Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2016 02:32:27 -0600 From: Girl Lover Subject: Stephanie's Master I've been reading the stories on this site for a long time. The kinds of stories that I enjoy the most are romantic and are long enough so you can follow along with the relationship as it grows. That's what I have done here. In this story, as well as others that I have written, are my beliefs and desires. I don't simply want a sexual relationship, but a loving and romantic one as well. And I believe that love transcends race, gender and age. If you fall in love with someone, it doesn't matter how old they are or what they are. I have a sequel that I'm working on along with other stories, but there are some kinks that I need to work out. All copyright stuff applies because I wrote this story. I would love to hear what you think at Stephanie's Master by GirlLover Riding in her mom's car to her new school, Amanda was not looking forward to her new school. She was entering the ninth grade at Riverdale High School, despite being only 12 years old. Her mom and her just moved here from Chicago and because of her high placement scores, it was decided that she should start the ninth grade instead of the 7th grade, that she would have been going to. At her old school, everyone pretty much ignored her because she was smaller than normal, almost like a child, and not attractive. Her clothes were plain, she hardly had any breasts and her hair was straggly. So here at this new school, she didn't know anyone, she wasn't attractive, she was too small, and she was only 12. Nope...She was not looking forward to this at all. "You'll be fine", her mom said from the driver's seat. "Stop worrying about it." "I'm not worrying." Amanda mumbled unconvincingly. She thought she had plenty to worry about. In a few moments, she would once again be ignored and gossiped about. "Here we are, Amanda", her mom said as she put the truck in park in front of the main entrance. Sighing, Amanda climbed down and out of the truck and walked into the building. In the office, the woman at the main desk asked if she needed help. "Uhm..I'm new", Amanda said unhappily. She handed over the letter she'd gotten in the mail. "Oh!" the woman said as she read the letter. "You're transferring in today? I'll get Ms. Calloway, the vice-principal, for you." Ms. Calloway turned out to be an older woman. "Ok then, let's get you to your first class", Ms. Calloway said briskly. They walked through the halls. Amanda was guided to a door down a short hallway and the woman knocked on it. There was a shuffling sound and then a middle-aged man opened it. "Amanda here is a new transfer student in your class Mark." The woman answered jovially. Then she turned to Amanda. "Amanda, Mr. Kline here will be your instructor for math. He'll take it from here." "Sure thing!" the man said. "Come on then, young lady. Well then, there's an open desk at the back there, go have a seat." Amanda sat in the designated seat and the class got started. As she walked to her desk, she could hear the snide comments that were being whispered. She sat in the desk and opened her math book. No one looked at her or said hello. She knew it was going to be like this. Eventually, the bell rang and her first class was over. She went out into the hallway to go to her locker. As she was walking, she tripped, sprawling flat out, her books sliding across the floor. She turned to see what she had tripped over. Leaning against the lockers were three bigger, older girls; one of them with her foot sticking out. She had a malicious grin on her face. Amanda picked herself up, gathered up her books and continued walking to her class. 'How can someone I don't even know be so mean to me?', she wondered. And that was how her first day went. She was either ignored or whispered about. She was relieved when school finally ended. She retreated from the building and found a group of metal picnic tables off to one side of the school. She plopped down her bag and leaned back against the table. The stressful day had left her feeling drained and exhausted. She closed her eyes to wait for her mom to pick her up. She ended up drifting off to sleep in the nice cool breeze that swept over her. Some time later, she woke up. She tasted something on her lips. She looked around, but there was no one there except the trees and the building. She heard a horn honk and saw her mom waving to her. "How was your day?" she asked as she climbed into the truck. "It was alright", Amanda answered sadly. "Doesn't sound like you had much of a good day", her mom noted as she began driving. "No one talked to me and a girl tripped me as I was walking down the hall", Amanda admitted. "So yeah, it wasn't fun." "Don't worry about it!" her mom replied cheerily. "You're just new that's all. You'll make friends." As they drove off, Amanda saw a girl sitting by herself on a bench. The girl was one of the older goth girls. Her hair was dyed black, her makeup was black, her clothes were black. Everything about her was black and creepy. She was staring right at her and as Amanda watched, she saw the girl raise a hand and touch her lips. Frightened, Amanda quickly turned away. That night, Amanda was lying in her small bed in her room. Tears burned in her sleepy eyes as she felt the crushing loneliness of her life in that dark room. She just wanted one person to care about her. She wished there had been someone there this afternoon. ***** The next day, Tuesday, began much like the first. Everyone either ignored her or whispered to each other as she walked by. As she was getting her book out of her locker, one of the boys bumped into her, causing her to drop it. "Outta the way, dumbass!", he said and then he and the other boys with him laughed. During lunch, she went to an empty table and sat down. She had barely started eating when a group of girls walked up. "This is our table! Move it!", threatened one girl. Picking up her lunch, she stood up and left. `So this is how my life at school is going to be', thought Amanda as she left the cafeteria. The rest of lunch she spent wondering the empty hallways until she found a bench to sit on and read. She loved reading. Books were her only escape from her dismal life and she used them to escape her loneliness and the torments of others. As she was reading, she glanced up and saw a group of people standing at the far end of the hall talking to each other. They were all goths; black and scary-looking. But it was one of the girls that drew her attention. Taller and more imposing, she wasn't talking with the others. She just stood there, staring at her. Amanda then recognized her as the same girl who'd stared at her yesterday. Amanda quickly looked back down at her book and tried to read, but her curiosity made her look back to see if the girl was still looking at her. She quickly glanced back at the girl only to see that she was still staring. Amanda tried to ignore her and continue reading, but found she couldn't. The girl kept staring at her. She was tall and lean, resembling a tall, muscular guy more than a girl. Her constant staring gave Amanda the creeps and she got up and walked away. During gym class, they were playing basketball. Some of the other girls deliberately kept bumping into her, or saying mean comments about her. Near the end, one of the girls threw the ball so that it hit Amanda full in the face. The shock blinded her for a few seconds while everyone laughed. Coach blew her whistle signaling for everyone to hit the showers and to change out of their gym clothes back into their school clothes. Amanda slowly walked to the locker room, tears in her eyes. In the locker room, as she went to her locker, the other clothes made fun of her and called her a baby. She was sweaty, so she had to take a shower, but she wasn't about to undress in front of the other girls who would further mock her pre-pubescent body so she waited in embarrassment until everyone else had left the locker room before she undressed and went into the showers. She stood in the hot spray long after the bell for class change had rung. She knew there were no more gym classes today so she'd be alone for a while if she stayed. She didn't feel like going back to her classes anymore. She was miserable and and just wanted to be alone. She leaned forward and placed her forehead against the wall and closed her eyes as the tears ran down her cheeks. When the automatic shut-off turned the shower off, she didn't restart it. She listened to the constant dripping of the water on the floor. Then she noticed that the dripping noise becoming a louder, thudding noise. She gasped. It was footsteps in the locker room. She kept her eyes closed and hoped the person would go away. She began trembling in fear as she heard those heavy footsteps enter the shower room. She tried to lift her head to see who it was, but the person quickly pressed their hand over her eyes and used their other hand to hold her so she had her back to the mystery person. "What are you going to do to me?" Amanda whimpered, fearing the absolute worst. Was she going to be beaten, raped, killed?! She began trembling violently. Instead of the blows she imagined in her head, she felt the hand not shielding her eyes caressing her neck and shoulders. Then she felt it run through her long wet hair in an almost loving slowness. Amanda had no idea what this person was doing to her. "Don't be afraid", a soft voice said from behind her...a girl's voice?!, "I'm not going to hurt you." Amanda felt a kiss on the back of her neck, raising goose bumps all over her body. She shivered even harder than before. She was confused by what was happening to her. "Please don't hurt me..." she said softly with fear filling her voice. "I won't", the voice said near her ear, as a finger slid down her back, along her butt crack and back up again, "I find you very beautiful and hard to resist. I just want to touch you." The girl gave her a parting kiss on the back of her neck and then pulled away and walked off. Amanda tried to turn and catch a glimpse of whoever it had been, but all she'd managed to see was a outline of a tall person with dark clothing. Then the stress of the day and the fear of this unknown intruder in the shower came crashing down on her and she slipped to her knees and then her butt. She sat like that for a long while, crying. The tears kept pouring out. She didn't understand what had happened. It was a girl that had touched her and kissed her. This girl had called her beautiful. No one had ever said that about her. Why would anyone, much less a girl, think she was beautiful and kiss her. She was so confused. When her mom came to pick her up, she saw that Amanda was upset "Can you tell me what happened at school today?" her mom asked gently. "No", Amanda answered. "Do you want to stay home tomorrow?" "No", Amanda said. Although she didn't know why, the mystery girl piqued her curiosity. Obviously, she didn't want to hurt her; she actually seemed attracted to Amanda. Amanda had heard of girls who were gay and loved other girls. "Alright then, I'll make us some dinner and cheer us both up." ***** Wednesday, Amanda couldn't help looking around at the other girls she passed, wondering if one of them might be the one that had caused so much turmoil within her the day before. Plenty of people looked at her but not in a friendly way. She remembered the voice and no one she passed talked like that. In her second class, when she had sat down at her desk, she felt paper brush the top of her knees. Reaching under she pulled out a folded piece of paper that had been taped under the desk with a single piece of tape. The paper had her name on it. It read: "Your eyes are beautiful. You don't smile much, but I hope to make you smile myself. Please smile for me until I can touch your lips with mine – S" Amanda knew it had to be from that girl. She didn't know any girls whose name started with S, but that wasn't much since she didn't really know anyone. She re-read the short note perhaps a dozen times until the bell rang to start class. For some reason, those few words made her feel wonderful inside. She wanted to meet this girl who wanted to make her smile. Despite the note, things seem to stay the same. School was still a dismal place for her. After gym class, the bell had already rung and she was late for her next class. The halls were empty as she went to grab a quick drink from a water fountain. When she stood up, a hand again covered over her eyes. Amanda instantly remembered the girl from the shower and felt her heart begin to race. "I know I scared you before, but I had to touch you again", the voice whispered close to her ear. "You are so beautiful." Amanda felt herself being turned around so she faced the girl, but her eyes were still covered. She felt the girl press herself to her body. She could feel a lean, hard body and large breasts press into her. She was about to speak when she felt her lips being kissed. "I really like you", the voice said. "I know you might think it weird for a girl to approach you like this, but I can't help finding you attractive. Please don't think badly of me." Again Amanda felt herself being turned away. Then her visitor let go and took off down another hallway, just as she had the last time. Amanda quickly went around the corner to see her, but all she saw was dark hair, a black leather coat, black jeans and black boots as the girl went down the hallway and disappeared around a corner. Disappointment flooded through her. She wanted to know who this girl was so badly. She wanted to tell the girl that she didn't think she was bad, that she wasn't weird. Amanda noticed she enjoyed what she was feeling right now. Someone liked her...not just liked her, but found her attractive and might even be in love with her. Amanda didn't care if this girl was gay. All she knew was someone was nice to her...and thought she was beautiful. She just had to know who she was. She looked at every girl now, hoping to find her. ***** Finally, something happened to reveal the mystery girl. It was later that day during lunch. Amanda was sitting there eating her tray of food, today's menu being lasagna, when she was suddenly yanked backwards out of her seat and onto her back on the floor. In shock, Amanda looked up to see a small group of girls standing over her with a tall blonde leading them. Amanda had never seen them before but she saw the malicious look on their faces. "What do you want?" Amanda asked. "This is our table, bitch!" the blonde snarled. Amanda flinched. She was scared, really scared "You think you can eat at our table?", one of the bully's friends remarked. "Bullshit", said the leader, nodding. "Bitches eat on the floor. Give me her food." Another girl handed her Amanda's tray of half eaten lunch. The cafeteria grew quiet. "You eat on the floor...", With that she flung the food hard with the tray down onto Amanda, "...not at a table." The tray struck her on the chest. She tried to block it with her arms but she couldn't catch all of the food flying at her. When she lowered her sauce covered arms, Amanda felt humiliated, lying there on the floor, covered in food. What little desire she had of school was gone. What were they going to do? "Back...the fuck...away from her", a low voice came out of nowhere. That voice! It was her! Amanda looked around. It was her mystery girl. A crowd had gathered around to watch the bullying so she couldn't see her. Then someone shoved her way through into the open space. "I said back off Courtney." At last Amanda could finally see what her secret admirer looked like. 'Oh my God!', she mouthed. She couldn't believe it! It was the creepy, goth girl! Hearing her secret admirer's voice coming from this girl's mouth shocked Amanda. She never would have guessed that it was this girl who had been talking to her and kissing her. For the first time, Amanda was able to get a good look at her. The girl had long dark red hair and she looked strong and well muscled under her loose dark jeans, dark green t-shirt, and well worn black leather jacket. She was staring avidly, forgetting for a moment that she was covered in her lunch. "What the hell are you butting in for Stephanie!" Courtney said angrily. 