Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:15:21 EDT From: Subject: CeTe's Zoostories XI - The Avengers CeTe's Zoostories XI The Avengers Copyright notice: These stories are copyrighted by CeTe and may not pe posted elsewhere without my express permission. Send your comments, compliments and constructive criticisms to Kyle avanges exploited nature and abused animals. Poetry II Kyle got an email with three English love poems by his old friend Chris who begged him for translating them into Spanish. He did it for Peru, South America and all the Hispanic world. Corazon Partido Hay un corazon Lleno de dolor Buscando la emocion De su amor. Ese corazon es mio, Y mi amor eres tu Mas no se si estas en Rio O quizas en el Peru. Estaba en el septimo cielo Hasta que me salieras; Enseguida me quede de hielo Deseando que te murieras. Ahora estas desaperecido; Estoy solo otra vez Con mi corazon partido. Vuelvete con impavidez! Buen Amigo Un amigo es alguien Con quien te llevas bien, Quien te entiende Y quien te defiende. Es un buen amigo Si se queda contigo En los males dias Cuando lo precisarias. Tu amigo es la fuente De tu furza y tu puente A los horizontes distantes De que suenan los cantantes. Hay amigos para hablar, Para reir o para llorar, Y hay otros para amar Con quienes te quieres acostar. En el fondo es igual De que sexo es y por lo cual, Todo lo que cuenta es Que siguis estando alegres. Amor Ardiente Estoy ardiente como un volcan Escupiendo humo, lava, fuego, Y soy un hombre muy chalan Como aun sentiras luego. Tienes que saber Que eres mi amor Siempre que te vaya a ver, Estoy de gran valor. Eres un angel en el cielo Entre las nubes blanquisimas Mientras estoy tieso como el hielo Mirando a tus alas bellisimas. Cuando empiezo a llamar A tu alma inmortal, Oyes mis ecos sonar Y vienes volando de tu casa royal. Nuestros cuerpos se tocan, Te beso siguientemente, Las estrellas centellean, Hacemos el amor ardiente. La Encuentra Estaba avanzando a hurtadillas por la jungla. El distrito en que el ecologista patrullaba era una zona de guerra entre el Peru, Ecuador y Colombia. Hubo cazadores, guerilleros asi como lenadores luchando por el predominio aunque esos tres paises coexistian en paz. Tras el primer ano habia acostumbrado a la vida en la selva virgen. Al llegar a la ribera del Napo, un afluente al Amazonas, Kyle se quedo de pie. Inesperadamente, oyo algo crujiendo en la mata. El ingles se escondio detras de un arbol acechando. Entonces lo vio: fue un jaguar. Kyle se asusto. Se decian que era el felino mayor y mas peligroso de toda America. El hombre lo miraba al animal, y el jaguar lo miraba a el. Intento a retirarse pero la creatura lo inhibio. En ese momento, Kyle arriesgo todo y se le acerco al jaguar quien empezo a bufar. Su vista aguda vago de la cabeza mana por su pellejo amarillo de manchas negras a sus genitales encantadores. Que huevos hermosisimos! Cuidadosamente, Kyle lo acariciaba mientras lamia su prepucio delicioso. Poco rato despues la picha rosa se erigio a que siguio chupando hasta que el jaguar excitado obtuviera un climax vehemente y el hombre cuchando gustara el semen delicado. Cuanto Kyle como el felino potente reposaron por poco tiempo antes de que el jaguar ansioso lo montara. La fuerza animal lo vencio. Cuando la creatura salvaje tenia otro orgasmo violento, lo agradecia haberle encontrado. The Encounter He was slinking thru the jungle. The district the environmentalist was patroling in was a war zone between Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. There were poachers, gerillas as well as woodcutters fighting for the predonimance although those three countries used to coexist in peace. After the first year, he had gotten accustomed to the life in the rainforest. Reaching the bank of the Napo, a tributary of the Amazon, Kyle stood still. Unexpectedly, he heard something rustling in the undergrowth. The Englishman hid behind a tree, lurking. Then he saw it: it was a jaguar. Kyle startled. They said it was the biggest and most dangerous cat of prey of all America. The man watched the animal, the jaguar watched him. He tried to retire but the creature inhibited him. At that moment, Kyle staked everything on one chance and neared the jaguar who began hissing. His sharp eyes wandered from its cute head over its yellow, black-spotted fur to its enchanting genitals. What beautiful balls! Heedfully, Kyle stroked him while he licked his delicious sheath. A little while later, his pink prick erected which he kept sucking till the excited jaguar got a vehement climax and the horny man tasted his delicate cum. Both Kyle and the potent feline relaxed for a short time before