Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 21:00:08 -0000 From: Beverly Taff Subject: Dog Day Afternoon 6 I woke the next morning shocked to find my partner still embedded within me. 'Heck!' I asked myself. 'Did this stud ever get soft?' As I stirred so did Billy. He slept exactly like the old welsh sleep dogs. One eye open; one eye shut. Now I was awake, he responded accordingly. Not many women can honestly wake up to find their lover's dick still engaged and ready to resume lovemaking. This is how it was for me. Once again we shared our trip to paradise and it was mid Monday morning before we finally separated. This time it was fairly painless and I was pleasantly surprised to find I was not at all sore. Billy was obviously hungry and ignoring me as he busily finished his breakfast. Ruefully, I examined my ripped panties then threw them to Billy as a token of our union. He played with them excitedly then ran outside to bury them like any other trophy bone. I realised that from now on, I would have to sleep knickerless or suffer the indignity of having my panties ripped off me whenever we indulged. I was really pleased that my cunt felt OK despite the several reamings I had enjoyed. 'Bitch cunts were obviously used to plenty of sex' I concluded happily as I prepared a huge breakfast with an extra portion for Billy. I was starving after so much fun and I reckoned that Billy was just as hungry. Billy returned from the garden and wolfed down his extra portion of ham and eggs followed by an extra bowl of milk. It seemed crass of me not to share the same food with my lover when we shared the same bed. Finally I was dressed and ready to start work. Downstairs, I met Jack who smiled as he remarked. "Well you look smashing! There's a real sparkle in your eye today. Late nights must suite you." I smiled enigmatically and my heart sang as I whizzed through my chores. Billy just lay languorously on one of the sofas and watched me like a lord watching his lady. When I went outside, I found him close to heel and soon realised why. I was still menstruating and every dog in the neighbourhood could tell. Within minutes of my stepping outside, the sidewalk was alive with hopefuls sniffing my groin and trying their luck. Billy savagely established his dominance over the other dogs and I retreated inside to escape the hue and cry. Fortunately nobody noticed the hullabaloo and I hid my embarrassment as Billy took up station by the main door. I was a prisoner of my body and it's cycles. This situation continued for over a week and began to wonder why. Normally a woman's period only lasted about five days or so but my situation seemed to go on forever. There was no discomfort, and I was grateful for that. There was very little flow and a single sanitary napkin could have normally lasted for a week if I had not showered several times per day. I changed it whenever I showered. Usually this meant about two or three times a day, depending on what I had been doing. Each time I showered I liberally scented my bitch parts with expensive perfumes but there was no hiding my condition. The dogs could detect my pheromones and bitch scents half a block away even though I showered three times and changed clothes four times each day. I was giving off pheromones like crazy and nobody knew that better than Billy. There was no hope of a jog in the park; I would have attracted every dog for miles. Of course the up side was the fantastic sex with my partner and my heightened state of horniness. After nearly a fortnight however, I began to get worried. I drove to the library in the safety of my car with Billy beside me. There I read up on dog physiology. It appeared that a bitch could continue in heat for over two weeks but I learned something much worse. Since my ascent into womanhood I had studied women's physiology closely. I had presumed that being a woman, I could not get pregnant during my periods. I had heard of women being horny during their periods and I had presumed I was one of those types of women. As I read the veterinary manuals my pulse weakened and I began to feel faint. It appeared that humans were the only higher mammals to actually become receptive between their cycles. Dogs, horses, cattle, sheep and nearly all the other higher mammals became receptive during their cycles. Like some ignorant virgin juvenile, I had been indulging in constant sex throughout the whole of my fertile period. I should have realized that was why I was so horny. A bitch came into season during her menstrual cycle! If I could get pregnant, then I bloody well was! Sex, four times daily in a hurricane of lust for the past ten days had almost certainly put me in the club. As I sat numbly staring at the wall I wondered how I could check. I slipped into the library caf‚ and drank a strong coffee to steady my nerves then, with Billy walking close to heel, I bought a pregnancy testing kit at the pharmacy across the street. Once home I ran the test and paced nervously up and down the apartment until the test had run its course. One glance confirmed that I was pregnant to Billy. It could only be him for I had not had sex with anybody else. The doctor's warning about sex with dogs now rung like the doomsday bell in my ears. I did not know whether to laugh or cry! My eyes fell upon the beautiful, pedigree Alsatian father and I wondered if he knew. I studied his wonderfully proud head and magnificent posture and began to get excited. I also recalled the Alsatian pedigree of the puppy who had donated her parts to me and I found myself trying to imagine my own puppies. They would be Alsatians as well. Cautiously, I felt my tummy but there no signs and I smiled to myself. 