Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 07:49:19 -0400 From: J W Subject: A Nurse's Tale 4 I made a slight detour exiting 606. Passing by 606B I grabbed my underwear from the pile of discarded, mostly hospital issue clothing. "Let's go McGee, there's work to be done ya know" I said trying to sound gruff but not wanting to say it loud enough to disturb our patient. Once in the hall I broke into a quick jog that was nearly a run by the time I reached the crash doors. I had glanced at the announciator board in the nursing station as I flashed by, relieved that there were no calls on it. I was only too aware that my subordinate and I were in serious dereliction of duty. I was also aware that `I'm Caitlyn Smithers, and I'm in charge here' also meant I'm responsible here. If the shit hit the fan very little of it would land on the second year nurse. I glanced up at the clock in the locker room as I stripped off the soiled scrubs and headed for the shower; 12:15 AM. `Oh Jesus please let me get away with this' my mind prayed. Into the shower; `soap fast'; fresh panties, same bra, fresh scrubs; `Shit! Only yellow left'; back through the crash doors trot to the station; nothing on the board! I dropped into the swivel chair so hard I nearly skidded across and hit the other desk. I sat there looking at the ceiling trying to collect myself when the totally disheveled nurse walked by, it was 12:30 AM. Brittney looked like she had been through a war. Our eyes met for an instant and to my delight she seemed to quicken her pace a little. With a sharpie marker I wrote "I'LL BE IN 606 ON DAMAGE CONTROL. YOU STAY HERE UNLESS THERE'S A CALL!...CS" and stuck it on the announciator board. I had told Sarah that I was going to get stuff to clean her up, which of course was nonsense. The washing supplies were already in the room. When I returned to her bedside she was sweetly dosing. I pulled the stainless steel pan from the lower shelf of the cupboard; in the connected washroom filled it three quarters full with warm water. I unwrapped one of the sterile sponges and saturated it in the bowl. After applying the liquid soap to the sponge I softly called her name. Those magnificent blue eyes opened immediately and she smiled. I was once again taken a back by the pureness of her beauty. Laying there without pretension or adornments she was breathtakingly beautiful. "I'm going to give you a wash now, sweetheart. You'll sleep much better if you feel fresh". Sarah's smile was undiminished as I lowered the blanket to the foot of the bed leaving the teenager once again completely naked. I gritted my teeth against the inevitable arousal and began the sponge bath I was trained to do, and had administered a thousand times. Of course I wasn't supposed to completely expose the patient like this but what the hell I'd already licked her pussy! I was careful to keep the sponge between my hand and that soft delectable flesh. `Caitlyn for God's sake have some professionalism! Are you a nurse or a rapist?' I concentrated on the practical training I had received trying to block out the sensual spectacle that was right before my eyes. "I know why I have the pains." Sarah's said very softly, so softly I wasn't sure I had heard correctly. "Sorry honey; you know why your tummy is hurting; is that what you mean?" "Yes." When I looked up at her face the smile was gone, replaced by a pathetic pout and tears were welling up in those incredible blue eyes. The soft sob that followed nearly broke my heart and my pussy wasn't in charge right now. Taking the towel I dried her right arm and upper right chest. "What do you think is causing the pain?" I prompted. "I'm so embarrassed, I don't... I can't..." she sobbed. "Hey, it's me, Cattie remember? You trust me, you can tell me anything, I'll understand. I won't judge you." I soothed, stroking the tussled blonde hair. "I, I'm just so embarrassed I ... I can't tell anyone." I looked into those huge blue eyes my overdeveloped empathetic side over ruled everything else. "Honey if you know something you've got to tell us, we just want to help you." My patient bit her lip and looked at me through those tearful wide eyes. Wiping the back of her hand on her runny nose, with a new resolve she started. Her eyes were downcast, no longer able to look at me apparently. "A couple weeks ago I was looking for a book my mom had borrowed." She squeaked, and paused to sniffle. "I looked in her bedside table for the book. [sob, sniffle] I was getting ready for school and she had already left for work." Sarah paused taking a deep breathe. "In the drawer there was a big plastic....penis". The last word was whispered as if it was a secret and then she sighed "It was really big. I, I never, uh, put anything in there before but I, oh God, I just couldn't help it." The cry of her admission left me stunned for a moment. I was still stroking the silky blonde hair, but the visual of the adorable teenager standing in her mother's bedroom holding a dildo was threatening my concentration. "So you put it in your pussy?" I clarified, feeling the pressure starting to build in lower belly. "Yeah!" she wailed and started shaking. I slipped my arm under Sarah's neck and hugged her to my shoulder as she quickly dampened the awful yellow scrubs with her tears and snot. My mouth was against her ear and I made soothing shushing sounds. Sarah's mouth was also touching my ear. Without breaking the contact of our cheeks, I managed to swing my hip onto the bed so I was able to embrace the weeping girl full length. Oh how I wished I didn't have those damn yellow scrubs on. When her breathing got back under control she whispered hoarsely "It was sooo big. It, it was really hard to get in" My mind conjured the picture and my pussy applauded. "I went into my mom's bathroom," she