**************************************************************************** * "NEW TO TEACHING LOVE" * * (part 6) * * by Vince Water February 7, 2005 * **************************************************************************** | Copyright 2005-2006 by Vince Water Corrected 5/06 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we reach Havre, I drive to Roy's Motorcycles so that we can pick up Running Water. We're a little early if he's working until four. It's only 3:25 right now according to my watch. I'm pulling alongside the curb instead of going into the parking lot so his fellow employees won't see Jes sitting in my lap when we crowd the front seat. No need to embarrass my brother. I shut the engine off. Grandfather is still asleep against the window. Jesse and I exchange glances. :I'll go in to see if Running Water can leave now or if we should wait a bit.: :Don't press him to leave,: Asks Jesse. :He's already taken off early from work a bunch of times on our account so I don't want his boss getting mad at him. We can wait.: I'm nodding in agreement. My door is closed with care so as to not awaken grandfather. Our trip to Great Falls has worn on him. I walk past a warehouse (where I've park the truck) to an old haunt of mine. A grim smile crosses my lips. Whenever my motorcycle broke down, I'd limp over to Roy's Motorcycles to get it fixed. I'm a first name basis with everyone. Funny how Jesse's uncle was working here and we'd only met the day before Jes came to class with his mom. Running Water had blown his chance to catch me first. I'd felt an attraction to him during our ride to Chinook to get me a replacement chain but I didn't glean his interest in me. He was my first Indian friend. Later, I discovered that he wanted it to become more but it was too late. My heart had already been given to Jesse. When I approach the service garage, Paul catches sight of me. He drops his wrench onto the seat of the motorcycle he's working on to greet me. "Mike! How are you?" "I'm fine. You?" "Busy." Paul laughs. "Hey. You've left your motorcycle here for over a week. I was wondering when you were coming back to pick it up." "Ah. I'm not. I've given it to Running Water to use for parts. I'm driving a truck now." Paul looks past me and I follow his eyes to the red Ford pickup parked in front of the warehouse. I can tell that he recognizes it. "Isn't that Running Water's truck?" "Yeah. I've been using his while mine is being serviced." Paul rolls his eyes in dismay. "Have you traded one problem vehicle for another?" he asks. "I hope not. His aunt had an old F-150 in her garage collecting dust so she's letting me use it. I'm having work done to bring it back to life." "Oh." Paul drops his gaze to think about something for a moment. "Is Running Water here?" I'm not Sensing his presence. "Naw. He took off a few hours ago." "Do you know who picked him up?" "Some Indian buck... One of his relatives, I think." That doesn't narrow the possibilities since I can come up with a handful of family names. Oh. Paul said it was a young man from his colorful metaphor. "Don't take that wrong. I have a lot of respect for Running Water. He's a good mechanic and he is my friend." A smile creeps on my lips. "I'm glad." "Mike. Is everything alright with him do you know?" "What do you mean?" Paul becomes uncomfortable with where our conversation is leading. He's hoping I'll say something first so he won't say anything embarrassing coming from his mistaken assumption about my relationship with Running Water. I wet my lips. "He's my brother." "Oh." Paul stares at me as if trying to glean what else Running Water is to me. I don't know this man well enough to speak more plainly. "Well. Whoever picked Running Water up this afternoon drove a white Cherokee. I hope that helps." "That must have been his cousin, One-white-horse. He's about my age." Paul falls back into his thoughts. I hope he won't ask me something difficult. "Well. I let him know you came by to return his truck but that won't be until tomorrow." I'm nodding. Paul kicks a stone out of the garage coming from nervousness. Oh, oh. He is gonna say something big! "I'm sorry to hear about all the trouble you're in, Mike." I'm muttering my thanks. Paul has something more to say about that. "I think it's weighing heavily on Running Water. He doesn't talk about it but I know him well enough to see that it's bothering him." Really. I know how well Running Water can mask how he's feeling inside. Is my brother that worried about the trouble I'm in that it shows? I give Paul a good look but don't sense that his interest in Running Water is anything more than that of being friends. Too bad. I'm liking this man. He's closer in age to my brother and obviously more mature than myself. The emotions that he's feeling is revealed on his face and heard in his heartfelt words. He has sandy blond hair, blue eyes and a typically pointed white nose. His overall appearance is a bit scruffy. I think Running Water would want Paul if he were gay and liked Indians. "Well. Good luck to you, Mike." We're shaking hands that signals the end to our conversation. I turn from Paul and make my way back to the truck. Jesse is peering at me through the windshield. I Send him a burst of what's happened. :I wonder why One-white-horse picked him up? That makes me worry that something has happened.: :I don't know.: I'm getting into the truck and fasten my seatbelt. :Maybe we'll find out when we return to your mom's house.: I start the engine and take off. Paul waves when we pass by. When I'm pulling into Winna's driveway, I don't see a white jeep parked out front. In fact, no one is guarding over the house. Grandfather comes awake when I shut the engine off. Jesse fills him in on what's happened back at the motorcycle shop. "Do you want me to drive you back to Chinook?" I ask. "No, Short Hair." The old man releases a weary sigh. "I'd like to rest for a while and see if Jes-ee-ah's mother will put a plate down for me at the dinner table." I'm no longer surprised by the way grandfather puts things. Jesse and I speak with grandfather in Siksika since that's a language we understand best amongst us. I knew Grandfather was really tired from our trip. I suspect that he's not often taking long drives and with that delicate stomach of his, wants it to settle down a bit before someone drives him back to Chinook. Winna won't be home for a few hours. She'll gladly offer her uncle a meal unless she brings home chicken again from being too tired to cook after work. I turn to Jesse. :Can you call your mom to let her know that we'll be having a dinner guest?: :Yes, love. I'm going to put grandfather in our bed so he can sleep.: I've been getting out of the truck during our Talk. Jesse is helping his grandfather. The old man leans heavily onto his grandson when we walk up to the front of the house. :If he wants to stay the night, we'll sleep on the floor in the front room.: :Like old times, huh?: I'm smiling in fond remembrance. Winna had allowed me to sleep over during a snowstorm and Jes came to me late in the night. It was the first time that we'd gotten naked together and loved. He even dared to stay with me until the morning before his mother woke up. We didn't get caught. Jes gives me that Look. Yeah. He knows I'm thinking about that night even though he can't peek in my head anymore. From his pocket, a key is taken to unlock the front door. We go inside. When Jesse takes his grandfather down the hall towards our bedroom, I use the bathroom. My butt has been aching me since last night. Moving my legs again after that long drive is reminding me of that. Man! Owopspec forgot that he wasn't fucking a well broken in ass. I'm reaching up to my neck. His bite to it has since crusted. My shirt collar hides that from being seen so I won't be getting stares from Winna across the dinner table tonight. After cleaning up, Jes meets me outside the bathroom. He has a pillow and two folded blankets held in his arms. I follow him into the front room. We're exchanging quick thoughts. Grandfather fell asleep once his head hit the pillow, Jesse reports. We agree not to disturb his rest if he doesn't come out of our bedroom to take dinner with us. Sleeping is more important than food. We're hoping that Winna will agree. Jesse plops down on the couch. I remain standing by the coffee table. "What's wrong, love?" I'm smiling at his soft accent. Too often, we're talking with our heads so I miss hearing it. "Ah. I'm feeling too restless to sit down. It was a long drive from Great Falls." Jesse nods with understanding. "Do you want something to eat?" "No." I'm patting my stomach. "Those pancakes were pretty filling." A thought strikes me. "Are you hungry?" "Not really. Mom will fix us dinner in a few hours. I can wait till then." Jesse gets back to his feet. He's looking out the front window and that reminds me. "No one is guarding the house." "We can," offers Jesse. He makes a silent battle gesture for going on watch against our enemies. In reply, I'm reaching down to my waist but don't find my knife. Jesse's eyes widen. He knows what I was looking for because of his former self. "Good-eyes had given that to Chris." "It was a good metal blade he'd taken off a soldier. The envy of all the other warriors for such a fine thing and he'd gifted it to me!" "I know." My heart aches for missing Owopspec. Then I realize that he's still here, in Jesse. :Are you often delving into your former self's memories?: I Ask. :Sometimes. He has much wisdom to offer and before you ask, let me assure you that he's at ease within me. We're able to Talk now without fear of him trying to possess me.: :I'm glad. Ah. I should warn you that reviewing his memories can be a bit unsettling. When Chris was seeing through my eyes, he found our modern times very odd. I sometimes got lost in his thoughts, thinking they were my own until forcing him back down inside me.: :And now?: Asks Jesse. :We have Merged. All that Chris was has become a part of me. I don't think of memories being his or mine anymore but ours. When I talk about my former self, what he's experienced, I sometimes forget to say 'that's from Chris' but talk as if I were him. He is me, after all.: :I've noticed, love.: Jesse smiles. I'm noticing something too. We're sitting on the front porch together but I don't remembering passing through the door. Hmm. There's a duality I have with Chris when I'm thinking from his part of myself. Mike's body walked out of the house while I was somewhere else. It's hard to explain. I'm looking across the lawn and notice that it's a deeper green than only a week before. Snow had covered it before... That reminds me of that terrible Saturday. I find the place where Lt. Danielson had fallen after I tripped him off the porch. I'm probably gonna go to jail because of it. Not for defending Jesse but because I kept striking that officer after he fell. I was so angry at him! "What's wrong, love?" asks Jesse. I turn to him after erasing the strong emotions from my face. "Nothing." My thoughts turn to the neighbors. None of them were home when that officer confronted us. When it comes to it, I don't recall ever seeing them. I've been staying at Winna's house for over a week and none of her neighbor's have so much as peeked their heads out from their doors. I ask Jes about this. "The house behind you is usually empty during the winter months. An old man lives there by himself. I think he stays with relatives in Texas for half the year." "What about that house?" I'm pointing to where Jesse told me about his friend playing cowboys and Indians with him when they were boys. "Oh. Edward's parents sold their house a few years ago and moved away." Jesse goes deep into thought. "I missed playing with him." "You haven't been with any other boys your age?" "Not really. No one white after Edward. When mom took me to events or family reunions, no one wanted to play with me. I think they were afraid to because I didn't act that friendly." "Jes. You're autistic. Didn't they understand that?" "How could they when I didn't even understand what that meant myself. When mom put me in a special program at school, I met other kids like me but we didn't play together. Some are autistic but others have different behavioral problems where they acted up in class. I was scared of them. Especially for a boy named Rob Jackson. There's so much anger in him." "I'm sorry, Jes." "It's not your fault." Jesse's sad expression brightens when he says, "Then you came along. I Felt your interest in me that was exactly how I felt about you. It surprised me how shy you were to do anything with me though." "I didn't have your... ah, experience." I'm bucking against the porch. Jesse sticks his tongue out. "You overcame your shyness pretty fast." "Yeah. I have a