'Stephanie!' Amanda made sure to remember her name. "You back off...or you deal with me", Stephanie repeated. Courtney clenched her fists. Stephanie waiting for Courtney to respond, took a step closer asking, "You wanna mess with me, bitch?" "Fuck you!" The blonde kicked Amanda in the ribs. As the air was shoved out of her lungs, Amanda saw Stephanie take a step forward and than smashed a fist hard into the blonde's stomach. The bully bent over gasping for breath. "You touch her, I hurt you." Stephanie said in a deadly tone. "Understand?" "Fuck you!" the blonde wheezed. "I'm gonna..." Stephanie didn't let her finish. Instead she cracked the girl across the face. Courtney fell to the floor with blood pouring from her nose. Amanda could only stare in shock at the bully lying on the floor beside her. She had never seen such brutal force. "Are you alright?" Surprised, Amanda jerked her head up and looked into the face of the girl who had visited her during the last week and now had saved her. "Uhm...yes. I think I am." Amanda said, still in shock over what just happened. "Can you come with me?" Stephanie asked. "Yes", Amanda said as she got to her feet quickly. Messy food fell to the floor. "But what about all of this on me?" "That's what I want to help you with", Stephanie told her, "I have a spare shirt in my locker." Amanda nodded and let herself be led out into the hallway. "What about that girl?" Amanda asked as they walked. "Won't you get in trouble?" "No", Stephanie said. "Everyone knows that Courtney was asking for it. one will say anything against me. They're too scared" Stephanie looked down at the small girl walking beside her, "Are you afraid of me?" Amanda looked up at the girl. Stephanie towered above her and looking past her fierceness, Amanda saw that Stephanie was not going to hurt her. "No", Amanda smiled slightly After that they walked in silence to Stephanie's locker. Stephanie got out the extra shirt and led the way to a nearby bathroom. Once inside, Stephanie handed the garment to Amanda. "Sorry if it's a little big on you, but it's all I have", Stephanie said. Amanda turned away and pulled her food-covered shirt over her head and then slipped on the shirt from Stephanie. It was black and had skulls on it. Something she would ordinarily find disgusting, but now she didn't mind. "Did you mean what you said earlier?", Amanda asked, looking at the floor, not wanting to look at Stephanie as she asked. "About what?" Stephanie asked. "...about me being beautiful." "Yes. Ever since I saw you that first day when you were sleeping outside, I couldn't stop thinking about you." "You were there?" Amanda asked now turning around. She touched her lips. "Did you...kiss me?" "A little the others", Stephanie admitted. "I'm sorry I did that while you were sleeping, but you just looked so...beautiful lying there. " "Please don't say that you're sorry", Amanda asked her, "No one has ever told me I was beautiful before, so please...don't be sorry. Why didn't you let me see you when you kissed me?" "I was afraid...that you wouldn't want someone like me. Everyone is afraid of me...not just because of how I look, but also because of my reputation. I also thought there was no way you would be into girls, so I tried to show you how much I liked you." "You did all that, cuz you wanted to be with me?" Amanda said with a small smile. "Uh-huh." "Thank you." Stephanie asked her, "You didn't mind me kissing you?" "No. It made me feel special...and it showed that someone liked me" Stephanie then asked, "I would like to kiss you again...but, if you don't want to, I understand" Amanda hesitated. Stephanie's face fell, the disappointment obvious, "Okay", she said quietly and turned to leave. "No...please don't go", Amanda suddenly said, "You're the only person who's ever cared about me...No one has ever thought I was beautiful before, and...", Amanda looked up into Stephanie's face, "...and you saved me. I think you're amazing. I...I would like for you to kiss me." Stephanie slowly walked over to her and moved her face close and kissed her. Amanda felt Stephanie against her and felt her her arms wrapping around her. She always wanted to know what it would be like to kiss someone, and now it was happening. Amanda found herself being walked over to the far wall which Stephanie pressed her against. Then Stephanie began to kiss her harder. Suddenly it all cut off as Stephanie broke away. "Oh God, Amanda...!" Stephanie said panting. "I've wanted to do that for so long...I don't know if I can keep my hands off you if I keep this up." Stephanie knelt her forehead down on top of Amanda's head, panting. Amanda smiled shyly. Her whole body was tingly from being touched by Stephanie. "Amanda...", Stephanie looked into her eyes. "Can you come home with me...after school?" Amanda was stunned. She had never been to someone else's home before. Did this mean that Stephanie wanted to kiss her some more? "Yea...I'll need to call my mom", she responded. "Great", Stephanie smiled. "I'll meet you out in the lot after school" ***** When the final bell rang, she quickly pulled out her cell phone and sent a message to her mom that she would be at a friend's place and would call if she needed a ride. Her mom replied just said that she was happy she made a friend. As she traversed the parking lot, it began to rain. She hoped Stephanie would see her soon before she got soaked. But the rain kept up, getting Amanda wetter. "Amanda!" She turned and found Stephanie driving towards her. "You can drive?" she asked in surprise as Stephanie pulled up. "Yea. Hop in." Amanda did so and they were quickly on their way to Stephanie's house. During the drive, Amanda nervously glanced over at Stephanie. She gasped when she saw that Stephanie's arms were covered in tattoos. "How old are you?", she asked "17" Amanda tried to think of a way to word her next question so it wouldn't sound offensive, " Uh...Have you always liked girls?" "Yea" "Have you had a girlfriend?" "Not really", Stephanie looked at her, "I've been with a few girls before, but not seriously." "You mean you kissed other girls before?", Amanda asked amazed "Yea" When they got to Stephanie's house, she pulled into the driveway and they ran inside, wet from the rain. "My parents are working late", Stephanie said. The house wasn't cluttered like Amanda expected it to be, but neat and organized, but Amanda barely noticed any of the details as Stephanie led her upstairs. Once there, she was led down a hall past other bedrooms to the one on the end. The bedroom was, unlike the rest of the house, in a state of disarray. It wasn't like her own room, cute and girly. It looked like a messy boy's room. There were stacks of car magazines and other such things at random places on the floor and clothes were scattered everywhere. They were both soaked from the rain. Amanda stood in the middle of the room, shivering while Stephanie went towards her closet and pulled off her wet shirt, looking for another one to put on. Amanda's eyes got really big. Stephanie wasn't wearing any bra underneath and her back also had tattoos! Amanda was amazed at the tattoos that Stephanie had, but what shocked her was when Stephanie turned around and Amanda saw her big, hanging breasts. She'd never seen actual breasts before, just flat-chested girls. And Stephanie's were HUGE! Stephanie knelt down to take off her boots and then stood back up to unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off along with her panties. Completely naked, Stephanie picked up a shirt off the floor and was going to put it on when she saw Amanda staring at her breasts. "Do you like `em?" she asked. "I...I didn't...mean to...", Amanda suddenly felt ashamed and looked down at the floor. "Hey, I'm kidding", Stephanie smiled as she walked over, dropping the shirt in her hand, "It's ok if you want to look at my boobs" Amanda raised her head up and looked at them again. Stephanie stared at Amanda for awhile, then she walked over and slowly leaned closer towards Amanda, watching for any signs of hesitation. But Amanda didn't move. She just stared at Stephanie as she leaned over and kissed her then pulled away. "Amanda...I want to do more than kiss", Stephanie asked softly. "Have you ever done anything like this before?" Amanda shook her head. Stephanie asked, "Do you want me to stop?" Amanda whispered, "No..." Stephanie kissed her again, while sliding her hand underneath Amanda's shirt and caressing her boob. Amanda gasped. Stephanie heard her and pulled back. "Do you not want me to do that?", she asked. "No...It just surprised me." "Is this okay?" Amanda nodded. Stephanie smiled and continued to fondle her tiny breast. Amanda gasped out in surprised pleasure at the contact. Stephanie pulled her hand out from beneath Amanda's shirt and lifted up her shirt and took it off. Stephanie smiled when she saw that Amanda was wearing a training bra. 'God!! This girl is so adorable!!', as she took off the training bra also and smiled at Amanda's bare breasts. They were as tiny as she was. Stephanie pulled off Amanda's shoes, then slid Amanda's pants down her legs, dropping them on the floor. Stephanie couldn't help grinning at Amanda's cotton children panties with animal pictures, as she pulled them down. When Amanda's pussy came into view, Stephanie smiled happily, "It's so cute". "Get on the bed", Stephanie asked her. Amanda layed down on the bed. Stephanie got on the bed and sat by her feet. She reached out, gently rubbing Amanda's tiny pussy. She glided her finger through the sparse hair and then over her clit and lips. She continued stroking in firmer and faster strokes. Amanda felt her body twitch, followed by weird sensations that she never felt before. As Stephanie continued rubbing, her breathing became shallow and faster, and her muscles started tensing up. Her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth opened wide, her toes curled. Soon, this incredible feeling hit her, causing all her muscles to lock up and her back arch. "Stephanie...I feel...something..." When she tried to continue, only a loud cry came out, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" and her legs jerked out suddenly as she had her first orgasm ever. She seized the bed sheets in her hands, clenching them tight, her eyes squeezed shut and her teeth clenched. She then went limp, gasping for breath. Stephanie continued to stroke her pussy. Amanda tried to speak, move, anything, but she couldn't. This unbelievable sensation overwhelmed all of her abilities. Finally, after almost a full minute of the insanely wonderful convulsions, Stephanie let go while she tried to get her breath back. When Amanda opened her eyes a few minutes later, Stephanie was laying beside her, propped up on her elbow, caressing her tummy. "What...happened?", Amanda asked "You had an orgasm", Stephanie replied. "It was incredible...I never felt anything like it", Amanda stammered. "I've been wanting to do that to you so bad" Stephanie looked at her and began to stroke her face. Then she slowly put her arms around her and leaned down and kissed her. Being so close to Stephanie's boobs, Amanda couldn't help reaching out to touch it. Stephanie pulled back to look at Amanda. She smiled down at Amanda. This tiny girl was so sweet, so innocent. Because she had never done anything like this before, that made Stephanie want her even more. But she had to be gentle; something that Stephanie was not. If she wanted something, she took it, sometimes by force. But Amanda was different. Stephanie wanted her, but more than that, she cared about her. She had to be gentle; she did not want to scare this timid girl. "It's ok. You can touch it if you want", Stephanie told her. Stephanie gently took Amanda's hand and brought it to her breast. Amanda gently squeezed Stephanie's breast. "It's so soft", Amanda said quietly. She squeezed it gently so it wouldn't hurt. Stephanie noticed that, "You don't have to be so gentle. You can squeeze it harder" Amanda smiled and brought her other hand up and squeezed Stephanie's boob harder. Stephanie was thoroughly enjoying this. She slowly leaned down over the little girl so that her boob was over Amanda's mouth. "Put it in your mouth". Amanda opened her mouth and pulled it inside. At first, she didn't know what to do, but then Stephanie whispered, "Lick the nipple" so Amanda did. Stephanie began quietly moaning and she lowered herself on top of Amanda so that her pussy was on Amanda's thigh. Despite wanting to take it slow, Stephanie couldn't help herself. This little girl was turning her on way too much. She had to get off. She pressed her pussy against Amanda's thigh. 'God, that feels so good!' She closed her eyes and moved slowly along Amanda's thigh, causing her to pant. She tried to be gentle, but Amanda was making it difficult. She opened her eyes to look at Amanda. Amanda's eyes were wide opened in the sheer happiness that she was having with Stephanie's boobs. Her eyes glanced up and met Stephanie's eyes and Amanda gave her the biggest smile. That did it. Stephanie couldn't hold back anymore. She began thrusting hard against Amanda; the bed squeaking in protest to the vigorous action.With her other hand, Steph began pinching and tugging gently at Amanda's tiny breast. Stephanie's vigorous thrusting was also rubbing against Amanda's pussy, causing her to clamp down on Stephanie's nipple. Amanda suddenly let go of Stephanie's breast as she cried out, "Uuuughh...uuuggghhh... uuuggghhh....." Stephanie looked at Amanda. Her eyes were unfocused and only half-opened. Then Amanda froze and with a violent shudder, she threw her head back, her face flushed and wincing and she locked her arms around Stephanie's neck, whimpering her way through another intense orgasm. When she finally relaxed, sinking down into the bed, her face was a look of wonder and amazement. She tried several times to speak, but couldn't seem to get any words to come out. This was too much for Stephanie. She had never seen anything as erotic as this little girl getting off. As her orgasm hit, Stephanie screamed, startling poor Amanda, and then collapsed on the bed beside her. With Amanda still panting beside her, Stephanie embraced her, loving the way Amanda felt against her. She was so small and timid. How could she fall for someone like this? 'It must be some sort of maternal instinct...except this mommy likes to fuck her baby', she thought to herself, laughing. Amanda's even breathing told Stephanie that she was asleep. She looked so cute and innocent lying there. Stephanie kissed her forehead and then, wrapping her arms around Amanda, fell asleep too. Later that afternoon, when Stephanie awoken, Amanda was cuddling against her, her face buried against her neck. When Steph moved a little bit, Amanda just snuggled tighter and nuzzled her face deeper into Steph's neck. Stephanie ran her finger along her body. In her sleep, Amanda gave a small sigh. Stephanie watched her sleep, admiring her beauty. She had never cared for anyone before. She was always a loner; not wanting anyone. But when she saw Amanda for the first time, she fell in love and wanted nothing else than to be with her. And looking at her snuggled up against her, Stephanie knew that she always wanted to be with her....and if anyone ever tried to hurt her.... Stephanie narrowed her eyes. After several minutes, Amanda opened her eyes and saw Stephanie looking at her. "Did that really happen?", whispered Amanda. "Yea", Stephanie told her "Was that sex?", asked Amanda. Stephanie nodded. Amanda's eyes got really big as she realized that she just had sex with a girl. She looked up at the ceiling, her mind trying to make sense of what just happened. Amanda turned to face Stephanie, "Stephanie?" "Yeah?" "Does this mean?...that I...that I'm your girlfriend?" Amanda asked. "I would like you to be" Stephanie said, stroking Amanda's hair along her forehead. For a long moment they just stared at each other. Amanda looked at Stephanie's body. She doesn't look like a girl; she looks like a lean, muscular, tattooed guy...with big boobs. And Stephanie did have some really big boobs. `Is this what I what?' She is attractive, and definitely loves her; plus no one would bully her with Stephanie by her side. Finally, there was this absolutely unbelievable sensation called sex. She definitely wanted more of that. "I think...I would like to be your girlfriend." Amanda told her. "I want you to be too", Stephanie said. They looked at each other for awhile. As if drawn by some power, Amanda's eyes glanced down to her boobs again. Stephanie snickered and asked, "You really like my boobs, don't ya?", Amanda nodded her head, "Go ahead. You can touch them if you want. You don't need to ask me." Amanda's eyes lit up as she reached out her hand and placed it on Steph's breast. Steph watched Amanda as she played with them. Amanda said, "I wish mine were this big." "I like yours just the way they are", Stephanie said as she stroked her skin and hair. "Stephanie?" "Hmmm?" "Can we do it again?" Stephanie smiled and bent down to kiss her briefly on the mouth. "Course we can. We can do it whenever you want. The house is usually empty when I get home from school" "No, that's not it...I mean...", Amanda hesitated for a moment. "I mean, can we do it again right now?" Stephanie grinned. "Yeah, if you wanna." Amanda smiled shyly. "Yeah", she said softly. "I really wanna do it again." Suddenly, Amanda's cell phone rang. Amanda turned over and leaned down out of the bed to grab her pants and reached into the pocket and pull her phone out. Amanda eye's widened in fear, "It's my mom!", she whispered in a scared voice as if her mom could see what she had been doing. She got out of the bed to answer it and the door opened and a little 10 year old girl came in! Amanda shrieked in surprise, covering her mouth, then quickly covering her breasts and crotch. Beth, Stephanie's little sister, who had just gotten home from school, looked at Amanda and asked "Who are you?" Alarmed, Amanda squealed, jumped back on the bed grabbing the sheet to pull it over her naked