'Two months to go yet, you silly goose,' I told myself, then I corrected myself 'No, two months you silly bitch!' I wondered if I would begin to 'show'. After all, real bitches did not seem to show much, just a sort of general thickening around the belly, almost like putting on weight. On the other hand, human pregnancy was nearly always obvious. A woman's bump always preceded her to advertise her condition. I secretly began to fantasise about having a bump. Then I scolded myself for being stupid. Everybody would think I was expecting a baby, not puppies! I realized I would have to hide my condition and fell to wondering how I would cover a prominent bump. My pelvis was that of a woman's so I would naturally carry fetuses like any other woman. I was bound to make some sort of a show! Furthermore I did not know how many puppies I would have. Half a dozen puppies would easily equal a single human foetus. Then I shuddered. I had heard of some dogs having up to twelve puppies or even more! 'Hell!' I cursed silently, 'I could be huge!' I considered having an abortion but any gynaecologist would immediately ask questions when he pulled a litter of dead pups from my womb. I did not want to let Jack know at this stage either. Medical help was therefore out of the question unless I went back to Africa. I could not afford that though. I had invested what little savings I had in the club. The alternative was veterinary help but that would expose my secret as well. There was no way out! That damned dog had got me pregnant! The only consolation was that they would be small and I should have little trouble during parturition. Human women needed a wide pelvis and uterus to pass the large human baby's head. Thanks to the hormone blockers during my time in the psychiatric unit and the later natural hormones supplied by my bitch implants before the end of my puberty, I now had a splendid pair of childbearing hips. Male eyes regularly turned when I worked in the club during the evenings. I slumped upon the bed and self-consciously felt my tummy as Billy eagerly shuffled across and tried to mount me again. "Not now boy," I giggled. "I'll have to take it easy. You're a daddy now and you'll have to take your responsibilities seriously!" I clamped my thighs together and his ears pricked up curiously. Obviously he was wondering why I was denying him his rights. He whined softly then sniffed inquisitively at my panties. His damp nose pressed against my trigger button and I gasped helplessly as my legs started to part automatically. It seemed that the bitch in me still had complete control. Billy then surprised me. He whined again then yelped softly as his tail started to wag furiously. 'Did he know?' I asked myself. I concluded he must have known. His nose told him much more about my condition than I would ever know. Apart from a wonderful sense of smell, I concluded that dogs had some sort of extrasensory ability. 'Probably my scent or pheromones or something,' I concluded. Whatever it was, Billy certainly knew something. Instead of straddling me and domineering me to make me submissive and receptive, he crawled beside me and rested his soft damp nose on my tummy. I twitched involuntarily as the cold damp nose tickled my tummy and he whined inquisitively. Unable to resist his beautiful expression and big brown eyes, I reached forward and softly stroked his head as I spoke again. "Yes. You're going to be a daddy!" He squirmed knowingly and any reservations I might have had, finally melted inside me. As all resistance to his advances faded, I gently rolled sideways and passed one leg over him as I arranged myself into what had become our normal copulation position. Billy gave a long low whine as he realised what was being offered and his rod soon began to emerge from its sheath. Eagerly I thrust my hips against him and manoeuvred myself onto his exciting organ. This time however, he was much gentler. I did not know if it was because I appeared to no longer be on heat and so his urges were suppressed or he perhaps understood my delicate condition. Whatever it was, Billy was much less forceful as I indulged my needs. I did feel him orgasm, and his knot tied us together again but he seemed much more languorous after the deed. Gratefully, I remained tied to him and curled up between his paws as we fell asleep. A loud knocking on the apartment door woke us both. "Who is it?" I mumbled. "Jack. Who do you think? It's nearly eleven. Are you O.K?" Billy gave a low growl but I pressed my lips to his to silence him and his big sloppy tongue gave me a delicious lick. "Shhh darling," I whispered as I gently tried to disengage us and reply to Jack through the locked door. "Yes, I'm fine. Give me a few minutes. I'll be down." "It's not like you to be late. I'll see you down there." "O.K." I replied as Billy whined softly again. I squirmed again but Billy's knot had swollen quickly and I was now tied to him helplessly. It seemed that Jack's voice had presented a threat and Billy could expand his knot at will. 