From: Bistander <>

The History: Back in 2009, having never written a story before, and knowing little about grammar, punctuation, or how to create a story, I thought, let me give it a try. I had this stupid idea about a boy going up in the attic, so I wrote a few thousand word story. To my surprise and amazement, people read it and said there needed to be more. That’s how the saga of the writing of My Neighbor’s Incest started.

This is a great site that provides tons of free stories in many genres, except they're not really free. It cost money and time to keep Nifty going. I know I appreciate a platform to post, and the effort the admin puts in. If you can, please support this site. A little bit from a lot of us goes a long way.

My Neighbor's Incest Part XVI


I Promise

Jasmine kissed along the top of my shoulder and up my neck to my ear lobe. Susan's fragrance filled my nose. She was in front of me, on her side. Her butt was nestled up to my groin. Jasmine's tits were pressed against my back. Her arm was over me and her sister. Susan was holding Jasmine's hand in front of her chest. My hand was tucked between Susan's legs. I couldn't move. What was that noise? I peered into the light, searching for it. Cindy's giant tits swung side to side as she pointed a scolding finger at me. Her lips were moving, but the horrible racket wasn't coming from her. Jasmine started poking my shoulder and speaking in my ear, "Joe, wake up. You're late for school. Get up, now."

My mother's robed body and angry face spoiled everything. I flipped the covers back in haste when I saw the clock. The bus had already come.

"Joe, you slept in your clothes." My mother's frustrated huff wasn't the worst I had heard, but it was close. "Hurry, your dad will take you to school, but he has to get to work. You got ten minutes."

"Sorry, Mom, I guess I fell asleep without setting the alarm, but I'm already dressed." I ran my hands over a serious case of bed head.

"Get your school clothes on and get going." She turned back from the door. "I'm worried about you, Joe."

I figured all the extra work with the holidays had my mother stressed because it wasn't like I hadn't over slept a few dozen times before.

The adrenaline rush ended a few seconds after my mother closed my door and I remembered everything. The dream, as pleasant as it was, had been a painful reminder of my reality. I had two girlfriends and a cousin who—What? Cindy was just that, my cousin and shouldn’t be in the equation, yet she consumed a large hunk of my heart.

I got ready in record time, jumped in my father’s car and continued thinking, rethinking, imagining, fantasizing, and thinking it all over again. Too bad I would have had better luck doing algebra in my head than solving my problems.

"Joe, have you been using drugs?"

I straightened from my slump against the door and looked at my father. He seemed more nervous than when I got his lame birds and bees talk, but I suspected my mother had put him up to this. “No, Dad.”

Your mother is worried about you. She’s been working a lot, and thought maybe—”

"Dad, I promise, I’m fine. Please tell her there isn’t anything to worry about. I’m fine with her being gone more. It’s the holidays, I understand, and I’m not doing drugs, definitely not. She has nothing to worry about.”

Okay, but don’t forget you can always talk to us.” My father turned abruptly into the school parking lot. About anything. Okay?”

I know, and I will, but there’s nothing to worry about. Thanks for the ride.” I jumped out and closed the door before my father could add anything.

It was better that my dad got stuck with the, are you on drugs talk, because he didn't overreact like my mother. I was grateful they cared enough to notice I slept in my clothes, and had red eyes, but I sure wasn’t going to tell them I had been crying with one of my two girlfriends?

How should I react to finding out my girlfriend's cousin was really her sister, I wondered during math class? Then, I asked myself fifty other questions I couldn’t answer. There were too many things on my mind, and it was going to hurt my grades unless I—What? Suddenly, drugs didn't seem like such a bad problem to have.

After third period, I ran into Jasmine in the hallway. Without thinking, I hugged her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"It’s fine,” Jasmine said and gave me an even bigger hug. “I would have hugged you first if you hadn't beat me to it."

I knew the big smile on Jasmine's face was a front. She hid behind that happy, I’m great, I got it going on persona. I held her hand and leaned back against the lockers. "Are you alright? How’s Susan? I know how upset she was last time your dad . . . "

Jasmine waited patiently until I finished and said, "Stop asking so many questions at one time.” A more genuine smirk appeared. “You’re spending too much time with Susan. She never waits for an answer, either."

Sorry. How is she?”

"She's gonna make it. She's strong, but she needs . . . The first bell rang. “Shoot, we don't have time now. Meet me for lunch."

"Sure, yeah, of course, that’d be great." I sounded like an over-excited dweeb, but I was a freshman talking to the hottest girl in school while people I knew passed and saw me holding Jasmine’s hand.

"Don't get so excited. I'm the lucky one, lucky to have you." Jasmine's lips seemed sweeter in the presence of my peers.

After she walked away, a friend rushed over. "Dude, now you got some explaining to do. That load of crap you gave me last time isn't going to fly this time. You just kissed Jasmine Davis in the main corridor. People noticed, you better have something for me after school."

Yeah, sure, Bill,” I said. “Gotta go. Later.” I might have been troubled by my friend's presumptions, or his expectations, like I had been before Thanksgiving, but today there was a no vacancy sign on my head.

Outside the cafeteria, waiting for Jasmine, thoughts flooded my brain. I knew people had spoken to me, but I couldn't remember one thing they said. Then, after five minutes, all my freshman insecurities returned. She's not coming. You're going to sit here like a dumb ass, and Jasmine is never going to come.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. My teacher made me stay so he could talk about my missing homework. Jeez, you'd think I was stoned or something with all the questions about how everything was. I think they have gone too far with this new teacher awareness crap." Jasmine released an uncharacteristic huff.