good teacher." Running Water was trying to 'teach' me too but his blatant acts frightened me. Then he learned that I was in love with Jesse and his whole attitude towards me changed. He opened himself up so that I could see the man he really is behind his Indian fierceness. That's what had me falling in love with him. My heart aches for him now. From Paul, I've learned that Running Water has been more affected by my legal troubles than I knew. Have the other employees at Roy's Motorcycles noticed this in him too? Is it affecting his work? Another thought comes to me. What if my brother is hurting about something else? It seemed like Paul knew that his friend and I are together in a relationship when he asked me 'Is everything alright with him do you know?' I should know. I'd noticed how distant Running Water was to me when he picked us up Tuesday morning. Jesse had to sit in my lap. That had gotta hurt him to see that we're finally together as a couple (though he's happy for us) but where does that leave him? I've been trying to assure the man that we can remain loving. My heart is big enough for both of them. "Mike? Don't think too much. Okay?" "I can't help myself." Jesse reveals concern on his face so I reach my right arm around to hold him close to me. "I'm okay. Really." My lover is worried about something and voices it. "Grandfather told me something while you were, ah... taking your walk." "What was that?" I'm staring at Jesse. He shyly drops his eyes from mine. :You've been enduring a lot. We both knew that with all that's been going on. Grandfather told me that we're going through growing pains.: He's reverted into mind talk. :Growing pains? What does he mean by that?: :Our Connection. Grandfather was concerned by how close we were after his Passing Ritual but we managed to separate ourselves. Then you Merged with Chris. I think you're still dealing with that, love.: Jesse takes a breath and speaks out loud. "Monday night, I changed an aspect to our bond so we wouldn't lose ourselves in false ecstasy. It also meant that I can't peek in your head anymore. You were always complaining to me about it." "I thought I wanted that yet I'm feeling at a loss because you're not there to scold me when I'm thinking stupid things like what happened in the truck." Jesse is peering intently at me and hoping I'll tell him what happened. It was something stupid. A moment of weakness that shames me. I'm shaking my head to let Jes know that I don't want to talk about it even with mind speaking. "We're both learning how to control our special bond." "Yeah." I'm laughing all of a sudden. "Who would believe that such things can happen between two people, Jes? We can't consult a psychologist about it. Even grandfather doesn't know how to help us sometimes. He asked you to Speak with that spirit inside us when our bond was getting out of control." In a small voice, "I'm not sure how I did it. That spirit is such an innocent when it comes to the problems faced by the living. It's never had a human body of its own to manage, only an elk skin bundle it was sleeping in all those years until Passing into us." "You did good," I offer Jes in praise. "Now we can make love with our bodies instead of just feeling intense from just thinking about it." "That was a necessary change to our bond but it prevents me from easily Hearing your thoughts when you're not Sending them to me. I think that's what grandfather was warning me about in the truck. We need time to get used to how we're Connected when any aspect of it changes." "I agree. I'll try not thinking too much but if I do, I'll tell you what's on my mind so you can scold me." "Sounds good to me, love. You need someone to look after you sometimes." I'm giving Jesse that Look. He notices it. "What?" I'm smiling. "It's you. Listen to you! I've not heard you speaking with such confidence before." Jesse doesn't bat an eye. He knows what I'm talking about. "Is that coming from your former self?" "Maybe some of it. We had a long talk, Good-eyes and I." "I know. Owopspec scolded me to go to sleep when you were consulting with him in our tipi." Jesse's eyes grow very wide. "I didn't know you were there! Did you listen to us?" "No. Owopspec spoke in a strange tongue with you, like what Comes-the-rain chants during his rituals. He told me to go to sleep and I did." "We were speaking in a shaman's cant." Jesse's lips press tight together. :Good-eyes told me things that I can't talk about. Even to you.: "I understand. It must have helped because you do seem more confident in yourself, my love. Charms A Bird said that you'll be able to draw on your former self's wisdom. Even grandfather said that." We're both bowing our heads in grief because we learned today that he doesn't think his old body will last that many more moons. Jesse will turn to Shaman Good-eyes to complete his training as a shaman after grandfather is gone. Jes isn't recovering from his moment of sadness. I Call out to my lover. :Don't be sad. Grandfather will teach you what he can in the time left to him before he goes to his reward in the Above.: Jesse lifts his eyes to mine and he nods. I'm Sensing that he's holding something back. It makes him afraid! :Tell me!: I mind shout. Jesse flinches in response and I'm feeling bad. After calming myself, I speak out loud. "I'm sorry. If it's something you can't talk about, I'll understand. Grandfather will be telling you things too that only shamans can know." "It's not that." Jesse is hesitant to reveal what it is but he needs to speak of his fear. "My love? I need to share this burden with you." "Sure." I'm bringing Jesse into my arms and I feel him shaking like a leaf. Man! It's gotta be something really bad. "Shhh. Just take it slow." I'm gently patting my lover's back and give a kiss to his cheek. A car is passing down the street but I don't care if they see us hugging. :Charms A Bird has to succeed.: That's it? That's what's worrying Jesse so much? Then my eyes widen when I realize the importance of what he's just Said. Good-eyes agreed to a truce with the Omaha Shaman not to possess Jes-ee-ah. He even swore to Chris that he'll not do this thing but added, 'Charms A Bird must be successful in countering that Trickster'. I'm gasping from a horrible realization. :Now you understand, love. Good-eyes will give Charms A Bird a chance to stop Eli Kie from bringing about an end to the world. That's why he's content to remain where he is in me for now but should Charms A Bird fail, my former self will take it upon himself to stop the Trickster. I'll become possessed by him for the greater good of all the People and I'm forced to agree. What is my life as I know it compared to saving everyone else in the world?: :Jesse!: I'm holding my lover closer to my chest. :We have to trust that Charms A Bird will stop Eli Kie.: :How will we know?: Jesse guards his thoughts from me. I'm not even Sensing his emotions which is a thing he's never been able to block from me before. "How will we know?" I ask out loud. "Can you tell me?" I'm loosening my arms from him so that I can look upon his face. It's very serious looking. "Willow Bird's reason for Passing through all those boys has been so that he can meet the Dark Master's servant in battle as he'd foreseen it. Whether he wins or loses against Evil will mean his death." In a low voice. "I will Feel his Passing. Good-eyes will know this too and if he's succeeded. If not, he'll take up that sacred task to stop Eli Kie. I've sworn to allow my former self to come up in me to do this necessary thing." "Oh, Jesse! No!" :I must, love. Yet we can hope that Charms A Bird will succeed. He isn't without Power. You have Felt this in him and the abilities he possesses!: I'm Sensing awe in Jesse when he clams up, both in thought and emotion. There is something further my lover is keeping from me. I suspect that he's under oath not to reveal it to anyone. Maybe not even to grandfather. My lover surrenders himself in my arms the great fear and anguish that he's feeling but also he keeps hope in his heart for Charms A Bird. For a long while, we hold each other on the porch. :Don't you even think about it!: I'm scolding Jesse. He's trying to lift a bag of cement mix to his chest when I take it from him. :Bring those. Only two boards at a time and mind yourself at the corners!: :Yes, Sir!: I'm walking out the back door with the cement bag. It is heavy. I hear a loud bang behind me and my eyes roll in dismay. Jes must have hit the wall with them long boards. We're cleaning out the laundry room to surprise Winna. Now that her husband's truck is out of the garage, there's room inside it for all this stuff. I pass through the backyard and go out a small gate that leads right to the garage. I'm going through its side entrance. Puffing. A place is found along the wall to set my burden down. I see two long boards coming through the door followed by Jesse. He slowly turns after entering, walking towards me and I help carry them to a place where we can set them down. We scurry back to the house. I need Jesse's help with carrying some big plaster boards and they're brought into the garage. We've since removed bags of nails, a toolbox and other construction materials that Winna's husband had left in the laundry room. That must have been an eyesore for her and a sad reminder that her husband had run off. Jes isn't feeling sad at the moment. I'm Sensing his joy that we're doing something good for his mom for a change. It's been hard on her with all the troubles that have followed us into her house. The least not being that I'm having her son each night in his bedroom. Her family will soon learn that we're a gay couple and that has gotta bring her shame. :Why the long face, love?: :I know that your mom has come around to us being gay but what about the rest of the family?: :Some already suspect. Everyone knows that Running Water is gay and many of them even liked Ron. They know how much you've helped me! If not for you, I'd have remained inside myself and not be ready to undergo training to follow in my grandfather's footsteps.: :Some of your family might think that I'm taking advantage of you.: :If someone does, I'll make it clear to them that you're not! Being gay isn't a bad thing. We're going to change the way everyone think about it. We're just two people who love each other. If someone has a problem with it, well... it's their fault. Not ours. I'm not going to hide who we are from people just for their sake.: :What about your mom? She asked us to express our love for each other only in her house.: That gives Jesse pause. :I'll talk with her about it. Jeremy Two Ponies knows that we're gay and he's probably spreading that around. Not to be mean to us. I think he's come to accept that we really love each other and only good words will come from his mouth about it.: I'm releasing a tense breath. I hope his mom will agree to this but it's already out of our hands. Too many people know about us. Word will spread. Jesse takes up a broom into his hands. He starts sweeping the laundry room now that we've emptied it. I help him by collecting the debris in a dustpan. The telephone is ringing. I'm rushing to answer it so grandfather won't awaken from his sleep. That's why Jes and I have been mind speaking to each other. Other than banging the walls with his boards, we've been quiet. I'm lifting the phone up on the second ring. "Hello?" "Mike! Turn on the television to channel four." "Mr. Talbert?" "I'll call you right after the news conference." My attorney hangs up without even saying goodbye. I'm Sending what he's said to Jesse. We're running to the front room and I switch on the T.V. There's a commercial on. Some lady cows are enjoying a sprits while two bulls look on admiringly. The spot ends with a man saying, "Great cheese comes from California." I'm smiling to myself. That's not what Midwesterners would say. Great cheese comes from Wisconsin as we all know. Another commercial comes on. I'm quickly changing channels to find the news conference Mr. Talbert spoke of. Nothing. The television is set back to channel four. Teletype appears below a commercial saying that an announcement is about to be made from the Havre Police Station. Hope fills me. Maybe they've captured Eli Kie! I'm peering up at the clock. It's nearly six. When the hour chimes, a news report breaks onto the screen. I see a cluster of microphones set on a podium. Behind it, a familiar brick building comes into view. Dread fills me. My memories of that place are very grim. The voice of an off camera reporter explains what is happening. "We're outside the Havre Police station where an announcement is going to be made by the police chief. This is being brought to you exclusively by Newscast Four." The doors to the police station open. Three