'Perhaps he had learned this little trick since living with me', I concluded. My human libido coupled with my continual urge for bitch sex had precipitated some changes in Billy. He must have somehow realized that if I was not regularly serviced, I could stray. Whatever the reason, I was now tied to him again, and my promise of 'a few minutes' was impossible. Billy's knot invariably took a good thirty minutes to soften so I was stuck and no mistake. The only way to soften Billy's knot was to bring him to orgasm. This I did with enthusiasm driven by my promise to Jack. Once again we orgasmed together and I revelled in our new relationship. Even if Billy was the dominant partner, I at least could train him to service me properly. Our sex was becoming fantastic! Sadly however, I knew we had to part soon or Jack would be worried. After our orgasm, I remained cuddled to Billy until I finally felt his knot begin to shrink slightly. Thinking I could seize my chance, I carefully tried to ease myself off Billy's knot but it was still too swollen. Whatever I did, I was forced to wait until Billy was good and ready. He recognized my attempt to separate us and immediately re-expanded his knot. It was a clear message that I was his and he was in charge. I resigned myself to waiting and eventually I felt his knot shrink. This time I waited long enough to convince Billy that I was his obedient bitch and eventually he slipped his organ out of me and padded towards the bathroom door. He turned to look expectantly at me and I wondered what he wanted. Then he whined softly but I still couldn't get it. Eventually he growled and I sensed his threat. Obediently, I opened it and he went straight to the pan to relieve himself. I was stunned! He simply stood sideways to the pan, cocked his leg and jammed his cock under the toilet seat then urinated casually into the pan. The seat held his penis down so that he did not even splash as he relieved himself. I was amazed and bent down to praise him gratefully. Here was a truly thoughtful partner who even kept the toilet clean! Billy gave me a sloppy lick then sat down to watch as I sat to relieve myself. There were no secrets between us now. I made a show of wiping myself then flushed the pan and he peered curiously as my waste sluiced away. He gave an excited little bark then cocked his intelligent eyes at me and nuzzled the handle inquisitively. "Do you want to go?" I giggled. This was my usual question when he wanted to go and do his business outside but I began to suspect he was thinking something else. He gave another excited little bark and wagged his tail eagerly as the cistern finished filling and the water sounds fell silent. Gently I depressed it again with his nose and he got the idea. The water flushed again and he stood watching it curiously. As I washed my hands, I was grateful he did not try to drink it. Instead he surprised me further and scrambled onto the pan to crouch and defecate himself with all the aplomb of a seasoned user. My jaw fell to the floor as I watched dumbstruck with happy amazement. Then I seized my opportunity to reinforce his training. "Good boy!" I praised as I hugged him affectionately. "Very good boy! Mummy get you a present!" Billy knew these expressions well and he slipped off the pan to follow me to the kitchen. I took a piece of prime beef from the fridge and held it up for him to sniff then I had another idea. "Go flush the toilet boy." I instructed. He looked at me puzzled so I led him back to the toilet and attached his powerful jaws to the cistern handle. Repeating the word `flush' several times, I gently I forced his muzzle down until the cistern flushed again and I praised him again. He whined eagerly and I reinforced my praise with more hugs and the steak. "Good boy, flush the toilet. Good Boy!" He watched his own waste disappear then yelped happily and wolfed down the meat. He was obviously getting the idea! Next he joined me in the shower and I lathered him affectionately before shampooing my whole body as well. I had bought a new doggy shampoo that did not sting his eyes and it was obvious that he appreciated this development. Next I washed myself with my own shampoo and he snuffled disgustedly as the splashes stung his eyes. Then we made a game of rinsing down as he snapped happily every time the nozzle jet came near his jaws. Fortunately it was a large shower with plenty of room to share with Billy so I kept him in the shower as I dried him with my hair dryer. I was setting our hygiene standards early if Billy was to share my life so intimately. It was long gone twelve when I finally emerged down stairs. Jack looked at me and wagged his head knowingly. "Good night last night?" He asked. I smiled enigmatically and turned to serve a customer. Jack smiled knowingly and returned to the office. Billy had taken up his usual station on the sofa nearest the door. I knew it was to keep other dogs at bay for I was still giving off the signals. My secret parts became damp as I considered the messages my body was giving to all the neighbouring dogs.