cindy and myself". "That I have no doubt honey" Angela quipped. "Do call me when you get home so know your safe, ok?" "I promise" Ann replied. As the two left, Ann held Cindy close to her. Just then they passed the woman Cindy said she knew and the women yelled out "Heather? Heather is that you?" Cindy paused and turned around and asked, "Do you know me?" She looked at her and replied "Heather, it's Sue. We are in the Christian Mission together. I haven't seen you since the last rally. I just got back from Africa last week. When I didn't see you there I figured something came up. Did I just see you come out of the lesbian club back there? What is going on?" Cindy looked confused and distraught "What are you trying to tell me, I was somehow part of this anti-gay rally???" Sue looked again at Cindy, this time noticing she was arm in arm with another woman and said "Heather, you helped me organize it! What is going on with you, why are you leaving a lesbian club arm in arm with another woman? Please tell me you haven't turned on your faith!" Cindy pulled away from Ann; she looked at Sue, then Ann, then Sue, then Ann, and suddenly fell over and fainted. Ann tried to bend down to help when Sue shouted, "Stay away from her you heathen, what have you done to my sister! Have you perverted her?" Ann stood up and said, "I don't know who the hell you are or why you think you have to shove your nose into our business, but right now you better back off and leave us alone." "Devil be gone, repent now and save your soul" Sue shouted and then pulled out pepper spray and sprayed Ann's eyes. Ann shouted in pain, but the pain of anything happening to Cindy hurt her even more, so she dove at Sue. The last thing she remembered was punching Sue before the police showed up and tassered them both and hauled them off. Cindy/Heather was taken to the hospital. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 7 As Heather awoke in the hospital, it all came back to her. Her and Sue belonged to a group called the Christian Mission. They traveled around the world trying to convert sinners to Christianity. They held rallies for various sin filled activities, from strippers, to gay-lesbians. Then she remembered, Ann. OMG! Ann. She was pulled into a sin-filled lesbian relationship. Ann. She must have drugged and hypnotized her. She was convinced of it. When she got out of the hospital, she was going to go to the police and file charges against her. -- Ann sat in the jail cell, charged with fighting in public. She was so pissed at this Sue person and how small minded and judgmental she was. She was so worried about Cindy. She wanted to rush over to the hospital to make sure she was ok but right now she could only sit and wait. She used her one call to call Angela who said she would rush over ASAP to get her out. It had been several hours now yet no Angela. She was starting to wonder what could have happened when the guard showed up. "Come with me" the guard, told her. As she was pulled out of the jail cell, Ann was shocked she was hand cuffed and leg cuffed by two more guards. "What the hell is going on, am I not suppose to be released? I thought my friend was bailing me out?" Ann asked. The guards said nothing but led her along. She was brought into a courtroom where an older male judge sat looking over some papers. As he looked up he said "Ms Ann Johnson?" "Yes" Ann replied. "Ms Johnson. You are being charged with kidnapping, drugging a woman, brainwashing her, and then raping her. As I can point out, these are very serious charges. I suggest you seek counsel before you enter a plea. Do you have an attorney or do you need one appointed?" Ann turned white as a sheet. What was he talking about? Did Sue lie about what happened? What was going on here? Did they talk to Cindy? "Your honor, I don't understand the charges? Who filed these charges?" Ann inquired. "I can not answer those questions without counsel. Again I ask, do you have an attorney or do you need one appointed?" "Shit" Ann thought to herself. She remembered Angela had a lawyer friend who frequented her club. She needed to call her to see if she could get in touch. "Your honor, I believe I can get a lawyer, but I am not positive." she replied. "I give you 24 hours to get one, if you don't have one by then, I will have one appointed. Bailiff, please escort Ms Johnson back to her cell and let her contact whomever she needs to arrange for representation". At that she was led back to her cell. She immediately called Angela and explained what was going on and asked if she could get hold of your lawyer friend. Angela told her she knew what had happened and she was already on it. "Honey, Cindy, er, Heather actually, regained her full memory. I was there trying to bail you out when she came in. She filled charges against you honey. She thinks you drugged her and brainwashed her to do lesbian acts. She is one of the protesters that were outside