Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 10:19:29 EDT From: Subject: Pizza Parlor 4 If you are not 18, go away, you should not read this. This is a work of complete fiction. None of its characters are real. Please enjoy. Pizza Parlor Chapter 4 In the weeks that followed, neither girl spoke a word to each other. When Kristie had asked Jenny what had happened, Jenny snapped that it was none of her business, and that was the end of Kristie's curiosity. Jenny was constantly becoming a better waitress, maybe even better than Amy was. She put her whole heart into it, so as not to be able to think of anything else, more specifically, Amy. It was hard. Amy wasn't doing much better. Her conscience urged her to tell Jenny the truth; that she had only been scared, but by now it was too late. Jenny would never forgive her. Amy had broken her heart, and almost wished they had never met, so that she wouldn't feel this immense pain in her soul. She also couldn't tell because her parents would disown her if she were gay. A few days later, Joe came in the parlor. It was the first time he had seen Jenny, but she didn't intrigue him as much as Amy. Her beauty astounded him. Sure Jenny was pretty, in her own way, but Amy had a whole different kind of beautiful going for her. It took some time to build up the courage, but finally he got the courage to ask Amy out. "Hey Amy, do you maybe, uh, wanna, ya know, go out some time? Like on a date?" Joe stuttered. Even though he was on the football team and could have just about any girl, Amy was special, and if she said no he would be heartbroken. "Umm..." Amy started, trying to think of a way to say no without hurting Joe's feelings. Then she noticed Jenny watching out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't say no now, it would be obvious to Jenny that she was the reason she wasn't going, and then Jenny would know she was lying about being gay. She couldn't let that happen. "Sure, how about we go out Saturday to a movie? Pick me up around 8:00?" Amy asked, trying her hardest to noticeably flirt in front of Jenny. "Yeah, that sounds great!" Joe exclaimed. When he left the parlor he was all smiles. Jenny didn't know what to think. She was certainly angry with Amy for hurting her, but she couldn't stand the thought of Amy dating someone else. Just the idea of it rocked her to the core. But she could do nothing about it, so she went on with her waitressing, best as she could. "Hey sexy, what's up?" Kristie asked Jenny a few minutes later. "Not much" Jenny said her mind on other things. Kristie wasn't used to this at all. Usually she held the attention of everyone in the room, but not Jenny. Jenny didn't seem to notice her at all. It was a bit disappointing, but also intriguing. The whole aspects of Jenny being out of her reach really made Kristie want her more. "Would you maybe ever think of going out with me sometime? Just to the movies or something. Like a date?" Kristie said hurriedly, before she could lose her nerve. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Jenny replied, still not actually thinking about what she had just agreed to. "Did you put butter on the popcorn?" Kristie asked Amy at their sleepover the next night. "Yep" Amy said smiling. It was just like old times, Amy going over to Jenny's place on Friday night, eating popcorn and watching movies. It was like it was before Jenny came, before everything was screwed up. The thing of it was, Amy still loved Jenny, craved her, wanted her more than the very air she was breathing. Tonight she wouldn't have to think about that though. "So what are you doing Friday night?" Kristie asked Amy. "Actually, I have a date." Amy said shyly. "With who?" Kristie asked with excitement. She had never heard of Amy going out on a date before. "Just Joe Peterson" Amy replied blushing in spite of herself. "What? He's like, the hottest guy in school, not to mention the nicest! How come you didn't tell me?" Kristie yelled, incredulous. "Well, I didn't want to make you jealous or anything." Amy said teasingly, throwing a pillow at Kristie. "Whatever girl, you know I like Jenny!" Kristie said in between laughs, while keeping up the pillow fight with Amy. "What?" Amy then asked, all the teasing and fun gone from her voice. "Yeah, didn't I tell you, I asked her out. She said yes, too. She is so amazing, isn't she? It was like, right when I saw her I knew she was it. At least, she was it for me. "Oh my gosh, I have a great idea!" Kristie then exclaimed. "Why don't we go on a double date. It'll be Jenny and me and you and Joe. It'll be so fun!" "Well, I don't know, I mean..." Amy stuttered, knowing