Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 03:34:21 -0400 From: Secret Dreamer Subject: Fall Down and Smile - 17 Props to my home fry Dan for 'fluencing the fallin' chaptah. What up boy-ee! Note: I will no longer be replying to e-mails sent to dreamsecret. I do still check it every few days just to see if there is anything. But pleeeaasseeee e-mail me , from now on , at the e-mail below. Thanks! This is a cute chapter in my opinion. Dawn and Iya are cute. Iya does the 'Mom' thing. Jonathan and Iya are cute. It's just a really cute chapter :-D. But whatever. I really hope you guys like it. See, it didn't take as long to get this one out. I'm getting better *grins*. I hope every one likes it. .email .website .aol im .other stuff Chapter 17 "Take a Picture" Dawn pattered around the bedroom. "I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Can't you just teach me?" "What are you worried about?" "I don't know. I just, I feel weird about doing this in front of other people." "It's natural and it'll help you." "I know it will. But can't you just teach me? You know how to do it. I don't think it's something you really forget." "The next thing you're going to tell me is that you don't want to give birth in front of anyone and you'll want me to deliver Tali." She stared sheepishly at the floor. "Well..." "No. No no no no. I don't have the training for that. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but I can't do it," I walked over to her and clasped her hands in mine. "It can just be you, me, and the mid-wife but there has to be someone there who knows what they're doing." "James can be there. I want him to be there. I mean, if he wants to be there," she sighed. "I'm just really nervous about this. I mean, this is big. I-I." I wrapped my arms tightly around her. "Shh. Everything is going to be alright, honey. I promise. I found some names in the phone book, of mid-wives, and we'll start calling tomorrow." She smiled up at me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you," she sighed. "I love you, too. Now, come on or we'll be late for our Lamaze class." She sighed and grumbled as I pulled her out the door. ******* I feel like a newborn Over the next couple of weeks, Andrew DuMont would come down the beach with his gardening tools. Leaving each day with more progress done in the small flower garden up front and saying he'd be back soon. Although, I missed the time I could've been spending with Dawn, seeing her face filled with pride and satisfied exhaustion made all the difference. She would sit down on the couch and tell me everything while I massaged her aching feet. Peaches would curl up on Dawn's swollen belly until 3:10 when James' bus came down the road and he would burst in with a tremendous smile. She would follow him around until he picked her up and scratched her chin and the spot just above her tail. I didn't think life could get any better. ******* Take my picture I hummed to myself and walked through the bedroom to the adjourning bathroom. Peering in, I grinned. Dawn stood naked in front of the mirror, happily brushing out her shining blonde hair after being in the bathtub. It still amazes me how quickly her hair grows. It was already past her shoulders. I tiptoed away and grabbed my camera from the night stand, checked the film dial and snapped a few pictures of her. Her belly protruded forward in a way that was more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen in my life. She turned to me and blushed. "What are you doing?" "Taking your picture," I replied softly, smiling at her and snapping a few more pictures. "I figure we can put them in Tali's baby book." She turned away, her hair covering her blushing cheeks. This made for an even better picture and I quickly captured it. "You're beautiful," I said, setting it down and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "I love you." She leaned against me and sighed, closing her eyes and rocking us back and forth. "I love you, too, Iya. More than anything." We embraced in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each others company. James' had already left for school, so we had the whole house to ourselves. "Iya?" "Hmm?" "Thank you for understanding about the garden. I know it's been monopolizing my time but it means so much to me. I missed the feeling of dirt between my fingers." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're my girl and I want you to be happy." She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply. "I'll always be your girl." "I'm going to hold you to that," I told her. "I'm counting on it." ******* I feel so real I left her to do her Dawn things and sauntered down the stairs to start my tea. I'd gone to making it after James' had left so I could spend the morning to help him get ready. He was sometimes hard to get out of bed even though he couldn't wait to go back when he came home. Funny that. I put the mug in the microwave and looked around for something to have for breakfast when there was a tapping on the glass door. I looked out and waved at Andrew to come in. "Good morning," he grinned, sitting down at the table. "Morning. Dawn is shooting today so she won't be around," I reminded him, taking my hot water and placing the tea bag in