"Don't feel bad, not only did I get it from my teacher about being late, my dad asked if I was on drugs." The word dad replayed in my brain, and Jasmine's glistening eyes confirmed I had been insensitive.

I plowed on, hoping to shift the focus and explained everything, including my mom finding me sleeping in my clothes. "Come on, let's get something that's not turkey." I almost said shit as I grabbed Jasmine's arm and pulled her towards the door. Maybe she didn't miss the turkey dinner and turkey leftovers? I wished I could never say anything that might upset her again.

"Hey, maybe we can help each other pass our finals?" I wasn't joking, just making small talk, but Jasmine laughed anyway.

"Oh yeah, I heard you were a great teacher, but I don't think the things you taught Susan will be on any of my finals. Although, I'm not totally rejecting the idea of studying with you." Jasmine's smile was weak at best, but I could tell it was heart felt.

We walked to the back side of the thick crop of trees that sat in the middle of a large grassy area outside the cafeteria. "I'm so glad it's sunny today. Yesterday, was the grayest day," Jasmine said and leaned back against a tree without finishing her thought.

I looked at the beautiful young lady sitting on the grass and my appetite was consumed by butterflies in my stomach. The sun sparkled in Jasmine’s blond hair. I noticed a few tiny freckles under her eyes that I had never seen before. My nerves tingled and my heart fluttered like I was seeing a gorgeous girl for the first time. Somehow, in her broken state, Jasmine had become a fragile flower and not a goddess. My heart is speaking to me, isn’t it?

The Bologna sandwich that I had picked for lunch dropped at my side. I pulled my knees up to my chest like hers, and let the tip of our shoes touch. I wrapped my arms around my legs and looked up into the sky to complete the mirror image of Jasmine and waited for her to speak.

The warm sun on my back was soothing. It reminded me how much I needed a month of good sleep. "I can't wait for Christmas break." Jasmine's words were followed by a large blast of air that swooshed through her mostly closed lips. It was her second huff of the day, and a more frustrated one.

"Jasmine, everything I can think to say, well, I keep thinking I'm going to put my foot in my mouth. So, can you talk for a little while? I want to know so many things, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable. How is Susan?" Her sister was obviously still at the center of my heart. Is there room for two?

"Thanks. I’ll explain everything about my family, but it’ll probably take years. I hope you'll still be willing to listen to me years from now."

Jasmine's rhetorical statement made my heart smile and forced my tongue. "I promise." I zipped my lip and tried to curb my projections about our lasting relationship.

"Susan is going to make it." I held my thoughts so Jasmine could continue when she was ready, but I was thinking Susan's mother isn't Mrs. Davis, it's Jane.

"She's mostly sad now, I guess, or maybe mad. She really misses her mother. Seeing her and dad together on our trip over the summer might have given her some hopes. Then, having Aunt Jane here with all of us together again must have increased them. Now, this thing with dad and Jesselyn, well it crushed her and set her off." Jasmine held out her hand, but not in reach, so I moved next to her. My shoulder touched hers and my hand rested on the back of hers. My fingers laced between hers and gripped her hand tightly.

"That's why she gave in to Jeremy. Joe, when we were on vacation at Aunt Jane's house, she was so in love with you she wouldn't let him. He tried, really tried, but dad doing that with Jesselyn, again, the very thing that had split us all up in the first place, that was the final straw. You saw how Susan responded, but that wasn't the first time. They were going at it all day. That's the reason I came outside Saturday, I couldn't stand watching her act like me." Jasmine hung her head again as her words trailed off.

I held her tighter. "Jasmine, it's alright. I don't care about that. You did what you did, that's it. None of this is your fault." I sighed with the realization that I needed a degree in psychology to know what to say. "Follow your heart."

"I didn't plan what happened Saturday with us. I never expected any of this between us, but I’m not sorry it happened. I hate myself for coming between you and Susan, but I can't let you go. I need you, I fuckin' need you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She tried to pulled her hand away, but I wouldn't let her go.

"I love you."

"Susan is really broken up.” Jasmine squeezed my hand. “She must have had hopes that our family would get back together, or at least wouldn't break up even more. She loves him and hates him. She even thinks she still needs him. She's confused and hurt and it's going to take her some time to work through it. I hope she doesn't go back to her mother."

"Susan is Jesselyn's sister, and Jane is their mother? I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"It's okay, I don't mind. I'm sure it's hard for you to comprehend all this messed up stuff. I figured you'd know as soon as you saw the two of them together. They look like twins separated by five years, while Susan and I hardly match.” Jasmine made a point of looking me in the eye. “Joe, you know I trust you, and I know I don't have to say this, but you can't say anything. I mean not even to Susan. Our lives are such a huge secret we forget what's real. It's horrible for me to have to tell you this, humiliating, really." She pulled her hand away, rested her forehead on her knees, and hugged her legs.

I rubbed Jasmine’s back. "You don't have to worry about me. I don't care about whatever happened. I'm not going to say anything, and I'll never judge you or your parents. I promise."

"I know, and that's why I'm sitting here with you. The reason we all lived together, um, jeez. Okay, it was like this, my dad got Aunt Jane pregnant, that was Jesselyn. They still lived at home. Kids, they were kids. We all lived together for years. My mother and my aunt shared my dad." I couldn't see Jasmine's face, but her tone spoke volumes. She was devastated.