my club that Saturday night before you found her. I contacted my friend and she said she can probably get you out of this, especially since she worked at the club and there are many witnesses who saw her here on her own free will, but she is a completely different person now. So full of hate and judgment. I can't believe she is the same sweet girl we all got to know and love. Are you ok? How are you doing honey?" Ann was floored. She couldn't speak. Cindy, or Heather was the one causing her problems? Her world was pulled out from under her. She felt lost and alone, her entire world was turned completely upside down. After all they went through, all the love and love making sessions, all the tender moments. How could she believe she somehow brainwashed her? She got sick and had to hang up the phone. She threw up in the trashcan and was told by the guards to clean it up and get back to her cell. Back in her cell, she just laid in bed. If Cindy was going to do this to her, she didn't want to go on. If her love was gone she didn't want to go on anymore either. The judge ordered her to be put on suicide watch after the guards reported she was non-responsive and lethargic. ---------------------------------------------------- Part 8 Heather and Sue sat in their lawyer's office. Heather was starting to feel guilty for reporting against Ann, but Sue kept assuring her it was the right thing to do. "Heather, that is how these people operate. They can't procreate, so they recruit. By force if necessary. You were obviously drugged. This Ann woman worked at a hospital. She probably gave you drugs to confuse you and then brainwash you into believing you were a lesbian. She then did despicable acts on you. We need to have her punished and kept in there so she doesn't harm another innocent person". "I don't know Sue, I am so confused. She took such good care of me. She always made sure I had enough to eat, I had clothes on my back, and she took care of my injuries when I was in the hospital. I mean, I am not sure now where I would be if she hadn't found me. Can't we just drop the charges and move on? I am sure God will forgive me, plus isn't our mission to get people to see God for good, not punish people". "NO! This woman is a sinner Heather. She is a disgusting lesbian. For all we know maybe she is the one that attacked you. She saw her chance to convert you to one of them and then used drugs and brain washing to convert you. No Heather, we must be God's right hand and punish these sinners to protect the innocent. It is our mission to stop these evil people." Heather started to feel afraid of Sue. She never saw Sue so passionate and judgmental. They had been over the world preaching to people, and now looking back; she realized how unforgiving Sue always was. However there was always someone with them to run the show and kept Sue in line. Now Sue was running the show here and Heather actually was afraid of her. "I need some air Sue, I need to take a walk" Heather told her. "No, you stay off the streets, they might come get you again, those heathens" Sue started before Ann could cut her off. "Sue, it's me. I will be fine. I wasn't exactly chained in a dark room when you found me. I will be fine; I just need to clear my head. I need to reconcile my thoughts, I will be back later." Before Sue could protest, Heather was out of the room and out of the building. What happened? She remembered going to the club on the night they protested. She remembered confronting a group of gay/lesbians yelling back at them while they protested. The plan was to have a peaceful demonstration, hopefully sow the seeds of love and understanding. Maybe even convert a few back to the right way. Then Sue and one of the lesbian women got into a big argument. Sue threw a bottle at the woman and a big fight broke out. The police were called. Mass confusion and everyone running in all directions. She took off down an alley. She could hear someone yell "There is one of those disgusting dykes now, let's beat some sense in her" and the next thing she remembered Ann was standing over her helping her up. OMG that is it! Ann didn't beat her; the protesters mistook her for one of the lesbians. She couldn't take it anymore. These people were too radical. She always wanted to be understanding. To talk to people, reason with them. Sue and a few of the others were too quick to turn to violence. For supposedly religious people, they seemed to always resort to violence. Then there was Ann. Ann always stood by her side. She even remembered when she first stayed with her, in her confused state she thought she was in love with her and it was Ann who held her off. No, her original reaction of thinking Ann somehow drugged and brainwashed her was wrong. Ann was innocent. She had to go back and drop the charges. This was wrong. ------- Ann sat in her cell. Her soul was crushed. If Cindy hated her now, she just didn't want to go