body. Beth asked Amanda, "Why are you in bed with sis?" "She's my girlfriend", said Stephanie, "Go watch TV and leave us alone." Beth left the room and then they heard her turn on the TV. "Oh my gawd! That was so embarrassing. She's going to tell your mom...and your mom will tell my mom...and...", Amanda blubbered, on the verge of crying Stephanie sat up and pulled Amanda out from under the sheet and into her lap, "She was just wondering who you were. You're not going to get in trouble." Stephanie wiped the tears forming in Amanda's eyes and lightly kissed her, "It's gonna be okay. Trust me. Now, I need a shower. Want to join me?", Stephanie asked. Amanda stared at Stephanie, "You want me to?" "Of course. You're my girlfriend. Why wouldn't I?", asked Stephanie "I don't know...", Amanda stammered. "Come on!", smiled Stephanie, getting out of bed and walking out the door, completely naked. Amanda climbed out of bed, but instead of walking out of the room, she peeked just her head out into the hallway to see if anyone was out there. She was naked in someone else's house and she knew Steph's sister was just downstairs. Seeing no one, but still scared to death that someone would see her, she covered herself with her hands and ran naked to the bathroom as fast as she could and quickly closed the door. When she came into the room filling with warm steam, she saw Stephanie in the tub adjusting the knob. Unsure as to what to do, Amanda just stood there until Stephanie said, "Come in". Amanda got inside the tub while Stephanie finished adjusting the knob and turned around and began putting shampoo in her hair. Again, Amanda just stood there nervously, her arms crossed over her boobs to cover them. "Here", Stephanie handed Amanda the soap, "You can wash my front" Stephanie gently took both of her hands and placed them on her body. Stephanie then guided Amanda's hands over her body and stopped when Amanda's hands were on her boobs. Amanda smiled. This is what she really wanted. She squeezed and caressed them, feeling the slipperiness and how heavy they were. She pinched the nipples as she watched Steph's face to see her reaction. Washing her hair, Stephanie smiled at Amanda as she played with her boobs like a kid playing with a new toy. When her hair was done, Stephanie put some soap in her hands and washed Amanda's tiny boobs. Stephanie slid her hands to Amanda's back and her little butt. She held it open with one hand, sliding her middle finger inside the crack. She rubbed Amanda's butt hole and felt her butt cheeks instinctively clench on her hand. Stephanie knelt down on the shower floor to get a closer look. Amanda was so petite that her butt was the size of a little girl instead of a young adult. Stephanie ran her fingers along it and into the crack. Then she kissed it. Amanda turned around in surprise, looking down at Stephanie behind her, with her face planted on her butt, "What are you doing?!" "Loving your ass." Stephanie spread her butt cheeks apart, burying her face in between them. Amanda couldn't have been more surprised. Here was someone sticking their face where she poops from. "Why?!", she had to ask. "Because it's soooo sexy....", Stephanie's voice became muffled as once again, she pushed her mouth against Amanda's butt. Stephanie slide her hand into her own pussy. She had never been as turned on as she was now. She knew she was gonna cum quickly. When her orgasm slammed into her, she clenched her legs together over her hand, screaming "Aaaaaahhhhh...". Her legs turned to jelly and she braced herself with her free hand. She could already feel a second orgasm growing. Her fingers kept working inside her as she kissed Amanda's butt. Her eyes squeezed shut as she pulled away from Amanda, unable to concentrate on her butt any more. "Ohhh....FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK........", she groaned as Amanda looked behind her in awe. Stephanie was kneeling on the floor, holding herself up with one hand and she was shaking like she was going to fall over. She had a painful look on her face like she was badly hurt. She looked so distressed that Amanda had to ask, "Stephanie...Are you alright?..." Stephanie fell backwards onto her butt, hitting her head on the shower wall behind her, "Oww..." She sat there on the shower floor, panting. She had never cum that hard before. 'What is it about this little girl?', she asked herself. Among the noise of the shower and her heavy breathing, Amanda's voice came to her, "Stephanie?...Are you alright?...". Stephanie opened her eyes and saw Amanda looking down at her, worriedly. "Yea...Just give me a minute...". She still felt weak from her orgasms. As she rested, she looked up at Amanda, who was standing shyly looking at her. Stephanie raised herself up. "What happened to you?", Amanda asked. "Remember when you came?..." Amanda looked at her blankly, clearly not knowing what she was asking. " That feeling you got when we had sex...when you had an orgasm..." Amanda's face took on a look of understanding, her mouth forming an O. "Did that happen to you?", she asked "Oh yea..." "Did it hurt?", Amanda asked "Nooo...Why do you think it hurt?", Stephanie wondered why she would ask something so ridiculous. "It looked like you were in pain" Stephanie chuckled as she stood up, "It just look like that. Believe me...I've never felt so good as I do now", she said wrapping her arms around Amanda and holding her, "We probably better get dressed. My parents are going to be home any minute." Although Amanda was certainly old enough to dry herself off, Stephanie wanted to dry Amanda off. Amanda's body captivated her so much, she couldn't get enough of it. As Stephanie dried her off, Amanda looked at her tattoos, "Your parents let you get tattoos?" "I didn't ask them", Stephanie replied "Did you get in trouble for getting them?", Amanda asked "They talked to me about it, but they know that I do what I want." After Amanda was dry and Stephanie dried herself, they went back to Stephanie's room to get dressed. By this time, it was late afternoon and Stephanie had to take Amanda home. As they walked downstairs to the living room, Stephanie's mom was there, "Hello, Stephanie. Who's this?", she asked, looking at Amanda. "This is Amanda", Stephanie said as she put on her leather jacket. "Hello, Amanda. Beth told me that a girl was in your room", then turning to Stephanie, "A naked girl..." Beth came skipping in from the kitchen, "Hello again" "Hello" Amanda said quietly, looking at the floor, scared that she and Stephanie were in trouble. " old are you?", Stephanie's mom continued "Twelve", Amanda mumbled quietly, still looking at the floor. "She's her girlfriend", Beth told her mom proudly Stephanie's mom first looked at Stephanie, then back to Amanda, who was looking so embarrassed by all this attention, then she turned and asked Beth, "Beth, have you finished your homework?" "Noooo..." "Then go do it" "But Moooommmmm..." "Now!", at which Beth ran to her room. Stephanie's mom turned back to Stephanie with her eyes raised, "Girlfriend?... Well, that would explain the naked part" Stephanie told her mom, "She's new. At lunch, Courtney was fucking with her so I asked her to come home with me" Her mom turned back to Stephanie, "Stephanie, first of all, am I going to get a call from the school or Courtney's parents about you beating up Courtney?" "That bitch deserved it!", Stephanie told her. Her mom interrupted, "And as for Amanda being naked and your girlfriend...Steph! She's only 12! What are you thinking?" "Well, look at her...Isn't she cute?", Stephanie replied with a smirk. "Yea, but a 12 year-old?! How long have you known her?" "Since yesterday", Stephanie told her "Yesterday?! You met someone yesterday...and you're girlfriends now?" "You know me...", Stephanie then paused, then quietly said, "I really like her, Mom" Her mom sighed, then she looked down at Amanda, "Amanda, do you want to be Stephanie's girlfriend?" Amanda nodded quickly. "Stephanie can be kind of....", her mom began. "She knows Mom. Believe me, she knows", Stephanie interrupted Stephanie's mom grimaced and looked at Stephanie, "Dammit Stephanie!...How can you be Look! I don't need Amanda's mom calling me wondering why her daughter suddenly wants to have sex with my daughter! And she's 12! You can't be having sex with a 12 year-old! Why can't you be interested in someone your own age?" "I like her", Stephanie told her quietly Her mom looked at Stephanie and saw how much Amanda meant to her. Although Amanda was young, Stephanie was a good person, and if she loved Amanda and Amanda loved her...well, what was wrong with that?, "Try to keep this discreet, okay?" She then went into the kitchen. Stephanie wrapped her arms around her, whispering in her ear, "You okay?" "Are you in trouble", Amanda looked up at her "No", Stephanie told her. They went out to Stephanie's car and got in. As they drove home, Amanda asked Stephanie, "What will the other kids think of us?" "They won't think anything cause they know I will kick their ass if they say anything", Stephanie looked in Amanda's eyes, "And I'll kick their ass if they mess with you" "Your mom doesn't care about you being gay?" asked Amanda. "She knows I like girls" asked Stephanie, "What about yours?" "I don't know what she will think" said Amanda. Steph pulled into Amanda's driveway "I'll see you tomorrow", Stephanie leaned over to kiss her, but Beth looked out to see if her mom was looking out the window. "You don't want me to kiss you?", Stephanie asked "No, no...It's just that I don't want my mom to see", Amanda smiled nervously. Stephanie sat back in her seat, looking at her. She caressed her cheek, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow" "Okay", Amanda said, then she got out of the car and went inside. Stephanie watched her go in, thinking about her. She still didn't understand why she was so attracted to Amanda. Amanda was so different from the other people that she hung out with. She was weak, fragile and obviously a geeky nerd. Stephanie didn't know why she liked her, only that she did. Actually, it was more than just liking her, Stephanie couldn't stop thinking about her ever since she first saw her the day before yesterday. Now, Amanda had become an obsession. Stephanie stared at the door that Amanda had walked through, then she drove back home. ***** On Thursday, a strange sight walked through the main doors, Stephanie holding hands with the weird geeky girl that just started school. Everyone looked and the rumor mill was in full swing. As they walked down the hallway, Amanda could clearly see and hear everyone talking about them. They came to her locker. Amanda opened it, put her backpack in and took out one of her textbooks, then closed it. "Hey Stephanie" They both turned to see a tall blonde boy walking toward them with a disgruntled look on his face. They both knew who he was, Josh, one of the jocks who used to be mean to Amanda. Stephanie felt Amanda tense up and move behind her. "What are you doing with her?!" Steph squeezed Amanda's hand to reassure her. "The whole school is saying how you two are holding hands and are lezzies." "She's my girlfriend." "Girlfriend?! Her?!" "Yea....", Steph told him, her voice becoming cold and unfriendly, her eyes flashing, and her fists clenching, "You got a problem with that?" Josh saw the glint in Stephanie's eyes and backed off. Stephanie turned to look at everyone else in the hall, "As for the rest of you assholes, Amanda is off limits, she's mine", she growled. The other students grew silent at Stephanie's warning. Steph looked behind her at Amanda, who was visibly shivering. "Don't worry. No one's going to bother you" Amanda was amazed at how everyone listened to Stephanie. Stephanie walked Amanda down the hall toward her first class. When they got to the door, Stephanie gave her a brief kiss. "I'll see ya at lunch", Steph told her smiling, then turned and walked to her own class. ***** Stephanie looked out the window. Normally, she would be bored in Geography and would be doing something else, but now, her thoughts were pre-occupied with Amanda. How small she is, her smile, her body, and...oh, yeah...her ass, can't forget that. God! How she loved her ass! She began imagining Amanda slowly pulling off her jeans, sliding down her cute, little panties and bending over to pick up something off the floor. OHGOD! She had to have her! As the morning went on, Stephanie felt herself getting hornier. Nothing had ever turned her on like this before. She tried to calm the growing arousal within her, but she couldn't. She kept thinking of Amanda lying in her bed, naked. The bell rang and Stephanie went to her locker and then her next class. Two and a half hours till lunch. She wasn't going to make it. During her other classes, all she did was watch the clock; minute by minute, hour by hour. Finally, lunch came. Stephanie rushed to the cafeteria, scanning the room for Amanda. After what seemed to be an eternity, she found her and took her hand, "God! I've been wanting you all morning! Come on", leading her down the hall toward the back of the school. Amanda looked up at Stephanie questioningly and saw Stephanie grinning down at her. "Where are we going?", Amanda asked, but Stephanie didn't answer. For awhile, Amanda didn't know why Stephanie was grinning at her and leading her away from the cafeteria. Then it dawned on her and her eyes grew big, "Are you wanting to....?" "Yea." Amanda's mouth dropped open. She whispered anxiously, "But we can't do that here! We'll get caught!" "That's why we're going to the equipment room at the football field", Stephanie told her. "But we're in school. We can't have sex at school!", she whispered, looking around to see if anybody was watching. "Yes, we can. Don't worry. We're not going to get caught", Stephanie reassured her. They went outside, walked across the football field to a small building on the side. "You want to do it in there?", Amanda asked, her face twisting into a look of disgust. "It's the only place where we can be alone", replied Stephanie. Stephanie opened the door and they went inside. The room was dark, except a light from a window and was cluttered with gym equipment of all kinds. Stephanie led her to the back where the gym mats were stacked on top of each other, and started taking her clothes off. Amanda just stood and watched her in shock. Stephanie was really doing it. She was actually going to get naked and want to have sex here in this dirty shed at school. "What if someone comes in?", she asked. "No one is going to come in", Stephanie reassured her as she then began taking off Amanda's clothes. Amanda let her remove her shirt, pants and then underwear. Stephanie took it all in as she undressed her. She noticed her breathing became shallow and her lips were dry, causing her to lick them. It was amazing the affect that this little girl had on her, sorta like a drug. Amanda, on the other hand, was feeling more and more nervous as she became more and more uncovered. She kept looking at the door, expecting the coach or janitor to walk in. When she was finally naked, she nervously covered her crotch and breasts. With a gleam in her eye, Stephanie picked her up and kissed her. She easily held her up off the ground, with one hand under her butt and the other hand around her back. "You don't know how bad I've wanted you", Stephanie murmured, kissing her chest and sucking her tiny boobs. Amanda closed her eyes. Stephanie's kisses felt really good. Amanda felt the gym mats touch the back of her legs. Stephanie set her down on the mats, continuing to cover her body with kisses while moving down to between her legs. Stephanie gently pushed her legs apart, then kissed her pussy in a long, sensuous kiss. Amanda drew her breath in and held it. She felt Stephanie's tongue wriggling around inside of her. "Ooohhh...myyy...gaawwdd!", she whispered. Stephanie grabbed her hands and Amanda squeezed them hard as Stephanie's tongue created all sorts of feelings within her. It got stronger and stronger and then it became too much. Amanda wasn't able to hold it anymore and her orgasm exploded out of her. To her horror, she realized she was peeing! All over Stephanie's face! She tried to stop, but she couldn't. She tried to tell Stephanie, "Ste...Ste....Stephaaaaggghhhhhh...." But she couldn't make any sensible words. Amanda squirmed around as her body convulsed from her orgasm. When Stephanie finally pulled away, Amanda's fear was realized. She had peed all over her face. It was running down her chin and there was a puddle on the mats between her legs. Amanda clapped her hands over her mouth in shock, "OHMYGOD....Oh Stephanie!! I tried to stop...I really did! I'm so sorry" Amanda covered her eyes as she felt the tears filling her eyes. "Hey...Amanda...", Stephanie pulled Amanda's hands away from her face, "What's wrong?" Amanda was blubbering, "I tried to stop...I tried..." Stephanie was confused and wanted desperately to comfort Amanda. "Please tell me what's wrong!" Amanda, still blubbering, finally said, "I...peed...on you" Stephanie was confused for a second, and then realized what she was talking about. Moving