"When we were kids, we didn't know anything was wrong. I called both of them mom and thought that was a normal life, but something always seemed funny. Especially, when I started seeing Jesselyn and dad playing those games they wouldn't let me play. When I finally got to play, I was so happy, until it seemed strange. Still, we were a big happy family. My parents had lots of friends and they all played the same fucked up games. We watched and learned." Jasmine paused for a pained gulp of air. I waited like someone watching a suspenseful movie during a scary scene.

"Is this too much, Joe? Tell me, and I’ll shut up."

"No, I'll never tell you to shut up. Susan told me some of this way back, but she never told me about her mother. It must be so hard for her, for all of you."

"There’s something wrong with my family. Some kind of evil spirit or something. I hate the way things turned out now that I see how things could have been. I wish we would have met before I went crazy and did all those things with all those people. I can't really understand why you even want to be with me." Jasmine lost her fight against the tears.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known. You're funny, smart and kick ass at volleyball. Can't you see that?" I wrapped my arm around her back. “You’re great.”

"Thank you, but no, I can't. Will you kiss me?"

I pressed my lips to Jasmine's cheek and brushed her hair away so I could kiss her ear. "I love you. You're perfect just the way you are."

Our lips joined and our tongues quickly found their rhythm. My hand slipped under her hair and squeezed her neck, pulling her mouth tighter against mine. Jasmine's fingers worked through my hair as our kissing grew deeply passionate, but not with lust, it felt like love.

When the bell rang, I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but our lips were still finding new ways to please each other. I had never made out with a girl that long without wanting more, but I was satisfied to kiss her until my lips stopped working.

I stepped on my sandwich as I pulled Jasmine to her feet. "Oh well. Hey, please stay close. I want to be there for you, but you got to keep talking to me, and help me to help Susan. You know, I um, I love her, too." My face surely must have told how twisted my insides were about Susan.

"I know, and so do I. We'll have to keep our relationship quiet for now." Jasmine smiled like she was admitting she knew I had loved her for a while, and she felt the same way.

"Try and do something to make Susan feel special after school. You know what I mean?"

I nodded as we reluctantly parted ways. I was pretty sure I knew what Jasmine meant, but not at all sure I could do it.

Later, when the school bus stopped by my house, I realized I hadn't learned anything the whole day. Instead, I had thought about Jasmine and imagined our future together. All the unbelievable circumstances surrounding Susan and her family had been put on hold while I was dreaming. Then, my feet hit the dirt and it was like reentry into the world where I had two girlfriends, too much homework, too many upcoming finals, and a very important birthday present to buy.

Once I was in the house, I grabbed the phone. "Hi, Mrs. Davis, I um, how are you?" I was caught off guard by Susan not answering the phone. I also had no idea how to speak to a woman who had just thrown her husband out for doing it with his daughter.

"Joe, oh, hi, I'm good.” There was a long pause. “I guess you want one of the girls?"

Mrs. Davis’s voice seemed unfamiliar, and I was suddenly more comfortable. She wasn’t just my neighbor, or girlfriend’s mother; we had been lovers. Her world must be more upside down and inside out than mine, but what could I possibly say or do even if I could admit I know something? "Yes, um, I wanna see, I mean talk to Susan, please."

"Okay, I’ll get her. Bye." Mrs. Davis yelled for Susan while I swallowed hard, wondering how difficult it would be for her to face life without a husband and with a baby coming?

I waited for Susan on the front porch after speaking to her briefly. She seemed to have been expecting my call and told me she'd be right over. I couldn't believe her mother suddenly wasn't trying to keep us apart. What had changed?

The bounce was back in Susan’s step as she approached. "So, your parents are seriously not going to be home until later, everyday until Christmas?" Susan's mischievous expression had also returned.

What she alluded to was far from my mind. "Yes, come on.” I swung the door open. “Enter my castle."

Susan jumped on my back and wrapped her arms and legs around me as we entered the foyer. "Take me to your bed and make me one of your concubines, my lord."

The apparent lack of concern for what was happening in her life upset me, but Jasmine had told me to do something to make Susan feel special, so I bit my tongue and played along. "What are they teaching you in school?"

When I got to my bed, Susan didn't get off my back, so I laid back on her. A hot spot formed on my back where her crotch was. Her arms squeezing me tight reminded me that she was a part of me. I struggled loose and flipped over. My chin rested between her breasts as I looked up. Her face was alive from the struggle, but her eyes were blank. "I'm going to make you my princess instead." I lifted up and yanked her down so our lips met.

I searched for the feelings I had that afternoon with Jasmine or previously with Susan, but all I felt was passion grown out of my lust. My dick got hard, and my heart rate increased, but something was missing. Is this my heart trying to tell me something, again?

I tugged, and Susan obediently lifted her ass. The lower half of her school uniform came off. The white panties sported a red waist band and a cute Teddy bear head on her pussy mound. I smiled and pressed my mouth where I expected her sensitive bud would be hiding. "That's one lucky bear." My crooked grin revealed my intentions as Susan opened her legs.