officers come into view and I recognize one of them. Lt. John Danielson is the older brother to that officer I'd struck in front of Winna's house. Where's Captain Ruston? He's the police chief. Lt. Danielson hesitates a moment before walking up to the podium. Camera lights are shined on his face. I see the smart uniform that he's wearing but inside, I'm thinking he's feeling unsure of himself. That's what I'm Gleaning by his demeanor. "Good evening." A pause. "I have a brief statement to make and then I'll answer some questions." He pulls out a sheet of paper from his pocket and sets it down on the podium. The off camera reporter quickly adds, "This is Lt. John Danielson. His brother, Lt. Scott Danielson was found murdered in his hospital bed after suffering a vicious attack on the 19th by Mike Yager. He's been indicted for attempted murder of a police officer." I'm cringing inside. Lt. Danielson starts reading his prepared statement. "The Havre City Council has appointed me interim chief of the police force as of five o'clock today. Captain Ruston has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. I can't go into any details about that now." Lt. Danielson smiles. "I have served nearly twenty years on the force. Recent events have troubled us all and I'll strive to keep the peace in this town. My brother..." The man's voice breaks up for a moment. "Let us honor his memory and let justice be served!" A cold chill runs down my spine. Eli Kie murdered him yet it seems that this man is casting all the blame on me! Lt. Danielson lifts his statement from the podium and tucks it inside his jacket. His face is grim. Reporters start clamoring with their questions. "Is Captain Ruston accused of wrong doing?" Another reporter shouts out, "Is there a suspect in your brother's murder? Is it Mr. Yager?" Lt. Danielson holds up his hand. "A statement from the district attorney's office will be released tomorrow. It will explain the reasons for their investigation. Please! I cannot go into any of that right now. As to my brother... No. Mr. Yager has not been named a suspect in his murder. We're following up on some leads at the moment which I'm not at liberty to talk about it. Thank you." Reporters shout out more questions but Lt. Danielson makes his escape back into the station. Two officers stand guard at the door. The off camera reporter starts speaking again. "That was Lt. John Danielson. He's been appointed interim Chief of the Havre Police Department while the district attorney's office conducts their investigation of Captain Ruston. He's held the position of police chief for eleven years. Before that, he's served fourteen years as an officer on the Havre and Great Springs police forces. We've been given no information as to why the D.A. is investigating him but Lt. Danielson said that their office will release a statement tomorrow. If Captain Ruston issues any statements, we'll bring them to you. This has been a special news report brought to you exclusively by Newscast Four. The six o'clock news will begin immediately after these announcements." I'm left feeling stunned. Captain Ruston seems to have been booted off the force while Lt. Danielson has been put in his place. That really scares me! He's out for my blood for attacking his brother and even though there's evidence that Eli Kie has murdered him, this man blames me for leaving his brother vulnerable by his injuries so that he could be killed. Jesse is shaking me. "The telephone is ringing!" I get to my feet and rush to the kitchen. Mr. Talbert's voice is heard on the phone. "Hello, Mike. Did you watch the news conference?" "Yes." I'm trembling all over. "What does it mean? Do you know why the D.A. is investigating Captain Ruston?" "I can't talk about it on the phone. Mike. There's been a development in your case." Not for the better, I'll bet. "What is it?" "I need to see you tomorrow. Can you come over to my house at two o'clock? The D.A. has served me with a Grand Jury indictment against you that we need to discuss." "An indictment? I heard about that on T.V. What's it all about?" "I'll explain it to you tomorrow. And Mike? I expect that reporters will soon be at your door. Stay in the house and don't speak with them. Okay?" "Sure." Jesse is standing at my side. He looks scared. I am too but it's not for myself. "Mr. Talbert? Do you think Lt. Danielson will bring Jesse in for questioning? You told me that Captain Ruston had assured us that that wouldn't happen but now he's no longer the police chief..." "It's a possibility. The D.A. has your friend's statements about what happened between him and Officer Eli Kie at your trailer and what took place outside his mother's house when Lt. Danielson confronted the both of you. It could be argued that Jesse has shown his willingness to answer questions about these incidents. Should officers come to bring him down to the station, I'd advise him not to do so unless they have a subpoena or an arrest warrant. Either are not out of the question in light of these recent events." My voice is trembling. "What if Jesse wasn't here?" I don't want my lover to go through what I did by going to jail or sitting in a room with an angry Lt. Danielson barking questions at him! "In that case, if it's only a subpoena to bring Jesse in for questioning, they obviously couldn't serve it on him if he can't be found. Your friend can't be forced to answer any of their questions though. He can claim the right for his attorney to be present. That's Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn. I'm sure he'd advice Jesse to remain silent and the investigators would have to let him go. They know this, Mike. The only reason it might be tried is to scare your friend into talking 'to demonstrate his innocence involvement' concerning what happened to Lt. Danielson when you attacked him." "What if it's an arrest warrant?" "Well, that's obviously more serious. I don't believe there's enough evidence against Jesse that would warrant his arrest. The D.A. wouldn't be stupid enough to act in a way that would bring the full fury of the Blackfoot Nation down upon them. They aren't without political might in this part of Montana. I believe that's why your friend has been ignored so far." "Captain Ruston said that it would lead to war in this town if they did." "Yes. That's so. I'm saddened for my friend, Bill. He's been removed from a position in the police force to act for the good of this community. Why they chose John as interim chief is beyond my comprehension!" "What if Eli Kie is behind this? He'd like nothing better than to stir up trouble while making good his escape." "I don't think so, Mike. There are arrest warrants out for him concerning the deaths of Lt. Danielson and Miss Thomas. Whatever political influence he's had in Helena has evaporated. No one in office is going to stick their neck out for him. He's on the run. I hope they find him." "Me too." The only person I trust to do that though is Charms A Bird. He's not gonna bring Eli Kie back to justice but try to slay this Trickster before he brings about an end to the world. I'll be left to answer why I attacked Danielson that's likely gonna put me behind bars. "We'll talk more tomorrow, Mike." That reminds me. "Did you get a chance to look at what Mr. Cavallero wants me to sign before I can get my stuff back from him?" "Do you have a copy of your rental agreement?" asks Mr. Talbert. "Yeah." I think it's inside my laptop bag but I'm not sure anymore. "Bring it with you tomorrow." "Okay. Two o'clock at your house." Mr. Talbert confirms our appointment before he hangs up. I'm dropping the phone on its cradle with a sense of dread. Things just keep getting worse! I turn to Jesse for support but he's not in the kitchen. :Jes! Where are you, my love?: :I'm answering the door. Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn has arrived along with One-white-horse and Running Water. Come greet them with me, love.: I run down the hall and see the Elder standing before Jesse. The two men are walking away. Huh? Where are they going? I'm giving my quick greeting to Quiet-before-the-dawn before passing him to chase after Running Water. I need to see him, give him the keys back to his truck. They turn at my approach. "Hello, Short Hair." That was One-white-horse. I return his greeting though my eyes are on Running Water. "Here are your keys." I'm pulling them from my pocket and hand them over. "How was your trip?" asks Running Water. "It went well. That Omaha Shaman was able to help Jes-ee-ah as we hoped." When Running Water glances at his companion, One-white-horse takes the hint and he turns to walk to his jeep. I'm glad that we're given some privacy. I launch my arms around my brother and give him a really tight hug. "Okay, Mike." Running Water laughs nervously. I loosen my arms around him and peer into his face. "No. You aren't okay." The man becomes plain and unreadable. I'm shaking him so that he'll let me see the dear man that I love. "I'm happy for Jesse," mutters Running Water. Does he mean how Charms A Bird has helped Jes or that I'm gonna be with him now that Winna has accepted my relationship with her son? I can't Read in him which one it is. An awkward silence follows. "I'm glad your trip went well. It took longer than I thought it would." "We went to Roy's Motorcycles today to return your truck but you were already gone. Paul told me. Ah. He's noticed how upset you've been lately." My eyes flare. "What did he tell you?" Some emotion is spilling onto Running Water's face like water over stone. "He knows that we're close friends. I didn't tell him to what extent but he suspects what that is. I like Paul. He really cares about you. I still do!" A painful resolve comes over my brother's face. It aches my heart! "I have to go. You need to return to the house and hear what Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn has to say." "Can you stay here for a while? Grandfather is sleeping in our room and after Winna serves dinner, he may want you to drive him back home." "I can't, Mike. My parents need me. One-white-horse can take grandfather home afterwards." Anger fills me. I think Running Water is just making up that excuse so he can avoid me! "Believe what you will but I'm telling you the truth, Mike." I'm feeling horrible. Running Water and I share a small Connection of our own where our feelings are Passed to each other. What I'm Sensing in him now is the truth. His father is sick and that's why he needs to go home. "I am sorry, my brother. We'll get together after your father is feeling better." Running Water reveals startlement on his face but only for a moment. "Go back inside." I'm swallowing past the hard lump in my throat. It's difficult, but I manage to turn from Running Water and make my way up the sidewalk to the house. Jesse is just inside the door. He's been peeking on what took place between us. "The Elder has something to tell us," Jesse whispers. "I've told him that grandfather is sleeping so he's going to hang around and wait. He didn't know about that news conference we saw on T.V. so I've told him about it." Jesse leads me into the front room. Quiet-before-the-dawn is sitting on the couch and he looks up at me with a worried expression on his face. To see this in an Elder is very disturbing. He gestures for me to come over with the waving of his hand. Jes and I sit before him on the coffee table. "This is not good, Short Hair. I fear for you. Danielson senior is a very angry man who's been placed in a position of power from where he can cause you trouble to avenge his murdered brother." "I know that. And for Jes-ee-ah as well." I'm telling him what Mr. Talbert was warning me about on the phone. The Elder's expression turns very grim. He pulls out a folded piece of paper from his vest pocket. That's when I notice he's wearing a business suit like a lawyer. "I've tried to meet with the D.A. after this arrived." His hand tightens around the piece of paper when he explains its contents. "They've made an apology to the Blackfoot Nation concerning their 'misplacement' of our sacred belonging we entrusted with the Havre Police. They promise punitive action will be taken against the man responsible. No. It's not Eli Kie. The letter doesn't even give a name. It goes on to say that other failings in the department are being addressed. Again, no mention as to what those were but I suspect it's their treatment of you when in their custody." The press conference on T.V. becomes clear. Captain Ruston is being set up to take the fall! I voice my suspicions to the Elder. "That may be so, Short Hair. Yet even amongst my own People, a war leader is held responsible for the acts of the men under him. The council of chiefs determine who the trouble makers are and if their leader bears