Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 13:51:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Jackie Subject: NEW SENIOR 7 ASHLEY I woke up the next morning and noticed our flight was about to land on New York. We got off the plane and drove to my house, once we got to my house I gave Jackie a kiss before she left and Dani a hug. I was so tired from everything but excited that my wedding with Jackie was in like in less than 4 days. The whole day I just spent reading a book and drawing pictures of Jackie she looked nice in my pictures but could never match to her true beauty. The next day my friend Olivia who you all know as my fiance's ex, "Hey HEy Ashley, so your wedding is soon and well we need to go clubbing you know what I mean" she yelled in my ear, "Yeah I know Olivia when shall we go?" I asked her "Lets go today at midnight but we are staying in a hotel in connecticut so like 3 hours away from here" "Wait let me call Jackie and asked for her approval" I said "No don't do that, the guys promised that they were going to hang out with Jackie, plus we had your wedding dress modified to the way you wanted it all comfortable and shit at some place in Connecticut so we party today and tomorrow, but we come back tomorrow night" she said sounding so excited so I just couldn't deny it. I went to my room packed some clothes, and put on black heels, and a black tight dress I thought I looked good, I went downstairs and saw that my parents weren't here but Tracy was in a tight dress like mine except it was red. "Comee on chick we can't leave them waiting" she said and we rushed outside and waited. Shortly after 10 minutes Olivia arrieved in her nice grey honda almost like Jackie's, we jumped in and drove off to connecticut. We arrieved at a nice hotel it was call like 'Clocktown Sun' it was nice. We cheecked in and rushed to put our stuff away and get ready for the clubbing. We got to this club called 'Triangle Circle' which made no fucking sense but whatever, we started dancing like there was no tomorrow. Some people even put their hands on my hips I didn't mind it unless they went lower, dancing and dancing then I couldn't no more so we went to sit down. Some guys came and started flirting with us it was annoying but we decided to use them. Well since we werent old enough to buy drinks we well they started using the guys to get them drinks, I was getting tired I looked at my phone and turned in on, a picture of Jackie and me together as my wallpaper, it was 3 am. I put my phone away and asked Tracy I we could head to the hotel and she agreed. We got to the hotel and went right to my room and fell asleep. Next day we got up and went shopping for some new clothes and shoes. Today we were heading back home because the wedding was tomorrow, we went to pick up my dress and I don't know what but it looked more beautiful than before. We got back to Mahopac around 10 and my mom and dad were watching some old show like 1940, so me and Tracy just went to my room. "Tracy your leavin back to virginia soon" I said "Yeah but not really I got into a college" she said I looked up at her, "What the fuck thats great what college did you get into biatch" "Um, I got into Ballare in Rome" I jumped off my bed and ran to give her a hug "How the fuck did you get into it?" "Well after a week of you being gone some of the girls encouraged me to join them in dancing and well the instructor said that I am a prodigy" she said and was so happy and so was I, I can't believe that my best friend was going to the same college as me. I was so excited. I fell sleep and the next morning I got up at 8 it was my wedding day. I went downstairs where my mom started working on me. She did my hair, my make up and my nails, but the dress was properly adjusted by some pro. It took about 5 hours to get me ready, last touch was when my mother put on my wedding veil. I looked at her and she started crying "Awe mom don't or else I'm going to cry then it's going to be a huge mess" "I'm sorry sweetie it's just I never imagined how fast a child can grow up, but never forget me and your father will always be here" she said and huge me tighter. I wanted to cry but I would mess up my mascara. We heard a horn outside I looked out the window and saw a long black limousine was waiting outside. We all walked outside but only my mom and Dad were going with me, they started taking so many pictures of me. I was so happy and nervous at the same time I felt like a kid about to speak in front of a million people. We got to the lake and thats where we exited, I saw it was packed there were like 70 people just outside waiting for me or to go in, I got out and there were flashes everywhere, I felt like a rockstar. I was so nervous very one rushed inside. My mom told me I have to wait for them to start the music. I waited I waited and I waited until finally the music started and they opened the gates for me, I was given my flower bouquet and tracy walked behind me lifting up the back of my dress. My dad waited for me, he looked good in hir suit, walked together to the great yellow arch where there were my bridesmaids and Jackie's groomsmen and...Jackie. We got there and Jackie smiled at me and looked into my eyes, I have to admit she does look good in suits I guess the suit just showed off her firm body in a way. I can't believe I'm getting married, I'm just a few minutes away from becoming Ashley Elizabeth Duarte. Jackie and I turned to the minister and started listening to all his words, "We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Ashley Sinclair and Jackie Duarte as they exchange vows of their everlasting love..." and then he went on talking, " Ashley and Jackie take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family -- a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love. May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Jackie and Ashley both look forward to each new season of their marriage --- just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories. An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Jackie and Ashley, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly LOVE another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect. The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as any thing that can be seen, heard or touched. For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one --- but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls." he took a second to breath then we took some minutes to pray, and he continued. "At this time, I'll ask you, Jackie, and you, Ashley, to face each other & take each other's hands..." we did as told and I could fell Jackie's hands shaking. He looked at Jackie and smiled, "Jackie, will you take Ashley to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" now it was Jackie turn to say her lines... "I will" she responded "Ashley, will you take Jackie to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" "I will" I said anxious, Jackie took my right hand and said, "I, Jackie, take you, Ashley, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." she said with a hot smile "I, Ashley, take you, Jackie, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part" I said so happily. The minister smiled at us, then we looked at some kids bringing the ring to the priest I think it was Jackie's distant nephew. The minister handed Jackie a beautiful gold ring which Jackie slid on my fourth finger of my left hand. "With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen" The minister said, then he gave me the other ring, which I slid on Jackie fourth finger on left hand, and again the minister repeated the same words, "With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen". We got on our knees and the minister gave us our last blessing, "GOD the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen", Jackie grabbed the tip of my veil and slowly lifted it over my head, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" he said and Jackie slowly leaned in and kissed me and I kissed her back but we only lasted like 5 minutes because everyone was watching. The music started again and me and Jackie grabbed hands and walked together down the aisle where we had roses and flowers thrown at us, it was beautiful. Jackie I wait for what seemed foever but while I was waiting I told the priest that I would want to be the husband in this marriage. Then finally the music came on and I looked around and spotted Ashley in a beautiful white dress that outlined her perfect body. I smiled at her as she was walking down the aisle with her dad, he came and gave me her hand, I thanked him for everything, then we looked at the priest. "We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Ashley Sinclair and Jackie Duarte as they exchange vows of their everlasting love. And witness as Ashley and Jackie take their vows today, we are also privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family -- a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love. May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Jackie and Ashley both look forward to each new season of their marriage --- just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories. An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Jackie and Ashley, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly LOVE another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect. The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as any thing that can be seen, heard or touched.For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one --- but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls." priest took a deep breath and then we all prayed. "At this time, I'll ask you, Jackie, and you, Ashley, to face each other & take each other's hands..." I turned to face Ashley who looked beautiful, "Jackie, will you take Ashley to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" I was sooo nervous. "I will" I said automatically "Ashley, will you take Jackie to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" "I will" she said and I took her right hand in mine, "I, Jackie, take you, Ashley, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." "I, Ashley, take you, Jackie, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part" she said, and then the my nephew who is my cousins kid walked to the priest and handed him the rings I got from Cece who was somewhere in the crowd. The priest handed me the ring and I slid it on Ashley's fourth finger. I was so happy at this moment. The priest looked at her and said "With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen" and then Ashley had to do the same to me, "With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen, now please let this two get on their knees for their final eternal blessing" he said, "GOD the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen" I said Amen and so did Ashley. We got up and then the priest looked at the audience an asked, "If anyone amongst us has a reason why this two shouldn't get married please speak now or forever remain silent" I looked around and no one spoke they were all smiling at us. I had the moment to take off Ashley's veil, I did it slowly so I wouldn't mess up, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" I leaned in and kissed my wife. The music started playing again and me and Ashley walked down the aisle hand in hand while flowers were being thrown from every direction. We stopped at the end and I kissed her again, "I love you Ashley Duarte" "I love you too JAckie" she said and kissed me back. We went to sit at a table and we drank some water.We got hugs from everywhere. After eating Ashley and I went to take pictures, posing in many ways funny ones too and romantic ones. Ashley said it was time that she would throw the bouquet in the air for a lucky person to catch it. "Every unmarried girl gather around" Ashley said and mostly every girl rushed, Ashley turned around and threw the bouquet and guess who caught it... Tracy. Dani totally almost passed out but she knew that now she had to marry Tracy. Tracy jumped into Dani's arms. Ashley and I went to cut the cake which was like 8 feet tall, it was beautifully decorated. I grabbed some frosting and smudged it on Ashley's face and then she did the same, everyone was taking pictures, I was so enjoying everything with my wife. "Yo Jackie I think we should do the song we practiced" Paul said reminding me about that song I wrote on the plane, "Right lets do it who's singing" I asked him and he pointed to me. "Okay come on I set everything up Jack" he said and we walked over to where the instruments were laid out. I grabbed the mic and got everyones attention, "Hey you guys hope you are enjoying yourselves, well we wanna preform