good and well she would be miserable seeing Jenny, the girl she loved, out on a date with someone else. It would hurt even more seeing as she would be out with her best friend. "Oh come on, it'll be so much fun. Plus, we won't have to waist time after the date telling each other every detail of what happened, because we'll have both been there. Please say yes?" Amy didn't know what she should say. Kristie made a good point. It would be a lot easier to go out on a double date, so if she said no, then Kristie might think something was up and realize Amy was in love with Jenny. Whatever happened, nobody could ever find out about that. "Okay, I guess it might be fun." Amy gave in. "Are we about ready to leave?" Jenny asked Kristie, anxious to get the night over with. "Yeah sure, we're just waiting on Amy and Joe." Kristie replied. This took Jenny by surprise. "What! Why are we waiting on them?" Jenny practically screamed. If she had been trying to forget about Amy on her date with Joe, she couldn't now. I was very painful to think about. "We're going on a double date, didn't I tell you?" Kristie replied easily. "No, and I probably wouldn't have agreed to it if I'd known!" Amy yelled as anger swelled inside her. "What does it matter, we'll still be there together." Kristie said in a reassuring voice, while putting her arms around the other girl, and burying her face into Jenny's neck. At this point, Jenny began to realize just how much she loved Amy. She would have killed for Amy to do to her what Kristie was, but Kristie was having no effect on her what so ever. Well, Amy certainly doesn't like me, Jenny thought, so I'll just have to keep my distance. When Amy and Joe arrived, Jenny was stunned at how the couple looked, and how good they looked together. Amy was wearing a pair of lo-rider jeans, and a white tank that displayed less than an inch of her taunt stomach. Over that was a long red sweatshirt jacked. On some girls it might look cheesy like they were trying to hard, but on Amy it was beautiful. Her date Joe wasn't bad in the fashion department either. He was wearing a pair of American Eagle jeans that fit him perfectly, and a red T-shirt that showed off his hard muscles. He also had on a white pooka shell necklace that made his tan really stand out. Amy was thinking along the same lines as Jenny was. Kristie and Jenny looked awesome. Jenny had on a pink shirt that stretched tightly over her body, a pair of lo-rider jeans and white tennis shoes, and an awesome leather jacket that made the outfit look really cool. Kristie was her usual self, and put everyone to shame. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun that was to die for, with one strand of her bangs leaning gently against her cheek. Her wardrobe consisted of her leather jacket pulled over a dressy black and white striped blouse, and a black skirt with black strappy high heals. She could have easily been a model in a fashion magazine. "So, what are we waiting for?" Joe asked with a smile, and Jenny found herself liking him in spite of herself. As they walked toward Kristie's car Joe was cracking jokes and all in all having a great time, seemingly unaware of the fact that his girlfriend was giving her best friend the evil eye, for she was holding Jenny's hand and talking to her in soft whispers. Amy couldn't stand it. Even as they all got in the car together, with Jenny riding shotgun and Kristie driving, the girls held hands. Why can't I just like Joe, Amy thought. He was being really funny, and totally making his best effort to charm her, but she couldn't get into him. Jenny seems to like him well enough, Amy thought bitterly as Jenny laughed at another one of Joe's jokes. Amy couldn't understand how jealous she was. Joe was really getting on Jenny's good side. By the time they reached the movies, she realized he was probably one of the coolest guys she had ever met. Not that Jenny liked him that way. He was totally into Amy, something that bothered Jenny a bit. When he started holding her hand, Jenny thought she was going to hit him (and then kiss Amy, but this she would not admit to herself). Even though she liked him, Jenny did not like him dating Amy, and that's all there was to it. The four of them decided on a comedy, though Jenny and Amy didn't really feel like laughing at the time. When they got into the theater, Kristie and Joe sat down, leaving two spots in between them. So, whether or not they really wanted to, the girls sat next to each other and their respective dates. The seats were not very large, and both Jenny and Amy noticed this right away. Even though they could feel their dates at