responsibility. Captain Ruston may have gotten into trouble for helping us. He's good friends with your attorney and the D.A. may have caught wind of this." I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach. No lightning pain as before because Charms A Bird has Healed my ulcer. My concerns are for my lover. "Elder! We can't let the police take Jes-ee-ah in for questioning or worse, if they arrest him. The People will rise in anger and there will be war!" "This thing will not happen. Calm yourself, Short Hair." I'm taking a few deep breaths but my heart is still racing. "How can you be so sure?" I ask. "The grand jury has indicted me for 'attempted murder of a police officer'." That's surprised him. "Who knows what else the D.A. and the police are capable of in light of recent events." "I'm sorry, Short Hair. I didn't know about your indictment but they haven't charged Jes-ee-ah with anything." "Not yet. It does no harm to play it safe, Elder. Jes-ee-ah could stay with One-white-horse for a while until we know for sure." "If Jes-ee-ah goes into hiding, you must remain here where our enemies expect you to be." "I know that." I'm turning to Jesse since he's remained silent while we've been talking about him. "What do you say to this?" "I will stay with One-white-horse if my Elders advise this. Nothing can happen until tomorrow, right? Let our Inspired One hear what has happened and I will follow what he tells me I should do." "Very well," utters Quiet-before-the-dawn. I'm nodding in agreement. We'll have to wait to hear what grandfather has to say. His judgment is held in the highest regards. "How did your meeting with that Shaman of the Omaha People go?" "He's helped me a lot, Elder." "I'm glad." Quiet-before-the-dawn studies my lover's face for a long moment and I try keeping mine plain when he scrutinizes me in turn. The front door opens. Jesse is flying from the coffee table and I join him to see who has come. It's Winna. She's loaded down with two bags of groceries that we're quickly relieving her of. She looks at her son. "Jes-ee-ah?" "I'm fine, mom. Grandfather is still sleeping in my room. He may come in to eat with us as I've told you on the phone but we'll have to wait and see." Winna comes into the front room. The Elder and her exchange greetings and she asks if he'll be staying for dinner. He accepts her invitation. I think that comes mainly from his wish to be here should grandfather awaken. :I'm going to help mom in the kitchen,: Sends Jesse. :I can talk with her there to offer her my assurances that everything went well in Great Falls. Can you stay here with the Elder?: :Sure, Jes.: A thought strikes me. :My lawyer warned me that reporters may be coming to the house to hear what I have to say about Lt. Danielson's news conference. I need to warn One-white-horse about that.: My lover agrees. I'm handing over the bag of groceries in my arms to my lover and he follows his mom through the dining room. I turn to Quiet-before-the-dawn. "Elder? I'm going out to speak with One-white-horse. Reporters may come to the house so I need to tell him to turn them away from our door." "Yes. That is wise, Short Hair. Winna doesn't need to be made more upset than she already is." I didn't consider that. Hmm. This explains why Quiet-before-the-dawn is an Elder while I'm only a young warrior, one who has given his only feather away to someone more deserving. I like how it adorns my lover's hair. He looks like a real Indian because of it. A sly grin comes to my lips. We may be sleeping tonight on the front room floor if grandfather spends the night in our room. The thought of that gets my dick tingling. I'm walking out the door and head towards the street. It's already grown noticeable darker outside when I parted with Running Water only ten minutes ago. When I near the jeep, One-white-horse sees me and he gets out. I'm raising my hand and gesture that we'll talk on his 'horse'. That's the closest hand word that I can come up with to describe his vehicle. The passenger side door is opened for me and I slip in. One-white-horse looks at me expectantly. I've not come to give him big news, only a warning. Greetings between us must come first. "How are you?" My Siksika always seems to startle him. "Fine. And are Jes-ee-ah and you well?" "Yes. Thank you for asking." I don't know how much he's been told about our trip to Great Falls so I'm not gonna say anything about it beyond what he's overheard from Running Water. He's family but not really 'in the loop' as far as discussing my Connection to Jesse or my legal troubles. He'd been put on guard duty outside his cabin when Quiet-before-the-dawn, grandfather, Hawk-swooping-down, Jesse and I had held a meeting inside. "The Elder is very upset," says One-white-horse. He knows about the D.A.'s 'apology' letter to the Blackfoot then. "Yes. I've never seen him that upset either." Not that I know Quiet-before-the-dawn very well; he acts as the tribe's attorney so that requires him to remain calm when others shout in protest like I'd seen at that meeting in Chinook. Many of the People are upset about the leeching of heavy metals into the streams by local mines that's been killing the fish. The Elder assured them that positive action will result after the State's Supreme Court makes their ruling on the matter sometime in May. "When the People find out that our Power Bundle was lost by the police, there's going to be trouble in this town!" I hear the fire in this young man's belly. I'm quickly blurting out, "It was a dead thing! Grandfather Passed its spirit into Jesse and me so that's why he surrendered it up to them. He feared Eli Kie coming after whoever was in possession of this bundle. Now, this Trickster knows it's useless to him." One-white-horse grows wide in the eyes. "Is that how you've been Connected to Jes-ee-ah?" I'm nodding. "Our shaman is wise. He knew Eli Kie would steal it from the police but we didn't know he'd use the flint blade that was inside it to murder Lt. Danielson. Jes thinks it was his way of telling us how angry he was at being tricked and that he'll be coming after us next." "That's why we've been guarding the house." "Yes. And I'm thankful to everyone like yourself who've spent those lonely hours sitting in your trucks to keep a look out." That reminds me why I've come to see him. "Mr. Talbert thinks that reporters will come to the house to get my reaction to the news conference..." "What news conference?" asks One-white-horse. Oh, yeah. He was driving the Elder here when it took place on T.V. I give him a quick summary of what Lt. John Danielson said. Anger grows in him. "Captain Ruston was only put on administrative leave? The D.A.'s letter said that they'll be investigating the matter about how the police lost our tribe's bundle and your mistreatment in jail. It's only a big show to appease us. After a week, their 'investigation' will exonerate any wrong doing and Ruston will return to being police chief as if nothing happened." "I hope Captain Ruston gets his job back." One-white-horse is surprised that I've said that. "He's been helping us! Mr. Talbert and him are good friends and we've been passing information to each other. He and Detective Peterson were put onto Eli Kie as being the cause of all this trouble. When Danielson took some of my things from Winna's house, Captain Ruston had them returned to me. He's been acting to keep the peace in this town." "It won't stay that way. That murdered man's brother has been made acting chief of the police force. Danielson may come after you and Jes-ee-ah. If he does, our People will protect you but that clash will result in a war." "That's what the Elder fears." I'm alarmed when a white van parks in front of us. I don't wait to find out if it's from the news station when I open my door to make my escape back to the house. A woman's voice calls out to me from behind. I'm leaping onto the porch and Jes opens the front door for me. Standing behind him is Quiet-before-the-dawn. I see resolve in him. "Mr. Yager! May we please have a word with you?" asks the woman reporter. :Close the door, Jesse!: To my surprise, the Elder steps out to the porch. It would be rude to close the door behind him. Jes and I remain just within the house watching a cameraman running across our lawn to catch up to the reporter. The harsh glare of light shines on us. We retreat further into the hall. "Newscast Four," the woman announces. "We'd like to get Mr. Yager's reaction to what interim Police Chief Danielson said at the news conference this evening about him. Ah. Who are you?" "I'm Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn of the Blackfoot Nation. Will you listen to what I have to say on this matter?" The woman reporter starts speaking into her microphone. "This is Elder Quiet Before Dawn of the Blackfoot Nation. Sir. What do you think about Lt. Danielson being made interim police chief while the district attorney is investigating Captain Ruston? Do you know if it has anything to do with Mr. Yager's treatment while he was being held at the Havre Police station?" Quiet-before-the-dawn pulls out a folded piece of paper. He holds it out from him in contempt. "This is a written apology issued by the D.A.'s office to the Blackfoot People." "What does it say?" "I will read it at the meeting that I call to take place at the Chinook Community Center tomorrow evening at seven." "Can you say anything about it now?" the reporter desperately asks. "Our People will hear their words at the meeting and we will decide how to react to them." "Does the apology concern what's happened at the Havre Police station?" Quiet-before-the-dawn nods. "Mr. Yager!" the reporter shouts. "Could you please come out and talk with us?" Her cameraman points his camera into the house. I'm stepping back even further down the hall. Jes has ducked into the front room at my pleading for him to hide. The Elder steps into the doorway to prevent them from coming into the house. "The family here has already suffered much by the police. Jes-ee-ah was assaulted by Officer Eli Kie when he tried stealing our tribe's Power Bundle from him. Lt. Danielson, who was trespassing in this house and taking things belonging to Mike Yager came out with his gun drawn on those youngsters with an ill intent. Policemen forced their way into our shaman's house without a warrant. Mike Yager was mistreated at the police station in violation of his civil rights. Now, we learn that our tribe's Power Bundle which was given into the hands of the Havre Police for safe keeping is missing from their evidence room!" The Elder regrets having revealed that. He lowers the written apology to his side before he crushes it. "May we attend tomorrow night's meeting?" the reporter pleads. "We welcome all who come with an open heart," the Elder replies. He raises his right hand. "Go in peace and I hope that you'll report my words." "We will. Thank you for speaking with us." The woman reporter turns to the camera. "We'll bring you coverage of the district attorney's written apology to the Blackfoot Nation when it's read at their meeting tomorrow night. This is Caitlin Bray from Newscast Four." Relief fills me when the camera light goes out. Quiet-before-the-dawn comes back into the house and shuts the door behind him, turning to me with his lips lifting slightly in a grin. "The call to battle has gone out," he says. My eyes widen in the realization of what this Elder has done. He's called the People to a meeting by using that news reporter. She'll come with her cameraman tomorrow night to report the D.A.'s apology to the Blackfoot Nation which I'm sure will not go over well with them. That piece of paper in his hands are merely words reminiscent of the peace treaties white men had struck with the Indians which they often broke. It usually led to war between them. Winna returns to her kitchen. She has some cooking to do in there with two guests coming to her table if grandfather awakens in time. Otherwise, it will only be Quiet-before-the-dawn eating with us. I've never shared a meal with him. A thought comes to me. :Jes? Can you go check up on grandfather to see if he's still sleeping?: I'm also concerned about something else but I guard this thought from him. Old men have died in their sleep after great exertion. :I'll also see if mom needs my help in the kitchen,: Answers Jesse. I'm turning to Quiet-before-the-dawn. He's sitting on the couch with eyes closed. This must have been a long day for him. After receiving the D.A.'s letter, he dressed up and went to see if he could talk with them. Again, their office proved how little they think of the Blackfoot by denying him a meeting. Hmm. One-white-horse must have driven the Elder from Chinook to the D.A.'s office and for some reason, they picked up Running Water from