a new song that we just finished it's dedicated to my wife hope you guys like it" I said and everyone cheered, I grabbed my keyboard and started the song out The way you curse when we're in traffic A million flavors of your chapstick The way that you've got my heart captive... The Journey concert in AZ Remember we sang faithfully? I still got that old hotel room key... This is the way I feel 'Cause I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... The way you like to sing my songs You always know when something's wrong The way you say you miss me when I'm gone The things you do to show you care you're always down for truth or dare Freeze this moment; let me stop and stare... Nothing before was real... And this is the way I feel, 'Cause I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... And we'll go on and on and on... For better or for worse No matter how it hurts you've got me to hold your hand I promise you the world In your wedding dress We'll dance till no one's left don't wanna blink my eyes don't wanna miss a thing... 'I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... And we'll go on and on and on I finished the song and everyone started clapping. I was so happy they liked it, Ashley rushed to me and hugged me then a nice calm relaxing song came on, "May I have this dance?" I asked Ashley, "Yes you may" she said and took my hand. I put on my hand on her waist and she put her hand on my shoulder and with the other we interwined fingers and danced to a slow dance song. I love this girl, everyone stared and watched me and Ashley dance, "Baby, I know that I'm leaving in two days but I promise you we will go on that honeymoon sooner or later" "Don't worry about it Jackie, I'm just sad that we were not going to see eachother until like the holidays because I leave to my college on September 4 with Tracy" she said "Well I know but I will always call, we could video chat, and I will try to visit whenever I can" I said and kissed her cheek, "Jackie I love that song you wrote, it's beautiful, I love you Jackie" she said and kissed me on the lips right when the song ended. Everyone was so happy for us. I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the cake, we were going to cut together, she grabbed the knife and I put my hand on top of hers and we slowly cut through the cake. I grabbed a little bit of frosting off the cake and rubbed in on Ashley's face, and then she did the same to me. I grabbed her and kissed her and then there was photography again. ASHLEY We stopped at the end and we kissed again, "I love you Ashley Duarte" "I love you too JAckie" I said and kissed her back, wow I'm Mrs.Duarte. We went to sit at a table and we drank some water.We got hugs from everywhere. After eating we went to take pictures, we posed in one where Jackie and I had our tongues out and looking at the camera, and then another one where Jackie had her arms around me and her chin on my shoulder. "Baby I think it's time some other lucky girl gets to make wedding arrangements" I said pointing at my flower bouquet. "Your right let's see, I bet you 10 kisses that Tracy or Dani will catch it" she said pulling me by the waist. "Okay lets see" I said and we shook hands. We walked over to the middle and I yelled,"Every unmarried girl gather around" girls from every direction came to gather. I turned around and threw my bouquet with every move I took a picture was taken. I heard a girl yell of joy and when I turned around I saw it was my bestie Tracy who had caught it!!! I was so happy for her and Dani. I looked at Jackie and she smiled at me. I walked over and hugged her tight. Then it was time for the cutting of the cake. I grabbed Jackie's hand and we walked over to the tall big cake. "Baby lets cut it together" she said and I agreed. Jackie put her hand on top of my which lay on the sharp knife and together we cut the first slice, everyone was cheering and taking pictures. I was handing out slices of cake and my mom was helping me when I turn around to look at Jackie...she rubbed frosting on my face, I loooked at her and did the same then she pulled me into a hug and kissed and again everyone was taking pics. I went and sat down next to my mom,dad,Tracy and Dani. I was so happy she was getting married to Dani. I hope Dani doesn't give in like many people that give up on someone they love from pressure, but I'm glad Jackie didn't turn up like one of them because that could have actually killed me. I love Jackie is great in every way I just wish I wasn't that jealous type. I heard Jackie on a mic I turn to look at her actually everyone turned to look at her, "Hey you guys hope you are enjoying yourselves, well we wanna preform a new song that we just finished it's dedicated to my wife hope you guys like it" Jackie said grabbing her keyboard while everyone cheered her on. She is the best thing in my life. I listened carefully as she began the song, The way you curse when we're in traffic A million flavors of your chapstick The way that you've got my heart captive... The Journey concert in AZ Remember we sang faithfully? I still got that old hotel room key... This is the way I feel 'Cause I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... The way you like to sing my songs You always know when something's wrong The way you say you miss me when I'm gone The things you do to show you care you're always down for truth or dare Freeze this moment; let me stop and stare... Nothing before was real... And this is the way I feel, 'Cause I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... And we'll go on and on and on... For better or for worse No matter how it hurts you've got me to hold your hand I promise you the world In your wedding dress We'll dance till no one's left don't wanna blink my eyes don't wanna miss a thing... 