their sides, they were more aware of the heat coming off of the other girl's body. Neither could concentrate on the movie, as both were keenly aware of the other's presence. About halfway through the movie, Kristie started to put the moves on Jenny, putting her arm around her shoulder. Jenny wasn't ready for this. The only girl she had ever kissed was Amy. Hell, the only girl she had ever wanted to kiss was Amy. Jenny didn't know what she would do if Kristie wanted that. She didn't have long to think about it though, because just then Jenny was pulled into Kristie and her lips onto Kristie's lips. In her surprise she opened her mouth, and Kristie took the opportunity to slip her tongue inside. Jenny had to admit it was nice, as she opened up to let Kristie further inside, but nothing compared to that one sweet kiss with Amy. The kiss lingered on a few seconds, and when Jenny finally looked up, Amy was gone. "Where is Amy?" Jenny asked Joe. "I don't know. Hey, are you guys going to kiss like that again? It was really hot!" Joe said seriously. Jenny and Kristie blushed at the comment, but soon Jenny began to worry about Amy when she didn't come back. "Hey, I'm going to go check on Amy, I'll be right back." Jenny said to Kristie, who looked a little bit hurt, but said all right none the less. The first place Jenny looked was the front lobby. Without finding her there, she went to the women's restroom. There Amy was, looking like the most beautiful girl in the world. Except for the fact that she was crying. It hurt Jenny to see her cry, but the last time she had walked in on Amy like this, it had ruined their friendship. She didn't want it to end up the same way. "Hey, you're missing the movie." Jenny said lighthearted. This startled Amy and she looked up quickly from the sink her head was hanging in. Mascara was running down her puffy eyes, and her makeup was all smeared. Her hair was sticking to the tears running down her face. "Why should you care? It's not like you were watching the movie anyway!" Amy exclaimed, anger and resentment compounded in her voice. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jenny said, her anger building up as well. "You know what I'm talking about. If you weren't so busy lip locking with Kristie, you would have realized that..." Amy said, the anger fading into extreme shyness and seriousness. "Realized what?" Jenny said softly as she stepped up to Amy and brushed the hair from her tear stained face. "Realized that...I'm sorry." Amy said as she averted her big brown eyes. This would not do for Jenny, who with her hand lifted Amy's chin, forcing their gazes to collide. "Sorry for what?" Jenny whispered. She didn't want to be hurt again, so was making sure Amy fully confessed. "For lying to you, about how I really feel. That day in my room, I was so scared. I had never felt for anyone, let alone another girl, the way I felt for you, and it scared the crap out of me. But now I'm not scared anymore. Well, I'm still scared, but as long as I have you, I think I can handle it." Amy stated. "And, more than anything else, seeing you in there kissing Kristie made me realize just how much I love you." "Look, I was scared too, but I would never have hurt you like you hurt me. You said I was sick lesbian who was going to hell. That wasn't what hurt the most though. You said you loved me, then took it back; As if it were that easy to fall out of love with me. I don't think you can even imagine the pain that brought me." Jenny said as a lone tear slid down her face. Amy quickly reached up and wiped the tear away. "You have to believe me, I'm so sorry. And I never fell out of love with you. I was just so scared of what my parents would think-" "Oh to hell with your parents! What about me? Did it ever cross your pretty little head that the things you said would hurt me like death? Jesus Christ Amy, I've wanted you since I was in the hospital! In the hospital! Do you know how much pain that gave me, thinking about you all the time, knowing I would never have you? Then this miracle happens and you actually want me too. That might have been the happiest moment of my life, when you said you loved me. Then you just took it all back, like I was a toy you were done playing with." Jenny said, feeling like she should leave, but unable to do so. She had to see what Amy said. Had to know the truth. "I don't know what to say, other than I am sorry. If that's not enough, I don't know what I'll do. I don't think I can live without you. You're everything to me. I can't stand the fact that you hate me. I can't stand the fact that I deserve it. I shouldn't have said what I said. I