work. Oh. That could have been after the two of them went there. I'd forgotten to call my brother from that restaurant on the road to let him know we'd be coming to pick him up. We even arrived half an hour early at his work. Paul will tell Running Water tomorrow that I'd come by to return his truck. I wonder what else may be said between them, about me? That would embarrass my brother. My head begins to hurt. Yup. I'm thinking too much again as Jes warned. I try rubbing the tension from my face but a shooting pain begins between my temples. My fingers are massaging them. :Grandfather is still sleeping,: Jesse reports. :Mom is busy cooking and she wants me out of the way.: :Okay.: I'm feeling tired all of a sudden. Winna's chair near the T.V. draws my eye and with Jesse's permission (he's Felt my exhaustion), I'm dropping down into it. Ahh. It is a comfortable chair. I'm surprised when a heaviness presses down onto my legs. I open my eyes and find Jesse sitting on me. My arms had automatically gone around him. He drops his skinny arms over mine and holds my hands. :Don't think about anything right now, love. Just hold me. Okay?: I'm closing my eyes again and try clearing my thoughts. There's a warmth flowing into my aching head. Its pain fades and I suspect that Jesse is doing that. Ahhh. His warmth also feels nice in my arms. When my lover leans back onto me, I'm kissing his neck. Love bursts in my heart because this feels so right! My dick is tingling. Jesse wiggles his bottom against me and that causes it to get hard. :Has your headache gone away?: Jesse teases. :Yeah, for the most part but another part of my body is hurting me now.: I'm bucking into his butt. He can feel my cock sticking him and through our Connection, Feels my urgent need to make love to him right now. Jesse giggles. :Let's wait until tonight, love!: :Okay.: My face turns from his long hair so it won't be tickling my nose. I'm feeling very relaxed. Easy breaths fills my lungs and I surrender to the seductive oblivion of sleep. I'm staring at the little flames dancing above the five candlesticks. My bowl is empty. I've filled my stomach with Winna's good cooking. She's made bighorn sheep stew that's like a thick soup we dip our bread into. At Hawk Flying Over's house, I'd eaten this before from leftovers given him from this woman. It's a simple meal, but filling. Not that many spices in it. Winna had awakened us earlier from her comfort chair. She didn't seem to mind we'd been sitting in it. Together. I saw her gentle understanding smile and had nearly burst into tears. She accepts my love for her son! Grandfather didn't join us for dinner. Jes checked up on him but the old man was snoring 'up a storm' as he'd put it. Winna agreed to allow her uncle to continue sleeping. No one spoke during the meal. I wasn't up to conversation myself, struggling to keep myself from yawning at the table. Jesse, too. We're looking forward to sleeping in the front room and that's probably all we'll be doing tonight. There's always the morning. "I thank you for your good meal, Winna." He pushes his empty bowl away. Quiet-before-the-dawn said that and he lowers his napkin after wiping his mouth with it. I'm smiling at the woman in silent thanks. Jes gets up from his chair and starts clearing the table. I help him. Winna continues to sit while we carry dishes into the kitchen. I'm running the water in the sink to clean them. My lover helps me with this chore and before long, the dish rack is filled. He tasks himself with wiping down the stove. I'm yawning something fierce now that I don't have to hide them. Jesse gives me a shy glance. My eyes fall to his little bottom. He wiggles it at me in a tease. A big yawn springs from my mouth. :Your butt is probably safe from attack tonight, my love.: "That's too bad. I don't know if that'll be true for your butt, love.: I'm bending over to stick it out at him in a tease. He's quick to hug me from behind. I feel his erection pressing against my cheeks and a sharp thrill goes through my asshole. It still surprises me that a guy can feel a woman's pleasure back there and the desire to get fucked. I'm reaching back to pull over my lover's humping ass. He tenses up. I Sense fright in him. We separate in a rush when Winna goes to the small table behind us. Her eyes are averted from us. Man! That was stupid of us and I Tell Jesse so. :Don't feel that way, love. She understands. I'm sure that my father was always hugging her like we were, ah, front to front during their first years of marriage. How else could I have come into the world?: We turn from the sink to watch Winna. She's gets out some plastic tubs from her cabinet and starts filling them with stew. Our eyes met briefly. I saw nothing in them that revealed disgust from what she caught us doing or even any embarrassment. No smile, though. Jes offers to help her. "Can you bring this out to One-white-horse?" Winna asks. "Get some bread. And remember the napkins and a spoon for him." Jesse gets everything and leaves the kitchen with his arms full. I've been leaning against the sink. Winna comes to me with her empty serving bowl. "Thank you for dinner. It was good." The woman nods. I get out of her way so that she can wash her glass bowl. I'm getting a hand towel ready to dry it for her afterwards. She seems to be taking a long time with rinsing her bowl. "Mike. I don't mind seeing you with Jesse," says the woman softly. "You are in the house." "We won't be making a public display like... what you saw. I promise!" "That's good. Some people might react badly and try to harm the both of you because... You know." I'm nodding in sad realization. I've read about gay bashing in the news. A young man had even been tortured and murdered by some guys who hated what he was. I won't let that happen to Jesse! Winna hands me her bowl to dry. Our eyes meet. "People are going to find out about the two of you," says Winna. "I know. Love is hard to hide from others." "Yes. Ah. It's better if they only suspect this. Don't confirm it by holding hands with my son or kissing him in public. And don't say anything!" Pain fills my eyes. "Winna. We're not gonna make a show that we're gay by touching each other in public but Jes-ee-ah and I won't lie if someone asks if we're a couple." Winna sighs. "You could be tactful about it. Say that you're close friends if they dare to ask." I'm lowering my eyes to the woman's feet but only for a moment. I level my hard gaze at Winna. "We're not ashamed of being gay! Don't you understand? That spirit inside us was borne by Shaman Good-eyes to bring a truth to the People. Those like us needn't be ashamed of who they are. We're gonna set the example for them so they'll come out of hiding and find love for themselves." "Mike!" "It's true. Ask grandfather if you don't believe me! Ask Jes-ee-ah. We're not gonna be blatantly gay because that'll only upset people and that's not what we're trying to do." Bold are my next words. "We've helped Simon know that it's okay to be gay. His grandfather even asked me to be monedo to that youth so that Jes-ee-ah and I can guide his path towards manhood." "A boy?" gasps Winna. "You've had sex with him!" Oh, oh. That's not where I was trying to lead Winna from what I've said. "We showed Simon that two guys can be in love like it is between a straight couple. He asked us questions about it. We answered them." "You didn't answer my question, Mike." I stand up fully before this woman. My face grows stern. "Please call me Short Hair. Who you knew as Mike is no more for I've Merged with my former self and he had seen and done things with the boys of his tribe that weren't shameful or wrong. Most grew up to become men who took squaws to their tipis but certain youths like Wind-go-through-his-hair were gay. He didn't feel bad about that of himself. By finding acceptance, that freed him to love as any human being has the right to." In a lower voice, "When certain boys and young men can be rid of hatred for themselves and others, they won't be tempted by the Darkness to serve as his evil servant, the Trickster. That's what Eli Kie has become. Yes. He is a Trickster like you've heard in the tales of long ago and he had lived in the time of your grandfather's grandfather." Winna shakes her head in disbelief. "I speak truly! Ask grandfather about this. Eli Kie murdered my former self, killed Ron when he tried taking the tribe's Power Bundle from him and he silenced Lt. Danielson and Miss Thomas. That Omaha Shaman we met in Great Falls is aware of this Trickster and he will hunt him down. I suspect we'll not have anything to fear from Eli Kie before long." I'm breathing hard after saying so many difficult words. They've really upset Winna. She's wiping tears from her eyes and that aches my heart. Guilt fills me. "I'm sorry! All I seem to do is upset you, Winna. I speak from my heart and though we're talking in your People's tongue, I'm still white by how I think and say things too bluntly. I am very sorry!" Tears fill my eyes and I'm surprised when arms come around me. I hug this woman back. Jes helps me move the coffee table to make a place on the floor. A half folded blanket is laid down over the carpet and a pillow set on top. He knows what I've said to his mom. Quiet-before-the-dawn sensed the woman's ill mood and excused himself from the house after dinner even though he didn't get the chance to speak with grandfather. She's retired to her bedroom. "I talk too much sometimes." Jesse sits down over our makeshift bed. "That's true, love. Yet my mom had to hear about it sometime and you've saved me the trouble of having to explain it." "I suspect that you're still gonna have to when she gets you alone." Jes releases a tense breath. "The tricky part will be when she asks me about Simon. If we'd had sex with that boy." "Yeah." The clock begins to chime. I see that it's nine o'clock so I'm springing over to the television set and switch it on. Jes joins me. "...at nine. Your Havre and greater area news team," says a voice and the lead in music ends. "Good evening. I'm Ralph Albertson." "And I'm Sue Bristol. Here are tonight's top headlines. There was a fire at the train depot in Shelby this afternoon where a person was injured..." I'm waiting for Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn's interview to appear. After the fire report, Ralph Albertson introduces his report on a train derailment north of Brusett. Six cattle cars had fallen into Fort Peck Lake crossing a bridge. The video is gruesome. People in boats are hooking the dead animals towards shore. Our ears perk up when Sue Bristol gives her next report. "There was an announcement from the Havre Police station this evening by Lt. John Danielson. His brother, Lt. Scott Danielson was found murdered in his hospital bed with a Native flint blade stuck in his throat a week ago. We go to that video recorded at six o'clock." We've seen this announcement earlier when it ran live. I cringe at hearing my name mentioned by the off camera reporter for making that 'vicious attack' on Scott Danielson. At least Lt. John Danielson clarified to reporters that I wasn't named a suspect in that murder yet from the anger displayed during his speech, I'm more convinced than ever that he blames me for his brother's death even though it wasn't my hand that stabbed him in the throat. He's now the police chief. What is he capable of from that position of power? Sue Bristol appears on the screen. "Lt. John Danielson was made interim police chief by the Havre City Council after Captain Ruston was put on administrative leave pending an investigation into his alleged misconduct. The D.A.'s office will release a statement tomorrow concerning this. Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn of the Blackfoot Nation has shed some light on the problems at the Havre Police station when we interviewed him after today's announcement. We go to that taped interview conducted by news reporter, Caitlin Bray." Jes and I watch the screen with rapt attention. The Elder is standing in front of our house while Ms. Bray announces who she's about to interview but gets part of his name wrong. It's not 'Quiet Before Dawn'; she's missing a 'the'. Quiet-before-the-dawn's business suit lends him authority to speak as an attorney for the Blackfoot Nation. His anger is barely held in check. During his interview, that lady reporter calls out to me in the house. The camera light shines down the hall where I'm seen backing further inside the house. Man! It makes me look like a coward. Quiet-before-the-dawn stands protectively in front of the door and gives an account of how Jesse and I have suffered at the hands of the police. He's really angry. Especially when telling the reporter that the Havre Police lost his tribe's Power Bundle. Ms. Bray asks Quiet-before-the-dawn if they can come to tomorrow night's meeting where the D.A.'s apology to the Blackfoot Nation will be read by him. I like the Elder's reply, 'We welcome all who come with an open heart'. Will their video camera be allowed to record that meeting, I wonder? Sue Bristol appears on the screen. "Newscast Four will report on that Blackfoot meeting. It's believed that the apology issued by the district attorney's office concerns the loss of their tribe's Power Bundle. This is a kind of holy relic to these people. Internal Affairs is investigating how it ended up missing from the Havre Police station's evidence room. "The Blackfoot Elder claims that Mr. Yager was mistreated during his incarceration at the Havre Police station. The officers we interviewed wouldn't go on record with us but this is what we've learned." My eyes pop open. I'm all ears to hear what she has to say! "On the evening of April 21st, Mr. Yager was moved from a regular holding cell to what could be referred to as a lunatic's padded room. Inmates who exhibit signs of suicide or violence are sent there. One officer we've spoken with from the station said that Mr. Yager showed no such behavior. We asked Lt. John Danielson about this incident. He went on record with us by saying, 'The following morning, Dr. Milestone treated Mr. Yager who apparently was suffering from hallucinations resulting from dehydration. This may explain why Mr. Yager claimed that his guard was taunting him. There's absolutely no evidence that he was mistreated. Mr. Yager was placed in that cell for his safety while a large group of Blackfoot were protesting outside.'" Anger fills me. I was hallucinating my guard's taunting? No way! As to Danielson's explanation that I was being 'protected'. Does he mean from other inmates or the policemen themselves? They had stuck me in that hell hole in retaliation for putting one of their own in the hospital. 'We like to keep an eye on monsters. No place for you to run and hide.' That's what my guard told me through the speaker! The news anchor continues with her report. "The D.A.'s office has made no comment on this matter. They'll be releasing a statement tomorrow concerning their joint investigation with Internal Affairs into the alleged misconduct by Captain Bill Ruston. He has served as Chief of the Havre Police force..." I tune the reporter out since I've heard this part already. Captain Ruston was only trying to get at the truth. He and Detective Peterson were coming around to believing that Eli Kie was the cause of all this trouble I'm in. The D.A. is punishing Bill because he's been sharing information with my attorney. When I see Mr. Talbert tomorrow, he may tell me more about why his friend is in trouble. Jesse nudges me from my thoughts. A commercial comes on so I shut off the television. "Let's go to sleep, love." I catch the hint that he doesn't want to stay up all night talking about my troubles. He's wise. A sigh comes out of me followed by a big yawn. "Okay." Jesse smiles with relief. We return to our bed on the floor. Our shirts and pants are removed but we're keeping on our underwear. I'm removing my socks. He doesn't. "Worried about getting cold feet?" I ask teasingly. That gets Jesse smiling but only for a moment. "Our troubles aren't going away any time soon. I'm glad that you can shut them off tonight like the television." "I'd rather spend my time with you, my love." Jesse is beaming. It was exactly the right thing to say. He hugs me. "Let me get the lights," says Jesse. The room falls into darkness matching the gloom in my heart. Jes returns to bed. He lays down on his side to my right. I'm opening the blanket over us then get onto my right side to hold my lover close. His little butt presses against my groin. My dick doesn't stir. I give Jes a kiss to his shoulder then settle down to sleep. The clock chimes six times. I've been awake for a while holding Jesse in my arms and listening his soft breathing. Night has passed along with my gloomy mood from yesterday. This is a new day. We'll face what it brings us but Jes and I must find some happiness in it as well. Otherwise, our life wouldn't be worth living if we only dwell on its burdens. I'm pressing my nose into Jesse's neck. He smells good. There's that strong odor from his dark Indian skin but too, I'm breathing in the scent of his sweat that excites me. My arms pull him closer to me. I palm over his right tit while my arm rubs against his other one. Jes releases a sigh. He rubs his butt against me and I'm feeling a nice tingling from my cock. :Can I wake it up?: Asks Jesse. :Sure. It won't mind but something is gonna happen to your butt. Is it still sleepy?: :Not for long!: Jesse reaches down to remove his underwear. I'm pulling mine down in a rush. Our full naked warmth presses together with my cock lifting beneath his cheeks, filling me with the urge to fuck him. I press my face into my lover's soft neck and kiss him. Again and again. I'm breathing heavily. My butt is pulled on by Jes as if I were doing him already but our bodies aren't connected yet. He lets my ass go. I hear spitting. Jesse brings his left hand down to himself so I'm pulling my groin away to give him room to slip fingers between his cheeks. Then he leads my hard cock inside him. My knob presses against a tight warmth that opens with me slipping all the way into his asshole. Slimy heat is felt around my cock. Ahhh! I'm keeping still for a moment until he can get used to my size. Kisses are given to his neck. Jesse wails in his high pitched voice. I'm looking around the front room, into the dining room and front hall to make sure that we're not being observed. :My mom will sleep late,: assures Jesse. :She doesn't work today.: Oh, yeah. Today is Thursday. Winna has been put on part time at her job. She only works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The same days I used to teach that MS-Word class at the community college. Would Miss Owens let me teach more computer classes or will she be mad that I'd lied to her about having to return to my parents in Indiana? I was on the run from Danielson! I'm taken from my thoughts when Jesse pulls over my butt hard. My cock stabs into him. Deep! I pull back and nearly slip from his ass. He backs himself against me to force my next thrust. My left hand reaches down for his waist. I'm pulling over him there. Our bodies find a good rhythm with Jes backing onto me and pulling over my butt to stab him good, our hands relaxing the next moment to withdraw my cock from his ass. Thrills are building in me. We've learned how to fuck really well! Then it hits me. Owopspec had me fucking him each morning exactly how I'm doing Jes right now. Even to where are hands are set over each other. I half expect Wind-go-through-his-hair to awaken and come behind us. He'd stick my ass while I'm fucking our warrior, trapped between their heated bodies. Afterwards, that horny kid would take my place behind Owopspec and release himself a second time in that man. Hmm. There are differences. Jes is younger than me while Owopspec had been older than my former self. I have this lover all to myself in this lifetime. Our thoughts can Connect. Everything that we're feeling Passes to the other and that enhances our pleasure from love making. What we have is stronger! "Oh, love..." Jesse whispers. :You make me feel so good!: He wails out, "Ahh! Ahh, ahhhh, ahh, ahh!" My cock is beating out that rhythm in Jesse's drum. I sure hope that his mom isn't hearing us from her bedroom. I'm sucking on his soft neck. It'll probably leave a mark afterwards and I warn my lover about it. :I don't mind if my mom sees that,: Says Jesse. :She saw you hugging me from behind in the kitchen and probably thinks I'm getting fucked.: :I'll make it clear to her that you're not the only one getting raped in this house.: :Jesse!: He's giggling at me. :I'm kidding, love.: I stab into his butt like there's no tomorrow. He's wailing out in his high pitched voice. Not the low grunts Chris has heard from his lover. A warning tingle comes from my balls. I pull hard over Jesse's waist and cum in him. Strongly! Ahhhhhh. A deep sigh comes from me when I'm enjoying male relief. We rest for a few minutes together. :Want your turn, my love?: I'm reaching down for his hard dick. It's oozing against my palm. :Get onto your stomach. Now!: No shyness in my lover. I'm pulling from his butt and turn from him. Our blanket is kicked away. His little hands pull my cheeks apart and I become startled by something wet and cold against my hole. :I'm using a cloth to clean you in there.: He must have had a wet cloth ready since last night. After wiping me a few times, I feel hungry kisses on both my cheeks. Little nips as well. That has me squirming against the blanket beneath me. His tongue darts between my pale humps and he goes for it. I'm getting rimmed and what a sensation that is! He pauses to spit in me before licking back into my asshole. Ahhh! I'm Sensing my lover's sharp lust to fuck me. He springs onto my back so I'm spreading my legs, opening myself back there. His dick slides between my checks and finds my hole. Goes in. I try relaxing myself when he fits into me. There's a sharp pain. It fades after a moment when he remains still. Owopspec went for it right away in the motel room. That's why my ass was still hurting the day after he fucked me. Not my Jes-ee-ah. He knows I'm not fully broken in yet and from our Connection, Sensed that I was in pain. But no more. :Ready?: Jesse Asks. I'm sticking my butt up from the blanket. His dick stabs into me really deep. Ahhhh! I lower myself back down but Jesse follows me to remain all the way inside my asshole. His hands tighten around my shoulders. I'm hearing his moan of pleasure and was that a gush I'd felt from him? :I did it already.: Wow. :You musta been in need, my love.: Jes is feeling very embarrassed. :It's alright. Rest over my back for a while. You're not that heavy. If you feel like doing me some more, go ahead.: :Okay.: I'm pulling my legs together. My wet asshole squeezes Jesse's dick and he feels intense from it. :Don't do that!: Jesse warns. :You're making me feel too ticklish.: An understanding comes to me. We both don't like getting sucked because that wet slippery sensation can feel too intense. Jes has just come out. I've heard that some guys have dicks that feel too ticklish right after getting off. I'm laying still beneath my lover. His hands are digging painfully into my shoulders. :Sorry.: I'm rubbing the back of my head against Jesse. He turns his face sideways to breathe. I feel his ear against me and keep rubbing. A silly thing to be doing maybe. No complaint that it's tickling comes from him. After resting for a while, my lover tries some stabs in me. I don't think he's very hard. I'm tightening my butt for him so it won't feel so slippery. Chris enjoyed fucking through a wet asshole because it made his dick feel more intense. He'd do Owopspec after Wind-go-through-his-hair fucked him and I can remember some lusty encounters with tribesmen who stuck into my warrior and left his hole running with cum for me to enjoy. There's nothing like that sensation! Well. Getting sucked is close but what really excited me most (Chris, that is) was having my dick stabbing through what another man had spilt into Owopspec's ass before taking my turn. Afterwards, we'd remain standing to rest for a while. Cum from that man who fucked him earlier would run along my dick to my balls. Sorta like performing that 'growing up' rite older boys had done for the little ones. After squirting out sperm, it was ritually rubbed over a little boy's loins to help him mature faster. Jesse makes quick stabs through my ass but I don't Feel his thrills building to that point where he'll cum again. I'm resting my head over my crossed arms. I look towards the hall. Someone is watching us! Jesse flinches over me. He falls to my right and I'm turning onto my side to face the intruder. My lover hides behind me. God! Is it his mom? :No. It's grandfather.: My fear turns to anger. :Why does he always want to see us doing it?: I mind shout. "Grandfather. Short Hair wants to know why you want to see us doing it." :Jes!: "I don't mean to embarrass you two," answers He-who-runs-up-mountains. "Each time you make love with Short Hair, joy fills my heart. I'm seeing that Winna's shy little boy has grown up to be a man." My anger cools. The old man kneels at my legs and he pulls our blanket up to cover us. He lifts his face. A low chanting comes from his lips. Then he slowly gets to his feet and gives us a gesture of farewell. I watch him go into the hall. The bathroom door closes in the distance. :It's our fault for not waiting to make love in the privacy of our bedroom I suppose.: :At least it