'I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And I can't wait for you to be my wife To live this life together And I won't let you go I need you to know That you are my heart, forever And on and on and on... And we'll go on and on and on I clapped as hard as I could and I rushed without tripping on my dress to go hug Jackie. I kiss her cheek and thanked her for the song which was amazing. Then this calm song came on that I guess made Jackie wanna dance, "May I have this dance?" Jackie asked me extending her hand, "Yes you may" I said taking her hand to the dancefloor. Everyone cleared the floor so me and Jackie could dance. I she put her hand on my waist and I put my hand on her strong shoulder and our free hands were interwined. She held me tight and I was enjoying it the whole time. "Baby, I know that I'm leaving in two days but I promise you we will go on that honeymoon sooner or later" she said in my ear "Don't worry about it Jackie, I'm just sad that we were not going to see eachother until like the holidays because I leave to my college on September 4 with Tracy" I said remembering that she leaves like in two days. "Well I know but I will always call, we could video chat, and I will try to visit whenever I can" Jackie said and kissed my cheek, but the thought of her and I separating for a long time broke my heart but it's for a better future together I don't want us to be a married couple that's fighting all the time because of the economy and taxes that need to be paid. The song ended and we kissed I was in heaven and didn't want to come back to earth at all. the day went quick Jackie and I went to her house and went to lay outside on the grass, holding hands just looking at the moon and listening to nature. I squeezed Jackie's hand. I move closer to her by putting my head on her chest and never letting go of her hand. I loved her and she loved me this love was going to take us far I could feel it. The days went by quick and one second me and her were laying in her bed watching a movie and the next I'm helping her pack her stuff. I was so proud of her but I was going to miss her so much especially now that I was heading to college for like 5 years which was enough years to get a job as a personal dance instructor or like a hip hop dancing instructor that each paid about 80 grand a year after taxes. I was never going to forget an inch of Jackie, she looked good in her black shirt with light brown shorts and her white shoes. I was going to the airport with Tracy and Dani to drop Jackie off but we went because we wanted to because Paul has his own van so it was us that volunteered. I held to Jackie's hand the whole way I wasn't going to see her for like months that is if she doesn't become more famous from her hit songs. I love her, we were sitting in the same row where Tracy and Dani were making out while it was obvious Dereck was fingering some chick I don't know who it was but whatever all that mattered to me was Jackie. I lay my head on Jackie's shoulder and put my hand around her waist, she hugged me tight. I loved her hugs. I wanted to stay like that forever. I fell asleep but woke up from from a moan that I heard coming from the back. Uhh young love, haha what the fuck am I saying I'm just 18. I looked at Jackie and say she was staring out the window, "Baby what are you doing?" I asked her, "I was looking at the stars and match every star with a reason why I loved you but it was going good until I ran out of stars." aww she is adorable "Awe thank you, I love you so much there wouldn't be enough words to explain how much" I said and kissed her cheek. I hugged her tight I lay my head on her chest and my arms around her waist, while she had her hand on my hip. She kissed my forehead and there was only like half an hour till we arrive to the airport. JACKIE The rest of the day went quick, all of us dancing and I was playing some songs for like an hour but it was my day with my wife. I danced with her and ate some food with her then we headed in the limousine to my house. When we walked to the grass and lay on the ground she squeezed my hand and it felt like electricity going through my body like the first time we kissed. I love her. She got closer and placed her head on my chest I loved how her hair smelled like mangoes. I love mangoes and bananas. Anyways I knew I was never going to forget this day and how we danced to my songs, like 'So Contagious'. I love this girl. Ashley now being my wife was allowed to sleep over without permission from her parents, we walked inside, hand in hand, and then we went to sit down in the living room to watch a movie. I got up to go get something to drink and when I closed the fridge I started drinking some Pepsi, and all of a sudden I fell some hands on my waist, "You must be hot in that tux, let me help you out of it" she said unbuttoning my jacket, I turned around and kissed her on the lips, a deep and passionate kiss. She took my jacket off then she was heading to my vest, she quickly took that off. I started kissing her neck, and unzipping her beautiful dress. Soon I was in bra and pants and she was in bra and panties. I loved her body she has an amazing cheerleader body. But we decided to go to the pool, except that she told me to go ahead and she would come out in a second. I went to the pool and put on some shorts there. I felt great when I jumped in. Finally Ashley came in holding a blue towel and in her yellow bikini. SHe looked good, she was turning me on. I waited for her at the stairs, she walked in slowly and sat next to me, she took my arms and put them around her. I held her in my arms like she was my baby. I lifted her up and we went to swim. Haha we were having fun and she kept on snickering. We went to the shallow side of pool and our faces were an inch away from eachother, "I'm going to miss you so much" I said while she was tracing the outline of my jaw, then she pulled me into a kiss. Lips touching, and tongues wrestling. I pulled her closer by the waist. I was really turned on. I then started undoing the knot on her bikini bra, and then slid it off of her. I slowly pushed her to the stairs and there I started licking her breasts, her nipples were getting hard in my mouth. Ashy grabbed my hand and directed it to her pussy. I out my hand in her bikini and started rubbing her clit, and then I actually slipped and slid my finger inside her vagina. I heard her moan so I continued but I slid another finger in. I started sliding my fingers in faster and hard because she begged for it. "Wait have something in the towel" she said and I got up and went to get her towel, I knew it, she had brought a strap on dildo. I put the strap on and headed to go fuck her. I got in the pool and started kissing her again. The slowly I slid the head of the dick into her vagina, she let out a small moan, she told me "Quit fucking around and fuck me". I did as told and inserted the dildo deep inside of her and went fast and deep