Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 23:21:52 +0000 (UTC) From: Jeremy Reynolds Subject: Chapter 5 of A Mother's Infinite Love Hello! The usual Nifty disclaimers apply--basically: I do *not* at all condone many of the behaviors depicted in this fantasy, seeing as they occur between adults and minors. In real life, someone who does what the adults in this story do are doing something very harmful. I do not want to receive any emails with any illegal or morally wrong material. I also do not want anything like dick pics sent to me. Thank you, hope you enjoy! Please email other responses to: Reminder that Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories. Please use this link to make a donation: This story features themes of lesbian incest, with depictions of mothers and minor daughters engaging in sexual behavior together. (And yes, I am a man, and so sometimes I probably do get some of the "anatomy" wrong. I do try. But hey, it's a fantasy!) There are multiple characters in this story, including the following: -Anna and her twin daughters, Kaleigh and Skylar -Kristen and her daughter, Mackenzie The various chapters are from their various points of view, as indicated in each subtitle. Chapter 5: Anna I glanced down again at the message I had received from Kristen, and read it again. She was right: I should show Kaleigh and Skylar that I am someone they talk openly with, and that I would be accepting of their sexuality no matter what it was. I could do that, just as Kristen had apparently done for her daughter. I prepared some pasta for dinner and decided to make it kind of "fun" and I added some Italian music to the background and set up the table really nicely with lit candles. When the girls came in, their eyes went wide and "wows" came from their lips. Speaking of lips, I had put some lipstick on after the FaceTime with Kristen, as well as some light make-up. I felt more presentable and confident this way, that's for sure! "Hey, Mom, you look nice," Skylar said. Her sister agreed. "Thanks, you two," I replied. "Come and sit down! I made us spaghetti." They obeyed and the three of us began forking in our spaghetti. At times it seemed that the girls had forgotten their manners and they piled in the spaghetti in a really sloppy plate to mouth kind of way, but once they looked into my eyes for a moment they would go back to using the spoon and fork method I had taught them once. Much more polite! As we ate, they drank apple juice and I drank white wine. I felt it going to my head a bit, as wine always did for me. I did enjoy some wine with dinner, but I also was hoping it would loosen me up to discuss a ... complex topic with them. I gathered my courage and asked, "So, girls, I wanted to ask you about last night ... I saw you kissing." Their faces went red and they looked at each other, wide-eyed, and put down their forks. Kaleigh began, "Ok. What, uh, do you want to know, Mom?" I was quick, then, to add a preface to our discussion: "Girls, before we talk about this, I want you to know, both of you, that I love you very much. And I also will be open to whatever you say to me, and I'll accept you just as you are, okay? No matter what. You are totally fine in my eyes." They nodded. "So you said last night, Kaleigh, that this wasn't the first time you have kissed each other ... when was that?" Kaleigh began, "It was a couple years ago ... We, uh, just wanted to know what it felt like, to kiss someone. We were at Rebecca's but she was gone with her parents or something upstairs, and we were on the couch and decided to try kissing." "Like just a little kiss?" I asked, taking a sip of the wine. "Well, it started out that way," Kaleigh continued. "But we started kissing more, not just that day but after also. We ... I think we just liked it, a lot." Skylar chimed in, clearly more nervous than her sister: "We know it's bad, Mom. We shouldn't be kissing each other like that. We're sisters ..." "Hey, what did I just say about accepting you, Skylar?" I asked firmly. "It's okay to feel like you do. Whatever you feel is ok, ok?" "Ok," Skylar said, and looked over at Kaleigh. "We, uh, we think we like each other, Mom," Kaleigh explained. "I mean, like, we're girlfriends or something, maybe ..." I felt my breath catch a little in my throat, and tried to keep composure. "Oh yeah? You `like' each other? Like a crush?" "Yeah, like a crush," Kaleigh affirmed. "And at some point we started to want to see each other naked, too ... and one night that's what we did. We took off all our clothes in front of each other in our room, and we kissed each other like that. That's what we were doing last night in our bed. We have done that maybe 3 or 4 times now, I think." I breathed as deeply and in as measured a way as I could, and asked, "Do you do anything else, like touch each other's private parts?" "No, not that," Kaleigh said. "Sometimes our chests though and butts. I think once I touched Skylar in the privates, but that was just once." I nodded. "I see." I wondered what I should say or do next, different questions and different possible answers flying into my mind on the wings of thought. I thought, too, of the woman Kristen and of her openness and of her acceptance about her feelings for her daughter, and I decided that I would pursue the path of acceptance wherever that happened to lead. "Girls, there is no need to hide anything from me, from now on, ok?" I explained, trying to be as clear about this as I could manage. "I mean, if you want to kiss or hold hands or whatever in front of me, that's okay. I'll support you no matter what. I want you to be happy." "Aww, thanks, Mom," Skylar said, again looking at her sister. "Yeah, thank you, Mom," Kaleigh added. She looked at Skylar, returning the latter's gaze. She then reached out her hand toward Skylar, and Skylar placed her hand in Kaleigh's so that they were holding each other's hands. "We ... think we love each other. Maybe we're soul mates or something ..." I smiled, and reached out and held each of them on the shoulder. "I love each of you. Always remember that. You are my whole world, okay?" "Thanks, Mom ... Can we watch a movie tonight? And is it okay if Skylar and me cuddle a little bit?" Kaleigh asked. Skylar brightened up across from her. "Sure." We talked about possible movies we may want to watch, and decided on something by Pixar. We went over to the TV room and I sat down in the recliner chair near the window while the girls--who were still holding each other's hands--sat together side by side on the couch. They pulled a blanket up over them as I dimmed the lights with a remote and began the movie. As we watched, I kept glancing in their direction. At first there was nothing unusual, except that they seemed more physically close to each other than normal. After about a quarter of the film had passed, however, the blanket had fallen a little to their waists and I could see that Kaleigh had one arm around her sister's shoulders and the other was wrapped around her front to her side. Skylar appeared to lean into Kaleigh's chest a little. At about the midpoint of the movie, the two shifted positions a little clumsily. They both lay on the couch with Skylar in front and Kaleigh in back, and Kaleigh had wrapped her arm around her sister. The two were spooning, Kaleigh's crotch pressed right up against her sister's butt. Once, when I glanced over, I saw Kaleigh lightly brushing her twin's chest, as if she were stimulating her nipples. Another time, and Kaleigh's hand was on her sister's side, her thumb caressing the side of Skylar's butt. What was more remarkable to me, though, as I continued to take glances in their direction, was that I felt the unmistakable signs of arousal in myself. I felt ashamed to feel it, and tried to redirect my attention and indeed my will away from it, from those kinds of feelings, but they kept coming back stronger and stronger as the movie neared its end. I found myself crossing my arms and stealthily, subtly, touching one of my nipples with my thumb, through the fabric of my blouse and bra ... What was happening to me? I wondered. Was I actually getting turned on by my own daughters? Is this what Kristen felt for her Mackenzie? I felt pretty tormented with these thoughts and questions when we finally reached the film's credits. I quickly got up and told the girls, "Okay, well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight!" The two had sat up when I got up, their knees touching since they were kind of turned toward each other. "Okay, Mom, goodnight!" Kaleigh said. I saw her hand land on her sister's thigh. The sight of it, and how wrongly turned on I was then, made me feel like running over to the local psych hospital to get myself admitted! "Goodnight!" I said instead, and then added as I was heading out, "I love you, Kaleigh and Skylar!" "Love you too, Mom!" they both called at once behind me. I half-turned and saw them staring into each other's eyes, smiling.