it. "I know. I figured that since I'm taking your girlfriend from you, I should take you from her for a few hours." He sat down at the table. I laughed. "I suppose that's fair. At least she won't worry about me being alone all day." "She worries?" I nodded. "She doesn't know that I know. But I see the look in her eyes. Ever since Donny died." He scrunched up his forehead. "Who was Donny?" I sighed and relayed the story. He stared at me. "What?" "I'm sorry," he whispered. "My wife died a few years ago so I know what you're going through." I smiled shyly as Dawn pattered down the stairs. "Hi Andrew," she grinned and hugged him. She leaned over and kissed me deeply. "I have to go. I'm late. I'll be home around 7 or 8. I'll call if it's any later, promise." I kissed her back. "Take a bagel. I love you." She grinned, took one from the bread box and kissed me again. "I don't know what I'd do without you watching over me. I love you, too. Bye. Bye Andrew," and she whisked out the door. I chuckled and sipped my tea. "Just a month or two more and the movie will be done and she can finally relax," I sighed. "You don't like her working?" he asked. "It makes her happy. But it worries me that she's working so far into the pregnancy. I know there's no danger, I'm just a paranoid girlfriend." He nodded and stroked his newly formed goatee in deep thought. "Hey, you want to go out and do something? My treat." "That'd be great. There's some stuff I need to pick up anyway." "Anything interesting?" "Books and music." "Oohh. Bookstore!" he grinned and did, what I guess you could call, a dance. I peered at him. "Are you sure you're 54?" He just laughed. ******** I don't believe in "You're an okay guy," I laughed, licking the ice cream from my face. "You're not so bad yourself, Miss Moon," Andrew grinned, wrinkling his nose as the cone hit his lower lip. He chuckled and brushed it off with a napkin. "So what do you do for a living?" "I'm a writer." "Really? Anything published?" I laughed. "I wish! I'm working on it though." "No no. The secret is networking. Say, if you had a friend who already had a plethora of people in the circle to pass along your stuff." "Uh huh. I don't know anyone like that." "Sure you do," he grinned. "Me." "You?" I laughed loudly. "You have connections?" I teased. He nodded. "Quite a few and they owe me a few favors." "What are you suggesting?" "I'm saying," he emphasized. "That we take a little walk across the street, fire up your laptop, and print out a copy of your manuscript for my friend to take a look at." "Are you serious?" He shrugged. "It's the least I can do since you're letting me borrow Dawn." I shook my head. "What you do is send a card or, or just thank them. Not give them the opportunity they've been dreaming about since they were 5." I protested. He chuckled. "That sounds better than a card, in my opinion." I grabbed his arm as he started across the street. "Andrew, why are you doing this? Really." He draped his arm around my shoulder loosely. "My wife and I, we never had kids. But we always wanted to have two daughters." "And since Dawn and I are in the proximity of an age where you could be our father..." He nodded. "I'm sorry if it sounds creepy. It was just so easy to befriend both of you. And it's taken me a few weeks to get up the courage to introduce myself. Didn't want you to think I was some dirty old man." I smiled up at him. "It's not creepy. I understand. When my daughter died and I left for school, I met a woman with a daughter about the age Hazel would've been. I kind of treated her like a niece. Spoiling her if I could. Taking her to the park." "Thank you for understanding." "No problem. But I can't let you do this. I need to get a contract on my own." He held up his hands. "Whoa. You will. I'm just giving you the audience, you've gotta sell yourself, so to speak." "So their decision won't be affected by their relationship with you?" "No a bit." I bit my lip. I would be a complete idiot to turn down this offer. This could be my moment. I nodded. "Okay. Let's go." He smiled broadly. "Great. We may have to do some schmoozing to get up to his office. I'm not sure if he's in or not but don't worry. Just let me lead." I nodded, in a slight daze of the situation. "Is your novel on a disk or will we need to print it out?" He asked as he lead me across the street. "I can download it onto a disk," I managed to mutter out. "Good. Good," he opened the door and had to push me inside. "Don't be nervous. They smell fear," he growled in his throat and wiggled his eyebrows as we boarded the elevator. I giggled behind my hand. My nerves were loosening up with the distraction. If only I could keep myself from twisting this piece of hair. He smiled when the doors opened and walked up to a receptionists' desk. "Hello. Is Mr. Finch in?" The secretary didn't even look up from where she was busily typing. "I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Finch is in a conference and he has instructed me not to let anyone in to see him." "Can you tell me when he'll be finished?" "In a few hours, it's a very important conference," she said matter-of-factly and continued typing into the computer. Andrew wrinkled his forehead. "Well, I've got some new talent for him and I know that