close to her and taking her face in both her hands, "You didn't pee. This is cum. You came...and quite a lot." Still sniffling, Amanda quietly asked, "What's cum?" "You know...when you orgasm", Stephanie sat on the mats beside Amanda, "That really good feeling that you get when I have sex with you?" Amanda's mouth formed an "O" in the moment of understanding, "So...I do that when I..." "Yea. When you do that, it means I got you off." Amanda paused for a bit, then asked apologetically, "Did it go in your mouth?" Stephanie nodded. "Do I taste weird?" Stephanie leaned closer to her, "Nuh-uh. You taste incredible." Amanda thought for a while, then asked, "Do you do that too when you...?" Stephanie grinned, "Oh yea!" Amanda eyes got big, "You mean if I...kiss your hoo-hoo, you'll do that too?" Stephanie laughed, "My hoo-hoo?" Amanda was confused, "Isn't that what it's called?" Still chuckling, Stephanie told her, "It's called a pussy. And yes, if you kiss my pussy, I will definitely do that...all over." Amanda was silent for awhile looking at the gym mats, so Stephanie said, "I would really like it if you would kiss my pussy." Amanda looked at her, "You want me to do that to you?" Stephanie paused, looking down at the gym mats. In the past, whenever she wanted something, she would simply take it because no one was able to stop her, but not with Amanda. She could never force herself on her. It would have to be her choice. Even if Amanda said no. Finally Stephanie looked up at Amanda and quietly said, "Yes. I would really like it if you would do that to me, but if you don't want to, you don't have to." Amanda knew how good it made her feel when Stephanie kissed her hoo-hoo...her pussy, and she wanted to make Stephanie feel as good as it made her feel, but it just seemed so gross. She would be putting her mouth on where Stephanie peed out of. She decided, for Stephanie's sake, she would at least try it. After all, Stephanie had been doing it to her. "Okay. I'll try it, but I don't know what to do" Stephanie got the biggest grin. She spread her legs, "Just start out by kissing it." Amanda laid down on her tummy with her face a few inches from Stephanie's pussy. She moved her face close to it and sniffed, expecting it to smell like pee. It had an odor, but it didn't smell bad. Closing her eyes out of disgust, she puckered her lips and moved slowly forward. When her lips contacted Stephanie's flesh, Amanda almost pulled back, but then realized it didn't taste bad. In fact, it really didn't have any taste...just a slight smell...which wasn't bad...just different. So, she kissed it. "How was that?", she asked looking up at her. Stephanie smiled as she watched her. She was so cute, like a little kid. "Awesome...Here, let me help you." Stephanie pulled her outer lips apart, making Amanda "oohh". Amanda stuck her finger in, touching the inside, "It's hot...and slippery" "Yea...stick your tongue out and lick the inside", Stephanie said breathlessly. Amanda was so cute and whimsical, Stephanie knew she wasn't going to last long. Amanda took hold of Stephanie's outer lips from Stephanie, and sticking her tongue out, gingerly touched the pink flesh. Amanda looked up at Stephanie, "Now what?" "Keep licking it...", Stephanie gasped. Amanda lowered her face inside and licked it a few times. Feeling how wet it was against her cheeks and lips, Amanda remarked, "My face is getting all wet", but she kept licking. Stephanie layed back and grabbed her nipples. This little girl was turning her on to no end. Stephanie raised up, "Try licking...right here", pointing to her clit. Amanda looked at it and lowered her mouth on it. "OHGOD!", Stephanie exclaimed. She fell back on the mat. This time, she was overcome by what Amanda's tongue was doing to her. Grasping her hands onto the mat, she stopped breathing, her eyes squeezed shut as a powerful orgasm hit her. "SSHHHIIIIIITTTTTTT....", she screamed out, scaring poor Amanda. Completely exhausted, she layed there, gasping for breath. After a minute of panting, she looked up to see Amanda sitting on her knees with a scared look on her face and her hands over her mouth. Quickly raising up, Stephanie asked, "Amanda, what is it?" "I thought I hurt you", she said quietly "No...", pulling her close and holding her, "You didn't hurt me. Remember when you came and how good it felt...?" Amanda nodded. " made me feel even better", Stephanie looked at her, wiped some of the cum off of Amanda's lips and smiled, "I'm sorry that I scared you when I screamed...but, damn...that felt so good." "So, I made you cum?", Amanda asked. "Fuck, yea!", Stephanie said, laying back on the mat and breathing out, "I've never cum that hard before." Amanda moved forward till she was beside Stephanie, "I'm glad that I made you cum. I thought I wasn't doing it right." Stephanie laughed, "Oohh did it perfectly", reaching up to carress Amanda's breast. "What was that thing you pointed to?", asked Amanda "My clit." "What's that?", Amanda asked dumbfounded. Stephanie chuckled, "I forget that you don't know these things. See this little button...?", holding her lips open with one hand while pointing to her clit with the other hand. Amanda leaned over, on her hands and knees, so that her face was real close, "Uh-huh" "This is called a clit. Every girl has one and it's really sensitive. This is what makes you cum so hard." Amanda looked at Stephanie, smirking, " if I touch it...", reaching out with her hand and pressing it. Stephanie jerked, "Ooohh!" Amanda gasped back in surprise, then smiled. She touched it again. Again, Stephanie jerked. Then as Amanda was going to touch it again, she jerked herself, squealing in surprise. She looked back at Stephanie who was grinning, and then looked at Stephanie's hand which was sticking in her butt hole. "You touched my butt hole!", Amanda exclaimed Stephanie reached out and grabbed Amanda's waist with both hands and pulled her butt on top of her face. Amanda drew an sharp intake of breath as her butt clenched tightly together when she felt Stephanie's tongue licking her butt crack. "What are you doing?!", Amanda asked in disbelief, but Stephanie didn't answer. She kept licking that cute little butt as if she couldn't get enough of it. Grasping her butt cheeks and spreading them, she stuck her tongue into Amanda's little brown hole and then carefully stuck a finger partially inside, being careful not to hurt her. Feeling this caused Amanda's butt to repeatedly clench and to squeal in surprise. Seeing Stephanie's clit in front of her, she pushed it with her finger causing Stephanie's legs to jerk. Amanda then began rubbing her finger back and forth across it. Stephanie stopped licking Amanda's butt and let her head fall back on the mat She grunted seemingly in pain, "Uuuhhh...uuuhhh...uuuhhh..." Her noises blended together into a continuous sound which increased into a shriek and to Amanda's surprise, a lot of pee squirted out of her. Amanda remembered that Stephanie said it wasn't pee, it was cum. She looked at it. It looked like water. She looked back at Stephanie. Stephanie's sides were heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She was still visibly shivering with little aftershocks and was flushed head to toe as she pulled her finger out of Amanda's butt hole. "Wow! Did I do that?", Amanda asked in awe. "Yea..." Stephanie was still out of breath, "Shit! I needed that so bad." Amanda touched Stephanie's clit again, making her jerk. "'s too sensitive..." Sitting up, she looked into Amanda's eyes and stroked her hair. "You're all sweaty", Amanda noticed "Yea", Stephanie smiled. Realizing that they still had to eat lunch, she smiled at Amanda and kissed her. "Let's go eat, I'm starving." ****** After lunch, they had biology together but then they had to separate to go to their individual last classes. After getting their books from their lockers, they had been walking together to Amanda's class, but Amanda had to use the bathroom, so Stephanie continued on to her own class. Both of their classes were in the same hall. Stephanie's class was at the far end of the hall while Amanda's was at the front. Before going in, Stephanie turned to watch for Amanda going into her classroom, but Amanda wasn't there. Waiting a few minutes, she began to wonder why Amanda hadn't come. Suddenly, Stephanie sensed that something was wrong, very wrong. She quickly walked back through the hall to where the bathrooms were around the corner. As soon as Amanda had come out of the bathroom, a hand grabbed her and slammed her backwards into the lockers, hitting her head. Stunned, she looked up to see Courtney and her friend glaring at her. Courtney's hand was on her throat, holding her against the lockers. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Courtney yelled into her face. Amanda was terrified. She looked down the hallway, her eyes desperately searching for Stephanie. "I...haven't...done...anything", she begged, her vision becoming blurry from being choked. "Bullshit!" the other girl snarled. "You think you're so high and mighty with Stephanie", Courtney was seething now. "This is my school!", slamming her head against the lockers again for emphasis. Amanda prayed that Stephanie would come as tears ran down her face. Her eyes closing, she wondered what would happen to her, when suddenly, a voice roared, "LET HER GO...NOW!" Courtney and the other girl, Michelle both turned and looked to see a very furious Stephanie walking toward them. Amanda's eyes opened. Walking towards her was a Stephanie that she had never seen before. Other people had seen this Stephanie, but not Amanda. The Stephanie that she knew was kind and loved her. For the first time, she saw the other Stephanie that people feared and respected. And this Stephanie was beyond enraged. Courtney spun around, dropping Amanda to the ground and swung wildly at Stephanie. Stephanie dodged it as her fist slammed into Courtney's face, knocking her to the floor. Before Michelle could react, Stephanie grabbed her hair and smashed her face into the lockers with a loud bang, breaking her nose, and causing her to fall on the ground. As Courtney was getting up, Stephanie kicked her in the stomach, causing her to fall back on the ground, doubled up in pain, holding her stomach. Amanda, lying on the floor, still stunned from Courtney's attack, could only stare in shock. On one side of her, she saw Michelle trying to raise herself off the ground, blood pouring from her nose. On the other side of her, Stephanie was holding Courtney on the ground by her neck. Michelle was able to rise up and turned to Stephanie. Letting go of Courtney, Stephanie slammed a fist into Michelle's kidney, dropping her on the floor again. Then grabbing Courtney, still lying on the floor, by her hair, she raised up her bloody face. Amanda's jaw dropped at the sheer brutallity that Stephanie had exhibited. Looking at the blood on the floor, she now knew why Stephanie was so feared. "OhmyGod!", she mumbled. "If I ever see either of you near Amanda again, I will kill you." Stephanie growled. By this time, Amanda had picked herself up and had gone to Stephanie, wrapping her arms around her from behind. She had been so terrified under Courtney's grasp, that now that Stephanie was here, she didn't want to let go of her. Stephanie still stood glaring down at the two bullies, who were lying on the floor. Amanda, hugging Stephanie from behind, reached up and whispered in Stephanie's ear, "Stephanie, I'm alright...Stephanie...", trying to calm her down. In her rage, Stephanie couldn't hear her, all she saw was two people who had hurt her girlfriend, and now, they were going to pay. Eventually, Amanda's soothing voice was able to reach through her rage. This rage slowly died and was replaced by Amanda's arms and her voice. "I'm ok now", she said, reaching up to kiss Stephanie on the back of her neck. As the bullies limped off, Stephanie's anger was replaced by guilt. Stephanie turned around and picked her up, holding her close. She nestled her head on top of Amanda's shoulder, "I'm so sorry...I should have been here with you..." For a while, Stephanie just stood there, holding Amanda tightly against her, mumbling, "...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." Then, Amanda pulled her face from Stephanie's neck, "Are you crying?", she asked, dumbfounded Stephanie's eyes were red and there were a few tears running down her cheeks, "Did they hurt you?...Are you okay?..." "My head hurts, but I'm okay...just hold me", burying her face in Stephanie's shoulder. Stephanie held her tight, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, trying to hold back the tears, and she rubbed Amanda's back. "Let me take you home", Stephanie pulled away and said. "We can't. We still have one more class", Amanda protested. Stephanie looked at her, "Then I'll go to your class with you." "No. You go to your class and I'll go to mine", Amanda told her. When Stephanie didn't put her down, Amanda reassured her, "I'll be fine" Still holding Amanda, Stephanie started walking back to their classrooms, but Amanda interrupted her, "Stephanie. You can put me down now." Stephanie was about to object, but realized that she couldn't just carry Amanda around, so she finally relented, put her down and walked her to her class. By this time, they both were several minutes late. When the bell rang to let school out, Stephanie ran to Amanda's room to wait for Amanda to come out of the classroom. She wasn't going to let Amanda out of her sight again. She then drove them to her house since Amanda's mom was still at work and she wanted to have Amanda close to her. **** When they got to Stephanie's house, Stephanie's mom and sister, Beth were in the kitchen making dinner. "Hello, Stephanie. How was school?" asked her mom as she was walking out of the kitchen, "Oh, hello again, Amanda" "Hello", Amanda replied "Those fucking bitches jumped Amanda after lunch...", Stephanie yelled angrily, "Those fuckers!...I should have killed them!...", she muttered as she went to her room to take off her jacket. "What happened Amanda?", asked Stephanie's mom, "Are you ok?" "I was coming out of the bathroom and suddenly those two girls from yesterday grabbed me and pushed me against the lockers. They were choking me and I thought they were going to beat me up", her eyes began welling up with tears as the memory came back, "I was so scared, but then Stephanie came and...", Amanda hesitated, once again, seeing the violence and the blood. It still shocked her to see that side of Stephanie, "...she...hit both of those girls...and there was all this blood...and then she hit them again...I...I..." Kneeling down, Stephanie's mom hugged her. Amanda wrapped her arms around her and hugged her back, tears running down her cheeks. Pulling away and sitting down, Stephanie's mom took her hand and told her, " very strong and when she gets really mad at someone,...well...she seems more like a grown man than a girl. She's not a bad person and she never deliberately hurts anyone, but if someone tries to pick a fight with saw what she can do. She has quite a reputation at school. I hope she didn't scare you." Amanda looked at the ground and quietly said, "It did scare me...but those two bullies scared me more....", she looked up at Stephanie's mom, "...She saved me...also she..." "What?", asked Stephanie's mom "After she saved me and those two girls left, she was crying. She pretended she wasn't, but she was. I didn't think she could do that." "Amanda...Stephanie has never been one to show her feelings. When those girls grabbed you, it must have really scared Stephanie." "Why would she be scared?", Amanda asked. "Because she loves you and it upset her that you got hurt. She probably blames herself for not being there to protect you. That's shy she was crying." Beth came out of the kitchen asking, "Is she really in love with you?" "Beth, that's none of your business", Stephanie's mom told her. "Do you kiss each other?", Beth squealed, making Amanda blush and her face dropped to the floor in embarrassment. "Beth! Get back in the kitchen and wash your hands!", Stephanie's mom scolded Beth. Stephanie came back in wearing her tank top and when Beth saw her, she quickly ran back to the kitchen. She knew better than to pry into her sister's business with her right there. Stephanie walked up and hugged Amanda from behind, wrapping her arms around her and kissing the top of her head, while Amanda held onto her arms. "Why are you blushing?", Stephanie asked "Because Beth was asking her about you two and it embarrassed her", Stephanie's mom said. Stephanie looked up and saw Beth peeking at her from around the corner of the kitchen. She glared at Beth, making her run back into the kitchen. Stephanie's mom told Stephanie, "She was just being nosy" "It's ok", said Amanda, looking up at her face and stroking her arms. While Beth ate her dinner, Stephanie asked Amanda, "Wanna see what's on TV?" "Okay", Amanda said. Stephanie picked up Amanda and walked to the living room. Amanda wrapped her legs around Stephanie's waist while Stephanie looked lovingly into her eyes and smiling. When they got to the recliner, Stephanie