Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 23:50:19 +0000 (UTC) From: John Nail Subject: Life Changes Chapter 2 /transgender magic I would love to hear comments especially from any non-genetic ladies at Chris is a software and website designer and he is working on a website for a magic shop and he finds it creepy but will have a nice payday after it is done. After the proprietor looks at it and he smiles and says," This should help my business." The guy is dressed in all black and has pretty long fingernails and not only that they are black also. The proprietor took out what looked like an ancient commercial checkbook and wrote out a check to Chris for $4,500 which is pretty good for 3 days of work. Chris said," I am thirsty can I have a glass of water?" The proprietor went to the back and came back out for what seemed like 5 minutes. He came out with a glass of water and Chris drank it down. After he drank it within 2 minutes the room spun and all of a sudden he lost consciousness. What Chris didn't know this proprietor used Chris as a guinea pig to magically transition Chris as a woman or transgender and would not happen immediately but will happen in a way that Chris would have no memory of it. Chris slowly stirred with a confused look thinking he was unconscious for days but looked at his watch and saw it was only for about 10 minutes. Chris groggily asked," What happened?" The creepy man said," You lost consciousness I had help getting you to the couch. Just lay there until you get your bearings." He put a cold bath cloth on Chris's forehead and let Chris lay there until Chris was able to slowly get up. Chris slowly walked out and checked his billfold and saw the check was there. He got in his car and sat there for a few minutes. His mind was swirling wondering what has happened the last time he fainted like that he had flu-like symptoms. He didn't notice that the creepy man was staring out the window. He was watching to see if Chris was showing any signs of suspicion not if Chris was transforming. Chris slowly drove away and he safely drove home and pulled his car into the garage of his modest house. He walks in and he listens to his messages. He heard his mom saying they will be having dinner Sunday evening if he is interested and he thought why not. The next message really concerned him and it was a good friend. The message said," That guy you were working for be careful evidently you are finishing up there but from what I heard he likes to dabble in black magic. Whatever you do, don't drink anything there." All of a sudden Chris felt a sense of panic and dread and he quickly dialed the number and the friend answered. He said," Brad here." Chris said," I heard your message and it is too late I drank a glass of water there." Brad asked," What happened afterward?" Chris said," I fainted and I woke up for what seemed like an eternity on a leather couch but it was only about 10 to 15 minutes." Brad said," Shit, it could be nothing but go to your doctor but he might have put a spell on you." Chris asked," What kind of spell?" Brad said," I have no idea but he could have you being unconscious. Were you in any kind of undress?" Chris said," Just my shirt was unbuttoned." Brad said," Make an appointment." Chris said goodbye and hung up his phone he felt like he just got a massive gut punch from what he heard from Brad. He sat in disbelief wondering what he should do now. All he did was do his job for a rather strange man and his magic shop and now he could have had a spell cast on him. He always thought that they were some fairy tale and now he wonders what will happen. He looked at his watch and couldn't believe the time, it was now past 11 and he didn't even eat but now he is sleepy. Right before he went into his bedroom he stopped and looked at the family photo and just shook his head and wondered what life had for him. He walked to his bedroom and started to undress and within 10 minutes he was down to his boxers and he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. After rinsing his mouth out he looked at his reflection in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door. Little did he know that before too long his transformation would start and he would slowly forget about his life as a man. He crawled into bed and about 3 minutes after his head hit the pillow he fell asleep.