shouldn't have lied. Because the fact is, you are the greatest person I know, and if I go the rest of my life without kissing you again because I was scared and I lied, I will probably kill myself. If I have to see you go out on dates and fall in love with someone other than me, I won't be able to stand it." Amy said as she again began to cry. "How can I be sure that after we go on our first date and someone calls you something like dike, or homo, you won't just throw me to the curb? How am I supposed to know that when times get tough you won't just dump me for some gorgeous hunk like Joe?" "Because I love you. That's the only proof I can give you right now. Please believe me." And Jenny did. Looking into Amy's dark brown eyes, she knew she wasn't lying. Maybe Jenny just wanted to believe Amy would never hurt her again, but her instincts told her that Amy was telling the truth. "Now, why is that again? I don't think you've told me enough." Jenny said teasingly as she began to smile and hold Amy's hand. Amy realized that meant she was off the hook, and decided to ham it up. "Well, I don't know. It might be because you're the most beautiful, sexy girl I've ever met. Oh, and maybe because every time I look at you my heart beats fast and my palms start sweating. But really you're not anything special." Amy said laughing. "Oh really?" Jenny said, right before she pulled Amy into close embrace. Their bodies were touching everywhere. Amy couldn't stand the anticipation. She wanted Jenny to kiss her. Needed her to. But just as Amy thought Jenny was about to lean in and close the small gap that separated their lips, Jenny pulled back and gave her a cheeky grin. "So I'm not anything special, huh?" Jenny said, almost exploding with giggles at leaving Amy wanting her. "Nope." Amy said, but then jerked Jenny in for a hard, lust-filled kiss that left both of them breathless. When they got back to their seats, the girls found Kristie and Joe sitting next to each other, laughing and talking about the movie. They both looked at one another, realizing Joe and Kristie made a perfect couple. Both were funny, smart, and beautiful. This time on the way home Jenny and Amy both got the back and Joe rode shotgun as he laughed it up with Kristie. The girls weren't complaining, though. Kristie decided to drop off Jenny and Amy first (and even though she wouldn't admit it, she did so as to have more time with Joe). "See you guys later." "Bye." Amy and Jenny said as Kristie pulled out of their drive. "Man, it's good to be home." Jenny said, then realized how weird it was. "Man, it's so weird that I already consider this place home. I mean, if my parents knew I was living here..." "What? Your parents? I thought you said you didn't have any parents!" Amy yelled, very confused. "Before you get all emotional, let me explain." "Well, explain then." Amy said with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Well, I used to live in an upscale housing complex in New York, the state, not the city. It was horrible. My 'so called' friends were all stuck up, really horrible people. My parents didn't even know I existed. Oh sure, they gave me everything I ever needed, except for them. They couldn't understand why I didn't care about all the money they had. They thought I was ungrateful. I hated it there. I even bought myself a razor, in hopes that I might come up with the courage to kill myself." "So let me get this strait. You were a poor little rich girl who threw it all away to come live in Illinois? You had everything a person could ever want, and you wanted to die? Why? "You don't understand. The only thing I ever wanted were good friends and parents who would love me. And for the record, I'm glad I didn't kill myself. If I had, I would have never met you." "Jesus Christ Jenny, what am I supposed to do? You need to go back home with your parents. When you tell my parents they'll make you, whether you want to or not." "Then we won't tell them. It'll be fine." "What about your parents, I'm sure they're worried about you." "No, honestly they're not. I've been watching the news every day to see if they were looking for me, and not once have I heard anything about a missing girl from New York." "But still, they have to be scared." "No, I'm telling you they don't care about me! Why do you keep insisting I go home? Do you not want me here?" "Now you know that isn't true. All I'm saying is it's there right to know where you are." "But isn't it my right to be where I am?" Jenny asked desperately. "No, actually, it isn't." Note from the author: I don't know whether or not I should/can complete my story. Send any comments to