The wonderful smell of Susan’s arousal further clouded my mind and probably my judgment. I tucked a finger inside the leg opening. A heat wave rushed to my probing digit as it brushed her puckered hole and slid into her slit. I wiggled it back and forth until I felt the hot moisture concealed between the smooth folds of soft flesh. With my mouth on the tiny wet spot forming on her panties, I tried to taste her. I licked at the groove where the panties had cut between Susan’s labia. Not being used to me taking so long, she fidgeted impatiently, but I refused to rush. I licked the edges of the material where it hugged the girl’s sensitive strip of flesh. The tip of my tongue worked underneath. A dark line formed where her crotch was being forced apart by fabric.

When my fingers finally grabbed the waistband, Susan blew out and exasperated breath and shoved her ass up. I stood, lifted her legs, held Susan's feet in front of my face, and took the underwear past her toes with my teeth. I paused with an ankle next to each ear, staring down Susan's skinny legs and up her flat stomach. We stared at each other. Susan’s eyes were puffy and blood shot like Jasmine’s had been. The mischievous flare had been replaced by something that tugged at my heart.

Make her feel special came to mind again. It reminded me of what happen in Jasmine’s bedroom. Instead of dropping my pants and climbing between Susan’s legs, I kissed my way down. Inch by inch, side to side, I never stopped watching Susan’s face. The closer I got to what she thought she needed, the more intense her expression became. Normally, my face or my dick was buried between her legs in two seconds. I had never seen it happen second by second. It was amazing to watch Susan respond to each kiss, puff of air, lick, or nibble. Her excitement was like the sea reaching the shore, a wave growing, building, piling more and more water up until it finally tumbles over in a roaring explosion.

By the time my teeth grabbed the tendon that ran from the inside of her thigh to her groin, Susan’s whole body was trembling. Her fists were balled with handfuls of bed covers. The smell of her nectar was pungent. Her excitement was drooling down into the groove between her cheeks. My needy cock was throbbing, but this wasn’t about me. I knew what had helped Jasmine feel special, and that’s what Susan needed. My lust wouldn’t care, it would let me fuck anything, but my heart wanted Susan to know she was special, and loved.

I flipped Susan on her stomach and admired the sharp curves on her beautifully forming ass. The brutal assault her tiny hole had received the day before made me cringe. I kissed from the top edge of each thigh to the crown of each cheek, thinking about how it felt to have Mrs. Davis's tongue licking my ass crack. My lips pressed against the very top of Susan’s groove. I wanted to make her feel good.

The heels of my hands ground into Susan’s lower back, massaging the stress away. Her soft moans and relaxed posture let me know when I found the sweet spots. I wanted the little girl under me so ready that she would explode when I finally got her off. Susan’s ass jerked toward my face as my tongue toyed with the soft tissue between each cheek. I shoved my mouth deep into the gorge as her body forced upward. My tongue circled her pink flesh. It licked the sensitive strip between her ass and pussy. Her hands and teeth gripped the bedspread while her crotch humped the bed. My tongue darting against her forbidden fruit made her rock wildly.

With my mouth still working at her ass, my finger found her gooey center. The molten pussy hole drenched my finger, and spilled out onto my hand as a muffled scream rang into the bed. Susan's body shook from head to toe. Her legs shot straight out off the edge of the bed, looking like just used diving boards. I took a mouth full of her left cheek and sucked until a purple mark appeared. It was a love bite.

I laid on top of her, pushed her hair over her head, and kissed Susan’s neck. "You feel like a princess?"

Underneath me, Susan’s breathing slowly returned to normal. It felt like we were melting into each other. A bomb might have gone off in Susan’s life, but instead of being collateral damage, I had thrown myself on top of her.

Susan tried to turn under me, so I lifted and let her roll over. Her eyes had that familiar glow. A smile spontaneously sprang to both of our faces. We shared a tender kiss. I suddenly felt like I could cry looking into the face of my first love. Confused and divided, my heart felt the pain of love. How can I ever choose?

When our lips finally separated, a peaceful look had settled on Susan's face. "What can I do for you?"

"You have already done it. Let's just leave it at that for now." It wasn't that I didn't want to get off, rather that I didn't want to give her a chance to feel less satisfied.

A few minutes later, Susan got out from under me and grabbed her clothes. "I love watching you dress,” I said. “Undress too, but there is something about seeing you putting your clothes on that’s nice." My thoughts weren't clear in my own mind, and I was sorry I had tried to express them.

"Susan, I'm sorry, that didn’t make sense. I'm sorry your mom and dad are fighting again. If you need to talk to me . . . about anything, please do." Why I couldn't just keep my mouth shut? I didn't know, but I was sure mentioning her mom was going to cause a problem.

"I guess Jasmine told you that my dad is out again? I was pretty upset yesterday, and I'm sorry I acted like a nut. I just didn't know how to respond. I hate him and I love him. He’s my father. I love my aunt and my mom so much, but I don't know how I can choose between them."

Oh, good, I thought, she understands how I feel. We hugged as hard as we could. I was trying to comfort Susan while she unknowingly comforted me about something eerily similar. "Susan, we're going to make it through this. I promise."

I wasn't sure what I meant by we're going to make it, but I knew I loved Susan and hated to see her hurting.

By the end of the third day of having lunch with Jasmine, all my friends wanted to know where I got the magic dust I had used on her. I down played the whole thing as much as possible, mostly because I still was in love with two girls. It wasn't getting less complicated, either. The only saving grace was that Jasmine knew about Susan and let us spend time together alone after school. I was also fortunate to see Jasmine at school everyday. Each day, our make-out session behind the trees had gotten a little more intense. Wednesday, Stacy and her senior, football star boyfriend joined us. Jasmine still kissed me, so I didn’t feel like the odd freshman dweeb out.