the desirous jaguar mounted him. The animal strenght overwhelmed him. When the wild creature had another violent orgasm, he thanked him for having encountered him. Striving with Fate His raw glans was burning. He thrusted faster. His slack balls slapped on the still animal's. Kyle moaned with aweful lust. A heavenly pain seared his cramping body. He began shooting his cold cum into the climaxing wether's tight ass. The content ranger panted, "Thanks a lot, man. I needed that ace fuck." "Never mind, take it whenever you wanna have sex," Fidel allowed. He zipped the green jeans and saw the Peruvian sheep farmer beating the bleating ram with a metallic rod to drive him to the fruitful meadow. Kyle regretted the tormented creature even though he could not help him cos it was not his. The concerned conservationist kept thinking about how he should behave while going his long way home. Reaching his simple hunting lodge, Kyle decided to avenge the struck sheep. He got up at two o'clock. It was pitch-dark. The vindicative animal-protector set out in a black dress and with a fearsome mask. He dived across the rippling river Mara¤¢n close to Borja. Fidel's gainful farm lay silent at the moonlit night. Everyone inside was asleep. Kyle climbed over the high wall without the slightest noise and stole into the reeking barn. Creeping after an unmistakable odor, he touched the poor wether he had made hot love to the bad day before. The hardened ranger shuddered at the terrible sight of a good many gaping wounds on his barked back glaring red in the bright beam of the handy flashlight. He looked around: each other was hurt as well. It got clear they were in need. Fidel stepped into the dim stable, the bloody switch in his horny hand. Kyle blinded him, wrenching the damn thing from the ruthless Peruvian. He hit it in his staggered face. "That's for torturing your innocent creatures," the angry avenger cursed in a disguised voice. "If you ever dare to do so again, I'll come back." He disappeared. Kyle returned home shortly before early sunrise. Casting a hankering glance at the yellowed picture of a young, bearded man on the dusty table, he recalled the unjust time as he had been in dirty jail where he had met him first. The acquitted Englishman had been fighting against his strong feelings for too many years. He would reveal his immortal affection. Poetry V Kyle received a meaningful letter with seven lovely poems by Chris who requested him to translate them into Spanish. So he did. Peregrino Santo La luna, un disco blanco, En el cielo de una noche tan clara, Que ilumina al campo Con la luz verdadera. Soy un peregrino santo en la Ruta Jacobea Desde los Pirineos hacia Santiago de Compostela; Haya lo que haya, sea comeo sea, Voy adelante con tanta cautela. Dia por dia, he marchado en este camino Desde hace cuatro semanas; Nunca me he parado en cualquier lugar, sino Siempre he seguido mis razones mas sanas. Ha sido un tiempo duro De soledad y tristeza, Pero he estado seguro Que el fin tiene certeza. Llego al destino de mi mision, Hace lluvia tambien; Viendo la Catedral esplendida y esta procesion, Se que todo esta bien. Mi Caesar Eres mi luz en la oscuridad, Eres mi escudo en la realidad, Eres mi redentor sin regresar, Eres mi Caesar. Soy tu refugio en la tierra, Soy tu oasis en la sierra, Soy tu fuego en el frio, Soy tu isla en el rio. Eres mi amor, Soy tu salvador, Eres mi valor, Soy tu calor. Me has rescatado mas que una vez, Pienso que fueron dos, tres o diez; Tu cuerpo es tan gracioso, Mi primera razon de estar muy ambicioso. Somos una pareja por el tiempo Que vuele con el viento, Somos unificados por la eternidad Superando cada dificultad. Chica Guapa Cuando te vi en la estacion, Sabes que fue mi primera emocion? Me enamore de ti enseguida, Porque fue el mejor momento de mi vida. Te llamas Cecilia, que nombre gracioso! Como un rio de amor por el mundo vicioso, Y eres mejicana Del pais del sol y de la gana. Hablabamos de tantas cosas, Toque tus manos hermosas, Me basaste rompiendo el hielo, Estuve en el septimo cielo. Por fin, me daste una hoja, Tu numero en la escritura roja, Antes de que te marcharas de mi, Desde entonces te anhelo a ti. Ni puedo velar, ni puedo dormir Sin pensar en tu cara clara, asi ya no quiero vivir, Rezo al Senor que cumpla mi unico deseo Que nos encontremos de nuevo en el paseo. Arte Cruel Ruido, eurofia, sol y sombra En la arena de Madrid, Aficionados y una alfombra unicamente para el Cid. Entra el toro fuerte, Es invincible, mas en efecto, Cuernos, huevos, rabo, suerte; Todo parece ser perfecto. Comienza a atacar al matador, Dios los mira desde el cielo, El animal es herido por el violador, Su