until she screamed those beautiful words, "I'm going to cum" and I went slow and I actually felt her climax in the POOL. Damn I loved this girl. I started kissing her body up and down. I lifed her up and carried her inside to tub where i filled it up with hot water and left her there to take a bath. WOW! today is the day I must leave to the airport, I got up and put on my brownish shorts, black shirt and white shoes, and my wife was wearing a jeans, a green plaid shirt and her white and green shoes. I hated that this was gonna be our last day for a long time, because just my tour lasted for half a year and she is going to college for a degree that takes like 5 years to get. I want her to be successfull incase one day I'm not, and she won't be living on the road. We got in the van and we were off to the airport. Bobby,Dereck,Paul,Dani,Tracy,Ashley and Sandy, Olivia and Selena didn't come because they were too sad to say bye. I started looking at the stars and for everyone I saw a gave a reason why I loved Ashley: She is kind, she is beautiful, she is smart, she gets me in everyway, she isn't selfish, she is a kid lover, she gets along with everyone, even though she gets jealous I can see that she loves me, she satifies me, etc... "Baby what are you doing?" Ashley asked me "I was looking at the stars and match every star with a reason why I loved you but it was going good until I ran out of stars" I said "Awe thank you, I love you so much there wouldn't be enough words to explain how much" she said and kissed me on the cheek. Then we cuddled up, and I didn't want to let go but guess I had to. We arrived at the airport and started taking our suitcases. I grabbed Ashley's hand and we walked inside to sit down and wait for the plane to arrive. Ashley and I decided to get some cappuccinos so we headed to a deli in the airport, and bought one for everyone. It took an hour for our plane to arrive but it came and I was sad it came. I hugged Dani and then Tracy and gave a small hug to Sandu who I barely knew, and lastly my wife Ashley. I hugged Ashley so tight and didn't want to let go, I kissed her on the cheeks and then on the lips. "I'm going to call you evey night okay babe, and when we have time we can video chat" I said "I will keep an eye on my phone evey second honey, I'll be ready to video chat" she said and I saw a tear appear and I wiped it away "Don't cry because if you do I won't leave baby be strong I'm going o miss you" I said and kissed her one last time and headed to my plane. I knew that i was going to cry any second but di my bet and didn't cry. I love her a lot, I took out my phone and put it on airplane mode. My heart hurt but I knew this time away would make our love stronger... The first concert was great, I remember walking on stage and seeing infront of me about half a million people just chanting for EPRFECT so I knew we have to give them what they wanted.The band and I got to meet many fans and we got to meet some people Mr.Henry hired to work for us, such as fixing guitars, picking clothes out for us.So far it's been half a year I have been away from Ashley. And we are doing good because we talk every night on the phone and we tell eachother what's going on. Pratice has gotten harder because we has to play every week at a different town and city. Every time we end a concert Mr.Henry take us to a diner close by. Even though where ever we went we got asked for our autographs because appearently everyone must have heard we existed since September 2025 because our song was on the radio and it was one of the songs on the top listened and top sold. My wifey is doing good in college she tells me she has a lot of new and good friends and that no one knows we are married because I told her that if she let that out it would make her life miserable with comments and requests to me, I want to let the world know but I want her to be away from crowds. We have made music videos for many of our songs. Like I said everything was going great. I even made sure Ashley got my Christmas gift which was scrap book of us, jewelry and a cd with songs that I dedicate to her but Paul sings. Here's the cool thing of being in the band, I have poster of myself with my guitar and dressed in leather jacket, jeans and with shoes and it says "Lose Yourself in the Music" I like the poster, Ashley told me that she and Tracy bought some for their rooms. ASHLEY We started taking all the suitcases out of the back when we arrive. We walked to the automatic door which opened and led us to a kinda chilly place where my life was leaving me to go I guess work. We sat down then Jackie and I got the idea that we were going to get some Cappuccinos, but everyone said they wanted some. We went to a close deli and Jackie bought 8 cappuccinos. I thanked Jackie with a kiss. As we waited for the plane I started talking to Jackie about college and what I wanted from her, "Jackie I want you to take pictures of yourself and send them to me even videos, I want you to know that I will keep us excited okay I never want you to get being married to m-" Jackie placed her index finger on my lips as a sign to be quiet "Baby I get bored reading books, being bored of you is like being bored of life haha and that my love can never happen" she said. I hugged her tight then we heard her plane was here and everyone of us got up and hugged eachother goodbye, I was dying when Jackie was walking up to the desk to give her passport and walked away but before leaving she made a fist on her right hand and placed it on her heart. I remember what that meant. Tracy put her arm around me, "It's going to be alright Ashy, and we have to leave too soon you know" "I know Tracy, we have loads of stuff to pack, well I do" I said, "Then come on lets take Paul's van to your house" Dani said. I cried but for like ten minutes. I realized that Jackie wouldn't want me crying, she wanted me smiling and thinking of my future. COLLEGE ROAD TRIP!!! I found out that Olivia and Gina were also going to Ballare in Rome, so Tracy and I decided we all go together. We finished putting everything in Jackie's explorer which she said we could borrow to go to college. I saw Dani and Tracy making out for the last time, I was proud of Jackie's cousin who was going to college for sports, Jackie was accepted there too but didn't go for band.I look back and saw my parents sating by the door, I ran