wasn't my mom seeing us!: Says Jesse. :Yeah. We should count our blessings.: :That's what grandfather just said.: "Huh?" Oh. I heard grandfather muttering a prayer but his words weren't in a language I'd understood. Must of been shaman's cant. :What did he say?: :He thanked our Father for His blessings upon him. He's glad that I've grown up.: What can I say in response to that? I'm left with a warm feeling inside. Jesse reaches his long arms around me, locking his hands over my chest. His limp dick tickles against my butt so I'm humping myself there to see if he'll get hard again. :You wanna fuck me some more?: I beg. :Not right now, love. Can I have some kisses?: :Anytime!: Except in public from what I promised his mother. It would be stupid to, anyway. We don't have anything to prove and I'm not out to upset straight folks. I've turned to face my lover. His brown face is filled with longing that touches me heart. This guy loves me so much. I utter those first Siksika words he'd taught me at this very spot on that morning we first slept together. "Ah. Ne stoa pinnan jeh ah-eene, Jes-ee-ah." "Ah. Ne stoa pinnan jeh ah-eene, Sah-kee-otokan." Yeah. We do love each other. Jesse moves his face close to mine and we kiss. Sweetly. Not filled with lustful passion since we've already given each other wet butts. My right hand runs down his back until I'm holding his ass. So small in my palm. Warm. He's feeling over my butt. Wow. It still blows my mind that guys can give each other love that way. We manage to fall back asleep after enjoying some cuddling. After taking a shower, Jes and I streak back to our bedroom wearing only underwear. It's around eight so Winna hasn't gotten up yet on her day off. That's what we're hoping, anyway. Grandfather is found in the kitchen with a mug of coffee set near his right hand. "Good morning, grandsons." "Good morning to you!" exclaims Jesse. "Grandfather." I'm nodding my head in respect to this old man. He turns on his stool so that he can peer at me. Is he worried that I'm still angry at him for spying on us earlier? My bright grin proves that this is not so. "Come closer, Short Hair." I give Jesse a side glance then step up to He-who-runs-up-mountains. His bony hand reaches up to my chest. My little bundle is grasped. "Have you two set a date for me to perform the ceremony?" "No." I'm releasing a tense breath. "With all that's been going on, we haven't had the chance to discuss it. All we've figured is that it'll be in the Flower Moon." My eyes widen. Today is the first of that month! "As I've foreseen," says grandfather. "The date is up to you both. Enough notice has to be given to family members and friends so they can make plans to attend your marriage unless you want to make it a private ceremony." That's what Running Water and Ron had done. I'm looking at my lover. A quick burst of thought Passes between us. "We want family and friends to see us exchange vows. As to the day of our marriage, we haven't decided yet." The smile fades from my lips. "Grandfather. Wouldn't it be best to wait until all this trouble I'm in blows away? I don't want to set a date that we might be forced to change." "Hmm. Would you like to hear advice from an old man?" "Of course." Grandfather nods. His eyes take on a far away look and I'm Sensing something from Jesse. I step to my lover and take his hand. "Choose a Saturday near the end of this month. Send out your invitations as early as possible so your guests can make plans to come. I'll perform your wedding at a sacred site in the reservation. It's very scenic." Grandfather falls back into deep thought for a moment. "Ah. Have you considered becoming domestic partners?" "You mean like what they have in San Francisco?" I ask, surprised. How does grandfather know about that? "I've checked on it here. Montana law does provide for this legal union. You both fill out an application with the clerk at city hall, pay $73 and it's done. I'll perform the ceremony to give that meaning and impress your guests." Grandfather smiles. "My grandsons. I know that you are married already in your hearts. You've been enjoying an early honeymoon as well as I've seen. The exchange of vows and giving of rings is mostly for the benefit of others yet you'll be given a greater thing. Recognition, their well wishes for your happiness and no one will doubt that you've committed yourselves to each other." "Yes. I think we'd like that." Owopspec and Chris were denied this by their shaman. Sad, that. "Try to come up with the date as soon as possible," asks grandfather. "Now, off to your bedroom before you scandalize your mother!" Hand in hand, Jesse and I leave the kitchen and go into our bedroom. We dress into some clothes. My hairy body has been given the chance to dry during our talk in the kitchen. If Mr. Cavallero doesn't return my hair dryer, I buy one so Jes can blow dry me after showering like he'd done on that day in my trailer. That was the first time he'd seen me naked (pulling my towel down to dry my midsection) and he'd given me a quick glimpse of his brown dick (erected) and his cute little butt which I touched. When he was returning my hair dryer to the bathroom, I quickly dressed because I feared having sex with him so soon. We'd only known each other for a few days. He came back into my bedroom with disappointment showing on his face yet we embraced. He'd gotten so exciting from our clothed hug and pulling over each other's butts that he wet his underwear. I didn't learn until later that night after teaching that he'd 'borrowed' my dirty underwear laying on the bathroom floor to wear in place of his wet ones. He wore them for a few days. "What are you thinking about, love?" Jesse asks. "Something nice." I reach into the front of my lover's jeans and tug on his underwear band. "Remember?" Jesse grins. Yeah, he does. I fetch my Havre bank book and the rental agreement from my laptop bag. They're stuffed into my left front pocket. My wallet is put into my right pocket. I don't like to put anything in my 'butt' pockets especially now that I'm a gay fuck. My ass shows up nicely in my tight pants. I want to show it off in front of gay guys and draw their lustful gazes. Indians, that is. Unlike Chris, I'll be giving myself to other men who wanna fuck me. Sex is just a bodily function like pissing. My heart will be kept for the men in my life: Jesse and Running Water. Simon too, when we get to know each other better. I should call him to see how things are hanging with him. When we return to the kitchen, Winna is starting breakfast. I catch something in her eyes. From grandfather's face, I'm gathering that they were talking about something our arrival has disturbed them from. Winna makes egg sandwiches. Three mugs of coffee are set by our plates except for Jesse's. He's drinking orange juice. Since there are only three stools in here and not enough room for a chair that could have been brought in from the dining table, my lover has to stand while he eats. I've offered him my stool but he declined. No way was he gonna sit in my lap! It's quiet while we eat. Winna only imposes that rule for no talking at her dining table so I'm even more convinced that she and grandfather were discussing something serious. Probably about us. I drink down the last of my coffee. Jesse agrees that something is on his mother's mind that she was consulting with her uncle about. We're planning to leave them alone as soon as breakfast is over with. "I've forgotten to thank you both for cleaning out the laundry room," says Winna. "We wanted to surprise you with something nice for a change, mom." Jesse's shoulders slump. "Thank you. Could you finish sweeping that room out for me?" asks Winna. "Get behind the machines with a broom if you can." Oh, yeah. My lawyer had called when we were in the middle of sweeping so we didn't finish up in there. I catch that Look in Winna's eyes. She wants us to go do that now? :You were right, love. She does want to be alone to speak with grandfather about something.: :Probably to ask him about what I'd told her last night.: We leave the breakfast table. Jes gets a broom and dustpan. I'm moving the washing machine away from the wall while minding the water hoses. My lover is able to sweep behind it. I do the same for the dyer. I'm holding the dustpan to collect the lint, cobwebs and dust that he's swept up. The telephone is ringing. A shiver runs down my spine because it's more often someone calling for me and not with good news. Yeah. I was right. Winna is calling me to the kitchen so I'm dragging my feet to take the call with much dread. "Hello?" "This is Tom Grips His Tomahawk." Relief fills me. "Is the truck ready for me?" "Yes. Are you able to pick it up today?" "Ah. I'll try. Before I can drive it, Jesse's mom has to renew its registration and get insurance for it. Maybe we'll do that today." "Jeremy told me about your run in with that traffic cop. You were lucky to get off with only a warning." "Yeah. I'd like to pick it up today if I can. How much is the bill?" "Nine hundred eighty dollars," answers Tom. In a mere whisper, "I've put in some extra work that's not listed on your work order." "Thanks. I appreciate that. What form of payment does your garage accept? A personal check, VISA card..." "Can you pay cash? We're charged four percent of the total if you pay by the mooch card. That's nearly forty bucks our garage loses to them." The 'mooch card'? I've never heard VISA referred to like that. "Sure. I can bring $980 in cash. And, thanks for everything." "See you soon. Bye." I'm hanging up the phone. Winna has obviously been listened to my call and she knows it's about the truck. Jesse is standing at the far end of the kitchen. I'm calling out to him to hear the good news. "The truck is ready." I turn to his mother. "Before I can drive it from the garage, I'll need your help with renewing its registration and getting liability insurance. The title is in your husband's name." "We can do that this morning." "Thanks. I'll pay for everything of course." Another thought comes to me. "Winna? When I go to my bank for the cash, I'll find out if my money has been transferred here from Indiana." My eyes flare. I'm not sure if she wants grandfather to know that I'm helping her with the house mortgage. "That sounds good, Mike." "Jes-ee-ah? Can you go to the front room and look out the window to see who's out there this morning?" "Yes, grandfather." Jesse runs off. Oh, oh. That's gonna leave me alone with these two for a moment. "Short Hair. I..." begins Winna. "It's alright, mother." I've Gleaned what this is all about. "Please let me tell you how sorry I am about saying things right out without thinking sometimes. I've upset you last night. I know." "I've talked things over with my uncle and..." I'm holding up my hand to stop her. I don't want to make this more difficult for her so it's best that we put it behind us without more talk. Jesse saves us. He's running back into the kitchen with a bright face. "It's Dirty Hands." "Jes-ee-ah!" scolds Winna. "Be respectful to your Elders." "Yes, mom." "Good," mutters grandfather. "I'll ask Dirt-brought-up-in-his-hand if he can drive me to Chinook when you leave the house." I'm given a stern look from the old man. Why is he mad at me? Jesse distracts him by asking something. "Grandfather. Do you know about the meeting Elder Quiet-before-the-dawn has called for tonight?" "No." "He wanted to see you last night but you were sleeping." "What's this about?" asks He-who-runs-up-mountains. Jesse and I fill him in. We tell him about the 'apology' letter the D.A. sent to the Blackfoot Nation, Lt. John Danielson's announcement on T.V. where he's been made interim police chief while Captain Ruston is being investigated by the D.A., Mr. Talbert's warning about the consequences and what Quiet-before-the-dawn said to that news reporter. I add that I'm seeing my lawyer today at two because the grand jury has brought an indictment against me for 'attempted murder of a police officer'. This last bit of news upsets grandfather the most. "My heart is heavy to hear this," mutters grandfather. "So. Our peace talk with the D.A. has failed. It means war." "Yes, grandfather! The People must fight to protect one of their own." I'm surprised to hear the angry resolve in my lover's voice when he said that. Grandfather looks at Jesse for a long moment. I can never Glean anything from him (protected by personal medicine, I'll bet) but there's a sparkling in this man's eyes that I've seen in Elders before. Ah, Chris has. "Strong words, Jes-ee-ah but they are true. Remember them when you attend the meeting tonight. I have spoken." A shiver goes through me. What's that all about? Jes doesn't know or maybe he does but he's keeping it to himself. I'll have to find out at the meeting. A