sangre derrama hacia el suelo. Un grito ultimo por la eternidad, Antes de que se muera; Me pregunto por que, y en realidad, Ya estan llevandolo fuera. Ese masacre le encanta a mucha gente: A Salvador, a Ernest, a Pablo, Pero el pueblo espanol no siente Que sea una obra del diablo. Amor Perdido Ya son las seis Y el sol esta subiendo; No se cuantas teneis, Pero mi chica se esta iendo. Te has marchado tan lejos de mi, Aunque te quiero embrazar, Y no puedo hacer nada para ti, Sin que comience a destrozar. Te case hace cuatro anos, Eramos una familia, Pero tras tantos danos, Supongo que fue una miseria. Saliendo de la casa, miro a la derecha: No estas en ninguna parte; Ahora me recuerda la fecha, Encontrandote parece como un arte. Gracias a Dios, te veo bajo la calle Hablando con otro chico; Ojala llegue al fin de la valle Del que montamos a nuestro pico. Tio Mio Estamos tumbado en la cama Mano a mano, cuerpo a cuerpo; El viento sopla por la ventana, Aun nos hace mas fuerte. Te beso de la fronte a los pies, Meto la picha dura En el culo musculoso esperando que confieses Que nos amamos como un angel me jura. Y de hecho, me respondes, Abres la boca bonita, Me miras con los ojos grandes Empezando del buen olor de la margarita. Chupame, jodeme, mimame Con todo tu temperamento! Empiezas a accelerarte Llevandome al mejor momento. Grito al cielo a mi climax, Un orgasmo tan violento, De lo que te cuento por movil or por fax; Ya no puedo encontrarte, lo siento. Reina del Cielo Estoy llorando un mar de lagrimas Con tu imagen en la mano En la que veo tantos fantasmas, Ignorandolos sera mas sano. Eres una reina Con tanta fuerza, Dominas el mundo y la Seina, Siempre que se tuerza. Oye! Ahora te digo Que tengo miedo de revelar Mi ansia que viva contigo, Una razon de bailar. Es el tiempo de volar a tu palacio Sobre la tierra en el cielo, Alli se queda un vicio, Tenemos que romper el hielo. Sea como sea, eso basta, Estoy dispuesto a empezar, Aunque haya siesta, Comenzare despues de rezar. The Park in the Dark Madrid, the Spanish center. This grand metropolis is Spain's capital. 3.1 million inhabitants, 1.4 million cars. Noise and hectic everywhere and everyplace. Magnificent oases in the municipal chaos are six great city parks. The best places to relax. Such a heavenly paradise is the Parque del Buen Retiro. It covers 232 acres, contains a light forest of 223 acres as well as the Estanque, an artificial lake of nine acres. The Madrilenians love spending their spare time here in the evening or on the weekend. Most people go for a walk, some lead out their dogs, others go jogging. They enjoy the silence, meet friends, listen to the the musicians playing the guitar. The brighter this park is on the day, the darker it is at night. Therefore, its Renaiscentic gates are shut from twelve p.m. to six a.m. Kyle knew the lovely park. He appreciated its peace and its nature. The British ranger, used to living alone, preferred it without thousands of people strolling thru. He took every chance to visit the Parque del Buen Retiro when it was closed. In April 2000, Kyle was staying with his old colleagues at Madrid. The weather was fine though it seemed a little to cold to him. It rained on Saturday, the sun shone on Sunday. While everyone was celebrating Eastern, he climbed over the high fence. The peculiar environmentalist got undressed. He sprang into the cool water of the Estanque on which usually just ducks, swans, row boats and launches cruised. Kyle swam around the wide lake for hour after hour. He kept fit and stayed in shape. The full moon was enlightening the whole scenery. Kyle went out on firm mainland, pretty bust by his refreshing swim. He hid in thick bushes nearby the sandy shore. Two civil guards rode by on their stately horses. It was the regular patrol at three o'clock, and the last one that quiet night. Further three hours remained to Kyle till they opened the flowering park for the first visitors. He had to proceed to the still lake's other side where there were his scarce clothes. Kyle passed by the colossal monument of King Alfonso XII erected in the classic style with forty huge columns forming a semicircle around a towering obelisk and eight bronze lion statues. They gazed motionlessly at the glittering surface. He stopped as always to admire their incomparable pride. The pale moonlight gave them a vital appearance. Kyle could not help touching two metallic bulges, the expressive statue's erotic balls. Its golden eyes began flashing. It stared at him. He stood back. The awoken beast of prey leaped from his stony fundament. So did his seven resurrected companions. Kyle tried to flee. Too late. They had encircled