"Wow, this has been a long week. I think I might salvage a few B's, but my parents aren't going to be happy. I'll probably get the are you on drugs talk again. If I'm struggling this week, you must really be having a challenge." I took Jasmine's hand in mine and gave her a sympathetic look. She leaned back on the tree and sighed.

I stood in front of her, pinning her to the tree. My lips kissed each eyebrow, the bridge of her nose, each cheek, and her lips. "I miss you." My words seemed so stupid as soon as they left my heart and passed through my brain. I have seen her everyday this week.

"I know what you mean. We haven't really been together since Saturday, and that was so special. I don't think I'll ever forget that day." Jasmine's anxiety seemed to wash away with the memory.

"Hey, I know this might sound stupid, considering you’re about to be old enough to drive, but you want to go for a bike ride tomorrow? Susan told me she was going to spend the night at that wild chick's house. So, she'll be gone most of tomorrow." I didn't know where the stupid idea came from, but it was too late to take it back.

An uncharacteristic, childlike smile grew on Jasmine's face. "Joe, the wild chick? You mean the one whose ear you came in?" Jasmine's smile was replaced by giggles.

"Great, another historic moment for my archives of embarrassment. Does Susan tell you everything?" My brain scanned for anything else I might not want Jasmine to know.

"You got nothing to be embarrassed about, that's for sure." Jasmine's hand playfully clutched my crotch.

"Joe, I got two more embarrassing things to say now. First, I'm not going to drive until I'm seventeen. Second, and even worse, I'm not sure I remember how to ride a bike. It does sound romantic, though." Jasmine's childlike face lasted for a wonderful minute.

I spontaneously kissed her. "That's perfect, I'll teach you. You know what they say, it's like riding a bike." I got excited at the thought of doing something that normal teenagers do together.

"What's like riding a bike, and why does that relate to me killing myself on a bike?" Jasmine looked more playful than I had seen her for what seemed like too long.

"I don't know, just be ready by ten tomorrow."

"Whatever you have been doing for Susan this past week is great. She's still talking about wanting to be with her mother, but she seems better. I know it's hard for you, well, really I don't, but I can imagine this has been hard. Susan told me you haven't done anything except please her in every way she could imagine." Jasmine's hand on my cock wasn't playful anymore.

Her hand massaged around my swelling dick, and under my tingling balls. "I've wanted to do this all week. Your kindness and tender kisses have set my heart on fire, but hearing Susan talking about what she does over at your house has set more than my heart on fire." Jasmine's hand guided my hand to her burning crotch.

We stepped around the tree with my back to it. "I know this is crazy, but you watch for people," Jasmine said.

My zipper dropped, and Jasmine scooped my balls and cock out of my underwear. Her lips touching my sack sent an electrical pulse through my groin. She licked each testicle, sucked one in, then they were both inside her hot mouth. I stared down into her caring eyes as she took the time and care to make sure it felt as intense as possible.

Her fingers traced my bulging veins as her mouth held my nuts captive. Her tongue swirled around them. I had held my load all week, and now I knew it was my turn to be pleased. I imagined an orgasm so powerful it knocked Jasmine to the ground.

I was supposed to be watching, but I stared at Jasmine's beautiful cheeks suck in and out as she tortured my balls with pleasure. When I glanced around, I saw Stacy through the trees. She would be on us very quickly. My hips jerked. I gulped at the sight of Jasmine's mouth opening wide in front of my throbbing tool. All I needed was a few seconds. Please Stacy, please don't notice us.

A loud grunt escaped when the tip of Jasmine's tongue touched my dick. My knees shook as her lips locked around my shaft. Her tongue circled my nerve center. I felt my sperm hit the boiling point. "Oh, shit, are you gonna be embarrassed if Stacy gets here while you're doing that? It’ll be a few more seconds."

I meant Stacy would be a few more seconds, but I think Jasmine thought my load, so she kept working. Stacy appeared in my peripheral view, so I held up my hand in her direction, hoping she would stop and turn around. Jasmine pushed ninety percent of my cock in and out of her mouth, faster with each trip down my shaft. I saw Jasmine's eyes glance in Stacy's direction, but she never even hesitated.

Jasmine's fingers slipped under my balls and traveled back and forth from the base of my balls to my ass hole. Her mouth sounds were almost as loud as my panting. I gripped the tree behind me so I wouldn't forcefully impale Jasmine's head in front of her peeping friend. Even though I tried to hold it back, a loud groan escaped my mouth as my sperm filled Jasmine's head. To my embarrassment, I moaned and groaned excessively as my balls kept supplying Jasmine's over loaded mouth.

My cock became so sensitive I had to push Jasmine back. I exhaled a long hard breath. "Holy shit, that, ah, oh, wow." I stopped trying to speak and watched as my amazing girlfriend tucked me back in my pants and zipped me up.

Stacy was along side her friend. "Man, wow, right here at school, you really are something girl."

Jasmine extended her hand and Stacy pulled her up. To my shock, and probably that was the point, Jasmine kissed her friend with an open mouth. Stacy savored my ball juice and giggled. "You spilled a little." Stacy pointed to the two small cum spots on Jasmine's chest.

Jasmine turned to me with a huge smile. "I thought you were trying to drown me. Thanks, that was more fun than I expected. Now, I know something I can get an A at in this school." Jasmine's laugh was followed by a quick kiss.