he doesn't like it to slip through his fingers. If you could just page him and tell him Andrew DuMont is here to see him, I would be eternally grateful." "Mr. DuMont, I have explicit instructions not to let any-" "-Andy!" We both turned around and Andrew smiled brightly. Mr. Finch was a portly man with graying hair and a very 'grandfather' look to him. The two hugged tightly with a manly pat on the back. "What are you doing here?" He laughed, a dimple showing in his right cheek. Andrew stepped aside and pulled me forward. "This, my dear man, is Iya Moon." "Hello Miss Moon," he shook my hand. "What can I do for you?" "Actually, Ian, this is kind of a thank-you present for Iya. I've been borrowing her fiancˇe for the past few weeks to work on a garden and I wanted to show her my gratitude." Mr. Finch, Ian, chuckled. "You and your gardens, Andy. What do you do, Iya?" Somewhere, I found a very strong, professional voice inside me and blurted out. "I'm a writer." He scratched his chin. "Would I've seen your work anywhere?" "Probably not, sir. Usually I just write for myself and for a few friends." "Call me Ian. Well, if you've got something I'll gladly take a look at it since your Andy's personal pick. I can't make any promises. I make it a point not to let my friendships interfere with my clients. If they should be here, they'll prove it on their own." "Thank you," I sighed with relief. "I was kind of worried about that." He motioned up to follow him into his office. "You don't like free-bees?" "Well, I do but not when it involves something like a career or anything completely life-changing. I'd like to make sure I'm not handed anything on a silver platter." "Really?" he inquired, sitting behind a desk. "I would think you'd love to be handed something with no consequences." "But there are consequences. No matter where, somewhere there's a consequence. And plus, silver platters need to be polished too often and I don't have that kind of time." Ian laughed loudly. "Wonderful! Sit, sit and show me your stuff." I grinned and took my laptop from my bag. "You'll have to excuse this. I wasn't aware that we would be coming here." He laughed again. "No worries. I'm free all afternoon so take your time." I checked my watch as I booted up the computer. 11:55. "There are a series of examples I have. Shorts, a novel, novellas." "Let's start with a short and work it from there. I'll just read it from the computer." I nodded and typed in my passwords and opened the first file. He took the laptop and set it on his desk. I was a bundle of nerves. ******* My skin is bare After the short story, he wanted to read another one but with a different style. Then a few chapters of a novella. Throughout all of this he kept a very straight face which was driving me nuts. My heart was nearly beating out of my chest. I was sure I was sweating like a pig. Andrew sat on the windowsill, swinging his legs and staring out of the window. He just kept smiling and smiling. At least one of us was calm. I checked my watch. 1:40. Ian looked up from the computer and handed it back to me. "I really like what you're doing. You're style is different. Very straight forward, I like that. You don't dance around but you put in detail. Now, I need to give a copy to some of my colleagues but in my opinion, welcome to the family." I think I fainted. Or maybe I just don't remember much of what happened after that. Andrew swung me around the room and clapped Ian on the back. They printed out 5 copies of the novella and had them sent to the other offices immediately. I still couldn't talk. "Do you need to call anyone?" Ian asked. "I'd like you to stay until the rest of them have read it and we have a final answer for you." 2:00. Had to be home in an hour. This could wait. "I have to be home at 3, my son gets home around 3:10 and." He held up his hand. "Say no more. I have kids and grandkids of my own. I understand. How old is he?" "He's almost 6." "Well, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you as soon as I have something for you." I still couldn't breath very well but I nodded. This was too unreal. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He chuckled. "Don't thank me. Thank Andrew. He's the one who made you come here." I blushed and let Andrew push me from the room. "I'll call you later, Ian. We'll do lunch sometime." I didn't hear the reply. I don't even know if he actually said anything. As soon was the door was closed, I launched myself onto Andrew. "Thank you thank you thank you," I gushed, kissing his face all over. He laughed and set me down. "Calm down, little girl. Stay calm. I thought you were going to die in there." I grinned stupidly. "Almost did, twice." He chuckled and draped his arm over my shoulder. "Come on, let's get you home to James and Dawn." I half skipped - half sprinted to the car and climbed in. I felt like I was on a caffeine high, my leg wouldn't stop jiggling up and down. Andrew got in and started the car. "Are you going to be alright or should we get you some Ritalin or something," he laughed. "I'm fine. Really." I bounced in my seat, trying to keep myself from sticking my head out the window and screaming at the top of my lungs. Had to get home. Had to get home to tell Dawn. I bit my lip to the