lot of fireworks is gonna be seen there tonight! We're sitting with grandfather in the front room while Winna showers and gets dressed for our outing. It's a tight squeeze on the couch. "Short Hair. Hmm." Grandfather releases a weary sigh. "I know that you have a lot on your mind. More than I'd known until breakfast." I suffer the old man's glare. I suspect what he's about to scold me for. "Winna is enduring a lot herself. She's taken you into her home, let you stay with her son in his bedroom..." His eyes flare. "What I'm saying is that you must stop and think before allowing the words from your heart to slip out of your mouth. What you've told her last night has upset her." "I know, grandfather." The old man shakes his head in dismay. "Let us agree to something then. Until you have gained the wisdom to consider the feelings of others, consult with me first before you ever say anything like that to Winna again!" "Yes, sir." Man! He's really pissed at me. :Love? I don't think mom has told him everything. A lot of what you said to her, I agree with. Maybe she's upset when you told her about Simon.: :I'm sure that's it.: An uneasy silence passes with grandfather staring off into the distance. Jes is sitting next to him. I'm on the far left side. My thoughts turn to what I need to do today. We'll go to my bank first. If my money has been transferred here from Indiana, we'll walk over to Winna's mortgage company and get the final balance due on her house. I'll go back to my bank and have a cashier's check made out then walk it back over to the mortgage company. I have to remember to draw $1,080 out in cash to pay for the truck's repair. I'm planning on giving Tom a hundred dollar tip. He mentioned doing some extra work on the truck that doesn't appear on my work order. I wonder what that is? Before I can drive the truck, Winna has to renew its registration. If that takes us to the DMV, I'll get my driver's license changed over to Montana. Hmm. That leads me to another thought. Jesse needs to learn how to drive. I'll pick up a road test book for him to study. He'll practice driving the truck (groan... a stick shift) in the reservation where there's nothing he can run into or any cops around. Oh. We have to get liability insurance on the truck, too. I'll find out how much more medical coverage will cost. What else can we do this afternoon? I have that two o'clock appointment with my lawyer! That really limits how much we can do before I have to go to see him. There's transportation time to Chinook to figure into the equation. :What are you thinking about?: Asks Jesse. :Good things again, I hope?: :Just planning out what we need to do today before I see my lawyer.: The bathroom door is heard closing. Winna is off to get dressed in her bedroom. That can take women a long time so I'm looking up at the clock. It's nearly ten. Good. We have at least three hours to do everything I've planned. I'm looking over at grandfather. He's resting his eyes. That explains the silence though Jes and I have been Talking. I wonder if he can pick up on that? He's pressed against my lover so there's body contact. Before our Connection, Jesse had to touch me to read my emotions and what I was thinking. Now, we can Speak to each other even at distance. The furthest we've tried was when he was in school in Havre while I was hanging out at Hawk Flying Over's house in the reservation. That's some thirty miles away. Wow. What a wondrous gift from our Father! Charms A Bird can talk from his head too but I think he has to be touching someone. What other abilities has he been blessed with? I hope they're powerful ones that he can wield against Eli Kie. After a long sit on the couch, grandfather stirs next to Jesse. He slowly gets to his feet with cracking heard from his old bones. Without a word, he heads out of the front room. We're quick to get to our feet and join him. He's going out the front door. On the porch, the old man turns to me with a pained face. He lays his right hand over my shoulder. I'm tensing up. "I didn't mean to be that strong with you on the couch." The old man releases a sigh. "Not only do you speak without thinking but you don't listen very well. That's what made me angry in the kitchen when Winna was trying to say something and you stopped her. Twice." "Jesse was gonna return at any moment," I defend. "Winna knew that. She realizes that nothing one of you knows is kept from the other." "I knew what she was gonna be saying and that it was difficult for her. That's why I cut her off. To spare her." "Don't be so sure," says grandfather. I'm releasing my breath in a huff. "Okay, grandfather. I promise to consult with you first about anything difficult I'm needing to tell Winna. I wouldn't mind you telling her these things instead of me. Really!" "Very well. I have heard your promise and know of no others that you have broken, Short Hair." Wait until I place the burden about Ron having sex with Jesse on him! I don't want Winna learning that from anyone else. This is what I've Gleaned Eli Kie would do to strike out at us and from the truth of all things! A Trickster usually resorts to lies to get his way with people and hurt them. Grandfather can break this terrible news to her. Better him than me. "I will see you tonight at the meeting," says grandfather. "I'm proud of you, Short Hair." "For what?" "Yours is a good heart. Otherwise, I wouldn't put up with your white ways for this long." The old man laughs. Jes and I laugh along with him at his joke. :He wasn't kidding, love. Other than Ron, I don't know of any other white people outside our tribe that grandfather deals with a lot. He's always kept away from them because of the bad things they did to him and his People. What they're still doing to us.: That saddens me. :I'm proving to be quite a handful for him, huh?: :Two handfuls, love, when I'm not holding your right hand that is.: Jesse takes my hand. :Thanks for being there for me.: Grandfather walks down the sidewalk and gets into Dirt-brought-up-in-his-hand's truck. We're waving to him as they take off. We go back into the house to wait for his mother to get ready. I'm too anxious to sit back on the couch. Jes follows me around the front room when I pace up and down. :Going nowhere fast, love?: Jesse teases. :Yeah.: A fitting pun comes to me. :Who's more foolish? The fool or the one who follows him?: That gets Jes stopping in his tracks. I turn around and follow him into the dining room, the kitchen and then to his mom's bedroom door. He thinks better of himself and doesn't knock. We're heading back to the kitchen. My lover giggles. From the pantry, Jes gets a pudding cup. I know he loves those. Me too, they're chocolate! He Asks me if I'm wanting one. Yeah. We take them to the kitchen table to eat after fetching some spoons from the dish rack. We finish our dessert quickly as if Jesse doesn't want his mom scolding him. I'm feeling the sugar rush. It's like being in love. Ahhh. I'm surprised when Jes hugs me all of a sudden. My arms rush around him and we kiss. Hmmm. I taste chocolate and my tongue tries stealing what remains in his mouth. :Hey!: My naughty kisses end. We hear the bedroom door opening and separate before his mom sees us. Winna said that it's okay for us to in the house yet I'm gonna be on my very best behavior. No need to upset the woman more than I already have. "You look great, mom." I'm nodding in agreement and whistle at her. "Thank you, boys." Winna smiles back and hefts her purse strap over her left shoulder. The woman is dressed very smart like casual dress clothes or something. They look comfortable and that's what she need today when I run her off her feet. I'm looking down at her shoes. Nope. They're a kind of moccasin, dyed with black near the toes. She is a Blackfoot Indian after all. After Winna locks her front door, we get into her brown pickup truck. She backs down the driveway. I'm noticing my lack of wearing a seatbelt. The passenger side doesn't work and that reminds me that I didn't check to see if her husband's truck had working seatbelts. I should have added that to Tom's list of things to check on. Too late now. After backing into the street, Winna shifts her truck into first gear. I pull Jesse's right leg against mine to keep him out of the way. My hand lingers over his knee. When she shifts into second gear, her eyes stare down at my left hand. "Even on that first night, you were touching my son. Weren't you?" "I'm afraid so, ma'am." I've heard the humor in this woman's voice. She is in a good mood and that's what's needed for today's frantic activities. Winna parks at the Northern Plaza Savings where I've opened up my new account a week ago. She and Jesse remain in the truck while I go find out if my money has transferred from my Indianapolis bank. Miss Wong confirms this. I have $40,000 in checking and $60,000 in savings to drawn on. A quick call to my old bank confirms that I have $32,192 left with them in checking. Mr. Talbert has cashed my $10,000 retainer check but the VISA charges for them purchases I've made at Wal-Mart have not been deducted yet. I eagerly return to the truck. "Winna? My money is available and... I want to pay off all the remaining balance on your house." "Mike!" the woman gasps. "I owe $86,00 on my loan! Can you afford that?" "Yes. And I'll still have plenty left in the bank with more coming in from Royalties I'm still earning. I want to do this." To my relief, Winna nods in agreement. Jesse hugs me. The three of us walk over to Winna's title company. They're situated in this same shopping plaza. I can tell that she's anxious about paying off her house by the emotions on her face and by the way she clutches a legal folder in her hands. I'm glad to be doing this for her and Jesse. After her husband forged her signature on loan papers to get half the money out of their house, she's had to pay a much higher monthly mortgage payment. Then her boss laid her off from work (the same construction company her husband worked at) and she feared losing the house. I suggested that Winna ask if she would work part time while taking lessons from me in MS-Word to enhance her secretarial skills. Her boss agreed. Yet that reduced salary barely covers her $980 monthly mortgage payment let alone having enough money left over to pay for other bills, food and such. Winna didn't know until now that I was planning on paying off her house. She'd only asked if I could put some of my money towards the balance she owes since the interest on her home loan was higher than what I'd earn on my money sitting in the bank, and to help reduce her monthly mortgage payments. After today, I'll still have $46,000 to draw on from my two banks. My next Royalty check in June should be around 20k. From what Dianna has told me, my January check will be even higher because our company has signed sales agreements with some big retailers to distribute our educational software products. I'm excited to find out how much more money I'll be getting then! Jesse is quick to open the glass door for his mother. I'm looking up at the sign on this building: 'First Republic Title Company of Havre'. I follow Winna in. Jes comes to my side but we resist the urge to hold hands. "I'd like to see Mr. Flanders, please. Tell him that it's Mrs. Winnapah." The secretary Winna has spoken to picks up the phone. She speaks softly and nods to the loud man's voice coming through, hanging up after a moment. "He can see you now, ma'am." The secretary points out an office door on our right. Winna is nearly running. Jes and I catch up to her when she's knocking on the door. A man's loud voice bids us to enter. It's a large office with a single window to the man's left. I note the expensive furnishings. Paintings on his wood paneled walls, a huge bronze depicting a mermaid stands in the corner and there's lots of knick-knacks covering the man's solid wood desk. All bought on the backs of families who struggle with keeping up their mortgage payments, I'll bet. Mr. Flanders rises from his desk. He points out chairs in front for us to sit in. Winna does. Jes stands behind his mother because there's only one chair remaining for me. The man gives me a questioningly look. "I'm Mike Yager." "Ah, yes. I've heard about you." From Winna or what he's seen on the news about me? Mr. Flanders comes around his desk to offer me his hand. His shake feels limp and I'm getting a strong impression about this man. I don't like him. "Please sit." I'm reluctant to do so for some reason. It's like we're about to do battle with each other and sitting would leave me too vulnerable. Winna looks up at me. I sit down beside her, scolding myself for my strange thoughts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of file: TEACHLV6.TXT The story continues in: TEACHLV7.TXT