That night, I imagined what Susan might be doing with her sexy Italian friend, Mary, as I headed for my bedroom. I stripped down to my underwear and pulled back the covers. At the last second, in a bold move, I discarded my shorts, too. The soft sheets on my naked body wiped Mary and Susan from my mind.

I felt relieved that I had survived the first week after the strangest weekend of my life. I had spent a lot of time with Jasmine at school and Susan after school. I knew so much more about my neighbors. My love for Jasmine had grown tremendously. Susan and I were carrying on like nothing had happened. Although, there was still an invisible wall between us. I didn't know if I was building it thicker, or tearing it down, but I still loved two girls.

I leaned against my long pillow and hugged it against my skin. I smiled at the memory of my lunch time treat and the anticipation of my bike ride with Jasmine. Within minutes, I was in dream world.

The next morning came in an instant. I sprung from bed excited, and ready to go.

"Come on, it's like riding a bike. Just put it between your legs and ride." Jasmine gave me the look that should have followed my unintentionally erotic words.

Jasmine slipped the seat of my mother's ten speed between her round ass cheeks and started pedaling. After four feet, she fell over. "Is that why you're not going to drive until you're seventeen?" I laughed as Jasmine flipped me the bird.

"No, actually that was my dad's rule. Maybe." Jasmine's words ended abruptly at the realization of what might never happen.

"Let me help you. There is no way someone as good at sports as you are can't ride a bike." I slipped my hand between the seat and Jasmine’s butt.

"Funny, like that's going to help." Jasmine swatted me. "Get me started and I'll be fine. I used to ride a bike, but it was a long time ago." She mounted the bike, and I balanced her as she got started.

I took a few squeezes of her rump and watched her pedal down the driveway. Within a minute, it all came back to her. "Hey, this is easy, come on."

Thirty minutes later, we sat at the top of the widow maker. "Come on, it's not dangerous. Just use your breaks to keep from going too fast. It's a rush."

"I'd rather not die today if it's just the same with you, Evel Knievel." Her tone was light, yet firm.

"If we don't go down here, then we have to go all the way back around to Jupiter Street to get to that section of the neighborhood down there, and I wanna show you all the rich peoples’ houses. Okay, I'll ride you down, then run back up for your bike." I put on my most pleading little boy face.

"I promise, this is going to be like the best sex you have ever had."

Jasmine's hand rested over my crotch. "If you crash, you'll never have sex again." I took her warning seriously.

Halfway down the hill, Jasmine's finger nails punctured my flesh and her scream ruptured my ear drums, but I kept the speed coming anyway. At the very bottom of the hill, we went through a dip and over the hump at full speed. That amazing rush flew through my gut as we defied gravity for a split second.

"Wow, I'd still rather have sex with you, but that was great." Jasmine looked excited and terrified at the same time.

I wanted to show off as I came down the hill on her bike, but I remembered my skinned knee in front of my cousin Cindy, and I held back. I was having too much fun with Jasmine to mess it up.

We turned onto the trail that led into the woods where I had masturbated. The cool damp air under the thick canopy of trees caught my attention. The smell and the feel sent a thrill through me. Maybe they just connected me to the time I stopped here, or maybe it was something about nature?

We sat on a large tree that had fallen over since the last time I had been there. Jasmine inhaled deeply. "Um, there is something about the feel of this place that excites me. Something about the thick woods and hiding out, it makes me horny. Is that weird?"

I pointed to the tilted tree twenty feet away and made my confession. "If you weren't here I'd probably do it again. I felt excited as soon as the atmosphere of this place grabbed me."

First, Jasmine mocked me for using a big word like atmosphere, then she said, "As much as I'd like to see that, I have a better idea."

A nervous excitement that exceeded any rush created by the big hill coursed through me. I pushed Jasmine's hair behind her ears. My lips touched hers while my eyes scanned for approaching enemies. I had swept my princess away from her problems and taken her into my enchanted forest. I wanted her more than ever, but there was a fear associated with taking her. That fear created a roar in my pants.

My hand moved from Jasmine's knee, slowly up her thigh, and stopped between her legs. I felt like I had just stolen third base as her legs responded to my touch. My fingers rubbed hard on the corner of her pubic bone, arousing my maiden's most primal nature. She grabbed the lump in my pants. “Mmm, so hard.”

Nervously, I lifted Jasmine to her feet, searching for a place to lay her down, but saw nothing except nasty leaves, sticks, and bugs. I fondled her ass like it was the first time as our kissing passed passionate. "Uh, Joe, I need you. I waited all week, I can't wait anymore." A frustrated breath blew from Jasmine's mouth.

"Can you do it standing up?"

There was nothing romantic about it as we removed our own shoes and pants. We each had a need, one that couldn't wait another minute. Jasmine braced her back against a tree while I tried to figure out how to do something I had only dreamed about while yanking my dick. I slipped my hand between Jasmine's legs. An expectant moan sounded in my ear as I parted her lips. My engorged penis head pushed through the wetness and opened her body. “Mmmm, Joe.”

I drove upward into paradise. A simultaneous groan was released from our deepest parts. My hips worked in an unnatural back and forth, up and down humping motion to get as much of my pounding cock inside Jasmine's needy hole as possible. The awkward angle ground my shaft across her clit. Within thirty seconds I could feel her insides jerking against my plunging tool. The overflow of Jasmine’s excitement wet my balls as she abused my flesh with her fingernails.