point where it nearly bled. This was my chance. This was the chance I'd been waiting for my whole life! Andrew dropped me off and I waited patiently on the porch for James. His bus came around at 3:10 and he sprinted from the vehicle. I swooped him into my arms, planting kisses all over his face. "Mama? Are you alright?" he asked. I laughed and held him close. "I'm wonderful, James. Absolutely wonderful." He grinned. "Okay," shimmied from my grasp and embraced Peaches who was patiently waiting by the door. "When is Dawn coming home?" "Not for a few hours, honey." "Alright. Can I watch TV?" I nodded. "Go ahead and watch TRL." He blushed. I laughed. "Go watch. No more secrets though." He grinned. "Thanks Mama," and bounded to the living room, Peaches in tow. I wandered into the kitchen, desperate to find something to keep me busy until Dawn got home. I was about to burst. Luckily, the phone rang keeping me from my aforementioned combustion. "Hello?" "Hey Iya!" "Yo Jono! Guess what?" "You're a secret agent sent to track alien activity?" I rolled my eyes. "No dumbass, that's your ideal job." "Oh. Ri-ght." "Anyway, Andrew took me out today and-" "-the creepy guy from down the beach?" "He's not creepy!" I cried before relayed everything that had happened in Ian's office. "I bet he's gay." "What does that have to do with anything?" I blurted in exasperation. "He's gay," he said matter-of-factly. "Jonathan, he's not gay. His wife died a few years ago." "You shouldn't be spreading rumors like that," he tsked. "You are such a moron, you know that?" "I love it when you talk dirty," he purred. "Whose talking dirty to you?" Adam shouted in the background. "Just Iya," he yelled back. "Is he still all uptight?" "Mm," he confirmed. "I really need to break him of that." "Take him to bed. I'm sure he'll loosen up for you then." "Okay! Not something I wanted to hear come out of your mouth. I think you've made me sterile." I giggled as Adam shouted again. There was a slight struggle on the other end. "Iya? Stop messing with my man! I'd like him to stay the way I found him." "Used?" There was a silence before he started snickering and coughed as Jonathan asked what I had said. "I think we better go. I'm sure you'll want to tell your woman all about today." "Mama! Can I talk , too?" "Oh, hold on Adam. James wants to talk," I handed him the phone and ruffled his hair. "Hi Uncle Adam!" I chuckled , turned to the fridge and took out the apple that James' would want with peanut butter. I sighed, remembering it was the snack Mama would always have ready for me when I got home from school. I cut up the fleshy fruit and put it on a plate with a bit of peanut butter. "Okay, bye Uncle Jonathan," he clicked off the phone and handed it to me. "Are those for me?" I nodded and handed them over. He grinned, thanked me, and scampered back to the living room. I stared around the kitchen, trying to think of something to do. I tapped my finger nails impatiently against the counter and decided to cook. ******* My skin is theirs Dawn's pulled into the driveway around 7. I was waiting impatiently on the porch, jumping from one foot to the other. Once she parked, I raced to her door and flung it open. "I'm going to be a published author." So much for being subtle about it. She blinked at me. "What?" "I'm going to be a published author!" I shortened the story as well as I could while replaying it about a mile a minute. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" She got out of the car and threw her arms around me. "Oh my god! Iya!" she laughed and kissed me, jumping up and down. "This is phenomenal! We have to go out to celebrate." I grinned. "Even better. I made lasagna." "You cook?" I laughed. "You're not the only one with secrets but you're better than I am." She grinned. "I think I liked it better when I was the only one holding back." I kissed her cheek and grabbed her bag from the car. "It's not definite yet. Andrew's friend read it and he wants some of his colleagues to read it, too." "But still," she gushed. "This is huge!" I grinned. "I hope it stays huge." "I bet it will. I really wish I could read it, though," she sighed dramatically. "I suppose I'll just have to buy a copy and hide it from you." I grinned. "Thanks for understanding, honey. Oh, I gotta get the mail." She took her bag back, kissed me, whispered an 'I'm proud of you' and wobbled inside. I whistled as I got the mail and brought it inside. Dawn. Dawn. Dawn. Bill. Ew. Bill. Me. Me. Dawn. I split it up and handed her her pile. She smiled at me and slit open one of the envelopes. I listened to her hum as I prepared a salad when she stopped in mid-note. I looked over my shoulder, about to pick up the song, thinking she'd forgotten the rest but her hand was clutched to her stomach. "Dawn?" I rushed across the kitchen, kneeling next to her. "Is it Tali? Is something wrong?" She turned to me, tears streaming down her face. "They want Tali." "Who wants Tali?" She gasped for air and collapsed against me. "Jared's parents." The buzzer on the oven went off signaling the lasagna but neither of us moved. Dinner and my news completely swept out the window. -- Woo! I'm a bitch *grins* hehe. Have faith, though. I know what I'm doing, sorta. Don't forget to Smile, SD