sat down and lowered Amanda into her lap. "Stephanie!...", scolded Stephanie's mom, "She's not a cat that you can just carry around with you." Amanda didn't mind Stephanie carrying her to the recliner though. As Stephanie searched through the channels with one arm wrapped around Amanda, Amanda had her head against Stephanie's breast and her arms wrapped around her. She was still shook up from the attack at school and saw Stephanie as a security blanket...actually Stephanie was more like an omnipotent guardian angel. About 6:00, Stephanie's mom asked Amanda, "Amanda, what time do you need to be home by?" "Now...but I don't want to leave Stephanie", Amanda said quietly. She looked at Stephanie, "I want to stay here with you" Stephanie's mom said, "Well, you still need to call your mom." Reluctantly, Amanda pulled out her phone and called her mom, "Hello, Mom?....I'm with Stephanie.... The girl that I met yesterday...I don't have any homework...Can I please stay just a little while longer, please...Okay...I will, thank you, Mom...I love you too." Amanda hung up the phone and with a big grin, "She said yes, but only until 7:00" "Great", said Stephanie and she squeezed Amanda as Amanda snuggled deep into her arms. They watched TV on the couch with Stephanie cuddling Amanda in her arms. Eventually, it was Beth's bedtime and she went to bed. They lay there in each other's arms for awhile. Amanda kept peeking at Stephanie's boob which was half out of her top. She reached up and ran her finger along it, moving the shirt so that the nipple was sticking out. She ran her finger over the nipple and when she looked up at Stephanie to see if she had noticed, she saw Stephanie grinning at her. Amanda smiled sheepishly at being caught. "You sure like my boobs", Stephanie laughed. "Stephanie!", her mom exclaimed, "That's not the kind of talk that you should be having in the living room...and with your guest." "She's my girlfriend, Mom!", Stephanie told her annoyingly, "And she does like my boobs." "But you don't blurt it out loud here in the living room. What if Beth was in here?" "Fine! Me and Amanda will take my boobs to my room", Stephanie said, picking up Amanda and standing up. She was walking to her room, with Amanda in her arms, when her mother stopped her, "Stephanie! Amanda has to be home in less than an hour. She doesn't have time for any hanky-panky...and for God's sakes, put her down! She's not crippled!" "Fuck!", Stephanie said, bowing her head. Then she raised her head back up, looking at Amanda, "Will your mom let you spend the night here tomorrow night?" "I think so...I'll have to ask", Amanda said quietly. Stephanie looked at the clock and her mom, "We got a little time", and then walked off to her room. "Stephanie...", her mom called after her, "Beth is trying to sleep. I don't want to hear any noises if you know what I mean." Stephanie walked into her room, kicking the door closed. Carrying Amanda to her bed, she laid her down and then layed down beside her. For a long time, she just looked at Amanda with a sad look in her eyes. "What's wrong", asked Amanda Stephanie ran a finger along Amanda's arm, "It scared me...when I saw what they were doing to you. I've never been so frightened and angry before in my life." Amanda noticed a tear running down her cheek. "I promise...I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again...I...don't know what I'll do without you..." Amanda could see how bad Stephanie was feeling, more than that, she was hurt and scared. She wanted to reassure Stephanie to make her feel better, "Stephanie, I'm okay" Stephanie caressed her forehead and smiled at Amanda for so long, it made Amanda ask her, "What?" "I'm just looking at how beautiful you are", Stephanie answered. Amanda smiled sheepishly. Stephanie had been rubbing her arms and now, she leaned over her, kissing her. Stephanie raised up and straddling Amanda, slowly lowered herself on top of Amanda, cradling her head between her hands. Stephanie's kisses became more passionate until finally, she rolled off of her, panting, "Oh God! You turn me on so much!" She stroked Amanda's hair, "I hope your mom will let you spend the night tomorrow." "She'll probably want to talk with your mom about it first", Amanda replied. Stephanie had to accept that. For once, the decision wasn't hers to make. She sat back on her legs, looking down at Amanda below her and marvelled at the influence that Amanda had over her; how she felt when she saw Amanda being hurt at school earlier, how Amanda influenced her behavior, how all she thought about was Amanda. She was like a drug that consumed her mind, a drug in the form of a petite, 12 year-old girl. But, this wasn't a bad thing, far from it. Stephanie had never been happier than she was right now. Stephanie layed down next to Amanda, stroking her face, gliding her fingers down her chest to her waist and back up again. Every now and then, she would lean over and kiss her. Amanda also stroked Stephanie's arms. She felt so relaxed, lying there touching Stephanie. Just when they were both thinking about doing more.... "Stephanie, it's time to take Amanda home." "AAAAHHHH..." Stephanie rolled onto her back. She did not want this to end. She sighed and looked at Amanda. "Sorry", Amanda whispered. Stephanie gave her a slight smile, "Tomorrow night". She got out of bed and went to the door and opened it. Amanda joined her and they went to the living room where Stephanie's mom was watching TV. "Mom, Amanda is going to ask her mom if she can spend the night here tomorrow. She might want to talk to you." "Okay, hopefully, it'll go well and she'll let you, sweetie", Stephanie's mom smiled at Amanda. Stephanie drove Amanda home, gave her a long goodnight kiss and watched her walk to the door and go inside. Then she drove back home, feeling Amanda's absence. Amanda walked into her mom's room. "Mom?....That girl that I met yesterday?..." "Stephanie?...Um-hmm", her mom looked up from her laptop. "She wants me to spend the night with her tomorrow night! Can I, please", Amanda asked hopefully "Yea, if it's okay with her mom..." "It is", Amanda quickly said "Why don't you bring Stephanie by tomorrow after school so I can meet her." Amanda's face took on a panicked look, "Meet her?" "Yes! Meet her. Bring her by tomorrow while you're packing", her mom told her and then went back to her laptop. Amanda went to her room and called Stephanie, "Stephanie?...My mom said yes,...but she wants to meet you" Stephanie went to her parents' room, "Mom?...Amanda's mom wants to meet me first" "Oh, dear", her mom said, "Stephanie, if you want Amanda to spend the night with you, you'll need to make a good impression on her mom." "Shit", Stephanie muttered "Starting with not cussing." ***** Friday. It had been a long night for Stephanie. After eating lunch, Amanda had to go to the library to get some books for a research project. Stephanie followed Amanda into the library. Sitting beside Amanda as she searched the computer, Stephanie couldn't ignore her feelings any longer. She was horny. She tried to distract herself, but she kept noticing Amanda; the way she would brush her hair away from her eyes, her hands typing on the keyboard, the back of her neck...AAGGHH. She was driving her crazy. Amanda found the books she needed on the computer and got up and walked down the aisle, scanning the shelves. Stephanie followed, licking her lips as she watched Amanda's butt. As Amanda stopped to look at a book, Stephanie came up behind her and slid her hands up her sides and over her breasts. "Stop it", whispered Amanda, pushing Stephanie's hands away. For Stephanie, this was way too cute and only fueled her desire. She squeezed her butt. Amanda jumped, whispering, "We're in the library!" "So?" Amanda turned her head, frowning slightly at Stephanie, "'re just gonna have to wait till we get to your house!" Stephanie whispered in Amanda's ear while kissing her neck, "I can't wait. The gym is empty. Let's go to the bathroom there." Amanda's eyes opened wide, "What?! No! How do you know someone won't come in to use it?" Stephanie, still kissing the back of her neck, answered, "I don't. Come on", as she turned Amanda around. Amanda, frowning while crossing her arms, asked in a stern voice "And who says I want to have sex right now?" "These do", Steph said cupping her own breasts. Amanda's eyebrows lifted slightly. She took the book from Amanda's hand and put it back on the shelf, "This can wait. I can't" Then, she took Amanda's hand and led her out of the library and down the hall. As they walked to the gym, Amanda said, "We're gonna get caught." "That's what makes it so much fun." When they got to the gym, Stephanie walked on in and headed to the bathrooms at the far end. Amanda gripped Stephanie's hand tightly as she looked around the empty gym. "We are definitely going to get caught", she muttered "You worry too much", Stephanie replied Stepping into the bathroom, Stephanie Amanda up, kissing her deeply. Amanda held onto Stephanie tightly and wrapped her legs around her so Stephanie wouldn't drop her. Stephanie walked over to a stall and sat down on the toilet, setting Amanda back down on the floor. She pulled off Amanda's shoes and shorts, relishing how adorable her cotton panties were as they appeared. Then she pulled down her panties, and not being able to contain herself any longer, hoisted her up in the air above her and then lowered her down so that Amanda was sittting on top of Stephanie's face as she was leaning back. Amanda giggled and squirmed from Stephanie's tongue tickling her. She looked down at Stephanie. It was so weird to see Stephanie's half-hidden face to be peeking at her from between her legs. Her giggling slowed down and then ceased altogether. This was starting to feel good. Her breathing slowed down and became deeper, and then it began speeding up. Her eyes closed and then suddenly, her body locked up, her face cringed and then she began to get that urge to pee like the last time. Even though Stephanie told her it wasn't pee, she was sitting right on Stephanie's mouth and she didn't want to go right in her mouth. That would be too humiliating. Stephanie might choke! Amanda tried to hold it back, but found that she couldn't. She tried to warn Stephanie, "" Amanda, suddenly remembering where they were and realizing that someone might hear her, clapped a hand firmly over her mouth to stifle her cries. She tried to cover up the noises she was making, but squeaks kept coming through her fingers. She could feel the juice pouring out of her and felt ashamed at having done that to Stephanie. She wanted to stop, she tried to stop, but she couldn't. The feeling was too intense and it overrode her ability to do anything. She couldn't move or speak. She just hung there, suspended by Stephanie's arms as her legs quivered from the power of her orgasm, then she went limp. Stephanie lowered her down onto her lap. Amanda was too tired and weak to stand, so she just leaned against Stephanie's body, with her head against her breast. Stephanie held her, lightly stroking her face and arm, while she rested. "Are you Ok?", Stephanie asked. "", Amanda panted, "I...I...just breath...back" When she was able to, Amanda looked at Stephanie and her shirt. It was worse then she thought. Stephanie's face and shirt were both drenched from Amanda's juice, "Ooohh...Steph...I'm sorry. I tried to hold it back, but I couldn't." But Stephanie was smiling, "How do you feel?" "How do I feel?! You're all wet!", Amanda told her. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders, "I don't care. I want to know how you feel now." "Well, I was feeling very relaxed till I saw what I did to you...You can't go to class like that..." "You're right", she said, putting Amanda on the ground and standing up, "Let me take off these wet clothes" Then she proceeded to take off all her clothes, dropping them on the floor as Amanda stared at her as if she lost her mind. "What are you doing?!", Amanda squealed. "Taking off my wet clothes", Stephanie told her matter-of-factly. "But..but..but..You're naked!", Amanda stammered, her eyes as wide as saucers, "Y..You can't go to class like that!" "Relax! I'm just kidding", Stephanie sat back on the toilet and spreading her legs. Stephanie stared at Amanda while her hand absentmindedly went to her pussy and began rubbing it. Amanda watched her. "Do you want to do it?", Stephanie asked her. Amanda nodded, then leaned forward, reaching out till her fingers touched it. Stephanie slouched down on the toilet, pushing her pussy forward and pulling her lips apart, "Here...stick your fingers inside..." Amanda hesitantly pushed the fingers of her hand in a little bit, then stopped. "Push 'em in further", Stephanie coaxed her. Amanda made a face from how slimy it felt, but slowly pushed her fingers in deeper. Stephanie closed her eyes and rubbed her clit, "Keep going...", Stephanie's voice sounded strained. Amanda's fingers were all the way in so she began pushing her hand inside. "OHGOD!!!.....", Stephanie grunted. She was rubbing her clit faster now. Amanda was amazed at how her whole hand was inside Stephanie's pussy. "Okay...move it in and out." "Won't it hurt you?", Amanda asked concerned. "No." "Okayyy...", Amanda was having her doubts, but Stephanie seemed to like it. She was moaning and squirming around on the toilet. Amanda could feel her hand being squeezed and released, over and over again. Stephanie's fingers were flying across her clit. This felt so good, she didn't care about being quiet. She cried out, "FUCK...Amanda...Gawd, you are so good!" Alarmed, Amanda suddenly stopped thrusting her hand and she used her other hand to cover Stephanie's mouth and whispered loudly, "Steph, somebody's gonna hear you!" "I don't care", Stephanie told her, panting heavily. "Well, I do care", Amanda said, "I don't want to get caught!" Sighing, Stephanie saw how nervous she was, and she relented "Okay...okay, I'll try to hold it down" Amanda gave her a stern look, which coming from Amanda, looked so cute that it almost caused Stephanie to laugh out loud. Quietly laughing, "Ok...ok, I really will try to be quiet." Amanda look satisfied and continued to move her hand inside Stephanie, "I'm not hurting you am I?", she asked "OH, GOD NO!", Stephanie said hoarsely Stephanie knew she was going to cum hard, but she had to be quiet, so she clenched her teeth together and covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't make too much noise. Oh, the things she will do for this girl. Amanda's hand suddenly felt very wet and she felt it being squeezed hard at the same time that Stephanie's legs closed together, trapping her arm. Amanda wasn't expecting this and it startled her. She tried to pull her arm out, but Stephanie's legs and muscles were holding it tight inside. She tried yanking it out. This jerking made Stephanie cum a second time and then a third time. She shrieked, unable to hold it back and her face contorted from the strongest orgasm she'd ever had. Amanda's continuous yanking of her arm kept Stephanie's body locked up as she cried out. "OOHH....GGGODDDDDDD...." It became too much and she forced her legs to open and she reached down to pull Amanda's hand out. A flood of Stephanie's juice gushed out with Amanda's arm. Stephanie's legs quivered as one last orgasm hit her. She groaned quietly, almost in pain so that Amanda was worried that she hurt her. Finally, Stephanie collapsed back on the toilet and layed there with her sides heaving. She was vaguely aware of Amanda calling her name. But she was too weak and completely out of breath to answer. As she was laying there, panting, Amanda looked at her wet arm. It had frightened her when she felt it being squeeezed and Stephanie's legs trapped it inside. After a few minutes, Stephanie was able to open her eyes and stare at the ceiling. "How did you do that?", she asked breathlessly, her eyes closed. "Do what?", Amanda asked "Make me cum so hard", Stephanie asked, "I've never cum like that before" "I don't know", Amanda shrugged her shoulders. She looked at the rather large puddle that Stephanie had made. "Why did you squeeze my arm?" "I'm sorry. Is it alright?" "I couldn't move my arm or get it out", she said Stephanie sat up, hugging Amanda, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean was so strong...I couldn't control my legs", she pulled back, looking into Amanda's eyes, "Are you okay?" Amanda nodded, "It just scared me." Stephanie hugged her again, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Stephanie let go of Amanda and exhaled deeply, "I suppose we ought to go to class" Amanda jumped, "OhmyGod...What time is it?", picking up her panties and struggling to put them on in her haste, "Stephanie?!...Get dressed! We're going to be late!" Stephanie laughed at Amanda's panicking. "Stop laughing! It isn't funny!", Amanda scowled at her. "I'm...I'm sorry", Stephanie tried to stop laughing, "I can't help it...You are just so adorable!" "Get dressed!!!...", Amanda squealed. Stephanie picked up her clothes and joined Amanda in getting dressed. After she put her shirt on, Amanda saw how wet it was, "Ohh...I tried not to do