continued right in my ear in that whisper that now sounded sexy, "I put my foot up on the toilet. You know, like the way my mom showed me how to put a tampon in. I kinda wiggled it a bit, you know against my... uh, in between my...uh..." "Your pussy lips" I prompted "Yeah, and I used my other hand to, uh, you know kinda pull them apart." There was something else in that sexy whisper now; excitement? "I was really gooey down there!" this time it wasn't a sob on the pause, more like a pant. Speaking of gooey! I realized my third pair of panties was toast. Sarah shifted a little, to get more comfortable I thought. "It was still hard to push it in but... oh my God when it slipped inside..." she emitted a groan so loud that it almost hurt. It made me aware of the softness of her lips against my ear. "I felt so, uh, so..." "Full?" I supplied the missing word. "Uh huh, but it was more than that. There was this uh, pressure in my uh, tummy." Sarah was squirming a little in my arms with arms trapped between us. The repositioning made me aware that her hands were between her legs. I shifted my body, moving my hips slightly forward and was rewarded by having the backs of the teenager's hand touch my burning mons. Those tiny hands were moving slowly. I could imagine what the fingers were doing, but I forced that thought out of my head. Instead, I just snuggled a little closer and enjoyed the unintentional petting. I held my breath to stifle the moan that was queuing up in my throat. "But that's when, ugh, I, oh God, I made a mistake." The sobbing started again. "I was trying to, you know, uh, kinda move it in and out..." [sob] "it felt so, so...but then I pushed too haarrrd!" that wail did hurt my ear. The poor young thing was shaking from head to toe. "And, and, there was blood and everything!!" I hugged my patient tighter and stroked her shuddering back. "It's OK honey, it's OK you just popped your cherry that's all." I said in a soft soothing tone, my mind out from between my legs at least for a moment. "But, but it was more than that!" I was grateful that the sobbing and shaking had somewhat subsided. "When I push it, you know all the way in, it... well it hit something!" This revelation brought the shaking and sobbing back. "Shush, shush, sweetheart." I whispered tasting the salty tears. "At the end of your vagina is your cervix. You probably gave yours a nasty bump. I know that really hurts but your cervix is pretty tough. I'm sure you didn't do any serious damage." The teenager seemed to be settling down again. "Really, you mean that's happened to you?" Sarah pushed away enough so we were now nose to nose. Gazing into those red rimmed blue pools again; "Yeah, sometimes you can get a little carried away with toys. It wouldn't surprise me if it hurt for a few days." Her sigh of relief splashed across my face. "So, so you really think it's OK?" she asked hopefully. "Honey, the doctors have examined you. If you had actually done any damage they would have seen it. If you just bruised it a bit it's probably not very noticeable. The other thing is; you didn't tell them how this all started, did you?" Sarah shuddered in my arms again. "No, no I couldn't tell... I'm so, I'm so..." Oh Jesus not again! "Shush honey. Just leave everything to me." I said planting a motherly kiss on her forehead. One last stroke of the golden locks and I broke the embrace. Back on my feet I said "I'm going to warm up this water and get you cleaned up. You've really got to get some sleep. I was pleased to see the radiant smile back on the tear stained face. "You can't tell anybody, please don't tell Caitie!" A cloud passed over her sweet expression. "Trust me Sarah; everything is going to work out fine." I was proud of myself as I walked toward the nursing station and glanced at the clock; 1:45. I had managed to sponge bath the delectable teenaged patient and get her into a fresh gown with more professionalism than I had shown at any time so far this shift. Well, maybe the consult with missus Caulfield was an exception. Britney was sitting at the desk reading something. "I'm gonna go get something to eat." I said as I passed by "want me to bring you anything back." She looked up and there was that `je ne sais quoi' grin; "No I brought stuff with me." She replied "I'll be back in twenty, half hour tops." I called over my shoulder as I made my way once again to the locker room. `Better behave the rest of the night' I thought. `You're down to your last pair of knickers.' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wrote nothing in Sarah's chart about our pillow talk. After turning the ward over to Mary at seven, I collected my heaping bag of laundry, donned my cycling clothes and headed home. I don't remember how I got to my front door. During the ride my mind replayed the cuddling session with my teenaged patient. I hardly needed the extra stimulation; the saddle did what the saddle always does. Fifteen minutes and an orgasm later I threw my keys on the hall table and headed for a long soak in the Jacuzzi. Relaxing in the swirling bubbles I planned the words I would use when I called doctor Menendez's office around nine. I was acquainted with the good doctor and I knew he was pretty sharp. Playing with words to protect Sarah's confidence took a little longer than just blurting out the facts, but my faith in Caesar Menendez's intuition was eventually justified. "Thanks, Caitlyn, great work! I don't think we'll need to detain Miss Munford any longer." The doctor assured me as he hung up. I had mixed emotions as I settled into my bed that morning. I was pleased that I was able to spare the young woman the torment of further tests, but at the same time disappointed that in all likelihood she'd be gone by the time I started my next shift. I drifted easily into a peaceful sleep.