and hugged them for the last time well until holidays. "Ashley Elizabeth Sinclair Duarte you better take care of yourself, don't give up okay party but not too much" My mom said "Now honey we went to college and we know how young adults can act, remember you are married" My dad said and I hugged him tight and my mom too. I let go and walked to the car and left Mahopac. We took turns driving and arrived at airport at midnight. We got in the plane and arrived at Rome next day at 10 am. Olivia rented a car for us, and we drove to Ballare. Finally starting college baby. I found out that my room was right around the corner from Tracy so we were very close. I was wondering who my roommate was going to be. I waited and waited but nothing so I decided to start unpacking my stuff. I was doing so much noise that I didnt realixe my roommate walked in, she was tall 5'9, had nice brown hair beautiful green eyes and a nice dancer body. "Hi I'm Ashley Sinclair" I said remembering Jackie didn't want me to say I'm married. She grabbed my hand and said, "Hey, I'm Torrie O'Brian" I could see she is those type of innocent girls. I could see we were going to get along fine. Days passed and we were all hanging out after class. Tracy's roommate Karen was flirting with Torrie, it was cute how she blushed. There was something about Karen Stariet that reminds me of Jackie I don't know what. I was just so curious. I decided to hang out with her and Torrie one day.While Torrie went to the bathroom I started asking Karen things. "Are you from a huge family?" "Yeah I have 3 brothers and one sister. Lots of cousins and aunts." "Thats cool, hey would you happen to know Jackie Duarte?" I asked her, and her eyes widened, like she was in shock that I would ask such a thing. "Um... Yeah I know her she in that famous band EPRFECT, and plus she is my cousin" she said WHAT????? "She's your cousin?" "Yeah haven't talked to her in years though I think last time we talked we were um 16" she said looking at her shoes, I don't know if I should tell her that Jackie and I are married. Torrie came back and sat down but this time on top of Karens legs, whoa Torrie started kissing Karen and soon thy were wrestling tongues and sharing deep kisses, I saw Karen pinching Torries nipples so I thought I should leave. As I was walking out of my dorm I heard moans sounded like Torrie. I missed Jackie. I called her and started asking her about Karen, Jackie told me that last time they talked was when Jackie broke up with her because she didn't was to fall in love with a family member. So far it's been half a year since I've seen Jackie and I miss her. Every night Jackie and I talk and funny thing is that the music teacher is always dancing to Jackie's songs that come on the radio regulary , a lot of people are asking me out, the hip hop dancing dudes are chasing me and always stalk me while I practice some dancing moves. I just want to scream on the announcements that I am married to a rockstar. My little rockstar has her own poster and I have it hanging in my room. Torrie and Karen have crazy nights, Karen always sneaks in and brings her vibrator and it's so loud it actually turns me on. I have dreams where Jackie is on top of me licking my nipples then goes lower and lower, I dream of having a family with her but I don't know how that's ever going to become real. JACKIE Okay like I said everything has been going great. Until May 25, 2026, my best buddy Drake passed away in a car accident. I was so sad and fucking mad at myself, I grabbed the keys to the car we have rented her in California and drove off to a club. I ordered some drinks and I got them from singing in a band, I drank four coronas and was so drunk. I sat in a booth and started listening to some music in my IPhone. A girl came and satchel with me. "I'm Britney, I couldn't help seeing a rockstar looking so sad and drunk" she said "I'm Jackie, Im sorry I must look horrible, I just lost a best friend and I feel my heart aching." I wasnt crying that much and I got a phone call, "Hey Ashl-" "Jackie where are you and who are you with" "You know what Ashley I don't have the energy to argue with you, so believe what ever the fuck you want" I said and I heard her start crying "So you're just quitting on us" she said I hang up I didn't want to argue with her I had no idea what I was saying. After an hour of hanging out with Britney I asked her if she could grab my keys and drive me to the hotel where the band was staying. Paul started yelling at me for being drunk and the rest was a blur. I woke up the next morning with a huge headache u wonder what happened yesterday because I couldnt remember a thing. I looked at my phone and saw there was a message from Ashley, 'Jackie if you want to get divorced already I will understand. I can't believe you said this things to me yesterday then just hang up, I am surprised after all we've been through you would give up on our love, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the mail came some divorce papers.' FUCK!!! What did I say to Ashley yesterday. Dammit I call and call but she won't pick up I talked with Dr.Kumar, he was crying and it made me cry remembering of Drake. I got some feeling of a song kickin in but for Ashley. Paul convinced Mr.Henry to give us some break. I decided to go to Rome and dedicate this song to Ashley, the crew agreed with me. We arrived at Rome and checked into a motel, I put on a purple shirt, black jeans and my white shoes, grabbed my purple guitar and headed to Ballare. We marched up to the principal and asked him if we could ding for the school, and surprisingly he was a fan of us and told the whole school to head to the stage in an hour. That gave us enough time to set everything up but I was singing and playing my guitar but I was only going to play the solo. It started getting crowded with people, I saw Ashley walking with Tracy, my cousin and another girl I did not know. Luckily she didn't see me, she say down at the edge of the bleachers. Good. Mr.Coles(Ballare Principal) started introducing us, "Students I know you are all wondering why you were ordered to come here, well there is a special treat for you, put your hands together for a band you all must know or have heard of that will sing one but fresh new song they just wrote, here is EPRFECT" he said and everyone clapped their hands and started whistlinghe's "Thank you