it." "Hey", Stephanie knelt down in front of Amanda, "I don't care about the shirt. I wanted you to do that. It tells me that I made you feel really good. I'm glad you did it." "Okay...but what will the other kids say?...", Amanda asked sadly "Fuck 'em", Stephanie raised up and pulled on her jeans. They left the bathroom walking back through the gym and down the hallway. When Amanda saw that it was still lunch time, she relaxed. Holding hands, they were both happy and content. "Well, that should hold me till we get home", Stephanie said. "Can't you wait till tonight?", asked Amanda. "Not with the way you're wiggling your ass at me", Stephanie grinned down at Amanda. "I do not wiggle my ass!", Amanda frowned at Stephanie and whispering the word, 'ass'. "Yes, you do", Stephanie looked at her butt, "You're wiggling it now" and swatted it. "Well, you need to stop looking at my butt", Amanda said, putting her hands over her butt to cover it. "Hey, you like looking at my tits", countered Stephanie. "Well, that's different. They're so big, I can't help but look at them", Amanda explained while Stephanie laughed. ***** Stephanie drove Amanda to her house. But first, they stopped at Stephanie's house so Stephanie could change into some nicer-looking clothes than the grungy ones she usually wore. She even wore a bra, which she never wore because she hated bras. To remind herself why she was going to all the trouble of being polite, Stephanie looked in the passenger seat. There sat her girlfriend, looking as cute as ever. She couldn't wait to get her home. Stephanie pulled up to Amanda's house and they got out. As Amanda was unlocking the door, she turned around to look at Stephanie, standing behind her. " cussing. And try smiling." Stephanie flashed a brief over-emphasized smile at Amanda, then Amanda opened the door and they walked in. Amanda's mom came out of the kitchen, "Hello. I'm Ms Carrington. You must be Stephanie." Stephanie shook her hand and said hi. She followed Amanda up to her room. Amanda's room was the complete opposite of Stephanie's room; it was all girly. Teddy bears, posters of horses and pink bedsheets. Everything was neat and orderly. "So...what do you think?", Amanda asked optimistically. "It's not me", Stephanie muttered, looking at a poster of a puppy dog in a picnic basket. "I know...that's one of the things I like about you", Amanda hugged her. Then she packed some clothes and her toothbrush. "Normally, I would bring my teddy bear to sleep with, but I got you to cuddle instead." That made Stephanie smile. They went downstairs. "Bye, Mom" "Amanda, I want you to behave yourself over there" This made Stephanie snicker. She couldn't imagine Amanda misbehaving. Her mom hugged Amanda, "Have a good time. I love you" And they were out the door, driving back to Stephanie's house. Stephanie couldn't stop smiling. Finally, a whole night and day to enjoy her little girlfriend. When they got there, as Amanda went into the kitchen to make themselves a snack, Stephanie went to her room to quickly change out of the disgustingly civil clothes that she had made herself wear for Amanda's mom's sake. She especially enjoyed taking off that damn bra as she put on a tank top and a thong. As Stephanie came out of her room into the living room... "Stephanie?!", exclaimed her mom, "Why are you half-naked in front of Amanda?" "Because she told me to dress this way", replied Stephanie sarcastically. Amanda looked up at Stephanie's mom, wide-eyed and froze half-way through getting some dinner, "I...I...I didn't...", Amanda stammered. "Stephanie! You know very well Amanda would never say such a thing!", Mom glared at Stephanie, then turned to look at Amanda, "I'm sorry about her behavior. I hope you're not embarrassed" "Of course she's not embarrassed! She's loves my tits and ass! Ask her", Stephanie grinned as she came into the kitchen. "Stephanie...look what you're doing to the poor girl", Mom told Stephanie. Stephanie turned and saw Amanda standing in front of the fridge, blushing furiously and still not moving. Stephanie went over and picked her up, "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" Amanda wrapped her arms around her neck and layed her head against Stephanie's shoulder. "You're lucky she loves you so much to put up with you", Mom said Stephanie carried Amanda to the recliner and she sat down on it, lowering Amanda onto her lap. Amanda snuggled against Stephanie. Stephanie cupped her little butt, gently massaging it with her fingers. Beth came from her room and joined them. As they watched TV, Stephanie's mom noticed how closely they were snuggled up with their hands around each other, "You two don't cuddle like that at school, do you?" Stephanie answered, "No, we just go off somewhere to have sex." Amanda jerked up and looked at her, wide-eyed, "STEPHANIE!" She looked in alarm at Mom and then glared back at Stephanie. Stephanie couldn't help laughing at Amanda's reaction. It was so irresistible. Amanda hissed, "I'm going to kill you!" She slapped Stephanie's thigh as a warning, which of course aroused Stephanie even more. "God! You are so cute!", Stephanie placed her hands on Amanda's sides sliding them up, under her shirt and over Amanda's tiny breasts. Stephanie raised up, laying her face onto Amanda's chest, kissing it and causing her to exhale deeply in desire. Beth looked at them and giggled. Stephanie's mom chastised them, "Girls! Not in front of Beth" As Stephanie sank back into the recliner, with Amanda lying on top of her chest, she exclaimed, "She can get her own girlfriend!" Amanda curled up against Stephanie and watched the program that was on TV. She wasn't really paying attention to it, she was just enjoying feeling Stephanie against her. Stephanie's hand ran through Amanda's hair. She had never felt more contented as she felt right now. Later, Stephanie's mom told Beth that it was her bedtime. After kissing her mother goodnight, Beth ran off to bed. After a few minutes, Stephanie's mom asked her, "How did it go at Amanda's house?" "It was cool", Stephanie simply said. "Did she say anything to you" "Nope" "Stephanie...because you are so forward and sexual, I need to tell you to be careful about you and Amanda showing your affections. Especially around her mom. She probably won't be very accepting about her daughter having someone like you for a girlfriend", her mom told her. "I don't give a fuck what she thinks!", Stephanie told her "I know! But Amanda's only 12 years old. She's a child. And you could be arrested", her mom explained Stephanie looked at Amanda. She was asleep. Stephanie kissed the top of her head. Stephanie's mom moved closer, "I know you love Amanda very much, but society thinks that Amanda is too young to be having sex. I'm not telling you not to have a relationship with her, I'm just saying...keep it a secret. I didn't write the law, but the law says that what you two are doing is wrong and if you are caught, it can ruin your life and you will lose her. Do you want that?" Stephanie looked at Amanda sleeping, then slowly shook her head. Her mom got up and came to her, touching her shoulder, "I know how you do what you want to do, but for once, you're need to have some patience and wait while you're at school, then you and Amanda can come home where it's safe. At school, it's too easy to be caught, and will all be over. I know you get these urges and you want to take care of them, but please wait till you get home...okay?" Stephanie was quiet for a while, stroking Amanda's hair, then she stated "Society sucks." "I know, dear", her mom replied. She kissed the top of Stephanie's head. "I wasn't expecting her to fall asleep so early", Stephanie said "Me either. I wonder what made her so sleepy?", her mom wondered "Fucking in the bathroom during lunch." Her mom gasped, then scowled at her daughter. Stephanie looked at her, "Don't worry. We won't do it anymore." Her mom watched her as Stephanie slowly got up from the recliner, so she wouldn't wake up Amanda, cradled in her arms. To her mom, Stephanie looked like a loving mother carrying her baby, "Don't wake her, Steph. Let her sleep tonight." Carrying Amanda in her arms, she walked down the hallway towards her room. Her mom whispered, "Good night. I'll see you two in the morning" Stephanie went into her room, slowly closing the door with her foot, she layed Amanda down on the bed. First pulling off Amanda's shoes, she undressed Amanda and then took off her own clothes, since she normally slept naked, and after turning off the light, she got into bed beside her and pulled the covers over both of them. She looked at Amanda's silhouette in the darkness and kissed her cheek. Then she snuggled up against her and fell asleep. ***** Early Saturday morning, a soft tapping at the door woke up Amanda. Slipping out from under Stephanie's arm and the bed sheets, she got out of bed, shivering in the chilly morning air. Opening the door, she saw it was Beth. "What's (yawn) up Beth?" Amanda asked groggily. She wanted to get back in the warm bed. "Mom wants t...Are you naked?", gasped Beth Amanda looked down wide-eyed, and suddenly realized she was naked. In her sleepiness, she forgot to put clothes on when she answered the door. She jumped behind the door and peeked out at Beth. Beth covered her mouth and giggled. "You're sleeping naked together?", asked Beth in awe, "I saw you naked... I saw you naked... I saw you naked...", she sang out. At that moment, Stephanie woke up and looked at the door. "Beth! Get out!", she yelled, throwing her pillow at Beth. Beth ducked behind the door, singing out, "Missed me...missed me..." At that moment, Stephanie jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Beth screamed and ran towards the kitchen, screaming out, "Moooommmmmm!" Amanda ran back and crawled under the bed covers. Stephanie slammed the door shut, then turned around and came back to bed. Getting under the covers, she was still scowling at the door, pissed off at Beth waking them up. Amanda's head was peeking out from under the blanket. She reached out and turned Stephanie's chin away from the door to look at her instead. Stephanie's scowl was quickly replaced by a smile. Amanda asked, "I don't remember coming in here last night." Stephanie propped herself up on her elbow, staring into Amanda's eyes, "You fell asleep in the recliner last night so I brought you to bed." "Why am I naked? Did anything while I was asleep?", Amanda asked. "No...I didn't want to wake you up and you couldn't sleep in your clothes" Stephanie's hand glided down Amanda's body and caressed her butt, "I would like to do something now..." "Your parents and sister are awake." Amanda reminded her. "I don't care", she whispered, kissing her. Stephanie rubbed tiny circles on Amanda's clit. Amanda's eyes grew wide and she tried to suppress her excitement, "We can't. They'll hear us", she told her. "Do you want me to stop?", Stephanie asked. "But...your mom...oooohhhh...mmmmm..." Amanda moaned. The last bit came out in a high pitched squeal as Stephanie moved her fingers so they were in Amanda's pussy. Amanda could feel her orgasm building up. She knew that once it hit, she was going to make a lot of noise. She always did. Steph's parents and sister were gonna hear. She tried to tell Stephanie to stop, but it was too late, "Steph...Steph...Steph..Ste..SSSTTTEEEEEAAAAHHHHHhh..." She clenched the blanket in her hands as her cry slowly died away. Finally Stephanie stopped, leaving Amanda panting on the bed. When she got her breath back, she asked Stephanie, "Oh God...Oh God...Do you think they heard me?...I'll just die of embarrassment if they did." Stephanie told her, "Mom already knows we have sex" "WHAT?!", Amanda shriek, "She knows?!" "Yea. Last night, she was telling me that we shouldn't have sex at school anymore", Stephanie said "She also knows what we've been doing at school, too?!", Amanda stared at the ceiling, "OhmyGod!... My life is over...I can never leave this room again." Amanda then flipped the blanket over her head. Stephanie flipped the blanket back down and put her face right in front of hers, "Mom's okay with it." Stephanie kissed her. As they kissed, Stephanie pushed Amanda onto her side so she was facing away from Stephanie, telling her, "I've got to have that cute little ass of yours". Sliding herself down so that Amanda's butt was in her face. Stephanie pulled Amanda's butt cheeks apart and buried her face deeply in her butt crack. Lying on her side, Amanda relaxed, feeling Stephanie's tongue frantically running all over. "You don't think that's gross?", Amanda whispered. "Uh-uh", mumbled Stephanie. She pulled Amanda on top of her so that Amanda was laying sprawled out on top of Stephanie. Her eyes focused on Stephanie's pussy. She looked at it closely, pulling the lips apart so she could look inside, 'Where's that button-thingy...what did she call it?...oh yea, her clit...' Amanda found it and touched it. Amanda felt Stephanie squeeze her butt cheeks. Amanda began exploring, feeling how wet it was inside, seeing how deep she could stick her fingers in. Stephanie's hips were moving around like she was dancing. "Lick it...", she heard Stephanie's voice behind her. She bent down, sticking out her tongue and licked her clit. She turned around and looked at Stephanie. Stephanie was peeking at her over her own butt. "Can you do it some more?", Stephanie asked Amanda bent down and licked it a few more times, then turned back around to look at Stephanie. "Like that?", she asked. "Yea...Just like that...", Stephanie moaned, "Keep doing it..", then she went back to licking Amanda's butt. Amanda looked at Stephanie's clit, then bent down and licked it some more. "Stick your fingers in...", she heard Stephanie say. While continuing to use her tongue on Stephanie's clit, Amanda moved one hand so that she could push it inside Stephanie's pussy, then she remembered what happened yesterday in the gym bathroom. How Stephanie's legs trapped her hand inside and squeezed it hard. She pulled her hand out and looked back at Stephanie, "Will your legs...grab my hand again?" Stephanie looked up at her, "Sometimes, the orgasm (Amanda's face looked confused) know, that really good feeling (Amanda raised her eyebrows) is so much that I can't control myself." "You saw how I move around when you licked my clit. And you do the same thing." "No, I don't", Amanda said in disbelief, then she felt Stephanie's fingers rubbing inside her pussy and her thighs twitched. " I do move around" "If it does happen, try not to let it scare you", Stephanie told her, then she kissed her butt. Amanda felt Stephanie licking her butt again and she put her fingers back inside Stephanie's pussy and continued licking her clit. After a while, Amanda felt Stephanie's hips twitching around again and she noticed that every time that she licked her clit, that was when Stephanie twitched. She began licking slower and Stephanie's hips moved slower. She licked faster and Stephanie's hips moved faster. She wanted to see how fast they would move, so she began licking really fast. Stephanie's hips were moving so much that it became hard for Amanda to stay on top of Stephanie. She held on tight, putting pressure on her hand inside Stephanie's pussy. Then Stephanie stopped moving, her body rose up in the air and she began crying out, "NNNNNGGGGGHHHHH...OOOHHHGAAWWDD", as a gush of juice squirted out of her. Than her body slowly sank back down on the bed and Amanda could only hear her breathing hard. Amanda licked her clit again. Her legs jerked violently and Stephanie cried out, laughing, "'t..." Amanda got up, turned around and layed on top of Stephanie with her face in between Stephanie's boobs and she watched her. Stephanie had her eyes closed as she breathed heavily. After a minute, she opened her eyes. "Thank you" "For what?", Amanda asked. "For making me cum" Amanda raised up looking at Stephanie's boobs. She grabbed a nipple in each hand, lightly pinching them as she and Stephanie smiled at each other. "Here...", Stephanie told her, "Put the nipple in your mouth and suck on it." "Isn't that what babies do?", Amanda asked "Grownups do it too. It feels really good." Amanda looked at the nipple in her hand. She opened her mouth and closed it over her nipple. She tried sucking it like a straw, "Nothing's happening!", she said. "Well, not if you're expecting milk to come out...", Stephanie laughed, "Just lick it with your tongue." Amanda rolled her tongue over it, "Still nothing's happening." Stephanie drew in a breath, "Oh, something's happening..." "What?", Amanda asked "You're making me feel really good", she smirked "I am?", Amanda asked curiously "Oh are...", Stephanie sighed. Amanda watched Stephanie's face as her tongue went back and forth over her nipple. Stephanie closed her eyes, laying her head back. She stroked Amanda's hair as she sucked her breast BANG!! BANG!! BANG!! "STEPHANIE! MOM SAYS YOU NEED TO COME GET BREAKFAST!", Beth's voice yelled through the door. Amanda jerked up in alarm. 