When I settled into a good rhythm, it consisted of short circular hip motions. I worked in and out of Jasmine at four sightly different angles. Her whole body responded to each motion as she got lost in an orgasm. Soft whimpers wisped past my ear as I worked toward my own satisfaction. Blood raced through me as I got lost in the wild excitement of fulfilling a fantasy. Time passed without measure as my balls responded to Jasmine's intense orgasm. Her insides tightened like fist, demanding my seed. I felt it coming, yet my body was still thrusting. "Uh, my pills, Joe, don't cum . . . "

Jasmine's words were like someone yelling in a hurricane. Pills, cum, don't played and replayed, slowly needling through the euphoric state, and I yanked my throbbing missile from Jasmine's body with a loud groan.

"I'm sorry,” Jasmine said. “I should have warned you sooner. Did you get it out in time?" She was using her panties to wipe the errant cum shot from her under carriage.

I had pulled out well after my sperm had been released from my balls, but I hoped before it had reach Jasmine's baby factory. Cum had sprayed her crotch, ass, pubic hair, and the insides of her thighs. Not to mention on the tree behind her. "I'm sorry I made such a mess. I don't think I got any in you." I hoped my uncertainty wasn't spelled out on my face.

"What happened to your pills? Why do you have them anyway?" My question seemed stupid, but I didn't know, so I asked. I couldn't even imagine asking my dad for some condoms.

"I guess mom forgot to get them with everything going on. She put me on them when she realized I was a slut." Jasmine looked around nervously.

"Shut—I mean don't say that. You shouldn't talk about yourself like that." I remembered not to tell her to shut up, but my words were still harsh.

With her head hung down, Jasmine mumbled, "Well?"

"If you loved yourself as much as I love you, you'd never say that. There’s nothing wrong with you. You amaze me more everyday." I tried to sound kind, but it made me mad to hear her talk about my girlfriend like that, even if she was talking about herself.

I slipped my sneakers on while Jasmine tugged her pants up the rest of the way. She glanced in my direction and caught me admiring her. "What?"

I kissed her. The tips of our noses touched as we looked into each other's eyes. "I do love you, you know that, right?"

Jasmine hugged me tight. "I'm learning about you, your kind of love. The love I have received isn't like yours. I feel different with you than I have ever felt. I'm learning, don't lose patience, please."

As we headed out of the woods, I realized another one of my craziest fantasies had been fulfilled. Still, nothing I had done so far compared to laying peacefully in bed with Jasmine. "Next time, I'm taking you in my castle."

Jasmine's questioning smile told me she didn't completely understand, but she didn't want an explanation. We rode home filled with the feelings of satisfaction and love.

"Hey, I need a shower. My stuff feels a little nasty for some reason." Jasmine’s face painted a vivid picture for me as she touched her crotch.

I smiled wide with an image in my mind. "I wish I could come with you. That will be my next fulfilled fantasy."

I sat in my room, inhaling through my shirt. That musty woods smell would always take me back to that place with Jasmine. The memory would probably make me grin the way I was grinning now.

After a shower and a nap, I dialed my neighbor’s phone number. I had a two in three shot of getting someone I wanted to talk to. My purpose was to talk to Susan, but my heart was secretly hoping for Jasmine's voice.

"Hey, did you have a good time?” I asked when I heard Susan’s voice. “What’d you do all night?" It was good to hear Susan sounding cheery, even though she still hadn't opened up to me about her dad, or who her mother was. It was possible Jasmine told her I knew, but I was pretty sure that wasn't so.

"Well, we talked and did girl things. It was good." Susan's tone indicated there was more that she didn't want to say, or couldn't say. We talked for about ten minutes before she said she had to go.

I felt a little sad that she didn't want to come over. I should have been hoping she would lose interest in me, so I could devote everything in my heart to Jasmine, but my heart strings were still tied tight.

Several days later, I started to get more concerned about Susan. I had been steeped in homework and studying for finals, but I still felt the void in my afternoons. Susan had been so excited that my mother wasn't going to be home after school, everyday until Christmas, I figured she would be there as much as possible. I tried to keep Susan out of my time with Jasmine, but I couldn't wait any longer. I asked Jasmine at lunch where Susan had been. "Is Susan okay? She still hasn't opened up to me about anything. She barely even admits that your dad is gone, and now she doesn't come over."

Jasmine's face showed concern, but not jealousy. "Joe, she's grounded."

I was hesitant because of Jasmine's tone, but I pushed for details anyway. "What do you mean? What happened? Can't she call me?"

Jasmine smiled and shook her head. "You still got that problem you caught from Susan.”

I’m sorry, but I have lots of questions. What’s going on?”

You can try calling. Mom might let you talk to her, but she's not even supposed to talk on the phone. Susan might tell you what she did. I don't even know."

I figured Jasmine must have known but wanted to respect her sister’s privacy. Half sister, I thought, that's weird. My brain was still trying to get wrapped around everything I thought I had known that wasn't actually so. One of these days I'm going to ask why their grandfather was in prison.

After school, I called Susan. "Hello, Mrs. Davis." I took a long pause, trying to figure out what I should say next. "How are you? Is there anything I can do for you?" I didn't have training on consoling women in her situation, but my heart was in the right place.

"You're a sweetheart. I hope one day there is, but for now, all I want is for you to continue doing whatever you're doing for Jasmine. It's working. I see her changing. Thank you."