him. Eight growling lions were roaming around the shuddering man. One of them raised his long tail and started pissing against him. His roused fellows did the same. Uncountable jets of reeking urine hit his bare back, ran down his nude legs. He turned away to protect his frightful face. A desirous feline jumped at him from behind. His sharp fangs seized his husky shoulders. Kyle fell on his wet knees. The potent predator, assaulting him cunningly, bent down his majestetic head. He held tight his defenseless victim and rammed his hard prick into his tensed asshole. A searing pain tore his overpowered body. The startling human gasped, gulping a rough piece of hot flesh. Another lion pressed his swelling dick into his gaping mouth. He sucked it tenderly. His first mate began cumming into his raw butt. The second one followed at once. Sweet lion seed spouted into his dry thoat. Swallowing it all, Kyle shook off the satisfied animals He sneaked forwards, stood still. Two horny lions blocked his hopeless way. To wind out of the ticklish trap, the nimble conservationist rolled on his scratched back. A bity beast snapped at his uncovered genitals. Before he was able to kick him, his impacient partner squatted down on his filthy face. One lustful lion licked his loose cock whereas the other one thrusted his spiny penis into his open mouth. Kyle had no choice but to obey to their definite demand. His caressed prick stiffened, making him feel so good. He relievedly stretched out his brawny arms to more big cats awaiting to be fondled. The aroused Englishman gripped their exposed nuts, squeezed them till their furious orgasm. He started spurting his ropy semen into the vast muzzle of the forceful predator. The four greedy lions let go of him. They were lucky. He was done. The exhausted emigrant stood up to get away. In vain. A couple of lovesick animals required the best rest. They hissed at him, turned around, their lean tails lifted into the foggy air. He shoved his rigid dick into his presented ass. The overwhelmed lion flexed his rectal muscles. Kyle pushed his smooth hand into the other one's soft butthole. The strong felines climaxed. They withdrew. He, at the end of his tether, saw two striding policemen approaching in the breaking dawn. Sol y Sombra "Hola, hombre." "Ciao, muchacho", saludo Daniel, "te gustaba en el ultramar?" "Callate! Quiero joder", Kyle refunfano. "Como no? Sirvete!" Lo hizo. El guardabosque cuchando se desnudo. Macho lo ersperaba. Lo asio al carnero blanco. Kyle apreto las caderas peludas, clavo la picha dura en el culo blando. La oveja sorprendida balo. Empezo a moverla adelante y atras. El criador curioso pregunto: "Digame! Como fue tu viaje?" "Pues", gemio el ecologista excitado, "Chris me rechazo por la religion, y en Madrid, fui asaltado." "Por quien?" "Por ocho estatuas de leones. No me crearas, aunque me los follaran de todas maneras. En cuanto que les hubiera satisfecho, logre huir encontrando a unos cuanto guardias civiles", siguio. Daniel trago: "Dios mio! Que paso?" "Entonces me detuvieron, ya que era desnudo, para dejarme en libertad el dia proximo." "Que aventura!" exclamo. "Estas frustrado ahora?" "Si!" grito el inmigrante feliz llegando a un climax impetuoso. Macho se retiro. "Estoy desilusionado. He comprendido que me aman solo los animales." El campesino carinoso opuso: "Pero te quiero." Comenzo a acariciar al cuerpo fornido. Kyle se asombro. Daniel lo beso. Hicieron el amor ardiente. Sun and Shadow "Hello, man." "Hi, guy," Daniel greeted, "did you've got a good time overseas?" "Shuddup, I wanna fuck," Kyle scolded. "Why not? Serve yourself!" He did it. The horny ranger undressed. Macho was waiting for him. He grabbed the white ram. Kyle squeezed his furry thighs, drove his hard prick into his soft ass. The surprised sheep bleated. He started moving it back and forth. The curious breeder asked, "Tell me! How was your journey?" "Well," the excited environmentalist moaned, "Chris rejects me for religion, and in Madrid, I was assaulted." "By whom?" "By eight lion statues. You'll not believe me although they screwed me in all manners. As soon as I'd satisfied them, I managed to flee encountering a few civil guards," he kept on. Daniel gulped, "My God! What happened?" "Then they detained me cos I was naked to set me free the next day." "What an adventure!" he exclaimed. "Are you frustrated now?" "Yes!" the lucky immigrant screamed reaching a stormy climax. Macho retired. "I'm disillusioned. I've comprehended only animals like me." The fond farmer opposed, "But I love you." He began stroking his husky body. Kyle astonished. Daniel kissed him. They made hot love. (c) CeTe