'I'M GONNA KILL HER!!!", Stephanie growled through her clenched teeth as she lifted Amanda off of her and jumped out of bed. Amanda watched wide-eyed as she went to the door, threw it open and strode out into the hallway, still naked. Seconds later, she heard Beth screaming, "MOOOMMMMMM!!" Amanda quickly searched the floor for her clothes. She found them in a pile on the chair. Quickly dressing, she heard Beth screaming and Stephanie and her mom shouting. She ran out into the hallway and followed the noise to the living room. There she saw Stephanie, still completely naked, holding Beth upside-down, who was screaming, while she and her mom shouted at each other. "Stephanie! Put Beth down!", her mom was telling her "I WILL!! IN THE TRASH CAN OUTSIDE!!", Stephanie yelled "NOOOO!! Don't let her!", Beth pleaded Stephanie turned and walked to the front door. Her mom moved in front of the front door, blocking it, "You can't throw your sister away!" "Watch me!", she growled Beth pleaded, "I'M SOORRRRYYYYYYY!!! PLEASE DON'T THROW ME AWAY!!" At this moment, Amanda called out, "Stephanie!". Stephanie turned and looked at her as Amanda walked over to her, "Put her down!" Amanda's eyes held her. As Stephanie looked into those eyes, she slowly calmed down, lowering Beth to the floor and letting go of her. Amanda then crossed her arms, scowling up at Stephanie. When Beth saw that she had been released, she ran down the hall to her room and quickly closed the door. Her mom remained at the door, awe-struck by what she just witnessed. When Stephanie got mad, it was hard to stop her. But Amanda not only stopped her, she completely calmed her down,...without doing anything. Amanda asked her, "Were you really gonna put her in the trash can?" "Yep." "Why", Amanda asked in disbelief "She interrupted us", Stephanie told her, "and it just made me so mad...". Stephanie picked Amanda up and hugged her. Stephanie's mom had gone to Beth's room. They could hear a frantic "NO, NO, NO" coming from within, then silence, followed a minute later by Stephanie's mom walking back out again. She turned and looked behind her, "Come on" Stephanie and Amanda turned and looked. Beth's face slowly peeked around the corner. When Stephanie saw her, she turned around, glaring, making Beth quickly duck behind the corner. Amanda put her hand on Stephanie's cheek, turning her face so that she was looking into Amanda's eyes. Amanda told her, "Be nice!" Stephanie's glare slowly melted into a smile, "You do know how to make me smile" "Beth!...come on", coaxed her mom. Beth peeked out again, then slowly walked out a few steps. She looked at the floor, clearly scared. "Go on, Beth", her mom told her. "I'm sorry for interrupting you and Amanda", she mumbled, "I won't ever do it again." Amanda gave Stephanie a warning look, telling her to be good. Stephanie suppressed a smile at how cute Amanda's threats were. She turned to Beth, "It's okay" "Okay...Now that that's settled, Stephanie?...Can you please go put on some clothes?", her mom said exasperated, "And then, you and Amanda come get some breakfast." Stephanie carried Amanda back to her room. Putting her down, Stephanie picked up her tank-top and thong off the floor and put them on, "And you were making me feel sooooo good..." They back into the kitchen. Beth was watching cartoons in the living room with mom. Stephanie got a box of cereal and a bowl of milk and put them on the table for her and Amanda. As Amanda sat down to eat, Stephanie came up behind her and bent down, kissing her neck and cupping her breasts. "Hey, you're gonna make me spill my cereal on myself", Amanda said. "Then I'll lick it off", Stephanie purred in her ear. "That's disgusting!", Amanda giggled. Stephanie continued kissing her neck and caressing her breasts. Stephanie started to pull Amanda's shirt off, but Amanda held it down saying, "No! Your mom and Beth are right there", she pointed to the living room, "They could come in here any minute." "Then let's go to my room", Stephanie mumbled through her mouth as she kissed Amanda's neck "No! Everybody's awake", Amanda told her, "They'll hear us!" "Then we'll go somewhere else", Stephanie persisted. "Where?", asked Amanda, wondering where in the world Stephanie intended to take her. "The mall" "Are you crazy! NO!", Amanda squeaked. "That's what makes it fun and we never did finish because of Beth. Come on", Stephanie picked up Amanda and carried her out of the kitchen. "Hey!", Amanda grabbed Stephanie's face with both of her hands, "STEPHANIE?! NO!! We're not going!" "Trust me", Stephanie grinned "Stephanie? What's going on?", her mom looked at her. "NOTHING!", Amanda cried out in alarm. "We're going to the mall", Stephanie answered "No, we're not!", Amanda told her, scowling at her with her arms crossed. "Ohhh...Can I come?", Beth called from the couch. Stephanie glared at Beth, "No way!" "But I wanna go!", pleaded Beth. "Why can't you take her, Stephanie?", Stephanie's mom asked. "Because we're going there to fuck", Stephanie told her mom matter-of-factly. Amanda's eyes widened at Stephanie, "DON'T TELL THEM THAT!!" "Steph!", scolded her mom incredulously, "What did we talk about last night?" "Can I fuck?", Beth blurted out Mom turned to her with a shocked look, "NO!" "But why not...?", asked Beth, "I want to fuck." Mom turned back to Stephanie, "Now see what you've done." "She doesn't know what it means", Stephanie replied "Yes, I do!", Beth protested, then asked, "What is it?" "Nevermind", her mom told her, then turned back to Stephanie, "Stephanie! You and Amanda can't be...", she looked at Beth, then turned back, " 'doing it' out in public. It's too risky and you'll get caught..." "Well, we can't do it here!", Stephanie pointed out, "Everybody's awake now! Where are we supposed to go?" "Look...maybe Amanda's mom will let her stay one more night", her mom told her. Stephanie considered that, "I guess I can wait" "Please do", her mom told her, "You need to be acting like a normal teenager instead of some horny pervert" "Blame Amanda for that", Stephanie told her. Amanda protested to Stephanie's mom, "But I didn't do anything." "I know, Amanda...", Mom told her, "Well, Stephanie...What are you going to do today?...And I'm not talking about THAT!", she responded to Stephanie's grin, "I mean what are you going to do if you were a normal teenager like Amanda?" "Hang out with my friends", Stephanie told her. "I don't want you taking Amanda around those creepy people you call your friends", her mom told her, "Why can't you go someplace nice WITHOUT...", she raised her voice for emphasis, "...any sexual frolics?" "You mean do something besides fuck?", Stephanie asked sarcastically. "Yes...", Mom rolled her eyes, "And I don't like that word. Say 'making love' instead." "But we don't 'make love', we fuck", Stephanie told her. "But it sounds so dirty..." "It is dirty!..." "Stephanie!...why can't you be more like Amanda?", her mom implored, "She's not constantly thinking about sex or saying vulgar words. Amanda?...", she turned to Amanda, "What would you like to do today?" Amanda looked thoughtful, staring up while puckering her mouth, "Hmmm...I think I..." Her brow wrinkled as she thought, "...would Stephanie watched Amanda's facial expressions and the way she was shifting her hips. 'God!...she looks so hot!', Stephanie thought as she licked her lips. She couldn't believe that Amanda could look so sexy just standing there. Her pussy began getting wet, her breaths deepened and she absentmindedly started rubbing her crotch. "Steph!....What are you doing! I can't believe you. I mean...wh...what is going through your mind! Can't you go more than five minutes without thinking about sex?", her mom asked her in shock. "Well, geez Mom!! Look at her! Wouldn't you want to fuck her the way she's standing there?!", Stephanie objected. "Of course not! And neither should you! What is she doing?", her mom asked her. "She has that look on her face!...and she's wiggling her ass!" Amanda looked behind her to see if her butt was moving. Her mom continued, "Stephanie...she's just standing there, thinking. She's not doing anything else so stop it! Amanda...I'm sorry...what do you want to do again?" "I want to go to the mall", she answered "Okay. And to make sure you behave yourself, Stephanie, I'm going with you", her mom stated. Stephanie scowled at her mom, "Hell no!" "I have to Stephanie. If you can't control yourself right here in front of me, there's no way that you will be able to at the mall." "I DON'T NEED A FUCKING BABYSITTER! IF I WANT TO FUCK MY GIRLFRIEND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MALL...", Stephanie exploded. "STEPHANIE!!!", her mom interrupted, "Now listen. I've already talked to you about this. Amanda? You're only 12. It's against the law for you to be having sex. Now, here in our house, no one can see what you and Stephanie are doing, but outside, if you are caught having sex, Stephanie will be arrested. No one can know about you two. Do you understand?" Amanda looked at Stephanie, "Stephanie...I don't want you to go to jail." "Girls?", Mom went to her purse to look for something, "I really need to stay here and help Beth sell her Girl Scout cookies, so I would rather not go with you. But I still want you to go out and have fun together, like a date, but no fooling around." Mom found what she was looking for and looked at Stephanie, "Stephanie...because Amanda doesn't always have sex on her mind, she's going to be in charge of you. You need to keep your hands to yourself and mind what she says", then turning to Amanda, "I need you to remind Stephanie about this while you are out, okay?. She's just gets so...excited about you that she can't control herself." Stephanie looked at her mom, "You're putting her in charge of me?" "Yes! Amanda...can you handle Stephanie?" Amanda looked up at Stephanie, who did not look happy. "Yea...okay", Amanda said. She was pleased at being the boss. "I can't fucking believe this", Stephanie muttered. " need to. Amanda's in charge until you get home", her mom told her. Stephanie looked down at Amanda who was grinning triumphantly at her for being put in charge. In one quick motion, Stephanie picked her up and held her in mid-air just a few inches from her scowling face. "Do you really think you can stop me?", she growled. "Yea", Amanda tried to look intimidating back at Stephanie, which of course had the opposite effect. "Amanda?...", Mom asked, "Can you keep Stephanie in line while you are at the mall?" Amanda, still being held by Stephanie, turned around and looked back at Mom, saying optimistically, "Uh-huh" "Okay then, make sure she behaves herself", she looked at Stephanie, "Stephanie...I know you don't like this, but you know why you need to control yourself." She walked over to Stephanie who was still holding Amanda up in front of her, "Please Stephanie?..." Stephanie continued to look at Amanda, but no longer angry. She knew her mom was right. She nodded silently to her mom, who smiled, saying, "Thank you...I know this is hard for you." As Stephanie carried Amanda to her room so that she could get dressed, she asked her, "So, you're my babysitter..." Amanda smiled, telling her cheerfully, "It'll be fun." "How can you have fun without being naked?", Stephanie asked her in disbelief. Inside her room, Stephanie set Amanda down and pulled on some pants, pulled on her boots and jacket, and they head out to her car. Minutes later, they were walking into the mall. "So, where do you want to go?", Stephanie asked Amanda. "Come on!", Amanda grabbed Stephanie's hand and dragged her past several stores until she stopped in front of... "The Disney Store?...", Stephanie asked, "You...want to there?..." Amanda nodded excitedly, then took Stephanie's hand and dragged her inside. They stopped at a huge bin full of Disney character stuffed animals. Amanda began picking them up, naming them for Stephanie, "This one's's Micky...Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey..." "Which one's slutty?", asked Stephanie. Amanda thought for awhile, "There is no...Hey! They're not slutty!", looking up at Stephanie with a frown on her face. Stephanie laughed quietly at Amanda's expression. Amanda saw some shirts hanging on the rack and began looking at them. Stephanie followed closely behind as Amanda looked at various things. Stephanie seemed bored, but she was far from it though. Her eyes were either on Amanda's butt, or looking at the way that she stood, or the expression on her face. She reminded herself to only look, not touch. But it was hard to resist that gorgeous little body right in front of her. Amanda turned around, holding up two shirts, "Which one looks...Steph?..." Amanda could see the glazed look in her eyes and the slight smile in her face, "Steph!" Amanda put the shirts back and grabbed her hand, "Come on..." She dragged Stephanie out of the store, "Okay...You need to calm down...Take me someplace that you want to go to." Stephanie looked over Amanda's shoulder. Amanda looked behind her and saw the restrooms that Stephanie was looking at. Amanda slapped Stephanie's thigh, "No!...We're not going in there!" Stephanie looked down at Amanda with her eyes flashing and a look of anger on her face. Amanda told her, "You know we can't, Steph...Look...I'll call my mom later and when we get home, then we can be together. BUT!...", she said as she saw Stephanie's face change, " need to wait till we get home...okay." Stephanie's smile disappeared to be replaced by a look of disappointment and she turned away for a second. Amanda waited for her to turn back to her. Stephanie turned back and quietly said, "Okay" Amanda smiled, "Now, let's go someplace...A STORE, NOT THE BATHROOM!" Stephanie smirked then took Amanda's hand. They walked through the mall until they came to Hot Topic. Amanda looked at it in disgust. Hot Topic sold goth and heavy metal clothes and things. Despite the fact that Stephanie wore clothes like these, Amanda still found them horrible. They were not cute and fun. She looked up at Stephanie, who told her, "Hey...I went to the Disney store for you." 'She has a point there', Amanda thought as they went inside. A horrid-sounding song came out of the speakers in the ceiling. Everything was black. All the clothes had skulls, or monsters or gory stuff. The other people in the store scared her because of how they looked. She held Stephanie's hand tight and kept right beside her. Stephanie looked at various things, then picked out a black shirt and held it up to Amanda to see if it would fit. Amanda looked at the front of it to see what the design was. Her mouth dropped open. It was four scary looking people and it said 'Misfits' on it. "You want me to wear that?!", she asked Stephanie in shock. "No...just seeing how it looks on you." After leaving, they were on their way to the food court to get something to eat when Amanda stopped in front of a display window. She looked at a poster of a model wearing a dress. Inside the store were other designer clothes. She looked at her own t-shirt and jeans and then back to the model's face with makeup. "Steph?..." Stephanie came over to her. "I want to look pretty" "What do you mean?", Stephanie asked her "I want to look like her", Amanda pointed to the poster. Stephanie looked at the poster and grimaced, "Why?..." "Because I'm not." "Are you shittin me? After I wanted to bang you in the Disney Store, you think you're not pretty?", Stephanie told her. "But look at my hair...and...and my clothes...and....", Amanda pleaded, then she looked at her chest, "I look like a boy" "You look hot to me", Stephanie replied. She looked at the poster, "But I'm not..." "You are to me. Besides...", Stephanie looked at the poster, "I wouldn't go for someone like her." Amanda looked at the poster, then at Stephanie, "But she's so beautiful..." "Not to me", Stephanie looked at Amanda, "Look...who have I been trying to fuck all day? Her or you?" Amanda smirked, but continued to stare at the poster, "You don't think her clothes are pretty?" "Do you think my clothes are pretty?", Amanda looked at Stephanie's clothes and smirked again, then Stephanie told her, "I like the way you look. Your hair, clothes and boobs. That's what makes you hot, not this shit", she pointed to the poster. Amanda nodded her head, "Nobody else thinks I'm pretty." "I think you're pretty and I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks. Why should you?", Stephanie asked. Amanda smiled as Stephanie looked at her, "What really turns me on is your underwear...those cotton panties with the cartoons on them..." Stephanie's eyes began to glaze over and then she licked her lips. "Uh oh...Steph?...Come on...Let's go get something to eat", Amanda grabbed her hand and began pulling her toward the food court, "You must think I'm pretty the way you keep wanting to do it." They each got a burger and they sat across from each other while they ate. "See. Isn't this fun?", Amanda asked. Stephanie rolled her eyes. "You aren't having fun? Well...what do you do for fun?" Stephanie grinned at her. "Besides that..." "Well...before I met you...I would hang out with my friends, but Mom doesn't want you to be around them" "Why not?", asked Amanda, "What's wrong with them?" "Well...", Stephanie looked off to the side, "We would go spraypaint buildings or set shopping