A tear filled my eye as I pictured Jasmine's happy face riding a bicycle. "I will, I promise. Now can I speak to Susan?" I suddenly missed Mrs. Davis, like she was far away in a sad land. I imagined her swollen belly filled with new life, yet her own must have been so painful.

"Hum, well she's grounded, and I shouldn't, but you got five minutes. Make it good. Bye, sweetheart, goodbye."

"Joe, thank god. I can't believe she let me talk to you. I'm grounded until Christmas break. That sucks, doesn't it?"

"I miss you. Are you sure you can't get out early on good time? What did you do anyway? It's got to have something to do with school, right?" I took a breath and smiled at my own rambling. I really did miss her and hearing her voice made me happy.

"I don't think so, she seemed pretty serious. I've just been upset, and my mind has been all over the place. I haven't been doing what I'm supposed to do. Yes, it's something with school. I'm really sorry I messed up this time for us. It was stupid, but sometimes I don't act right. That's no surprise, is it?" Susan let out a defeated sigh. “There’s only one thing I want to hear you say, then I gotta go so I don’t get time added to my sentence." Silence followed.

Without specifics, I had to follow my heart. "Susan, I love you, will love you no matter what." It have been presumptuous, but it was the only promise I had made to Susan.

"Oh, you are my prince. I love you, too, and at midnight, I'll throw down my long hair so you can climb up and plunder me." The young girl's giggling voice made me laugh more than her pornographic fairy tail.

Sleep didn’t come easy that night. I imagined all the ways things could go, and unlike my dream with me sandwiched between two happy sisters, I didn’t imagine an ending that was happy for everyone.

The next week, I sat on my bed, staring across the room at Kermit's bitch. Ms. Piggy had been broken in several pieces. After years of putting green and coins in her, $447.47 came out of her. All my savings from allowance, lawn jobs, and birthday money amounted to less than $500. Well short of a corvette, yet plenty of cash for Jasmine's birthday present. Cindy's idea of a bracelet seemed better each day that I didn't come up with something else. I wanted to make it the most wonderful birthday I could, but was limited without a driver's license, a limited budget, and my cluelessness about what girls liked. Or, at least what they liked from the store.

When my mother dropped me off at the mall, I wished I was as old as the life style I was living. I wanted to be a rich man who could take Jasmine away on a plane, and make love to her for her whole birthday weekend. Yet, there I was, getting a ride to the mall from my mother, and I'd ride public transportation home.

Why are there three jewelry stores in one mall? My thoughts were interrupted by a screaming kid, or was it fifty screaming kids? As I entered the third jewelry store, I had all but given up hope that I was going to find the bracelet that told Jasmine how much I loved her, without depleting my money completely. Four baby strollers blocked my way, and reminded me how much I hated the mall. Actually, the amount I hated the mall was multiplied by what seemed like millions of Christmas shoppers, clogging the corridors. Note to self: next year get Jasmine's present during the summer.

Even in all the aggravation of the holiday shoppers, I was excited about the idea of having a girlfriend to get something for, and the idea of making her happy. I was also wishing Cindy were here helping me, or at least Susan. The days not seeing Susan had gone by quickly, but with each passing day, I missed her more. I loved Jasmine more everyday, but I didn't love Susan any less, as I had expected.

"Gold, let me see the gold one, please," I said.

The stunning college age girl behind the counter opened the display case and pointed. "This one?" She stood up from her crouched position and presented the bracelet at the end of her lovely arm.

Instantly, I could picture it on Jasmine's wrist. It was bold, yet delicate. Every other link was the shape of a heart. Each heart was connected by three interwoven oval loops, and one large heart hung from the connection of hearts.

Someone said, "It's beautiful."

I looked up, and as if I hadn’t just seen the sales girl, her flame red hair, freckled face, and blazing blue eyes reminded me I was a fourteen year old boy. "You, um, it's, it is." The silk blouse bulged open between her hefty breasts, and her nipples looked like they were trying to poke through the material. "Do you like it? I mean if I was your boyfriend, would you like it?" Damn it, I just said that. "What I mean—"

"That’s okay, I know what you mean.” The beautiful young lady was obviously accustomed to people stumbling over themselves in her presence. “Yes, I would. It's a wonderful gift for whoever the lucky girl is."

I smiled like a crazy person, picturing the look on Jasmine's face. "What would you like engraved on it?" The girl asked and stared at me like I actually had a brain.

"What, ah, engraved, what do you mean?" I had been reduced to a silly boy.

"You know, her name, or a message. Up to nine letters are free. We can have it done in an hour or so."

I looked into the sea of freckles. Sweat formed on my brow. Without using my brain, I said the first thing I felt, "I promise, can you make it I promise?"

A sweet smile crossed her face. "Sure, we can do that. Lucky girl." Her last words faded as she turned, but thundered in my heart. "Whoever the lucky girl is."

"Two, I need two. Can you make two?" The confused lady turned back with a crooked look. "I'm sorry, I need two. Can you put Susan on the back of one and Jasmine on the back of the other one?"

"Alright, so that's I promise on the front of both, and Susan on the back of one, Jasmine on the back of the other?" She wrote it on the order slip and showed it to me.

"Perfect, that's perfect." I gave her a smile and peeked at her cleavage.

The questions on her face couldn't go unasked. "So, you have sisters?"

My face almost cracked as I answered her. "Yes, that's it, sisters."