thank you, well as your cool principal said, we have a new song and you guys are going to be the first to hear our new song that I am going to sing for you guys...its called I'd Come for You" I said and prepared myself to start I left Paul start the song with the guitar, Just One more moment, that's all that's needed. Like wounded soldiers in need of healing. Time to be honest, this time I'm bleeding Please don't dwell on it, cause I didn't mean it I can't believe I said I'd lay our love on the ground But it doesn't matter cause I've made it up forgive me now Everyday I spend away my souls inside out Gotta be someway that I can make it up to you now, somehow. By now you'd know that I'd come for you No one but you, yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you .................................................. I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing My mind was closing, now I'm believing I finally know just what it means to let someone in To see the side of me that no one does or ever will So if your ever lost and find yourself all alone I'd search forever just to bring you home, Here and now this I vow By now you'd know that I'd come for you No one but you, yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you You know I'd always come for you No matter what gets in my way As long as there's still life in me No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you Yes I'd come for you, no one but you, Yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you (Jumped off stage and walked towards Ashley slowly and continued singing), everyone was surprised at my action, No matter what gets in my way As long as there's still life in me No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you I'd crawl across this world for you Do anything you want me to No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you You know I'll always come for you I turned off the mic and grabbed Ashley's hands, "Ashley I'm sorry I don't know exactly what I said because I was drunk I have to admit that, but I had just lost family member, he was the best and I loved him..." I turned on the mic "...please forgive me I don't want to divorce you I want to grow old with you by my side" I noticed many of the people in the crowd were surprised that I was married to Ashley, I waited for Ashley's respond and so did everyone in the crowd, "Jackie...I...I don't know what I should say, should I be astonished at how you just left the tour to apologize to me or should I be warmed with the thought that you left something major to come and apologize...Jackie actions speak louder then words so here is my action..." she said and pulled me into a kiss, I heard the whole crowd awe at us. I dropped the mic and kissed my Ashley back, I know everyone took pics of us making out and I was fine with it. I wanted the whole world to know I'm married to an angel. That night I spent with my honey having fun, and signing autographs and photos of me making out with her. I was saddened to leave her but had to because we had a tour to go to soon. She told me that in a few years it would be just me and her sleeping together under the same house that we would buy together. I got back on tour and the concerts were going great. ASHLEY Okay good things were happening but also bad, I got into a fight with Jackie. Okay she hang up on me and I don't know if she fucking knows that when you hang up on a girl you break their hearts. I never expected that from Jackie. I got so many calls from Jackie the other day and ignored them I had no idea that she was drunk because of Drakes passing away. I was going to call her but didn't I was too sad to call her and hear her voice I thought our marriage was over. I had so much doubt about things now, but Torrie and Karen cheered me, yeah we had a three-some...just kidding they took me to party and it was fun. It's been a week since me and Jackie have talked, I was in science class with my lab partner Simon who is a total ass, he has blond hair, blue eyes, and is a total hip hop dancer with a nice body I'd say but not close to Jackie, whatever we heard the announcement that the principal said every student on campus should go to the stage in an hour. Okay so Tracy, Karen, Torrie and I went walking together to the stage which was filled with people but we found some empty seats on the bleachers, I sat at the edge on the second row. The my principal started talking. "Students I know you are all wondering why you were ordered to come here, well there is a special treat for you, put your hands together for a band you all must know or have heard of that will sing one but fresh new song they just wrote, here is EPRFECT" OMFG it was Jackie, I wondered what the hell she was doing here, I saw Tracy starig at me, she knew that me and her got in a fight. "Thank you thank you, well as your cool principal said, we have a new song and you guys are going to be the first to hear our new song that I am going to sing for you guys...its called I'd Come for You" her voice melted me, wow haven't seen her in almost a year, she was dressed in purple shirt, jeans, and white shoes. I could see she had gotten a nice sunburn. After it got quiet Jackie started singing, Just One more moment, that's all that's needed. Like wounded soldiers in need of healing. Time to be honest, this time I'm bleeding Please don't dwell on it, cause I didn't mean it I can't believe I said I'd lay our love on the ground But it doesn't matter cause I've made it up forgive me now Everyday I spend away my souls inside out Gotta be someway that I can make it up to you now, somehow. By now you'd know that I'd come for you No one but you, yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you .................................................. I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing My mind was closing, now I'm believing I finally know just what it means to let someone in To see the side of me that no one does or ever will So if your ever lost and find yourself all alone I'd search forever just to bring you home, Here and now this I vow By now you'd know that I'd come for you No one but you, yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you You know I'd always come for you No matter what gets in my way As long as there's still life in me No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you Yes I'd come for you, no