carts on fire and roll them down the street or we would go hang out at cemeteries...", she looked back to see Amanda staring wide-eyed at her and her mouth hanging open, "Wha..." "You did those things?!...You went into a cemetery?! I could never do that. Is that why your mom doesn't want you to take me around your friends?" "That, and sometimes I would get into fights with them. They can be pretty rough." After they finished eating, Stephanie, who had been looking at Amanda, closed her eyes, groaned, and laid her head on the table, "I don't think I'm going to make it till we get home." Amanda looked at Stephanie. She always thought she was ugly. No one liked her. No one even talked to her. She thought that that was how it would be for the rest of her life. But here was someone...a girl!...who not only found her beautiful, she was constantly wanting her. Because she loved Stephanie, she wanted to make her happy. Not that she didn't want to have sex or that she was only doing it because of Stephanie, she really enjoyed it. And she wanted to take care of Stephanie. "Let me call my mom", Amanda pulled out her phone, "Mom?..Hi...No, I was hoping to stay one more night...yes, I will...yes...I can?...okay, thanks Mom!" Stephanie looked up to see Amanda smiling. Amanda said, "Do you want to go back and to see if your mom and Beth are still there or if they're out selling Beth's Girl Scout cookies." Stephanie's head raised up and she stared at Amanda. She seemed to have stop breathing; her tongue slowly licking her lips, "Come on!", she said, grabbing Amanda's hand. As they walked past the Disney Store, Amanda asked jokingly, "You don't want to go back to the Disney Store?" Stephanie looked down at her with a wry look as they continued past. They quickly walked towards the exit. "What if they're still there, Steph?" Stephanie looked at Amanda as they stepped out into the parking lot, and stopped walking. She knew that Amanda was shy about other people hearing them. She closed her eyes for a second, then opened them as she knelt down in front of Amanda, "If you aren't comfortable or you don't want to...then we won't do anything...I want you to be comfortable, Amanda" Amanda looked at her. She didn't want to be embarrassed in front of Stephanie's family, but she did like doing it; and not just because she didn't want to disappoint Stephanie. "Maybe we can turn on the radio", she said quietly. Stephanie hugged her. "Thank you, Amanda...Are you sure?" Amanda nodded. Then standing up, Stephanie took her hand and they walked to her car. Stephanie drove quickly back to the house. When they pulled up, they saw that her mom's car was still in the driveway. Stephanie looked at it with a distasteful look on her face. She looked at Amanda who was also looking at the car with a look of concern. Amanda said, "We'll turn the radio on real loud." Normally, Stephanie would have laughed at Amanda's worrying, but instead of finding it funny because it was so cute, it turned her on even more...because it was so cute. They got out of the car and Stephanie quickly unlocked the door and opened it. Her mom and Beth were in the living room tallying up Beth's Girl Scout cookies. They both looked up and her mom asked, "Hello girls. Did you have fun?" "Mom, Amanda's spending the night again", Stephanie quickly told her as they walked past. "Okay. What did you two do at the mall?" "We looked at some stuff and ate", Stephanie said as she continued walking. "Stephanie, why are you in such a hurry? What did you look at?" Stephanie turned around exasperated, "Stuff, mom!" "What are you so upset for?", her mom asked "Because I was at the fucking mall all this time and Amanda wouldn't let me do anything", Stephanie exclaimed. She was getting really annoyed at her mom's questions. Her mom looked at Amanda, "Amanda, what didn't you want Stephanie to do?" Amanda's eyes widened as she thought of how to answer that. Stephanie knew she wouldn't so she answered for her, "Fuck, Mom! I wanted to fuck! But she kept saying that we couldn't! And now that we're here, can you stop asking these stupid questions so we can go fuck each other?" Her mom started, "Stephanie, I told you, I don't like that kind of language! Is that all you can think of when you're with Amanda? Can't you just enjoy being with her? You don't see Amanda acting like that." "That's because she doesn't have to stare at her ass all day like I do." "Why can't you just want to spend time with her and enjoy her company?" "I do like being with her, but right now all I want to enjoy is her pussy while I'm fucking her!", Stephanie yelled. Amanda squeaked in shock, covering her mouth. "She's 12, Stephanie! Don't you care about her feelings? Do you honestly think Amanda wants this too?", her mom asked. "YES!", Stephanie yelled in frustration. "It doesn't look like she does", her mom said, looking at Amanda staring at both of them, wide-eyed with her hands covering her mouth. "That's because of your fucking, dumbass questions!", Stephanie yelled, walking off by herself to her room and slamming the door. Stephanie threw herself down on the bed, closing her eyes. She was so pissed at her mom. 'Why couldn't she just leave us alone.' She felt a tear run down her cheek. She wiped it away. 'I never cry. Why am I crying?', she wondered, 'I just wanted to.....What's wrong with me? How can Amanda affect me this much?' She felt something touch her arm. She opened her eyes and turned over to see Amanda standing by her, her hand touching hers. Stephanie smiled and moved over on the bed. Amanda layed down beside her. "I'm sorry", Stephanie told her, "I don't mean to get mad", she stared up at the ceiling, "It's just that...I mean why did she have to ask all those fucking questions!" "That's what moms do", Amanda told her "I know. I just wanted with you", Stephanie looked at her "I'm with you now", Amanda told her "Yea, but you're probably mad at me for yelling at my mom and embarrassing you." "I'm not mad at you. Are you mad at me?", Amanda asked Stephanie turned on her side and put her hand on Amanda's face, "No...I could never be mad at you." As she looked in Amanda's eyes, she found herself leaning closer. She stopped. " alright...if..." Amanda looked at her which made Stephanie feel bad, "I'm sorry...Never mind" Amanda watched a tear forming in Stephanie's eye. She moved closer and put her lips on Stephanie. This was the first time that she initiated a kiss with Stephanie. Stephanie was too surprised to close her eyes as Amanda kissed her and then pulled back. "Are you...wanting to...", Stephanie asked her quietly. Amanda nodded. Stephanie smiled, the tear, that was forming, ran down her cheek. Amanda asked her, "Does your mom think that what we do is bad?" "She thinks I do it too much...and someone as young as you shouldn't want to do it", Stephanie told her. "But I like it when we do it", Amanda said, "So do I" They remained quiet for a moment, touching each other's arms. Amanda started moving closer. She began scooting herself over towards Stephanie, first her shoulders, then her hips, then her shoulders again, etc, smiling at Stephanie as she got closer. When she was only a few inches from Stephanie's face, she reached over and kissed her again. This time, Amanda didn't pull back and Stephanie closed her eyes. Stephanie felt herself letting go of her anger, her guilt; everything. All there was, was her and Amanda. She began kissing harder, her hands roaming over Amanda's body. Suddenly she sat up, pulled off her shirt and throwing it across the room, and then she pulled off her boots and shucked off her jeans with her panties. Then straddling Amanda, she grasped Amanda's T-shirt at the bottom and pulled it up over Amanda's head, as she raised her arms. She tried unbuttoning Amanda's pants, but the button was too small and tight against the jeans. Her fingers kept slipping off in her haste. "Shit! Why did you have to wear these fucking things?!", she yelled out in her frustration. Amanda giggled, saying, "Here, let me do it." She easily unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs. Stephanie's eyes widened as Amanda's Mickey Mouse panties came into view. Sliding her hands up Amanda's waist and over her tiny breasts, Stephanie exhaled. She stretched out, gently lowering herself on top of Amanda, kissing her, feeling the urges that had been pent up all day coming forth. She kissed her way down Amanda's neck, then down to her breasts. She put her mouth on top of the tiny breast and ran her tongue over the nipple, then she slowly planted kisses down Amanda's chest, then her belly. Amanda giggled, "That tickles!" Stephanie raised up, smiling down at Amanda. 'God! She is so cute! Her giggling, the way she squirmed around, her tiny breasts, her Micky Mouse panties... She pulled off Amanda's shoes and her pants the rest of the way off, then she grasped the waistband and pulled them off, dropping them on the floor. Stretching out on the bed, Stephanie layed down in between Amanda's legs. She ran her finger along the lips, feeling how soft they were. Pulling them apart, she looked at Amanda's beauty. She poked her finger slowly in and heard Amanda, "Ooohh" as she squeezed Stephanie's finger. She looked at Amanda's tiny clit peeking out at the top. She pulled her finger out and as she kept her eyes on Amanda's face who was looking back at her, she bent down and ran her tongue from the bottom to the top. She heard Amanda suck in her breath. She did it again, this time, she kept her mouth on Amanda's clit. She closed her mouth over it, using her tongue to push against it. Amanda exhaled suddenly, panting. As Stephanie continued licking her, her eyes closed and an occasional sound would escape her lips from time to time. Her hands opened and closed on the bed sheet below her. Stephanie slid her hands underneath Amanda's legs, then pushed them up towards Amanda, lifting her butt up so that her butt hole was right in front of Stephanie. She pushed her face into it, running her tongue along the crack and then concentrating on the brown, wrinkled hole that resisted her tongue's intrusion. Stephanie let go of Amanda's right leg, using her right forefinger to poke inside the tight little hole. "Aagghh!..", Amanda squealed, "What are you doing!" "Trying to stick my tongue inside your ass", Stephanie told her "What?!..That's gross!..I'm never kissing you again!" Stephanie continued running her tongue over her tight hole and then moved back up to Amanda's pussy. Lowering Amanda's legs on top of her shoulders, Stephanie pushed her whole mouth against Amanda's pussy, sliding it around, feeling the heat and moisture against her lips and cheeks. Her tongue moved in circles, causing Amanda's hips to squirm and her legs to squeeze Stephanie's head. As Stephanie ran her tongue over the clit, Amanda's soft cries caused Stephanie to look up at her. Her head was to the side and her eyes were closed, her arms and hands involuntarily making small movements of their own. Her chest raised up and down as her breathing deepened. Then her breathing quickened rapidly. Her face began wincing as if she was in pain. She put her hand over her mouth, but after a few seconds, it came away, curled in a fist. Her hands grasped the sheets tightly and her legs squeezed Stephanie's head hard and her body seemed to lock up. She cried out, "Aiiigghhh...aahh...ahhh...ahh..." Then she released the breath that she had been holding. Her whole body also released so that she was completely limp, slowly breathing in deep breaths. Her eyes were still closed. Stephanie, who never took her eyes off of Amanda saw all of this. She slowly raised up and crawled on top of Amanda so that she was on her hands and knees above her with her face above Amanda's. Amanda opened her eyes, looked at Stephanie and whispered, "Oh my gosh, that felt soooo good!" Stephanie grinned. Amanda looked at Stephanie's boobs hanging down above her chest and grabbed the nipples in each hand. Stephanie closed her eyes and sighed. Amanda fondled them for awhile until Stephanie crawled forward a little so that her boobs were dragging across Amanda's face. Amanda's mouth opened as she felt it go across her face. She clamped her mouth over the nipple and licked it. Stephanie moaned. "Bite it", she told Amanda "Won't it hurt?", Amanda asked "No. Please...I want you to bite it" Amanda bit down gently so she wouldn't hurt her. "Do it harder.", Stephanie's voice was hoarse. She felt Amanda's teeth on her nipple. She wanted to stay like that, but Amanda pulled her mouth away and asked, "Can I lick your pussy now?" "OhGod!", Stephanie moaned from hearing those words come out of Amanda's mouth. She raised up and moved so that she was straddling Amanda's head with her knees. Her pussy was right in front of Amanda's face. Amanda's eyes widened as she saw Stephanie's pussy inches from her face. She reached up with her hands and touched the soft lips and then pulled them apart. She admired the bright pink color and touched it. She then raised her head up and kissed it. Stephanie lowered herself so that Amanda wouldn't have to raise her head. Amanda ran her tongue over the smooth, wet flesh. There was a faint smell, but nothing unpleasant. Stephanie braced herself as she felt her hips quivering from Amanda's touch. "Oh fuck, Amanda!", she cried out, "Lick my pussy!" Amanda pulled her mouth back, "Steph!...Your mom and Beth are gonna hear!" "Stop worrying! They didn't hear me", Stephanie told her. "Stephanie? Can you hold it down so we don't have to listen to you", Mom's voice came through the door. Amanda's mouth and eyes were wide open, "They did hear!..I told you!..OhmyGod, that is so embarrassing!" Stephanie exhaled in frustration. She didn't care if her parents heard her, but she didn't want to alarm Amanda. "Okay, okay...I won't say anything else." "And no noises either!", Amanda told her "I can't help it!" "Then cover your mouth with the pillow so they can't hear." Stephanie rolled her eyes, then lowered her torso so that her head was on her pillow. She felt Amanda's tongue wiggling around inside her. She pushed her face into the pillow as she moaned. 'God! For a 12 year old, she sure knows how to eat pussy!', Stephanie told herself. As Stephanie relaxed on the pillow, she suddenly jerked. Amanda was licking her clit! Stephanie was already on the edge so her orgasm hit her hard, "FFFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK.....". As she felt her juices pour out of her, she heard Amanda squeal, "EEEEWWWWW..." Stephanie's arms and legs gave out and she fell forward. Amanda sat up between Stephanie's legs, wiping her face. Stephanie looked behind her, saw Amanda furiously wiping her face and couldn't help laughing. "It's not funny! It's gross! I don't care if you like it, I don't!", Amanda stated. Stephanie managed to stop laughing and then turning over, she had to rest for a few seconds, then she sat up and hugged Amanda. "OhGod! I needed that so bad!" She tried to kiss Amanda, but Amanda got out of the bed. "Where are you going?", Stephanie asked as Amanda picked up her shirt. "To wash my face. This stuff's slimy!" She pulled her shirt over her head and began pulling on her jeans. Stephanie pulled on her tank top and thong and followed Amanda to the bathroom, but the door was closed and they heard the water running. Stephanie's dad was in there. Amanda went to the kitchen to wash her face. On her way there, Beth sitting in the recliner, asked, "Why is your face all wet?" Amanda scowled and didn't answer. She went into the kitchen and turned on the sink. "What's wrong with her?", Beth asked. "Nothing", Stephanie told her as she went to the couch and sat down beside her mom. " you feel better?", her mom asked. "Completely" "What's Amanda doing?" "Washing her face." "Because you two were....?", her mom ventured. "Yea", Stephanie replied. Amanda soon came out and curled up on the couch next to Stephanie. "Well, I'm glad you got that out of your system, Stephanie. You're a grouch when you don't get enough", Mom told her. "I know. Sorry." Mom looked at Stephanie with her arms around Amanda who was also snuggled up against Stephanie. "You both really need each other", she reasoned as Stephanie nuzzled her nose into Amanda's hair, "I guess you and Amanda should have time to be alone together", Mom reasoned. "Stephanie...I could explain to Amanda's mom that she could come over here to help you with your homework after school. That way, you could be together a lot more". Both Stephanie and Amanda's faces lit up. "Yea, and I could tell her that you need me to tutor you", Amanda told Stephanie. Stephanie pulled Amanda up onto her lap, so that Amanda was straddling her, facing her. Stephanie's arms were wrapped around her, her hands gliding up and down her back. Stephanie looked at her mom, "Can you really do that?" "Yes...BUT, I don't want to have to listen to you and Amanda fooling around in there. My God, Stephanie...the things that come out of your mouth!" Amanda's eyes narrowed as she frowned at Stephanie. She whispered fiercely, "I told you!" Stephanie grinned back at her, then turned to her mom, "Thanks Mom" I would love to hear what you think at