on. The love in those eyes she saw or thought she saw; how could that be wrong? "Ms Johnson" the guard called her. "Yes" she replied. Half hearted. They could be calling her for her execution for all she cared now. She wanted the hurt to just go away. "Come with me" the told her as they opened the cell and led her back to the judge. Halfway there she realized she wasn't handcuffed or shackled. The judge was sitting behind the bench and Cindy was there. "Now what" she thought. "Ms Johnson, Ms Thompson here is dropping all the charges against you, you are free to go. Bailiff, please get all Ms Johnson's belongings and release her. Case Dismissed". She was confused now. Cindy wouldn't look at her; she kept her head down the entire time. She was lead to the back room where she was given her clothes and belongings and allowed to change. Once she was dressed back in her normal clothes, the guards came and had her sign a paper stating she received everything back and then she was led out to the front of the station and released. As she started to walk away Cindy or Heather caught up to her. "Ann, listen. I don't expect you to ever forgive me. You have to believe me, I was totally confused. When I first regained my memory, I got mad and blamed you for drugging and brainwashing me. It didn't help that Sue pushed me to go all out with filing charges." "Listen, Cindy or Heather or whatever I should call you now, what did I ever do to hurt you, ever? Didn't I always take care of you? Wasn't I always cautious and protective of you? My God, I would have given my life to protect you, you know that!" Ann told her, crying. "Yes, I do know that. Like I said, I was confused at first. I was mad at myself I realize now, I took it out on you. I was wrong. I told the judge that. He sentenced me to 50 hours of community service for the trouble I caused you. I told him 50 wasn't enough and I made it 200 hours. I was so wrong to hurt you. I told Sue I quit the mission. I can't be around people that hate and judge people like that. I was wrong for joining them in the first place." "Why would you join such a group anyway?" Ann asked. "I remember now. When I was 9 I had a sleep over with one of my girlfriends from school. My mom walked in and caught us looking at each other's bodies and touching, just out of curiosity. You know how kids can be. Well, she was ultra religious and she beat me silly. She preached day in and day out the evils of lesbians and took me to anti-gay/lesbian rallies. She beat it so much into me; I got like her and joined myself when I got old enough. Of course I never believed in violence but love and nurturing. That is why I quit the group. I realize now they are just a closed minded violent group", Heather explained. "I am so sorry to hear about your mother and her over reaction, but it still hurts how you had me thrown in jail." Ann said, although she could feel her anger towards her going away. "Like I said, I don't think I can ever say I am sorry enough, what I did was stupid and wrong. There is no way I can ever make it up to you. You were my guardian angel and I ruined it" Heather said as she started to cry. Ann melted right there and gave her a big hug. "Listen, we all make mistakes. I can understand from your point of view how things must have seemed, but I am glad you realized I would never hurt you". "I know, but there is more. Ann, I know I state the impossible, but while I was going through things to reconcile everything in my mind, I realized that I do love you. The only time in my life I felt whole was when I was in your arms. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, this stupid 'you can't love someone unless they meet some preconceived agenda' is wrong. Your a woman, I am a woman, so what. If two women, two men, or a man and a woman can't love each other without violence, than I don't know what is right with the world. I know I threw away what we had and I know I can never repair that, but I wanted you to know that I do love you very much and I promise to never make trouble for you again" she said through tears. Ann looked her in the eyes and saw pure love in them. How could she be mad or hate such a lovely creature. "Heather is it?" she asked. "Yes, although it feels weird hearing you call me Heather instead of Cindy" she replied. "Well, listen to me Heather. I never for one moment stopped loving you. Even though I hated what you were doing, I always loved you and always will. If you wish to start us over and continue on, you have my heart. You haven't lost that, you never can lose that, ok?" Ann told her now crying equally back. Heather wrapped her arms around Ann and held her tight "Oh Ann, I love you! Yes, I want that. I want you. I want us!" The two hugged and kissed for several minutes. They then walked back to Ann's car arm in arm. When they got back to the townhouse, they made love for hours on end, never to be parted again. The End