one but you, Yes I'd come for you But only if you told me to And I'd fight for you I'd lie, it's true Give my life for you You know I'd always come for you Jackie jumped off stage and walked toward my direction, I saw many people touching Jackie because she is a total rockstar. No matter what gets in my way As long as there's still life in me No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you I'd crawl across this world for you Do anything you want me to No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you You know I'll always come for you Jackie got on her knees and took both of my hands, I could see everyone was surprised. "Ashley I'm sorry I don't know exactly what I said because I was drunk I have to admit that, but I had just lost family member, he was the best and I loved him..." Jackie turned on the mic "...please forgive me I don't want to divorce you I want to grow old with you by my side" everyone got quiet "Jackie...I...I don't know what I should say, should I be astonished at how you just left the tour to apologize to me or should I be warmed with the thought that you left something major to come and apologize...Jackie actions speak louder then words so here is my action..." I said and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss I haven't had in almost a year, I love how she wrote a song for me just because of what she did. I was so happy now. That day Jackie and I spent together we got questions and a lot of them, but Jackie answered all of them. Now everyone in the campus knew that I was married to Jackie. I can't believe she let that out. I love Jackie. Jackie had to leave because of Mr.Henry said that they had to continue the tour. I said bye to her and told her that in just a couple of year me and her would be together sharing the life we wanted so badly. I got so much more popular in school but all they wanted to was to be friends with Jackie but I kind of liked the attention, even the teacher asked me if Jackie could visit annually. I was on the news, Jackie was on a talk show sharing her life with some woman I had never heard of, she mentioned I was her wife and her inspiration, she even showed pictures of our marriage. I was so in love like when we first met. Okay finally Summer Vacation, I was so excited to see Jackie and my family. I came home and found out that my parents were on some business trip so I was just home alone and Jackie was on another tour so there goes my summer vacation. I decided to sit and watch tv in just panties and bra it was so comfortable, I ordered some pizza. I heard a knock at the front door, and I rushed to put on a robe and went to open the door, "Total is 18 dollars" the girl in a red shirt, jean shorts, and white shoes said as she looked at the ground, "Okay let me get the money" I said and ran to the counter to get some money, I came back and the girl offered me something, "How about I give you the pizza for free, if you give me a kiss" she said and with out me agreeing, she had her lips on mine, I pushed her away and slapped her as hard as I could, "Fuck off creep" I said and when I was about to close the door she put her shoe on the door, "Is that how you treat family" she said and when I opened the door, I saw that it was Jackie, "Oh my god Jackie...I...I didn't know baby I'm so sorry come here" I said and pulled her into a hugg and kissed her cheek, "Damn girl you got a hell of an arm" she said and kissed me. She told me she wanted to surprise me and paid the guy so she could give me the pizza which we ate at the table like a married couple. I got up and out a leg on each side of Jackie, she looked at me and asked me what I was doing and I answered here telling her the truth that I was horny. Jackie kissed me and slowly slid my robe off, I took off her shirt which revealed those abs I have come to love and haven't seen in a year. "You are so beautiful Ashley" she said and unclipped my bra which let my breast loose, she flipped over and laid me on the couch. She started sucking on my nipple and it felt so gooood. I let out a moan and she chuckled like she was expecting it or something whatever it felt so good, Jackie had placed one hand in my panties and was rubbing my pussy. I was ready to cum. Jackiewent lower and started licking my clit. She inserted three fingers in my vagina and started fucking me. She sucked and fucked until I came on her hand. She licked up all my juices and went up to my face and started kissing me,she then went back down and started all over again until I hit climax again and she repeated this again making me cum three times, wow I can't believe I came three times. Jackie was tired and so was I so we went to my room and fell asleep in my bed. The next morning we woke up Jackie put her arms around me and kissed my head, "Baby when are you getting out of college?" "um in four years why honey?" I asked her "Well were not going to stay young our whole lives and by the time you get out of college were going to be...24 years old and well I know you are going to say no so I'm not going to ask you" she said, I rolled over and looked at her, "Ask me what baby?" I asked her, she fixed her position and took both of my hands and kissed them "I was wondering if we could go to the beach" "Sure honey let me get my bikini" I said and got up to go get my bikini. I looked at her while she was getting up I could see that her abs have gotten. More firm must mean she is working out. We drove to the beach in Jackies mustang. We walked on the beach and went swimming for a while then we went walking again hand in hand, some people asked for her signature and a picture with her, but it got dark and the full moon was out and no one could recognize Jackie in the dark, we talked about the house that she was going to make someone build for her, we decided to take a break and lay on the sand. "Remember today in the morning when I said I wasnt going to ask you that question because I knew you'd say no?" "Yeah ut you asked me the question and here we are sweetie" "No honey you're wrong I wanted to ask you something else"she said "Oh than fire away Jackie" "Um so remember how when we were in high school and we made that virtual kid that we named Scott?" "Yeah I do" "Well I was thinking if maybe you wanted to make that happen I mean I want a family as much as you do so... What do you say Ashley wanna start a family?" she asked me...